Report Warid Services Marketing

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Introduction................................................................................................................ 3
Warid Vision................................................................................................................ 3
Warid Mission............................................................................................................. 4
Competitive Edge....................................................................................................... 4
Factors Stimulating Transformation of the Service Economy......................................4
Five broad categories within non-ownership framework.............................................5
Value Creation is Dominated by Intangible Elements.................................................6
Classification of services............................................................................................ 6
Extended Marketing Mix for Services.........................................................................7
Product....................................................................................................................... 7
Place and Time........................................................................................................... 7
Price........................................................................................................................... 7
Promotion and Education............................................................................................ 7
Process....................................................................................................................... 7
Physical Environment................................................................................................. 8
People......................................................................................................................... 8
Management functions play central and interrelated roles in meeting needs of
service customers...................................................................................................... 8
Operations Management............................................................................................ 8
Marketing Management.............................................................................................. 8
Human Resource Management................................................................................... 8
Organogram of Warid................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 2.................................................................................................................. 10
Product Attributes Affect Ease of Evaluation............................................................10
Perceived Risks of Purchasing and Using Services...................................................10
Strategic Responses to Managing Customer Perceptions of Risk.............................10
Customer Expectations............................................................................................ 10
Purchase Decision.................................................................................................... 10
Service encounter stage........................................................................................... 11
The Servuction System............................................................................................. 12
Post encounter stage................................................................................................ 13
Achieved Competitive advantage............................................................................. 14
Service attributes of Warid....................................................................................... 15

Positioning strategy of warid:................................................................................... 17

Market Analysis:....................................................................................................... 18
Competitive analysis of Warid..................................................................................19
Supplementary Services of Warid............................................................................. 19
Warid Telecom will provide HBL with Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)......19
Flower of Services:................................................................................................... 20
Creating services as substitutes for physical good...................................................21
Generating Revenues and profits.............................................................................22
The role of marketing communications....................................................................24
Processes.................................................................................................................. 28
Managing Capacity................................................................................................... 31
Service Environment................................................................................................ 32
Source of Customer Loyalty & Competitive Advantage............................................34
Service Recovery...................................................................................................... 37
Improving Service Quality and Productivity..............................................................39

Warid Telecom is an Abu Dhabi-based mobile telecommunication investment firm whose
portfolio companies provide telephony services in the Republic of the Congo,Pakistan and
Uganda. In 2004, Warid Telecom International, purchased a license for operating a nationwide
mobile telephony network, and long distance international (LDI) for $291 million US dollars and
was the first venture of Warid Telecom International. The licence was bid for and acquired by a
team led by Bashir Tahir the former CEO of the Abu Dhabi Group which is the present company
of all Warid operations. Waird is the Joint Venture of Abu Dhabi Group and Sing Tel
Warid Pakistan launched its services in May 2005. Within 80 days of launch Warid Pakistan
claims to have attracted more than 1 million. Users
Abu Dhabi Group owned Warid Wateen, Bank Alflah and Tavon Constructions. There are six
members in board of executive committee.

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has approved the merger of Pakistan Mobile
Communications Limited (Mobilink) and Warid Telecom (Private) Limited (Warid)*. This
approval is the first of four required approvals from the local regulatory bodies, including
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), Securities & Exchange Commission Pakistan
(SECP) and the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). The combination of Mobilink and Warid will
be a positive step for the development of technology and communications services in Pakistan.
Together, the future entity will serve more than 45 million customers through a best-in-class
mobile and high-speed network, and bring further investment into infrastructure and digital
services for consumers in Pakistan as they navigate the digital world.

The transaction is the first major merger in the mobile telecommunications sector in Pakistan

Warid Vision
"To be the leading national communication provider with a strong international
Warid Telecom's brand values include:
i. Quality - the best available
ii. Simplicity - easy and user friendly
iii. Innovation - providing cutting edge technology and solutions

iv. Honesty - providing openness and fairness

v. Friendliness - sensitive to customer needs

Warid Mission
Warid mission is to enter new market segments, expand the cellular market through high
sales, capture significant market share and consequently achieve unprecedented revenues

Competitive Edge
Competitive Edge of Warid telecom is its voice quality and its only telecom brand in Pakistan which is
providing the 4G LTE service to its customer

Factors Stimulating Transformation of the Service Economy

policies are effecting telecom sector by imposing rules and regulations
taxes on recharger general sales tax and other taxes, PTA (Pakistan
Telecommunication authority) is the government body which are taking care of
telecom sector in country


Warid has easier access to information by their customer services center. Warid
allows Immigration to any other network and also accept the immigration from
other networks. Rising consumer expectations by providing new packages and
better quality service.

