Multiplexing - Theory and Concept

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Multiplexing: Concept, Theory and Applications

In telecommunications and computer networks, 2.1 Frequency Division Multiplexing
multiplexing (also known as muxing) is a process where
multiple analog message signals or digital data streams are (FDM)
combined into one signal over a shared medium. The aim is When dealing with an analog transmission the signals are
to share an expensive resource. For example, in multiplexed using a process known as frequency based
telecommunications, several phone calls may be transferred transmission. In FDM, a multiple channels are combined
using one wire. It originated in telegraphy, and is now onto a single aggregate signal of transmission. They are
widely applied in communications. This paper discusses the separated in the aggregate by their frequency.It uses a
concept, theory and various applications of the technique in process of dividing the bandwidth into a series of sub
data communication. Various forms of multiplexing are channels that will accommodate the transmission and more
examined from the technology aspect, applications and or less allow them to flow forward in a parallel fashion. A
future directions. typical example of FDM is a broadcast radio.

2.1.1 FDM Data Channel Applications

1.0 Introduction Data channel FDM multiplexing is usually accomplished
by "modem stacking". In this case, a data channel's modem
Multiplexing is a process of transmitting several different
is set to a specific operating frequency. Different modems
signals or information streams via a single carrier. The with different frequencies could be combined over a single
transmission of these signals or streams takes place voice line. As the number of these "bridged" modems on a
simultaneously by combining the several signals into specific line changes, the individual modem outputs need
common signals that will efficiently move through the adjustment ("tweaking") so that the proper composite level
carrier bandwidth. It’s also a process where multiple is maintained. This VF level is known as the "Composite
channels are combined for transmission over a common Data Transmission Level" and is almost universally -13
dBm0. Although such units supported up to 1200 BPS data
transmission path.
modem rates, the most popular implementation was a low-
speed FDM multiplexer known as the Voice Frequency
Bandwidth is used as a synonym for data transfer rate that Carrier Terminal (VFCT).
is the amount of data that can be carried from a point to
another in a time period. In other words, it is the width of 2.1.2 FDM Voice Channel Applications
range of frequencies that signal used on a given Amplitude Modulation (AM), using Single Sideband-
transmission medium. Multiplexing refers to the ability to Suppressed Carrier (SSB-SC) techniques, is used for voice
transmit data coming from several pairs of equipment channel multiplexing. Basically, a 4 KHz signal is
(transmitters and receivers) called low-speed channels on a multiplexed ("heterodyned") using AM techniques.
single physical medium (called the high-speed channel). Filtering removes the upper sideband and the carrier signal.
Other channels are multiplexed as well, but use different
carrier frequencies.

Advances in radio technology, particularly the

developments of the Reflex Klystron and integrated
modulators, resulted in huge FDM networks. One of the
most predominate FDM schemes was known as "L-
Carrier", suitable for transmission over coaxial cable and
wideband radio systems.
A multiplexer is the multiplexing device that combines the
signals from the transmitters and sends them over the high- 2.3 Time Division Multiplexing
speed channel. A demultiplexer is the multiplexing device With TDM, the various signals or transmissions are carried
via which the receivers are connected to the high-speed over a common channel in much the same way as with
channel. Frequency division multiplexing (FDM) FDM. The main difference is that the time division
approach to multiplexing allows for the signals to be
transmitted in a series of alternating time slots. The
2.0 Techniques of Multiplexing: alternating slots are still carried within a common channel,
The exact configuration of multiplexing process depends
and still fit neatly into the bandwidth.
on great deal on the mode or type of transmission. The
group of multiplexing technologies may be divided into
several types, all of which have significant variations:[1]
In Time Division Multiplexing, channels "share" the were usually found in 4.8 KBPS to 56 KBPS DDS and VF-
common aggregate based upon time! There are a variety of modem environments. In those days, 56 KBPS DDS pipes
TDM schemes, discussed in the following sections: were very high speed circuits.

