An Ecient Uniform-Cost Normalized Edit Distance Algorithm

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An Ecient Uniform-Cost Normalized Edit Distance Algorithm

Abdullah N. Arslan and O mer Egecioglu

Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Barbara
farslan; omerg@cs:ucsb:edu

A common model for computing the similarity of two strings X and Y of lengths m, and
n respectively with m  n, is to transform X into Y through a sequence of edit operations
which are of three types: insertion, deletion, and substitution of symbols. The model assumes
a given weight function which assigns a non-negative real cost to each of these edit operations.
The amortized weight for a given edit sequence is the ratio of the total weight of the sequence
to its length, and the minimum of this ratio over all edit sequences is the normalized edit dis-
tance between X and Y . Experimental results suggest that for some applications normalized
edit distance is better as a similarity measure than ordinary edit distance, which ignores the
length of the sequences. Existing algorithms for the computation of normalized edit distance
with provable bounds on the complexity require O(mn2 ) operations in the worst-case. In this
paper we develop an O(mn log n) worst-case algorithm for the normalized edit distance problem
for uniform weights. In this case the weight of each edit operation is constant within the same
type, except substitutions can have di erent costs depending on whether they are matching or
Keywords: Edit distance, normalized edit distance, algorithm, dynamic programming, frac-
tional programming, ratio minimization.

1 Introduction
Measuring similarity of strings is a well-known problem in computer science which has applications
in many elds such as computational biology, text processing, optical character recognition, image
and signal processing, error correction, information retrieval, pattern recognition, and pattern
matching in large databases.
Consider two strings X and Y over a nite alphabet, whose lengths are m, and n respectively
with m  n. We consider sequences of weighted edit operations (insertions, deletions, or substi-
tutions of characters), by means of which X is transformed into Y . If we call each such sequence
as an edit sequence, then the ordinary (conventional) edit distance problem (ED) seeks for an edit
sequence with minimum total weight over all sequences. The edit distance between X and Y is
de ned as the weight of such a sequence. Although the edit distance is a useful measure for sim-
ilarity of two strings, for some applications the lengths of the strings compared need to be taken
into account. Two binary strings of length 1000 di ering in 1 bit have the same edit distance as
two binary strings of length 2 di ering in 1 bit, although one would most likely state that only the

