2010 Red Book

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The document provides an overview of Boston University's commencement ceremony, including awards given, music played, and lists of graduates and administration.

The document discusses Boston University's commitment to providing educational opportunity without regard to race, class, sex, or creed from its beginning and being the first private university to open all its divisions to women.

The document notes that Boston University was the first to award a Ph.D. to a woman and the first coeducational medical college in the world.

Boston University




2 About Boston University

3 Program
4 The Metcalf Medals
5 The Metcalf Cup and Prize
6 The Metcalf Awards
8 Honorary Degrees
13 Honorary Degree Recipients of the Past 25 Years
15 The Class of 1970

Candidates for Degrees and Certificates

17 College of Arts & Sciences
28 College of Communication
34 School of Education
37 College of Engineering
41 College of Fine Arts
45 Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine
49 Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
56 School of Hospitality Administration
57 School of Law
60 School of Management
68 School of Medicine
72 Metropolitan College
81 School of Public Health
84 College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College
87 School of Social Work
88 School of Theology
90 University Professors Program
91 Division of Military Education

93 Academic Traditions
94 School and College Diploma Convocations and Map
96 Prelude, Processional, and Recessional Music
97 Clarissima
98 The Corporation

ABoUt Boston University

Boston University’s impact extends far beyond medical college in the world. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Commonwealth Avenue, Kenmore Square, and the perhaps our most famous alumnus, studied here in the
Medical Campus. Our students, faculty, and alumni early 1950s, during a period when nearly half of this
go all around the world to study, research, teach, and country’s doctoral degrees earned by African American
become a part of the communities in which they live. students in religion and philosophy were awarded by
Today, BU is the fourth-largest private university in Boston University.
the country and one of the world’s leading research
universities. Enduring commitments to teaching, For many at Boston University, a commitment to
research, global education, and community engagement serving and shaping the world is formed while still a
are the touchstones of Boston University’s proud past student. The early dream of engagement “in the heart
and promising future. of the city, in the service of the city” has been deeply
and abidingly realized in numerous ways: through
In the rich tapestry of Boston University’s history, the University’s twenty-year partnership with the
one thread runs true: quality teaching by an excellent Chelsea Public Schools, the more than $129 million
faculty. Students benefit from direct instruction by in scholarships provided to graduates of the Boston
dedicated professors who are actively engaged in Public Schools via the Boston Scholars program,
original research and scholarship, as well as from and the pioneering merger of the BU Medical Center
the University’s combination of a strong liberal arts Hospital and Boston City Hospital. Students and
foundation and exceptional professional programs. faculty regularly engage in a broad range of both
Many students work closely with faculty mentors formal and informal community service activities.
to advance the frontiers of human discovery.
Opportunities for educators and researchers to Boston University’s academic community reaches near
collaborate across disciplines leverage the breadth and far. Today, the University’s seventeen schools
and depth of the University’s program offerings. and colleges enroll more than 32,500 students from
all fifty states and 135 foreign countries. The nation’s
Since its founding, Boston University has embraced two first collegiate international exchange program was
principles that have come to define higher education created at the end of the nineteenth century. Since
today: a belief that the pursuit of learning is enhanced then, Boston University’s study abroad offerings have
by direct engagement with the community and the grown to include more than seventy-five programs in
world, and a conviction that higher education should twenty countries. This global emphasis is integrated
be accessible to all. into the on-campus curriculum, with courses and
programs that bring an international perspective to
Boston University has made a commitment to subjects from anthropology to zoology.
providing educational opportunity without regard
to race, class, sex, or creed from its beginning, and Today’s graduates take their place in a long line of
this has led to a number of momentous “firsts”: the alumni whose inclusive and engaged educational
first to open all its divisions to women, the first to experience prepared them to help serve, shape, and
award a Ph.D. to a woman, the first coeducational improve the world.

Prelude Concert (musical titles on page 96) Boston University Brass Choir
Chris Parks, Director
Processional (musical titles on page 96)
Call to Order Robert A. Knox
National Anthem Elizabeth Evans
Invocation The Reverend Dr. Robert Allan Hill
Student Speaker Jonathan L. Priester
Presentation of the Class Gift Lauren Nicole Berger
Rachel Bari Katz
Welcome from the Alumni Association David Hollowell
The Metcalf Awards for Excellence in Teaching Robert A. Brown
The Metcalf Cup and Prize for Excellence in Teaching PRESIDENT OF BOSTON UNIVERSITY
Assisted by John Silber
Conferring of the Honorary Degrees Robert A. Brown
Edward Albee, Doctor of Letters
William T. Coleman, Jr., Doctor of Laws
Wafaa El-Sadr, Doctor of Science
Osamu Shimomura, Doctor of Science
Eric H. Holder, Jr., Doctor of Laws
Address Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Presentation of the Class of 1970 Kenneth J. Feld
Presentation of Candidates David K. Campbell
Karen H. Antman
President’s Charge to the Candidates Robert A. Brown
Promotion of Candidates to Degrees Robert A. Brown
Clarissima (words and music on page 97) Elizabeth Evans
Benediction Rabbi Joseph A. Polak
Recessional (musical titles on page 96)
An A.S.L. interpreter for guests with hearing impairment will be stationed on the field, in front of the accessible seating
area. A large-screen, real-time, open-caption video feed will also be available for the deaf and hard of hearing at this site.
The First Aid Station is located in the Boston University Children’s Center, 32 Harry Agganis Way, adjacent to the
stadium. It is staffed by a physician and nurses. The Lost and Found Counter is in the lobby of the Boston University
Police Headquarters, next door to the Children’s Center.

the metCAlf medAls
the metCAlf medAls are conferred upon member, and founder and endower of the Metcalf
winners of the Metcalf Cup and Prize for Awards, served on the Board of Trustees from 1956 to
Excellence in Teaching and the Metcalf 1997 and was the Board’s Chairman from 1976 to 1994,
Awards for Excellence in Teaching. On when he became Chairman Emeritus. The
the back of each medal is engraved the Cup and Prize medal is struck in gold,
winner’s name; on the front appears a portrait the Award medals in silver.
of Dr. Arthur G. B. Metcalf (1908–1997) by President
Emeritus John Silber. Dr. Metcalf, an alumnus, faculty

the metCAlf CUP And Prize


the metCAlf CUP and $10,000 Prize the University’s president. “The purpose
were created by an endowment gift of the prize,” Dr. Metcalf stated at
from the late Dr. Arthur G. B. Metcalf, the time of its creation, “is to establish
an alumnus and Trustee of Boston a systematic procedure for the review
University. Candidates are nominated by of the quality of teaching and the
students, faculty, or alumni, and finalists identification and advancement of those
are selected by a screening committee of members of the faculty who excel as
faculty and students. The committee’s teachers, of which this cup is symbolic.”
recommendation is then forwarded to

the metCAlf AwArds


the metCAlf AwArds are given annually to one or more tiveness, respect for the past and the future, a struggle to
finalists in the competition for the Metcalf Cup and Prize. comprehend the world and the ideas we have of it, and a
The winners of the Metcalf Awards each receive $5,000. community defined by its open-ended debates. Teaching
In describing the Metcalf Awards in 1997, then President is what elevates and unifies these diverse elements and
Westling said, “the Metcalf Awards for Excellence in brings them directly into the lives of students. By recog-
Teaching express Boston University’s understanding of nizing and encouraging outstanding teaching, the Metcalf
the centrality of teaching in higher education. A univer- Awards express Boston University’s deepest purpose.”
sity is many things: an active tradition of inquiry, atten-

the metCAlf CUP And Prize

J. Gregory McDaniel

Professor J. Gregory McDaniel unites stimulating nicator, able to make complex subjects understandable,”
teaching with groundbreaking research. His passion is to and they note with gratitude “his selfless commitment
communicate to students the excitement of mechanical to students.” “It is great to have a professor who is so
engineering, in particular the wonders of mechanical excited about a subject!” “Professor McDaniel is the
vibrations and acoustics. Ever the teacher, he confesses: man. There’s no question,” one senior concluded.
“Vibration is the last thing I think about before I go to
Professor McDaniel has contributed to outreach and
sleep and the first thing that I think about when I wake
community service, attracting under-represented students
up. I believe that it has the power to change the world
to engineering, founding the Boston University chapter
and I believe that it has the power to change every single
of Engineers Without Borders, and helping that group
student who learns it.”
to launch a successful project in Chirimoto, Peru. Most
Professor McDaniel strives to be a “student of the notably, he taught and mentored Peter Wal, a Sudanese
student,” to determine the students’ needs, to engage refugee who survived unspeakable atrocities and went
them, and then to teach, guided by the group dynamic. on to study engineering in college.
He weaves into his lectures stories about his research,
Inspired teacher, dedicated mentor, and champion of
which ranges from automotive brake squeal remediation
diversity, Professor McDaniel has enriched and changed
to ocean wave energy harvesting to fundamental studies
the lives of countless students and made the field of
of vibration-based risk assessment by red-eyed treefrogs.
engineering more accessible. Boston University proudly
A student notes that these anecdotes are frequently
presents Professor McDaniel with the Metcalf Cup and
followed by a “cheerful bout of baritone laughter!” His
Prize for Excellence in Teaching.
students praise him as “a dynamic and powerful commu-

the metCAlf AwArd

John Philip Caradonna


Professor John Philip Caradonna has provided enlighten- will long remember their fun building molecular models
ment, joy in learning, and wise guidance to generations of with candy, despite some sticky situations. He is an
chemistry students. A distinguished scholar, his research outstanding advisor, helpful mentor, and personal friend
focuses on structural and mechanistic studies of transition to his students. One described him as a “father figure,”
metal centers in catalytic metalloproteins central to the another observed that “he believes in his students more
chemistry of life. His teaching focuses on leading students than they believe in themselves.” Professor Caradonna
to understand and appreciate the wonderful complexities fosters a stimulating collaborative learning environment
of chemistry. In the introductory General Chemistry in his research lab, supporting each student’s explorations
course, the legendary Inorganic Chemistry course, or and viewing failure as “success that had not yet been
more advanced undergraduate and graduate offerings, achieved.” In short, “he defines excellence as a teacher.”
Professor Caradonna helps each student learn how to
Professor Caradonna mentors aspiring teachers in the
study, how to “own” the facts, how to make connections
Postdoctoral Faculty Fellows Program and also junior
among a wide range of concepts, and then to develop
faculty in the Chemistry Department. He has been active
scientific intuition.
in various programs supporting research experiences at
Professor Caradonna’s enthusiasm for his subject is Boston University for students at other colleges and in
contagious. His lectures are “engaging, relevant, and high school.
unerringly interesting. . . . Students do not simply learn
Exemplary educator, distinguished researcher, and
concepts, they are faced with challenging problems
caring mentor, Professor Caradonna has transformed
that ultimately enrich their perception of the world.”
students’ chemistry experience. Boston University proudly
Professor Caradonna is able to make “the relationship
presents the Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching to
between symmetry of molecules and orbital interactions a
Professor Caradonna.
passion instead of a homework assignment.” His students

the metCAlf AwArd

Sandra Susan Nicolucci


Dr. Sandra Susan Nicolucci came to Boston University program planning provide wonderful examples for
more than 45 years ago, earning two degrees from the students just beginning their teaching career. “Her
School of Fine and Applied Arts and then a doctorate philosophy of teaching, her passion for it, her commit-
from the School of Education. An inspired professional ment to it, and her love of it” serve as teacher training
music educator, she developed prize-winning music at its finest. One alumna praised “her intense dedica-
curricula and programs for the public schools of tion to her students and her craft.” Another wrote:
Wellesley, Brookline, and Newton. Concurrently, she “Dr. Nicolucci ignited the fire inside me that pushed
conceived a music education program, cited as “a model me to go into my first school system, to change the
for the state,” for The Boston Conservatory, where perception of music education to one of great impor-
she taught part time for over 30 years. Dr. Nicolucci tance, and to work endlessly to perfect my craft so that
“retired” in 2005 and then returned to her alma mater every moment I have with my students is one that they
as Associate Professor of Music, transmitting to future will remember.” Dr. Nic changes lives through teaching
music educators her accumulated strategies and wisdom teachers. That is her gift, that is her passion, that is
gained in the classroom. her mission.

“Dr. Nic,” as she is fondly known, is an exemplary Wise guide of aspiring teachers and powerful advocate
professor, advisor, mentor, and student teaching for the arts, Dr. Nicolucci has increased the apprecia-
supervisor. She gains familiarity with each student’s tion and knowledge of music in our society. Boston
academic strengths, personal stories, and ambitions, University is pleased to confer upon Dr. Nicolucci the
and then adjusts her teaching and advice accordingly. Metcalf Award for Excellence in Teaching.
Dr. Nicolucci’s meticulous lessons and long-term

honorAry degrees

Edward Albee

Edward Albee was born in Washington, D.C. in 1928, Circle awards and now is regarded as a classic of
and as an infant was adopted by an affluent family modern drama.
from Larchmont, New York. He rebelled against
In 1967, Albee won a Pulitzer for A Delicate Balance,
attempts to mold him into a fitting member of his
which also examined two troubled couples and which
parents’ social set, and instead associated with artists
merged his earlier use of absurdism with the realism
and intellectuals. He left home at 20, moving to
of Virginia Woolf while introducing some of his later
Greenwich Village and working in a variety of menial
dramatic devices.
jobs until his first play, The Zoo Story, attracted
international acclaim following its 1959 première Albee has produced a body of work that places him
in Berlin and then New York. at the pinnacle of American theater alongside such
giants as Miller, Williams, and O’Neill. He won
His early plays ranged from absurdism to realism,
another Pulitzer in 1975 for Seascapes and again
exploring anger and alienation and building his
in 1994 for Three Tall Women, and received the
reputation. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? became
National Medal of Arts in 1996.
a critical and popular success on Broadway in 1962.
The Pulitzer drama panel voted to award it the 1963 He is president of the Edward F. Albee Foundation,
prize, but was overridden by the Pulitzer advisory which maintains a writers and artists colony in
board because of the play’s use of profanity and Montauk, New York.
sexual themes. It won the Tony and Drama Critics’

honorAry degrees

William T. Coleman, Jr.


William T. Coleman, Jr., is a senior partner and the and head of its Litigation Department when he joined
senior counselor in the international law firm of President Ford’s cabinet in 1975.
O’Melveny & Myers LLP, based in Washington, D.C.
An ardent defender of civil rights, Mr. Coleman was
Mr. Coleman has had a life in law, business, and public
one of the authors of the briefs that persuaded the
service and has been advisor, consultant, and cabinet
Supreme Court to outlaw racial segregation in public
member for six U.S. presidents. He was Secretary of
schools in its 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision.
Transportation during the Ford administration.
In 1982, Mr. Coleman was appointed amicus curiae
A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, he entered by the Supreme Court to defend a lower court decision
Harvard Law School in September 1941, leaving to that private schools which denied admission to black
serve in the United States Army Air Corps during World students were not entitled to federal tax exemptions.
War II. He graduated first in his class from Harvard The Supreme Court upheld the decision 8–1. He serves
Law in 1946. as senior director of the NAACP Legal Defense and
Educational Fund, Inc., and was chairman from 1977
In 1948, he served as law clerk to Justice Felix Frankfurter
to 1997. In September 1995, President Clinton awarded
of the Supreme Court. Later, he returned to his native
him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s
Philadelphia and joined the firm of Dilworth, Paxson,
highest civilian honor.
Kalish, Levy & Coleman, where he was a senior partner

honorAry degrees

Wafaa El-Sadr

Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr directs both the International Center As ICAP director, Dr. El-Sadr leads a staff of more than
for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) and 800 people who provide technical assistance in resource-
the Global Health Initiative at Columbia University’s limited countries for HIV prevention and treatment
Mailman School of Public Health. She also is professor programs, as well as related conditions.
of medicine and epidemiology at Columbia and for two
Dr. El-Sadr also holds a master of public health in
decades led the Division of Infectious Diseases at Harlem
epidemiology from the Mailman School and a master
Hospital Center, where she has been instrumental in
in public administration from the Kennedy School of
the development of an internationally recognized com-
Government at Harvard University. She is a member
prehensive HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis program focused
of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy
on service, training, and research.
of Sciences. Certified in internal medicine and infectious
Daughter of a biochemist and a forensic pathologist, she diseases, she serves on a number of U.S. and international
grew up in Cairo and earned her medical degree from public health and research committees.
Cairo University, where both of her parents taught. She
In 2008, Dr. El-Sadr was named a MacArthur Foundation
came to the United States in 1976, expecting to return to
Fellow in recognition of her creativity, originality, and
Egypt, but the emergence of the AIDS and tuberculosis
potential to make important contributions for the future.
crises presented research and treatment opportunities
that led her to stay.

honorAry degrees

Osamu Shimomura

Born in Kyoto in 1928, Osamu Shimomura was living At Princeton, Dr. Shimomura studied the jellyfish
in Nagasaki in August 1945, only 15 miles from the Aequorea victoria, which he collected during summers
epicenter of the second atomic bomb explosion. He in Friday Harbor, Washington. In 1962, his work
heard the American plane fly overhead and was briefly culminated in the discovery of the proteins aequorin
blinded by the flash of the explosion. and green fluorescent protein (GFP) in the small,
glowing jellyfish.
The Nagasaki Medical College, which was heavily
damaged in the atomic blast, relocated its pharmacy Today, GFP is a critical tool for researchers who use
school to a temporary campus near the Shimomura the protein to study intracellular biological processes
home. Owing more to proximity than interest, he that were previously invisible. For his groundbreaking
enrolled there, earning a B.S. in pharmacy in 1951. work, which changed the course of science and medicine,
Dr. Shimomura shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
He later enrolled at Nagoya University, earning his
M.S. and Ph.D. in organic chemistry. At Nagoya, Dr. Shimomura was a senior scientist at the Marine
Dr. Shimomura worked to determine what made the Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole from 1982 to
crushed remains of a type of crustacean glow when 2001, and he is a professor emeritus at the Boston
moistened. He published his findings, and the article University School of Medicine, where he has been on
caught the attention of an American professor who the faculty since 1982.
recruited him to come to Princeton University in 1960.

honorAry degrees

Eric H. Holder, Jr.


Eric H. Holder, Jr., was sworn in as the 82nd Attorney Columbia College, majored in American history, and
General of the United States on February 3, 2009 by graduated in 1973. He graduated from Columbia Law
Vice President Joe Biden. President-elect Barack Obama School in 1976.
announced his intention to nominate Mr. Holder on
While in law school, he clerked at the NAACP Legal
December 1, 2008.
Defense Fund and the Department of Justice’s Criminal
An accomplished jurist, litigator, and prosecutor of Division. Upon earning his degree, he moved to
public corruption cases, Mr. Holder was named by Washington and joined the Department of Justice
President Bill Clinton in 1997 to be the Deputy Attorney as part of the Attorney General’s Honors Program.
General, the first African American named to that post. Assigned to the newly formed Public Integrity Section
Prior to that, he served as U.S. Attorney for the District in 1976, he was tasked to investigate and prosecute
of Columbia. In 1988, Mr. Holder was nominated by official corruption on the local, state, and federal levels.
President Ronald Reagan to become an Associate Judge
Prior to becoming Attorney General, Mr. Holder was
of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
a litigation partner at Covington & Burling LLP in
A native of New York City, Mr. Holder attended public Washington, D.C. Mr. Holder lives in Washington
schools there, graduating from Stuyvesant High School, with his wife, Dr. Sharon Malone, a physician, and
where he earned a Regents Scholarship. He attended their three children.

honorAry degree reCiPients of the PAst 25 yeArs
2009 2002 1995 1989
J Allard Rev. Michael E. Haynes Jason Alexander Barbara Pierce Bush
Larry J. Bird William F. Russell Stephen G. Breyer George H. W. Bush
Michael E. Capuano Marisa Tomei Adelaide M. Cromwell May-ling Soong Chiang
Alan M. Leventhal Robert K. Kraft King Hussein Ibn Talal
Steven Spielberg 2001 Nakedi Mathews Phosa Helmut Kohl
Gloria E. White-Hammond Sila M. Calderón Norman Podhoretz François Mitterrand
Leonard Florence Rabbi Joseph Polak Paul Weiss
2008 Thomas M. Menino John Silber
Earle M. Chiles Kathryn Underwood Silber 1988
Millard Drexler Rev. Nicholas C. Triantafilou 1994 Harold Burson
William H. Hayling Luciano Benetton Arthur Cohn
Billie Jean King 2000 Jo Benkow Howard B. Gotlieb
Lawrence Lucchino Olympia Dukakis Dorothy L. Brown Mary-Jane Hemperley
Norman B. Leventhal Janez Drnovsek
˘ Karl Alexander Muller
2007 Guy A. Santagate Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle Richard John Neuhaus
Bill Kovach Ruth J. Simmons Julie Harris Carlo Rubbia
Steven Chu Tom Wolfe François Léotard An Wang
Brice Marden Ross Perot Faith Ryan Whittlesey
Judy Norsigian 1999
James F. Carlin Sumner M. Redstone Carl Michael Yastrzemski
Samuel O. Thier Robert Shaw
Peter H. Vermilye Geena Davis 1987
Rev. Ray Alexander Hammond II Diana Chapman Walsh
Lerone Bennett, Jr.
2006 Henry A. Kissinger 1993 Virginia Hughes Chiles
Nancy Goodman Brinker Stephen J. Trachtenberg W. Edwards Deming Robert F. Daniell
Aram V. Chobanian Joseph H. Hagan Harry Ellis Dickson
Dean Kamen 1998
Jordan J. Cohen C. Everett Koop Clara Hale
Leslie Moonves John F. Smith, Jr. Gertrude Himmelfarb
Frederick S. Pardee Mary Jane England
Ralph D. Feigin Gordon R. Sullivan Benoit Mandelbrot
Patricia Meyer Spacks Derek A. Walcott William H. Rehnquist
Rev. Floyd H. Flake
2005 Claudia “Lady Bird” Johnson Marilyn E. Wilhelm Terence A. Todman
David Aronson Rachel B. Keith Rev. Johnny Ray Youngblood
John W. Henry Gary Locke 1992 Se Hee Ahn
Shirley Ann Jackson Donald O’Connor Beverly B. Byron Corazon Cojuangco Aquino
Hamid Karzai David Satcher Wynton Marsalis Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi
John Forbes Kerry Joseph A. Moore Don Fuqua
Christine Todd Whitman 1997
John Biggers Fred Rogers Rafik B. Hariri
Edward J. Zander Sue Bailey Thurman Esther B. Kahn
Fredrick Fu Chien
2004 Joseph Ciechanover Mario Vargas Llosa Rev. Norman Vincent Peale
His Beatitude Anastasios Maurice Druon Gisbert Freiherr zu Putlitz
1991 Warren B. Rudman
Bill Belichick Sheikh Hasina Gregory H. Adamian
Saul Bellow Kim Woo-Choong Al Silverman
Roone Arledge
Irwin Chafetz Lee Teng-hui Thomas Stephens Haggai 1985
Keith Lockhart John J. Parker Jesse Loftis Johnson Sylvia K. Burack
Edward J. Markey Christopher Reeve Toshiki Kaifu Kurt Furgler
J. Craig Venter Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada Aubrey Fook-Wo Li Nicholas Gage
Alfre Woodard Joseph L. Tauro C. Eric Lincoln Mitchell D. Kapor
Rev. Juan Julio Wicht Rossel David Riesman Paul Lorenzen
Van Cliburn 1996 Yitzhak Shamir Robert Anton Lutz
Lukas Foss William M. Bulger Eduard A. Shevardnadze Metropolitan Methodios
Karen Elliott House Aaron Feuerstein Rev. Samuel DeWitt Proctor
1990 John Williams
Nasser David Khalili John A. Kelley Satoshi Iue
Velia N. Tosi Paul J. Liacos Angela Lansbury
Gerald Tsai, Jr. Steven A. Schroeder Louis E. Lataif
Jon Westling Alfonso Valdivieso Sarmiento K. T. Li
George F. Will Barbara Polk Washburn Andrew P. Quigley
Henry Bradford Washburn, Jr. Louis W. Sullivan
August Wilson Vernon A. Walters
Marion Wiesel

the ClAss of 1970

This year, Boston University welcomes back to its Arland Christ-Janer announced his intention to step
campus members of the Class of 1970, who have been down in July, after just three years in office.
invited to participate in the 2010 Commencement
After the invasion of Cambodia and the deaths of
exercises. Members of the class will have their own
demonstrating students at Kent State University in
convocation and be seated together at Nickerson Field.
May, protests grew in size and anger. Final exams
Forty years ago, Boston University was among the
were suspended here, and then cancelled, and the
many colleges and universities around the country to
University Council recommended the cancellation
cancel graduation ceremonies during a time of campus
of Commencement as well.
strikes and an immobilization of the academic
community across America. Herbert Marcuse, the German-born philosopher who
inspired many of the more radical student leaders of
The 1969 –1970 academic year was marked by major
the era, visited Boston University in the late 1960s.
antiwar demonstrations in Boston and by protests
Speaking of the protesters during his visit, he said,
over a number of issues on the Boston University
“The kids will grow older; they will have to look
campus, from the presence of military recruiters
for jobs; they will have to work and earn a living.”
and ROTC, to demands for changes in academic
He added, “I still believe that something will last
programs. In September, Weatherman leader Mark
and remain; will be carried over into their jobs. . . .
Rudd told students gathered at Hayden Hall to “get
Political consciousness is no longer a matter of
guns and join the revolution.” In October, 100,000
politics. It is a matter of survival.”
antiwar protesters gathered on Boston Common,
and a similar group again in April, which led to Forty years later, we are proud to welcome back
a night of rioting in Harvard Square. Sit-ins and to campus the Class of 1970, to enjoy, at last, their
building takeovers were common occurrences here Commencement on Nickerson Field.
and at other universities. In January, President

College of Arts & Sciences


Ahmed Abdelmeguid § Vincent Domenic Andrighetto Andrew Jonathan Barlow
Nicholas Arthur Abele Andrei Anghelescu * Virginia Leigh Barnes §
Jesse S. Abesh, Cum Laude Lauren Bonnie Angueira Elizabeth Marie Barris
Emily L. Abrams Mia Giselle Anter ‡ Christina M. Barry
Stephanie Maxine Abregu ‡ Joy Chinazom Anyanwu, Cum Laude Samantha Aldea Barry, Cum Laude ‡
Bailey Ann Acevedo George Y. Aoude § Katherine Johanna Loving Basse
Hemang Ajitkumar Acharya, Rachel Sarah Applebaum, Cum Laude † Miriam Bassi, Summa Cum Laude* †
Magna Cum Laude Pamela Basilisa Aquino Rios John Bastani, Cum Laude
Amanda Kari Ackerman, Cum Laude Jacqueline Arbucci, Cum Laude Carolyn Elizabeth Bates, Cum Laude †
Rebecca Aliya Ackerman ‡ Joshua Max Ardizzoni † Spencer Theodore Bates, Cum Laude ‡
Nicholas Ross Acosta, Cum Laude Denisse Arias Michael Christopher Bauböck,
Rene Acosta Molly Beth Armus Magna Cum Laude*
India L. Adams, Cum Laude † Gabrielle Adriana Aron, Summa Cum Laude Nicholas Peter Baudouin
Dale James Adamson, Cum Laude Kartik Kumar Arora Nathalie Sue Baudrand, Magna Cum Laude*
Andie Ray Adelman † Murat Arslanoglu Megan Elizabeth Baumgarten, Cum Laude
Stephen Patrick Adler § Eric Peter Ashe Margalit Kahn Bayone
Stéphanie Chantal Aebi, Summa Cum Laude Soumya Ashok Barron Rodgier Bazemore Jr.
Sumeet Agarwal † Rebecca Leora Astrachan § Anya Simone Bazzell
Evan David Agovino Andrea Atehortua Arielle Nicole Bear, Magna Cum Laude
John Michael Aguilar Emmanuel Komla Atieku Benjamin Hafey Beard ‡
Lauren Nicole Aguilar † Theodore David Atkinson Catherine Anne Beatty, Summa Cum Laude*
Nadia Ahmad Jonathan Richard Attridge, Sarah Carla Becker
Ahmed Hassan Ahmed Magna Cum Laude Michael Paul Beers
Yasmin Syeda Akbari, Magna Cum Laude* Michelle Han Auton Rocio Angelica Begue, Cum Laude
Lauren Elizabeth Alba, Cum Laude Esther Eleanor Avendano Nemanja Bekan
Michael Paul Alcan, Cum Laude Deborah Ruth Avery Stefana Claudia Bela
Matthew James Alcus Irma Maribel Ayala Ekaterina Belakovskaia
Hazim Abdulkarem Ali Al Eryani, Lauren Ayan § Monique Rose Bellefleur, Cum Laude †
Cum Laude Tanya Sarah Ayzikovich, Cum Laude Mark Christopher Belzowski §
Enjoli Jawaun Joy Alexander Athif Chamalil Azeez Ilan Yaacov Benador, Summa Cum Laude*
John-Michael Alexy Aline D. Babine, Cum Laude Ashley Camille Bench, Cum Laude
Jaclyn Rebecca Aliperti, Magna Cum Laude Niccolo Baccini ‡ Alisha Eileen Benn
Mariam Hisham Al-Khalifa § Jessica B. Bacon, Cum Laude Alexander Steven Bennett
Michael Jonathan Alloy Jennifer K. Badurski * Sarah Beth Bennett §
Tarek S M S S H. Alnaqeeb § Colleen Marie Baehrend, Cum Laude Maxwell Stuart Bent
Vanush Aloyan § Erin Suzanne Bagley, Magna Cum Laude Ann Elizabeth Bentley
Elizabeth Marcelle Alsina, Cum Laude Simoni Baid ‡ Joseph Franklin Benton III
Raanan Yehuda Alter, Summa Cum Laude Nicole Luann Baida, Cum Laude † Alexander Gerard Berardino
Karen Kurian Alunkal Martha Monroe Baillargeon, Jessica Marie Berens ‡
Lidia Saritza Alvarado Betancourt † Summa Cum Laude Brendan Price Berger
Alicia Jimena Alvarez Marta Kyra Bakas, Cum Laude Casey Elizabeth Anderson Berger,
Matthew Thomas Amaral Rania Baker Summa Cum Laude
Sara Elizabeth Amaral Elli Rose Balcomb Sarah Patricia Bergmann ‡
Eleanor Frances Amari § Aleksandra Balyanova, Cum Laude † Julia Berick §
Bakr Amin Bruna Grandesso Bambini Elena Madrid Berkowitz
Ashlie Elizabeth Anctil, Magna Cum Laude † Aditya Sikander Banerjee ‡ Annie Berman
Alaina Noelle Anderson Andrew Joseph Bannish, Magna Cum Laude Elyse A. Bernstein
Elena Samantha Anderson, Cum Laude Alexander David Bannon Nicole Kayla Bernstein
Mara Adriana Anderson, Cum Laude Jonathan Jun Bao § Christine Shannon Berry, Cum Laude
Nicole Elizabeth Anderson, Cum Laude Corey Elizabeth Barber, Cum Laude Sean Benjamin Bertrand
Shayna Alice Anderson-Hill, Paige Allison Barber † Daniela Betancourt
Magna Cum Laude Evan Stone Bardot ‡ Samantha Elizabeth Bettencourt
Katherine Anastasia Andreosatos Christine Elizabeth Bariahtaris, Eva Sarah Bezverkhny †
Lauren Elizabeth Andresen Magna Cum Laude Ashish Ashok Bhandari §
Margaret Grace Andrews * § Sally Christian Barker Jahnavi J. Bhangley

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration †January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Nerisha Sunil Bhansali § Amy Lynn Brunswick, Summa Cum Laude † Alice Jessica Chapman, Cum Laude
Yash Jagdish Bhatt, Cum Laude Lindsey Elizabeth Bryant, Samuel Albert Chapman
Griffin Anthony Bianco Magna Cum Laude Jeffrey D. Chatterton, Magna Cum Laude †
Jan Bicanic, Cum Laude Laurie K. Buchanan, Cum Laude Bryn Ashley Chazen
Andrew Buzz Bickerton, Cum Laude † Juliana Buendia † Danielle Sarah Chelminsky, Cum Laude ‡
Tristan Emmett Birkenmeier Ryan Charles Buff Bing Chen *
Andrew Richard Bisdale Hamad M. Burashed, Magna Cum Laude I-Chun Chen †
Katelynn Christine Bishop, Anna A. Buris † Jessica Cherng-Jey Chen
Summa Cum Laude* Erin Demetra Burke ‡ John Edward Cheney
Alison Lucienne Bittl Jamie Elizabeth Burke Stephanie Anne Cheney, Cum Laude
Brady Carl Bizarro, Cum Laude Joseph Benjamin Burke Hsiang Hung Cheng
Andrew Christian Bjonnes, Peter Joshua Bürlimann ‡ Victoria Rae Cherasia ‡
Magna Cum Laude Nora Swift Burnham, Cum Laude Wing Yee Winnie Cheung §
Elizabeth Anne Blank † Allison Maria Burns Nicole Marie Chiampa, Cum Laude
Lauren Ashley Blecher, Cum Laude Joshua Andrew Burris Oliver Du-Chow Chiang
Samantha Jane Blieden, Cum Laude Alison Kendal Burton Sarah Elizabeth Chibani
Yekaterina Blinova, Cum Laude † Maria Burtseva, Magna Cum Laude Fiona Chiem
Daina Ariel Blitz, Magna Cum Laude R. Paul Busco, Cum Laude ‡ Chin-Ting Chien, Cum Laude ‡
Nathaniel Benjamin Bloch James Henry Buszkiewicz Yiu-Cheung Chim
Katherine Danielle Bloodgood Lucas Christopher Butler, Lauren Michelle Chin
Alison Paula Bloom § Magna Cum Laude Matthew Chin
Aila C. Bloomfield, Summa Cum Laude Carolyn Mary Byrne Akhilesh Chitlangia, Cum Laude
Andrew Patrick Blough § Samantha Ann Byrnes Geetali Priyanka Chitre
Lauren Esther Blumberg Sean Michael Byrnes Alice Chiu, Magna Cum Laude †
Natasha Bochenski, Magna Cum Laude Fabiana Mercedes Cabral, Daniel Joseph Chizzoniti
Gillian Heather Bodgas Magna Cum Laude* Daniela Chlimper †
Mark Joseph Bogert Marissa Nichole Cabrera † Aeli Cho
Stefan Earl Bolea Philip Ryan Molarte Camilon, Elizabeth Lee Cho §
Yasamine Ross Bolourian ‡ Magna Cum Laude Sung Won Cho †
Breanna Iris Boniface Kathleen Mary Campanola Yea Sook Cho †
Jason Kyle Bonner § Alan Ramsay Campbell † Christopher Robert Choate,
Jessica Ann Boote † Ellen Anne Campbell, Magna Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude †
Katherine Elizabeth Booth Evan James Campbell Robert Dale Choate
Azra Borogovac, Summa Cum Laude* Kevin Warren Campbell, Cum Laude Tiffany Chong
Sara N. Bosco Sara Elizabeth Campbell, Magna Cum Laude Boy Chow †
Anna Louise Bosworth, Cum Laude Christina Canales, Magna Cum Laude Ervin D. Chow
Hayley Michelle Botwin Charlotte Elizabeth Cane Abigail H. Christensen
Mihalis Bouboulis Cynthia Paola Cano Hannah Rose Christman
Julia Owen Bourque Kevin Thomas Cantley, Cum Laude Lea Christoforou
Constance Boutsikaris, Cum Laude Salvador Joseph Capecelatro IV § Emma Chu
Natalia V. Bovkun, Summa Cum Laude Emily Gina Capilouto Ina Rene Chu, Cum Laude
Michelle Lynn Bowman Cory Michael Caprice † Sarah S. Chu §
Alexander Justin Boyd, Cum Laude* Corina Michelle Cardenas Eric Han-Wen Chung
Megan Bridget Boyle Andrew James Carlin Jin Chung
Ashley Janes Bradbury Robert Caron Luis E. Chunga-Celis
Samantha R. Bradley Andrew William Carr Gregory Churchill, Cum Laude
Rebecca Yung Hee Brady ‡ Dara Lisa Casparian, Cum Laude Matthew D. Ciesielski
Robert Jordan Bramble Claire Purcell Cassedy Caroline Milena Claps
Anthony Paul Branco Matthew James Casserly William Christopher Clare
Maya Beth Brand, Cum Laude Daniela Castano Mejia † Brian Marshall Clark
Julia Harabin Brasor ‡ Ambar Castillo Joseph Michael Hopper Clark, Cum Laude*
Nicholas Lawrence Bratskeir ‡ Serame Castillo III * Katherine Rose Clark
Hillary Danielle Braverman, Vanessa Castillo, Cum Laude Stephanie Nicole Clark
Summa Cum Laude* Carlos Rios Cataldo § Margaret Clemens, Magna Cum Laude
Joseph Paul Calsimitto Bravoco, Jacqueline Lee Catcher, Cum Laude James Michael Clifford *
Summa Cum Laude Stephen Cattell Timothy Robert Clifford,
Richard John Brennan † Mollie Elizabeth Celnick Summa Cum Laude*
Marianna Breytman, Magna Cum Laude Samantha Lynn Cerra, Cum Laude Caroline Leah Berger Clift, Cum Laude ‡
Bianca Jean Bridges Kaesha Allison Chacko Katrina Euste Co, Cum Laude
Berry Chubin Brixie Lijo Illiparambil Chacko Mikayla Coble, Cum Laude
Brian Broderick Juan Sebastian Chahda Elizabeth Ann Cohen ‡
Katharine Nyce Broida, Magna Cum Laude Urna Chakraborty Haley Rose Cohen *
Julianna Petra Brouwer Nigar Chalabi Zada Ian James Cohen *
Alexander Thomas Brown ‡ Danny F. Chan Joshua Andrew Cohen
Ashley Robin Brown, Cum Laude Michelle Chan Michael Anthony Cohen
Caitlin Brown Zenas Chan Murray A. Cohen, Cum Laude
Nathan Hundley Brown, Cum Laude Peter S. Chandler, Magna Cum Laude Zachary Scott Cohen
Theodore Mcfarlane Brown Nina Chandra Nicholas Tapp Cohn, Magna Cum Laude
Amy Elizabeth Bruce Paola Mariel Chanes-Mora Adam Joshua Cole §
Kyle Edward Bruley Jin Young Chang Ian Chase Cole §

† ‡ §
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Keith Alexander Colella, Summa Cum Laude Lowell Spencer Day Elizabeth Marie Dowd, Cum Laude
Daniel Albert Collado † Elizabeth Ann Deam Elizabeth Marie Doyle §
Julia Liliana Collao Andrew John DeBaun Erin Heather Doyle, Cum Laude
Alexandra Marie Collins, Kara M. DeFreitas, Summa Cum Laude Ashley Micheal Dragan ‡
Magna Cum Laude Ignacio Israel De La Cruz Ortiz Sarah Means Drake
Jaimie Brinsmade Collum § Julia Catherine Del Balzo Julie Lynn Drapala, Magna Cum Laude
Alicia Marie Collura, Magna Cum Laude Tracy Marie Del Bianco, Cum Laude Michelle Elise Drapek, Cum Laude
Jessica Walter Colton, Summa Cum Laude ‡ Valerie Ann DelRocco, Magna Cum Laude Rebecca Louise Dreyfus Craane ‡
Matthew Ryan Connell Edward Joseph DelSignore Vanessa Kristine Driscoll, Cum Laude †
Solange Melo Connolly § Samantha Arlyne DeMar, Milos Drljic
Kayla Ryan Connor, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Lina Maria Duarte
Kyle Robert Conroy † Stephen Henry Demarais, Cum Laude Samantha MacDonald Ducey §
Patrick S. Conroy, Magna Cum Laude Maegen Valerie Demko, Cum Laude † Nicole Rose Duffy §
Meaghan Katherine Getman Considine, William Joseph Dempsey, Cum Laude Brian Edward Duggan ‡
Cum Laude † Leah Jacqueline Garrity Denman, Salina A. Duggan
Claire Vanessa Contreras † Cum Laude † Lisa Graham Dunne ‡
Ashley Soden Coombs, Cum Laude † Denalee DiPrete DeRosa Ariana Meagan Dunning †
Elizabeth Greer Cooney, Cum Laude* Hetal Vibhash Desai McCrea Crane Dunton
Caroline Gail Cooper § Marissa De Simone Jessica Duong, Cum Laude
Sarah Nicole Cooper Robert James Desmond, Cum Laude Redon Duraj ‡
Kaitlin Patricia Copson Andrea Danniela DeSosa, Cum Laude Nigel Jean Peter Durham *
Rebecca Clare Corcoran Sarah Ellen Detlefs, Magna Cum Laude ‡ Sarah Rae Durrin
Courtney Leigh Cordes Benjamin Steven DeTora § Osama Sawaf Duwaji ‡
Andrew Kevin Cornwall Amrita Prakash Devalapalli, Amanda Dawn Edelson †
Daniella Marie Corricelli Summa Cum Laude Jack Hollander Edison
Alexa Ray Corriea * Carolyn Elizabeth Dewart, David Russell Edmon, Summa Cum Laude
Cynthia Cortes Magna Cum Laude ‡ Marianne Elizabeth Edmonds
Chiara Carolina Cortez † Megan Catherine Deye § Chioma Mary Egwuenu †
Carolyn Cosgrove Payne, Magna Cum Laude Piyanka Rani Dias Katrina Christiana Loening Eichner,
Kristin Marie Cowan Annalisa Dias-Mandoly, Cum Laude †
Caitlin Julianne Cox Magna Cum Laude* Lisa Elhyani ‡
Jayme Patrick Coyle Diana Marie Diaz ‡ Yasmin Mostafa El Khashab *
Francis William Coyne Jackie Louise DiBenedetto Evelyn Rose Ellis †
Caitlin Bice Crain Valentina Maria Di Blasi Michael W. Ellison
Sarah Bentsen Crane Jane Elizabeth Dickerson Andrew Frederick Elmas ‡
Jacqueline Lea Crescimanno Katherine Elizabeth Dickson ‡ Ashley Hall Endicott †
Katherine Elizabeth Cross Scott Andrew Dietrich Jason Edward English
Madeline Anne Cross Joshua David Di Frances † Jennifer Annamae Enos
Casey Matheson Cuayo ‡ Michael Anthony Digaetano Keremcan Eraslan
Olga Beatriz Cuevas Gómez * Emily H. Diggins † Ryan Steven Eriksen
Gina Victoria Cullen Nicholas Richard DiLallo, Cum Laude ‡ Helena Lucilla Escalada, Magna Cum Laude
Erin Michele Cummings † Anthony Michael DiLauro * Ismerai Hernandez Escobedo
Lucy Cuneo § Anthony Richard DiManno, Anthony Joseph Esposito,
Caitlin Elizabeth Cunningham, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude*
Steven Michael Cunningham, Jaimee Morgan DiMarco Daniel Jacob Essrow, Magna Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude ‡ Jacqueline Uva Dinas, Cum Laude Lauren Estrella §
Megan Joy Currier Dorothy Anne Dinoto Daniel Anthony Evans
Mallory Alexandra Cushman ‡ Antonio Vito DiPaolo, Magna Cum Laude Maggie Ann Ewing ‡
Steven John Czerniewski ‡ Anisa Djermoun § Jeremy Marc Exelbert
Shoshana Lara Czik Tea Djumisic, Cum Laude Denise Fabian
Nicolas Conyers Dahlberg, Elizabeth Emily Doane Anthony Michael Fabiano
Summa Cum Laude* Danielle Michelle Doe § Andrew Charles Facini
Alexandra Rachel Daks Mehmet Anil Dogan, Cum Laude Sarah Alexandra Fadika †
Nicole Elizabeth D’Alessandro, Cum Laude Michael Robert Dolan Sean Patrick Fahey §
Devina Dalmia § Michael Dombek, Magna Cum Laude Zhuoyi Fan, Magna Cum Laude
Gabrielle Monique Dalvet, Cum Laude Igor Dombrovsky, Magna Cum Laude Catherine Marie Faneca
James Lyon D’Amanda, Cum Laude Stephanie Ann Domingo Megan Kate Faralli, Cum Laude
Raluca Anca Dan § Tracy Leigh Domitrz, Cum Laude Kathryn Ann Fargnoli, Magna Cum Laude
Marie Elizabeth D’Angelo, Cum Laude Ian Mark Donaghy Thalia Paola Farietta, Magna Cum Laude*
Gina Rose Daniel, Summa Cum Laude* Christopher Michael Donnelly * Kathryn Faris, Cum Laude
Mary Catherine Dann, Cum Laude ‡ Julia Ruth Donnelly Chelsea Lauren Farmer §
Anastasiya Naderovna Dariavach Marissa Renee Donovan Victoria Strautman Farr, Summa Cum Laude
Benjamin William Dauksewicz Richard Anil Doobay, Cum Laude Patrick Kieran Farrell
Katharine S. Davidoff, Summa Cum Laude* Rachel Claire Campion Doorly † Jennifer Opal Faulk
Katharine Patricia Davies Rebecca Doris, Summa Cum Laude † Theodore Wesley Fawell ‡
Benjamin Cody Davis, Cum Laude Andrew Owen Dorney ‡ Andres Febres
Chelsea Jude Davis Brendan Jonathon Dorr † Vincent Michael Fedele †
Alexandra Emma Davison, Cum Laude Briton Douglas ‡ Alexandra Feiner ‡
Holly Walsh Davison, Magna Cum Laude Deidre Jhenielle Douglas ‡ Leslie Rae Feldman
Frances J. Davoren ‡ Ashley Lené Douthirt ‡ Talya Fern Feldman ‡

† ‡ §
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Spenser Rolland Fellows, Abhishek Ganta, Cum Laude John Dallas Grant ‡
Magna Cum Laude* Renee Michelle Gaona ‡ Trevor James Grant, Cum Laude
Christina Feng Amanda Marie Garant, Magna Cum Laude Diana Gravallese
Mario Joshua Fernandez Darrien Anthony Garay James Alec Gray §
Steven J. Fernicola § Evelyn Garcia Michael Robert Greathouse
Courtney Marie Ferraro † Joanna Isabel Garcı́a-Pierce Laura Theresa Greco
Zhandra Carolina Ferreira-Cesar Suarez Elizabeth Ann Gardner Susan Green
Alyshia Daylene Ferri Jenee Marie Gardner § Michael Luis Green Leyva ‡
Sara Catherine Field ‡ Nicole Lee Gardner ‡ Dory Gail Greenberg
Megan Christine Filoon, Magna Cum Laude Anunita Garg, Magna Cum Laude Kyle Micah Greenstein Biondi
Caroline Elizabeth Finlay ‡ Leah Garvin, Cum Laude ‡ Paula Marie Grieb
Daniel Hugh Finlay II, Cum Laude Sarah Nicole Garza † Christine Elizabeth Griffin,
Bryce Beaumont Finnan † Aviva Leora Gat, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude
Allison Anne Finnell § Kaitlyn Rose Gaudreau Paula Jean Griffin, Magna Cum Laude
Adam Benjamin Fischer, Cum Laude Jaclyn Maureen Gaul Benjamin Whitney Griffiths,
Ross Edward Fishbein, Magna Cum Laude Jillian Erica Gaumond Magna Cum Laude †
Brittany Aleksandre Fisher Sarah Josephine Gazdowicz, Cum Laude ‡ Maritza Ivette Grooms
Howard Williams Fisher, Summa Cum Laude Amy Elizabeth Gearhart, Chelsea Elizabeth Grossman
Nicole Marie Fitzgerald Summa Cum Laude Denise Christine Grünenfelder, Cum Laude
Clare Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Resham Carole Gellatly, Summa Cum Laude Eric C. Gu, Cum Laude ‡
Diane Clare Fitzpatrick ‡ Rachel Lauren Geller, Cum Laude Zhihua Gu
Stephanie Beth Flamenbaum, Tiago Lucio Miguel Genoveze ‡ Annika Roy Gudjonsson
Summa Cum Laude* Elise Marie George ‡ Vanessa Alexandra Guerrero
Patrick Daniel Flanagan Maria George ‡ Angela W. Guo
Mary M. Flannelly ‡ Maya Rachel George Esha Gupta, Cum Laude
Edward Lewis Fleming III † Joseph Alexander Rudolph Gerber Asya Han Gurer
Alexandra Ann Flessas Douglas Philip Geron Sigmund Reed Gurnick ‡
Jillian Leigh Flood, Cum Laude † Ariane Pauline Gerritsen van der Hoop § Krista Marie Gwidt, Magna Cum Laude †
Jessica Michelle Flores † Claire M. Gerson, Magna Cum Laude Michelle Catherine Gyeney, Cum Laude
Leslie Jane Flores Nathan Sol Getz Ida Habibi
Rebecca Nicole Fofonoff Shahrzad A. Ghoreishi ‡ Megan Joyanne Hacker, Cum Laude
Mark Ayodeji Folashade § Jessica Ann Gibas, Cum Laude ‡ Kathryn Elizabeth Hackworth, Cum Laude
Ann Nicole Foley Caitlin Ailis Gibbs Ashley Nicole Hadad ‡
Javier Fonseca § Colin Michael Gibbs, Summa Cum Laude ‡ Jennifer Arais Hagan, Magna Cum Laude
Stacy Nicole Fontana † Christopher Michael Gidicsin Melissa Hahn
Tyler John Ford, Summa Cum Laude* Susan Connolly Gillmor, Cum Laude Irene Haji-Georgi, Cum Laude
Lindsey Ann Forsyth Matlin Murphy Gilman, Cum Laude* Victoria Elizabeth Hall
Christopher James Fotenos, Patricia Anastasia Giovine ‡ Meaghen Elizabeth Hamill
Summa Cum Laude Samuel D. Gitlitz † Ashley Louise Hamilton
Andrew Mark Fraine, Magna Cum Laude Cristina Marie Giuffrida, Cum Laude Lianna Renée Hamilton, Summa Cum Laude
Nazrah Colleen Franco, Summa Cum Laude Melanie Ann Glass, Cum Laude † Melissa Hope Hampson
Molly Reis Franz, Magna Cum Laude* Christina Karen Go Mara Elena Hampton
Jeffrey Erik Fraser Rachel E. Golden, Magna Cum Laude Keunsung Han
Edward Francis Frederick III § Matthew B. Goldman, Cum Laude ‡ Nicholas Grant Hann
Adina Rachel Freedman, Nathaniel Elias Goldstein, Katharine Grace Hannon,
Magna Cum Laude † Magna Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude
Alison Lauren Friedman ‡ Alice Marie Gomez Mikaela Lydia Hansen
Elias Friedman § Michael William Gomez § Paul Walter Hansen
Jacob Solomon Friedman, Cum Laude Nicole Marie Gonyea, Magna Cum Laude Kaitlin Rose Harbert
Josh Friedman Nancy Gonzalez, Cum Laude † Mitali Hariawala
Samuel Max Friedman ‡ Yaima Gonzalez Earle Mark Harmon
Katelyn Audrey Fritzges, Julia M. Goodman Kathryn Harper ‡
Summa Cum Laude* Gillian Grace Goodrich Alexander Wilson Harrall, Cum Laude
Autumn Nicole Froias, Magna Cum Laude † Katherine Amanda Goodrich * Elizabeth Anne Harris, Cum Laude
Brian Adam Fryburg Nicole Beatrice Goodridge Michael Paul Harris, Magna Cum Laude
Melanie Sheila Fuentes † Kenneth Eugene Goolsby ‡ Michele Renee Harris, Cum Laude
Wesley Leonard Furste IV ‡ Christopher Scaife Gordon Sabrina Louise Harris §
Elizabeth McCarthy Furze, Cum Laude Liam Philip Gordon Sara Elizabeth Hart
Daniel Vincent Fusco § Rebecca S. Gordon, Magna Cum Laude Hannah Joanne Harvey
Blake Alexander Fusilier Cameron Leigh Gorman Joseph Ryan Harvey, Magna Cum Laude
Justin Laurens Fyten, Cum Laude Joseph Peter Gorman Erik Hatfield
Camelia L. Gabbay † Maria Goroshovsky, Cum Laude † Kyle Matthew Haungs, Cum Laude
Natasha Leah Gacinski § Joanne Gorzelany Daniel Walter Hawkins ‡
Lisa Gagliano Anne Ashley Goss § Joshua Paul Hawkins
James Prescott Gagnon Lina Goto ‡ Stephanie Hanson Hayden
Nitika Gaiha § Stephanie Ann Gottsch, Cum Laude Katherine E. Hayes
Rami Mikko Ahmed Galal Nicholas Andrew Govea Fahima Akthar Hazim §
Alanna Jesslyn Gandelman Michael Louis Granda Daniel Marshall Headrick
Himali P. Gandhi † Lauren Grace Grandinetti § Melinda Jeanne Heavey
Jermie Jay Gandhi ‡ Lauren Tiffany Granstrom Danielle Kathryn Hedquist

† ‡ §
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Robyn I. Hegland, Summa Cum Laude Elliot Isaac Isen, Cum Laude Benjamin Richard Kanter
Rebecca Simonne Hehn, Magna Cum Laude ‡ Amyko Isabella Ishizaki Alex Hu Kao ‡
Kristen Lee Heimall, Cum Laude Natalie Gabriel Issa, Cum Laude † Aaron Michael Kaplan
Alexandra Leah Heimos Caitlin R. Iungerman Jacquelyn Shore Kaplan, Cum Laude
Jacqueline Patricia Hellen Christopher Emmanuel Jackson § Stefanie Anri Kappeler
Melissa Clayton Hendershott, Chris Thomas Jacobs, Magna Cum Laude Bruce Cameron Kapteyn §
Summa Cum Laude* † Kyle Andrew Jacobs Vishnu Sanjeevi Karaya
Justin Edward Henderson ‡ Laura Jacobs Zhanel Temirlanovna Karibekova
Vincent Jan Hendrickx ‡ Meredith J. Jacobs Scott Theodore Karrel
Emma Catherine Hensler Sarah Molly Jacobson, Magna Cum Laude Ashna Kathuria §
Elizabeth Herdter Suzanne Leigh Jacobson Kazuko Kato
Gerald McCue Herlihy Olwen Lily Moritz Jaffe, Cum Laude † Rachel Bari Katz, Summa Cum Laude
Claudia Patricia Hernandez Irigoyen, Jonathan Joseph Jagielski Rick Taylor Kavin
Cum Laude Christine Nicole Jahier, Magna Cum Laude Janet Elizabeth Kay, Summa Cum Laude*
Shaynna Nicole Herrera, Cum Laude* Gabriela Jolene Jake Khaled Arafat Kazi ‡
Douglas Turner Hidlay Jr., Nikola Jankovic ‡ David Michael Kealey §
Magna Cum Laude Matthew John Franklin Janoska, Heidi King Kearns §
Brittany Anne Hilbert † Magna Cum Laude ‡ Diane Erben Finbar Keeney,
Stephen Hill Kathleen Elaine January Magna Cum Laude
Shane Anthony Hinde, Summa Cum Laude Cristina Jaramillo, Magna Cum Laude Nicholas Richard Keeney
Andrew Bryan Hinkell, Cum Laude Francis Josef Jareczek, Summa Cum Laude Dustin Nicholas Keeton
Karl William Uy Ho ‡ Kristen Lynn Javorski, Cum Laude Ben Keil
Lisa De Sing Ho Arsla Jawaid Bridget Marie Kelleher, Cum Laude
Thyda Anh-Thu Ho Thilina Noel Jayasekera † Andrew David Kelly, Magna Cum Laude
Timothy Ho Jessica Jean Giles Celia Christine Kelly, Summa Cum Laude
Maxwell Adam Hockstein Katherine Lee Jemiola, Magna Cum Laude Olivia Rae Waters Kelman, Cum Laude
Austin Lawrence Hodge ‡ Cassandra Ann Jenecke, Cum Laude Benjamin K. Kemper
Ashley Nicole Hoesing Laurie Ellen Jensen, Summa Cum Laude* Magdalena M. Kenar ‡
Abbey Sophia Hoffman Sae-Mi Jeon Michael Kwong-Ming Keng ‡
Matthew Jeffrey Robert Hoffman, Elisabeth O’Connor Jiang, Cum Laude Meghan Christine Kennedy,
Magna Cum Laude Ning Jiang, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude †
Philip Andrew Hoffman Zhixing Jiang Tara Marie Kennedy
Brian William Holland Jorge Jimenez § Meghan Jean Kezer, Magna Cum Laude
Kate Williams Hollingsworth † Abhyuday Jindal § Nora Abdo Khalil
Sean Patrick Holmes ‡ Amanda Burrous Johnson, Afra Bashir Khan, Cum Laude †
Kelsey Catherine Holo, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude* Nicole Sophia Khan ‡
Stephanie Mun-Yee Hon, Magna Cum Laude David Anthony Johnson § Zarmina Sabawon Khankhel
Alicia Vaunet Hook ‡ Hannah Faye Johnson Max Khezri §
Sadia Hoq * Matthew Thompson James Johnson Dmitri Khodjakov, Magna Cum Laude
Nicholas Ian Weld Horsburgh ‡ Rachel Elizabeth Johnson Sian Chen Sarah Khoo, Magna Cum Laude ‡
Katie Margaret Hortenstine Jennifer Mary Johnston, Magna Cum Laude Brendan Robert Killion, Cum Laude
Caroline Kelly Hotchkiss ‡ Connie Lee Jones Chong Eui Kim
David Maurice House David Oscar Jones, Magna Cum Laude Dan Kim
Troy Adam Housman, Summa Cum Laude Lawrence Andrew Jones David Kim
Laura Virginia Frances Hoyt, Cum Laude Michael Watson Jones ‡ David J. Kim †
Chenxi Huang ‡ Richard William Jones † Jane Christian Kim, Magna Cum Laude*
Miaomiao Huang Casey Lorine Jordan ‡ Phillip Kim
Laura Elizabeth Hubbard Chloe Jennifer Jordan Se Hyung Kim
Nicole Jennette Hudson Michelle Kay Jordan, Magna Cum Laude* ‡ Tae Hoon Kim, Summa Cum Laude ‡
Shanika S. Hudson § Vladimir Jornitski ‡ Yeu Won Kim
Sarah Kerans Hughes, Cum Laude Allison Septer Josal § You Me Kim †
Elisabeth Valentine Hulin † Andrew Huntley Joseph ‡ Allison Shields Kimball, Summa Cum Laude
Meaghan Elizabeth Hunt Seongdae Jun § Johanna Katherine King, Cum Laude
Arpita S. Husain Suha M. Kadura Katherine Anna King ‡
Khalil Ian Hussein, Magna Cum Laude* Benjamin Charles Kaiser Henry Benner Kingman
Kayla Celeste Hussey † Susanne Kaithakattu Sonya Kirasirova
Colleen Margaret Huysman, Cum Laude Laurie Anne Kalaghan Adam Peter Klein
Ga-Ram Hwang Sireesha Rao Kalapala Caitlyn Spencer Klein, Magna Cum Laude
Soojung Hwang ‡ Jesus Panagiotis Kalergis † Rachel Allison Klein
Fahad Ali Hyder Stephanie Marie Kalina Meindert Gerrit Klem
Zhao Bolun Ian Maia Wynne Kallen Ashley Nicole Klepach
John Charles Ibsen, Cum Laude ‡ Leah Beth Kaminetzky, Summa Cum Laude Laura Elizabeth Kligler ‡
Ila Saint Illario, Cum Laude Meera Vijay Kanabar, Cum Laude Jacqueline Suzanne Klimas
Joo Yeon Im, Magna Cum Laude* Allison Sara Kanakis, Magna Cum Laude Annabelle Addison Knight, Cum Laude
Alexander Yul Ing Andrew Spencer Kane, Magna Cum Laude ‡ Thomas Joseph Knightly Jr.
Oscar James Ingham ‡ Dong Woo Kang ‡ Natalia Knochowski
Michael Francis Iodice † Monica Hyo Jeong Kang, Cum Laude ‡ Ahalya Kodali
Ruxandra Maria Iordache, Cum Laude You Na Kang ‡ Pardis Koleini
Mark Christopher Irvine, Cum Laude Yun suk Kang § Tzvetina Koleva
Kumar Stephan Isaac Anne Ellyse Kania ‡ Laurel Anne Koller †

