Malin Kundang (Bahasa Inggris)

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By : [email protected]
By : [email protected]

In a village called like forward there lived a young man named Malin wrote. He
lived with his mother, while her father had long died. One day Malin convey his
desire to her mother to go wander into town.

Malin : "Mom, I want to go wandering into town just in case I get there
jobs for our lives. "
Mom : "Are you sure son? Find a job in the big city is harder than looking
work in our village "
Malin : "I'm sure Mommy, please let me ya! "
Mom : "Well if that's your desire, you allow."

Malin departed the next morning to the city to find a job. Place for where he went,
but no avail.
Until one day he saw a beautiful woman was shopping at the market. Suddenly
the woman's purse mugged by a man.

Cahaya : "Help me, jambret !!!!! jambret !!!!!"

Malin soon help Cahaya and pursue the thief. Finally he managed to catch the
thief and judgmental.
Pejambret : "Forgive me proud, boy. . . "
Malin : "How dare you, dare only with women!!"
Pejambret : "Please bang. . Mercy!! "
Malin : "Come with me to the police station!"
Then the pejambret Malin brought to the police station for further legal process.
Cahaya : "Thank ya have helped me, for the expression of gratitude, will you
my first home. . ? "
Malin : "Sure lady"
Cahaya : "Do not call me lady, my name is cahaya".

By : [email protected]
In short, Malin arrived home cahaya and then meet with the father. Since the
incident Malin was appointed as an employee and becoming familiar with the
cahaya. Because to close, to the extent Malin hardly remember anymore with the
mother kampong. Not long later, they married.

Once married to a Cahaya, Malin worked as an employee in-law.

Accident, the ship stopped in the village like forward, where he and his mother
lived. A relative saw brimmed Malin and Malin mother immediately reported.

Neighbor : "mak, mak .. Malin came home, he was edged in the harbor! "
Mother : "Malin home?? Thank you for reportedly Union!"

Thanksgiving Praise my home (in liver)

Neighbor: "Let Madame, we are there!"
Hearing the news that his mother was thrilled. The awaited day his mother

Mother : "Malin, Malin (shout), Malin my son, you're back son. Mom missed
you. "
Ashamed to admit his mother, Malin was lying.
Malin : "Who are you?? My mother is long dead !!!”
Mother : "This mother son, I gave birth and raised you, why do you like
Malin : "No, you're not my mother, my mother had died."
Cahaya : "Is it true he's your mother Kang?? Then why do you not recognize
Malin : "No!! He is not my mother!! (hurriedly left the mother)”

By : [email protected]
Then the mother crying sadly, children who were born and raise not admit it.
tears. Malin tears away from the village immediately.

Mom : "Oh GOD, why my only child like that?? I who gave birth and raised
her ALLAH. Berilah He your wig Yes, indeed He is the rebellious
Suddenly in the middle of the journey, a storm came, the wind, waves rose,
lightning flashing, the ship was shaken.
Malin : "What is this?? The storm was so big"

Suddenly lightning malin.

Malin : "Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh ... ... !!!!!!!!"

He instantly turned to stone ...

By : [email protected]

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