Mathematical Teasers

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A distinctive collection of problems, puzzles,
and tricks with complete explanations

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Professor Mira holds the degree of bachelor of science
from Pennsylvania Military College and the degree of
master of arts from Columbia University. After a few
years in industry as an engineer, he began to teach
mathematics at Manhattanville College, where he has
been teaching for nearly 30 years. Professor Mira is
now chairman of the mathematics department at Fort
Lauderdale University. He has also been a lecturer in
mathematics at Saint John's University and at the City
University of New York. Mr. Mira is a fellow of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science,
and is author of Arith'Ynetic Clear and Simple and
coauthor of Business Mathematics and Mathematics of


Julio A. Mira


New York, Evanston, San Francisco, London

Copyright, 1970


All rights reserved. No part of this book

may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying or recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval sys-
tem, without permission in writing from the

L. C. Catalogue Card Number: 74-101122

SBN 389 00261 5

Printed in the United States of America

Solving mathematical puzzles has been a popular
pastime for men since antiquity. From the cryptic ut-
terances of the oracle of Apollo at Delphi in ancient
Greece, six centuries before Christ, up to the present
time, the solution of puzzles has contributed much to
the development of modern mathematics. Three famous
problems of antiquity: the squaring of the circle, the
duplication of the cube, and the trisection of certain
angles, have occupied Greek geometricians for centuries
and have led to the discovery of many theorems and
mathematical processes. In fact, only in recent times,
with the development of the theory of groups, has it
been proved that these problems cannot be solved by the
formal methods of euclidean geometry. The problem of
settling stakes in a game of chance, which was proposed
to Pascal (1623-1662) by de Mere, led Pascal and
Fermat (1601-1655) to formulate the fundamental
principles of probability, a branch of mathematics,
which is the foundation of modern statistical methods,
and upon which the insurance business is based. Laplace
(1749-1827) once said of probability, "A science which
began with the consideration of play has risen to the
most important objects of human knowledge."
Great thinkers like Anaxagoras (c.500-c.428 B.C.),
Kepler (1571-1630), Leibnitz (1646-1716), Euler
(1707-1783), Lagrange (1736-1813), and many others
have devoted much of their time to solving mathe-
matical puzzles. It was Leibnitz who remarked, "Men

vi Preface
are never so ingenious as when they are inventing
This book contains a number of interesting, and often
challenging, mathematical puzzles, which have been
very carefully selected and put together especially for
enjoyment by the person who may be neither a mathe-
matical genius nor even a mathematician. It is the
express hope of the author that the reader will enjoy
these "mathematical teasers" as much as he has. The
solution to each of the problems is found at the end of
the chapter containing that particular problem. Some
of the theory used in solving these problems can be
found in Arithmetic Clear and Simple, also by the

The author wishes to express his gratitude to the

heirs of Samuel 1. Jones for permission to use his out-
standing and unusual collection of mathematical puz-
zles, to Jonatha Foster for typing the manuscript, and
to Pamela Singleton for her excellent cartoons.

Chapter Page

1. Teasers for All . 1

2. More Teasers for All . 34

3. Teasers for the Mathematicians 69

4. Teasers for the Wizard . 115

5. Teasers for the Thinker. 178

chapter 1
teasers for all

1. how for is near

A train leaves New York for Chicago traveling at the
rate of 100 miles an hour. Another train leaves Chicago
for New York an hour later traveling at the rate of
75 miles an hour. When the two trains meet, which one
is nearer to New York?

2. the bank teller's problem

A man having $50 in a bank withdrew it as follows:

$20 leaving $30

15 leaving 15
9 leaving 6
6 leaving 0

$50 $51

Where did the extra dollar come from?

2 Mathematical Teasers

3. yes, we have no apples

A girl with blue eyes
Went out to view the skies.
She saw an apple tree with apples on it.
She neither took apples nor left apples.
How many apples were on the tree?

4. the new a rith metic

Show that half of twelve is seven.

5. the ca leu lati ng cook

Teasers for All 3

If it takes 3 minutes to boil an egg, how long does it

take to boil six eggs?

6. when la rger is sma Iler

Which numbers, when divided by themselves, become
larger than when multiplied by themselves?

7. square geometry
In this arrangement there are ten matches forming
three squares. Which two must be removed to obtain
two squares?

8. the co reless clerk

A clerk sold 20 feet of wire and measured it out with
a yardstick that was 3 inches too short. How much wire
did the customer lack?

9. the tramp's cigarette

A tramp knows from experience that there is enough
tobacco in four cigarette butts to make one cigarette.
4 Mathematical Teasers
How many cigarettes could he make from 29 cigarette

10. discomposing
Which of the ten discs, at the left, must be moved to
form the arrangement at the right by replacing only 3

CD 0000
®® 000
@@® 00
0®®@ o
Teasers for All 5

11. a melon drama

A farmer surrounded his square melon patch with a
ditch 10 feet wide by 20 feet deep. He filled this ditch
with water and considered the patch well protected
against thieves. However, with only two 9Y2-foot
planks, thieves bridged the ditch and stole the melons.
How were they able to do this?

12. even from odd

Write an even number using only odd digits, 1, 3, 5, 7,
. . . , etc.

13. the la nd of ifthen

If five times four is thirty three,
What will the fourth of twenty be?

14. a bottle full equals a

bottle em pty
If a bottle half full equals a bottle half empty, and
twice a half equals a whole, then a full bottle equals
an empty bottle. Explain!

15. a dirt full

How many cubic inches of dirt are there in a hole 1 foot
wide by 1 foot long by 1 foot deep?
6 Mathematical Teasers

16. tent station

An Arab sheik ordered his men to pitch his square tent
within four trees which formed the corners of a square.
When the sheik saw that the tent was too small, he told
the men to pitch another square tent with twice the
floor space of the original tent within the same four
trees. How was this done?
Teasers for All 7

17. how fa r does the horsefly fly?

Two horsemen, % mile apart, are approaching each
other. One of the horsemen travels at the rate of 6
miles an hour, while the other travels at the rate of
4 miles an hour. A horsefly traveling at the rate of 20
miles an hour flies back and forth between the two
horses until they meet. How far does the horsefly fly?

18. milady's bracelet

Find the minimum cost of making six pieces of chain
containing five links each into a circular chain contain-
ing thirty links, if it costs 2¢ to open a link and 3¢ to
weld a link.

19. nail juggling

Vi I
Transform this fraction into a fraction whose value
equals one third by replacing only one nail.

20. identity not lost

Write the number 20 using four nines.
8 Mathematical Teasers
Teasers for All 9

21. the lazy mon key

Two monkeys are balanced on a rope which goes over
a pulley. The lazy monkey remains stationary, while the
other one climbs up the rope. What happens to the lazy

22. the rook's swindle

A man purchased a pair of shoes that cost $25 and
gave the merchant a $100 bill. After the man had gone
with his shoes and his change, the merchant took the
$100 bill to the bank where he was told that the bill was
a counterfeit. What was the total loss to the merchant?

23. iohnson's cat

Johnson's cat went up a tree,
Which was sixty feet and three.
Every day she climbed eleven;
Every night she came down seven.
Tell me, if she did not drop,
When her paws would touch the top!

24. a nother identity not lost

Express the number 3 using three threes.

25. the match rna ker

o <><> o
10 Mathematical Teasers
In this arrangement there are sixteen matches. Re-
move four and replace one so that you can spell the
thing out of which good matches are made!

26. hotel stretch

Eight men went to a hotel and asked for separate
rooms. The manager told them that only seven rooms
were available, but that he would give each of them a
separate room anyway. He put two men into the first
room, the third man into the second room, the fourth
man into the third room, the fifth man into the fourth
room, the sixth man into the fifth room, and the seventh
man into the sixth room. He then went back to the first
room and put one of the two men there into room num-
ber seven. Thus, he put eight men into seven rooms,
giving each one of them a separate room. What's wrong
with this story?

27. the road to st. ives

As I was going to St. I ves,
I met a man with seven wives.
Every wife had seven sacks,
Every sack had seven cats,
Every cat had seven kits.
Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,
How many were going to St. I ves ?

28. a good match

Here is an incorrect equation. Change it into a correct
one by replacing just one match.
Teasers for All 11

29. take it away and it's there

Subtract 45 from 45 and obtain 45 as the difference.

30. square eggs

If feet multiplied by feet equals square feet, then eggs
multiplied by eggs equals square eggs. What's wrong
with this statement?

31. some more sq ua res

In this arrangement there are twelve matches. Which

two must be removed to get two squares?

32. things are not what they seem

Even when figures are drawn very accurately, it is
possible to be deceived by appearances. Which line is
longer, AB or CD? Will lines EF and GH ever meet?
Is line J K higher or lower than line NO?
A < (a)
>B >c---o::::::


J~O ~)
12 Mathematical Teasers

33. travel in flatland

Trace this diagram with a pencil, connecting all the
nine dots with four straight lines, but do not lift your
• •

• • •

34. of cats, dogs, and mice

A man has a dog, a cat, and a mouse. He must transport
them across a river one by one, since the dog cannot be
left alone with the cat and the cat cannot be left alone
with the mouse. How can he do this?

35. when twice is thrice

Thrice what number is twice that number?

36. the light-fingered porter

Three men traveling by automobile stopped at a motel
to get a room for the night. The manager told them that
only one $30 room with three beds was available. The
men agreed to share the cost of the room equally. In
the meantime, the manager realized that the room
rented for only $25, so he gave the porter $5 and told
him to divide it equally among the men. However, the
light-fingered porter gave each man $1 and kept $2
for himself. Each man then paid $9. Since 3 X 9 = 27
plus the $2 kept by the porter leaves only $29, what hap-
pened to the missing dollar?
Teasers for All 13

37. simple addition

Show that eleven plus two makes one.

38. for the postmaster

If thirteen stamps cost a cent and a quarter, how much
does a stamp cost?

39. for the english scholar

Which is correct: 9 and 6 are 14, or 9 and 6 is 14?

40. old bills for new ones

Which would you prefer, an old $10 bill or a new one?

41. the mathematical bookworm

An ambitious "bookworm" decided to digest some
mathematics from a two-volume treatise on probability
placed on a shelf in the usual manner. Beginning with
the first page of volume I, the bookworm bored in a
straight line through to the last page of volume II at
the rate of t inch per day. If the pages of each volume
are 1 inch thick and each cover is -h inch thick, how
long did it take the bookworm to digest all that mathe-
matical knowledge?

42. two to two

Write the number 2 using seven twos.
14 Mathematical Teasers

43. a party with threes

Find the value of 3 + 3 X 3 - 3 -7- 3 - 3.

44. how fast is the cutter?

How long will it take to cut a 60-yard piece of cloth
into I-yard pieces, allowing only 1 minute for each cut?

45. five sq ua res from th ree

In this arrangement there are twelve matches forming
three squares. Which three must be replaced to get five

46. a fast buck

The hunt is on, the trumpets blare,
The hounds are chasing the buck for fair.
Then into the woods the buck does run
At thirty miles an hour, not for fun.
The woods are dense and sixty miles wide.
Now I'd have you take a stand upon,
How long the buck into the woods did run?

47. a perplexi ng choice

A young man received two offers: Company A offered
him $4,000 a year with a $300 raise every 6 months;
Teasers for All 15
Company B offered him $8,000 a year with a $1,200
raise every 12 months. Which offer should he accept?

48. the eager beaver

The young man in the preceding puzzle, having made
the right choice, became overambitious and immediately
asked for a raise. His boss refused to give it to him
and showed him that he was being paid for not working
by making the following claim:
There are 365 days in the year.
You sleep 8 hours a day, which is one third of the
time, or 122 days; this leaves 365 - 122 = 243 days.
You spend 8 hours each day, or 122 days, in rest and
recreation; this leaves 243 - 122 = 121 days.
You do not work on Saturdays and Sundays, or 104
days; this leaves 121 - 104 = 17 days.
You have 2 weeks vacation, or 14 days; this leaves
17 - 14 = 3 days.
You get the Fourth of July, New Year's Day, and
Christmas Day; this leaves 3 - 3 = O.
In fact, you owe the company time, since you also get
1 hour off for lunch, Washington's Birthday, Thanks-
giving Day, and Labor Day.
Explain the fallacy of this claim.

49. grandpa's watch chain

Find the minimum cost of making five pieces of chain
with three links each into a straight watch chain for
grandpa, if it costs 2¢ to open a link and 8¢ to weld a

50. tria lity

Using six matches of equal length, form four equilateral
16 Mathematical Teasers

51. the pigpens

A father offers his son 21 pigs for his very own, pro-
vided the son build four pigpens so that each pen
encloses an even number of pairs of pigs and an odd
pig besides. How can the son do this?

52. post ti me
A man has a square plot of ground with twelve posts
equally spaced on each side. How many posts are re-
quired altogether?

53. rhyth m ic roma n

A Roman boy was given this puzzle:
Take one hundred one, and to it affix
The half of a dozen, or if you please six;
Put fifty to this, and then you will see
What ev'ry good boy to others should be.

54. daft a rith metic

Show that half of nine is four.

55. square quarters

How many quarter-inch squares does it take to make
an inch square? How many quarter-inch cubes does it
take to make an inch cube?
Teasers for All 17

56. dozens of dozens

Which, if either, is the greater, six dozen dozen or a
half a dozen dozen?

57. show biz

A showman is traveling with a wolf, a goat, and a
basket of cabbages. He must transport them across a
river one by one, since the wolf cannot be left alone
with the goat and the goat cannot be left alone with the
cabbages. The only means of transportation is a small
boat that will accommodate only him and one other at
one time. How can he transport them all across the

58. match wit

Enclose three equal squares with eight matches, four
of which are exactly half the length of the others.

59. post man

A man having a garden 10 rods square, wishes to know
how many posts will be required to enclose his land,
if the posts are placed exactly 1 rod apart!

60. more triality

How many equilateral triangles can be formed with
nine matches of equal length ?
18 Mathematical Teasers

61. juicy fruits

There are six oranges in a box. Without cutting any of
the oranges, divide them among six boys in such a way
that one orange is left in the box.

62. duck a duck

A duck before two ducks, a duck behind two ducks,
and a duck in the middle. How many ducks are there?

63. lend an ear

There are 21 ears of corn in a hollow stump. How long
will it take a squirrel to remove all of them, if he
carries off three ears every day?

64. yard tract

What part of t square yard is t yard square?

65. com mon places

Write the number 100 using arabic numerals, but do
not use any zeros.

66. more daft arithmetic

Show that six and six equals eleven.
Teasers for All 19

67. slippery snail

If a snail, crawling up a pole 10 feet high, climbs 3
feet each day and slips back 2 feet each night, how long
will it take the snail to reach the top?

68. rolling around

If two coins the same size are placed on a table so that
they are touching at one point, and one of the coins is
rolled around the other, how many revolutions must the
rolled coin make in order to return to its original posi-

69. the millionaire

A man owns a triangular lot in Times Square, New
York City. Its dimensions are exactly 101 feet by 5li
feet by 49-1 feet. He guarantees to have just what the
deed calls for, and he will reward the first person who
finds the exact area of the lot with a 1 interest in the
land. What is the area?

70. a count up

How many triangles does this figure contain? How many

squares does it contain?
20 Mathematical Teasers


1. how far is near

Both trains are at the same distance from New York.

2. the ba n k teller's problem

If the final remainder were zero, the sum of the amounts
subtracted would equal the original amount. However,
the sum of the remainders does not equal the sum of the
amounts subtracted, therefore the sum of the re-
mainders does not yield the original amount.

3. yes, we have no apples

Two apples. She took one apple and left one apple.

4. the new a rith metic

Write 12 X II , remove the lower half /\ II , and
you have VII=7.
Teasers for All 21

5. the calculating cook

3 minutes, if all the eggs are boiled at the same time.

6. when larger is smaller

Any proper fraction. For example: i -;- 1 1, but
i X i =!.

7. square geometry
Remove matches numbered 6 and 9.

8. the ca reless clerk

18 inches. Only 3 inches were lost on each yard in
measuring 18 feet, or 6 yards, with the 33 inch stick,
but nothing was lost in measuring the last two feet.
Therefore, the total loss to the customer was 6 X 3 = 18

9. the tramp's cigarette

Nine. The 29 butts yield seven cigarettes with one butt
left over. When the tramp smokes these seven cigarettes,
he has seven new butts, and, with the butt he had left
over, he now has eight butts from which he can make
two cigarettes. The total number of cigarettes made by
the tramp is seven plus two, or nine cigarettes, with two
butts left over.

10. discomposing
Discs numbered 1, 7, and 10.
22 Mathematical Teasers

11. a melon drama



12. even from odd

It = I + I = 2, 3~ = 3 + I = 4, 5~ = 5 + I = 6, etc.

13. the land of ifthen

81. since 5 X 4 = 20, and i of 20 is -1 of 33, or 8-1.

14. a bottle full equals a

bottle em pty
If the problem refers to the capacity of the bottle, the
conclusion is correct; but, if the problem refers to the
amount of liquid in the bottle, then twice the amount of
Teasers for All 23
liquid in a bottle half empty is equal to twice the
amount of liquid in a bottle half full. Therefore, you
would have a full bottle and not an empty bottle.

15. a dirt full

None. There is no dirt in a hole.

16. tent station

The larger tent was pitched so that its base formed a
square with E, F, G, H as the corners and A, B, C, and
D as midpoints on the sides.


17. how far does the horsefly fly?

1 mile. Horsemen approach each other at 6 + 4 = 10
miles per hour. The original distance between them is t
mile. Hence, they meet in t -:- 10 = do of an hour. There-
fore, the horsefly flies for :to of an hour at 20 miles
per hour, or X 20 = 1 mile.

18. m i lady's bracelet

25¢. Cut each of the five links of one of the pieces of
chain. Use four links to connect the five remaining
24 Mathematical Teasers

pieces of chain and the fifth link to connect the ends.

Since there are a total of 5 cuts and 5 welds, it costs
5 X 2¢ + 5 X 3¢ = 25¢.

19. nail iuggling

II 2 I
20. identity not lost

21. the lazy mon key

The lazy monkey rises.

22. the rook's swindle

$75 and the shoes.

23. iohnson's cat

The 14th day. The cat's daily upward gain is 11 - 7 =
4 feet. In 13 days she climbs 13 X 4 = 52 feet up the
tree, and on the 14th day, she climbs 11 feet. Since
52 + 11 = 63 feet, the cat reaches the top on the 14th

24. a nother identity not lost

3 X l!
Teasers for All 25

25. the match rna ker

LO v E
26. hotel stretch
The manager did not give the eighth man a room.

27. the road to st. ives

One. I am the only one going to St. I ves.

28. a good match

• x
29. take it away and it's there

30. square eggs

A multiplier is always an abstract number. In finding
areas, for example, the statement, "feet times feet
equals square feet," is misleading. The fact is that in
26 Mathematical Teasers
finding the area of a rectangle, we are not multiplying
feet by feet, which is absurd, but the number of square
feet in the base by the number of rows, which is an
abstract number.

