Paradox Spectra 1728EX Programming/Reference Manual
Paradox Spectra 1728EX Programming/Reference Manual
1728: V2.4
1738: V2.4
Default Installer Code
0000 / 000000 (see section [281] on page 17)
Default System Master Code
1234 / 123456 (see section [301] on page 17)
How Do I Enter Programming Mode?
1. Press [ENTER].
2. Enter your [INSTALLER CODE].
3. Enter 3-digit [SECTION] you wish to program.
4. Enter required [DATA].
What Do I See?
Value or Action What Do I Press?
10-Zone LED 16-Zone LED LCD
Values 1 to 9 [1] to [9] [1] to [9] [1] to [9] [1] to [9]
A (hex only) [0] [0 (10)] [10] 0
B (hex only) [STAY] [STAY] [11] B
C (hex only) [BYP] [BYP] [12] C
D (hex only) [MEM] [MEM] [13] D
E (hex only) [TBL] / [TRBL] [TBL] [14] E
F (hex only) [PG] / [FNC1] [PG] [15] F
Exit Without Saving [CLEAR] [ENTER] flashes [ARM1] & [STAY1] flash “SECTION [ ]”
Erase Current Digit [FORCE] Displays next digit or next section
Save Data (hex only) [ENTER] Advances to the next section
Trouble Display
Press the [TBL] or [TRBL] key to view the Trouble Display. Please note that the keypad can be programmed to emit a beep
every 5 seconds whenever a new trouble condition has occurred. Press the [TBL] or [TRBL] key to stop the beeping.
* press the illuminated key ([9], [STAY] or [MEM]) to view which zones are causing the trouble. Enter the Installer Code to clear
Tamper troubles.
** press [8] to re-program the time.
WARNING: This equipment must be installed and maintained by qualified service personnel only.
Each time the [ENTER] key is pressed, the keypad will display the next digit in the current section and will continue through
all the following sections one digit at a time without changing the programmed values. Not available for sections using the
Multiple Feature Select Method. Press the [CLEAR] key at any time to exit the Data Display Mode.
1 - off = Maintained
on = Momentary
[FORCE] key = empty 2 - off = Regular arm
First Digit Second Digit on = Stay arm
Zone Partition
Section Description Zone Options
Definition Assignment
[001] = Zone 01: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[002] = Zone 02: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[003] = Zone 03: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[004] = Zone 04: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[005] = Zone 05: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[006] = Zone 06: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[007] = Zone 07: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[008] = Zone 08: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[009] = Zone 09: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[010] = Zone 10: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[011] = Zone 11: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[012] = Zone 12: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[013] = Zone 13: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[014] = Zone 14: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[015] = Zone 15: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[016] = Zone 16: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Defaults = Empty Partition 1 1 and 2 ON
Only the control panel’s on-board inputs can be defined as a Fire, Delayed Fire or a Keyswitch zone. In the 1728
the on-board zones are zones 01 to 05 and in the 1738 the on-board zones are zones 01 to 07.
Example: section [120] = 05 03 02: this means PGM1 will activate whenever partition 2 is Stay armed.
