Edu Psychology Artifact Pepsi Screening

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PEPSI Screening
Felicia Evans
College of Southern of Nevada

PEPSI Screening

(Deandre) is a thirteen year old boy who lives with his father and mother in seventh grade. Both
parents work and provide for him and his two other siblings. His is the youngest child and often
argues with brother and sister especially, when told to do a task. When ask why he skipped a
chore or assignment he normally will shrug it off as not a big deal. He loves basketball and
listening to music along with hanging out with family and friends. He has always been able to
easily make friends and have no behavior issues in school. His goal is to graduate and earn a
degree in Kinesiology and minor in Physical Therapy.

PEPSI Screening

Physical Development
At 57, 195 pounds he stands taller than the average kid his age with long arms and broad
shoulders. At his last doctors visit the doctor estimated that he will be well over 60 tall and 200
pounds. His legs are getting longer and he has put on a few pounds around the waist area. He is
at the peak of puberty developing facial and body hair.

PEPSI Screening

Emotional Development
He is sensitive and looks for recognition when he does something right. He doesnt like
to punished or talked to firmly although he doesnt like to be told what to do. He is happy when
his is given money and receiving new items which makes him feel valued. The thought of going
somewhere fun such as, Gravady, the indoor trampoline center or go karting. He is motivated by
fun activities in class such as, group projects regarding interesting topics. He demonstrates a
caring attitudes towards others.

PEPSI Screening

Philosophical Development
In regards to punishment Deandres believes that his punishment arises from the fault of
others and not himself. In addition, that he is unfairly punished or that he is asked to do
something someone else doesnt have to. Initially, going to a new school this year he was
anxious about meeting and being around new people but quickly adjusted to his new
surroundings making many new friends. Kohlberg realized that moral reasoning occurs in stages
throughout a childs development (Kohlberg, 1981 p.34). His experience being in a new school
and the changes in their finances has created a different approach to life. As before he was not
concerned about having small things such as, extra money for movies and snacks. He now
questions, Why work so hard if there is still not enough leftover? Is it worth all the hard work?

PEPSI Screening

Social Development
He is always well liked among his peers and keeps the same friends throughout the
school year. He has an expressed interest in playing basketball, however, due to grades has not
been able to play lately. Teachers report problems with focusing in class, comprehending
material read and low test scores. He generally doesnt like to bringing attention to himself by
asking questions in class. He loves to joke around and make others laugh.

PEPSI Screening

Intellectual Development
He is a thinker, sometimes over analyzing things. He asks many questions at home and
takes particular interest in how his brother or sister has responded to the situation before taking a
specific stance. Under Piagets theory intellectual development takes place in stages that move
smoothly from one to another (Piaget 1964 p.34). Deandre has moved from thinking in terms of
information he learned from his parents, personal experiences and siblings to information he has
learned from his teachers and peers to making his own choices based on all those experiences.
He knows what he needs to do to past an upcoming test however, in his own way he will choose
how to prepare and study for that test based on what he learned in the past.

PEPSI Screening

Recommendations for teachers

Creating specific, clear study aids to use will help him focus on what is important.
Allowing time for new material to be absorbed before being called upon in class will also help.
Another recommendation would be to touch base with him every couple days to see how
organized his notes and reference materials are. When he knows that more than one person is
looking for him to perform at a certain level his priorities become aligned with the actual goal
however, sometimes he chooses to find his own way. Providing guidance and focus for him will
help him help himself when he knows what is clearly expected of him.

PEPSI Screening













PEPSI Screening


Slavin, R. E., Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice. (11the Ed.). Upper Saddle River:
Pearson, 2015

Ellsworth, JAnne. (1996, November/December). PEPSI A Screening and Programming Tool

for Understanding the Whole Child. Teaching Exceptional Children. Retrieved from:

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