Room To Live: Human Settlements

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I D R C Briefing
n fact, 20 per cent of the world’s population live in cities where the air resources that cities use, and the pollution that they create, extend far
is not fit to breathe. Combine air pollution with water shortages, toxic beyond their own borders. Everyone is affected by the fact that cities
Resources Essential Information
waste, inadequate sewerage, congestion, a proliferation of slums, crime undermine Earth’s life support systems. What is IDRC?
and social alienation and the prognosis is grim indeed - especially as mass Yet as Maureen O’Neil, president of Canada’s International General IDRC works with researchers in developing
urbanization is one of the distinguishing features of the new millennium. Development Research Centre, points out: “Our global village connects The International Development The International Council for Local countries to help them find practical, long-
Research Centre Environmental Initiatives term solutions to the social, economic and
With the advent of the 21st century, for the first time in human history, us so intimately that not only do the problems in one region have an
environmental problems facing them. In
half the world’s population of more than six billion will be living in cities. impact in quite separate, disparate regions – but so do the solutions.”
United Nations Programs Friends of the Earth particular, support is directed towards
The ways in which the urban need for food, water, shelter and social Cities are capable of aligning their consumption with realistic needs, developing the local research capacity
U.N. Centre for Human Settlement (Habitat)
organization are met will not only determine the course of human with producing more of their food and energy, and of putting much of necessary to sustain policies and tech-
The Sierra Club
civilization, but the very future of this planet. their waste to productive use. But tremendous obstacles must first be nologies that will build healthier, more
Sustainable Cities Programme equitable, more prosperous societies.
Historically, cities have generated tremendous energy, ideas and oppor- overcome – not least of which is the proliferation of urban poverty. Food First The International Development Research
tunities. It is no accident that the Latin word for city – civitas – is the root Klaus Tœpfer, Acting Executive Director of the United Nations Centre
Best Practices Database Centre was established in 1970 by an Act
of the word civilization; cities have always been the cultural engines that for Human Settlements (Habitat) says that “at least 600 million people in Global Action of the Parliament of Canada.
advanced civilization. developing countries live in housing of such poor quality and with such
Global Urban Observatory IDRC Briefings
City Farmer
IDRC Briefings is an occasional series
The city first took form as the home of a god: a place where Public Private Partnerships for the Urban
dedicated to exploring cross-cutting inter-
Environment Programme Centre for Human Settlements
eternal values were represented and divine possibilities revealed.
national development issues. It focuses on
subjects that are particularly deserving
Though the symbols have changed, the realities behind them remain. World Health Organization Center for National Round Table on the Environment of greater North-South cooperation in
Urban Health/Healthy Cities Project and the Economy researching and achieving practical INSIDE
LEWIS MUMFORD, THE CITY IN HISTORY solutions to problems of the day and Urbanization & Violence
Worldwatch Institute The Urban Agriculture Network long-term challenges to sustainable and IDRC & Urbanization
But the kinds of environmental and social pressures facing cities today inadequate provision of water, sanitation and drainage, that their lives E-MAIL: [email protected] equitable development. Contents may be
Farming in the City
put their very sustainability to the test. In order to survive, changes must and health are under continuous threat.” freely copied and quoted. Please mail
Mega-Cities Project Agenda 21
tearsheets or electronic versions of printed
be made in how they provide food and water, in how their land is used, The urban poor are often compelled to live in a toxic environment in Resources
material to IDRC.
how people and goods are transported, and in waste disposal. which the only available water is bad, high-fat street food is unhealthy,
Ironically, change is occurring. The problem is that, all too often, it is the and where they are surrounded by casually discarded toxic materials and
wrong kind. Cities are growing by leaps and bounds. Increasingly unable to chemicals. Diseases and violence run rampant.
Books, Reports & Publications
Managing the monster: The Gaia Atlas of Cities: New Directions
make a living on the land and lured by the hope of urban jobs and other
opportunities, millions of people are leaving the country and migrating to
The World Bank puts urban poverty levels at around 25 per cent. Yet in
several of the poorest nations in Asia and Africa, they top 50 per cent.