1000-bit strings are \almost equal". It is tempting to normalize the edit distance by an appropriate
method: Marzal and Vidal considered a variant called normalized edit distance (NED) between X
and Y [8]. If we de ne the amortized weight of an edit sequence as the ratio of the total weight of the
sequence to the length of the sequence, NED is the minimum amortized weight over all possibilities.
Marzal and Vidal found that NED yields better results in empirical experiments. However, it seems
that the computation of NED requires signi cantly more work than that of ordinary edit distance
algorithms, which are mostly dynamic programming based. It is also interesting to note that NED
cannot be obtained by \post-normalization", i.e., rst computing the ordinary edit distance and
then dividing it by the length of the corresponding edit sequence [8].
Ordinary edit distance can be computed in O(mn) time [14, 18, 6], or O(mn= log n) time if the
weights are rational [9]. In order for NED computations to be advantageous, the computational
complexity of an algorithm for the latter should not signi cantly exceed these. There are several
algorithms to compute NED, both sequential [8, 12, 17] and parallel [5]. Observing that an edit
sequence length lies in the range m, and m + n inclusive, an O(mn2 ) time dynamic programming
algorithm can be developed for this problem [8]. Furthermore, it has been noted that NED can
be formulated as a special case of constrained edit distance (CED) problems [12]. By adapting
the techniques used for CED, NED can be computed in O(smn) time where s is the number of
substitutions in an optimal edit sequence [12]. But since s can be as large as n, the worst case time
complexity remains O(mn2 ).
Another approach for NED computation uses fractional programming [17]; an iterative method
in which an ordinary edit distance problem with varying weights is solved at each iteration. Ex-
perimental results on both randomly generated synthetic data, and real applications performed
by Vidal, Marzal, and Aibar [17] suggest that the number of iterations necessary for the NED
computation with this method is bounded by a small constant. This implies an achievement of
experimental O(mn) time complexity for NED computation, but as argued by Vidal, Marzal, and
Aibar, a mathematical proof of a a theoretical bound for this algorithm seems dicult. However
under reasonable probabilistic models, the average complexity of this algorithm can be analyzed [1].
In this paper, we direct our attention to NED computations in the case when the weight function
is uniform ; i.e. the weight of an edit operation does not depend on the symbols involved in the
operation, but only on its type. We assume four types of operations: insertion, deletion, matching
and non-matching substitutions. The weight of each type of an operation is a nonnegative real
number. This and even more restricted cases of weight functions have already been studied in the
literature in the context of ordinary edit distances [13, 16, 11].
The previously suggested algorithms for NED do not specialize to a faster than O(mn2 ) algo-
rithm when the weight function is uniform. We propose an algorithm UniformNED which iteratively
solves ordinary edit distance problems to compute the NED. We use the standard algorithm of
Wagner and Fisher [18] to solve the ordinary edit distance problems, and make use of a technique
developed by Megiddo [10] for the optimization of objective functions which are ratios of linear
functions. The worst-case resulting time complexity of our algorithm is O(mn log n), compared to
the best provable complexity of O(mn2 ) of NED.
The outline of this paper is as follows. Section 2 consists of preliminaries; de nitions, nota-
tion used, and the problem statement. In section 3 we describe optimization of the ratio of two
linear functions and Megiddo's method. Section 4 describes our algorithm and gives a proof of its

O(mn log n) worst-case complexity, and section 5 describes its implementation. This is followed by
remarks in section 6 and conclusions in section 7.

2 De nitions
Let X = x1 x2    xm and Y = y1 y2    yn be two strings over an alphabet , for m  0, and n  0,
not both null. We assume that the edit operations applicable on the symbols of X to transform it
into Y are of three types: inserting a character into X , deleting a character from X , or substituting
a character from  for a character of X . The substitution operation can further be broken down
into matching and non-matching substitutions. More formally for 1  i  m, the allowable edit
operations are
(1) Insertion : any symbol s 2  can be inserted before or after xi ,
(2) Deletion : the symbol xi can be deleted.
(3) Substitution : the symbol xi can be replaced by a symbol s 2 . A substitution operation is
(3-a) a matching substitution if s = xi ,
(3-b) a non-matching substitution if s 6= xi .
The edit graph GX;Y of X and Y is a directed acyclic graph having (m +1)(n +1) lattice points
(i; j ) for 0  i  m, and 0  j  n as vertices. The top-left extreme point of this rectangular grid
is labeled (0; 0) and the bottom-right extreme point is labeled (m; n), as shown in Figure 1. The
arcs of GX;Y are divided into three types corresponding to edit operations:
(1) Horizontal arcs : f((i; j 1); (i; j )) j 0  i  m, 0 < j  ng (deletions).
(2) Vertical arcs : f((i 1; j ); (i; j )) j 0 < i  m, 0  j  ng (insertions).
(3) Diagonal arcs : f((i 1; j 1); (i; j )) j 0 < i  m, 0 < j  ng (substitutions).
If xi = yj , then the diagonal arc ((i 1; j 1); (i; j )) is a matching diagonal arc, otherwise a
non-matching diagonal arc. Figure 1 illustrates an example edit graph for X = aba and Y = bab.
An edit path in GX;Y is a directed path from (0; 0) to (m; n). Steps of an edit path corre-
spond to a sequence of edit operations which transforms X into Y as follows: A horizontal arc
((i 1; j ); (i; j )) corresponds to the deletion of xi , a vertical arc ((i 1; j 1); (i 1; j )) corresponds
to the insertion of yj immediately before xi , and a diagonal arc ((i 1; j 1); (i; j )) corresponds to
substitution of symbol yj for xi . In Figure 1, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal arcs are labeled by
the initial letters of the corresponding edit operations D, I , and S respectively. Matching diagonal
arcs are indicated by dashed lines, whereas non-matching diagonal arcs are straight lines.
In case of uniform costs, ordinarily a weight function = ( I ; D ; S ) is used to give weights
to each of the three edit operations allowed. In our case we use a re nement which is de ned by a
4-tuple of non-negative real numbers = ( I ; D ; M ; N ). These specify the cost of an insertion
( I ), deletion ( D ), matching substitution ( M ), and non-matching substitution ( N ). This turns
GX;Y into a weighted graph in which the weights of vertical, horizontal, matching diagonal, and
non-matching diagonal arcs are given by I ; D ; M ; N , respectively.
X a b a
Y 0,0