Section # Event Group # Sub-Group # Partition #
[120] PGM 1 PGM Activation Event ___/___ ___/___ ___/___
[121] PGM 1 PGM Deactivation Event ___/___ ___/___ ___/___
[1] [2]
OFF OFF Disabled (default)
When armed: Follows Zone Alarm Types
When armed: Follows Zone Alarm Types
When armed: Follows Zone Alarm Types
[7] [8]
OFF OFF Disabled (default)
When armed: Follows Zone Alarm Types
When armed: Follows Zone Alarm Types
When armed: Follows Zone Alarm Types
[1] [2]
OFF OFF TLM Disabled (default)
OFF ON TLM generates a trouble if armed
ON OFF TLM generates an audible alarm if armed
ON ON Silent alarms become audible
[6] [7]
OFF OFF 1 call to pager or cellular telephone (default)
OFF ON 2 calls to pager or cellular telephone
ON OFF 3 calls to pager or cellular telephone
ON ON 4 calls to pager or cellular telephone
[8] Pager Format Transmits (V2.4 & higher) N After Pager Delay in N Immediately (Personal
section [083] Dialing)
Section #
[140]* ___ / ___ REPORTING FORMATS*
TEL1 TEL2 1 = ADEMCO SLOW (1400HZ, 1900HZ, 10BPS)
2 = SILENT KNIGHT FAST (1400HZ, 1900HZ, 20BPS)
3 = SESCOA (2300HZ, 1800HZ, 20BPS)
If hexadecimals (0 to FF) are used to program the report codes, verify that the pager also supports
hexadecimals. If the pager does not support hexadecimals, use only the digits 0 to 9.
[143] ___/___/___/___ PARTITION ACCOUNT NUMBER 1 (For less than 4 digits, use the [FORCE] key to enter blanks.)
[144] ___/___/___/___ PARTITION ACCOUNT NUMBER 2 (For less than 4 digits, use the [FORCE] key to enter blanks.)
[150] __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__
PC TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR WINLOAD SOFTWARE (32-digits, if less than 32 press [ENTER] to accept)
[151] __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__
CENTRAL STATION TELEPHONE OR PAGER NUMBER 1 (32-digits, if less than 32 press [ENTER] to accept)
[152] __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__
CENTRAL STATION TELEPHONE OR PAGER NUMBER 2 (32-digits, if less than 32 press [ENTER] to accept)
[153] __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__
BACK UP TELEPHONE NUMBER (32-digits, if less than 32 press [ENTER] to accept)
* UL Note: The installer is required to verify the complete compatibility of the DAC Receiver and formats at least once per
[189]___/___Zone 09 [193]___/___Zone 09
___/___Zone 10 ___/___Zone 10
___/___Zone 11 ___/___Zone 11
___/___Zone 12 ___/___Zone 12
[190]___/___Zone 13 [194]___/___Zone 13
___/___Zone 14 ___/___Zone 14
___/___Zone 15 ___/___Zone 15
___/___Zone 16 ___/___Zone 16
[198]___/___Zone 05 [201] ___/___Zone 01 [204]___/___Zone 13
___/___Zone 06 ___/___Zone 02 ___/___Zone 14
___/___Zone 07 ___/___Zone 03 ___/___Zone 15
___/___Zone 08 ___/___Zone 04 ___/___Zone 16
[199]___/___Zone 09 [202]___/___Zone 05
___/___Zone 10 ___/___Zone 06
___/___Zone 11 ___/___Zone 07
___/___Zone 12 ___/___Zone 08
Master Code 1 is permanently assigned to partition 1 and can be used to create, modify or delete User Access Codes that
are assigned to partition 1.
Master Code 2 is permanently assigned to partition 2 (except when partitioning is disabled, Master Code 2 will be assigned
to partition 1) and can be used to create, modify or delete User Access Codes that are assigned to the same partition.
