(Third Revision: Indian Standard
(Third Revision: Indian Standard
(Third Revision: Indian Standard
Superseding IS : 1139-1966
( RentTimed 1990 )
Indian Standard
( Third Revision)
UDC 669.14.018.26-422.2:666.982.24
@ Cojpvi~ht 1985
hdiun Standard
( Third Revision)
Joint Sectional Committee for Concrete Reinforcement, BSMDC 8
Chairman Representing
SHRI G. S. Rao Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
Shri G. S. Rao )
Bn~o S. V. ABITYANKAIQ Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters,
New Delhi
Dn J. L. AJMANI The Tata Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Jamshedpur
SHRI A. N. MITICA ( Altcrnatc )
DR ANIL KUMAR Cement Research Institute of India, New Delhi
SHRI S. BANERJEE Steel Re-rolling Mills Association of India, Calcutta
SHILI S. N. CEANDA Metallurgical & Engineering Consultants India Ltd,
SHRI R. D. CHOUDHARY ( Alternate )
SHRI S. P. CHAKRABORT~ Ministry of Shipping and Transport ( Roads Wing )
CHIEF ENOI~ER ( MHPD ) Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab,
DIRECTOR ( PP ) ( TDO ) ( Alternate ).
DEPUTY DIRECTOR STANDARDS Research, Designs & Standards Organization,
( B&S ) CB Lucknow
( B&S ) CB ( Alternate )
Sam c. DASoUPT_4 Bhilai Steel Plant ( Steel Authority of India L!d ),
SHRI S. GOPALAN ( Alternate )
SRRI D. I. DESAI Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. L. BHATIA ( Alfernatc )
SHRI M. R. DOOTOR Special Steels Ltd, Bombay
SHRI V. C. TRICKUR ( Alternafc )
( Continued on page 2 )
@ Copyight 1985
This publication is protected under the I&an Copyrighr AC: ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permkion of the
publkhar shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the raid Act.
IS t1786 - 1985
( Continued pornpage1 )
Members Repsenting
&RI V. K. GHANEKAR Stru;tu;;uzngineering Research Centre ( CSIR ),
SHRI JOSE KURIAN Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
DR P. C. CHOWDHARY Tor Steel Research Foundation in India, Bangalore
DR T. MTJKHERJEE The Tata Iron and Steel Co Ltd, Jamshedpur.
SHRI S. C. MOHANTY ( Altamatr )
SHRI A. G. RAXA RAO Bhil$S~el Plant ( Steel Authority of India Ltd ),
IS:1786 -1985
Indian Standard
( Third Revision)
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Third Revision ) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 1 May 1985, after the draft finalized by the
Joint Sectional Committee for Concrete Reinforcement had been
approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 Deformed bars for concrete ‘reinforcement are being produced in
the country for many years, the main processes being hot rolling or hot
rolling followed by cold twisting. In the past decade there has been an
increasing demand for higher strength deformed bars ( 415 N/mmz, Min,
yield strength/O.2 percent proof stress being the most common j. This
high yield strength was being first achieved by raising carbon and
manganese and to a great extent by cold twisting. In addition IO this,
there has been considerable demand for larger diameter bars with
similar strength, elongation, weldability and bendability as that of small
size bars. Along with this, the;e is also a need for these steel bars to
be welded and fabricated on the site easily. For this, strength and
ductility have to be achieved at the lowest possible carbon content.
0.2.1 Technological advances during the last few years in the field of
deformed bar production have helped in meeting all the above require-
ments together. Microalloying with Nb, V, Ti and B, in combination
or individually, and thermomechanical treatment process are worth
mentioning in this field. With these two processes higher strength values
could be achieved at low carbon levels even in large diameter bars.
0.3 Two Indian Standard specifications, namely, IS : 1139-1966
‘Specification for hot rolled mild steel, medium tensile steel and high yield
strength steel deformed bars for concrete reinforcement ( revised )’ and
IS : 1786-1979 ‘Specification for cold-worked steel high strength deformed
bars for concrete reinforcement r second revision )’ covered deformed bars
IS : 1786 - 1985
I.1 This standard covers the requirements of deformed steel bars and
wires for use as reinforcement in concrete, in the following three strength
a) Fe 415,
b) Fe 500, and
c) Fe 550.
No~r~ - The figures following the svmbol Fe indicates the specified minimum 0’2
*,Jercent proof stress or yield stress in N/mm*.
