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400 Maywood Avenue, Maywood, New Jersey 07607

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 20, 2010

Served by
Rev. Lawrence J. Fama, Pastor
Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Zaccardo, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Kevin Schott, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jonathan Yabiliyok, In Residence
Deacon Anthony A. Balestrieri
Deacon Joseph L. Mantineo
Steven H. Taylor, Music Director
Thomas Viola, Youth Minister
Sr. Barbara Takacs, M.P.F. Principal
St. Peter Academy (Co-Sponsored School)

Our Mass Schedule

Saturday - 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM

Sunday - 8:00,10:00 AM and 12:00 Noon
Family Mass (With Children’s Liturgy of the Word)
10:00 AM - 2nd Sunday of the month (Oct. - June)
- Our Mission - Daily - Monday-Friday 8:30 AM
Holy days - See Bulletin for Mass Schedule
We, the Catholic Community of Our Lady Queen of Peace,
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are called to live
and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We Praise God
while sharing His Joy and Truth through Word, Worship, Reconciliation
Community Service, and Stewardship.
We share our gifts of Time, Talent, and Treasure Saturday - 1:00 PM or by appointment
in a tapestry of diverse cultures as we gather
together to celebrate our Roman Catholic Faith. Social Services Help Line
Serving our Lord God through the Liturgy and 1-800-CCS-7413
Eucharist, our ministries welcome all into our
parish Family. Handicap Facilities Available


Rectory Religious Education Convent St. Peter Academy

201-845-9566 201-845-9545 201-845-9568 201-261-3468
Fax: 201-845-3742
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time STEWARDSHIP: Nothing But Style: (Continued from last week)
June 20, 2010 The second man answered, “Style, man, style. Just look at the
picture he makes.” Continuing on, he said, “You know, I attended
There is neither Jew nor Greek,
a church once and saw all sorts of beautiful people coming to the
there is neither slave nor free person, service. I asked the preacher, “Are these workers in the church?”
there is not male and female;
to which he answered no. “Well, are they visitors to the poor and
for you are all one in Christ Jesus. sick? (To be continued next week)
— Galatians 3:28
READINGS FOR THE WEEK STEWARDSHIP - My church is composed of people like me. I
help make it what it is. It will be friendly, if I am. Its pews will be
Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Mt 7:1-5
filled, if I help fill them. It will do great work, if I work. It will make
Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver. It will
Mt 7:6, 12-14 bring other people into worship and fellowship, if I invite and bring
Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Mt 7:15-20 them. It will be a church of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and
Thursday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; 1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17 faith, and a church with a noble spirit, if I, who make it what it is,
Day: Is 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; am filled with these same things. Therefore, with the help of God,
Lk 1:57-66, 80 I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I
Friday: 2 Kgs 25:1-12; Mt 8:1-4 want my church to be.
Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Mt 8:5-17
Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps 16; Gal 5:1, Our Stewardship of Treasure for 6/13/10 amounted to $6,361.00
13-18; Lk 9:51-62 Our Children’s Collection = $10.50
Repairs and Maintenance $2,514.00
A Catholic Response to IMMIGRATION REFORM Please remember to place Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in your Will. Those
Bishop Edgar da Cunha, our Regional Bishop for Essex who generously did this in the past have helped us to stay out of a heavy debt.
County, and Sister Rita Schneider, IHM, will speak on
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 from 7:30 to 9:30pm at St. Peter JUNE 2010 OLQP CALENDAR [email protected]
the Apostle Church, located at 445 Fifth Avenue, River
Edge, NJ. All are welcome. SUNDAY 6/20 Coffee hour to honor our priests
After 10am Mass
FOURTH OF JULY PARADE-For the first time in a long
time, Our Lady Queen of Peace will be represented in the MONDAY 6/21 9:30am Bible Study-Deacon Joe (Demarest H)
4th of July Parade. We want you! To help make it a success
TUESDAY 6/22 9:30am Legion of Mary
and show our Catholic support for our great country.
Please join us in marching. For more information call 7:30pm RCIA
Theresa Taylor 201-556-9677 or WEDNESDAY 6/23 7:30pm Alive in the Spirit
Marianne Tracey 201-880-5111
Bible Study-Deacon Joe (School)