Urban waste and governance in Africa
Onibokun, A.G., ed., IDRC (Ottawa) 1999
for Sustainable Urban Living
Herbert Girardet, Gaia Books (London) 1996 Room to Live
cities. Today, 90 per cent of Latin America’s poor live in cities. For hunger-proof cities: Environment, Scarcity, and Violence For further information contact:
While this migration is happening everywhere, some places are harder
hit than others. The Worldwatch Institute, an independent, non-profit,
Although rich and poor breathe the same air, the urban poor suffer
more from environmental degradation and a lack of supports. The
Sustainable urban food systems
Koc, M.; MacRae, R.; Mougeot, L.J.A.; Welsh, J., ed.,
IDRC (Ottawa) 1999
Thomas F. Homer-Dixon, Princeton University Press
(Princeton) 1999
Diane Hardy, Head of Media Relations
IDRC Ottawa
Healthy Cities for the Urban Century
environmental research organization based in Washington, D.C. reports rich, meanwhile, benefit most from the provision of urban services includ- Reinventing Cities for People and the Planet TEL: 613-236-6163 EXT. 2570
Thirsty cities: Urban environments
that, between 1990 and 1995, cities in developing countries grew by more ing water, sewage, police protection, and green spaces. Such blatant
and water supply in Latin America
Molly O’Meara, Worldwatch Paper 147, June 1999 E-MAIL: [email protected]
In Mexico City, when children paint their world, they colour the sky black.
than 260 million people. This is the equivalent of another Los Angeles or inequalities not only present a moral crisis, but create the potential for Danilo Anton, IDRC (Ottawa) 1993 Endangered Mexico: An Environment on the Edge
Editorial Committee:
Shanghai being created every three months. By 2050, cities - mostly in civil unrest and economic disaster.
Buiding a New South Africa
Joel Simon, Sierra Club Books (San Francisco) 1997
Jean-Marc Fleury and Lois Sweet
This is no political statement, just a simple representation of what they see. And what they see
poorer countries - will have absorbed between two and four billion more Obviously, even the best environmental improvement policies will not Koc, M.; MacRae, R.; Mougeot, L.J.A.; Welsh, J., ed., Basic Facts on Urbanization Media Contact: Diane Hardy
people than currently live there now. work unless they are connected to poverty alleviation policies. Volume 2, IDRC (Ottawa), 1995 United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
Photos: IDRC
is an environment plagued by air pollution. Situated in a closed basin more than 7,000 feet
(Habitat), (Nairobi), May 1999
“No precedent exists for feeding, sheltering, employing or transporting As Alejandro Encinas, Environment Secretariat of Mexico City’s

Ro o m to L iv e above sea level and surrounded by mountains, the city is forced to inhale its own waste. Despite
Cities feeding people: An examination of
The City in History Information contained in IDRC Briefings does not
so many people in so dense an area, under such severe financial and Cardenas government, puts it: “Social equity and solidarity, cultural urban agriculture in East Africa necessarily reflect the official policies or views of
Egziabher, A.G.; Lee-Smith, D.; Maxwell, D.G.; Memon, Lewis Mumford, Penguin Books (Great Britain) 1961 Canada’s International Development Research Centre.
environmental constraints,” says Janice Perlman, president of the Mega- identity, education, institutional capacity building, and citizen partici- P.A.; Mougeot, L.; Sawio, C.J., IDRC (Ottawa) 1994 geographical variations, Mexico City is not alone. Between 1994 and 1996, China reported
Cities Project, a transnational, non-profit network of organizations com- pation are key determinants in achieving sustainable and equitable IDRC endeavours to produce environmentally-friendly

mitted to solving mega-city problems. “Cities are reaching the limits of urban environmental management.”
Women and Survival in Mexican Cities
Sylvia Chant, Manchester University Press
publications. All paper used is recycled, as well as
recyclable. All inks and coatings are vegetable-based
Healthy Cities for the Urban Century at least three million deaths from urban air pollution. Beijing, Shanghai, Tehran and Calcutta –
their carrying capacity to support human life.” Just as cities are increasingly characterized by housing two cities – one (Manchester and New York) 1991
The environmental and social problems of mass urbanization constitute for the rich and one for the poor - so is the global community. Urbanites in
along with Mexico City - share the distinction of being the five worst cities for exposing children
a global challenge. Gone are the days when problems were localized. The industrial countries consume ten times more per capita than their neigh- to polluted air.

bours in the South. And they generate up to 100 times more refuse per consumption, and promotes sustainable activities like urban agriculture.