2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.
-4.1 Biatch - Any quantity of hars,‘wires of same size and grade whether
.I ~oilx or bundles presented for examination and test at one time.
IS t 1786 - 19S5
2.11 Yield Stress - Stress ( that is, load per unit cross-sectional area )
at which elongation first occurs in the test piece without increasing the
load during tensile test. In the case of steels with no such definite yield
point, proof stress shall be applicable.
IS:1788 - 1985
Carbon 0.02
Sulphur o-005
Phosphorus o-005
Sulphur and phosphorus 0.010
is I 1786- 19lc5
The mean projected area of transverse ribs alone shall be not less
than one-third of the values given above.
4.3 The ribs contributing to the projected area considered in 4.2 shall
consist of:
IS : 1786 - 1985
4.4 The mean projected rib area per unit length Ar ( in mm2 per mm )
may be calculated from the following formula:
NOTE I- In the case of hot rolled barl/wires which are not subjected to cold
twisting, the value of sp in the second term of the expression for A, shall be taken as
infinity rendering the value of the second term to zero.
NOTE 2 2 At, may be calculated as 213 Itr dt, where kr and dt, are shown in Fig. 1.
ntr’ = number o[discontinuous longitudinal ribs,
1’ = average length of’discontinuous longitudinal ribs,
dir’ - height of discontinuous longitudinal ribs,
sir’ = average spacing of discontinuous longitudinal ribs, and
dir = height uf continuous longitudinal ribs.
Nom - Atr, dtr and ftr represent longitudinal sectional area, height and length respectively of transevme rib
5.1 The nominal sizes of bars/wires shall be as follows:
‘Noknal size, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40,
45 and 50 mm’.
NOTE -- Other sizes may also be supplied by mutuzl agreement.
5.2 The exact values for the cross-sectional area and nominal masses of
individual bars/wires, shall be as given in Table 1.
5.3 Effective Cross-Sectional Area of Deformed Bars and Wireu
5.3.1 For bars/wires whose pattern of deformation is such that by
visual inspection, the cross-sectional area is substantially uniform along
the length of the bar/wire, the effective cross-sectional area shall be the
gross sectional area determined as follows, using a bar/wire not less tharr
0.5 m in length:
w = mass in kg weighed to a precision of &@0’5percent, and
L = length in m measured to a precision of *IO*5 percent.
* .,. . ..___--_. _..
IS : 1786 - 1985
IS : 1786 - 1985
6.2.1 For the purpose of checking the nominal mass, the density of
steel shall be taken as 0.007 85 kg/ mm2 of the cross-sectional area per
metre run.
6.2.3 The nominal mass per metre of individual sample, batch and
coil shall be determined as given in to
IS : 1786 - 1385
7.1 Proof stress, percentage elongation and tensile strength for all sizes
of deformed bars/wires determined on effective cross-sectional area
( see 5.3 ) and in accordance with 8.2 shall be as specified in Table 3.
7.2 The bars/wires shall withstand the bend test specified in 8.3 and the
rebend test specified in 8.4.
7.3 Bond - Bars/wires satisfying the requirements given in 4 shall be
deemed to have satisfied the bond requirements of a deformed*bar/wire.
8.1 Selection and Preparation of Test Sample - Unless otherwise
specified in this standard, the requirements of IS : 226-1975* shall apply.
8.1.1 All test pieces shall be selected by the purchaser or his autho-
rized representative, either:
a) from the cuttings of bars/wires; or
b) if, he so desires, from any bar/wire after it has been cut to the
required or specified size and the test piece taken from any part
of it.
In neither case, the test piece shall be detached from the barlwire
except in the presence of the purchaser or his authorized representative.
8.1.2 The test pieces obtained in accordance with 8.1.1 shall be full
sections of the bars/wires and shall be subjected to physical tests without
any further modifications. No reduction in size by machining or other-
wise shall be permissible, except in case of bars of size .28 mm and above
( see ). No test piece shall be annealed or otherwise subjected to
heat treatment except as provided in 8.1.3. Any straightening which
a test piece may require shall be done cold. For the purpose of carrying out tests for tensile strength,
proof stress and percentage elongation for bars 28 mm in diameter and
above, deformations of the bars only may be machined. For such bars,
the physical properties shall be calculated using the actual area obtained
after machining.