Default for all user codes is options [1], [3] and [4] ON. [1] ON = Partition 1 Access [5] ON = Force Arming
ON = Option Enabled [2] ON = Partition 2 Access [6] ON = Arm Only
OFF = Option Disabled [3] ON = Bypass Programming [7] ON = PGM Activation Only
[4] ON = Stay Arming [8] ON = Future Use
Section # User Code Options (ON/OFF) Section User Code Options (ON/OFF)
[302] Master Code 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [325] User Code 025 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[303] Master Code 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [326] User Code 026 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[304] User Code 004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [327] User Code 027 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[305] User Code 005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [328] User Code 028 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[306] User Code 006 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [329] User Code 029 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[307] User Code 007 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [330] User Code 030 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[308] User Code 008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [331] User Code 031 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[309] User Code 009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [332] User Code 032 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[310] User Code 010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [333] User Code 033 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[311] User Code 011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [334] User Code 034 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[312] User Code 012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [335] User Code 035 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[313] User Code 013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [336] User Code 036 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[314] User Code 014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [337] User Code 037 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[315] User Code 015 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [338] User Code 038 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[316] User Code 016 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [339] User Code 039 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[317] User Code 017 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [340] User Code 040 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[318] User Code 018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [341] User Code 041 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[319] User Code 019 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [342] User Code 042 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[320] User Code 020 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [343] User Code 043 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[321] User Code 021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [344] User Code 044 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[322] User Code 022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [345] User Code 045 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[323] User Code 023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [346] User Code 046 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[324] User Code 024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [347] User Code 047 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[348] User Code 048 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PGM Programming
Each PGM Deactivation event can be used as another activation event if their respective PGM timer (see sections [501] to
[504]) is programmed with a value other than 000. The APR3-PGM4 uses the same PGM events as the Spectra control
panel, please refer to “Programmable Outputs” on page 7.
PGM Programming
The PGM Deactivation event can be used as another activation event if the PGM Timer (section [554]) is programmed with a
value other than 000. The APR3-PRT1 module uses the same PGM events as the Spectra control panel, please refer to
“Programmable Outputs” on page 7
Clock Programming
For example, to enter the date March 26, 2000 you would enter 20 (century), 00 (year), 03 (month), and 26 (day).
Section # Value
[557] Year ___/___/___/___ Month ___/___ Day ___/___
Modules with the APR- prefix are compatible with Spectra (versions 2.0 and higher) and DGP-848. Modules with the
APR3- prefix are compatible with Spectra (versions 2.0 and higher), DGP-848 and DGP-NE96.
Zone Assignment
The serial number can be located on the inside of the transmitter or you can use the Serial Number Display feature (see
page 24). Also, refer to “Zone Recognition Table for 1728” and “Zone Recognition Table for 1738” on page 4.
Section # Serial #
[601] ___/___/___/___/___/___= EXPANSION INPUT 1
* Section [610] option [1] Wireless Transmitter Check-in Supervision must be enabled (ON) for UL installations.
PGM Activation/Deactivation
PGM1 is always enabled and is activated through the Magellan Remote Control (MG-REM1). Remote control button
controls PGM1. A second 5A PGM relay output (PGM2) is available as an option. Remote control button controls PGM2
(optional). Press the appropriate button to activate the PGM that it controls. Section [610] options [6] and [7] determine how
the respective PGM will deactivate. If the option is OFF, the activated PGM will automatically deactivate after 2 seconds. If
the option is ON, each activated PGM can be deactivated only by pressing the appropriate button on an Magellan Remote
Control that controls a PGM. For a diagram of the Magellan Remote Control, refer to “Button Options” on page 24.
* refer to “Remote Control Assignment” on page 25 and the MG-RCV3 Reference & Installation Manual.
Button Options
2 [712]
+ + + +
3 [713]
+ + + +
4 [714]
+ + + +
5 [715]
+ + + +
6 [716]
+ + + +
7 [717]
+ + + +
8 [718]
+ + + +
Please note that the User Code assigned to the remote control (sections [701] to [708]) must have the same User
Options and Button Options enabled. For example, if you enable the Force Arming button option you must enable the
appropriate Force Arming user option. Also, if you enable any of the Panic button options, you must enable the Panic
options in the control panel.
The Spectra system is equipped with a partitioning feature which can divide the alarm system into two distinct areas identified
as Partition 1 and Partition 2. Partitioning can be used in installations where shared security systems are more practical, such
as an office/warehouse building. If the system is not partitioned, all User Codes and features will be recognized as
belonging to Partition 1.
System Master Code can arm or disarm any partition using any arming method and can create, modify or delete any User
Access Code. Only the System Master Code can modify or delete User Access Codes assigned to both partitions.
