Nursing Care Plan: Fluid Volume Deficit R/T Active Fluid Loss (Increased Urine Output)
Nursing Care Plan: Fluid Volume Deficit R/T Active Fluid Loss (Increased Urine Output)
Nursing Care Plan: Fluid Volume Deficit R/T Active Fluid Loss (Increased Urine Output)
Monitor HbA1c levels. HbA1c measures the blood glucose HbA1c level 6.0%.
over the past 2-3 months, so it is a
better indicator of the overall
Assess understanding of Noncompliance with dietary Patient states have trouble
the diabetic diet. regulations can result in at times choosing the best
hyperglycemia. foods.
Assess pattern of physical Regular excise reduces the risk of Patient exercises 3 times a
exercise. cardiovascular complications and has week for 30 minutes.
an insulin-like effect and helps lower
blood glucose levels.
Establish goals with the Moderate weight loss has been shown Patient and nurse agree the
patient for weight loss, to improve hyperglycemia and patient will attempt to lose
glucose levels, HbA1c hypertension. Intensive glucose 5 pounds, keep glucose
levels and exercise control should range between 80 and between 80-120 and
regimen. 120 mg/dl fasting. HbA1c should be maintain exercise
below 7.0%. Patient should perform program.
30 minutes of moderate physical
activity on most days of the week.
Refer to registered An individualized meal plan should be Patient has appointment
dietician for developed for each patient. set up with dietician.
individualized diet
Instruct to take oral Hypoglycemia occurs less often with Patient states when to take
hyperglycemia oral agents; however episodes of medications in
medications as ordered. hypoglycemia can occur in patients relationship to meals.
who don’t eat regularly.
Instruct to take insulin as Insulin is required for individuals with Patient states when to rake
ordered. type 1 diabetes and some with type 2 insulin in relationship to
diabetes. meals.
Instruct in the type, onset, Specific types of insulin vary in the Patient states when to take
peak and duration of onset, peak and duration. These insulin in relationship to
action of specific insulin. characteristics of the specific insulin meals.
ordered determine when the injection
should be administered.
Instruct the patient to Inaccurate technique can result in an Patient able to
prepare and administer elevated glucose level. demonstrate appropriate
insulin. technique, stated to rotate
Insulin injections should be given in sites with each injection.
proper procedure the subcutaneous tissue. Injecting over Will keep insulin in
rotation of the same site will result in reduced refrigerator.
injection sites absorption.
storage of insulin
Insulin should be refrigerated.
mixing of insulin
Unopened vials may be stored until
expiration date. If the patient
experiences irritation from the cold
insulin, vials may be stored at room
temperature for one month and then
discarded. Patients should refer to the
manufacture’s guidelines when mixing
Assist patient to develop A specific routine should be Patient exercises 3 times a
an exercise routine. individualized to each patient. In week for 30 minutes.
Include methods to general routines should be 30 to 60
maintain hydration and minutes in length 3-4 times a week for
prevent hypoglycemia good glycemic control. Dehydration
when exercising. can hasten hypoglycemia, especially in
a hot environment.
Instruct the patient on Insulin requirements increase with
diabetes management infection.
during illness:
Allows the patient to guide therapy. Patient able to verbalize
continue to take management during
all diabetes illness.
self-monitor blood
glucose every 2 to
Provides for early detection of DKA.
4 hours
Test urine for
ketones if blood
glucose is
higher than 300
mg/dl or nausea
or vomiting occur.
Drink fluid and Sufficient intake is needed to prevent
simple dehydration.
soup, pudding, etc
Instruct the patient to take Early treatment of hyperglycemia can Paten able to verbalize
additional short acting prevent the occurrence of DKA or when extra insulin needs
insulin as prescribed HHNS. are necessary.
blood glucose
levels are greater
than 300 mg/dl.
vomiting for more
than 2 to 4 hours.
failure of urinary
ketones to clear
within 12 hours.
symptoms of
dehydration or
developing DKA.
Teach patient to avoid Many over the counter agents contain Patient able to verbalize.
over the counter self- salicylic acid that may cause ulceration
treatment for foot in a diabetic foot.
Teach patient to stop The vasoconstriction effects of Information given. Patient
smoking. smoking reduced the ability of the willing to enter smoking
tissues to heal. cessation program.
Gulianick, M. and Myers, J. (2003). Nursing Care Plans: Nursing Diagnosis and
Interventions. Mosby: St. Louis