The Impact of Leadership Styles On Job Stress and Turnover Intention - Taiwan Insurance Industry As An Example
The Impact of Leadership Styles On Job Stress and Turnover Intention - Taiwan Insurance Industry As An Example
Hsien-Che Lee
Department of Business Management, Tatung University
40 ,Sec 3,Chung-Shan N. Rd, Taiwan City, Taiwan ROC
[email protected]
Tsai-Hua Chuang
Student of Graduate School of Management, Tatung University
40 ,Sec 3,Chung-Shan N. Rd, Taiwan City, Taiwan ROC
[email protected]
For recent years, Taiwan has stepped into an aging society. Life insurance and
retirement planning which have quite a lot to do with insurance industry are questions
of interest. The insurance industry focuses on close contact among clients, sales
people and managers. That is a human-oriented industry, for which the experienced
leaders inspire the sales people through continuous training and encouragement and
lead them by vision. Therefore, leader’s leadership type is the critical factor for the
success of the organization. This research explores the relationships among leader’s
leadership style, subordinate’s personality characteristic, and job stress and turnover
intention. We also identify the role of the variable of personality characteristic and job
stress respectively.
We use convenient sampling method to collect data. In pretest, 50 copies of
questionnaires are sent to employees of M insurance company, for which 46 valid
ones are returned, And then, a total of 220 copies of questionnaires are sent out, of
which 176 returned questionnaires are valid. The effective response rate is at 80%.
We adopt SPSS to do data analysis and draw conclusions as follows:(1) Leadership
style has significant influence on job stress; (2) Job stress has positive relationship
with turnover intention; (3) Leadership style has negative influence of turnover
intention; (4) Personality characteristic has no moderating effect on the relationship
between leadership style and job stress; (5) Personality characteristic brings no
moderating effect on the relationship between job stress and turnover intention; (6)
Job stress has mediation effect on the relationship between leadership style and
turnover intention.
For recent years, Taiwan has stepped into an aging society. Life insurance and
retirement planning that have quite a lot to do with insurance are questions of interest.
The insurance industry focuses on close contact and interaction among clients, sales
people and managers. That is a human-oriented industry, for which the experienced
leaders inspire the sales people through continuous training and encouragement and
lead them to work hard to achieve goals by vision. The leader’s leadership type plays
an important role in achievementing performance t of the organization. The leader’s
ability to adapt to internal and external environment changes and lead a group of
cordial subordinates to work together is the key to success. Thus, this research
explores the relationships among the leader’s leadership style and the subordinate’s
personality characteristic, job stress and turnover intention. This research also studies
the role of the variable of personality characteristic and job stress respectively and
gives advices to managers to lower the turnover rate in the life insurance industry. The
specific research objectives are listed as follows: (1). to explore the influence of
leadership style on the subordinate’s job stress; (2). to explore the influence of job
stress on turnover intention; (3). to explore the influence of different leadership style
on the turnover intention; (4). to explore the moderating role of personality
characteristic on leadership style and job stress respectively; (5). to explore the
mediating effect of personality characteristic and job stress respectively.
Leadership Style
The practice and academic circles agree that leadership is really an important subject
in the field of organizational behavior. Leadership is one with the most dynamic
effects during individual and organizational interaction. In other words, whether a
management is able to execute “collaborated effort” depends on leadership capability.
The excellent leader not only inspires subordinate’s potential to enhance efficiency
and also meets their requirements in the process of achieving organizational goals.
Stogdill(1957) defined leadership as the individual behavior to guide a group to
achieve the common target. In latter days, Richards & Engle (1986) defined
leadership as about establishment of vision, value and creation of environment so that
the objective can be accomplished. Definitions on leadership defined by selected
authors were summarized into table 1.
(1). Traits theory in 1930s--- It focuses on the innate leadership qualities and
competence. These innate qualities are not found in others. The so-called quality can
be divided into physiological and mental aspects. The physiological aspect includes:
height, weight, looks, and vigor while the mental aspect includes intelligence,
confidence, and aggressiveness etc. Stogdill (1948) proposed twelve leadership
related studies and was considered as representative of this period.