TRICKY TRAY NEWS-Our annual Tricky Tray will take place THURSDAY 6/24 7:30pm Bingo
once again this year on Oct. 22, 2010 in OLQP auditorium. The
SUNDAY 6/27 6:30pm YG Team Meeting (DH)
doors will open at 6:00 pm. Drawings will begin at 7:30 pm.
MARK YOU CALENDARS! The committee is looking for 7:00pm Youth Group Meeting (Auditorium)
baskets and new items for donation. Please bring the
donated items to the rectory. Thank you for your support in
making this fund raiser a success.
ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS-Parish members want to do
business with people they can trust – namely their fellow
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Michael Briamonte, Michael DeStefano and Paula Gruccio.
parishioners. Advertising in the bulletin helps parishioners who
are business owners reach a very loyal audience. Studies show
that 68% of households surveyed when making a choice
f|v~ exÄtà|äxá tÇw YÜ|xÇwá
between businesses are inclined to choose the one who Frank Alexander, Lloyd Bartels, William Bergmann, Ruth Bonday,
advertised in the bulletin. Potential new customers are sitting Cathy Burch, Helen Dunleavy, Gudrun Hagele, Doris Honkisz,
right next to you in church. Carmine Inga, Tom Loizzi, John McQuade, Jonathan Mechan,
Next Sunday, we ask that you bring your business card and Betsy Merz, Virginia Mary Minihan, Steven Monahan,
place it in the basket. A representative from the bulletin Marilyn Montemarano, Kay Moran, Elizabeth Morrell,
company will contact you regarding advertising. Christine Napoli, Julius Nemes, Doris Neumann,
Thomas Niemczyk, Florence Paolella, Maria Revilla, Fran Ruffino,
Lois Schutz, Brenda Schwarz, Bernice Stavola,
AAA Update: Our 2010 AAA goal this year is $40,655.00.
Mariano Terdoslavich, Barbara Tropia, Domenica Trovini,
To date we have pledges of $47,661.00 THANK YOU! Even
Linda Underkoffler, Dr. Robert Valgento
though we have made our goal in pledges, we ask that if
and Theophil Wasielewski.
you have not yet made your pledge please do so. We will
receive a rebate based on a percentage of the amount we If you have a family member who is in a nursing home or
bring in over our goal. Last year that rebate check was in rehabilitation center, please notify the Rectory
the amount of $3,500, which went into our parking lot fund. so we can arrange to visit them.
June 20, 2010
Dear Parish Family, Mark This Year's Calendar - November 7, 2010
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all of our fathers, grandfathers, Our 60th Anniversary Gala will begin with Mass at 3 pm
great-grandfathers, fathers-in-law, and godfathers! Today we say celebrated by Bishop John Flesey, D.D.. Mass will be followed by
“thank you” for your role and vocation as a father. a reception from 5 - 9 pm at the Hasbrouck Heights Hilton. Good
food, fun, fellowship, and great dancing with a fabulous live
As our country takes time to celebrate the gift of our fathers, I use band. (Watch future bulletins for ticket information.)
this opportunity to give a personal reflection of the priesthood. For
a year the Universal Church has celebrated the Year of the The Gala Committee is looking for prizes. If you would like to
Priest, a year begun by Pope Benedict XVI to reflect on, and donate something such as Hotel or condo stays, vacations or
celebrate, the gift that is the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. trips, spa treatments, sporting event tickets, theater or concert
tickets, jewelry (we have a man's watch), restaurant certificates,
For eighteen years now I have been called “Father” by the electronic equipment, etc., please contact Susan at the parish
faithful. At my Mass of Installation as Pastor nearly three years center (201-845-9566).
ago, Bishop Flesey said the following prayer: “May you be a
loving father, a wise teacher, and a gentle shepherd.” Gala Journal
I strive to live out these roles every day of my ministry as Please consider taking out a journal ad to commemorate the
priest and pastor. Writing this article offers me an opportunity to parish's 60th anniversary.
reflect on my own journey – hearing God’s call, living it out, and Journal ad forms can be located at the back of the church.
recommitting myself to it each day. "Reflections from the Pew" - Be part of our Gala Journal.
First of all I thank Jesus Christ for calling me to this vocation. The Gala Committee is also looking for brief comments and
When I first felt “the call” I kept asking “why me”? My faults and reflections regarding OLQP to be published in the Journal. You
weaknesses seemed to me to be a hindrance to answering it. In can e-mail them to Paul Hom at [email protected]
the Preface for Martyrs, we find the beautiful words, “God uses or drop them off in the Sunday collection basket. Please include
the weak and makes them strong in bearing witness to Christ”. contact information with your submission.
How true! Still today my limitations and faults are there, but it is The deadline for submission is July 1st.
my relationship with Him which gives me the strength to live out
the call to the priesthood.
Our summer Rectory hours will begin on
As I mentioned earlier, living out my vocation is something to Friday, July 2nd through Friday, Sept. 3rd inclusive.
which I recommit myself each day. During my time in the During the summer season
seminary, we were privileged to have one of the oldest and most our Rectory will close at 12:00 noon on Friday
respected priests in the Archdiocese, Monsignor Walter Jarvis, and reopen at 9:00 am on Saturday.