1. Conventional Time Division Multiplexing 2.3.2 Statistical Time Division

2. Statistical Time Division Multiplexing
3. Cell-Relay/ATM Multiplexing Multiplexing (STDM)
Statistical TDMs are such that they only utilize aggregate
bandwidth when there is actual data to be transported from
2.3.1 Conventional Time division I/O ports. Data STDMs can be divided into two categories:
multiplexing Conventional STDM
Clocking (Bit timing) is critical in Conventional TDM. All Frame Relay/X.25 Networking
sources of I/O and aggregate clock frequencies should be An additional ANALOG TDM system, known as Time
derived from a central, "traceable" source for the greatest Assignment Speech Interpolation is also discussed.
Conventional TDM systems usually employ either Bit- Conventional STDM
Interleaved or Byte-Interleaved multiplexing schemes. The Statistical Multiplexer (or "statmux") utilizes a
different form of Time Division Multiplexing. These
Bit-interleaved multiplexing multiplexers typically use a HDLC-like frame for aggregate
In Bit-Interleaved TDM, a single data bit from an I/O port communications between units. As I/O traffic arrives at the
is output to the aggregate channel. This is followed by a mux it is buffered, then inserted into the I-Field of the
data bit from another I/O port (channel), and so on, and so HDLC frame. The receiving units remove the I/O traffic
on, with the process repeating itself. from the aggregate HDLC frame. Statistical Multiplexers
are ideally suited for the transport of asynchronous I/O
A "time slice" is reserved on the aggregate channel for each data; as it can take advantage of the inherent latency in
individual I/O port. Since these "time slices" for each I/O asynchronous communications. However, they can also
port are known to both the transmitter and receiver, the multiplex synchronous protocols by "spoofing" and
only requirement is for the transmitter and receiver to be in- prioritization; again taking advantage of the latency
step; that is to say, being at the right place (I/O port) at the between blocks/frames.Statistical Multiplexers are typically
right time. This is accomplished through the use of a faster at transporting I/O data End-To-End than X.25
synchronization channel between the two multiplexers. The systems, but some of these multiplexers can also perform
synchronization channel transports a fixed pattern that the network switching functions between I/O ports.
receiver uses to acquire synchronization.
The total I/O bandwidth can (and usually does) exceed the
Total I/O bandwidth (expressed in Bits per Second - BPS) aggregate port bandwidth. Later, many of these
cannot exceed that of the aggregate (minus the bandwidth multiplexers incorporated "switching" mechanisms that
requirements for the synchronization channel). allowed I/O ports to "intelligently" connect themselves to
Bit-Interleaved TDM is simple and efficient and requires other destination ports upon user command. While
little or no buffering of I/O data. A single data bit from somewhat functioning as an X.25 switch, these Statistical
each I/O channel is sampled, then interleaved and output in Multiplexers were usually faster, and provided more
a high speed data stream. Unfortunately, Bit-Interleaved transparent I/O data-carrying capacity.
TDM does not fit in well with today's microprocessor-
driven, byte-based environment! Statistical TDM's biggest disadvantage is that it is I/O
protocol sensitive. Therefore, they have difficulty
Byte-Interleaved Multiplexing supporting "transparent" I/O data and unusual protocols. To
In Byte-Interleaved multiplexing, complete words (bytes) support these I/O data types, many statmux systems have
from the I/O channels are placed sequentially, one after provisions to support Conventional TDM I/O traffic
another, onto the high speed aggregate channel. Again, a through the use of adjunct/integrated modules.
synchronization channel is used to synchronize the
multiplexers at each end of the communications facility. Conventional STDM was very popular in the late 1970s to
For an I/O payload that consists of synchronous channels mid 1980s and is still used today, although the market for
only, the total I/O bandwidth cannot exceed that of the these units is dwindling.
aggregate (minus the synchronization channel bandwidth).
But for asynchronous I/O channels, the aggregate Frame Relay and X.25 Networking
bandwidth CAN BE EXCEEDED if the aggregate byte size Frame Relay and X.25 systems are also categorized as
is LESS than the total asynchronous I/O character size Statistical TDMs. Both of these systems utilize aggregate
(Start + Data + Stop bits). (This has to do with the actual HDLC frame structures, and both of these systems can
CHARACTER transmission rate of the asynchronous data interoperate with both Private and Public systems. The
being LESS THAN the synchronous CHARACTER rate advantage of Frame Relay over X.25 is that it can support
serviced by the TDM). Byte-Interleaved TDMs were the same traffic as X.25, while, while facilitating
heavily deployed from the late 1970s to around 1985. "bandwidth on demand" requirements for "bursty" traffic
These units could support up to 256 KBPS aggregates but (e.g. LANs). Public Frame Relay services are available,
offering customers additional methods to interconnect
LANs, rather than having dedicated Wide Area Network Cell-Relay operation is somewhat analogous to a processor
(WAN) links. bus. Instead of a 32-bit data buss, there is a 53-byte data
bus. Instead of a 64-bit address buss, there is a 5-byte
Frame Relay, however, cannot adequately support voice or address buss. While the bus operates synchronously, under
video traffic because of variable End-To-End delivery control of a buss clock, the buss function itself is
times (e.g. variable delay). Voice and video transmissions asynchronous (similar in operation to an ordinary
are of a "Constant Bit Rate" (CBR) nature, and do not fare microprocessor bus). But instead of the transfer being
well sitting in a queue waiting for a big LAN packet to parallel, a high-speed serial ATM facility is used. That's
finish transmitting. Cell Relay!