31. some more sq ua res

Remove either of the following pairs of matches: num-
bers 4 and 6, 4 and 7,6 and 9, or 7 and 9.

32. things are not what they seem

AB = CD; EF is parallel to GH, therefore these lines
will never meet; lines JK and NO are at the same level.

33. travel in flatland

34. of cats, dogs, and mice

First, he takes the cat across. He returns and takes the
mouse across and brings back the cat; then he takes
the dog across and returns and takes the cat across.
Teasers for All 27

35. when twice is th rice


36. the light-fingered porter

Each man paid $10 and should have gotten back a third
of $25. Thus, $10 - ~ X 5 =
$10 - ¥- = =
$;5 $8t is
the actual cost of the room per man. Therefore, the
calculation should be 81 X $3 = $25. Then, $25 + $3,
which the porter returned, plus $2, the porter's profit,
is $25 + $5 = $30.

37. simple addition

11 o'clock plus 2 hours is 1 o'clock.

38. for the postmaster

2¢. The cost of thirteen stamps is 1¢ and a quarter, or
26¢; hence one stamp costs 2¢.

39. for the english scholar

Neither. Since 9 + 6 = 15; but both statements are
grammatically correct.

40. old bi lis for new ones

An old $10 bill is usually preferable to a new $1 bill.
28 Mathematical Teasers

41. the mathematica I bookworm

i day. Since usually volume I is to the left of volume II,
the first page of volume I is separated from the last
page of volume II by only two covers, which together
total :l inch. Since the bookworm bored through at the
rate of i inch per day, it took him i -7- i = i day.

42. two to two

43. a party with threes

In a series of indicated operations, mUltiplications and
divisions are to be performed first in the order in which
they appear from left to right; additions and subtrac-
tions are to be performed after these operations have
been completed. Hence, 3 3 X 3 - 3 -7- 3 - 3 = 3 +
9 -1-3=8.

44. how fast is the cutter

59 minutes. The last piece does not have to be cut.

45. five sq ua res from th ree

[] I
Teasers for All 29

46. a fast buck

1 hour. The width of the woods is 60 miles; hence the
buck ran into the woods 30 miles, for after that he
would be running out of the woods. Since the buck
travels 30 miles per hour, he runs for 30 miles -+- 30
miles per hour = 1 hour.

47. a perplexing choice

Company A. The young man would receive the follow-
ing yearly amounts:
Year Company A Company B
1st $4,000 + 4,300 = $8,300 $8,000
2nd 4,600 + 4,900 = 9,500 9,200
3rd 5,200 + 5,500 = 10,700 10,400
4th 5,800 + 6,100 = 11,900 11,600

Company A's offer is better by $300 a year.

48. the eager beaver

The company has a claim to the young man's working
hours only, that is, to 8 hours a day for a 5-day week,
discounting all legal holidays.

49. grandpa's watch chain

30¢. Cut each of three links of one of the pieces and
connect the four other pieces. Since there is a total
of three cuts and three welds, it costs (3 X 2¢) +
(3 X 8¢) = 30¢.
30 Mathematical Teasers

50. triality
Form an equilateral triangle with three matches.
With this triangle as the base, erect a pyramid with
the three remaining matches. The three sides of the
pyramid and the base should form four equilateral

51. the pigpens

52. post time

44 posts.

53. rhythmic roman

One hundred one = CI
Six = VI
Fifty =L
Thus, we obtain CIVIL.

54. daft arithmetic

Write 9 IX = , remove the lower half 1/\ , and you
have IV=4
Teasers for All 31

55. square quarters

16 quarter-inch squares; 64 quarter-inch cubes.

56. dozens of dozens

Six dozen dozen = 6 X 12 X 12 = 864 ; one half a dozen
dozen = t X 12 X 12 = 72.

57. show biz

He takes the goat across. He returns and takes the
basket of cabbages across and brings back the goat;
then he takes the wolf across and returns and takes the
goat across.

58. match wit

59. post man

40 posts.

60. more tria lity

Note that the perimeter of the figure also forms an
equilateral triangle.
32 Mathematical Teasers

61. iuicy fruits

Give one of the boys the box with an orange in it.

62. duck a duck

Three ducks.

63. lend an ear

21 days. Two of the ears are the squirrel's.

64. ya rd tract
Since t yard square equals tXt = ! square yard and
! square yard equals half of t square yard, t square
yard equals half of t yard square.

65. common places

99~= 99~= 99~ ... = 99 + 1 = 100.

66. more daft a rith metic

Write 6= VI , turn VI upside down, 1\1 , put it
at the bottom of V I , and you have XI=II .
Teasers for All 33

67. slippery snail

8 days. At the beginning of the eighth day the snail is
3 feet from the top, and it reaches the top at the end of
that day.

68. rolling around

One revolution.

69. the millionaire

Zero area. These dimensions do not form a triangle
but a line, since 51! + 49! = 101. Therefore the lot
has no area.

70. a count up
150 triangles; 30 squares.
chapter 2
more teasers for all

1. discotheque go-go
The outer track of a long-playing record is lli inches
in diameter and the label at the center is 5i inches in
diameter. If the record has twenty grooves per inch,
how far does the needle travel to play the whole record?

2. instant product
Find the product of the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 as
fast as possible, and time yourself.

3. an L of a design
A lady asked her son Henry, an architect, to design a
house for her in the form of an "L" with windows in
each wall and with all the windows having a southern
exposure. How did the architect solve this problem?

More Teasers for All 35

4. a long cou nt
How many triangles are there in this figure?

5. bells are ringing

If it takes a clock 6 seconds to strike 4 o'clock, how
long will it take the clock to strike 12 o'clock?

6. after dinner
Using eight large toothpicks, form a regular polygon
with more than four sides, two squares, and eight

7. paying off old scores

Three friends, John, Frank, and George, met one day.
John owed Frank $5, Frank owed George $5, and
George owed John $5. Each of them was feeling some
embarrassment in the presence of his creditor, as Bill
came over to them. John then asked Bill to lend him $5.
Bill did so, and John immediately handed it to Frank,
36 Mathematical Teasers
who, in turn, gave the $5 to George. George then paid
John his $5. John then handed the $5 back to Bill with
thanks. Thus, all debts were paid. Explain!

8. out on a limb
There were nine pigeons on the limb of a tree. A hunter
shot three of them. How many remained?

9. ta ke it away
From six you take nine
And from nine you take ten,
Then from forty take fifty
And six will remain.

10. traveling in flatland

Trace this diagram without lifting your pencil, fold-
ing the paper, or going over any line more than once.

11. mad arithmetic

Show that half of thirteen is eight.
More Teasers for All 37

12. how come?

Two trains left Nashville for Louisville at the same
time traveling on parallel tracks. Both arrived at Louis-
ville at the same time. One train made the trip in
80 minutes, while it took the other train 1 hour, 20
minutes. Explain!

13. shuttle
The shuttle service has a train going from Washington
to New York City and from New York City to Wash-
ington every hour on the hour. The trip from one city
to the other takes 4i hours, and all trains travel at the
same speed. How many trains will you pass in going
from Washington to New York City?

14. touching matches

Arrange six matches so that each match touches four

15. get rich quick

A man with $1 wanted $1.25, so he pawned the $1 for
75¢ and then sold the pawn ticket for 50¢. He then had
$1.25. Who lost in this transaction?

16. playi ng with matches

Arrange six matches so that every match touches every
other match.
38 Mathematical Teasers

17. gluttonous cats

If six cats eat six rats in 6 minutes, how many cats will
it take to eat a hundred rats in 100 minutes at the same

18. a lot of bull

If a bull standing on three legs weighs 1000 pounds,
how much will this bull weigh when standing on four
More Teasers for All 39

19. an odd one

Which numbers when divided by 2 will have 1 left over?

20. triangulate
How many equilateral triangles can be formed from
nine matches of equal length ?

21. strike this one out

To one half of a strike
Add two thirds of a ton;
Then a stone you will see,
If 'tis properly done.

22. even off

Take one from seven, two from eleven, and come out

23. something different

What is the difference between twice twenty five and
twice five and twenty?

24. playing post office

If it takes twelve l¢ stamps to make a dozen, how
many 2¢ stamps does it take?
40 Mathematical Teasers

25. six yield th ree

In this arrangement there are thirteen matches form-
ing six equilateral triangles. Which three matches must
be removed to get three triangles?

26. bye bye blackbi rds

Twice four and twenty blackbirds
Were sitting in the rain;
I shot and killed a seventh part,
How many did remain?

27. too touching

Can you place four coins on a table all at equal

28. no lost rna rbles

Can you place four marbles on a table all at equal
More Teasers for All 41

29. same but different

Write the number 30 with three digits all alike.

30. two for the summing

Add five digits, all alike, so that their sum is 14.

31. it all adds up

Add 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, written in order so that they
add up to 100.

32. figure this one out

In this arrangement there are six matches forming a

regular hexagon. Take three more matches and arrange
all nine so that they form another six-sided figure.

33. dou ble up

What coin doubles its value when its half is removed?
42 Mathematical Teasers

34. lover boy

You, sir, I ask to plant a grove
To show that I'm your lady love.
More Teasers for All 43

This grove though small must be composed

Of twenty-five trees in twelve straight rows.
In each row five trees you must place,
Or you shall never see my face.

35. lover boy does it again

You, sir, who did plant the grove
To show that I'm your lady love.
Must now plant within a square
A smaller grove of nine trees rare.
In each of ten rows three trees you must place,
And then you may forever see my face.

36. weigh carefully

Which is heavier, a pound of gold or a pound of

37. water boy

A boy went to a spring to get exactly 4 quarts of
water, but he had only two jars, one jar holding 5
quarts and the other jar holding 3 quarts. How was
the boy able to get the 4 quarts using only these jars?

38. ta ke away a nd get more

Show that 1 taken away from nineteen leaves twenty.

39. equal but not the same

If a quart is i gallon and also i peck, why is a gallon
not equal to t peck?
44 Mathematical Teasers

40. crack this bottle

If a bottle and a cork together cost $1.10, and the bottle
costs $1 more than the cork, how much does each cost?

4l. mental exercise

Find the sum of the numbers from 1 to 50, inclusive,
without adding them or using a formula.

42. letter perfect

Add one third of twelve to four fifths of seven so as to
get eleven.

43. are-match

Change this incorrect equation, to a correct one by re-

placing just one match.

44. nutty arithmetic
Show that four and four is nine.

45. a neat profit

How much is ten thousand percent of a cent?
More Teasers for All 45

46. a-hunting we will go

As I was traveling on the forest grounds,
Up starts a hare before my two greyhounds.
The dogs being light of foot they fairly run,
Unto his 16 rods just 21.
The distance he started up before,
Was four score sixteen rods just, and no more.
Now, I'd have you unto me declare
How far they ran before they caught the hare.

47. good neighbor policy

Three brothers were left an estate consisting of seven-
teen cows which were to be divided as follows: the
oldest brother was to receive one half of the cows, the
next oldest one third, and the youngest one ninth.
The brothers wished to divide the cows among them-
selves without slaughtering or selling any of them.
While they were discussing this subject, a neighbor
offered to solve the problem by adding one of his cows
to the seventeen. The oldest brother would then receive
nine cows, the next oldest six cows and the youngest
two cows. The neighbor asked if they were satisfied and
they replied that they were, so he said that since the
sum of nine, six, and two amounted to only seventeen
cows, his cow was left over and he will take her back.

48. more nutty arithmetic

Show that one added to nine makes twenty.

49. a horse laugh at lots of corn

If a hundred horses eat 100 tons of corn in 100 days,
how many tons of corn will ten horses eat in 10 days?
46 Mathematical Teasers

50. lad a nd dad

This illustration shows a boy and his father. Which one

is taller?

51. apple sauce

If one third of six apples sells for 3¢, what will one
fourth of forty apples sell for?

52. medium to rare

I bought a steak that weighed 5 pounds plus half of its
weight. How much did this steak weigh?

53. duck th is one

Thrice as many ducks are three more than twice as
many. How many ducks are there?

54. get to the root of th is one

More Teasers for All 47
Change this incorrect equation to a correct one by re-
placing just one match.

55. the iealous husbands

Three jealous husbands, traveling with their wives,
found it necessary to cross a stream in a boat which
48 Mathematical Teasers
held only two persons. Each of the husbands refused to
let his wife cross with either of the other male mem-
bers of the party, unless he himself was also present.
How was the passage arranged?

56. the old a nd the new

Five times seven and seven times three
Add to my age and it will be
As far above six nines and four
As twice my years exceeds a score.

57. all lines are equal

lit I ~\
/ I I \ \
I \ \
CI I I . ·0
;/ PM I "
/1 / I \ \
/ / I \ \

Given any two lines AB and CD, draw two lines passing
through the end points A and C, and Band D meeting
at the point V. From every point on AB, a line may
be drawn to V. Everyone of these lines will also cut
CD at a point. For example, the line VP will cut CD
at M. This is easy to visualize, as follows: Hold a thin
piece of thread so that one end is at V with the other
end at B. Then, keeping the end at V fixed, and holding
the thread taut, move the free end at B toward A. Since
every one of these lines cuts CD, and a line has no
thickness, for every point on AB there will be a corre-
More Teasers for All 49

sponding point on CD. Hence, CD has exactly the same

number of points as AB, and is therefore equal to it in
length. Explain!

58. the student's blunder

In solving a problem a student mistakenly divided in-
stead of multiplying a number by 6, obtaining 15 as a
result. Find the number and give the correct answer.

59. a fish story

Ten fish I caught without an eye,
And nine without a tail;
Six had no head, and half of eight
I weighed upon the scale.
Now who can tell me as I ask it,
How many fish were in my basket?

60. writer's era m p

Write the number 55, using five fours.

61. ancient write-in

Express the number 100 using six matches.

62. sweet in his cups

Divide ten pieces of sugar among three cups, without
breaking the pieces, so that every cup contains an odd
number of pieces.
50 Mathematical Teasers

63. stu simple

Senators Stu Simon and Lezan Halfbright were told to
divide $28 million among seven nations for the dental
care of weak toothed aardwolves. Stu Simon made the
division as follows:


He explained this by saying that 7 did not go into 2,

so he put the 2 down below. Since 7 went into 8 once
and 2 plus the 1 remaining made 3, each nation was en-
titled to $13 million.

The result did not seem quite right to Halfbright, so in

13 order to prove it, he put the number
13 13 down in a column seven times.
13 Then he added up all the l's and all
13 the 3's; this made 28, proving Simon's
13 result as shown at the left. But then
13 Simon said to Halfbright, "There is
13 no need to check it this way. I can do
it faster by multiplying 13 by 7 this
7 + 21 = 28 way."


"As you see," continued Simon, "seven times three

equals twenty-one and seven times one equals seven,
More Teasers for All 51
then twenty-one plus seven equals twenty-eight, which
shows that we are both better mathematicians than Pit

64. noth ing to it

Show that half of 888 is twice as much as nothing.

65. too many eggs in one basket

Two farmers were selling eggs. Each had 300 eggs.
The first farmer was asking l¢ for two eggs, while the
second farmer was asking l¢ for three. They agreed to
put their eggs together and sell five eggs for 2¢; but
lO¢ was lost in the transaction. Explain!

66. matchless figures

In this arrangement there are thirteen matches. Which
four matches must be removed to get two triangles, a
trapezoid, and a parallelogram?

67. grouping
Add four two's and get five for the sum.
52 Mathematical Teasers

68. cut it out

Divide a pie into eight equal pieces with exactly three

69. use a fourth dimension

Put a dollar bill into a bottle, tightly cork the bottle,
and remove the dollar bill without pulling out the cork
or breaking the bottle.
More Teasers for All 53

70. the tender missionaries and

the hungry cannibals
Three missionaries and three cannibals have to cross
a river. They can't swim, but have a small boat with
an outboard motor which will carry only two persons.
Each of the missionaries can operate the outboard
motor, but only one of the cannibals can do so. A
missionary can be alone with a cannibal, but if one
missionary is left with two cannibals, the missionary
will be immediately killed and eaten by the cannibals.
How can they cross the river so that all six are safely
delivered on the other side of the river?


1. discotheque go-go
6 in. To play one side of the record, the needle travels
(11 t - 51) -7- 2 = 3 inches. To play the. whole record,
the needle travels 3 X 2 = 6 inches.
54 Mathematical Teasers

2. instant product
Zero. Any number multi pled by zero equals zero.

3. an L of a design
The architect chose the north pole as the site for the

4. a long count
Thirty-five triangles.

5. bells are ringing

22 seconds. In making four strokes, there are three in-
tervals; therefore, in a 6 second period, each interval
lasts 2 seconds, and in making twelve strokes, there are
eleven 2 second intervals.

6. after dinner
More Teasers for All 55

7. paying off old scores

Since the $5 made a full circle, all debts are cancelled;
therefore Bill's contribution was not necessary.

8. out on a limb
The three that were shot. The rest flew away.

9. take it away

10. traveling in flatland

56 Mathematical Teasers

11. mad arithmetic

Write 13 =XIII , remove the lower half 1\ III ,and you
have VIII=8.

12. how come?

Because 80 minutes equals 1 hour, 20 minutes.

13. shuttle
Ten. As our train leaves Washington, there is a train
just 1 hour away from Washington, another 2 hours
away, etc. Since the trains are traveling at the same
rate of speed, we will pass the train that is 1 hour
away from Washington in i hour, the train 2 hours
away in 1 hour, or i hour after passing the preceding
train; that is, we pass a train every i hour. Since the
trip takes 4i hours, or nine half hours, and as we leave
Washington we also pass a train just arriving, we
shall pass a total of ten trains during our trip.

14. touch i ng matches

15. get rich quick

The person who bought the pawn ticket, since the pawn
ticket is worth only $1.00 - $0.75 = $0.25.
More Teasers for All 57

16. playing with matches

All Touching

17. gluttonous cats

Six. If six cats eat six rats in 6 minutes, then six cats
eat one rat in 1 minute; therefore, six cats would eat a
hundred rats in 100 minutes.

18. a lot of bull

1000 pounds.

19. an odd one

Any odd number; for example, 5 + 2 = 2 with 1 left

20. triangulate
Seven. They form two tetrahedrons with a common
58 Mathematical Teasers

21. strike this one out

One half of st(rik)e = st + e; two thirds of t(on) =
on; so that, st + e + on = st + on + e = stone.

22. even off


23. something different

20. Since 2 X 25 = 50 and (2 X 5) + 20 = 30, then
50 - 30 = 20.

24. playing post office


25. six yield three

Remove matches numbered 5,6, and 9.

26. bye bye blackbirds

The four that were shot. The others flew away. The
original number of blackbirds was (2 X 4) + 20 = 28
and the number shot is of 28, or four.

27. too touching

No. For three coins to be at equal distances, all three
must be tangent to each other. It is then impossible to
More Teasers for All 59
place a fourth coin tangent to each of the first three

28. no lost ma rbles

Yes. Place three marbles on a table tangent to each
other, then place the fourth on top of them so that all
four marbles are mutually tangent.