b I S I S I S I

0,1 1,1 2,1 3,1


a I S I S I S I

0,2 1,2 2,2 3,2


b I S I S I S I

0,3 1,3 2,3 3,3


Figure 1: The edit graph GX;Y for the strings X = aba and Y = bab. Arcs corresponding to
insertion, deletion, and substitution operations are labeled by the letters, I , D, and S , respectively.
Non-matching substitutions are dashed diagonal arcs.

The edit distance EDX;Y; is the weight of a least-cost edit path in GX;Y . In other words,
suppose P = PX;Y is the set of all edit paths between X and Y in GX;Y . If W (p) denotes the sum
of the weights of the arcs in p 2 P (W is called the path-weight function corresponding to ), then
EDX;Y; = minp
W (p) :
The normalized edit distance NEDX;Y; is the minimum amortized weight of paths in P . That
is, if L denotes the path-length function which gives the number of arcs in p 2 P , then
NEDX;Y; = min W (p) : (2)
p L(p)

NEDX;Y; is unde ned when L(p) = 0 which happens only when both X and Y are null. Figure
2 shows optimal ordinary and normalized edit paths p1 and p2 for the graph GX;Y of Figure 1, for
= (9; 7; 0; 5). Note that W (p1)=L(p1 ) = 5 whereas the optimum value of (2) is W (p2 )=L(p2 ) = 4.
Given strings X and Y , let F = f(h(p); v(p); dM (p); dN (p)) j p 2 Pg where h(p); v(p); dM (p), and
dN (p) denote respectively the number of horizontal, vertical, matching diagonal, and non-matching
diagonal arcs in p. W and L can be de ned as linear functions from F to real numbers. For a
given p 2 P
W (p) = D h(p) + I v(p) + M dM (p) + N dN (p); (3)
L(p) = h(p) + v(p) + dM (p) + dN (p):
a b a a b a
7 7 7 7 7 7
b 9 5
9 b 9 5

7 7 7 7 7 7

a 9 0 9 5 9 0 9 a 9 0 9 5 9 0 9

7 7 7 7 7 7

b 9 5 9 0 9 5 9 b 9 5 9 0 9 5 9

7 7 7 7 7 7

(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) The optimum edit path p1 with weight 15, EDX;Y; = 15. (b) An optimal edit path
p2 with amortized weight 16=4 = 4, NEDX;Y; = 4.

From the structure of the graph GX;Y we have

m = h(p) + dM (p) + dN (p);
n = v(p) + dM (p) + dN (p):
Therefore we can rewrite W (p) and L(p) as linear functions of two variables dM (p) and dN (p)
only, by using the expressions h(p) = m dM (p) dN (p), and v(p) = n dM (p) dN (p) in (3).
Consequently the NED problem becomes the minimization problem in (2) in which the numerator
and the denominator are given by the linear functions
W (p) = m D + n I + ( M I D )dM (p) + ( N I D )dN (p) (4)
L(p) = m + n dM (p) dN (p)

