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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2015.2399277, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


MPPT with Single DC-DC Converter and Inverter

for Grid Connected Hybrid
Wind-Driven PMSG-PV System
M. M. Rajan Singaravel and S. Arul Daniel
Abstract--A new topology of a hybrid distributed generator
based on photovoltaic and wind-driven permanent magnet
synchronous generator is proposed. In this generator, the sources
are together connected to the grid with the help of only a single
boost converter followed by an inverter. Thus, compared to
earlier schemes, the proposed scheme has fewer power
converters. Model of the proposed scheme in d-q axes reference
frame is developed. Two low cost controllers are also proposed
for the new hybrid scheme to separately trigger the DC-DC
converter and the inverter for tracking the maximum power
from both the sources. The integrated operations of both the
proposed controllers for different conditions are demonstrated
through simulation and experimentation. Steady-state
performance of the system and transient response of the
controllers are also presented to demonstrate the successful
operation of the new hybrid system. Comparison of experimental
and simulation results are given to validate the simulation model.

Index TermsHybrid Distributed Generators, Wind-driven

PMSG-PV, Grid connected hybrid system, Smart grid

vGd, vGq
vd, vq

Open Circuit Voltage of PV array (V)

PMSG stator voltage (V)
Boost converter output voltage (V)
Rectifier output voltage (V)
PV array terminal voltage (V)
Maximum power point voltage of PV array (V)
Output voltage of the inverter (V)
d-axis and q-axis voltage of grid (V)
d-axis and q-axis voltage of inverter (V)
Stator EMF of PMSG (V)
Short circuit current of PV array (A)
PMSG stator current (A)
Rectifier output current (A)
Boost converter output current (A)
DC link current (A)
Output current of the inverter (A)
Current from PV array (A)
Current through internal diode of PV array (A)
PV array current at maximum power point (A)

Manuscript received September 17, 2014; revised December 16, 2014;

accepted January 3, 2015.
Copyright 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted.
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be
obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to [email protected].
M.M. Rajan Singaravel and S. Arul Daniel are with the Department of
Electrical and Electronics, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli,
Tamilnadu-620015, India ([email protected], [email protected], +91-04312513256).

id, iq


d-axis and q-axis current of inverter (A)

Reference current signal for inverter (A)
Series resistance of PV array ()
PMSG stator reactance ()
Duty-cycle of the boost converter
Filter inductor at inverter output (mH)

Zero net energy buildings which have its cumulative

energy consumption being met by renewable energy sources
installed within its precincts have become increasingly
popular [1]. These distributed generators (DGs) require new
power electronic interfaces and control strategies to improve
the efficiency and quality [2, 3]. DG systems based on a single
intermittent source, either photovoltaic (PV) or wind energy
system are unreliable due to seasonal variations. DG systems
consisting of two or more renewable sources have a higher
reliability, due to the complementary nature of the resources
[4, 5]. In such hybrid schemes, permanent magnet
synchronous generators (PMSG) are generally employed, as
they do not require any reactive power support. Further,
PMSG can be driven directly by wind turbine, thereby
avoiding a gear box arrangement which requires regular
maintenance [6]. Moreover, PMSG can be operated in higher
power factor and higher efficiency than other machines
because of its self-excitation property [7].
Various possible combinations of hybrid PMSG-PV
systems are illustrated in the literature. Earlier, a six-arm
converter topology was attempted, in which the outputs of a
PV array and wind generator were subjected to a boost
operation through individual switches to match the DC bus
voltage [8]. In [9], a hybrid wind-PV system along with
battery was explained, in which both the sources were
connected to a common DC bus through individual power
converters, then the DC bus was connected to the utility grid
through an inverter. Grid connected PMSG-PV hybrid system
with battery backup was described in [10], where the DC link
voltage was fixed to battery voltage, but the maximum power
extraction from wind-driven PMSG was not performed. A grid
connected hybrid system where the PV array and wind-driven
PMSG were connected to a common DC link through a multiinput DC-DC converter was proposed earlier in [11]. A
PMSG PV hybrid system with multi-input DC- DC
converter and multi-input inverter was also brought out in
In all the above hybrid DG systems with PMSG-PV
attempted so far, the system either had individual power
converters for each of the sources or a battery backup. Further,
each converter was controlled using complex algorithms for

