English Test

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Cs December Term Test

It could happen to you!
You probably can't imagine being caught up in the middle of a tornado, a hurricane or a
flood, but don't be so sure that it could never happen to you! We spoke to John about his
Are you afraid of water? Well John is! He had terrible nightmares about drowning. In the
nightmares there was always heavy rain, he said, and then water swept me away. I desperately
shouted for help, but noone ever came. I woke up very scared, but happy that it was just a bad
dream. Last year, while John was on holiday in Cornwall, his horrible dream came true! One
morning, he decided to go for a cup of tea in the village. On his way, he went into a little shop to
buy some postcards. As he entered the shop, it started to rain heavily. Nice weather for ducks,
said the lady in the shop. I hope the river doesn't burst its banks again like last year, she added.
John oppened the door to leave the shop, but as soon as he stepped out, water swept him off his feet
and washed him down the road. Oh no! The river!. he thought, terrified. Then, suddenly, he hit a
lamppost. He quickly grabbed it and pulled himself out of the water. He was wet and cold, but very
relieved to be alive!

What was John afraid of?


What was the nightmare he had about?


Where did he go last summer?


What did he want to buy?


What happened when he walked in the shop?


What did the lady say to him about the weather?


What happened the last year with the river?


What happened when Jon stepped out of the shop?


How did he survive?


How did he feel in the end?



1. The streets were .. this morning so I was late at work.

a. drowned
b. crowded
c. relieved
d. deserted
2. Jane has been living in London for eight months now, but she's started to get really .. .
a. sick
b. homebound
c. homesick
d. homemade
3. Being a firefighter . a lot of courage and hard work.
a. informs
b. reports
c. requires
d. needs
4. He is not a very . driver, so he always drives slowly to avoid having an accident.
a. skillful
b. unskilled
c. slow
d. cowardly
5. Laura is a . and she spends all day in the court!
a. farmer
b. receptionist
c. war reporter
d. lawyer
6. What does your mother do .. ?
a. for life
b. lively
c. for a living
d. a living
7. -Are you booking a . ticket? - Yes, I have to be back before 8 o'clock.
a. return
b. single
c. one
d. back
8. That train accident was horrible! Thank God all of the . are unharmed.
a. pleasures
b. passengers
c. patients
d. parents
9. The . in this town celebrate this day with a special festival!
a. passengers
b. local
c. person
d. locals
10. Be careful, it's . to walk here alone at night.
a. courageous
b. danger
c. risky
d. worried
11. My mum . a delicious feast for today!
a. ready
b. purposed
c. rescued
d. prepared
12. She has years of . as a teacher. She knows what she's doing.
a. experience
b. surface
c. damage
d. expecting
13. Tony got very . during the film and he fell asleep!
a. boring
b. bored
c. border
d. bald
14. After diving in the sea, the man reached the surface . for air.
a. grabbing
b. grading
c. gasping
d. shouting
15. The huge wave swept away everything and many people lost their homes because of the .
a. earthquake
b. food
c. nightmare
d. flood
16. Tina's grandma wished for her dreams to .. on her birthday.
a. search for
b. come true
c. pull out
d. point at
17. They locked the door . they left the house.
a. as soon as
b. just
c. while
d. though
18. Mykonos is a very popular holiday .. .
a. damage
b. basement
c. desperately
d. destination
19. What on .. was that?
a. earth
b. earthquake
c. goodness
d. dear
20. The . were filled with wild animals in the zoo.
a. fountains
b. stripes
c. sinks
d. cages
21. When you visit Athens, don't miss the . to go and see the Acropolis.
a. situation
b. opportunity
c. atmosphere
d. accommodation
22. -What is the writer's . in this text? -To inform people about the dangers of the disease.
a. purpose
b. disaster
c. landmark
d. vault
23. If you want to go skiing, you need special . such as boots and ski poles.
a. excitement
b. entire
c. equipment
d. performance
24. He's so annoying! He spent the . evening complaining.
a. entire
b. official
c. all
d. boring
25. Did you .. a table for tonight? That restaurant is very popular.
a. bone
b. back
c. close
d. book
26. -You should come to the party with us. -Thanks but I'm .. I can't.