Care must be taken when deploying Frame Relay As mentioned in the paragraph above, the buss function is
technologies. In the Internet world, it is so easy to overload asynchronous. That means that the I/O data (CPU modules
trunk capacities at the end-points of an IP connection. In in the above example) will immediately arbitrate for the
fact, this overloading is a "cheap" way to add increased I/O facility (processor buss) when there is data destined for it.
traffic (and users) without increasing aggregate bandwidth. If there is a conflict, somebody loses, and data is lost. It is
Unfortunately, when Frame Relay starts chucking out I/O up to the application to recover (or not!) from the error
data frames, the impact on Internet applications is very condition.
noticeable, since IP retransmissions are so long! This same
detrimental effect is also experienced in wireless LANs. Cell-Relay operation can be summarized as being similar to
Conventional TDM, except that is has properties of
Time Assignment Speech Interpolation (TASI) asynchronous transfer. When operating with very high
TASI systems represent an example of an ANALOG speed facilities, Cell-Relay has the ability to integrate Local
Statistical Time Division Multiplexing scheme. These Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs).
systems enjoyed limited use in the 1980s, and were Some Cell-Relay transmission services are now under
particularly adept at sharing voice circuits; specifically development, or available on a limited basis:
PBX trunks. A TASI multiplexer is interconnected between
the PBX and the trunk facilities. Usually, one analog trunk 1. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
circuit is used for signaling purposes between TASI units at 2. Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS)
each end of the link. The remaining voice trunks support
analog TASI TDM voice conversations. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
ATM is a cell-based transport mechanism that evolved
In normal telephone conversations, a majority of time is from the development of the Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN)
spent in a latent (idle) state. TASI trunks will allocate standards. ATM does not stand for Automatic Teller
"snippets" of voice from another channel during this idle Machine or Ascom Timeplex Multiplexers (although that
time. If an individual were to monitor these TASI trunks, might apply!); rather, it defines the asynchronous transport
they would hear bits and pieces of various conversations. of cells (Cell-Relay). Perhaps even more important, ATM
The signaling channel is used for the signaling conversion is associated with a process known as ATM Adaptation
between End-Point PBX (Private Branch Exchange) units Layer. AAL describes how various I/O traffic types are
and also for the allocation of bandwidth once incoming converted into cells!
speech energy has been detected.
The Adaptation process and the serial transport of cells is
As digital speech processing became more common, TASI commonly referred to as "Fast Packet Multiplexing"
systems were created that had analog inputs, and digital (FPM). While similar in concept, FPMs do not necessarily
outputs. This type of multiplexing technique is more conform to ATM standards or switching conventions.
commonly known as "Digital Speech Interpolation" (DSI).
Unfortunately, TASI and DSI systems suffer from a few Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS)
drawbacks. First, there can be a lot of voice "clipping" Similar to ATM, but designed for operation at lower rates
noticed by users. This occurs when a little bit of speech is (64 KBPS - 155.520 MBPS). SMDS services ARE
lost while waiting for the TASI mux to detect valid speech AVAILABLE NOW from many of Local Exchange
and allocate bandwidth. Clipping also occurs when there Carriers (LECs). International and domestic Carrier
just isn't bandwidth present at the moment. Also, TASI and services are available as well.
DSI units are very susceptible to audio input levels and
may have problems with the transport of voice band data SMDS offers customers alternatives to Frame Relay
(e.g. VF modem) signals. transport. SMDS addressing utilizes the CCITT (now ITU)
E.164 addressing scheme, making addressing much more
2.3.3 Cell-Relay Transmission manageable for customers. Also, SMDS is available at
In Cell-Relay systems, data is broken up into basic units higher rates than Frame Relay (which typically tops out at
(called "cells") and transported through the network. A T1 rate - 1.544 MBPS).
standard cell-size is defined as consisting of 53 8-bit bytes.
These 53 bytes consist of 48 bytes of Payload (data) and 5
bytes of Header (routing) information.
2.4 Wavelength Division Multiplexing Coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) is a
method of combining multiple signals on laser beams at
(WDM) various wavelengths for transmission along fiber optic
Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a method of cables, such that the number of channels is fewer than in
combining multiple signals on laser beams at various dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) but more
infrared (IR) wavelengths for transmission along fiber optic than in standard wavelength division multiplexing (WDM).
media. Each laser is modulated by an independent set of CWDM systems have channels at wavelengths spaced 20
signals. Wavelength-sensitive filters, the IR analog of nanometers (nm) apart, compared with 0.4 nm spacing for
visible-light color filters, are used at the receiving end. DWDM. This allows the use of low-cost, uncooled lasers
Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is an approach for CWDM. In a typical CWDM system, laser emissions
that can exploit the huge opto-electronic bandwidth occur on eight channels at eight defined wavelengths: 1610
mismatch by requiring that each end-user's equipment nm, 1590 nm, 1570 nm, 1550 nm, 1530 nm, 1510 nm, 1490
operate only at electronic rate, but multiple WDM channels nm, and 1470 nm. But up to 18 different channels are
from different end-users may be multiplexed on the same allowed, with wavelengths ranging down to 1270 nm.
The energy from the lasers in a CWDM system is spread
out over a larger range of wavelengths than is the energy
from the lasers in a DWDM system. The tolerance (extent
of wavelength imprecision or variability) in a CWDM laser
is up to ± 3 nm, whereas in a DWDM laser the tolerance is
much tighter. Because of the use of lasers with lower
precision, a CWDM system is less expensive and consumes
less power than a DWDM system. However, the maximum
realizable distance between nodes is smaller with CWDM.

