Federal Register-02-28063

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Federal Register / Vol. 67, No.

214 / Tuesday, November 5, 2002 / Notices 67439

As explained in SSR 96–8p (‘‘Titles II Council Levels of Administrative Correction to Previous Notice
and XVI: Assessing Residual Functional Review; Medical Equivalence’’; SSR 96– In the Federal Register of October 23,
Capacity in Initial Claims’’), our RFC 7p, ‘‘Titles II and XVI: Evaluation of 2002, Volume 67, Page 65169, the Office
assessments must consider an Symptoms in Disability Claims: of the United States Trade
individual’s maximum remaining Assessing the Credibility of an Representative published a notice
ability to do sustained work activities in Individual’s Statements’’; SSR 96–8p, entitled ‘‘Determinations Under the
an ordinary work setting on a regular ‘‘Titles II and XVI: Assessing Residual African Growth and Opportunity Act.’’
and continuing basis. A ‘‘regular and Functional Capacity in Initial Claims’’; A correction is being made to the
continuing basis’’ means 8 hours a day, and SSR 96–9p, ‘‘Titles II and XVI: information that appeared under
for 5 days a week, or an equivalent work Determining Capability to Do Other SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION. The
schedule.5 In cases involving IC, fatigue Work—Implications of a Residual reference to Presidential Proclamation
may affect the individual’s physical and Functional Capacity for Less Than a 7360 of October 2, 2000 was incorrect.
mental ability to sustain work activity. Full Range of Sedentary Work.’’ The correct citation is Presidential
This may be particularly true in cases [FR Doc. 02–28057 Filed 11–4–02; 8:45 am] Proclamation 7350 of October 2, 2000.
involving urinary frequency.
For a child applying for benefits Rosa M. Whitaker,
under title XVI, we will evaluate the Assistant United States Trade Representative
functional consequences of IC (either for Africa, Office of the United States Trade
alone or in combination with other DEPARTMENT OF STATE Representative.
impairments) to decide if the child’s [Public Notice 4159] [FR Doc. 02–28063 Filed 11–4–02; 8:45 am]
impairment(s) functionally equals the BILLING CODE 3190–01–M
listings. For example, the functional Renewal of the Overseas Schools
limitations imposed by IC, by itself or in Advisory Council
combination with another DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
The Department of State is renewing
impairment(s), may establish an extreme
the Overseas Schools Advisory Council
limitation in one broad area of Office of the Secretary
to provide a formal channel for regular
functioning (e.g., attending and
consultation and advice from U.S. Aviation Proceedings, Agreements
completing tasks) or marked limitations
corporations and foundations regarding Filed During the Week Ending October
in two broad areas of functioning (e.g.,
American-sponsored overseas schools. 25, 2002
attending and completing tasks, and
The Under Secretary for Management
interacting and relating with others). The following Agreements were filed
As with any other impairment, we has determined that the committee is
necessary and in the public interest. with the Department of Transportation
will explain how we reached our under the provisions of 49 U.S.C.
conclusions on whether IC caused any Members of the committee will be
appointed by the Assistant Secretary for Sections 412 and 414. Answers may be
physical or mental limitations. filed within 21 days after the filing of
Administration. The committee will
EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ruling is effective the application.
follow the procedures prescribed by the
November 5, 2002. Docket Number: OST–2002–13631.
Cross-References: SSR 85–28, ‘‘Titles Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA). Meetings will be open to the Date Filed: October 22, 2002.
II and XVI: Medical Impairments That Parties: Members of the International
Are Not Severe’’; SSR 96–2p, ‘‘Titles II public unless a determination is made
in accordance with the FACA section Air Transport Association.
and XVI: Giving Controlling Weight to Subject:
Treating Source Medical Opinions’’; 10(d) and 5 U.S.C. 552b(c) (1) and (4)
that a meeting or a portion of the PTC23 AFR–TC3 0184 dated 22
SSR 96–3p, ‘‘Titles II and XVI: October 2002.
Considering Allegations of Pain and meeting should be closed to the public.
Notice of each meeting will be provided Mail Vote 247—TC23/TC123 Africa-
Other Symptoms in Determining South East Asia.
Whether a Medically Determinable in the Federal Register at least 15 days
prior to the meeting date. Special Passenger Amending
Impairment is Severe’’; SSR 96–4p, Resolution 010e r1–r2.
For further information, contact Dr.
‘‘Titles II and XVI: Symptoms, PTC23 AFR–TC3 0185 dated 22
Keith D. Miller, Executive Secretary of
Medically Determinable Physical and October 2002.
the committee at 202–261–8200.
Mental Impairments, and Exertional and Mail Vote 248—TC23/TC123 Africa-
Nonexertional Limitations’’; SSR 96–5p, Dated: October 30, 2002.
‘‘Titles II and XVI: Medical Source Keith D. Miller, Special Passenger Amending
Opinions on Issues Reserved to the Executive Secretary, Overseas Schools Resolution 010f r3–r13.
Commissioner’’; SSR 96–6p, ‘‘Titles II Advisory Council, Department of State. Intended effective date: 15 November
and XVI: Consideration of [FR Doc. 02–28088 Filed 11–4–02; 8:45 am] 2002.
Administrative Findings of Fact by State BILLING CODE 4710–24–P Docket Number: OST–2002–13681.
Agency Medical and Psychological Date Filed: October 23, 2002.
Consultants and Other Program Parties: Members of the International
Physicians and Psychologists at the OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES Air Transport Association.
Administrative Law Judge and Appeals TRADE REPRESENTATIVE Subject:
Mail Vote 239.
5 However, see footnote 2 of SSR 96–8p. That
Determinations Under the African PTC123 0201 dated 16 September
footnote explains that the ability to work 8 hours Growth and Opportunity Act:
a day for 5 days a week is not always required for 2002 r1–r18.
a finding at step 4 of the sequential evaluation Correction PTC123 0210 dated 11 October 2002
process for adults when an individual can do past (Affirmative).
relevant work that was part-time work, if that work AGENCY: Office of the United States
was substantial gainful activity, performed within Trade Representative. Minutes—PTC123 0217 dated 22
the applicable period, and lasted long enough for October 2002.
ACTION: Correction.
the person to learn to do it. Tables—PTC123 Fares 0072 dated 11

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