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This written material consists of general information for internal Bureau of Reclamation
operations and maintenance staff use. Information contained in this document regarding
commercial products or firms may not be used for advertising or promotional purposes and is not
to be construed as an endorsement or of any product or firm by the Bureau of
Reclamation.Hazardous Energy Control Program iii

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AF Arc Flash
AFH Arc Flash Hazard
ANSI American National Standards Institute
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
DOI Learn Department of Interior (Learn)
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations
F-HECP Facility(s) Hazardous Energy Control Program
FIST Facilities Instructions, Standards, and Techniques
HEC Hazardous Energy Control
JHA Job Hazard Analysis
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PPE Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
RO Responsible Official
Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation
RSHS Reclamation Safety and Health Standards
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SOPs Standing Operating ProceduresHazardous Energy Control Program v

Table of Contents

Acronyms and Abbreviations ...................................................................... iii

1. Introduction....................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose.................................................................................... 1
1.2 Philosophy............................................................................... 1
1.3 Scope....................................................................................... 2
1.4 Facility Hazardous Energy Control Program and
Procedures............................................................................... 2
1.5 Reclamation Standard Practices.............................................. 3
1.6 Effect of Section Headings ..................................................... 4
1.7 Job Hazard Analysis ............................................................... 4
1.8 Interpretations ......................................................................... 4
1.9 Emergencies............................................................................ 4
1.10 Document Retention ............................................................... 5
1.11 Air, Water, Hydraulic Systems............................................... 5
2. Responsibility and Authority........................................................... 6
2.1 Responsible Official................................................................ 6
2.2 Supervisors.............................................................................. 6
2.3 Emergency Switching ............................................................. 6
2.4 Employees............................................................................... 6
2.5 Manager, Power Resources Office ......................................... 7
3. Training Program............................................................................. 8
3.1 Purpose.................................................................................... 8
3.2 Requirements .......................................................................... 8
3.3 Retraining................................................................................ 8
3.4 Documentation........................................................................ 9
4. Facility Hazardous Energy Control Program Review .................. 10
4.1 Requirements .......................................................................... 10
4.2 Responsibility ......................................................................... 11
5. Lockout Devices, Tagout Devices, and Forms................................ 12
5.1 Locks....................................................................................... 12
5.2 Clearance Lockbox ................................................................. 13
5.3 Multi Lock Device .................................................................. 14
5.4 Tags......................................................................................... 14
5.5 Standard Forms ....................................................................... 16
5.6 Other Forms ............................................................................ 21
6. Station Log Entries ........................................................................... 23
6.1 Colors...................................................................................... 23
6.2 Actions .................................................................................... 23
6.3 Status of Actions..................................................................... 24FIST Volume 1-1 vi Table of

Contents (continued)


7. Tracking Record Entries.................................................................. 25

7.1 Personal Lock and Tag Record ............................................... 25
7.2 Special Condition Tag Record................................................ 25
7.3 Special Work Permit Record .................................................. 26
7.4 Hazardous Energy Work Permit Record................................. 26
8. Operational Configuration Management ....................................... 27
8.1 Purpose.................................................................................... 27
8.2 Procedure for Switching To Change Configuration ............... 27
8.3 Positive Controls in Public Access Areas............................... 29
8.4 Special Conditions .................................................................. 29
8.5 Capacitor Banks ...................................................................... 30
9. Release Under Abnormal Conditions.............................................. 31
9.1 Purpose.................................................................................... 31
9.2 Procedure ................................................................................ 31
10. Personal Lockout (Tagout)............................................................... 32
10.1 Use Restrictions ...................................................................... 32
10.2 General.................................................................................... 32
10.3 Procedure ................................................................................ 33
11. Clearances.......................................................................................... 34
11.1 Use .......................................................................................... 34
11.2 Use of Personal Locks and Personal Tags .............................. 34
11.3 Procedure ................................................................................ 35
11.4 Clearances at Remote Sites..................................................... 43
11.5 Limits of the Clearance........................................................... 43
12. Hot Line Orders ................................................................................ 45
12.1 Use .......................................................................................... 45
12.2 Operating Under a Hot Line Order ......................................... 45
12.3 Procedure ................................................................................ 46
13. Interconnected System Clearances and Hot Line Orders............. 51
13.1 Use .......................................................................................... 51
13.2 Procedure ................................................................................ 51
14. Nonstandard Hazardous Energy Control Procedures .................. 53
14.1 General.................................................................................... 53
14.2 Hazardous Energy Work Permit ............................................. 54
14.3 Procedure ................................................................................ 54 Hazardous Energy Control
Program vii Table

of Contents (continued)


15. Tagging of Equipment Operated by Supervisory Control............ 56

16. Special Work Permits ....................................................................... 57
16.1 General.................................................................................... 57
16.2 Procedure for Issuing Special Work Permits .......................... 57
16.3 Placing and Removal of Personal Protective Ground(s)......... 58
16.4 Procedure for Releasing Special Work Permits...................... 59
16.5 Changing Scope of Work Under a Special Work Permit ....... 59
16.6 Change in Representative for a Special Work Permit ............ 59
17. Authorized Non-Reclamation Personnel ........................................ 60
17.1 When a Contractual Instrument Exists ................................... 60
17.2 When a Contractual Instrument Does Not Exist..................... 60
17.3 Requirements .......................................................................... 60

Appendix A References ............................................................................. 63
Appendix B Definitions ............................................................................. 65
Appendix C Facility Hazardous Energy Control Program Example .... 71
Appendix D Job Hazard Analysis Example ............................................ 73
Appendix E - Forms and Tags ................................................................... 75
Hazardous Energy Control Program 1

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the Facilities Instructions, Standards, and Techniques (FIST) Volume 1-1 is to
establish consistent procedures for the control of Hazardous Energy and to maintain operational
control of a facilitys configuration. This includes activities affecting operation, maintenance, and
construction of those Federal facilities for which the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is
The primary objective of this document is to establish a program to provide for the physical
safety of employees and the public.
Secondary objectives of the program are:
(1) Integrity and reliability of the Reclamation power and water system.
(2) Protection of Equipment.
(3) Service to the customer.

1.2 Philosophy
Safe Work Practices Take Precedence Over Immediate Job Production!
All Switching operations must be guided and tested by the following fundamental principles:
(1) Start with the correct procedure and follow it exactly.
(2) The Six Basic Steps of Switching:
(a) Carry the Switching Program Form with you while Switching.
(b) Touch or point to the device identification nameplate to verify correct device.
(c) Recheck the switching program form for correct device and sequence.
(d) Verify anticipated device position.
(e) Perform requested action on the device.
(f) Verify desired device position.FIST Volume 1-1 2

(3) Clearance Tags, Hot Line Tags, or Personal Tags are to be considered the same as
(4) Violating a Clearance Lock, Clearance Tag, Hot Line Tag, Personal Lock, or Personal
Tag, can kill somebody!
(5) Equipment must not be operated, moved, or removed when Clearance Tags, Hot Line
Tags, Personal Tags, Clearance Locks, or Personal Locks are in place.
EQUIPMENT THAT THEY CONSIDER UNSAFE. The employee is responsible for
requesting additional protection deemed necessary.
(7) Clearance Tags and Personal Tags must not be used on Energy Isolation Devices
capable of being locked.
(8) Equipment must be considered Energized until appropriate tests have been performed
to verify the Equipment is Deenergized.

1.3 Scope
This document establishes procedures and operating criteria that must be complied with
throughout Reclamation. This document prescribes procedures for the safety of personnel who
work on or near any Equipment (or system) that produces, uses, or stores Hazardous Energy. It
establishes minimum standards and performance requirements for the control of Hazardous
Energy at all Reclamation operated or maintained facilities.

1.4 Facility Hazardous Energy Control Program and Procedures

Each area office or facility must use this FIST 1-1 to develop specific programs. The Facility(s)
Hazardous Energy Control Program (F-HECP) must be comprised of a copy of the FIST 1-1 in its
entirety, with the specific facility(s) requirements integrated and identified by underlining. See
Appendix C Personal Lockout (Tagout) for a sample of this integration.
(1) The F-HECP must:
(a) At a minimum, be as restrictive as the FIST Volume 1-1 requirements,
(b) Incorporate specific Hazardous Energy Control Procedures for the facility(s),Hazardous
Energy Control Program 3

(c) Identify the Responsible Official (RO),

(d) Be reviewed and updated at least annually,
(e) Be annually approved and signed by the Responsible Official,
(f) Be readily available at each facility,
(g) Be made available to each Employee, and
(h) List facility specific abbreviations and terms.
(2) A current Employee Authorization List must:
(a) Be maintained at each facility.
(b) Identify each employee and the HEC Procedures for which they are authorized to perform:
(i) Authorized Employees,
(ii) Switchmen,
(iii) Job Supervisors, and
(iv) Operations supervisors.
(c) Be reviewed and signed by the Responsible Official at least annually.
(3) A current non-Reclamation Employee Authorization List (see section 17) must be maintained
as required in the F-HECP.
(4) The Employee Authorization List should be provided to the appropriate non-Reclamation
organizations listing personnel who are authorized to request, issue, or receive Interconnected
System Clearances or Hot Line Orders.

1.5 Reclamation Standard Practices

FIST procedures, practices, and schedules that appear in black bold and bracketed text are
considered Reclamation standard practice. FIST procedures, practices, and schedules that appear
in red bold and bracketed text are related to compliance issues, such as safety (Occupational
Safety and Health Administration [OSHA]) or reliability (North American Electric Reliability
Corporation [NERC]) and cannot be varied from. [The entirety of this document, unless
otherwise noted, is to be considered as red bold and bracketed.]FIST Volume 1-1 4

1.6 Effect of Section Headings

Section headings or titles appearing in this document are inserted for convenience only and must
not be construed as interpretations of text or a standard practice.

1.7 Job Hazard Analysis

(1) A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) must be prepared to identify all hazards specific to the work to
be performed. Refer to Reclamation Safety and Health Standards (RSHS), section 4. Analysis
must include electrical shock and Arc Flash Hazard considerations. See FIST Volume 5-14 for
more information concerning Arc Flash Hazards.
(2) The JHA must identify when a Hazardous Energy Control Procedure is necessary.
(3) A typical JHA preparation form is attached for reference in Appendix D Job Hazard
Analysis Example.

1.8 Interpretations
(1) The stated interpretations for the following words must be applied throughout this
(a) May" Permissive choice or discretionary action.
(b) Must Mandatory or obligation.
(c) Must Not Prohibition.
(d) Should Advisory or recommendation.
(e) Will Mandatory, but allowing the employee or party some discretion as to when,
where, or how.
(2) As used in this document, the pronouns he, his, and himself refer to a specific
individual or position that might be she, her, or herself in a given circumstance.
Switchman is also used in this context.

