POSCO-Asia Fellowship Application Form 2006-8 (060224)

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POSCO Asia Fellowship at Yonsei GSIS Application

<Instructions> Paste a passport

photograph taken within
1. The application should be typewritten. the past 6 months.
Write your name on the
2. Numbers should be in Arabic figures back of the other
3. Proper nouns should be written in full, and not be abbreviated.

(Sex) (Marital Status)

Male Single

Female Married

1. Full name in native language: ,

(Family name) (First name) (Middle name)

Full name in English: ,

(Family name) (First name) (Middle name)

2. Nationality (Citizenship):

3. Date of birth: / /
(Year) (Month) (Day)

4. Home university:

5. Major:

6. Current address, telephone number, fax number, and E-mail address

Present address:

Telephone/Fax: /

E-mail address:

7. Current field of study (Please be as detailed as possible)

8. Educational Background

Name and Address of School Year and Month Duration of Degree and Major
of Entrance and Attendance

Name From years

Higher Education and

Undergraduate Level Location To months

Name From years

Higher Education and

Graduate Level Location To months

Total years of years

schooling mentioned

 If the space above is insufficient, please attach additional information on a separate sheet.

9. Korean language proficiency: Please mark.

Excellent Good Beginner


10. English proficiency: Please mark appropriate box.

Excellent Good Beginner


11. Person to be notified in applicant’s home country, in case of emergency:

1) Full Name:
2) Address with telephone number, fax number, E-mail address

3) Current address:

Telephone/Fax: /

E-mail address:

4) Occupation:

5) Relation:

Date of application:
(Year) / (Month) / (Day)

Applicant’s signature:
POSCO Asia Fellowship at Yonsei GSIS 2006-8
Letter of Recommendation

Student Name: Gender: Date of birth:

1. Academic Motivation and Achievements

2. How would you rate the candidate relative to his or her peers, especially when
compared to those that have pursued studies overseas?

3. Ability to adjust to studies overseas

4. Any additional information you would like to provide about the candidate (campus
awards or
Extracurricular activities, work experience, etc.)

Please use official letterhead, if additional space is needed.

University: Position:

Name: Signature:

Approved by ( President or Rector )

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