Trendstrends are changing and warid is having merger with Mobilink this
As the business
year they are going to have more strategic alliances, Focus on quality and customer
satisfaction and Emphasis on productivity and cost savings

IT companies so it has to be follow the latest IT trends to compete in
Warid is IT
the market and Waird is providing better voice quality, only 4G LTE in the country
gives Warid a technological advantage

Warid having merger with Mobilink to more growth. Warid is planning to outsource is
call center service to TRG (The Resource Group). Adopting new trends and
improving organizational culture by merger. Company is also going to share its data
base with Mobilink which is providing both companies a large customer

Five broad categories within non-ownership framework

Warid Comes under the Access to and usage of systems and networks

Value Creation is Dominated by Intangible Elements

As telecom service is intangible so warid value creation is highly intangible

Warid Core Product is to provide telecom service. Warid market through service by
providing good quality, package and high speed 4G LTE internet. They add value to
their core product by providing after sale service like customer care center are
here, call centers of warid guide their customer and resolve their issues

Classification of services
Warid falls under mental stimulus processing and information processing, providing
voice telephone service to customers and core content of warid is information based
falls under mental stimulus processing and providing fastest internet service make
warid also information processing.

Extended Marketing Mix for Services

The 7Ps of Services Marketing

Providing wireless telecom and 4G Services

Place and Time

All over Pakistan, franchises, retail center, customer services center, business
centers, and time to respond customer complain is 24 hours. Franchise and other
retail centers are open 9AM to 7PM.

Packages change time to time, introduction of new packages, packages changing
according to competitive market

Promotion and Education

Using marketing mix which includes advertising, TVC, personal selling, sales
promotion, public relations, customer services

Designing the process that how warid is going to provide its service to customers
so, creating and delivering product elements required design and implementation of
effective processes. Warid encourage its low line staff so they can provide
customers with their best

Physical Environment
Warid have very good and furnished offices, retail centers, customer care center are
fully furnished and air-conditioned provide customer with better physical
environment. organization provides parking lot offices special cabins for their


As warid is dealing in intangible service but services always required direct
interaction between customers and contact person, customer care centers are
providing direct interaction with companys representatives customer call centers
are also guiding customers about the services or resolving their issues guiding them
with better solutions

Management functions play central and interrelated roles in

meeting needs of service customers

Operations Management
Daily Operations are being observed by managers operations and floor managers
at warid and directly reported to General Manager Operations

Marketing Management
Warid have its own Marketing department and they play very important role to
maintain customer satisfaction

Human Resource Management

HR group of warid is not as big as marketing and operations group HR is providing
services in recruitment, layoffs, career development and training of all employees in
relevant fields.

Organogram of Warid

Chapter 2
As this is the era of technology cell phone has become basic need of a person this
need can be trigger by unconscious mind or external sources. Search attribute can
help consumer to evaluate a product before purchase which can also means
positioning of the product in consumers mind

Product Attributes Affect Ease of Evaluation

Most of the goods are easy to evaluate and the services are difficult to evaluate as
warid is providing service of telecom its in the middle of chart because you can
evaluate warid by checking its voice quality, coverage area, internet speed,
customer respond time and many more

Perceived Risks of Purchasing and Using Services

Consumer can perceive risk of functional and financial purchasing the service of
telecom like expensive call rates, expensive packages low area coverage etc

Strategic Responses to Managing Customer Perceptions of Risk

Warid strategic response to manage the risk perception is relying on its firm good
reputation giving free sim to new customers, advertisement having opinion leaders
in their TVC like businessman, offering guarantees of quality service.

Customer Expectations
We are really trying to fulfill the customers expectations by providing them quality
services and resolving their issue as fast as we can said Mr.Waqas Bin
Rehman( Assistant Manager Quality assurance and Resources Development, Warid

Warid is trying to provide desire level service to its customers

Purchase Decision
There are many alternate of warid which includes zong, ufone, mobilink, and Telenor
why choose warid? Many customers choose warid because of its 4 LTE service, call
rates, network coverage and voice quality as well

Service encounter stage

As the PTA prohibit the sales of SIMS by any unauthorized dealer and the biometric
verification is required for the SIM activation most of the sims are sold by warid
franchises and authorized dealer of warid customer comes to franchise interact with
sales person and purchase the sim. Customer also interact with service provide
when facing any issue regarding the service customers calls on help lines and
customer representative provides him solution and resolve its problem.
In the moment of truth customers representative try their best to provide the
expected quality they are being trained for. Every new employee for customer
representative is being trained 15 days to 1 month by supervisor and floor manager
for handling customers