1.9 Emergencies
The F-HECP may be suspended as necessary to permit proper handling of an emergency.
However, in handling such emergencies, safety of personnel must be given paramount
consideration.Hazardous Energy Control Program 5

1.10 Document Retention

Upon completion of the work, Hazardous Energy Control Procedures and supporting
documentation, including JHAs, Job Plans, etc., must be kept for a minimum of 6 years. If
retention of a document is needed for another program, such as Mandatory Reliability
Compliance or Unexpected Event Reporting, any longer retention requirements will prevail for
those documents. These records can be retained in any format (e.g., electronic or hard copy) that
can be identified and disposed of when the retention period is met.

1.11 Air, Water, Hydraulic Systems

There are not any generally accepted industry pressure levels for Air, Water, and Hydraulic
systems similar to the 50- and 600-volt thresholds for electrical systems. Each facility in their FHECP must define the threshold where the energy level in an Air, Water, or Hydraulic system
becomes subject to:
(1) Personal Lockout and Tagout
(2) ClearanceFIST Volume 1-1 6

2. Responsibility and Authority

2.1 Responsible Official
The Responsible Official at each facility or Area Office must ensure that the requirements of the
F-HECP are:
(1) Properly applied,
(2) Complied with, and
(3) Understood by all employees.

2.2 Supervisors
Employee supervisors must ensure that all personnel under their jurisdiction receive the
appropriate level of instruction concerning the F-HECP and its application.

2.3 Emergency Switching

An Operations Supervisor will be responsible for directing Emergency Switching. If Emergency
Switching is required and a Switchman is not available, any person may perform Switching if
deemed qualified by the Operations Supervisor.

2.4 Employees
Employees must not work under a HEC Procedure until:
(1) Trained,
(2) Tested,
(3) Authorized by the Responsible Official, and
(4) Issued Personal Locks.
It is the responsibility of each Employee to act within their authority and immediately
report any violations of the F-HECP or any Hazardous Energy Control (HEC) Procedures
to their supervisor.
Additional Employee F-HECP responsibilities are described in subsequent sections of this
document.Hazardous Energy Control Program 7

2.5 Manager, Power Resources Office

The Manager, Power Resources Office, is responsible annually for the following:
(1) Provide technical support.
(2) Provide standardized materials to be used by the facilities for training and examination. FHECP specific information must be provided by the Area Office or facility(s).
(3) Collect data from F-HECP reviews (see section 4), Review of Power Operations and
Maintenance1 recommendations, and Unexpected Event Reporting2documentation including:
1 See
2 See

Power Review of Operations and Maintenance Program.

FIST Volume 6-3, Unexpected Event Reporting.

(a) Effectiveness of training program (examination, presentation, trainer, etc.)

(b) HECP-related recommendations
(c) HECP-related incident investigation findings
(4) Review Reclamation FIST Volume 1-1.
(5) Provide feedback and report to regional directors.
(6) Review and take appropriate action on suggested revisions, comments, and concerns. FIST
Volume 1-1 8

3. Training Program
3.1 Purpose
Ensure that all Reclamation employees involved with the F-HECP have an understanding
that is appropriate for the level of Hazardous Energy exposure they may encounter.

3.2 Requirements
The Responsible Official must ensure that Facility specific information is developed and
included with the standardized training materials.
(1) Authorized Employees
(a) Prior to being authorized to work under a HEC Procedure, employees must receive a
minimum of four hours of F-HECP training.
(b) Employees must complete an examination, with a minimum score of 80% to demonstrate
adequate working knowledge of the F-HECP. Examinations must include the questions provided
by the Power Resources Office and additional F-HECP related questions.
(c) Employees passing the examination will be referred to the Responsible Official, with
recommendations for placement on the Employee Authorization List.
(d) Employees may be subject to examination at any time on F-HECP.
NOTE: Optional Proficiency Checksheets are available in Appendix E Forms and Tags for
Authorized Employees, Job Supervisors, Switchmen, and Operations Supervisors.

(2) Incidental Employees

(a) A minimum of 1 hour of F-HECP awareness training must be provided.

3.3 Retraining
Additional training must be provided annually (see section 3.2(1)(b)), or if:
(1) There is a change in:Hazardous Energy Control Program 9

(a) An employees classification,

(b) Assignment of duties,
(c) Equipment,
(d) Systems or processes that present a new energy control hazard, or
(e) The F-HECP.
(2) If there is reason to suspect deficiencies or inadequacies in the employees knowledge of the
F-HECP or use of energy control procedure(s).
(3) If an employee does not complete the annual training.
(4) If an employee fails the examination.

3.4 Documentation.
The Responsible Official must be responsible for documenting all training (including any
retraining) in DOI Learn. DOI Learn is the U.S. Department of the Interior standard.FIST
Volume 1-1 10

4. Facility Hazardous Energy Control Program Review

4.1 Requirements
The Responsible Official must ensure that the F-HECP review is conducted at least
annually, to ensure:
(1) Proper implementation,
(2) Proper documentation,
(3) Employees are familiar with their responsibilities,
(4) Employees maintain proficiency,
(5) Training requirements are met, and
(6) Corrective action plans are prepared and completed to address any identified deficiencies.
These reviews must include:
(1) A random sampling of the HEC Procedures (including JHAs, Job Plans, etc.),
(2) Program deficiencies, such as:
(a) Incidents,
(b) HECP errors,
(c) Status of previously noted incidents, and
(d) Other
(3) Employee interviews,
(4) Training program documentation,
(5) Employee Authorization List is current,
(6) F-HECP review and revision has been completed,Hazardous Energy Control Program 11 and
FIST Volume 1-1 12

5. Lockout Devices, Tagout Devices, and Forms

5.1 Locks
(1) General
Each facility must provide uniquely designated Locks as described in its F-HECP. Locks must be
substantial enough to prevent removal without the use of excessive force or unusual techniques,
such as the use of bolt cutters or other metal cutting tools. The Locks must be standardized within
the facility in at least one of the following criteria:
(a) Color,
(b) Shape
(c) Size, or
(d) Specific markings.
(2) Personal Locks
(a) Personal Locks must:
(i) Be used by Authorized Employees,
(ii) Be for personal protection only,
(iii) Not be used for any other purpose,
(iv) Indicate the identity of the person who applied them, and
(v) Be used on Energy Isolation Devices that are capable of being locked out.
(b) Personal Locks should also be labeled4with:
4 Labels

for Personal Locks must be added to the Locks as Locks are replaced or relabeled.

(iv) DO NOT OPERATE Hazardous Energy Control Program 13

(3) Clearance Locks

(a) Clearance Locks must:
(i) Be used by authorized switchmen,
(ii) Used for Clearance purposes only,
(iii) Establish the limits of the Clearance,
(iv) Be used on all Energy Isolation Devices that are capable of being locked out, and
(v) Indicate the Clearance lockset and lock number
(vi) Have the key uniquely identified with its associated clearance lockset, and ensure that the
label is easy to read.
(b) Clearance Locks should be labeled5with:
5 Labels

for Clearance Locks must be added to the Locks as Locks are replaced or relabeled.

(4) Operations Locks
(a) Operations Locks must:
(i) Be used by Switchmen,
(ii) Be used for Operational Configuration Management, and
(iii) Be used and recorded as described in the F-HECP.
(5) Operations Locks must be identified in the F-HECP.

5.2 Clearance Lockbox

A Clearance Lockbox must:
(1) Be described in the F-HECP, including how the Clearance will be associated with the
Lockbox; FIST Volume 1-1 14

(2) Be used to capture the key(s) associated with a Clearance;

(3) Allow the key(s) to be visually identifiable; and
(4) Be the only place associated with a Clearance where a Personal Lock is placed.

5.3 Multi Lock Device

A device that allows multiple locks to be placed on an Energy Isolation Device. This device
should be used on all lockable Energy Isolation Devices.

5.4 Tags
(1) General
(a) Standardized
Tags must be standard Reclamation-wide. Tags are shown in appendix E. Tags are available from
[email protected] or 303-445-2066. Tags are only available in units of one box (50
(i) Clearance
(A) Form number: POM-0137 (7-2010)
(b) Stock number: P7540000POM137R
(ii) Hot Line
(A) Form number: POM-0135 (7-2010)
(B) Stock number: P7540000POM135R
(iii) Personal
(A) Form number: POM-0166 (7-2010)
(B) Stock number: P7540000POM166R
(iv) Special Condition
(A) Form number: POM-0138 (7-2010)
(B) Stock number: P7540000POM138RHazardous Energy Control Program 15

(b) Tag Attachment

Tags, including their means of attachment, will be substantial enough to prevent inadvertent or
accidental removal. Tag attachment means shall be of a nonreusable type, attachable by hand,
self-locking, and nonreleasable with a minimum unlocking strength of no less than 50 pounds and
must have the general design and basic characteristics of being at least equivalent to a one-piece,
all-environment-tolerant nylon cable tie.
(c) Tag Numbering
The Clearance and Hot Line Tags will be uniquely numbered by the facility. The number will be
permanently attached or engraved on the Tag.
(d) Tag Replacement
Tags that become damaged or illegible must be replaced immediately.
(2) Personal Tags
Each facility must define the use of Personal Tags in its F-HECP. A Personal Tag may be used in
conjunction with a Personal Lock for informational purposes.
Personal Tags must:
(a) Be used by Authorized Employees,
(b) Be for personal protection only,
(c) Be used on Energy Isolation Devices that are incapable of being locked out, and
(d) Be completely filled out prior to placement.
(3) Clearance Tags
Clearance Tags must:
(a) Be used by Switchmen,
(b) Establish the limits of the Clearance, and
(c) Be used on Energy Isolation Devices that are incapable of being locked out.FIST Volume
1-1 16

(4) Special Condition Tags

These Tags are used to designate special conditions affecting Equipment. The Special Condition
Tag must be numbered. The Special Condition Tags must be completely filled out prior to
(5) Hot Line Tags
These Tags are used in connection with Hot Line Orders to prevent reenergizing Equipment.
Hot Line Tags must:
(a) Be used by Switchmen;
(b) Be applied to the appropriate circuit breaker control switches.