29. same but different

33 - 3; 33 + 3; 5 X 5 + 5; 6 X 6 - 6; XXX.

30. two for the summing


3l. it all adds up

60 Mathematical Teasers

32. figure this one out

33. double up
A half dollar. Deduct the word half, and you have a

34. lover boy

35. lover boy does it again

\', 11\ /1
\, 11\ /1
\ " I I \ // /
\ 'I )\ /
\ I " : / \ /
1\ /1' /\
I V 'L \
I / \ I /' \
I // \ I I ',\
1/ \11 ,\
More Teasers for All 61

36. weigh carefully

A pound of feathers. Gold is measured in units of troy
weight, while feathers are measured in units of avoir-
dupois weight. Since a troy pound equals 5760 grains
and an avoirdupois pound equals 7000 grains, a pound of
feathers is 7000 - 5760, or 1240 grains heavier than a
pound of gold.

37. water boy

The boy filled the 3 quart jar and poured it into the 5
quart jar. Then he filled the 3 quart jar again and
poured it into the 5 quart jar until the 5 quart jar was
full. He then had 1 quart left in the 3 quart jar. He
emptied the 5 quart jar and poured the 1 quart into it.
Finally, he filled the three quart jar and poured it into
the 5 quart jar, which gave him exactly 4 quarts.

38. ta ke away a nd get more

Write 19 = XIX, take away I = 1, and you have

39. equal but not the same

Because a dry quart measure does not equal a liquid
quart measure. A liquid quart equals t gallon, or 57.75
cubic inches; while a dry quart equals i peck, which
is 67.20 cubic inches.

40. crack th is bottle

The cork is 5¢; the bottle is $1.05. Since the bottle costs
$1.00 more than the cork, then twice the cost of the
cork plus $1.00 is $1.10; thus, twice the cost of the cork
62 Mathematical Teasers
is 10¢. Therefore, the cork costs 5¢ and the bottle costs

41. mental exercise

1275. Arrange the numbers in pairs: 1 and 50, 2 and
49, 3 and 48, 4 and 47, etc. The sum of each pair is 51
and, since the total number of pairs is 25, the total sum
is 51 X 25 = 1275.

42. letter perfect

! ofTW(EL)VE = EL
t of S(EVEN) = EVEN

43. are-match

44. nutty a rith metic
Write 4 1V , turn it upside down 1/\ ,put 1V
on top of it and you have 1X 9=
45. a neat profit
$1. If 100% of 1¢ equals 1¢, then 10,000<70 of 1¢ equals
100 X 100 % of 1¢, or 100 X 1¢.
More Teasers for All 63

46. a-hunting we will go

403t rods. The dogs gain 21 - 16 = 5 rods per unit
time. Four score pI us sixteen is (4 X 20) +
16 = 96
rods. Hence, the dogs run 96 -:- 5 = 19!- units of time.
Therefore, the distance the dogs run before catching
hare is 19!- X 21 = 403t rods.

47. good neighbor policy

After the oldest brother took his share, ~ of 17, or ¥- '
~ was left over. From this, the second brother sub-
tracted his share ' 3
!l' thus!l
- lI.
From this !l6
third brother deducted his share , lI.,
thus 17 _ lI.
6 9
= 17 .
Clearly, -ls was not accounted for in this division of
the estate.

48. more nutty a rith metic

Write 9 = IX, cross the I with another I = 1, and you
have XX = 20.

49. a horse la ug h at lots of corn

1 ton. If 100 horses eat 100 tons of corn in 100 days, then
100 horses will eat 1 ton of corn in 1 day, and it fol-
lows that 100 horses will eat 10 tons of corn in 10 days,
thus 10 horses will eat 1 ton of corn in 10 days.

50. lad and dad

They are the same height. Measure them.
64 Mathematical Teasers

51. apple sauce

15¢. Since one third of six, or two apples, sells for 3¢
and one fourth of forty apples is ten apples, which is
five times two apples, ten apples sell for 5 X 3 = 15¢.

52. medium to rare

10 pounds. Let W = total weight, then W = 5W /2,
or W - W /2 = 5; hence 2W - W = 10, or W = 10

53. duck th is one

Three ducks. Let D = the number of ducks, then 3D =
2D 3, or 3D - 2D = 3 ; hence, D = 3.

54. get to the root of th is one

V--IV ==VT
(the square root of 1)

55. the jealous husbands

Let HI. H 2 , and Ha represent the husbands and WI. W2 ,
and Wa represent wives; then this is how they crossed
the river:

1. WI and W2 cross, W2 returns.

2. W2 and W3 cross, W3 returns.
3. HI and H2 cross, H2 and W2 return.
More Teasers for All 65

4. Hz and H3 cross, WI returns.

5. WI and W 2 cross, W"2 returns.
6. W"2 and W3 cross.

56. the old a nd the new

18 years old. Let my age be A, then 5 X 7 +
7 X 3 =
35 + 21 = 56 and 6 X 9 + 4 = 58. Thus, the difference
between 56 added to my age and 58 equals the differ-
ence between twice my age and 20. Therefore, we have
this equation,

(A + 56) - 58 = 2A - 20
A-2 =2A-20
A-2A= -20+ 2
A= 18.

57. all lines are equal

The conclusion is based on the erroneous idea that a
straight line is made up of a very large, but finite, num-
ber of points. Since a point has only location, but no
dimensions, a line, which has length, cannot be con-
structed from points. The concept of a straight line is
accepted as axiomatic, hence no definition of it is neces-
sary. A straight line, however, may be thought of as the
path traced by a point moving in a constant direction.

58. the student's blunder

540. If the number divided by 6 equals 15, then the
number is equal to 15 X 6 90, and the correct answer
is 90 X 6 = 540.
66 Mathematical Teasers

59. a fish story

None. There are no fish in the basket.

60. writer's cramp

44 + ~4.

61. a ncient write-in

62. sweet in his cups

Put three pieces of sugar into one cup and seven pieces
into another cup, then put one of the cups into the third

63. stu simple

For the sake of justifying "Pit Agoras," the operation
should be,

More Teasers for All 67

64. noth i ng to it
Draw a horizontal line through the number 888, divid-
ing it in half; thus, half of 888 is 000 = O.

65. too many eggs in one basket

The first farmer was asking i¢ for an egg; thus, he
should have received i X $3.00 = $1.50. The second
farmer was asking t¢ for an egg; hence, he should have
received i X $3.00 = $1.00. Therefore, both together
should have received $1.50 + $1.00 = $2.50. However,
by combining their eggs, they got only i¢ for an egg;
that is, the rate was changed, so that they received
! X $6.00 $2.40. Hence, together they lost $2.50 -
$2.40 = 10¢; however, the second farmer received
$1.20 - $1.00 = 20¢ more, while the first lost $1.50 -
$1.20 = 30¢.

66. matchless figures

Remove matches numbered 4,5,2, and 7.

67. grouping
2~ + 2 = 2 + 1 + 2 = 5.

68. cut it out

Make a circular cut dividing the pie into two equal
parts. Then make two straight cuts through the cen-
ter, dividing the pie into eight equal parts. See teaser
No. 15, chapter 3.
68 Mathematical Teasers

69. use a fourth dimension

Push the cork in.

70. the tender m issiona ries and

the hungry cannibals
Let Mr, M2 , and M3 represent the missionaries and let
Cr, C2 , and Ca represent the cannibals, with C3 able
to operate the outboard motor; then this is how they
crossed the river:

1. C1 and C3 cross, C3 returns.

2. C2 and C3 cross, C3 returns.
3. Ml and M2 cross, C1 and M2 return.
4. M2 and C3 cross, Ml and C2 return.
5. Ml and M3 cross, C3 returns.
6. C1 and C3 cross, C:{ returns.
7. C2 and C3 cross.
chapter 3
teasers for the

1. the cu p that cheers

A recipe for punch calls for a third and a half of a
third of four cups of brandy. How many cups of brandy
does the recipe require?

2. the la nd of ifthen
If a quarter of twenty is four, what would a third of
ten be?

3. melon fa re
A watermelon weighs nine tenths of its weight plus
itr of a pound. If I eat a slice consisting of one ninth of
the melon, what is the weight of the slice?

70 Mathematical Teasers

4. a square in ifthen
If three times five were twenty, what would the square
of six be?

5. metamorphosis

Transform the fraction into an integer by replacing
just one nail.

6. balancing act
If a brick balances with three quarters of a brick of
the same weight and size plus three quarters of a
pound, how much does the brick weigh?

7. long way around

Write the number 1 using each of the nine digits 1, 2, 3,
4,5,6,7,8, and 9 only once.

8. in wonderland

.3 1../0
u33 r J.I 8./ 3
Show that this sum is correct.
Teasers for the Mathematicians 71

9. sloppy joe
Sloppy Joe never puts away his socks in pairs, but
simply throws them into a drawer. There are fourteen
black socks and eight blue socks in the drawer. One
night, he needed just one pair of socks the same color,
but, in order not to wake up his roommate, Joe did not
put the light on; therefore, he had to get the socks in
complete darkness. How many socks did Joe have to
draw to be sure that he had a pair of matching socks.


10. get a kick from th is one

An old wine maker has a cask half full of 3 year old
wine and another cask twice its size which is one third
72 Mathematical Teasers

full of 3 year old wine. If both casks are filled with 1

year old wine and their contents are mixed, what part
of the mixture is 3 year old wine?

11. cou nt them out

Joe in five hours a sum can count,
Which Dick can in eleven;
How much more then is the amount
They both can count in seven?

12. transformation
Transform the expression,

into the number 100 by rearranging the matches.

13. fence I rou nd

Enclose 12 square inches with twelve matches, each 2
inches long.

14. a wail of woe

Jack complained to Jill that he had agreed to pay $800
in cash plus a fixed number of bushels of wheat as the
yearly rental for his farm. That, he explained, would
amount to $70 an acre when wheat was worth 75¢ a
bushel. Since wheat is now worth $1 a bushel, he must
pay $80 an acre, which he thought was too much. What
is the size of the farm?
Teasers for the Mathematicians 73

15. half and half

If a pie is divided into two equal parts by a circular
cut, what is the radius of the circular cut?

16. this and that

This and that plus a half of this and that is what per-
cent of this and that?

17. layaway plan

If 100 chickens lay 10,000 eggs in 100 days, how many
days will it take one chicken to lay one egg?

18. back in the land of ifthen

What would ten be if four were six?

19. landscape gardening

A landscape architect wishes to divide a circular
garden into four similar tracts, each tract bounded by
arcs. How can he do this?

20. fraction less

Without the use of fractions, express the number eight
by using eight eights.
74 Mathematical Teasers

21. yoke mates

A husband is 10 years older than his wife. If the sum
of their ages is five times their difference, what are
their ages?

22. rhom bus anyone

In this arrangement there are six matches forming a

regular hexagon. Rearrange two matches and add one
more match to form two rhombuses. (A rhombus is an
equilateral parallp.logram having oblique angles.)

23. noth ing to wea r

A lady showed her husband five blouses, three skirts, and
four pairs of shoes, all of which match, but she com-
plained to him that she had nothing to wear. Her hus-
band then told her that, with these garments, she could
wear a different outfit every day of the month. Show
that what her husband said is true.
Teasers for the Mathematicians 75

24. ship ahoy

The captain of a ship sailing along an easterly course

knows from the chart the location of certain reefs
situated off the coast near two lighthouses Land H.
The chart also directs his attention to angle LPH,
known as the "horizontal danger angle," which is in-
scribed in a circle passing through Land H and sur-
rounding the reefs. To safeguard his ship from the
reefs, the captain must avoid this circle by veering to
the left. Which two geometric facts does the captain
need to use in selecting his course?

25. cocktail party

If at a cocktail party there are more than 366 persons,
why can you be certain that at least two of them have
the same birthday?

26. fortune hunters

A man made a will bequeathing one third of his fortune
to his wife and two thirds to a son if they should have
one, but one half to his wife and the other half to a
daughter if they should have a daughter. After his
death, twins are born, a son and a daughter. How
should the fortune be divided among the three?
76 Mathematical Teasers

27. a good mixer

Paint sells at $3 a gallon and paint thinner at $1 for 3
gallons. A painter gave his helper $10 and two empty
cans, telling him to bring back an equal quantity of
paint and thinner, and that the $10 was to cover the
total cost exactly. What quantity of each item did the
painter's helper get?

28. a knock out

The owner of a sports stadium refused an offer of
$2,000,000 for the television rights for the month of
March, but said that he would take 1¢ for the first day,
double that, or 2¢ for the second day, double this
amount, or 4¢ for the third day, and so on for every day
in the month. Would he get more or less in this transac-

29. a stick out

A merchant makes 20% instead of 40% on goods, be-
cause his "yardstick" is too long. What is the actual
length of the yardstick?

30. more of th is a nd that

This and that plus two thirds of this and that is what
part of four thirds of this and that?

31. a halloween tale

At a country fair Hank bought a prize pumpkin that
weighed 10 pounds plus half of 10 pounds and half of
its own weight besides. What did the pumpkin weigh?
Teasers for the Mathematicians 77

32. 'riting and 'rithmetic

Transform the expression,

into ten without adding or removing any matches.

33. ass grazing

In the midst of a meadow, well covered with grass,
Just an acre was needed to tether an ass;
How long was the line that reaching all around,
Restricted its grazing to an acre of ground?

34. man 'tis the greatest

What is the largest number you can express with three
78 Mathematical Teasers

35. speedy
A man must travel a distance of 4 miles. If he travels
the first 2 miles at 30 miles per hour, at what speed
must he travel the remaining 2 miles so that he can
average 60 miles per hour in going 4 miles?

36. fore
Three men were about to start a game of golf, but
one of them discovered that he had forgotten to bring
any golf balls. The first golfer produced five new balls
and the second four new balls. They divided the golf
balls equally among themselves and the forgetful golfer
had to pay $3 for his share of the golf balls. How was
the $3 divided equitably between the other two golfers?
Teasers for the Mathematicians 79

37. they are off and running

If a circular track is 5 yards wide and it takes a horse,
traveling his fastest, 7T more seconds to travel the outer
edge than the inner edge, what is his rate per second?

38. ta i lor's apprentice

If a tailor's apprentice, after cutting off 10ro of a piece
of cloth, had 90 yards left, how many yards did he have
at first?

39. par for the duffer

On being asked his golf score, Ray said to Everett, "If
I had as many more strokes, plus half as many more,
plus fifty to boot, I should have 300." What was Ray's
40. back to ifthen
If six is a third of twelve, what would a fourth of
twenty be?

41. joe's grandpa

Joe's grandfather has lived a quarter of his life as a
boy, a sixth of his life as a young man, half of his life
as a middle-aged man, and 6 years as a senior citizen.
How old is Joe's grandfather?

42. mow it down

Following the boundary of a rectangular field, it re-
quires 11 rounds of a lawn mower to cut one half of it
and 14 more to cut the remainder. If the lawn mower
80 Mathematical Teasers
cuts a swath 2 feet wide and all the swaths are full,
what are the dimensions of the field?

43. stormy weather

I place a bowl into the storm
To catch the drops of rain;
A half a globe was just its form,
Two feet across the same.
The storm was o'er, the tempest past,
I to the bowl repaired;
Six inches deep the water stood,
It being measured fair.
Suppose a cylinder, whose base
Two feet across within,
Had stood exactly in that place,
What would the depth have been?

44. a lot of nothing

If you had as many more dollars plus twice as many
more dollars plus one half as many dollars less $9, you
would have nothing. How much do you have?

45. plane fact

Express the number one using four matches lying in
the same plane so that no two matches are parallel or
lying in the same straight line.

46. a neat profit

What percent of the cost do I gain if I sell five eighths
of a bill of goods for what three fourths of what it cost
Teasers for the Mathematicians 81

47. partners
Dick and Bob form a partnership in a store. Dick
furnishes the money and half the rent, while Bob works
in the store and furnishes the other half of the rent.
Bob being short of money one day, uses $60 from Dick's
money to pay the rent. The next day they receive from
a customer an amount of money in which Dick owns
a third interest. How many dollars should be returned
to Dick from this amount to maintain his equity?

48. dog gone

A dog is at the center of a circular pond 200 feet in
diameter and a duck is swimming around the outer
edge of the pond. The dog starts toward the duck
swimming at the same speed as the duck. If the dog
continually keeps in line with the center of the pond
and the duck, how far must he swim before reaching
the duck?

49. average rate

A man travels to Austin, Texas at 40 miles per hour
and returns at 60 miles per hour. What was his average

50. tri p a long

If a man traveling a certain distance increases his
speed by one fifth, so that he makes the trip in 6 hours,
how long does it take him to make the same trip going
at his original speed?

51. vat is loss?

It takes one day to fill the vat
With this large pipe, two days with that;
82 Mathematical Teasers

The third pipe needs but one day more;

The fourth pipe fills the vat in four.
If all four pipes together run,
How long before the task is done?

52. middle spread

A plane perpendicular to the earth's axis and halfway
between its poles cuts through the earth's surface at
the equator, which describes a circle on this plane.
Every point on this circle is at the same distance from
the north and south poles. If 48 inches are added to the
earth's equator, what change is made in the earth's
Teasers for the Mathematicians 83

53. the short a nd the long way

If 1 degree at the equator is approximately 69.1 miles,
and on a circle of latitude passing through New York
City, 1 degree is approximately 52.3 miles, how many
more miles would a person making a trip around the
equator have to travel than a person making a trip
around the latitude circle passing through New York

54. double in ifthen

If two thirds of a number is added to twenty-four, the
number will be doubled. What is the number?

55. the mini number

Find the smallest number which divided by each of the
integers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 will give, in each
case, a remainder which is 1 less than the divisor.

56. ships coming in

Three ships leave New York for Le Havre, France, on
the same day. It takes the first ship 12 days, the second
ship 16 days, and the third ship 20 days to make a
round trip. How many days will elapse before all three
ships again leave New York on the same day, and how
many trips will each ship have made in the meantime?

57. the wise fa rmer

Paul owns a farm situated between two rivers, the West
and East rivers. He must deliver produce from point
84 Mathematical Teasers
A to the West River for shipment and then pick up
merchandise at the East River for delivery to point B.
At which points on these rivers should Paul build
piers, so that, in following his usual route, he will
travel the shortest distance?




58. a train of thought

A man on a railroad platform observed that a train
passed by the point where he was standing in 10
seconds, and that the same train passed completely
through a station, which is 308 yards long, in 24
seconds. How long was the train and how fast was it

59. passing trains

Two trains pass each other in 10 seconds when moving
in opposite directions; when moving in the same direc-
tion the swifter train passes the slower one in 25
Teasers for the Mathematicians 85

seconds. What is the speed of each train, if their respec-

tive lengths are 300 feet and 500 feet?

60. travel ing sa lesmen

Three salesmen make trips at regular intervals: the
first every 7 days, the second every 14 days, and the
third every 21 days. If they leave the office on the same
day for their first trip, how many days will elapse before
they again leave the office on the same day?

