Job Analysis Is The Systematic Process of Collecting and Making Judgments About All The Important Information Related To A Job

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Job Analysis is the systematic process of collecting and making

judgments about all the important information related to a job.

Job Analysis is the procedure through which one determines the
duties and nature of the jobs. It also determines the kinds of
people who should be hired for those jobs. General purpose of
job Analysis is to document the requirements of a job and the
work performed. Moreover job Analysis is fundamental to the
.preparation of job specification and description
A job analysis consists of a thorough analysis of the job duties
and knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal characteristics
(KSAPCs) required for success in a certain position. However, a
job analysis can sometimes take a substantial amount of time
and effort. So why should an organization consider performing a
job analysis?
The primary reason an organization will perform a job analysis is
to ensure the selection procedures they use to choose between
job applicants are valid and defensible. Practically speaking, a
valid selection procedure is one that accurately measures the
actual requirements of the job in a fair and reliable way. A valid
selection procedure should measure only knowledge, skills,
abilities, and personal characteristics that the job analysis has
identified as being required to perform important and/or critical
job duties. Essentially, a valid selection procedure should only
.measure the qualifications that are really needed for the job

Objectives of job Analysis:

Work simplification: Job Analysis provides the information related
to job, which can be used to make the job or the process simple.
Work simplification refers to fragmenting the job into small parts
i.e. different operations in a product line or process with the
objective of improving the production or job performance.
For setting standards: Standard refers to minimum acceptable
qualities or results or performance or rewards regarding a
particular job. Job Analysis provides the information about the job
which can be used to set standards for each job category.
Support to personnel activities: Job Analysis information provides
support to various personnel activities like recruitment, selection,
training and development, wage administration, performance

appraisal etc.
Situations under which Job Analysis is conducted: these are the
various scenarios in which Job analysis is conducted.
When the organization is founded
When organizations are created complete information about
the jobs to be performed
When new jobs are created
When jobs are changed significantly as a result of new
technologies methods, procedures, or systems

Steps in Job Analysis

The process of job Analysis is essentially done by collecting data
then analyzing it. The data provided by the analyst may be related
to job identification, nature of the job, materials and equipments
to be used in doing the job and relations with other jobs, time and
place of accomplishment and so on and so forth. The steps
involved in job Analysis are as follows:
Planning and organizing of Programme: The first step is to plan
and organize the Job Analysis programme. A person is designated
as in-charge of programme and required degree of authority and
responsibility is assigned to him. Schedule of the programme and
budget estimation is prepared.
Obtaining current information: Current job design information is
collected with the study of job description, job specification,
process used, manuals and organisation flow charts. Job Analysis
information is reviewed and verified with job incumbents to
confirm that it is factually correct and complete.
Conducting research: The analyst determines that which manager
or department requires the job Analysis. Purpose of the job
Analysis is determined, extent to which job analysis is to be done
is decided and how the information will be used concluded.
Establishing priorities: Identification and priorities of the jobs to

be analyzed should be established by the executives of human

resource department and with the help of various executives of
the related departments.
Collecting Job Data: The next step is to collect the data related to
the job selected for the analysis as they are being performed in
the organisation at present. The job is analysed by collecting data
on job activities, required employee behaviours, working
conditions, and human traits and abilities needed to perform the
Preparing Job Description: job descriptions are prepared by using
information obtained from job Analysis. It states the full
information of job including working conditions, nature of job,
processes used machines and materials used for the job.
Developing Job Specification: Job Specifications are developed
using information given in job description. Job specification is
statement regarding human qualities that are required for a
particular job. Such information is used to select the person
matching the requirements of the job. Job Analysis outcomes are
as follows:

Job Description

Job description is a broad statement of the purpose, duties and

responsibilities of a job or position. A job description is based on a
detailed job analysis and usually summarises the essential
information gathered through job analysis. It describes the main
tasks and responsibilities of the job clearly and concisely in order
to facilitate the systematic comparison of jobs for evaluation
purposes. The kind of information and amount of details
contained in the job descriptions depend on the job evaluation
plan to be used. Job Description is "snapshot" of a job. Current
and accurate job Descriptions maximizes employee effectiveness
and productivity as it outlines the positions' responsibilities and
accountabilities. Job Descriptions clearly and concisely

communicate what the job entails. In addition, job Descriptions

help in attracting and retaining the best talent as it shows that a
company is organized, well-run, and fair. Job Descriptions
promote responsibility; improve morale and the corporate image.
Job Description is a written statement of what the job holder
actually does, how he or she does it, and under what conditions
the job is performed. There is no standard format for writing job
Description. It is an organized factual statement of job contents in
the form of duties and responsibilities of a specific job. The
preparation of job Description is very important before a vacancy
is advertised. It tells in brief the nature and type of job and usually
Title/ Designation of job and location in the concern
Job summary and achievable results
The nature of duties and operations to be performed in that job
The nature of authority- responsibility relationships
Main tasks of job and standard to be achieved
Terms and conditions including salary, hours of work, leave, etc
Limits of discretion i.e budgetary responsibilities
Necessary qualifications required for job.
Combination, co-relation and relationship of that job with other
jobs in a concern.
Specification of machines, tools, materials and their applications.
The provision of physical working conditions or the work
environment required in performance of that job.