† ‡ §
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Tejaswi Dina Kompala, Summa Cum Laude Kathleen Lazzaro, Magna Cum Laude Adam Joseph LoBue †
Rachel Ilana Konikoff § Di-An Le § Steven Francis Andrew Loehr,
Jesse Ilan Kornbluth Jessica Kathryn Leach Summa Cum Laude
Alisa Andreyevna Kostenko § John Philip Leano § Amanda Gloria Loerinc, Cum Laude
Kinneri K. Kothari, Cum Laude Jenna Danielle Leavitt Jacob Noah Loftus
Mary Katherine Kowal, Magna Cum Laude Daniel Todd Leber Anthony Lollo Jr., Summa Cum Laude
Emily Anne Kowalski Adam Mark Lebowitz-Lockard Laurie Jane Lomask, Summa Cum Laude ‡
Orysia Maria Kozicky, Magna Cum Laude Daniel Arthur Ledoux * Kan Tiffany Long
Robert Thijs Kozma § Beom Jun Lee ‡ Antoine Longuet
Eleanor Johanna Kosinski Krahenbuhl Brian Lee, Summa Cum Laude Aubrey Lopez
Laura Rose Krantz, Cum Laude Bryant Yoonsuk Lee, Magna Cum Laude Christopher J. Lopez
Rebecca E. F. Krasner, Summa Cum Laude ‡ Daniel Chang Kyou Lee Johnny Lopez †
Jonathan David Kravitz David C. Lee, Cum Laude Richard Mario Lopez
Kevin Alex Kravitz, Magna Cum Laude David Sangmin Lee William Christopher Lopez, Cum Laude
Sharon Kim Kroening † Esther Sung Lee ‡ Crystal Mariel Lora
Kelsie Ann Krueger, Cum Laude Jae Young Lee Stephen Dennis Lordan
Kiley Krutzler Jennifer Sarah Lee Jessica Ann Lordi
Stephanie Ann Kubala, Cum Laude Ju Young Lee † Franco Lozano III ‡
Anna Michele Kubetin, Cum Laude † Kyung Yoon Lee, Cum Laude † Jason Paul Lucas
Sadaf Abdul Saeed Kumandan Sandra Lee, Cum Laude Jennifer Elysa Luft ‡
Ramya Kumar, Summa Cum Laude Stephen K. Lee Jessica W. Lui †
Iryna Kurbatava Su Kyung Lee, Cum Laude Logan Ann Lumm †
Rachael Alexandra Kurjakovic, Victoria Siu Fong Lee § Melody Pui Yan Lun, Magna Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude Yeasol Michelle Lee Jill Marie Lundstrom, Summa Cum Laude
Sean Alexander Kurnas § Yong Kyu Nicholas Lee † Caitlyn Leigh Lutfy, Cum Laude ‡
Shuichi Kurokawa Amanda Jayne Lefkowitz ‡ Moira Anne Luthin †
Allison Margaux Kushner, Amanda Elizabeth Legee † Maura Catherine Lynch, Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude Andrew Robert Lehmann Emma Rachael Lyons, Cum Laude
Samuel Andrew Kuttner Stephanie Rae Lehtonen, Magna Cum Laude Jessica Lyons
Belinda Kwok Sarah Elisabeth Leight Matthew Brandon Lysiak, Cum Laude
Ki Won Kwon † Jennie Dara Leikin § Jacqueline Lee Lytle ‡
Alvin Kwong Julia Kristin Govan Leja Ashley Marie Lytwyn
Nicholas Kyriacou Thomas A. Leonard, Cum Laude Nicole Ann Macaluso ‡
Anna Katina Kyritsis, Summa Cum Laude* Hannah Gail Leone Maxwell Thomas MacCarthy §
Jacqueline Reneé Lacy Yee Shan Leung § Sabrina Esther MacDuff,
Christina Margaret Ladish, Jillian Shane Levin ‡ Summa Cum Laude ‡
Magna Cum Laude Sergey Levin ‡ Sally Elizabeth Machin
Megan Elizabeth Lafferty ‡ Adam Noah Levine, Magna Cum Laude Sarah Marie MacIsaac
Anjali N. Lai, Cum Laude Joshua David Levine Lawrence Christopher Mackin
Carol Kalo Lai Allie Robin Levitch Tavish Moody MacLeod
Athena Laines Jessica Ran Li, Magna Cum Laude Katherine J. Madden, Cum Laude
Shuchi Lakhanpal Steven Li § Rebecca Chazotte Madden
Courteney Rose Lally Ross Dale Lichtenberg † Elizabeth Tara Magee
Hill Young Lam ‡ Danielle Kathleen Ligenza, Erica Marie Magelky, Cum Laude
Lorie Lam † Magna Cum Laude ‡ Cory Alan Magno †
Natalie Alyse Lam Caroline Hyungeun Lim Kayla Ann Mahler
Chelsea Marie Lamb ‡ Palavudh Limpiviwatkul † Bruna de Augustinis Maia
Elizabeth Alden Landis Richard Lin Eric Scott Maillet
Emily Marie Landry † Katherine Elizabeth Lindsmith Pamela Grace Maisey
Anna Rose Mary Lane Ashlyn Skye Lines Elizabeth Roemer Majchrzak
Karina Jayne Lane Christian Sing Hee Ling Yasmeen Tahira Majoka ‡
Sean Mccoy Langan § Julia Edmands Lingham, Magna Cum Laude Mehdi Ferdous Majumdar
Miriam F. Langermann, Cum Laude* ‡ Sean Edward Link, Summa Cum Laude Nina K. Makosch
Peter Allan Lang-Stanton ‡ Andrew George Lipton † Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich Maksimenko,
Lawrence Davis Lanier, Cum Laude* Lauren Elizabeth Liria, Summa Cum Laude Cum Laude
John Davies Larigakis Rachel Sue Lissandrello Sharon Malca
Sarah Elizabeth Larkin § Heather Lynne Lissor Rabia Neelofar Malik
Devon Siobhan Larson Javier Tomas Little Brenna Renee Malloy
Paul Steven Laskorski, Magna Cum Laude † Zachary Dean Little, Magna Cum Laude Caitlin Elizabeth Malone,
Yanessa Svelti Lasley ‡ Christine Liu Summa Cum Laude*
Jessie Holden Lathrop Jianrong Liu, Cum Laude Alexander Mamaev
Rae Ann Lathrop, Cum Laude † Julie R. Liu § Stephanie Jill Manas, Magna Cum Laude
Angela Marie Latona § Yenting Liu † Matthew Casey Mandel
Kate Callan Latta Allison Cecilia Lo, Cum Laude Rebecca Natalie Mandel ‡
Christopher Lau Jasper Kung Ho Lo Seth Tyler Mandelkern, Magna Cum Laude
Meghann Wenwai Lau § Jeremy Ren Han Conrad Lo, Andrew Sol Manganelli, Cum Laude*
Dimitri Laurent Summa Cum Laude Corey Marie Mansfield, Magna Cum Laude
Kristen Malia Lawson, Cum Laude Kaitlyn Marie Lo Jeanne Alexandra Mansfield

† ‡ §
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Laura Elizabeth Manuel, Ilsa Steele McIntyre, Cum Laude † Rene Leigh Morenski
Magna Cum Laude ‡ George William McKeon ‡ Zoe Sarah Rachel Morin, Magna Cum Laude
Kara Colleen Marcello, Magna Cum Laude Alex Scott McKeown Jenna Akie Moriwaki, Cum Laude ‡
Michael Joseph Marcelo Alyson Elizabeth McKinster † Nathan Edward Moros
Lucia Maria Marconi, Summa Cum Laude Michael Conor McManus, Cum Laude Ruth Anne Morris, Magna Cum Laude †
Laura Christine Marcucci, Elizabeth Ann McNamee Ariel Lena Morrison, Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude Laura Elizabeth McPartland † Dominique Tirador Mortel
Andrea Christine Marinilli, Aaron Alexander Mead-Long Andrew Arun Moses
Magna Cum Laude* Hillary Patricia Meahl Samantha Jacqueline Moskowitz
Marlesse Fontaine Marino Megan Danielle DosSantos Medina ‡ Phillip Benjamin Moss
Shane Michael Marino, Cum Laude* Nathaly Nicole Medina Asya Mosyak
Yichao Wang Mark Devin Faye Meepos, Cum Laude Rebecca Vivienne Mountain,
Melissa Marks † Michael Christopher Meinzer, Cum Laude* Magna Cum Laude*
Laura Ellen Marmulstein, Julie Ann Mejia Ares, Cum Laude † Robina Anne Moyer, Cum Laude*
Magna Cum Laude Madison Lindsey Mellish, Cum Laude Neeta Muddaraj
Felecia Marie Marottoli Samantha Menard Joanne Mueller, Summa Cum Laude †
Nicole Elise Marrocco, Cum Laude Christopher Lane Coachman Pizzotti Wafaa Ijaz Muhammad, Cum Laude
Makeda Aisha Marshall ‡ Mendes ‡ Andrew Mui
Marcelle Lynch Martens Andrew Maico Menz Jessica Hasmik Mujukian
Bridget E. Martin Zachary Joseph Mercer Alison Meredith Mulford
Hallie Abigail Martin ‡ Shelby Alexander Merkel Amanda Lee Mulhall ‡
Jennifer Anne Martin Andrew Jacob Metcalf Casey B. Mullin
Ivette Amnerys Martinez Ashley Elizabeth Metz, Cum Laude Emily Sarah Munday, Cum Laude*
Virginia Crista Martinez Jamie Lynne Metzinger ‡ Ann Alyssa Murdoch
Melissa Kathleen Marturano, Steven L. Meyer † Caitlin Fox Murphy *
Summa Cum Laude Ramanathan Meyyappan Clare Elizabeth Murphy
Eva Maryskova, Magna Cum Laude Joseph John Miaskiewicz Mark Andrew Murphy, Cum Laude
Katherine Marie Mason, Magna Cum Laude Michelle Jeanette Michaels, Cum Laude Taylor Erin Murphy
Kristine Mathieson Tory Elizabeth Michak, Cum Laude † Hari Nicholas Mylvaganam,
Kelsey Elizabeth Mathusa ‡ Katherine Elizabeth Millbank Magna Cum Laude
Kimie L. Matsuo, Cum Laude Ashleigh Lynn Miller Yoo Jin Na
Jessica Robin Mattioli § Edward Ferguson Miller, Cum Laude Julia Naber
Rachel E. Mattison, Cum Laude Marisa Pearl Miller Morgan Leigh Nabhan, Summa Cum Laude
Elizabeth Lynne Mauro Michael Jared Miller ‡ Danielle Nadeau §
Darley Maw Thomas Millett Ryan Michael Nadeau ‡
Julia Bella Mayer, Cum Laude † Jacquelyn Ann Minahan Git-Andrea Nahmens Urruticoechea,
Elizabeth Aster Mayhew, Cum Laude † Erin Bach Minnaugh Cum Laude ‡
Jeffrey Charles Maynard § Sumita Misra § Danielle A. Nahmias, Summa Cum Laude*
Kristofor-Ryan Michael Maynard, Eva McVay Mitchell, Summa Cum Laude Nayantara S. Naik
Cum Laude* Kathryn Joanne Mitchell Priyanka Appasaheb Naik
Zachary John Singer Mays Meliza Anne Villareal Mitra Shunsuke Nakajima
Caitlin Ayn Mazza Casey Jean Mitrano Marino Nakajo
Mary Rosa McAllaster Colin Taylor Mitts § Vasuda Nandu
Morganne Jade McCallum Kenryo Mizutani, Summa Cum Laude India Desiree Napier ‡
Kaitlyn Sheila McCarron Michael D. Mobilio § Seth William Naramore
Patrick Thomas McCarthy Rachel L. Moeller Mahesh Lakshmi Narayanan †
Sarah Ashley McCord Neda Akhlaghi Mofrad, Cum Laude* Jamie Lynn Nash †
Colleen Lee McCormack, Nadine Stephanie Mohika Leonard Naymagon, Summa Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude † Joanna Whitney Molke Sarah Lucie Nedzel §
Ellen Marie McCormack ‡ Tierney Noelle Moll ‡ Spencer Kyle Neff ‡
Julie Marie McCormack, Cum Laude Kerry Elizabeth Molloy Nicole Misun Negri †
Kealin Fae McCormick Matthew S. Monahan, Cum Laude Jeffrey Alexander Neidorf ‡
Moira Kathleen McCormick Matthew James Monahan, Jesse Richer Neil, Magna Cum Laude
Michael Douglass McCracken, Magna Cum Laude Matthew Nelson
Magna Cum Laude Guillermo Leon Moncada Stephanie Elizabeth Nelson
Brendan Stephen McDermott § Yurerkis Altagracia Montas Michelle Yen Ling Neo
Megan Catherine McDermott Christina Alexandra Montepara Oren Neria
Mark E. McDevitt Vanessa Montero Darrell Douglas Nettlow,
Erin Elizabeth McDonagh, Cum Laude* Sachiko Virginia Montgomery Summa Cum Laude
David Reed McElhattan, Magna Cum Laude Jordana Montolio Ashley Lynn Nevins
Aaron Ashraf Sky McElroy † Gisland Walnett Montour Jennifer Leigh Newcomb,
Susanna Elizabeth McElroy Brittany Barrett Mooney § Magna Cum Laude
Robert Paul McEvoy Jr. ‡ Holly Marie Moore John S. Newdick §
Melissa Diane McFarland Jeffrey Alexander Moore Elaine Ng
Patrick Thomas McGettigan Katherine Allaire Moore, Magna Cum Laude Eric Ng
Katrina McGillis Meagan Elizabeth Moore, Cum Laude Gabrielle Paula Ng
Richard G. McGovern, Jr., Michael Scott Moore § Vanessa Yik Yun Ng, Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude Ryan Patrick Moore Kim Phung Nguyen ‡
Victoria Joan McGovern Jeffrey Allen Moreau Yao Ni §
Brianna Morse McInerny Barbara Magdalena Moreno Lucille M. Nicholls

† ‡ §
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Jonathan Liel Nir † Adam Edward Patch ‡ Perri Michelle Prigoff

Virginia Grace Niven Achal Jayesh Patel, Magna Cum Laude Jillian Elizabeth Primiano,
Lauren Chantal Noble Haldorsen, Anisha A. Patel, Magna Cum Laude* Magna Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude Hiren Vijay Patel, Magna Cum Laude* Joshua Robert Prince
Rebecca Ann Noonan, Magna Cum Laude Paven Kiran Patel Lauren Elyse Prince
Rebecca Lee Norklun § Payal Janak Patel, Magna Cum Laude Elizabeth Prinz *
Martin Emanuel Nosenchuk Shrina Amrut Patel Megan Pritham
Jessica Jamie Noseworthy, Cum Laude Vishal Kirankumar Patel, Cum Laude* Ashley Easton Proctor
Kailen Leigh Nowik Didi Naresh Pathak, Summa Cum Laude Rachael McCarthy Protas, Cum Laude
Rebecca Nugent ‡ Rajkiran Sathyam Pattanam Marisa Magnifica Proto, Cum Laude
Jeannie Marie Nuss, Magna Cum Laude Emmett McCartan Patton Kelly Ann Proulx
Eric Paul Nyman § Saulina Paulo Jennifer Anna Prufer
Marissa Laurel Oake Jasmine Payant Kristina Prysyazhnyuk
Harry Edward Obeid Serena Janay Payton Scott Lawrence Purga, Summa Cum Laude
Cody Cooper O’Connell Charles Francis Peabody ‡ Christina Theresa Putz
Jay Christopher Johnson Octeau Kaitlin Marie Peace, Summa Cum Laude Tonia Sadiq Qaisar, Cum Laude
Meghan Theresa O’Day Michael Robert Pease Monica May Quimby, Summa Cum Laude*
Bryn Leigh O’Donnell † Edward Wolozin Pechet, Summa Cum Laude Carlos Eduardo Quirola ‡
Jennifer Sharon O’Donnell Kathryn R. Pedrick Monica Ashley Rabadjija, Cum Laude
Walter Therrell Oglesby † James Joseph Peerless § Lynn A. Rabson, Magna Cum Laude
Jin Suk Oh ‡ Megan Anne Peet, Cum Laude Kushan Dilip Radadia, Cum Laude*
Molly Ann O’Halloran, Cum Laude Tricia Marie Pellizzi Amir Adnan Raed †
Rory Michael O’Huiginn, Cum Laude ‡ Luis Miguel Pellot Juliá ‡ Florencia Rago, Summa Cum Laude*
Janeiro Uloma Okafor, Magna Cum Laude* Kelly Anne Peña † Nisha Raj
Michael Scott O’Keeffe Yuberca Z. Pena † Esha Natasha Rakhit
Christine O’Leary, Cum Laude ‡ Renata Penalosa Sanchez Aeshna Raman
Kaitlin Elizabeth O’Leary, Cum Laude Brooke Allison Peoples ‡ Steve Ramirez, Magna Cum Laude*
Ana Isabel Oliva † Megan Lee Peppard Aimee Emerald Ramlie †
Gabriel Luis Olivera Dubon, Cum Laude ‡ Jamie Christina Perkins ‡ Stephanie Marie Ramones *
Gwenivere Stanton Olsen Brenda Marina Perry † Zachary David Ranger
Rabia Omer Stephanie Maxine Perry ‡ Neil H. Rangwani
Jessica Ashley Omilanowicz Brian Persaud, Magna Cum Laude Neela Fatehali Ranmal, Cum Laude
Christine Theresa Oricchio § Kathryn Elaine Persons, Summa Cum Laude Andrew Thomas Rapisardo
Kathryn Meredith Orr § Bailey Grove Pescatore Brooke A. Raskin §
Hector Omar Oseguera Grace Elizabeth Pester Anjali Chandravati Rastogi,
Lais Hammad Osmani, Summa Cum Laude Courtney Elizabeth Peters Magna Cum Laude
Kevin Louis Ouellette, Magna Cum Laude Stephen Christopher Peters Evelyn Catherine Ratigan
Lin Ouyang Amy Marie Petrocy, Cum Laude Ava Francis Rawski, Magna Cum Laude
Elizabeth Ann Owen Scott Marshall Peyton † Amartya Kumar Ray ‡
Matthew C. Owen Matthew John Pezone Karna Ray, Cum Laude
George Hans Pabst, Cum Laude Bettina Pfeiffer Stephanie Marie Reardon ‡
Alexandra Lynn Pagar Sarah J. Pfitzer Chelsea Marie Reddoch, Cum Laude
Graham Fraser Mansfield Page Pauline Hoang Pham ‡ Spencer Charles Reese
Mary Edelen Page Thanh Xuan Pham, Cum Laude ‡ Monica Josefa Regueiro
David Tohyun Paik Thien-Kim Thanh Phan Janie Alex Reilly
Stephanie Susan Palla ‡ Anastasi Phillips Eryn K. Reinhardt
Amanda Kathleen Paloian Leonard B. Phillips Elizabeth Sarah Reinsborough
Carrie Lynne Palumbo Rachel Elizabeth Pian, Magna Cum Laude* Matthew John Reister
Rebecca Jennifer Panter, Cum Laude Mariana Marisa Martina Piazza Olaechea, Franklin Victor Rellosa
Alexa Kate Paolella ‡ Magna Cum Laude Jonathan Keith Remple, Cum Laude*
Lisa Nicole Parady Sean Strayer Hidemi Picone ‡ Nicholas Anthony Rendino, Cum Laude †
Megha Ashok Parekh ‡ Caroline Read Pierce, Cum Laude Arlene Elizabeth Reyna
Elizabeth Eun Kyung Park, Matthew Png Chin Yu, Magna Cum Laude Nelson Mandela Reynolds
Summa Cum Laude Frank Edward Pobutkiewicz Kelyne Rhodehamel
Heeyeon Park Aubrey Lynn Podell William John Rice, Cum Laude ‡
Jeff Martin Park, Cum Laude Stephanie Tricia Poh † Andrew Ryan Richardson
Junhyung Park Joshua Noam Pomeranz Catherine Jean Richmond
Su Hyun Park Amanda Rose Ponton Juan Ignacio Riestra Guiance ‡
Sung Hoon Park ‡ Michael Poon Jr. ‡ Danielle S. Riley §
Timothy Park § Ashton Elizabeth Floss Porter, Cum Laude Richard L. Rimkunas III §
Brittany Robin Parker Elizabeth Anne Porter Marlene Ondina Riquelme,
Kevin Christopher Parker § Kyle David Potter Magna Cum Laude
Laura Lynn Parker Andrew Michael Powell, Cum Laude* Eliza Emma Roach §
Madeleine O’brien Parker John Franklin Powell Jennifer Leigh Robbins, Summa Cum Laude
John Nicholas Parks-Papadopoulos † Kathleen Elizabeth Powers, Miles Henry Roberts
Shaili Parmar, Magna Cum Laude † Magna Cum Laude Danielle Desneiges Robinson, Cum Laude
Petros Parpos Ashish Premkumar, Summa Cum Laude Haley Elizabeth Robinson
Emily Jean Partridge Navin Kumar Prem Kumar § Lindsay Elizabeth Robinson
Valerie Jean Pasquarella, Michael Benjamin Pressman Natalie Julia Robinson, Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude † John Vincent Patena Prestosa Samantha Kelly Robinson †

† ‡ §
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Carlos Rocha Jr. Stephanie Eileen Santana Alison Michelle Sher, Summa Cum Laude †
Stephanie Dawn Roche, Summa Cum Laude Christopher J. Santarelli † Jocelyn Mara Sher, Cum Laude
Kelyn Melissa Rodriguez Carolina Beatriz Santo Domingo ‡ Thomas John Sheridan
Kristina Rodriguez ‡ Vanessa Moutinho Santos, Cum Laude Ariana Ashlee Sherman
Bailey Roese, Magna Cum Laude James Michael Sappenfield Brandon David Sherzer
Matthew Charles Rogers, Cum Laude Shaliny Sarin † Mi Jung Shim
Rachel Malana Rogers-Bursen Renee Theresa Sarno Aaron Jaeho Shin, Cum Laude †
Yairmarı́ Roldán Casillas Valerie Alexandra Sarron Ji Eun Shin
Paul Aloysius Roman Charles Alan Satterwhite ‡ Soo-Min Shin
Fiona Noel Romeri, Magna Cum Laude Eve Anne Saucier, Magna Cum Laude David M. Shire
Carmen Lachiusa Rondash § Kayla Eliana Savelli § Inna Shnayder §
Debra Ruth Rooker, Cum Laude Steven Mark Richards Savoldelli Olivia Mae Shoucair, Summa Cum Laude
Michael Paul Rosa § Isharsimran Singh Sawhney, Anant Shukla, Cum Laude
Dylan James Rose * § Summa Cum Laude Emily Anne Shumsky
Jessica Lynn Rosen ‡ Morgan Alyssa Sawin, Cum Laude Jakub Michal Siembida
Jahna Felice Rosenberg Benjamin Lee Sboto Elizabeth Ann Sienkiewicz,
Kayla Sara Rosenberg, Cum Laude Nathalie Marielle Schaefer Magna Cum Laude
Mollie Quinn Rosenzweig, Cum Laude † Jaclyn Leigh Scharf David Ryan Sierakowski
Rebecca Jean Rosevalt Dan Schatzberg † Bansoa Sigam ‡
Erik Justin Ross, Magna Cum Laude* Anna Lynn Schechinger, Cum Laude Katelyn JoAnn Sigeti, Cum Laude
Camden Michael Rouben Andrew Franklin Schiller § Tarik C. Silk, Cum Laude*
Catherine Rousseau, Cum Laude Hannah Luise Schmidl, Cum Laude † Madeline Marie Silva †
Stephen Walker Rowen Lori Marie Schmidt, Magna Cum Laude* Jeanna Therese Simeone, Summa Cum Laude
Saswato Roy § Owen Wesley Schmitt, Cum Laude Michael Joseph Simeone, Cum Laude
Philip Arthur Rozek, Magna Cum Laude* Dillon Schultz † James Simone
Tamara Rozina, Magna Cum Laude Dracena Leeann Schultz Keith Jeremy Simpson, Cum Laude
Aaron Henriquez Rubin ‡ Meghan Heather Schultz Sydney Brooke Simpson
Ethan Benjamin Rubin, Summa Cum Laude* Michael Paul Schulze § Elizabeth B. Simson †
Jill Rebeka Rubin Laura Marie Schwartz Jennifer Mara Singer
Joseph Andrew Rubino Stefani Maya Schwartz, Magna Cum Laude Arjun Singh
Brenda Selene Rubio Jacob Schwartzman, Summa Cum Laude Tara Amrita Singh
Geovanni Alberto Rubio Chelsea Rea Scott Victoria Ann Sinyak
Abigail Eileen Rudnickas § Lisa Marie Scott Anya Victoria Sira
Joyce Elizabeth Rudy Theodore Russell Seabright Christina Ani Sirabian
Jessica Lynn Ruggiero Darcey Kathryn Searles, Cum Laude Jasmin Kaur Sirha
Vanessa Christine Rumie Olivia Respess Sederlund Thalia Marissa Sirjue ‡
Alison Bliss Russell, Cum Laude Elizabeth A. Seeman Jamie Jean Sirota, Magna Cum Laude
Joshua Ross Russell, Cum Laude Matthew James Seidel, Cum Laude Valdas Sirutis
Alexander Chillingworth Russell Walker, Joshua Aaron Seideman, Magna Cum Laude Dominique Katherine Sisto §
Magna Cum Laude* ‡ Jessica Rachel Seigle Andra Kirsten Skaalrud
Alyssa Marie Russo Arik Wynn Seiler Eric Skinner
Aroon Rustemi Priya Ashley Sekar Jaime Michelle Slater §
Colleen Kelly Ryan, Magna Cum Laude Kristin Marie Semancik, Lauren Nicole Slater
Rebecca Lynn Ryan, Cum Laude † Summa Cum Laude ‡ Roxana Slavcheva
Thomas Brody Ryan Andrea Lee Sender * ‡ Michael Spencer Slevin
Nafeesa B. Saadi Dorit Sendowski Nicholas Owen Slowey, Cum Laude*
Nisha Kishori Sachdev § Paul Levi Senker Caroline Johnston Smartt,
Elizabeth Reed Sachs Lauren Mary Sereci, Cum Laude † Summa Cum Laude*
Jonathan Walk Sachs, Magna Cum Laude Luna Leigh Serrano Christine Louise Smith
Joelle Devon Sacks ‡ Danielle Marie Shafer Elliott Graham Smith, Cum Laude
Alexandre Jean-Baptiste Sader § Nelam Hina Shah ‡ Jennifer Marie Smith
Alizay Saeed, Cum Laude Parag Bhupendra Shah, Cum Laude Samantha Ilia Smith
Julie Lauren Sagoskin Pooja Shah Sherrod Jawana Smith
Tuli Saha Radhika A. Shah Sarah Jane Snidal
Karma Ziad Salem, Magna Cum Laude Rushabh Ashwin Shah Leah Christine Snider ‡
Joanna Kathryn Salini Delia Paulette Shanahan-Roberge, Katherine Anne Sokol, Cum Laude
Coral C. Salomón Magna Cum Laude David Richard Sokolove
Amy Laurel Salter Andrew Vincent Shapiro Carrie Anne Solana
Craig Justice Saltzer Aanchal Sharma Michelle Lee Solek †
Saaniya Salve § Siddhartha Mohan Sharma Rebecca Jung Song
Ryan Matthew Salzman, Cum Laude Ankita Kalpendu Shastri, Diptesh Paresh Soni *
Ashley Alyn Sampson Summa Cum Laude* Stacey Marie Sood ‡
Vanessa Marlene Sams ‡ Nishita Kalpendu Shastri, Olivia Narges Soofi
Akshay Sanan, Magna Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude* Hector Soriano
Lindsay Ann Sanders ‡ Aimee Aylani Shaw † Cathryn Lindsay Spangler,
Scott Michael Sandler, Magna Cum Laude ‡ Caroline E. Shaw, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude ‡
Rana Sedef Saner ‡ Neeka Shayan, Cum Laude † Ariella Nicole Sparr, Magna Cum Laude
Kunal Sangal Kevin Shea, Cum Laude Thomas Daniel Spencer ‡
Snaha Sanghvi Tara Shea Benjamin Tyler Spiller ‡
Siddarth Sankaran Emily Kathleen Sheahan Lauren Linda Spindler, Cum Laude

† ‡ §
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Sarah Elizabeth Spinella, Cum Laude Yang-Sheng Tham Kristin Alexandra Wagner
Catherine Noëlle Sprague ‡ Tijy Thankachan Christopher Randolph Wainwright,
Praveen Sridhar, Magna Cum Laude Kyle Harrison Thibodeau, Cum Laude Cum Laude
Stephanie Sophie Stachow § Jacob Andrew Thielen, Magna Cum Laude Daniel Joseph Walker §
Elizabeth Stake Amanda Margaret Thole Matthew Stephen Wall
Sarah Geniese Stanford, Magna Cum Laude Claire Kathryn Thomas, Julia Amara Walsh
Sarah Rose Stango Magna Cum Laude* Kristen Galvin Walsh ‡
Alexander John Stankiewicz Melissa Kay Thomas ‡ Shawna Clare Walsh ‡
Kaitlyn Ellen Stanton Nicholas Christopher Thomas, Cum Laude Jeffrey Wang * §
Sarah Rebecca Stark Paris LaDonne Thomas Joyce Hsiao-Chin Wang, Summa Cum Laude
Micah Steiger Tara Christie Thompson Kevin Wang †
Matthew Kyle Stein ‡ Sophia Rose Thornton ‡ Teng Wang §
Samantha Jean Stein * Elena J. Thurman § Wayne Wei Hsiang Wang
Sofia Steinberg Elizabeth Albee Tietjen Jeffrey Joseph Warach
Caryn Marie Steinbrecher Andrea Marie Tingue Christian Daniel Ward ‡
Caren Michelle Steinway Erin P. Tivnan Ryan Thomas Ward
Ryan Joseph Stelzer * Christine Pence Tobias Leslie Regan Warmus
Ryan Matthew Stephan ‡ James Patrick Tobin, Cum Laude Jillian Nicole Warzynski, Magna Cum Laude
Elizabeth Preston Stern Jessica Elfriede Tobin, Cum Laude Alexandra Marie Was, Summa Cum Laude
Laura Elizabeth Stevens, Magna Cum Laude † Matthew Gen-Yau Tom, Magna Cum Laude Claire Sarah Wasserman §
Brandon Morris Stinchfield, Cum Laude Griselda Kristen Tomaino Michael Samuel Wasserman,
David Adam Stone, Cum Laude Monika Maria Tomczyk * Summa Cum Laude
Ashley Laura Storms, Magna Cum Laude Desiree Chivon Torbert Adam James Waters, Magna Cum Laude
Megan Elizabeth Stover Stephanie Marie Toribio Joel Leon Andre Watson ‡
Danielle Marie Stowe † William Joseph Tortolano MacKenzie Watson
David Burns Stradal † Stephanie Rae Tougas Whitney Emelie Weeks
Tyler Daniel Strickland Alec Steven Toutant William Howard Weeks †
Sydnie Marie Strider Elias Demetrios Trahanas Cameron B. Weil, Cum Laude
Kara Marie Stringer, Magna Cum Laude † Minh Anh Tran § Rachel Jennifer Weil, Cum Laude
Madelyn Yvette Strubelt-Martinez Robert P. Trilling, Cum Laude Bruno Weinberg Crocco ‡
Bradley James Stuhlman ‡ Sara Elizabeth Trotta, Cum Laude Rachel Felice Weinthal
Glenn Flinn Sugar, Summa Cum Laude* † Kyle Marvin Trudeau, Summa Cum Laude* Aaren Briana Weisz
Nina Sugawara Kelley Lannon Tu, Cum Laude Emily Reis Wensberg §
Jae Won Suh Aurelia Tunru, Magna Cum Laude Sarah Elizabeth Wentworth
Joon Suh † Samantha Marie Tusa Andreas Westgaard, Summa Cum Laude
Amy Joanna Sullivan Cheryl-Ann Ruth Udui Kimberly Ore Wexler, Summa Cum Laude
Andrea Marie Sullivan, Cum Laude Wilson Underkuffler, Cum Laude Sarah Elizabeth Whalen
Courtney Lea Sullivan, Magna Cum Laude Kimberlee Rae Upcraft * § Travis Austin Whalen
Kerry Rose Sullivan ‡ Adam Michaels Urbin William Downing Wheeler,
Catherine Marie Summerhayes Anna Cristina Urdaneta Di Filippo Summa Cum Laude
Boyun Sun † Patricia Shaira Ureña Alexander William White
Eveleen Kai-Eve Sung Katharine Elizabeth Uva, Magna Cum Laude Bonnie Marie White, Summa Cum Laude †
Jaimin Amrat Surati Ashley Marie Van Belle Julia Ashley White †
Eric Swain Ashley Van Meter Hilary Dolan Whitehead,
Laura Jane Swan § Rachel Kathleen Vannice, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude ‡
Renee T. Swan § Amanda Macy Van Wagenen Clark Esmond Whitney ‡
Isaac Lewis Sway Clément Vareille † Matthew Benjamin Whitrock
Stacey Lynn Sweeney, Cum Laude Anastasia M. Vashkevich Francine Whu, Magna Cum Laude
Brian Sweitzer † Sara Estela Vasquez Meghan Amelia Wieckowski
Hamza M. Syed Alexandra Vasquez Barbier Evan Keith Wigton-Jones, Cum Laude
Chase Jacob Szakmary Bryn Allen Veditz, Magna Cum Laude Crystal Lynne Wilcox, Summa Cum Laude
Lauren Renée Szczerbinski, Cum Laude Briana Vega Rebekah Yah-Shin Wilens
Daniel Joseph Szulc ‡ Fiorella Antonella Velasquez § Victoria Alexandra Marie Wiley, Cum Laude
Sheila Jean Tahvildari Philip Milen Velinov ‡ Miles Hickman Wilford
James Hisashi Talbot Abhinav Vemula, Magna Cum Laude Daniel Lawrence Will
Lindsay Bea Talbot, Cum Laude Louis Robert Venturelli, Cum Laude Beverly Ann Williams ‡
Kassandra Yen Pin Tan, Magna Cum Laude Grace Lydon Veres Jessica Marlene Williams,
Darren Vincent Tang, Cum Laude Sara Jean Vernam Magna Cum Laude
Aviel Yehoshua Tanzer Hannah Leigh Vernia Kyle Edward Williams
Charles Francis Tapsell, Cum Laude Sarah Anne Vershon, Summa Cum Laude Laurel Tasa HeeJung Williams ‡
Rachel Lee Tarrats Nicole Lynn Vezina, Magna Cum Laude Kisha Reneé Wilson
Rebecca Dent Tarvin, Magna Cum Laude* Stacey Jane Victor § Steve Wilson ‡
Rebecca Klein Task William Alejandro Vigil-Oliver Caroline Michelle Winchester §
David Harrison Tassin, Magna Cum Laude † Mercedes B. Villalonga § Bea E. Wissel
Laura B. Tatelman, Cum Laude Valerie Rose Villano, Cum Laude Brittany Michelle Wittenberns ‡
Geneva Gerard Tavakoli, Cum Laude Ileana Katherine Vink, Magna Cum Laude † Daniel N. Wojtkiewicz ‡
Ee Leng Elaine Tay † Andrew Joseph Violino, Summa Cum Laude Leslie Joy Wolf
Meredith Christine Taylor Timothy Joseph Vlieger, Cum Laude Samantha Connor Wolf
Michelle Marie Tedford, Magna Cum Laude Graham Thomas Vollmer Lauren Elise Wolfenden †
Tridanai Telan ‡ Vincent James Vomero Sang Wook Won †

† ‡ §
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Anna Wong, Summa Cum Laude* Elspeth Mary Yankowich Wan Sin Yu, Summa Cum Laude
Collin Chiu On Wong ‡ Edward Ziming Yap, Magna Cum Laude † Jonathan Max Yudin, Cum Laude
Daniel Stanley Wong, Magna Cum Laude Fiona Ye Seongwhan Yun
Hoifung Kelvin Wong ‡ Tairzhan Maxutbekovich Yessenov ‡ Francine Yutsis §
Jocelyn Ying-Ah Wong, Summa Cum Laude Daniel Myong Yi Stephanie Zabaneh
Ji Yeon Woo § Paul Hyunsoo Yi, Summa Cum Laude Johanna Stephanie Zacarias
Mallory Rachel Wood Cristina Yim Karen Ann Zahka
Mary Catherine Woodbury, Cum Laude Alexander Yip Lori Melissa Zakalik
Jared Lawrence Woods, Magna Cum Laude Calvin Samuel Yong Krista Lee Zalatores, Magna Cum Laude
Madelyn Nicole Woods Peter Wontae Yoo ‡ Blake Farel Zaretsky †
Samuel Schuchart Wright ‡ Francis W. Yook Kayla Crowhurst Zeisler, Magna Cum Laude
Katarzyna Wrobel † Jong Seo Yoon Tigest Zelalem
Jonathan Wu Soyeon Yoon † Raphaella Maria Siqueira Zerey
Eytan Wurman, Cum Laude Ritsuko Yoshida Melvin Zhang
Ginelle Iesha Wynter Quincy You Xinbei Zhang §
Ji Xiao Kaitlin Cathleeen Young, Cum Laude Ian Zhao
Xu Xu, Summa Cum Laude Liisa Danielle Young Yu Zhao §
Jenna Marie Yackley Meaghan Alicia Young Robert W. Zheng †
Miyuki Yamaguchi, Cum Laude § Mariel Elizabeth Yovino § Eric Emilio Zhinin ‡
Yoshika Evelyn Yamamoto Eunice Yu Ayda Zugay §
Juwon Yang Lisa May-Yee Yu Marisa Devina Zúñiga

† ‡ §
*Degree earned with distinction in concentration January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25

College of Communication



Brooke Erin Ackerman, Magna Cum Laude Alexander Morgan Couch, Geraud Justin Gonzales
Lindsay Megan Adams, Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude † Lauren Ashley Governale
Christina Yoon-Keun Ahn Alexandra P. Coughlin Kelsey Leigh Graham
Chelsea Starr Alexander Samantha Marquerite Cox, Cum Laude Caitlin Maureen Greene §
Alexandra Nicole Alvarez ‡ Patrick Michael Cronin Amanda Lynn Grinavich
Alison Beth Amira Hannah Marie Cross † Roxanne Gross
Jaclyn Ann Archard, Cum Laude † Sarah Jane Crowley Ashley Brooke Grossman, Cum Laude
Jaime Argyriadis Cristin Nicole Cummins Joshua Scott Grossman
Jeremy Bennett Arkin, Cum Laude Mckinley Pike Curro Lauren Michele Grunstein
Caitlyn Mary Arsenault Daniel Sven Dahlman, Cum Laude ‡ Lynda Ann Guerrero
Faran J. Asen Jun Patricio Dambara ‡ Stephanie Lauren Gurtman
Juliet Eve Ashley Daniella Dasso Barrantes Kimberley Ann Hartmann
Tracey Jane Atlas Natalia Elena Davila, Magna Cum Laude Dana Beth Hentoff, Magna Cum Laude
Kimberly Carol Babinecz Christopher George Deacon Alexandra Margaret Herendeen †
Alison Christien Badillo, Cum Laude Katelyn May Deimel, Magna Cum Laude Peter Bernard Herman
Divya Bahl Francesca Renee De La Vega, Cum Laude Eric Asher Hertz ‡
Marta Baranovska Andrea Michelle De Leon Chelsea Noelle Hildreth
Jahna Sabah Barbar Darren Andrew DeLuca, Cum Laude Alice Hu, Magna Cum Laude
Gabrielle Sofia Barbuto † Perrin Ellis Donaldson Peter Morgan Hughes
Kristin Elisabeth Bassett Constance Doscas Diane Imas
Tanya Nadine Bechara, Cum Laude Alice Elaine DuBois Nicole Rachel Issembert †
Mariana M. Belo Kelly Rose Dudine Molly Grace James §
Catharine Linn Bennett Nicole Stephanie Dworak Jamie Jelly, Cum Laude
Lauren Elizabeth Benyo Meredith Jean Eads, Cum Laude Yale David Johnson
Marissa Lynn Bergamasco † Maria Claudia Echavarria ‡ James Nicholas Jones, Cum Laude
Maria Nicole Bernabo Ian Alexander Edery Jeffrey Richard Jones ‡
Lindsey Rebecca Bernstein Max Spencer Emmer Colleen Marie Junco, Magna Cum Laude
Anisa Marie Blanks Serra Ercil Catherine Morgan Jussel
Alexander David Block Daniel Jacob Essrow, Magna Cum Laude Madeline Anne Kamin
Sofia Carolina Boettner Breuer Malia Christine Estes Samantha Rae Karpman
Gillian Lee Boswell Laura Marie Evans, Cum Laude † Lorri Haroutune Kazandjian †
George James Botsolas ‡ Dana E. Ferruzzi Shauna Rae Kelleher
Natalia V. Bovkun, Summa Cum Laude Taylor Kathryn Ferry Bo Kyung Kim
Alicia Antoinette Brayboy Callie Nicole Fisher, Magna Cum Laude † Juno Kim ‡
Justin Jean Breton Melissa Andrea Fitzpatrick, Lauren Alexis Kim
Alana Danielle Brooks, Magna Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude † Michelle Kim, Magna Cum Laude †
Casey Nicole Brown Anna Clara Topjian Fleury Lindsay A. King, Cum Laude
Katie Meredith Brown Kristen Hope Fleury, Magna Cum Laude † Hillary Thomas Klemmt, Cum Laude
Lauren L. Brown, Magna Cum Laude Jeanine Elizabeth Sawler Foley Stephanie Nicole Kotseas, Cum Laude
Courtney Helen Burd Taylor Page Foley, Cum Laude Rachel Krauss †
Chloe Victoria Bush Whitney Elisa Ford Inke Kurniawan, Cum Laude
Dana Monroe Butler Emily Rose Forrest, Magna Cum Laude Erin Mary Lagasse, Cum Laude
Taylor Ann Butzbach Jenna Petra Fortunato Anjali Ashok Lalwani
Veronica M. Byrnes Taylor Hartley Foxman, Cum Laude Erika K. Lam, Magna Cum Laude †
Nahila Alexandra Campos § Ariel Debra Fund Caroline Elizabeth Lamb,
Shaun Daniel Campos Solange Garcia Summa Cum Laude †
Colleen Lynne Canty, Cum Laude Colleen Mary Garlick, Magna Cum Laude Michelle Yong Lane
Daniel J. Capobianco Jason Ward Gary Jr. Rachel Read Lane
Kacy Lynn Carter, Summa Cum Laude Vanessa Linda Gattinella, Francesca Dulce Larson, Magna Cum Laude ‡
Maria Anne Cataldo Magna Cum Laude † Muhammed Junaid Latif †
Kimberly Ruth Cavoores ‡ Erin Shea Gaughan Dana Kaitlin Lebed, Cum Laude
Yuk Man Maggie Cheung, Cum Laude † Jannath Ghaznavi, Cum Laude Jessica Melissa Lee
Sonal Gulu Chugani, Magna Cum Laude Samuel Rathbone Gibbons Joey Lee
Zeynep Cihan Katherine Elizabeth Gilbert Michelle Gee Eun Lee, Cum Laude †
Caroline M. Cleaver Keith Sloves Glickman Eric Stephen Leist §
Marissa Ying Coleman Polina A. Glinets, Magna Cum Laude Matthew Scott Lerner
Caroline Curtiss Collett Chelsea Paige Gold † Amanda Kohava Levy
Cristina Marie Colletta Emma Elizabeth Gold, Cum Laude Ashley Lauren Lewis
Elizabeth Anne Corrao Alexander Perry Goldschmidt Christine Lewis, Cum Laude
Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Angela Grace Li, Cum Laude Olanike Olubunmi Orisamolu Michelle J. Shapiro, Magna Cum Laude
Louise Li Alison Marie O’Shaughnessy Zoe Shei
Andrea Beth Lichtenfeld, Magna Cum Laude Emilie Elizabeth O’Toole Deborah Lauren Sher, Cum Laude
Kelsey Lidsky Courtney Marie Pankow Sarah Debora Sholes
Joseph Matthew Ligotti Lucas Sean Pantel Emily Anne Shumsky
Christine Alice Lindberg Lauren Renae Papp, Summa Cum Laude † William Lawrence Simon
Andrea Rose Little, Magna Cum Laude Claudia A. Paredes Brian James Sisney
Allison Cecilia Lo, Magna Cum Laude Hyesung Park Shelby Margaret Sloan ‡
Esther Maria Lopez John Phillip Passaro Rachel Victoria Smith §
Conor Joseph Loughman, Kathleen Ann Pavlov Alyssa Lindsay Snow, Magna Cum Laude †
Magna Cum Laude † Marı́a Cristina Pérez González Grace Haejin Song, Cum Laude
Margaret Elizabeth Lucas Anne-Lise Perioche ‡ Jennifer Anne Spinney, Cum Laude
Jesse Daniel Lunenfeld Brandelynn Mae Perry, Cum Laude Genevieve Lynn Spitz
Brittany Taryn Lutz, Cum Laude Krista Marie Peterson Todd Jared Stearn
Kaitlin Kravetz Lynch Laura Marie Petrini § Rebecca Steinberg, Magna Cum Laude
Peter Thomas Maiale ‡ Nicole Kathleen Petrosini Mariel McElroy Stiklorius
Ying Lei Venus Mak Jonathan Lloyd Priester Lauren Nicole Stillo
Stephanie Jill Manas, Magna Cum Laude Nicholas Puglisi, Cum Laude † Katherine Paige Sullivan ‡
Cari Mcdonald Manning Alicia Marie Puputti, Magna Cum Laude Natalie Sunakawa, Cum Laude
Corey Marie Mansfield, Magna Cum Laude Caitlin Ayn Pyle Adam George Sussman
Lucia Maria Marconi, Summa Cum Laude Stephanie Marie Querzoli Madeleine Bennett Suter
Caitlin Dolan Mason, Cum Laude Marco Cristian Ramirez Marie Lacey Sutkowski
Caitlin Ayn Mazza Sara Ann Randall Camille Catherine Szramiak, Cum Laude
Meredith Birky McClarty, Laura Kathleen Rapalski, Stefanie Tabacow
Summa Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude † Mio Maria Takahashi
Jennifer Lauren McDonald Katherine Warner Razzouk Rochelle Taguiam Tancioco
Aaron Ashraf Sky McElroy † Charlotte Rockwell Reed Lakshmi Taneja
Kaelin Elizabeth McGill Shannon Elizabeth Reed † Natasha Laetitia Tang
Caitlin Alyssa McGowen Ceileann Fiona Resler, Magna Cum Laude Laura B. Tatelman, Cum Laude
Ashley Dawn McKeone, Cum Laude Esther Jillian Reynolds Joshua D. Thomas
Rebecca Marie McMahon Lauren Sandi Rich Allison Rae Thrower †
Ann Victoria Medeiros Darah A. Rifkin, Summa Cum Laude Ana Irene Frances Tobin
Robert Michael Medeiros, Jr. Chetara Sue Marie Rippett Sofia Marie Todisco
Diana Maria Mella Roca Marjorie Rochon, Summa Cum Laude † Melody Tran
Daniel Joseph Mercurio Arielle Kathryn Rollins, Summa Cum Laude Elina Troshina, Magna Cum Laude
Jeanette Marie Merrill, Magna Cum Laude † Evan Paul Romano † Sylvania Tse, Magna Cum Laude †
Meaghan Elizabeth Moraes Kara Tiana Rosenthal, Magna Cum Laude † Hannah Louise Ubl §
Martin Diego Morales Kira Miranda Ross § Bethany Parker van der Walde,
Nastasya Yukari Morauw Rebecca Leigh Rowles, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude
Christopher David Moreno Lindsey Jill Rubin Michal Eileen Vardy
Morgan Kelley Moretz, Magna Cum Laude † Madeline Diane Rubin, Summa Cum Laude Lee Addison Verdecchia, Magna Cum Laude
Samantha Barbara Morrill Arianna Nicole Rubinstein Mihika Singh Verma, Cum Laude
Alison Lindsay Morris Gabrielle Suzanne Rundle Theresa Rose Craig Vuono †
Sarah Elizabeth Mosser, Cum Laude Meghan Christine Russell † Chelsey Ann Waldman, Summa Cum Laude
Allison Joslyn Moulton Stephanie Lynn Sanata Stephanie Michelle Warne
Jean Marie Murin, Magna Cum Laude ‡ Damaneke Tiffany Santiago † Frank Earl Wehr II, Cum Laude
Ashley Camille Nachum † Keri Nicole Saphirstein Lindsay Erin Weiss
Whitney Elizabeth Nadeau John Michael Savage Alison Weitzner, Magna Cum Laude
Jacqueline Mary Nagel ‡ Abigail Deborah Schreer Patrick Michael Wentling
Megan Josephine Nehls Laura Katherine Schroeder, Sarah Ann Wilson
Stephanie Elizabeth Nelson Magna Cum Laude † Allison Elizabeth Wist, Summa Cum Laude
Kaitlyn Jennifer Newman Kendra Anne Schwindt Tiffany Lauren Wohlers
Mark Nolan Flore Amelie Lucie Segal § Laura Elizabeth Wolf
Rory Thomas Nolan Alessandra Maria Segreto Erica Lee Wolff
Meredith Brooke Nowikowski, Cum Laude Christina Marie Sgueglia Suzanne Jane Worthington
Erin Kennedy O’Bannon Mariam Shahab, Cum Laude Jessica W. Yu, Cum Laude
Cayla Augusta O’Connell Victoria A. Shamshoyan, Magna Cum Laude Brianna Mann Yvellez
Raquel Maria Olsson, Cum Laude ‡ Patrick Russell Shaner †

Film & Television

Emmett Solomon Adler Casey Elizabeth Anderson Berger, Joshua Patrick Brown †
Elizabeth Durden Allen, Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Peter Daniel Brunet, Cum Laude
Nicole Luann Baida, Cum Laude † Isabel Jane Berney ‡ Sarah Elaine Burdick, Cum Laude ‡
Daniel Alexander Baker Robert Alexander Blasi † Daniel Peter Burke
Alexander David Bannon Adam Cesare Blomquist Cory Michael Caprice †
Christopher James Bartolotta Jaime Lynn Boisvert Jennifer Lynne Carroll, Cum Laude
Camille Leslie Beckles, Summa Cum Laude Susan Lyn Borbely, Cum Laude Nicola St. Martin Caruso
Robert Andrew Bell Heloise E. Borden † Kelly Sansan Chow, Magna Cum Laude
Noah Samuel Benezra Lelia Caitlin Bray-Musso † Andrew Joseph Clapham, Cum Laude ‡

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Julian Peter Cornwell Odessa Ann Larkin-Boutte Frances Margaret Richter

Michael James Costello Kathy Lee, Magna Cum Laude Conor Aaron Riley ‡
Alexandra Rachel Daks Won Sang Lee † Brian Alexander Rios
Thomas Joseph DaSilva, Magna Cum Laude Ryan Christopher Liacos † Andrea Rosas Ferro
Anthony Richard DiManno, Logan Ann Lumm † Adam Lee Roth
Magna Cum Laude Ellen Mary Mackey Kelly A. Russin, Magna Cum Laude †
Kaci Leah Dimas Laura Kelsey Maguire Thalia Jessica Rybar, Cum Laude †
Lyndsey Kathrine Edelman Christa Noel Majoras Nicole Lara Saccomandi §
Jeffrey Dylan Eiseman Laura Ellen Marmulstein, Mark Nelson Scheffler
Christian Chilcott Esten Summa Cum Laude Miranda Anne Schmidt §
Brian John Fadem Emily Louise McFarland Sarah Michal Schwarzman
Steven Isaac Fine, Cum Laude Nathaly Nicole Medina David Matthew Seeman ‡
Daniel Hugh Finlay II, Cum Laude Douglas Moffitt ‡ Daniel Eric Seliber, Magna Cum Laude †
Angela Rose Flignor Adam Alexander Molinski, Cum Laude Sara Servi, Cum Laude
Aaron Michael Fradkin Jessica Elsie Mondillo, Magna Cum Laude ‡ Eric Peter Shahinian
Lynn Marie Franciotti Jenna Marie Montero Katelyn JoAnn Sigeti, Magna Cum Laude
Justin Myles Freidus ‡ Zoe Sarah Rachel Morin, Magna Cum Laude Andra Kirsten Skaalrud
Bradley Joseph Garoon § Catherine Flanders Morrison † Cindy Sinlee Soh, Cum Laude
Stephanie Rebecca Gerber † Lauren Nicole Muir Stephanie Sophie Stachow §
David Max Gibbons ‡ Christina Mary Mule Austin M. Steele
Nicholas Irving Gilman † Steven Rudolph Nitz Elias Zvi Stern
Jaime Frances Goldstein † Elizabeth Philippa Olesker William B. Stouffer ‡
Thomas Edward Gott Tessa Marie Olson, Cum Laude Samuel David Stratton, Cum Laude
Callum Matthew Hanlon, Cum Laude † Tabitha Aylin Ozturk † Justin Thomas Suriano
Lindsay C. Hannon ‡ Samantha Pagan, Cum Laude Michael Fallon Sweeney
Matthew Jeffrey Robert Hoffman, Jessica Marie Penner Maya Kathryn Tanaka
Magna Cum Laude Taja Estell Perkins Trevor Keith Taylor
Matthew Clayton Inman Caroline Lee Pigott James Patrick Tobin, Cum Laude
Alyson Julia Isaac Georgia Poivre, Cum Laude † Geoffrey Ryan Toomey
Harry Michael Joseph Paul Daniel Pollack Ann Margaret Osei Tutu
Erin Wolf Kapor Rachel Ellen Prentki Andrew G. Tyma
Dmitriy Karfagenskiy, Summa Cum Laude Joseph Leiber Presser Monique Lisangie Villalona
Daniel Edward Kelley Rachael McCarthy Protas, Cum Laude Alexander Joseph Weinberg, Cum Laude
Maria Christina Kent † Evan Puschak Blythe Elizabeth Wolber
Ahmed Mustapha Khawaja § Rebecca Grace Radin, Cum Laude Milica F. Wren
Rachel Leah Klein Tyler Hillman Remmert Kent Michael Wyckoff
Erin Michelle Lally, Summa Cum Laude Kartina Richardson § Lisa Noelle Zelig, Cum Laude
Virginia Lynn Lang Rachel Victoria Richmond Julia Katherine Zelman, Summa Cum Laude

Jesse S. Abesh, Cum Laude David Matthew Levin Charns Marlena Teresa Flannery, Cum Laude ‡
Charles Deemar Adelman Douglas Joseph Chin Lynn Marie Franco Maldonado
Kelly L. Ahern Jennifer Yoon Choi Ellysia Dawn Lambright Francovitch †
Ayesha Hassan Ahmed Ina Rene Chu, Cum Laude Jennifer Shaw Gallagher
Taylor Lee Aldredge Alexandra Jaye Cioper Stephanie F. Ganias
Courtney Reams Allen Jeffrey Michael Cohen Aviva Leora Gat, Cum Laude
Ashlie Elizabeth Anctil, Magna Cum Laude † Keith Alexander Colella, Summa Cum Laude Bennett Arrato Gavrish, Summa Cum Laude
Yumi Araki Stephanie Robyn Crumley Marion Kate Geiger, Cum Laude
Cassandra Marie Aviles Robert Matthew Cummings ‡ Allison Mary Giuffre §
Amanda Grace Bailly, Cum Laude John Michael Curran Sarah Nicole Gordon
Vincent Joseph Bancheri Anil Ashoka Daibee, Cum Laude † Teresa Colleen Gorman
Samantha Nicole Barbosa, Nicholas Keone Davis ‡ Thomas William Grady
Magna Cum Laude Sopan Deb, Magna Cum Laude Diana Marie Gravallese, Magna Cum Laude
John William Barone III Katelyn Marie DeDiego, Cum Laude † Brittany Nicole Guarglia †
Kelly Elizabeth Belknap, Cum Laude Margaret DeJesus, Magna Cum Laude Daniela Sofia Marie Guernica,
Andrew Mark Benjamin Carolyn Elizabeth Dewart, Magna Cum Laude
Carolyn Meryl Berk Summa Cum Laude ‡ Matthew Thomas Harrington
Ali Husain Bhanpuri, Cum Laude Lauren DiLello, Cum Laude Cecelia Guy Louise Hart, Magna Cum Laude
Julia A. Bird Matthew Scott Donnelly Cara Clifford Hebert
Jared Zinsser Booth, Magna Cum Laude Nora Lucia Dunne § Lauren Elisabeth Herberg
Allison Mary Bozinski, Cum Laude Jack Hollander Edison Cristian Yanet Hernandez †
Riki Erin Bradley † Jennifer Michelle Eng James Arthur Hinton
Chelsey Leader Brooks Max Nicolas Esposito Rachel Jordan Hogue
Alexandra Rose Caleca, Cum Laude Elizabeth Haena Eun † Colleen Margaret Huysman, Cum Laude
Javier Nicanor Padilla Campos Amanda Souad Rita Fakhreddine Maria Del Pilar Ibanez Cienfuegos-
Angela Christina Carlos Molly Katherine Fedick Jovellanos †
Christine Marie Cassis † Claire McNicholas Fissinger, Ruxandra Maria Iordache, Cum Laude
Christina Denise Caudill Magna Cum Laude Lorraine Louise Marie Jonemann
Ashlie Lynn Chandler ‡ Andrew David Travers FitzGerald Matthew David Kaplan, Magna Cum Laude †

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Morgan Blair Keenan Lisa Michelle Merolla, Summa Cum Laude Thomas Wentworth Samph,
Ben Keil Hannah Margaret Messinger ‡ Magna Cum Laude
Allison Voulelis Kelso, Summa Cum Laude Andrew Jacob Metcalf Stephanie Eileen Santana
Cara Shannon Kenefick Catherine Amorous Moore Vanessa Moutinho Santos, Cum Laude
Brittaney Alina Kiefer, Summa Cum Laude Lyle R. Moran, Summa Cum Laude Jeremy Michael Savlen, Cum Laude
Jonathan Maurice Kim Nathalie Jill Moskal, Cum Laude Laura Ann Schmon
Young Ria Kim Grant K. Mukai Michael Paul Schulze §
Johanna Katherine King, Magna Cum Laude Tiernan Robert Murphy John A. Schwartz
Patricia Klein Vega Callan Navitsky, Magna Cum Laude Sarah Juliet Shanfield ‡
Katherine Anne Klinck Natalie Rose Nelson Tara Collins Shea
Natalia Knochowski Jenna Margaret Nierstedt, Lucy Christine Sherman
Zachary Abraham Kohn, Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Elizabeth Michaela Snell
Stephanie Alice Koyfman, Meredith Garner Niles David Son §
Magna Cum Laude † Caitlin Marie Nordahl Abby Mattinat Spegman,
Carly Elizabeth Kraut ‡ Jeannie Marie Nuss, Magna Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude †
Allison Margaux Kushner, Lindsey Michelle Olander, Cum Laude Lauren Elizabeth Stanton
Summa Cum Laude Michael Kevin O’Leary, Cum Laude † Carly F. Stern, Cum Laude †
Joryn Renee Larsen, Magna Cum Laude † Miriam Rose Palmore, Cum Laude † Kayla Ayres Stoner, Magna Cum Laude
Tiffany Leah Ledner Jung J. Park Danielle Marie Stowe, Cum Laude †
Gi Hyun Lee Megan Anne Peet, Cum Laude Kelly Anne Sullivan
Jessica Renee Leving, Magna Cum Laude Lindsey Graciela Perna Michael Connor Sullivan
Max Isak Levy Iris Helene Picat Jennifer Lind Taft
Jessica Ran Li, Magna Cum Laude Antoinette Jenna Pizzi Lindsay Bea Talbot, Cum Laude
Camille Elyse Lowder Yaakov B. Polak † Michelle Marie Tedford, Magna Cum Laude
Sydney Erin Lupkin, Cum Laude Jillian Elizabeth Primiano, Joy Elizabeth Tesensky, Summa Cum Laude
Michelle Ayumi Macaluso, Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Emily Victoria Thomas †
Nabil Thomas Makhlouf, Cum Laude Elizabeth Prinz Stefanie Gayle Tuder, Cum Laude
Justin Clark Marble, Magna Cum Laude Evelyn Catherine Ratigan Jason Andrew Tunget
Corrin Audra Steinberg Marquardt Rachel Beth Redman Kristyn Day Ulanday, Cum Laude
Erica Lynne Masini Nina M. Reschovsky Daniel Paul Ventresca
Katherine Marie Mattioli Camilla Anna Retecki † Kasey Marie Wickman
Caroline Anne McCallum, Cum Laude Chelsea Alyson Rice, Cum Laude Molly Diana Williams †
Darren Michael McCrate † Crystal Jihyun Rim § John Owen Butler Wray
Meghan Anne McLaughlin § Camille Loren Roane Anna Stuart Yochem
Patrick Joseph McQueen Stephanie Ila Rubenstein Kara Nicole Zauberman
Tara Marie Medeiros Abbie Elizabeth Ruzicka Emily Christine Zilm †
Chantal Marie Mendes David Peter Sabia Stephanie Amelia Zollshan
Leah Jennifer Mennies, Magna Cum Laude Nicholas Samuel Salazar



Oubusloa Margaret Ajayi Celia Putnam Duffy † Martin Gerald Kinnavy II †
Mary Helen Alongi † Caroline Susan Elliott, B.S. Reshad Kulenovic
Robert William Andersen † Kathleen Clay Farland, A.B. Gwenaelle Anne Esther Le Cochennec, B.A.
Charles Mathieu Anderson III † Wes Ford † Christine Macdonald
Russell Turner Anderson Michael Anthony Giordano, B.A. † Nancy Ann Melchert
Nery Arcos, B.A. † Isaac M. Goldstein, A.B. ‡ Alexander Kris Mitrushi †
Matthew Allen Bell † Nicole Emily Goldwaser † Victoria L. Morales, B.A.
Jeffery Allen Boedeker Jessica Rose Greeley † Courtney Lyn O’Brien
Jacob Benjamin Brown † Heerlen-Ian Mansfield Harris ‡ Peter Siddarth Selvaraj
Andrew Scott Burmstead Josh Walter Earnest Hays ‡ Kelly Smart
Newton Everett Calkins † Jeannine Desiree Hegelbach Valerie Delighte Temple ‡
Jennifer Anne Corbett † Jade Alaxandra Holmes Brandon Michael Todesca
Chris Bradford Coughlan Ryan Daniel Karten Matthew Donovan Toomey †
Danielle Cruz, B.A. † Keith Andrew Keal † Antonio Villar Liñán
Ethan James Cunningham † Ramone Jonathan Kendall † David William Wells



Marlenny Lissette Anziani, B.A. * Selena L. Craig, B.A. Elizabeth J. Foley † *
Jamie Samantha Brawer † Darryl Richard Dieudonne † Rachel M. Fomon † *
Michele Julia Campbell, B.A. ‡ * Stephanie A. Eliason, B.A. Courtney Ann Fray †
Kristin Michele Chebra Samuel Bartley Ellison † Ashley Austin Glover †

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by Metropolitan College and the College of Communication


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Amy Samantha Greenspoon † Elizabeth Rose Nault, B.B.A. † Gordon Edward Ryan, B.A. † *
Hildur Gudny Gudlaugsdottir † Brendan James O’Malley † Noelia Santa Ana, B.S. ‡ *
Emily Heininger Christina M. Pankievich, B.F.A. Sharmonique Clarencia Rene Shade, A.B. †
Julie M. Kane ‡ * Yurie J. Park, B.A. † Lizanne Shectman ‡ *
JoAnna Meg Leonard Jocelyn Rae Perldeiner § Maegan Murphy Steele †
Laura A. Mackin ‡ * Ploutarchos Ploutarchou † Carnot Jean-Marie Sylvestre, B.S. † *
Michele Renae Martin † * Stefania Poletti † Sarah Ready Thomas, B.A. † *
Karla A. McCarron, B.F.A. † * David Master Ricaud II Jacqueline Kohl Varanelli
Sean Michael McCarthy Allison Faith Rubin ‡ * Kitty Wong † *
Jenna M. Mitby † Angela Jane Ruffino § Eve Huizar Zafiropoulo
Kelly Anne Moores † *

Broadcast Journalism
Brittany Erin Abery Molly Ann Connors, B.A. † Jennifer Marie Oles, B.S.B.A. †
Alissa Ann Bigelow, B.A. † Ashleigh Jean Costanza † Andrea Danee Peterson †
Susanna Bolle, B.A., M.A., A.M. † Lauren Anne Garber † Drew Martin Rausch ‡
Daniel Joseph Burke † Marc F. Lanza, A.B. † Mary Elizabeth Stackhouse
Fang-Yi Chu † Justin Robert Meisinger † Solomon I. Syed, B.A., J.D. †

Business & Economics Journalism

Guanlei Ren, B.Ec., M.A. ‡

Gennifer Max, B.A. ‡

Health Communication*
Elizabeth Rae Chappelear, B.S. Kristin M. Kretschmer, B.A. § Jennifer Weeks Roberts, B.A.
Karin Anne Daly, B.A. Olivia Mai Lam § Lois Victoria Roberts, B.S.
Margaret Victoria Delashmit, B.S.Ed., Mary-Jayne MacDonald, B.A. Anna Jo Rogers, B.F.A. §
A.M., Ph.D. § Sherrie Lee MacDonald, B.A. § William Arthur Rohde, B.A., M.D.
Scott Wayne Emerine, B.S. Nancy Anne Murphy, B.A. § Julie Banach Roy, B.S.
Amanda Ann Goetz, B.A. § Mario R. Nacinovich Jr., B.S. Elizabeth Ryan Sax, B.A.
Heidi Renée Gregory, B.S. § Pamela Annette Perkins-Dwyer, B.A. § Judith E. Singer, B.M.
Paula Kapotes, B.A. Kathleen Anne Pietrovito, B.S. Sarah Elizabeth Smith, B.S. §
Jennifer Nicole Kitt, B.A. § Zehra Rizvi, B.A. Kathleen W. Tarnowski, B.S.