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2015.2399277, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Fig. 1. Proposed DG system based on PMSG-PV sources

peak power tracking. In order to minimize the conduction and

switching losses of the devices, it is necessary to have the
minimum number of power converters (power conversion
stages) and this has been attempted in this paper. In addition,
it is desirable that power supplies in consumer sites employ
fewer power electronic conversion stages in order to improve
the overall efficiency. It should be noted that losses in
conversion stages have to be compensated by increasing the
sizes of the generators. This in turn increases the cost of
hybrid generator. Generally, efficiency of DC-DC converter is
maximum around 95 % when it is operated in full load
condition [13]. Since source powers are varying, it is not
always possible to operate the DC-DC converter at its
maximum efficiency. In the above context, the proposed new
topology avoids 5% loss in efficiency by eliminating an
additional conversion stage.
Contrary to earlier schemes, the proposed hybrid generator
has a PV array being directly connected to the DC link instead
of being connected through a DC-DC converter. The DC link
voltage is varied by a DC-DC converter interposed between
the rectifier fed by PMSG and the grid connected inverter.
The output voltage of the DC-DC converter forms the load
line for the PV array. The inverter current is varied to extract
maximum current from both the sources using current control
strategy. The proposed topology could thus dispenses with a
DC-DC converter, which in earlier schemes were connected
after the PV array for maximum power extraction.
Two new controllers are attempted for the hybrid scheme
proposed, in order to achieve the maximum power extraction
from both the sources. A d-q axes model of the scheme has
been developed and validated. The successful operation of this
scheme in extracting maximum power from both the sources
or from each of the sources has been established through
simulation and experimental investigations. Further, the
proposed scheme is also for employment by domestic
consumers in a smart grid scenario, and hence maintenance
free simple operation is envisaged. The proposed scheme is
for a grid connected operation and hence battery storage is not
The block diagram of proposed DG scheme is given in

Fig.1, where a direct driven PMSG and a PV array are the

sources. The PMSG output is rectified and fed into a DC-DC
boost converter. The rectifier output voltage varies with the
wind-speed. The PV array terminals are connected to the
output of the DC-DC converter to form a common DC link for
the proposed system. The inverter input terminals are tied to
this common DC link. The PV array voltage (VPV) is fixed to
the output voltage of the DC-DC converter (VDC) since the
output terminals of both the PV array and the DC DC
converter are tied together. The output voltage of the DC-DC
converter is automatically varied by a PV MPPT controller
(Controller 1) to PV arrays maximum power point voltage.
Under this condition, the maximum current for the given
irradiation is drawn from the PV array by the action of current
controller (controller 2) of the inverter. The basic Perturb &
Observe (P&O) algorithm [14, 15] is employed albeit with an
inverted duty-cycle adjustment in controller 1. This revised
adjustment in the proposed scheme is because of the DC-DC
boost converter being fed by a stiff DC source (rectifier
output) instead of the PV array. The operation of the controller
with this revised duty-cycle variation is brought out in Section
IV A. The output voltage of the current controlled inverter is
tied to the grid voltage and the frequency and the phase
requirement for synchronization are automatically met. The
current fed to the grid by the inverter (IGRID) follows the
reference current signal (Iref), which is automatically varied by
controller 2 for drawing the maximum current from both
PMSG & PV array. In the proposed scheme, the setting of DC
voltage reference of the DC-DC converter to the peak power
point voltage of the PV array and the reference current setting
of current controlled inverter corresponding to the maximum
current extractable from both the sources, results in peak
power extraction from both the sources.
A model of the proposed DG system is developed to
investigate the system performance. PMSG has been described
by its steady state equivalent circuit and is shown in Fig. 2
[16]. The rectifier DC output voltage (VR) and current (IR) in
terms of stator phase voltage VS (rms) and stator current

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2015.2399277, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


Assuming zero power loss in DC-DC converter,

IS(rms) are given as [16, 17];

VR =

IR =

3 6

VS ,





Fig. 2. Per-phase steady state equivalent circuit of PMSG

VS varies with wind-speed and hence the rectifier output

voltage VR is a varying DC. This varying DC feeds the DCDC converter. The output voltage of the DC-DC converter is
given as
Vb = V DC = V R
The DC link current is
I DC = I b + I pv ,