3 Optimizing the Ratio of Two Linear Functions

For z = (z1 ; z2 ; : : : ; zn ) 2 D for some domain D  IRn , let A the problem of minimizing c0 + c1 z1 +
   + cn zn and let B be the problem of minimizing (a0 + a1 z1 +    + anzn )=(b0 + b1z1 +    + bnzn )
where the denominator is assumed to be always positive in D. For  real, let A() denote the
parametric problem of minimizing (a0 + a1 z1 +    + an zn ) (b0 + b1 z1 +    + bn zn ) in D. This
is problem A with ci = ai bi , i = 0; 1; : : : ; n.
Problem A: minimize c0 + c1z1 +    + cn zn
s.t. z 2 D
Problem B: minimize ab00++ab11zz11++ +an zn

+bn zn
s.t. z 2 D

Problem A(): minimize (a0 + a1z1 +    + anzn) (b0 + b1z1 +    + bnzn)
s.t. z 2 D
Dinkelbach's algorithm [4] can be used to solve B . It uses the parametric method of an opti-
mization technique known as fractional programming. This method is applicable to optimization
problems involving ratios of functions more general than linear. The thesis of the parametric
method is that an optimal solution to B can be achieved via the solution of A(). In fact
 is the optimum value of B i the optimum value of A( ) is 0 :

Dinkelbach's algorithm starts with an initial value for  and repeatedly solves A(). At each
execution of of the parametric problem, an optimal solution z of A() yields a ratio for B which
improves the previous value of the objective function. This ratio is taken to be the new value of
 and A() is solved again. It can be shown that when continued in this fashion, this algorithm
takes nitely many steps to nd an optimal solution to B if D is a nite set. Furthermore even
if D is not nite, convergence to the optimum value  is guaranteed to be superlinear. Various

properties of Dinkelbach's algorithm and fractional programming can be found in [3, 4, 7, 15].
Megiddo [10] introduced a general technique to develop an algorithm for B given an algorithm
for A. The resulting algorithm for B is the algorithm for A with ci = ai bi , for i = 0; 1;    ; n,
where  is treated as a variable, not a constant. That is, the algorithm is the same algorithm as that
for A except that the coecients are not simple constants but linear functions of the parameter .
Instead of repeatedly solving A() with improved values of , this alternative solution simulates the
algorithm for A over these coecients. The assumption is that the operations among coecients
in the algorithm for A are limited to comparisons and additions. Additions of linear functions are
linear, but comparisons among linear functions need to be done with some care. The algorithm
needs to keep track of the interval in which the optimum value  of B lies. This is essential because

comparisons in the algorithm for A now correspond to those among linear functions, and outcomes
may vary depending on interval under consideration for .
The algorithm starts with the initial interval [ 1; +1] for  . If the functions to be compared

intersect, then their intersection point  determines two subintervals of the given interval. In

calculating which of the two subintervals contains  , algorithm for A is called for help, and the

problem A( ) is solved. The new interval and the result of the comparison are determined from

the sign of the optimum value v of A( ) as will be explained later. With Megiddo's technique,

if A is solvable using O(p(n)) comparisons and O(q(n)) additions then B can be solved in time
O(p(n)(p(n) + q(n)). We refer the reader to Megiddo's paper [10] for the details of this approach.
Megiddo also showed that for some problems the critical values of  which a ect the outcome
of comparisons can be precomputed. In such cases the critical values of  give us the possible
candidates for the endpoints of the smallest interval which eventually contains the optimum value
 . Whenever this can be done, binary search can be used to nd  as follows: Suppose that v is

the optimum value of A(). If v = 0, then  is the optimum value of B , and an optimal solution
z of A() is also an optimal solution of B . On the other hand, if v > 0, then a larger , and if
v < 0, then a smaller  should be tested (problem A() should be solved with a di erent value of
). This procedure continues until the \correct" value  is found. Let  be the smallest value

in the set for which the optimum value of A( ) is greater than or equal to 0. Then an optimal

