Getting To Know The Perfect Ideology
Getting To Know The Perfect Ideology
Getting To Know The Perfect Ideology
IDEOLOGY is a generic term which means: the body of ideas characteristics of a peculiar
individual, group or cultures. It is an overall view of or attitude towards life whereby there is
aspirations, theories and aims that constitute a political, social and economic program or
strategic course of action. Since ideology is basically just a body of ideas, it has to be
developed, documented and extensively taught as doctrine for it to become a principle widely
accepted as valid and authoritative.
Ideology is the basic foundation of doctrine that sets direction and defines the behavior,
emotion, belief, attitude and opinion of man. In effect, the vision and aspiration of a nation or
an organization is a reflection also of the collective ideological orientation of its people and
vice versa.
Generally speaking, different nation’s ideologies are influenced mainly by the principle of
materialism and by the inherent worldliness of man. Money and power that denote socio-
economic and political magnifications are main concerns of governance and in the same vein,
of man. Hence, economics, society and politics are main considerations in ideology’s
conceptualization and its natural devolution.
Capitalism as an Ideology
The U.S. model of democratic political system espouses an economic ideology called
capitalism. It is characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods (i.e. factories,
machineries, tools and commodities used in the production of goods) and by prices, production
and distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in free market. The
government does not directly intervene with legitimate business activities, but mainly
encourages and supports private entrepreneurship and help ensures growth and development of
Many countries in the world adopt capitalism as the basic form of economic system.
Unfortunately for our country Philippines and other nations similarly situated in the economic
environment of free enterprise, the supposed fruits of capitalism have not really been translated
into tangible economic, political and social progress. So far, for almost two centuries under that
system (in the case of the Philippines), only the rich oligarchs and capitalists have become
richer while the poor masses have become poorer. That has been one of main reasons for some
sectors of society to look at a different ideological direction including this humble
The Alternative Ideology
I remember in my early college days when I began my own quest for a preconceived perfect
ideology that I hoped to be able to adopt as the guiding principle in my life. In between years
1969 and 1971, which was a critical period in our country’s history, I had the opportunity to
attend some brief and informal indoctrination (teach-ins) about the principle of a revolutionary
socialism based on the theory of Karl Marx and on the more radical version by Mao Zedong.
I understood it was communism, an ideology that emphasizes the common ownership of the
means of production and distribution of products based on needs. Primarily included in its
strategic program are: the ultimate overthrow of capitalism through a ‘Proletarian Revolution’
and; the establishment of the so-called classless society.
I was then inclined to embrace that concept as I was made to understand that its primary aim is
to free peasants and workers from the chain of slavery and poverty. Incidentally my father was
a laborer when he was still then alive and the promise of his deliverance from extreme hard
work with meager income was compatible with my idealistic aspiration. I thought it was the
best opportunity for me to realize my dream not only for my parent but also for others similarly
situated. However, it was not meant to be. There were questions that remained unresolved as I
carefully considered the pros and cons of my probable submission.
Ideological Conflict
Lest I be misunderstood I’d like to explain that this is not meant to adversely criticize and in
the process antagonize the proponents and adherents of ideologies herein mentioned. I can
understand that capitalism for instance very well serves the interest of its proponents and same
thing is true with communism. The main point I want to raise is the inherent conflict of ideas
between the two. For instance, one ideology is perceived by the other to be anti labor and hard-
line pro capitalist while the other is considered pro labor and hard-line anti capitalist.
This sharp contrast in theorem presents a dangerous “class conflict” scenario, which had in fact
metamorphosed already into a long drawn-out “ideological warfare” like what happened during
the Cold War period in the 60’s and 70’s. Poverty stricken third world counties were further
devastated by the effects of violent insurgencies, counter-insurgencies and other civil stripe
that brought about death, destruction, economic depredation, social injustice, human rights
violation, indignity, famine and disease. Countries like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Nicaragua,
Afghanistan, Indonesia including the Philippines to name a few, had been reduced to testing
grounds in the experimental conduct of warfare for ideological supremacy.
This historical tragedy among nations with diverse ideologies clearly indicates the infirmities
and inherent materialism of their respective ideology.
The Perfect Ideology
Perfect ideology was an elusive dream I thought but life must go on no matter what. So many
years had passed and as I lived my life according to the world, I found myself captive in the
quagmire of my own ambition and self gratification. Admittedly, I had my share of human
frailties and as I later achieved a certain degree of “power” that brought my feet off from the
ground, a forceful collision with a greater “power” brought my feet back to the ground. The
impact and magnitude of humiliating personal defeat which was proportionate to political,
social, economic and military collapse effectively reduced me to nothingness.
Objectively, the root cause of it all can simplistically be attributed neither on the surface of my
fault nor on the abuse of authority by the other party. I came to realize that such a tragedy was
a symptom of social malaise traceable from the deeply seethed ideological misconception by
both of us in particular and by our sick society in general.
Down and dejected, I underwent a series of profound soul searching in futile attempt to figure
out my option. I must find solace and hopefully renewed vigor from within and from without
the confines of my spiritual shelter. I needed to find a righteous spirit to guide me to the right
spiritual direction. My search however proved futile as I came to realize only the fallibility of
spirits outside my equally fallible religious faith!
I was about to lose hope until I came across Bro. Eli Soriano who, during a televised religious
program: “Ang Dating Daan” (The Old Path), assured his audience with certainty as he was
raising the Bible that there is hope for humankind. He briefly stated afterwards: “Ang
kailangan lang, ang sasabihin mo, ang gagawin mo, ang gagastusin mo, kailangan …
nakasulat!” (Whatever you say, whatever you do, whatever you spend…must be Biblically
based). That phrase attracted my attention and I became so interested to the point that I found
myself regularly watching his program.
That chance encounter with Bro. Eli marked the beginning of my true spiritual awakening. My
continuous exposure to his method of undefiled preaching convinced me even more that his is
the right spirit that gives the right spiritual direction. He guided me to read and understand the
Scripture and when I did, the perfect ideology that I had been hoping for completely unfolded
before my very consciousness. He led me to the old path of righteousness, the Church of God
which is the embodiment of perfect spiritual ideology emanating from God Himself!
In the Church of God, I discovered a divine ideology that teaches faith instead of doubt, hope
instead of frustration and above all, love instead of hatred and animosity. It is the ideology that
will give spiritual salvation which should be the ultimate goal, the highest interest of man. How
I wish everybody adopts this perfect ideology but sad to say it would not be the case. Perfect
ideology is only for the believers and would be believers.