come to talk with us. He started off his talk by saying, “I’m not Our regular hours will resume after Labor Day.
sure if God is calling me to be a priest”. He was quiet for several
moments (and so were we); then he said it one more time. Msgr.
Jarvis was in his mid-90’s at the time and had been a priest for PAVING THE WAY -The SUPER RAFFLE prize
over 60 years. In his talk he said that he was not 100% sure that money is up to $3,770 with 903 tickets sold. Be sure to
God was calling him to the priesthood, but each day he send in your returns right away to get into the
recommitted himself to the Lord and to His ministry. He would not drawings. The three prizes will be 25%, 15%, and 10% of
worry about tomorrow. the total amount brought in (the total in so far is
$7,540). The drawings will take place in our auditorium
That made a tremendous impression on me. As married
on August 15th (at around 2 PM) after our Rosary
couples need to recommit themselves to each other, I need to
recommit myself to the Lord and His ministry each day. The
The proceeds will go into our parking lot fund. The
oxygen for my ministry is my prayer life, and the time that I spend
cost of our new parking lot is $104,000 and so far, we
in front of the Blessed Sacrament has always been the heart of
have $31,370.00 toward it.
my day. It is even more so in my role as Pastor. Praying in front
If you prefer not to enter our drawings by buying
of the Blessed Sacrament is not for priests only but for all of us. I
tickets, donations to the parking lot fund will be gladly
invite and encourage all members of the parish to spend time with
accepted and deeply appreciated.
our Eucharistic Lord each week. It will enrich, strengthen, and
nourish your life.
PRAYER FOR PEACE - Mary, Queen of Peace, save us all, who have so
During my last year in the seminary, I read a saying by St.
much trust in you from wars, hatred, and oppression. Make us all learn to
Augustine that has been the way that I have tried to live the
live in peace, and educate ourselves for peace, do what is demanded by
priesthood these last 18 years: “Work as if everything depends on
justice and respect the rights of every person, so that peace may be firmly
you, and pray as if everything depends on God”. Through prayer I
established. Amen Pope John Paul
know and feel that God wants me to be here at Our Lady Queen
of Peace. These last three years as your Pastor have been We invite all our Parish Community to write a note / letter
exciting, challenging, and full of personal growth. I look forward to to our soldiers overseas. We pray that they may be safe.
being your Pastor in the years ahead. With your prayers and Keep Matthew DeBonis, Carolyn Rocco and all the soldiers
support, I can be the loving father, the wise teacher, and the
in your prayers.
gentle shepherd that Our Lord has called me to be. Cpl. Matthew DeBonis Carolyn Rocco
3/7 PSD Unit 41570 24 EFIS
Thank you for your Stewardship of Time, Talent, and
FPO AP 96427-1570 APO AF 09309
Treasure, and for all that you do for our parish.
Love, Fr. Larry
For the rest of the summer, the Pastor's column will not be published each week. The regular weekly column will resume in September.
MEMORIALS - Parishioners are now invited to memorialize a
candle burning in front of the Blessed Mother and the candle over
the Tabernacle in memory of a loved one. These are in addition to
the present Memorials of the altar bread, altar wine and the altar
Dates June 20th through June 27th, 2010 candles. Donations for each of these will be $15.00 per week and
the Memorials will be for one week each.
Sunday - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 20th 8:00 am Novena In Honor of All Fathers
Our next monthly Memorial Mass will be offered on Saturday, July
10:00 am Novena In Honor of All Fathers 31st at 8:30 am. As you may remember, we will have a Memorial
Mass each month. This will be offered in an effort to accommodate
12:00 pm Novena In Honor of All Fathers anyone who desired a specific date in the month but was unable to
Monday - St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious obtain the same. The offering for this remembrance will be $5.00.
All names will be listed in the Bulletin.
June 21st 8:30 am Novena In Honor of All Fathers Memorial Mass - Saturday, July 31st, 2010 – 8:30 am
Tuesday - St. Paulinus of Nola, Bishop; St. John Fisher, Bishop & Unannounced Masses - These Masses will not be offered in our
Martyr, and St. Thomas More, Martyr parish but will be offered elsewhere where there is availability such
June 22nd 8:30 am Novena In Honor of All Fathers as at St. John Vianney, (the retired priests home), at inner city
parishes, or the missions. The offering for these Masses will be
Wednesday $5.00, and Mass cards are available for presentation to the
June 23rd 8:30 am Novena In Honor of All Fathers
Gift Bearer at Mass - If you would like to be the gift bearer at
Thursday - The Nativity of St. John the Baptist Mass, please let one of the ushers know. We encourage the family
members of the person for whom the Mass is intended to act as gift
June 24th 8:30 am Novena In Honor of All Fathers bearer.
June 25th 8:30 am Novena In Honor of All Fathers HELP! Sometimes we feel like our lives
Saturday - BVM are at risk as we walk through the parking lot. Please slow
down as you enter our premises and as you drive to your
June 26th 8:30 am Novena In Honor of All Fathers favorite parking space. Thank you!