solution z of A( ) yields the optimum value  of B . Fewer number of invocations of algorithm A

may reduce the time complexity of solving B signi cantly, which is the case in problems such as
minimum ratio cycles, and minimum ratio spanning trees.
In the case of edit distances, problem A is the ordinary edit distance problem, and problem B
is the problem of NED in view of our formulation (1), (2), and (4). As we state below the set of
possible values of  required for solving NEDX;Y; can be precomputed eciently.
Proposition 1 For not both m and n equal to zero, let
Q = fq(r; s) j r; s are non-negative integers, r + s  minfm; ng g
q(r; s) = m D + n I + ( M m + In rD )r s+ ( N I D )s : (5)
1. jQj = O(n2 ),
2. For any two strings X and Y over  of lengths m and n, fW (p)=L(p) j p 2 PX;Y g  Q,
3. For all  2 Q,   0.
That is, the possible amortized weights for the paths in PX;Y are all included in the set Q whose
cardinality is O(n2 ) (assuming m  n), and whose elements are non-negative.
Proof Since r + s  minfm; ng  n, by de nition q(r; s) takes on O(n2 ) distinct values, proving
the result about the size of Q. The proof of inclusion of all amortized weights in Q directly
follows from the de nitions of W and L. To see that Q does not include a negative number,
note that if 0  r + s  minfm; ng then m D + n I + ( M I D )r + ( N I D )s =
D (m r s) + I (n r s) + M r + N s  0. Also the denominator is m + n r s > 0 since
not both m and n are zero. 2
Suppose we are given two non-negative integers r; s with r + s  minfm; ng. Then it is easy to
see that there are strings X = x1 x2    xm , Y = y1 y2    yn and an edit path p in PX;Y such that
dM (p) = r and dN (p) = s. Therefore the set Q computed in the proposition is actually the union
of the ratios fW (p)=L(p) j p 2 PX;Y g where X and Y vary over all strings of length m and n over .

4 The Algorithm
We propose the following algorithm UniformNED to solve the NED problem: The algorithm rst
generates the set of numbers Q which includes all possible amortized weights, i.e. potential optimal
values of NEDX;Y; as described in proposition 1. Next, the optimum value  is sought in this

set by simulating a binary search. At each iteration, the median of the current set is found, and
with this value a parametric edit distance problem instance is created. This parametric problem is
solved using an ordinary edit distance algorithm. If the optimum value of the parametric problem
is 0 then the median is the optimum value of NEDX;Y; , if it is negative then the search needs
to be directed to smaller values; otherwise if it is positive, the search space is reduced to larger

values. In either case, the non-optimal half is removed from the set. The search terminates with the
smallest value in the set for which the optimum value of the parametric edit distance problem is 0.
This nal value is returned as the optimum value of NEDX;Y; . An essential feature of algorithm
UniformNED is that the parametric problem created at each iteration is an instance of the ordinary
edit distance algorithm for some weight function of non-negative weights.

The main steps of the algorithm are shown in Figure 3. The algorithm is clearly correct when
Algorithm UniformNED
Step 1 : If m=n=0 then Return( 1) signalling an undefined result.
Step 2 : Return trivial answers :
Return( I ) if m = 0, Return( D ) if n = 0.
Step 3 : Generate the set Q (of proposition 1).
Step 4 : While(true) do
Step 5 : Find the median med ofQ.
Step 6 : Solve EDX;Y; (med ). Let v
be this optimal value.
Step 7 : If v = 0 then Return(med )
Step 8 : else if v < 0 then remove from Q the elements larger than med
Step 9 : else (if v > 0 then) remove from Q the elements smaller than med .
Step 10: End (While)
Step 11: End.