Ayesha Aleem, B.A. Desiree Diane Johnson Ilena Beth Ryan
Jeanne Louise Amy † Jennifer Ann Judson Kellie Ann Ryan
Casey Elisabeth Atkins Ambika Kandasamy † Meghan McDonough Ryan, B.A. †
Sara Marie Brown, B.A. Victoria Holland Klarfeld Sarah Elizabeth Shemkus †
Lorna Cóte-Greidanus, B.A., D.D.S. § Jacqueline Amanda Kozar, B.A. Ying Shi †
Frederick Ellis Dashiell Jr., A.B. † Gregory Alexander Kwasnik John Stark, B.A. †
Jeffrey Brian Elliott ‡ Joseph Michael Markman Hsiang-Ching Tseng †
Jillian Maher Foley Miguel Francisco Marrero Nicholas Charles Vasta, B.A.
Gabrielle Sylvia Gagnon, B.Mus. Chad Stuart Owsley † Katerina Voutsina †
Husna Sarah Haq Lisa Miyazawa Przystup Eliza Miriam Weiss, B.A.
Christian R. Holland † Kathleen Quackenbush Spiegel, B.A. Christopher Jordan Yager ‡
Danielle Shirah Jacoby † Daniel Macauley Rowinski † Varsha Yeshwant Kumar

Mass Communication

Benjamin Oliver Abrams, B.A. Yasmina Aziza Mokraoui †
Fangfang Chen † Nina Theresa Ong § Tianhao Yang
Erica L. Ciszek † Emily Jane Petrick ‡ Cara Anne Zambri
Kaileen Christian Connelly † Cathy Marie St. Pierre, B.S. Alexandra Behira Zuiderweg, B.S., M.S.,
Jueting Lu † Danyang Wu J.D. †

Public Relations
Melissa Prieto Baricar § Teressa Jane Holland † Phillip McCarthy, B.A.
Meghan Barnett, B.A. † Sarah Elizabeth Kassel † Ellen Patricia Moss †
Caitlin Ann Burke § Michael Frank Kieloch § Puneet Sandhu †
Eleni Giannakaki † Nan Liu † Deborah Charise Smith §
Jiankun Guo Maria Fernanda Lorenzo † Abigail Allaire Steinbock †
Yejee Ha † Katherine Rachel Mather † Alissa Ryan Stewart †

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by Metropolitan College and the College of Communication


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Seth Gregory Stuck † Neda Tavassoli § Chong Yu †

Jennifer Marie Swanson † Xiaochen Tian †

Science Journalism

Jennifer Lauren Berglund, B.A. Johannes Kaspar Hirn † Eric Hal Schwartz †
Rachel Leah Blumenthal Marian C. Lyman, B.A. † Meredith Jane Sorensen †
Julia Shea Darcey † Roxanne Drew Palmer † Bo Zhang
Shannon G. Fischer †

Barbara Matone Chanin Shehram Mokhtar, B.Com., M.B.A. Joshua Thomas Poole †
Olgu Gence Shira Elana Moskowitz, B.A.S. † Lisa Pugliese, B.A.S.
James Goodenough Heuser, B.S. § Divya Ajith Nair, B.A., A.B.J. Tianqi Zhao
Matthew Richard Lewis †

Television Management

Maria Paula Bustamante Rodriguez Sarah Rosamond Murphy-Katz, B.A. Oriana Syed
Julian Andres Corredor Hernandez Scheherazade Quiroga Iasiello, B.S. † Daniel Ucros Londono, B.A. †
Hema Kathiresan, B.B.A. ‡ Roberto Alexander Santos Xinxin Yang †

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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School of Education


Noora Dahab Abdulkerim Jane Horstmann Christyn I. Reisig
Rachel Adams Aierstuck Yasmin Hosein, Magna Cum Laude Rachel Jayne Resto
Amanda Christine Andreyev Sarah Rose Iorio, Cum Laude Kelsey Anne Reynolds, Cum Laude
Lauren Ayan § Jessica Gail Janus Kelly M. Ricci, Cum Laude †
Alycia Marie Babino, Cum Laude Erica Michelle Kaufman Haley Elizabeth Ruh
Jennifer Alyse Barborek † Lauren Michelle Keiffer Alison Bliss Russell, Cum Laude
Andrew Jonathan Barlow Katie Leigh Kenyhercz, Cum Laude Courtney L. Sandrue, Summa Cum Laude
Melissa Ivette Barragán Katherine Marie Klimusko Michelle Lauren Schacker
Robert David Barrett, Summa Cum Laude Ashley Rachel Lagas Allison Christa Schubert
Marilee A. Bennis, Cum Laude Traci Ann Landy Darcey Kathryn Searles, Cum Laude
Rachael Susan Besser, Summa Cum Laude Samantha Jean Lee ‡ Jaclyn Marie Sevasta
Gillian Catherine Boni Jessica Ka Yee Leung ‡ Shara Brooke Simonian, Cum Laude
Sable Nicole Borgia Rachel Leah Lichtenberg-Scanlan Alexandra Storm
Stefani Lauren Borgia Yenting Liu † Sara Beth Stupay
Alexis Noelle Boucher Shane Michael Marino, Cum Laude Anthony Joseph Tabone †
Alexandra Camille Bradley Kelly Ann McCarthy, Magna Cum Laude Adelaide Gay Teel, Cum Laude
Gregory Charles Carrow-Boyd Kathryn Marie McColgan, Jessica Elfriede Tobin, Cum Laude
Jessica Ann Clancey, Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Kevin Jonathan Tomaszek
Jacqueline Dani Clegg Jenna Cate McNulty † Kristen Marie Torchia, Cum Laude
Christin Mary Collins, Magna Cum Laude Marissa Baine Mead Pina Melissa Tripodi
Jennifer Corrigan Lindsay Ann Merchant James P. Vaughan †
Lauren DellaCagna Caitlin Rose Milne Vanessa Lynn Voas, Magna Cum Laude
Shachi Rakesh Desai, Magna Cum Laude Morgan Barrett Mooney Caitlin Elizabeth Webb
Jaimee Morgan DiMarco Kelsey L. Moss Stefanie Ashley West ‡
Lindsay Rae Donaldson Sabrina Nugent † Lauren Rebecca Wexler, Cum Laude
Sarah Mikaela Elentukh † David Polgar Meghan Nicole Winter †
Danielle Marie Gassert Kelly Ann Proulx Amanda Putri Witdarmono
Sarah Anne Godwin, Cum Laude Samantha Ann Rabinowicz, Caitlyn Marie Wylie
Alexander Ross Grandin Magna Cum Laude Kayla Crowhurst Zeisler, Magna Cum Laude
Victoria Anne Green Matthew Raymond Elizabeth B. Zigmont, Summa Cum Laude
Stephanie Renata Greenberg Sarah Catherine Shiel Reardon,
Amanda Demarest Groszek Magna Cum Laude
Megan Elizabeth Hillsdon


Lianna Baimas-George, B.A. Brandon Joseph Lemos, B.L.A. Matthew S. Robinson, A.B., M.S.
Salvatore Joseph Bartoloma, B.A., B.S. Katherine Olivia Leonard, B.A. Colin Patrick Ryan, A.B.
Elisheva Tessa Bresler, B.S. ‡ Karen Amy Levin, B.A. ‡ Laura Michelle Shea, A.B.
Kathryn Elizabeth Denslow, B.A. ‡ Sean Michael Lewis, A.B. Adrienne Lee Smutko, B.S., B.S.J. ‡
Andrew Vincent Dunbar, B.A. Jocelyn Simone Liberty, B.A. Serena M. Steele, B.A.
Julie Michelle Duran, B.S., B.S.B.M. § Lauren Majchrzak, B.S. † Lia Marlaine Stelljes, B.A. ‡
Kristofer Earles, B.A. Robert Andrew Marx, B.A. ‡ Molly Moselle Stevens, B.A.
David Anthony Farady, B.A. ‡ Paul Eugene Massicotte, A.B. Cassie Crowley Sullivan, A.B.
Brendan John Foley, B.A.S. Anna Archer McKenzie, A.B. Joseph Edward Taylor, B.S.
Suzanne Michelle Frasca, A.B. § Anna Catherine McWilliams, A.B. Lauren L. Thompson, A.B.
Matthew B. Goldman, A.B. James Charles Miller, B.S. Brett Walker, A.B.
Diana Elizabeth Kole, B.A. ‡ Devon Robert O’Rourke, A.B. § Jennifer Lee Walker, B.A.
Letty W. Kwok, B.A. † Jacquelin Anne O’Rourke, A.B. § Adam Richards Wolf, B.S. ‡
Hanyen Andrew Lee, A.B. ‡ Andrew Allen Rawson, B.A.


Kara Johnson Afshar, A.B. Caroline Claire Ballou, B.A. Naomi Kenney Berlove, B.A. ‡
Shaima Saleh Al Husseini, B.A.S. ‡ John L. Battaglino Jr., B.A. Lindsay Bigda, B.S. ‡
Fuziah Saeed A Alodadi, B.S. Hilal Baykara, B.Sc., B.Sc. Laura P. Blanchard, A.B. §
Christine B. Arismendi, A.B. Inna-Shoshannah Belenky, B.A., Ed.M. Karen Nicole Bonanno, B.S. ‡
Elizabeth Ann Avery, B.S. ‡ Jennifer Ann Benningfield, B.S. Giannina Borel Donghi, B.A. ‡
Alyssa Ryan Baglieri, B.A. Emily Bentinck-Smith, B.A. Clarissa Marie Bottesini, B.S.
Lianna Baimas-George, B.A. Heather Christine Bentley, B.A. § Jared R. Brandwein, B.S.

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Kathleen Maguire Bray, B.A., M.S.W., Daniel G. Goncalves, B.A. Naomi C. Moran, B.S.
Ed.M. ‡ Julianna Aurora Gonzalez, B.Arch. Katrina Morgan, B.A. ‡
Kathrine Rebecca Bright, B.A. † Geoffrey Sean Gray, B.A.S. Vanessa Lynne Mulry, B.A., B.S. §
Alicia Lee Brown, B.A. Sharon Elizabeth Greenholt, B.A. ‡ Lucia Muniain Creixell, B.A.
Erica Anne Brown, A.B. Linsay Greenlay, B.A. Jami Murphy, B.S. ‡
Kristin Marie Bruno, B.S. Michele Beth Gruen, A.B. Mi Jin Nam, B.S. †
Heidi M. Busch, B.A. Vanessa Leigh Gusick, B.A. Marigen Soledad Narea Biscupovich, B.A.,
Ellen E. Byng, B.A. † Nicole Marie Guthrie, B.A. ‡ M.A.
Carly Michelle Cammon, B.S.B.A. ‡ Kelsey Sarah Hall, B.S. Francis J. Nellenback, B.S. §
Crystal Lucinda Campbell, A.B. Lauren Kelsey Hall, B.A. ‡ Kathleen P. Nelson, B.A. ‡
Nicole Flora Caraballo, B.A. Allison McCabe Hamilton, A.B. ‡ Kim Ha Nguyen, A.B.
Tracy Jennifer Carpenter, B.A. † Ilda Hanxhari, B.A. Julia Rae Nix, B.S.
Kristina Carruth, B.S. † Rahmi Hartati, A.B. George Warner Noble Jr., B.A., M.Ed.
Michelle Marie Betances, A.B., M.P.H. Ann Virginia Harte, B.S.A. Michael O’Connell, B.A. ‡
Jia-Chi Chang, B.Ed. † Charesah D. Hawkes ‡ Shannon Lee O’Halloran, B.S. †
Li-Wen Chang, B.S. † Sean C. Hayes, A.B. Erin M. O’Loughlin, A.B. §
Kimya LaVerne Charles, B.A. Alison Rachel Hinton, B.A. Jennifer Orlin, A.B. §
Kaiyuan Chen, B.A. ‡ Laura Gail Hirshfield, B.A., B.S. ‡ Yolanda Ines Ortiz, B.A., M.S.W.
Amy Cheung, B.A. ‡ Sara Elizabeth Honig, A.B., M.A.T. † Kate Elizabeth O’Toole, B.A. §
Rena Marie Chicklas, A.B., M.A. Bo Hu, B.A. Yu-Ching Annie Ou, B.A. ‡
Su-Chi Chiu, B.B.A. Emily Anne Huelskamp, B.S. So-Jung Park, A.B. §
Eun Hee Cho, B.A. § Nack Seung Jeon, B.B.A. ‡ Jenviev Danielle Pedone, B.S. §
Susan Suyun Cho, B.A. Alexandra E. Jodaitis, B.A. ‡ Melissa L. Pelletier, B.A. †
Hyun Jung Choi, B.A. ‡ Jimmy D. Johnson, B.A., M.T.S. † Omari Ajani Peterkin, B.A. ‡
Myoung Suk Chung, B.A.S. ‡ Vanessa Marian Jones, B.A. Daniela Vadala Poles, B.A.
Yu-Chen Chung Naresh Kumar Kachoria, B.S. Jennifer Ponce, B.A.
Kimberly Nicole Citrin Amy B. Kasaras, B.A. Kathleen M. Popeo, B.S.
Amanda Cobb, B.A. † Krysten Kellman, B.S. ‡ Meredith Power, A.B.
Stanton E. Collins, B.A. Kelly Elizabeth Kempner, B.A. ‡ Shraddha Prasad, B.S. †
Gregory Steven Conklin, B.A. † Ann Kinchla, B.A. Anasha Roshanie Prashad-Panchu, A.B.Ed.
Benjamin Patrick Conlon, A.B. Shawn Robert Kingman, A.B. Hanying Pu, B.A., Ed.M.
Annie Terese Coppock, B.A. ‡ Hyeran Ko, B.A. Yue Qu, B.A. ‡
Mark Hollis Corbin, B.A. Heather Marie Kohn, B.S. Natasha Michele Rausch, B.A.
Anne Christine Corriveau, B.S., M.S. ‡ Megan Townsend Konieczny, B.A. † Shaina Maxine Resnik, A.B.
Christina Marie Coviello, B.A. Lori Ann Kozlowsky, B.A. † Jillian D. M. Rettig, B.A. ‡
Donald L. Craft, B.A. † Ashley L. Kysor, B.A. Kathryn L. Richard, B.A.
Matthew Brennan Curran, B.S. † Regina M. Lally, B.A. ‡ Marie L. Richard, A.B.
Avia Destimianti, B.A. Alison Langsdorf, B.S. † Kelly A. Rider, B.S.
Christopher Robert DeVits, B.A. † Andrew E. Laurence, B.S. ‡ Catherine Riede, B.A.
Seth Wilder Dewart, B.A. Maurin Jessika Lawrence, B.A. ‡ Elizabeth Marie Ritchie, B.A.
Elizabeth Catherine Dick, B.A. Seo Hee Lee, B.Com. § Nelson Rivera, B.S., M.A. †
Vesna Dimitrieska, B.A., Ed.M. ‡ Stella Lee, B.A. Seth Donald Robertson, B.S.
Sarah Elizabeth Doiron, B.S. † Shira Leitson-Grabelsky, B.A. Anthony Roman, B.S. †
Katherine Maureen Donahue, B.A. ‡ Elizabeth Ann Leonard, B.S. ‡ Ana Helena Romero Gómez-Ruiz
Jacqueline Donley, B.A. ‡ Huimin Li, B.A., M.A. ‡ Kyle Ronan, B.A.
Rebecca Stratton Draper, B.A. ‡ Qingqing Li, B.A. § Bethany Ann Rossi, B.A. †
Joel Andrew Druvenga, A.B. § Chew Lee Lim, Sc.B. § Rebekah Lee Conway Roulier, B.A.
Jaime Elizabeth Dugan, B.A. ‡ Yi-Ching Lin, B.S., M.S. Holly Frances Rousmaniere, B.A.
Tracey Dultz, B.S., Ed.M. † Suzanne Rosing Lippy Sara Lynn Salem, B.A.
Emily Rose Duncan, B.A. ‡ Siyu Liu, B.A. ‡ Jamie Mitsuko Sasaki, B.A.
Hope Anne Eaton, B.S. ‡ Yujia Liu, B.A. † Deborah A. Scannell, B.S. ‡
Tarah Lynn Ellington, B.A. Morgan Halladay Lord, B.A. Emma Claire Schmelzer, A.B. §
Esra Ersoy, B.A. Vanessa Marie LoVerme, B.A. Lauren Rachel Schneider, B.S.
Catherine Simpson Faircloth, B.A. ‡ Phuong Luong, B.A. Lisa M. Schreiner, B.A., B.S., M.A.
Lisa Ann Falconi, B.A. ‡ Ashley Macrina, B.A. Matthew William Seeley, B.S.Ed., M.A.T. §
Elizabeth Oliver Feigenbaum, B.S. ‡ Ellen Mahoney, B.A. ‡ Rebekah Ann Seiders, B.S.
Danielle Cherie Feliciano, A.B. § Cecilia Marie Makovec, B.S. ‡ Seonghee Seo, B.A.
Stephanie Margaret Fernandez, A.B. Beth Anne Marois, B.S. Alexis Ann Seubert, B.A. ‡
Robyn Beth Fialkow, B.A. Christina Alyce Martinez, B.S.Ed., B.S. Meghan Silvia, B.A.
Emily Ann Filippone, B.A. † Elise Anne Mayers, B.S. ‡ Jeffrey T. Small, B.A.
Jennifer Emily Finkle, B.A. Elizabeth Erin McElroy, B.S. § Erin E. Smith, B.Arch.
Brandon Michael Fogarty, B.A., Ed.M. † Kathleen C. McGurk, B.A. † Daniel Patrick Solworth, B.A. ‡
Paul Edmund Fournier, B.S., B.S.Ed. Alice Mary McKenney, B.A. Suzette Danielle Spitzer, B.S. †
Kerri French, B.A., M.F.A. ‡ Mareika Leask McLaughlin, A.B. Kent Stein, B.A.
Cliff Edward Furtado, B.A. Patrick Stephen McWalter, B.A. † Bonnie Victoria Steyer, B.S. ‡
Matthew John Gaitane, A.B. ‡ Maria Josephine Mellone § Ashlie Elizabeth Stitt, A.B. §
Patricia Louise Galante, A.B. Sara Glennon Miller, A.B. Bradley Thomas Stoffers, B.S.
Paul F. Galego, B.S. ‡ Rachel Lynne Mingos, B.S. Kathe E. Strunk, B.A. †
Yevgenia Garrison, B.A. † David John Minichiello, B.A. ‡ Mana Suzuki, B.A. ‡
Sueann Goh Xiao Lin, B.A. ‡ Tariq Mohammed, A.B. § Alina Roxolane Swonger

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Estefania Torres Arosemena, B.A. Amanda Meaghan Watral, B.A. † Tingyun Xie, B.S. ‡
Daniel Hartford Tyburski, A.B. § Ryan Christopher Welch, B.S.S. § Yimei Xiong, B.A. §
Christine Lynn Typadis, B.A. † Meredith B. White, A.B. Yukiko Yamakawa
Jamie Russell Vaughan, B.A. ‡ Jennifer Lynn Willette, B.A. ‡ Ani Ivanova Yanachkova, B.A.S. †
Victoria Elizabeth Vendola, B.S.Ed. Ellen A. Willey, B.S. Chao-Jan Yang, B.A. †
Krystle Ann Villanueva, B.A. ‡ Sarah Ann Wilson, B.A. Hiroko Yoshii, B.A. †
Jennison Rose Vincent Jonathan Blake Wolf, B.S. Anna Mague Yursza Warfield, B.A.
Susanne Elisabeth Wagoner, B.A. † Stephanie L. Wood, B.Sc. † Li Zhang, B.A.
Andrea Rose Walkonen, B.S. Stephanie Park Woolbert, B.A. † Wenchan Zhuge, B.A. §
Gabrielle Alamea Wallace, A.B. Fiona Woolf, B.A. Stephanie Arlene Ziemlak, B.A. ‡
Deborah Jane Walsh, B.S. ‡ Dan Ye Wu, B.S. Darwin J. Zook, B.A.
Kanqing Wang, B.Ec. ‡ Qiong Wu, B.E. ‡ Emily Laura Zotto, B.A. ‡
Valerie Robyn Ward, A.B. Molly Wyand, B.A. ‡ Meera L. Zucker, B.F.A. ‡
Jennifer Ashley Warren, B.A., M.A.T. †


Robert Schulz Weldin, B.A., M.A. †


Kristen Eleanor Allaire, A.B., Ed.M. Vera Dumancic, B.A., Ed.M. ‡ Deborah Ann Robinson-Thompson, B.A.,
Auburn Mark Chitty, B.A., M.Ed. Allison McCabe Hamilton, A.B. Ed.M.
Jonathan W. Dator, B.A., Ed.M. John Daniel Loftus, B.S., M.Ed. ‡ Marla Schay Barker, B.A., Ed.M.
Jaclyn M. Davis, B.A., Ed.M. † Heather April Mills, A.B., M.A. Dennis Gerard Todd, B.A., M.Ed.


Christine Baron, B.A., M.S.Ed., “Encouraging Historical James Michael Howland, B.A., M.S.W., “Youth Swimmers
Thinking Using Historical Sites” Coping with Pressure of Competition: Understanding
Michelle D. Bell, B.A., Ed.M., “Successful Weight Loss: Psychological Coping and Mental Skills Use”
A Metacognitive Approach for Permanent Change” JoAnn Elizabeth Kilpatrick, B.A., M.A., “Global Education in
Beverly A. Chase, B.A., M.A., M.S.W., “Effects of Dynamic Massachusetts Public Schools: A Case Study of Two High
Assessment on Language Development” Schools”
Diana Cheng, S.B., Ed.M., “Connecting Proportionality and Masataka Kuraoka, B.S., Ed.M., “The Effect of an
Slope: Middle School Students’ Reasoning About Steepness” Intergenerational Program on Japanese Elementary School
Yoo Jin Chung, B.A., M.A., “South Korea’s Reunification Students’ Attitude and Academic Performance” ‡
Curriculum” Dianne Lochhead, B.F.A., Ed.M., “One Size Does Not Fit All:
Cove Johnstone Davis, B.A., M.S.Ed., “Retaining Effective Urban Adolescents’ Experience Throughout an Assigned Alternative
Teachers in the Age of Accountability: How Do Successful Program and the Factors That Contribute to a Successful
Urban Schools Address Staffing Challenges?” Reintegration to the Traditional School Setting”
Sayedeh Parvanak Fassihi Langroodi, B.A., Ed.M., “Student Avital Pato Benari, B.S., “Analysis of High-School Coaches’
Response Systems’ Virtual Interaction Effects on Learning in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices About Nutrition for
Adult Second Language Classes” Athletes”
Marcus Vinicius A. Goncalves, B.S., M.S.C.I.S., “A Study of How Lindsay Shaw, B.A., Ed.M., “Setting the Balance: A Biofeedback
the Student and Exchange Visa Information System Influences Intervention Designed to Improve Competitive Performance on
the Influx and Study of Graduate International Students in the Balance Beam”
Science and Engineering in the U.S.” ‡ Sarah Lillian Sparrow, B.S., Ed.M., “Examining Skills-Based
Laura Ann Hayden, B.A., M.A., C.A.G.S., “Assessing the Fidelity Health Education in Select Secondary School Classrooms”
of Team Support, A Youth Development Program to Hellison’s Murray Alexander Thornton, B.A., B.Ed, Ed.M., “School
Responsibility Model and Perceived Effectiveness of Team Community Health in Rural Ontario, Canada” †
Support on Student-Athlete Outcomes”

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25

College of Engineering


Aerospace Engineering
Brett Joseph Chizinski Brett Carl Lyons Eric Robert Miller
Jordan Gray Cumper Philipp Christopher Maier, Rimal Kiran Patel
Cory Edward Hall Summa Cum Laude Tashfiq Salam, Cum Laude
Jeffrey Philip Hand, Magna Cum Laude Brendan Michael McGrath, Cum Laude Patrick Andreas Steiger, Cum Laude
Andrew Seena Jalali Seth Alec McKeen Kurtis Tyler Voorhees
Gilbert Brian Kiyingi Brett Jordan Meyer, Cum Laude Jake Ross Woloschin
Alexander Ming-Che Ko Christopher Michael Miller, Jessica Ren Jia Yen, Magna Cum Laude
James Sin Chi Lau Summa Cum Laude

Biomedical Engineering

Madeline Wilson Abrams Majid Ghodousi ‡ Mikhail Makalski
Aneesh Acharya, Cum Laude Karen Rachel Go Jason Robert Maloney, Cum Laude †
Felita Agus Balaji Goparaju Christopher Russell Mattaboni
Amr S. Aly Yauheni Grigortsevich Mark Joseph Mazzochette, Cum Laude
Evan Michael Appleton § Thomas James Hagedorn Fahad Nazir Memon
Leslie Meredith Baggesen Rachel Esther Horenstein Megan Christine Menard,
Paolo Belfiore ‡ Jasmin Imsirovic, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude
Daniel Holod Betz † Dana Britlan Jaeger, Cum Laude Sean Joseph Moser
Neraj Paul Bobra, Cum Laude Charles Arthur Jahnke Sarah Katherine Murray
Roman Bokhenik Francis Josef Jareczek, Summa Cum Laude Robert John Nims, Summa Cum Laude
Dmitri Boulanov Max Bernardo Jativa § Emily Anne Palmer, Magna Cum Laude
Samantha Ann Byrnes Aleksander Jan Jonca Kristen Rose Pamper, Magna Cum Laude
Benvy Alice-Marie Caldwell Nicholas Jason Kaiser Chelsea Eileen Pereira
Nicholas Lee Casciani Constantinos Ioannis Katevatis, Cum Laude Cori Grace Pierce, Cum Laude †
Jeffrey Thomas Chagnon Andrew Charles Keiser Alexander Nathaniel Alarcon Razon
Brian Gar Ho Chan Vidhya Kumar Jared C. Saffie, Cum Laude
Daniel Scott Chappell Nicholas Alexander Kurkjy Katherine Amanda Schwendinger-Roy
Max Robinson Condren, Magna Cum Laude Nicholas Ryan Labriola, Cum Laude Aaron Barrett Seaman ‡
Courtney Lynn Conley, Cum Laude Ana Carolina Lara Alvarez Yu Jie Shui, Cum Laude
Maggie Elizabeth Cox Matthew Ryan Lawrence Elena Beth Simoncini
Maisam Dadgar-Kiani Derek Jing-Hei Lee, Magna Cum Laude Karen Patrice Smith
Jason Eric DeBoer Matthew Douglas Lee Jessica M. So
Michael Alexander DeMello Leah Mae Lemont, Cum Laude Stacey Kristine Stanton, Cum Laude
Izzuddin Mohammed Diwan Jeremy Martin Levesque, Cum Laude Barrett Ethan Steinberg, Magna Cum Laude
Viral Kamalesh Doshi Ye Li Jesse Parker Szatkowski, Magna Cum Laude
William Arthur Dow Spenser Lin † Tony Tam
Shiori Ensako, Magna Cum Laude Doris Ling Sean Andrew Taylor †
Andrew Michael Fisher, Cum Laude Adra Long, Cum Laude Alyssa Rose Trigger, Magna Cum Laude
Matthew McKenzie Fleming, Matthew Ryan Lough, Cum Laude Kim Van Vo
Magna Cum Laude Bryan Matthew Lublin Jill Sarah Wolfson
Douglas Francis Flood II Michael Andrew MacDonald Kevin Chiu Yu
Edeliz Flores Kieran George Mace, Cum Laude Lawrence Kwok-Kin Yu
Alexina Noelle Fredman Heather Nicole Macken Elizabeth Zamora
Mehak Gandhi † Atiya Safiya Mahmud Cheng Bin Zhang, Magna Cum Laude

Computer Engineering
Pallav Bajjuri Matthew Sergeyevich Kagan Peter Rudolf Schimitsch, Cum Laude
Anand Mahesh Desai Nickvash Kani, Magna Cum Laude Matthew Patrick Schmidt
Aleksandar Drobnjak Nathan Charles Mulcahey Matthew Taylor Schoen
Matthew David Figueroa Ryan Mark Mullen Joseph Anthony Stella
Wesley Ryan Griswold Arupendra N. Roy, Summa Cum Laude

Computer Systems Engineering

Tunde Mufutau Agboola, Luis Carrasco Teddy Lo
Magna Cum Laude Moses Chen † Howell Ong Martinez
Rohan Arun Howard Hao Huang Andrew William Sarratori, Cum Laude

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Electrical Engineering
Sehrish Khan Abid Hai N. Huynh Alexander B. Ng
Samuel Robert Biancuzzo Dylan Goodman Jackson, Sutawat Poomcharoenwatana
Benjamin Adams Burnett, Cum Laude † Magna Cum Laude Mohammed O. Rahbini, Cum Laude
Barry Carias James Randolph Jay ‡ Casey Maxwell Rice, Magna Cum Laude
Chung-Yu Chan Juan Francisco Jhong Chung Travis Sebastian Rich, Magna Cum Laude
Maria Clara De Paolis Kaluza Patrick Janis Emanuel Lazik, Cum Laude Morgan Frances Rushing
Joseph Michael DiBartolo Yu-Sheng Lin Daniel Patrick Ryan, Summa Cum Laude
Schuyler Karson Eldridge, Jonathan Michael Lobo, Cum Laude Jeremy Brian Schein, Summa Cum Laude
Summa Cum Laude Emanuel Paul Malandrakis, Cum Laude Aleksey Valentinovich Voroshilov
Leopoldo Tam Fu Thomas Joseph McGovern, Cum Laude † Kevin Yu, Cum Laude
Aaron Theodore Ganick, Cum Laude Gledis Mezini § Nicholas Taylor Zolnierz, Cum Laude
Manufacturing Engineering
Andrew Bernard Bangert Akaash Jatia Jacqueline Ann Martin
Humberto Jose Garza Guerra ‡ Matthew Joseph Kelly, Cum Laude David Ernest Spergel §
Warren Thomas Huffman Kevin Lee Justin Vincent Tworek, Cum Laude
Alexander Edmond Jahn Andrew Paul LeGendre, Summa Cum Laude Stephen Barnes Weber ‡
Mechanical Engineering
Bryan J. Adams Charles Michael Gerrior Jr. Denise Elizabeth Miller
Shoukry Ishaq Al-Husseini Russell Michael Goldenbroit Janelle Rose Nesvold
Joseph Patrick Anderson, Magna Cum Laude Martin Charles Gomez Vir Singh Nirankari
Olalekan Adeoye Babaniyi, Cum Laude Eleanore O’Dea Elizabeth Hanlon Andrey V. Nivorozhkin
Katharine Claire Bailey Danielle Kimberly Harris Birce Basak Ozsivri
Peter Holland Belmonte, Magna Cum Laude Dionté Omar Henderson ‡ Galvin J. Pereira
Jeffrey Charles Bogoian William Joseph Hernandez Joanna Pyun
Richard Adam Burriola Chang-Yun Hsu, Summa Cum Laude Ryan Devon Ramroopsingh, Cum Laude
Andrew Jan Carter, Cum Laude Cary Gabrielle James Christian-Marc Rivera
Walden Chen Bryan Jimenez Kevin James Ryan, Summa Cum Laude
Justin Chin Edward W. Jung Omar Ryan Sadder
Ryan Matthew Contois Matthew Aaron Knoll Yakov Shlomo Salzberg, Magna Cum Laude
Meghan Elizabeth Daigle, Cum Laude Tracey Ann Lantz Alexandra Maria Shivers
Hrafn Davidsson † David Hamilton LeValley, Erica Lee Squillacioti
Simon Mark deSouza Magna Cum Laude Nikhilesh Srinivasan
Brian Daniel Driscoll Victor Liu, Magna Cum Laude Jeffrey David Vanguilder
Anna Dzumaga Jesse Daniel Magis-Agosta Paul Joseph Vizzio
Samantha Kara Fishman Yerzat Marat Kevin Chia Hao Wang
Jan Thomas Flaten, Cum Laude Jason Francis Martel Tat Chi Wong
Daniel John Foley Alexandre Georges Martelly Sterling Ngo-Chi-Hieu Worth
Joshua Isaac Friedensohn Patrick Robert McDowell Wen Xiao
Ricky Fu Andrew Joseph Menard Eric Allen Zipfel
Matthew Stephen Galica Laura Yolanda Miklos


Biomedical Engineering
Hussam AhmedQussay Al Muayad, B.S. Majid Ghodousi, B.S. § Michaela Terese Leal, B.S.
Jason Michael Cartwright, B.S. ‡ Benjamin Scott Horowitz, B.S. Laura Christine Rupprecht, B.S. †
Qiongxian Ge, B.E. Mohamad Ayad Kamel Alyassin, B.S. † Kristen Vu Tran, B.S. †


Aerospace Engineering
Keithe Erin Baggett, B.S.
Joseph M. Coombs, B.S.

Anna Badiee, B.S. Lina L. Faller, B.S. Amanda Elizabeth Sedgewick, B.A. ‡
Michael Stephen Banos, B.S. † Yevgeniy Gelfand, B.S. † Katrina Ann Steiling, B.S., M.D. †
Wesley Alexander Beckstead, B.S. † Anu Jayaraman ‡ Aarathi Sugathan ‡
Alexandra Dumitriu ‡ Shubhi Mishra Wen-Han Yu †

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Biomedical Engineering

Patrick Nicholas Allen, B.S. Caroline M. LaManna, B.E. Alon Singer, B.S.
Kerry Lee Andken, B.S. † Adam S. LaPrad, B.S. ‡ Jared Braynden Smith, B.S. §
Ryan M. Carey, B.S. ‡ Jiahui Spring Liu, B.E. ‡ Jeff B. Soto, B.S. ‡
Mary Teresa Goldsmith, B.S. Jesse Maxwell Lock, B.A., M.D. † Philipp Stefan Spuhler, B.S. †
David Reynolds Hall, B.S. Adam C. Luce, B.S. § Jon Woodard, B.S.
Abhishek Jain, B.Tech., M.S. † Ross Kevin Maddox, B.S. ‡ Jie Yan, B.E. †
Jonah Andrew Kaplan, B.S. § Stacey Markovic, B.S. Boyan Yordanov Yordanov, B.A. ‡
Benjamin James Kraus, B.S. ‡ Chi Ho Ngan, B.S. Kimberly Ann V. Zubris, B.S. †
Tatiana Julia Laivins, B.E. § Varun Parmar, B.Tech. ‡

Computer Engineering
Kevin Frederick Allgaier, B.S. Alex D. Kates, B.A. † Krishnan Nair, B.E. †
Pallav Bajjuri, B.S. I-Sheng Lin, B.S. † Konrad Piotr Szupinski, B.A. †
Ying-Ju Chen, B.S. Fabio Mario Malangone, B.S. Michael Wright, B.S. †
Karen Jing Wen Cui, B.S. § Morteza Nabavi, B.E. ‡ Hongchang Wu, B.E. §
Brian George Huffman, B.S. †

Computer Systems Engineering

Qusai Ahmad Faleh Al Gharaibeh, B.E. Ashley Anne Ferrell, B.S. David Jacob Philip, B.Tech. ‡
Supriya Prashant Bansal, B.E. † Avi Ashok Gunda, B.S. Yirong Pu, B.S. †
Erik Stephen Beiser, B.A. Matthew E. Hilt, B.S. ‡ Prasanna Prithviraj Rao †
Kuang Cai, B.E. † Aashish Dutta Koirala, B.E. † Kandarp J. Shah, B.Tech. ‡
Yue Fai Choy, B.S. † Yingwei Lin, B.E. ‡ William Rhys Stucker, B.S. §
Huaxin Dai, B.E. Rohini Nagpal, B.E. † Shankar Raj Uprety, B.E. †

Electrical Engineering
Elham Azizi, B.S. Rui Li, B.S. ‡ Nagaraja Shivashankar, B.E. †
Anne Yvonne Boisvert, B.A., M.S. Yuting Liu, B.E. † David S. Simon, B.S., M.A., Ph.D. †
Gregory R. Brinkman, B.S. ‡ Xuanming Lu, B.E. † Kirill Trapeznikov, B.S.
Elif C
˛ evik, B.S. Xin Ma, B.Tech. † Ahmet Tuysuzoglu, B.S.
Limor Eger, B.S. James Martini, B.S. † Fengyu Wang, B.E. †
David Scott Freedman, B.S., B.A. ‡ Hari Shankar Mohan, B.Tech. Lu Wang, B.E. †
Ashwin Gopinath, B.E. ‡ Michele Moresco, Diploma ‡ Yun Wang, B.E.
Emily Clare Hostage, B.S. ‡ Alison M. O’Malley, B.S.B.E., B.S.E.E. ‡ Richard Edward Williams, B.S. ‡
Andrew D. Huss, B.S. Hüseyin Özkan Huan-Yu Wu, B.S. †
Sarah Marie Kelsall, A.B. ‡ Gunnar Thor Palsson, B.S. † Daniel J. Yanklowski, B.S.
Fatih Hakan Köklü, B.S. † Yili Pan, B.E. Jian Yin, B.N.S. †
Boyan Kurtovich, B.S. ‡ Katherine Louise Pegors, B.S. Shuo Zeng, B.E.
Mikhail Grigoryevich Kuznetsov, B.S. § Gregary B. Prince, B.S. ‡ Elena Choi Loya Zorn, B.S.
Binbin Li, B.E., M.E. Kunjan Dinesh Rana, B.S. ‡

Manufacturing Engineering

Emine Balci, B.E. Erin Rebecca McLean, B.S. † Emerson Jacob Speyerer, B.S.
Michelle Marie Boudreau, B.S. † Mehmet Saadeddin Öztürk, B.E. Joseph Robert Wasniewski, B.S. †
Wenting Dong, B.M. Parika Petaipimol, B.S. § I-Hsin Wei, B.S.
Mandela Kiran, B.S.

Materials Science & Engineering

Sandra J. Allison, S.B.
Michael Joseph Galbo, B.A. ‡

Mechanical Engineering
Phillip Andrew Anderson, B.S. John Alfred Gallagher, B.S. Hande Öztürk, B.S., B.S.M.E. ‡
Jeffrey Michael Benjamin, B.A. ‡ Ryan M. Hill, B.S. Justin Alexander Sacco, B.S. ‡
Mark Joseph Bradshaw, B.S. † Sharon Annie Ho, B.A. Bassam S. Salim, B.S.
Evan James Butler, B.A. † Andrew Paul LeGendre, B.S. Abid R. Shabbir, B.S. †
Michael J. Cannamela III, B.E. ‡ Victor Liu, B.S. Maximillian Yao Tong, B.S.
Elijah T. Ercolino, B.A. † Jonathan Erik Lundt, B.S. Robert Daniel Valtierra, B.S.
Zachary Ephraim Foresta, B.S. Bhupendra Singh Nagpure, B.A., M.S.

Osami Kamohara, B.E., M.E. Khwanchai Tantiwanichapan, B.E. Yuanbo Wang, B.E., M.S. †

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Systems Engineering

Yin Chen, B.E. Victor Ma, B.S. ‡ Chen Yao, B.E. †


Lan Hu, M.S., “Surfing the Dynamics in Genomes: Regulation of Naoki Nariai, “Probabilistic Integration of Heterogeneous,
Moved Genes in Drosophila and the Expansion of an Apoptosis Contextual, and Cross-Species Genome-Wide Data for Protein
Regulatory Gene Family in Eukaryotes” Function Prediction”
Howook Hwang, B.S., M.S., “Benchmarks and Algorithms for Xiaoling Zhang, M.S., “Exploring Airway-Wide Physiological
Protein-Protein Docking” † Response to Cigarette Smoke Using Exon-Level Expression
Profiling” †

Biomedical Engineering
Suzanne Patricia Carr, B.S., “The Effects of Pitch, Reverberation, Aaron Paul Griset, B.S., “Delivery of Paclitaxel via pH-Responsive
and Spatial Separation on the Intelligibility of Speech Masked by Polymeric Nanoparticles for Prevention of Lung Cancer and
Speech in Normal-Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Listeners” † Mesothelioma Recurrence” †
Yoojin Chung, B.S., “Modeling Binaural Responses in the Michael Sandor Koeris, Diploma, “Systems Biology Approaches
Auditory Brainstem to Electric Stimulation of the Auditory to Combating Persistent Bacteria” †
Nerve” † Andrew Scott Krueger, B.S., “Microbial Systems Biology Using
Elissa Jean Cosgrove, B.E., M.S.E., “Applications and Chemical Combinations” †
Characterization of mRNA Expression Compendia in Inference Nishant Mohan, B.Tech., “Photon-Counting Optical Coherence-
of Genetic Association Networks” † Domain Imaging” †
Ayla Ergün, B.S., B.S.Eng., S.M., “Systems Biology Approaches Ellen Clelia O’Shaughnessy, A.B., M.P.H., “Tunable Signal
for Analysis of Microarray Data and Their Applications in Processing in Synthetic Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase
Biological Discovery” † Cascades” †
Ari Friedland, A.B., “A Synthetic Gene Network That Counts” Gavrielle M. Price, A.B., “Mechanical and Chemical Control of
Sylvain Gioux, Diploma, M.S., “Image-Guided Surgery Using Barrier in Engineered Microvessels” †
Diffuse Near-Infrared Light” †

Computer Engineering
Ashraf Fares Al Daoud, B.S., M.S., “On Revenue Maximization
from Secondary Spectrum Use in Wireless Cellular Networks” †

Electrical Engineering
Konstantin G. Aizikov, B.A., M.S., M.S., “Novel Computational David Scott Freedman, B.A., B.S., M.S., “Matched Mixed-Mode
and Instrumentation Methodologies for Biological Fourier- Circuits for Use in Auditory Biomimetic Systems” †
Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometric (FT- Huseyin Mutlu, B.S., M.S., “Spot Pricing of Secondary Access to
ICR MS) Imaging” Wireless Spectrum” †
Danilo D’Orsogna, Diploma, M.S., “Numerical Simulation David Lee Voss, B.S., M.S., “A Modular Microsatellite Bus with a
Models and Stress Measurements for HgCdTe Infrared High Energy Particle Spectrometer in a Responsive Space
Detectors” † Environment” †
Erhan Baki Ermiş, B.S., M.S., “Activity Based Geometry Weiyao Xiao, B.E., M.S., “Reliable Data Dissemination in Dense
Independent Features for Information Processing in Wireless Networks” †
Heterogeneous Camera Networks” †

Materials Science & Engineering

Tushar Kulkarni, B.Tech., “Functionally Graded Mullite Coatings Peter Andrew Zink, B.A., “Doped Lanthanum Ferrite Cathode
for Gas Turbines” † Development for Use in Single-Step Co-Fired Solid Oxide Fuel
Soobhankar Pati, B.E., M.Tech., “Analysis of Solid Oxide Cells” †
Membrane (SOM) Electrolyzer with Liquid Metal Anode”

Mechanical Engineering
AshwinKumar SampathKumar, B.E., “Multiplexed Operation of Brissi Franck Zagadou, B.S., M.S., M.S., “An Analysis of the
Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS) Arrays” † Micromechanics of the Organ of Corti: Significance of
Microfluid Flow” †

Systems Engineering
Xiangdong Song, B.E., M.A., M.E., “Scheduled Multiple
Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks” †

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


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College of Fine Arts


Amy Cathryn Ahrens, Cum Laude Samantha Hardenburgh Kristie O’Donnell, Summa Cum Laude †
Elham Aliabadi, Cum Laude Nicole D. Hill, Magna Cum Laude Kathryn Elizabeth Peterson
Natessa P. Amin Rebecca Miriam Hoffman-Senn, Cum Laude Stephanie Marie Prost
Jersey Babcock Sachiko Ishihara, Magna Cum Laude Meghan Elizabeth Reilly
Sarah Lynn Bielicky Britt Elizabeth Kuechenmeister, Cum Laude Mallory Perry Rice, Cum Laude
Maxine Hwang Blomberg Dana Kaitlin Lebed Amanda Jean Rombach
Zoe Tessa Bloom † Nicola Gaynor Anne Lloyd † Catherine Lee Schwab †
Donovan Patrick Brien Trevor Maxwell Lyons Christine Nicole Scolaro
Claudia Hansol Choi Daniel Patrick MacDonald, Cum Laude Amy Meredith Sharpe
Julie Heather Cohen Joseph Thomas Malfettone Matthew Edward Spaiser
Crystal Adele Connors Miles Z. Martin Elina Starobinets, Magna Cum Laude
Julia Ann Culkin Ryoji Matsuzaki, Magna Cum Laude Elias Zvi Stern
Katherine Anne DiFillippo Leah Margaret Morris † Sarah Rebecca Stieber, Cum Laude
Carla Frances Donaghey Sarah Eleanor Mullin, Cum Laude Amina Mae Sutton
Alice May Du Keisuke Nakayama Ana Irene Frances Tobin
Amanda Lee Dunham Lilian Li Lian Ng Aliza Shoshana Sussman Vaida,
Dana Elizabeth Ferruzzi Shelly Njoo, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude
Lauren Rebecca Finkle, Magna Cum Laude Jeffrey Nathaniel Nowlin, Katerina Anne Velichansky
Colleen-Marie Foley, Magna Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Shannon Jean Walsh, Cum Laude
Megan Estelle Franasiak Suriah M. Odeh Logan A. Waters, Cum Laude
Ksenia Valeryevna Gundarova


Alexei Andrei Acosta Shannon Natalie Garland Dale Shannon Placek
Michael Scott Allen Carolyn Page Gilliam Hillary Anne Polier
Ryan Anders Anderson Timothy John Glynn Jennifer Katherine Prezioso
Brian Harold August Olivia Jane Hayes Curtis James Reik, Cum Laude
Lianne Kate Becker Harry Miller Hobbs II Emma Merete Robbs
Michael Andrew Besancon John Charles Ibsen ‡ Andrew David Rudick
Brittany Christine Boothby Rebecca G. Landau, Magna Cum Laude Danielle Frances Ryan
Catherine Lillian Boucher, Cum Laude Paul Benjamin Leopold, Cum Laude Evan Jay Sanderson, Summa Cum Laude
Hannah Cassidy Burkhauser Georgette Maria Lockwood Rachel Elizabeth Schlow
Liza Mana Burns Elizabeth Jane Luchs, Cum Laude Heather Skye Sparling
Sarah Elise Chapman Melanie Arii Mah Jessica Anne Stansfield
Deanna Cirino Brendan Thomas McCarthy Collin Alfredo St. Dic †
Julie Elizabeth Civiello † Jacob Lee McDowell Juliette Angela-Francesca Suergiu,
Katheryn Anne Clark Elizabeth Grace McLinn, Summa Cum Laude
Dayna Marie Cousins Summa Cum Laude Alysondra Mila Susman
Paul Tate dePoo III, Cum Laude Collin Patrick Noha Meath Rochelle Marie-Ann Therrien
JoAnna Lillian Di Tullio Steven Theodore Meyer Andrew Gordon Tholke
Elizabeth Anne Pinette Durst Corianna Dew Vaughan Moffatt, Benjamin Drew Thompson
Lauren Elyse Eicher Magna Cum Laude Natalie Elisabeth Turturro
Kate Eileen Foster Ara Chavooshian Morton Melissa Marie Walker, Cum Laude
Aaron Parker Fouhey Sarajane Morse Mullins Michelle Josette Weinstein
Gilford Benjamin Fred, Magna Cum Laude Alex Joseph Panek Katherine Wray Whistler
Stephanie Rose Friedman Nikki Lynne Pierce Hardy Lathan Winburn VI


Jonathan Frank Butterworth Marie Elizabeth Evans, Summa Cum Laude Madeleine Anna Jansen, Magna Cum Laude
Laura B. Carpenter, Summa Cum Laude Nicholas Steven Foster David Oscar Jones, Magna Cum Laude
Meghan Elizabeth Caulkett, Melissa Joy Guadalupe, Cum Laude Michael James Maganuco,
Summa Cum Laude Jessica Lee Guglielmo § Magna Cum Laude
Michelle Alice Cavalieri Lauren Elizabeth Haley Katherine Amanda Marcincuk
Erin Teresa Coffey, Cum Laude Olivia Katharyn Hauck Caitlin Margaret McVeigh
Jason Alan Domingo ‡ Mary Cecelia Henriquez, Magna Cum Laude Kelley Lane Medcalf, Magna Cum Laude
Bridget Constance Duval, Cum Laude Rachel Anne Hippert, Magna Cum Laude Jeremy Michael Moon
Elissa Loring Edwards, Cum Laude Tatyana D. Ilyin, Summa Cum Laude Daniel Alan Omphroy

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Belinda Roseann Paige, Cum Laude Tess C. Scott-Suhrstedt Justin C. Werner

Paul Kenneth Pinard, Cum Laude Alison Marie Shipton Nicholas MacDonald White
Elizabeth Rosner, Cum Laude Luke Ryan Short Eytan Wurman, Cum Laude
Daniel Clayton Ross Tess Kathleen Varley, Summa Cum Laude Miyuki Yamaguchi, Cum Laude
Joshua Thomas Sawicki, Magna Cum Laude


Kerri Michele Ammirata, B.A. Anita Marita Haynes, B.F.A. Shari Lauren Mendlowitz, Cert., B.F.A.
Emily Elisabeth Babb, B.F.A. Kuo Mei Hsu, B.A. Vanesa Carina Merulla, B.G.S.
Tirtzah Esther Lisak Bassel, B.F.A. Shih-Hsin Huang, B.D. Crislin Meshberg Waldman, B.S., Dip.,
Peter Bianco, B.F.A. Eun Jin Jang, B.A., M.A. B.F.A.
Tess Marie Bilhartz, B.A. Timothy Andrew Kadish, B.A., Cert. Stacy-Ann Mohammed, B.A.
Rachid Laurent Bouhamidi, B.F.A. Saba Khan, B.F.A. Michael Brandon Norton, B.A.
Donghee Chang, B.F.A. § Jacqueline Marie Killorin, B.S., M.S.T. Anissa L. Plante, B.A. †
Jee Young Choi, B.F.A. Sung Gue Kim, B.F.A., M.F.A. Ryan Alan Pressman, B.A., Cert.
Amy Clay, B.A., Cert. Amy Lithimane, B.F.A. Nathaniel Moore Risteen, B.F.A., Cert.
Hollis Pierce Erickson, B.S. Esteban Octabio Longoria, B.B.A., Cert. Nicole Sage Steiner, B.F.A.
Chelsea Gibson Finch, B.F.A. Angela Marie Maki, B.F.A. Julia Marie Von Metzsch, B.F.A.
Matthew T. Fredenburg, B.A. Sarah Beth Manger, B.F.A. Ajin Xu, B.F.A.
Caitlin Rebecca Grant, B.F.A. Emily Jane Manning-Mingle, B.F.A. Xiaoli Yang, B.F.A.
Erik Michael Grau, B.A. Keith Robert March Mistler, B.A. Meng Ye, B.E.
Sarah Hartwig, Dip. Design Katherine Marsjanik, B.A. Ming Zhang, B.A. †


Eric Blair Berninghausen, B.S. John R. Mulligan, B.A. Brent Joseph Sullivan, B.S. †
Sara Louise Betnel, B.A. ‡ Eric Charles Propp, B.A. Layhoon Tan, B.A.
William Edward Gardiner, B.F.A. George-William Rodriguez, B.A. Jamie Rene Urban, B.F.A.
Jennifer Guadagno, B.A. † Tara Lynn Sen, B.A. Anne Elizabeth Wiegand, B.A.
Reynold Lopez, B.F.A., M.S. Andrea Maxim Southwick, B.A. Katherine Elizabeth Wilson, B.F.A.
Caitlin Elizabeth Menotti, B.S. Matthew Ronald Stowe, B.A.


Jan Marie Allen, B.M.E. † Jonathan M. Curri, B.A., B.S.Ed. Laura Rosette Garcia, B.M. ‡
Carrie Lee Alo, B.M.E. † Elaine H. Dai, B.A. ‡ Rebecca Teresa Garreth, B.A. ‡
Jamie Amanda Angichiodo, B.A. Moyna Eulene Daley, B.S., B.M.E. Rebecca Rachelle George, B.M. †
Justin Matthew Antos, B.M. Michael Evan Day, Mus.B. ‡ Barbara Lee Gerber, A.B.Ed. ‡
Nikoma Lee Baccus, B.M. Ryan Matthew Decker, B.M. † Ceri Elizabeth Gerrish, B.M.
David Emanuel Balandrin, B.Mus. Danielle Lee DeCoste, B.M. ‡ Michael John Gorgone, B.S.
Katherine Michelle Baltrush, Mus.B. † Sonia Xinran Deng, B.M. Michelle Heather Gorgone, B.Mus.
David Arthur Barg, B.A. Anaar Iris Desai-Stephens, B.M. ‡ Joseph Michael Granzow, B.A., B.M.E.,
Elizabeth Cecilia Barksdale, B.M. Jami Timms De Siena, B.M. ‡ M.Ed. †
James Harrison Barrett, Cert., B.S. † Rebecca Marie Desmond, B.M. † Catherine Grealish, B.A.
Jeffrey Michael Beiter, B.M. ‡ Megan Kathleen Dixson, B.M., M.M. Katie Janeen Greig, B.M.
Nathan Scott Bello, B.M. Michael Anthony Dobrinski, B.M. Joanna Michelle Grosshans, B.M.
Johnathan Francis Birckhead, B.M. ‡ Erin Shawn Dooley, B.S.Ed. Todd Henry Hamelin, B.M.
Davidson Rickardo Bishop, B.M. † Daniel Keith Doxie, B.A. ‡ Megan Hannon, B.M.E. ‡
Cynthia A. Blagg, B.M.E. ‡ Michael Fraser D’Spain, B.M.E. Jennifer Leigh Harrill-Taylor, B.M.E. ‡
Vincent Frank Borselli Jr., B.A., B.S. Sarah Michelle Dunn, B.A. Lauren Elizabeth Hastings, B.M.
Benjamin Edward Bouton, B.M.E. Margaret Sullivan Durando, B.A., Cert. ‡ Trevor Winston Haughton, B.A.
Lydia Adams Brotherton, A.B. ‡ Jessica Lynn Edic, Mus.B. Dennis Alan Hawkins, Jr., B.M.
Kerri Lynn Butler, B.M.E. Brent Thomas Edmondson, B.M. Christine Marie Heintz, B.M.
Nicola Jane Buttigieg, B.Ed., B.Mus. † Diana Martin Eldridge, B.M.E. Christina Maria Heizmann, B.Mus.
Manuel C. Capote, B.M. ‡ Cedric De’Vonn Eubanks, B.M.E. ‡ John Mark Holguin, B.M.E. ‡
Christopher Clarence Carbajal, B.A. Julia Lynn Sharpe Fair, B.A. ‡ Julia Lynne Holliday, B.M.
Julia Soojin Cavallaro, A.B. Lindsay Rae Fernandez-Hollingshead, B.M. Mark A. Hover, B.M.E. †
Kuan-Ting Chang, B.M. Daniel Robert Ferreira, B.M. John Ryan Huffaker, B.M.E.
Sae Lee Chang, B.M. † Amanda Kate Fillio, B.A. † Micha Raynee Hughes, B.M. ‡
Teresa Kay Cheney, B.S. † Cynthia Lynn Fiorenza, B.S.Ed. † Joyce Elizabeth Ingle, B.M.
Krista Leann Clay, B.Mus., B.M.E. Brad Emerson Fowers, B.M. † Linda Darlene Collins Jackson, B.M.E.,
Bethany Leigh Colenzo, B.M. ‡ Heidi Ruth Freimanis, B.M., Mus.B. ‡ M.Ed. †
Melissa Sue Comley, B.M. ‡ Brian L. Frye, B.M.E. Cijith Jacob, B.Com. ‡
Richard Charles Conrad, B.M.E. Jeffery Wayne Fulton, B.M. Andrew Ryan Jacobson, B.M.
George Michael Costa, B.M.E. Catherine Ann Galie, M.Mus. ‡ Kristin Anne Rothe Johnson, B.M.
Laura Joy Costa, Mus.B. ‡ Cynthia Ann Galvin, B.M.E. ‡ Anthony Marc Jones, B.M. ‡
William Van Craven, B.M.E. ‡ Dallas George Lester Gambrell, B.M. ‡ Scott Freeman Jones, A.B. ‡

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Vernon Lee Jones, B.A., M.Div. † Joseph Ryan Mummert, B.S.Ed. Nicole Anne Siniscarco, B.Mus. ‡
Ashley Marie Jordan, B.M.E. † David Randall Murray, B.M. Adrian Nathaniel Smith, B.A.
Amanda Rae Kaipio, B.Mus. Stuart Hiroshi Nago, B.M. ‡ Matthew Kekoa Smith, B.Mus. ‡
Ku Yeon Kang, B.M. Alix Olivier Noël-Guéry, B.Eng. Sarah Lynn Spencer, B.M. ‡
Julie Alicia Rains Kangas, Mus.B., Cert. Robin Ailene Odglen, B.A. Ernest Thomas Stokes IV, B.M.
Meredeth Gwyn Kelly, B.M. Kazuki Oya, B.M. Miranda Lee Strobl, B.A. †
Rebecca Lynn King, B.M.E. ‡ Karen Minkkinen Page, B.M.E. ‡ Tamara J. Struk, B.A. ‡
Nathan Daniel Kishman, B.M.E. Christina Papatziakou, B.A. Nathan Scott Swain, B.M.
Katarzyna Zofia Kowalewski, B.M. ‡ Andrea Marie Papoutsy, Mus.B. † Lettie Laurette Switzer, B.M. †
Aaron August Krerowicz, B.M. Anna Kathleen Partington, B.M. Valene Nicole Synakowski, B.S.
Julia Louisa Laberge, B.A. Tina Pelhe, Cert., B.M. † Kathleen Mary Szymczyk, B.M., M.Ed. ‡
Matthew Richard Lagarde, B.M. Danielle Lauren Potts, B.M. ‡ Margaret Rose Tallman, B.M. †
Bonnie Po Lai, B.M.E. Sarah Marie Prunk, B.M.E. † Jared Martin Tanner, B.M.
Laurie Ann Lally, B.A. ‡ Shawn Patrick Rardon, B.S. Daniel Carl Taylor, B.M.E.
Sean Patrick Landers, Mus.B. † Thomas J. Reifenberg, B.M. ‡ Daria Titova, B.M., Dip.
Rebecca Ann Laursen, B.M.E. ‡ Lauren Faye Remmers, B.M. Andrew Robert Travers, B.A.
Robert Lee Lawrence, Jr., B.M.E., M.S.Ed. † Lucas David Riley, B.M.E. Philip A. Trembley, B.M.
Hee Kyoung Lee, B.M. Todd William Roberts, B.M.E. ‡ Chun-Yu Tsai, B.M.
Mark Russell Lee Jr., B.M., Cert. Elizabeth Therese Robertson, B.M. Juli Anne Van Eizenga, B.M. ‡
Jane Elizabeth Leggiero, B.A. Amanda Francesca Romano, B.M. Ryan M. J. Wade, B.M. ‡
Hoi Meng Lei, B.F.A. Gary Edward Rothe, B.S. Yung-Hsing Wang, B.F.A.
Marc Zachary Levine, B.M.E. Julianne Lee Russell, B.A., B.M. Sarah Elisabeth Wheeler, B.Mus., B.A.
Jacosa Limutau, B.M. † Joshua Simon Rzepka, B.Mus. Monica Elaine White, B.M. ‡
Fang-Chi Lin, B.F.A. † Thanh-Lan Pham Saccomanno, B.M. Matthew Raymond Whitney, B.M.E.
Patrick L. Locklin, Mus.B. Lauren Ashley Saccomano, B.S. † Nicole Anne Whitney, B.M.E.
Kristin Kay Loos, B.M.E. † Jessica Elaine Sammataro, B.M. ‡ Lauren Michelle Widner, B.M.E. ‡
Mark Logan Lungershausen, B.M. ‡ Miranda Sanchez, B.M.E. Carolyn Dawn Williams, B.S. †
Calvin Shane Marcus, B.M.E. ‡ Cassandra Maria Santiago, B.M., Mus.B. Lindsay Marie Williams, B.M.
Jeffrey R. Mark, B.M.E. ‡ Matthew Ronald Sawtelle, B.M.E. ‡ Matthew Lee Williams, B.M., B.M.E.
Daniel Martinho, B.M. ‡ Laura Gayle Saylor, B.M.E. Stanley Mitchel Williams, B.M. †
Craig Marshall McMahan, B.M. ‡ Morgan Beth Scagliotti, B.M. † Jonathan Cole Wimpy, B.M.
Katrina Michelle McMenamy, B.Mus. Andrew Paul Schroetter, B.M.E. ‡ Deshawn A. Withers, B.S.Ed. ‡
Emily Michelle McVoy, B.S. Anita Christina Schulz, B.M. ‡ Donna Lucenda Woodburn, B.M. ‡
Betty Kathryn Metzger, B.A. ‡ Amanda Joy Schwersky, B.S. ‡ Naomi Lynn Woods, Mus.B. †
Cynthia Dorman Middleton, B.S. Jennifer Michelle Seim, B.M.E. ‡ Carolyn Joan Work, B.M. ‡
Brandon Michael Milhoan, B.M.E. ‡ Constance Angel Shearer, Mus.B. Isaac Yager, B.M.
Colleen Carrie Monaghan, B.Ed., B.Mus. † Candice Gollahon Sheppard, B.A. ‡ Lidiya V. Yankovskaya, B.A.
Christine W. Moore, B.M.E. Elizabeth Jeemi Shin, B.F.A., B.M. ‡ Scott Adam Zarchy, B.M. ‡
Bruce W. Morganti, B.M.E. † Daniela Alexa Silva Vasquez, B.M.