2.5 Orthogonal frequency division

Is a method of digital modulation in which a signal is split
into several narrowband channels at different frequencies.
There are two types of wavelength division multiplexing: The technology was first conceived in the 1960s and 1970s
during research into minimizing interference among
1. Dense wavelength division multiplexing channels near each other in frequency.
2. Coarse wavelength division multiplexing
In some respects, OFDM is similar to conventional
Dense wavelength division multiplexing frequency-division multiplexing (FDM). The difference lies
Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) is a in the way in which the signals are modulated and
technology that puts data from different sources together on demodulated. Priority is given to minimizing the
an optical fiber, with each signal carried at the same time interference, or crosstalk, among the channels and symbols
on its own separate light wavelength. Using DWDM, up to comprising the data stream. Less importance is placed on
80 (and theoretically more) separate wavelengths or perfecting individual channels.
channels of data can be multiplexed into a light stream
transmitted on a single optical fiber. Each channel carries a OFDM is used in European digital audio broadcast
time division multiplexed (TDM) signal. In a system with services. The technology lends itself to digital television,
each channel carrying 2.5 Gbps (billion bits per second), up and is being considered as a method of obtaining high-
to 200 billion bits can be delivered a second by the optical speed digital data transmission over conventional telephone
fiber. DWDM is also sometimes called wave division lines. It is also used in wireless local area networks.
multiplexing (WDM).