5:00 pm John & Carrie DeStefano & Son

Sunday - Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Make a donation to help the purchase of our new organ!
June 27th 8:00 am Wayne Peterson Adopt individual keys to help out!
10:00 am Michael O’Daly 61 STOPS LEFT @ $100 Each
12:00 pm Fred & Antoinette Marrone 174 KEYS LEFT @ $200 Each
28 PEDALS LEFT @ $300 Each
Altar Bread - for Fred Faul by Camisa Family
You can make a donation in your name, make a group donation, or
Altar Wine - Mel Alonge by Giarmo & Kasica Family make it in memory of a loved one!
Altar Candles - For Fred Faul by Camisa Family When we have enough to buy our new organ, those who donated
will have their donation on a plaque that will be hung by the music
Sanctuary Lamp in Memory George Tracey area. See Steve Taylor on the weekends, the rectory during the
by the Maher Family week, or drop off the below in the collection basket on the
Blessed Mother Candle in Memory George Tracey weekends. As of 5/30/10 we have $27,656.00 in our Organ Fund
by Marge Maher toward our goal of $60,000.00.
Note: Please remember the Altar Bread, Wine and Candles can be We raised $1,552 at our pancake breakfast for our organ fund!
memorialized by calling the Rectory. 201-845-9566 Thanks to everyone for their help and support
on making this fundraiser a huge success!
MASS TIMES - Traveling this season? Going away for
vacation? No need to miss Sunday Mass! An electronic
ministry offers Catholics, especially travelers and those on Write here what you wish
Part of Price # Total to appear on the plaque:
vacation, information on where to find a parish for Mass or Organ purchased ______________________
other worship services. Go online:
Stop $100 ______________________
The website offers the address of a parish, contact
information and, if available, a particular parish’s website. Key $200 Your Name:
See you in church! We would also ask you to consider that Pedal $300
our operational expenses here at OLQP go on even while Phone:
Volume $1,000 SOLD OUT! ______________________
you are on vacation. Please remember us! Pedal