Robert Gail Allen, Jr., B.M., M.M., “Free Improvisation and Vicky V. Johnson, B.M., M.A.E., “Competencies, Curricula, and
Performance Anxiety Among Piano Students” † Compliance: An Analysis of Music Theory in Music Education
Spencer Dee Aston, B.M., M.M., Brass Performance Programs in Texas”
Nancy Elizabeth Barlar, B.S., M.M., “The Effect of Sight-Reading Sergey Khanukaev, B.M., Orchestral Conducting
on the Language Reading Fluency and Music Sight-Reading Agnes Minkyung Kim, B.M., M.M., String Performance
Ability of Middle School Band Students” Eun Jung Kim, B.M., M.M., String Performance
Jonathan Edwin Blumhofer, B.M., M.M., “Canis Aetheris for Jin Hee Kim, B.M., M.M., String Performance
Viola and Orchestra” Mary Montgomery Koppel, B.A., “A History Exploded Around
Daniel Charles Broniatowski, B.M., M.M., String Performance Us...A Chamber Opera”
Nicole Vala Cariglia, B.M., M.M., String Performance Ingrid Merker Kovacs, B.A., M.A., “The Life and Influence of
Meng-Heng Chen, M.M., Historical Performance String Pedagogue Phyllis Young (b. 1925): From the Kansas
Cornelia Alexandra Costin, B.M., M.M., Piano Performance Plains through the University of Texas String Project”
Kerry Lynn Deal, B.A., M.M., Voice Performance Hyun-Jung Lee, B.M., M.M., String Performance
Ariana Scott Falk, B.A., M.M., Art Dip., String Performance Jin-Hye Lee, Cert., B.M., M.M., M.M., Collaborative Piano
Nathaniel White Farny, B.A., Dip., M.Mus., String Performance Performance
Joseph David Ferrante, B.M., M.Ed., “An Investigation of the Wen-Hsuan Lin, B.M., M.M., String Performance
Effects of Regularly Employed Melodic Dictation Tasks on the Sudie Marcuse, A.B., M.M., Historical Performance
Sight-Singing Skills of High School Choral Students” Michael Craig McGaghie, B.A., Mus.M., “Dominick Argento’s
Benjamin Raymond Fox, B.A., B.M., M.M., Woodwind Late Choral Style”
Performance Jon Robert Moyer, B.S., M.M.Ed., “Dad Has a Horn in the Attic:
John Michael Genovese, B.M., M.A., “Three Movements for Relationships between Instrument Source, Parental
Orchestra” Involvement, Socioeconomic Status and Attrition among
Ting Chi Huang, B.F.A., Mus.M., “Gordon Chin: An Analytical Beginning Band Students”
Investigation on His Compositional Style and Religious Rania Y. Neokleous, B.A., Mus.M., “Tracking Pre-Service
Influences on Selected Violin Works” Kindergarten Teachers’ Development of Singing Skills and
Roland Jaeckel, B.M., Mus.M., “A Performer’s Companion to Confidence: An Applied Study”
Schubert’s Winterreise”

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Bianca Oglice, B.A., M.M., “Tracing the Enhancement of Vera Ilinichna Rubin, M.M., Historical Performance
Sonorities in Beethoven Sonatas” § Jason Robert Rummel, B.S., M.M., “Perceptions of Jazz
James Edward O’Leary, B.F.A., M.M., “The Effects of Motor Improvisation among Pennsylvania Music Educators”
Movement on Elementary Band Students’ Music and Richard Andrew Schwartz, B.Mus., M.M., “Cross Over: A
Movement Achievement” Graduated Method That Will Lead the Classically Trained Wind
Michael Irvin Pratt, B.Ed., M.M., “Assessing the Initial Impact of Player Through the Jazz Idiom and the Art of Improvisation”
the Michigan Merit Curriculum of 2006 on Music in High Lori Rae Shipley, B.A., M.A., Cert., “A History of the Music
Schools: A Survey of Public School Implementation of New High Department at Hampton Institute/University, 1868–1972”
School Graduation Requirements” Keun-Young Sun, M.M., Collaborative Piano Performance
Gregorio Rangel, M.M., Voice Performance Angel Iliev Valchinov, B.M., M.M., Mus.M., String Performance
Emily Mairghread Rideout, B.M., M.M., Perf. Dip., String Deanna Frith Weber, B.A., M.Ed., “The Freedom Singers: Their
Performance History and Legacy for Music Education”
Nancy E. Rosenberg, A.B., M.A., “From Rock Music to Theory
Pedagogy: Rethinking U.S. College Music Theory Education
from a Popular Music Perspective”

Sharon Rebecca Bielik, B.A. Yoon Joo Hwang, B.M., M.M. Jessica Nicole Lipon, B.M., Mus.M.

James Barbato, B.M., M.M. Taesung Kim, B.M., M.M. Brian Keith Major, B.A.
Kara Larson Harris, B.M. Ashley Harris Logan, B.M., M.M. Julia Rachel Mintzer, B.M.
John Paul Huckle, B.M., M.M., Perf. Dip.

Tacy Flaherty, B.F.A.
Kathleen Joy Zeranski, B.F.A.

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine


Dental Public Health

Yaser Abdulaziz M. Alsahafi, B.D.S. Huda Sh.A.A.Nazar, B.D.S. Priya Srinivasan, B.D.S. †
Prithvi Raj Krishna Moorthi, B.D.S.,
C.A.G.S. §


Sudha Sesha Chinta, D.M.D. Erin Heather Mckenzie, D.M.D. § Diana E. Paczesny, B.S., D.M.D. §
Nanarao Krothapalli, B.D.S., D.M.D. ‡ Javier J. Ortiz, D.M.D. § Ali Salehpour, B.S., D.M.D. §
Sarah Lynn Lennan, D.M.D. ‡

Zahra Bagheri, D.M.D. ‡

Oral Biology

Melanie Catherine Campese, D.M.D. Seok Yong Kim, D.D.S. ‡ Jerome Surmenian, D.M.D. ‡
Terinder Kaur Chahal, B.D.S. § Padmaja Krothapalli, B.D.S. § Yaritza Vazquez-Martinez, D.M.D. ‡
Mazen Ghattas, D.D.S., D.M.D., C.A.G.S. § Saeid Malboubi, D.D.S. ‡ Leon Charles Yu, D.M.D. §
Mussadiq Iftikhar, D.D.S. § Anastasios Moschidis, D.D.S. ‡ Charbel Zalloum, D.D.S. ‡

Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics

Sana Al-munajjed Al-lahham, B.D.S. Christopher L. Kelson, B.S., D.M.D., Paolo Anthony Poidmore, D.M.D. ‡
David Baghaei-Rad, B.A., D.M.D. § C.A.G.S. ‡ Shaghayegh Sherry Rajaei, B.S., D.M.D. §
Mehrdad Fathian-Dehkordi, D.D.S. ‡ Zachton J. Eno Lowe, D.M.D. ‡ Elizabeth Derby Walker, B.S., D.M.D. §
Michael J. Kacewicz, D.M.D. ‡

Pediatric Dentistry
Eleftheria Papadopoulou, B.D.S. ‡


Bader Al-Awadhi, D.D.S. Yousef S. H. Y. Marafie ‡ Arthur Leary O’Connor, B.D.S. §
Clair Chang, D.M.D. § Glena Patricia Millan, D.M.D. § Faysal Ghassan Succaria, B.D.S. †
Chi-Chen Hsu, D.M.D. ‡


Komail Abbas, B.S. Sridevi Babu, B.D.S. Adesh Chawla, B.D.S. ‡
Nidhi Agarwal, B.D.S. Sushma Balakrishna, B.D.S. ‡ Julia Wan Chen, B.A.
Gursimran Singh Ahluwalia, B.D.S. Nicholaus Barbosa, B.S. Peng Cheng, M.B.
Ashfaq Ahmad, B.D.S. Shashi Paul Barnia, B.D.S. Edna L. Clinton, D.D.S.
Syeda Z. Ahmed, B.S. Jessica Anne Barron, B.S. ‡ Jason Tyler Conn, B.S.
Ahmad Junaid Akram, B.D.S. Yasmine Basseghi, B.S. ‡ Elizabeth Anne Courtney, M.A. ‡
Usman Shaukat Ali, B.D.S. Laura Becerra, B.D.S., M.S.D., C.A.G.S. Samuel W. Cowgill, B.S.
Lulwah Sulaiman Al Omani, B.A. Vanessa Nery Beer, D.D.S. Bing Dai, B.D.S. ‡
Ahmed F. Al-Zalzalah, B.A. Mark E. Berger, B.S. Tyler Wood Davis, B.A.
Madhumitha Ambalavanan, B.S. ‡ Sanjay Bhambhani, B.S. Beatrice Elena Deca, B.A. ‡
Nagamani Ambatipudi, B.D.S. Scott Blackhart, B.S. ‡ Rares N. Deca, B.A. ‡
Monica Anand, B.D.S. Varvara G. Blidman, D.D.S. Harbpinder Deep, B.D.S. ‡
Michael Alexander Anderson, B.S. Nandhini Bogavelli, B.D.S. Renato de Luna, B.A. ‡
Sujatha Anjaneyulu, B.D.S. ‡ Krissy Karen Boucher, B.S., M.S. Rashmi Deshpande, B.D.S. ‡
Suganya Appugounder, B.D.S. ‡ Constance Annie Burns, B.S. Sandeep Singh Dhaliwal, B.D.S.
Paola Andrea Argáez, B.S. Shipra Chadda, B.D.S. Ravinder Kaur Dhillon, B.D.S.
Vigarny A. Arguello Jr. ‡ Aviral Chandra, B.D.S. Sameer Dogra, B.D.S. ‡
Anuja Aryal, B.D.S. Yong Soo Chang, B.S. Thalida Thuy Dong, B.A.
Jerry H. Ashrafi, B.A., M.A. Swati Chapla, B.A. Sushma Reddy Donthi Reddy, B.D.S.
Shirley Chiamaka Austin, B.S. ‡ Ruby Chaudhary, B.D.S. Julianne Costley Doyle, B.S.
Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Emerson Russell Ehlis, B.S. ‡ Esther P. Lim, B.A., M.B.A., M.A. Sabitha Pothapu, B.D.S. ‡
Azadeh Emam, B.S., M.S. Luke A. Liszka, B.A. Ritu Punia, B.D.S. ‡
Avi Feygin, B.A. Hongsheng Liu, M.D. Jennifer J. Ra, B.S. ‡
John Paul Fitzsimons, B.A., M.A. Erica Haskell Locke, B.A. Ankoo Raina, B.D.S. ‡
Joseph Bartholomew Flaherty III, B.S. Kasey Lowrance, B.S. Veena Ramesh, B.D.S. ‡
Alexis M. Fraser, B.A. Matthew S. Lupu, B.S. Garima Rana, B.D.S.
Karun Gaba, B.D.S. Ann Ly, B.A. ‡ Prashanth Ravi, B.D.S. ‡
Claire Alma Gallagher, B.S. Jade Than Lyles, B.S. ‡ Tanmya Stuti Ravi, B.D.S.
Harish Garre, B.D.S. ‡ Min Aung Lynn, B.S. Anshuman Singh Rawat, B.D.S. ‡
John James Gentile, B.S. ‡ Monali Kevin Ma, B.D.S. Suman Reddivari, B.D.S. ‡
Joobin Ghahremani ‡ Swetha R. Madgula, B.D.S. Deepa Reddy Batapati Krishna, B.D.S.
Liana Ghazaryan, B.S. Jasun Matthew Mahaffey, B.A. ‡ Jenna M. Redgate, B.A.
Taha Ghomi, D.D.S. Anh-Thu Mai, B.S. Shravan Kumar Renapurkar, B.D.S.
Ridhima Goyal, B.D.S. ‡ Sumeet Singh Malhotra, B.D.S. Megan Marie Ryan, B.S., M.A.
Sai Venkata Mahesh Guduru, B.D.S. ‡ Srinivas Reddy Mandala, B.D.S. Nidhu Saini, B.D.S.
Tina Gupta, B.D.S. ‡ Desh Deep Mandhyan, B.D.S. ‡ Babar Saleem, B.S.
Yazan Hamamy, B.S. ‡ Chandra Mohan Manish, B.D.S. ‡ Samyuktha Sampath, B.D.S., M.S.D.
Mark Akira Hamanishi, B.S. Disha Dipak Mankame, B.D.S. Diana Cristina Sandu, D.D.S.
Ryan Hambleton, B.S. Sharanjot Mann, B.D.S. Aanya Virendra Sanghvi, B.S. ‡
Mona Hatami, B.S. Jeffrey A. Martin, B.S., M.S. ‡ Reza R. Sanjar, B.A. †
Leo Aloysious Haydt IV, B.S. † Kayhan Lawrence Mashouf, B.S. Shalini Sanku, B.D.S. ‡
Kimberly Nicole Haynes, B.S. ‡ Rajendar Matta, B.D.S. ‡ Praveena Seetharam Shetty, B.D.S.
Deeb Helal, D.D.S. ‡ Anthony Robert Mecham, B.A. ‡ Surbhi Sehgal ‡
Jennifer M. Hill, B.S. Madhukar Reddy Medipally, B.D.S. ‡ Shrenik Mukesh Shah, B.A.
Hemanth Hireguntanuru Ankalappa, Karen Mele, B.S. Vishal Shah, B.S.
B.D.S. Raffi Miller, B.S. ‡ Nazim Kais Shahi, B.S. ‡
Matthew M. Hoftiezer, B.S. ‡ Nicholas W. Miner, B.A. Ali Shahrokh, B.S. ‡
Jung-Mee Hwang, B.S. ‡ Ismael Rafael Montane, M.S. Deepa Sharma, B.D.S. ‡
Darren Matthew Isfeld, B.S. Pershin Moradi, B.A. Komal Sharma, B.D.S.
Melissa H. Jaber, B.S. Maria Auxiliadora Moser, D.D.S., Neha Sharma, B.D.S.
Ramya Jagannathan, B.D.S. C.A.G.S. ‡ Richa Sharma, B.D.S.
Rushina Jain, B.S. Krishnaprasanth Reddy Mudusu, B.D.S. ‡ Kejal Umed Sheth, B.D.S. ‡
Daniel Roger Jammal, B.S. Sirisha Muppidi, B.D.S. ‡ Prasadini Shetty, B.D.S. ‡
Satinder Singh Jawandha, B.D.S. Andia Nadimi, B.A. Jonathan Michael Shinay, B.S.
Sheng-Yuan Eric Jeng Fady W. Naim, B.S. † Zeba Siddiq, B.S., M.A.
Dhileep Jinna, B.D.S. Faheem Nasar, B.S. ‡ Tejasvi Sidhu, B.D.S. ‡
Brandon Johnson, B.A. Brian H. Nelson, B.S. Gaggandeep Singh, B.D.S.
Christopher Marc Jones, B.S. Emily C. Nelson, B.S. ‡ Jagjeet Singh, B.D.S. ‡
Jason L. Joseph, B.A. Kevin Duc Nguyen, B.S. ‡ Neetu Singh, B.S.
Dalia Jukneliene, B.D.S., M.S.D. Linh T. Nguyen ‡ Pawandeep Singh, B.D.S.
Ramakrishna Raju Kammili, B.D.S. ‡ Nhung Tuyet Nguyen, B.A. Pallavi Sinha, B.D.S.
Venkateswar Rao Kapa, B.D.S. ‡ Phuong Thi Nguyen, B.S. Sri Valli Purnima Sista, B.D.S.
Kshitij Kapoor, B.D.S. Thu Nguyen, B.S. John Robert Siu, B.S.
Sanket Kashinath Karmarkar, B.D.S. ‡ Tin Tri Nguyen, B.S. ‡ Ishuneet Kaur Sodhi, B.D.S.
Justin Paul Karrel, B.A. Kevin Christopher Nietzer, B.S. Reetika Sodhi, B.D.S. ‡
Anuradha Kavuri, B.D.S. ‡ Rosana Nikfar, B.A. ‡ Ihab B. Soliman, B.S.
Shilpa Kelkar, B.D.S. Gary Alan Nord Jr., B.A. Rakesh Vijaya Nivas Somanathan, B.D.S.
Subechha Khadka, B.D.S. Evan Louis Novick, B.A. ‡ Aiymani Sri Karthika Priya Subramanian,
Khurram Ashraf Khan, B.D.S. ‡ Drew Nunziata, B.A. B.D.S.
Aparna Khanna, B.D.S. Daniel B. Nyer, B.A. Sneha Subramanian, B.D.S.
John Paul Kiang, B.A., M.A. Delaram Pakzamir, B.S. Stefanie Danielle Sunnes, B.S.
Joel Chul-Ju Kim, B.S. Anupama Palakodeti, B.D.S. ‡ Swati Surapaneni, B.D.S.
Myung Eun Kim, M.S.D., D.D.S., Ph.D. Bhavik Kamalkumar Pandya, B.D.S. Amreek Singh Suri, B.A., B.Sc.
Sehwoon Kim, B.S. Chin-Suk Park, B.S. ‡ Deepa Suryanarayanan, B.D.S.
Yein Kim, B.S. Joonil Park, B.S. Adam Swenson, B.S.
Bonhee R. Koo, B.S. Sung Park, B.A. Frank Sy, B.S. ‡
Alexander Blake Krasne ‡ Ami Mahesh Patel, B.S. Sowjanya Tadakapalli, B.D.S.
Erika Teresa Frianeza Kullberg, B.S. Brijesh Dineshbhai Patel, B.D.S. ‡ Archana Tadisena, B.D.S. ‡
Ji Yon Kwon, B.S. ‡ Heley Patel ‡ Aleksandr A. Tarasov, B.D.S.
Grace Eunhye La, B.S. Kunal Narottambhai Patel, B.D.S. Susana Lourdes Tejada, B.A.
Rubab Lakhva, B.D.S. Mitali Subhashbhai Patel, B.D.S. ‡ Cassidy Thai, B.S.
Cyrus M. Larson, B.S. Reesha Bhasker Patel, B.S. Krishna Chaitanya Thumati, B.D.S.
Nia Le, B.S. ‡ Sivan Patel, B.B.A. ‡ Cindy Nguyen-Phi Tran, B.S.
Jack Ssu-Chieh Lee, B.S. Tejas Rameshchandra Patel, B.D.S. Mai Linh Tran, B.S.
Kevin Ka-Ho Lee, B.A. Amee Ashokkumar Pathak, B.D.S. Jean-Pierre Truong, B.S. ‡
Charles Wai-On Leung, B.S. Lucas Patrick, B.S. Chung H. Tsen, B.S.C.E.
Amy Li, B.S. Michael Russo Pauk, B.S. Praveena Tummala, B.D.S.
Chuan Li, B.D.S. ‡ Caroline Elizabeth Pawlak, B.S. ‡ Pratik Manoj Vakil, B.S., M.A.
Wenqi Li, M.S., D.D.S., M.S.D. ‡ Apeksha Hemangini Pole, B.S., B.S. Aileen Valencia, B.A.
Tania Wei-Qi Liao, B.D.S. ‡ Adam Charles Polivy, B.A. Anuradha Vallabhaneni, B.D.S.

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Madhavi Vangala, B.D.S. ‡ Anil Kumar Vuggam, B.D.S. Keith Edward Wolfenden, B.S., M.S.
Jennifer A. Vignola, B.S. ‡ Bing Chiang Wan, B.A. Lakshmi Deepthi Yaddanapudi, B.D.S. ‡
Sachin Virmani, B.D.S. Wei Wang, B.D.S. Robin Yamaguma, B.S.
Eric Michael Visser, B.S. Mohamed Abdullahi Warsame Jonathan James Yeung, B.S. ‡
Jennifer Vitez, B.S. ‡ Shaun White, B.S. ‡ Amerlie Yi, B.S.
Rachana Dilip Vora, B.D.S. Dustin K. Wilde, B.S. Sung-Pil Yoon, B.S. ‡
Galang T. Vu, B.S. Jeffrey Raymond Wnuk, B.S., M.A. Edward William Yu ‡


Oral Biology
Leandro Gonçalez Carneiro, D.D.S. Corneliu Sima, D.M.D. § Sıddıka Selva Süme, D.D.S. §


Dental Public Health
Mohamed S. Bamashmous, B.D.S. § Samar Omar Mashabi, B.D.S. ‡ Hisham Essam A Merdad, B.D.S. §
Vinodh Bhoopathi, B.D.S., C.A.G.S. §

Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics

Zainab Suliman Al-Aql, B.D.S. ‡
Soulafa Susan Baloul ‡

Pediatric Dentistry
Moaz Hisham A Attar, M.S. §

Nawaf J. H. A. A. Aldousari, D.D.S., Aws Saleh ArRejaie, B.D.S. § Adnan Ali Ishgi, B.D.S. ‡
C.A.G.S. §


Dental Public Health
Joseli Aparecida Alves-Dunkerson, D.D.S. § Gary Marshall Henley, D.D.S. § Huda Sh A A Nazar, B.D.S.
Mohamed S. Bamashmous, B.D.S. §

Shadi Abedin, D.M.D., C.A.G.S. § Nanarao Krothapalli, B.D.S., D.M.D. ‡ Diana E. Paczesny, B.S., D.M.D. §
Jeffrey Curtis Bell, D.M.D. ‡ Dong S. Lee, B.S., D.M.D. § Nidhi Prakash, D.M.D. ‡
Samuel Arthur Black Jr., B.A., M.S., Ph.D. ‡ Sarah Lynn Lennan, D.M.D. ‡ Courtney Kay Russell, D.M.D. ‡
Sudha Sesha Chinta, D.M.D. ‡ Onir Leshem Spiegel, B.A., D.M.D., Ph.D. ‡ Ali Salehpour, B.S., D.M.D. §
Daryl J. Dudum, D.D.S. § P. Quinn Lybbert, D.M.D. ‡ Jason Matthew Shroyer, B.S., D.M.D.,
Barmack Emami, D.D.S. § Erin Heather Mckenzie, D.M.D. § C.A.G.S. §
Mark N. Haddad, D.M.D. ‡ Graham Robert Nickerson, D.D.S. § Michelle Christine Stoffa, D.M.D. ‡
Matthew C. Haddad, D.M.D. § Javier J. Ortiz, D.M.D. § Jason Michael Zeim, B.S., D.M.D. ‡
Fadi Kano, B.S., D.M.D. §

General Dentistry

Adela Agolli, B.A., D.M.D. Amir Arsalan Dadkhah, D.M.D. § Sang Ho Lee, B.S., D.M.D. ‡
Christine Chin-An Ambrose, B.S., D.M.D. ‡ Beatrice Elena Deca, B.A., D.M.D. § Thi To Nhu Ly, D.M.D. ‡
Jose Gilberto Arciniegas, D.D.S., M.P.H. § Rares N. Deca, B.A., D.M.D. § Marci Mazzuca, B.S., D.M.D. ‡
Francisco Alberto Aviles, D.D.S. ‡ Andrea M. Fraser, D.M.D. § Kadambari Rawal, D.D.S. §
Katrina L. Baeverstad, D.M.D. § Carmen Garcia, M.D., D.M.D. § Talia Schechter, B.A., D.M.D. §
Adriana Baiz, D.D.S. § Kimberly N. Haynes, B.S., D.M.D. § Sharmi J. Shah, B.A., D.M.D. ‡
Yasmine Basseghi, B.S. § Sanket Kashinath Karmarkar, B.D.S. § Shervin Tabeshfar, D.D.S. §
Carlos Omar Caballero, M.S.D., D.D.S. ‡ Prithvi Raj Krishna Moorthi, B.D.S. ‡ Kristel B. Tabet, D.M.D. ‡
Justin C. Craighead, D.M.D. ‡ Naila Ladha, B.S., D.M.D. ‡

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Jasmine Bhuva, D.D.S. Michael Roger Levy, D.D.S. ‡ Chul-Wan Park, B.D.S., M.S.D., C.A.G.S. ‡

Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology

Devaki Sundararajan, B.D.S. ‡

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Shant J. Baran, B.A., D.M.D. ‡ Emily J. Van Heukelom, D.D.S. ‡ Wael Youseff, D.M.D. §
Daniel Chang Jeong, D.D.S. ‡

Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics

Zainab Suliman Al-Aql, B.D.S. Angeline Yuen-Ling Chan, D.D.S. § Kevin Lawrence Oliveira, B.A., D.M.D.,
Sana Al-munajjed Al-lahham, B.D.S. ‡ Yong Ding, M.B., Ph.D., D.M.D. § M.S.D. ‡
David Baghaei-Rad, B.A., D.M.D. § Mehrdad Fathian-Dehkordi, D.D.S. ‡ Paolo Poidmore, D.M.D. ‡
Yugal Behl, B.D.S., D.Sc. § Michael Kacewicz, D.M.D. ‡ Shaghayegh Sherry Rajaei, B.S., D.M.D. §
Elena Black, D.D.S., Ph.D. ‡ Zachton Lowe, D.M.D. ‡ Elizabeth Derby Walker, B.S., D.M.D. §
Martha Brown Truncale, D.M.D. ‡ Dalia Ebrahim Meisha, B.D.S., M.P.H. §

Pediatric Dentistry
Zeina Farouk Armouche, D.M.D. Sonu Lamba, D.D.S. § Farida Merwan Saher, D.D.S. §
Enayat Eric Astani, D.D.S. § Nieku Manshadi, B.S., D.D.S. ‡ Keith Tam, D.D.S. §
Marta Becker, D.D.S., M.P.H. § Nicole Claire McNear, D.M.D. ‡ Rohini Taneja, D.M.D. ‡
Jessica A. Buenjemia, D.M.D. ‡ Eleftheria Papadopoulou, B.D.S. ‡ Nguyet Minh Tau, B.A., D.M.D. ‡
Andrew G. Choy, D.D.S. § Sepehr Rajaei, D.M.D. ‡ Michelle D. Wilkerson, D.D.S. §
Golnaz Goodarzi, D.M.D. § Charbel Saba, B.D.S. § Caroline Pronesti Young, B.A., D.M.D. ‡
Paul Singh Kahlon, B.S., D.M.D. ‡

Srinivas Ayilavarapu, B.D.S., D.Sc. Mussadiq Iftikhar, D.D.S. § Frederick Frank Nafash, D.D.S., C.A.G.S. §
Zahra Bagheri, D.M.D. ‡ Rayyan Abdulhamid Kayal, B.D.S., D.Sc. ‡ Jerome Surmenian, D.M.D. ‡
Melanie Catherine Campese, D.M.D. ‡ Seok Yong Kim, D.D.S. ‡ Saynur Vardar-Sengul, D.D.S. §
Terinder Kaur Chahal, B.D.S. § Padmaja Krothapalli, B.D.S. § Yaritza Vazquez-Martinez, D.M.D. ‡
Anuradha Deshmukh, B.D.S., M.S.D., Monika Madan, B.D.S., D.Sc. ‡ Leon Charles Yu, D.M.D. §
C.A.G.S. § Saeid Malboubi, D.D.S. ‡ Charbel Zalloum, D.D.S. ‡
Mazen Ghattas, D.D.S., D.M.D. § Anastasios Moschidis, D.D.S. ‡


Bader Al-Awadhi, D.D.S. Mohammed Khalil Fahmi, B.D.S. § Chi-Chen Hsu, D.M.D. ‡
Aws Saleh ArRejaie, B.D.S. ‡ Mohammed Filali, D.D.S. ‡ Adnan Ali Ishgi, B.D.S. ‡
Hanaa Hamzah A Ashkar, D.D.S. § Carolina Frangie, B.D.S. ‡ Glena Patricia Millan, D.M.D. §
Zahra Bagheri, D.M.D. ‡ Benoy Kannikattel George, B.D.S. ‡ Arthur Leary O’Connor, B.D.S. §
Ghadeer Basunbul, D.D.S. § Armen Hartoonian, B.A., D.M.D. ‡ Faysal Ghassan Succaria, B.D.S. ‡
Claire Chang, B.S., D.M.D. §

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


Cassandra Aasmundsen, B.A. Quincy Shih-Keng Chen, B.A. † Michelle Denise Franchini, B.A., B.A. ‡
Lauren Elizabeth Abraham, B.S. Si Chen § Supriya Alphonsa Francis
Lael Harmon Adams, B.A. Xi Chen Kathryn Hannon Franich, B.A.
Nabeela Ahmed † Harshith Chennamaneni Noah David Frank ‡
Joseph Akintunde Akinwumi Christopher Robert Choate, B.A. † Zach Simcha Fredman, B.A.
Ishraq Mir Ali, B.A. Ji Ling Chou † Daniel Perry Friedman, B.S.
Carla Mariela Almanza Galvez † Andrew Gary Christensen, B.A. † Kei Fujimoto §
Mohannad Tareq Al-Suwaidan † Philippe M. Claessens ‡ Ka Man Fung §
Feda A. Al-Tuwaijri † Stephanie Nicole Clark, B.A. Malinda Anne Gilbert Gagnon, B.A.
Christina Lee An, A.B. Martha Humboldt Clawson, A.B., M.A. † Martyna Galazka, B.A.
Erica Rose Appleman, B.A. Alexis Ms. Clough, B.S. ‡ Tan Gao ‡
Bjorn Thor Arnarson ‡ Bruno Duarte Coelho, B.A. † Heather Renee Garrett, B.A., M.A.T.
Mariya Ivanova Atanasova, B.S. Dayl Arlene Cohen, A.B., M.A., S.M. ‡ Alexei Jordan Davies Gavriel, B.A.
Christine Axen, B.A. † Margaret Jessie Cohen, B.A. Peng Ge
Byoung Ho Bae Allison Gamble Condie, B.A. Amy Elizabeth Gearhart, B.A.
Jade Nicole Baldwin, B.A. Maren B. Coniglione, B.A. Emily Rose Gee, A.B.
Aleksandra Vladimirovicheva Balyanova, Benjamin Paul Conti, B.A. ‡ Sara Eliza Georgini, B.S., B.L.S. ‡
B.A. † Courtney Brooke Cook, B.S. Claire M. Gerson, B.A.
Shaun Christopher Barnes, B.A. ‡ Lynne Cooney, B.A., B.F.A., M.A. Eileen Mary Gessner, B.A.
Heather Elizabeth Barrett, B.A. † Christine Elizabeth Cooper-Vince, B.A. Jessica Ann Gibas, B.A. ‡
Regina Barrios Parlange Eva Kristina Erickson Cornell, B.A. Heather Annette Gillooly, B.A.
Lauren Elizabeth Batzer, B.A. Stephen Edward Costa, B.S. Anna M. Gizzi, B.A.
Zoe Ilona Baughman, B.A. Shaun Michael Cote, B.S. Nathaniel Elias Goldstein, B.A.
Mauri Alian Bell ‡ Mary Elizabeth Cotton, B.A., M.F.A. ‡ Tatiana Alexeyevna Goncharova ‡
Michael Anthony Bellucci, B.A. ‡ John Patrick Coyne, A.B. Nancy Gonzalez, B.A. †
Amy Lee Bennett-Zendzian, A.B., M.F.A., Sorina Ioana Crisan, B.A. Cynthia Paige Goodman, B.A.
M.A. † Theodora Krystynna Go Cuaso Jenna Susan Gordon, B.A. ‡
Leonardo Marcos Benvenuto Steven Michael Cunningham ‡ Trevor James Grant, B.A.
Naomi Kenney Berlove, B.A., Ed.M. Sannisha Kerisha Dale, B.A., Ed.M. † Inar Graur, B.A.
Katharine Fischer Berry, A.B. ‡ Stephany Lynn Danilack, B.S. Rachel Rose Greenhaus, B.A.
Dipesh Bhattarai, B.A. ‡ Francesca Drew D’Arcangelo, Ph.D. † Vladimir A. Grenkov, B.A. †
Michal Biletzki † Evan S. DaSilva, B.A., M.B.A. § Paula Jean Griffin, B.A.
Heidi S. Bishay, B.A. ‡ Sayan Datta § Dong Koo Ha, B.A. §
Caitlin Marie Blair, B.A., B.S. § Benjamin William Dauksewicz, B.A. Jeffery A. Habenicht, B.S.
Hannah Williams Blunt, B.A. Simone Dell’Aguzzo, M.B.A. † Amanda Hakanson, B.S.
James Walter Bodington, B.A. Jennifer Dale DeMambro, B.A. † Robert Wilson Hambrick, B.S.
Alina Nikolayeona Bogdanov, B.A. § Santiago De Maria Campos Meade § Michael James Hamill, B.S.
Khalima Alicia Bolden, B.S. Berk Demir Laurel Hammond, B.A., M.S.
Timothy Nelson Bond, B.S. Alexander Erik den Ruijter ‡ Liang Han
Colleen Adele Boucher, B.A. Robert James Desmond, B.A. Christine Marie Harrington, B.S. ‡
Anthony Paul Branco, B.A. Ruha Therese Devanesan, B.A., J.D. † Melanee C. Harvey, B.A.
Kristie Lynn Brickner, B.A. Mirella Diaz-Santos, B.A. † Kristen Nichole Hawes, B.A., B.S. §
Jennifer Beth Briskin, A.B. Julia Diganova Jieshuang He §
Karaugh Lyndahl Brown, B.A. † Dipika Dinesh ‡ Yichen He †
Blake Price Brunner, B.A. Xijun Dong Erik Orrin Holo, B.A. †
Bethany Norris Buchanan, B.A. Jennifer Lynn Donham, B.A. Kimberly L. Holte, B.S.
Maria Sergeevna Burtseva, B.A. Kelsey Megen Dorwart, B.A. † Sheerin Marie Hosseini, B.A. †
Devin Lee Byker, B.A. Ashley Lené Douthirt ‡ Ceng Hu, B.A. †
Romel Cadet, B.A. Jeffrey Alexander Edmonds, B.S. † Qiongyu Hu
Esra Ataer Cansızoğlu ‡ Melike Eger Xuqing Huang †
Stefanie Ann Cantalupo, B.S. ‡ Bjarni Geir Einarsson § Nicole Jennette Hudson, B.A.
Xuanlu Cao † Omer Elahi ‡ Savreen Hundal, B.S.
Alessandra Laura Cappellino, B.S., B.A. Regina Meredith Elkins, B.A. Roger Browne Hunt III, B.A.
Vaughn August Cartwright, A.B. † Andrew Jacob Ellis, A.B. Rachel Amelia Hunter-Merrill, B.S.
Suebpong Chaivanont § Jenny Lynn Ernst, B.A. Pengfei Huo ‡
Harvey Chan, B.A. John George Evans ‡ Zhao Bolun Ian, B.A.
Sheela Chandrashekar, B.S. Kai-Yang Fan, M.S. Ryutaro Ishii ‡
Chiao-Po Chang, B.S. Zhuoyi Fan, B.A. Gul Afsheen Jabbar, B.A. ‡
Andrew Snowden Chatfield, B.A. † Sarah Jane Fischer, B.S. † Jillian Noel Jaeger, B.A.
Haidi Chen ‡ Leigh Suzanne Foster, A.B. Ki Yeong Jang, B.A. †
Lu Chen † Margaret Rose Fowler, B.A. Cristina Jaramillo, B.A.

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Xiang Ji ‡ Jennifer A. Mayfield, B.A. Amanda Diane Rosenberg, B.A.

Shenyi Jiang Sarah Ann McCalmon, B.A., Ph.D. † Hayly Marian Ross, B.A. †
Songbo Jin Michael Douglass McCracken, B.A. Joshua David Rottman, A.B.
Victor Michael Johnson, B.S. Peter Lee McGuire † Marla Kathryn Rowland, B.A.
Pallavi Joshi, B.A. Megan K. McHugh, B.A. Colleen Kelly Ryan, B.A.
Burcu Karakas Siyu Meng † Bazarkhan Saduakassov
Zeynep Mubeccel Kardicali, B.A. Uriel Meshoulam ‡ Luz Magdalena Salas Bahamon ‡
Kara Lane Kearney, B.S. Jaclyn Amber Michael, A.L.B. ‡ Sergio Fernando Salinas Meza †
Claire Elise Kervin, B.A. † Ivy Nicole Miller, B.S., B.A. † Grecio Sandoval, B.S. ‡
Muhammad Ismail Khan † Debopom Mitra, B.S. ‡ Zawdie Samora Makonnan Sandvliet
Chan-Ho Kim Rose Marie Monacelli, B.A. † Melissa Anne Schoenberger, B.A.
Joyce Yoonmee Kim, B.A. Kyounghwan Moon Ashley G. Seamans, B.A.
Tai Il Kim, B.S. † Matthew Joseph Moon, B.A., M.S. Kristin Marie Semancik, B.A. ‡
Youran Kim, B.S. § Andrew Palmer Morgan, B.A. Rebecca Seston, B.A.
Carolyn Anne Kirkman, B.A. James Wallace Morris, B.A. † Dan Shen †
Sibyl Lynn Kirkpatrick-McKee, B.M. ‡ Samantha Jean Moshier, B.A. Maryne Lisa Shephard, B.S.
Neel Kishan, B.S., B.A. ‡ Lili Camille Mugnier, A.B. Hyung Sik Shin, B.S. §
Adam Peter Klein, B.A. Prerna Mukharya ‡ Adam Michael Sibley
Holly Elaine Knaub, B.A. Thomas M. Mulcahy, B.S. † Ayesha Siddiqa
Kimberly Ann Kochanek, A.B., M.A. † Mary Neal, B.S. † Lauren A. Sidrow, B.A. ‡
Ahalya Kodali, B.A. Kate Douglas Brooks Neilsen, B.A. Nikolai Rex Skievaski, B.S. §
Xiangqing Kong Priscilla Danielle Nellis, B.A., J.D. Allison Elise Sklar, B.A., B.A.
Sonam Kothary Jared D. Newell, B.S. Jonathan Isaac Smith, B.A.
Kwan Lun Julian Kwok, B.S. † Thomas Alan Nickerson, B.A. † Kyle Smoot, B.S.
Minjun Kwon Ana Nuevo Chiquero Christine Marie Snyder, B.S. †
Mark Joseph Lachowicz, B.S. James David O’Brien, B.A. Carrie Anne Solana, B.A.
Guillermo Lagarda Cuevas ‡ Christopher M. Ohge, B.A. ‡ Sarah Rose Soltau, B.A.
Hans-Inge Giske Lango † Timur Omashev ‡ Jingying Song †
Joshua Alexander Lanier, B.A. Raymond Lester Osborne III, B.A., M.A. Yang Song
Jonathan C. Lansey, B.S. Yuka Osuna ‡ James Colin Sonner, B.A. ‡
Paul Steven Laskorski, B.A. † Laura Jean Owens, B.A. Cathryn Lindsay Spangler, B.A. ‡
Rae Ann Lathrop, B.A. † George Hans Pabst, B.A. Poonyawat Sreesing §
Elisabeth Anne Lavigne, B.A. ‡ Miles Tyler Pace, B.A. Samuel A. S. E. G. Standaert ‡
Parameshvyas Laxminarayan, M.S. † Amanda Jeannine Paolitto, B.A. ‡ Stephen Douglas Stayton, B.S. ‡
Dixie Beverly Ledesma, B.A. Hyunsil Park, B.A. † Deborah Hartry Stein, B.B.A.
Byung Seob Lee, B.A. † Jinwoo Park, M.S. ‡ Katherine Rose Steiner
Dara N. Lee, A.B. Maxwell Arney Parrish, B.A. Walter Steingress †
João Ricardo Lemos Rodrigues Dos Santos Sarah Doane Parrish, B.A. Mark Richard Stevick
Lisa Puiling Leung, B.A. § Valerie Jean Pasquarella, B.A. † John Robert Stillwaggon, B.A. †
Huailu Li, B.S.B.A., M.S., M.A. ‡ Raffaele Passaro § Kimberly Dawn Stone, B.A.
Jeffrey Li, B.S. ‡ Sara C. Patashnick, B.S. † Gregory Douglas Stoutenburg, B.A.
Lingshan Li § Stephanie Ronda Pavlos, B.A. Chelsea Shields Strayer ‡
Wei Li Casey Dean Pecoraro, B.A. ‡ Kerry Rose Sullivan, B.A. ‡
Danielle Kathleen Ligenza, B.A. ‡ Luke J. Pecoraro, B.A. Katherine Shoemaker Sutlive, A.B.
Ellen Exia Lightsey, B.A. Dai Peng § Jessica E. Sutton, B.A., J.D.
Byung Hyun Lim, B.A. ‡ Lori Ann Maria Perretta, B.A., M.A. Raymond Sweha ‡
Xi Lin § Brian Kumar Persaud, B.A. Lauren Renée Szczerbinski, B.A.
Xinrong Lin Jeremy Scott Peterman, B.A. Khawaja Babar Taimoor ‡
Teresa Ann Lind, A.B. † Thanh Xuan Pham, B.A. ‡ Wen Tao †
Gerrick Eugene Lindberg, B.S. † Barrett Deaton Phillips, A.B. Katelyn Mary Taylor, A.B. †
Neil Stephen Livermore, B.A. ‡ Michael L. Pieck, B.S. ‡ Mert Tekin, B.A.
Jarad Matthew Logsdon, B.B.A., M.B.A. ‡ Francisco Jose Pino Shiao-Yun Teng
Lindsay A. Long, B.A. † Molly Jessica Pinter, B.A., M.A. Elizabeth Courtney Thompson, B.A.
Samuel López Rius, B.S. Charles Raymond Pollack, B.A. Johanna Thompson-Hollands, B.A.
Mary Elizabeth Lord, B.A., J.D. Florencia Rago, B.A. Anupama Thubagere Jagadeesh
Janna Elizabeth Lorenzen, B.S., M.B.A. § Mohammad Ashique Rahman Zachariah Richard Tomazin, B.A. ‡
Darren Minard Lowe, B.A. § Laetitia Raiciulescu, B.A. Kyla Tornheim Mackay-Smith, B.S.
Kathleen Elizabeth Lowry, B.A. Jamima Rateau, B.B.A., M.B.A. Chia-Chun Tsai †
Qian Lu Krittika Raychaudhuri Joseph Walter Tucker, B.S.
Michael Luca, B.S. Ashley Breann Reinecke, B.A. Burcu Tunc †
Jorge Manuel Luna Torres † Natania Remba, B.A., Ed.M. Alina Rebecca Tuttle-Melgar, A.B.
Andrew John Lynch, B.A. Lauren Kristi Richards † Paul William Tveite, B.A. ‡
Emily J. Macaux, B.A. † Whitney Nicole Rios, B.A. Michael Zbigniew Twarog, B.S.
Yevgeniy Mikhailovitch Maksimenko, B.A. Robby Lee Robinette, B.A. ‡ Zachary C. Tyler, B.A.
Michael Paul Malmrose, B.S. Kathleen Rodriguez Dietzel, B.A. Sinan H. Unel, B.A. ‡
Anthony M. Marino, B.A., J.D. † Judith Rodriguez Flores Aslihan Muazzez Unsal ‡
Anna Victoria Martinez, B.S. Guoxin Rong Michelle Marie Valverde, B.A. §
James Warren Marvel, B.A. Sterling Gray Roop, B.A. ‡ Talia Michele Vestri, A.B. †
Brittany Yaemi Masatsugu, B.S. Matthew Chamberlain Root, B.A. Anastacia Victoria Viera, B.A.
Taylor Courtney Mauck, B.S. ‡ Philip Anthony Rosace III, B.A. ‡ David Geraldo Villarreal, B.S.

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Matteo Visentin Andreas Westgaard, B.A. Hajra Zafar §

Ashley Noelle Walczak, B.A. Travis Austin Whalen, B.A. Rawabi Zuhair Zahed, B.S. ‡
Molly Anne Walton, B.A. Rebecca Veronika Wildner, B.A. ‡ Chao Zhang †
Hongyun Wang Drew Wilson, B.A., B.A. ‡ Jing Zhang
Yanfei Wang Alexander Harold Wood, B.A. ‡ Wei Zhang §
Yebai King Wang, B.S.B.A. ‡ Zhe Xiu § Yi Zhang †
Ying Wang, M.S. † Jiawen Xu Deyu Zhao †
Yue Wang † Linfan Xu § Xi Zhao §
Matthew A. Wargo, B.A. Bo Yan Xinyuan Zhao ‡
Lillie Pearl Webb, B.A. † Jing Yang † Yerlan Zharassov ‡
Lauren Weil, B.S. Wanli Yao Nan Zheng †
Hillary Beth Weimont, A.B. Ibrahim Yarba ‡ Wenjie Zheng
Jeremy Michael Weiss † Elif Nilay Yilmaz, A.B. Keren Zhou, B.A. §
Ravit Weizman Tamir † Sung-Min Yoon James Charles Zimkus, B.S.
Zachary A. Wermer, B.A. Hye-Young Yun Yang Zou §
Deanna L. D. West, B.A.

MASTER OF ARTS (M.A.) Overseas

International Relations
Amar Causevic, B.A. Sandra Lucia Francoulon Slob, B.S. Monika Izandra Hanley, B.A., B.A.


Henry Dwight Backer, B.A. Nathan Smith Hogan, B.A. ‡ Cassie Y. Schmitz, B.A. ‡
Nicole Bazar, B.A. † Shuang Li, M.A. ‡ J. Kevin Shushtari, B.A., M.D.
Adam Craig Eaglin, A.B. ‡ Jill Saro Maio, B.F.A., M.F.A. † Caroline Adams Sterne, B.A. ‡
Renee Elizabeth Emerson, B.A. ‡ Patricia Park, B.A. ‡ Dan Stone, B.A.
Joseph Herman Eveld, B.A. Vanesha Pravin, B.F.A. ‡ Shilpi Suneja, B.S., M.A. ‡
William Cleveland Fancher, B.B.A. Maia Christina Rauschenberg, B.A. † Farley Bradford Urmston, A.B. ‡
Heather Carroll Green, B.A., M.A. ‡


Anna Badiee, B.S. Lina L. Faller, B.S. Amanda Elizabeth Sedgewick, B.A. ‡
Michael Stephen Banos, B.S. † Yevgeniy Gelfand, B.S. † Katrina Ann Steiling, B.S., M.D. †
Wesley Alexander Beckstead, B.S. † Anu Jayaraman ‡ Aarathi Sugathan ‡
Alexandra Dumitriu ‡ Shubhi Mishra Wen-Han Yu †


Benjamin Isaac Allen, B.A., M.A., “Studies in the Mathematics of Stephen Douglas Bird, B.A., A.L.M., “Networks: Social Structure
Evolution and Biodiversity” and Policy Change in U.S. Electricity Restructuring” †
Loren Dean Anderson, B.A., “Galactic H II Regions: Evolution Andrew Robertson Black, B.A., M.A., “The Whig in Swallow
and Galactic Structure” † Barn: The Political and Literary Culture of John Pendleton
Christopher McAlaine Annear, B.A., M.A., “Weathering the Kennedy” †
Commons: Resilience and Heterogeneity in an Inland Fishery, Emily Alice Blood, B.A., M.S., “Performance of Mixed Effects
Mweru-Luapula, Zambia” † Models in the Analysis of Mediated Longitudinal Data
David Christopher Atkinson, M.A., “The Burdens of Whiteness: Generated from a Structural Equation Model” †
Asian Immigration Restriction and White Supremacy in the Kathryn Dingman Boger, B.A., “Maternal Expressed Emotion in
British Empire and the United States, 1897–1924” Early Childhood: Stability and Predictive Utility in a
Peter H. Barendse, B.A., “Improved Necessary and Sufficient Community Sample” †
Conditions for the Existence of a Subtle Cardinal” Daniel Dooley Boline, B.S., “Top Quark Mass in Events with Two
Kipton Marcos Barros, B.S., “Phase Transition Kinetics in Systems Charged Leptons at the D0 Experiment”
with Long-Range Interactions” † Nicola Borri, “Essays on Financial Economics” †
Shawnée L. D. Basden, M.A., “Acquisition and Extinction in a Matthew Christopher Borushko, B.A., M.A., “Shelley’s Romantic
Substance Dependent Sample: A de novo Fear Conditioning Nonviolence: Aesthetics, Politics, Ethics”
Study” Anna Marie Boyagoda, B.A., M.A., “‘Being There Together’:
Melissa Anne Batson, B.A., “Task-Irrelevant Perceptual Learning Representations of Community in the Poetry of Eric Roach,
of Crossmodal Links: Specificity and Mechanisms” † Derek Walcott, Wallace Stevens and Elizabeth Bishop” †
Debajyoti Bera, “Quantum Circuits: Power and Limitations” † Michael S. Caldwell, B.S., “The Use of Vibrational Information by
Katherine Ratliff Crum Bettencourt, B.A., M.A., “Functional Red-Eyed Treefrogs for Communication and Antipredator
MRI Behavioral Investigations of Capacity Limits in Human Defense” †
Visual Attention” José Campanella, M.P.P., “The Protestant Ethic of Development”

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Tulio Adolfo Martin Campos Guerrero, “Impersonalidad y Andrew Fenn Gardner, B.A., A.L.M., “Components of Sulfolobus
Metáfora en la Poesı́a de Vanguardia en Lengua Española: Hacia islandicus Rod-Shaped Virus 2 Replication Initiation and
la Composición de Trilce de César Vallejo” Genome Resolution” †
Andrea Canidio, “Essays on Science, Technology and Inequality” Gregory Garretson, B.A., M.A., “Corpus-Derived Profiles: A
Eoin Francis Cannon, A.B., M.A., “The Politics of Redemption: Framework for Studying Word Meaning in Text”
Addiction and Conversion in Modern Culture” † Andrew R. Germain, B.A., “Studies Toward the Synthesis of
Patrick J. Cappillino, B.A., M.A., “Models of the Structure and Azaphilone Natural Products” †
Reactivity of Mono- and Binuclear Nonheme Iron Oxygenase Scott Michael Girdner, B.A., M.A., “Reasoning with Revelation:
Enzymes” † The Significance of the Qur’ānic Contextualization of
Edward Thomas Chambers, A.B., M.A., “Star Formation Activity Philosophy in Al-Ghazālı̄’s Mishkāt Al-Anwār (The Niche of
in Cores Within Infrared Dark Clouds” † Lights)” †
Lalita Chanwongpaisarn, “Essays in Public Health Insurance in Holly Markovitz Goldstein, A.B., M.A., “American Landscapes
Life-Cycle Economies” as Revisionist History: The Frontier Photographs of Mark Klett,
Ritaban Chatterjee, “Multi-Frequency Time Variability of Active John Pfahl, Deborah Bright, and Robert Adams”
Galactic Nuclei” † Gerardo Gomez Ruano, M.A., “Essays on the Political Economy
Pu Chen, M.A., “Opinion Dynamics and Citation Statistics” of Immigration and of Language” †
Logan Russell Chieffo, B.S., “Vibrational Energy Relaxation in Kendrick Alan Goss, B.A., M.A., “Cytochromes P450 2B1 and
Neat Water and Biological Water” 2B6: Structure-Function Analysis Using DNA Shuffling
Oren Civier, “Computational Modeling of the Neural Substrates Mutagenesis”
of Stuttering and Induced Fluency” † Nancy Diane Gout, B.A., M.S.W., “Cultural Identity and Familial
Noah Struthers Coburn, B.A., M.A., “Potters and Warlords in an Relationships as Protective Factors Against Intimate Partner
Afghan Bazaar: Political Mobilization, Masterly Inactivity and Violence Among American Indian and Alaska Native Mothers”
Violence in Post-Taliban Afghanistan” Melissa Graboyes, B.A., M.P.H., M.A., “Surveying the
Erin Michelle Coffee, B.S., “Hereditary Fructose Intolerance: ‘Pathological Museum’: A History of Medical Research and
Metabolic Implications and Analysis of Aldob Mutations” Ethics in East Africa, 1940–1965”
Lauren Beth Cooper, B.S., M.S., “Volatiles in Tonga Arc Magmas Julie Reger Graham, B.S., “The Problem of Gene Expression
and Their Role in Unraveling Subduction Zone Processes” † Regulated by Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Signaling”
Elizabeth Hope Cushing, B.A., M.A., “The Road to Williamsburg: Deniz Gungen, M.A., “The Political Economy of Cyclical Crises in
Crafting the Career of Arthur A. Shurcliff” Turkey: The Role of the Banking Sector”
Stacey McCarroll Cutshaw, B.A., M.A., “Framing the Familial in Hongkyu Ha, “The Grammar of the Sacred: Toward a
the Photography of Imogen Cunningham, Nell Dorr, and Sally Wittgensteinian Sociology of Religion” †
Mann” Melanie Ida Herscovitch, “Disulfide Bond Formation in the
Moira K. Daly, B.A., M.S., “Essays on Self-Employment” † Nuclear Factor-kappaB Essential Modulator and Gene
Francesca Drew D’Arcangelo, B.A., M.A., “Correlated Expression Profiling of a Human B-Lymphoma Cell Line
Multiwavelength Polarization in Blazars” † Expressing an Activated REL Transcription Factor” †
Timery S. DeBoer, B.S., M.S., “Evolution and Conservation Matthew Denson Holzer, B.S., “Renormalization Group Methods
Genetics of Giant Clams Across the Coral Triangle” † for Singularly Perturbed Systems, Normal Forms and Stability of
Loren Marie DeVito, A.B., M.A., “Contributions of the Traveling Waves in a Reaction-Diffusion-Mechanics System”
Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex to the Episodic Memory Chun-Yuan Hsiao, “Butterfly Effect in Cryptography:
Deficits Associated with Schizophrenia: An Analysis at the Consequences of Changes in Definitions” †
Genetic, Anatomical, and Behavioral Level” Lan Hu, M.S., “Surfing the Dynamics in Genomes: Regulation of
John Keith Doherty, B.A., M.A., “Roman Landscape Painting and Moved Genes in Drosophila and the Expansion of an Apoptosis
Ancient Cartography” † Regulatory Gene Family in Eukaryotes”*
Elizabeth Rachele Girdner Dominguez, B.S., M.S., “Early Tsung-Ren Huang, “A Neural Model of Scene Understanding:
Evolution of Symmetry Breaking Phase Transitions” † Multiple-Scale Spatial and Feature-Based Attention in Scene
Frédérique Donovan, “Le corps théâtral de la lettre dans trois Search, Learning, and Recognition” †
oeuvres contemporaines: De l’autre côté du regard de Ken Yifei Huang, M.A., “A Principled Statistical Analysis of Discrete
Bugul, Autoportrait en vert de Marie NDiaye et Lettre d’été de Context-Dependent Neural Coding”
Pascale Roze” Howook Hwang, B.S., M.S., “Benchmarks and Algorithms for
Yangchun Du, M.S., “Measuring Effects of Risk Factors on Protein-Protein Docking” † *
Cumulative Incidence and Remaining Lifetime Risk in the Shinsuke Ikeda, “Three Essays on Bias Corrected Kernel Methods
Presence of Competing Risks” † for the Estimation of the Integrated Covariance of Security
Julia Christine Duval, “Molecular Clouds as Probes of Milky Way Returns”
Structure and Interstellar Turbulence” † Andrew Inglis, B.S., M.A., “Measuring Neuron/Glial Cellular
Eleanor S. Farrington, A.B., “Aspects of Klein’s Quartic Curve” Arrangement in the Mammalian Cortex”
Michael Edward Field, B.S., “Soldiers of Peace: Wm Penn, Leo Chedtha Intaravitak, M.M.M., “Issues in Macroeconomics: Three
Tolstoy, M.K. Gandhi, Bertrand Russell and Their Work for a Essays in Heterogenous Agents and Incomplete Markets
Better World” Framework” †
Lauren E. Freeman, M.A., “Ethical Dimensions in Martin Hirokazu Ishise, “Dynamic International Economics”
Heidegger’s Early Thinking” † Ariel Fernando Ivanier, M.A., “Global Justice and the Reform of
Elizabeth Anne Frohlich, B.A., M.A., “Paul Claudel’s Saintly the Bretton Woods Regime” †
Solution: The Life of L’Announce faite à Marie” Sonali Jain, “For Love and Money: Second-Generation Indian
Michael Ryan Garbati, B.S., “Identification of IkappaB Kinase American Professionals in the Emerging Indian Economy”
Phosphorylation Sites on Human Transcription Factor REL and Katherine Rye Jewell, B.A., M.A., “As Dead as Dixie: The
Characterization of Histone Acetyltransferase P300 as a REL Southern States Industrial Council and the End of the New
Coactivator” † South, 1933–1954”
Luciana Sarmento Garbayo, “Empathy Revisited: Game Theory, Shenyi Jiang, M.A., “Essays on Hospital Technology Adoption
Evolution, Dialogue and Morality” and Health Insurance”