61. cheese cakes

Three blocks of cheese weigh 650 pounds, 680 pounds,
and 760 pounds. For the purpose of packing and to
avoid waste, the cheese is to be cut into pieces of equal
weight. The weight of these equal pieces is to be as
great as possible. How much should each piece weigh?
86 Mathematical Teasers

62. tinker's boast

One night I chanced with a tinker to sit,
Whose tongue ran a great deal faster than his wit.
He talked of his wit and an abundance of metal,
So I asked him to make me a flat-bottomed kettle.
The top and the bottom must be
In just such proportion as five is to three;
Twelve inches in depth I proposed, and no more,
To hold in gallons seven less than a score.

63. divide and succeed

If in a division successive substrahends are 690, 2415,
and 2070, and the remainder is 1, find the dividend, the
divisor, and the quotient.

64. time on our hands

If the minute and hour hands of a watch are together
every 65 minutes, how much time does the watch gain
or lose?

65. square peg in round hole

What are the dimensions of the largest square peg
which can be inserted in a hole 8 inches in diameter?

66. a big cheese

A merchant had a spherical piece of cheese. He cut
off a segment of the cheese equal to one fourth of its
Teasers for the Mathematicians 87

circumference. If the weight of the segment is 5 pounds,

what is the weight of the cheese?

67. said the spider to the fly

A room is 30 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 12 feet high.
A spider on the center line of the west wall of the room,
one foot above the floor, sees a fly asleep on the center
line of the east wall, one foot below the ceiling. The
spider wants to get to the fly as soon as possible. Which
is the shortest path for the spider to take to get to the
fly and what is the length of this path?

68. a walking race

Tony, Chris, and Paul walk 3t, 4, and 5 miles an hour,
respectively. They walk on circular tracks which are
$, :1, and ~ of a mile in circumference (in the same
order) with their centers on the same straight line.
Tony, Chris, and Paul start from points on this line
at the same instant.

a) How long will it take before all three boys are again
back on the line at the the same time?

b) How long will it take before all three boys are again
at the points from which they originally started?

69. "time discovers truth" (Seneca)

A man leaving his office for a business appointment
noted the positions of the hands of a clock. Between 2
and 3 hours later he came back and found that the
hands had exchanged places. How long was he away
from the office?
88 Mathematical Teasers

70. "the stuff that life is made of"

(Benjamin Franklin)
A business man looks at his watch before leaving the
office for lunch. When he returns, he finds that the hour
and minute hands have exchanged places from the posi-
tions they had when he left the office. a) Find the time
when he left and b) the time when he returned.

71. traffic ia m
A certain highway was being repaired, so it was neces-
sary for the traffic to use a detour. At a certain time, a
car and a truck met in this detour which was so narrow
that neither the truck nor the car was able to pass.
Now, the car had gone three times as far into the
detour route as the truck had gone, but the truck
would take three times as long to reach the point where
the car was. If both the car and the truck can move
backward at one third of their forward speed, which
of these two vehicles should back up in order to pennit
both to travel through the detour in the minimum
amount of time?

72. homework
A teacher assigned homework to his class and told the
students that on each day after the first, they must do
twice the number of problems that they had done so
far. If at the end of five days, the students had com-
pleted one third of the problems, how long will it take
them to do all of their problems?
Teasers for the Mathematicians 89


1. the cup that cheers

2 cups. Since a third of 4 cups is ~ cups, and a half of
a third of 4 cups is ~ X .! = ~ of a cup, a third and a
. f
hf .33
al of a thIrd 0 4 cups IS ~+ = =
~ f 2 cups.

2. the la nd of ifthen
2~. If! of 20 = 4, then 5 = 4 and 10 = 2 X 5 becomes
2 X 4 = 8; so that -l of 10 becomes -l of 8 = 2i.

3. melon fa re
1 pound. If 10 of its weight plus Ii! of a pound equals
the weight of the melon, then 1% of a pound is T~ the
weight of the melon; hence, 9 pounds is the weight of
the melon. Thence, it follows that the weight of the slice
is t of the melon, or 1 pound.

4. a square in ifthen
48. If 3 X 5 = 20, then 3 = 4; hence 6 = 2 X 3 be-
comes 2 X 4 = 8 and the square of 6 = 6 X 6 becomes
6 X 8 = 48. Also, if 3 X 5 = 20 and 6 X 6 = x, then
15 :36 = 20 :x and x = 48.
90 Mathematical Teasers

5. meta morphosis

VT 1 I

6. ba la nci ng act
3 pounds. If! the weight of a brick plus! of a pound
equals the weight of the brick, then i of a pound is t the
weight of the brick; therefore, the weight of the brick
is 3 pounds.

7. long way around

8. in wonderla nd
Hold the page in front of a mirror and it will read,




Teasers for the Mathematicians 91

9. sloppy joe
Three socks. If the first sock drawn is blue and the
second is black, then the third must match either one
of the first two, since it must be either blue or black.

10. get a kick from th is one

is- A cask half full of 3 year old wine is i of a cask
twice its size. Therefore, !. + l = + = l of the large
4 3
cask contains 3 year old wine. After filling both casks
with 1 year old wine, the small cask is half full of 1
year old wine and the large cask is i full of 1 year old
wine. Therefore,t + ~ = 3 t;. 8 = H- of the large cask con-
tains 1 year old wine. Since T77[ of the large cask contains
3 year old wine and it of it contains 1 year old wine, it
follows that the total amount of wine, both new and
old , is 18
12 •
Thus , 127 --:-• 18 -
12 -
7 X 12 -
12 18 -
84 -
216 -
18 •
There -
fore, fa of the mixture is 3 year old wine.

11. cou nt them out

15~. In 1 hour Joe can count t of the sum and in 1
hour Dick can count fr of it; therefore, in 1 hour both
can count l5 + 1...
= 1155-'I- 5 = ~55
of the sum ' and in 7
hours both can count 7 X ~ 55
= 112
= 2~55
sums • There-
fore, both can count 2 525 - 1 = 1525 sums more.

12. tra nsformation

Vx = jlo,ooo' 100
92 Mathematical Teasers

13. fence rou nd I

8 in.

6 in.

The shaded area in the right triangle is bounded by

the twelve matches. The area of the triangle is one half
its base times the height, or 24 square inches. The
area of the three un shaded squares is, therefore, 12
square inches. Hence, the shaded area is 24 - 12 =
12 square inches.

14. a wail of woe

20 acres. A difference of $1.00 - $0.75 = $0.25 in the
price of wheat per bushel makes a difference of $10 an
acre in rent. Hence, the rent paid in wheat is $10 --;- $0.25
= 40 bushels per acre. The value of 40 bushels of wheat
then is 40 X $1 = $40, so that the rent per acre paid
in cash is $80 - $40 = $40 per acre. Therefore, the
number of acres is $800 --;- $40 = 20 acres.
Teasers for the Mathematicians 93

15. half and half


Approximately ilJ the radius of the pie. Since the pie is

circular, its area is A = 7Tr, where A is the area and r
is the radius. Letting the area and radius of the inner
circular cut be A' and r', respectively, then A = 2A',
hence 7Tr = 27Tr'2 and r' = V~, which is approximately
T70r. (See also problem 68, chapter 2).

16. this and that

150%. This and that and a half of this and that is ~ of
this and that, which is one and a half times, or 15070
of this and that.

17. layaway plan

1 day. If 100 chickens lay 10,000 eggs in 100 days, then
100 chickens can lay 100 eggs in one day, and one
chicken can lay one egg in 1 day.
94 Mathematical Teasers

18. back in the land of ifthen

15. If x equals what ten would be, then 10:x = 4 :6,
and x = 15.

19. landscape gardening

20. fraction I·ess

8(88888)8-8 = 8(88888)0 = 8(1) = 8.

21. yoke mates

The sum is 5 X 10 = 50 years.
The wife's age is! (50 - 10) = 20 years.
The husband's age is 20 + 10 = 30 years.
Teasers for the Mathematicians 95

22. rhom bus anyone

The dotted lines show the original positions of the two

23. noth ing to wee r

With the selection of anyone of five blouses there may
be combined anyone of three skirts. Thus, there are
3 X 5 = 15 different ways of selecting a blouse and
skirt combination. For each of these selections, in turn,
there are four possible ways of selecting a pair of shoes.
Therefore, there are a total of 4 X 15 60 possible out-
fits to choose from.

24. ship ahoy

First, an angle inscribed in a circle is measured by one
half its intercepted arc. Thus, angle LPH = ! arc LH.
Second, an angle formed by two secants intersecting
outside a circle is measured by one half the differ-
ence between the intercepted arcs. Thus, angle LSH =
! (arc LH - arc RL) = ! arc LH - i arc RL. There-
fore, angle LSH is less than angle LPH. As long as the
captain makes sure that angle LSH is less than hori-
zontal danger angle LPH, the ship is outside the circle
and is therefore safe from the reefs.
96 Mathematical Teasers

25. cocktail party

If all 366 persons have different birthdays (including
February 29 in a leap year), then the 367th person's
birthday must be the same as that of at least one of
the others, since there are only 366 possible days in a
year to choose from.

26. fortune hunters

The wife and the daughter were to receive equal shares,
while the son was to receive twice as much as the wife.
Hence, if the estate is divided into four equal parts, the
son would get two fourths, or one half, while the wife
and daughter would each get one fourth.

27. a good mixer

3 gallons. If a gallon of paint costs $3 and a gallon of
paint thinner costs a third of a dollar, then a gallon
of each costs 3 + -1 = $3!. Therefore, the number of
gallons of each equals 10 --;- 3-1 10 X f"IT =3 gallons.

28. a knock out

Thus, he would gain $21,474,836.47 - $2,000,000.00 =
$19,474,836.47, since the amount he would receive for
the month of March is 231 - 1.
Teasers for the Mathematicians 97

-,• a

I •

••• .1.,•
1.0.. 4
S. .1.1"
SI 1..3.. .
sa 3.7.. .


!f,' ••'"
ao,nu •

• 1 42,l1.3,o4
I •
' :... 8 • .0.
1'7,77 • .1'
••, :5:5!f,544., •
.7:1;0 .... 4
1.,:5 41,177.2'
2.6.":5 54,56
,s !1.3 611,7011.11
.1.47".36 .. 7.

29. a stick out

42 inches, In order to make 40<10 of cost, the merchant
should sell for 140% of cost. But he makes 20% of cost,
so that he actually sells for only 120% of cost. Since a
yard is 36 inches, then 120<10 of the actual length is
140% of 36, so that the actual length of the stick is
140% X 36 =.'! X 36 = 42 inches,
120% 6

30. more of th is a nd that

1i of~. If this and that plus i of this and that is 1 + i
= i of this and that, it follows that ~ of this and that
is!3 =3
. .:. .'.!3 2. X .l! = !; hence, !. = E of this and that.
44 3 4
98 Mathematical Teasers

31. a halloween tale

30 pounds. The weight W of the pumpkin equals 10 +
t(10) + tWo Hence, 15 = iW; therefore, W = 30

32. 'riti ng and 'rith metic

33. ass grazing

39.24 yards. Let r be the length of the line; the area
grazed over is 1 acre 4840 square yards. Hence, 1Tr =
4840; r2 = 4840 -7- 1T. Assume 1T = ¥- (approx.), then
r = 4840 -7- ¥= 1540 and r= y1540 = 39.24 yards

34. rna n 'tis the greatest
Teasers for the Mathematicians 99

35. speedy
None. To average 60 miles per hour for 4 miles, the
man must travel the 4 miles in t~ = 1~ of an hour. But
in traveling the first 2 miles at 30 miles per hour he has
already used-k, or A- of an hour, so that he has no time
left; therefore, this cannot be done.

36. fore
Since the first golfer contributed two golf balls and the
second contributed one golf ball. For the distribution
to be equitable, the first golfer received i of the $3, or
$2, while the second received t of the $3, or $1.

37. they are off and running

10 yards per second. Since width of track is 5 yards,
if r is radius of inner edge of circular track, then
21T(r + 5) is the distance traveled on the outer edge and
21Tr is the distance traveled on the inner edge. Hence,
horse travels 21T(r + 5) - 21Tr = 101r yards farther
on the outer edge than on the inner edge in 1T seconds.
Therefore, in 1 second he would travel 101T -;- 1T = 10
yards; that is, his rate is 10 yards per second.

38. tailor's apprentice

100 yards. After cutting off 10%, the tailor's apprentice
had 100% - 1070 = 90% of the piece of cloth remain-
ing. If 90% of the piece of cloth is 90 yards, then 1 % of
the piece of cloth is 1 yard and the piece of cloth is 100
100 Mathematical Teasers

39. par for the duffer

100. 21 times the number of strokes plus 50 is 300, so
that 21 times the number of strokes equals 250; there-
fore, number of strokes is 250 -:- 21 = 250 X i = 100.

40. back to ifthen

7i. If 6 is ~ X 12, then 6 becomes 4. Since { of 20 is 5
and 5 = !!.4 of 4, then !.4 of 20 is i!.4 of 6 = !'.4 X 6 = ~4
= 7i·

41. joe's grandpa

72 years old. Since t + l; + t = 3 + ;2 + H = H, then
H of the grandfather's age plus 6 years equals his age.
It then follows that 6 years is ~ of his age, so that his
age is 6 X 12 = 72.

42. mow it down

c - I
d I lb

i. ~-----
_L _________________________ -I __

- G
100 X 410£ ft. The diagram represents the lawn. The
man starts the lawn mower at M and cuts the strip a
down the entire length of the field. Next, he cuts b,
then c and d, and is now ready to start on strip e.
Although the strips a, b, c, and d are all of different
lengths, he has cut an area which is equal to the dif-
Teasers for the Mathematicians 101

ference in area of two rectangles. Since it requires

11 + 14 = 25 rounds to cut the field and each round
consists of two swaths, each 2 feet wide, then the width
of the field is 25 X (2 X 2) = 100 feet. The 11 rounds
represent 22 swaths of 2 feet each, or 22 X 2 = 44 feet.
Hence, after 11 rounds the width of the area remaining
is 100 - 44 = 56 feet. Now, if L represents the length
of the field, then (L - 44) (56) equals the area remain-
ing. But the area remaining is t the total area which
equals t(100)L = 50L. Therefore, (L - (44) (56)
= 50L, or 6L = 2464 and L = 24664 = 410t feet. Thus,
the dimensions of the field are 100 X 410~ feet.

43. stormy weather

2t inches. The amount of water is the volume of a
spherical segment of one base with radius NS and
altitude PN. The formula for the volume of a spherical
segment of one base is V = -IJrrh2 (3r - h), where r is
the radius of the sphere and h is the altitude of the
segment. Here r = 12 inches and h = 6 inches, so that
V = t:rr(36) [3(12) - 6J = 360:rr. Since the volume of
a cylinder is V = :rrrZh, where the radius r = 12 inches,
then :rr(144) h = 360:71"; therefore, h = ~~ = 2t inches.


102 Mathematical Teasers

44. a lot of nothing

$2.00. As many more dollars, twice as many more, and
one half as many is equal to 4i times the number of
dollars. Thus, 4i times the number of dollars is $9.00
and, therefore, the number of dollars is $9.00 + 4i =
9 X i= $2.00.

45. pia ne fact

46. a neat profit
20%. If i of the goods are sold for i of the cost, then i
of the goods are sold for ~ + 5 = of the cost; hence,
the goods are sold for fo X 8 = Po = *'
cost. Therefore, the profit is 20ro of the cost.
or 120% of

47. partners
$45. Since Dick furnishes half the rent, Bob owes him
$30; but, since Dick owns a third interest, he should
receive an amount which exceeds $30 by a third. Thus,
$30 is i of the amount he should receive, so that ¥ =
$30, or x = $45.

48. dog gone

Approximately 157.1 feet. The dog follows arc DEB
which is half the circumference of a circle whose
Teasers for the Mathematicians 103

diameter is 100 feet; therefore, he swims a distance of

HI 007T) = 507T. Letting 7T = ¥ (a pprox), then the
distance is 50 X ¥ = 157.1 feet (approx).

49. average rate

48 miles per hour. Going to Austin, the man travels 1
mile in 10 of an hour and returning, he travels 1 mile
in -do of an hour; hence, for the round trip he averages
1 mile in .!(.!.
2 40
+ ..1..)
= !(~)
2 120
= !2 X ..1..
= ..1..
of an
hour. Therefore, his average speed is 48 miles per hour.

50. tri p a long

7t hours. Traveling at ! of his speed, it will take him 6
times as long, or 36 hours; therefore, going at his
regular speed, which is five times faster than ! of his
rate, it will take him! of 36 hours, or 7! hours.

51. vat is loss?

;; days. The first, or large, pipe will fill 214 of the vat in
1 hour, the second will fill 418 of the vat in 1 hour, the
third will fill i2 of the vat in 1 hour, and the fourth
will fill i!6 of the vat in 1 hour. Hence, all pipes together
104 Mathematical Teasers

will fill ..!.. 48
..!.. ..!..
..!.. = 12 + 6 + 4 + 3 = ~ of the
96 288 288
vat in 1 hour. It follows that altogether they will fill
2~8 of the vat in to of an hour and the whole vat in 2:58
hours. Therefore, it will take the four pipes running
at the same time', thus 288 -'- 24 = 288 = g day or
25' 600 25 '
slightly less than i day.

52. middle spread

7.6 inches (approx). Let 2?Tr be the length of the
earth's equator; then, if 48 inches is added to the
equator, its length will be 2?Tr +
48, and the earth's
radius r will be increased by x inches, so that a new
circle will be formed with radius r + x. Constructing a
proportion between both circles, it then follows that,
r: (r + x) = +
2 ?T r: (2?T r 48), or
r 2?Tr
r+x= 2?Tr+48
Therefore, x .~. Letting?T = ¥- (approx), then x =
24 X 12= 7.6 Inches (approx).

53. the short a nd the long way

6048 miles. Since there are 360 degrees in a circle, then
the length of the equator is 69.1 miles X 360 0 = 24,876
miles and the length of New York City's latitude is 53.2
miles X 360 0 = 18,828 miles; hence the difference,
24,876 - 18,828 6048 miles.

54. double in ifthen

18. Two thirds of the number plus 24 is two times the
number. If i of the number is taken away from two
times the number, ~ of the number is left. Hence, t of
Teasers for the Mathematicians 105
the number is 24 and, therefore, the number is 24 -7- t
= 24 X! = 18.

55. the mini number

2519. The smallest number which is divisible by each of
the given integers and will give a remainder of zero is
the smallest number which contains all the given num-
bers as factors; that is, the least common multiple. The
least common multiple of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 is
2520. Therefore, the number is 2520 - 1 = 2519.

