01m Valvebody
01m Valvebody
01m Valvebody
In some ways, stroking a valve is the what you may be used to, but if you VW/Audi 01M, 01N, 01P 5
principal step used to shift from one look at the system and apply many No TCC lockup
gear to the next. You have compo- of the basics you already under-
nents to apply and/or release. You stand, you can still diagnose and VW/Audi 096, 097, 098 6
stroke a valve to fill a clutch and repair problems. Break the problems 01M, 01N, 01P
No line rise
maybe stroke a valve to dump down to symptoms directing you
another. Of course, it’s a little more where to look as you would on VW/Audi 01M, 01N, 01P 7
complicated than that. One pres- other units. Just think about what is OEM plastic shift valve
sure and one fill rate won’t work for the same and what is different. end plugs break
all conditions without slips or
harshness, under varying load and Individual Gear Changes
throttle. How, when and which
valve gets stroked and how the What’s the same: A shift valve,
apply pressure is controlled is han- apply valve or actuator valve is
dled differently by brands A or B or, stroked to apply or release a compo-
in this case, V. nent.
Pressure control and accumulators What’s different: Regulator valves
are traditionally used in combina-
are used in place of accumulators to
tion to provide enough pressure to
control the fill rate or apply rate of
apply and hold a component but
a component.
prevent an objectionably harsh or
potentially damaging apply. Most
Pressure Control – Valves
of you are pretty comfortable with
the older TV or more modern
Electronic Pressure Control Systems What’s the same: A main pressure
and a range of accumulator designs regulator valve serves the tradition-
found on the more familiar domes- al PR function. If no other influence
tic units. You know the symptoms is put on it, it will establish a base-
high or low pressure will cause to line pressure.
the overall shift feel and to compo-
nent life. You know the effects accu- What’s different: A boost regulator
mulator problems can have on a valve (also called a pressure regula-
particular gear change. You read the tor control valve) replaces the tradi-
signs and proceed to inspect the tional boost valve. Most traditional
area that could be creating the boost valves are in the same bore as
problem. the PR and are actually bias valves,
meaning they actually push to cre-
The VW AG4 family of transmis- ate an effect on the PR valve and
sions uses a different approach than boost the pressure. The difference
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© 2006 SONNAX
(Continued from Page 1)
here is that the boost regulator valve lives in its What’s different: Although AFL problems can cre-
own bore, applying hydraulic pressure to influence ate a variety of issues, wrong gear starts or solenoid
the main PR valve. Another noticeable difference codes are often the primary complaint. Solenoid
here is that the spring load setting on the boost regulator valve issues can cause late shifts or loss of
regulator valve can be adjusted. gear and wrong gear starts, but here, no line rise or
low line may often be the primary complaint.
Pressure Control – Solenoids
What you should know about diagnosing and
What’s the same: A PWM pressure control sole- repairing VW AG4 units
noid (N93 or EV6) is used to control the boost reg-
ulator valve, similar to the EPC or PCS used in What’s the same: Pressure control is critical, and
many modern systems. The solenoid is always on wear and leak issues are common.
while the engine is running and is used to lower or
limit boost pressure. Turning the solenoid off What’s different: Main regulator, boost regulator
results in maximum line pressure. and solenoid regulator valve functions are highly
What’s different: Another solenoid (N92 or EV5) is
used to control shift feel. This solenoid is momen- a. Similar symptoms may be caused by different
tarily turned on at the time of the shift, triggering valves.
the regulator valves for the individual clutches to
briefly orifice off and reduce line pressure, dupli- b. One valve can make the others perform
cating an accumulator function. poorly or appear to be at fault.
Controlling Pressure to the Solenoids c. Problems in more than one area are not
uncommon. Always inspect them all.
What’s the same: A solenoid regulator valve is
used to limit feed oil pressure to the solenoids, What’s new: Parts and tooling are now available
similar to the AFL valve function in some units. that will allow you to fix these critical areas and
repair these valve bodies. See the product informa-
tion details in the rest of the Technical Bulletin.
Solenoid Regulator
Solenoid Regulator
Valve Signal
Boost Signal