Warid Service lies in middle of emphasizes encounter with services personnel

because they are not providing physical goods they are providing technological
base service
Warid is providing low contact service because it not tangible and its technological
base service

The Servuction System

Warid has its Servuction model customer facing any technical issue calls at help line
and customer representative forward its complain to technical department as soon
as possible which provide service operations at back stage

Service facilities

Warid have customer services centers and franchises


Front stage personnel are like members of a cast e.g warids customer

Backstage personnel are support production team e.g technical staff

resolving the issues of customers

employees have roles to play and behave in specific ways and they are
being trained to behave in specific manners

Specifies the sequences of behavior for customers and employees also

when customer called at help line there is a certain dialogue which
customer representative speaks e.g at the end of the call he/she says
thank you for calling warid Allah Hafiz



Warid help its customer to get his desired result by informing them training them

Post encounter stage

This stage includes the Evaluation of service performance and Future
intentions of the customer. Having feedback card in customer care center and
franchise or retail center about customer experience it really helps to identify
customer satisfaction. In warid customer satisfaction are often positive and
confirmation but there are also angry customers which sometimes lead to
negative disconfirmation

Achieved Competitive advantage

Now a days Warid has a competitive advantage over other telecom Companies.
Because Warid are giving the servicer of 4G LTE services to its customers. Currently
no other company is giving the services and voice quality like warid. Their 4G LTE
services are exceptional.

Fully Focused:
Warid giving limited range of services to narrow and specific market of

Market Focused:
Narrow market segment with wide range of services

Service focused:
Narrow range of services to fairly broad market

Broad markets with wide range of services

Identifying and Selecting Target Segments:

A market segment is composed of a group of buyers who share common
characteristics, needs, purchasing behavior or consumption patterns.

Service attributes of Warid

Start Stop Service
To start or stop a service is now simplified and made more convenient for you. START-STOP
will not only allow you to activate/deactivate desired services in an effective way but also it
will make you aware about the available offerings that you can utilize. Prepaid and Glow
customers can get their desired service activated or deactivated via interactive SMS based
menu. The user will receive only those services that are compatible with their Tariff. The user
has to send Start for service activation and Stop for service deactivation from their Glow or
Prepaid number at 5656.

Self-Care Section:

Recharge your account

Manage FnF numbers

Get account details

Get Balance info

Packages & Services Section:

Change your Package

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to Internet & SMS Bundles & LBC Offers

Subscribe/Unsubscribe VAS Services

Warid Call & SMS Block 420

Do you often see yourself taking calls or SMS that you don't want to? Well, you can
now block all the unwanted calls and SMS with "Warid Call & SMS Block 420" service
and get control over calls & SMS you wish to restrict. With "Warid Call & SMS Block
420" service you can block unlimited on-net, off-net and international numbers.

Key Features:

You can create a block list for the obnoxious caller(s) that will be maintained at our end
which may contain unlimited on-net, off-net and international number(s).

Once subscribed to the service the obnoxious caller(s) will be assigned a default

You can also choose from a wide range of pre-recorded announcements against a
specific caller(s).

Express yourself in your own style as Warid also provides you with the option of
assigning self recorded announcements (subject to approval) against the obnoxious
callers number(s).

You can also subscribe to the SMS notification service through which you have an
option to be alerted whenever the obnoxious caller tries to call you.

The service is available for both postpaid and prepaid subscribers

Self Care Service (321)

A dedicated self care helpline for all FAQs and info you require about our products and
services: because there is a huge amount of free and convenient services out there that you
must find out about! You can check your billing details, confirm payment history, know usage
details about free minutes, SMS, GPRS and confirm your FnF through guided step by step

321 Services

In SMS, Type Short Code Details

Prepaid HELP Menu



Check details of Prepaid tariff & Services via SMS based inte

Postpaid Billing Info


Get billing details of postpaid number via free SMS

Postpaid Payment History


Get details of last five successful payments made against

your postpaid number

Free Minutes info



Check remaining free minutes of postpaid number

MY5 Free Minutes info



Check remaining free minutes of postpaid My5 package

Tariff Confirmation



Confirm tariff plan against your prepaid & postpaid numbers

Zoom Counter



Postpaid Zoom SMS counter information

GPRS Counter



Postpaid GPRS counter information

Friends & family List



Check friends & family list against your prepaid & postpaid

PUK Code Retrieval

PUK Number

Confirm PUK code of any Warid number

Four Principles of Positioning Strategy:

Warid must establish position for firm or product in minds of customers
Warid position should be distinctive, providing one simple, consistent
Position must set firm/product apart from competitors
Warid cannot be all things to all people must focus its efforts

Positioning strategy of warid:

Positioning involves decisions on attributes important to customers.

