2013-14 Aqu Syllabus
2013-14 Aqu Syllabus
2013-14 Aqu Syllabus
Essential Objectives:
EO #1 Students will understand and actively perform the concepts and principles
of a healthy lifestyle through curriculum-based activities.
EO #2 Students will understand that physical activity directly correlates to health,
enjoyment, challenge, and positive self-expression through physical education
concepts and community wellness opportunities.
EO #3 Students will understand positive self-management and social skills that
contribute to a safe and productive environment.
As a result of the emphasis placed upon daily participation in P.E., we have made
arrangements to have plenty of make-up opportunities available to all students. Make-up
can be used to earn back points lost due to Excused Absences. Students may NOT Makeup Unexcused Absences, they will result in a loss of daily points.
Make-up will be every day. Students should complete their make-up within 2 days of
the Absence. Also, when a student knows in advance that he/she will be gone from class,
it is suggested that he/she complete the make-up ahead of time.
Proper Dress for Aquatics Make-ups: You must wear PE attire (shorts, T-shirt, and
Tennis shoes because make-up will be completed in the weight room. Plan
accordingly when you know you need to make up a day.
Student must get a GPS pass from his/her PE teacher for the day he/she wishes to make
up the class. Students MUST check in with their GPS teacher first, dress out, and be in
the Weight Room by 2:55. Students may choose to use the treadmill, elliptical, and/or
After school make-up begins at 3:30 and ends at 4:30. Schedules will not be extended for
late comers. It is the students responsibility to schedule a make-up time with his/her
teacher. The student arranging the make-up must complete 20 minutes of physical
activity for each day missed, and have Supervising Teacher sign off that the make-up was
Proper attire for Aquatics
Dressing properly for class is expected every day for Aquatics.
One piece swimsuit or swimming trunks
Ladies must wear a T-shirt over a 2 piece suit
Limited Class Participation
Occasionally, students will have a condition that allows them to participate in class, but
with some limitations. Each case will be evaluated on an individual basis. The physician
should write a note indicating what specific activities are to be avoided. The school nurse
and the physical education teacher will evaluate the limitations while considering the
activities being taught to see if the student will be allowed to continue class.
Excuses from P.E.
We encourage all students who are in school to dress and participate in class to the best of
their ability. If a student has been ill and is able to return to school, they should be well
enough to participate in class. A note from home indicating the need for a student to
take it easy will be sufficient to alert the teacher that the student may not be up to
his/her normal ability. This will ensure that the students grade will not suffer.
There may be times when a parent feels a student should not participate at all in class (i.e.
sprained ankle). The parent needs to send a note to the teacher. The note should indicate
the problem and the number of days the student should be out of the activity. Please be
aware that a parents note can only keep a student out of class for a maximum of 3
consecutive days. Any time missed in class will have to be made up.
If an injury is serious enough for a student to miss more than 3 days, a doctors note will
be required; indication the length of time the student will be unable to participate in class.
Non-performance refers to any time a student does not take part in all class activities.
Non-performance results in a loss of the students daily performance points. These points
CANNOT be made up.
Some examples of Excused Absences/NP include: parent or physician note, OSS, and
excused absences. These points CAN be made-up.
Unexcused NP includes truancy or being set out of activity due to inappropriate behavior,
or inappropriate dress for class. These points CANNOT be made up.
Points lost for Unexcused Absences/NP are permanent and CANNOT be made up.
Failure to Dress out
1st No Dress = Verbal Warning
2nd No Dress = Verbal Warning & phone call home
3rd No Dress and 4th, 5th, etc= Dean Referral
Within each of the above activities, there will be a focus on all of the following:
Good Sportsmanship
Value of an active lifestyle and daily participation in physical activity
Rule and Strategy
Aquatics Syllabus