Ronald A. Barrett v. Foster Grant Co., Inc., and Third-Party v. Transformer Service, Inc., Third-Party, 450 F.2d 1146, 1st Cir. (1971)

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450 F.

2d 1146

Ronald A. BARRETT, Plaintiff, Appellee,

FOSTER GRANT CO., Inc., Defendant and Third-Party
Plaintiff, Appellant,
TRANSFORMER SERVICE, INC., Third-Party Defendant,
No. 71-1115.

United States Court of Appeals,

First Circuit.
Heard Sept. 10, 1971.
Decided Nov. 5, 1971.

Martin L. Gross, Concord, N. H., with whom Sulloway, Hollis, Godfrey &
Soden, Concord, N. H., was on brief for Foster Grant Co., Inc.
Paul J. Liacos, Peabody, Mass., with whom Liacos & Liacos, Peabody,
Mass., was on brief, for Ronald A. Barrett.
W. Wright Danenbarger, Manchester, N. H., with whom Paul E. Nourie
and Wiggin, Nourie, Sundeen, Pingree & Bigg, Manchester, N. H., were
on brief, for Transformer Service, Inc.
Before ALDRICH, Chief Judge, McENTEE and COFFIN, Circuit Judges.
ALDRICH, Chief Judge.

In 1951 Foster Grant Co., a Delaware corporation having its principal place of
business in Leominster, Massachusetts, hereinafter defendant, acquired, in situ,
certain transformers from the Massachusetts Electric Company. Without
alterations, it used these transformers to reduce a transmission voltage of
13,800 volts, the "high" side, to 550 volts, the "low" side, for its manufacturing
operations. The transformers were oil cooled, and it was necessary,
periodically, to change or recondition the oil. For three years after it acquired

the transformers, defendant relied on Massachusetts Electric Company to

perform this service. The method employed by that company required that the
electricity be cut off, resulting in a plant shut-down for several hours. In 1954,
Transformer Service, Inc., a New Hampshire corporation, hereinafter Service,
approached defendant, asserting it had developed a new technique whereby it
could recondition the oil without the necessity of shutting down. The
representations it made to induce defendant to accept its services included
broad statements as to the competency and special training of its employees,
and its ability safely to carry out its undertaking.

Defendant did accept, and thereafter, until February 5, 1968, Service

periodically piped the oil by making hose connections to the transformers,
reconditioned it with its equipment, and returned it to the transformers while
they remained in operation. On that day plaintiff Barrett, an employee of
Service and a resident of New Hampshire, while connecting a hose, came in
contact with a bare lead wire on the high side of the transformer and as a
consequence received severe burns, necessitating numerous operations and
ultimately the amputation of his right forearm. This diversity action followed in
the New Hampshire district court. Defendant summoned in Service as a thirdparty defendant. The court, sitting without jury, found for the plaintiff against
the defendant, and assessed damages in the sum of $260,826. In the third-party
action, it found for the third-party defendant. 321 F.Supp. 784. In that case it
made a ruling of law which a subsequent New Hampshire decision in another
case, between different parties, rejected. See Wentworth Hotel, Inc. v. F. A.
Gray, Inc., N.H., 1970, 272 A.2d 583. On rehearing the court held the
thirdparty defendant not liable even under this other principle. Defendant
appeals in both actions.

A preliminary question, asserted by the defendant to be basic, is whether, as the

district court held, New Hampshire substantive law applies with respect to
defendant's liability or, as defendant contends, the New Hampshire conflict of
law rule would be to look to the law of Massachusetts, the place of the
occurrence. Defendant says that it fully satisfied the duty owed an employee of
an independent contractor under Massachusetts law; secondly, that under
Massachusetts law plaintiff would have assumed the risk of loss and would
have been contributorily negligent, and, finally, that by Massachusetts law
plaintiff would have been a "common employee" of defendant and limited to
his Workmen's Compensation recovery.

We will eliminate separate consideration of assumption of the risk. This rule is

simply the converse of the Massachusetts rule, discussed post, that a property
owner owes to an employee only a duty to warn of hidden dangers. See Keough

v. E. M. Loew's, 1939, 303 Mass. 364, 365, 21 N.E.2d 971. With respect to the
Massachusetts common-employment doctrine in workmen's compensation, its
possible application to plaintiff seems, at best, debatable. Cf. Abbott v. LinkBelt Co., 1949, 324 Mass. 673, 88 N.E.2d 551. But even if such a defense
might have been made out, the district court, noting that defendant did not seek
to raise it for well over a year, during which plaintiff, had he known defendant
would rely on it, might have pursued a claim against defendant's carrier, found
prejudice, and refused to permit amendment of the answer on the ground of
laches. While amendments must be freely allowed, see Foman v. Davis, 1962,
371 U.S. 178, 182, 83 S.Ct. 227, 9 L.Ed.2d 222, we cannot quite say this was
beyond the court's discretion.