Market Analysis:

Internal Analysis of Warid:

Warid is providing low prices to their customers. Initial strategy they have to get more customer then
generate revenue. Following issues are:

Warid have to pay for USD (Universal Service Organization) and USF(Universal Service Fund).
Strategic Alliance: Warid had issue to use existing network. As in Pakistan lots of
unbundling(The network is not one person custody there are primary and secondary
exchanges),So warid start negations to hire network on the basis of
no profit no loss.They negotiated with Ericsson and hired there network.finalizing the strategic all
iance agreement held in Lahore recently is for Ericsson to provide Warid Telecom a complete
turnkey state of the art GSM network solution, which encompasses the supply of core and
Radio network equipment, network design rollout as well as professional services like full
operations and maintenance. The network will be GSM / GPRS based and its coverage build out
will commence immediately. Warid is strategic alliance with Ericsson and Nokia for Pakistan and
in Bangladesh with Motorola.
Service of warid with passage of time is not providing good quality. Network capacity is not
Management Style and approach is emphasizing on outcome based (revenue and profit) not on

Competitive analysis of Warid

Changing competitive positioning

Warid may have to make significant change in existing position
Revising service characteristics; redefining target market segments;
abandoning certain products; withdrawing from certain market
Warid must Improve negative brand perceptions may require extensive
redesign of core product
The repositioning of Warid may introduces new dimensions into positioning
equation that other firms cannot immediately match.

Chapter 4
Supplementary Services of Warid
Warid Telecom will provide HBL with Unstructured Supplementary Service
Data (USSD)
Nowadays the telecom companies are becoming an essential part of the branchless banking ecosystem as they provide them with all the necessary and up-to-date technology and resources to
improve the growth and uptake of banking sector. The pact was signed at Warid Telecoms Head
Office in Lahore by Mr. Tariq Gulzar, CFO, Warid Telecom and Mr. Faiq Sadiq, HBLs Head of
payment Services. Several senior officials from both sides were also present on this auspicious
occasion. These included Mr. Younas Iqbal Sheikh, CCO, Mr. Suhail Jan, VP Sales &
Distribution, Mr. Nauman Fakhar, VP Customer Services and Mr. Adnan Anjum, Director
Marketing Strategy and Pricing from Warid Telecom. Mr. Azfar Jamal, Head of Branchless
Banking and Mr. Ghanzfar Ali Khan, Head of Sales Branchless Banking from HBL. Mr. Gulzar

expressed on this event as, This agreement with HBL is a landmark for us and it will ensure
HBLs endeavor to expand financial inclusion in the country. Mr. Faiq Sadiq also commented by
saying, Our strategic partnership with Warid Telecom will boost the idea of Branchless Banking
Services in Pakistan and will enable the Bank to provide mobile wallets to the unbanked.
Delivery Services of Warid:
The third companent in designing a service concept concerns the process used to deliver the core product
and each of the supplementary services.

Warid LTE Sim replacement services

Warid Call Block Services
SMS Delivery Report
Reserve Sim Online

Flower of Services:
Core product often shares a range of similar supplementary services.
Components of Flower Services:
Warid gives information through brouchers, Website, Helpline
Warid use expert system for the customers. Warid conduct E-mail dilog
in which customer send e-mail for any help and problem.
Order Taking:
Warid make deals with companies where they provide their services
to the companies and the second party take orders and provide the sims to
individual employees and and employees can take sims through franchises and can
change their packages
Warid gives free internet, free minutes, gives free balance on new sim
Safe Keeping:


Warid gives Parking for vehicles to its employees.

Resolving difficulties that arise from using the sims.
Warid handling special communication like complaints, suggestion and
compliments from the customers.
Free reparing of defected sims

Problem Solving: resolving difficulties caused by services failures

Free repair of defected sim.


Warid customer use self billing (post paid billing)

Cash to cash payment (pre paid billing)

New Services Development

Merger of warid and mobilink

Warid will provide the services of 4G LTE and Mobilink will provide the 3G services

Breaking News
With Warid Breaking News alerts, you never lose track and can be a part of the changing world.
We provide you top breaking news headlines from local, regional, national & international online news
sources - updated continuously, 24 hours a day.

