Should Trade Restriction Be Use To Influence Human Right

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‘Should Trade Restriction Be Use to Influence Human Right’

A trade restriction is an act on trade by a country with other countries in form of limiting trade,
tariff, quotas, and embargo and establish standard required by one government. There are
several arguments for trade restriction; infant industry argument, employment argument,
national security argument, cheap foreign labor argument and anti dumping argument. Even
though many economist disagree with such restriction because of diminish economic efficiency,
government impose trade restriction to achieve country objective such stated argument. Does
trade restriction necessary when it involves human right? Should trade restriction be use to
influence human right? At all cost the answer should be ‘yes’. Human rights are "basic rights
and freedoms to which all humans are entitled”. There have many cases that we can learn the
tradeoff for the prosperity gain from free trade and the human right violation. For example, MNC
from richer country likes America and Europe country importing and manufacturing goods from
poor/developing country such as Vietnam and India that have less regulation on the labor right.
Many MNC has been accused for using child labor in India. This practice is considered
exploitative by many international organizations and is illegal in many countries. While worker in
Vietnam have very long working hour per day and worker in Indonesia are pay extremely low
wages. Ironically, research made in Europe and the United States on nonstandard work hours
and sleep deprivation found that late-hour workers are subject to higher risks of gastrointestinal
disorders, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, miscarriage, preterm birth, and low birth
weight of their newborns. While the chronic sleep deprivation resulting fatigue and stress can
affect job productivity and the incidence of workplace accidents. Other controversial issue
related human right is “Blood Diamond” issue. Blood diamond (also called conflict diamond)
refers to a diamond mined in a war zone in African countries like Congo, Liberia and Angola.
This diamond sold to other country to finance the war that kill women and childrens. By buying
product from country like India, Vietnam, Angola, Liberia and Indonesia, make us supporting
their policies either the country or MNC. Trading activities should be limits with these countries
and MNC involve ensuring they follow the ethics related human right.

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