person than their counterparts in developing countries. In some areas of the South, there is increasing recognition of the inter-
IDRC and Urbanization Farming in the City Agenda 21 Key Facts
Interestingly, even within the North, there are vast discrepancies. connectivity of cities. In 1998, for example, at a conference on citizen A critical step towards putting global environmental problems squarely on the
The average Dutch resident of a high-density city, for example, produces participation and environmental management, representatives from ten
Since the 1970s, Canada’s International Development Research Centre has worked with Chickens on housetops, Swiss chard sprouting out of abandoned tires on high-rise rooftops, international agenda came in 1972 with the United Nations Environment
• In 1900, 160 million people (one-tenth of the world’s population)
lived in cities; by 2006, half the world (3.2 billion people) will live
10 tonnes of carbon dioxide pollution a year. The average Canadian living Conference in Stockholm. Discussions were wide-ranging and unspecific, but a
Latin American countries and Canada met in Mexico City. The mayors, researchers in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean on such urban issues as waste grape vines cascading down apartment balconies, corn stalks lining a tiny city lot. This is in urban areas;
in a low-density city produces double that amount. planners, members of NGOs, and politicians recognized that solving their seed was sown; not long after, the Club of Rome, an international think-tank,
• In Asia, one-third of the population lives in cities;
Canadian ecologist William Rees helps provide context. He conjures environmental problems can best be accomplished by exchanging management, housing, food and nutrition for urban populations, coastal zone management, farming in the city – a.k.a urban agriculture. An estimated 800 million people harvest 15 per proposed its "Limits to Growth" theory.
• By 2015, there will be 27 cities with populations exceeding
up the image of an “ecological footprint.” This is the surface area required experiences and strategies. This approach argued that mushrooming levels of growth and consumption
to feed cities, to supply them with forest products and to reabsorb their In a Declaration entitled Social Participation in the Management of disaster prevention, ground water management, and urban governance. cent of the world’s food supply by growing vegetables and raising livestock in cities. In the place an impossible burden on the natural world, and that people must adopt
ten million – 22 of which will be in developing countries;
• Cities - mostly in poorer nations – will have to absorb between
wastes. Rees calculates that Europeans average an ecological footprint Urban Environments, they vowed to eliminate marginality and poverty Projects included: An ecohealth system approach to human the principle of "sustainability" in all they do. To that end, specific issues were
of approximately three hectares: for North Americans the average is • Research in Sao Paulo, Brazil that inves-
process, they are continuing a tradition that is probably as old as cities themselves. targeted including species protection, the destruction of the ozone layer, and
two and four billion more people by 2050;
“both of which are an inherent part of the ecological agenda.” health focuses on the role that ecosystem
• Cities consume 75 percent of the world’s resources and produce
between four and five hectares. Creating public awareness of environmentally-sound practices and habits tigated the urban environmental causes approaches play in integrating human High-intensity farming was a defining characteristic of early civilizations on Despite the benefits, urban farmers face a variety of obstacles. Much of global warming.
most of its waste;
But worldwide, only one and a half hectares is available per person. was another. of respiratory diseases in childhood, and needs with protecting the environment. Java and in the Indus Valley. The Aztecs created artificial farmland in today’s urban agriculture is unrecognized and unassisted – if not actually outlawed. In 1992, the United Nations Conference on the Environment and
• Between one-half and one-third of city trash goes uncollected
“What is our inheritance to our children?” asks Ricardo Villalba of the But when all is said and done, the bottom line is this: developed strategies to prevent and treat Projects include: Mexico City by dredging mud from the bottom of Lake Texcoco and piling it Planning departments are often suspicious of farming practices, neighbours Development was held in Rio de Janeiro. Again, the notion of sustainable
in the developing world;
Mexican Ecology Movement, a non-governmental organization. Urban sustainability depends on urban democracy. Unless all sectors of these diseases; • Researching the role of decision-makers along the shores. These artificial fields, called chinampas, or "floating gar- object to the smell of manure, and vacant lots require toxicity tests. development came to the fore – particularly with the adoption of
• 25 per cent of all urban dwellers live in poverty;
A good question – and one that not only knows no geographic society are able to participate fully in defining the life and shape of their • Investigating the governance of waste in urban management; dens," produced more than 45 000 tons a year of maize alone. Women face even greater barriers. Many cannot use available land Agenda 21. This policy plan outlines actions that governments can take,
• In Asia, Africa and Latin America, urban poverty levels exceed
boundaries, but is being addressed world-wide. In the North, in particular, communities, urban sustainability will remain unattainable. management systems of major African • Implementing a strategy to prevent And one-sixth of 19th century Paris was devoted to urban gardens that because of transportation costs and the risk of leaving a home or a field nationally and internationally, to achieve sustainable development. Included
50 percent;
there is a popular movement to create healthy cities - a movement that And the dream of creating a place where “eternal values are represented urban centres; water-borne diseases in the urban were fertilized by urban-produced horse manure. unattended. And their access to land is often further constrained by in it are the kinds of environmental interventions needed to take place in
• 90 percent of Latin America’s poor live in urban centres;
lobbies for stricter controls on pollution, encourages less material and divine possibilities revealed” will be lost forever. • A Chilean research project that examined community of Santiago de Cuba; "The divorce of agriculture, of food production, from our urban economies customary laws. urban environments.