VR I R = Vb I b

and I DC = I b + I pv = (1 )I R + I pv


(1 )

I S + I pv , (13)

where is duty-cycle of the DC-DC converter. The rectifier

output (1) is connected to the models of DC DC converter
[20], PV array and the inverter. The d axis and q axis circuits
of the system are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 respectively.
In the proposed scheme, and Iref are varied to extract the
maximum IDC at any instant of time. Using Equations (1)
(13), the proposed DG system can be simulated on any
platform. MATLAB has been employed to simulate the
proposed scheme in this paper.

and the PV array current (IPV) is given by [5]

I PV = I SC I d

where I d = 10 9 I SC exp
(VPV + Rse I PV ) .

Fig. 3. d-axis equivalent of the system

The d-axis and q-axis voltage of the inverter are related

with the DC link voltage as [18, 19],
vd = VDC g d

vq = VDC g q



cos(n 1)t
cos(n + 1)t

n =1,5,9...
n = 3,7 ,11...


g d = +
cos (n 1)t + cos (n + 1)t

n = 2,6,10... 2

cos (n 1)t + cos (n + 1)t

n = 4,8,12... 2


Fig. 4. q-axis equivalent of the system

sin(n 1)t
sin(n + 1)t

n =1,5,9...
n = 3,7 ,11...


g q = +
+ cos (n + 1)t
cos (n 1)t

n = 2,6,10... 2



cos (n 1)t + cos (n + 1)t

n = 4,8,12... 2


A. Case 1 (PV and PMSG generating power)


Considering zero power loss in the inverter,

I DC = (id g d + iq g q ) .

The wind and solar sources are generating power together

in this case and the variation of duty-cycle of the DC-DC
converter will eventually disturb the PV arrays terminal
voltage (since VDC = VPV). The rectifier voltage varies with
the wind-speed and the duty-cycle of the boost converter
needs to be automatically adjusted such that VDC is equal to
the peak power point voltage (Vm) of the PV array. At this
point (VPV = VDC = Vm), the PV array delivers the maximum
current (Im) which is concurrently drawn by the current


0278-0046 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2015.2399277, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


varies the duty-cycle of the boost converter to maintain the

DC link voltage to a DC value corresponding to the rated
RMS voltage of the grid. As IPV is zero in this case, the
controller 2 will keep adjusting the (Iref) such that [by
substituting IPV = 0 in (15)]
I ref ( new) = I ref (old )+ sgn[( I b )]K
to extract the maximum power from the PMSG alone.
C. Case 3 (PV alone generating power)
When PMSG is not generating power, there is no input to
the DC-DC converter and hence no triggering pulse is
generated by controller 1. The controller 2 varies Iref such that
[by substituting Ib = 0 in (15)]
I ref ( new) = I ref (old )+ sgn[( I PV )]K ,

Fig. 5. IV curve of the PV array

controlled inverter. The operation of controller 1 is explained

with the help of Fig. 5. As shown in the Fig. 5, the DC link
voltage may be, say V1 (B) or V2 (C) depending upon the
present duty-cycle of the DCDC converter. To operate the
PV array at its maximum power point (A), the DC-DC
converter output (DC link voltage) is adjusted to Vm by
varying the duty-cycle of the DC-DC converter by controller
1. The duty-cycle variation of controller 1 is given by
new = old + sgn(P) sgn(VPV ) ,
where is the perturbation in duty-cycle, sgn is Signum
function. P is the difference in PV array power and VPV is
difference in PV array voltage before and after perturbation. If
P and VPV are both either positive or negative then the
duty-cycle increases and vice-versa if different. The dutycycle variation in this scheme is hence exactly opposite to the
duty-cycle variation of a P&O controller used in existing
schemes, where a PV array precedes a boost converter.
The main objective of controller 2 (Fig. 1) is to vary the
inverter output current fed to the grid. The reference current
(Iref) for this hysteresis current controller is derived based on
the available maximum power from the both the sources for a
particular condition (i.e. irradiation and PMSG shaft torque).
VPV, is at maximum power point value by the action of
controller 1. Current drawn from the boost converter (Ib) and
PV (IPV) together is maximized by changing Iref as
I ref ( new) = I ref (old )+ sgn[( I PV + I b )]K ,
where (IPV+Ib) is the change in the sum of IPV and Ib and K is
the step in perturbation of Iref. It is clear from (15), if current
to be drawn from boost converter increases, Iref also increases
correspondingly. At steady-state, the reference current value
for a particular condition of irradiation and wind speed is

I ref = 2 (V PV I PV + V R I R ) / VGRID .