Turning to the issue of common law negligence, the undisputed facts show that
in 1954 defendant abandoned its prior, irrefutably safe, method of changing the
oil on the representation of Service that it had a safe way of doing it, with
qualified men, who did not need to shut off the current. Service said nothing
about a need of making alterations in the equipment. Although the district court
spoke of plaintiff's "extensive experience," in point of fact he had had relatively
little. Service's own witness, called by plaintiff, described him as a "plumber."
Even as a plumber he had been given no special training, and no instruction
except a general warning of the danger of high voltage and to "stay away from
the high [voltage] side, if possible." (Emphasis supplied.) In disregard of these
instructions, it being clear that it was possible to service the transformer
entirely from the low side, plaintiff, in attaching the hose to the plug went to
the high side, and by some movement came in contact with the high wire. The
court found that it was "easier" to work from the high side. It then concluded
that defendant, in leaving the plug on the high side, and the high wires
uninsulated, was negligent in not anticipating that a workman would disregard
instructions and take the easier way.

In addition to conspicuous signs, "Danger-High Voltage," it was apparent to

plaintiff that the plug was on the high side, and that the high wires were
uninsulated. He acknowledged he saw them at the time, and knew that he had
to be "very careful." On these facts there could be no liability under the law of
Massachusetts. A Massachusetts landowner normally owes to the employee of
an independent contractor only the same duty he owes his own employees-to
warn of hidden dangers, assuming he knows or should know of them. He does
not owe a general duty of care, except to refrain from active negligence. See
Gobern v. Metals & Control, Inc., 1 Cir., 1969, 418 F.2d 290; Burr v.
Massachusetts Elec. Co., 356 Mass. 141, 248 N.E.2d 492.

Plaintiff claims an exception, asserting that the Massachusetts court views

electricity as a highly dangerous force which requires of those who employ it a

correspondingly higher degree of care. See Gelinas v. New England Power Co.,
1971 Mass.Adv.Sh. 429, 268 N.E.2d 336; Rasmussen v. Fitchburg Gas & Elec.
Light Co., 1962, 343 Mass. 515, 179 N.E.2d 907. In these cases, however, the
victim of the accident was, in relation to the defendant, a member of the general
public. The court does not extend the exception to an employee of an
independent contractor engaged by the defendant. Burr v. Massachusetts Elec.
Co., 356 Mass. 141, 248 N.E.2d 492. If Massachusetts law is applicable, the
court's finding of liability on account of the condition of the transformers could
not stand.

The disappearance of the alleged safety man, Lord, supplied by the defendant,
as a basis for liability, even under Massachusetts law presents a quite different
question. There was no evidence that defendant had a duty to furnish this
individual. Patently, an employer whose only duty is to warn of hidden dangers
is under no obligation to assign a supervisor to make certain the employee
heeds the warning. Cf. Chisholm v. New England Tel. & Tel. Co., 1900, 176
Mass. 125, 57 N.E. 383. Particularly must this be so when an independent
contractor persuades a property owner to hire it to work under what it knows to
be dangerous conditions; whatever responsibility there may be to supervise
belongs to it rather than to the property owner. Under these circumstances the
sole possible basis for imposing liability would be that one who voluntarily
provides a service may be liable if he induces reliance upon it. A common
example is where a railroad maintains a gratuitous crossing signal. See, e. g.,
Erie R. Co. v. Stewart, 6 Cir., 1930, 40 F.2d 855, cert. denied 282 U.S. 843, 51
S.Ct. 34, 75 L.Ed. 748. See also Indian Towing Co. v. United States, 1955, 350
U.S. 61, 76 S.Ct. 122, 100 L.Ed. 48. The court found that plaintiff "relied on
Lord to warn [him] if [he] came too near the high voltage wires." 321 F.Supp.
at 792-793. The difficulty is that plaintiff freely testified not only that he knew
that he was very close to the wires, but that he knew that Lord had left, and that
he did not rely on him. There can be no answer to this. There is no obligation to
continue a gratuitous service, but merely to warn of its discontinuance. Indian
Towing Co. v. United States, 350 U.S. at 69, 76 S.Ct. 122; Erie R. Co. v.
Stewart, 40 F.2d at 857. The court's finding of negligence in this respect is
plainly wrong even under New Hampshire law. See Kuchynski v. Ukryn, 1938,
89 N.H. 400, 200 A. 416; cf. Corson v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., 1970, 110 N.H.
210, 265 A.2d 315.