(2). Behavioral theory from late 1940s to late 1960s--- It believes that a leader will be
able to achieve ideal organizational efficiency if he demonstrates effective leadership
behaviors. These leadership behaviors may be trained or learned through experience.
Actual behavior or leadership styles are emphasized. Representative research is
conducted in Ohio State University. Ohio State University proposed “consideration“
and “initiating structure” of leadership behaviors. Consideration is a behavior that
focuses on strengthening relationship with subordinates based on their needs and
perceptions, while “initiating structure” is a behavior that focuses on subordinate
performance in goal accomplishment.
(3). Contingency theory in late 1960s--- This theory states that there is no set of
optimum leadership model in this world and that it depends on the situation
encountered. Situational leadership theory began its development subsequently. It
states that leaders need to adopt the most optimum leadership style based on different
organizational situations. Among which, Fiedler’s contingency theory (1967) is most
Job Stress
Job stress means improper occupational stress or burden that badly affects the
psychological and physical condition of the worker himself (Kroes, 1974). Peng
(1998) states that psychological stress is neither stimulus nor reaction but a handling
method or relationship; it is the interaction between the individual and the
environment, which gains or consumes resources of human behavior and endangers
the individual health. When the individual feels job stress, it usually comes along with
following symptoms:(1) psychological aspect--- passive, disconsolate, anxious and
anger; (2) physical aspect--- imbalance incretion, headache, sleepless and disturbed;
(3) behavioral aspect--- change of living behavior, decrease of job involvement,
absence from work, and turnover. The definitions of various authors were summarized
in table 2.
Personality Charateristics
Turnover Intention
The verification researches made by the domestic and foreign scholars on leadership,
job stress, personality characteristic and turnover intention are described as follows:
(1)in research of leader behavior and job stress, Fleishman (1964) found that
consideration in the leader behavior has negative connection with the job stress, while
the initiating structure is positively connected with job stress; (2) in research of leader
behavior and turnover intention, Fleishman & Harris (1962) in the study of the
influence of various leadership types on turnover rate and complaint rate found that
consideration for the subordinates is negatively connected with the turnover, while the
initiating structure is positively connected with turnover; (3) in research of job stress
and turnover intention, Parasuraman & Alutto (1984) in the research on 217
employees at the food manufacturing company indicated that job stress had positive
connection with turnover intention;(4) in research of personality characteristics and
job stress, Chang (1998) chose employees of Taiwan Sugar Company as research
subject and indicated that those with type A personality characteristic had higher
perception of job stress and shew more physical and psychological discomfort
reactions;(5) in research of personality characteristics and turnover intention, Chang
(2003) released 260 questionnaires to 11 schools and revealed that personality
characteristics had no significant impact on turnover intention. The relevant empirical
researches were listed in table 5.
Research Framwork
The experienced leader is well aware of this fact and keeps training, assisting and
inspiring the sales personnel. Therefore, the leader’s leadership style is very important
for the performance achievement of organization. Therefore, we have a great interest
in exploring the relationships among leadership style, personality characteristic, job
stress and turnover intention. This research also tries to identify the role of variable
for personality characteristic and job stress respectively. Framework of this research is
shown as Figure1.
Personality Characteristic
A type
B type
H4 H5
Research Hypotheses
Different leadership style has different impact on the subordinate’s work willingness.
The leader’s ability to adapt to internal and external environmental change and lead a
group of cordial subordinates fighting together is one of the keys to success. Hsu
(1986) conducts research on 222 operators of China Steel Company in Kaohsiung on
the relationship among leader’s personality characteristic, the leader behavior, the
staff’s job stress and job satisfaction. The research indicated that consideration
leadership had significantly negative connection with job stress, but the initiating
structure positively connected with job stress, the leadership style and job stress are
negatively connected. Hence, we develop hypotheses as below:
Job stress is usually generated along with change of productivity such as passive job
involvement, indifference to colleagues, envy and suspicion, efficiency drop, job
absence, turnover, etc. Parasuraman & Alutto (1984) studied 217 employees of food
manufacturing company and found that job stress had positive connection with
turnover intention. Therefore, we propose the hypothesis as follows.