5.5 Standard Forms

These forms are shown in appendix E. They are also available on:
(1) General
The following forms have been standardized and must be used in this program:
(a) F-HECP Title Page (POM-210)
(b) F-HECP Annual Review (POM-211)
(c) Clearance Request (POM-212)
(d) Hazardous Energy Work Permit (POM-213)
(e) Release Under Abnormal Conditions (POM-214)
(f) Special Work Permit (POM-215)
(g) Switching Program Form (POM-216)
(2) F-HECP Title Page
This form is to be used as the title page for the F-HECP, documenting annual approval by the
Responsible Official.
(3) F-HECP Annual Review
This form is used to document the annual F-HECP review.Hazardous Energy Control Program 17

(4) Clearance Request

This form is used to request a Clearance on Equipment (or system). As there are not to be any
standing HEC Procedures, there needs to be documentation of the initiation of a request.
NOTE: This form is also to be used to request Hot-Line Orders.

(5) Hazardous Energy Work Permit

This form is used to document the process for work on systems that have not been isolated from
all forms of Hazardous Energy.
(6) Release Under Abnormal Conditions
This form documents the removal of an Authorized Employees Personal Lock (Tag) or release
of their Clearance.
(7) Special Work Permit
Formally documents the coordination between Reclamation and Contractor personnel to
authorize work by Contractors forces on or near Reclamation facilities when a Clearance or a
Hot Line Order is required. This form includes:
(a) Contractor name.
(b) Special Work Permit number.
(c) Clearance or Hot Line Order number.
(d) A detailed written description of the purpose and scope of the work to be accomplished and if
feasible, drawings identifying the limits of the Clearance.
(e) Personal protective ground(s) required
(f) A statement that the Contractor and Reclamation Representatives have:
(i) Discussed the work to be performed,
(ii) Reviewed the details of the Clearance or Hot Line Order for adequacy, and FIST Volume 1-1

(iii) Verified understanding regarding:

(A) Placement of:
1. Shorts,
2. Jumpers, and
3. Personal protective ground(s).
(B) Conditions of the working area.
(g) Signature blocks for each of the parties to acknowledge the conditions of the Special Work
(h) A release statement to be signed by the Contractor and Reclamation Representatives
(i) All Contractor work associated with this Special Work Permit is complete,
(ii) Verification of removal of, or accounting for all:
(A) Shorts,
(B) Jumpers, and
(C) Personal protective ground(s)
(iii) All Contractor personnel and Equipment are in the clear.
(8) Switching Program Form
(a) Purpose
The Switching Program Form is used to formalize and document each step in the process of
placing and releasing Clearances, Hot Line Orders, and performing Switching (for Operational
Configuration Management).
(b) Numbering
Each Switching Program Form must be given a unique number. The necessary coding for the
year and facility must be described in the F-HECP. One series of consecutive numbers may be
used for all programs, or a separate series of consecutive numbers may be used for Clearances,
Hot Line Orders, and Switching.Hazardous Energy Control Program 19

(c) Use
NOTE: No modifications can be made to this form. It is acceptable to add extra page(s) as
needed to record additional information. Use of these additional pages should be defined in
the F-HECP.

(i) A Switching Program Form must be prepared by an Operations Supervisor and checked by a
second Operations Supervisor.
(ii) A Switching Program Form will not be valid for Switching until signed and dated by the
preparing and checking Operations Supervisors.
(iii) Previously prepared Switching Program Forms may be used for reference only.
(iv) The Switching Program Form (or a copy) must be carried by the Switchman during
(v) The Switching Program Form is used to record in detail the exact operation and the Locking
or Tagging information required.
(vi) Each operation must be listed in the precise sequence to be performed, including those
operations or steps not requiring a Lock or Tag.
(vii) The Switching Program Form must adhere to the following:
(A) Only one operation per step on the Switching Program Form.
1. Checking one device in the desired position and Locking or Tagging it must be considered one
2. Operating one device and Locking or Tagging it in the desired position must be considered one
3. A communication action must be numbered as one step on the Switching Program Form.
(B) The Equipment description, for a Switching step, must be specific enough to identify the
device.FIST Volume 1-1 20

(C) The Switching Program Form must identify the locations of the Locks and Tags for a Hot
Line Order or Clearance.
(D) Be legibly generated in indelible ink.
(E) Contain no erasures.
(viii) Corrections or changes to the Switching Program Form must be:
(A) At the discretion of the Operations Supervisor,
(B) Documented,
(C) Initialed by the Operations Supervisor, and
(D) Checked and initialed by a second Operations Supervisor.
(ix) When the Switching Program Form cannot be sent to the Switchman:
(A) Available communication channels must be used to provide the Switching steps to the
(B) The Switchman will write down all Switching steps.
(C) The Operations Supervisor and Switchman must utilize Three-Part Communications.
(x) The initial placement and final removal of all personal protective ground(s) must be
documented on the cover page of the Switching Program Form. It is not required to track
relocation of personal protective grounds. Documentation must include:
(A) The personal protective ground identification number(s);
(B) Date and time;
(C) The name of the Employee who placed or removed the personal protective ground(s); and,
(D) The initial placement location of the personal protective ground(s).Hazardous Energy Control
Program 21

5.6 Other Forms

Examples of these forms are shown in appendix E. They are also available on:
(1) General The following forms have been standardized and may be used in this program:
(a) FIST Revision Request (POM-226)
(b) Hazardous Energy Work Permit Record (POM-217)
(c) Personal Lockout and Tagout Record (POM-218)
(d) Special Condition Tag Record (POM-219)
(e) Special Work Permit Record (POM-220)
(f) Proficiency Checksheets:
(i) Authorized Employee (POM-221)
(ii) Job Supervisor (POM-222)
(iii) Switchman (POM-223)
(iv) Operations Supervisor (POM-224)
(2) FIST Revision Request
This standard form is used to suggest or request a revision or change in a given FIST volume.
(3) Hazardous Energy Work Permit Record
This form is used to document the authorization and expiration of Hazardous Energy Work
Permits (see section 14.2). This forms use will be described in the F-HECP.
(4) Personal Lockout and Tagout Record
This form is used to document the placement and removal of Locks and Tags under Personal
Lockout and Tagout (see section 10). This forms use will be described in the F-HECP.FIST
Volume 1-1 22

(5) Special Condition Tag Record

This form is used to document the placement and removal of Special Condition Tags (see section
8.4). This forms use will be described in the F-HECP.
(6) Special Work Permit Record
This form is used to document the issue and release of Special Work Permits (see section 16).
This forms use will be described in the F-HECP.
(7) Proficiency Checksheets
These example forms are used to evaluate the proficiency of employees by the supervisor prior to
making a recommendation to the Responsible Official. These forms use will be described in the
Checksheets are for:
(a) Authorized Employee,
(b) Switchman,
(c) Operations Supervisor, and
(d) Job Supervisor.Hazardous Energy Control Program 23

6. Station Log Entries

All entries related to HEC Procedures must be typed, legibly handwritten, or stamped in ink.
Such entries must be made as soon as practicable after the action has been accomplished. In
addition to the documentation provided by the Switching Program Form, entries in the dispatch
center, control center, or station log must be made as follows:

6.1 Colors
(1) Red must be used for issuing Clearances (and Hot Line Orders).
(2) Green must be used for releasing of Clearances (and Hot Line Orders).

6.2 Actions
After a Clearance or Hot Line Order has been issued or released, or Special Condition or
Operational Configuration Management Switching has been completed, the following must be
(1) Clearance Or Hot Line Order
(a) Date
(b) Time
(c) Type of action (placed or removed)
(d) Number assigned
(e) Issued to or released by
(f) Equipment covered by action
(2) Special Condition or Operational Configuration Management Switching
(a) Date
(b) Time
(c) Type of action (placed or removed)
(d) Number assigned
(e) Issued to or released by
(f) Equipment covered by actionFIST Volume 1-1 24

6.3 Status of Actions

Each facility must develop a systematic method of keeping appropriate personnel informed
concerning the status of Clearances, Hot Line Orders, Operational Configuration Management
Switching, and Special Conditions. A readily accessible file of Switching Program Forms will be
maintained for current Clearances, Hot Line Orders, Special Conditions, and Special Work
Permits.Hazardous Energy Control Program 25

7. Tracking Record Entries

7.1 Personal Lock and Tag Record
(1) Placement and removal of all Personal Locks and Tags must be recorded. Personal Locks
placed on Clearance Lockboxes are exempt.
(2) Each facility will describe in the F-HECP what Equipment (or systems) does or does not
require coordination with Operations.
(3) Location of the record(s) will be described in the F-HECP and must be reviewed by the
Operations staff during their rounds.
(4) The information to be recorded at a minimum is the following:
(a) Date and Time Placed,
(b) Date and Time Removed,
(c) Placed and Removed by, and
(d) Device Location and Equipment.

7.2 Special Condition Tag Record

(1) Placement and removal of all Special Condition Tags must be recorded.
(2) Location of the record(s) will be described in the F-HECP and must be reviewed by the
Operations staff during their rounds.
(a) The information to be recorded at a minimum is the following:
(i) Tag Number,
(ii) Original Date and Time Placed,
(iii) Placed and Removed by,
(iv) Device Location and Equipment,
(v) Date and Time Removed,
(vi) Current Review Date and Reviewer, and
(vii) Remarks.FIST Volume 1-1 26

7.3 Special Work Permit Record

(1) Issuance and Release of all Special Work Permits must be recorded.
(2) Location of the record(s) will be described in the F-HECP, and must be reviewed by the
Operations staff during their rounds.
(3) The information to be recorded at a minimum is the following:
(a) Special Work Permit Number,
(b) Date and Time Issued,
(c) Device Location and Equipment, and
(d) Date and Time Released.

7.4 Hazardous Energy Work Permit Record

(1) Authorization and Expiration of all Hazardous Energy Work Permits must be recorded.
(2) Location of the record(s) will be described in the F-HECP and must be reviewed by the
Operations staff during their rounds.
(3) The information to be recorded at a minimum is the following:
(a) Hazardous Energy Work Permit Number,
(b) Date and Time Authorized,
(c) Job Supervisor
(d) Device Location and Equipment, and
(e) Expiration Date and Time.Hazardous Energy Control Program 27

8. Operational Configuration Management

8.1 Purpose
Operational Configuration Management is performed by changing the position and status of
electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, etc., systems and devices.
(1) Operational Configuration Management includes changes for:
(a) Emergencies (see sections 1.9 and 2.3),
(b) Maintenance,
(c) Testing,
(d) Changes in operating conditions, and
(e) Restoration to normal operating conditions.
(2) HEC Procedures are considered Operational Configuration Management Procedures and are
addressed in other sections of this document.