The district court ruled that under the conflicts of law rules of New Hampshire
laid down in the landmark case of Clark v. Clark, 1966, 107 N.H. 351, 222
A.2d 205, the substantive law of New Hampshire, rather than of Massachusetts,
was to be applied. In Clark the court renounced the "mechanical" principle of

applying the law of the locus in all tort cases, and substituted five criteria or
"considerations" which it stated were to be given varying weight depending
upon the circumstances. Neither Clark nor any subsequent New Hampshire
case involves liability based upon the ownership of land, and we can apply the
New Hampshire test only by a very considerable examination of its announced
principles. This is not, however, our first exposure. See Dindo v. Whitney, 1
Cir., 1970, 429 F.2d 25.

The five considerations listed in Clark, 107 N.H. at 354 to 355, 222 A.2d at 208
to 209, can be briefly summarized.


1. "Predictability of results." The court stated that this "basically relates to

consensual transactions, in which it is important that parties be able to know in
advance what law will govern a transaction so that they can plan it accordingly.
* * * Also, it assures uniformity of decision regardless of forum, thus
discouraging 'forum shopping'."


2. "[T]he maintenance of reasonable orderliness and good relationship among

the states in our federal system. * * * Any choice of law that would unduly
favor one state, the forum perhaps, or interfere with easy movement from state
to state, would be questionable. Open disregard of another state's clear interests
might have bad effects."


3. "Simplification of the judicial task." Here, though it spoke primarily of

procedural rules, the court acknowledged, "It may be easier also for a court to
apply its own substantive law than another state's law, because it understands
its own law better and therefore can do a better job of administering justice
under it." It added, however, that "simplification of the judicial task is not the
whole end of law, and opposing considerations may outweigh it."


4. The concern of a court "with the advancement of its own state's

governmental interests [rather] than with those of other states." This it
qualified, "Strong policy concerns can underlie local rules, and they sometimes
do, but often they do not. In most private litigation the only real governmental
interest that the forum has is in the fair and efficient administration of justice."


5. "[T]he court's preference for what it regards as the sounder rule of law, as
between the two competing ones * * * when the choice is open to us." By this
it meant when one of the rules "is outmoded, an unrepealed remnant of a
bygone age, 'a drag on the coat-tails of civilization,"' quoting Freund, Chief
Justice Stone and the Conflict of Laws, 59 Harv.L.Rev. 1210, 1216 (1946).


In its actual decision the Clark court held, after extensive discussion, that where
two New Hampshire residents took a short automobile trip beginning and
ending in New Hampshire, but passing through Vermont, where an accident
occurred, the New Hampshire rule that a host is liable to his guest for ordinary
negligence should be applied rather than the gross negligence standard of the
Vermont guest statute. It reached this conclusion through a sensitive weighing
of each consideration in light of the nature and supportive policies of the
particular Vermont and New Hampshire rules in issue. Applying consideration
(1), predictability, it stated that accidents were not planned, and that were the
parties to think of liability and liability insurance, both would have thought in
general terms of New Hampshire, their local law. As to (2), the court stated that
interstate travel and the sensibilities of Vermont would not be affected,
"whichever law is applied," so that this was no affirmative reason for choosing
Vermont law. Cf. Dindo v. Whitney, 429 F.2d, at 26. With respect to item (3),
the court pointed out that simplification of the judicial task was not at issue,
because a New Hampshire judge could apply the relaxed Vermont gross
negligence rule "with relative ease."


With respect to (4), New Hampshire's governmental interest, the court pointed
out that both parties were New Hampshire residents; that the car was
maintained under New Hampshire laws, and that the "short trip * * * was both
to begin and end here." Since the only reasons the court could conceive for the
Vermont statute were "(i) to protect kindly hosts from ungrateful guests * * *,
and (2) to protect liability insurance companies from suits brought by guests
colluding with their hosts," 107 N.H. at 356, 222 A.2d at 209, the court found
that Vermont had no interest in having its rule apply where "the factors that
bear on this host-guest relationship all center in New Hampshire." Id. New
Hampshire, on the other hand, was found in such a case to have a real interest in
having its ordinary negligence rule apply. Finally, as to consideration (5), the
court pointed out that the special host immunity "contradict[s] the spirit of the