56. ships coming in

The number of days that will elapse before the ships
leave New York on the same day is the smallest num-
ber that contains all the numbers, 12, 16, and 20 as
factors; that is, the least common multiple. Since the
least common multiple of 12, 16 and 20 is 240, the num-
ber of days that will elapse before the ships leave New
York on the same day again is 240. Consequently, the
first ship makes 240 -7- 12 = 20 trips, the second ship
makes 240 -7- 16 = 15 trips, and the third ship makes
240 -7- 20 = 12 trips.

57. the wise farmer

Draw a line from point A perpendicular to the nearest
point on the bank of the West River, and denote this
point by S, then extend line AS exactly twice its length
to point A' so that lines AS and A'S are equal. In a
similar manner, construct a perpendicular line from
point B to point R on the nearest bank of the East
River and extend this line twice its length to point B'
106 Mathematical Teasers
so that lines BR and B'R are equal. Draw a line con-
necting A' and B', and denote its point of intersection
with the bank of the West River containing point S as
P, and its point of intersection with the bank of the
East River containing point R as P'. Then the line
APP'B equals line A'B' and is, therefore, the shortest
distance for Paul's route.

58. a train of thought

220 yards; 45 miles per hour. To pass completely
through the station, the train must travel a distance
equal to the length of the station plus its own length. To
pass the man in 10 seconds, the train must travel a dis-
tance equal to its own length in that time. Hence,
24 - 10, or 14 seconds, is the time it takes the train to
travel 308 yards. From this it follows that the distance
traveled by the train in 1 second is 308 --:-- 14 = 22 yards.
Therefore, the length of the train must be 22 X 10 =
220 yards, and, since there are 1760 yards in a mile,
the train's speed is (60 X 60 X 22) --:-- 1760 = 45 miles
per hour.

59. passing trains

24 -& miles per hour. The relative speed of the two
trains when moving in opposite directions is (500 +
300) --:-- 10 = 80 feet per second. Their relative speeds
when moving in the same direction are (500 - 300) --:--
25 = 8 feet per second. Therefore, the speed of the
faster than is ~ (80 + 8) = 44 feet per second, or
(44 X 60 X 60) --:-- 5280 = 30 miles per hour, and the
speed of the slower is i (80 - 8) = 36 feet per second.
or (36 X 60 X 60) --:-- 5280 = 24& miles per hour.
Teasers for the Mathematicians 107

60. traveling salesmen

42 days. The number of days that will elapse before the
salesmen leave the office on the same day is the smallest
number that contains all of the numbers 7, 14, and 21
as factors; that is, the least common mUltiple of these
numbers, which is 42 days.

61. tinker's boast

10 pounds. For the pieces to be of equal weight and for
the weight to be as great as possible, the greatest num-
ber which is a factor common to all the numbers 650,
680, and 760 must be found; that is, the greatest com-
mon divisor of these numbers, which is 10.

62. cheese ca kes

7.14 inches (approx). Let 5x = radius of the top,
then 3x = radius of the bottom. The kettle is a
frustum of a cone and its volume is V = ih(B +
S + VBB>, where h is the altitude, S the area of upper
base, and B the area of lower base. Here, h =
B = 91TX2 and S = 251TX 2 , so that BS = 225rx 4
and '\/BS = 151TX2. Hence,
V = H12) (91TX2 + 251Tr + 151TX2) = 1961TX2,
Since seven less than a score of gallons is 13 gallons
and 1 gallon is 231 cubic inches, V = 13 X 231 = 3003
cubic inches. Hence, it follows that 1961TX2 =3003.
Letting 11' = ¥ (approx), then x = 2.21. Therefore,
the radius of top is 5x = 5 X 2.21 = 11.05 inches,
and the radius of bottom is 3x = 3 X 2.38 = 7.14
inches (approx).
108 Mathematical Teasers

63. divide and succeed

The sum of the subtrahends and the remainder is equal
to the dividend; hence, the dividend is 690 + 2415 +
2070 + 1 = 95221. The divisor must be the greatest
number which is a factor common to all the subtra-
hends; that is, the greatest common divisor of 690,
2415, and 2070, which is 345. Therefore, the divisor is
345 and the quotient 276 can now be found by actual
division. Thus,




64. time on our hands

1~3 minute gained each hour. At 12 o'clock, the minute
and hour hands are together. One hour, or 60 minutes,
later the minute hand is again at 12 :00, but the hour
hand is at 1 :00, which is 5 minutes farther on. Thus,
for the minute hand to catch the hour hand, it must
travel from 12 :00 to 1 :00, or 5 minutes, plus any addi-
tional time traveled by the hour hand from 1 :00 due
to the minute hand's movement. Since the distance
traveled by the minute hand is 12 times that traveled
by the hour hand, the time traveled by the minute hand
from 12 :00 is equal to 12 times that traveled by the
Teasers for the Mathematicians 109
hour hand from 1 :00. But the time traveled by the
minute hand from 12 :00 is equal to the time traveled
by the hour hand from 1 :00 plus 5 minutes. Hence, 12
times the time traveled by the hour hand from 1 :00 is
equal to the time traveled by the hour hand from 1 :00
plus 5 minutes. It follows that 11 times the time
traveled by the hour hand from 1 :00 is 5 minutes;
hence, the time traveled by the hour hand from 1 :00
is 151 of a minute. Thus, if the watch keeps correct
time, the hands should be together every 65 -& minutes.
Therefore, the watch gains -& of a minute every 65
minutes, so that it gains fr -7- 65 =!t X fs = 1!3 of a
minute every minute, so that it gains l!a X 60 = 1~~
of a minute every hour.

65. square peg in round hole

4V2inches. The diagonals of a square are perpendicular
to each other and bisect the angles. Hence, angle OBC =
45° = angle BCO and angle BOC = 90°. The perpen-
dicular OE bisects BC and angle BOC. Thus, BE = !BC
and angle BOE = 45°. The sides and the hypotenuse
of a 45° right triangle are 1, 1, and v/2. Since OB = 4
inches and BE :OB = 1:y'2; then mJ 4
= ...!.-
and BE =
:. = _4_
\/2 2\72
= 2y'2. Therefore, the side of the square is
4y'2 inches.
110 Mathematical Teasers

66. a big cheese

55 pounds. Assume a circle containing a diameter of
the spherical cheese with radius is OL = 1; then the
area of the circle is 'TTr2 = 'TT. Let LP represent the
straight cut made by the merchant cutting arc LP = i
of the circumference. Then PLRS is an inscribed
square; OL = OP = OR = 1. In right triangle PLR,
(RP)2 = (RL)2 + (LP)2 = 2 (LP)2. But the diameter
RP =2, hence 22 = 2 (LP)2, or 2 = (LP)2, and LP =
yI2. It follows that the area of the shaded segment =
t(area of circle - area of square) = i('TT - 2). Thus,
if W equals the weight of cheese, then t('TT - 2) : 7T =
5:W and W = 57T -;- t('TT - 2). Assuming 'TT = ¥
(approx), then W = 55 pounds.

67. said the spider to the fly

Path c; 40 feet. Consider the room as if it were a card-
board box cut open and spread on top of a table. The
figure shows the three possible ways for the spider to
crawl to the fly by a straight path: path a, straight
across the floor and up the opposite wall, which is 42
feet; path b, the hypotenuse of the right triangle SMF,
where SM= 37 feet and FM = 17 feet, hence SF =
V37 2+ =172 40.71 feet (approx) ; path c, the hypot-
Teasers for the Mathematicians 111

enuse of the right triangle SMF, where SM equals 32

feet and FM = 24 feet, so that the hypotenuse SF =
y322 + 242 = 40 feet .
.. --2----..------ 30- - - --~--12--~
West Wall East Wall T
I +30+ II =42 I
S* 1---------- - - - ! 12
Floor I I
SPi?er Fly I

North Wall
'Z. .\"\.\1)..'.........
1\ FI~F

:;. I
West Wall ......... I
I:::::..~ __ FIOO~ _ _ _
S* --1M

Ceiling East Wall


.,,'' #
~/ I
'1."./ I
rz,o.;, I
~rz,y I
West Wall ,//
./ Floor
s* --------- JM
112 Mathematical Teasers

68. a walking race

a) 3 hours. To be on the same line again, each boy must
walk halfway around the track. Therefore, Tony's time
will be (i Xi) -7- 3~ = 315 of an hour; Chris's time
will be (! X -!) -7- 4 = i2 of an hour; Paul's time will
be (i X t) -7- 5 = :0 of an hour. The shortest time
elapsing before all three boys are on the straight line
again at the same time is the smallest number which
contains all the fractions if; , i2, and fo- as factors; that
is, their least common multiple. To find the least
common mUltiple of 3~ , 312 ' and :0 express these frac-
tions with the same least common denominator. Thus,
if; , 3~' and :0 are equivalent to 1~;" 1~~0' and li~o' respec-
tively. The least common multiple of 32, 35, and 42 is
3360 and 3360 1120
= 3•

b) 6 hours. The times required for Tony, Chris, and

Paul to walk entirely around are twice those obtained
in a, or 15, ft' and to of an hour, respectively. As be-
fore, the shortest time elapsing before the three are at
their respective starting points is the least common
multiple of 15, ft' and to. These fractions are equivalent
t o 560'
32 3"
56~' an d 560'
42 .
smce th'
elr leas t denomma-
common .
tor is 560. The least common mUltiple of 32, 35, and 42
is 3360', hence , 3360520 = 6 •

69. "time discovers truth"

2 hours and 46 fa minutes. In 2 hours from the time
the man leaves his office, the minute hand will be at the
same place that it was when he had left and the hour
hand will have moved n, or i, the distance around the
dial. Since the hands had changed places on his return,
the time over 2 hours will be the time that it would
take for the combined movement of both hands to go
H, or t, of the distance around the dial. Since the
Teasers for the Mathematicians 113

minute hand moves 12 times as fast as the hour hand,

the ratio of the distance traveled by the minute hand to
that traveled by the hour hand is 12: 1; therefore, the
minute hand moves over ~ of the distance, or ~ X ~ X
60 = 46ft. Therefore, he was away from the office 2
hours and 46-& minutes.

70. "the stuff that life is made of"

a) 55-& minutes. The time spent for lunch is equal to
the distance around the dial traveled by the minute
hand plus the distance traveled by the hour hand which
is equal to 1 complete revolution. Since the minute hand
travels 12 times faster than the hour hand, the ratio
of the distance traveled by the minute hand to that
traveled by the hour hand is 12: 1. Since the distance
traveled around the dial by the minute hand is *
revolution and the distance traveled by the hour hand
of a

is...!. 12 X 60 = 55J!-3 minutes.

13 of a revolution, la 1

b) ls:a minute past 1 o'clock. Since the minute hand

travels 12 times faster than the hour hand, then the
distance between them was H of the distance of the
minute hand from 12 :00, the zero point. Hence, the time
the man left for lunch is H of the distance which is ta of

a revolution. Therefore, the distance is
revolution, which is
* of k of a
X ta X 60 = 5 1: 3 minutes past
12 :00. It then follows that the time when he came back
is 51~3 55-& = 601~~ minutes after 12 :00; that is, 1~
of a minute past 1 o'clock.

71. traffic iam

The car. Let 4d = the length of the detour in feet.
Then, the car has gone 3d feet along the detour route,
while the truck has gone only a distance of d feet. If it
114 Mathematical Teasers

takes the car t minutes to travel 3d feet, then it takes

the truck 3t minutes to travel d feet.

Suppose the car backs up first. Since the car travels

backward at one third its forward speed, it will require
3t minutes to back up out of the detour. In the mean-
time, the truck travels forward a distance of 3d feet
and, since the truck travels at 3t minutes for d feet,
it will take the truck 3t X 3 = 9t minutes to reach the
end of the detour where the car is waiting. If the car
starts immediately to cross the detour, since the car
travels 3d feet in t minutes, it will travel 4d feet in lit
minutes; hence, this operation would take 9t + 1H =
lOH minutes.

If the truck backs up first, since the truck travels at

one third its forward speed, it will take the truck
3 X 3t = 9t minutes to back up to the beginning of
the detour. The car will arrive at the end of the detour
at the same time. If the truck starts immediately to
cross the detour, since the truck travels d feet in 3t
minutes, it will travel 4d feet in l2t minutes; hence,
this operation would take 9t + l2t = 2lt minutes.
Therefore, it would be better for the car to back out
of the detour first.

72. homework
6 days. Since each day the students will do twice the
number of problems already done, when one third of the
problems are done at the end of 5 days, the students
will do two thirds of the problems the next day; hence,
they will complete the assignment in one more day.
Therefore, it will take them 6 days.
chapter 4
teasers for the wizard

1. making a number divisible

by three
Write a number of as many digits as you please and I
shall name a single digit that may be placed before,
after, or anywhere within the number making it exactly
divisible by 3. Suppose you write 765932. Then I shall
put a 1 before, after, or anywhere within the number
so that the new number is exactly divisible by 3. Thus,
1765932, 7651932, 7659321, etc. are all exactly divisible
by 3. - -

2. making a number divisible

by nine
Write a number of as many digits as you please and I
shall name a single digit that may be placed before,

116 Mathematical Teasers
after, or anywhere within the number making it exactly
divisible by 9. Suppose you write 765932, then I shall
put a 4 before, after, or anywhere within the number
so that the new number is exactly divisible by 9. Thus,
4765932, 7645932, 7659324, etc. are all exactly divisible
by9. - -

3. making a number divisible

by eleven
Write a number consisting of any number of digits and
I shall name an integer that may be added to (or sub-
tracted from) this number that makes it exactly divisi-
ble by 11. Suppose you write 765932, then I shall add 9
to this number; thus, 765932 + 9 = 765941 which is
exactly divisible by 11. If you write 639527, then I shall
subtract 9 from this number; thus, 639527 - 9 =
639518 which is exactly divisible by 11.

4. given one digit of a two-digit

remainder, reveal the other digit
Choose a number consisting of two digits such that the
difference between the two digits is greater than 1 and
write this number on a piece of paper without letting
anyone see what you have written. Form a new num-
ber by reversing the order of the digits and find the
difference between the two numbers. Now, if you will
tell me one of the digits of the difference, I shall tell
you the other digit. For example, write 84 without let-
ting anyone see what you have written. Form the new
number 48 by reversing the digits and find the differ-
ence, 84 - 48 = 36. If you will tell me either one of
these two digits 6 or 3, I shall name the other digit.
Teasers for the Wizard 117

5. given the unit's (or hundred's)

digit of a three-digit remainder,
reveal the other two digits
Choose any number consisting of three digits such that
the hundred's and unit's digits differ by more than 1
and write this number on a piece of paper without
letting me see what you have written. Reverse the
digits to form a new number and find the difference
between these two numbers. Tell me the unit's (or the
hundred's) digit in the difference and I shall tell you
the other two digits.
Suppose you write 623. Reverse the digits to form a
new number 326 and find the difference 623 - 326 =
297. If you tell me the unit's digit is 7, I shall im-
mediately tell you the ten's digit is 9 and the hundred's
digit is 2.

6. revealing the crossed-out

digit #1
Write any number without letting me see it and fonn
a new number by reversing the digits. Find the dif-
ference between these two numbers and cross out any
digit in this difference. Tell me the sum of the re-
maining digits in the difference and I shall disclose the
crossed-out digit.
Suppose you write 5493, form the new number 3945 by
reversing the digits, and find the difference 5493 -
3945 = 1548. Now suppose you cross out the 5. The
sum of the remaining digits in the difference is 1 + 4 +
8 = 13. Tell me this sum 13 and I shall immediately
disclose that the crossed-out digit is 5.
118 Mathematical Teasers

7. revealing the crossed-out

digit #2
Write any number without letting anyone see it, sub-
tract the sum of its digits, and cross out any digit in the
difference. Tell me the sum of the remaining digits in
the difference and I shall disclose the crossed-out digit.

Suppose you write 45376. The sum of its digits is 4 +

5 + 3 + 7 + 6 25. Find the difference 45376 - 25
= =
45351. Now suppose you cross out the 3. The sum of
the remaining digits is 4 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 15. Tell me this
sum 15 and I shall immediately disclose that the
crossed-out digit is 3.

8. lightning calculator #1
Write two numbers of four digits each on a piece of
paper and I shall quickly write two other numbers of
four digits each; then I shall immediately write the
sum of the four numbers on another piece of paper.
I can also predict the answer and write the sum before
you write the two numbers, without letting anyone
see it.

You write 5436


I write 2317

The sum 19998

I shall now reveal that the number I have written on

the other piece of paper is the sum 19998.
Teasers for the Wizard 119

9. lightning calculator #2
I ask you to write four numbers of four digits each,
one under the other. I shall then write four numbers of
four digits each under the four numbers you have
120 Mathematical Teasers
written. Now I can immediately write the sum of all
eight numbers,

You write 4327


I write 5672

The sum 39996

I now reveal that the number is the sum 39996.

10. lightning calculator #3

I ask you to write three numbers of four digits each
one under the other so that one number has the unit's
digit greater then one. I shall write two numbers of
four digits each beneath them, then I shall immediately
write the total sum.

You write 7123


I write 2876

The sum 22633

11. revealing the remainder

Write any number without letting me see it. Divide
this number by 9 and tell me the remainder. Multiply
Teasers for the Wizard 121
the original number by a digit which I name and divide
the resulting product by 9. Then I shall tell you the

Suppose you write 134 and divide by 9 obtaining the

remainder 8. Then multiply 134 by the digit 7, which I
name, obtaining the product 938 and divide this product
by 9. Without seeing your work, I shall reveal that the
remainder is 2.

12. revealing the difference

between digits
Write a number containing two digits without letting
me see it. Form a new number by reversing the order
of the digits and find the difference between the two
numbers. Tell me the difference between the two num-
bers and I shall tell you the difference between the
digits of the number you wrote.

Suppose you write 91, obtain 19 by reversing the order

of the digits, and tell me the difference 91 - 19 = 72.
I shall immediately reveal that the difference between
the two digits of the number that you wrote is 8.

13. telepathy #1
Without letting me see it, write a number of four digits
such that the digits decrease by one from left to right.
Reverse the order of the digits, obtaining a new number
and subtract this number from the original one. Then
I, the wizard, can read your mind and, without seeing
your work, I can tell you what the difference is.

Suppose you write 7654, reverse the digits to form a

new number 4567, and find the difference 7654 - 4567
= 3087. Without seeing any of your work, I can read
your mind and reveal that the difference is 3087.
122 Mathematical Teasers
Teasers for the Wizard 123

14. telepathy #2
Without letting anyone see it, write any number of
three digits such that the digits decrease by one from
left to right. Reverse the order of the digits and obtain
a new number, then subtract this number from the
original one. Now I, the wizard, can read your mind
and, without seeing your work, I can tell you what the
difference is.

Suppose you write 765, reverse the digits to form a new

number 567, and find the difference 765 - 567 = 198.
Without seeing any of your work I can read your mind
and disclose that the difference is 198.

15. revealing an erased digit

Without letting anyone see it, write any integer of
three or more digits. Divide by 9 and tell me the re-
mainder. Erase one digit of the original number to
form a new number. Divide this new number by 9 and
tell me the remainder. I will immediately tell you the
digit you erased.