Master Code 1 is permanently assigned to partition 1 and can be used to create, modify or delete User Access Codes that
are assigned to partition 1.
Master Code 2 is permanently assigned to partition 2 (except when partitioning is disabled, Master Code 2 will be assigned
to partition 1) and can be used to create, modify or delete User Access Codes that are assigned to the same partition.
Press and hold the [9] key. Enter the 2-digit (01 to 16) zone number(s) or use the arrow keys to scroll through the zones.
When the appropriate zone is displayed, press the [FNC1] key. When the desired zones are chimed, press [ENTER].
Keypad Muting
Press and hold the [CLEAR] key for 3 seconds to enable or disable keypad muting. When muted, the keypad will only beep
when a key is pressed or when the keypad emits a Rejection or Confirmation Beep. All other beep functions are disabled.
Sends the “Test Report” report code programmed in section [211] to the central station.
Cancels all communication until the next reportable event. If the Master Code was used, only communication with WinLoad
would be cancelled.
reserved for
future use
Not used
C Red “TX” LED: Flashes when the Printer Module is transmitting data through the serial port only.
D 25-Pin Parallel Port: Connect the Printer Module’s 25-pin parallel port to any dot matrix printer. Note: The
dot matrix printer must support a minimum of 80 columns.
E 9-Pin Serial Port: Connect the Printer Module’s 9-Pin serial port to a dot matrix printer. Note: The dot
matrix printer must support a minimum of 80 columns.
F 9-Pin Serial Port: Connect the Printer Module’s 9-pin serial port to a computer’s COM port to view the
control panel’s events on the computer’s monitor. The events displayed on the monitor can then be printed
through the printer connected to the computer.
Remove AC power and battery before adding APR3-PRT1 to the system. Do not connect any modules more than 76m
(250 ft) from the control panel. Only one Printer Module can be connected per Spectra control panel.
control panel
Not used
External Power Supply
(Recommended: Paradox
PSW817 1.75A Switching
Power Supply)
Remove AC and battery from the control panel before adding the 4-PGM Output Module to the system. Do not connect the APR3-
PGM4 more than 76m (250 ft) from the control panel. Only one APR3-PGM4 can be connected per Spectra control panel.
Spectra Control
Panel External
Communication Tamper
Bus Switch
Connect the detection devices to the module's (N.C.)
input terminals exactly as shown in the
Spectra Reference & Installation Manual.
Input terminal Z1 can be used
as a tamper switch input
Option [2]: Section [650]
Remove AC and battery power from the control panel before connecting the module to the
communication bus. Do not connect the APR3-ZX4 or SPC-ZX4 more than 76m (250 ft) from the control
panel. Only one APR3-ZX4 or one SPC-ZX4 can be connected per Spectra control panel.
Remove AC and battery power from the control panel before adding the APR3-ADM2 module to the system. Do not connect the APR3-
ADM2 more than 76m (250 ft) from the control panel. Only one APR3-ADM2 can be connected per Spectra control panel.
Monitors the dialer. The LED will illuminate when the dialer
is in use. When the dialer is not being used, the LED will
remain off.
Communication Ground
Bus clamp
Refer to Inset 1
Partial view of
the APR3-ADM2
Remove AC power and battery before adding a
module to the system. Do not connect the APR3-ZX8
Input terminal Z1 can be
or SPC-ZX8 more than 76m (250 ft) from the control used as a tamper switch
panel. Only one SPC-ZX8 or APR3-ZX8 can be input.
connected per Spectra control panel. Option [2]: Section [650]
Control Panel
External Alarm Relay (5A) can be programmed to follow the BELL output or
power + the Global PGM.
supply -
Status LED
Four pin connector can be used Flash once every sec. = Normal operation
for quick installation of a Spectra Toggle ON 1sec / OFF 1sec = Trouble in the
keypad or Expansion Module. system
Always ON = Panel is using phone line
Fast flash 4sec. after power up = Installer
Lock enabled
Disconnect telephone line before
12Vdc 7Ah/4Ah servicing.