8.2 Procedure for Switching To Change Configuration

(1) Configuration changes directed by the Operations Supervisor must be conducted using ThreePart Communications.
(2) All configuration changes must be documented by a written step by step procedure such as:
(a) Switching Program Form,
(b) Standing Operating Procedure (SOP),
(c) Job plan, or
(d) JHA
(3) All configuration changes must be recorded.
(4) The Operations Supervisor must:
(a) Determine what Equipment (or system) needs to be reconfigured.
(b) Ensure appropriate written procedure is prepared using drawings, SOPs, technical papers, or
other technical references.
(c) Coordinate with appropriate agencies and other entities as needed.FIST Volume 1-1 28

(d) If no other procedure is utilized, a Switching Program Form must be prepared. Previously
prepared Switching Program Forms may be used as a reference.
(e) Ensure the prepared Switching Program Form is checked by a second Operations Supervisor.
(f) Conduct a Job Briefing with the Switchman.
(g) Resolve any questions regarding the completeness or correctness of the written procedure.
(h) Direct the Switchman to perform the Switching.
(5) The Switchman must:
(a) Perform operations in the sequence listed on the written procedure.
(b) Use the Six Basic Steps of Switching (see section 1.2.(2)).
(c) Stop Switching procedure and contact the Operations Supervisor for resolution if any of the
following conditions are encountered:
(i) The instruction is not clearly understood;
(ii) The instruction is believed to be incorrect;
(iii) At any point in the operations an unexpected relay, breaker, or other action occurs;
(iv) A device is found in a position other than indicated on the written procedure; or
(v) A dangerous condition could result by performing a step.
(d) Verify the effectiveness of Operations Locks placed.
(e) Record on the written procedure when required:
(i) The time at which each step is completed,
(ii) The Switchmans initials.
(f) Report to the Operations Supervisor upon completion of Switching.
(6) The Operations Supervisor must record the Operational Configuration Management action in
the station log.Hazardous Energy Control Program 29

8.3 Positive Controls in Public Access Areas

Locks or other positive controls must be installed on the Energy Isolation Devices in areas:
(1) With nonrestricted access or
(2) Public access.

8.4 Special Conditions

(1) Purpose
The Special Condition procedure is used to provide TEMPORARY special operating or limiting
instructions. Although a Special Condition Tag may serve as temporary protection for
Condition Tag must not be used for permanent instructions. Permanent instructions should be
given on permanent instruction plates or by other acceptable means. If the Special Condition Tag
is used for an extended period, the condition for which it is providing temporary special operating
or limiting instructions must be reviewed annually. Following the review, if the condition is to
continue without permanent instructions, a replacement Special Condition Tag will be placed.
The replacement Special Condition Tag must be updated to reflect current Equipment, operating
conditions, instructions, and include in the remarks the date the original Special Condition Tag
was placed.
(2) Responsibility and Authority
An employee who observes any Equipment that is damaged or in a condition that may limit its
operation or compromise its integrity must immediately report such condition to the Operations
Supervisor or a supervisor. The Operations Supervisor must determine if the Special Condition
exists, provide any necessary instructions, and assign a unique identifying number to each Special
Condition Tag. Numbering format must be identified in the F-HECP. Where provided, display
screen Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) points also must reflect the Special
Condition Tag.
(3) Use
Placement and removal of Special Condition Tags must be logged in the station logbook. In
addition, a record will be maintained as described in the F-HECP. A sample Special Condition
Tag record sheet is provided in appendix E.FIST Volume 1-1 30

8.5 Capacitor Banks

(1) At least 5 minutes must elapse between the Deenergizing of a capacitor bank and the
closing of its ground switch.
(2) A capacitor bank must remain Deenergized for at least 5 minutes before it is
(3) An additional 5 minutes must be allowed after the ground switch is closed before issuing
the Clearance permitting personal protective ground(s) to be installed.
(4) The time required in (3) above must be explicitly expressed on the Switching Program
Form.Hazardous Energy Control Program 31

9. Release Under Abnormal Conditions

9.1 Purpose
This section describes the process used to document the removal of an Authorized Employees
Personal Lock or Tag, or release of their Clearance in their absence. The Release under Abnormal
Conditions Form (see section 5.5.(6)) must be used to document the release.

9.2 Procedure
Each Personal Lock or Tag must be removed by the Authorized Employee who placed it. Each
Clearance must be released by the Authorized Employee who holds it. When this Authorized
Employee is not available to remove (release) it, the Authorized Employees supervisor, in
consultation with the Operations Supervisor, must remove (release) the Personal Lock or Tag
(Clearance) in the following manner:
(1) The Authorized Employee's supervisor must verify that the Authorized Employee who placed
the Personal Lock or Tag (holds the Clearance) is not at the facility.
(2) The Authorized Employee's supervisor must make reasonable efforts to inform the Authorized
Employee that their Personal Lock or Tag (Clearance) will be removed (released).
(3) The Authorized Employees supervisor must take responsibility for the Personal Lock or Tag
(4) If applicable, a new Job Supervisor must request and accept an identical Clearance prior to
release of the original Clearance.
(5) The Authorized Employee's supervisor must authorize the removal (release) of the Personal
Lock or Tag (Clearance).
(6) The Authorized Employee's supervisor must direct the removal of the Personal Lock or Tag.
(7) The Authorized Employee's supervisor must inform the Authorized Employee upon their
return to the facility and prior to commencing work that their Personal Lock or Tag (Clearance)
has been removed (released).FIST Volume 1-1 32

10. Personal Lockout (Tagout)

10.1 Use Restrictions
Personal Lockout (Tagout) must NOT be used when the protection requires a Clearance (see
section 11.). An Employee must NOT work under the protection of another Employees Lock

10.2 General
(1) Equipment that can be removed from service and restored to service without a Clearance must
have an approved JHA that includes a procedure identifying where the Personal Lock (Tag) is to
be placed.
(2) Placement and removal of all Personal Lock(s) (Tag(s)) must be:
(a) Coordinated with operations,
(b) Approved by an Operations Supervisor,
(c) Documented, and
(d) Recorded.
(3) Up to four Personal Locks (Tags) may be used by an Authorized Employee on the Energy
Isolation Points for Equipment (or system).
(4) All Personal Lock(s) (Tag(s)) must be within visual line of sight of the worksite.
(5) When a Personal Tag is used, the following requirements apply:
(a) The Personal Tag must be attached directly to the Energy Isolation Device whenever possible.
(b) Where a Personal Tag cannot be affixed directly to the Energy Isolation Device, the Personal
Tag must be located as close as safely possible to the Energy Isolation Device, in a position that
will be immediately obvious to anyone attempting to operate the Energy Isolation Device.
(c) Additional means must be employed to provide a level of personal protection equivalent to
that provided by a lock. Examples include:
(i) Placing the Personal Tag in a manner that inhibits operation of the Energy Isolation Device,
(ii) Removing fuses or an isolating circuit mechanism,Hazardous Energy Control Program 33

(iii) Opening an extra disconnecting device,

(iv) Removing a valve handle, or
(v) Blocking of a controlling switch.

10.3 Procedure
(1) The placement and removal of a Personal Lock (Tag) must be:
(a) Installed at the Energy Isolation Device after the device has been placed in the required
condition and
(b) Affixed to the Energy Isolation Device in a manner that will maintain the device in the safe
(2) Appropriate checks must be performed to verify Deenergization and release of stored energy.
(3) Upon completion of the servicing or maintenance, the Equipment (or system) is restored by:
(a) Ensuring that nonessential items have been removed from the work area,
(b) Ensuring that machine or equipment components are operationally intact, and
(c) Performing any required tests necessary to ensure full operational capability.FIST Volume 1-1

11. Clearances
11.1 Use
Clearances are a formalized process used to establish a safe environment within which
Authorized Employees can perform their assigned tasks. A Clearance is used for protection of
personnel but may provide protection for Equipment. The F-HECP must designate when
Clearances are required. At a minimum, Clearances are required for:
(1) Electrical circuits 600 volts or greater;
(2) Spaces protected by a CO2 system;
(3) Water passages that can be entered by personnel;
(4) Work in the turbine pits, near Hazardous Energy such as wicket gate arms and servo
(5) High Pressure systems (see section 1.11):
(a) Air,
(b) Water, and
(c) Oil.
(6) Equipment (or system) that requires more than four Energy Isolation Points;
(7) Contractor work involving Isolation of Hazardous Energy.

11.2 Use of Personal Locks and Personal Tags

(1) Personal Locks and Personal Tags must not be used on the Energy Isolation points that
establish the limits of the Clearance.
(2) For a Clearance, Authorized Employees must affix a Personal Lock to the Clearance
Lockbox after obtaining permission from the appropriate Job Supervisor before work
(3) An Employee must NOT work under the protection of another Employees Lock
(Tag).Hazardous Energy Control Program 35

11.3 Procedure
(1) Request Clearance
The Job Supervisor must:
(a) Determine if the facility requirements indicate the necessity of a Clearance by preparation of a
(b) Ensure, by the use of drawings, standing operating procedures, technical papers, or other
technical references that the Equipment to be placed under Clearance will be effectively isolated
for the requested scope of the work to be performed. This includes identifying corrective
measures necessary to prevent re-accumulation of stored energy to a hazardous level.
(c) Submit the Clearance Request to the Operations Supervisor as soon as possible but should not
be less than 24 hours. Specific requirements will be identified in the F-HECP.
(2) Prepare and Place Clearance
(a) The Operations Supervisor must, upon receipt of a Clearance Request:
(i) Determine that the Equipment (or system) affected by the Clearance Request can be scheduled
for an outage.
(ii) Verify by the use of drawings, SOPs, technical papers, or other technical references, that the
Equipment to be placed under Clearance will be effectively isolated for the requested scope of the
work to be performed. This includes identifying corrective measures necessary to prevent reaccumulation of stored energy to a hazardous level.
(iii) Coordinate with appropriate agencies and other entities for Isolation of systems that are to be
cleared (see section 13).
(iv) Prepare a Switching Program Form for placement (a Switching Program Form for removal
can be prepared concurrently). Previously prepared Clearances may be used as a reference.
(v) Ensure the prepared Switching Program Form is checked by a second Operations Supervisor.
(vi) Conduct a Job Briefing with the Switchman.
(vii) Direct the Switchman to perform the Switching.FIST Volume 1-1 36

(b) The Switchman must:

(i) Perform operations in the sequence listed on the Switching Program Form.
(ii) Accomplish Switching by using the Six Basic Steps of Switching (see section 1.2.(2)).
(iii) Stop Switching procedure and contact the Operations Supervisor for resolution if any of the
following conditions are encountered:
(A) The instruction is not clearly understood;
(B) The instruction is believed to be incorrect;
(C) At any point in the operations, an unexpected relay, breaker, or other action occurs;
(D) A device is found in a position other than indicated on the switching program form; or
(E) A dangerous condition could result by performing a step.
(iv) Verify the effectiveness of Clearance Lock (Tag).
(A) The Clearance Lock (Tag) must be attached directly to the Energy Isolation Device whenever
(B) Where a Clearance Tag cannot be affixed directly to the Energy Isolation Device, the
Clearance Tag must be located as close as safely possible to the Energy Isolation Device, in a
position that will be immediately obvious to anyone attempting to operate the Energy Isolation
(v) Record, on the Switching Program Form:
(A) The time at which each step is completed,
(B) Lock or Tag number placed, and
(C) The Switchmans initials.
(vi) Use an Operations Lock to secure the key for Clearance Lock(s) in a Clearance Lockbox.
This establishes and maintains the Operational Configuration Management control by
Operations.Hazardous Energy Control Program 37

(vii) Report to the Operations Supervisor that Switching is complete.

