AP American Government: Chapter 19: Civil Rights

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Chapter 19: Civil Rights

I. The pertinent question regarding civil rights is not whether the

government has the authority to treat different people differently; it
is whether such differences in treatment are reasonable.
A. The courts have said that classifying people on the basis of
their race or ethnicity is unreasonable. These are suspect
classifications, and while not every law making such
classifications has been ruled unconstitutional, they have all
become subject to especially strict scrutiny.
The Black Predicament
I. African Americans until fairly recently could not in many parts of the
country vote, attend integrated schools, ride in the front seats of
buses, or buy homes in white neighborhoods.
A. One reason is that the perceived costs of granting these rights
to blacks were not widely distributed among the public at
large but instead fell on some relatively small and readily
organized group.
B. Civil rights in some places was not a matter of client politics
but of competitive or interest group politics. This was
especially true in those parts of the country where blacks were
often in the majority.
C. There the politically dominant white minority felt the potential
competition for jobs, land, public services, and living space
posed by large numbers of people of another race.
II. The interest group component of racial politics put African Americans
at a disadvantage.
III. Another reason why the restrictions on African Americans continued
for so long is that majoritarian politics worked to the disadvantage of
blacks. Because of white attitudes, this was the case even when
white and black interests were not directly in competition.
A. Even among those professing to support equal rights, a
substantial portion opposed African Americans’ efforts to
obtain them and federal action to secure them.
IV. By publicizing their grievances and organizing a civil rights
movement that concentrated on dramatizing the denial to blacks of
essential and widely accepted liberties, African Americans were able
to broaden their base of support both among political elites and
among the general public and thereby to raise civil rights matters to
a new place on the political agenda.
A. By waging a patient, prolonged, but carefully planned legal
struggle, black leaders shifted decision-making power on key
civil rights issues from Congress to the federal courts.
B. After this strategy had achieved some substantial successes
the politics of civil rights became move conventional. African
Americans were able to assert their demands directly in the
legislative and executive branches of government with
reasonable prospects of success.
C. At the same time, the goal of civil rights politics were
The Campaign in the Courts
I. The major decision that was to determine the legal status of the 14th
Amendment for over half a century was Plessy v. Ferguson.
A. LA had passed a law requiring blacks and whites to occupy
separate cars on railroad trains operating in that state.
B. When Adolph Plessy refused to obey the law, he was arrested.
He appealed his conviction to the Supreme Court, claiming
that the law violated the 14th Amendment.
C. In 1896 the Court rejected his claim, holding that the law
treated both races equally even though it required them to be
separate. The equal-protection clause guaranteed political and
legal but not social equality.
Separate but Equal
I. This began the separate-but-equal doctrine, which the Court began
to apply to schools as well.
II. The NAACP put its energy into fighting court battles, allowing it to
remain nonpartisan.
A. This strategy was difficult because the Court had adopted a
narrow interpretation of the 14th Amendment. To get the Court
to change its mind would require the NAACP to bring before it
cases involving the strongest possible claims that a black had
been unfairly treated.
III. The first step was to get the Court to declare unconstitutional laws
creating schools that were separate but obviously unequal. Second
was to persuade it to declare unconstitutional laws supporting
schools that were separate but unequal in not as obvious ways.
Third, persuade it to rule that racially separate schools were
inherently unequal and hence unconstitutional.
Can Separate Schools be Equal
I. The first step was accomplished in a series of court cases stretching
from 1938 to 1948.
A. In 1938 the Court held that Lloyd Gaines had to be admitted to
an all-white law school in MI because no black law school of
equal quality existed in that state.
B. For education to be equal, it had to be equally available. It still
could be separate, however.
II. The second step was taken in two cases decided in 1950. The Court
decided that imposing racially based barriers on black students’
access to professors, libraries, and other students created unequal
educational opportunities.
III. The third step began in Topeka, Kansas, where Linda Brown wanted
to enroll in her neighborhood school but could not because she was
black and the school was reserved exclusively for whites.
A. The NAACP lawyers would have to convince the judges that
racially separate schools were unconstitutional even if they
were equal.
Brown v. Board of Education
I. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court found that the doctrine of
‘separate but equal’ had no place because “separate educational
facilities are inherently unequal.”