Disconnect battery before
replacing the fuse.
Refer to transformer requirements below for Aux. Power
Output. To connect additional wiring to auxiliary power, use A Door Contact or any other
the red (+) and black (-) keypad connectors. Auxiliary power detection device can be
will shut down if current exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output connected to the Keypad Zone.
is overloaded and is shut down, you must disconnect all
loads from the output for at least 10 seconds before
reconnecting any load back to the auxiliary output.
For UL Listed warnings, refer to the UL and cUL Warnings section in the Spectra Reference & Installation Manual.
Warning: Disconnect
telephone line before
12Vdc / 4Ah or 7Ah
Service Keypad
Four pin connector can Refer to “Single Zone Inputs” or “Double AWG#14 single
be used for quick Zone Inputs (with ATZ option only)” on conductor solid
copper wire Ground
installation of a page 36 clamp
Spectra keypad or
expansion module. Cold water
Refer to To provide maximum lightning grounding
Transformer protection, we strongly recommend
Requirements having separate earth connections To metallic
Table below. for the dialer and zone ground enclosure
To connect the 5A
alarm relay and the
PGMs, refer to “Alarm
Relay (1738 only)” on
• The maximum number of keypads per installation is dependent on the
page 37.
BELL OUTPUT auxiliary output, which is not to exceed 700 mA.
Will shut down if current • For the keypad’s zone, EOL
exceeds 3A. and tamper configurations,
refer to page 3.
• Warning: Do not connect
keypads more than 76m
(250ft) from the
AUX POWER control panel.
Refer to transformer requirements in the table below for AUX
Power Output. Auxiliary power will shut down if current
exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output is overloaded and is shut
down, you must disconnect all loads from the output for at least
10 seconds before reconnecting any load back to the auxiliary
For UL Listed warnings, refer to the UL and cUL Warnings section in the Spectra Reference & Installation Manual.
Use a 1k resistor for the
A - Control panel terminals zone input.
B - Detector 1 terminals
C - Detector 2 terminals
Paradox Security Systems Ltd. (“Seller”) warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a
period of one year. Except as specifically stated herein, all express or implied warranties whatsoever, statutory or otherwise, including
without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly excluded. Because Seller does
not install or connect the products and because the products may be used in conjunction with products not manufactured by Seller, Seller
cannot guarantee the performance of the security system and shall not be responsible for circumstances resulting from the product’s
inability to operate. Seller obligation and liability under this warranty is expressly limited to repairing or replacing, at Seller's option, any
product not meeting the specifications. Returns must include proof of purchase and be within the warranty period. In no event shall the
Seller be liable to the buyer or any other person for any loss or damages whether direct or indirect or consequential or incidental, including
without limitation, any damages for lost profits stolen goods, or claims by any other party, caused by defective goods or otherwise arising
from the improper, incorrect or otherwise faulty installation or use of the merchandise sold.
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Seller’s maximum liability will be strictly limited to the purchase price of the defective product.
Your use of this product signifies your acceptance of this warranty.
BEWARE: Dealers, installers and/or others selling the product are not authorized to modify this warranty or make additional warranties that
are binding on the Seller.
© 2002-2005 Paradox Security Systems Ltd. All rights reserved. Specifications may change without prior notice. One or more of the
following US patents may apply: 6215399, 6111256, 5751803, 5721542, 5287111, 5119069, 5077549, 5920259 and 5886632. Canadian
and international patents may also apply.
Spectra, Digiplex and Magellan are trademarks or registered trademarks of Paradox Security Systems Ltd. or its affiliates in Canada, the
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For technical support in Canada or the U.S., call 1-800-791-1919 for English or 1-866-912-0600 for French,
Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST. For technical support outside Canada and the U.S., call 00-1-450-491-7444,
Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST. Please feel free to visit our website at