(c) The Operations Supervisor must:
(i) Record the Clearance placement action in the station log.
(ii) Notify the Job Supervisor that the Clearance has been placed.
(3) Accept and Issue Clearance
(a) The Job Supervisor must:
(i) Obtain a copy of the Switching Program Form from the Operations Supervisor.
(ii) Place their Personal Lock on the Clearance Lockbox to secure the Clearance key(s).
(iii) Verify the position of the Energy Isolation Devices.
(iv) Verify the placement of all Clearance Locks and Tags.
(v) Verify the effectiveness of Clearance Lock (Tag).
(vi) Make appropriate tests to verify Isolation and Deenergization of the Equipment (or system).
(vii) Verify that stored energy has not re-accumulated in the Equipment (or system).
(viii) Contact the Operations Supervisor for resolution if any of the following are encountered:
(A) A device is found in a position other than that indicated on the Switching Program Form, or
(B) A dangerous condition exists.
(ix) Inform the Operations Supervisor:
(A) That the Clearance is adequate, and
(B) Responsibility for the Clearance will be accepted.
(x) Sign the Switching Program Form documenting accepting the Clearance.FIST Volume 1-1 38

(b) The Operations Supervisor must:

(i) Sign the Switching Program Form documenting issuing the Clearance to the Job Supervisor.
(ii) Log issuing the Clearance in the station log (see section 6).
(4) Working Under a Clearance
(a) The Job Supervisor must:
(i) Direct the Authorized Employee to place the personal protective ground(s).
(ii) Notify the Operations Supervisor of the initial placement of personal protective ground(s).
(b) The Operations Supervisor must record the following information on the Switching
Program Form cover page:
(i) The personal protective ground identification number(s),
(ii) Date and time of placement,
(iii) Who placed the personal protective ground(s), and
(iv) Location of initial placement.
(c) The Job Supervisor must:
(i) Verify, as appropriate, that stored energy has not re-accumulated to a hazardous level in the
Equipment (or system).
(ii) Be responsible for granting permission to Authorized Employees to work under their
Clearance, including:
(A) Review of the JHA,
(B) Verify the Energy Isolation points that establish the limits of the Clearance are understood
and the work can be safely performed,
(C) Verify that the Authorized Employee understands their responsibility to maintain awareness
of the Clearance status while working.
(iii) Keep the Operations Supervisor informed as to the status of the work.Hazardous Energy
Control Program 39

(iv) Promptly notify each Authorized Employee working under the Clearance as to any changes
in condition or status of the Equipment.
(d) The Authorized Employee must:
(i) Be responsible for obtaining permission from the Job Supervisor to work under their
Clearance, including:
(A) Review of the JHA;
(B) Place their Personal Lock on the Clearance Lockbox to secure the Clearance key(s);
(C) Verify that they understand the Energy Isolation points that establish the limits of the
(D) Verify the placement of all Clearance Locks and Tags;
(E) Maintain awareness of the Clearance status while working.
(ii) Contact the Job Supervisor for resolution if any of the following are encountered:
(A) A device is found in a position other than that indicated on the Switching Program Form or
(B) A dangerous condition exists.
(iii) Be responsible for requesting from the Job Supervisor, any additional protection they deem
(iv) Upon completion of their work:
(A) Remove all Equipment, tools, and material used from the work area;
(B) Remove Personal Lock from the Clearance Lockbox;
(C) Notify the Job Supervisor that the work area is clear of their Equipment, tools, and material,
and their Lock has been removed from the Clearance Lockbox.FIST Volume 1-1 40

(5) Release and Remove Clearance

(a) Upon completion of all work, the Job Supervisor must:
(i) Notify all involved Authorized Employees of the intent to release the Clearance.
(ii) Inspect the work area(s) to ensure that:
(A) Nonessential items have been removed from the Equipment;
(B) The components are operationally intact, and
(C) All personnel are in the clear.
(iii) Direct the Authorized Employee to remove the personal protective ground(s).
NOTE: The complexities of Equipment (or system) maintenance may require a Job Supervisor
to remove personal protective grounds without releasing the Clearance.

(iv) Notify the Operations Supervisor of the removal of personal protective ground(s).
(b) The Operations Supervisor must log the following information on the Switching
Program Form cover page:
(i) Date and time of removal, and
(ii) Who removed the personal protective grounds(s).
(c) The Job Supervisor must:
(i) Notify the Operations Supervisor that all work is complete.
NOTE: It is understood that the complexities of Equipment maintenance may require a Job
Supervisor to release a Clearance when the Equipment is not ready for return to normal service. In
these situations, the conditions must be identified and reported to the Operations Supervisor.
(ii) Remove their Personal Lock from the Clearance Lockbox.Hazardous Energy Control Program

(iii) Sign the Switching Program Form documenting release of the Clearance to the Operations
(d) The Operations Supervisor must:
(i) Record the release of the Clearance in the station log.
(ii) Prepare a Switching Program Form for removal.
(iii) Coordinate with appropriate agencies and other entities for system restoration (see section
(iv) Conduct a Job Briefing with the Switchman.
(v) Direct the Switchman to perform the Switching.
(e) The Switchman must:
(i) Remove the Operations Lock from the Clearance Lockbox and obtain the key for the
Clearance Lock(s).
(ii) Perform operations in the sequence listed on the Switching Program Form.
(iii) Accomplish Switching by using the Six Basic Steps of Switching (see section 1.2.(2)).
(iv) Stop Switching procedure and contact the Operations Supervisor for resolution if any of the
following conditions are encountered:
(A) The instruction is not clearly understood;
(B) The instruction is believed to be incorrect;
(C) At any point in the operations, an unexpected relay, breaker, or other action occurs;
(D) A device is found in a position other than indicated on the switching program form; or
(E) A dangerous condition could result by performing a step.
(v) Record, on the Switching Program Form:
(A) The time at which each step is completed;
(B) Lock or tag number removed, and;FIST Volume 1-1 42

(C) The switchmans initials.

(vi) Report to the Operations Supervisor upon completion of Switching.
(8) The Operations Supervisor must record the Clearance removal action in the station log.
(9) Identical Clearance
(a) Purpose
This is the process to issue two or more concurrent Clearances on the same Equipment requiring
the same Energy Isolation points that establish the limits of the Clearance and exactly the same
Clearance Lock(s) and Tag(s) application.
(b) Procedure
(i) The Job Supervisor, Operations Supervisor, and Authorized Employees involved with an
identical Clearance must follow the process defined in Section 11.3, Clearance Procedure.
(ii) Job Supervisors have the responsibility to discuss and coordinate the work to be performed.
(iii) All Job Supervisors must assume full responsibility for their Clearance.
(iv) The Switching Program Form must be marked distinctively to indicate an identical
Clearance. The same Clearance number will be assigned a different suffix letter (A, B, C, etc.) or
suffix number (-1, -2, -3, etc.) to identify each additional Clearance.
(v) No additional Clearance Lock or Tag devices can be placed, and no protection is to be
removed, from the Equipment until ALL Clearances have been released.
(vi) Identical Clearances may be released in any order.
(c) Changing Job Supervisor
When the Job Supervisor leaves the facility for an extended period a new Job Supervisor will be
assigned. When another Job Supervisor is assigned responsibility for the work being performed,
the new Job Supervisor must follow the process for requesting and accepting an identical
Clearance as defined in section 11.3.(6) prior to the original Job Supervisor releasing the original
Clearance. The Hazardous Energy Control Program 43

F-HECP must designate the time constraints for leaving the facility that require a new Job
Supervisor be assigned.

11.4 Clearances at Remote Sites

Clearances at remote sites where communications with the Operations Supervisor are not possible
will be conducted as described in the F-HECP. However, such procedures will meet the
requirements of section 11.3

11.5 Limits of the Clearance

(1) Changing the Limits of the Clearance
(a) The Limits of the Clearance cannot be changed.
(b) The scope of work may change such that it requires a change in the Energy Isolation points.
(c) This change can be accomplished in one of two ways. The Job Supervisor must request a new
clearance (see section 11.3.(1)).
(i) Preferred process:
(A) Prepare and place, the new clearance (see section 11.3.(1)).
(B) Accept and issue the new clearance (see section 11.3.(2)).
(C) Release and remove the original clearance (see section 11. 3.(5)).
(ii) Alternative process:
(A) Prepare a Switching Program Form for placement of the new Clearance, listing each
Clearance Lock (Tag) being transferred and any new Energy Isolation points.
(B) Prepare a Switching Program Form for removal of the original Clearance, listing each
Clearance Lock (Tag) being transferred and each Clearance Lock (Tag) that is to be removed.
(C) Release the original Clearance.FIST Volume 1-1 44

NOTE: It is understood that the complexities of Equipment maintenance may require a Job
Supervisor to release a Clearance when the Equipment is not ready for return to normal
service. In these situations, the conditions must be identified and reported to the Operations

(D) Complete switching for placement verifying transferred Clearance Lock(s) (Tag(s)) in place.
(E) Complete switching for removal leaving transferred Clearance Lock(s) (Tag(s)) in place.
(F) Complete the Accept and Issue Clearance procedure above (see section 11.3.(3)).
(2) Checks and Tests on an Energy Isolation Device at the Limits of a Clearance
Checks And Tests Are Not Permitted On An Energy Isolation Device Secured With A
Clearance Lock (Tag).
(3) Checks and Tests on Equipment (or Systems) Protected by a Clearance
(a) Checks and tests on Equipment (or systems) protected by a Clearance is permitted when:
(i) A job hazard analysis has been prepared.
(ii) A written test procedure has been prepared.
(iii) A job briefing is performed with all affected personnel.
(iv) All administrative controls including barriers or signs have been implemented to identify and
protect against the induced hazardous energy.
(v) All work activity affected by the induced hazardous energy has been suspended.Hazardous
Energy Control Program 45

12. Hot Line Orders

12.1 Use
(1) A Hot Line Order permits work to be done on or near Energized electrical Equipment for
transmission and or distribution lines.
(2) The electrical Equipment identified in a Hot Line Order is to be considered Energized or
hot. Hot Line Orders are established by removing from service all automatic reclosing features
capable of energizing the Equipment, by tagging these features and by placing a Hot Line Tag on
the appropriate control switches of all circuit breakers connected to the Equipment, locally and by
means of supervisory control (see section 15). An Operations Lock may be used in conjunction
with a Hot Line Tag.
(3) Use of the Operations Lock must be as described in the F-HECP.