Feast day: June 21 / 1591 Abortion is not healthcare because killing is not healing.
St. Aloysius was born in Castiglione, Italy. The first For more info. on pro life issues, go to or
words St. Aloysius spoke were the Holy Names of [email protected].
Jesus and Mary. He was destined for the military
by his father (who was in service to Philip II), but by the age of A Parental Notification Amendment is being talked about in the
nine, Aloysius had decided on a religious life and made a vow of NJ legislature. It is ACR71 and would require parental notification
perpetual virginity. To safeguard himself from possible before a minor young woman could have an abortion. Please call
temptation, he would keep his eyes persistently downcast in the or write Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver
presence of women. St. Charles Borromeo gave him his first Holy ([email protected]/973-395-1166) and Senate President
Communion. A kidney disease prevented St. Aloysius from a full Stephen Sweeney ([email protected] / 856-251-9801).
social life for a while, so he spent his time in prayer and reading Urge both of them to support this amendment.
the lives of the saints. Although he was appointed a page in
Spain, St. Aloysius kept up his many devotions and austerities Four Month Developing Baby
Well, your little baby now weighs 6 ounces. He has
and was quite resolved to become a Jesuit. His family eventually fingernails and eyelashes. He has his own unique
moved back to Italy, where he taught catechism to the poor. fingerprints which will remain unchanged throughout his
When he was 18, he joined the Jesuits, after finally breaking life. His tastebuds are working. His sense of hearing is
down his father, who had refused his entrance into the order. He present at 14 weeks. There are no major bodily
served in a hospital during the plague of 1587 in Milan and died developments anymore. Your spiritually adopted baby is
from it at the age of 23, after receiving the last rites from St. already well-formed, internally and externally. All he
Robert Bellarmine. The last word he spoke was the Holy Name of needs now is time to gain weight and grow strong.
Jesus. St. Robert wrote the Life of St. Aloysius.
A Father Looks Back
HOW SHOULD WE DRESS FOR MASS? Longtime country music singer Kenny Rogers has a song called “Water
People generally have no real problem wearing proper clothing and Bridges,” which highlights a father's pain after losing a child to
when entering places that demand such attire. Would you ever abortion. Rogers told CNN that the song is not about him, but is "really
consider attending a formal dinner or a wedding dressed in a about choices you make when you're young that you pay for when you're
old." He goes on to explain, "It starts off with a young couple who have an
tee shirt and shorts, or a tank top and swimming trunks? Each
abortion, and the guy says, 'If a father could hold his son, I could undo
Sunday the Lord invites us to His House. Are you dressed what's been done, but I guess everyone is living with water and bridges.'"
properly for this important Sacred Sacrificial Meal? Counseling and healing is available for any man or woman who has lost a
child to abortion. See for details.
JUNE 2010 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - [email protected]
Any woman who is pregnant and in need can get help. She never
IT'S TIME TO REGISTER FOR 2010/2011 CLASSES has to feel that abortion is the only option and can find assistance at
the following numbers:
Registration Fees are now:
New Jersey law allows a mother who cannot keep a recently born baby to
1 Child - $100; 2 children - $175; and 3 or more children - $200. leave the baby at a hospital or a police station, no questions asked.
Registration forms were sent home with the children before For information call 877-839-2339.
classes ended. We are updating our records so one form needs to be Post Abortion Healing / 1-877-HOPE 4 ME or
filled out for each child attending and returned with the appropriate fee. Crisis Pregnancy Helpline/1-888-4-OPTIONS
Birthright/1-800-550-4900 or 201-845-4646
Registration forms can be found and printed out
The Respect Life Committee would like to thank all of the
from the website. parishioners who are participating in our Spiritual Adopt a Baby
program. It is an on-going 9 month program. Please feel free to
Should you need any assistance, please call the pick up an extra prayer card in the church and join your prayers
Religious Education Office at 201-845-9545. to ours. We will update you each month as to the development of
Thank you. your baby. There are prayer cards for our Spiritual Adoption
Program in the basket in the back of the church. Please feel free
PARENTS ARE THE FIRST TEACHERS OF THEIR CHILD. to take one and pray for a baby to be spared from abortion. In
October 2010, we will have a baby shower to celebrate the births
of our adopted babies. We look forward to another successful
In order to make religious education a success, it is our teachers program this year as we strive to end abortions and return our
who are the backbone and heart of our program. We are in country to a culture of life.
particular need of teachers for grades 2, 3, 7 & 8. We are also
open to the idea of team teaching. RESPECT LIFE UPDATE