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Eric K. Johnson-DeBaufre, M.A., “A Globe of Countries: Carto- Paola Malerba, “Excitation Dominated or Inhibition Dominated:
Geographic Consciousness and the Production of Early Modern Different Mechanisms Behind Rhythmic Interaction in a
English Literature, 1516–1616” † Hippocampal Model”
Enkeleida Kapia, B.A., M.A., “The Role of Syntax and Pragmatics Louisa Rose Mandarino, B.A., “Towards an Edition of the 1947
in the Structure and Acquisition of Clitic Doubling in Albanian” Travel Journal of Gaetano Salvemini” †
Utku Kemiktarak, M.A., “Radio-Frequency Scanning Tunneling André Carlos Martı́nez Fritscher, M.A., “Three Essays on the
Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications to Physical Economic History of Latin America: Fiscal Federalism, Causes
Measurements” † and Consequences” †
Han-Kyung Kim, “Hiddenness of God’s Action in History: Yasmin Mashhoon, B.A., M.A., “Basolateral Amygdala
A Theology of Providence Inspired by Karl Barth” Regulation of Cocaine-Seeking Behavior: New Insights from
Erin Lovejoy Kinney, A.B., M.A., “Experimental and Regional Studies Investigating Multiple Phases of Addiction” †
Studies of Sources of Nitrogen Using Models and Stable Isotopes Sarah Ann McCalmon, B.A., M.A., “Characterization of the
in Salt Marshes” MEF2A Target Gene Myomaxin and Its Role in Angiotensin II-
Tilman John Kispersky, B.S., “The Effect of Membrane and Induced Cardiac Pathophysiology” †
Synaptic Properties on Rhythmic Network Behavior in the Veronica Savory McComb, A.B., “The Bonds of Faith: Religion
Hippocampal Formation” and Community Among Nigerian Immigrants in the U.S.,
Hee Kyoung Ko, “Eye Movements in High Acuity Tasks” † 1965–Present”
Gal Kober, “Biology Without Species: A Solution to the Species Amy Theresa McCurley, B.S., “The Regulation of
Problem” † Neuroregeneration in Zebrafish (Danio rerio): Global Gene
Paul Anton Koehler, B.A., “Essays in Finance” Expression Patterns and the Role of Estrogen and
Kalin L. Kostadinov, “Constructing an Explicit Modular Symbol” Arylhydrocarbon Receptor (AHR) Signaling” †
Ronald M. Lamothe, B.A., M.A., “Slaves of Fortune: Sudanese Sandeep Mukundan Menon, M.P.H., “Performance Evaluation
Soldiers and the River War, 1896–1898” and Operating Characteristics of Commonly Used Two-Stage
Yat-Ming Jude Leung, A.B., M.A., “Peer Networks in Adolescents Adaptive Designs and Extension of the Sample Size Calculation
and Young Adults Experiencing First-Episode Psychosis” Method to a Poisson Endpoint” †
Jasmin Léveillé, “Perceptual Grouping of Visual Form and Robyn Shotwell Metcalfe, A.B., M.A., “Smithfield on the Move:
Motion: Modeling Spiking Cortical Circuits and Moving Cattle, Commerce, and the City, 1800–1855” †
Reference Frames” Matthew Howard Meyer, B.A., M.T.S., “Reading Nietzsche
Dechen Wangmo Lhewa, B.A., M.A., “Coping and Distress Through the Ancients: An Analysis of Becoming, Perspectivism,
Among Tibetan Survivors of Torture and Refugee Trauma” † and the Principle of Non-Contradiction”
Rui Li, “Simultaneous Learning of Non-Linear Manifold and Antonio Miralles Asensio, “Mechanism Design Without
Dynamical Models for High-Dimensional Time Series” † Transfers” †
Minh-Ha T. Lieu, B.S., M.A., “Light-Dependent Subcellular Steven John Morandi, A.B., “Xibun Maya: The Archaeology of an
Translocation of TRPL Channels and of an Eye-Specific Protein, Early Spanish Colonial Frontier in Southeastern Yucatán” †
RP2-36, in Drosophila Photoreceptors” Naoki Nariai, “Probabilistic Integration of Heterogeneous,
Dalia Habib Linssen, B.A., M.A., “‘Imprints of Their Being’: The Contextual, and Cross-Species Genome-Wide Data for Protein
Photographs of Hansel Mieth and Otto Hagel” † Function Prediction”*
Michael D. Litos, B.S., “A Search for Dinucleon Decay into Kaons Johnnie William Naylor, B.A., M.A., “Symbolic Dynamics for
Using the Super-Kamiokande Water Cherenkov Detector” 4-Valent Lean Tilings of the Hyperbolic Plane” †
Jorge Mario Londoño Peláez, M.A., “Embedding Games: Thanh-Nghi Bao Nguyen, “Vietnamese Manicurists: The Making
Distributed Resource Management with Selfish Users” of an Ethnic Niche” †
Catherine A. Long, B.A., M.A., M.P.H., “Structuring Mahon James O’Brien, “Authenticity: From Resoluteness to
Decentralization: Hybrid Institutions in Tanzanian Public Releasement”
Health and Financial Management Interventions” Jair Neftali Ojeda Joya, “Essays on Exchange Rate Economics”
Matthew Louis LoPresti, B.A., M.A., “Working Memory for Tatsushi Oka, “Structural Change Methods for Common Breaks
Social Cues: Mechanisms Underlying the Perception and and Quantile Regression”
Maintenance of Facial Expressions” † Timothy Thomas Orwig, B.A., M.A., M.A., “Joseph Everett
Jie Lou, “Antiferromagnetic to Valence-Bond Solid Transition in Chandler, Colonial Revival Architecture, and the Origins of
Quantum Spin Systems” † Historic Preservation in New England”
Kristen Remington Lucken, B.A., M.A., “Identity Matters: Bilal Ozaslan, M.A., “The Quest for a New Reformation: Re-
Bosnian Identity Maintenance in a Post-Migration Setting” Making of Religious Perceptions in the Early History of the
Festo Lugolobi, M.S., “Chemical Weathering, Silica Sources, and American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions to the
Water Flowpaths in a Humid Tropical Watershed” Ottoman Near East, 1820–1870”
Asya Lyass, B.S., M.A., “Assessing If Randomized Treatment Aparna Pande, “Foreign Policy of an Ideological State: Islam in
Group Should Be Included in the Imputation Model When Pakistan’s International Relations” †
Imputing Missing Outcome Data in Randomized Superiority Panagiotis Papapetrou, M.A., “Embedding-Based Subsequence
Clinical Trials” † Matching in Large Sequence Databases” †
Ann L. MacGibbon, B.A., M.A., “Evaluation in Children’s Gabriel Ammon Parmer, B.A., “Composite: A Component-Based
Discourse: Genre Differences in Autobiographical and Fictional Operating System for Predictable and Dependable Computing” †
Narratives” † Maya G. Peeva, A.B., “Neuroimaging and Effective Connectivity
Gisela Sofia Magalhães de Matos Viegas Fernandes, “Earthquake Modeling of the Neural Organization of Articulatory Processes
Source Properties and Wave Propagation in Eastern North in Speech Production”
America” † Tara Elizabeth Pellegrino, B.A., M.A., “Childcare,
Arnab Majumdar, “Transport in Asymmetrically Branched Multiculturalism, and Welfare State Regimes: Policy and
Structures: A Statistical Mechanical Approach to Structure- Practice in the United Kingdom and Sweden” †
Function Relations in the Lung” † Alina Peña-Iguarán, “La Auto-Representación del Intelectual en la
Narrativa de la Revolución Mexicana”

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Richard Peters, B.S., M.S., M.A., “Naturalism, Knowledge, and Karen Dorothy Sullivan, B.A., M.A., “Enhancing Contrast and
Nature: Alvin Plantinga’s Evolutionary Argument Against Luminance in Everyday Tasks: Improving Functional
Naturalism in Relationalist Cosmological Perspective” Performance in Normal Aging and Alzheimer's Disease” †
Martina Poletti, “Contributions of Miniature Eye Movements to Peter June-Young Sun, B.A., M.Div., “Evangelical Fruits &
Visual Perceptions” † Confucian Roots: Ethnicity and Religious Identity in Korean
Josefina Posadas, “An Investigation of Gender Differentials in the American Congregations”
Labor Market” † Michael K. Suvak, B.S., M.A., “A Multi-Method Investigation of
Michael Justin Prerau, B.S., M.S., “Characterizing Context- Affective Dysregulation in Borderline Personality Disorder”
Dependent Neural Activity in the Rat Hippocampus and Christus Eumolpos Synodinos, A.M., A.M., “A Critical Edition of
Entorhinal Cortex” Ps-Basil De Consolatione in Adversis with Introduction”
Ji Qi, M.A., “Synthetic Studies Toward the Synthesis of Benjamin A. R. Tomlin, “Essays on the Causes of Firm and Plant
Polyprenylated Phloroglucinol Natural Products” † Turnover and the Effect on Market Structure” †
Hua-Li Qin, “Total Synthesis of Hsp90 Inhibitor Geldanamycin” † Alessandro Torza, “Models for Counterparts: A Revisionary
Arun Karthik Ravindran, M.S., “Neural Models for Fusion of Study of the Ontology and Semantics of Modal Logic”
Knowledge from Multiple Domains and for Large-Scale Figure Xianghua Tu, M.S., “A Discourse-Oriented Approach to
Connection” † Automatic Chinese Zero Anaphora Resolution” †
Josh Andrew Reeves, B.A., “From Method to Practice: A Critique Max Henry Ubelaker Andrade, B.A., M.A., “Literary Space in a
of Two Models for Relating Science and Religion” † Cartographic Frame: Miguel de Cervantes, Sor Juana Inéz de la
Jonathan David Reichard, B.S., M.A., “Seasonal Activity and Cruz, José Donoso, and Witold Gombrowicz”
Energetics of Brazilian Free-Tailed Bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) Andrea Velenich, “Renormalization and Non-Linear Symmetries
in South-Central Texas” in Quantum Field Theory”
Heidi Jane Renninger, B.S., M.S., “Hydraulic Costs of Increasing Nicholeen Mary Viall, B.S., M.A., “Periodic Solar Wind Density
Height in Palms” Structures” †
Orla Catherine Richardson, “Success and Reliability: Silvia Geraldine Viola Kusminskiy, “Quantum Liquids in
Methodological Issues in Scientific Inquiry” † Correlated Systems” †
Eva Kristina Rivera, B.S., “Computational Examinations of the Steven Florian Wandler, B.A., M.A., “Moral Luck and American
Effects of Environment and Sequence in the Aggregation of Fiction: Identity, Aesthetics, History” †
Amyloidogenic Peptides” † Kebin Wang, M.S., “Cache-Oblivious Scientific Computing” †
Ellen Elizabeth Roberts, B.A., M.A., “Japanism and the American Ling Wang, “Computational Studies of Quantum Spin Systems” †
Aesthetic Interior, 1867–1892: Case Studies by James McNeill Daniel Charles Weiner, B.S., M.A., M.A., “Constructing the
Whistler, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Stanford White, and Frank Memory of Saint Louis and the Battling Biographies of 1688” †
Lloyd Wright” Neil I. Weisenfeld, B.S.E., S.M., “Example-Based Segmentation
Hernán Patricio Román González, M.A., “Essays on Industry and Atlas Construction for the Analysis of the Newborn Brain
Dynamics in an Emerging Economy” † MRI”
Jian Rong, M.S., “On Weighted Regression of Time Series for Courtney J. Wells, B.A., M.A., “The Troubadours and the
Surveillance of Influenza Mortality” † Crafting of Literary Authority”
Julia A. Ruemmele, B.S., “Improving Biomolecular Sensing at Roman R. Williams, B.S., M.Div., M.Th., “God’s Global
Surfaces and Investigating Oligomeric DNA Hybridization Professionals: International Students, Evangelical Christianity,
Kinetics in Solution” † and the Idea of a Calling”
Kari Teruya Ryder Wilkie, B.A., “Biodiversity and Distribution of Erika Jane Wolf, A.L.B., M.A., “The Structure of Posttraumatic
the Ants of Amazonian Ecuador” Stress Disorder Comorbidity in the Axis II Domain” †
Amandeep Kaur Sangha, “Sub-Diffusive Dynamics of Protein Pin Wu, M.A., “Ion Kinetics at the Heliospheric Termination
Folding and Protein Folding Under Confinement” Shock” †
Parthena D. Sanxaridis, B.S., “Rhabdomeric Localization and Mei Yang, M.S., “A Bayesian Approach to Bias Correction in
Membrane Dynamics of Signaling Components in Drosophila Effect Estimates due to Disease Misclassification: Applications
Photoreceptor Cells” in Arthritis Research”
Angela Marie Seliga, B.A., “Mating-Induced Changes in Signal Yangyang Yao, “Investigation of the Structural and Dynamical
Transduction in Limbic Regions of Female Rats” † Properties of the (001) Surface of Lithium Copper Oxide” †
Eric R. Severson, B.A., M.Div., “Levinas and Time” Robin Lynne Young, B.A., M.A., “Properties of Hypothesis Tests
Burton Shank, B.S., M.S., “Effectiveness of Marine Managed Using Generalized Additive Models with Smoothers of
Areas of Central and Southern Belize: Spatial Variations in Geographic Location in Spatial Statistics”
Major Community Processes and the Implications for Local Willmen W. Youngsaye, B.S., “I. Total Synthesis, Stereochemical
Management Success” Reassignment, and Biological Evaluation of (+)-Neopeltolide
Yanmin Shuai, “Tracking Daily Land Surface Albedo and and Related Stereoisomers; II. Development of Chiral
Reflectance Anisotropy with Moderate-Resolution Imaging Benzylsilanes: Reagents for Stereoselective, Silicon-Mediated
Spectroradiometer (MODIS)” † Oxa-Pictet-Spengler Reactions”
Sviatlana Smashnaya, “Opportunity to Succeed or Freedom to Fail Heather Jane Yu, “Vocal Initiation in Xenopus laevis (the African
in Building High-Impact Nonprofits: The Role of Internal and Clawed Frog): A Role for Serotonin” †
External Factors in Shaping the Performance of Youth-Oriented Quan Yuan, “Learning a Family of Detectors” †
Nonprofit Organizations in a Transitional Society such as Mina Jezdimir Zdravkovic, M.A., “Aesthetics at Its End: Late
Belarus” Style in the Works of Joseph Conrad, Vladimir Nabokov, and
Bethany Dawn Stasiak, B.A., M.S., J.D., “Juror Decision-Making W. G. Sebald” †
in an Insanity Defense Murder Trial of an Involuntarily Jing Zhang, “Modeling Photoexcited Reactions of Simple
Medicated Schizophrenic Defendant” Molecules in Solution”
Noriko Akimoto Sugimori, M.A., M.A., “Imperial Honorifics as Xiaoling Zhang, M.S., “Exploring Airway-Wide Physiological
an Index of Social Change in Modern Japan, 1872–2008” † Response to Cigarette Smoke Using Exon-Level Expression
Profiling” † *

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Yun Zhang, “Total Synthesis of Herboxidiene/GEX 1A and Yanyan Zhu, M.A., “Stratified Proportional Odds Models for
Development of Chiral Organosilane Based [5+2] Multilevel Ordinal Data with Application to a Knee Pain
Annulations” † Severity Study”

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by the College of Engineering and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25

School of Hospitality Administration


Hae-Kyung Ahn Jeffrey Min Han ‡ Sasha Nicole Packer
Carolyn Grace Arnold Sabrina S. Harryram Farrell Amarie Parker, Magna Cum Laude
Stephanie Elizabeth Avera † Kristina Paul Hatzipetrou James Herbert Perry Jr.
Vanessa Ruby Bagedonow, Cum Laude Kevin Michael Ho Caitlin Elspeth Pfohl, Summa Cum Laude
Nathan Samuel Barnett † Eunji Hong § Kathrynn Marie Phillippe, Magna Cum Laude
John Luciano Battaglino Alexandra Beth Horovitz Casey Elizabeth Pitcairn
Julie Anne Beckerman Shun-Wen Hou, Cum Laude ‡ Shira Porath, Magna Cum Laude
Thomas Cato Botsford § Kelly Judith Houtchens § Anders Jorgen Rathlev
Laura Anne Bowman Joyce Hsu, Cum Laude Christopher Dale Remund, Magna Cum Laude
Bella Shoshana Brandeis, Cum Laude Elaine Hu Anurat Otto Rojanapairat, Summa Cum Laude
Robin Diane Brewster Derek Hiro Ishibashi Andrea M. Romero, Magna Cum Laude †
Caitlin Sook Brinckerhoff, Cum Laude Wesley Lynn Willow Jacobs Brooke Erin Rosenberg, Summa Cum Laude
Kelsey L. Bucher, Summa Cum Laude † Jessica M. Jinorio Leyla Saghafi
Elizabeth Ashby Carr Vontharnee Jiratanan Nicholas Samuel Salazar, Cum Laude
Aimee A. Carter Allen Michael Jones † Irma Zulema Sandoval
Alexander Stephan Cass ‡ Julia Kester, Summa Cum Laude Diana Rose Schwartz, Cum Laude
Rene Anthony Castelo, Cum Laude Janet Kim Dana Leigh Searle
Tiffany Kay Chu Charles Edward King § Constance Mary Shaheen, Cum Laude
Hannah Louise Clarisse † Alexander Klein Jamie Lynn Sherlock
Grace Margaret Cohan, Magna Cum Laude John Jared Ko Brett Sigler
Caroline Victoria Combs § Caitlin Margaret Koether, Cum Laude Benjamin David Simon, Magna Cum Laude
Cindy Cordova, Summa Cum Laude Jin A Koo, Cum Laude Jacqueline Marie Simpson, Summa Cum Laude
Alexandra Schirl Cotreau Mary Elizabeth Koss Victoria Ann Sinyak §
Melissa Jaclyn David Kimberly Kremer Anthony Thomas Smith, Cum Laude
Emma Jane Days, Magna Cum Laude † Kelly Marie Larkin Elizabeth Ann Smith
Grant A. Diamond Matthew Paul Groden Lasek ‡ Joshua Ezriel Stern ‡
Deirdre Lee Dolan Andrea Hok Won Lee Brendan Patrick Sullivan §
Kristianne Marie Donadio Clara Hyunju Lee Voramon Supanusonti, Summa Cum Laude ‡
Madison T. Durbin † James Seunghwan Lee Julie Marie Sutula
Maria Escallon § Nancy Mun Lee † Vanessa N. Tanicien †
Erik Evjen ‡ Rachel Palma Leifer § Andrea Lynne Tarpley, Magna Cum Laude
Sebastian Faessler ‡ Corey Dominique Lowe § Anish Kishor Thakkar
Danielle Shira Fattal § Alexandra Markowski, Summa Cum Laude ‡ Lindsey Marie Trione
Kristen Michelle Folk † Christina Eleftheria Mazanitis Tak Yan Tsang, Cum Laude ‡
Erika Catherine Fox Tiana Rose McQuade, Magna Cum Laude Stephen Robert Turner, Cum Laude
Carey Anne Frasca, Magna Cum Laude Nicole Menda Aditya Premal Udani
Rissa Maxine Freedman § Amy Paloma Mendez, Magna Cum Laude Jessica Marie Vita, Magna Cum Laude
Dana Robin Friedman Maria Teresa Merrill Talia Naomi Waelsch
Mariseli Fuentes, Magna Cum Laude Jessica Ann Milano, Cum Laude Whitney Lee Warren, Cum Laude
Ivana Elizabeth Garside Joni Greenberg Miller § Dennis Yung Wei ‡
Christina Clarke Genco Courtney Nicole Neagle, Magna Cum Laude Allyse Marie Wilcox ‡
Margot Ann Giles ‡ Ashley Aaron Nelson § Shira Taub Wilkofsky
Hillary Ann Greene Nicole Rose Nelson Nathaniel Baldwin Willis
Shelby Aly Gutierrez, Cum Laude Albert Kai Hong Ng Paul Benjamin Worgaftik
Melissa Lynne Haber Sarah Elizabeth Nicksa § Chelsea Arielle Wurzak ‡
Julia Elizabeth Hale, Cum Laude Jorge Javier Noriega Martinez Dong-Yoon Yoo

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25

School of Law


Mohammad Hasan Ali, B.A. Christopher T. Ferns, B.A.B.A., M.P.Acc. Alexander G. Knapp, B.S.
Jill Theresa Ambrose, A.B. Mary Elizabeth Findlay, B.A. Ling Wu Kong, B.A.
Timothy Myles Andrews, B.A. Michael James Finnerty, B.A. Yik Kong, B.A., M.A.
Steven Robert Argentieri, B.S. Lisa H. Fish, B.A. Phillip Roswig Kurs, B.A.
Bryan T. Arnault, B.A. Michael Joseph Fitzpatrick, B.A., M.Ed. Borislav Kushnir, B.A.
Marc N. Aspis, B.A. Christina Mary Frangos, B.M. Daniel E. Lake, B.A.
Vincenza Louise Barbato, B.A. Thomas J. Fraser, B.A. Tera Scann Brereton Lally, B.A. †
Brian Michael Bartlett, B.S., B.A. Sarita Marie Frattaroli, B.A. Candice M. Lang, B.S.
Scott David Bastianpulle, B.A., LL.M. Elizabeth Randall Friel, B.A. Charlotte Augusta Lange, B.A.
Christopher F. Beaudro, B.S., M.S. Rebecca Hicks Gallup, B.A. Arnold Drew Larson, B.A.
Tracy P. Berkman, B.A. Kari A. Gerber, B.A. Benjamin F. Leatherman, B.A., B.B.A.
Matthew C. Berntsen, B.S. Andrea L. Giannattasio, B.S. Jacqueline Lee, B.A.
Jeffrey W. Binkley, B.A. Lindsey A. Gil, B.A. Benjamin Ross Lemke, B.A.
Eric Robert Blythe, B.S. Jacqueline A. Giordano-Hayes, B.A., David A. Levine, B.A.
Ian C. Boardman, B.S. M.S.Ed. Mary C. Lewis-Pierce, B.A.
Annette Boglev, B.A. Darren Mitchell Goldman, B.A., B.S.B.A. Yakun Li, B.A.
Jesse Mohan Boodoo, B.A. Jonathan D. Gordon, B.A. Jessica Rae Lisak, B.A., M.A.
Adrienne H. Bossi, B.A. Anthony A. Gostanian, B.A. Keith D. Little, B.B.A., M.Acc.
Benjamin J. Boudreaux, B.A. Andrew Leif Thomas Green, B.A. Robert G. Little, B.S.
Jasmine L. Bramble, B.A. Sarah E. Green, B.S. Fang Liu, B.E., Ph.D.
Arthur Aaron Bright IV, B.A., M.S. Ariel E. Greenstein, B.A. Kathleen J. Liu, A.B.
Khadijah Britton, B.A. Michael B. Greenwald, B.A., M.A. Kaleb C. Lockwood, B.A.
Daniel A. Broderick, B.S. Dustin F. Guzior, B.A. Sarah C. Long, B.S.
Sean Conlin Brogan, B.B.A. Yomarie Silva Habenicht, B.B.A. Christopher A. Lopreste, B.A.
Caroline D. Bruno, B.A. Gregory B. Hafkin, B.S.J. Mary Elizabeth Lord, B.A.
Rostislav Bul, B.A. Devon A. Haft, B.A. Inna Loring, B.A.
Karen L. Burhans, B.A. Marie R. Handfield, B.A. Alex A. Lozada, B.A.
Eric Gregory Carlson, B.A. Erik W. Hansen, B.A. Shawn Lu, A.B.
Allison Deborah Carryl, B.A. Thomas C. Hardy, B.S. Mark Richard Luderer, B.S., Ph.D.
Javier E. Castro, B.A., M.B.A., M.A. Anna S. Harman, A.B. Ashleigh Jessica Framm Lynn, B.A.
Marissa L. P. Caylor, B.S. Mary Harrison, B.A. Jacqueline Kate Mantica, B.A.
Danielle C. Cendrowski, B.S.M.E. Mary Alice Hiatt, B.S. Michelle Lorraine Marion, B.A. †
Nina Chen, B.S.B.A. Hannah K. Hinton, B.A. Sandra M. Maroska, B.A., M.A.
Tiffany Chen, B.A. Heather Michelle Hiznay, B.A. Melissa E. Matles, B.A.
James H. Chun, B.A. Elizabeth L. Ho, B.A. Carlos Alberto Maycotte Yamin, A.B.
Justin Richard Cochran, B.A. Stephanie B. Hoffman, A.B. Haley Cachopa McCole, B.A.
Melissa L. Colpo, B.A. ‡ Jonathan Adam Holland, A.B. Shoshana McGiffin, B.A.
Joseph Chase Covello, B.S. Joseph Alexander Hood II, B.A. Molly R. Melcher, B.A.
Jonathan S. Crabtree, B.A. Abraham Matthew Howland, B.A. Laura Marie Eleanor Michalak, B.A.
Claudia A. Culbertson, B.S. Eric T. Hsu, B.A. Allison Rose Miller, B.A.
Mark W. Dahl, B.A. Hongyi Hu, B.S., M.Eng. Katherine L. Milligan, B.A., B.S.
Jeffrey I. Davis, B.A. Courtney E. Hunter, B.A., M.P.A. Byungsuh Min, B.A.
Jeremy Micah Denlea, B.A. Ian M. Hunter, B.S. Elitza V. Miteva, B.A.
Mariya Deryugina, B.A., B.S. Woochul Hwang, B.A. † Kelli Daniels Morin, B.S.B.E.
Daniel M. Devoe, B.S., B.A. Matthew S. Hyner, A.B. Bryan K. Morris, B.A.
Andrew M. Dincher, B.A. † Matthew James Ilacqua, B.M. Robin Morse, B.A.
Mathew Mehdi Djavaherian, B.A. Daniel I. Jacob, B.S. † Amanda Nicole Muller, B.S.
Joseph Haring Donegan, B.S. Kirsten K. Johnson, B.A. Lynne A. Myhre, B.A.
Kaitlin S. Drummond, B.A. Allison Blaire Jones, B.A. Benjamin Ian Narodick, B.A.
Alexis Rollins Dunton, B.A. Christopher J. Jones, B.A. Kristopher P. Natoli, B.B.A., M.P.P.
Anthony J. Dutra, B.S. Marisa B. Kanof, B.A. † Amy K. Nguyen, B.A.
Adam Z. Ebrahim, B.A. Stephanie Kao, B.B.A. Nam D. Nguyen, B.A., M.P.P.
Andrea C. Eichman, B.A. Peter N. Kawalek, B.A. Amy E. Noblett, B.A., B.S.
Carly B. Eisenberg, B.A. Simerdip Kaur Khangura, B.A. Katerina M. Novak, B.A.
Nika C. Elugardo, B.S., M.P.P. Anuj Kumar Khetarpal, B.A. Niko Alexander Nyenhuis, B.S.
Ross M. Epstein, B.S. Thomas N. Kidera, A.B. Kevin M. O’Brien, B.A.
Sharee Dominique Eriks, B.A. Cecilia Yuri Kim, B.A. Laura S. Olch, B.A.
James Ernstmeyer, B.S., M.S., Sc.D. Jung Eun Kim, B.S., M.B.A., M.D., LL.M. Laura Katherine Palmer, B.A.
Nicholas Reade Everett, B.A. Rose Y. Kim, A.B. Farrowe Y. Pan, B.A.
Melissa Ilyse Falk, B.A. Sarah J. Kitchell, B.A. Costantino Panayides, B.A.
Joel Favazza, B.A. Jennifer Klein, B.A. Arielle R. Pankowski, B.A.

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Daniel H. Park, B.A. Joel T. Sage, B.A. Yujing Sun, B.Law

Kimberly Ann Parr, B.A. Vasanth Sarathy, B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E. Ha Jong Sung, B.B.A.
Avni P. Patel, B.S. Erica J. Saxum, B.A. Claire R. Superfine, A.B.
Luis Antonio Pere, B.A. Heather Hadar Sayfan, B.A. Lisa P. Sutton, B.A., M.F.A.
Harlan N. Petoyan, B.A. Joel Schmidt, B.A., M.B.A. Thomas J. Szivos, B.A., M.A.
Lenora Louise Petroff-Tobler, B.A. Aaron M. Schue, B.A. Brian Scott Tessler, B.A.
Hunter R. Phillips, B.A. Ariel Zoe Seeley, A.B., M.Sc. Christopher Thorson, B.A.
Lana Popovic, B.A. Joshua M. D. Segal, B.A., M.A. Emily Meadows Tucker, B.A., M.T.S.
Laura Nicholson Procaccianti, B.A. April H. Seligman, A.B. Lauren M. Turner, B.S.
Andrew K. Puls, B.A. Cristina Maria Serrano, B.A. Rodrigo Nicolas Valle, B.A.
Karen Kwatetso Quartey, B.A. Marc Lawrence Shapiro, B.A. Katherine Marie Vara, B.A.
Nicholas J. Ramacher, B.A. Arya Shekar, B.A. Adam M. Veness, B.A.
Victoria Maureen Ranieri, A.B. Michael J. Shiposh, B.S.B.A. Joseph Patrick Vincent, B.A., M.A. ‡
Sasha S. Rao, B.S.Eng. Jamie L. Shookman, B.A. Brian M. Waibel, B.A.
Alison Caroline Rath, B.A. Jesse Benjamin Siegel, B.A. Scott R. Walshon, B.S.
Matthew A. Reddy, B.A. Gursimarjit Singh, B.S. Richard L. Wang, B.A.
Gina Marie Reppucci, B.S. Gourdin W. Sirles, B.S. Emily Ann Weber, B.A.
Gina Lisa Riccio, B.A., B.S. Philippa Reichert Skow, B.S. Aaron B. Wernick, B.B.A.
Erica Lyn Rice, B.A. Michael D. Sloan, B.A. Cameron R. Westcott, B.A.
Melissa S. Rick, B.A. Wendy I. Smith, B.A. Robin L. Wish, B.S.
Kieran E. Riley, B.A. Christopher Mark Henry Snow, B.S. Aaron David Withrow, B.A., M.S.
Nicholas M. Risko, B.B.A. Robert Edward Snyder, B.S. Yao Wu, B.A.
Meghan Dillon Rohan, B.A. Ariel J. Soiffer, B.A. Theodore Zacheus Wyman, B.A.
David Zachary Roiter, B.A. Emily T. Spreiser, B.A. April Ming Yi Xin, B.A.
Claire Seaton Rosa, B.S. Noreen M. Stackhouse, B.A. John Michael Yarwood, B.F.A.
David Michael Rosenberg, B.S. Shane Douglas St. Hill, B.A. Olga Yevtukhova, B.A.
Jenny R. Rossman, B.A. Michael R. Stirling, B.A. ‡ Laura Elise Zabele, A.B.
Samantha Gail Rothaus, B.A. Tagore O. Subramaniam, B.A. Wei Zhang, LL.B.
Tatyana Yevgeniya Rozenberg, A.B. Katherine M. Sullivan, B.A. Tuozhi Lorna Zhen, B.A.
Trevor L. Rozier-Byrd, B.A. Maura C. Sullivan, B.A. Kyle T. Zwiren, B.A.
Liam M. Ryan, B.A.


Agustin Ignacio Andrade Reveron, LL.B. Rintaro Iwasaki, LL.B. Nichya Praneejitt, LL.B.
Alejandra Arango Gomez, Abogada Ning Jin, LL.B., LL.M. Syed Rehan Asjad Qadri, LL.B.
Elaine Call, B.A., LL.B. Miyuki Kanetsugi, LL.B., LL.M. Elvira Queiró, Lic.
Marcela Calle, Abogada Hsin-Tsu Kao, LL.B. Johannes C. Richter, First State Exam,
Dimin Cao, LL.B. Ayako Kuroda, LL.B. Second State Exam
Rosely Carrión Brunet, B.A. Hui-Shan Lan, LL.B., LL.M. Heike Robben, First State Exam, Second
Shanzhe Chen, LL.B. Knut Lars Leupolt, First State Exam, Second State Exam
Sophie Marie Clavet, Maı̂trise, Licence, State Exam Zhen Ruan, LL.B., M.A.
DEA Shaoyu Lin, B.A. Hector Hugo Sarcos Castro, B.A.,
Joseph Christian Garcia Del Rosario, J.D., Ta-Chun Lin, LL.B., LL.M. Licenciado en Derecho
LL.B. Yung-Han Lin, LL.B. Jungmin Seo, LL.B., LL.M.
Marcos Venicius de Oliveira, B.A., B.S. Juanjuan Liu, LL.B. Nehal Shah, LL.B.
Dan Dong, LL.B. Rui Luo, LL.B. Yue Shao, B.A.
Jorge Andres Escobar Galindo, Abogado Ana M. Marban Lorenzo, LL.M., Elodie Margaux Maeva Shields, LL.B.,
Camilla Eskenazi Pernidji, LL.B. Licenciado en Derecho Maı̂trise, Licence
Rodica Gheorghita, B.A. Julie Catherine Marquis, LL.M., Licence, Stephanie C. Slappendel, MR
Arthur Dominique Philippe Giraux, Maı̂trise Ada Karina Sol Gonzalez, Licenciado en
Maı̂trise, Licence Jean-Baptiste Francois Meyrier, Maı̂trise Derecho
Takahiro Goda, LL.B. Benjamin Miksicek, First State Exam Mi Lyoung Song, LL.M.
Cynthia Magdalena Gonzalez Feldmann, Gihyun Min, LL.B. Wen-Chiao Su, LL.B.
Abogada, MALD, LL.M. Camille Mondoloni, Licence, Maı̂trise Momoko Takanobu, LL.B.
Coline Marie-Celine Gruat, Maı̂trise, Paola Carla Adelaide Maria Moroni Jacobo Tenacio Vara, Licenciatura en
Licence Stampa, LL.M. Derecho
Sarah Gullon, LL.B. Thamanit Mukthana-Anan, LL.B., LL.M. Mihoko Teshima, LL.B., LL.M.
Yuta Hashimoto, LL.B. Minoru Nakano, LL.B., LL.M. Isabel Triana, LL.M., Abogada
Marie-Lorraine Henry, Maı̂trise, Licence, Seiji Nakazono, LL.B. Tadahiro Ueda, LL.B.
Ph.D., DESS, DEA, First State Exam, Oleksandr Myroslavovych Pankiv, LL.B., Maria Jose Uribe Saieg, Lic.
Second State Exam LL.M. Wei-Chieh Wang, LL.B., M.B.A.
Sang-Ki Hong, LL.B. Pavel L. Paromov, LL.M. Yuan Wang, LL.B.
Toshiyuki Hori, LL.B. Luis Hernando Parra Nieto, Abogado Kan Watanabe, LL.B.
Baoying Huang, LL.M. Thomas Pontacq, Maı̂trise, Licence, DESS Shaojun Xu, LL.B.
Agathe Gabrielle Marie Hubert, Maı̂trise, Isabelle Prado, LL.M. Xiaoyan Xu, LL.B.
Licence, DESS

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Takahiro Yamada, LL.B., LL.M. Byung Chul Yoo, B.S., M.B.A. Yiqun Zhang, LL.M.
Quan Yang, B.A, LL.M. Jiayi Yu, LL.B. Shan Zhong, LL.B.
Sidney Yankson, LL.B. Ke Zhang, LL.B. Saijun Zhu, LL.B.


Sara Abdullah A. Aalamri, LL.B. Soyoung Lee, LL.B. Fernanda Cecilia Ribeiro Da Luz
Mario Roberto Andino Bernhard, LL.B. ‡ Alice Che Fang Lin, B.A., J.D. Colagrossi, LL.B.
Michelle Arias Tapia, LL.B. Yi-Chen Lu, B.S., LL.B. Donna Marie Saati, B.A., J.D.
Christopher A. Avery, B.A., J.D. Richard Charles Magrann-Wells, B.A., Mikhail Alexandrovich Safray, Doctor of
Joan M. Bennett, B.A., J.D. † J.D., M.B.A. † Legal Science, Specialist
Miguel De Jesus Cano Nadal, LL.B. Jose Miguel Salgado Manalo, A.B., LL.B. † Robert Francis Seiler, B.A., J.D.
Reginald Andre Champagne, B.A., J.D. † Micol C. Mion, B.A., M.S., J.D. Walid Sharara, B.B.A., M.Sc., LL.B.
Nicolas Charron-Geadah, LL.B., D.E.S.S., Melissa Odily Moran Tobar, LL.B. Sylvia Katherine Siegel, B.A., J.D.
LL.M. Holly Anne Morgan, B.S., J.D. Hector Luis Silen, B.S.B.A., J.D.
Kristan T. Cheng, B.A., J.D. Jean Paul Murwanashyaka, LL.B., LL.M. Audra J. Simovitch, B.A., J.D., LL.M.
Daniel D’Angelo, B.A., J.D. ‡ Diana Hristova Nenchev, B.A., J.D. † Shreevardhan Sinha, B.A., LL.B.
Wassim El Mardini, LL.B. Christoph Daniel Paul Noehles, First State Duangjai Sirasoontorn, LL.B., LL.M. †
Will Coffee Giles, B.S.B.A., J.D. Exam † Michael Callan Skinner, B.A., J.D.
Michael A. Goodman, B.S., M.B.A., J.D. Zachary Ouimet, LL.B., D.E.S.S. Foifa Tharaphan, LL.B.
Sai Sandeep Pareekshit Katepalli, LL.B. Federica Paniz, LL.B., LL.M. Tony, B.A., LL.B.
Mohammad Fawad Khan, LL.B. Margaret Claire Parker, B.A., M.A., J.D. † Nupur Jayen Trivedi, LL.B.
Thomas Komanek, First State Exam † Joshua Parraga Saggiante, LL.B. Ayana Unerbayeva, LL.B.
Gregory Andrew Kopacz, B.A., J.D. † Juan Alfredo Regalado Fermin, LL.B. Xing Yang, LL.B.


Sara Burghart, First State Exam, Second State Exam
Jennifer Sumin Yoon, B.S., J.D.


Katie A. Ahern, B.S.B.A., J.D. † Katie Alice Harris, B.S.B.A., J.D. Adam Michael Romig, B.A., J.D.
Taylor E. Anderson, B.A., J.D. Stephanie Cara Hayes, B.S., J.D. † Caroline Louise Rummel, A.B., J.D.
Serena Baig, B.A., J.D. † Ernst Friedrich Hunter, B.A., J.D. † Peni Toke Saccoh, B.B.A., M.B.A., M.S.,
Yoohyun Baik, B.A., M.A., J.D. Jill Koren Kelley, B.A., J.D. J.D.
John Jacob Bandeian III, B.A., J.D. Nicholas G. Keramaris, B.S., J.D. Tamara Marie Saverine, B.S., J.D. †
Matthew L. Baumann, B.A., J.D. Anthony Constanty Kosinski, B.S.B.A., J.D. Adam Edward Silvey, B.S., J.D.
Christine Anne Boeckel, B.A., J.D. Jongwon Lee, B.A., J.D. Zachary Michael Smolkin, B.S., M.S., J.D. †
Kristin Dana Born, B.A., J.D. Matthew J. Leonard, B.A., J.D. Adedayo O. Sotinwa, B.L., LL.B.
Christine Elizabeth Carlstrom, B.A., J.D. Daniel E. Levin, B.A., J.D. † Craig Alan Standish, B.S., J.D.
Crisette Leyco Church, B.A., J.D. Antonio D. Lomba Jr., B.A., J.D. Scott Russell Stengel, B.S., J.D.
Kyle Ryan Claussen, B.S.B.A., J.D. Elizabeth Irene Long, B.B.A., J.D. Jon Thomas Stevenson, B.S., J.D.
Elizabeth Martin Connelly, B.A., J.D. Gregory John Lucyniak, B.A., J.D. Catherine R. Stitt, B.S., J.D.
Zachary Scott Cummings, B.A., J.D. Timothy Hanford Marciniak, B.S.B.A., J.D. Mariko Takenaka, LL.B.
Adam Joseph DoVale, B.A., J.D. Michelle Lorraine Marion, B.A., J.D. Pamela R. Tankle, B.A., J.D.
Emily Snelling Dunn, B.S., M.S., J.D. Aidar O. Massatbayev, Diploma of Higher Luke Thomas Tashjian, B.A., J.D.
Kevin James England, B.A., J.D. Education Long Cuu Tran, B.A., J.D.
James Homer Ferguson, B.S., M.S.Ch.E., Ariel Amora McDowell, B.B.A., J.D. Elena Tsizer, B.A., J.D.
D.Sc., J.D. Amy Beth Kaufman McLellan, B.A., J.D. Victoria Jane Tsoong, B.A., J.D. †
Joseph Charles Flores, Jr., A.B., J.D. Sarah Jane Blowers Melia, B.A., J.D. Murat Usta, B.B.A., J.D.
Veronica Joelle Flores, B.B.A., M.B.A., J.D. Anthony Edward William Morgan, B.S., Thierry Cyrille Valenbreder, LL.B. †
David Earl Foate, B.A., J.D. J.D. Lawrence Walker, B.A., J.D.
Monica Vera Frassa, B.A., J.D. † Adam Dean Packer, B.A., J.D. Erik J. Wallin, B.A., J.D.
Mark E. Gauthier, B.A., J.D. Ashleigh Morgan Paige, B.B.A., J.D. Michael John Walsh, B.A., J.D.
Anne Hood Gibson, B.A., J.D. Ramanathan M. Paranthaman, B.A., J.D. Timothy Robert Weeks, B.A., J.D.
Ian Michael Gilbert, B.A., J.D. Elsa Sonia Levy Passer, DEUG, Licence, Jill Lauren Weiner, B.S., J.D.
Maria Pamela Ginocchio, Abogada, LL.M. Maı̂trise, DEA, LL.M. Sarah Dawn Wellings, B.A., J.D.
Jessica J. Grasso, B.A., J.D. J. Keith Phifer, B.A., J.D. Pamela Michelle Young, B.S., B.S.B.A.,
Elizabeth Anne Haden, B.S.B.A., J.D. Andrew Charles Reed, B.A., J.D. M.B.A., J.D.

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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School of Management


Hala Nasser Abu-Eid Ira Michael Block Hank Chow
Tyler Hayes Adams, Cum Laude Jonnie DeAnne Bloemers Angela Chu
Stéphanie Chantal Aebi, Michael William Bologna Daniel John Chu
Summa Cum Laude* Vassili Bolotnikov Elaine Chu
Alex Benjamin Aferiat, Magna Cum Laude Philip Whitney Bonini Jeanette Chu
Kabir Agarwal ‡ Frank Charles Borawski, Cum Laude * Jeffrey Brian Chudacoff
Samalie Ada-Adanta Ahanonu Sarah Katherine Border, Jyotsaiban Chug
Eugen Buckminster Ahl-Klopsch, Summa Cum Laude* Sonal Gulu Chugani, Magna Cum Laude*
Magna Cum Laude ‡ Richardson Bosquet § Clarice Alexandra Chui
Issary Alba Jihane Fatma Bouchareb, Cum Laude Supamet Chunharakchote
Joseph Michael Alberghini, Cum Laude Faiz Boustany, Cum Laude § Jonathan Clay Ciaramella
Caroline Alexandra Alberts Philip Fred Boustany David Anthony Cicerone, III, Cum Laude
Matthew James Alcus Navkiran Brar Michael Ermanno Cicuto,
Edgar Richard Alger IV, Magna Cum Laude Christina Marie Brathwaite, Summa Cum Laude*
Bader Alhizami Summa Cum Laude* Senem Cider
Nourah Abdulilah AlKhaled Rebecca Sue Breen Caitlin Cody Clouse, Magna Cum Laude
Tareq Hamad Abdulaziz Al-Madhi § Kylie Ellen Brennan Zachary Edward Colbeth,
Abdullah Abdulaziz Almana, Cum Laude Kyle Alexander Brodsky Magna Cum Laude*
Mai Ahmed Ebrahim Al-Moataz § Alexander Brook, Cum Laude Taryn Brenna Collins
Abdulla Salim Ahmad Al Olama Jonathan Eric Brumer Michael Kevin Connors, Jr. ‡
Salman Al Saud Elena Bucci † Maria Constantopoulos, Magna Cum Laude
Matthew Robert Ambrose, Cum Laude * Jaimie Lauren Buchbinder Katherine Emily Coolidge
Adnan Amjad † Kaitlyn Buckley Alexander Marc Corbacho, Cum Laude
Gabriel Samuel Amzallag † Ramzi Amer Budayr Sean Christopher Corcoran
Floyd Enrique Anderson, Long Kim Bui § Natalia Andrea Cotarelo
Summa Cum Laude* Michael Stephen Burke, Magna Cum Laude Matthew Naylor Cottrell, Cum Laude
Amara Ango Kathryn Wolford Burr Jenna Louise Cristello
Brian David Ansbigian Janelle Marie Cababa Jennifer Cui
Michael Ben Apfelbaum † Joshua Norman Cabana, Cum Laude Elton E. Dabiri
Christopher James Appaneal, Cum Laude ‡ Sue Ann Cano Sofia Da Gama Bastos §
Voltaire Aquino Ryan Nathanial Cantor Ariel Habib Dagan
Juliana Arbelaez Steven T. Carabasu Jovie Papa Daguplo
Denisse Arias Logan Vincent Carbonari Tanvi Sanjeev Dali
Jarred Thomas Arthur Kathleen Anne Carpenter Hasan Omar Daouk
Jonathan Richard Attridge, Christopher Robert Cascella, Kyle Asher Dardashti
Magna Cum Laude* Magna Cum Laude* Sumantro Das
Richard John Auer Bethany Ann Casmira Ian Davis
Rami M. Awad ‡ Lisa Castaneda Nic Joseph De Castro
Jeffrey J. Azan Michele Castellucci Andre de la Cruz
Aline D. Babine, Magna Cum Laude Kaesha Allison Chacko Catherine Renee Delgado, Cum Laude
Catherine Ana Badillo † Ronald Wai Kin Chan ‡ Catherine Bohan DeMore ‡
Kelly E. Balavender † Hung-I Chang William Joseph Dempsey,
Matthew Lawrence Barba ‡ Kenneth Chang Magna Cum Laude
Ilana Michelle Barker ‡ Ye Rin Chang ‡ Hiroki Den
Laura Christine Barker Olivia Catherine Lucie Charlet, Cum Laude Joseph Michael Dentici
Stephanie Barrak, Magna Cum Laude Jennifer M. Chen † John Tobias De Palma
Lillian Leslie Bean Kathy J. Chen Riddhi Nimesh Desai
Jonathan T. Beikes Po-Haur Chen † Alexandra DesGaines, Summa Cum Laude*
Nicole Marie Belanger, Magna Cum Laude Sherry Xueli Chen Samantha Lynn Dickson
Hila Bendavid Calvin Hsu-Jay Cheng, Cum Laude Alden Tyler Dietrich
Erin Ellise Benton Kong Lung Alex Cheung Hector Dimaunahan Jr.
Michael Roy Bentson, Cum Laude Cho Lin Chiang Taleen Dimirdjian
Jennifer Marie Berardo Chin-Ting Chien, Cum Laude ‡ Matthew Joseph DiVito
Lauren Nicole Berger Shannon Ashley Chin Alissa Rose Doherty
Victoria Berman, Cum Laude Paige Elise Chisholm, Magna Cum Laude * * Daniel Patrick Doherty
James Reid Maxwell Bernstein Akhilesh Chitlangia, Cum Laude Richard George Dorman †
Christina Lynn Biagioli Garron Kertnen Chiu Rishi Doshi
Andrew Buzz Bickerton, Cum Laude † John Chi-Bon Chiu Manuel Jose Dotel
Thaddeus Andrew Bielecki-Mendez Jee Eun Choi Joanna Starr Drew †
Michael James Blasius Seung-Ah Choi, Cum Laude † Vanessa Kristine Driscoll,
Jonah Bliss Amy Marie Chong † Magna Cum Laude †

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.
*School Honors Program *Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee †January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Winnie Du, Magna Cum Laude* Justin Tremblay Greco Carolyn Elizabeth Johnson
Pamela G. Dumlao Todd Michael Greenberg, Christine Kyle Johnson
Lauren Wesley Dunlop Summa Cum Laude* Sara Lindsay Johnson, Cum Laude
Thomas Andrew Dworetsky, Molly Maloney Greene, Summa Cum Laude* Basil George Joy
Summa Cum Laude * * Keith Francis Gregory, Magna Cum Laude * David Y. Jung
Rachel Elyse Edelberg Brittany Anne Groebe, Summa Cum Laude* Emily Suzanne Kaeding
Andrew Charlton Edmonds Kayla Marie Gros-Jean Natan Kahane
Jonathan A. Ellis Bradden John Gross ‡ Melissa Jennifer Kahn, Magna Cum Laude*
Carla Jane Elvy ‡ Allyson Julie Grossman † Angela Celia Kalogerakos, Cum Laude
Jennifer O. Emetarom ‡ Andrei Grskovic Matthew R. Kamel
Edward Alan Eng, Cum Laude Nicolas Alain Luc Gruner, Lauren Alyssa Kaminsky
Laurel Adams English Magna Cum Laude Sarah Kang
Roni Epstein, Magna Cum Laude † David Michael Guccione Chiao-I Kao
Samuel Jay Epstein, Cum Laude Thais Cavalcante Guimaraes, Mike Kaplun
Caroline Mae Eriss Magna Cum Laude § Evan Lewis Karabatsos, Magna Cum Laude*
Eliza Eleanor Mills Erskine Valerie Kay Guimaraes, Cum Laude Christelle Semaan Karam
Tamiko Kristina Escalante † Ishaan Gupta Rukshana Ranmali Karunaratne
Daniel Patrick Eversen, Cum Laude ‡ Ravi H. Gurbani Grant Douglas Kassel, Summa Cum Laude * *
Philippe Guy Fabri Alexander Eric Haberman Almagul Kassymova, Magna Cum Laude †
Caitlin Lee Fairchild Ryan Michael Hagerty, Magna Cum Laude † Charles Gregory Katz
Wasseem Sherif Fanous George † Gabrielle Labib Hajjar Rachel Bari Katz, Summa Cum Laude * *
Timothy James Farina Merissa Kaitlynn Hamilton, Cum Laude Amanda Richelle Kearney,
Hannah Louise Feder, Magna Cum Laude Yolanda Yanique Hamilton Magna Cum Laude* §
Ellen Elizabeth Ferzoco, Magna Cum Laude* Geraldine Suzanne Hansell, Cum Laude Pierce J. Keating
John Chandler Fink, Cum Laude § Lisa Samir Harawi † Clare Grady Keeffe
Jack Nathaniel Fischl, Magna Cum Laude Alexander Wilson Harrall, Cum Laude Joshua Keidan, Cum Laude †
Katie Ann Flannery Denise K. C. Hartono, Cum Laude ‡ Kenneth Michael Keller
Brittany Evelyn Flatter Kyle Matthew Haungs, Cum Laude Mark Edward Kennedy
Brian Andrew Focarile, Cum Laude Philip Pavel Havlik Sharfehnaz Shama Khan §
Joseph Robert Forbes Jeffrey Walter Haydon, Magna Cum Laude † Eugene Kim †
Luis David Forero Gomez Rachel Leigh Hebert Il Hwan Kim, Magna Cum Laude* †
Aryn Aliza Forman Chase Joseph Heidt John Sung Woo Kim
Armandina Formoso Robles Jonathan Fane Hermijanto Kevin Kim
Cailey Mary Francioso Michelle Patricia Higgins, Lee Yun Kim
Jora Frantzis Magna Cum Laude Sungkyun Kim †
Matthew Roy Fredrickson, Jeremy Edwards Hill † Taehyun Kim †
Summa Cum Laude* Shane Anthony Hinde, Summa Cum Laude* Tiffany Myungjin Kim, Cum Laude
Maria Freyvert, Cum Laude Amanda Jean Ho James Burke Kinnaird
Carla Aimee Frias Abreu Ngoc Hong Ho, Magna Cum Laude* Kelly Marie Kirby, Magna Cum Laude *
Lindsey Allison Frick Alexander Julian Hodara Anna Kara Kirsch ‡
Robert Karl Fuessler Lee Anne Hodge ‡ Mazen Kishtban, Cum Laude †
Meharban Singh Gadh ‡ Jacquelyn Danielle Hodgson, Brian Arthur Koehler
Joseph Michael Gallagher Summa Cum Laude * * Zachary A. Koenig, Cum Laude
Anusha Liza Ganapathy Jessica Jaffrey Horan Josephine Kong Song
Shayda Ganji Zachary G. Horowitz, Magna Cum Laude Ludmila Korobkova
Myzahete Garana, Cum Laude Weng-Ken Hsiao, Cum Laude § Ivan Alexandre Kovganov §
David Michael Garguilo Ruiduan Hu Shana Dee Krassnoff ‡
Steven Vincent Gelber, Cum Laude Miaomiao Huang Melisa Kristi Kristianto ‡
Samantha Vertuca George, Yina Huang Geetika Kumar
Magna Cum Laude* † Marissa Rath Humphreys, Cum Laude Iryna Kurbatava, Cum Laude
Alexander Jacob Gershen † Katie Olinda Hussmann, Cum Laude Jason Kwah
Lauren Aimee Gerstman, Cum Laude Tiffany N. Huynh † Amanda Mon-Ye Kwan
Peter Vilnis Ghafari Angela Hee Hwang Mayank Lakhani
Nicholas Richard Ghatak Altynay Ilyassova, Magna Cum Laude Rajiv Mahesh Lala
Colin Michael Gibbs, Summa Cum Laude* ‡ Matthew Jared Indellicati Margaret C. Lam
Crystal Gillette † Ulrich Moreno Inge § Peter Van Lam
Caitlin May Gillock, Cum Laude Kai Ishino Jesse Schreiber Lambert
Matthew David Giunta Natalie Gabriel Issa, Cum Laude † Michael Adams Lashutka, Cum Laude
Michael James Glennon Thomas John Ivancic Zachary Lasorsa §
Cherelle Iman Glimp, Magna Cum Laude* Erich Maxwell Jackel Jenna Lau, Magna Cum Laude
Ryan Charles Goddu † Ryan Matthew Jacques Wan Jing Law
George Gogarten † Prasan Jain † Quang Thanh Le
Jennifer Elizabeth Golden, Cum Laude Kevin Jalayer, Magna Cum Laude* Daniel Alexander Lederman
Misty Ann Goldenberg Eun Ji Jang, Cum Laude § Sara Beth Lederman
Caleb Nathanael Gonsalves Lisa Claire Jarski, Summa Cum Laude* Andrew James Lee
Liam Philip Gordon Eric Jason Jedrychowski, Cum Laude † Chieh-Ya Lee
Michael Thomas Andrew Goulart Christopher Alan Jeyes Hee Won Lee, Magna Cum Laude*
Surender Kangayam Chenniappan Palan Brittany Jean Johnson Hojin Lee †
Gounder § Cally Catherine Johnson, Joung Hwa Lee
Domino Kimiko Gourley, Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude* § Philip Curtis Lee

*School Honors Program *Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee †

January 2010 graduate ‡
September 2009 graduate §
Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Su-Jeong Lee Krystyna Anne Metcalf Talisa Octavia Patterson

Tai Lin Lee § Daniel Revel Miller, Magna Cum Laude* Saulina Fernandes Paulo
Yong Suk Lee ‡ Saori Minakawa ‡ Marlene Peden §
Austin Braddock Leech † Anna Grace Miniutti, Magna Cum Laude* Sean Michael Pender
Melyssa Paige Leibowitz Matthew Ira Mintz Tzu-Hsuan Peng †
Jessica Ann Lettieri, Cum Laude Amanda Margaret Mirabito Brandon Christoph Perez †
Charlene Leung, Cum Laude Samir Mishra Jomar E. Perez, Magna Cum Laude* §
Jesse Franklin Levi † Kevin Premchand Mohinani ‡ Yelena Perlin
Aaron Robert Levin Roxana Mokhtarzadeh Claire Lauren Peterson
Dana Levin Matthew James Monahan, Daniel Scott Petkanas ‡
Joshua Aaron Levine Magna Cum Laude* David Brian Petrullo
Peter Marcus Levine Joseph Richard Monroe Pasquale Ugo Petruzziello ‡
Freddy Morgenstern Levy Carly Beth Moretti, Cum Laude Nadine Marie Petsuck §
Lauren Eve Levy, Summa Cum Laude* Sean Patrick Moriarty Jessica Ngo Pham
Daniel Johannes Lherault Tyler Carlisle Morris Jade Phame
Gregory Roger Li, Magna Cum Laude Jacqueline Marie Motyl, Christopher Matthew Phillips, Cum Laude
Lisa May Li ‡ Magna Cum Laude* Drew J. Phillips
Yuhang Li, Summa Cum Laude* Bonny Mui Brian Christopher Piechocki ‡
Howe Xian Chao Lin, Magna Cum Laude † Jimson Mullakary, Magna Cum Laude Allison Sara Pilcowitz
Sophia Emily Lin, Cum Laude Dana Michelle Mulvaney Edwin Joel Pimentel, Magna Cum Laude §
Tiffany Lin Kyle Koji Murakami Taylor Ashley Piscionere §
Wendy Lin Michael Taft Murphy Vikas Milan Pisipati
Cynthia Liu Jason Todd Mushnick ‡ Andrew Joseph Plante
Jianrong Liu, Cum Laude Alice Gray Myatt, Magna Cum Laude * * Frank Edward Pobutkiewicz, Cum Laude
Ting Ting Liu Robert John Myers Anthony Stamatios Polemis
Catherine Locsin Amanda Nanan Lisa Pollick
Elias Ioannis Loizou, Cum Laude † Jason Anthony Nardella ‡ Luke G. Popko
Trevor Thomas Lombaer Michael Manish Narsinghani Robert Michael Pordon
Mark William Loughran Tani Eileen Nelson, Cum Laude Stephanie Farrah Prats, Magna Cum Laude* †
David Louie Qian Li Ngai, Magna Cum Laude Joseph Primavera, Cum Laude
Julie Candida Louros, Cum Laude Kim-Loan T. Nguyen, Magna Cum Laude Daniel Edward Prince, Summa Cum Laude* §
Seng Keong Low, Cum Laude † Van Hai Nguyen Elizabeth Rose Pronesti †
James Chenjie Lu Yasmin Katerina Nouri, Cum Laude † Andrew Robert Purcell
Jason Paul Lucas § Brian Patrick Noveck Jane Valerie Purnawan ‡
Esther En-Wei Lui Julie Eileen Nugent Nicolas Quijano Jattin
Timothy R. Lui, Cum Laude Aizhan Nurusheva, Cum Laude † Michael James Quinn
Jessica Lyons, Cum Laude Yuliana Dewi Nyoto Njoo ‡ Maria Giovanna Ramaglia, Cum Laude
Stephanie Michelle Maas Verónica Ocasio Jason Tameshwar Ramnaraine
Gordon William Mack, Cum Laude Glynnis Anne O’Gorman, Renée Ashley Reese
Andrew Timothy Magnavita, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Brian Joseph Regan, Cum Laude
Shaun Singh Mahal Ji Hyun Oh Patrick Joseph Reichert, Magna Cum Laude ‡
Kelsi Alter Katrine Maher Seon-Joo Oh § Megan Nicole Reilly, Summa Cum Laude
Sheena Ashok Mahtani Masahiro Okumura † Lewis Seth Renner
Angela Mak Joshua David Orbach ‡ Christopher Parker Riendeau
Ka Yan Man Patrick Daniel O’Rourke † Aisling Catherine Roche
Benjamin Alexander Mandelbraut Sushin Osada Michael Rodov †
Arthi Manivasakam, Cum Laude Brigette Elizabeth O’Shaughnessy, Kayla Marie Rodriguez
Andrew William Marcotte Magna Cum Laude* Christopher James Roeder, Cum Laude
Antonio Vincenzo Mariano Lin Ouyang Tajah Nikole-Ashlee Ross
Alison Lee Marigliani, Cum Laude Sasha Nicole Packer Steven Barrett Rubash §
Christopher James Martin Vincent George Palermo, Albert Lewis Rush Jr
Stephanie Joan Martin, Magna Cum Laude* Karim Saab §
Summa Cum Laude * * Emily Jean Pallotta, Summa Cum Laude * * David Ruben Saakyan,
William Sheldon Martin Matthew Anthony Palumbo § Summa Cum Laude * *
Carlos Martinez-Arraras Tenny Oktavia Pandika Yasamin Sadrian
Mark Christian Massimi Alex Paone Alizay Saeed, Magna Cum Laude
Yaroslav Matushevski Christina Paonessa Sarah Lea Safarian
Brent Patrick Mazza § Anand Gaurang Parikh, Cum Laude † Colin Koichi Sakakura
Brendan Kelly McCann Dooho Park § Amy Angel Salvaria
Farrell Mcclernon Eon Nyung Park † Caitlin Brielle Salvatore
Edward Aloysious McDermott III Jae Wook Park, Magna Cum Laude * * Nancy Rebecca Sanieoff, Cum Laude
Brian Ross McGough Sera Park ‡ Shabnam Rachel Sanieoff,
Matthew Stephen McGowan, Won Mo Park Summa Cum Laude *
Magna Cum Laude* Brenna J. Pasmore Susan Santacruz
Margaret Abell McKemie, Cum Laude Puneet Kaur Pasricha ‡ Eliran Sapir §
Sean Lewis McQuarrie, Cum Laude § Aalok Dinesh Patel James Michael Sappenfield, Cum Laude
Caitlin Maureen Megill, Darsh Uday Patel † Hwadianto Saputra ‡
Summa Cum Laude * * Harsh Yashvant Patel Sara C. Sason, Cum Laude
Ryan Christopher Metauro § Preeti Harish Patel Nicole Katherine Saunders §