Figure 3: NED algorithm for uniform weights.

m and/or n is 0; otherwise the correctness follows from the facts that all possible amortized weights
are included in Q, and for any  2 Q, EDX;Y; () = 0 if and only if  2 fW (p)=L(p) j p 2 PX;Y g.
Note that, in the latter case the termination is guaranteed since  2 fW (p)=L(p) j p 2 PX;Y g 6= .
The algorithm essentially returns the smallest  such that EDX;Y; () = 0, as required by the NED

Proposition 2 Each parametric edit distance problem EDX;Y; () in algorithm UniformNED can
be formulated in terms of the ordinary edit distance problem.
Proof For any  2 Q, EDX;Y; () is the minimization problem min
[W (p) L(p)]. We calculate

[W (p) L(p)]

= min
[m D + n I + ( M I D )dM (p) + ( N I D )dN (p) (m + n dM (p) dN (p))]
= min
(m D + n I + ( M +  I D )dM (p) + ( N +  I D )dN (p) (m + n)
= minp
W (p) (m + n)

= EDX;Y; (m + n) 0

where = ( I ; D ; M + ; N + ). Since  is non-negative for all  2 Q, includes no negative

0 0

weights. Hence we have a valid instance of the ordinary edit distance problem.
Corollary 1 Any ordinary edit distance algorithm A can be used to compute a parametric problem
EDX;Y; in algorithm UniformNED, provided that A can be used to solve both EDX;Y; and EDX;Y; .
0 0

Theorem 1 If parametric edit distance problems EDX;Y; are solvable by an algorithm A where

= ( I ; D ; M + ; N + ) for  2 Q and if C (m; n) denotes the time complexity of algorithm


A, then NEDX;Y; can be computed in time O(n2 ) + C (m; n)O(log n).

Proof We show that this complexity result can be achieved by using algorithm UniformNED. Step
3 of the algorithm takes O(n2 ) time. The while loop iterates O(log n) times. If linear-time median
nding algorithm [2] is used in step 5, then the total time (from start to completion of the loop)
spent in steps 8, and 9 is O(n2 ). Solving a parametric problem in step 6, which is an ordinary
edit distance computation problem by proposition 2, takes C (m; n) time. The remaining steps take
constant time. It is easy to see that the resulting time complexity is as expressed in the theorem.
Wagner and Fisher's O(mn)-time edit distance algorithm [18] can be used to compute the
least-cost paths in GX;Y . This algorithm is suitable as algorithm A in UniformNED to solve the
parametric ordinary edit distance problems, since the O(mn) time complexity is independent of
the weight function. Since C (m; n) = O(mn) in this case, we have
Corollary 2 Algorithm UniformNED computes the normalized edit distance NEDX;Y; using
O(mn log n) operations.

5 Implementation Details
Termination of UniformNED requires absolute accuracy in ordinary edit distance computations. Er-
rors associated with oating point operations may be problematic. This can be solved by modifying
the algorithm as shown in Figure 4.
Algorithm UniformNED2
Step 1 : If m=n=0 then Return( 1) signalling an undefined result.
Step 2 : Return trivial answers :
Return( I ) if m = 0, Return( D ) if n = 0.
Step 3 : Generate the set Q (of proposition 1).
Step 4 : While( jQj > 1) do
Step 5 : Find the median med of Q.
Step 6 : Solve EDX;Y; (med ). Let v be this optimal value.
Step 7 : If v=0 then Return(med )
Step 8 : else if v < 0 then remove from Q the elements larger than med ,
Step 9 : else (if v > 0 then) remove from Q the elements smaller than med .
Step 10: End (While)
Step 11: Return the element in Q.
Step 12: End.

Figure 4: Modi ed NED algorithm for uniform weights.

Assuming that there is no sign-error in the result of ordinary edit distance computation, the
optimum value will be returned either in step 7 or after the termination of the while loop, since
it will not be removed from Q. Therefore termination is guaranteed. The time complexity of
UniformNED2 is the same as that of UniformNED.