B. Case 2 (PMSG alone generating power)

It is obvious that during night time, the current transducer
connected to the PV terminal will not give any response. In
such a case, the controller 1 will skip the PV-MPPT algorithm
and work in a voltage control mode. By taking the voltage
transducer output (VDC) as feedback signal, the controller 1

to feed the maximum power from PV array alone.

D. Composite operation of controllers
It is evident from all the three cases explained above, that
controller 2 functions always to feed the maximum power
either from both the sources or from any one of the sources to
the grid by adjusting Iref. On the other hand, controller 1 is idle
when power is generated by PV alone. Different status of
sources and the corresponding functions of two controllers are
summarized in Table. I.


Controller for DC-DC

converter (Controller 1)

Hysteresis Controller
(Controller 2)


for PV array MPPT

Generates current command

to extract the maximum
power from both the sources

PV alone

Triggering pulse not

generated (Zero dutycycle)

Generates current command

to extract the maximum
power from PV

PMSG alone

Generates duty-cycle to
maintain constant DC
link voltage

Generates current command

to extract the maximum
power from PMSG

Corresponding to the RMS voltage of the grid


A. Controller for DC-DC Converter (Controller 1)
PIC 16F876A, a very low cost 16 bit microcontroller from
MICROCHIP is used to implement the controller for the DCDC converter. This controller gets feedback signals from a
voltage transducer (LV20-P) and a current transducer (LA50P) connected to the PV array terminals. The signals from these
transducers are processed by signal conditioning circuits
(SCC) and then connected to analog inputs of the
microcontroller. These signals are digitized through internal
Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC) module. The
microcontroller is programmed to perform the MPPT
algorithm for PV array based on (14). In built pulse width
modulation (PWM) module of the microcontroller is enabled
to produce the required PWM pulses for DC DC converter.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2015.2399277, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


B. Hysteresis Current Controller (Controller 2)

The complete schematic of controller 2 is given in Fig. 6.
High frequency op-amps (LM-318) are used to construct the
hysteresis-current-controller. IPV and Ib are sensed by the
current transducers and digitized by the internal ADC module
of the microcontroller. Based on (15), Iref is determined and
available as digital output from the microcontroller. This
digital value is subsequently processed by a Digital to Analog
Conversion (DAC) IC to obtain a DC value which
corresponds to the peak value of Iref. This DC value is
multiplied with the sine wave reference extracted from the
grid voltage, by a multiplier IC and fed to the hysteresiscurrent-controller as the reference current signal. When PV
array (or PMSG) alone generates power, Ib (or IPV) will be
zero and Iref is perturbed and adjusted automatically to extract
the maximum power from PV array (or PMSG). When both
the sources are generating, Iref will be perturbed based on (15)
and adjusted to maximize the DC link current IDC for the
corresponding irradiation and wind-speed conditions. As the
sine wave reference is taken from the grid, the inverter output
current will have grid frequency and will be in phase with the
grid voltage.


Fig. 7. DC link steady state waveforms
(a) Experimental (Voltage-50V/div, Current-10A/div, Time-500ms/div)
(b) Simulated (Voltage-20V/div, Current-5A/div, Time-500ms/div)
Fig. 6. Schematic of current reference generation with hysteresis controller
(Controller 2 of Fig.1)


