Converting A Recurring Decimal To A Fraction
Converting A Recurring Decimal To A Fraction
Converting A Recurring Decimal To A Fraction
Example 1
Convert 0.142857142857... into a fraction.
Let x = 0.142857142857...
We want to move the decimal point to the right, so that the first "block" of repeated
digits appears before the decimal point. Remember that multiplying by 10 moves the
decimal point 1 position to the right.
So in this example, we need to move the decimal point 6 places to the right (so we
multiply both sides by 1 000 000):
1000000x = 142857.142857142857...
Now we can subtract our original number, x, from both sides to get rid of everything
after the decimal point on the right:
1000000x - x = 142857
So 999999x = 142857
142857 1
x= =
999999 7
Example 2
Convert 0.123 123 123 ... into a fraction.
Let x = 0.123 123 123 ...
1000x = 123.123 123 123 ...
999 x = 123
123 41
Hence x = =
999 333