a. relieved
b. worried
c. afraid
d. desperate
27. We stayed at a lovely .. out in the forest when we went away for the weekend.
a. lodge
b. churchyard
c, alley
d. rafting
28. This holiday package looks .. for us because we can afford it.
a. typical
b. freezing
c. official
d. ideal
29. The Taj Mahal is such an ... building! I've never seen anything like it before!
a. impressive
b. ordinary
c. major
d. spooky
30. I had to wait for an hour in the bank because there were many people in the . .
a. question
b. quarter
c. queue
d. quite
1. Listen! The birds .. .
a. sing
b. have sung
c. are singing
d. sang
2. My parents are the only people .. support me.
a. which
b. where
c. whose
d. who
3. The weather . warm and sunny yesterday.
a. been
b. beed
c. was
d. were
4. Every year Beth .. the city to enjoy her holiday by the sea.
a. leaves
b. left
c. is leaving
d. has left
5. James drives so .. . He's never had an accident.
a. careful
b. carefully
c. carefuly
d. careless
6. She was having a bath .. the phone started ringing.
a. until
b. as soon as
c. when
d. then
7. . you ever .. this film before?
a. Do....see
b. Have....seen
c. Are....seeing
d. Did.....saw
8. She . all morning. Can't you see her eyes are red?
a. has cried
b. has been crying
c. has cry
d. have been crying
9. Don't run so .. . You'll fall down.
a. fastly
b. fastily
c. fast
d. fasten
10. He's just . a minute ago! You missed him.
a. leaves
b. leaving
c. leaved
d. left
11. . he left school he started working as a waiter
a. After
b. Until
c. While
d. Then
12. I usually stay at home but this weekend I .. my cousin.
a. 'm visiting
b. visit
c. visiting
d. was visited
13. I only buy shoes . are comfortable.
a. who
b. which
c. whose
d. where
14. . you . pop music?
a. Did...like
b. Have...been liking
c. Do....like
d. Are....liking
15. Mary . on holidays last summer. She was in bed sick.
a. go not
b. not went
c. didn't went
d. didn't go
16. I can't go out with you. I haven't finished my homework . .
a. already
b. yet
c. just
d. since
17. -Is Sally here? -No. she's . to the super market.
a. gone
b. been
c. been in
d. gone in
18. Jane doesn't have a good voice. She sings .. .
a. terrible
b. terribly
c. terriblely
d. terribled
19. Mum set the table .. the food was cooking in the kitchen.
a. then
b. after
c. while
d. as soon as
20. You . a bit since the last time I saw you!
a. haven't changed
b. haven't change
c. hasn't changed
d. having changed

21. I'm . really hard at the moment.

a. studing
b. studied
c. study
d. studying
22. Where . you sister live?
a. is
b. do
c. does
d. has
23. He's been living in New York .. 2005.
a. for
b. from
c. since
d. already
24. I'm sorry I didn't come to your wedding. I've .. to Paris for the past week.
a. gone
b. been
c. went
d. was
25. How long . you . English for?
a. have....learnt
b. have....been learning
c. did....learnt
d. have....learned
26. -Are you coming to the cinema tonight? -No thanks. I've . seen this film.
a. yet
b. for
c. since
d. already
27. This is my neighbour .. husband is a teacher.
a. which
b. whose
c. who
d. where
28. He .. to call her but it was already too late.
a. tried
b. tryed
c. tries
d. trying
29. I . for an hour for you! Where have you been?
a. have waiting
b. have wait
c. have been waiting
d. been waiting
30. . she tell you about Mark? He got a job at the hospital!
a. Does
b. Did
c. Has
d. Was
July Term Test: Cs Grammar
11. . do we need to make a cake?
a. Who
b. When
c. What
12. Can you please help . carrying this box?
a. I b. me c. my
13. She . goes swimming at the weekend.
a. usually
b. right now
c. last
14. My parents got married 30 years .. .
a. ago
b. before
c. last
15. My mum always .... coffee in the morning .
a. had
b. haves
c. has
16. Sue . planning a trip for next Friday.
a. has
b. is
c. does
17. She .. like the movie. She thought it was boring.
a. didn't
b. doesn't
c. isn't
18. This is the best book I . read.
a. have ever
b. ever has
c. haven't never
19. He has .. painting the house all morning.
a. got
b. seen
c. been
20. They couldn't use a computer at first, but they . to it.
a. used
b. got used
c. is used to
21. . do they eat out?
a. How long
b. How many
c. How often
22. London is famous for . beautiful buildings.
a. its
b. it's
c. it
23. I . eat fish. I don't like it at all.
a. always
b. often
c. never
24. Brian fell asleep . the meeting.
a. while
b. during
c. by the time
25. What . about Spain for our holiday?
a. do you think
b. are you think
c. thinks you
26. What .. ?
a. do you doing
b. are you doing
c. have been doing
27. I . with them last Sunday and we went to the cinema.
a. meeted
b. meet
c. met
28. Mark hasn't been to his grandparents . last summer.
a. since b. already c. yet
29. We . in London since 2003.

a. lived
b. have been living
c. 've living
30. She . to getting up early in the morning.
a. wouldn't
b. isn't used
c. didn't used to
31. . are you late? -Because my alarm clock didn't ring.
a. When
b. Why
c. Whose
32. The man . lives next door is a doctor.
a. which
b. witch
c. who
33. How . do you visit your grandma?
a. often
b. many c. old
34. The sun . in the West.
a. setted
b. sets
c. setting
35. Where . you been?
a. were
b. hasn't
c. have

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