• By 2025, six out of every ten children in developing countries
air pollution health effects on children; • Promoting the exchange of water is really a very recent development in urban history," says Luc Mougeot, Still, it is easier for people to farm in cities outside North America. Hong Developing local environmental policies through citizen participation is key.
Urbanization and Violence • In Kathmandu, a ecosystem approach to specialists from Latin American countries. Senior Program Specialist and head of the Cities Feeding People Program of Kong, among the most densely populated places in the world, for example, Successful ventures are being documented and include:
will live in cities, and more than half of them will be poor;
• In cities of the developing world, 220 million people lack clean
echinococcosis, a disease caused by a IDRC. "Most likely the practice began with the European Renaissance and produces two-thirds of the poultry and nearly half the vegetables it con- • The “Participatory Budget” in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Through a series of meet-
drinking water, 420 million have no access to basic latrines,
Wo r l d wi de, urban vi ol enc e has r ise n by four pe r ce nt a y e ar dur ing the last small tapeworm also found in dogs and cattle that was once only An urban agriculture program: spread to former European colonies. It is by no means universal." sumes. Singapore, which licenses approximately 10,000 farmers, is self- ings, citizens scrutinize past expenditures, agree on current priorities, and
600 million have inadequate shelter (of these 100 million are
found in rural areas, but as a result of urbanization, was rapidly • Provides training and research to enable countries to support and man- Modern urban agriculture is a life-line. At the micro level, it provides sufficient in meat and produces a quarter of its own vegetables. And as allocate funds for new projects before sending them to the city’s executive
t w o d e c a des – regardl es s of ag e or ge nde r. W hy this is happe ning is a cause o f absolutely homeless), while 1.1 billion suffer from unhealthy
spreading to cities; age urban agriculture; urbanites with better diets, and higher incomes, as well as the opportunity much as 70 per cent of all poultry eaten in Kampala is raised in the city. council. (Between 15 and 25 per cent of the city’s annual budget is deter-
c ons i derable re se arch a nd conce r n. levels of air pollution;
• Disaster prevention: With community involvement, a team of Canadian • Supports research which addresses obstacles facing urban farmers and to contribute to the urban environment. At the macro level, idle and under- Regardless of location, however, health precautions must be taken. mined according to this model);
• One-fifth of the world’s population live in cities where the air
and Brazilian engineers and scientists developed, tested, and applied a interventions to improve urban food security, income, public health, utilized resources are put to work – whether it is manpower, space and land, "Human and environmental health risks stem from a variety of sources," • The Naga City People’s Council in the Philippines (a counterpart to the city
Mitchell J. Rycus, Professor of Urban Thomas Homer-Dixon, Director of the foothold. Drug lords establish retail centres in is not fit to breathe;
new technology (from used tires) for constructing retaining walls in and waste and land management; or solid and liquid waste. says Mougeot. "From inappropriate handling of agrochemicals by produc- council) works closely with local government in designing, implementing,
Planning at the University of Michigan, Peace and Conflict Studies Program at the the city’s shantytowns, while children serve • 800 million urban farmers harvest 15 per cent of the world’s
areas at risk of landslides. • Supports research into urban forestry, the re-use of solid and liquid And urban agriculture directly attacks many of the problems endemic to ers, to using unsorted or insufficiently treated solid and liquid organic and evaluating the city’s development agenda. As a result, the Naga River is
points to a complex variety of factors con- University of Toronto, outlines three types as sentries and distributors of the illegal food supply;
waste, rooftop agriculture, animal husbandry, vertical horticulture, large cities. It reduces unemployment, poverty, and because of women’s wastes on vulnerable crops, to choosing crops, and crop locations, without being cleaned up, procedures for solid waste management are being imple-
tributing to the growth of urban crime: of urban violence: Political (directed both product. Male teenagers and • Urban farmers in China’s 18 largest cities meet more than 90%
Today, urban issues are tackled through a variety of approaches: hydroponics and fish micro-hatcheries. participation, plays a pivotal role in improving human health. considering ambient pollution in the air, soil or water." mented, and its hospital is being revitalized.