12.2 Operating Under a Hot Line Order

(1) Contact must be made with the Job Supervisor before closing breakers that could re-energize
the Equipment.
(2) A Hot Line Order must NOT be issued where work is being performed on the lines:
(a) Protective relays,
(b) Control circuits, and,
(c) Communication Equipment.
(3) Work must not be performed on the following systems that would compromise the tripping of
any circuit breakers involved in the Hot Line Order:
(a) Protective relays,
(b) Control circuits, and
(c) Communication Equipment.
(4) Communications must be maintained between the Operations Supervisor and the Job
(5) The Job Supervisor holding a Hot Line Order must remain at the worksite at all times while
work is being performed.FIST Volume 1-1 46

12.3 Procedure
(1) Request Hot Line Order
The Job Supervisor must:
(a) Determine if the facility requirements indicate the necessity of a Hot Line Order, including
preparation or review of the JHA.
(b) Ensure, by the use of drawings, SOPs, technical papers, or other technical references, that the
Equipment to be placed under Hot Line Order will be effective for the work to be performed.
(c) Submit the Outage Request to the Operations Supervisor as soon as possible, but it should not
be less than 24 hours. Specific requirements will be identified in the F-HECP.
(2) Prepare and Place Hot Line Order
(a) The Operations Supervisor must, upon receipt of a Clearance Request:
(i) Determine that the Equipment (or system) affected by the Clearance Request can be scheduled
for a Hot Line Order.
(ii) Verify, by the use of drawings, SOPs, technical papers, or other technical references, that the
Equipment to be placed under a Hot Line Order will be effective for the work to be performed.
(iii) Coordinate with appropriate agencies and other entities for lines that are to be placed under a
Hot Line Order (see section 14).
(iv) Prepare a Switching Program Form for placement (a Switching Program Form for removal
can be prepared concurrently). Previously prepared Hot Line Orders may be used as a reference.
(v) Ensure the prepared Switching Program Form is checked by a second Authorized Employee.
(vi) Conduct a Job Briefing with the authorized Switchmen to include a review of hazards, work
procedures, personal protective clothing and equipment (PPE) requirements, special precautions,
etc. If there are any questions regarding the completeness or correctness of the Switching
Program Form, these questions must be resolved before proceeding.Hazardous Energy Control
Program 47

(vii) Direct the Switchman to perform the Switching.

(b) The Switchman must:
(i) Perform operations in the sequence listed on the Switching Program Form.
(ii) Accomplish Switching by using the Six Basic Steps of Switching (see section 1.2.(2)).
(iii) Stop Switching procedure and contact the Operations Supervisor for resolution if any of the
following conditions are encountered:
(A) The instruction is not clearly understood;
(B) The instruction is believed to be incorrect;
(C) At any point in the operations, an unexpected relay, breaker, or other action occurs; or
(D) A device is found in a position other than indicated on the Switching Program Form.
(iv) Record on the Switching Program Form:
(A) The time at which each step is completed,
(B) Tag number placed, and
(C) The switchmans initials.
(v) Report to the Operations Supervisor upon completion of switching.
(c) The Operations Supervisor must:
(i) Record the Hot Line Order placement action in the station log.
(ii) Notify the Job Supervisor that the Hot Line Order has been placed.
(3) Accept and Issue Hot Line Order
(a) The Job Supervisor must:
(i) Obtain a copy of the Switching Program Form from the Operations Supervisor.FIST Volume 11 48

(ii) Verify the automatic reclosing features are turned off.

(iii) Verify the placement of all Hot Line Tags.
(iv) Contact the Operations Supervisor for resolution if a device is found in a position other than
that indicated on the Switching Program Form.
(v) Inform the Operations Supervisor:
(A) That the Hot Line Order is adequate, and;
(B) Responsibility for the Hot Line Order will be accepted.
(vi) Sign the Switching Program Form documenting accepting the Hot Line Order.
(b) The Operations Supervisor must:
(i) Sign the Switching Program Form documenting issuing the Hot Line Order to the Job
(ii) Log issuing the Hot Line Order in the station log (see section 6).
(4) Release and Remove a Hot Line Order.
(a) The Job Supervisor must:
(i) Notify all involved Authorized Employees of the intent to release the Hot Line Order.
(ii) Inspect the work area(s) to ensure that:
(A) Nonessential items have been removed from the Equipment;
(B) The components are operationally intact;
(C) All personnel are in the clear.
(iii) Notify the Operations Supervisor of the status of the Equipment.
(iv) Release the Hot Line Order to the Operations Supervisor by signing the Switching Program
(b) The Operations Supervisor must:
(i) Record the release of the Hot Line Order in the station log.Hazardous Energy Control Program

(ii) Prepare a Switching Program Form for removal.

(iii) Coordinate with appropriate agencies and other entities for system restoration (see
(iv) Conduct a Job Briefing with the authorized Switchmen to include a review of hazards, work
procedures, PPE requirements, special precautions, etc. If there are any questions regarding the
completeness or correctness of the Switching Program Form, these questions must be resolved
before proceeding.
(v) Direct the Switchman to perform the Switching.
(c) The Switchman must:
(i) Perform operations in the sequence listed on the Switching Program Form.
(ii) Accomplish Switching by using the Six Basic Steps of Switching (see section 1.2.(2)).
(iii) Stop Switching procedure and contact the Operations Supervisor for resolution if any of the
following conditions are encountered:
(A) The instruction is not clearly understood;
(B) The instruction is believed to be incorrect;
(C) At any point in the operations, an unexpected relay, breaker, or other action occurs; or
(D) A device is found in a position other than indicated on the Switching Program Form.
(iv) Record on the Switching Program Form:
(A) The time at which each step is completed;
(B) Tag number removed; and
(C) The Switchmans initials.
(v) Report to the Operations Supervisor upon completion of Switching.
(d) The Operations Supervisor must record the Hot Line Order removal action in the
station log.FIST Volume 1-1 50

(5) Procedures for a Line That Has Tripped Out While Under a Hot Line Order
(a) The Operations Supervisor must contact the Job Supervisor holding the Hot Line Order
to determine if it is safe to reenergize the line.
(b) The Job Supervisor must:
(i) Immediately order all personnel and equipment clear of the line.
(ii) Ascertain if the line within his work area can be safely reenergized.
(iii) Contact the operations supervisor.
(c) The Operations Supervisor must direct the Switchman to close the circuit breakers.
(d) The Switchman must:
(i) Remove the Hot Line Tag from the control switch and operate the control switch to close the
circuit breaker.
(ii) After the circuit breaker has been reclosed, replace the hot line Tag on the control switch if
the Hot Line Tag is to be continued.
(e) The Operations Supervisor must:
(i) Record the pertinent information on the trip and closure in the station log.
(ii) Inform the Job Supervisor that the circuit breakers have been closed and that the line is
(6) Changing Job Supervisor for a Hot Line Order
When the Job Supervisor leaves the worksite while the work is in progress, a new Job Supervisor
will be assigned or the work will stop. The F-HECP will describe the process for changing the
Job Supervisor.
(7) Change of Hot Line Order
If it becomes necessary to alter the Hot Line Order, the Operations Supervisor must notify the Job
Supervisor, who will then request a new Hot Line Order identifying the changes (see section
12.3.(1)).Hazardous Energy Control Program 51

13. Interconnected System Clearances and Hot Line Orders

13.1 Use
(1) Interconnected System Clearances or Hot Line Orders provide for the protection of personnel
at points of interconnection between Reclamation and Non-Reclamation facilities.
(2) An Interconnected System Clearance or Hot Line Order is a statement with documentation
from one Operations Supervisor to another that Switching has been performed on one system as a
partial or complete requirement for a Clearance or Hot Line Order on another system, in
accordance with the appropriate operating agreements.

13.2 Procedure
(1) Issue Interconnected System Clearance Or Hot Line Order
(a) The Non-Reclamation Operations Supervisor will request the appropriate protection on
the Reclamation system.
(b) The Reclamation Operations Supervisor must:
(i) Place the Clearance or Hot Line Order in accordance with the established procedures on the
requested Equipment.
(ii) Utilize Three-Part Communication to state clearly to the Non-Reclamation Operations
Supervisor exactly what protection has been provided. The Non-Reclamation Operations
Supervisor must restate the exact protection provided and state that he is satisfied that the
protection meets the requirements. The Reclamation Operations Supervisor will confirm the
protection provided. If the restatement is incorrect, the process will be repeated until the
protection provided is correctly understood.
(iii) Issue the Interconnected System Clearance or Hot Line Order to the Non-Reclamation
Operations Supervisor; document this action on the Switching Program Form and in the station
(2) Receive Interconnected System Clearance Or Hot Line Order
(a) The Reclamation Operations Supervisor will request the appropriate protection on the
Non-Reclamation system.FIST Volume 1-1 52

(b) The Non-Reclamation Operations Supervisor will:

(i) Place the Clearance or Hot Line Order in accordance with their established procedures on the
requested Equipment.
(ii) Utilize Three-Part Communication to state clearly to the Reclamation Operations Supervisor
exactly what protection has been provided. The Reclamation Operations Supervisor must restate
the exact protection provided and state that he is satisfied that the protection meets the
requirements. The Non-Reclamation Operations Supervisor will confirm the protection provided.
If the restatement is incorrect, the process will be repeated until the protection provided is
correctly understood.
(c) The Reclamation Operations Supervisor will accept the Interconnected System
Clearance or Hot Line Order from the Non-Reclamation Operations Supervisor, document
this action on the Switching Program Form, and make the appropriate entry in the station
(3) Release Interconnected System Clearance or Hot Line Order
(a) The release of the Interconnected System Clearance or Hot Line Order will be initiated by the
appropriate Operations Supervisor.
(b) Appropriate Three-Part Communication must be used.
(c) Release actions must be documented on the Switching Program Form and in the station log.
(d) If appropriate, remove the Clearance or Hot Line Order in accordance with the established
procedures on the requested Equipment.Hazardous Energy Control Program 53