Since each channel is demultiplexed at the end of the

3.0 Applications of multiplexing
transmission back into the original source, different data
formats being transmitted at different data rates can be a. Telegraphy
transmitted together. Specifically, Internet (IP) data, The earliest communication technology using electrical
Synchronous Optical Network data (SONET), and wires, and therefore sharing an interest in the economies
asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) data can all be afforded by multiplexing, was the electric telegraph. Early
travelling at the same time within the optical fiber. DWDM experiments allowed two separate messages to travel in
promises to solve the "fiber exhaust" problem and is opposite directions simultaneously, first using an electric
expected to be the central technology in the all-optical battery at both ends, then at only one end.
networks of the future.  Émile Baudot developed a time-multiplexing
system of multiple Hughes machines in the
Coarse wavelength division multiplexing 1870s.
 In 1874, the quadruplex telegraph developed by that accomplishes this is called a statistical multiplexer. In
Thomas Edison transmitted two messages in each several of these systems, the multiplexing results in an
direction simultaneously, for a total of four MPEG transport stream. The newer DVB standards DVB-
messages transiting the same wire at the same S2 and DVB-T2 has the capacity to carry several HDTV
time. channels in one multiplex. Even the original DVB
 Several workers were investigating acoustic standards can carry more HDTV channels in a multiplex if
telegraphy, a frequency-division multiplexing the most advanced MPEG-4 compressions hardware is
technique, which led to the invention of the used.
On communications satellites which carry broadcast
b. Telephony television networks and radio networks, this is known as
In telephony, a customer's telephone line now typically multiple channel per carrier or MCPC. Where
ends at the remote concentrator box down the street, where multiplexing is not practical (such as where there are
it is multiplexed along with other telephone lines for that different sources using a single transponder), single channel
neighborhood or other similar area. The multiplexed signal per carrier mode is used.
is then carried to the central switching office on
significantly fewer wires and for much further distances Signal multiplexing of satellite TV and radio channels is
than a customer's line can practically go. This is likewise typically carried out in a central signal playout and uplink
also true for digital subscriber lines (DSL). centre, such as ASTRA Platform Services in Germany,
which provides playout, digital archiving, encryption, and
Fiber in the loop (FITL) is a common method of satellite uplinks, as well as multiplexing, for hundreds of
multiplexing, which uses optical fiber as the backbone. It digital TV and radio channels.In digital radio, both the
not only connects POTS phone lines with the rest of the Eureka 147 system of digital audio broadcasting and the in-
PSTN, but also replaces DSL by connecting directly to band on-channel HD Radio, FMeXtra, and Digital Radio
Ethernet wired into the home. Asynchronous Transfer Mondiale systems can multiplex channels. This is
Mode is often the communications protocol used. Because essentially required with DAB-type transmissions (where a
all of the phone (and data) lines have been clumped multiplex is called an ensemble), but is entirely optional
together, none of them can be accessed except through a with IBOC systems.
demultiplexer. This provides for more-secure
communications, though they are not typically encrypted. e. Analog broadcasting.
The concept is also now used in cable TV, which is In FM broadcasting and other analog radio media,
increasingly offering the same services as telephone multiplexing is a term commonly given to the process of
companies. IPTV also depends on multiplexing. adding subcarriers to the audio signal before it enters the
transmitter, where modulation occurs. Multiplexing in this
c. Video processing sense is sometimes known as MPX, which in turn is also an
In video editing and processing systems, multiplexing old term for stereophonic FM, seen on stereo systems since
refers to the process of interleaving audio and video into the 1960s.
one coherent MPEG transport stream (time-division
multiplexing). 4.0 Conclusion:
In digital video, such a transport stream is normally a Future networks operating in excess of 10 Gbit/s are likely
feature of a container format which may include metadata to require optical multiplexing to obtain such high
and other information, such as subtitles. The audio and capacities, linking all major nodes in the inland network.
video streams may have variable bit rate. Software that The implementation of optical fibre amplifiers instead of
produces such a transport stream and/or container is optoelectronic regenerators would future-proof the
commonly called a statistical multiplexor or muxer. A transmission fabric, permitting capacity upgrades through
demuxer is software that extracts or otherwise makes modifications to terminal equipment. Optical nonlinearity
available for separate processing the components of such a will form an ultimate limit to the capacity of simple
stream or container. wavelength division multiplexed systems. In the longer
term, upgrading to an optical time division multiplexed
d. Digital broadcasting (OTDM) super-trunk network would provide a core
In digital television and digital radio systems, several transport layer of very high capacity so that services
variable bit-rate data streams are multiplexed together to a requiring large bandwidth on demand could be enabled.
fixed bitrate transport stream by means of statistical DWDM promises to solve the "fiber exhaust" problem and
multiplexing. This makes it possible to transfer several is expected to be the central technology in the all-optical
video and audio channels simultaneously over the same networks of the future.
frequency channel, together with various services.

In the digital television systems, this may involve several REFERENCES:

standard definition television (SDTV) programmes 1. Book: Voice and Data Communications by Regis J.
(particularly on DVB-T, DVB-S2, ISDB and ATSC-C), or Bates and Marcus Bates ISBN 978-0-0-07-225732-9
one HDTV, possibly with a single SDTV companion
channel over one 6 to 8 MHz-wide TV channel. The device

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