On his first day as an executive secretary, P-Noy, Gazmin, former chief of the Presidential Security
through Ochoa, ordered his first memorandum Group (PSG), saved the late former President Cory
circular. However, it was immediately revised by and his family, from numerous coup attempts. He also
Malacanang the next day to clear some terms in the served as the chief of the Philippine Army.
6. Education Secretary - Bro. Armin Luistro
“He has given me the most sound advice on so many
matters pertaining to my work as legislator. Therefore, Luistro is the president of De La Salle University
I’m very confident his role as the guardian of my back, (DLSU). In a statement released by DLSU, Luistro
he’s more than qualified," P-Noy said of his friend accepted the position "after due consultation with
Ochoa. various stakeholders in the Lasallian community". The
Lasallian brothers are very close to the Aquino family.
2. Foreign Affairs Secretary - Alberto Romulo
Luistro, during the turnover ceremony of the
Romulo, a former Senate Majority leader, first served Department of Education (DepEd) post, reportedly
the government during the time of former President surprised journalists covering the education beat after
Cory Aquino as part of her economic team. He also telling a radio newscaster: "Wag ninyo akong
served as chairman of the Association of Southeast tanungin, dahil kayong media hindi kayo
Asian Nations (Asean) in 2007. He is the only nakakatulong.”
member of the Arroyo Cabinet retained by the Aquino
administration. 7. Budget and Management Secretary - Butch Abad
As senator, Romulo authored legislations such as The Abad served as the campaign manager of the Liberal
New Central Bank Act, Philippine Veterans Bank Act, Party. He was the former representative of the lone
The Social Security System Act, The Salary district of Batanes and was also appointed as
Standardization Law, Vital Organ Donation Act and Agrarian Reform Secretary. On July of 2004, Abad
the Rural Bank Act. was appointed secretary of the Department of
Education by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
P-Noy said his administration is lucky to have
Romulo, a senior member among his appointments. “The budget is the enabler of all of our policy
decisions. We believe he is the best person at the
3. Finance Secretary - Cesar Purisima present time to assist us in judiciously spending the
people’s funds to help him and help us,” P-Noy said of
Purisima formerly occupied the Department of Trade Abad.
and Industry position. Prior to this, he was chairman
and managing partner of SGV & Co. He was also a 8. Director, National Economic Development Authority
member of the Global Executive Board and Global - Cayetano Paderanga
Practice Council of Ernst & Young.
Paderanga, a professor at the University of the
4. Justice Secretary - Leila de Lima Philippines School of Economics, also served the
same post during the Cory administration.
De Lima immediately accepted the post after getting
the news from the Aquino camp, prompting her to quit 9. Agriculture Secretary - Proceso Alcala
her post as the chairwoman of the Commission of
Human Rights (CHR). Former chief justice Reynato Alcala, an environmentalist and a non-government
Puno recommended De Lima after he turned down organization worker, is a two-term congressman of
the post. the Quezon's second district. He is one of the
principal authors of the Organic Agriculture Act of Lim is the president of the Makati Business Club, a
2010 and Mounts Banahaw-San Cristobal Protected group known to support Aquino even before the
Landscape Act. He was also a co-author of the latter's campaign started. Early speculations also
Climate Change Act and the Expanded Senior pointed to showbiz talk host Boy Abunda as the new
Citizens Act. head of the Department of Tourism (DOT) but Abunda
declined the post. Expectedly, Noynoy's sister Kris
According to his curriculum vitae, Alcala pursued made the suggestion to the president-elect.
relentlessly his advocacy for and dedication to
agricultural development, particularly organic “Tourism is seen as one of the key venues for
agriculture in the Congress. increasing jobs in the country. We need someone
who has proven competence in this field,” P-Noy said.
10. Environment Secretary - Ramon Paje
It was earlier speculated that Lim was offered the
Paje, a DENR Undersecretary, will take over the post position after he contributed to Aquino's campaign.
of Horacio Ramos. It was earlier speculated that The submitted expenditure reports of Noynoy
Ramos will be retained for one year after the ban on however did not show that Lim made any monetary
appointing defeated candidates has been lifted and contribution.
senatorial bet Neric Acosta can replace him.
15. Trade Secretary - Greg Domingo
11. DOTC Secretary - Ping De Jesus
Domingo is the incumbent secretary of the
De Jesus is the president and chief operating officer Department of Trade and Industry. He is expected to
of Meralco Corp. He has previously served as the be a one-year appointee only since defeated vice
Public Works secretary in the Cabinet of Noynoy’s presidential candidate Mar Roxas will take over his
mother, Cory, and during the time of ex-president post.
Fidel Ramos.
He is the executive director of SM Investments
“He is a work-driven individual who will oversee the Corporation. P-Noy expects Domingo to generate
transformation of DOTC characterized by the NBN- more jobs for the Filipino people under his
ZTE deal into an agency that truly serves the interests administration.
of the people," P-Noy said.
16. Social Welfare and Development Secretary -
De Jesus ensured the affordability of Dinky Soliman
telecommunications services as soon as he gets
familiarized with his department. Soliman was a member of the “Hyatt 10” who
resigned from the Cabinet of outgoing president in
12. Labor Secretary - Rosalinda Baldoz July 2005. She has previously occupied the same
Baldoz earlier served as the administrator of the
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration 17. DOST Secretary - Mario Montejo
(POEA). She will be replacing Marianito Roque.
In describing Montejo during the announcement of his
13. Health Secretary - Dr. Enrique Ona Cabinet appointments, Noynoy said Montejo's team
was responsible for the featured slides and waves at
the water amusement park Water Fun using Filipino
Ona is the executive director of the National Kidney technology.
and Transplant Institute. He will replace Sec.
Esperanza Cabral.
18. Energy Secretary - Jose Rene Almendras
When his appointment was announced to the media,
P-Noy said he has instructed Ona with regard to Almendras, an Ayala executive, is the president of the
expediting universal coverage of PhilHealth, which Manila Water Co. Before joining the Ayala Group of
was one of the campaign promises of Aquino companies, he was the treasurer of Aboitiz & Co. and
considering that health is the third priority in the Aboitiz Equity Ventures.
platform of the Aquino administration.
“We do not want to fall into a trap of regulatory
14. Tourism Secretary - Alberto "Bertie" Lim capture. He has his proven competence in the various
firms he had headed and worked for, enables him to
handle the DOE which is primarily a finance-heavy
sector and component of our Cabinet," P-Noy said of courses they are not competent in teaching," P-Noy
Almendras. ordered Licuanan.
19. Public Works Secretary - Rogelio Singson 26. Commissioner, Bureau of Internal Revenue - Kim
Singson is the incumbent president and Chief
Executive Officer of Maynilad. Henares has already served as the deputy
commissioner of the same agency.
20. Agrarian Reform Secretary - Virgilio Delos Reyes
Major General Ric David meanwhile has been sworn
Delos Reyes is the incumbent undersecretary of the in as the new Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief
Department of Agrarian Reform. He was initially of Staff while Director General Jesus Verzosa, who
tasked to ensure the agency's mandate of will be retiring on the 25th of December, was retained
empowering farmer beneficiaries throughout the as the chief of the Philippine National Police.
country. (Kathrina Alvarez/Sunnex)