II. The Brown case involved a class-action suit. This meant that black
children everywhere now had the right to attend formerly all-white
A. In 1955 the Supreme Court decided that it would let local
federal district courts oversee the end of segregation by giving
them the power to approve or disapprove local desegregation
B. Resistance to desegregation broke out in many states. It was
not until the 1970s that resistance collapsed and most
southern schools were integrated.
III. As the struggle to implement the Brown decision continued, the
importance of the rationale for that decision became apparent. This
was in part its decision was based more on social science than on
Constitutional interpretation.
A. This was done for 2 reasons. One was the justices’ realization
that the authors of the 14th Amendment may not have
intended to outlaw segregated schools. The Court could not
easily base its decision on a constitutional provision that had
an uncertain application to schools.
B. The other reason grew out of the first. Some justices did not
agree that the 14th Amendment made the Constitution color-
blind. In the interests of harmony the Court found an
ambiguous rationale for its decision.
IV. There was confusion about what exactly an “unseparate” school
would be.
A. Segregation by law (de jure segregation) was now
unconstitutional. But in the North laws had not kept blacks and
whites apart—all black and all white schools were the result of
residential segregation and other social forces. This was often
called segregation in fact (de facto segregation).
B. The Court decided that the Constitution required actual racial
mixing in the schools, not just the repeal of laws requiring
racial separation.
V. The Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education case set the
guidelines for all subsequent cases involving school segregation.
1. To violate the Constitution, a school system, by law, practice,
or regulation, must have engaged in discrimination. A plaintiff
must show an intent to discriminate on the part of the public
2. The existence of all-white or all-black schools in a district with
a history of segregation creates a presumption of intent to
3. The remedy for past discrimination will not be limited to
freedom of choice, or what the Court called “the walk-in
school.” Remedies may include racial quotas in the
assignment of teachers and pupils, redrawn district lines, and
court-ordered busing
4. Not every school must reflect the social of the school system
as a whole
VI. One major issue not settled by Swann was whether busing and other
remedies should cut across city and county lines.
A. In a series of split-vote decisions the Court ruled that court-
ordered intercity busing could be authorized only if it could be
demonstrated that the suburban areas as well as the central
city had in fact practiced school segregation. Where that could
not be shown, such intercity busing would not be required.
B. Ultimately integrated schools will exist only in integrated
neighborhoods or where the quality of education is so high
that both blacks and whites want to enroll in the school even
at some cost in terms of travel and inconvenience.
VII.Mandatory busing to achieve racial integration has been a deeply
controversial program and has generated public opposition.
A. The reason why Congress has not followed public opinion on
this matter is complex. It has been torn between the desire to
support civil rights and uphold the courts and the desire to
represent the views of its constituents.
The Campaign in Congress
I. To get new civil rights laws out of Congress required a far more
difficult and decentralized strategy, one that was aimed at mobilizing
public opinion and overcoming the many congressional barriers to
II. The first problem was to get civil rights on the political agenda by
convincing people that something had to be done. This could be
done by dramatizing the problem in ways that tugged at the
conscience of whites who were ordinarily indifferent to black
III. Early demonstrations were based on the philosophy of nonviolent
civil disobedience—peacefully violating a law and allowing oneself to
be arrested as a result.
A. A rising tide of anger resulted in the formation of more militant
organizations and the eruption of violent demonstrations and
B. The demonstrations and riots succeeded in getting civil rights
on the national political agenda, but at a cost.
IV. There was a conflict between the agenda-setting and the coalition-
building aspects of the civil rights movement
A. This was a problem especially since conservative southern
legislators still controlled many key congressional committees
that had for many years killed civil rights legislation.
V. Four developments made it possible to break the deadlock. First,
public opinion was changing. At the leading edge of this change was
young, college-educated people.
A. Second, certain violent reactions by white segregationists to
black demonstrators were vividly portrayed in the media in
ways that gave to the civil rights cause a powerful moral force.
B. Third, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in
November 1963. The shock of the president’s murder helped
build support for efforts by the new president to obtain
passage of a strong civil rights bill as a memorial to the slain
C. Fourth, the 1964 elections not only returned Johnson to office
with a landslide victory but also sent a huge democratic
majority to the House and retained the large Democratic
margin in the Senate. This made it possible for northern
Democrats to outvote southerners in the House.