6 Remarks
There are alternate ways of formulating NEDX;Y; in terms of least-cost paths if we relax certain

conditions. For example, it is possible to write

NEDX;Y; = min
0 W (p) 2P

where = ( I ; D ; M ; N ) as used in [17]. However in such a formulation,

0 0

may include a negative weight, resulting in a non-standard instance of the ordinary edit distance
problem that needs to be solved as a part of UniformNED.
We have formulated algorithm UniformNED in such a way that any ordinary edit distance algo-
rithm A can be used to compute a parametric problem EDX;Y; of Step 6, as long as A is capable

of solving both EDX;Y; and EDX;Y; as indicated in corollary 1. This property of A needs to

be kept in mind in the time complexity O(n2 ) + C (m; n)O(log n) of theorem 1. In other words,
not every fast algorithm A for the ordinary edit distance calculation may be a suitable candidate
for A, if it is not general enough to meet the conditions in corollary 1. For example edit distance
algorithms which assume a xed weight function (e.g. = (1; 1; 1)) and achieve fast running times
by using this constant nature of the weights [16, 11] are evidently not suitable for UniformNED.
This is because each execution of Step 6 of the algorithm uses a di erent weight function . 0

Masek and Paterson [9] gave a C (m; n) = O(mn= log n)-time algorithm A which can be used
here, but it is no longer true that the running time of UniformNED is as indicated by theorem 1.
The assumption in the algorithm of Masek and Paterson is that the weights are integral multiples
of a positive real constant r. We can easily show that if the assumption is true for , then it is also
true for  that arises in UniformNED. Suppose that I , D , M , and N are all integer multiples of a

real positive number r and let  in Q. If  = 0, then the assertion is true for the weights in , since

= in this case. If  > 0 the there exist positive integers a, and b such that  = ar=b because

of the way we generate the set Q in proposition 1. Therefore in this case, I , D , M + , and
N +  are integer multiples of the positive real number r=b. There appear to be no other obvious
choice of the new constant such that the assumption holds for . But the algorithm of Masek and

Paterson takes time proportional to some function of 1=r which normally is absorbed in the \big
O", since it is independent of m and n. The discrepancy factor among the magnitude of constants
for di erent parametric problems of UniformNED can be in order of m, however. Therefore even
though it may be possible to achieve O(mn= log n) with , solving some parametric problems using
this A would take signi cantly (by about a factor of m) more time.
Ukkonen's O(dn) time output-size sensitive time algorithm [16], where d is the actual edit
distance, does not seem applicable because it assumes the triangle inequality, which basically says
that among the paths connecting any two nodes in GX;Y , the path with the smallest total weight is
also the one with the shortest length. In order for this property to hold for the parametric problems
that arise, we need = ( I + a; D + b; M + c; N + d) where the real numbers a; b; c, and d satisfy

c  a + b, and d  a + b. These conditions cannot always be met while simultaneously keeping the
weights non-negative.

7 Conclusion
In the absence of theoretical time complexity results for the application of fractional programming
to normalized edit distance calculations which give good experimental results, we have improved
the time complexity of normalized edit distance computation from O(mn2 ) to O(mn log n) when
the weights of edit operations are uniform. Although this result is of theoretical interest, we believe
that the real applications will be in favor of fractional programming normalized edit distance
algorithm because of its easy implementation and superior experimental performance even without
restrictions on the weight function. The worst-case and the expected time complexity of fractional
programming formulation of NED need to be investigated for a better assessment of the value of the
algorithm presented in this paper, keeping in mind that our O(mn log n) bound is in the worst-case.
It seems that while algorithm UniformNED has an improved worst-case time complexity, fractional
programming normalized edit distance algorithm may outperform our algorithm on the average.
On the other hand the algorithm presented here may bene t from improved algorithms for ordinary
edit distance problem, whereas the time complexity of fractional programming based normalized
edit distance algorithm can be improved by an improved least-cost path algorithm.

[1] A.N. Arslan, O.  Egecioglu. Average-case Behavior of Fractional Programming for the Normal-
ized Edit Distance, in preparation.
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