Wang (1990) made his research on the subject of connection among employee with A-
type personality characteristic, leader’s leadership style, and employee’s job stress”
and found that people with A-type personality characteristic perceive more job stress
than those with B-type, while ones with B-type feel apparently more job stress at low
self-respect post than those of A-type. Thus, hypotheses are developed as follows.
H6 Job stress has mediation effect on the relationship between leadership style and
turnover intention.
Research Design
Transformation 20
Transaction 5
This research chooses sales personnel of local insurance companies as the subject and
collects data by convenient sampling method. The survey instrument was initially pre-
tested by 50 employees of M insurance company for content, readability, and
ambiguity. Based on results of the pretest, minor changes were made to select
questionnaire items, and the instrument were sent to 220 employees of insurance
companies, for which 176 returned mailings are valid, effective response rate at 80%.
Sample Profile
Statistical Analysis
This research starts with factor analysis of leadership style and then moves to
reliability analysis and regression analysis.
This paper uses regression analysis to study the relationships between predictive
variable and criterion variable.
Regression analysis result as shown in table 9 indicates that leadership style has
significant connection with job stress. Therefore, the hypothesis H1 is supported.
Furthermore leadership style is divided into transformational style and transactional
style to do separately analysis. The result reveals that transformational leadership is
negatively connected with job stress. H1a is therefore supported as shown in table 10.
The positive influence of transactional leadership on job stress is not significant, so
H1b is not supported as shown in table 11.
Analysis is done on personality characteristic, leadership style and job stress and finds
the interaction effect of personality characteristics *leadership style is not significant.
It means personality characteristic has no interfering effect on the relationship of
leadership style and job stress as shown in table 14. Therefore, the hypothesis H4 is
not supported.
Analysis is done on personality characteristics, job stress and turnover intention and
finds the interaction effect of personality characteristics *job stress is not significant.
It means that personality characteristic has no moderating effect on relationship
between job stress and turnover intention shown as able 15. Therefore, H5 is not
According to path diagram shown in figure 2, the result indicates (-0.163) x(0.35)
> -.0139. It means that the indirect effect of job stress on leadership style and
turnover intention is larger than direct effect, which means job stress has mediating
effect on the relationship of leadership style and turnover intention. So the hypothesis
H6 is supported.
Leadership Style Job Stress 0.35 Turnover
STYLEpattern * intention
We choose the insurance industry as the object of study and explore the
interrelationship between leadership style and job stress and turnover intention. This
research also investigates the variable role of personality characteristic. According to
the result of empirical analysis, the conclusions are generated as followings.
(1).For the insurance operators, transformational leadership style has negative
influence on job stress, which has something to do with the characteristic of insurance
industry because the insurance employees have no base pay and the majority of their
income comes from sales bonus. Under such bonus system, if the transformational
leadership gives more consideration and encouragement, the employees will be
aroused instinct of compression resistance for gaining high income.
(2).Job stress has positive relationship with turnover intention. Job stress usually
results in psychological and physical discomfort, and then turnover intention
(3).The style indicates that leadership style has negative relationship with turnover
(6)The verification indicates that job stress has bigger indirect effect on leadership
style and turnover intention than the direct effect. So, job stress has mediation effect
on relationship between leadership style and turnover intention.
Managerial Implications
This research chooses insurance industry as object and expects to explore, through
regression analysis, the relationship among the insurance leader’s leadership style and
the subordinate’s personality characteristic, job stress and turnover intention.
According to the conclusion of this research, following suggestions are provided for
(1) Transformational leadership is used to help the subordinates aware that rewards
need making efforts. Proper encouragement and consideration are required to raise
the eager for future vision and accomplishment of mutual goal.
(2) Insurance job has no base pay and the salespeople are highly autonomous. The
leader should spend more time in assistance and communication so that the
subordinates understand real stress comes from economic income pressure but not
from the job itself.
Because the research object is the insurance industry only, it’s not easy to generalize
the research result to other industry.
This research only considers the variables in question. Other variables such as
organizational citizen behavior, organizational climate, job involvement and job
efficiency are not taken into investigation.
Due to limit of research time, manpower and budget, this research only sent out 220
questionnaires and the sample size is small.
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