Biography of Benazir Bhutto

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A Brief Biography of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed

Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed was born on 21 June 1953 in Karachi, Pakistan in a
wealthy and famous political family. She was the daughter of Mr Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and
Begum Nusrat Bhutto. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was the famous political leader of Pakistan
called "Qaid-e-Awam" (i.e., Leader of the People). Beautiful child was nick-named
"Pinky" due to her rosy pink comlexion. She was named "Benazir" whiuch means "one
without equal". Her life proved she lived upto her name.

She was educated in Karachi and Murree schools and convents and sent to Harvard
University for graduation. She got her graduation cu laude at 20. Then she was sent to
Oxford University for further education from where she got another graduation and a
diploma in foreign affairs.

Then she came back to Pakistan but at that time her father's government was finished by
a militay coup. She stood with her father but he was hanged by the military regieme in
1979. Then anther difficult period of her life started. The young girl took up the mantle of
political struggle against the military dictatorship which continued till 1984. She was
jailed and kept in solitary confinement during that period. After all she was sent to
Europe on medical grouns in 1984. But she continued her struggle and returned to
Pakistan in 1986 when adoring crowd of more than a million people greeted her.

In 1988 the military dictator died in an air plane crash. General election was conducted
and Benazir Bhutto and her party won the elections. Benazir Bhutto became first elected
female prime minister (chief executive) of a muslim nation at the age of just 35.

But her government was dismissed by the establishment-backed president. She again won
election in 1993 and become prime minister again. This time she got almost 3 years but
again dismissed by the president. She faced politically motivated charges of corruption
and abuse of power. She went to exile in 1998 and returned to Pakistan again in 2007 to
again adoring crowd of supporters but welcomed by twin bombings in the rally killing
more than 150 people and injuring more than 500 people. She survived then but
continued to meet her people and after all martyred on 27th of december 2007 by gunshot
and suicide bomb attack. She was called "Shaheed-e-Jamhuriat" (i.e. Martyar of
Democracy). A hope of Pakistnis for democracy is lost. May her soul rest in peace.

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