VI. Since the 1960s congressional support for civil rights legislation has
A. This change partly reflects the growing political strength of
southern blacks. Attitudes among white political elites and
members of Congress have also changed.
Racial Profiling
I. Opponents of racial profiling argue that it is inherently discriminatory
and therefore never the right thing to do. Proponents of profiling say
that if some racial groups are more likely than others to commit
crimes, then it is justified.
Women and Equal Rights
I. The political and legal efforts to secure civil rights for African
Americans were accompanied by efforts to expand the rights of
women. There was an important difference between the two
movements, however: whereas African Americans were arguing
against a legal tradition that explicitly aimed to keep them in a
subservient status, women had to argue against a tradition that
claimed to be protecting them.
II. The feminist movement that ensued questioned the claim that
women differed from men in ways that justified differences in legal
A. Congress responded by passing laws that required equal pay
for equal work, prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex in
employment and among students, and banned discrimination
against pregnant women on the job.
B. At the same time, the Supreme Court was altering the way it
interpreted the Constitution. The key passage was the 14th
III. In deciding whether the Constitution bars all, some, or no sexual
discrimination, the Court had a choice between two standards.
A. The first is the reasonableness standard. This says that when
the government treats some classes of people differently from
others, the differently treatment must be reasonable and not
B. The second is the strict scrutiny standard. This says that some
instances of drawing discrimination between different groups
of people are inherently suspect; thus the Court will subject
them to strict scrutiny to ensure that they are clearly
necessary to attain a legitimate state goal.
C. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits sex discrimination in the
hiring, firing, and compensation of employees. The 1972 Civil
Rights Act bans sex discrimination in local education programs
receiving federal aid. These laws apply to private and not just
government action.
Illegal Discrimination
- A state cannot set different ages at which men and women legally
become adults
- A state cannot set different ages at which men and women are
allowed to buy beer
- Women cannot be barred from jobs by arbitrary height and weight
- Employers cannot require women to take mandatory pregnancy
- Girls cannot be barred from Little League Baseball Teams
- Business and service clubs cannot exclude women from membership
- An employer must pay men and women equal retirement benefits
- High schools must pay the coaches of girls’ sports the same as they
pay the coaches of boys’ sports
Decisions Allowing Differences Based on Sex
- A law that punishes males but not females for statutory rape is
permissible; men and women are not “similarly situated” with
respect to sexual relations
- All-boy and all-girl public schools are permitted if enrollment is
voluntary and quality is equal
- States can give workers a property-tax exemption not given to
- The navy may allow women to remain officers longer than men
without being promoted
I. Perhaps the most far-reaching cases defining the rights of women
have involved the draft and abortion
A. In 1981 the Court held that in Rostker v Goldberg that
Congress may require men but not women to register for the
draft without violating the due-process clause of the 5th
B. In the area of defense the Court will give great deference to
congressional policy. In 1993 the secretary of defense opened
air and sea combat positions to all persons regardless of
gender; only ground-troop combat positions are still reserved
for men.
Sexual Harassment
I. The Supreme Court has held that harassment can take one of two
forms. First, it is illegal for someone to request sexual favors as a
condition for employment or promotion.
A. If a person does this, the employer is “strictly liable.” Strict
liability means that the employer can be found at fault even if
he did not know that a subordinate was requesting sex in
exchange for employment or a promotion.
B. Second, it is illegal for an employee to experience a work
environment that has been made hostile by a steady pattern
of offensive teasing, jokes, or obscenity. But employers are
not strictly liable in this case; they can be found at fault only if
they were “negligent.”
I. Until 1973 it was up to the states to decide whether and under what
circumstances a woman could obtain an abortion.
A. In Roe v Wade, the Court argued that the due-process clause
of the 14th Amendment implies a “right to privacy” that
protects a woman’s freedom to choose, during the first 3
months of pregnancy, whether to have an abortion.
B. Abortion foes persuaded Congress to, beginning in 1976, bar
the use of federal funds to pay for abortions except for when
the life of the mother is at stake. This provision is known as
the Hyde Amendment. The chief effect of the amendment has
been to deny the use of Medicaid funds to pay for abortions of
low-income women.