8.1.3 Notwithstanding the provisions in 8.1.2, test pieces may be
subjected to artificial ageing at a temperature not exceeding 100°C and
for a period not exceeding 2 hours.
8.1.4 Before the test pieces are selected, the manufacturer or supplier
shall furnish the purchaser or his authorized representative with copies
of the mill records giving the mass of bars/wires in each bundle/cast
with sizes as well as the identification marks, whereby the bars/wires
from that cast can be identified.
8.2 Tensile Test - The tensile strength, 0.2 percent proof stress and
percentage elongation of bars/wires shall be determined in accor-
dance with requirements of IS : 1608-1972* read in conjunction with
IS : 226-1975t.
8.2.1 Alternatively and by agreement between the purchaser and the
supplier, for routine testing, the proof stress may be determined in con-
junction with the tensile strength test and may be taken as the stress
measured on the specimen whilst under load corresponding to an in-
crease measured by an extensometer of 0.4 percent for Fe 415 bars/wires,
O-45 percent for grade Fe 500 bars/wires and 047 percent for grade
Fe 550 bars/wires the total strain on any convenient gauge length.
8.3 Rend Test - The bend test shall be performed in accordance with
the requirements of IS: 1599-1974* and the mandrel diameter shall be as
specified in Table 4. The specimen shall be considered to have passed
the test if there is no transverse crack in the bent portion.
8.4 Rebend Test - The test piece shall be bent to an included angle
of 135” ( see Fig. 2 ) using a mandrel of appropriate diameter (see 8.41).
The bent piece shall be aged by keeping in boiling water ( 100°C ) for
30 minutes and then allowed to cool. The’ piece shall then be bent back
to have an included angle of 157p. The specimen shall be considered
to have passed the test if there is no fracture in the bent portion.
8.5 Retest - Should any one of the test pieces first selected fail to pass
any of the tests specified in this standard, two further samples shall be
selected for testing in respect of: each failure. Should the test pieces
from both these-additional samples pass, the material represented by the
test samples shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of that
particular test. Should the test piece from either of these additional
samples fail, the material presented by the samples shall be considered
as not having complied with this standard.
*Method for bend test for steel products other than sheet, strip, wire and tube
( jirst revision ) .
_, __,_ ,“, ^_._4_.,-. . ..-..--.---
_____,,.. -
_ ___,” _
IS : 1786 - 1985
10.1 For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test and rebend
test, test specimen of sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the
finished bar/wire at random at a frequency not less than that specified in
Table 5.
~---_--_----_----__-h__- -------7
For casts/heats below For casts/heatsover
100 tonnes 100 tonnes
10.2 Bond Test - The frequency of bond test as required in 4.7 shall
be as agreed to between the manufacturer and the purchaser/testing
IS : 1786 - 1985
c czazfse 4.7 )
A-l.1 The pull-out test shall be conducted in accordance with IS : 2770
( Part 1 )-1967*, unless otherwise modified as in A-1.1.1.
A-1.1.1 Bonded length of the bar embedded in the concrete shall be
5 times the diameter of the bar; the rest of the embedded length shall
be made unbonded by providing plastic sleeve for that portion.
*Method oi testing bond in reinforced concrete: Part 1 Pull-out teat.
Heedquarters :
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones : 331 01 31 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
331 13 75 (Common to all Offices)
Regional Offices : Telephone
Central : Manak Bhavan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg 331 01 31
NEW DELHI 110002 i
l Eastern : l/14 C.I.T. Scheme VII M. 333: :e3 :25
V.I.P. Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054
Northern : SC0 445-446. Sector 35-C. CHANDIGARH 160036 21843
Southern : C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, MADRAS 600113 41 29 16
t Western : Manakalava. E9 MIDC. Marol. Andheri (East). 6 32 92 95
BOMBAY ‘400093
Branch Offices :
Pushpak’,Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMADABAD 380001 2 63 48
t Peenya Industrial Area, 1 st Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road, 39 49 55
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar. 55 40 21
BHOPAL 462003
Plot No. 82/83, Lewis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 36 27
Kalai Kathir Building, 6/48-A Avanasi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 2 67 05
Quality Marking Centre. N.H, IV, Ns1.T.. FARIDABAD 121001 -
Savitri Complex, 116 G. T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 B-71 19 96
5315 Ward No. 29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, 3 31 77
5-B-56C L. N, Gupta-Marg, ( Nampally Station Road ) 231083
R14 Yudhister Marg, C Scheme. JAIPUR 302005 6 34 71
117/418 8 Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 21 68 76
Plot No. A-9, House No. 561/63. Sindhu Nagar. Kanpur Roao. 5 55 07
LUCKNOW 226005
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 6 23 05
District Industries Centre Complex, Bagh-e-Ali Maidan.