Creating services as substitutes for physical good

Perform Work Oneself

Warid make their sim cards by own.

They provide services by ownself

Hire Someone to Do Work

Balanced cards of warid are manufactured in Singapore

Planning to outsource their call center to TRG.

Offering a branded experience

Target a profitable customer

Targeted customer value

Giving employees the skills and supporting process needed to deliver the defined
customer experience

Distribution of a services:

Warid distribute their services through retail shops, franchises, by head offices and
through distributors

Information flow:

Warid flow their information through centralization in internal environment

Warid flows their information through bill boards, advertisement, flexes etc in external

Role of Intermediaries:

Authorized dealers satisfy the customers and sell and activate the sims on company
Authorized dealers also satisfy customers transfer balance and sell sims.

Chapter 6:
Generating Revenues and profits
Warid generate revenues and profits through customers by selling warid cards, easy load and by
charging them through calls, SMS packages and overnight packages etc. Warid generate all their
money by these things.

Reducing related monetary and non-monetary cost:

When we consider customer net value we need to understand the customers perceived costs.
From the customers point of view the prices charged by a supplier is only part of costs involved
in buying an using a service.

Reverse auctions of warid:

Warid Telecom, had earlier introduced Reverse Auction over SMS, with this service Warid
customers can buy brand new products every week. With Warid Reverse Auction dissimilar to
the usual bidding the one who sends the lowest unique bid will have the triumph. The customer
placing the lowest unique bid wins the auction and gets to buy the auction item at the minimum
unique price. Warid has recently given away 40 LCD to reverse auction winner from
Hyderabad. Mr. Airaj Asadullah won this LCD by placing a bid of Rs. 38.
Traditional auctions of warid:

Warid also use traditional auctions by giving free minutes to the customers and target those
customers who shut their cell phone numbers of warid. So they try to target them and offers free
minutes and sms by activating the sim again.

Competition Bases Pricing of warid:

Warid is also competing the other brands in terms of pricing. So they also provides the
economical packages so the customers wont switch to the other networks. Warid provides
different call packages and sms bundles in low pricing.

Price Elasticity:
There is also the price elasticity in Warid because warid also provide sims with different
categories and also with different prices. Like warid Charges higher cost for Warid LTE and
Golden number. For these sort of sims they charged higher but if customers buys a regular sim
they charged the lower price.

Price Elasticity = %age change in demand / %age change in price.

Chapter 7
The role of marketing communications
Warid use media communication for the marketing and they also use the news paper marketing
strategy so people can get aware more towards warid. They also use bill boards from different
advertising strategies just to convey their message properly to the customer.

Position and differentiate the service:

Some times warid use marketing communication just for the specific target market. Their such
advertisement differentiate from their daily routine advertisements. Like packages for
international calls, in which they are targeting those persons who have relatives outside the
Challenges of service communications:
There are further challenges for warid. As warid and other networks are providing the same
services so there are further challenges for warid because other networks are also advertise for
their network promotion.

Defining Target Audience:

1. Prospects
2. Users

3. Employees
Specifying communications objectives:
Warid use number of communication objectives. Like T.V commercials, News Paper ads, bill
boards and warid service messages to the customers from the company.
Communications Originate from different resources:
In Warid communication is gone through by different channels:Personal Communication:


Customer Service



Word of mouth


Broad cast




Direct Mail

Sales Promotion:



Sign up rebates


Prize Promotions

Instructional Materials:



Software CD-Rom

Instruction Manuals

Direct Marketing:
Warid also use the direct marketing strategies. Warid use different tools to promote
their networks. They use direct marketing through E-mails, text messages
automatic phone calls etc.

Sales Promotion:

Warid use the sales promotion strategy by communicating with good vocals with the customers
and users so they attracted towards the sales person by their communication skills and they can
attract towards and can continue their services. Warid introduces another exciting promo for its
treasured customers. We are taking our customers by surprise with a 100 percent guarantee of an
exciting benefit. Its a promotional offer that opens up a world of our various Value-Added
Services to them. The customers have to reply with one of three given options sent to them via an
SMS and they can win a bundle of exciting VAS products, minutes or SMS!
Personal Selling:

Warid made to educate customers and promote preferences for a particular brand or product and
reffered to as personal selling. Warid use B2C marketing strategy because their main goal is to
communicate with the customers in the best way..
There is also a lower cost alternative in which Warid use telemarketing, involving use of the
telephone to reach prospective B2C as well as B2C customers
Online advertising of Warid:
There are two advertising tools.