In discussing consideration (4) the Clark court introduced into its analysis an
element only suggested by mere recitation of the considerations, although
implicit in items (2) and (4). The court will examine the supportive policies
behind the rules of the states that appear to be concerned to determine which
state has, considering the purposes of its rule, the strongest interest in having its
law applied in the case before it. This element, by seeking to assure that the
eventual choice of law promotes the interests of the concerned jurisdictions
expressed in their domestic rules insofar as they are relevant in the multistate
context, supplements the other considerations which focus on more general
multistate policies. To attempt instead to apply the five criteria without

examining the policies of the various domestic rules involved could result in as
rigid an approach as the traditional rules produced. See A. T. vonMehren & D.
Trautman, The Law of Multistate Problems: Cases and Materials on Conflict of
Laws 102-05 (1965). We may add that implicit in the nature of these criteria
and in the way the New Hampshire court applied them in Clark is that the
choice of law question must be resolved individually for each substantive issue.
See generally Babcock v. Jackson, 1963, 12 N.Y.2d 473, 240 N.Y.S.2d 743,
191 N.E.2d 279, 285; Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws Sec. 145,
Comment d, at 417.

Because the district court limited its discussion to what it considered to be the
New Hampshire interests, only once appraising, or comparing, those of
Massachusetts, we will make our own analysis from scratch.


(1). Predictability. Nothing is more fixed than land, and hence, at least initially,
the duties resulting from ownership. If the law of the residence of the visitor
were to control, a landowner would be obliged to think in terms of the law of
fifty states, not to mention foreign countries. Predictability does not point to the
place of origin of the visitor. We believe in any broad sense it points directly to
where the land from which the duty arose is located. We are not convinced by
plaintiff's answer equating the fortuity of the location of an accident during an
automobile trip with an injury chargeable to the condition of a piece of real
property, where the purpose of the plaintiff's presence at the locus related
directly to the property.


(2). Good relationship among the states. As to the first aspect of this criterion,
we can do no better than quote from the Clark opinion itself: "Open disregard
of another state's clear interests might have bad effects." 107 N.H. at 354, 222
A.2d at 208. A state has a clear interest in determining what obligations should,
or should not, result from the ownership of land within its borders. These
obligations can affect conduct upon, and maintenance of, the property. Both
seem primarily to concern the state in which the property is located, whether
the approach is in terms of fairness, or a sophisticated desire to attract industry
to the state. The district court's simple conclusion that Massachusetts should not
care if additional liability were imposed, "particularly since the plaintiff is a
New Hampshire resident," seems both wrong and a non-sequitur. Furthermore,
it overlooks the other aspect of consideration (2), avoiding interference with
interstate movement. If a Massachusetts landowner, or his insurer, were to
think of it-and the possibility of a quarter of a million dollar judgment is not de
minimis-a rule requiring him to conform his property to the state law of every
foreign resident he hired might be an effective deterrent to employing New
Hampshire workers. However indifferent Massachusetts may be thought to be

to the imposition of additional liability in favor of a New Hampshire resident,

this cannot be said of a Massachusetts landowner contemplating employment of
foreign labor.

(3). Simplification of the judicial task. The district court thought it "more
comfortable" for a court to apply its local law. Criterion (3), if measured by the
court's standard, would simply substitute one mechanical rule for another, since
presumably it is always more comfortable to apply one's own law. As
previously shown, Clark specifically repudiated such an approach. This
consideration is not relevant when the foreign law can be applied "with relative
ease." 107 N.H. at 356, 222 A.2d 205. Certainly the Massachusetts rule as to
duty of care is readily understandable, and easy of application. Plaintiff's only
answer is a page in his brief pointing out the difficulties of applying the
Massachusetts common-employment doctrine, an argument that might be
characterized, in view of the holding that this defense is barred by laches, as
whipping a dead horse.


(4). The forum's "governmental interests." Plaintiff argues that New Hampshire
has a "strong legislative policy" at stake in this case in that the New Hampshire
legislature has expressed an intention that its workmen's compensation act not
bar suits against tortious third parties. This argument misconceives the policy.
The legislature was saying that the act was not to benefit third parties, not that
it should create liability against them. We might recognize validity in plaintiff's
contention were we dealing with workmen's compensation and the commonemployment doctrine, but, again, we are not. Plaintiff's further assertion that
New Hampshire law should control "because plaintiff was the sole support of
five minor children," is not only a jury argument, but an improper one at that.
We cannot believe that a rule of conflict of laws is to depend upon the
affluence, vel non, of the parties. Rather, we believe that in this case a test of
relative governmental interests returns us to what has been said under criterion
(2), and favors Massachusetts.