Suppose you write 753, divide 753 by 9, and tell me the

remainder 6; then erase the 3 obtaining 75. Now divide
75 by 9 and tell me the remainder, 3; I shall im-
mediately reveal that the digit you erased is 3.

16. telepathy #3
Without letting me see it, write any number of three
digits such that the difference between the hundred's
and the unit's digits exceeds 1. Form a new number by
reversing the order of the digits and subtract it from
124 Mathematical Teasers
the original number, finding their difference. Form
another number by reversing the order of the digits in
the difference; then add this number to the difference.
Without seeing your work I, the wizard, can read your
mind and tell you the result.

Suppose you write 642, form the new number 246 by

reversing the order of the digits, and find the difference
642 - 246 = 396. Then form new number 693 by
reversing the order of the digits in the difference and
find the sum 396 + 693 = 1089. Without seeing any of
your work, I can read your mind and tell you that the
result is 1089.

17. telepathy #4
Without letting me see it, write any number of four
digits such that the digits decrease from left to right,
form a new number by reversing the order of the digits,
and subtract it from the original number, finding the
difference; then form another new number by revers-
ing the order of the digits in the difference and add this
number to the previous difference. Without seeing your
work I can read your mind and tell you the result.

Suppose you write 8643, form 3468 by reversing the

order of the digits, and find the difference 8643 - 3468
= 5175. Now form another new number 5715 by re-
versing the order of the digits in the difference and
find the sum 5175 + 5715 = 10890. Without seeing any
of your work, I can read your mind and tell you the
result is 10890.

18. revealing a number #1

Write any integer, or whole number, on a piece of paper
without letting me see what you have written. Square
Teasers for the Wizard 125
this integer; then square the next larger' integer. Tell
me the difference between these squares and I shall tell
you the number that you originally selected.

Suppose you write 11, s9uare 11 to obtain 121, and

square 12 to get 144. Tell me the difference 144 - 121
= 23 and I shall immediately tell you that the number
you selected is 11.

19. revealing a number #2

Write any whole number of two digits without letting
anyone see it. MUltiply the ten's digit by 2, add 1, multi-
ply by 5 and add the unit's digit. Then tell me the result
of these operations and I shall tell you the number you
had originally selected.

Suppose you choose 98. Multiply the ten's digit 9 by 2

and add 1; thus, (9 X 2) + 1 = 19, multiply by 5, and
add the unit's digit 8; thus, (19 X 5) + 8 = 103. Tell
me this result 103 and I shall immediately reveal that
the number you selected is 98.

20. revealing a number #3

Without letting me see it, write a number consisting of
three digits. Multiply the hundred's digit by 2 and add
1; now multiply this result by 5, add the ten's digit,
mUltiply by 10, and add the unit's digit. Then tell me
the result and I shall immediately reveal the number
you selected.

Suppose you choose 435. Multiply the hundred's digit

by 2, and add 1; thus, (4 X 2) + 1 = 9. Then multiply
9 by 5, add the ten's digit 3, and multiply by 10; thus,
[(9 X 5) + 3] X 10 = 480. Finally, add the unit's
126 Ma thema tical Teasers

digit 5. Now tell me the result 480 +

5 = 485 and I
shall immediately reveal that the number you selected
is 435.

21. revealing a number #4

Write any number of two digits without telling me
what you have written and square this number. Add 6
to the original number selected and square the result.
N ow find the difference between the squares. Then tell
me the result and I shall reveal the original number

Suppose you write 53, square 53 to obtain 2809, add 6

to 53 to get 59, and square 59 to obtain 3481. Tell me
the difference between the two squares 3481 - 2809 =
672 and I shall reveal that the original number selected
is 53.

22. revealing the crossed-out

digit #3
Write two or more numbers containing the same num-
ber of digits one under the other and I shall write as
many numbers under them. I shall then retire, asking
you to cross out any digit except 0 in any of the num-
bers and find the sum of all the numbers, both yours
and mine, not adding the crossed-out digit. Now tell
me the sum of the digits in the sum that you obtain and
I shall reveal the digit that you crossed out.

Suppose you write ~~~; then I write ;:k and you cross
out the 5 in 456 and add. Thus,
Teasers for the Wizard 127


The sum of the digits in this sum is 1 + 9 + 4 + 8 =

22. Tell me this sum 22 and I shall immediately reveal
that the crossed-out digit is 5.

23. finding a person's age

If the person is older than you:

1) Write down a number containing as many nines

as there are digits in your age.
2) Subtract your age.
3) Ask the other person to add the result obtained
in 2) to his age without letting you see it.
4) Tell the other person to cancel the left-hand
digit and add it to the remaining digits.
5) Ask the other person to tell you the result in 4),
and you can immediately reveal his age.

Assume that you are 19; then write down 99 and sub-
tract 19, which leaves 80. Suppose the other person is
21, then he finds the sum 80 + 21 = 101. Cancel the
left-hand digit 1 and add it to 01; thus, 01 + 1 = 2.
Then let him tell you that his result is 2 and you will im-
mediately reveal that his age is 21.

If the other person is younger than you, add your age

in step 2) and ask him to subtract his age in step 3).
Thus, if you are 23, write 99 + 23 = 112. Suppose he
is 19, then 112 - 19 = 103. Cancel the left-hand digit
1 and add it to 03; thus, 03 + 1 = 4. Let him tell you
128 Mathematical Teasers
that his result is 4 and you will immediately reveal his
age is 19.

24. revealing the crossed-out

digit #4
Write two or more numbers containing the same num-
ber of digits and I shall write a number consisting of
as many digits. Then I shall retire, asking you to cross
out any digit except 0 in anyone of the numbers and
find the sum of the numbers (not adding the crossed-
out digit). Tell me the sum of the digits in the sum you
obtained and I shall reveal the digit which you have
crossed out.

You write 4136


I write 6787

The sum is 19298

Now suppose you cross out the 7 in 2754 and add (not
adding the crossed-out digit) to obtain the sum 19298,
as shown above. The sum of the digits in the sum is
1 + + + +
9 2 9 8 = 29. Tell me this sum 29 and I
shall immediately reveal that the crossed-out digit is 7.

25. revea ling the crossed-out

digit #5
Write as many numbers or columns of digits as you like.
I shall then write a column consisting of some digits
Teasers for the Wizard 129
and place this column above, below, on the left, or on
the right of the numbers you wrote, wherever you in-
dicate. I shall now retire and ask you to cross out any
digit except 0 in anyone of these numbers, find the sum
of these numbers (not adding the crossed-out digit),
and tell me the sum of the digits in this sum. Then I
shall immediately reveal the crossed-out digit.

Suppose you write 328 I write 5

462 6
512 4
104 4
615 6

The sum is 2013 5

Suppose you cross out the 7 in 5724 and add (not add-
ing the crossed-out digit) to obtain the sum 20135, as
shown above. The sum of the digits in this sum is
2 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 11. Tell me this sum 11, and I
shall immediately reveal that the crossed out digit is 7.

In fact, I shall write only a few digits instead of a

whole column of digits and place these digits above,
below, on the left, or on the right of your numbers,
wherever you like.

Suppose this time I write the digits on the left.

You write 328

I write 6 572
4 104
6 615

The sum is 18 011

As before, you cross out the 7 in 6572 and add (not
adding the crossed-out digit) to obtain the sum 18011,
130 Mathematical Teasers
as shown above. The sum of the digits of this sum is
1 + 8+ 0 + 1 + 1 = 11. Tell me this sum 11 and I shall
immediately reveal that the crossed-out digit is 7.

26. a magic square

The square array of numbers shown below consists of
six rows, six columns, and two main diagonals, form-
ing 14 numbers of six digits each.

234 8 6 4
472 365
824 148
6 5 8 4 1 3
5 6 2 374
2 4 7 8 3 3
You may choose anyone of the following options and
I shall restore the digit, or digits, erased.

1) Erase any digit.

2) Erase any two digits.
3) Erase any three digits.
4) Erase any digit in each column.
5) Erase any digit in each row.
6) Erase any digit in each diagonal.
7) Erase all digits in any column.
8) Erase all digits in any row.
9) Erase all digits in either diagonal.
10) Erase all digits in any column and diagonal.
11) Erase all digits in any row and diagonal.
12) Erase all digits in both diagonals.
13) Rearrange the digits of any row, column, or
diagonal, omitting one digit.

27. dad, the wizard

A boy had a box containing eight blocks numbered 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, respectively. He was playing in his
Teasers for the Wizard 131
play room with the blocks when he discovered that one
block was missing, so he asked his Dad, "One of my
blocks is missing; all the blocks are in the play room
except blocks 2 and 7, which are in my bed room. Can
you tell me which one is missing without leaving your
den to look at the blocks?" "Sure," said his father.
"Tell Mon to add all the numbers on the blocks in the
play room, then tell me the sum of the digits in this
sum and I shall give you the number of the missing
block." How did the boy's father find the number of
the missing block?

28. a guessing game

Have a number of persons select anyone of the num-
bers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 and write his choice on a
piece of paper, so that no one can see what it is. Then
each person takes the eight remaining digits, finds their
sum, and then adds the digits in this and succeeding
sums repeatedly until he obtains a single digit. Each
person then writes the resulting digit on a piece of
paper bearing his name. I shall then read the name of
the person and reveal the number he selected.

Suppose William Thomas selects 6 and writes it on a

piece of paper. He then adds the remaining digits 1 +
2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 39 and then writes the
sum 3 + 9 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3; that is, he writes William
Thomas 3 on another piece of paper. I shall then read
his name and reveal the number that he selected is 6.

29. revealing the crossed-out

digit #6
Without letting me see it, write a number with four
digits, find the sum of these digits, form a new num-
132 Mathematical Teasers

ber by crossing out anyone digit in the original num-

ber, and take the difference between the new number
and the sum of the digits in the original number. Then
tell me the difference and I shall reveal the crossed-out

Suppose you write 8136. The sum of its digits is 8 +

1 + 3 + 6 = 18. Now, you cross out the 3 in 8136 and
obtain 816. Find the difference 816 - 18 = 798. Tell
me this difference 798 and I shall reveal that the
crossed-out digit is 3.

30. given one digit of a four-digit

number, reveal the other three
I turn my back and ask you to write any digit from 1
to 9, inclusive. Multiply this digit by 10, add the
original digit, and mUltiply the result by 9 and then by
11. Tell me the last digit in the result and, with my
back still turned, I shall reveal the other three digits.

Suppose you write 7, then multiply by 10, and add the

original digit; thus (7 X 10) + 7 = 77. Then mUltiply
by 9 and by 11 to obtain (77 X 9) X 11 = 693 X 11 =
7623. Tell me the last digit 3 and I shall reveal that
the other three digits in the result are 2, 6, and 7, in
this order from right to left.

31. guessing the total thrown

with two dice
While I have my back turned, you throw two dice on a
table, add the numbers that turn up, and write their sum
Teasers for the Wizard 133
on a piece of paper. Pick up anyone die without disturb-
ing the other and add the number on the opposite face
to the sum previously obtained. Throw this one die
again and add the number that turns up to the last
sum, obtaining a final sum. I then turn around, pick up
the dice, and reveal the final sum obtained.

Assume that you throw ~F.I

You then write 4 + 3 = 7 on a piece of paper. Now
suppose you pick up the die that turned up 3. the
number on the opposite face is 4, so you add 7 + 4 =
11. Throw this one die again and suppose a 6 turns up;
add this 6 to 11 to get 17. I then turn around, pick up
the dice, and reveal that the final sum is 17.

32. 9 uessi ng the th row with

two dice #1
While my back is turned throw two dice on a table and
keep in mind the two numbers that turn up. Select any
one of these numbers, multiply it by 5, add 7 to the
product, multiply this sum by 2, and, finally, add to this
result the other number that turned up. Tell me this
final sum and I shall tell you the two numbers originally

Suppose you throw

Now suppose you select 3, multiply 3 X 5 = 15, add 7
to the product 15 + 7 = 22, and multiply this sum
by 2; thus, 22 X 2 = 44. Finally, add to this product
the other number 5 that turned up to get 44 + 5 = 49.
Tell me this final sum 49 and I shall reveal that you
originally threw a 3 and a 5.
134 Ma thema tical Teasers

33. guessing the throw with

two dice #2
I turn my back and ask you to throw two dice on a
table and write the numbers that turn up in order from
left to right. Then write to the right of these digits
and in the same order the number on the opposite faces
of the dice, obtaining a four-digit number, and divide
this four-digit number by 11. Tell me the result and I
shall reveal the throw and the order of the numbers that
turned up.

Suppose you throw I-7l

You then write 54. The corresponding numbers on the
opposite faces are 23. Thus, you write 5423 and divide
5423 by 11 to obtain 493. Tell me this result and I shall
reveal that the original throw was 9 and that the order
of the throw was 5, 4.

34. guessing the total thrown

with three dice #1
While I have my back turned, throw three dice on a
table. Add the numbers that turn up and write the
sum on a piece of paper. Pick up anyone die without
disturbing the others and add the number on the op-
posite face to the sum previously obtained. Throw this
die once again and add the number that turns up to
the new sum. I shall then turn around, pick up the dice,
and tell you the final sum.

Suppose you throw

. .e [J
[J I-7l
You then write 4 + 1 + 5 = 10 on a piece of paper and
suppose you pick up the middle die. The number on the
Teasers for the Wizard 135

bottom of this die is 6. Add it to 10, obtaining 10 + 6 =

16. Throw this die again and suppose you get 4 this
time. Add this 4 to 16 to get 16 + 4 = 20. I turn around,
pick up the dice, and reveal that the final sum is 20.

35. guessing the total thrown

with three dice #2
While I have my back turned, throw three dice on a
table, add the numbers that turn up, and write this
136 Mathematical Teasers
sum on a piece of paper. Pick up any two dice without
disturbing the other die and add the numbers on the
opposite face of these dice to the sum previously ob-
tained. Throw these two dice again and add the num-
bers that turn up to the new sum. I shall then turn
around, pick up the dice, and tell you the final sum.

Suppose you throw F.lFlr;-;]

L..:J ~ ~
You then write 3 + 2 + 4 = 9 on a piece of paper and
pick up the two dice at the right. The number on the
opposite face from the 2 is 5 and the number opposite
4 is 3; add 5 and 3 to 9, obtaining 9 + 5 + 3 = 17.
Throw these two dice again and suppose you get 6 and
1. Add 6 and 1 to 17 to get 17 + 6 + 1 = 24. I then
turn around, pick up the dice, and reveal that the final
sum was 24.

36. guessing the throw with

three dice #1
I turn my back, ask you to throw three dice on a table,
and write the numbers that turn up on a piece of paper.
Select anyone of the three numbers that turn up.
Multiply this number by 2, add 1 to the product, multi-
ply this sum by 5, add anyone of the other two numbers
that turn up, multiply this sum by 10, add 7, and
finally, add the third number that turned up. Tell me
the result and I shall tell you the original throw.

Suppose you throw F.l1::lr;-;]

L..:J ~ ~
Now suppose you select 4; mUltiply 4 by 2 and add 1;
thus, (4 X 2) + 1 = 9. Multiply this sum 9 by 5; sup-
pose you now select 2 and add to obtain (9 X 5) + 2 =
Teasers for the Wizard 137
47. Multiply 47 by 10 and add 7; thus, 47 X 10 + 7 =
477. Finally, add the third number 6 to obtain 477 + 6
= 483. Tell me this final result and I shall reveal that
the throw was 2, 4, and 6.

37. guessing the throw with

th ree dice #2
I turn my back, ask you to throw three dice on a table,
and write the numbers that turn up in order from left
to right. Then to the right of these digits and in the
same order write the numbers on the opposite faces of
the dice, obtaining a six-digit number. Divide this six-
digit number by 37, and then divide the quotient ob-
tained by 3. Tell me the result and I shall reveal the
original throw.

Suppose you throw Fl~~

L.!J ~ ~
You then write 245; the corresponding numbers on the
opposite faces are 532. Thus, write 245532, divide
245532 by 37 to obtain 6636, and divide this quotient
6636 by 3 to get 2212. Tell me this result 2212 and I
shall reveal that the original throw was 2, 4, and 5.

38. guessing the total in a column

of th ree dice
I turn my back and ask you to place three dice, one on
top of the other, as follows: 1) Place the first die on a
table after writing on a piece of paper the number on
the face of this die that touches the table, 2) place a
138 Mathematical Teasers
second die on top of the first after adding the numbers
on the faces of the first and second die that are touch-
ing, 3) add this sum to the number on the face of the
first die that touches the table, obtaining a new sum,
4) place a third die on top of the second after adding
the numbers on the faces of the second and third dice
that are touching, and 5) add this sum to the new sum
obtained in step 3 to get a final sum. I shall then turn
around, cover the column of dice with my hand, and
reveal the final sum you obtained.

Assume that 1) the number on the face of the first die

touching the table is 4 and 2) the sum of the numbers
on the faces of the first and second dice that are touch-
ing is 2 + 3 = 5. 3) Add this sum 5 to the number 4
obtained in step 1, arriving at the new sum 5 + 4 = 9.
4) The sum of the numbers on the faces of the second
and third dice that are touching is 6 + 5 = 11. 5) Add
11 to the new sum obtained in step 3, getting the final
sum 11 + 9 = 20. I shall then turn around, cover the
dice with my hand, and disclose that this sum is 20.

39. guessing the hour #1

I ask you to think of some hour and then to touch
another hour on the face of my watch. Then beginning
with the hour you touched, start counting to yourself
from the hour you thought of and tap each successive
hour marked on the face of my watch going in a
counterclockwise direction and making the number of
taps I tell you to make. When you stop you will be at
the hour you thought of.

Suppose you think of IV and touch VIII. Then you tap

successively VIII, VII, VI, V, etc. while counting to
yourself, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc., making 20 taps. When you stop
counting, you will be at the hour you thought of.
Teasers for the Wizard 139

40. guessing the hour #2

I ask you to think of some hour. This time, however, I
tell you that, beginning at some hour I name, you tap
each successive hour marked on the face of the watch
the number of taps that I tell you to make going in a
counterclockwise direction. Start counting to yourself
from the hour you thought of and you will stop at that

Suppose you think of III, and I tell you to begin at IX

and tap successively IX, VIII, VII, VI, etc. while count-
ing to yourself 4, 5, 6, 7, etc. until you reach 22. You
will then be at III, which is the hour you thought of.

41. guessing the card

I give you a deck of 52 cards, ask you to shuffle them,
and then place the deck on a table. You select one of
the first 10 cards and remember both the card selected
and its number from the top of the deck without re-
vealing this information. Then replace the card in its
former position in the deck. I shall pick up the deck,
reverse the order of the top 10 cards, and transfer 15
cards from the bottom to the top of the deck. This may
be done by dealing the cards. I shall then give the deck
back to you and ask you to count to a certain number,
beginning with the top card and starting the count
with the number following the number indicating the
original position of the card you selected. You will
then have the card you originally selected.