Banner Advertising

Search Engine Advertising

Many firms and companies pay to place advertising banners and buttons on protals like
yahoo or CNN. Warid also use the same strategy like they put banners on facebook,
twitter and different websites where normally people visits and can see the warid
advertisement of their 4G LTE Services. And also of their different packages.

Warid also uses the search engine advertisement. They provide a serarch bar on their
websites so that when customer visit their website they can searched out the desire results
they wanted.

Messages transmitted Service:

Service outlets:

Both planned and unintended messages reach customers through the

medium of the service delivery environment. Warid also use franchises as a medium for
their service deliveries which can be suitable for the customers.

Front line employees:

In warid there are special employees who have positions in

frontline serves customers face to face, by telephone or via e-mail. Communication from
front line staff takes the form of the core service and a variety of supplementary services,
including providing information, taking reservations, receiving payments and solving

Self-service delivery:

Warid use service delivery points like retail shops where

customers can recharge the easy loads and can buy the sim cards and can buy recharge

The role of corporate design:

Corporate design is a key to ensure a consistent style and message is communicated through all
of the firm's communications mix channels. Corporate design is particularly important for
companies operating in competitive markets where its necessary to stand out from the crowd and
to be nstantly recognizable in different locations.

Chapter 8

Shows how nature of customer involvement with service
organizations varies by type of service:
People processing
Possession processing
Mental Stimulus processing
Information processing

As we know warid is an information processing so we can take the

example of it

1st customer learn about the new package or promotion then he calls on the help line to active
the package, certain amount deducted from his credit balance and the package time start before
expiration automatic generated message send to customers number telling that your current
package is going to expire in 2 hours please reactive your bundle or package.

Developing a Blueprint
Identify key activities in creating and delivering service
For complain

Customer calls to help line his call is transferred to customer representative and he
provide the solution
For new sim

Customer visit the franchise or business center related person providing him the list
of numbers which are available customer select the number and the sim is active at
the spot on the time of purchase if customer want to purchase some special number
he has to pay extra for that it depends on the availability of the number also.
For package activation

Customer call on helpline or sms to provided number to active his sms or internet
package if you have to change the package of your sim then customer have to call on
helpline or talk to customer representative

When customer actives it packages or obtain the service he receives the confirmation
message from warid that his package is active.

Warid Service providers set standards for each step sufficiently high to satisfy and even
delight customers which Include time parameters, script and prescriptions for appropriate
style and demeanor

Performance targets specific process and team performance targets are set by

supervisors or head of the departments for which staff are responsible for

Warid Redesign aims to achieve these performance measures:

Reduced number of service failures

Reduced cycle time from customer initiation of a service process to its completion
Enhanced productivity
Increased customer satisfaction

Levels of Customer Participation

High Customer works actively with provider to co-produce the service

Service cannot be created without customers active participation
Medium- Customer inputs required to assist provider
Provide needed information and instructions

Employees and systems do all the work

Involves standardized work

Self-Service Technologies (SSTs)

Many companies and government organizations seek to divert customers from

employee contact to Internet-based self-service. Warid use online surveys and
automatic system generated calls and sms for the feedback and as a service

Chapter 9

Managing Capacity
Rent/Share facilities and equipment

Warid and Mobilink merger is an example of this rent/share and facilities and equipment. Warid
have some rented building for its call centers and customer care centers. Now the merger is in
process so Warid is going to share its equipments and facilities with Mobilink
Use part-time employees

Warid use part time employees for call center to managing capacity to match demand.

Managing Demand
Reduce demand in peak periods

When there is a high demand for a services its difficult for manager to manage demand in peak
period. For managing demand warid increase their price rate For example we take an example of
warid 4G LTE internet customer demand is high for 4G LTE internet so for managing this
demand warid increase their price of 4G LTE internet than demand decrease. We can also take
the example of SMS Packages on Eid Days Warid turn off its all SMS packages on the occasion
of EID to reduce the network load.

Increase demand when there is excess capacity

Warid increase demand when there is excess capacity by decrease their price rate and give more
benefits like sale free sim or provide free balance or internet on reactivation of sim. When there
is excess of capacity and the demand is low so warid increase their personal selling and give
more adds on T.V.

Promotion and Education

Warid deliver a message to their customer about price changing or services. They also run TV
commercials for promotion of its product like if you active your old warid sim it will give you
300 free minutes 300 SMS 300 MB 4G LTE Internet.