Please search your hearts and consider volunteering your time in President Obama has nominated Elena Kagen to fill the
teaching the children of our parish. If interested, please call the upcoming vacancy on the US Supreme Court. Ms. Kagen has
Religious Education Office at 201-845-9545 for more information. NO experience as a judge! Based on her public writings and
speeches, she is an aggressive advocate of abortion rights and a
supporter of taxpayer funding of abortions. She has donated to
YOUTH MINISTRY [email protected] / YOUTH NEWS / JUNE abortion-rights groups and has strong ties to abortion advocacy
27th Youth Group Meeting (auditorium) 7PM groups. Please contact your legislators and urge their NO vote on
*YG Team Meeting – 6:30PM (DH)* this lifetime appointment. For further info, go to these websites:, and [email protected].
*Congratulations 2010 Graduates!!!* The babies are counting on YOU to get involved! Thank you!
Deacon Joe’s Bible Study (Normally on Monday) EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT 7:30 PM!
Meets mornings & evenings. New members are welcome at any
time. For information on days, times and locations call We appreciate the support that you have shown in the past
Deacon Joe at (201) 845-9566. at various functions. We hope that you will continue your
support. We play a few different games aside from the
Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue Program regular BINGO games. One of which is called ......."MEGA
Jesus is knocking at your door. Our Blessed Mother is SPECIAL", and the winner receives 75% of the proceeds
knocking at your door. Won’t you invite our Blessed Mother sold for that game. SMOKE FREE!
into your home? The Legion of Mary of OLQP has begun
If we work together, we can make BINGO the successful
the Pilgrim Virgin Home Visitation Program. When you
welcome Our Lady into your home, she comes with her FUND RAISER it could be.
Spouse, the Holy Spirit. Countless blessings can be poured So, PLEASE, come on down and bring a friend
down upon your family & friends by praying the Rosary and (or two, or three or more!!!)
asking our Blessed Mother’s intercession. For information or
You'll be glad you did! It's a fun night!
to schedule a visit, call Grace at 201-843-4497.


COMING SOON– Computerized games in addition to
MINISTRY. If you are adding someone to our Parish sick list, please
our paper games. Watch bulletin for more info!
consider the healing power of these beautiful shawls. They are prayed
over by the Prayer Shawl Ministry and blessed by our Pastor. If you
know of someone you think is in need of a Prayer Shawl, you
Make money for the parish
may write to: The Prayer Shawl Ministry, c/o Janice Marich, 834 by searching the internet!
Spring Valley Road, Maywood, NJ 07607. Tell us about the person
and make sure you include their name, address, and phone number. I Just go to and be sure to enter
would also like to invite anyone who is interested to join our group Our Lady Queen of Peace, Maywood, NJ as the charity
in this prayerful ministry, which is very rewarding. God Bless! Janice you want to support. And, be sure to spread the word!
$170 has been raised thus far!
The Clean-up/Gardening went so well. A BIG
THANK YOU to the women who worked so YEAR FOR PRIESTS
tirelessly, even through a ten minute downpour.
If you haven’t done so already, please take a How You Can Help Increase Priestly Vocations
moment to walk over to the Statue of the  Pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood.
Blessed Mother and see how beautiful it looks.  Offer your time and financial support to strengthen youth
ministries in your parish.
* REMINDER * REMINDER * REMINDER  Teach your children and grandchildren how to listen to the
Day in the Park—Sunday, June 27, 2010-The Rosary promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Society will again be holding a Bake Sale at “Day in the  Ask your children and grandchildren if they ever thought
Park.” Donations of home made goods are greatly about becoming a priest.
appreciated and you can drop them off the day of. We will  If you know someone who has the qualities of a good priest,
be in the same spot we were last year. Please come and point it out to him.
help us make this a big success. Any questions, please  Pray for the young men discerning the priesthood.
Find ways to support and encourage seminarians in your
call Marianne Tracey 201-880-5111 or Eleanor Sherman

