Lord Mordaf The Elven King Through Natalie Glasso

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Lord Mordaf, King of the Elves

Lord Mordaf
Channelled through
Natalie Glasson

I, Lord Mordaf represent the elves of the Elemental Kingdom from the
underworld. I have come to speak with you today as I promised that I
would, it brings me such immense joy to be able to communicate with
light souls on earth once more and I can reveal that secretly I have been
very excited about this communication.
As I am sure that you are aware that the Elemental Kingdom and even
the animal and plant kingdom are no longer acknowledged or respected
in the ways we once were. This saddens me deeply for great
connections and friendships that were formed have been lost and
broken; now many do not even believe in our existence but I have not
come to complain to you. I understand that this is the way that the
planet has evolved over the years and it is a change that must be
accepted. Respect that was once ours because of our healing
techniques and our advanced wisdom no longer comes from souls on
the earth, how can we expect this when you do not even know or
remember our existence? We do not hold this against you but over time
we have been sending waves of energy and light to earth in order to
awaken the souls to the spirit world that live around them as well
as our existence, this is not so that we can gain respect once more but
so that we can help you grow and allow our own beings to evolve. When
we guide, nourish or help a light being to ascend it fills us with such
wonderful love that it is unexplainable.
As I said I am an elf, a part of the elemental kingdom, I am king and
lord of my community and we are all working together in service for our
beloved creator. We are not slaves but work because of our love for the
creator and our love for the universe, such a magnificent place the
universe is with so many areas to discover and learn from. We are not
mythical creatures as you may believe but truly exist in nature. We are

guardians of nature and also of the human kingdom. We have such a

love for the world of light beings and take great pleasure in
communicating with you. To physical eyes we may be invisible but to
the inner eye if you look carefully in the correct places you will find us.
Although because of events in the past beyond control, we have
become quiet and shy of human contact. We hide ourselves away busy
with our work and caring for the plants until a time when it is safer for us
to emerge into our true being. Please do not fear me or my community,
we are beings of the light just like you, we just live on a different
vibration to you and have different roles to perform.
I must state that you are truly welcome to visit us or call us to your
being; we will especially come when you are surrounded by nature, the
vibrations are like home to us and we feel safe in its presence.
Elves like the entire elemental kingdom are magical beings; we have
amazing abilities and can perform many tasks. We use our energy to
materialize all that we desire, our only true possession is the energy that
our soul creates. It is all we need for we can create whatever we need in
life by using our thought, mind discipline and our powerful energy. This
energy is enhanced by self-love and trust, creating a soul within us that
is strong with its essence being love. This is what we wish the beings on
earth to achieve. Many of you already have a soul light that is so strong
that you can heal and create all that you need in your life to survive but
it is hidden within your physical body. You have hidden and buried it so
deep because of past negative experiences or to learn from the lesson
of finding your soul once more. This is one of the reasons for your
existence on the planet; it is a major lesson we are all trying to resolve.
We wish to help you with this for we have experienced destruction of
our kingdom and the feelings of being unwanted in a place that was
once our home, this is our past and we are forgiving. We realize that we
have grown through this experience that I do not wish to explain and
that it was a lesson that has strengthened our soul, we are truly grateful
to the beings who were involved and the creator. We would not be who
we are today but now we wish to become your friends once more and
impart our wisdom to you and enlighten your minds. We wish to reunite
our energies with all kingdoms and create a universe that is one and
whole once more. For many years now some kingdoms have not been
connected as they should be but as souls on earth begin to awaken the
connections will reform and light will heal all. I ask you to keep your
mind and your heart open to all possibilities for there are magnificent

sights in the universe that you have forgotten and for now are unaware
of. Keep open and allow the flow of the creators energy to channel
through you and may you receive and experience the lessons that you
need in order to ascend to a new level of consciousness,
I thank you for allowing my communication, may we speak more
frequently in the times to come,
Lord Mordaf,
A King of the Elves

United Voice of the Elves

We gather together now, radiating our light to create a united beacon
of light. We send you our greetings and our love for it is a great honor
and achievement for us to be able to channel through a message to you
so easily. It symbolises to our Kingdom and community, a mark of
respect from the human Kingdom on the Earth.
We are the elves, elemental beings and minders of the nature world. We,
have a home on the inner plane, an ethereal world that appears very
similar to the earth. We have nature beings that provide us with shelter
and comfort. Our inner plane is a place where we feel secure, protected
and loved. We understand that nothing can harm us when we are resting
on the elves inner plane. The creator asks us to care for the nature
beings that are incarnate as plants, tree and vegetation on the Earth. We
spend half of our time and existence on the Earth and have had many
pleasurable years, basking in the vibrant energy of the nature spirits
while attending to their needs. We the elves are roughly around three to
four feet in height; we are ethereal beings each with our own characters
and souls. We work as teams to build the structures of plants; we assist
the physical growth of their material shells which is the only part of the
plant that most people are aware of.

For us to express our soul energy, to describe our appearance and to

speak with you now denotes that humans are awakening to the light
energy that exists around them. We, the elves are truly thankful and
pleased to see that the human kingdom is raising it vibration and taking
notice of the greater world that exists around it, instead of burying its
head in the soil and ignoring the different kingdom that live on the earth
While attending to the plants in our care we have experienced many
scenes that make us glad of our safe haven on the inner plane, the outer
plane of earth has become so hostile concerning the appalling
treatment and disrespect that is given to the nature world. We ask you
only to show your surrounding world the love and caring attitude that it
deserves. As the fairies pointed out in their message, the nature
kingdom is the support network of humans and for this reason must be
nurtured and tenderly encouraged so that the human souls on the earth
can also grow in a similar fashion concerning their spiritual growth. It is
bliss for us to work among nature; we gain so must wisdom and
insightful information for the nature spirits that help us to raise
the consciousness of our beings. We wish that we could express the
bliss and contentment that we gain but we can only encourage you to
venture into nature and to speak out on its behalf. Plants and trees are
put through a lot of stress but they neither blame nor judge, they simply
accept and tolerate their circumstance, pouring love from their own
energy beings into the world. This is an awareness and lesson that we
have come to learn from the nature spirits, when a problem seems
unsolvable the only support and hope that you can turn to is love. We,
the elves believe that love is the answer and the treatment to every
problem in your life and on the earth in general. Even when life
harmoniously and perfectly exists, love is always important because
love is needed by every soul in order to return to the greater soul of the
creator, our home and soul extension. There is no other medication that
is so valuable than the creators love.
We ask you as the present humans on the earth to take our message

to your heart, and to spread your love not just to other light beings but
to the nature world that is patiently waiting until man decides and
discovers that the nature world is the most precious possession of the
earth, and that it should be loved and preserved as a physical shell and
a soul. We advise you to talk to the plants, express your love and
gratitude for their presence on the earth by radiating the inner light of
your soul to their inner souls. They will be truly grateful and will
welcome you into their world as a friend. It would give us so much
pleasure and peace to not have to fight with humans to safe precious
plants. We would feel secure in the knowledge that when we leave them
for a day, they will still be standing when we return. We are not judging
you but simply making you aware of the circumstances on the earth and
asking you as beings that are aware to help to make a difference to the
life of the nature world and the elemental beings that tend to their needs.
Express your love to us as we bathe you with our unconditional love.
You can invoke us to assist you with your spiritual growth; with your
life in general but also with your garden and plants, for this is our
Our warm blessings are sent to you now,
The united voice of the Elves

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