5 Senses

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Name: Amanda Berdine

EDUC 5314

Grade & Subject:

First Grade Health
Lesson Cycle (5E Model)

Lesson Title/Topic: Making Sense of Our Senses

Standards: TEKS (115.3) 4A: identify and demonstrate use of the five senses
Lesson Objectives: The student will label
a chart of the human body with 4/5 senses
correctly identified

Assessment (Evaluation): Completed


Materials: plastic eggs, cotton, rice, stones, coins, marshmallows, dried beans, lemons, cherries,
chocolate, pretzels, vinegar, lavender, water, vanilla, peppermint, cinnamon, sandpaper, foil,
tensioner, bear, pencil, five senses journal, chart of human body

The teacher will:

Focus (Engagement): Show video to
class: https://youtu.be/1tTKLE72fJI
Based on this video ask:
What did we learn about the five senses
this week?
Teacher Input (Explanation &
Elaboration): Use a power point
presentation to review what was taught this
week about the five senses. Have them
recall the following:
Sight-Remind them that everything they
see with their eyes is through their sense of
sight. That eyesight allows us to see colors,
animals, people, light, dark, places and
everything around us. Say that the eyes are
the organs responsible for sight and
capturing images to send to the brain to
Hearing - Blow the whistle and tell them
they heard that noise and remind them of
the flute that was played earlier in the

The student will:

Students will watch video.

Respond to question.

Watch presentation.

Name: Amanda Berdine

EDUC 5314

Grade & Subject:

First Grade Health

hearing lesson was all heard by using their

sense of hearing. Explain all noises like
shouting, laughing, singing, whispering,
lions roaring, babies crying, your dog
barking, police sirens and all noises are
heard through the sense of hearing.
Touch - Explain that touch allows us to
perceive the sensations of cold, heat, rough,
smooth, hard, and soft. Remind them that
skin is the organ responsible for touch. Tell
that sensory neurons pick up sensations to
send to the brain. Explain that their skin
and fingers are used to help us to
understand how something feels. Textures,
cold, and heat are different things that can
be felt with their sense of touch.
Smell- Explain how smell allows us to
perceive odors. Remind them that the organ
responsible for smell is the nose. Explain
that at the top of the nasal cavity there are
sensory cells that capture the odor and then
send them to the brain to interpret. Explain
that everything they smell with their nose is
through their sense of smell.
Taste Explain that the sense of taste
allows them to perceive the tastes of salty,
sweet, bitter, and sour. Tell that the tongue
is the responsible organ for taste and there
are taste buds that capture flavor
information and send it to the brain to
Ask students following questions:
Which sense do they think is the most
important and why?
If you had to lose one sense which would it
be and why?

Answer questions.

Name: Amanda Berdine

EDUC 5314
Guided Practice (Exploration): Set up the
following sensory tables: Taste, Smell,
Touch, Hearing, and Sight. Have the
students get into groups and go to one table
for 2 minutes before moving to the next
table until all groups have been to all

Grade & Subject:

First Grade Health

Follow directions at each table and

rotate every 2 minutes to the next

Taste items in each container and

label sweet, sour, bitter, or salty.
Pick their favorite and rate the
items on the worksheet.

Smell each item and guess what it

is. Write down their guess. Then
check their answers with the answer

Touch Place piece of foil, sandpaper,

bear, and tensioner on table. Use worksheet
to answer if the items are soft, hard,
smooth, or rough.

Feel each item and answer if they

are hard, soft, smooth, or rough.

Hearing Place six plastic eggs on table.

Each egg is full of a different item (rice,
dried beans, marshmallows, rocks, cotton,
and coins). Students shake each egg and
guess what is inside by using their hearing.
Students label each egg on the worksheet
with what they think is inside.

Use their hearing to guess whats

inside each egg. Write their guess
inside each egg in the journal.

Closes eyes and draws a selfportrait. Draws another picture of

themselves with their eyes open.
Compare the two pictures.

Taste table Put out containers with

lemons, cherries, pretzels, and chocolate.
The student will sample one piece from
each container and use a worksheet to
express the degree to which they liked each
item, choose which was their favorite, and
identify which was sour, bitter, sweet, and
Smell Items on table will be label a, b, c,
d, e, f, & g. A is filled with coffee, b with
cinnamon, c with peppermint, d with
lavender, e with water, f with vinegar, and
g with vanilla. The student will guess and
write on their worksheet what each smell is
and then will be able to check their answers
with an answer key.

Sight Each student closes their eyes and

draws a picture of themself in their sight
journal. Next, the student draws a picture
of themself with their eyes open and then
compares the two.

Name: Amanda Berdine

EDUC 5314

Grade & Subject:

First Grade Health

Independent Practice (Evaluation):

Distribute the charts of the body for the
students to fill in the blank by the
following organs: eyes, ears, hands (skin),
tongue, & nose.

Label the organs responsible for the sight,

touch, taste, smell, & hearing.

Closure: Have students share something

they learned new today or something they
found interesting about the days lesson.

Raise their hand and share something they

learned today or found interesting.

Enrichment: Have students choose one of
two options. 1. Challenge students to find
at least two comparisons for each of the
five senses within the animal kingdom,
e.g., snakes smell out their meals with their
tongues. Students can use the classroom
computers or dictionaries. Once they are
finished students will post their findings on
the class webpage. 2. Students may get on
the class computers and research inventions
that enhance sensory abilities, e.g., glasses
and hearing aids. For each of the five
senses, have the students give a
recommendation on which invention to
use. They can jot their findings down in
their writing journals. This will enrich what
they learned in the lesson today in class
and better their understanding.
Follow students specific 504 and IEP

Reteach: Put students in small group and

have them work with flashcards. Students
will be asked to match the content
vocabulary card to the sensory organ. For
example, the card with a pair of eyes on it
will need to be matched with the card that
reads, sight.

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