Our Parish Ministry Book is available on our website. The office of Vocations has opened a new updated website
Please go to & see all the ministries that are offered.
geared for young men discerning the priesthood.

ST. PETER ACADEMY MIDDLE STATES ACCREDITED Pope Benedict has a website! It is "".
The Catholic School Advantage EDUCATION PLUS…
PreK-3 Program - Age 3 by Oct. 1 / Mon/Wed/Fri Program. 8 – 11AM June 19, 2009–June 11, 2010 a ‘Year for Priests’.
PreK-4 Program - Age 4 by Oct.1 / Full Day Program 8-2:30PM
To celebrate the end of this year, our parish will have a
“coffee hour” today after the 10:00 am Mass
Kdg. Full Day Program - Age 5 by Oct. 1 / Reading, Language Arts,
Math, Computer, Spanish, Phys Ed., etc.
to honor our own priests.
Please mark the date and join us in showing
Grades 1 – 8 / Complete Academic Program
our own Fr. Larry, Fr. Kevin and Fr. Jonathan,
After Care for PreK 4-Gr. 8 how very important they are in our lives and
Check the website & call the School Office for an appointment how much we appreciate their time
and tour of the school. (201) 261-3468 and efforts here at OLQP. (Sponsored by the Rosary Society)


Mother Teresa Denied Honor

Empire State Lighting Partners are denying
Mother Teresa the honor of having the
towers shine in blue, white and blue on
August 26. On this day, the U.S. Postal
Service will honor her with a stamp,
marking the 100th anniversary of her birth.
Go to the petition at the link below to implore the owner of the
Empire State Building to reverse the decision.


FALL 2011
Spiritual Director: Fr. Larry Fama

Please watch future bulletins

for more information.

Catholic Charities / Healthy Children, Healthy Families

IMPORTANT - You may be eligible for free or low cost health
insurance coverage for your children through NJ Family Care.
Call Catholic Charities' Healthy Children, Healthy Families
Outreach Program today to learn more. A trained, bilingual
staff person will review eligibility requirements, help enroll your
family and follow up.
Please call (201) 294-5134 for more information.


Catholic Community Services offers Social Service Assistance
in the areas of: Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation, Child
Development, Emergency Food/Housing, Programs for the
Elderly, Mental Health, Special Education, Immigration, Family
Counseling and Services for people living with
HIV/AIDS. Call 1-800-CCS-7413.

Vatican Approves US English Translation of Missal

Implementation of the changes will be late next
year. Please watch future bulletins for updates.

Please patronize our advertisers and when you do, let

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For bulletin submission

Please e-mail [email protected] by Thursday
Copyright © 2001- 2010 Sermons4Kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved. for it to be in the following Sunday (a week later).

New Parishioners are requested to register in the Parish as soon as possible. Please notify the Parish office
of any changes in address and phone number.
Name ___________________________________ Check
Address _________________________________ ______ I wish to receive a registration form
Town ___________________________________ ______ I have a change of address
Phone # _________________________________ ______ I am moving out of the parish
Please cut out and return to the Parish Rectory or place in the basket.

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