Burnout Self Checklist: Not at All Rarely Some Times Often Very Often

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Question Not At Rarely Some Often Very

    All   times   Often
 1  Do you feel run down and drained of physical or      
emotional energy?        
2 Do you find that you are prone to negative thinking          
about your job?
3 Do you find that you are harder and less sympathetic          
with people than perhaps they deserve?
4 Do you find yourself getting easily irritated by small          
problems, or by your co-workers and team?
5 Do you feel misunderstood or unappreciated by your          
6 Do you feel that you have no-one to talk to?          

7 Do you feel that you are achieving less than you          

8 Do you feel under an unpleasant level of pressure to          
9 Do you feel that you are not getting what you want          
out of your job?
10 Do you feel that you are in the wrong organization or          
the wrong profession?
11 Are you becoming frustrated with parts of your job?          

12 Do you feel that organizational politics or          

bureaucracy frustrate your ability to do a good job?
13 Do you feel that there is more work to do than you          
practically have the ability to do?
14 Do you feel that you do not have time to do many of          
the things that are important to doing a good quality
15 Do you find that you do not have time to plan as          
much as you would like to?

Burnout Self Checklist

Score Interpretation

Score Comment
15 – 18 Little sign of burnout here
19 – 32 Little sign of burnout here, unless some factors are particularly severe
33 – 49 Be careful - you may be at risk of burnout, particularly if several scores are high
50 – 59 You may be at severe risk of burnout - do something about this urgently
60 - 75 You may be at very severe risk of burnout - do something about this urgently

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