Federal Register-02-28547

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Federal Register / Vol. 67, No.

217 / Friday, November 8, 2002 / Notices 68239

agency, including whether the Veterans Health Administration, December 4. The meeting is open to the
information shall have practical utility; Veteran Benefits Administration, public.
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate Acquisition Policy, Office of Small and The purpose of the Committee is to
of the burden of the collection of Disadvantaged Business, National advise the Department on its prosthetic
information; (c) ways to enhance the Cemetery and Memorial Affairs, Office programs designed to provide state-of-
quality, utility, and clarity of the of Human Resources and Native the-art prosthetics and the associated
information to be collected; (d) ways to American Home Loan Program. rehabilitation research, development,
minimize the burden of the collection of On November 21, the Committee will
and evaluation of such technology. The
information on respondents, including focus on its strategic plan for 2003,
Committee also advises the Department
through the use of automated collection determine achievable strategic goals and
develop an executable plan of action. on special disability programs which are
techniques or other forms of information
On November 22, the Committee will defined as any program administered by
technology; and (e) estimates of capital
meet with the VA Deputy Secretary in the Secretary to serve veterans with
or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services the morning. The Center for Minority spinal cord injury, blindness or vision
to provide information. Veterans will brief the Committee on impairment, loss of or loss of use of
recent site visits and findings related to extremities, deafness or hearing
Approved: November 1, 2002. impairment, or other serious
minority veterans and the latest
Glenn Kirkland, incapacities in terms of daily life
initiatives undertaken by the Center.
IRS Reports Clearance Officer. No time will be allocated for oral functions.
[FR Doc. 02–28545 Filed 11–7–02; 8:45 am] presentations from the public. However, On the morning of December 3, the
BILLING CODE 4830–01–P the Committee will accept written Committee will receive briefings by the
comments from interested parties on Chief Consultant, Rehabilitation
issues outlined in the meeting agenda, Strategic Healthcare Group, and the
DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS as well as other issues affecting minority Director, Capital Asset Realignment for
AFFAIRS veterans. Such comments should be Enhanced Services (CARES) Program. In
referred to the Committee at Advisory the afternoon, the Committee will be
Advisory Committee on Minority Committee on Minority Veterans, Center
Veterans, Notice of Meeting briefed by the directors of VA’s special
for Minority Veterans (00M), disability programs—spinal cord injury,
The Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 blind rehabilitation, prosthetics,
(VA) gives notice under Public Law 92– Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC audiology and speech pathology.
463 (Federal Advisory Committee Act) 20420. Any member of the public Additional briefings will be provided by
that a meeting of the Advisory wishing to attend the meeting or further the program directors of ophthalmology
Committee on Minority Veterans will be information should contact Ms. Ruby and optometry. On the morning of
held from Wednesday, November 20, Miller at (202) 273–6708. December 4, the Committee will be
2002, through Friday, November 22, Dated: October 31, 2002. briefed by the Director of the
2002, from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. each By Direction of the Secretary. Rehabilitation Research and
day, at the Department of Veterans Nora E. Egan, Development Service and will review
Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW., Committee Management Officer. the most recent report on maintaining
Room 230, Washington, DC. The treatment capacity in VA’s special
[FR Doc. 02–28548 Filed 11–7–02; 8:45 am]
meeting is open to the public. disability programs.
The purpose of the Committee is to
advise the Secretary on the No time will be allocated for receiving
administration of VA benefits and oral presentations from the public.
DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS However, members of the public may
services to minority veterans, to assess
AFFAIRS direct questions or submit written
the needs of minority veterans, and to
evaluate whether VA compensation, statements for review by the Committee
Advisory Committee on Prosthetics
medical and rehabilitation services, in advance of the meeting to Ms.
and Special Disabilities Programs;
outreach, and other programs are Cynthia Wade, Veterans Health
Notice of Meeting
meeting those needs. The Committee Administration, Patient Care Services,
will make recommendations to the The Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation Strategic Healthcare
Secretary regarding such activities. (VA) gives notice under Public Law 92– Group (117), Department of Veterans
On November 20, the Committee will 463 that a meeting of the Advisory Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue, NW.,
review its prior years’ annual report Committee on Prosthetics and Special Washington, DC 20420. Any member of
recommendations and discuss methods Disabilities Programs will be held the public wishing to attend the meeting
to effectively measure results and December 3–4, 2002, at VA should contact Ms. Wade at (202) 273–
streamline its reporting process. During Headquarters, 810 Vermont Avenue, 8485.
the afternoon session, the Committee NW., Washington, DC. The meeting will Dated: October 31, 2002.
will receive briefings from key VA staff be held in Room 830 on December 3 and
Nora E. Egan,
members concerning the in Room 530 on December 4. Meeting
recommendations submitted to the sessions will convene at 8:30 a.m. on Committee Management Officer.
Secretary in its 8th Annual Report both days and will adjourn at 4:30 p.m. [FR Doc. 02–28547 Filed 11–7–02; 8:45 am]
(2002). Briefings will be conducted by on December 3 and at 12 noon on BILLING CODE 8320–01–M

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