Suppose you choose the 7th card from the top and
it is the 8 of diamonds. You replace the card in its
original position, which is the 7th from the top. I then
pick up the deck, reverse the order of the top 10 cards,
and transfer 15 cards from the bottom to the top by
140 Mathematical Teasers
dealing them out. Then I return the deck to you and ask
you to count to 26 beginning with the top card and
starting the count with the number following 7 which is
the number indicating the original position of the card
you selected. Thus, the top card is counted 8, the next
one, 9, etc. When you reach 26 you will have the 08.

42. guessing the total sum of a

number of cards
I turn my back and tell you to place a card face down
on the table. Form a pile of cards by placing as many
other cards as necessary from the deck to make the
number of the card at the bottom and the number of
cards placed upon it total 12. The honor cards are
usually assigned the value 10. Another pile is then
formed in the same manner and the operation is re-
peated until the deck is used up. Then I turn around,
ask you for the cards left over, and tell you the sum of
the numbers on the bottom cards.

Suppose you place a 5 on the table and then put seven

additional cards on top of the 5 to form the first pile.
Suppose you form the next pile by placing a 2 on the
table and ten additional cards on top of this 2. Then
a 4, and eight additional cards to form the third pile;
then a 3 and nine additional cards for the fourth pile.
Finally an ace and eleven additional cards for the fifth
pile. I turn around, ask for the 2 cards left over, and
tell you that the sum of the numbers on the bottom
cards is 15.

43. revealing a card #1

Take any 16 cards from a deck of 52 and arrange
them in four rows and four columns; that is, form a
square of four columns each containing four cards.
Teasers for the Wizard 141
Without telling me, select and remember anyone of
the cards. Then I ask you to tell me in which row the
selected card lies and note and remember the extreme
left-hand card in that row. Beginning with the lowest
card in the first row, I pick up the cards in each
column face up, one at a time, taking the columns in
order from left to right and placing each card on top
of the one previously taken up. I then deal the cards
in rows of four each beginning with the top left-hand
corner. Tell me the row in which the card you selected
lies and I shall reveal the card you selected.

Suppose you arrange the 16 cards as shown in the

under array (below) and select the 8 of diamonds; you
then tell me it is in the third row. I note the extreme
left-hand card in this row is the 7 of diamonds and
pick up the cards starting with the jack of clubs, then
the 7 of diamonds, the 8 of hearts, the king of spades,
the ace of hearts, etc., placing each card on top of the
one previously taken up. Then I deal the cards in rows
of four each beginning with the top left-hand corner as
shown in the lower array. Tell me the card that you
selected is in the third row and I shall immediately take
up the 8 of diamonds .

•K 05 .6 .2
\18 .9 03 .10
08 .9
07 \14
\lA .Q 06

.Q 08 03 .6
06 .9 .10 .2
142 Ma thema tical Teasers

44. revealing a pair of cards

Take any 20 cards from a deck of 52 cards and ar-
range them on a table in ten pairs. Have one, or more
persons each select a pair without revealing his selec-
tion. I then take up the cards in pairs in any order
whatever. Next, I deal these cards out on a table in
four rows each containg five cards while I say to my-
self the magic words, "MUTUS DEDIT NOMEN
COCIS." Let anyone tell me the row, or rows, in which
the pair he selected is located and I shall immediately
reveal the pair he selected.

Assume that you have arranged ten pairs as shown

in the upper array (below), and suppose you select
(without telling me) the pair consisting of the 3 of
diamonds and the king of spades. I then take up the
pairs in any order whatever and deal them out on
the table, while saying to myself the magic words,
"MUTUS DEDIT NOMEN COCIS," as shown in the
lower array. If you tell me that the pair you selected is
in the second and third rows, I shall immediately tell
you that the pair is the 3 of diamonds and the king of

\lQ - oQ;
.3 - 06;
""9 - \18 ;
""3 - \lK;
\12 - ""4 ;
\19 - ""5
05 - .J ;
03 - .K; \17 - .6;

.7 - 09;

\19 \lQ .3 oQ ",,9


.K .J

\12 .6 ""4 .7 \18

Teasers for the Wizard 143

45. revea ling a ca rd #2

I take 27 cards from a deck of 52 and hold these cards
in my hand facing upward. I deal the cards face up
on a table in three piles of nine cards each as follows:
The top card of the pack that I hold in my hand is
dealt as the bottom card of the first pile, the second
card of the pack of 27 cards is dealt as the bottom
card of the second pile, the third card is dealt as the
bottom card of the third pile, the fourth card is dealt
as the second card of the first pile, the fifth as the
second card of the second pile, and so on.

As I deal the cards, I ask you to choose a card, without

letting me know your choice, and remember in which
pile it was located. After I finish dealing the cards, I
ask you to tell me in which pile your choice is located.
I then take up the three piles placing the pile you
indicated between the other two. I deal again, as be-
fore, and again ask you to tell me in which pile your
choice is located. Then I pick up the three new piles,
placing the pile you indicated between the other two.
Finally, I deal the cards in the same manner as before
and note the middle, or fifth, card in each pile. If you
then tell me which pile contains your choice, I shall tell
you which card it was.

46. the christians and turks

Josephus, the author of a Jewish History, escaped
death by working a problem similar to this one. When
the Roman emperor Vespasian captured Jotapat,
Josephus with forty other Jews had to hide in a cave.
All those in the cave decided to kill themselves rather
than fall into the hands of their conquerors. Not wish-
ing to go along with this decision, Josephus persuaded
144 Mathematical Teasers
the others that they should die by lot. He then sug-
gested that they should arrange themselves in a
circle and that every third person should be killed. He
arranged all those in the cave so that all of them were
killed except himself and another whom he might
easily destroy or persuade to yield to the Romans. In
the middle ages, this problem took the following form:
Fifteen Christians and fifteen Turks were carried as
passengers in a ship when they met a violent storm. It
was decided that to save the ship and crew, half of the
passengers had to be thrown overboard. To carry this
out equitably it was agreed that the passengers be
placed in a circle and every ninth man be cast into the
sea until one half of them had been thrown overboard.
The captain, being a Christian, arranged them so that
all Christians were saved. How did he arrange them?
Teasers for the Wizard 145

47. revealing a selected digit and

the age of a person
Choose any digit between 1 and 10, double this digit,
and add 5; then multi ply the result by 50, add 1719,
and substract the year in which you were born. Tell
me the result of your calculations and I shall reveal
the digit which you had chosen, as well as your age.

Suppose you choose 7 and you were born in 1928, then

the operations performed are 7 X 2 = 14, 14 + 5 = 19,
19 X 50 = 950, 950 + 1719 = 2669, and, since you
were born in 1928, then 2669 - 1928 = 741, which is
your final result. Tell me this result and I shall reveal
that the digit that you had chosen is 7, and that you are
41 years old.


1. making a number divisible

by three
The sum of the digits of 765932 is 7 + 6 + 5 + 9 + 3 +
2 = 32. Find the difference between 32 and the nearest
integral multiple of 3 which is greater than 32. Thus,
146 Mathematical Teasers
the nearest integral multiple of 3 greater than 32 is 33
and the difference, 33 - 32 = 1. The digit 1 can be
placed before, after, or anywhere within the number
765932 and the resulting number is divisible by 3. Thus,
1765932, 765!932, 7659321, etc. are divisible by 3.

Explanation. A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of

its digits is divisible by 3. * Hence, a digit must be
annexed to the given number such that the sum of the
digits of the new number is divisible by 3. This digit is
the difference between the sum of the digits of the
given number and the nearest integral multiple of 3,
which is greater than the number.

2. making a number divisible

by nine
The sum of the digits of 765932 is 7 + 6 + 5 + 9 +
3 + 2 = 32. Find the difference between 32 and the
nearest integral multiple of 9, which is greater than
32. Thus, the nearest integral multiple of 9 greater than
32 is 36. The difference, 36 - 32 = 4, hence a 4 can be
placed before, after, or anywhere within the number
765932 and the resulting number is divisible by 9. Thus,
!765932, 765!932, 765932!, etc. are divisible by 9.

Explanation. A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of

its digits is divisible by 9. Hence, a digit must be
annexed to the given number such that the sum of the
digits of the new number is divisible by 9. This digit is
the difference between the sum of the digits of the given
number and the nearest integral multiple of 9, which
is greater than the number.
* For a proof of the divisibility of a number by 3, 9, or 11,
see Julio A.Mira, Arithmetic Clear and Simple (New York:
Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1965), p. 159.
Teasers for the Wizard 147

3. making a number divisible

by eleven
The given number is 765932. The sum of the digits in
the odd places is 2 + 9 + 6 = 17. The sum of the digits
in the even places is 3 + 5 + 7 = 15. If the sum of the
digits in the odd places is greater than the sum of the
digits in the even places, as in this case, add the dif-
ference between these results, 17 - 15 = 2 and the
nearest integral mUltiple of 11, which is greater than 2.
That is, 11 - 2 = 9 is added to the given number;
thus, 765932 + 9 = 765941 which is divisible by 11.

If you write 639527, the sum of the digits in the odd

places is 7 + 5 + 3 = 15 and the sum of the digits in
the even places is 2 + 9 + 6 = 17. The difference is
17 - 15 = 2. If the sum of the digits in the odd places
is less than the sum of the digits in the even places,
subtract the difference between this result 17 - 15 =
2 and the nearest integral multiple of 11, which is
greater than 2 ; that is, 11 - 2 = 9 from the given num-
ber; thus, 639527 - 9 = 639518 which is divisible by

Explanation. Any number divided by 11 leaves the same

remainder as the difference between the sum of its
digits in the odd places and those in the even places
divided by 11. It then follows that a number is divisible
by 11 if the difference between the sum of its digits in
the odd places and those in the even places is either
divisible by 11 or equal to O.

If the sum of the digits in the odd places is greater than

the sum of the digits in the even places, the difference
between these sums is the remainder after dividing by
11. If we add to the given number the difference be-
tween the remainder and the nearest integral multiple
148 Mathematical Teasers
of 11, which is greater than this difference, then upon
dividing the new number by 11, it will have a remainder
of 0 and, therefore, is divisible by 11.

If the sum of the digits in the odd places is less than the
sum of the digits in the even places, the difference be-
tween these sums is the amount that the remainder
lacks from being 11. Thus, if we subtract from the
given number the difference between the amount that
the remainder lacks from being 11 and the nearest
integral mUltiple of 11, which is greater than this dif-
ference, then upon dividing the new number by 11, it
will have a remainder of 0; thus, it is divisible by 11.

4. given one digit of a two-digit

remainder, r&veal the other digit
If you write 84, then tne new number is 48. The dif-
ference is 84 - 48 = 36. Suppose you name the unit's
digit 6, then the other digit is the difference between 9
and this digit, which is 9 - 6 = 3; hence, the number
is 36.

Explanation. Any number divided by 9 leaves the same

remainder as the sum of its digits. Since the new num-
ber is formed by reversing the digits of the chosen
number, the two numbers consist of the same digits.
Thus, the sum of the digits of each of the two numbers
is the same; that is, they leave the same remainder
upon division by 9. Now, if nl and ~ denote the two
numbers and ql and q2 the respective quotients, then we
can let r represent the remainder in each case, since
it is the same for both. It follows that,

nl = 9ql +r
n2 = 9q2 +r
Teasers for the Wizard 149

That is to say, the difference nl - 'n:! is divisible by 9.

Hence, the sum of the digits of the difference is divisible
by 9, so that the sum of the digits in the difference must
equal 9 or some integral mUltiple of 9.

5. given the unit's (or hundred's)

digit of a three-digit remainder,
reveal the other two digits
If you write 623, then the new number is 326. The ten's
digit will always be the same for both numbers; hence,
the ten's digit in the difference 623 - 326 = 297 will
always be 9. Assume you name the unit's digit 7. The
hundred's digit is 9 - 7 = 2 and the number is 297.

Explanation. The number chosen and the new number

formed by reversing the digits must have the same
ten's digit. It follows that the difference between these
two numbers must have 9 in the ten's place. By problem
4, the difference is divisible by 9 ; that is, the sum of its
digits is 9 or some integral multiple of 9. Since the
ten's digit is 9, the sum of the other two digits must
equal 9. Therefore, the ten's digit is 9, and the hundred's
digit is the difference between 9 and the unit's digit.

6. revealing the crossed-out

digit #1
If the number taken is 5493, then the new number is
3945 and the difference is 5493 - 3945 = 1548. Suppose
5 is the digit crossed out in this difference. The sum of
the remaining digits 1 + 4 + 8 = 13. Then the crossed-
out digit is the difference between this sum and the
nearest integral multiple of 9 which is greater than 13.
Thus, 18 - 13 = 5, which is the crossed-out digit.
150 Ma thema tical Teasers

Explanation. The difference between two numbers con-

sisting of the same digits is divisible by 9. (See prob-
lem 4.) Hence, the sum of the digits of the difference is
divisible by 9. That is, the sum of the digits of the dif-
ference must be 9 or some integral multiple of 9. There-
fore, when a digit is crossed out from the difference,
the sum of the remaining digits differs from 9 or some
integral multiple of 9 by the crossed-out digit.

7. revea ling the crossed-out

digit #2
The number chosen is 45376. The sum of its digits is
4 + 5 + 3 + 7 + 6 = 25 and the difference is 45376 -
25 = 45351. If the 3 is crossed out, the sum of the re-
maining digits is 4 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 15. Then the
crossed-out digit is the difference between 15 and the
nearest integral mUltiple of 9 which is greater than 15.
Thus, 18 - 15 = 3 which is the crossed-out digit.

Explanation. The sum of the digits of a number is equal

to the remainder upon division by 9. Hence, if the sum
of the digits of a number is subtracted from the num-
ber, the difference will have a remainder of zero upon
division by 9. That is to say, the difference is exactly
divisible by 9, so that the sum of the digits of this dif-
ference is equal to 9 or some integral multiple of 9.
Therefore, when a digit is crossed out from the differ-
ence, the sum of the remaining digits differs from 9
or some integral multiple of 9 by the crossed-out digit.

8. lightning calculator #1
The number I write on a piece of paper before the per-
son writes the two numbers is 19998 = 9999 X 2.
Teasers for the Wizard 151
Explanation. After you write two numbers, I write the
other two numbers such that each corresponding pair
of digits adds up to 9. Thus, corresponding to 7682, I
write 9 - 7 = 2, 9 - 6 = 3, 9 - 8 = 1 and 9 - 2 = 7 ;
that is, 2317. Similarly, the number corresponding to
5436 is 4563. Hence, I have two pairs of numbers,
7682 5436
2317 and 4563
each of which adds up to 9999. Therefore, the result
must be 9999 X 2 = 19998.

9. lightning calculator #2
The number I write is 39996 = 9999 X 4.

Explanation. After you write the four numbers, I write

the other four numbers such that each corresponding
pair of digits adds up to 9. Thus, the number corre-
sponding to 4327 is obtained as follows: 9 - 4 = 5,
9 - 3 = 6, 9 - 2 = 7, and 9 - 7 = 2; hence, the num-
ber corresponding to 4327 is 5672, etc. I then have four
pairs of such numbers,
4327 5461 8032 7253
5672 4538 1967 2746
Each of these adds up to 9999; therefore, the result is
9999 X 4 =39996.

10. lightning calculator #3

Choose any two of the numbers so that the remaining
number has the unit's digit greater than 1. Suppose
you choose 7123, 3402, and 2635. Then I write two other
numbers such that each corresponding pair of digits
adds up to 9. Thus, corresponding to 7123, I write 9 - 7
152 Mathematical Teasers
= 2, 9 - 1 = 8, 9 - 2 = 7, and 9 - 3 = 6; that is,
2876. Similarly, corresponding to 3402, I write 6597.
The remaining number is 2635. Take 2 away from the
unit's digit and prefix 2 to this number to obtain the
answer 22633.

. . 7123 3402
Explanatwn. I have two paIrs 2876 and 6597' each of
which adds up to 9999. Hence, the sum of these four
numbers is 9999 X 2 = 19998. It is easily seen that,
since the unit's digit 8 lacks 2 from being 10, the result
of adding any digit greater than 1 to 8 is always 2 less
than the digit added. Moreover, because in each case
we carry one, all the other digits will be the same as
those of the number added, for each time we are adding
10 to each digit. Finally, the ten thousand's digit must
be 2. Therefore, since the remaining number is 2635,
the answer is 22633.

11. revealing the remainder

The number 134 divided by 9 gives a remainder equal to
1 + 3 + 4 = 8. (See problem 4.) The product 134 X
7 = 938 and if we divide this product 938 by 9, the
remainder is 9 + 3 + 8 = 20, or 2 + 0 = 2. The product
8 X 7 = 56 and the remainder when 56 is divided by 9
is 5 + 6 = 11 and 1 + 1 = 2.

Explanation. Any number N divided by 9 is equal to

9q + r, where q is the quotient and r is the remainder;
that is, N =
9q + r. Multiplying N by any other num-

N X d = d (9q + r) = 9dq + (dr).

Thus, the remainder upon dividing the product N X d
by 9 is the product dr, which is the product of the first
remainder by the number we chose for the multiplier.
Teasers for the Wizard 153

12. revealing the difference

between digits
Divide the difference 91 - 19 = 72 by 9 obtaining 8.
This number 8 is the difference between the two digits
9 and 1.

Explanation. Let h represent the hundred's digit and u,

the unit's digit.
The number is 10h +u
The new number is lOu +h
The difference is 9h - 9u = 9 (h - u)
Thus, if the difference between the two numbers is
denoted by d, then

9 (h - u) = d and h - u = 9d
That is, the difference between the two digits h - u is
equal to the difference between the two numbers d
divided by 9.

13. telepathy #1
7654 - 4567 = 3087. No matter what number of four
digits you write such that the digits decrease by one
from left to right, t.he difference between this number
and the number formed by reversing the digits is
always 3087.
154 Mathematical Teasers
Explanation. If a represents the thousand's digit, then
a - I is the hundred's digit, a - 2 is the ten's digit and
a - 3 is the unit's digit. The number is

1000a + 100(a - 1) + 10(a - 2) + (a - 3)

Reversing the digits, the new number is,
1000(a - 3) + 100(a - 2) + 10(a - 1) +a
The difference is
1000a + 100(a - 1) + 10(a - 2) + a - 3
1000(a - 3) + 100(a - 2) + 10(a -1) + a
3000 + 100 + (-10) + (-3)

That is, no matter what number of four digits you

write, such that the digits decrease by one from left to
right, the difference between this number and the num-
ber formed by reversing the digits is always 3087.

14. telepathy #2
765 - 567 = 198. No matter what number of three
digits you write, where the digits decrease by one from
left to right, the difference between this number and
the number formed by reversing the digits is always
Explanation. If a represents the hundred's digit, then
a - 1 is the ten's digit and a - 2 the unit's digit. So
that the number is
100a + 10 (a - 1) + (a - 2)

Reversing the digits, the new number is,

100(a-2) +10(a-1) +a
The difference is
Teasers for the Wizard 155
100a +10(a-1)+(a-2)
100 (a - 2) + 10 (a - 1) + a
200 + 0 + (-2) = 198

That is, no matter what number of three digits you

write, such that the digits decrease by one from left
to right, the difference between this number and the
number formed by reversing the digits is always 198.