A single phase inverter was fabricated with the available
IGBTs (SKM100GB125DN) for the laboratory prototype of
the proposed hybrid generator. Firing pulses from hysteresis
controller were given to IGBTs through a gate driver module
(SKHI22AR). A DC DC boost converter was also fabricated
with a IGBT (CT60AM) and a hyper fast diode
(RHRG30120). The pulses from the microcontroller were
given to the IGBT through the gate driver (HCPL 3101). A
PMSG [Rated power = 0.75 p.u., 12 pole, Speed = 1 p.u., Y
connected] and PV array consisting of 6 panels in series [Open
circuit voltage (VOC) = 0.22 p.u., Short circuit current (ISC) =
0.47 p.u., peak power 0.08 p.u. for each panel] were chosen
for both simulation and experimental investigations. The base
values for the above mentioned per unit quantities as well as
for graphs are given as follows: Base power = 1 kVA; Base
Voltage = 100 V; Base current = 10 A; Base Speed = 500 rpm.
A. Steady-state investigations
The PMSG was driven by a DC motor to simulate the wind
turbine. As PMSG and PV array voltage levels were chosen to
be less than the grid voltage, a step-up transformer was used to
connect the proposed DG system to the grid.
The steady-state DC link voltage and current along with the
simulated waveforms (Irradiation = 500 W/m2, PMSG shaft
speed = 0.55 p.u.) are shown in Fig. 7.


Fig. 8. Steady-state grid voltage and current waveforms
(a) Experimental(Voltage-50V/div, Current-10A/div,Time-20ms/div)
(b) Simulated (Voltage-50V/div, Current-5A/div, Time-20ms/div)

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2015.2399277, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


The corresponding voltage and the current waveforms at grid

side are also shown in Fig. 8 along with its simulated
waveforms. It is clear from Fig. 8 that current was delivered to
the grid by the inverter at unity power factor
B. Transients during a step change in shaft-speed
At constant irradiation of 650 W/m2, a step increase in DC
motor speed (from 0.4 p.u. to 0.8 p.u.) was applied.
Consequently, the rectifier average output voltage had
increased (from 28 V to 48.5 V) and the duty- cycle of the
boost converter was found to have decreased (from 65 % to 40
%) to maintain the DC link voltage at the same level, so as to
operate the PV array at its maximum power point. These
changes in rectifier voltage level and duty-cycle of

boost converter for a step increase in PMSG shaft speed are

clearly depicted in Fig. 9 (a). From Fig. 9 (b), it is clear that,
the DC link voltage is maintained at the same level (81 V) in
order to extract the maximum power from PV array. However,
it should be noted that the average DC link current had
increased (from 4.7 A to 8.4 A) so as to extract the available
increase in power from PMSG by the action of controller 2.
The reference current magnitude (peak) was therefore found to
have increased (from 10 A to 18 A) with this step-change in
the shaft speed, thereby resulting in corresponding increase in
the power delivered to the grid. The change in grid current
under this condition is shown in Fig. 9 (c). It is clear from Fig.
9 that both the controller 1 and controller 2 react quickly for a
step change in PMSG speed.

Experimental (Voltage 50V/div, Duty-cycle 0.6/div, Time 2s/div)

Simulated (Voltage 20V/div, Duty-cycle 0.5/div, Time 2s/div)
(a) Changes in rectifier output voltage and duty-cycle of boost converter

Experimental (Voltage 50V/div, Current 10 A/div, Time 2s/div)

Simulated (Voltage 50V/div, Current 10/div)
(b) Changes in DC link voltage and current

Experimental (Voltage 50V/div, Current 10A/div, Time 2s/div)

Simulated (Voltage 50V/div, Current 10A/div, Time 2s/div)
(c) Changes in grid current
Fig. 9 Transient response for a step change in PMSG shaft-speed

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2015.2399277, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics


It is evident from Figs. 7-9 that the simulated and

experimental results resemble each other very closely and this
validates the simulation.
C. Investigations on MPPT operation
In order to ascertain the successful operation of the hybrid
generator for different irradiation and PMSG shaft-speed
conditions, the following investigations were carried out in the
laboratory prototype.
The experimentation was conducted when the irradiation
has been constant without major variations. The PV arrays
open circuit voltage VOC = 1.1 p.u. and short circuit current ISC
= 0.2 p.u. were constant during this short time-period. The DC
motor speed was varied between 0.4 p.u. and 0.95 p.u. and the
corresponding PMSG power, boost converter duty-cycle and
current reference (i.e. the current fed to the grid) were noted
down. The variations of these parameters with respect to DC
motor speed (PMSG speed) is depicted in Fig. 10 (a). It is
clear from Fig. 10 (a), that when PMSG shaft-speed had
increased, the PMSG output power also had correspondingly
increased and the current reference generated by the controller
2 also had increased proportionally in order to extract the
available maximum power. As DC motor speed increases, the
input voltage to the DC DC converter also increases and
hence, the duty-cycle of the boost converter automatically
decreases to maintain the DC link voltage to the PVs
maximum power point voltage.
Observations were also noted by maintaining the DC motor
speed at 0.6 p.u., for a varying irradiation from 7:00 am to
5:00 pm. The ISC of the PV array is directly proportional to
irradiation. Hence, the variation of; PV power, duty-cycle of
the boost converter and reference current, with variation of ISC
(instead of irradiation) are given in Fig. 10 (b). It can be found
when ISC (irradiation) increases, voltage corresponding to its
maximum power point also increases and the duty-cycle of the
boost converter correspondingly increases to match the
maximum power point voltage of the PV array. At the same
time, the reference current value also proportionally increases
to extract the available maximum power from both the sources
as expected.
With the variations in irradiation, the corresponding
variations in VOC is not as significant as compared to the
variations of the ISC of the PV array. Hence, the duty-cycle
variation of the DC-DC converter is over a small band [Fig.
10(b)] for wide variations in irradiation.
In order to further ascertain the operation of the controller
in tracking the peak power from both the sources, the
simulated peak power available and the peak power extracted
from the experimental test rig were compared for various
conditions and presented in Fig. 11. Close conformity of the
experimental peak powers with simulated peak powers of both
the sources under varying wind speed (PMSG shaft speed) and
irradiation (ISC) confirms adequately the successful operation
of the controllers.


Fig. 10. Generator power variations with PMSG shaft-speed and irradiation
(a) PMSG Power, Boost converter duty-cycle, Reference current variation
with PMSG shaft speed
(b) PV Power, Boost converter duty-cycle, Reference current variation with
ISC of the PV array

Fig. 11. Comparison of maximum power available (simulation) and the

power delivered by the laboratory prototype

D. Total harmonic distortion

The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the voltage and the
current at grid side were measured by using power quality
analyzer and the results are shown in Fig. 12. It can also be
noted from Fig. 12 that voltage and current THD are 1.8 %
and 4.6 % respectively which are below the allowable THD
recommended by IEEE for interconnecting distributed
resources with utility.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TIE.2015.2399277, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics





Fig. 12. THD at grid side
(a) Voltage THD
(b) Current THD




A new reliable hybrid DG system based on PV and winddriven PMSG as sources, with only a boost converter followed
by an inverter stage, has been successfully implemented. The
mathematical model developed for the proposed DG scheme
has been used to study the system performance in MATLAB.
The investigations carried out in a laboratory prototype for
different irradiations and PMSG shaft speeds amply confirm
the utility of the proposed hybrid generator in zero net energy
buildings. In addition, it has been established through
experimentation and simulation that the two controllers,
digital MPPT controller and hysteresis-current-controller
which are designed specifically for the proposed system have
exactly tracked the maximum powers from both the sources.
Maintenance free operation, reliability and low cost are the
features required for the DG employed in secondary
distribution system. It is for this reason, the developed
controllers employ very low cost microcontrollers and analog
circuitry. Further, the results of experimental investigations
are found to be matching closely with the simulation results
there by validating the developed model. The steady state
waveforms captured at grid-side show that power generated by
the DG system is fed to the grid at unity power factor. The
voltage THD and the current THD of the generator meet the
required power quality norms recommended by IEEE. The
proposed scheme easily finds application for erection at
domestic consumer sites in a smart grid scenario.




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M. M. Rajan Singaravel completed his B.Tech.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering from SASTRA
University in 2008 and completed M.E. Power
Electronics and Drives from P.S.G. College of
Technology, Coimbatore (Anna University) in 2010.
Currently he is pursuing his Ph.D. in NIT,
Tiruchirappalli. His interests are battery storage
systems, hybrid wind-solar systems and power
electronics for renewable systems.

S. Arul Daniel received the B.E. degree from the

GCT, Coimbatore, India, in 1988, and the M.E. and
(Bharathidasan University), India, in 1991 and 2003,
respectively. He is with the Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering, NIT, Tiruchirappalli,
since 1994, where he is currently a professor. His areas
of interest include distribution system, hybrid
renewable energy systems, distributed generation and micro-grids.

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