social, political and economic. against the state and by the state against young adults are recruited into of their cities’ vegetable demands and over half of their meat and
An environmental management secretariat facilitates the transfer In addition, urban agriculture reduces the cost of waste collection, treat- But these hazards are not formidable. In fact, Mougeot says that simple,
“If individuals from an ethnic or racial challengers), communal and ethnic, and death squads in the war poultry demands;
of information on managing the urban environment among local Other urban-related projects supported by IDRC include: ment and disposal. And it has enormous environmental significance because inexpensive treatment methods exist to meet epidemiological and microbi- The Agenda 21 Path to Sustainable Urban Development
minority feel that they are disenfranchised, criminal/anomic. With regard to the latter, against rivals and authorities.” • Urban violence has grown by four percent a year over the
governments, research institutions and civil society in Latin America • Fostering alternative learning opportunities for marginalized, urban human waste can be turned into compost, domestic wastewater can safely ological standards for using wastewater in agriculture. Other health risks • Provide adequate shelter for all;
and that their only hope for economic he says that rising crime rates quickly When societies are characterized by last two decades;
and the Caribbean region. Projects include; Africans. This program supports research that will promote policies irrigate many crops, and aqua-culture can stabilize animal manure. can be dealt with through better education. • Improve human settlement management;
success is through crime, there will be high followed on the heels of increasing numbers inequality, deprivation, homelessness • Violent crime accounts for 25 to 30 percent of offences in cities
• Building the capacity of municipalities to improve their decision- and strategies for the millions of children and adults who were failed • Promote sustainable land-use planning and management;
crime rates,” he says. “If, in of urban squatter settlements and slums in and social exclusion a persistent cycle of developing countries;
making on environmental issues by promoting partnerships between by the education system and who largely survive through prostitution Urban farming is not only flourishing, but has given rise to • Promote the integrated provision of environmental infrastructure: water,
addition, these disenfranchised Africa, Asia and Latin America. of violence and crime is set in motion. Urban • Citizens in the North consume ten times more per capita
municipalities, research centres and local stakeholders; or begging; some very interesting experiments. For example: sanitation, drainage, hazardous and solid waste management;
individuals have access to “For example, in the early 1990s, Rio de programs and policies to promote literacy, than their Southern neighbours;
• Supporting a network of Southern Cone coastal cities to revitalize • Enhancing the capacity of developing countries to undertake effective • Argentina has devised a communal gardening system in which producers are allowed • Promote sustainable energy and transport systems in human settlements;
weapons, you will have violent Janeiro led Brazil in negative urban indi- employment, and social justice not only • Urbanites in industrial countries generate up to 100 times more
degraded and impoverished urban areas; social policy reforms. This is done by examining the nature, causes and to seed public lands under negotiated, mutually-beneficial conditions; • Promote human settlement planning and management in disaster-prone
crime. This pattern is seen in many places cators: the largest concentration of slum improve the lives of individuals, but can help • In Tacna, Peru farmers can use treated wastewater in exchange for maintaining public refuse per person than their counterparts in developing counties;
• Supporting a small grants program for municipalities to help them deal consequences of social policy reforms that address the risks of violence areas;
throughout the world.” dwellers (1 million), the highest murder rate shield communities from crime and violence. green areas; • If the needs of everyone in the world were met to the same
with such urban environmental problems as managing urban wastes, among adolescents in large urban centres; • Promote sustainable construction industry activities;
In fact, one World Bank official has (one of 700 residents per year), and the high- • In Santo Domingo, a centre for the physically and mentally challenged uses urban standard as a city such as London, three more Earths would be
water and sewage; • Designing and implementing a model of organization and financing for agriculture as a way of integrating its clients into society. They grow leaf lettuce on
• Promote human resources development and capacity-building for human
observed that in countries with high est kidnapping rate (four per week)… Almost required.
• Providing information to local governments on urban environmental community-based health care in urban areas in China. the rooftop of their building and sell it to local stores; settlement development;
unemployment, “You have a lot of people one-quarter of all homicides occurred among
issues, as well as an inventory of donor initiatives on environmental • In Fortaleza, Brazil, the upkeep of an orphanage is being done by the children • Local authorities should engage citizens, local organizations, and private
sitting around idly, and a lot of guns. people between the ages of 10 and 19.”
management in Latin American countries. themselves. They grow the food they eat and sell the surplus. They are also creating companies, and adopt Agenda 21 plans at the community level.
All you need is a little ideology and you “In such circumstances,” says Homer- a "live" drugstore where local plants and herbs will be grown, processed, and sold.
can get your own army.” Dixon, “organized crime gains an easy

M O D E R N U R B A N A G R I C U LT U R E I S A L I F E - L I N E . AT T H E M I C R O L E V E L , I T P R O V I D E S U R B A N I T E S W I T H B E T T E R D I E T S ,
A N D H I G H E R I N C O M E S , A S W E L L A S T H E O P P O R T U N I T Y TO C O N T R I B U T E TO T H E U R B A N E N V I R O N M E N T.

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