Demand varies by Segment

Of course demand varies by customer to customer according to warid perspective we take two
type of customer (1) Business customer (2) Local customer
Business customer usually want fast internet speed and the good voice quality and good call rate
they have no concern with price they only want good quality.
And local customer like students, employees they want very low price SMS package and very
low price fast internet package.

Chapter 10

Service Environment
Physical surroundings help shape appropriate feelings and reactions in customers
and employees like working environment for workers. warid customer care
centers, business centers and franchises for its customer has very attractive

Warid claims that people feel relaxing and pleasant when they visit our customer
care centers or other offices.

Pleasant environments result in approach, whereas unpleasant ones result in

Feelings during service encounters are an important driver of customer loyalty
Main Dimensions in Servicescape Model
Spatial Layout and Functionality
Spatial layout:

o warid have wooden floors in its offices for customer
Size and shape of furnishings
o offices are full furnished and have good capacity of sitting and
air-conditioned environment
Functionality: ability of those items to facilitate performance

o Each and every item is completely working like AC, computers

and biometric machines and other equipments
Signs, Symbols, and Artifacts

o Logo of warid everywhere in the office and other artifacts of

the offices provides great feelings to customers Communicates
the firms image and helps customers find their way

Ambient Conditions

Ambient conditions are perceived both separately and holistically, and include:
Lighting and color schemes
(warid have good lighting and color scheme of blue and white all over
its office)
Size and shape perceptions
(size and shape of the building is very relevant to its services like
business centers have its own size and shape)
Sounds such as noise and music
(background music is always playing in background)

(Fully Air conditioned to maintain the temperature so customer dont
feel irritate due the weather)
(in the morning before office hours started office is being sprayed
with air freshener

Chapter 11

Source of Customer Loyalty & Competitive Advantage

Customer needs

Customer loyal with warid because warid fulfill customer needs

Service delivery

warid provide fastest service delivery to their customer thats why customer are loyal with warid
like fastest internet service. Quick response to customers complain. Complains will be resolved
withint 24 hours. Quick activations of SIM
Building personalized relationships

Warid use personal selling to customer for building good relationship with customer. Personal
selling is a good tool of promotion in which company understand their customer needs and get
direct feedback which is good for company improvement. Customer representative have very
good gesture for their customer and they give proper time to their customer and listen their
complete problem.
Cycle of Failure
Low service quality

Good service quality in all segments is always good for company but if there is low service
quality in any single segment so this is a sign of failure because there are many other
telecommunication companies. If warid provide low quality in SMS so the SMS lover like
students, employees shifted to another Telecom Company.
Bored employees who lack ability to respond to customer problems

Some bored employees of company who are not in mood to reply a customer or solve customer
problems but after monthly report of employee performance supervisor issue the warning for
their unserious behavior at 3rd warning employee will be terminated from its services.
Cycle of Success

Attractive pay and benefits attract better job applicants

Warid focused on intensive training, and higher wages plan thats make it more likely that
employees are happier in their work, Provide higher quality, customer-pleasing service

Human Resources Management

Motivate by providing good salary package or bonuses. Managing employees in good way
Hire the right people

Select the best people for job. Cross functional people who have an ability to do different type of
Warid use different structure and unstructured interviews for hiring employees. Employee hired
base on observed behavior not on words.
Conduct personality tests

Willingness to treat co-workers and customers with courtesy, consideration

Perceptiveness regarding customer needs
Ability to communicate accurately and pleasantly
Train Service Employees

Warid train their employees for good service delivery. New employee has training of 15 days
normally after 15 days he will be on desk to do the real work mostly the supervisor, head of the
department and Human Resources are involving in training process.
Service Leadership and Culture
Motivate staff to perform at their best

As a leader warid motivate their staff to perform best job and attract customer and solve
customer problems as much as possible in result warid provide different incentives to their staff
for motivation. Commission on the personal selling of the Sims. Warid has team base structure
in its environment people work in teams so team leader motivates its staff to perform.
Service culture

In this point warid define that provide good quality to customer and get customer satisfaction
because this is very important for company because if customer satisfied with services than they
are loyal with company which is good for company. Warid culture is to work in teams. Customer
care centers and business center are well furnished and have waiting areas in case of excessive
demand well air conditioned environment.

Chapter 12:

Assesing the value of loyal customers:

Loyal customers are not always

profitable to company. In warid customers who were using warid from the start are may not be
more profitable for the company because may be they dont use the serives frm which warid can
generate more profit. But customers use warid because they dont want to switch their network
thats why they are loyal to their network.