14. Nonstandard Hazardous Energy Control Procedures

14.1 General
(1) All work should be performed on systems that have been isolated from all forms of Hazardous
Energy. Certain jobs do not allow for this Isolation. In these situations, every effort should be
made to minimize the hazards, add engineering controls, add administrative controls (signage,
training, safety meetings, boundaries), and use personnel protective equipment. All employees
need to be aware of the hazards that remain.
(2) Hazards may be any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical,
thermal, nuclear, stored, or other form of energy that could cause injury to personnel if not
Deenergized. Possible sources include, but are not limited to:
(a) Rotating Equipment
(b) Compressed air systems
(c) Tensioned springs
(d) Pressurized hydraulic systems
(e) Working in or near active waterways
(f) Tapping a pressurized system
(g) Working on or near high-pressure water systems
(h) Adjustment on servo-motor or wicket gate arms
(i) Chlorine and other chemical systems
(j) Working below crane or other lifting devices
(k) Gravity fed sources falling rocks or Equipment
(l) Performing x-ray inspections and non-destructive testing
(m) Non-ionizing radiation laser and microwave radio frequency energyFIST Volume 1-1 54

(3) The Responsible Official must be aware of all forms of Hazardous Energy within the work
area and mitigate the potential for injury. The Responsible Official may authorize Energized
work where it can be demonstrated that:
(a) Deenergization introduces additional or increased hazards.
(b) The task to be performed is infeasible in a Deenergized state due to Equipment design or
operational limitations.
(c) A Hazardous Energy Work Permit has been completed.

14.2 Hazardous Energy Work Permit

(1) The Hazardous Energy Work Permit is intended to ensure that the increased risk and
increased possibility of injuries associated with exposure to Hazardous Energy receives adequate
(2) Exemption to the Hazardous Energy Work Permit Work performed within the work area by
Authorized Employees related to tasks, such as visual inspection, testing, troubleshooting,
measurement, or other similar tasks, must be permitted without a Hazardous Energy Work
Permit, provided:
(a) A JHA is prepared to identify safe work practices, and
(b) A job plan is prepared with sufficient detail to perform work safely.

14.3 Procedure
The Job Supervisor must:
(1) Determine if the facility requirements indicate the necessity of a Hazardous Energy Work
Permit, including preparation or review of the JHA and job plan.
(2) Ensure, by the use of drawings, SOPs, technical papers, or other technical references that the
procedure utilizing the Hazardous Energy Work Permit will be effective for the work to be
(3) Prepare the Hazardous Energy Work Permit.
(4) Submit the Hazardous Energy Work Permit for review and concurrence by those individual(s)
identified as performing these responsibilities:
(a) Safety Professional
(b) Maintenance ManagerHazardous Energy Control Program 55

(c) Operations Manager

(d) Facility Manager
(5) Submit the Hazardous Energy Work Permit for review and authorization by the Responsible
Official.FIST Volume 1-1 56

15. Tagging of Equipment Operated by Supervisory Control

When a Clearance, Hot Line Order, or Special Condition is issued on Equipment that is operated
by a supervisory control system that includes a display screen(s):
(1) The status of such Equipment must be indicated by means of an appropriate symbol displayed
on all display screens that serve as supervisory control points.
(2) Placement of supervisory control information tags on the display screen should be referenced
on all Switching Program Forms involving supervisory controlled Equipment.
(3) A Clearance Tag or Hot Line Tag on the display screen is for information only and MUST
(4) When a Hot Line Order and a Clearance are to be in place simultaneously and the supervisory
control with a display screen cannot indicate both the Clearance Tag and a Hot Line Tag
associated with one device at the same time, the Hot Line Tag must take precedence over the
Clearance Tag. If either action is removed, the appropriate remaining Tag indication must
continue to be displayed.
(5) Special Conditions related to unit operating conditions or where notifications to the
Transmission System Operator are required will be indicated on the Display Screen when
possible.Hazardous Energy Control Program 57

16. Special Work Permits

Reclamation Safety and Health Standards, section 15.6 and appendix K, also cover Special Work
Permits. FIST Volume 1-1 only deals with Special Work Permits that require issuance of a
Hazardous Energy Control Procedure.

16.1 General
(1) Contractors performing work at Reclamation-operated and maintained facilities must comply
with the F-HECP.
(2) A Special Work Permit documents the coordination between Reclamation and a Contractor, to
authorize work when a HEC Procedure is required.
(3) Section 11.1 identifies the minimum requirements for a Clearance. The F-HECP must
designate additional requirements for a Clearance associated with Contractor work.
(4) The Reclamation Job Supervisor may be the same individual as the Reclamation
(5) Training may be provided to Reclamation Contractors.
(6) Familiarization of the Non-Reclamation Contractor Representative on Reclamations F-HECP
will be provided. This will permit the Non-Reclamation Contractor Representative to place their
lock in step 16.2.(6).
(7) Familiarization of Reclamation staff on the Non-Reclamation Contractors HECP is covered
in the RSHS.

16.2 Procedure for Issuing Special Work Permits

(1) The Contractor Representative will identify to the Reclamation Representative the need
for Equipment Isolation. The Contractor Representative at the worksite must review the
plan for accomplishing the work with the Reclamation Representative in such detail as may
be necessary for the Reclamation Representative to determine the Hazardous Energy
(2) The Reclamation Representative will communicate the need for Equipment Isolation to
the Operations Supervisor.
(3) A Special Work Permit will be prepared by the Reclamation Representative. See Section
5 5 (7) for a description of preparation of the Special Work Permit.FIST Volume 1-1 58

(4) The Clearance procedure described in section 11 will be followed.

(5) The Reclamation Representative and the Contractor Representative at the worksite
must inspect the worksite to verify the adequacy of the protection provided.
(6) The Contractor Representative at the worksite must place a Lock on the Reclamation
Clearance Lockbox. The Contractor Representatives key will be secured in accordance
with the Contractors HECP
(7) The Operations Supervisor will assign a unique number for each Special Work Permit.
A Special Work Permit will be issued for each Clearance.
(8) The Special Work Permit will be signed by the parties. No work will be done until a
Special Work Permit has been signed. No work will be done in an area not specifically
covered by the Special Work Permit.
(9) The signed original Special Work Permit will remain with the Operations Supervisor,
and copies will be provided to the Reclamation Representative and Contractor
Representative at the worksite.

16.3 Placing and Removal of Personal Protective Ground(s)

(1) If, in the opinion of Reclamation's Representative and Job Supervisor, a Contractor is
sufficiently knowledgeable in and adequately equipped for personal protective grounding, the
Contractor may place and remove personal protective grounds at the worksite in accordance with
applicable safety standards and FIST 5-1, under the observation of a Reclamation Authorized
Employee. The Reclamation Job Supervisor must notify the Operations Supervisor of the
placement or removal of all Contractors personal protective grounds (see section 11.3).
(2) If, in the opinion of Reclamation's Representative and Job Supervisor, a Contractor is not
sufficiently knowledgeable in or adequately equipped for personal protective grounding, the
Contractor may not place and remove personal protective grounds. The Reclamation Job
Supervisor must direct a Reclamation Authorized Employee to place or remove all required
personal protective grounds. The Reclamation Job Supervisor must notify the Operations
Supervisor of the placement or removal of all Contractors personal protective grounds (see
section 11.3).Hazardous Energy Control Program 59

16.4 Procedure for Releasing Special Work Permits

(1) Upon completion of all work, the Contractor Representative at the worksite must:
(a) Notify the Reclamation Representative that:
(i) All personnel are clear,
(ii) All materials have been removed, and
(iii) The work is complete.
(b) Sign the Special Work Permit, releasing it to the Reclamation Representative.
(2) The Reclamation Representative must verify:
(a) The work is complete,
(b) All workmen are clear, and
(c) All materials have been removed from the worksite.
(3) The Reclamation Representative must notify the Job Supervisor that the work is
complete and sign the release of the Special Work Permit.
(4) The Job Supervisor must notify the Operations Supervisor that the work is complete
and sign the release of the Special Work Permit.

16.5 Changing Scope of Work Under a Special Work Permit

Should it be necessary to make changes to the scope of work under the Special Work Permit
(change in protection needed, etc), a new Special Work Permit must be issued and the existing
Special Work Permit released.

16.6 Change in Representative for a Special Work Permit

In the event that the original representative (Contractor Representative at the worksite,
Reclamation Representative or Job Supervisor) is not available to release the existing Special
Work Permit, the new representative must sign the release of the existing Special Work Permit.
The new Special Work Permit must be issued before the existing Special Work Permit is
released.FIST Volume 1-1 60

17. Authorized Non-Reclamation Personnel

17.1 When a Contractual Instrument Exists
Personnel of the non-Reclamation organization may be authorized to perform tasks as described
in the terms of the Contractual Instrument. Procurement or Construction (Federal Acquisition
Regulations) contracts are generally not included in this section. Examples of Contractual
Instruments include but are not limited to:
(1) A Memorandum of Understanding,
(2) A Memorandum of Agreement,
(3) The Agreement of March 26, 1980, between the Western Area Power Administation
(Western) and Water and Power Resources Service, that is Reclamation, (Service) (Master
(4) Operating Agreements associated with the Master Agreement, for example:
(a) Joint Operating Agreement (Lower Colorado Region),
(b) Coordinated Operations and Maintenance Agreement (Mid-Pacific Region).

17.2 When a Contractual Instrument Does Not Exist

When a contractual instrument, as described in section 17.1, does not exist, all work will be
performed under the requirements of a Special Work Permit (see section 16).