*School Honors Program *Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee †

January 2010 graduate ‡
September 2009 graduate §
Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Jordan Grant Savitz Thomas Victor Strackhouse Sarah Mandy Weiss

Monica Ann Sawchuk, Cum Laude Julian Zorro Stützer Jonathan Gramley Wells,
Isharsimran Singh Sawhney, Brian Suphananonta Magna Cum Laude*
Summa Cum Laude * * Jesse Joseph Talarico, Cum Laude Sean Raymond Wetherbee, Cum Laude
Jonathon Richard Scagos, Cum Laude Ronald Glen Uy Tan § Brendan Eugene White
Magen Bailee Haru Schaffer Russell L. Tang, Cum Laude Julia Ashley White †
Peter Eugene Scherer Stephanie Tang Emma Irene Wiedmaier
Christina Elizabeth Schmidt † Tanyatorn Tantitham ‡ Corey John Williams §
Kevin Charles Schneider, Cum Laude Bianca Jade Tatz, Cum Laude Kristen Marie Williams
Rachel Alyssia Schrage Melissa Faith Tetreau William Michael Wilson
Justin Nathaniel Schreiber, Cum Laude Louis Matthew Thiéry, Cum Laude § Ryan Adam Wisser
Michael Robert Sehr Erin Marie Thomas Benjamin Leyburn Witte
Jose Sevilla Julie Elizabeth Thomas Stephanie Wong
Jenna Ann Sezionale Basilicato, Cum Laude Nicole Marie Thomas Wendy Wong, Summa Cum Laude
Jason R. Sforza, Cum Laude Lincy P. Thottathil Katherine Mai Ling Wu, Cum Laude †
Beejal Rajendra Shah, Magna Cum Laude Emily Jo Tipps, Cum Laude ‡ Lisa Wai Fong Wu †
Parag Bhupendra Shah, Magna Cum Laude* Jamilya Tleuliyeva, Summa Cum Laude* ‡ Andrea Wullschleger, Summa Cum Laude * *
Rushabh Sharadkumar Shah Lauren Frances Torchia Kathryn Therese Wyman,
Sujay Chinu Shah, Cum Laude Paul Thomas Tracy Magna Cum Laude
Faba Thomas Shaji Khiem Minh Tran Bo Xu, Magna Cum Laude
Bryant Xiao Tong Shao Christopher Erik Trinkaus-Randall Michael Yamnitsky
Rohit Sharma Janice Tsang Edward Ziming Yap, Magna Cum Laude* †
Shekhar Sharma ‡ Emily Patrice Tuohey Alan Samuel Yedid
I-Chieh Shieh Christine Mary Turkington Sidharth Vijay Yeldandi
Hyemin Shim ‡ Kaitlyn Rushton Turner Linda Ann Yin
Donna Sooyong Shin Benjamin Hardy Tuttle, Cum Laude Kenneth Alexander Yip
Seong-Hye Shin Euri Shotaro Uchiyama, Cum Laude Matthew Scott Yoshida, Cum Laude †
Yana Shlafshteyn, Cum Laude Jon Michael Vail Tony Seungwoon Youm §
Cláudio Cristóvão Henriques da Silva Victor J. Valenzuela Katelan Hui Yin Young
Emily Beth Simpson, Cum Laude Luis A. Vazquez Torres ‡ Christopher Michael Young-Zawada ‡
Ricardo Sinicio-Tessarotto Arthi Veeraragavan Amy Xiao Yu, Magna Cum Laude
Stephanie Win Sit, Cum Laude Emily Lauren Verone Kelvin Yu
Tyson Wolfe Slesnick Stephanie Lynn Vetter, Magna Cum Laude Wan Sin Yu, Summa Cum Laude
Amanda Claire Small Vincent James Virgintino, Chenwen Yuan
Alexis Lauren Smith Magna Cum Laude Florence Zoe Zagruzny, Summa Cum Laude ‡
Kevin Phillip Smith Eve Marie Vitale Tala A. Zalloum
Haifa Mazen Snobar Michael Vitiello ‡ Megan Zappulla
Stephanie Nicole Sohmer, Cum Laude Amanda Vocatura, Cum Laude Gui Yue Zhang †
Jenina Sadora Soto, Cum Laude Non Wachirajindakul, Magna Cum Laude Kuo Zhang, Summa Cum Laude ‡
Sindhu Soundararajan Sean Michael Walsh, Cum Laude Weina Zhao
Lauren Spillane, Cum Laude Ronald Walton Jr. Alvin M. Zhen
Jeffrey Joseph Stanis Tess Lorene Waresmith, Magna Cum Laude † Bin Zhu
James Adam Starkey, Cum Laude Matthew Christopher Wasik ‡ Joseph Zimatore
Natalie Marie Stefano, Magna Cum Laude* Hideyoshi Decarvalho Watanabe Shannon Alberta Zolper
Kenneth Mitchell Stern Bruno Weinberg Crocco, Cum Laude ‡ Jeffrey Mark Zucker
Joshua Stimson § Joanna Nicole Weinstein, Magna Cum Laude Alan J. Zurawa
Sean Bryan Stonefield Lian Emily Weise, Cum Laude


David Guy Adams, B.A. ‡ Kimberly J. Baker, B.S.B.A. † Karim Hany Abd El Sayed Bishay, B.A.,
Saurabh Aggarwal, B.E., M.Sc. Timothy Baker, B.S.B.A. ‡ M.T.S., High Honors
Aime Marie Aleksandrowicz, B.S. ‡ Gordon Francis Barnes, B.S., Honors* Christopher Davide Bisoni, Cert., B.A.
Katherine Vassilios Alex, B.A., M.Phil. Alena I. Barrett, B.S. § Jeremy David Blanchard, B.M.
Helio T. Almeida, B.S. § Austin Ackley Barrett, B.S.B.A. Meghan K. Blute-Nelson, B.A. †
Philip Keith Altamura, B.S.B.A. § Veronika Bastanova, B.B.A. † Laurie Michelle Bohn, B.A.
Tyler Harrison Altrup, B.S., B.A. Sougata Basu, B.E. Justin Barry Brady, A.B.
Joseph A. Andriano, B.S.E.E. † Kathryn Anne Batley, B.A. Elise B. Brafman, B.A.
Ani Arakelians, High Honors ‡ Lauren A. Beaudry, B.S., High Honors ‡ Jose Brea, B.B.A., B.A.
Prabhu M. Arcot Padmanabhan, B.S.Ch.E., Uzair Beg, B.S. Max Brenes, B.A.
M.S.E. Micah Charles Benway, B.S.B.A., Honors § Royce Christian Brockett, B.S. †
Deniz Arinsoy, B.A.S., High Honors Rachel Marie Houston Berlin, B.S.B.A., Gena Beach Bronson, B.A.
Weera Aroonratskul, B.B.A., High Honors* High Honors* Jesse Alexander Brooks, B.Sc.
Noor Ahmed A Ashadawi, B.Com., Honors Keith Berling, B.S.M.E., M.S., Honors Molly Brown, B.A.
Ryan Wesley Astheimer, B.A. ‡ Gauri Bhardwaj, B.S.B.A. ‡ Joseph Michael Brusniak, B.S.C.E.
David A. Austin, B.B.A. ‡ Ashish Nath Bhargava, B.A. Anthony J. Budri, B.A.
Elias Badui Tame, B.B.A. Rahul Bhattacharya, B.E. † Jeremy Conrad Burlingame
Christopher M. Baker, B.A. † Sherry E. Birkmaier, B.A. ‡ Adele Gardiner Burnes, B.A., High Honors

*School Honors Program *Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee †

January 2010 graduate ‡
September 2009 graduate §
Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Stephen R. Byers, B.B.A. David Earl Dube, B.A. Taylor Judson Hill, B.A. ‡
Laurie Anne Callicutt, B.S.B.A. § Joseph Thadius Dubsky, B.A., Honors Kennard Avery Hillyer, Jr., B.B.A., M.S. §
César Calvo Medina, B.Ec., B.B.A., Mauricio Duran Satoko Hirai, S.B., S.M., High Honors*
High Honors* Lisa Marie Dutot, B.S.B.A., Honors † Sarah Hlibka, B.A., High Honors* †
Michael P. Cannistraro, B.S.M.E., Jennifer Lynne Dzamba, B.S. Justin Ripley Hollister, B.S.B.A.
M.S.M.E., High Honors* Alec Michael Elbert, B.S., Honors ‡ Georgia Theresa Mary Homsany, B.S. ‡
Lauren Arlene Celano, B.S., Honors* † Jason N. Emerick, B.S. ‡ Sung Il Hong, B.A.S. †
Kristen Lee Celebucki, B.S. Anna Louise Eng, B.S. ‡ Christopher John Hren, B.A.,
Caitlin Anne Chamberlain, B.A. ‡ Joshua Michael Erickson, B.S. High Honors* §
Timothy Raymond Chan, B.Sc., Ryan S. Evans, B.S., M.B.A., J.D. † Hsin-Ying Hu
High Honors* † Olaf Faeskorn, B.A. ‡ Yongbo Hu, B.E., M.S.
Dong Sun Chang, B.S. Calvin Wei Fang, B.S.C.E., M.S.E.E. Michael Herrick Hughes, B.A.
Yu-Ling Chang, B.A. ‡ Michael Joseph Farina Jr., B.S. § Tyson Alexander Iddings, B.S.
Kristy Rose Chatt, Honors ‡ Sheila Anne Farrar, B.A. Niels Ingerslev, B.S.M.E. ‡
Hsiao-Ting Chen, B.A. ‡ Karim Fazaa, High Honors* § Pajaree Israchai, B.A., Cert.
Jenny Yung Chuan Chen ‡ Matthew A. Fede, B.B.A., M.S. Pongchit Itthirojanakul, B.B.A. §
Szu-Han Chen, B.B.A., B.A. Lauren Ashley Ferris, B.A. Ashley Parsons Jablow, B.A.
Yen-Hsi Chen, B.B.A. David W. Filer Neha Jalan, B.S.B.A. ‡
Yuhua Chen, B.S., A.M. Lindsay Suzan Flaherty, B.S. Pil Jin Jang, B.E.
Amit R. Chhetija, B.Sc., Honors* § Timothy Shaun Flaherty, B.A. Ellen J. Bauers Janis, A.B., High Honors
Yi-Chen Chiang, B.A. ‡ Gertjan Alexander Flikweert, B.A., Honors ‡ Emily Susan Jayko, B.S. §
William A. Chiodetti, A.B. ‡ Andrew Thomas Forcier, B.A. Timothy Gerard Jennings, B.A.,
Jirada Chiradamrong, B.B.A., Cert. † Sarah Frances Foster, B.A., M.S. High Honors* §
Roberta Tze Ching Chiu, B.S. Kelly Gene Frazier, B.S. † Jonathan James Jensen, Honors ‡
Won Kak Choi, B.E. † Adam H. Freedman, A.B., Honors § Tamara Johnson, B.B.A. †
Chia-Yi Chou, B.B.A. § Kelly Ann Frew, B.S.B.A. † Youssef Kairouz, B.E.E., M.Eng. §
James D. Christman, B.A., High Honors* § Ryan Robert Frisch, B.S., Honors Megha Kalani, B.E., Honors
Rina Chu, B.S. † Amnon Gai, B.Eng., B.A.S. Keiko Kaneko, B.S.A.D.
Kai-Yin Chung, B.A., M.S.W. Youssef Gaigi ‡ Kelly M. Kapp, B.S.B.A. ‡
Evan David Ciporkin, B.A., High Honors* Patrick S. Gallagher, B.A. § George F. Karayiannis, B.S.
John Paul Clark, D.Pharm. Scott Young Gamel, B.A., High Honors* Nathaniel Scott Katz, B.B.A., High Honors
Jared P. Coffin, B.B.A. ‡ Jeff Garber, B.S. Susan Courtney Keane, A.B., Honors*
Michael Allen Colanti, B.A. † Thomas J. Garriepy, B.A. § Phruthiphon Khoosuwan, B.B.A.
Matthew Gregory Conn, B.J. Gregory Alexander Geller, B.A., Honors Karen L. Kiffney, B.A., Honors ‡
Meghan Katherine Conway, B.A. Margaret Helen Gentile, B.S.M.E. Jung Keun Kim, B.S. ‡
Michael James Coppens, B.S. § Laura Gilmore, B.A., Honors § Paul J. Kim, Cert., B.A.
Peter Paul Corritori, B.A. § Rebecca Ellen Gloe, B.A. John Ian Kimball, B.S. §
Meghan A. Covington, A.B. Yongjin Gong, B.E., M.S., M.A. ‡ Adam Bane Kirkpatrick, B.A. §
Kristen Michelle Cox, B.S.B.A., Honors Ryan Christopher Gonzales, B.A. † Timothy Day Kofol, B.S.Eng., Honors
Maura Turner Cox Jose Gonzalez Franco, B.B.A., Honors Rana Konqar, B.Sc.
Kara R. Crawford, B.C.E. † Haley Michele Gordon, B.S. Adam M. Korngold ‡
Michelle Andrea Creedon, B.S.J., B.S., Lisa T. Gotlib, B.S. Eric Scott Kranz ‡
Honors* † Jiten Goyal, M.B.B.S. Bryan Edward Krastins, B.A. §
Brian Joseph Creeley, B.S. § Valerie Michelle Gray, B.B.A. † Laren Elizabeth Kriner, B.A.
Alejandra Crespo Albarracin, B.B.A. Beth Lauren Greene, B.A. Pranitan Kulhom, B.A.
Ana Maria Cruz, A.B. Heather Danielle Grill, B.S. Amit Kumar ‡
Sarah Elizabeth Cue, B.A. § Scott Christopher Gullick, B.S., Amit Kumar, B.E.
Carrie A. Cuscia, B.S. High Honors* Ravindra Kumar, B. Tech., M.S. §
Mark W. Dalius, B.S. Jinxiang Guo, LL.B. Jean Kung, B.S., M.Eng.
Evan Sloan DaSilva, B.A. § Anthony Emmanuel Gyamfi, B.B.A. Shailan Lala, B.E.
Brendan Charles Davern, B.S. § Christopher Charles Hadden, B.B.A. § Andy J. Lam ‡
David Daniel Davitt, B.S. Ia Vang Hagan, B.S. † Maria De Las Mercedes Leboreiro
Ma Shan-Yu Debra, B.A. David Hall, Honors ‡ Hernandez, B.E.
Sara Ann Dehlinger, B.B.A. Yasmin Abtahi Hamed, B.S., Honors § Chih Wei Lee ‡
Kevin Patrick Delaney, A.B., Honors Patricia Eileen Hamm, B.A., Honors Chi-Tse Lee, B.A. †
Jorge Mario Del Carpio Alarcon, B.Ec. § Sana A. Hanible, B.A. Carrie A. Leighton, B.S.B.A., High Honors
Napo Arcega Delinia, B.A. Carolyn Mary Hannus, B.S. § Ana Marı́a Levis, B.A.S.
Simone Dell’Aguzzo, B.E., M.E., Honors* † Muhammad Mashfiqul Haque, B.A., Pingnan Li, B.E., M.Ec.
Steven Eric DeLong, B.S., M.P.H., Honors ‡ Honors § Pin-Ju Lin, B.B.A. ‡
Brendan McKenna Dennard, B.S.B.A. † Audrey Elizabeth Harmon, B.S.B.A. John Bradford Linthicum, B.B.A.,
Stephane Murat de Picciotto, M.S.M. Yana Harris, B.S., High Honors* § High Honors
Sachin Dewagan, Cert., B.S.C.E. Betty Cheng Hartnett, B.S. Christopher Richard Liston, B.S. ‡
Ratnakumar V. Dhavala ‡ Ronald Richard Heald, B.A. § Limin Liu, B.Ec., M.B.A., M.P.P.
Naruechon Dhumrongpiyawut, B.Eng., Mark J. Heckert, B.A., Honors ‡ Jarad Matthew Logsdon, B.B.A., Honors ‡
Honors* Linda Hellstrom Tony Lor, B.A.
Nagaraja Doddappa, M.S. Matthew Stephen Henderson, B.A., Janna Elizabeth Lorenzen, B.S.
Luke Edward Donaher, B.A., Honors High Honors* Erica Marie Lotz, B.S.C.E. †
Nicholas Paul Dowd, B.S. † Karla Karina Hernandez Fermin, B.S., M.S. Scott Michael Lowe, B.A., High Honors
Daniel Drazen, B.A. Thomas Michael Herrmann, B.B.A. Hui Ju Ann Lu, B.A.
John F. D’Souza, B.E. Benjamin Hildreth, Mus.B. Sean Alexander Lunde, B.A.

*School Honors Program *Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee †

January 2010 graduate ‡
September 2009 graduate §
Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Elyse Hilary Lupin, B.S. ‡ William August Peterman, B.S., Honors David Matthew Spevick, B.A.
Meghan Koebley MacGregor, B.S.I.E., Candice Marie Petersen, B.A., High Honors* Jane Kelleher Sproul, B.A.
High Honors* Sean Lawrence Petersen, High Honors Ioli Stathi-Dedaki, B.S.S.
Maureen Patricia Magee, B.S.B.A. § Heather Anne Pierce, B.A. ‡ Erica Lyn Stavinoha, B.S. §
Nitin Purushottam Mahajan, B.E. ‡ Stephen James Pizzimenti, B.S., High Honors Molly Rachel Steinberg, Cert., B.A., M.S.W.
Sean Patrick Maher, B.B.A. † Laura Wolcott Plattner, B.A. Eric John Stevens, B.A., Cert., High Honors
Gaurav Malik, B.E. Anurodh Pokharel, B.A. § Sarah Anne Stevenson, A.B. ‡
Melodie Ann Manolopoulos, A.B. § Nelson Poon, B.B.A., Honors § Samuel Field Stonberg, B.A., High Honors †
Colin Don Manuel, B.S., B.A. ‡ Seth Harris Pritikin, B.S. Karyn Lyn Stonis
Ellen Forbes Manz, B.A.S., Honors* Molly Marie Pulkrabek, B.A. § Sarah Manning Stuart, B.A., B.M., M.Mus.
Gabriel Edmund Marcarelli, B.S. § Dawn Jennifer Quinlan, B.S., Honors* § Jesse Robert Sullivan, B.A.S.
Christie L. Marchesseault, B.S. § Kevin Francis Quinn, B.S.A., Honors Kevin J. Sullivan, B.S., Honors* §
Jayesh R. Master, B.E. § Parveza Rahman, B.E.T. Kevin M. Sullivan, B.A. §
Eric Andrew Masters, B.A. Narayanan Raman, B.E., Honors Jason Mark Summa, B.S.
Akshay Mathur, Honors ‡ Allison Rappaport, B.B.A., Honors Wenyi Sun, B.A., M.A.
Rebekah L. McCaslin, B.S.B.A. Jamima Rateau, B.B.A. Robert Ryan Sutfin ‡
Meaghan McCrossan, B.B.A. † Arvind Singh Rawat, B.Tech., Honors Todd D. Sutliff †
Julie Anne McDermott, B.A.S. Abel Z. Rebelo Jr., B.S. † Tina B. Talreja, B.S., M.S.
Cabul Shekhar Mehta, A.B. Dominic Rebelo, B.A. † Hsueh-Kai Tan, B.A.
Hamdi Alper Memis, B.S., High Honors Matthew W. Redmond, B.A. Jidanant Tanpithaksidh, B.F.A.
Brian Scott Merritt, B.S. Ahmed Rehan Kamran Taqui, B.S.B.A.
Michelle Mersereau Farber ‡ Euna Rim, B.A., Honors Jonathan M. Tepe, B.S.B.A.
Carl E. Messina III ‡ Joshua Scott Robbins, B.A. Alexander E. Thompson, B.E. §
Edwine Michel, B.S., M.S., C.A.G.S. § Cady G. Roberts, B.A. Darin Thompson, High Honors*
Stephanie Diane Miles, B.A. † Juan F. Roche Fernández, B.S.E.E., Honors Nicole Alexis Tiano, B.A., High Honors †
Robert William Montgomery, B.S., M.S., Denisse Rodriguez, B.S. § Christian D. Tiu, B.S., Honors
High Honors* Shannon Lynn Rohan, B.S.N. Lisa Dorothy Tobias, A.B., Honors
Thomas J. Montilli, B.A. § William Arthur Roosa, B.S., Honors Derek S. Towle, A.B. †
Bridget Sara Moore, B.S. Andreia H. Rosa, B.Ec. † Puru Pulkesin Trivedi, B.S.B.A. §
Drew B. Morgan, B.S. § Matthew J. Roy, B.S. † Hiroshi Tsuchida, B.B.A. §
Marisa Rachel Morgan, B.A., M.A. Brandon Lew Russell, B.S., High Honors ‡ Shawn Edward Damien Tubman, B.A. §
Mounia Msefer, B.S.A., High Honors § Thomas Matthew Russillo, B.A. † Carl J. Turgeon, Honors
Edward Michael Mulrane, Jr., B.S.C.E., Eloise Reina Russo, A.B. Noël Kristina Twigg, B.A.
M.S.C.E., M.S., High Honors* Ramya Sadras Sugumar, B.E., High Honors Kathleen Ann Ubert, B.S., High Honors* †
Joel J. Munson, B.A. Ameya Nitin Sahasrabudhe, B.E., Honors Christopher Paul Urban, B.S.
Kate Irene Murphy, B.A., Mus.B. § Yuki Sakamoto, B.Ec. Joshua Uri, B.A.
Sarah Rosamond Murphy-Katz, B.A. Michael H. Salamas, B.A. † Shawn Travis Valliere, B.A. §
Jane Murray, A.B., Honors § Matthew T. Salter, B.A., M.S., Benjamin F. Vandahm, B.A., Honors ‡
Naomi H. Muse, B.S., Honors † High Honors ‡ Haren Yogesh Vani, Dip. * †
Humphrey K. Mwangi, B.Com., B.Com. ‡ Oliver G. Sanchez Montes De Oca, B.B.A., Sridhar Vempati, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. †
Lillian Brandwine Needleman, B.B.A. Honors* † Abhiram Vinjamuri, B.E.
Bryan Robert Nelson, B.S. § Nora Cheng Sanders, B.A., High Honors* † Konstantin A. Voziyan, B.S., High Honors
Kevin M. Nelson, High Honors* § Kristen Lynn Sands, B.S.B.A. † Long H. Vu, B.A., J.D.
Selma Alexandra Ramos Almeida Neves, Lauren McKay Sankus, B.A. § Esther Yi-Ching Wang, B.A.
B.S. § Catherine V. Santore, A.B. ‡ Henry H. Wang †
Jason Denni Ngo, B.S.C.E. Sareenah Sayall, B.A. ‡ Juling Wang ‡
Julia Mary Nisbet, B.S. Lindsay Jene’ Saylor, B.S.B.A., Honors Lillian H. Wang, B.S. †
Celia Marisa Nunes, B.S.B.A. Heather Suzanne Schachter, B.A. ‡ Paul Po Wang, B.S. §
Takayuki Okamoto, B.Ec. Daniel Robert Schpero ‡ Xin Wang, B.E.
Mitchell Wayne Oldham, B.A. ‡ Gregory James Scott, B.S.M.E. § Kyle Aaron Washburn, B.S., Ed.M., Honors ‡
Rebecca C. Orcutt, Honors* † Hakan Rudy Seber, B.A. Andrew B. Webster, B.A., High Honors ‡
Shailesh Vitthal Otari, B.E. Joseph Paul Sergienko, S.B. † Catherine Lee Weisbeck, B.S.
Christopher A. Ouellette, B.S., Jason Paul Serino Gretchen F. Whitney, B.S.
High Honors ‡ Sonia Marie Sharigian, B.A. ‡ Jeffrey David Wicks, B.S., M.S.,
Daniel J. Ovadia, B.Ec. ‡ Sarah Mary Sheehy, B.S. High Honors* §
Sanjay Suhas Padte, B.E. Xiaobo Shen, B.A., M.A. Jason Wildhagen, B.A., M.A.
Richard S. Palmer II, B.A. Jenny Qiao Shi, B.S., Dip. Peyton Baird Williams, B.A.
Kristen Jennifer Parnell, B.A. Assad Ul-Haque Siddiqi, B.A., Honors Adam C. Wilson, B.S.C.S. §
Manan Narendra Patel, B.S. † Kazi Muhammad Afzaluddin Siddiqui, B.Sc. Robert Jacob Wilson, B.S. §
Simone Percy Patel, B.E., High Honors Alison Eve Siegel, B.A., Honors ‡ Thomas Wines, B.A. †
Debasis Patra, B.E. Agnieszka Siekirka Kelly Elizabeth Wolf, B.S.B.A. §
Nutdhawut Pattamavipak, B.B.A., Honors Murilo Colares Siqueira, LL.B. † Bryan Gerard Woliner, B.A., High Honors
Jonathan D. Patterson, B.S. Nitcharn Sirisakul-Ngam, B.E. ‡ C. Elliott Wong, B.S. §
Jonathan Peck, Honors* Alex Sargent Sirkin, B.A. Helen Wong, B.A., Honors ‡
Steven M. Peck, B.S.M.E. ‡ Peter Michael Sloan, B.A. § Lee Lin Wong, B.S.
Ma. Regina Abila Pena, B.A.S. Benjamin Samuel Snydacker, B.A. Edwin Bing Fai Woo, B.S.B.A.
Jose Carlos Perez Chavez, B.E. Anders C. Solberg, B.A., High Honors* Sara J. Woo, B.S.E.E., Honors †
Stefano Perotta, M.S.E., High Honors* George Constantine Sophocles ‡ Issariya Woraphiphat, B.B.A.
Christopher Scott Perret, B.B.A., Honors* † Brett A. Sousa, B.A., Honors ‡ Jeffrey Ming Wu, B.A.
Parika Petaipimol, B.S. § Tobin W. Spear, B.A. Kangling Wu, B.Ec.

*School Honors Program *Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee †

January 2010 graduate ‡
September 2009 graduate §
Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Gabriel Daniel Wuebben, B.A., M.A. Chang Ye, B.B.A. Ding Zhang, B.A., B.E.
Ling Xiao, B.Ec., M.P.A., Honors* Melinda Mauz Young, B.S.I.E., Honors Jianhua Zhou, B.S., Ph.D.
Jiangang Xing, B.S., M.S. Jingyi Yu, B.M. Xiaodan Zhuang, B.M., B.S. ‡
Dana Anthony Yacavace, B.A. Fang Yuan, B.A. ‡ Ruijie Zhuo, B.S.
Carolyn Hatsumi Yaka, B.A. Edin Zajmovic ‡


Dan Aharoni, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Honors William Joseph Iaconelli, B.A., High Honors Philip Pavles Obbard, B.A., Honors
Kamal Ali Attyani, B.A., B.E. Salwa B. Kaldas, B.S. Srinivasa Rao Patchala, B.E.
Janet Barbookles, B.S., J.D., LL.M. Kenneth Dean Knudson, B.A. John J. Phillips, B.A., J.D., Honors
John A. Boisvert, High Honors David Douglas Konieczynski, B.S., M.S., Beth-Ann Roberts, B.S.
Deena Ann Bouwmans, B.B.A., High Honors Ph.D., Honors Behzad Soltani, B.S.
Christopher Alden Bunker, B.S., Ph.D. Ivan Lara Gonzalez James K. Stella, B.A., Honors
Jennifer Childs-Roshak, A.B., M.D. Andrew T. Lee, B.A. Anthony C. Sweeney, B.S., M.S.,
Elizeu T. DeCarvalho, B.S.B.A. Nicholas S. Lowell, B.A., B.E., M.S., High Honors
Sékou Nelson Dilday, B.A. High Honors Adam J. Thomas, LL.B., M.A., High Honors
James Brian Doyle, B.S. David Alan Macchia John Everett Thompson, B.A.
Katherine West Faulkner, B.A. Daniel C. Mattrazzo, B.S., M.S. Gautam Vangala, Honors
Martin Paul Gauvin Jr., B.S., Honors Seth Albert McClead, A.B., High Honors John Brandon Wagner, B.B.A., High Honors
Bryan E. Gillis, B.S. John Jefferys Morton, B.A. Nicholas Edward Yoo, B.A.
George Hong, B.S., Ph.D.


Katherine Vassilios Alex, B.A., M.Phil., Karla Karina Hernandez Fermin, B.S., Narayanan Raman, B.E., Honors*
High Honors M.S., Honors Arvind Singh Rawat, B.Tech., High Honors*
Ryan Wesley Astheimer, B.A., Honors ‡ Justin Ripley Hollister, B.S.B.A., Honors Matthew W. Redmond, B.A., High Honors
Sougata Basu, B.E., Honors Neha Jalan, B.S.B.A. ‡ Cady G. Roberts, B.A.
Ashish Nath Bhargava, B.A., High Honors* Nathaniel Scott Katz, B.B.A., High Honors Ramya Sadras Sugumar, B.E., High Honors*
Jeremy David Blanchard, B.M. Paul J. Kim, B.A., Honors Ameya Nitin Sahasrabudhe, B.E.,
Max Brenes, B.A. Timothy Day Kofol, B.S.Eng., High Honors High Honors*
Jesse Alexander Brooks, B.Sc., High Honors Amit Kumar, B.E. Jason Paul Serino, Honors
Jeremy Conrad Burlingame Scott Michael Lowe, B.A., High Honors* Assad Ul-Haque Siddiqi, B.A.
Adele Gardiner Burnes, B.A., High Honors* Lillian Brandwine Needleman, B.B.A. Kazi Muhammad Afzaluddin Siddiqui,
Matthew Gregory Conn, B.J. Julia Mary Nisbet, B.S., High Honors B.Sc., High Honors
Sachin Dewagan, Cert., B.S.C.E., Mitchell Wayne Oldham, B.A., Alex Sargent Sirkin, B.A., High Honors
High Honors High Honors ‡ David Matthew Spevick, Honors
Luke Edward Donaher, B.A., High Honors* Shailesh Vitthal Otari, B.E., Honors Eric John Stevens, B.A., Cert., High Honors*
Sarah Frances Foster, B.A., M.S. Sanjay Suhas Padte, B.E., Honors Kamran Taqui, B.S.B.A., High Honors
Kelly Gene Frazier, B.S. † Simone Percy Patel, B.E., High Honors* Jonathan M. Tepe, B.S.B.A., Honors
Margaret Helen Gentile, B.S.M.E., Debasis Patra, B.E., High Honors Bryan Gerard Woliner, B.A., High Honors
High Honors Sean Lawrence Petersen, B.A., High Honors* Melinda Mauz Young, B.S.I.E.,
Anthony Emmanuel Gyamfi, B.B.A. Laura Wolcott Plattner, B.A. High Honors*
David Hall, Honors ‡


Antonis Sofocli Aristodemou, B.A. ‡ Ting Fei, B.S., M.S., High Honors § Zheng Hu, B.Eng., Ph.D., High Honors ‡
Omar Abdul Bari, B.Ed. § Guogang Feng, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Yuchang Huang, B.S., High Honors ‡
Yuanchao Bo, B.S., Honors ‡ High Honors ‡ Nan Jia, B.S. ‡
Nipun Boonyavanich, B.E. § Lu Gao, B.Sc. ‡ Woo Young Kang, B.A., M.B.A. ‡
Haosi Chang, B.Sc., High Honors* § Yuan Gao, B.Math ‡ Seo In Kim, B.S. ‡
Bowen Chen, B.S.M., High Honors ‡ Lisha Ge, B.S.C.S., B.S.E. § SukWoo Ko, B.S., M.S. ‡
Chao Chen, B.S., High Honors ‡ Christopher David Glynn, B.S., Honors ‡ Sigit Leonardo Kouwagam, B.Eng., Honors ‡
Chunlin Chen, B.S., High Honors § Rui Gong, B.S., High Honors ‡ Haisu Lai, B.S., M.M.M. ‡
Lei Chu Chen, A.B. § Shivansh Santosh Gulwadi, B.Ch.E. § Jung Hoon Lee, B.S. ‡
Sheng-Ju Chen, B.S. ‡ Ali Doruk Gunaydin, B.Sc., M.S. § An Li, B.E., High Honors ‡
Shuo Chen, B.S., Honors ‡ Peter Joseph Handley, M.Phys., Mengmeng Li, B.A., Honors ‡
Xi Chen, B.S. ‡ High Honors* § Yingchun Li §
Dai Dai, B.Ec. ‡ Saevar Ingi Haraldsson, B.S. ‡ Pei-Ju Liao, B.A. §
Rahul Ramkisan Dargar, B.E. ‡ Haotian He, B.Ec., High Honors* § Xiating Liu, B.Eng., High Honors ‡
Yun Deng, High Honors ‡ Yaming He, B.S., High Honors* § Yongchong Liu, B.S.M. ‡
Adam Joseph Diamant, B.Sc., High Honors ‡ Hyun Ju Hong, B.S., M.S. § Yuan Liu, B.Ec. ‡
Saumik Ketankumar Doshi, Honors ‡ Shuai Hou, B.S., High Honors ‡ Vivian Alejandra Lopez Olmos, B.S. ‡
Yauhen Fadzeyeu, Honors § Wenjun Hou, B.S., M.S. § Yao Lu, B.A. §
Ranni Emad Fakhoury, B.S., Honors § Pei-Ying Hsieh, B.S., M.B.A. ‡ Leonid Makarovsky, M.S., High Honors ‡
Yaru Fang, B.Sc., M.Sc. § Shuang Hu, B.Sc. § Rishad Amin Manekia, B.S. §

*School Honors Program *Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee †

January 2010 graduate ‡
September 2009 graduate §
Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Han Mei, B.Math., Honors § Anubhav Singh, B.E. § Bowei Wu, B.Ec. ‡
Trevor Michael Middleton, B.A., Honors § Won-Seok Song, B.S. ‡ Di Wu, B.Eng., M.S. ‡
Ana Paula Montano Medina Mora, Yan Song, B.S., M.E. ‡ Haoyu Wu, B.Ec. §
B.Math., High Honors* § Yang Song, B.S.M. ‡ Tiandan Wu, B.S., M.S. ‡
Edward Michael Mulrane, Jr., B.S.C.E., Hu Su, B.Ec. ‡ Jing Xue, B.S., High Honors ‡
M.S.C.E. ‡ Arjun Kumar Sud, B.S.M.E. § Jingbo Ye, High Honors §
Michalis Stefanos Nicolaides, B.Sc. § Ruyi Tang, B.Ec., High Honors ‡ Dan Yin, B.Ec. §
Luz Adriana Otalora, B.E., M.Ec. ‡ Tao Tao, B.Ec. ‡ Ying Yu, High Honors* §
Ashley Esther Patefield, B.S.Ed., Honors ‡ Ye Tao, B.B.A. § Lin Yuan, B.Eng., M.A. ‡
Jingwen Peng, B.S., High Honors ‡ Jeffrey Paul Fredricks Themanis Rathna Hehan Zhang, B.S.M., High Honors ‡
Jeffrey Wayne Potempa, B.A. § Sekar, B.Tech., High Honors ‡ Jialu Zhang, B.S. §
Jian Qian, B.Ec. § Gu Wang, B.Sc., High Honors Weijia Zhang, B.Eng., High Honors ‡
Chengchen Qin, B.S., High Honors ‡ Guantao Wang, B.S.E., High Honors § Yun Zhang §
Amol Kamal Singh Randhawa ‡ Kuan-Hung Wang, B.S.M. ‡ Jia Zhao, High Honors* §
Haritha Rao, B.E. ‡ Lei Wang, B.Ec., M.Sc. § Mingqi Zhao, B.S., High Honors §
Mallory Ray, B.A. ‡ Po-Lin Wang, B.B.A., B.Sc. § Fanyu Zhou, B.E., M.A.S., M.S.,
Hyeongyul Roh, B.Ec. ‡ Yin Wang, B.E.E., Honors § High Honors §
Amish Shah, B.E. ‡ Yixuan Wang, B.S. § Yuhang Zhou, B.Ec. ‡
Olesya Shubov, B.S., M.S. ‡ Yue Wang, B.S.M., B.Law ‡ Jianqiao Zhu, M.S. §
Da Young Sim, B.A., M.A., Honors ‡ Bruno Weinberg Crocco, B.A., B.S.B.A.


Alisa Janette Behne Timothy John Herlihy, B.B.A., Honors Michael Murphy, B.S.
John William Brownsord, B.A., B.S. Nantida Jirurawong, B.B.A., M.S.M., Dmitri Raberov, B.A., Honors
Matthew Warren Carpenter, B.S.B.A. M.B.A., High Honors* Brian Matthew Ricker, B.S., Honors
Hope Wuming Chik, B.A.S., M.A.S., Sean Michael Leahy, B.S. John Michael Shea, B.A., High Honors*
Ph.D., High Honors* David Anthony Lefcourt, B.A. Robert Francis Sheehy II, B.S.B.A.
Timothy John Costanza, B.A., Honors Henry Greenough Long, B.S.B.A., M.S. Ann St. Peter, B.S.B.A.
Christine Elizabeth Donehue, B.A., Honors Christopher Paul Luongo, B.A., Jebb Gardiner Tether, B.A.
Timothy Paul Dunn, B.S.E. High Honors* Tyler Chase Weathers, B.A., High Honors
Tamsen W. Evans, B.A. Robert David Miles, B.B.A., High Honors Elad Weizmann, B.S.B.A.
Nicholas Gagnon, B.A. Ryan Spencer Mishina, B.S.B.A. David Adam Wood, B.A.
Donald E. Gilbert III, B.A., M.B.A., Cert. Jonida Mucka, B.B.A., High Honors* Christopher James Yeomans, B.S.B.A.,
Heather Emily Greenwood, B.S.B.A. Robert F. Mulhall III, B.S.B.A. Honors
Jennifer A. Griffin, A.B.


Linda Boardman Liu, B.S.B.A., M.B.A., “Technical and Functional Yan Shen, B.A., J.M., “Expatriates’ Developmental Networks:
Quality: Empirical Studies of Provider and Customer Perceptions of A Person-Network Fit Perspective”
Service Quality” Arati Srinivasan, M.S., “The Dynamics of Platform-Based
Chun Feng, M.S., “Determinants and Economic Consequences of Competition During Periods of Architectural Shifts” * §
Going Concern Audit Opinions in Nonprofit Organizations” * Carol Theokary, B.E.E., “Service Quality and Cost Efficiency:
Paulo Figueiredo, “Managing the Product Development Pipeline” * Some Empirical Investigations in the U.S. Healthcare
Amy M. Gannon, “On Becoming an Entrepreneur: Exploring How Industry” * §
African American Business Owners Construct Their Identities” § Jennifer Maye Walske, B.A., M.B.A., “Factors Associated with
Ling Lin, B.A., “Institutional Ownership Composition and Early Firm Performance: Human Capital, Social Capital, Initial
Accounting Conservatism” * † Firm Strategy” ‡
Pavinee Manowan, B.S.A., M.S., “Dual Class Ownership Structure Kun Yu, B.Ec., M.Ec., “Does Recognition Versus Disclosure
and Managerial Entrenchment” * § Matter? Evidence from Pension Accounting” ‡

*School Honors Program *Beta Gamma Sigma Society inductee †

January 2010 graduate ‡
September 2009 graduate §
Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25

School of Medicine


Emily Ruth Adams, B.A. Robert William Grant Gordon, B.A., Julia Kisin Polat, B.S.
George Antoine Aghia, B.S. Cum Laude Silvina Beatriz Pugliese, B.A.
Isabella Zita Agyekum, B.S. Amy Eileen Grove, B.A., M.A. Rashmi Rao, B.S., M.A.
Gerasimos Bastas, B.S. Juliet Gyimah, B.A. Swathi A. N. Rao, B.A.
Shaun Neil Bhatia, B.A. Sarah Freilich Gyllstrom, B.S., Cum Laude Patrick Hoi Ginn Redmond, B.S.,
Kurtis Gray Birch, B.S. Ashleigh Anna Halderman, B.S., Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude
Rebecca Dianne Blumhofer, B.S., M.P.H. Daniel Adam Hall, B.A. Dallas Ashley Reed, B.S.
Denita Marie Boschulte, B.S. Christine Sarah Higham, B.A. David Arnold Reiersen, B.S.
Paul Edgar Bower, B.S., Cum Laude Nikki D. Hill, B.S. Andrea Lauren Rier, B.S.
Juniper Lyra Burch, B.A., Cum Laude Elizabeth Judith Housman, B.A., Hubert Laverne Roberts, B.S.
Meghan Jude Campo, B.S., M.A. Magna Cum Laude Claudia Patricia Rodriguez, B.S.
Pamela Sofia Carlton, B.A. Cindy Hsing-Liang Hsu, B.A. Courtney Kaohinani Rowe, B.A.
Alexis Christina Carrington, B.S. Ryan Barrett Hunt, B.S. Anna Marie Royer, B.A.
Celina Denise Cepeda, B.S. Christoph Hutchinson, B.A., M.A. Eric Andrew Russell, B.S.
Nadia Chan, B.A. Heather Marie Imsande, B.S. Marisa Ann Ryan, B.A.
Carrie Charlton, B.S. Nicole Faye Jaffe, B.S., Cum Laude Ari Charles Sacks, B.A., Magna Cum Laude
Rebecca June Chase, B.A. Amy Elizabeth Judy, B.S., Cum Laude Angelica Salazar, B.S., M.A.
Aaron Chao-Chi Chiang, B.S. Jeffrey Saad Jumaily, B.S. David Andrew Salz, B.A.,
Victor Chien, B.A., M.A. Cherry Chae-Rhee Junn, B.A. Summa Cum Laude
Yousun Chung, B.S. Nancy Kang, B.A. Heather Enid San Miguel, B.S.
Robert Martin Cole, B.A., M.A., Cum Laude Michelle Weiss Katzow, B.A. Jeffrey Lorren Seal, B.S.
Michael Richard Coronado, B.A., M.A. Stutee Khandelwal, B.S. Elizabeth Selden, B.A., M.A.
John Jacob Cuaron, B.A., Cum Laude Eun-Jeong Kim, B.A. Neil Nayan Shah, B.A.
Jennifer Marie Dan, B.S. Michael Kim, B.S. Debbie Shlain, B.A.
Kate Morrison Daniello, B.S. Yoona Regina Kim, B.S. Christopher Paul Simons, B.A.
Christopher Ryan D’Ardenne, B.A., Paul Joseph Krezanoski, B.A. Max Spaderna, B.A.
Cum Laude Nitin Krishnaji Kulkarni, B.A. Rachel Ariel Stein, A.B.
Mia Danielle DeBarros, B.S. Jordan Vicente Lao, B.S. Alexandra Marion Stillman, B.S.
Alexander Matthew DeHaan, B.S., Karen Sunhae Lee, B.S., M.A., M.P.H. Gretchen Dado Struemph, B.S.
Cum Laude Theresa May Lee, B.A. Jonathon Michael Struemph, B.S.
Timothy Delsol, B.S. Adam Chad Lessne, B.A. Dante Alexander Suffredini, B.S., M.A.
Victoria Marie Derevianko, B.A. Erin Ilana Lewis, B.A. Matthew Patrick Sullivan, B.S.,
Steven Edward Deso, B.S., Anthony Ee-Li Lim, B.A., J.D. Magna Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude Daniel Lin, B.A. Vikram Suri, B.A.
Cora Ze Ying Dong, B.A. Jerry Tsuning Liu, B.S., M.A. Jenny Tan, B.S.
Jessica Katherine Elizabeth Dunn, B.S., Kira Nicole Long, B.A. Sunena K. Tewani, B.A.
M.P.H. William Edward LoVerme Jr., B.A. Brian Andrew Tinsley, B.A., M.A.
Elliott J. Elias, B.S., M.A., M.P.H. Peter Xingyu Luo, B.A. Duc An Tran, B.A.
Katie Ruth Famous, B.A. Ryan Christopher Lynch, B.A. Gustavo V. Villegas, B.S.
Maya Fayfman, B.A. Anne Marie Mahoney, B.A. Michelle Phuong-Mai Vu, B.A.
Michael David Friedberg, B.S., M.A. Laura Martin, B.A. Terese Zakiya Watkins, B.S.
Julie Leann Cheng Fu, B.S., M.A. William Roger Masch, B.A. Matthew F. Watto, B.S., Cum Laude
Stacey M. Fulton, B.S. Jamal Abdoalah Nabhani, B.S. Derek Dean Wayman, B.S.
Sarah Elizabeth Gallo, B.S. Joanna Hoi Yeun Ng, B.A. Carissa A. Webster-Lake, B.S.
Stephanie Diane Gan, B.A. Lisa Pham Nguyen, B.S. Aaron C. Weinberg, B.A.
Niren Jeevan Gandra, B.A. Theresa L. Nilson, B.S. Emily Anne Welsh, B.A., Magna Cum Laude
Ravi Kumar Garg, B.S., Summa Cum Laude Thomas William Oden III, B.A. April Elizabeth Whitaker, B.A.
Mathew Nate Geltzeiler, B.S., Brian Patrick O’Gara, B.S. Rebecca Jou Wong, B.A.
Summa Cum Laude Sarah Anne Pace, B.A. Ebonie S. Woolcock, B.S.
Andrea Kelley Girnius, B.S., Cum Laude Philip Aldo Pancari, B.S. Yuhong Yan, B.A.
Scott Summer Glazier, B.A. Christie Pang, B.A. James Song-Jeng Yeh, B.A., M.A.
Megan Maureen Gleason, B.A., M.A. Rajesh Bhanu Patel, B.A., M.A. David Stephenson Young, B.A., M.S.
Nina Lynn Gluchowski, B.S. Shyamal Patel, B.A. Yifan Zheng, B.S.
Justin Daniel Golden, B.A., M.A. Tatiana Pereira DaCunha, B.S., M.S. Priyanka Zutshi, B.S.
Alison Hampton Goldin, B.A., Cum Laude


Kyriaki Bakirtzi, B.Sc., M.Sc., “Characterization of Glucose Gerasimos Bastas, B.S., “Identifying the Cognate Antigens of
Uptake in the Cerebellum” ‡ Multiple Myeloma Paraproteins”

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Ramon G. B. Bonegio, B.S., B.M., “Notch Signaling During Elma Kurtagic, B.S., “Neutrophil Elastase Cleaves Vascular
Kidney Development and Injury Responses” ‡ Endothelial Growth Factor to Generate a Fragment with
Ariel Beth Brown, B.A., “Effect of Dopamine Transporter Gene Altered Activity” †
(DAT1) Variation on Brain Function in Attention-Deficit/ Karen Sunhae Lee, B.S., M.A., M.P.H., “A Tet-Regulatable
Hyperactivity Disorder” ‡ Mouse Model for the Analysis of Systemic Autoimmune
Kristen Nicole Bushell, B.S., “The Transcription Factor LITAF Disease”
Mediates Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha in Macrophages Lihan Liu, B.S., “Role of the NAD(P)H Redox State in Glucose-
Harvested from Inflamed Mouse Colonic Tissue” † Stimulated Insulin Secretion: Lessons from Methyl Esters of
Partha Chakrabarti, M.B.B.S., “Insulin-Controlled Secretory Krebs Cycle Intermediates” †
Function of Adipocytes” † Rebecca Sage Lufler, B.S., “Use of Anatomy and Radiological
Kylle Michelle Daley, B.S., “Impairment of the Adaptive Immune Imaging to Elucidate the Etiology of Forefoot Varus and
Response Following Burn Injury” † Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis and to Complement the Teaching
Jennifer Marie Dan, B.S., “Exploiting Pattern Recognition of Medical Gross Anatomy”
Receptors to Create a Cryptococcus neoformans Vaccine” Courtney Elizabeth Mayo, B.A., “The P2X7 Receptor in the
David Allen Davis, B.S., “Actin Capping Protein Beta 2 Cornea: Role in Epithelial Migration and Regulation of Stromal
Subunit (Capzb2) Function in Neurodevelopment and Matrix Organization” ‡
Neurodegeneration” ‡ John Alexander Meyers, A.B., M.A., “Unique Cyclic Nucleotide
Tovah Anna Day, A.B., “CDC7-Mediated Phosphorylation of Signaling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Represents a
RAD18 Facilitates Recruitment of DNA Polymerase ETA to Potential Novel Therapeutic Target” †
Stalled Replication Forks” † Adrian Lynn Oblak, B.S., “Neuroanatomical and Neurochemical
Eileen Margaret Dunne, B.S., “The Antibacterial Activity of PAD- Alterations in the Cingulate Cortex and Fusiform Gyrus in
1.17 and its Effects on the Bacillus subtilis Ribosome” † Autism”
Katie Ruth Famous, B.A., “The Contributions of Ionotropic Duane Joseph Oswald, B.S., “The Corneal Wound Response
Glutamate Receptors and CaMKII to the Reinstatement of Involves Reciprocated Action by Nucleotides Released from the
Cocaine-Seeking Behavior in Rats” Epithelium and by Glutamate from Trigeminal Afferent
Xuan Gao, B.S., “Effects of Oxidation, Particle Size, and Protein Neurons” †
Composition on Structure and Stability of High-Density Elizabeth Palaima, B.S., “Glycan Characterization of
Lipoprotein” Microbacterium nematophilum Resistant Mutants of the
Kelly A. Graham, B.S., “Identification of Distinct Gene Expression Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans” †
Signatures in Histologically Normal Epithelium from Patients Dorothy Pazin, B.Sc., M.Sc., “Extracellular Matrix-Associated
with Different Breast Cancer Risk” † Proteins in Fetal Gonad and Reproductive Tract Development” †
Michael Jonathan Greenberg, B.S., “Modulation of Myosin Elizabeth Compton Pino, B.S., “Hypoxic Regulation of Adipocyte
Mechanics and Kinetics by the Myosin Regulatory Light Chain” Gene Expression”
Aditi Uday Gurkar, B.S., “ATM/ATR-Mediated Phosphorylation Ihn Young Song, B.S., “Novel Roles for the Fanconi Anemia
of RAD18 is Required for Efficient S-Phase Progression and Pathway in DNA Replication and Trans-Lesion Synthesis” †
Replication Fork Stability” † Gerald J. Stanvitch, B.S., “Investigating the Role of CIN-4, a
Jorge Francisco Haller, B.S., “Characterization of a Mammalian Topoisomerase II Like Protein, in Kinetochore Resolution” ‡
Mutant Cell Line Defective in Glycerolipid Biosynthesis” Gregory Owen Staples, B.S., “Glycomics Analysis of Heparan
Bethany Noelle Hannafon, B.S., “An Integrated Analysis of the Sulfate Domain Structure”
Coordinated Dysregulation of microRNAs and their Targets in Vikram Suri, B.A., “Snapin: A Snare Modulator that Regulates
Pre-Invasive Breast Cancer” Vasopressin-Responsive Aquaporin-2 Shuttling at Multiple
Steven Carter Hatch, B.S., “Human Immunodeficiency Virus Steps”
Type 1 Envelope Glycoprotein-Dependent and -Independent Thomas Thomou, B.Sc., M.Sc., “HOX Gene Expression Profiles
Mechanisms of Dendritic Cell-Mediated Virus Capture and Demarcate Regional Identity of Human Fat Depots” ‡
Trans Infection” Duc An Tran, B.S., “IGF-1 Induces Premature Cellular Senescence
Beth Marie Hovey, B.A., “Innovative Therapies and Model Through Inhibition of SirT1 and Activation of p53”
Systems for Light Chain Amyloidosis” Jacqueline Andrea Vernarelli, B.A., M.S., “Genetic Risk
Karole A. Howland, B.A., M.S., “Spoken and Written Novel Word Assessment and Nutrition Behaviors: Influence and Impact” †
Learning in Adults with and without Dyslexia” ‡ Matthew Thomas Whittaker, B.A., “Pregnenolone Sulfate
Cindy Hsing-Liang Hsu, B.A., “Crosstalk Between Leucine-Rich Modulates Neurotransmitter Release from Isolated Neuron
Repeat Kinase 2 and MAPK Pathways: Implications for the Terminals of the Rat Striatum” ‡
Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease” Junfeng Wu, B.S., M.S., “Regulation and Function of P63 in
Guanrong Huang, B.S., M.S., “Biogenesis and Insulin Cancer Cell Invasion”
Responsiveness of Glut4 Storage Vesicles in 3T3-L1 Cells” † Shujun Yuan, B.S., “Structural and Functional Studies of the
Milka S. Koupenova-Zamor, B.S., “The Role of the A2b Human Apoptosome” ‡
Adenosine Receptor in Vascular Function” Ling Zeng, “Identification of a Novel Muscle-Derived Secreted
Factor, Insulin-like 6” †


Bassima Jihad Abdallah, B.S. Kyle Glenn Alpaugh, B.S. Sukhmine Alexis Bains, B.S. ‡
Mohammed Marwan Abdel-Al, B.S. Jose Roberto Alvayero, B.A. § John Seongweon Bak, B.S.
Daniel Adamo, B.S. ‡ Stefanie Ammiano, B.S. Yostina Bakhit, B.A.
Laura Marjorie Adams, B.A. ‡ Aditi Lalitha Ananth, B.S. Abraham Adnan Baloul, B.S. ‡
Anupma Agarwal, M.B.B.S., M.D. Lee Edward Anderson, B.A. ‡ Amit Banerjee, B.S. †
Erin Agee, B.S. Nicholas Christian Anderson, B.A. ‡ Andre A. Basmadzhyan, B.S. †
Aleksey Alekseyenko, B.S. ‡ Nancy Armanious, B.S. † Joshua Aaron Scott Becker, B.S. ‡
Konstantin Alekseyenko, B.S. ‡ Fadi Arodaki, B.S. ‡ Mitchell Eli Becker, B.S. ‡
Racquel Simone Allen, B.S. ‡ Julia Allison Auer, B.S. Steven Daniel Beckoff ‡

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Jasna Behaderovic, B.S. § Melissa S. Ghulam, B.S. ‡ Helen Julie McLaughlin, B.A.
Tony Simon Berbara, B.S. Veronica Godines, B.S. ‡ Kristen Marguerite Meier, B.A.
Jillian Marie Bizzotto, B.S. Rachel Owen Grimes, B.S. Danielle E. Mella, B.S.
Loren Blake, B.S. † Johnathan Seung-Soo Ha, B.S. ‡ Gustavo Guillermo Mendez, B.S. †
Eliran Bracha, B.A. Samer Ikab Habib, B.S. § Glory N. Mercilus, B.S. ‡
Graham William Brown, B.S. † Michael Patrick Hall, B.S. ‡ Josephine Angela Minnicino
Ronald Dean Brown, Jr., B.A. Kelly Kathryn Halverson, B.A. Sammita Mogre, B.S. ‡
Vera Elizabeth Brown, B.A. Gabriella Kay Hamann, A.B. Mohammadali Mojarrad, B.S. §
William David Brubaker, B.S. Brianna Noelani Harris, A.B. ‡ Hwi Moon, B.S.
Thomas A. Burgess Rachel E. Herdes, B.S. Raed Moustafa, B.A.
Allyce Nicole Caines, B.S. Daniel Edward Hogan, Jr., B.S. Mohamad H. Nadimi, B.S. ‡
Timothy Kieran Murray Calvert, B.A. § Steven Albert Hoh, B.S. ‡ Adam Nasreddine
Thomas James Capasso, B.S. Emily Ann Holick, B.A. † Robert Kenney Needleman, B.S.
Lindsey Elizabeth Cassidy, B.A. Michele Andrea Holzinger, B.S. ‡ Han Ngoc Nguyen, B.S. §
Joon Young Chang, B.A. Elizabeth Jennings Hudson, B.A. Johnny P. Nguyen, B.S. †
Brian Jin Chase, B.A. ‡ Denise Michelle Ireland, B.S. ‡ Tuyet Trinh Nguyen, B.A.
John Thomas Chece, B.S. Lady-Thelma W. James, B.S. ‡ Olga Novikov, B.A. ‡
Bridget Catherine Chen, B.S. Yong Hoon Ji, B.S. Elena Leigh O’Brien, B.A. ‡
YingQiu Chen, B.S. Reena S. John, B.S. § Lisa Michelle O’Neal, B.A. ‡
Daniel Cherfan, B.S. Gretchen Zaneta Johnson, B.S. ‡ Winnie Wei Ling Ong, B.A. §
Ranjit Singh Chima, B.A. Aaron Hal Josephson, B.S. Timna Onigman, B.A.
Han Nah Cho, B.A. † Andrew Cigno Joy, B.A. Elissa Ortolani, B.A.
Arthur Kwok-Fung Choi, B.S. Lydia Kaoutzani, B.A. Peters Toms Otlans, B.A. †
Brian Joon Hwa Choi, B.A. ‡ Tina Patel Kapadia, B.S. Heather Ashley Leilani Padilla, B.S. †
Cherrie Lok Sum Chung, B.S. Ali Mahmoud Karaouni, B.S. § Jin Won Park, B.S.
Daniel I. Chung, B.A. Mariam Karimeddiny, B.S. ‡ Soongang Park, B.S. ‡
Christabelle Jean Dayrit Co, B.A. Havisha Bindu Karnam, B.A. Jennifer Pascual, B.S.
Essence Emanie Cohen, B.A. † David Asher Katz, B.A. Shaun Rajni Patel, B.A. ‡
Benjamin Seth Colby, B.A. ‡ Devin Mansfield Keefe, B.S. Gauri Prakash Patil, B.D.S. †
Amanda N. Cole, B.S. Hilary Brooke Keller, B.A. Jeffrey Harris Penzner, B.S.
Amanda Hollos Cook, B.A. ‡ Muhammad Saleem Khan, B.S. § Divya Prabhu, B.S. †
Kathleen Elizabeth Copeland, B.S. Rola Maan Khedraki, B.S. Arsheen Premjee, B.A.
Arianne Cordon, B.A. Hussain Mohammed Khrad, B.M. ‡ Jessica Sue Provo, B.S. ‡
Catherine Cory, B.A. Daniel Hyun Kil, B.S. Susan Danielle Pyatt, B.S. ‡
Emily Alissa Cosin, B.A. Francis S. Kim, A.B. Amir Hamid Qureshi, B.S.
Paul Craig, B.S. In A. Kim, B.S. § Veena Ramgopal, B.A. §
Catharine Anne Culjis, B.S. John Sang Kim, B.A. ‡ Priti V. Rawani, B.S.
Brian Patrick Curry, B.S. ‡ Jung-Min Kim, B.S. ‡ Jamaal Taj Rawls-Payton, A.B.
Kyle Louis Cyr, B.A. § Kyeonghee Heon Kim, B.A. Millys A. Reyes, B.S. ‡
Nicholas S. Dabai, B.S. § Min Ji Kim, B.S. Nekeyua Nicole Richardson, B.S.
Leonierose Namalata Dacuycuy, B.S., M.A. § Samuel Sunghyun Kim, B.A. Melissa Anne Riley, B.A.
Rina Joshi Davé, B.S. ‡ Youngwu Kim, B.Sc. ‡ Kelly L. Robotti, B.A.
Victoria Lynne Davis, B.S. § Jon Adam Kimball, B.S. § Meaghan Sarah Roche, B.S.
Aga Khan Puno De Castro, B.S. Guneet Singh Kochar, B.A. ‡ Margery Flynn Rosenblatt, B.S. §
Jordan Douglas Deifik, B.S.B.A. ‡ Mitchell Paul Kornhaber, B.S. ‡ Sumon Roy, B.A. ‡
Christopher Ryan DeSimone, B.S. Brooke Marie Lamparello, B.S. ‡ Jennifer Daniela Rubin, B.A. ‡
Jeffrey J. Dewey, A.B. ‡ Socheata Chan Lao, B.S. Colleen Elizabeth Ryan, B.S. ‡
Danielle Marie DiFranco, B.A. Charlie Lee, B.S. Jeffrey Brian Ryba, B.A. †
Michelle Ha Duong, B.S. ‡ Daniel Seungil Lee, B.A. Vibhu Sachdev, B.S. ‡
Valentine Mbepson Ebuh, M.D. Jean Woo Lee, B.S. ‡ Danielle Salazar, B.S.
Vikram Jonathan Eddy, B.S. § Vincent Lee, B.S. Laila Ahmed Saleem, B.S.
Kate Alexandra Hersey Ellis, B.A. Zachary Joseph Levin, B.S. Christopher John Salzillo, B.S.
Nadia Hanem El Tayar, B.A. James William Light, B.A. § Rakhsita Satyarthi, B.S. ‡
Veronica Marie Esmero, B.S. Alexis P. Lincoln, B.S. § Jonathan Allen Scabich, B.S., M.S.
Sorochi Esochaghi, A.B. † John Francis Ling III, B.E. ‡ Tarah Liana Scanlon, B.S., M.S. §
Brook Ahrens Etherington, B.S. § John Yeng Liu, A.B. Elizabeth Ann Scarola, B.A., B.S.
Svetlana Faktorovich, B.S. ‡ Erica Stewart Lopes, B.A. ‡ Elizabeth Ruth Schuller, B.S. ‡
Alireza Farsidjani, B.S. ‡ Phoebe Ryland Lott, A.B. Jared Anthony Schultz, B.S. ‡
Christine Fayad, B.S. ‡ Wynee Shiaowei Lou, B.S. † Zachary Phillip Schwartz, B.A. ‡
Stephanie Anne Feldman, B.A. Rong D. Lu, B.A. ‡ Sabrina Marie Seus, B.S. ‡
Adelisse Fontanet, B.S. § Andrew Nguyen Luu, B.S. ‡ Jenna R. Sherman, A.B. ‡
Simone Alicia Forde, B.A. Dennis K. Ma, B.S., B.A. Ah-Ram Shin, B.A. ‡
Amber Kassel Fotinos-Hoyer, B.S. ‡ Mark William Towers Maddox, B.S. Jacob Young Shin, B.A.
Sarah Fran Freeman, B.A. Anna Maria Buhay Maglunog, B.A. § Marissa L. Simms, B.A. ‡
Gerald M. Frungillo, B.A. Geraldine Eleazar Malana, B.A., B.S. Alicia Erin Skorupinski, B.A.
Dominick John Gadaleta, B.S. Amy Maletz, B.A. Christopher Paine Malcolm Smelick, B.S. ‡
Martin L. Gagne, B.S. Veshal Malhotra, B.A. Erika Kathleen Smith, B.S.
Robert Francis Garofano, B.S. Kristin L. Matchett, B.S. Melissa Michelle Smith, B.A. ‡
Nicholas Robert Garrett, B.S. † Neil David McCormack, B.S. ‡ Janelle Nicole Sobecki, B.A.
Meghan Charlotte Geary, A.B. Teresa Francine McGrath, B.S. Divyanshu Soni, B.S. ‡

