International Working Capital Management

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International Financial


Sumant Kumar
Rai Business School
Question 1.

Discuss what do you

understand by international
working capital management?
Answer 1.

Working capital management in a

multinational enterprise requires
managing current assets and
current liabilities when faced with
political, foreign exchange, tax and
liquidity constraints.
The overall goal is to reduce
funds tied up in working capital
while simultaneously providing
sufficient funding for the
conduct of global business.
Working capital management
should enhance return on
assets and should also improve
efficiency ratios and other
performance measures.
Working capital includes:

1.Cash management.
2.Accounts receivables
3.Inventory management.
Question 2.

Explain the institutional

structure of international
financial markets ?
Answer 2:

In economics, a financial market is

a mechanism that allows people to
buy and sell (trade) financial
securities (such as stocks and
bonds), commodities (such as
precious metals or agricultural
goods) etc.
Financial markets have evolved
significantly over several
hundred years and are
undergoing constant innovation
for effective liquidity.
On – Shore Market
• Traditional national markets subjected to
the regulations and jurisdiction of the
country’s monetary and securities markets
Off - Shore Market
• Located outside the geographical
boundaries of the country. These markets
are not subjected to many of the
monitoring and regulatory provisions.
Euro market is type of Off shore market.

In regard to structure, the Euro Money

market has been less concentrated over the
past years. But differences across the
various money market segments continue to
The money market segments
that are highly condensed are
the forward rate agreement,
other interest rate agreement
and the cross currency swap
The Euro money market
products are short term
deposits, repos, EONIA swaps
and foreign exchange swaps.
There is an increase in the
liquidity in these money market.
Transactions in the Euro Money
Market occur mainly through the
electronic mode.

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