Haber Process For The Production of Ammonia 1

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Haber Process for the Production of Ammonia

In 1909 Fritz Haber established the conditions under which nitrogen, N2(g), and
hydrogen, H2(g), would combine using

medium temperature (~500oC)

very high pressure (~250 atmospheres, ~351kPa)
a catalyst (a porous iron catalyst prepared by reducing magnetite, Fe3O4).
Osmium is a much better catalyst for the reaction but is very expensive.

This process produces an ammonia, NH3(g), yield of approximately 10-20%.

The Haber synthesis was developed into an industrial process by Carl Bosch.
The reaction between nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas to produce ammonia gas is
exothermic, releasing 92.4kJ/mol of energy at 298K (25oC).
heat, pressure, catalyst


H = -92.4 kJ mol-1



heat, pressure, catalyst


+ 92.4 kJ mol-1

By Le Chetalier's Principle:

increasing the pressure causes the equilibrium position to move to the right
resulting in a higher yeild of ammonia since there are more gas molecules on the
left hand side of the equation (4 in total) than there are on the right hand side of
the equation (2). Increasing the pressure means the system adjusts to reduce the
effect of the change, that is, to reduce the pressure by having fewer gas molecules.
decreasing the temperature causes the equilibrium position to move to the right
resulting in a higher yield of ammonia since the reaction is exothermic (releases
heat). Reducing the temperature means the system will adjust to minimise the
effect of the change, that is, it will produce more heat since energy is a product of
the reaction, and will therefore produce more ammonia gas as well
However, the rate of the reaction at lower temperatures is extremely slow, so a
higher temperature must be used to speed up the reaction which results in a lower
yield of ammonia.

Rate considerations:

A catalyst such as an iron catalyst is used to speed up the reaction by lowering the
activation energy so that the N2 bonds and H2 bonds can be more readily broken.
Increased temperature means more reactant molecules have sufficient energy to
overcome the energy barrier to reacting (activation energy) so the reaction is
faster at higher temperatures (but the yield of ammonia is lower as discussed
A temperature range of 400-500oC is a compromise designed to achieve an
acceptable yield of ammonia (10-20%) within an acceptable time period.
At 200oC and pressures above 750atm there is an
almost 100% conversion of reactants to the
ammonia product.
Since there are difficulties associated with
containing larger amounts of materials at this
high pressure, lower pressures of around 200 atm
are used industrially.
By using a pressure of around 200atm and a
temperature of about 500oC, the yield of ammonia
is 10-20%, while costs and safety concerns in the
biulding and during operation of the plant are

During industrial production of ammonia, the reaction never reaches equilibrium

as the gas mixture leaving the reactor is cooled to liquefy and remove the
ammonia. The remaining mixture of reactant gases are recycled through the
reactor. The heat released by the reaction is removed and used to heat the
incoming gas mixture.

Uses of Ammonia

production of:


ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4

ammonium phosphate, (NH4)3PO4
ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3
urea, (NH2)2CO,also used in the production of barbiturates (sedatives), is
made by the reaction of ammonia with carbon dioxide

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synthesis of:


Fibres &

nitric acid, HNO3, which is used in making explosives such as TNT (2,4,6trinitrotoluene), nitroglycerine which is also used as a vasodilator (a
substance that dilates blood vessels) and PETN (pentaerythritol nitrate).
sodium hydrogen carbonate (sodium bicarbonate), NaHCO3
sodium carbonate, Na2CO3
hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid), HCN
hydrazine, N2H4 (used in rocket propulsion systems)

ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3

nylon, -[(CH2)4-CO-NH-(CH2)6-NH-CO]-,and other polyamides
used for making ice, large scale refrigeration plants, air-conditioning units in
buildings and plants

used in the manufacture of drugs such as sulfonamide which inhibit the growth
and multiplication of bacteria that require p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) for the
biosynthesis of folic acids, anti-malarials and vitamins such as the B vitamins
nicotinamide (niacinamide) and thiamine.
Pulp & Paper ammonium hydrogen sulfite, NH4HSO3, enables some hardwoods to be used
used in nitriding (bright annealing) steel,
Mining &
used in zinc and nickel extraction

ammonia in solution is used as a cleaning agent such as in 'cloudy ammonia'

A Brief History
At the beginning of the 20th century there was a shortage of naturally occurring, nitrogenrich fertilisers, such as Chile saltpetre, which prompted the German Chemist Fritz Haber,
and others, to look for ways of combining the nitrogen in the air with hydrogen to form
ammonia, which is a convenient starting point in the manufacture of fertilisers.This
process was also of interest to the German chemical industry as Germany was preparing
for World War I and nitrogen compounds were needed for explosives.
The hydrogen for the ammonia synthesis was made by the water-gas process (a Carl
Bosch invention) which involves blowing steam through a bed of red hot coke resulting
in the separation of hydrogen from oxygen. The nitrogen was obtained by distillation of
liquid air, then by cooling and compressing air.
These days, the hydrogen is produced by reforming light petroleum fractions or natural
gas (methane, CH4) by adding steam:
Ni catalyst
CH4(g) + H2O(g) ----------> CO(g) + 3H2(g)
Enough steam is used to react with about 45% of the methane (CH4), the rest of the
methane is reacted with air:
2CH4(g) +

O2(g) + 4N2(g) Ni catalyst

2CO(g) + 4H2(g) + 4N2(g)

All the carbon monoxide (CO) in the mixture is oxidised to CO2 using steam and an iron
oxide catalyst:
CO(g) + H2O(g)

iron oxide catalyst

H2(g) + CO2(g)

The carbon dioxide (CO2) is removed using a suitable base so that only the nitrogen gas
(N2) and hydrogen gas (H2) remain and are used in the production of ammonia (NH3).
In ammonia production the hydrogen and nitrogen are mixed together in a ratio of 3:1 by
volume and compressed to around 200 times atmospheric pressure.

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