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Christopher Thomas Soriano, B.S. Jamie Tsan-Ming Tung Megan Theresa Wilson, B.A. ‡
Christopher D. Strader, B.S. ‡ Sara Jean Twombly, B.A. Charles A. Wisniewski, B.A. §
Joyce Bin-Hong Sun, B.S. § Jessica L. Tyler, B.S. Chris Yau-Man Wong, B.S.
Emily Frances Suther, B.A. Felix Baribo Vincent, B.A. § Stanley Wong, B.S., M.S.
Asif Alvi Syed, M.B.B.S. Adnan B. Virani, B.S. ‡ Timothy Adam Woodward, B.A.
Reem S. Taha, B.S. † Michelle Ngoc-Van Vo, B.S. ‡ Kyoko Yamamoto, B.A. ‡
Nicole Amanda Taveras, B.S. † Cassandre Voltaire § Chen-Yuan Charlie Yang, B.S.
Gizem Engin Tel, B.S. † Demetrios Vorgias, B.A. ‡ Jane Yoon, B.S. ‡
Meena Theva, B.S. Thien-Huong Thi Vu, B.A. ‡ Louis Byungho Yu, B.A.
Christopher Robert Tonn, B.A. Elizabeth Rose Wallace, B.S. Richard J. Yun, B.S.
Tatiana Haralinova Toumbeva, B.S. Jared P. Walsh, B.A. Wendy Zedan, B.A. §
Ann Tran, B.A. ‡ Jasmine Wang, B.S. Sami Abraham Zelkha, B.A. ‡
Chau Minh Tran, B.A. ‡ Sarah Ann Welch, B.S. ‡
Justin Dwight Tsai, B.A. ‡ Irene Elizabeth Weller, B.A. ‡


Crystal Ann Dugan Araujo, B.A. Jessica Lynn Gleba, B.S. Cristina Marie Padilla, B.S.
Michelle Marie Call, B.S. ‡ Roxanne J. Godding, B.A. Jason Parente, B.S. †
Kathryn Megan Cerow, B.S. John H. Grassel, A.B. † Kendall Chase Prescott, B.S. §
Alice Chung, B.S. † Jennifer Lynn Hardt, B.S. Erik R. Savicke, B.S.
Katharine Margaret Coles, B.A. Mallory Susan Littman, B.A. † Danielle Nicole Stephens, B.A. ‡
Peter James Colleran, B.S. Maureen McCabe, B.A. ‡ Stephanie Bai-Ying Thi, B.S. ‡
Danielle Leigh Conklin, B.S. Monika Mechel, B.S. † Kerry Kaia Thornton, B.S. ‡
Rebecca Haviland Daner, B.S. ‡ Jilliane Elise Miller, B.S. Erin Elizabeth Thorpe, B.A.
Jocelyn L. Davie, B.S. Marian Jean Morse, B.A. Lisa R. Tozier, B.S. †
Leanna Marie Farnam, B.S. † Sylvia Pais Narciso, B.S. Zena Marie Urban, B.S. ‡
Andrea Meredith Feldman, B.S. ‡

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Metropolitan College


Melissa Rae Alvendia Wayne A. Grant, Magna Cum Laude Anthony Miller, Summa Cum Laude
Paul Joseph Arnao, Magna Cum Laude Lisa Michelle Greenberg, Lena Miriam Miller §
Anulfo G. Baez § Magna Cum Laude ‡ Alison Patricia Murphy
Thomas E. Birks Alexa Rose Greenstadt § Shirley Neal §
Hillary Michelle Blazer-Doyle, Michael Robert Griffin, Cum Laude ‡ Brian E. O’Malley Jr., Cum Laude ‡
Summa Cum Laude Brenda Milagros Guzman § Olivia Louise Parker §
Deborah Hightower Brewington § Alec Thomas Hadden Steven Pataky §
Kelly Marie Burke § Michael Harrison, Magna Cum Laude Lauren Jennifer Perpetua, Cum Laude †
Michael Casson § Keith Michael Hayden Laura Kate Peters, Summa Cum Laude ‡
Daryl Chamberlain, Magna Cum Laude ‡ Raffaella Heath § Jason Arthur Pierce, Magna Cum Laude
Sandra Lee Condito, Magna Cum Laude Claudia Ann Hoffman § Matthew Reimer †
Kelly Kenneth Crosse, Magna Cum Laude † Marsha L. Kalfsbeek, Summa Cum Laude ‡ Andre Richter §
Mary C. Curran, Cum Laude ‡ Barbara L. Kempf § Patrick Anthony Robertshaw ‡
Debra Jane Dangelo § Jill Ann Kenderes § Oona Janina Rokicki §
Lauren Daniels § Judith E. Kidd, Cum Laude ‡ William George Ruppell §
Lawrence Davis † Rebecca Lynn Kiggen ‡ Demetrias Salley
Steward Ian Diner, Magna Cum Laude Steve Kipuros, Jr. § Melissa Anne Singletary §
Lawrence George Donahue, Cum Laude ‡ Heather Leigh Larson John Dean Stabenau ‡
Nicole Shiran Dorsett § Chung Beom Lee, Cum Laude † Jared Martin Stanton †
Aimee Elizabeth Eiserle † Jennifer Clark Lee Candace Strouble †
Sheri Lynn Elbert-Lucas § Thomas James Lee, Magna Cum Laude † Stacy Laura Tatem, Cum Laude
Alexis Rose Fagan ‡ Daniel Scott Lefco § Kenneth J. Tebbetts, Cum Laude ‡
Jonathan Fitzgerald, Magna Cum Laude † Ronald Leftwich, Cum Laude Nicholas John Thermenos
Brian Albert Fogle § Jann Christine Leonard ‡ Marie T. Tran
Mark Lindsay Foote, Magna Cum Laude † Samantha Ann Litalien, Magna Cum Laude Kristin Van Kampen †
Annette Lynne Frizzi, Magna Cum Laude † Adria Dawn McCool § Udo O. Warias, Magna Cum Laude ‡
Sarah Elizabeth Gasper Heather Lyn McIntire § Elizabeth Whaley Wells §
Peter Georges-Clapp † Casey Leigh McIntosh § Richard Thomas Wilton, Cum Laude
William Gold, Cum Laude Peter John McNerney, Magna Cum Laude ‡ David Wong §
Jenna Ray Golden ‡ Lauren Renee Menkes Harvey Emmons Yates §
Dorothy Ann Gormley § Aaron Eugene Michaelian Karen D. Yates
Tyler Christian Graham


Abdurhman Mohammed Abdurhman Joseph Salvatore Coppola † Patrick Alexander Garcia,
Khalil Rashad Al-Jammi, Cum Laude ‡ Cindye Ann Crawford ‡ Magna Cum Laude
Rashed Hamed Alzayani § Jane Biagioni Cultrera, Cum Laude Stephan Chris Gomes §
Robert Paul Anderson Jr., Cum Laude John R. Curtis § Esneider Gomez Jr.
Samuel Nti Appiah † Joan Deam Daniel L. Goncalves, Cum Laude
Casey Hobbs Atkins, Cum Laude Sergio Roberto DeLima § Jasmina Gonzalez †
Shateenah Kae Barnes, Cum Laude Vadim Denishenko, Magna Cum Laude † Kirsten Anna Greco, Cum Laude
Daniel William Barowy, Summa Cum Laude Tanya Deveau § Denise Sylvia Greene §
William Walter Bennett II, Cum Laude Michael Andrew Dewey, Eric David Gryba
Andres Berrio, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude † Elben Dantas Guimaraes, Cum Laude ‡
Emmanuel E. Berrouet † Sabrina D. Dix ‡ Maria Catalina Gutierrez, Cum Laude
Steven Nabil Bissada § Sharon Marie Dow ‡ Sarah Jane Hagler, Magna Cum Laude
Donna M. Bonaparte Heliana O. Downing ‡ Lori Ellen Hamilton, Magna Cum Laude †
Thomas Charles Bourque † Jeffrey Paul Durney ‡ Yongda Harris
Scott Arthur Brittain † Fernando Estevan † David John Harrison
Jenan Bubalo ‡ Melissa Marie Etienne, Magna Cum Laude ‡ Sarah Rhiannon Hayes §
Sandra Catalina Bustamante Lopez Aaron Jonathan Farmer Jemal Arkeen Haynes, Cum Laude ‡
Christopher M. Butler, Magna Cum Laude ‡ Livia Guimarães Carvalho Fernandes, Tiara R. Hector §
Hashby E. Casado ‡ Summa Cum Laude Gregory Maxwell Hill, Cum Laude
Daniel B. Cashmore Thomas C. Ferrante, Magna Cum Laude ‡ Bonnie Louise Jones, Summa Cum Laude
Keith A. Chachkes † Justin Richard Fisher Edward Jones, Cum Laude
Kofi Asante Chemfe ‡ Lauren Elizabeth Fitch, Magna Cum Laude Philippe Zongola Kadiobo §
Tommy Chin Robert E. Fortini III, Cum Laude ‡ Daniel Hyuk Kang ‡
Travis Landreth Clarke Marco Vinicio Franco Chloe Sidney Katz ‡
Jaclyn Elizabeth Collier Ricken Rajesh Gala Erica Lynn Kilduff, Cum Laude

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Heather Lindsay Kough Isaiah Hakim Norton Matthew T. Smith, Cum Laude ‡
Richard W. Krant III ‡ Janice Murice Obasiolu, Magna Cum Laude Doris Vanessa Sosa Moyet, Cum Laude
Eugene Laval Laisné III Kasey Marie O’Neil † Marco Antonio Soto, Magna Cum Laude ‡
Andrew James Langell, Magna Cum Laude † Kenneth Rafael Orellana Jennifer Sowers
Yury A. Levin, Cum Laude Julius Omorodion Osula † Karina Spiess
Rong Lew Marc Panasuk ‡ Denise Stephens
Hyissia Adelle Lewis Ivey § Desiree M. Pappenheimer, Daniel J. St. Germain, Cum Laude
Rebecca Lieberman § Magna Cum Laude Donelle Shani Straughter
Joshua Robert Lucas, Cum Laude Jason G. Parks ‡ Carlos Jerry Strong
Edward Adam Malhoit § Pablo Silva Pascual Sean Robert Sullivan ‡
Lee Martinez, Summa Cum Laude Reena Patel § Brenda A. Svets, Magna Cum Laude
Robert Martinez Christopher Perkins, Summa Cum Laude Tary Trinh ‡
Sarah Beth Matiaudes † Stephen I. Peters Elizabeth Ann Trozzi
Tara Marie McAdam ‡ Nicholas F. Pinheiro ‡ Jaimee Noelle Tyler
Melissa S. McCloud § Maxwell Keniston Potter Gerry Joseph Varcarolis †
Roderick William McLean § Halah H. Radieddine, Magna Cum Laude ‡ James Viggiano §
Richard Christopher Monarch, Noelle Arriane Ramos-Vasconcelos § Ricardo Villamil, Summa Cum Laude ‡
Summa Cum Laude ‡ Katie Anne Rigsby, Cum Laude Melissa Anne Voulgaris
Jorge Alejandro Montoya ‡ Danny Rodriguez ‡ Brian Richard Ward §
Agustina Moron, Cum Laude Juan Sebastian Rohrer Jeramy Reid Webb §
Thomas Joseph Morrow § Nicole Leandra Ross † Jill Ann Whitney †
Brian Moy ‡ Linda Sakupwanya § Robert Joseph Wolcik III,
John Nganga Mumira ‡ Batool Saleem, Magna Cum Laude † Magna Cum Laude ‡
Laura Ann Munyon ‡ Maimoona Saleem § Donnell Wright, Cum Laude
Arben Ndrenika, Magna Cum Laude Kenneth Bettencourt Santos ‡ Patrick Wu ‡
Oanh Nguyen, Cum Laude Silvia E. Hernandez Santos § Min Jae Yoo
Elliot Spence Noon Quiana Jovan Scott-Ferguson, Cum Laude † Jessica Michelle Yuja Matute
Rene Alexander Norris-Woolery § Christopher S. Shikashio,
Magna Cum Laude


Cigdem Cakar, B.C.P., Cit Jill Lindsay Passano, B.S. † Rachel Ryan Szakmary, B.A.
Pierre E.B.M.C. Elisabeth Coicou, A.L.B. Joan Kisthardt Rajfer, B.A. § Derek Valentine, B.A.S.
Deirdre Habershaw † Joseph Lucien Scala, B.A. § Rebecca Faith Washburn †
Joshua Lyman Holbrook, B.S.B.A. † Jennifer Ann Stacy, B.A. Felix Isaac Adam Zemel, B.S.
Marc A. Joseph, B.S. Geoffrey Michael Starsiak, B.A. ‡


Glenda Lissette Acosta, B.A. Scott M. Brown, B.A. † Susan M. Cunningham, B.S.
Charles Christopher Adkins, B.S., J.D. ‡ David Luther Broxterman, B.A. ‡ Teyesi Cutino, B.S. †
Sarah Katherine Akers-Cox, B.S. § Marina Roselle Bullock, B.A. ‡ Emily Rose Cyford, B.A.
Kristine Allison, B.S. ‡ Tara Lee Bunnell, B.A. † Michael James Davios, B.S. ‡
Guerrier Aluc, B.S. ‡ Kyle Donald Burns, B.A. ‡ Benjamin Bunker Davis, B.S. ‡
Amy Pryde Anderson, B.S. ‡ Paul J. Bury, B.A. Colt A. Davis, B.A. ‡
Jennifer Lynne Anderson, B.S. † Kara Elaine Bush, B.S. Crissi Lyn Delaune, B.A. †
Lucy Arnaud, B.A. § Kenneth Brian Bush, B.S. Aaron Francis Dell, B.A.
Alicia E. Arso § Maria Ann Canino, B.S. Russell Patrick Demko, B.S. §
Lesli Jacqueline Askew, B.S. Jessica Maurine Cannon, B.S. § Laura Nicole De Phillips, B.A. ‡
Jessica Larson Bailey, B.A. † Alejandro Castillo † Tessa Noel Hanson Diebel, B.A. †
Naureen Gérarde Balan, B.S. ‡ Adrian Castro, B.A. Patti Dishaw, B.A. §
Rene Reagan Balbin, B.S. Craig Anthony Cavanna, B.S. ‡ Anna Rose Divita, B.A. ‡
LaSharra Valisha Barber ‡ Blake Andrew Cheary, B.S. ‡ John M. Dolina †
Martin Andrew Bartness, B.A., M.A. † Felipe Chee, Jr., B.A. ‡ Paul Adam Duchateau, B.S. §
Mireille T. Bassila, B.S. † Mark G. Childers, B.S. ‡ Jennifer Robin Duncan, B.S.
Selviana B. Bates, B.A. † Lauren Ellis Chiodo-Benmuvhar, B.A. § Jennifer Lynn Durant, B.S.
Melissa Joy Beattie, B.S. Ken Lee Chow, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D. † Michael Robert Eaton, B.S. ‡
Christina Michelle Bedford, B.S. ‡ Susan Anne Christian, B.A. § Cresta D. Ebenstein, B.S.
Alison Friedman Belcher, B.A. † Dawn Rae Clausius, B.G.S. § Jennifer J. Eugene, B.A. ‡
Kimberly M. Bell, B.S. † Kevin Coleman, B.S. † Michael Downing Evans, B.A.
Elizabeth Ann Bernardo, B.S. Joyce Elizabeth Collins, B.S. † Apostolos Exarchos, B.S.
Rafael Antonio Berrios, B.S. † Wayne Joseph Comegno, B.S. ‡ Leighton B. Facey, B.S. †
Sean Michael Bigley, B.A. § Danee Lee Cook, B.A. ‡ Benjamin Edward Finney, B.A. §
Daniella Marie Blandon, B.S. † James Andrew Cook, B.S. ‡ Allyson Theresa Fiorello, B.S. §
Tera Adams Blenk, B.A. ‡ Bryan Anthony Coromato, B.S. ‡ Lynn Susan Fischer, B.A. ‡
Brian James Blondin, B.S. † Brenda Couchman, B.A. § Dawn Marie Ford-Garrett, B.A. †
Gary Robert Boyer, B.S. ‡ Melissa Castillo-Cowley, B.A. ‡ Ashleigh Ne’Quel Foster, B.S. §
Lucy J. Briggs, B.A. Justin Michael Cripe, B.A. † Victor Manuel Franco III, B.A. †

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Virginia Ann Fundell, B.S. † Jason M. Lewis § Christopher John Robbins †

Brian Gajewski, B.A. § Nicholas D. Loizides, B.A. † John A. Rouvalis, B.A. ‡
Kristiina Lynn Geddis, B.A. ‡ Gregory A. Long, B.S. Alex Rudkovsky, B.S. †
Gloria M. Geer, B.A. § Rachael Wilma Long, B.A. Joseph David Salvadore, B.S.
Eric Bradley Genden ‡ Michelle E. Lugo, B.A. James Philip Sartell, B.A. §
Erika Lee Gnong, B.S. † Vincenzo J. Macrino, B.A. ‡ Heather Rene Schrader, B.A. ‡
Brigite Isabel Goncalves, B.S. Michael Joseph Maddalena, B.S. † Nicole Jocelyn Schuler, B.A.
Melany Denise Goulding, B.A. ‡ Mariana Madrid, B.S. † Alicia Patrice Scott-Dean †
Gregory M. Grannis, B.A. ‡ Jeffrey Robert Madsen, B.S. † Karyl B. Sears, B.S., M.A., Ph.D.
Denise Lynn Greco, B.S. † James Pascual Manabat, B.S. † Monica T. Sepulveda, B.A.
Donald F. Griffiths, B.S. Jamin S. Martinez, B.A. ‡ Theressa Yuen Yee Seto, B.A. ‡
Samuel George Gross, B.S. ‡ Jade-Evon Edomjulum Matzel, B.S. † Kelly Erin Shaw, B.A. §
Craig Vincent Gutierrez, B.A. Barbara R. Mauk, B.S. ‡ Joshua Jacob Shoemaker ‡
James Bruce Hamilton III, B.A. † Bernard Daniel McCrevan, B.S. Vikram Emmanuel Singh, B.A. ‡
Jenea Sharon Hammett, B.A. Joseph Matthew McGrath, B.A. ‡ Ava Smith, B.A.S.
Noel M. Hanrahan, B.A. ‡ Raymond Edward McGrath, B.A. ‡ Betsy Anne Smith, B.S. ‡
Amanda Kate Hardaswick, B.S. † Marty Alan McNeely, B.S. Lynn Marie Smithwick, B.S.
Hazel Geraldine Hardy, B.S. ‡ Tracey Lee Meagher, B.A. Rich Anthony Sneath, B.S. †
James Michael Harrington, B.S. ‡ Eric Svante Mellgren, B.A. Ashley Jane Soto, B.A. ‡
Keison Jamal Harry, B.S. ‡ Manuel J. Menocal Tracey Leigh Spencer, B.S.
Diane E. Heisler, B.A. ‡ Tina Marie Merchant, B.A. ‡ Kristie Marie Stake, B.S.W. †
Stephanie L. Hilton, B.A. ‡ Andrea Kay Meyer ‡ Francine Sterud, B.S. §
Danielle Lynn Horan, B.S. Angela Dawn Mitchell, B.A. Cynthia Jewell Strange, B.S. †
Christopher George Humphreys, B.A. ‡ Kimberly M. Morris, B.S. † Stacy Maria Talley, B.S. ‡
Naureen Rozeena Hussain, B.A. § Amatullah Rasheeda Muhammad, B.A. Stacy V. Tappeiner, B.S. ‡
Lisa Lopez Jackman, B.S. ‡ Tracie Rolling Mumphery, B.S. Joshua S. Taylor, B.S. †
Cedric Christopher James, B.A. † Cassidy John Neal, B.S. § Bridgette Renee Thompson, B.A.
Amanda L. Jerman ‡ Barry L. Nelson, A.B. ‡ Horyan Winnie Tsoi, B.A. §
Donald Barisine John-Miller, B.S. Anthony Thomas Nerad, B.S. Robert John Twitchell, B.S.
Jason Micah Johnson, B.S. Carlos Neria Jr., B.S. ‡ Jess Patrick Uddenberg, B.A. †
Michael Thomas Johnson, B.S. ‡ Amanda Rae Nethaway, B.S. † Diane Elyse Urban, B.S. §
Timothy Donell Jones, B.A. § Donald William O’Neill, B.A. § Devon Harding Valliere, B.A. †
Katherine P. Kelley, B.A. Beata J. Opar-Kowalski † Daryl Lynn Van Horn, B.S. ‡
Lawrence Peter Kelly, B.S. Harjot Kaur Pall, B.A. † Calixto Rafael Vazquez, B.S.
Thomas Charles Kelly, B.S. § Brian Daniel Parsons, B.A. Camille Nina V’Estres, B.A.
Angel Lynn Kennedy, B.A. § Mark R. Pawlina, B.A. ‡ Cyril Roy Vierra, B.A. †
Matthew Kickey, B.A. ‡ Joy Denise Penn, B.S. § Dina Cappa Vihinen, B.A. †
Michael Scott Kiser, B.A., B.A., M.A. Paul Arthur Peralez, B.S. § Antonella Laura Vitale
Allison Lee Kopmar, B.S. † Chanathip Phenjati, B.A. ‡ Jennifer Lee Waindle, B.A. †
Anne Li Kringen, B.A. ‡ Hope Lancer Phillips, B.S. § Kelly Ryan Walker, B.A.
Melissa Anne Kulp, B.S. ‡ Doris Nataly Poma ‡ Yolanda Maria Watson, B.A. ‡
Jacob Marlet Kyer, B.S. † Sharon Reddick, B.A. § Helena Lynn Pike Welch, B.A. ‡
Daniel C. Lammers, B.S. ‡ Shy Jose Reece, B.S. † Ross Lee Wichard, B.A.
Alyssa Bearss Lang, B.A. § Wendy Ann Regester, B.S. ‡ Conrad Emery King-Hung Wong, B.S. †
Mark John Lang, B.A. ‡ Elizabeth Ann Reynolds, B.S. † Matthew J. Wyman, B.A. †
Burke Ryan Lange, B.A. ‡ Maribel Rios, B.S. ‡ Step’Fen Jahmar Young, B.S. §
Daniel Anthony Leone, Jr., B.S. Stephanie Lynne Rizzi, B.A. §


Karoline Grace Boehm-Goodnick, B.A. † Kerstin Gertrude McGaughey, B.A. Charles Kenneth Knox Shelton, B.A.
Neil L. Coletta, B.A. Elizabeth Posner Navisky, B.A. § Catherine J. Smart, B.A.
Paige Eileen Haringa, B.A. Marty L. Ogburn II, B.S. § Christopher Allen Tanner, B.B.A.
Lilly Wang Jan, B.S. Sydney Weger Oland, B.A. ‡ Maria Fernanda Tapia, B.A. ‡
George Richerd Kelley, B.A. Patricia Quiroga, B.S. † Tacy Blake Taylor, B.A.
Kevin John Madden, B.A. Drew Bailey Scott, B.A. Earle McKinn Test, B.S., B.A.


Mignon N. Parker


Yayla Gul Ceran, M.Phil. Tracey A. Peirce, B.A. † Michelle Carolyn Thomas, B.S.
Michael Patrick Cortese, B.Arch. § Christopher Reed Rowell, B.S. ‡ Christopher Valadao ‡
Andrew Scott Murphy, B.A. ‡ John Robert Standard, B.S., M.A.

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Weibo Chen Michael J. Seeber ‡ Dan Xin
Philimon Gona, M.P.H., M.A., M.A., Ph.D. Da Young Sim, B.A., M.A. Xiaojie Xu
Mijun Hu Shafaq Siraj Shuo Yang †
Shruti Sudhakar Kanchan Xinzhu Song Seniz Yilmaz
Ningning Lu † Yixin Sun, B.S., M.A., Ph.D. Jo-Han Yu
Noah E. Nanzer ‡ Alexandra Alexandrova Takeva Jianping Yuan
Simon Nolet-Levesque ‡ Sandrine Claudia Tchatie Ngogang Jiasheng Zhang †
Elizabeth S. Park ‡ Jennifer Barbara Thomas ‡ Mengyao Zhao, B.S.
Ryen Lynne Robinson, B.A. Chung-Han Tsai † Yian Zhong
Donyarat Saengswang † Theodore Hatch Whitfield Lin Zhu †


Michel Abou Hamad, B.S. † Suthida Euavisalsin, B.B.A. † Nicki B. Noble, B.A. †
Hayriye Ağzıbüyük, B.B.A. ‡ Ali Ezer, B.A.S. † Tomoyuki Okada, B.E. §
Emrah Akın, M.P.A. Maria Gabriella Hache Fernandez § Ersin Ozdemir ‡
Mutlu Akin, B.A. ‡ Christian Miguel Flores Serif Ozkan §
Hashim Hani H. Alattas, B.A. Kwadwo Okyere Awurukuo Fordjour Suphannika Paisarnsupachai §
Abdullah Khalaf E. Albinali, B.S.M.E. † Earina Cyndie Eileen Forget, B.A. † Murat Palaoglu, B.Sc. ‡
Emad Adnan M. Alfarouqi, B.S. ‡ Nerilu Carolina Fuenmayor Romero, Sarinthip Paneetatyasai
Mahmood Jameel Alghanah § B.B.A. ‡ Bundid Paramavej §
Bekir Alpul, B.A. § Michael Winnig Giuliano Natalia Nikolaevna Pavlova †
Taner Altan, B.Ec. ‡ Jessica R. Gray, B.S. § José Antonio Pérez, B.S. †
Betul Altintas, B.S. Jie Gu, B.A. † Pacha Pittayavivit †
Haya M. A. Altobaishi, B.A. Talat Guclu, B.B.A. ‡ Puttinan Puranamaneeviwat §
Sarah Mohammed AlTobaishi, B.S. Ching Yi Hsiao, Cert., B.A. ‡ Esteban Christian Maurcio Rivas Morales,
Mary Yacoub Aoude, B.S. ‡ Kuei-Ling Hu † B.A. †
Melis Atamer, B.S. § Qintian Hu, LL.B. Michael Patrick Roberts, B.S.E., B.A. †
Claudiu Badea, B.A. † Yanling Hu, B.S., M.S. † Xueyun Ruan
Aykut Bakirci, A.B.A. † Hung-Hsiang Huang Thavisa Rukyoug, B.A. ‡
Thomas Francois Bayel, B.B.A. ‡ Kai-Wei Huang § Gail Russell, B.S. †
Muhammet Ali Baylan, B.S. ‡ Tsung-Chia Huang § Vanessa Auxiliadora Salas Fuentes, B.A.
Sheena Helen Berry, B.A. † Yen-Chi Huang § Nicholas John Sambuco Jr., B.S. †
David Z. Bloom, B.C.E. † Kathleen Elizabeth Hughes, B.A. David Anthony Saraceno, B.S. †
Tolga Buyukdegirmenci, B.B.A. § Trixie Husin Scott A. Sarian §
Carmen Fabiola Camacho Amaya, B.A. Ainagul Iskaliyeva § Figen Sarkin Sahin, Dip. †
Muhammet Bilal Celebi, B.B.A. ‡ Yoo Na Jeong, B.B.A. † Terry L. Saunders, B.A.
Emre Celebiler, B.Ec. ‡ Korakoch Jiradilok Murat Savaş, M.Sc. ‡
Rasit Serkan Ceran, B.B.A. ‡ Megan Victoria Johnson, B.A. Maria Paula Serna, S.B. ‡
Sukanlaya Chairatanangamdaj, B.S. ‡ Furkat Kadyrov ‡ Unelcan Sezer, B.A., Cert.
Sau Man Chan, B.S.E. ‡ Murat Kahraman, B.S. † Alan Shatanov ‡
Che-Wei Chang § Bandar Saud A. Kaki, B.S. † Shih-Wei Shuai, B.S. ‡
Hsin-Yen Chang, B.B.A. † Yusuf Keleş, B.S. ‡ Bulent Sisman, B.Ec., M.S.T. †
Yu-Ting Chang, B.A. † Egor Kharakozov, B.A. ‡ Ruengvit Suchinai ‡
Ching-Yi Chen Ilker Kilinc, B.A. ‡ Molly Holmes Sullivan, B.A.
Wan Lin Chen, B.B.A. † Dithiporn Kosuwan, B.B.A. Roshni Surtani, B.S. †
Wei-Nung Chen, B.S. § Chien-Yu Lai, B.B.A. † Yucel Suzen, B.Ed., B.Ec. §
Yu-Chun Chiang, B.B.A. Olivia Kemaladevi Lani, B.S.A. † Ah Man Tam, B.A. ‡
Nora Silvia Chiu § Hsin-Long Lee, B.B.A. ‡ Daisy Tan, B.B.A. ‡
Leanchai Chongvatpon Hsin-Te Lee § Ruihan Tan
Marielena Chotin Hyun Jee Lee, B.S. † Yilun Tang †
Fan-Kai Chou, B.B.A. † Pei-Chen Lee, B.B.A. ‡ Sottichon Tannapai, B.A. †
Abhijit Choudhury, B.S.B.A. ‡ Huanqiu Li, B.Ec. † Maneenat Tavisaengsiri, B.S. †
Peter D. Ciarametaro, B.S. Yung-Chun Lin, B.B.A. † Ismail Tekkoyun, B.S.B.A. ‡
Jeffrey Scott Conradi, B.A. Chao-Ting Lo § Dharma Patrick Thiele, B.S. †
Lindsay C. Corrigan, B.S. § Hsieh-Lin Lu, B.A. ‡ Phurimate Thiranantis, B.B.A. †
Jennifer Anne Crutchfield, B.A. ‡ Paporn Mahattanobol, B.A. Ruo Ding Tian, B.B.A., B.S.B.A. †
Yusuf Degirmenci, B.B.A. † Panuvat Mahittharitthikorn, B.F.A. † Kanokporn Timasan, B.B.A. †
Ana Garcia De Lama Aguiar Ana Wahnon Maia, B.B.A. Hsiu-An Tsai, B.B.A. ‡
Abdulkadir Demirci, B.Ec. ‡ Maria Isabel Martinez § Shang-Wei Tsai, B.S. ‡
Muhammet Demirci, B.Ec. Ahmed Obaid Hasan Meftah † Chien-Ming Tseng †
Mustafa Burcin Dikmen, B.Ec. ‡ Sofia Maria Montes Vega, B.B.A. † Begum Tuzun, B.A. ‡
Katlin Marilyn Donnelly, B.A. Pirom Moolasart, B.B.A. ‡ Mehmet Emin Ulasanoglu, B.B.A. ‡
Miguel Alejandro Duenas Alvarez, B.B.A. † Allan M. Muriuki, B.S. § Soner Ulgen, B.A. ‡
Supattra Ekmaturapoj, B.B.A. Mehmet Cem Mutlu, B.S. ‡ Fahrettin Ulku, B.S.C.E. †
Caglar Erikoglu, B.S. † Rosemary Wanjiru Ndungu, B.S. ‡ Lybe P. Varghese, B.E. ‡
Adnan Ersoy, B.B.A. † Panagiotis Nikopolitidis † Michael Andrew Vieira, B.A. ‡

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Jiangyu Wang, B.Ec. † Jui-Tzu Yang Volkan Yuksel, B.Ec. ‡

Wei-Ting Wang, B.S.B.A. † Serif Resul Yigit, B.A. ‡ Zhang Ye, B.A.
Micah Dane Wheeler, B.A. ‡ Murat Yilmazsoy Yurong Zhong, B.B.A.
Siu Wong, B.S. Zeynep Yilmazturk, B.B.A. § Lisha Zhou, B.Ec.
Di Wu, B.Sc. ‡


Marlenny Lissette Anziani, B.A. JoAnna Meg Leonard Gordon Edward Ryan, B.A. †
Michele Julia Campbell, B.A. ‡ Laura A. Mackin ‡ Noelia Santa Ana, B.S. ‡
Kristin Michele Chebra Michele Renae Martin † Lizanne Shectman ‡
Selena L. Craig, B.A. Karla A. McCarron, B.F.A. † Carnot Jean-Marie Sylvestre, B.S. †
Stephanie A. Eliason, B.A. Sean Michael McCarthy † Sarah Ready Thomas, B.A. †
Elizabeth J. Foley † Kelly Anne Moores † Jacqueline Kohl Varanelli
Rachel M. Fomon † Christina M. Pankievich, B.F.A. Kitty Wong
Emily Heininger Jocelyn Rae Perldeiner § Eve Huizar Zafiropoulo
Julie M. Kane ‡ Allison Faith Rubin ‡


Sara Robertson Aibel Ming-Chieh Hsieh § Elizabeth O’Meara-Goldberg ‡
Kathleen Anderson § Yun-Ning Hsu Caroline Elizabeth Parker †
Vassiliki Anthimidou Erik Johnson § Susannah Plaster
Camilla Victoria Bloisa § Adamandia Karakantas ‡ Emily Vaughn Pomeroy
Allegra Brooke Julia Purdy Kim Abigail Phoebe Rollins §
Chia-Yi Birdy Chou, Mus.M. § Bethany Leclerc Tambosi ‡ Nichole Elizabeth Scott ‡
Camille J. Cintrón-Torres † Youn Kyung Lee Kendra Slaughter, B.A.
Carinne Clendaniel Sayegh ‡ Natalie Leroux-Lindsey Alice Elizabeth Sloan ‡
Elena Robinson Cook § Diana Lynne Librizzi ‡ John Casey Soward ‡
Amina Kache Cooper § Grace Babcock Magruder ‡ Bingru Wang †
Brandon Michael Davis § Tatiana Maratchi Legrain § Yi Xie
Louis Garcia Chiara Marsoner ‡ Annie Dan Yang
Cassandra Leigh Graham Lezlee Ann Masson ‡ Kyung Ah Yoo †
Victoria Franziska Hall Erin Elizabeth McCoy ‡ Ge Yu †
Andrea Jean Hart Kimberley Noreen McCoy Dan Zuo †
Inés Hidalgo Ruiz § Julie Rose Novakoff


Akinfemiwa Olushola Akintewe Melissa I. González Miranda ‡ Kudakwashe Mutamba §
Samuel Ameyaw Kimberly Susan Grant § Deepmala Nandi
Kodjo Attila Matthew Davis Hoffman ‡ Caroline Raissa Ngoubene
Abigail Baron § Angela Holdren § Francis A. Ocansey, B.S. †
Jennifer Lynne Barrett § Howard Hughes Tracie Ann Otto, B.S., M.S. †
Nathan M. Berman Gary L. Joseph, B.S. † Brian Young Park §
Thomas C. Beverly, B.S. † Waheed Abbas Khan Kristin L. Pelkey ‡
Carlos Humberto Borges, B.S.B.M. † Erika J. Kim, B.S. ‡ Nirmala Ramamoorthy †
Robin M. Brown, B.A. † Stephanie Ann Krause, B.S. ‡ Navindradat Ramcharran, B.S. †
Christine Heather Burns ‡ Sau Wai Danmay Lam, B.A. † Aleksey V. Reznikov ‡
Elizabeth Moore Butts ‡ Arthur Sing Yuk Lee ‡ Andrea F. Santolalla
Benjamin Lane Carrick, B.S. ‡ Jong Min Lee Simuel Sippial III
Daniel M. Castagna ‡ Dennis Leiva, B.B.A. † Kathleen Marie Smith, B.A. †
Charles C. Cecil Maria Masha Levinson ‡ Leticia Dione Smith
James Todd Clark Jr., B.A. † Michael Charles Lewis Jody-Ann M. Strachan
Odessa Claire Davis, B.S. † Maria Christina Camille Long § Joseph Tafuma, B.S. ‡
Ebere Eucharia Echendu, B.A. † Oxana Nilolaevna Longinova Susan E. Unvarsky
Annetta Sue Eikelberg Eduardo Lora Dushko Venelinov Vulchev §
John Thomas Engfer ‡ Rajesh Shivakumar Mahant ‡ Charlaine Shantae Ward, B.S.B.A. †
Mehran Ali Fallah ‡ Shirley McFarlane Brett Joseph Waterfield
Yevgeniy Finegold, B.S. Marveasha M. Morgan ‡ Christopher Andrew Welsh, B.S. †
Bryan Vinson Fowlkes † Michael Hideo Morrow David Robert Werner ‡
Lisa Dawn Fox ‡ John Phillip Moschella Kondwani Williams, B.A. †
Jason R. Fredrick Antoinette Monique Marva Moxey Steven Kyle Willis ‡
Rachel DeLorie Galdones, B.A. † Kyle Liam Murphy ‡ Nguyet Wolfgang, B.S.
Nikola Georgiev Patrick Duncan Murphy, B.A. † Jessica Marie Yard §

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by Metropolitan College and the College of Communication


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Kookhyun Ahn Kent Daryl Fletcher, B.A. ‡ Seth Munson, B.S. ‡
Manuel Alvarez § Michael Patrick Foley Louis A. Nearing, B.S. †
Kimberly Anders § Micah B. Frank † Voche Noelsaint
Jonathan Alan Aslan Scott Spencer Frank, B.S. † Laren Rene Olson †
Daniel V. Atienza § Kortnie Frye Allison Palmer §
Raja Bachra Mark Aaron Green, B.S. Sheila Smith Purifoy §
Capri Gunn Baptiste § David Kaleihiwalani Griffith † Roderick C. Rasmussen ‡
John Bereiweriso § Kristina Gurksnis § Lawrence Guy Ribble Jr.
David Wesley Bradt Narelle Davis Helmer, B.A. Amy Lynn Rose
Melissa C. Brenenborg, B.A. † James Andrew Hessen, B.A. Ian Francis Rothfuss, B.S.B.A. †
Kathleen Marie Brock † Tiffany Nicole Hinson, B.A. ‡ Lou Hoang Royer
Jarrad Simpson Caola, B.S. † Ian B. Kelley Dana Sanford, B.A. ‡
Eric Campbell Chase § Jane Bartolome Kiggins † Luke Anthony Sauber
Michelle D. Clemens § Connie LaFrenz Koontz, B.S. † Mark R. Schaefer
John Henry Cox II † Patrick James Larkin Christopher John Sims
Wesley Matthew Crawley Hadsadong Luangxay Christian Scott Spillane, B.S.
Brian D. Cross, B.A. † Jean Daniel Lys § Thomas Brennan Stafford ‡
James C. Crowley, B.S. ‡ Andrew C. Marley, B.S. Jonathan U. Sticka ‡
Albert W. Culbreth III, B.S. † Rhonda Cherylene Martin ‡ Lawrence Casey Turner, B.S.
Samuel Davis, B.S., M.P.A. ‡ Charlotte Gail Mason Nancy Dzodaomenyo Wheeler †
Tawnee V. Parker DeCarvalho † James Michael McLay, B.A. Erin Darcus Maxine Whitley, B.S. †
Andrew I. Dorn ‡ Robert J. McNeil, B.A. ‡ Timothy J. Wilson
Joseph R. Faller, B.S. Blaise A. Millican Benjamin Gerard Wolak §
Sheralyn J. Fallon, B.S.B.A. Christopher Monson § Richard T. Wolfe, B.S., M.S. §
McCarlas J. Ferguson, B.S. ‡ Matthew Nicholas Morris Jason Edward Wyman †
Kate Elizabeth Fleeger


Jessica Marie Schiers


Robin Bryce Adams Margie Devaul Collins ‡ Thomas G. Hurlebaus
Samer Ahmed † Elizabeth Jane Conrad ‡ Yvonne Ediri Idahosa §
Kelechukwu Akaniro Azri Arthur Cooper ‡ Mohammad A. Islam †
Ali Alidina † Laura Spaulding Cooper Victoria Anne Jenner ‡
Nesli Alpay Mark Santos Corder ‡ Aman A. Jobeir †
Neil E. Andersen † Curtis M. Cronin ‡ Matthew Francis Keane
Andrew Nathan Archer † Michael James Cusson Collin Christopher Keen, B.S. ‡
Ana Maria Armas-Suarez ‡ Joanna Corraro Daniel, B.S. ‡ Paul Joseph Kiely †
Richard A. Arneson ‡ Stephanie Lea Danko § Kenneth Christopher Kish †
Imad Fathi Azzam † Pedro DaSilva ‡ Brian Patrick Kline §
Chandra Sekhar Singha Babu Daniel M. DeFore † Keavy A. Knothe-Masino ‡
Chaitanya Sravanthi Baddam † Nathalie T. Dickson Jason J. Krzos ‡
Burt Bartholomew Barrere II ‡ Brian J. Dunbar ‡ Prashant Kulkarni †
Bradley E. Bathgate Vinodshankar Easwaramoorthy † Rajesh Kumar ‡
Anthony Battistone Jr. Chad Minoru Eguchi † Amod Subhash Kunte
Marcel Dublado Bautista § Haitham Mohamed Ennajah † Travis Edward Laird
Robert J. Beaton James L. Ferger ‡ Becky Sue Lantz
William Robert Beckett III § Amie D. Fulks § Clifford Laurent ‡
Frederic Guy Jean Blaise § Dian Petrov Gavanarov Paul P. Le §
Luis Arturo Bonetti ‡ John Patrick Gaze, B.S. Jeromy David Lease ‡
Gregory Michael Brazzle † Simon Geletta ‡ Jayon Jane Lee §
Thomas Breineder ‡ Indu Goel ‡ Phillip Frank Lerner ‡
Aaron Michael Calkins † Sudarsan Srinivasa Gopalan Brian Paul Levin §
Jeremy Ronald Canney ‡ Tiara Latrice Grant Christopher Ernest Litalien
Ian Michael Carlson, B.A. † Michael Scott Grissett † Moses Shu-Chih Liu †
Francis P. Carofano † Oscar Guzman ‡ Ammie Long
William Joseph Carroll, B.S.B.A. Sreekumar Harilal ‡ Eric Shannon Lopez ‡
Tat-Cheong Jat Chan † Matthew Scott Harris Wenyan Lu †
Heena Chauhan † Fazil Harroon ‡ Thomas Macak, B.S. †
Esther Chen Itay Haver ‡ Amy Merrill Madeo, B.A. ‡
Andrew Lee Chin, B.S. ‡ Carie Elizabeth Herrick § Angel Marrero
Steve Ngi Chin § Michael J. Hight ‡ Curtis John McDonald ‡
Gabrielle Y. Cho ‡ Bethany Joy Hoffman § Eric Jason McLean, B.S.
James Cho, B.S. † Hsin Po Hung † Kevin Michael McQuade ‡

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Anurag Mahesh Mehta † Anupriya Ray † Arlene Joyce Stebbins

Scott James Michalman ‡ Joseph H. Reed, Jr. Joel Christopher Stewart §
Amanda Erin Miller, B.A. ‡ James Matthew Rice † Dhivya Sundararajan, B.S. †
Italo Moron † David Rinaldi Edward John Talbot †
Deborah Lee Morrison ‡ Roberto Carlos Rios ‡ Emerson B. Tantiangco §
Bobby Udayshri Narasimham ‡ Walter Jacob Rodgers Cheng X. Ten †
Paul David Norris, B.S.E.E. † David Mario Rodriguez § George Thomas Torre
Yasuhiko Nicholas Nozawa † Craig Matthew Roth, B.A. ‡ Kathryn Mary Turcotte §
Thomas Joseph O’Connor III ‡ Preslav Ognyanov Rusev § Richard Edward Turnquist Jr. ‡
Neil Ouellette Curtis D. Russell § Geoffrey Preston Upton
Tiffany Ann Parker † Michael Anthony Sarnie † Hieu Vuong ‡
Arpita A. Pathak ‡ Steve P. Schmidt, B.A.S. † James Thomas Wallwork
Sharmila Paul Frederick Charles Sells § Danielle M. Ward
Geetha Periaswamy Balu John Edward Shaffer ‡ Brian James Weidner §
Lucy M. Perrotta Shahabudeen J. Shah Laurence Don Williamson ‡
Katherine Elizabeth Petersen, B.S. ‡ Leonid Shaigorodsky Xiang Yan †
John M. Pistorius ‡ Mario Ray Soto † Chim Kueng Yee, B.S.
Theodore Joseph Polak Jr. ‡ Shannon Marie Spruill † Jennifer Lia Young §
Julia Renee Rapone ‡


Arllen Marie Acevedo, B.S. Daniel B. Edmondson Sumeshwar Paul Malhotra ‡
Navdeep Alam ‡ Hemamalini Elumalai † Warren Keith Mansur ‡
Srinath Amaravai † John Arthur Ferris, B.S.C.S. § Richard Allan Soriano Moffitt, B.A.
Swati Lalit Amrute Taddele Demessie Firew § Thomas Timothy Moriarty Jr. ‡
Stephan J. Arsenault † Jeffrey Joseph Fitzgerald Robert E. Murray Jr.
Soha Ahmed M. Bahanshal Matthew Benjamin Franklin Brian Christopher Nelson †
Anand Pattammal Bashyam Damon A. Gabrielle Santiago Antonio Paredes, B.A.
Gowtham Venkata Satya Boddapati § Jason B. Goodman, B.S. Gunja Patel †
Murali Krishna Bondiga Matthew Hatch Grady, B.A., J.D. † Shweta Nandakishore Patil
Zehra Bozdag § Christian Patrick Grippo § Pablo Felipe Peña IV
Vincent D. Brown Jr. Michael M. Hylkema, B.S., M.S. Allan C. Pomeroy ‡
Maksim Bryshten Vinay Jayakumar Sergey Pozdnyakov, B.A.
Brian Keith Case David Michael Johnson, B.S.C.S., M.A. ‡ Jun Yan Shen, B.S.
Jizhong Chen § Claude Keswani, B.A. † Carl W. Soderstrom, B.S. ‡
Kevin D. Crowe Nikolay K. Kirov † Jeevan Sompuram
Sudharani Dakshnamoorthy § Simonette Millado LaCava, B.S. ‡ Arun Prasath Srinivasan
Lourdes del Carmen Martinez, B.A. Justin Michael Laden, B.A. Etienne Katumba Tshowa
Bruce E. Deyle Benjamin Gill LeClair, B.A. ‡ Seyma Ulucay §
Esma Dilek § Kyle Lomeli Huan-Chieh Wang †
Bryan S. Dina, B.S. ‡ Kenneth Charles Lynch John Joseph Winderbaum ‡


Elizabeth Rae Chappelear, B.S. § Kristin M. Kretschmer, B.A. § Jennifer Weeks Roberts, B.A.
Karin Anne Daly, B.A. Olivia Mai Lam § Lois Victoria Roberts, B.S.
Margaret Victoria Delashmit, B.S.Ed., Mary-Jayne MacDonald, B.A. Anna Jo Rogers, B.F.A. §
A.M., Ph.D. § Sherrie Lee MacDonald, B.A. § William Arthur Rohde, B.A., M.D.
Lisa Renee Eckenrode, B.A. Nancy Anne Murphy, B.A. § Julie Banach Roy, B.S.
Scott Wayne Emerine, B.S. Mario R. Nacinovich Jr., B.S. Elizabeth Ryan Sax, B.A.
Amanda Ann Goetz, B.A. § Pamela Annette Perkins-Dwyer, B.A. § Judith E. Singer, B.M.
Heidi Renée Gregory, B.S. § Kathleen Anne Pietrovito, B.S. Sarah Elizabeth Smith, B.S. §
Paula Kapotes, B.A. Zehra Rizvi, B.A. Kathleen W. Tarnowski, B.S.
Jennifer Nicole Kitt, B.A. §


Anne Bradley, B.S.B.A. ‡ Shelly Gruhlke, B.A. Charles Frances Robbins, B.A. ‡
Anthony P. Chiera Venus Cherese Jackson Marjorie E. Scarlett, B.A. ‡
Iris S. Dı́az-Sliker, B.A. Lynette Rae Budde Kaminski ‡ Vivian Marie Schott ‡
Marcella Dwyer ‡ Laurie A. M. Meyers, B.B.A. ‡ Douglas Erwin Yip ‡
Colleen Marie Grady, B.A. ‡

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate
*Degree awarded by Metropolitan College and the College of Communication


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Amanda Elizabeth Atcheson Evelyn K. Hazenberg, B.S. ‡ Shazia Salerno
Susan M. Bartlett ‡ Sarah T. Hilsendager Dolor Higa Saquing ‡
Haley Rose Cuddy ‡ Timothy Adam Holbrook, Sr. Erin E. Schaaf ‡
Paola M. Cuello, B.S. ‡ Jesse James Mata ‡ David Thayer Stewart, B.S.B.A. ‡
Noreen J. Dussault Jack F. McComb Sarah E. Tyler
Suzanne Earls Jennifer Miller Reno Julie Marie Woods ‡
Michael Gill


Edna D. Buckelew, B.S., M.C.J. Cecilia Caferri Justin H. McFarlane §


Ngo Iworibo Imbu §


Alaa Gaber Abd Rabou, B.A. ‡ Lisa J. Dumais ‡ Andrew Thomas McMahon
Jan Aggerbeck ‡ Kevin Lee Ehlers, B.S. † Nicole A. McNeill, B.S. †
John Stuart Albin ‡ Shane M. Ehlin, B.A. Prashant Merchant ‡
Maher Jamal Aldine, B.S.E.T. ‡ Scott M. Erlandson, B.A. † Aalaa Milagro §
Bader Ali Alrabiah ‡ Louis M. Favoretto Eric F. Miller †
Sharief Abdullah Al-Thuwaini § Anthony Joseph Fedele Michael David Miller, B.A. †
Antonio Rodrigo Artunduaga Perdomo Jhonny Felix, B.S. † Michael Dennis Miller
Robert Allen Atkins Raymond William Fennell Hillary Anne Molengraff §
Issac E. Azevedo Darrian Dujuan Fitzpatrick Leroy Morris
Lenworth Douglas Barnett, B.S., M.B.A. † Brandon Gary Fodo ‡ Jacob Tetteh Nartey, B.S., M.S. †
Jeremy Charles Bayliss Jean Frances Fogel-Dean § Lena Pamela Prince Nchako, B.A.
Yousef Bayouk Ruth Elizabeth Franklin ‡ Kelly Jill Nichols, B.A.
Narjis Benjelloun † John A. Gamble, Jr. Anthony Francis Nina ‡
Deepak Bhandari, B.A. † Richard William Godin, B.S. Nicole Gagnon Novesky, B.A. ‡
Darren Lee Bitsuie Moriam Godo Steven Andrew Olesen, B.S. †
Andrea Elaine Bobotas Michael James Goldstine Surbhi Pandit-Patel ‡
Juan Carlos Bolivar § Michael H. Goulding, B.S. † James Jungyun Park ‡
Brian James Bonacci ‡ Sarah Marie Goyen ‡ Jeannine Parrish, B.S. †
Andreja Brankovic Michael Wayne Graf, B.A. † Albert Charles Pasquarella
Bradley Scott Brezinski § Rohit Sudeshkumar Gulati Patricia Patchong
Matthew Antonio Brooks, B.A. † Jennifer Lynn Hansen ‡ Lucie Pautet, M.A. †
Ronald Francis Brooks, Jr., B.A. † Joi Dawn Hencey, B.A. Samuel Peterkin, B.E., M.Sc. †
Darryl John Bryans Donna Michelle Hill § Michael A. Pluff, B.S. †
Rebecca M. Burdick Craig A. Hodgdon ‡ Jeremiah Benjamin Pope
Danielle S. Burke, B.S. † Chris Hofker § Brian E. Porter ‡
James J. Cabral, B.S. William Scott Hundley, B.A. ‡ Patrick Michael Priore, B.S. †
Danita Castro, B.A. Nina Kay Jackson ‡ Jennifer Hendrickson Quarti, B.S. †
Daniel Charles Cenzano, B.A. † Christian Albert Jensen ‡ Bernaldo Villaruel Rabe, B.S.C.E.,
Alice Wai Ha Chang, B.A. Jacqueline Lynnette Johnson § M.S.C.E. †
Bianca P. Cheung, B.S.B.A. § Logan Jones ‡ Roxanne Cecelia Rameshwar, B.A. §
Jason Choi, B.S. ‡ Shaun Michael Kalis ‡ Cassandra Ramirez, B.A., M.B.A.
Michael D. Clark, B.A. ‡ Holly Kathleen Kartanos ‡ Danial Adam Rankin ‡
Charles David Clarke, B.B.A. ‡ Abdul Qadir Khan ‡ Everton St. Elmer Raymond, B.S. ‡
Nixon Sebestain Correia, B.A. ‡ Christopher James Klansky, B.S. † Daniel Reed, B.S.
Miclynn Ellen Crail, B.S. † Suzanne Laria Klekotka ‡ Matthew James Reno, B.S.
Sarah Hussey Crossman, B.S. Esther Mei-Hua Ku § Andres Felipe Rodriguez, B.A. §
Keith Arthur Cunningham, B.S. † Milind Kumthekar Chad M. Roman, B.S.B.A. ‡
Chad Roy Curtis, B.A. ‡ Hector Genaro Llanos Sanhueza ‡ Marlene M. Romany, B.B.A. ‡
Mark Peter Czyrklis, B.A. † Kurt W. Lupinsky Edgar Vincent Royer, B.S.
Ann Michelle Davis, B.S. ‡ Jerilyn S. Malliet ‡ Ashley Marie Rush, B.A.
Jaclyn Marie Demling, B.A. † Gregory Jerrod Mann James H. Ryan, B.A. †
Aliea Allie Diaram, B.S. † Maximilian H. B. Mao, B.S.B.A. ‡ Michelle Elizabeth Sadowski, B.S.
Michelle Lyn Diller, B.S. Mary Marken Thea Lynn Sapienza, B.S. †
Charles DiNatale Jr., B.S. Laércio M. Marques Jason Michael Saylor, B.S. ‡
Kevin Joseph Dix, B.S. † Andrew Charles Maxwell, B.S. † Donato Sgobba
Mark Eugene Douglas, B.S. † Sannie Mayer ‡ Ian Christopher Sim §
Derek Downes, B.S. † Kelly S. McCabe, B.S. † Eleni Soultanoglou, B.S. †
Matthew David Duerr ‡ Jess David McConnell, B.S. † Courtney Elizabeth Stanton, B.A.

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Sister Marie Caritas St. Louis, O.P., B.A., Daniel Walter Tracy Jr., B.S. Mary Ellen West, B.S.
M.A. Anh Thy T. Tran, B.S. § William Curtis Williams II, B.S. †
Paul John Stoural, B.S. Daniel Gregory Valcourt, B.S. Kurt Michael Wolfer, B.A., M.B.A. †
Joel William Stouten, B.S. ‡ Edward Louis Valizan, B.S. Maria Louise Woodbury, B.A. ‡
John Surgot Tatiana Volobueva, B.S. Ming Chuan Yang, B.A. ‡
Khang Duc Ta, B.S. Heidi Wahlmark Ehlers, B.A. † Robert Lewis Yates, B.A. †
Melissa Rose Talcott, B.A. † Latoya Lynette Wall, B.S. ‡ Alan Yee, B.A. †
Elizabeth Geraldine Tammaro, B.S. ‡ Heather Walton, B.S. † Aram Yengibaryan, B.S. †
William Stephan Taylor, B.S. † Robert J. Watson III, B.S. ‡ Albin Zhi Bin Yeung ‡
Erin Elizabeth Thomes, B.A. † Kindra Colleen Wentworth, B.A. † Jidnyasa Dattatray Zagade †
Peter William Tinaglia, B.A. †


Kuo-Ming Li Muhammad Sohaib Nazir Daoud Botros Tayeh, B.S.