Finally, we cannot find, in considering criterion (5), that the Massachusetts law
is so unsound that the New Hampshire court would find itself called upon to
reject it. The district court's statement that New Hampshire represents "the
majority view" is documented neither by it, nor by the plaintiff. Our own
research suggests that the court's extreme position (if it is correct) that New
Hampshire law requires not only clear warnings and the availability of another
way, but the making of an easier way safe, is not the majority rule. See Annot.,
35 A.L.R.3d 230, 254-62 (1971). Even of the eleven or so jurisdictions which
have purportedly adopted the rule of Restatement (Second) of Torts Sec. 343A
(1965) that a landowner may still be liable, though he gave warning of the

danger, if he "has reason to expect that the invitee will proceed to encounter the
known or obvious danger because to a reasonable man in his position the
advantage would outweigh the apparent risk," id., comment f, at 220, most
have done so in cases where the victim could not have done business with the
defendant at all without encountering the risk, or where it was predictable that
plaintiff would be distracted and forget about the danger. E. g., Peterson v. W.
T. Rawleigh Co., 1966, 274 Minn. 495, 144 N.W.2d 555; Reboni v. Case Bros.,
Inc., 1951, 137 Conn. 501, 78 A.2d 887. As has been pointed out, neither
situation is the case here. The Restatement itself suggests that a landowner
should not be held if the plaintiff chose the hazardous course solely for reasons
of convenience. See Restatement, ante, Secs. 496C and 496E.

But even if it be thought that the New Hampshire court would go further than
the Restatement, we do not believe that a court which has never denied to an
employer the right to say to his employee, "Here are the dangers, expose
yourself to them or not, as you choose, but at your own risk," see Butler v.
King, 1954, 99 N.H. 150, 106 A.2d 385 (dictum); Papakalos v. Shaka, 1941, 91
N.H. 265, 18 A.2d 377 (dictum); but cf. Bolduc v. Crain, 1962, 104 N.H. 163,
181 A.2d 641, would consider that a rule of a sister state extending to its
landowners the same privilege with respect to the employee of an independent
contractor is "an unrepealed remnant of a bygone age." 107 N.H., at 355, 222
A.2d at 209.


Nor do we think that the district court correctly understood the New Hampshire
court's fifth consideration. The court said the New Hampshire substantive rule
was to be selected because it was the "better view." If this is what the New
Hampshire court meant in speaking in terms of "soundness," that court would
automatically apply its own law in any case in which New Hampshire had a
connection with the cause of action, since, obviously, in cases of disagreement,
the New Hampshire court believes its own law to be better. So broad a ruling
would produce three results, all seemingly at conflict with the balance of the
Clark approach: the substitution of one mechanical rule for another; the
disappearance of predictability and the substitution of the law of the forum and
forum shopping, since the courts of other states could be expected to exercise
the same freedom of self-assertion; and, finally, substantial departure from the
sensitivity towards other states expressed in consideration (2). We believe that
in consideration (5) the court meant that it would reject foreign law not simply
when it felt its own better, but only when it felt the foreign law affirmatively
unsound, see Clark v. Clark, 107 N.H. at 355, 222 A.2d 205 ("obsolete or
senseless"), and when the general multistate concerns would not be markedly
undermined by that decision. See id. at 355, 222 A.2d at 209 ("when the choice
is open to us"). See generally Taylor v. Bullock, 1971, N.H. 279 A.2d 585; A.

T. vonMehren & D. Trautman, ante at 376-78.


In sum, we believe the New Hampshire court would feel, in total consideration,
that the law of Massachusetts should govern the extent of the defendant's duty.


This disposition makes it unnecessary to consider the court's finding that the
plaintiff's adoption of the "easier" way to approach the plug, in spite of
exposing himself to bare wires known to be highly dangerous, was not
negligence on his part, and the correctness of its ruling that Service, despite its
representations as to the training and special ability of its employees, was not
obliged to indemnify defendant for having sent an essentially uninstructed and
untrained employee to do the work. Cf. Wentworth Hotel, Inc. v. F. A. Gray,
Inc., N.H., 1970, 272 A.2d 583. We cannot forbear noting, however, since the
district court's opinion is a matter of record, that its conclusion that because
plaintiff himself was not contributorily negligent Service fully satisfied its
obligation to perform in a workmanlike manner, would be the reverse of our
approach. If plaintiff was to be excused, subjectively, because he had not been
taught any better how to do the work, by the same token Service's performance
of its undertaking would seem conspicuously deficient.


Reversed. Judgment for the defendant. In the third party action appeal
dismissed as moot.

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