Methods of Job Analysis / Data

collection techniques

There are different methods used by different organizations to

collect information and conduct the job Analysis. These methods
Personal observation: In this method the observer actually

observes the concerned individuals while performing a job. He

makes an extensive list of the duties performed by the workers
and the qualities required to perform those duties .Based on the
information collected, job analysis is prepared. In some instances
this method is very useful, but under certain conditions it does
not work or becomes more difficult. This is especially true with
jobs in which some elements of the complete job cycle occur at
infrequent or unpredictable intervals. By simply observing an
assembly line worker may not reveal his monthly inventory duty
which is very much integral part of the job.
Actual performance of the job: In this method the observer who is
in charge of preparing the job Analysis actually does the work
himself. This gives him a clear idea of the required skills, the
difficulty level of the job, the efforts required and so on and so
Interview method: In this method an interview is conducted of the
employees who are performing the job or the supervisor or both.
There are group of experts to conduct the interview. They ask
questions about the job, skill levels required, and difficulty levels
associated with the job. They put questions and cross questions
and collect information and based on this information job
Analysis is prepared. This technique may be time consuming, and
the danger exists that employees may exaggerate the importance
of their jobs. In addition, certain important elements of the job
may be missed both by the interviewer and persons interviewed
because of its infrequent occurrence. For example an assembly
line worker may also be required to do inventory supplies on a
monthly basis. Although this responsibility may be extremely
important, it may be overlooked during the interview since it
occurs on an infrequent basis.
Critical incident method: In this method the employees are asked
to write one or more critical incidents they have encountered
while performing the job. These incidents give ideas about the

problem, level of difficulty, how to handle it, qualities required to

deal with the incidents and so on and so forth. Critical incident
method gives an idea about the job and its importance.
Questionnaires method: Most probably questionnaires method is
the least costly method of collecting Job Analysis data. Well
designed questionnaires have been claimed to be the most
efficient way to collect a wide array of job data and information in
a short time. In this method a questionnaire is provided to the
employees and they are asked to put their remark. The questions
may be multiple choice questions or open ended questions. The
questions decide how exactly the job Analysis will be done.
However, there is the danger that many of the respondents may
not complete the questionnaire, may complete it inaccurately, or
take an excessively long time to return it. Although questionnaire
is less expensive than interviewing, sometimes questionnaires
contain the same problem of providing incomplete information
and inaccurate in describing the actual tasks performed. However,
it is considered as an effective method because of the simple logic
.that people would think twice before putting anything in writing

Benefits of Job Analysis

Organizational structure and design: - Job Analysis data helps in

preparing the organization chart and the organizational structure.
Classification of the jobs, relation of each job with one another
and various positions and hierarchy of the positions is
determined in order to avoid overlapping of authorityresponsibility relationship and to avoid distortion in chain of
Man power planning: - Job Analysis data provides the qualitative
aspects of the jobs in an organisation. It determines the demands
of job in terms of duties to be performed, qualification and
personal skills required in the employees. It is a tool which is used
for matching job with men.

Recruitment and Selection: - Job Analysis helps in hiring future

human resources of an organisation. Job Description and job
Specification provides necessary information that helps to recruit
and select the right kind of people for the available jobs.
Training and Development: - Based on the job requirements
identification of the training needs of the persons can be done
easily. Training can be provided in those specific areas which will
help to improve the job performance.
Job Evaluation: - Job evaluation refers to studying in detail the job
performance by all individual. Information regarding the level of
difficulty, skills level, qualities required to perform the job are
obtained from job analysis to establish relative worth of different
jobs. Promotions and Transfer: - promotion is given to an
employee on the basis of the skill and talent required for the
future job. Similarly when an employee gets transfer to another
branch the job must be very similar to that of his previous job. To
take these decisions the information is collected from job
Performance Appraisal: - By comparing actual performance of the
employees to the standard set by organisation, the personnel
activities like promotion, increments, incentives or corrective
actions to enhance job performance is decided. These standards
are established using information provided by job Analysis.
Career path planning and Employee counselling: - Many
companies have not taken up career planning for their
employees. Employee counselling is done to prevent the
employee from leaving the company. Employees are informed
about the limitations of jobs in terms of development and are
guided to take required steps for their future development. Job
Analysis provides such information regarding the areas in which a
person requires modification for better career options.
Health and safety: -Job Analysis points out the risk factor
associated with a particular job and thus the action required for

the safety of the employees can be taken. Unsafe operations can

be eliminated or can be replaced by safe one or the safety
equipments can be installed.
Labour relations: When companies plan to add extra duties or
remove certain duties from a job, they require the help of job
Analysis, when this activity is systematically done using job
Analysis, it does not affect adversely to the union members and
do not hamper labour relations.
Acceptance of job offer: Appointment letter issued by an
organisation always mention the duties to be performed by him.
This information is collected from job Analysis, which is why job
Analysis becomes important.
Discovering Unassigned Duties: Job Analysis can help to reveal
unassigned duties if any. However, the end result of job Analysis
is effectiveness and efficiency i.e. doing the right thing and doing
it rightly and respectively. The underlying motive at the long run is
.increase in company's profitability, productivity and sustainability

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