Selemani Francis Mtwale ‡


Alina Gabriela Benoit §


Aly Abdelmotaal Olivier Duns Scot Xavier Victor Evrard ‡ Joelle Mutombo Mukena ‡
Adeo Carreon Alday, B.A. † Antoine J. A. O. Grisay § Diane Lynn Pedersen
Onur Altansunar † Colin M. Higgins ‡ Dattaraj Pramod Rane
Marc Andreu § Pierre Humbel Maria Paola Rojas †
Tijana Basurovic ‡ Marie Terese Letorney § Laura Rossignoli †
Patricia Carpinelli ‡ Yang Liu Gleb Shmatko †
Arnaud Charles de Coninck † Giselle Christin Maksoud § Michal Marcin Tratkowski
Adrien P. L. de Marnix de Sainte Luis Eduardo Martinez Lafuente Nikola Vuceljic
Aldegonde † Shaun Brian Milligan ‡ Andrea Nicole White §
Pierre-Alexis de Pierre de Bernis Calviere § Alexandre Moresi †

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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School of Public Health


Kathleen Ann Abanilla, B.A. Ellen Kristine Diedrichsen, B.S., D.Pharm. † Viviane Tshowa Kamba, D.D.S.
Gilan M. Abdel Megeed, B.S. Ashley Beth Diefendorf, B.A., M.S.W. Tina Patel Kapadia, B.S.
Milagros Esther Abreu, M.D. † Jena Rubeka Diwan, B.S. † Shuchi Kapoor, B.S. †
Cassandra Caliguiran Abueg, B.A. § Raqiyah Dixon, B.A. Brad John Karalius, B.S. †
Kelley Marie Adams, B.G.S. Tracy Lynn Dodge, B.S. † Priyanka Makarand Karandikar, B.S. †
Erin Agee, B.S. Matthew Paul Edwards, B.S. † Matthew Hassan Katz, B.A., M.S. ‡
Sabiha Ahmad-Khan, B.S. † Thomas Eliopoulos II, B.S. † Molly Ann Kessner, B.S. ‡
Akintunde Oladipupo Akinkuolie, M.B.B.S. Kathleen Erin Elliott, B.A. † Nora Yuree Kim, B.A. †
Megan Aleardi, B.A. Rennie Fay Elliott, B.A. Jennifer Ashley Kincaid, B.A.
Mary Kathleen Allee, B.A. † Whitney Laine Elmer, B.A. ‡ Joseph Michael King, B.A.
Leo Ismaila Amodu, M.B.B.S. Jessica Lee Fargnoli, B.A. ‡ Jessica Kissen, B.A.
Serena Arancibia, B.A. Andrea Natalina Mary Fernandes, B.E. Stacey Benita Kokaram, B.S. †
Brent Matthew Ardaugh, B.S. Maiyu Allana Fernandez, B.S. ‡ Hoi Yan Valerie Kong, B.S.
Desirée Ogbedei Ashong, B.S. Lauren Ashley Ferris, B.A. Nicole Kosik, B.S. §
Autumn M. Austin, B.A. † Lindsay Suzan Flaherty, B.S. Ann M. Kronenwetter, B.S. ‡
Nicolette Jessamin Barbour, B.S. † Robbie L. Frank, B.A. † Priya R. Kumar, B.S. †
Heron D. Baumgarten, B.A. Kristina Marie Franke, B.S. Daniel S. Kurowski Jr., B.S., B.A.
Rachel Teresa Bedenbaugh, B.S. Patrick S. Gallagher, B.A. § Michelle Estella Laguerre, B.S.
Griffith Alwyn-Roberts Bell, B.A. † Teresia Muthoni Garad, B.S. Kelly Lamas, B.S. †
Amy Belyea Aina, B.S. ‡ Marianne Garcia, B.S. Meg Sullivan Langley, B.A. ‡
Ari M. Berkowitz, B.A. Mauricio Daniel Garcia Jacques, M.D. Jessica Ashley Langon, B.S., B.A.
Maegan Siobhan Berliner, B.S. ‡ Elisabeth Hope Gentry, B.S., M.S.W. ‡ Elysia Larson, B.S. §
Kalina Crystal Black, B.A., M.S.W. Emily R. George, B.S. † Jaime Elizabeth Lederer, B.A., M.S.W.
Onolee Lura Bock, B.S. ‡ Julia Giguere, B.A. ‡ Meena Rebecca Lenn, B.A.
David Bohr, B.S. † Cynthia Glennon, B.A. † Carly Rose Levy, B.A.
Mary Catherine Bonds, A.B. § Beth Lauren Greene, B.A. Michael Leyden, B.A. ‡
Nicole C. Boraiza, B.S. † Danielle Drake Grimm, B.A. Caroline Kate Logan, B.A. †
Heather Nichole Brand, B.S. Justin Aaron Groves, B.A. ‡ Colleen F. Longacre, B.S.
Kathryn A. Brooks, B.A. Monica Gupta, B.A. † Wynee Shiaowei Lou, B.S. †
Shakara Rowanna Brown, B.A. Maura Alice Hackett, B.A. † Margaret Mary Lovesky, B.S. †
Maggie S. Brunet, B.S.N. Nicole M. Haddock, B.A. Katelin Lucariello, B.A. †
Kim Renee Burke, B.S. Ashley M. Hardesty, B.A. Sean Alexander Lunde, B.A.
Emily Juliet Campbell, B.A. Brandi Lee Harless, B.S. † Dema Luyindula, B.S. §
Christopher London Carpenter, B.S. ‡ Lori Lee Harrington, B.S., M.D. Jessica S. Lyon, B.S.
Leslie Chen, B.S. Bryan P. Harris Daniela M. Macander, B.S.
Vina Y. Chhaya, B.A. Jacquelyn Elizabeth Harvey, B.S. ‡ John James Macom, B.A. §
Obiora Onyemaechi Chidi, B.A. Sarah Hatoum Hijaz, B.S. ‡ Diana Elaine Magee, B.S.
Jiayang Chien, B.A. Elvin G. Hernandez Crespo, B.S., M.D. Amanda Buenz Makulec, B.A. †
Krishna Chokshi, B.A. † Thomas Michael Herrmann, B.B.A. Sarah Terese Manfred, B.A. ‡
Emily Rebecca Clermont, B.A. † David James Hirsch, B.S., M.D. Cristin N. Marona, B.J. §
Lindsay Beth Cloutier, B.S. Jaime Lynn Hoebeke, B.S. ‡ Julia Fox Martha, B.S. †
Summer Lyn Coish, B.A. † Sara Rothschild Hoffman, A.B. † Sonia R. Marwah, B.A.S. †
Sara Catherine Ryung Cole, B.A. † Enver M. Holder-Hayes, B.S. † Andrew Thomas Muldoon Mastey, B.A. ‡
Rebecca Kate Condon, B.A. ‡ Anna Holowetzki, B.A. Jennifer M. J. Mathney, B.A., M.A. †
Alyson J. Cooper, B.S. Amanda Cuninggim Horowitz, B.A., Nora P. McElroy, B.A.
Pierre P. Cornell, B.S. † M.S.W. † Sarah R. McLaughlin, B.S.
Katrina Anne Cosner, B.A., M.S.W. Grace Hsu, B.A. Karen M. McManemin, B.A.
Elizabeth Costa, B.S. ‡ Sarah D. Hurlburt, A.B. Cabul Shekhar Mehta, A.B.
Whitney J. Cowell, B.S. Anila Hussaini, B.S.N. Hector Gerardo Mendez, B.S.
Kristen Michelle Cox, B.S., B.A. Abigail O. Isaacson, B.A. Kian Merchant-Borna, B.A. ‡
Lillian Louise Cross, B.A. ‡ Jason Stone Itzkowitz, B.A. † Jamie Elizabeth Mercurio, B.S.
Anindita Dasgupta, A.B. Kristen Ann Iworsky, B.A., M.S.W. Gail A. Michaelson, B.A.
Maithili Navinchandra Davda, M.B.B.S. Ginee Jain, B.D.S. Joanne Greer Miller, B.A.
Rina Joshi Davé, B.S. ‡ Kathryn Mederise Jantz, B.A., M.S.W. Kelly Miller, B.A., B.S.
Jessica Agnes Davine, B.A., M.S.W. Emilia Jan Javorsky, B.A. Monica J. Morrison, B.S. ‡
Aga Khan Puno De Castro, B.S. Amulya Jayanty, B.D.S. † Raed Moustafa, B.A.
Kathleen F. Delahunty, B.A. Melissa Ashley Jeffers, B.S. Kristin Choi Moy, B.S. †
Kevin Patrick Delaney, A.B. Meagan E. Johnson, B.A. † John Henry Murphy, B.S.
Diana Delgado, B.S. § Christine Farley Jones, B.A., M.S. Vyshali Murthy, B.A. †
Danielle Elizabeth Delosh, B.A. † Claire Ann Joseph, B.Sc. Sarah Michelle Nasta, B.S. ‡
Nicholas Perseus Deputy, B.S. ‡ Amy Elizabeth Judy, B.S. Chun Y. Ng, B.A. †

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Kim Thien Nguyen, S.B. Mohammed Abbas Reza, B.S., M.B.A. † Jacquelyn B. Stone, B.A.
Gedalia Reuven Niram, B.S. Lindsay Sarah Ritz, B.A. Lisa Emily Lynn Sunner, B.A. §
Regina W. Njoroge, B.Ed. ‡ Fay Robinson, B.A. ‡ Anna Elizabeth Suojanen, B.A.
Joseph Michael Novotny, B.A. † Carissa L. Rodrigue, A.B., J.D. † Rashida Taher, B.S.
Obiageli Uchenna Obi, M.B.B.S. Alison Christina Rodriguez, B.A. ‡ Laura Ann Taranto, B.A., M.S.W. ‡
Mobolaji O. Odewole, B.S. Elizabeth Romero, B.A. ‡ Elizabeth Lauren Theriault, B.A., M.S.W.
Allison Terese O’Donnell, B.A. § Abigail Miller Ross, B.A., M.S.W. Andrew M. Tibbs, B.S. †
Adeola M. Ogungbadero † Mathilde Sabourin, B.S. § Chau Minh Tran, B.A. ‡
Kelly Marie O’Keefe, B.A. Jenna M. Sandler, B.S. Elmy Trevejo, B.S.
Yetunde Oluwakemi Adebisi Olukoya, Priyanka Shashidhar Sanikop, B.D.S. Jessica Lane Trudeau, B.A. ‡
M.B.B.S. † Rakhsita Satyarthi, B.S. ‡ Emily Katherine Trudell, B.A. †
Mark Joseph Ommerborn, B.S. † Monica Sawhney, B.A. ‡ Dana Leigh Truhe, B.A.
Olubunmi Olufunke Orekoya, M.B.B.S. Abigail Blair Scherrer, B.A. † Marina Tuzova, Ph.D.
Jahera M. Otieno, B.S. Robyn Valerie Schmierer, B.A. † Kristin Leigh Tyman, B.A. †
Peters Toms Otlans, B.A. † Darcie Elliott Schultz, B.S. Josh Uri, B.A.
Kristi Ann Paiva, B.A. ‡ Nina Schuman, B.A. Elizabeth A. Usaj, B.A. †
Susan Catherine Palmer, B.A. Megan Virginia Scott, B.S. † Consolate Uwamariya, B.A.
Matthew Pappas, B.S.E.E. ‡ Juliane Scrivens, B.S. † Ami R. Vikani, B.A. §
Christina Pardo, B.S. Jennifer Emily Sena, B.S. Rachel Sarah Weidenfeld, B.A., M.S.W.
Devina Patel, B.S. ‡ Marie Nancy Seraphin, B.A. † Allan M. Welter, B.A. †
Rajesh Bhanu Patel, B.A., M.A. Silvia Serrano, B.A. ‡ Lauren Ashley Wihbey, B.S. §
Ian Sean Patten, B.S. † Sabrina Marie Seus, B.S. ‡ Kira Wilke Taj, B.A. †
Caitlin Marie Patterson, B.A. † Hetal Sevantilal Shah Kym Oppenheim Williams, M.B.A.
Melanie Catherine Pennison, B.S. ‡ Navid Shams, B.S. ‡ Alix Wilson, B.A. §
Diana Christine Petes, B.A. Shikha Sharma, B.S. † Christopher M. Wilterdink, B.A. †
Jessica Lauren Pettit, B.A. † Jason Robert Silver, B.S. ‡ Kathleen Sullivan Wood, B.A.
Melissa A. Pfaff, B.A. Caitlin E. Simili, B.S. Ebonie S. Woolcock, B.S.
Sheila Noely Phicil, A.B. Shaheja Jamaludin Sitafalwalla, B.S. ‡ Laura Alexandra Wulach, B.A. ‡
Lisa Ann Pinnow, B.S. † Megan Sowa, B.S. § Junta Yamamichi, B.S. †
Carmen V. Ploszaj, B.A. Elizabeth Ann Spurrell, B.A., M.S.W. ‡ Grace Jayoung Yang, B.S.
Kami Lea Power, B.S. Jennifer Kelley Stedman, B.S. Susan Claire Yanik, B.S. §
Cheryl Diana Raffo, B.S. † Kathryn Louise Steger, B.A., M.A. Christine M. Zachek, B.A. ‡
Sarah Marie Ragsdale, B.S. † Rachel Ariel Stein, A.B. Anna Zakasovskaya, B.Sc.
Ruchita Rajbhandary, B.A. † Lucy Christine Stelzner, B.A., M.S. Michael Vincent Zales, B.S.
Regina Veronica Ram, B.S. Marilyn M. St. Fleur, B.A. †


Amy S. Baranoski, B.S., M.D. Wolfgang Lieb, M.D. § Daniel Joseph Rubin, A.B., M.D.
Jonathan PB Berz, B.A., M.D. ‡ Ellen Cowen Meltzer, B.A., M.D. ‡ Barton Lahn Wise, A.B., M.D. ‡
Angela Mei-Tin Leung, B.A., M.D. †

Health Services Research

Teresa Cheng, B.A., M.D. † Kimberly A. Dodd, B.A., B.A., M.D. † Ann Spires, B.A., M.D. ‡


Conrad Kabali, B.Sc., “The Effects of Cigarette Smoking, Treated Katherine Elizabeth Amanda Semrau, B.S., M.P.H.,
Tuberculosis, and Isoniazid Prophylaxis Therapy on HIV “Breastfeeding and HIV: Relationships Between Infant Feeding
Disease Progression and Mortality” † Patterns, Breast Pathology and Maternal Health” ‡

Environmental Health
Alicia June Fraser, B.S., M.P.H., “Assessing Predictors of Jennifer Kate Hoffman, B.S., M.S.E.S., M.P.A., “Polyfluoroalkyl
Exposure to PBDEs and PFCs from Diet and the Indoor Chemicals and Learning and Developmental Disorders:
Environment” § Exposure Assessment and Epidemiology”
Barbara Faith Goldoftas, A.B., M.S., “Self-Reported Jessica Webb Nelson, B.A., M.P.H., “Analyzing Biomonitoring
Neighborhood Environment and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in the Data on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals for Population
Health and Retirement Study and English Longitudinal Study Exposure Patterns and Health Outcomes” §
of Aging” § Kristen Weida Smith, B.S., M.P.H., “Characterization of Jet Fuel
Exposure in Military Personnel”

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Health Services Research

Elizabeth Ann Sommers, B.S., M.P.H., “Role of Acupuncture as an Adjuvant Therapy
in the Treatment of HIV/AIDS: Examining Disparities in Access, Cost-Effectiveness
of Using Acupuncture as a Promoter of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy, and
Public Health Considerations”


International Health
Ha Anh Duc, M.D., “Application of WHO-CHOICE for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
of Interventions to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease in Vietnam”

Maternal & Child Health

Corinna S. Culler, B.A., M.P.H., “An Outcomes Evaluation of a Deborah Kaye Cunningham, B.S.N., M.P.H., “Reproductive
Comprehensive School-Based Oral Health Program” ‡ Health Program Implementation Among Conflict-Affected
Women in a Non-Camp Setting: The Case of Feina, South
Darfur, Sudan” ‡

Social & Behavioral Sciences

Tamara Vehige Calise, B.S., M.Ed., “Impact of a New Mixed-Use Allison McGrath Higgins, B.S., M.Ed., “Use of Technology
Urban Community on Physical Activity Levels” § Transfer to Engage Employers in Tobacco Control” §
Alice Jane Colegrove, B.A., M.P.H., “Supportive Housing for Dana K. Rice, B.S., M.S., “Design, Implementation and
Homeless Young Adults: Proposing an Informed Pathway to Evaluation of a Jail-Based HIV Screening Program”
Health and Home” ‡

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College


Alexander Louis Abzug, Magna Cum Laude Meagan Elizabeth Doherty, Lauren Catherine Kennedy,
Anne Rebecca Aldrich Magna Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude
Andrea Ruth Alter, Magna Cum Laude Michael Dombek, Magna Cum Laude Yii Chun Khiew, Cum Laude †
Chase Bradley Ansok, Summa Cum Laude Jennifer Anne Donovan Daniel Kim
Jennifer Christine Arms, Summa Cum Laude Carlo Ray Dumandan Dennis Kim
Laura Elizabeth Arvidson, Nathalie Edouard Robert Alan Knox
Summa Cum Laude Ralph James Emile, Cum Laude Karen Korteiley Korley
Joshua Tyler August, Summa Cum Laude Sofiya Erman Belinda Kathryn Krebs
Kristine Badillo, Cum Laude Scarlet Espinosa § Alaina Majella Krumbach
Allison Lynda Baillie Chinwe Marriotti Ezenna § Nathan Kupperstock
Krystal-Ann Balagot Colleen Marie Farrell, Cum Laude Kristen Michelle Lally ‡
Michael John Baum Emily Erin Farrell, Magna Cum Laude Caitlin A. Lashley, Cum Laude
Kyle Gregory Berg Laura A. Farren † Tina Lau, Cum Laude
Vaishal Gaurang Bhatt Lauren Ferraro Esther Naomi Lavi ‡
Kristen Julia Binau † Rebecca Vivian Fink, Magna Cum Laude Katherine Margaret Layman, Cum Laude †
Wioletta Magdalena Bis, Sara Matilda Fisher Anne U. LeBorgne
Magna Cum Laude † Audrey Blue Flemming, Cum Laude Bobby Lee
Gayrleen Blemur Amelia Patrice Flynn Daniel Kang Lee
Brittany Lynn Bolton, Cum Laude Steven Joseph Forlivio Suzanne Jin Lin Lee †
Alissa Ann Bonjuklian, Cum Laude Annamarie Francisco Sylvie Lee, Cum Laude
Rachel Erin Borlack, Magna Cum Laude Amanda Li Frank Ashley Katherine Leichliter
Maria Catherine Borrelli Rafi Shmuel Fredman Caroline Anne Leung
Dimitrios Boukis Jenna Elizabeth Freitas, Cum Laude Alex Meng Hsiang Lin
Abigail Lana Bourgeois Colette Erica Friedenson Nicholas Bradford Lincoln, Cum Laude
Elizabeth Anne Brennan Laura Frances Furey, Magna Cum Laude Jackie Liu
Alexander Kenneth Brown Kerry Anne Galvin Brittany Page Lively, Cum Laude
Melissa Layne Brown Joyce Antoinette Ganas Christine Elizabeth Logue
Mary Thien Thanh Bui Liliana Garcia ‡ Jessica Ellen Long, Magna Cum Laude
Julia Ann Bunning Marissa Leigh Garofano, Cum Laude † John Paul Lovell
Katelynn Victoria Burke Emily Shreve Gibb Jared Manuel Machado
Anne Cecilia Buzzeo Sarah Beth Gibeley, Magna Cum Laude Debra Maria Maffei
Rachel Peninah Bye † Nicolas Katz Giella Erin Elizabeth Maher
Jaclyn Rose Cameron, Magna Cum Laude Alicia Dawn Giesen Leigh Rose Makely, Cum Laude
Christopher James Caravanos Marshall T. Gillette, Cum Laude Ashley Danielle Mallat, Summa Cum Laude
Julianne Cargill, Summa Cum Laude Aedome Girma Deirdre Jane Manning, Cum Laude
Tabitha Beth Carlson, Cum Laude Jeffrey Lewis Gordon Katherine Rae Marcello, Magna Cum Laude
Chiara Lee Castellucci Caitlin Alicia Grabowski, Kaitlyn Elise Mardeusz
Deepika Cattry Magna Cum Laude ‡ Jacqueline Rose Markowitz,
Emily Ruth Chadwick Neville John Graham Magna Cum Laude
Michelle Milee Chang, Cum Laude Maria Socorro Granados, Magna Cum Laude Patricia Nicole Maymi
Gabrielle Anne Chipot Theresa Marie Griffin, Magna Cum Laude Alexander John Mazzaferro
Geoffrey Edward Ciarlone § Ariella Michal Haber, Magna Cum Laude Celeste Anne Mazzeo, Cum Laude
Kelly Anne Clarke Mitali Hariawala Samara Wambui Mbugua
Melissa Leigh Cottrell Dana Harnik, Cum Laude Hannah M. Ingalls-McGlynn, Cum Laude †
Sara Crandall, Summa Cum Laude Laura Hope Harwood ‡ Jennifer Lynn McMahon,
Alexandra Paige Crerar † Amanda Stephanie Hassan Summa Cum Laude
Stefanie L. Cullingford Noël V. Hatley Erika Lee Meehan
Molly Elizabeth Daniels, Summa Cum Laude Kenai Hattori Michael Christopher Meinzer, Cum Laude
Caroline Elizabeth Darsney ‡ Kaitlyn Marie Henderson ‡ Jillian J. Melican, Cum Laude
Eric Jeffrey David ‡ Douglas Turner Hidlay Jr., Christopher Peter Meltsakos,
Kathryn Jessica Davidson, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude
Jillian L. Davis, Magna Cum Laude Matthew Charles Hodapp, Jamie Lynne Metzinger ‡
Shari Annette Davis Summa Cum Laude John Christopher Mills, Cum Laude
John Mather Davitt Ashley Diane Ilderice Justine Tali Misholy
Caitlin Elizabeth Defliese Alicia Ann Imbrogna Joseph Peter Mongone
Jeanine Angela DelDotto Sarah Dorn Jackson Kara Marie Moore, Magna Cum Laude
Lauren Louise Detmer, Cum Laude Sonya Jayant Jhaveri Matthew Willis Morin
Leah Elizabeth DiBiccari, Cum Laude Nicole Brooke Kahl † Charles Andrew Morrison ‡
Nicole Christina DiBitetto Michael J. Karlowicz, Cum Laude Jade Alise Mosquera §
Allison Rose DiGiacomo Kirandeep Kaur Benjamin John Murphy
Joanna Taresa DiLoreto Elizabeth J. Kearns, Magna Cum Laude Vanessa Maria Musto

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25


Jason Paul Nappy ‡ Andrew Jeremiah Roth, Cum Laude ‡ Amy Elizabeth Tible, Cum Laude ‡
Natasha Michelle Nesbeda Emily Ann Rubenstein, Cum Laude Stephanie Carol Tiwari
Anthony Joseph Ng Katherine June Sacco Rebecca Lauren Towers
Felicia T. Nguyen Larissa Jill Sachs, Summa Cum Laude Neha Sharad Trivedi
Alexa Margaret Nicholls † Harjot K. Sandhu Stephanie Lynn Troiano, Magna Cum Laude
Jennifer Michele O’Brien Nicole Lynne Santomauro Caroline Jacquelyn Varriale,
Jacinto Francisco Ortega IV Colleen Arielle Schad, Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude
Dana Margaret Ortiz, Cum Laude Adrianne Michelle Schroepfer Tara Lee Vaughn, Cum Laude
Stephanie Rattana Oum Frances Margaret Searle, Cum Laude Brianna Candice Velasquez
Elise Marie Overgaard § Matthew Russell Shaw † Gabriela Elizabeth Velasquez
Laura Ann Papp † Brenda Sheridan, Cum Laude Jenna Kristine Volpe
Tanmay Parekh, Cum Laude Kenji Shimodaira Teress Angelica Votto
Amar Raju Patel, Magna Cum Laude Harry J. Siegele Trang Thi Vu, Magna Cum Laude
Nija N. Patel Chantal Marie Silvano Rachel Christine Watkins, Cum Laude
Tulsi Mahesh Patel Andrea Martha Simich Alexandra Bethany Weitzel
Robert Daniel Petrocelli † Dave Jeet Singh Jamie Lynn Whitefleet-Smith, Cum Laude ‡
Andrea Renee Picariello Samantha S. Slocum, Cum Laude Kellie Ann Whittemore, Cum Laude
Alexandra Rose Pitkin Megan Alyssa Smalley Holly Kate Wiles ‡
Arthur Robert Pliaconis Lindsay Kate Sposato Ann Marie Williams
Kristina Marie Price Christopher Robert Stackpole ‡ Carolyn Lee Winnett
Mathew D. Procopio Jessica Maria Stadelmann Carolyn Nicole Winters
Ashley Elizabeth Pysczynski ‡ Kelsey Elizabeth Steube Philip J. Wong
Carolyn Mary Quinn Kelly Abigail Stol Jenny Yamauchi, Magna Cum Laude
Ashley Elizabeth Rabens Maryette Andrews Stuart Cynthia Tiffany Yee
Jessica Lynn Reed Sarah Evelyn Stultz Jeffrey Yu, Summa Cum Laude †
Alyshia Remtula Shaun Taylor Lisa Ziegelbauer
Lucy Little Richert, Cum Laude Angela Clare Thrower


Layal Alkhatib, B.S. Lainey Felsky, B.A. Elizabeth Ann Murphy, B.S. ‡
Amy Anichini, B.S. § Allison Marie Foley, B.S. ‡ Sara Eileen O’Brien, B.S. §
Kristin Auble, B.S. § Rebecca Jane Foote, B.A. Kayla Ann O’Rourke, B.S. §
Shannon Elizabeth Auxier, B.A. Alison Forte, B.A. ‡ Kristin Elizabeth Perry, B.S. ‡
Erica Robin Bahls, B.A. § Laura Julia Garcia, B.S. ‡ Emilie Karen Pessagno, B.S. †
Gillian Rose Balsam, B.S. Traci Ann Gilman, B.S. ‡ Kathryn Piotrowski, B.S.
Magdalen Ann Balz, B.S. ‡ Stephanie Marie Gonzalez, B.S. ‡ Olga Podluzhnaya, B.S.
Ellenor Emery Barish, B.A. § Mary K. Grinovics, B.S. ‡ Ashley M. Pratte, B.S.
Jennifer Nicole Batore, B.S. Joanna Marie Guerrero, B.S. Hunter Leigh Ann Rametta, B.S. †
Meredith Simone Berger, B.S. † Abigail Elizabeth Hammond, B.A. § Mandula Rukmalee Seneviratne, B.S. §
Lauren Elizabeth Blake, B.A. Bethany Haser, B.S. Angela A. Sigmon, B.S. ‡
Amy Branham, B.S. § Jacqueline Danielle Hempel, B.S. † Lindsay Smith, B.S.
Carrina Ann Burke, B.S. § Daphne Sue Hooyboer, B.S. † Robyn Katherine Spencer, B.A. §
Crysta Leigh Caprio, B.S. † Kellene Anne Isom, B.A. ‡ Shana Elizabeth Sporman, B.S. †
Christina Elizabeth Carvey, B.S. ‡ Mandy Heather Jasnoff, B.S. Kimberly Ann Sprague, B.S.
Adiana Lisel Castro, B.S. § Lauren Keil, B.S. Amanda Elizabeth Stevens, B.S.
Carol Elizabeth Chan, B.S. ‡ Lauren Noelle Kestel, B.S. ‡ Kacie Noelle Szemela, B.A. †
Tanya Chavushian, B.S. ‡ Sheila R. Krajnik, B.S. ‡ Rachel Anne Thornton, B.S. §
Kara Corinne Choiniere, B.S. † Katherine Anne Lauriat, B.S. ‡ Rachel Faith Toran, B.S.
Christine Lynn Conrad, B.S. § Emily Chen Hsien Lin, B.S. ‡ Danielle Lyn Tsibulsky, B.A. §
Mary Ellen Corradi, B.S. ‡ Claire Elisabeth Logan, B.A. Holly Elizabeth Warfel, B.S. †
Jennifer Culbert, B.S. ‡ Tara Lynne Lukens, B.S. † Robin Natalie Weber, B.A.
Natalie Davis, B.S. Emily Lynch, B.S. Della Widjajakusuma, B.S. ‡
Iris Luanne De La Calzada, B.S. † Aaron Jacob Manders, B.S. † Allison Sarah Winer, B.A.
Catherine Dillon, B.S. ‡ Jilia Marie Maxim, B.S. § Mollie Harrison Wright, B.S.
Nicole Anne Ellis, B.S., B.A. † Robyn Beth Mierzejewski, B.A. ‡ Sarah Jane Wright, B.S. §
William S. Evans, B.A. Azadeh Mirbod, B.S. Brieann Yimoyines, B.S. ‡


Sara M. Aldama, B.A. † Stacey Fulkerson, B.S. Neelofar Keshavjee, B.S. †
Lisa Marie Byrne, B.S. † Charlene Angela Giovannini, B.S. Michelle Lynn Krol, B.S. †
Cosima Alexandre Cabral, B.A. Shonali Gupta, B.A. † Carolyn Beth Macock, B.S. †
Kristin Elyse Carlin, B.S. † Andrea Halverson, B.A. † Greta Michele Mangini, B.S.
Justine Marie Davis, B.S. Kate Hanauer, B.A. † Brittney Eileen Nichols, B.A. §
Stacey Dianne DeNatale, B.A. † Katherine Grant Hartigan, B.S. ‡ Priscilla Ferreira Nova, B.A. †
Danielle Alyse Dewhurst, B.S. † Kathryn Lyn Henneman, B.A. † Allison Elizabeth O’Malley, B.S.
Lauren Marie Ferraro, B.S. Leah Hess, B.S. Christine Yvonne Peters, B.A.
Rita Bayla Fischer, B.A. † Monica Lauren Huang, B.S. † Alison Leigh Regan, B.S.

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


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Ann Wythe Savage, B.A. † Christine VanSweden, B.A. † Elexa Virginia Waugh-Quasebarth, B.A.
Elisse Michelle Sliwinski, B.S. † Blair Von Bargen, B.S. † Sarah Beth Weissman, B.A. †
Madelaine Rose Stoer, B.F.A. †


Mary Elizabeth Rosenberger, B.S.


Mary Alunkal Khetani, B.A., M.A. Kenneth C. Lam, B.S., Ed.M. † Daniel E. Young, B.S. ‡


Jessica Christian Abele, B.S. Melissa Mary Hannoosh, B.S. § Mark Christopher Nowlin, B.S., M.S. ‡
Nora Albay, B.S. § Diana Ashley Harrison, B.S. § Kathryn Anna Nutile, B.S. §
Jessica Amato, B.S. ‡ Masato Hasegawa, B.S. § Geneviève Noelle Olivier, B.S. ‡
Balamuruhan Amurthalingam, B.S. § Laura Hayden-Frantz, M.S. § Stacey Patricia Orr, B.S. ‡
Rachael Malene Anderson, B.S. ‡ Christina Lynn Hehl, B.S. ‡ Sarah Ellen Palethorpe, B.A. §
Kimberly Ann Mei Hua Ang, B.S. ‡ Lisa Lynn Hendricks, B.S. § Aaron I. Park, B.S. ‡
Jacqueline Luna Astrero, B.S. § Laura Ann Heslin, B.S. § Samantha Ellen Parkhurst, B.S. ‡
Brian Matthew Aucter, B.S. § Kuanyan Huang, B.S., M.S. § Nehal M. Patel, B.S. ‡
Rose Ann Bernal-Cruz, B.S. § Amanda Stephanie Hyman, B.S. § Robert Edward Perednia, B.S. ‡
Daniel James Bertrand, B.S. ‡ Yo Iwase, B.S. ‡ Ganesh N. Rajamani, B.S. §
Janice Christine Blackistone, B.S. ‡ John Jonasch, B.S. ‡ Alma Alicia Ramirez-Phelipa, B.S. ‡
Amy Marie Boucher, B.S. § Michelle Louise Joyce, B.S., M.S. ‡ Elizabeth Diane Rankel, B.S. ‡
Danielle Marisa Bousquet, B.S. § Jung-Yeon Kang, B.S. ‡ Rebecca Ann Rasmussen, B.S. §
Amy Marie Boutry, B.S. § Shalini Hitesh Kapadia, B.S. ‡ Jacqueline Elise Reagle, B.S. §
Susanna Caroline Camalier, B.S. § Juliann Michelle Kaplow, B.S. § Janene M. Reeves, B.S. ‡
James Edward Camarinos, B.S. ‡ Rachelle Amy Katz, B.S. § Jay Kendall Rigsbee, B.S. ‡
Joseph James Camisa, B.S. § Megan Elizabeth Kernan, B.S. § Michael James Rohr, B.S. ‡
Emmanuel Salangsang Canlas, B.S. ‡ Nicole G. Kinney, B.S. † Amanda Katherine Rowe, B.S. ‡
Jonathan Patrick Carroll, B.S. § Deborah Eileen Klein, B.S. § Anna Liza Laderas Santos, B.S. §
Maggie Claire Catlin, B.S. § Sheri Alexandria Klock, B.S., M.S. § Gregory M. Schiller, B.S. §
Sophia Wayen Chan, B.S. ‡ Jill Kressley, B.S. ‡ Daniel Philip Sieczkiewicz, B.S. ‡
Eric Choi, B.S. § Danielle Marie Lanata, B.S. ‡ Regina Sloutsky, B.S. §
Grace Eunmi Choi, B.S. ‡ Kelly Anne Landis, B.S. ‡ Sukhee So, B.S. §
Yun Sun Choi, B.S. § Tonja Gale Latham ‡ Eubie Aguilar Sta. Cruz, B.S. §
Renee Erica Christie, B.S. § Andrew Lee, B.S. § Michelle Stebbings, B.S. §
Stan A. Conte, B.S. † Alissa Marie Leonard, B.S., M.S.P.T. ‡ Kathryn A. Steidle, B.S. †
Katrina Marie Costagliola, B.S. ‡ Shannon Kathleen Linzer, B.A. ‡ Stephanie Stovall, B.S. §
Nathaniel Adam Cowing, B.S. § Lauren Miller MacMillan, B.S. ‡ Kyle Talbot Sultzer, B.A. §
Stephanie Lauren Crammé, B.A. § Lisa Marie Mangan, B.S. ‡ Lindsay Thuerk, B.S. §
Rebecca Lynn Crastnopol, B.S. § Diane Martin, B.S. § Katherine Elizabeth Tung, B.S. ‡
Joanne Daroy, B.S. § Mary Page Ellis Mayo, B.S. § Jeffey Varghese, B.S. ‡
Erika Weiby Day, B.S. § Kelly Renee McDermott, B.S. § Michelle F. Vega §
Kathleen G. Delaney, B.S., M.S.P.T. § Lauren Marie McGlone, B.S. § Itoro Victor, B.S. ‡
Elaine Dong, B.S. ‡ Kimberly McKay, B.S. § Jamie Robyn Weisman, B.S. §
Matthew M. Duhamel, B.S. § Carmen Teresa Medina Torres ‡ Lori Lindsey Wheat, B.S. †
Katherine Marie Fisher, B.S. ‡ David Philip Merson, B.S. ‡ Linda Marie Wikselaar, B.S. †
Mandana Noel Fisher, B.S. § Melissa Kay Meyer, B.S. ‡ Christina Wilks, B.S. §
Mark Andrew Foelster, B.S. § Jessica Marie Mills, B.S. § Patricia G. Wilson, B.S. §
Carrie Lynn Friedman, B.S. § Meaghan Minzy, B.S. § Stephanie Lauren Windler, B.S. ‡
Uma Tharmaratnam Ghosh, B.S. § Mouna Mirson-Tohme, B.S. § Sharon Zelkin, B.S. ‡
Julieta Cano Gomez, B.S. § Amira Faizana Mohammed, B.S. § Yi Lily Zhang, B.S. †
Kristina Rae C. Gonzales, B.S. § Kaitlin E. Murphy, B.S. § Qiling Zhou, B.S. ‡
Lynn Graff, B.S. ‡ Chelsea Manchester Noel ‡ Linda Zhu, B.S. §
Heather Lynn Griffee, B.S. ‡ Ronald Francis Novera, B.S. §


Tina Tessier Champagne, M.S. Lillian Hamer, B.S., M.S. † Scott David McNeil, M.S. †
Ashley Morgan Deaton, B.S., M.S. § Kristen Leigh Maisano, M.S. Julie Ann Nastasi, M.A.
Nancy Wolcott Doyle, M.S. § Jacqueline Mayo, B.S., M.S. † Robin Mieli Newman, M.S. §

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25

School of Social Work


Saida Mohamed Abdi, B.A., M.A. Heather Virginia Geldhof, B.S. Andrew Scott Olson, B.A. ‡
Lauren Jean Abraham, B.A. Heather Lynn Gibbon, B.S. Jacquelyn Oppler, B.A. ‡
Eliza K. Adler, B.A. Jessica Kimberly Goldberg, B.A. Kanika Oung, B.B.A., B.A., M.B.A.
Katie Amanda Aliberti, B.A., M.A. John Martin Griffin, B.A. Emilie Bourne Paschal, B.A.
Helena I. Almeida, B.A. Noa Gur, B.A., M.A. Meghan Gleason Pascucci, B.A. §
Kristen Lee Avery, B.A. Emily Irene Gurley, B.S.W. § William W. Patterson, B.A. ‡
Jahmeelah Oseye Bai, B.S. Kelsey Nicole Haggett, B.A. Joy Anne Charlotte Perkett, B.A.
Gina Baird, B.A. ‡ Emily Miriam Hall, B.A. Noelle Sanders Perlmutter, B.S.W.
Yolanda Louise Baldwin, B.A. Megan Mae Halmo, B.A. § Elise Renee Petersen, B.A.
Paulina Bazile, B.A. † Natalie Margaret Harpold, B.S.W. § Anne Thomas Phillips, B.Mus.
Zachary Martin Beck-Goss, B.A. Larissa Leigh Hewitt, B.A. Joseph Mario Pizzuti, B.A.
Marcy Sterling Beinert, B.A. Chelsea Lynne Hixson, B.S.W. § Jessica Lynn Prentice, B.S. †
Sara Marie Belding, B.A. Jesse Lynn Holm, B.A. David Andrew Prouty, B.A. §
Allison Elizabeth Bisio, B.S. § Sarah Marie Isabel, B.A. Nicholas Adam Purol, B.S.W. §
Stephanie Dawn Black, B.A., M.A. Nikie Lynn Iwanczuk, B.S.W. ‡ Denise Raposo, B.A.
Danielle A. Bolduc, B.S. Erin Elizabeth Iwanusa, B.A. Whitney Tobler Riddell, B.A.
Alyssa Anne Brigham, B.S. § Susan Joh, B.A. Erin Marie Roberts, B.S.A.
Scherrhawn Chereise Brinkley, B.S.W. § Hope A. Thomas Rance Johnson, B.S.W. ‡ Rachael Jae Roberts, B.A. §
Jennifer Lynn Brown, B.A. Elizabeth Ann Kalfas, B.A., M.S. Jason G. Roderick, B.A.
Samanda Davina Bryant, B.A. Dana Marie Kane, B.S. Tressa Eileen Rogers, B.A.
Erin Buonome, B.S.W. § Sara Rachel Keller, B.S. Jennifer F. Roman, B.A., M.Ed.
Elizabeth Walsh Buswick, B.A. Colleen Ann Kelley, B.S.W. § Deirdre Rooney, B.S.
Katheryn Lynn Butterfield, B.A. Elizabeth Kelly, B.S.W. Shannon Terry Root, B.S.
Michelle Canali, B.S.W. § Amanda Kendall, B.S.W. § Devorath Grace Ruiz, B.A. §
Tasha M. Cancio Morales, B.A.S. Jennifer Lynn Klesman, B.S. Leonard Russ, B.S.W. §
Stephanie Tzu-Han Chang, B.A. Laura Dempsey Kottkamp, B.S. Holly Anne Sairsingh, B.S.W. §
Kati Rose Chase, B.A. § Gordon Aptekar Krantz, B.S. Sarah Elizabeth Schufreider, B.A.
Bing-Shian Francis Chen, B.A. Belle Kuo, B.S., M.E., D.M.D., Ph.D. ‡ Sally Ann Schuss, B.A. §
Sandy Carmen Christophe, B.A., M.S. ‡ Kristen Kuzmick, B.A. Jaclyn Secter, B.S.W. ‡
Kathleen Chun, B.A., M.Ed. Robert Lee LaFollette, B.A. Scott L. Serpa, B.A. §
Ashley Lynn Clark, B.S.W. ‡ Jennifer Michelle Lang, B.Sc. Ashley B. Shute, B.A. ‡
Alexander Macleod Cohen, B.A., B.A. § Karin Ruth Lauff, B.S.W. § Rachel Laura Sletzinger, B.S.
Katharine Melissa Cohn, B.A. Mary J. Lechner, B.A. Kerri Lynn Slezak, B.A.
Beth Ellen Collins, B.S.W. Jennifer Heroux Lee, B.S.W. Catherine Elizabeth Sparks, B.A. §
Carlos Colón, B.A. Ollire Laura L’Italien, B.A. Emma Jean Spata-Burk, B.A.
Claudia Isabel Costa, B.S.W. Lisa M. LoFaso, B.A. Amy Michelle Staley, B.S.W.
Melissa Marie Costa, B.A. Jill B. Lofchie, B.A. Monica Mary Suarez, B.Sc.
Jolene P. Danian, B.S. ‡ Mary Alice Ludwig, B.S. Kosal Suon, B.S.
Karly Lynn David, B.A. Kathleen Anne Machado, B.A. Ingrid Lydia Swanson, B.S.W. ‡
Alicia Davila, B.S.S.W. ‡ Alison Lee Maldonis, B.A. § Erica Lynne Tasha, B.A.
Melissa Anne Deane, B.A. Helen Williams Malinowski, B.A. Anna V. Tovbin, B.A.
Jillian Desbiens, B.A. Melissa Manzi, B.S. Heather Kay Valente, B.S. ‡
Rosemary de Sousa, B.A. Jennifer Michelle Marram, B.A. Michael James Van Wert, B.A.
Kathryn Callander DeVinney, B.A. Corrie Grace McLaughlin, B.A. Erika Mayela Vargas, B.A. §
Yaminette Diaz Linhart, B.A. Sarah Marie Vanstory McSwegin, A.B. ‡ Rachel Laura Wasserman, B.A.
Jenifer Leah Dibble, B.S. ‡ Nisha Mehta, B.A. Cheryl N. Wermer, B.A.
Randi E. Donnis, B.F.A., M.Ed. § Catherine Monica Meier, B.A. Laura M. Witman, B.S. †
Mariejose Dorvilier, B.L.A. Robert Michael Mello, Jr., B.A., M.A. Lori Rose Wittner, B.A.
Sarah Lyn Dowal, B.A. Monique Nicole Mercado, B.S. ‡ Allison Lindsey Wood, B.S. ‡
Kara Michele Drobnis, B.S. ‡ Cara Breann Miller, B.A. ‡ Meghan L. Wood, B.A.
Jennifer Paige Farmer, B.S. ‡ Gerry Anne Mitchell, B.S.W. Kimberly Ann Yoder, B.A. §
Justin Michael Feldman, B.A. Susan Marie Mitchell, B.S., M.Ed. Alexandra Lauren Yoeli, B.S.W. §
Jennifer Irene Freidel, B.F.A. § Meredith Ann Nelson, B.A. Emily Lauren Young, B.A.
Andrea Rosen Garber, B.A., M.Arch. ‡ Graham T. O’Brien, B.S., B.A. Byra Mary Zimmerman, B.S.W. §
Megan Ennis Geiger, B.S.W. § Rosemary Oliveira, B.S.

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25

School of Theology


Seongmoon Ahn, B.A. Youngmin Kim, B.A. Jiseong Oh, B.Th., M.A.
Daryl Linden Bridges, B.A. Swee Leong Koh, B.Eng. Joy Anne Charlotte Perkett, B.A., M.S.W.
August C. Delbert, B.A., B.S. Karen Gainer Lubic, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Andrea Reily Rocha, B.A.
Kevin Matthew Dirksen, B.A. Philip Stephen Major, B.A., B.M. Eve R. Seamans, B.A.
Kelly Marie Drescher, B.A. Cheryl L. Meachen, B.A. Cicily Teresa Shaw, B.A., M.S.
Carolyn C. J. Frantz, B.A. Lauren Anne Miramontes, B.A. Jeri Katherine Warden, B.A.
Christina Mae Geuther, B.A. Robert Lewis Nofsinger, B.A. † Jana Marie Yeaton, B.A.
Virginia Lee Hanna, B.A., M.A. Amanda L. Norris, B.A. Hyosuk Yun, B.A.
Tamecia Raishaun Jones, B.S., M.A.


Caleb Scott Acton, B.A. Melissa E. Grim, B.Phil. Mikio Miyagi, B.S.
Jason Kieran Jory Bosworth, M.A. Donghwa Han, B.A. ‡ Brent Cantrell Parrish, B.A.
Kyle A. Bozentko, B.A. Alan Hoogasian, B.A. Amanda C. Tonks, B.S. †
Valerie Wai Sum Chung, B.A. † Erin Elizabeth Iwanusa, B.A., M.S.W. Anna V. Tovbin, B.A., M.S.W.
Cristina Maria Crawford, B.S. Benjamin Robert Lynch, B.A. Lancelot Watson, B.A.
Lance Jason Daly, B.A. † Trevor Maine, B.A. Connor Patrick Wood, B.A.


Hyunji Kim, B.A. Jae Rim Lee, B.M., M.M. Eun Hee Park, B.M., B.A †


Joshua Sutherland Allen, B.A., M.Div. Moonkyum Kim, B.A., M.Div. Sung Il Moon, B.A., M.Div., Th.M. †
Erin Lin Betz, B.A., M.A.R. Kenneth Justin Lackey, B.A., M.T.S. ‡ Muwina Derrick Muwina, B.Th., M.T.S.
Deborah Ann Chi, B.F.A., M.T.S. Jeffrey Keoni Lane, B.A., M.Div. Jin ah Park, B.A., M.Div. †
Bokali K. Chishi, B.Th., Th.M., M.Div. Kin Leung Francis Lau, B.S., M.Div. Yun Jeong Seol, B.A., M.A.
Ryan Christopher Harrison, B.A., M.T.S. Jae min Lee, B.S., M.T.S. Hoon Song, B.A., Th.M., M.Div. ‡
Kile Barden Jones, M.T.S. Min Hyoung Lee, B.A., M.Div. Mi Kyeong Song, B.A., M.Div. ‡
Dong Jin Kim, B.Th., M.M., Th.M., Doojin Moon, B.A., M.Div., Th.M. † Brice John Tennant, B.A., M.A.T.S. ‡


Religion, Culture & Personality
Jung Mi Hyae, M.A., M.Div., S.T.M., “An Examination of a
Church-Based Recovery Program on the Quality of
Physical and Spiritual Life of Mentally Ill Persons in Korea”

Ministry in Church & Society

Calvin Darnell Dixon, B.Th., M.Div., M.A., “Pastoring a Gospel Olga Lipina, M.S.M., M.Div., S.T.M., “The Role of Arts in the
Service Presents Unique Challenges for New Chaplains: Process of the Leadership Formation and Ecclesial
A Primer on Leading a Gospel Service in the Air Force” Transformation”
Bonil Ku, B.A., Th.M., M.Div., “A Catechumenate for the Korean
Methodist Church: Ressourcement, Formation, and a Response
to Secularism and Korean Traditional Religions” †


Ministry in Church & Society
Patrick Gene McLeod, B.S., M.A., S.T.M., “An Historical and
Theological Analysis of Campus Crusade for Christ’s Evangelistic
Practice in Two American University Contexts” †

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25



Biblical & Historical Studies
Edward Martin Keazirian, B.A., M.Div., Th.M., “Peace and Gary Floyd VanderPol, B.A., M.A., “The Least of These:
Peacemaking in Paul Against the Backdrop of Greco-Roman American Evangelical Parachurch Missions to the Poor,
Conceptions of Peace” ‡ 1947–2005” †

Ministry in Church & Society

Katsumi Higashide, B.A., M.A., M.Div., “Meanings of the John Kapya Kaoma, B.Th., M.A.T.S., M.A., “Ubuntu, Jesus, and
Sabbath for Worship in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church” † Earth: Integrating African Religion and Christianity in
Ecological Ethics”

† ‡ §
January 2010 graduate September 2009 graduate Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25

University Professors Program


Julia Allyn Cox, Summa Cum Laude Jaclyn Jo Jacobson Elizabeth Kaita Pope, Summa Cum Laude
Alexandra Kristen Ellis Kassia Marie Karr, Magna Cum Laude Lauren Elizabeth Rapp, Summa Cum Laude
Julia Recatta Fogerite, Summa Cum Laude Elizabeth Jane Katz, Summa Cum Laude Heather Lynn Skrabak, Cum Laude
Andrew Sumner Hagopian ‡ Natan Mark Magid, Cum Laude Arielle Jana Tonkin, Summa Cum Laude
Anna Rebecca Harris, Magna Cum Laude Bhanu Priya Mathur, Summa Cum Laude Jonathan Aaron Urbach, Cum Laude


Kassia Marie Karr
Natan Mark Magid


Robyn Elizabeth Angley, B.A., M.A., “NGO’s in Competitive Taryn Vian, B.A., S.M., “Good Governance and Performance-
Authoritarian States: The Role of Civic Groups in Georgia’s Based Budgeting: Factors Affecting Reform Progress in Lesotho
Rose Revolution” Hospitals” †
Melissa Ann Culhane, B.A., M.P.H., “Suffering Strangers: The Irena Vodenska-Chitkushev, B.S., M.B.A., M.S.,
Social Construction of the Torture Survivor in the American “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding and
Healing Community” ‡ Forecastinng Volatility” ‡
Aparna Sindhoor, B.A., M.A., “The Contemporization of an
Indian Dance Form: Bharatanatyam Shylis (Styles)” ‡

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25

Division of Military Education


Second Lieutenant Floyd Enrique Anderson, School of Management
Second Lieutenant Jonathan Kentaro Birkett, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Andrew James Carlin, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Oliver Du-Chow Chiang, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Jennifer Corrigan, School of Education
Second Lieutenant Jacob Solomon Friedman, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Jonathan Michael Gerle, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Stephen R. Hill, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Dennis Kim, College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College
Second Lieutenant Karina Jayne Lane, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Joung Hwa Lee, School of Management
Second Lieutenant Jasper Kung Ho Lo, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Gregory Adam Long, Metropolitan College
Second Lieutenant Rose Marie Monacelli, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences †
Second Lieutenant Martin Emanuel Nosenchuk, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Michelle Anne Perez, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Rachel Lee Tarrats, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Adam Michaels Urbin, College of Arts & Sciences

Navy & Marine Corps

Ensign Lillian L. Bean, School of Management
Ensign Joshua A. Cohen, College of Arts & Sciences
Ensign Jennifer A. Donovan, College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College
Second Lieutenant Joseph R. Forbes, School of Management
Ensign Cameron L. Gorman, College of Arts & Sciences
Ensign Matthew J. Kelly, College of Engineering
Second Lieutenant Michael A. Lashutka, School of Management
Ensign Patrick R. McDowell, College of Engineering
Ensign Denise E. Miller, College of Engineering
Second Lieutenant Andrew T. Rapisardo, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Chelsea R. Scott, College of Arts & Sciences
Ensign Justin V. Tworek, College of Engineering
Ensign Alexander W. White, College of Arts & Sciences
Ensign Sterling N. C. H. Worth, College of Engineering
Ensign John O. Wray, College of Communication

Air Force
Second Lieutenant Michelle H. Auton, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Sharon K. Kroening, College of Arts & Sciences †
Second Lieutenant Brendan J. McKenney, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Spencer Charles Reese, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Megan N. Reilly, School of Management
Second Lieutenant Anya V. Sira, College of Arts & Sciences
Second Lieutenant Jeffrey David Van Guilder, College of Engineering

Unofficial list of graduates. The actual award of honors at Commencement, reflected on diplomas, is based on students’ final academic averages.
Because of publication deadlines, the lists in this book were compiled using Fall 2009 grade point averages and may, therefore, omit the honors of some students who earned them.

January 2010 graduate ‡September 2009 graduate §Tentative September 2010 graduate


011694$un1 05-17-10 14:48:25

ACAdemiC trAditions

ACADEMIC DRESS: The academic dress worn by today’s graduates reflects a tradition begun in the late twelfth century,
when universities were taking form. Originally the dress may have had a practical purpose: to keep the student warm
in unheated buildings. Today it is ceremonial. American colleges and universities subscribe to a code of academic dress
first adopted in 1895. The Academic Costume Code is divided into three parts: caps, gowns, and hoods.

The traditional cap is the mortarboard, which is worn by our bachelor’s and master’s degree candidates. The colored
tassels worn from the mortarboards identify the graduate’s discipline or field of study. Boston University’s doctoral
candidates wear an octagonal tam with gold tassels.

The gown for the bachelor’s degree is simple, with open sleeves. The master’s gown has a long, curved extension at the
bottom of the sleeve, and is narrow at the wrist. Bachelor’s and master’s gowns are always untrimmed. The more ornate
doctoral gown is faced with velvet and features three velvet bars on each sleeve. The velvet is black for all disciplines
except law, dentistry, and medicine, which are faced with those fields’ traditional colors: purple, lilac, and green. The
sleeves are bell-shaped and billowing.

Bachelor’s candidates at Boston University do not wear hoods as part of their dress. The master’s hood is three and
one-half feet in length, and the doctoral hood is four feet with panels on the sides. The lining of the hoods is unique to
the university: every university, according to the Academic Costume Code, has a distinct pattern. The Boston University
hood is lined with a single white chevron on a scarlet field. The color of the velvet edging of the hood corresponds to the
graduate’s field of study. Academic disciplines and associated colors seen at today’s Commencement include:

Arts, Letters, Humanities—white Music—pink

Business, Management—drab Philosophy—dark blue
Dental Medicine—lilac Physical Therapy—teal
Education—light blue Public Health—salmon
Engineering—orange Sciences—yellow
Fine Arts—brown Social Work—citron
Law—purple Theology—scarlet

THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION: The University Marshal presides over the Academic Procession, standing at the front
of the platform. He raises the mace to signify that Commencement is ready to begin; as he lowers it, the music begins and
the graduates begin to march onto the field. The faculty procession follows the student procession. The platform party
follows the faculty; the President is the last person in the procession. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the University
Marshal leads the President and the platform party off the field, followed by the faculty. There is no student procession
at the end of Commencement. Graduates and guests are asked to remain in their places until the platform party and
faculty have left Nickerson Field.

PRESIDENT’S COLLAR: The collar is a chain of repeating decorative links. Such collars were often worn in the Middle
Ages as a badge of office. The Boston University collar, symbolizing the office of the President, is composed of the
University seal alternating with the letters BU; a larger seal is suspended from it. The collar was designed in the 1980s by
the late Dr. Arthur G. B. Metcalf, alumnus, Associate Founder of the University, and Chairman Emeritus of the Board
of Trustees.

MACE: The mace was originally a weapon of war; heavy, often with a spiked metal head, it was designed to damage an
opponent’s armor. It has evolved into a symbol of institutional authority. The academic mace, representing the authority
of the university, is carried at the front of formal academic processions.

The Boston University mace was also designed in the 1980s by Dr. Metcalf. It is fashioned of sterling silver and has two
University seals intertwined on the button end. In today’s ceremony, it is borne by the University Marshal.




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MBTA Stops Distance from Kenmore Square IVY ST.

to West Campus residences is
P Parking Lots approximately 1.3 miles.

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Charles River Campus 10



School/College Day/Time Place School/College Day/Time Place
College and Graduate Economics Sun. Fuller Building
School of Arts & Sciences 4 pm 808 Commonwealth Avenue, First Floor
(B.A. and M.A. candidates) Editorial Institute Sun. Departmental Offices
American Sun. School of Hospitality Administration 4 pm 143 Bay State Road
& New England Studies 4 pm 928 Commonwealth Avenue English Sun. George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall
Sopher Auditorium 10 am 775 Commonwealth Avenue
Anthropology Sun. Photonics Colloquium Room Geography Sun. School of Management Auditorium
4 pm 8 St. Mary’s Street, Ninth Floor & Environment 4 pm 595 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 105
Archaeology Sun. Photonics Auditorium History Sun. College of General Studies Auditorium
4 pm 8 St. Mary’s Street, Room 206 4 pm 871 Commonwealth Avenue
Art History Sun. Tsai Performance Center International Relations Sun. Fitness & Recreation Center
9 am 685 Commonwealth Avenue 9 am 915 Commonwealth Avenue
Astronomy Sun. College of Arts & Sciences Marine Program (BUMP) Sun. Sargent College Auditorium
4 pm 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 522 4 pm 635 Commonwealth Avenue
Biochemistry Sun. College of Fine Arts Mathematics & Statistics Sun. College of General Studies Auditorium
& Molecular Biology 4 pm 855 Commonwealth Avenue, Concert Hall 9 am 871 Commonwealth Avenue
Biology Sun. Fuller Building Medical Science Sun. Photonics Auditorium
9 am 808 Commonwealth Avenue, First Floor 9 am 8 St. Mary’s Street, Room 206
Chemistry Sun. Metcalf Science Auditorium Modern Languages Sun. Tsai Performance Center
9 am 590 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 107 & Romance Studies 4 pm 685 Commonwealth Avenue
Classical Studies Sun. George Sherman Union Music Sat. George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall
9 am 775 Commonwealth Avenue, Fifth Floor (with College of Fine Arts) 4 pm 775 Commonwealth Avenue
Faculty Dining Room
Neuroscience Program Sun. Metcalf Science Auditorium
Computer Science Sun. School of Law Auditorium 4 p.m. 590 Commonwealth Avenue
9 am 767 Commonwealth Avenue Room 107
Earth Sciences Sun. School of Hospitality Administration Philosophy Sun. School of Law Auditorium
9 am 928 Commonwealth Avenue 4 pm 767 Commonwealth Avenue
Sopher Auditorium
Physics Sun. Metcalf Trustee Center
9 am One Silber Way, Ninth Floor




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Symphony Hall






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. P

School/College Day/Time Place School/College Day/Time Place

Political Science Sun. George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall Graduate School of Arts Fri. George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall
4 pm 775 Commonwealth Avenue & Sciences (Ph.D. only) 5:30 pm 775 Commonwealth Avenue
Psychology Sun. Case Center Gymnasium School of Hospitality Sat. George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall
4:30 pm 285 Babcock Street Administration 10 am 775 Commonwealth Avenue
Religion Sun. Photonics Colloquium Room School of Law Sun. Agganis Arena
9 am 8 St. Mary’s Street, Ninth Floor 9 am 925 Commonwealth Avenue
Sociology Sun. School of Management Auditorium School of Management Sat. Agganis Arena
9 am 595 Commonwealth Avenue (Bachelor’s candidates) 6 pm 925 Commonwealth Avenue
Room 105 (Master’s and Fri. Agganis Arena
College of Communication Sun. Agganis Arena Doctoral candidates) 5 pm 925 Commonwealth Avenue
4 pm 925 Commonwealth Avenue School of Medicine Sat. Agganis Arena
School of Education Sat. Track & Tennis Center 10 am 925 Commonwealth Avenue
Noon 100 Ashford Street Metropolitan College Sat. Track & Tennis Center
College of Engineering Sun. Track & Tennis Center 6 pm 100 Ashford Street
(Bachelor’s and Master’s 4:30 pm 100 Ashford Street School of Public Health Sun. Boston Convention Center
candidates) 4:30 pm 415 Summer Street, Boston
(Doctoral candidates) Sat. School of Management Auditorium (not shown on map)
6:30 pm 595 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 105 College of Health Sun. Track & Tennis Center
College of Fine Arts Sat. George Sherman Union, Metcalf Hall & Rehabilitation Sciences: 9 am 100 Ashford Street
4 pm 775 Commonwealth Avenue Sargent College
Henry M. Goldman School Fri. Track & Tennis Center School of Social Work Fri. Fitness & Recreation Center
of Dental Medicine 3 pm 100 Ashford Street 4 pm 915 Commonwealth Avenue
Graduate Medical Sat. Agganis Arena School of Theology Sun. Marsh Chapel
Science Division 10 am 925 Commonwealth Avenue 4 pm 735 Commonwealth Avenue
(Ph.D. & M.D./Ph.D. University Professors Sun. Metcalf Trustee Center
candidates) Program 4 pm One Silber Way, Ninth Floor
with School of Medicine
(Master’s candidates) Fri. Tsai Performance Center
2 pm 685 Commonwealth Avenue

PrelUde ConCert
Fanfare from La Péri Paul Dukas
Earle of Oxford’s March William Byrd
Suite No. 1 in E-flat, Op. 28, No. 1 Gustav Holst
Suite of Dances Tylman Susato

ProCessionAl mUsiC
Pomp and Circumstance March, No. 1 Edward Elgar
Pomp and Circumstance March, No. 4 Edward Elgar
Trumpet Voluntary Jeremiah Clarke
Triumphal March from Aida Giuseppe Verdi
Rondeau Jean-Joseph Mouret

reCessionAl mUsiC
“Hey! Baby” Margaret Cobb and Bruce Channel
Vienna Philharmonic Fanfare Richard Strauss

Dean B. Doner Brenton C. Patterson, 1911

New lyrics for “Clarissima” were written by the late Dean B. Doner, a Vice President of Boston University from 1973 to 1986.

The Corporation
Lee Claflin Isaac Rich Jacob Sleeper


Augusta E. Corbin Arthur G. B. Metcalf Alden Speare
Chester C. Corbin Stephen P. Mugar Dewey David Stone
Albert V. Danielsen Anne A. Ramsey Harry K. Stone
Edward H. Dunn John R. Robinson Gerald Tsai, Jr.
Rafik B. al-Hariri Roswell R. Robinson An Wang
Charles Hayden
Robert A. Knox, Chairman David F. D’Alessandro, Robert A. Brown, President
Vice Chairman
John P. Howe III,
Vice Chairman
John L. Battaglino Stephen R. Karp Christine A. Poon
Philip L. Bullen Cleve L. Killingsworth, Jr. Stuart W. Pratt
Frederick H. Chicos Elaine B. Kirshenbaum Allen I. Questrom
Richard D. Cohen Andrew R. Lack Richard D. Reidy
Jonathan R. Cole Eric S. Lander Sharon G. Ryan
Kenneth J. Feld Alan M. Leventhal Richard C. Shipley
Sidney J. Feltenstein Wendy K. Mariner Hugo X. Shong
Ronald G. Garriques J. Kenneth Menges, Jr. Bippy M. Siegal
Richard C. Godfrey Carla E. Meyer Nina C. Tassler
SungEun Han-Andersen Peter T. Paul Andrea L. Taylor
Bahaa R. Hariri C. A. Lance Piccolo Peter D. Weaver
Robert J. Hildreth
Robert J. Hildreth, Chairman Shamim A. Dahod Richard R. Joaquim
Kathleen L. Healy, Vice Chairman Derek Davis Linda Sloane Kay
James Apteker Edson D. de Castro Sarkis J. Kechejian
Merwyn Bagan Richard B. DeWolfe Raymond L. Killian, Jr.
Steven R. Becker Dexter A. Dodge William H. Kleh
Gayle R. Berg Patricia K. Donahoe William F. Macauley
James A. Berluti David B. Ellis Edward I. Masterman
Fred A. Bronstein Maya Ezratti Rita Z. Mehos
Robert J. Brown Bruce J. Feirstein Melvin B. Miller
Jay M. Cashman Edwin D. Fuller Jay Roewe
Earle M. Chiles Joseph H. Hagan Marshall M. Sloane
Howard L. Clark, Jr. Lucy L. Halperin Laura Walsh Strandskov
Suzanne Cutler Esther A. H. Hopkins Marcy Syms
Terry L. Andreas Norman E. Gaut William F. Macauley
Christopher A. Barreca Gerald L. Gitner Edward I. Masterman
Robert J. Brown Vartan Gregorian James K. Mathews
Earle M. Chiles Leon C. Hirsch JoAnn McGrath
Howard L. Clark, Jr. Esther A. H. Hopkins Melvin B. Miller
Suzanne Cutler Karen Elliott House Marshall M. Sloane
Edson D. de Castro James M. Howell John F. Smith, Jr.
Richard B. DeWolfe Richard R. Joaquim Laura Walsh Strandskov
Dexter A. Dodge Luci Baines Johnson Robert E. Yellin
Patricia K. Donahoe


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