T. C. No. 14/1421, University P. 0.. Palayam. 6 21 04
fnspection Offices (With Sale Point) :
Pushpanjali. First Floor, 205-A West High Court Road. 52 61 71 ;
Shankar Nagar Square, NAGPUR 440010
Institution of Engineers (India) BLilding, 1332 Shivaji Nagar,
PUNE 411005
( Page 12, Table 2 ) - Insert the following to the foot-note marked with ‘*’
‘A single sample taken from a batch as defined in 2.1 shall not be considered as individual sample.’
(Page 15, clause 8.3 )- Insert the following after first sentence:
‘The test piece, when cold, shall be doubled over the mandrel by continuous
pressure until the sides are parallel.’
( CED 54 ),
Reprography Unit, BE, New Delhi, India
( ThidReviswn )
( Page 6, clause 3.2, Note 1) — Substitute the following for the existing
Note: ,.
‘NOTE 1- For guaranteed wehlability, the Carbon Equivalent using the frmnufz
Cr+Mo+V Nl+cu
CE= C+; + +—
5 15
shall be not more than 0.53 pereerr~ when micro alloywlow alloys are used. Wherr micro
alloys are not used, Carbon Equivalent using the formuta,
shall be not more than 01~2 pcknt. “Reinforcum%t ‘IMrs/wikds%ith
,> --’,.<
higher Carbon Equivalent -~~~ .,
with precaution. Use of Iow hydrogen basic coat& electd& &ith
matching strength badwires are recommended.’
( Page 6, clause 3.2, Note 2 ) — Insert the following new Note after Note 2:
“NOTE 3 – Low-alloy steel may also be produced by adding alloying elements tike Cr,
CU.Ni and P, either individually or in combination, to improve allied product properties.
However, the total content of these efcments shall not te less dran 0.50 percent. In such
ease, manufacturers shall supply the purchaser or his authorized representative a test
certificate stating the individual contents of all the alloying elements. fn such low afloy
steel when phosphorus is used, it shall not exceed 0.12 percent and when used beyond the
timit prescribed in 3.2, the carbon shall be restricted to a maximum of 0.15 pexecn~ and
in such case the restriction to maximum content of sulphur and phospfwus as given in 3.2
shall not apply.
User may note that there is a danger of pitting and crevice emotion when weathering
steels (that is, those with chemical composition mnforming to IS 11587 : 1986
‘Specification for structural weather resistant steel’ are embedded in chloride
Amend No. 2 to IS 1786:1985
( Page 7 clause 4.1) — Substitute the following for the existing clause:
‘4.1 High strength deformed bars/wires shall satisfy the requirements given in
either 4.2 or 4.7 for routine testing. Pull out test in accordance with 4.7 shall be
done in addition to 4.2 for approval of new or amended geometry for first time.’
( Page 7, clause 4.3) — Substitute the following for the existing clause:
‘4.3 The ribs contributing the projected area considered in 4.2 shall consist Of
a) Two longitudinal ribs in the form of continuous helix in case of twisted
bars/wires, and optional longitudinal ribs in case of untwisted bardwires
which may be continuous or discontinuous; and
b) Transverse ribs which after hot-rolling or cold-working are uniform in
size and shape in each row along the length of the bar/wire, and are
spaced along the bar/wire at substantially fiiform dM.aneea.’
(Page 8, clause 4.4) — Substitute the following for the existing formula
Ah sin13 rlh dlr7r@
‘Ar = ‘f —+—
i=l srJ’ Sp
and add ‘i= variable’ after ‘Sp = pitch of the twist in mm.’
( Page 14, clause 8.2.1) — Insert the following at the end:
‘when this alternative is availed, the total. strain sh~~,,~, -.w@ only by
extensometer and not by any other means. In case of .dispu~ the proof stress
determined in accordance with IS 1608:1995 MeehaidMWitlng ?$iktals —
Tensile testing (secorqf revision)’ shall be thwieeidiq$witia. ~ ~~ s
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Rcprogmphy Uni~wew Delhi, India