II. Despite pro-life opposition, the Supreme Court steadfastly reaffirmed
and expanded its decision in Roe v Wade. But in 1989, under the
influence of justices appointed by Reagan, it began in the Webster
case to uphold state restrictions on abortions.
A. In allowing these restrictions, the Court reversed some of its
own earlier decisions.
B. In 1997 the Court upheld legal orders that forbid acts of
physical obstruction and that provide a “buffer zone” of 15
feet around the entrance to a clinic within which
demonstrations cannot occur.
Affirmative Action
Equality of Results
I. One view is that the burdens of racism and sexism can be overcome
only by taking race or sex into account in designing remedies. It is
not enough to give rights to people, they must be given benefits.
A. This means that the Constitution is not and should not be
color-blind or sex-neutral.
B. In education this implies that the races must actually be
mixed. In hiring it means that affirmative action must be used
to hire women and minorities.
Equality of Opportunity
I. The second view holds that if it is wrong to discriminate against
minorities and women, it is equally wrong to give the preferential
treatment over other groups. To do so constitutes reverse
discrimination. The Constitution should be color-blind and sex-
II. Supporters of equality of opportunity tend to have orthodox beliefs;
they favor letting private groups behave the way that they want.
A. Supporters of the opposite view are likely to be progressive in
their beliefs.
B. Adherents to the equality-of-opportunity view often attach
great importance to traditional models of family. Adherents to
the equality-of-results view prefer greater freedom of choice in
lifestyle questions.
III. The issue has largely been fought out in the courts. Between 1978
and 1990 about a dozen major cases involving affirmative action
were decided by the Court; in about half it was upheld and in half it
was overturned.
A. The different outcomes reflect two things—the differences in
the facts of the cases and the arrival on the Court of 3 justices
appointed by Reagan, who was opposed to at least the
broader interpretation of affirmative action.
B. A few general standards seem to be emerging:
- The courts will subject any quota system created by state or local
governments to “strict scrutiny” and will look for “compelling”
justification for it
- Quotas or preference systems cannot be used by state or local
governments without first showing that such rules are needed to
correct an actual past or present pattern of discrimination
- In proving that there has been discrimination, it is not enough to
show that minorities are statistically underrepresented among
employees, contractors, or union members; you must identify the
actual practices that have had this discriminatory impact
- Quotas or preference systems that are created by federal law will be
given greater deference, in part because Section 5 of the 14th
Amendment gives to Congress powers not given to the states to
correct the effects of racial discrimination
- It may be easier to justify in court a voluntary preference system
than one that is required by law
- Even when you can justify special preferences in hiring workers, the
Supreme Court is not likely to allow racial preferences to govern who
gets laid off. A worker laid off to make room for a minority worker
loses more than does a worker not hired in preference to a minority
IV. In the 1990s congressional allies of civil rights organizations
introduced legislation that would reverse several decisions. In
particular, this legislation would put the burden of proof on the
employer, not the employee, to show that the underrepresentation of
minorities in the firm’s work force was the result of legitimate and
necessary business decisions and not the result of discrimination.
V. In thinking about these matters, most Americans distinguish between
compensatory action and preferential treatment.
A. They define compensatory action as “helping disadvantaged
people catch up, usually by giving them extra education,
training, or services.” A majority of the public supports this.
B. They define preferential treatment as “giving minorities
preference in hiring, promotions, college admissions, and
contracts.” Large majorities oppose this.
VI. In most cases, the Court believes that any discrimination based on
race must be subject to strict scrutiny, even if its purpose is to help,
not hurt, a racial minority. Strict scrutiny means two things: any
racial preference must serve a “compelling government interest,”
and the preference must be “narrowly tailored” to serve that
A. To serve a compelling governmental interest, it is likely that
any racial preference will have to remedy a clear pattern of
past discrimination.
Gays and the Supreme Court
I. As conflicts over homosexuality have risen in political importance,
the Supreme Court has had to confront the issue of gay rights more

This chapter is about civil rights. It is split into three main sections, the
changing legal protection status of racial minorities, women, and gays. A
continuing element in this chapter is the 14th Amendment, which
guarantees equal protection under the law to all citizens. Due to the
ambiguous language of this amendment, many controversial civil rights
decisions have taken place, and opinion on the issue frequently changes
over time. Many civil rights issues are determined by the Court and
Congress, though civil rights also has a powerful social component.

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