17.3 Requirements
(1) The non-Reclamation organization will transmit, in writing to the Area Manager or their
designated representative, those individuals whom they deem to be qualified employees and the
functions they are to perform including:
(a) Request or accept Clearances,
(b) Request or accept Hot Line Orders,
(c) Perform Switching.
(2) Reclamation will annually train, examine and authorize the employees on the FHECP.Hazardous Energy Control Program 61

(3) The non-Reclamation qualified employees authorization will be listed on a non-Reclamation

Employee Authorization List and maintained as required in the F-HECP.
(4) The Area Manager or their designated representative will transmit the non-Reclamation
Employee Authorization List in writing to the non-Reclamation organization.
(5) All work must be coordinated with the Reclamation Operations Supervisor. The Reclamation
Operations Supervisor must be notified before removing Equipment from service and before
returning it to service.Hazardous Energy Control Program Appendix A 63

Appendix A References
(1) Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(a) 29 CFR Part 1910.145, Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags
(b) 29 CFR Part 1910.147, The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
(c) 29 CFR Part 1910.269, Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
These OSHA documents are available at: http://www.osha.gov.
(2) U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
(a) Reclamation Manual, Directives and Standards, SAF 01-01
(b) Reclamation Safety and Health Standards (RSHS)
(c) Reclamation Facilities, Instructions, Standards and Techniques - (FIST) Volumes:
(i) Volume 3-29, Energized Facility Maintenance
(ii) Volume 4-1, A Maintenance Scheduling for Mechanical Equipment
(iii) Volume 4-1B, Maintenance Scheduling for Electrical Equipment
(iv) Volume 5-1, Personal Protective Grounding for Electric Power Facilities and Power Lines
(v) Volume 5-12, CO2 Systems Operations and Maintenance
(vi) Volume 5-14, Arc Flash Hazard Program
(vii) Volume 6-3, Unexpected Event Reporting
(d) Power Review of Operations and Maintenance Program
Reclamation documents listed here are available at http://intra.usbr.gov or
http://www.usbr.gov/power/data/fist_pub.html.FIST Volume 1-1 Appendix A 64

(3) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards:

(a) ANSI/ASSE Z244.1, Control of Hazardous Energy Lockout/Tagout and Alternative
(b) Z535.5, Safety tags and barricade tapes (for temporary hazards)
(4) National Fire Protection Association Standards:
(a) NFPA 70B, Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance
(b) NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the WorkplaceHazardous Energy Control Program
Appendix B 65

Appendix B Definitions
Arc Flash Hazard: A dangerous condition associated with the possible release of energy caused
by an electric arc.
Clearance: A statement with signed documentation from the Operations Supervisor to the Job
Supervisor declaring that the Equipment (or system) to be worked on has been isolated from all
sources of Hazardous Energy.
Clearance (limits of the): The established energy Isolation points on Equipment (or system)
declared isolated from all sources of Hazardous Energy.
NOTE: Equipment that remains energized, or can be energized, is not a part of the limits of the

Contractor: As used in Special Work Permits, will include:

(1) Non-Reclamation Construction and or maintenance personnel of Non-Reclamation
organizations, or;
(2) Reclamation Reclamation personnel who are not Authorized Employees at the facility.
Deenergized: (Zero Energy State)
(1) Electrical Free from any electrical connection to a source of voltage and from electric
charge; not having a potential different from that of the earth.
(2) All Other Forms of Energy Disconnected from all Energy Sources and not containing
residual or stored energy.
Department of the Interior Learn (DOI Learn): The Web-based application mandated by the
U.S. Department of the Interior for tracking all training records.
Emergency: A situation in which:
(1) Facilities are in a condition as to be a hazard to:
(a) The public,
(b) Reclamation personnel,
(c) The Reclamation power or water system equipment, orFIST Volume 1-1 Appendix B 66

(2) There is a power outage to customers that could be hazardous to life or property.
(1) Authorized An employee who has been trained, tested, and is authorized by the
Responsible Official to perform specific Hazardous Energy Control (HEC) Procedures.
(2) Incidental An employee who has access to an area containing Equipment or controls
affected by an HEC Procedure.
Employee Authorization List: A current list identifying each Authorized Employees
Hazardous Energy Control Program (HECP) responsibilities.
(1) Electrical Electrically connected to, or is, a source of voltage.
(2) All Other Forms of Energy Connected to an energy supply or containing residual or stored
Energy Source: Any supply of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal,
nuclear, stored, or other energy that could cause injury to personnel.
Energy Isolation Device: A physical device that prevents the transmission or release of energy.
Includes, but is not limited to, manually operated circuit breakers, disconnect switches, slide
gates, line valves, blocks, or similar devices capable of blocking or isolating energy. The term
does not include push buttons, selector switches, or other control devices.
Equipment (or system): Any machine, device, or apparatus, either electrical or mechanical,
including electrical circuits, transmission lines, piping, or waterways used in the generation,
transmission, or control of electric power, or control of waterways not directly related to power
generation, such as spillways, irrigation outlets, conservation facilities, pump stations, etc.
A system is any assembly of electronic, electrical, or mechanical components with interdependent
functions, usually forming a self-contained unit.
Facility Hazardous Energy Control Program (F-HECP): A program for facility or a group of
facilities within an Area Office that includes integration of a copy of the FIST Volume 1-1 with
specific facility requirements in a single document.
Hazardous Energy: Any Energy Source that may cause injury or death.Hazardous Energy
Control Program Appendix B 67

Hazardous Energy Control Procedures (HEC Procedures): These procedures are for the
control of all Hazardous Energy and are to be used only one time. Each procedure must be
approved before being used. Previously prepared procedures may be used for reference only.
Procedures for the control of Hazardous Energy must include:
(1) The intended use of the procedure;
(2) Individual Responsibilities;
(3) Specific procedural steps for shutting down, isolating, blocking, and securing equipment (or
systems) to control hazardous energy;
(4) Specific procedural steps for the placement and removal of locks (tags); and
(5) The requirements for testing the effectiveness of the energy control measures.
Hazardous Energy Control Program (HECP): Reclamations mandatory written program
establishing consistent and coordinated procedures and operating criteria for the safe and reliable
operation and maintenance of those Federal facilities for which Reclamation is responsible. This
Reclamation program is contained in FIST Volume 1-1.
Hot Line Order: A written statement with supporting documentation from an Operations
Supervisor to a Job Supervisor that the automatic reclosing is turned off and that the Equipment
covered by the Hot Line Order will not be intentionally reenergized until contact has been made
with the Job Supervisor holding the Hot Line Order. A Hot Line Order may also be known as a
terminal hold by non-Reclamation offices and personnel.
Interconnected System: The group of lines and associated Equipment for the movement or
transfer of electric energy between points of supply and points at which it is transformed for
delivery to customers or is delivered to other electric systems.
Interconnected System Clearance or Hot Line Order: A written statement with documentation
from one Operations Supervisor to another that Switching has been performed on one system as a
partial or complete requirement for a Clearance or Hot Line Order on another system, in
accordance with the appropriate operating agreements.
NOTE: If other terms are used by non-Reclamation entities, those terms should be noted here in the
F-HECP.FIST Volume 1-1 Appendix B 68

Isolation: An activity that physically prevents the transmission or release of energy.

Job Briefing: A discussion conducted by the Job Supervisor with the Authorized Employees,
involved in the work to be performed, before they start each job, or when the scope of work
changes. The job briefing must cover at least the following subjects: hazards associated with the
job, work procedures involved, special precautions, Energy Source controls, and personal
protective equipment (PPE) requirements.
Job Supervisor: An Employee who has been authorized by the Responsible Official to request,
accept, and release Clearances and Hot Line Orders, and to initiate and implement Hazardous
Energy Work Permits. This term designates a HECP function. It is not associated with the
management or supervision of personnel. Note: Supervisor (as used in this context) does not
have the same legal meaning as contained in the Federal Service Labor Management
Relations Statute (FSLMRS). This can include wage board and/or bargaining board
Lockout: The placement of a Hazardous Energy Control Program Lock on the Energy Isolation
Device in accordance with an established procedure, indicating that the Energy Isolation Device
must not be operated.
Lockout Device: A lockable device used to hold an Energy Isolation Device in the safe position.
Operational Configuration Management: The process of managing deviations from normal
operating conditions and the process for tracking and restoring to those normal operating
conditions. It includes any procedure that changes the status of equipment (or system).
Operations Supervisor: Is an Employee who has been authorized by the Responsible Official to
prepare and direct Switching; issue, receive, and release Clearances, Hot Line Orders,
Interconnected System Clearances, and Interconnected System Hot Line Orders. This term
designates a HECP function. It is not associated with the management or supervision of
personnel. Note: Supervisor (as used in this context) does not have the same legal meaning as
contained in the Federal Service Labor Management Relations Statute (FSLMRS). This can
include wage board and/or bargaining board employees.
Responsible Official: The manager who is responsible for the administration of the Facility
Hazardous Energy Control Program.
Special Condition: An unusual or temporary condition pertaining to Equipment (or
system).Hazardous Energy Control Program Appendix B 69

Special Work Permit: A statement with signed documentation of the coordination between
Reclamation and a Contractor to authorize work when a HEC Procedure is required.
Stored Energy: Hazardous Energy (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, chemical, etc.) that
remains in an isolated device such as that found in a charged capacitor, a loaded spring, chemical
solutions, pressurized vessels, piping, etc.
Switching (for Operational Configuration Management): Switching performed to manage
changes of the status Equipment (or system) or a system.
Switchman: An Employee who has been authorized by the Responsible Official to perform
Switching (for Operational Configuration Management).
Tagout: The placement of a Hazardous Energy Control Program Tag on the Energy Isolation
Device in accordance with an established procedure, indicating that the Energy Isolation Device
must not be operated.
Three-Part Communications: An exchange of information that is clear, concise, definitive, and
ensures that the recipient repeats the information back correctly; and the transmitting party
acknowledges the response as correct or repeats the original statement until any
misunderstandings are resolved.Hazardous Energy Control Program Appendix C 71

Appendix C Facility Hazardous Energy Control Program

Personal Lockout (Tagout)
(1) Use Restrictions
Personal Lockout (Tagout) must NOT be used when the protection requires a Clearance (see
section 12.). No Employee must work under the protection of another Employees Lock (Tag).
NOTE: Personal Tags are not authorized for use at Plant 1.
(2) General
(a) Equipment that can be removed from service and restored to service without a Clearance must
have an approved JHA that includes a procedure identifying where the Personal Lock (Tag) is to
be placed.
(b) Placement and removal of all Personal Lock(s) (Tag(s)) must be:
(i) Coordinated with operations.
(ii) Approved by an Operations Supervisor.
(iii) Documented.
(iv) Personal Tags will be signed, dated, and logged in the Personal Lockout and Tagout Record
at Plant 2.
(v) Personal Tags will be checked out from the Control Room and numbered, signed, dated, and
logged in the Personal Lockout and Tagout Record.
(vi) Recorded.
(c) Up to four Personal Locks (Tags) may be used by an Authorized Employee on the Energy
Isolaiton Points for Equipment (or system).
(d) All Personal Lock(s) (Tag(s)) must be within visual line of sight of the worksite.
(e) When a Personal Tag is used, the following requirements must apply:
(i) The Personal Tag must be attached directly to the Energy Isolation Device whenever possible.

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