Types of Software: Bea Power Reader

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Types of Software

Two-Column Notes Before you begin, create a table that has 2

Be a columns and about 14 rows. As you read, write down each type of
Power software as it is discussed. In the left column, write the software’s
Reader name. In the right column, write a brief description of the software.
When you have finished reading the article, review your table.

Introduction be used. This process is sometimes called

booting the system. The operating system
Think for a minute about the computer lets you give commands to the system.
system you use. It probably has a monitor, When you delete old documents or move
a mouse, and a case that contains electronic a file from one folder to another, you are
components such as a hard disk and the using the operating system. You use the
CPU (the computer’s “brain”). These phys- operating system to tell the computer to
ical components are called hardware. They run an application such as a word process-
are the parts of the computer system that ing or graphics application.
we can actually see and touch. The operating system acts as an inter-
You may wonder how this computer face, or link, between the user and the com-
hardware knows what it is supposed to do. puter hardware. Sometimes you access the
The answer is that we give it instructions. operating system directly (such as when
These instructions are called software or you are starting an application). But most
programs. of the time you access the operating system
Some software comes with through an application.
your computer. Other sofware
may be given to you, or you
may buy it. Software usually Computer
comes on CD-ROMs or floppy User
disks. Sometimes you can Operating
download software from the Computer
Internet. Once you have the Application
software, you install it on
your machine. The software is The operating system acts as an interface between
then ready to use. the computer hardware and the user.
All software can be divided into
two main categories:
• Operating systems There are four main jobs an operating
• Application software system is responsible for:
1. It provides a user interface. The user
interface lets you give commands to
Operating Systems the OS.
Each time you start your computer, the 2. It gives instructions to the computer
computer loads the operating system (OS) hardware, such as the printer and
into the computer’s memory so that it can monitor.

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3. It manages the way in which the com- Applications
puter stores data and applications.
Applications are software programs that
4. It keeps track of different jobs. For exam-
perform specific tasks for us. You have
ple, if you are using both a spreadsheet
probably used many different types of
and a word processing application at the
applications. Here are some common ones:
same time, the OS will run both of these
• Activity management programs like
applications and let you switch back and
calendars and address books
forth between them.
• Word processing applications for
There are only a few operating systems that creating documents that are attractively
are commonly used on microcomputers. formatted
The Microsoft Windows® operating system • Spreadsheet applications for creating
is the most commonly used OS on personal documents to manage and organize
computers (PCs). numerical data
• Presentation applications for making
slide shows
• Graphics applications for creating
• Database applications for developing
databases that can organize and retrieve
large amounts of information
• Communications programs like e-mail
and faxing software for sending and
receiving messages
• Multimedia applications for creating
video and music
• Utilities for performing a variety of
tasks that maintain or enhance the
Windows Operating System computer’s operating system
Applications often use functions that
The Macintosh® OS is commonly used
are part of the computer’s operating
on machines built by Apple® Computer,
system. Let’s say that a word processing
Inc. Other operating systems include
application needs to get a document that
Linux® and Unix.
is stored on your computer’s hard disk.
The word processing application issues a
request for the document to the operating
system. The OS then gets the document
and sends it to the word processing appli-
cation. Likewise, when you tell an applica-
tion to print a document, the application
uses the OS to send output to the printer.

Common Features
You have probably noticed that many
applications have similar features. For
example, the way that you save a docu-
ment in a word processing application is
Macintosh OS

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very similar to the way that you save a Utilities
worksheet in a spreadsheet application. Utility programs are generally fairly small.
The buttons on the toolbars are often Each type has a specific job to do. Below
identical or very similar. Many applications are some descriptions of utilities.
let you “copy” and “paste” between them. • Anti-virus applications protect your
You might create a chart in a spreadsheet computer from the damage that can
application and then copy the chart into a be caused by viruses and similar
slide show you are making. This ability to programs.
copy and paste between applications lets • Compression utilities make files smaller
you work efficiently. for storage (or sending over the Internet)
and then return them to normal size.
• Data recovery utilities attempt to
restore data and files that have been
damaged or accidentally deleted.
• Disk defragmenters reorganize the
data stored on disks so that it is more
efficiently arranged.
• Firewalls prevent outsiders from access-
ing your computer over a network such
as the Internet.

Both operating system software and appli-
Many applications allow you to copy and paste cations have specific jobs to perform. It is
text and graphics between them. important to realize that the OS you are
using must be compatible with your hard-
ware. Each type of OS is designed to run
Most applications, including word process- on a specific type of computer. In addition,
ing, spreadsheet, and presentation applica- the application you are using must be com-
tions, contain easy-to-use drawing tools. patible with the OS. For example, there is a
These tools let you create simple drawings version of Microsoft Excel for Windows
for your documents. To create complex and another version for the Macintosh OS.
drawings, you will want to use a graphics In order to run this application on your
application. computer, you must have the version that
is compatible with your operating system.

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Review Questions What Do You Think?

1. How is an operating system different 1. Have you used more than one type of
from an application? operating system? If so, which one do
2. What type of operating system does you like best? Why?
your computer use? What are three 2. Examine the computer you use. What
applications you have used? types of utility programs does it con-
3. List three functions of an operating tain? Have you used any utility pro-
system. grams? If so, were they helpful to you?
4. List four types of utility programs and How?
explain each one’s purpose. 3. Can you think of any ideas for a
new type of utility application? Try
to think of one that you would find
useful. What features would it have?

activity management program An applica- hardware The physical, touchable compo-
tion that helps manage people’s informa- nents of a computer system, such as the
tion and time, such as address books and CPU, keyboard, and monitor.
calendars. Macintosh® OS The operating system
anti-virus application An application that that runs on machines built by Apple®
scans a computer’s disks and memory for Computer, Inc.
viruses and removes any that are found. multimedia application Software used to
application software A type of computer create video and sound such as music.
program that creates and processes data. operating system (OS) The control pro-
Also called application. gram that provides an interface for users
boot To start up a computer by loading the to communicate with the computer.
operating system into memory. presentation application Software used to
communications program Software that create slide show presentations and
lets you send and receive messages, such reports.
as e-mail and faxing programs. software A list of instructions that a com-
compression utility An application used puter can execute (carry out) to perform a
to reduce the amount of storage space task. Also called a program.
required for files or data. spreadsheet application Software used to
database application Software used to cre- create documents to manage and organize
ate databases. numerical data.
disk defragmenter A utility that attempts utility An application that performs a spe-
to reorganize the data stored on a disk so cific task in maintaining or enhancing the
that it is more efficiently arranged and operating system.
takes up less space. Windows® A family of operating system
firewall An application that prevents an products developed and produced by
outsider from accessing a computer over a Microsoft Corporation.
network such as the Internet. word processing application Software
graphics application Software that is used used to create word-based documents that
to create, display, and store pictures. can be easily edited and stored.

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