Actual & Potential customers:

An actual buyer is someone who is committed to buying a product whereas a potential buyer is
some who is interested in buying, but may not. Same is the case with warid there are also some
cutomers who get attracted towards the warid nad get committed to buy the Warid network but
some customers get impressed by their advertisment but they dont buy warid in actual.
Understanding the customer firm relationship
Transactional Marketing:

A transaction is an event during which an exchange of value takes place between two parties. As
warid did the merger with mobilink. So both the networks will share their values to each other
like warid share their 4 G LTE serivices and mobiling share their international market in
Relationship marketing:

Warid use this term relationship marketing n which it has been widely used to describe the type
of marketing actively designed to create extended relationships with customers.
Data base marketing:

As warid did the merger with mobiling so they will not share their services with each other but
also their core information with each other to feate the better understanding.

Interactive marketing:

Warid also use the very interactive marketing strategy in which they try to interact with the
customers in the best way they also do ear to ear interaction by phone. Their interaction may
include negotiations and sharing of insights in both direction.

Non-Financial Rewards:

Non financial rewards are also called soft benefits. In warid they also give soft benefits to their
employees on bi-yearly basis. They give them such rewards by issuing the appreciation letters on
their good performances and they also issued loyalty awards to their employees after every year.

Building Higher level bonds:

1* Social Bonds:

Warid tries to make social bond with the customers. The person who
are sitting on franchises are highly trained to make social bonds with customer so customer
can be get impressed by the of the person who is sitting in franchise.
2* Customizaton bonds:

Customization bonds are built when the service provider succeeds in

providing customized service to its loyal customer. Warid also do the same strategy by giving
the services on the exceed level and they try to satisfy their customers at any cost and they
also prefer more their loyal customers.

Chapter 13

Service Recovery

Customer complaints by calling at helpline because of technician problems in warid

like, package is not activating, their credit is deducting automatically or their 4G is
not working properly and more.
Service Recovery

Plays a crucial role in achieving customer satisfaction by testing a firms

commitment to satisfaction and service quality Warid try its best to achive the
service recovery by resolving customers issue within 24 hours and guiding
properly and sometimes it also provide some free minutes to its loyal and regular
Service Recovery Paradox: Customers who experience a service failure that is
satisfactorily resolved may be more likely to make future purchases than
customers without problems.

Effective Service Recovery System

Warid have active service recovery system like after talking to Customer Representative
customer gave feedback if feedback was negative then customer receives a call from a supervisor
and he asked the reason of negative feedback and then supervisor guide him and resolve his
issues by himself or transfer it to technical department on high priority.

Reduce Customer Complaint Barriers

Warid reduce the barriers for its customers by providing convenience complaint procedure
customer just have to call at helpline to make a complaint and the customer feedback is easy and
convenient Warid assure that feedback is taken seriously after calling customer if feedback was

Full-satisfaction guarantee
Warid provide full satisfaction guarantee All service aspects are guaranteed to be
delivered to the full satisfaction of the customer with no exceptions or conditions

Jay customer
If customer abuse with CSR, he tries to cool down the customer but if he is not listening then he
transfer the call to its supervisor there are many kind of Jaycustomers warid receives The
Belligerent customer calls sometimes Shouts loudly, maybe mouthing insults, threats, and curses.
CSR are often abused even when they are not to be blamed.

This type of customer behavior lead Employees Mood or temper negatively affected,
Long-term psychological damage and Staff morale will fall, affecting productivity

Chapter 14
Improving Service Quality and Productivity
Of course Quality and productivity create value for customers and companies. If company
provide good quality of services and productivity than customer became a loyal with company.
Quality means provide benefits to customer in warid context warid provide good quality of 4G
LTE fast speed internet to their customer with low charges.
Measures of Service Quality
Soft Measures

Warid use soft measure tool for measuring service quality in which warid employees talk with
customer or other for measuring the service quality in which they ask question about their
Warid also Provide direction, guidance and feedback to employees on ways to achieve customer

Learning from Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is very important for every company for further improvement.
Warid always collect feedback from their customer about services
If customer dont give good feedback related supervisor calls him personally and ask the reason
of its bad feedback.
Warid these tools for feedback
Ongoing customer surveys
Complaint analysis
Customer suggestion
Analysis, Reporting of Customer Feedback

Warid employees get customer feedback then send it to the relevant party to take action.
Management review their performance report in a monthly, quarterly, Annually bases for further
Improving Service Productivity

Efforts to reduce wasteful use of materials or labor

Matching Productive capacity to average demand levels
Replacing workers by automated machines or self-service technologies
Teaching employees how to work more productively

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