NCP Acute Pain Related To Inflammation
NCP Acute Pain Related To Inflammation
NCP Acute Pain Related To Inflammation
College of Nursing
La Paz, Iloilo City
Clustered Cues Nursing Diagnosis Rationale Outcome Criteria Rationale Evaluation
Acute pain related to Unpleasant sensory The client will Assess the client. To assess the client’s
inflammation and emotional verbalize pain relief perception of pain.
experience arising or an acceptable
from actual or reduction in pain by Allow the client to Verbalization allows
potential tissue verbalize expressions outlet for emotions
damage; sudden or about pain. and may enhance
slow onset of any coping mechanisms.
intensity from mild to
severe with an Allow the client to To facilitate accurate
anticipated or rate the intensity of assessment of the
predictable end and pain in a scale of 0- client’s level of pain.
a duration of less 10 with 0 as no pain
than 6 months. and 10 as severe.