15. revealing an erased digit

If the second remainder is less than the first, take the
difference between them. Thus, if you divide 753 by 9,
the remainder is 6. Then if you erase the 3 and divide
75 by 9, the remainder is 3. The figure you erased is
6 - 3 = 3. If the second remainder is greater than the
first, subtract the difference between them from 9.
Thus, if you divide 731 by 9, the remainder is 2. Then,
if you erase the 7 and divide 31 by 9, the remainder
is 4. The difference 4 - 2 = 2 and the figure erased is
9 - 2 = 7. If the remainders are equal, then the digit
erased is either 9 or O.

Explanation. Any number divided by 9 leaves the same

remainder as the sum of its digits. (See problem 4.)
In obtaining the first remainder you get the sum of the
digits of the original number. When you erase a digit
and divide the new number by 9, you obtain the sum of
the digits of the original number less the digit you
erased. It follows that the difference between the two
remainders is the digit you erased.

16. telepathy #3
No matter what number of three digits you choose, the
result of these operations is always 1089.
156 Mathematical Teasers

Explanation. Let h, t, and u denote the hundred's, ten's,

and unit's digits, respectively, where h is greater than
u by more than 1.
The original number is 100h + lOt + u
The new number is 100u + lOt + h
To subtract h from u, I must borrow one unit of 10
from lOt, for u is less than h.
The original number is 100h + 10(t - 1) + (u + 10)
The new number is 100u +lOt +h.
To subtract lOt from 10 (t - 1), I must borrow one unit
of 100 from 100h, for 10 (t - 1) is less than lOt.
The original number is
100(h-1) + [l0(t-1) +100] + (u+10)
The new number is
100u + lOt + h
The difference is
100 (h - 1 - u) + 10 (9) + (u + 10 - h)
The new number is
100 ( u + 10 - h) + 10 (9) + (h - 1 - u)
The sum is
900 + 180 + 9 = 1089
That is, no matter what number of three digits you
choose such that the hundred's and the unit's digits dif-
fer by more than 1, the result of these operations is
always 1089.

17. telepathy #4
No matter what number of four digits you choose such
that the digits decrease from left to right, the result of
these operations is always 10890.
Teasers for the Wizard 157
Explanation. Let ct, k, t, and u denote the thousand's,
hundred's, ten's, and unit's digits, respectively, where
a is greater than k, k is greater than t, and t is greater
than u.
The original number is 1000a + lOOk + lOt + u
The new number is 1000u + lOOt + 10k + a
Now, a is at least three more than u, so we must borrow
one unit of 10 from t.
The original number is
1000a + lOOk + 10(t - 1) + (u + 10)
The new number is
1000u + lOOt + 10k + a
But k is greater than t, hence k is greater than t - 1, so
we must borrow one unit of 100 from k.
The number is
1000a + 100(k - 1) + 10(t - 1 + 10) + (u + 10)
The new number is
1000u + lOOt + 10k + a
Since k is greater than t by at least 1 then k - 1 is
either greater than or at least equal to t. Hence, we do
not have to borrow from a
The difference is
1000 (a - u) + 100(h - t - 1) + 10(t - h + 9) + (u + 10 - a)
1000 (u + 10 - a) + 100 (t - h + 9) + 10 (h - t - 1) + (a - u)
10000 + 800 + 80 + 10
That is, no matter what number of four digits you
choose such that the digits decrease from left to right,
the result of these operations is always 10890.

18. revealing a number #1

The difference between the squares of 11 and 12 is
144 - 121 = 23. Subtract 1 from this difference and
158 Mathematical Teasers
divide by 2. The result (23 - 1) -7- 2 = 11, which is
the number you selected.

Expwnation. If n denotes the integer selected, then

n + 1 is the next larger integer. So that (n +
1)2 - n 2
is the difference d; thus, (n + 1) 2 - n 2 =
d, or
n2 + 2n + 1 - n2 = d; that is, 2n 1+ = d, or n =
d - 1. Therefore, the integer selected is always equal
to one less than the difference between their squares
divided by 2.

19. revealing a number #2

Suppose you select 98, the result of the operations per-
formed yield (9 X 2) + 1 = 19, then (19 X 5) + 8 =
103. To obtain the number selected, subtract 5 from
this result; thus, 103 - 5 = 98.

Explanation. Let t and u denote the ten's and the unit's

digits, respectively, then the number selected is lOt u. +
If you multiply the ten's digit t by 2 and add 1, you
obtain 2t+ 1. If then you multiply 2t +
1 by 5 and add
the unit's digit u, you will obtain 5(2t +
1) +
u =
lOt + +
u 5; that is, the result is 5 more than the num-
ber selected. Therefore, if 5 is subtracted from the
result of these operations, you will obtain the number

20. revealing a number #3

If the number selected is 435, the operations performed
yield (4 X 2) + 1 = 9; (9 X 5) + 3 = 48; (48 X 10)
+ 5 = 485; subtract 50 from this result and the dif-
ference 485 - 50 = 435 is the number selected.
Teasers for the Wizard 159
Explanation. Let h, t, and u denote the hundred's, ten's
and unit's digits, respectively. Then the number selected
is 100h + lOt + u. If you mUltiply the hundred's digit
h by 2 and add 1, you will obtain 2h + 1. Then mUltiply
this result by 5, add the ten's digit, and multiply by 10.
Thus, [5(2h + 1) + t] 10 = 100h + 50 + lOt. Finally,
add the unit's digit and you have 100h + lOt + u + 50.
That is, the result is 50 more than the number selected.
Therefore, if you subtract 50 from the result of these
operations, you will obtain the number selected.

21. revealing a number #4

If the number selected is 53, the operations performed
yield (53 + 6)2 - (53)2 = (59)2 - (53)2 = 3481 -
2809 = 672. Subtract 36 from this difference and
divide by 12; thus, 672 - 36 = 636 and 636 -7- 12 = 53,
which is the number selected.

Explanation. Let n denote the number selected. The

operations to be performed yield (n + 6) 2 - n 2 = n 2 +
12n + 36 - n 2 = 12n + 36. Thus, if d represents the
difference between the squares, then 12n + 36 = d, or
n = d -;:-2 36 . Therefore, the integer selected is always
equal to 36 less than the difference between the squares
divided by 12.

22. revea ling the crossed-out

digit #3
Subtract the sum 22 from the nearest integral multiple
of 9 which is greater than 22; that is, 27. Thus,
27 - 22 = 5, which is the crossed-out digit.
160 Mathematical Teasers

Explanation. No matter what numbers you write, I

shall write the other numbers such that each corre-
sponding pair of digits adds up to 9. Thus, correspond-
ing to 738. I write 9 - 7 = 2; 9 - 3 = 6; 9 - 8 = 1, or
261. Similarly, the number corresponding to 456 is 543.
Hence, I have two pairs of numbers ~~~ and ~~~ each
of which adds up to 9999 = 9 X 1111. Thus, each pair
is exactly divisible by 9, hence their sum is exactly
divisible by 9. Since the sum is exactly divisible by 9,
then the sum of the digits of this sum is also exactly
divisible by 9. (See problem 2.) Therefore, the digit
crossed out is obviously the difference between the sum
of the remaining digits and the nearest integral multi-
ple of 9, which is greater than this sum.

23. fi nd ing a person's age

Suppose you are 19 and the other person is older. Add
the result 2 to your age 19; thus, 19 + 2 = 21, which
is his age. If the other person is younger and you are
23, subtract his result 4 from your age 23; thus,
23 - 4 = 19, which is his age.

Explanation. Let a denote your age and b represent the

other person's age. If he is older than you, the opera-
tions yield 99 - a + b - 100 + 1 = -u + b = b - a;
that is, the result b - a is the difference in your ages.
Hence, if you add b - a to your age, you will obtain
b- a + a = b which is his age.

If the other person is younger, the operations yield

99 + a - b - 100 + 1 = u - b; that is, the result
u - b is the difference in your ages. Hence, if you sub-
tract a - b from your age, you will obtain a - (a - b)
= a - a + b = b, which is his age.
Teasers for the Wizard 161

24. revealing the crossed-out

digit #4
Subtract the sum of the digits 29 from the nearest in-
tegral mUltiple of 9 which is greater than 29; that is,
36. Thus, 36 - 29 = 7 is the crossed-out digit.

Explanation. I write the other number such that the

sum of the digits in each column written by you is 9
or any integral multiple of 9. Thus, the sum of the unit's
digits is 6 + 4 + 1 = 11, and 11 + 7 = 18; hence, I
write 7 for my unit's digit. Similarly, the sum of the
ten's digits written by you is 3 + + 5 2 = 10, and
10 + 8 = 18. Thus, I write 8 for the ten's digit. Then
the sum of the hundred's digits written by you is
1 + 7 + 3 = 11, and 11 + 7 = 18, so I write 7 for the
hundred's digit. Finally, the sum of the thousand's
digits written by you is 4 + 2 + 6 = 12 and 12 + 6 =
18, so I write 6 for the thousand's digit; that is, the
number I write is 6787. It follows that the sum of
these numbers contains 9 as a factor; hence, it is divisi-
ble by 9. Therefore, the sum of the digits in this sum
must be divisible by 9. (See problem 2.) When you cross
out a digit, you obtain the sum of the digits of the
original numbers less the crossed-out digit. Therefore,
the difference between the sum of the digits in the sum
you obtain and the nearest integral mUltiple of 9 which
is greater than this sum is the crossed-out digit.

25. revealing the crossed-out

digit #5
Subtract the sum of the digits 11 from the nearest
integral mUltiple of 9 that is greater than this sum,
which is 18. Thus, 18 - 11 = 7 is the crossed-out digit.
162 Mathematical Teasers
Explanation. I write the column such that the sum of
the digits in each row is 9 or an integral multiple of 9 ;
328 3 + 2 + 8 = 13 ; 18 -13 = 5
572 5 + 7 + 2 = 14; 18 -14=4
4624+6+2=12; 18 -12 = 6
104 1 + 0 + 4 = 5; 9- 5=4
615 6 + 1 + 5 = 12; 18 -12 = 6
Now, each row contains 9 as a factor; hence, the sum
of the numbers contains 9 or some multiple of 9 as a
factor, and the sum of the digits of this sum is divisible
by 9. (See problem 2.) Since I want to make the sum
of the digits of the sum of the numbers 9 or some in-
tegral multiple of 9, I can cancel out any combination
of numbers (in the column I write) that add to 9. Thus,
I don't have to write the 5 and 4, but simply,
Tile digits in the sum less the crossed-out digit add up
to 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 6 = 11. Therefore the difference
between this sum and the nearest integral multiple of
9 that is greater than 11 is 18 - 11 = 7, which is
the crossed-out digit. It is easily seen that it makes no
difference whether I write the column at the left, the
right, below, or above, for, in any case, the sum of the
digits of the sum will be a multiple of 9.

26. a magic square

The sum of the digits in each column, row, and diagonal
is 27. All the options can be reduced to the sum of the
Teasers for the Wizard 163
digits of a column, row, or diagonal. Hence, the missing
digit can be found by adding the remaining digits and
subtracting from 27.

Suppose you erase 8 in the fourth row and 2 and 3 in

fifth row, we can find 8 by adding all the other digits in
the fourth row 6 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 3 = 19 and subtract-
ing 27 - 19 = 8. Once 8 is found, we can find 2 by
adding all the other digits in the third column 4 + 2 +
4 + 8 + 7 25 and finding the difference 27 - 25 = 2.
Finally, we can find 3 by adding all the other digits in
in either the fourth column or the fifth row. Thus,
using the fourth column 8 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 8 = 24 and
27 - 24 = 3.

27. dad, the wiza rd

The sum of the numbers 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 +
8 = 36 which is a multiple of 9. Since the missing blocks
are numbered 4 and 5 and 4 + 5 = 9, then the sum of
the remaining numbers is a mUltiple of 9. The boy's dad
subtracted the sum of the digits of the sum which the
boy gave him from the nearest integral multiple of 9
greater than the sum. Thus, if the missing block is 6,
the sum given by the boy is 1 + 2 + 3 + 7 + 8 = 21.
The difference between 21 or 2 + 1 = 3 and the nearest
integral multiple of 9 greater than 21 or 3 is either
27 - 21 = 6 or 9 - 3 = 6, which is the number of the
missing block.

28. a guessing game

Subtract the digit written on the paper from 9. Thus, if
the paper I read has the digit 3 written on it, then the
digit selected is 9 - 3 = 6.
164 Mathematical Teasers

Expla'YULtion. The sum of the numbers 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +

5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = (1 + 9) + (2 + 8) + (3 + 7)
+ (4 + 6) + 5 = 45 and 4 + 5 = 9. Hence, this sum is
exactly divisible by 9. (See problem 2.) That is to say,
the remainder upon dividing this sum by 9 is o. (See
problem 4.) If you select one of the digits in this sum
and add the remaining digits you will obtain a new sum;
the sum of the digits in this new sum is the remainder
obtained upon dividing this sum by 9. It follows that the
sum of the digits of this new sum differs from 9 by the
digit selected.

29. revealing the crossed-out

digit #6
If the number written is 8136 and you cross out the 3,
the difference is 816 - 18 = 798. Find the sum of the
digits of this number; thus, 7 + +
9 8 = 24 and
2 + 4 = 6. Subtract this final sum from 9 to obtain
9 - 6 = 3, the crossed-out digit.

Explanation. Let a, b, e, and d denote the thousand's,

hundred's, ten's and unit's digits, respectively, of
the number selected. The sum of the digits of this
number is a + + +
b e d. Suppose you cross out
the hundred's digit b, then the new number is 100a +
10e +d. The difference between this new number and
the sum of the digits of the original number is 100a +
10e +d - (a + + +
b e d) = 100a + 10e + d - a-
b - e - d, or (100 - 1) a + (10 - 1) e - b = 99a
+ ge - b. If this number is divided by 9, the remainder
is -b; that is, the remainder lacks b units of being 9,
so that it is 9 - b. Now, if we subtract this remainder
from 9, the result is 9 - (9 - b) = 9 - 9 + b = b,
which is the crossed-out digit.
Teasers for the Wizard 165

30. given one digit of a four-digit

number, reveal the other three
Assuming the number you obtain is 7623 and you
tell me the unit's digit is 3, then the ten's digit is
3 - 1 = 2, the hundred's digit is 9 - 3 = 6, and the
thousand's digit is 9 - 2 = 7.

Explanation. Let n denote the digit selected. The in-

dicated operations yield (IOn +
n) 9 X 11 = 1089n.
This number 1089n is exactly divisible by both 9 and
11. The operation 1089 X n yields as its first product
9n. Now, 9 X 2 = 18, 9 X 3 = 27, 9 X 4 = 36, etc.
That is, multiplying 9 by any digit n between 1 and 9,
inclusive, will result in carrying one less than the multi-
plier n which is n - 1. The second product is then 8n
+ (n - 1) = 9n - 1. Hence, the second product is one
less than the first product, therefore the ten's digit is
one less than the unit's digit in the resulting number.

Let a, h, t, and u denote the thousand's, hundred's, ten's,

and unit's digits, respectively, of the resulting number,
then t = u - 1, because the resulting number is exactly
divisible by 9, and the sum of its digits must equal 9 or
some integral multiple of 9. Thus, a + h + u - 1 + u =
a + h + 2u - 1 equals 9 or some integral multiple of
9. Moreover, since the resulting number is also divisible
by 11, the difference between the sum of its hundred's
and unit's digits, and the sum of its thousand's and
ten's digits must equal zero. Thus, h + u - (a +
u - 1) = 0 or h - a + 1 = 0 and h = a - 1. That is
to say, the hundred's digit is one less than the thou-
sand's digit. It follows that a + h + t + u = a +
a-I +u- 1 + u = 2a + 2u - 2 = 2 (a + u - 1)
166 Mathematical Teasers
is exactly divisible by 9. Hence, a + u - 1 = 9 and
a + u = 10. Since h = a - 1, then a = h + 1 and
a + u = h + 1 + u = 10 or h + u = 9. Thus, the sum
of the hundred's and unit's digits must equal 9. It fol-
lows that the sum of the thousand's and ten's digits
must also equal 9, for the difference between these sums
is zero. Therefore, if you name the unit's digit, I can
reveal the other three digits, for the ten's digit is one
less than the unit's digit, the hundred's digit is the dif-
ference between 9 and the unit's digit, and the thou-
sand's digit is the difference between 9 and the ten's

31. guessing the total thrown

with two dice
Turning around and before picking up the dice, I total
the numbers on their faces. In this case, the total
is 4 + 6 = 10. I add 7 to this sum and obtain 10 + 7 =
17, which is the total sum obtained by you.

Explanation. A die is marked with spots from one to

six arranged so that the spots on the opposite faces
total seven. Let m and n denote the numbers that turn
up in a throw of two dice and suppose you pick up the
die that turns up n. The number on the opposite face is
7 - n and the sum of the original throw m + n plus
the number on the opposite face of the die that you
picked up is m + n + (7 - n) = m + 7. That is to say,
this sum is equal to the number m on the die that has
not been picked up plus 7. Suppose that when you again
throw the die you picked up, it turns up d. You add d to
the sum m + 7 obtaining as your final sum m + d + 7.
When I turn around and before I pick up the dice, I note
that the final throw is m + d. Hence, to obtain the final
Teasers for the Wizard 167
sum m + d + 7, I simply add 7 to the final throw

32. guessing the throw with

two dice #1
You throw 3 and 5 forming the number 35 (or 53).
Suppose you select 3; then the successive operations
yield [(3 X 5) + 7] X 2 + 5 = 49. Subtract 14 from
this final sum 49; that is 49 - 14 = 35, to obtain the
original throw 3 and 5. If you had selected 5, the final
sum is [(5 X 5) + 7] X 2 + 3 = 67; subtract 67 - 14
to obtain 53, which is the original throw 5 and 3.

Explanation. Let nand m denote the numbers that turn

up on the throw. This throw forms the number 10n m +
(or 10m + n). Suppose you select n; then the succes-
sive operations yield (5n +
7) X 2 = 10n + 14 and,
finally, 10n + 14 + m, or 10n + m + 14. If I subtract
14 from this sum, I obtain 10n +
m which is the num-
ber formed by the original throw. Therefore, the
original throw is nand m.

33. guessing the throw with

two dice #2
You tell me the result 5423 -7- 11 = 493. I subtract 7
and divide by 9; thus (493 - 7) -7- 9 = 54. Then the
original throw was 5 and 4, and the total thrown

Explanation. Let a and b denote the numbers that turn

up on the throw of the two dice in order from left to
168 Mathematical Teasers
right. This throw forms the number lOa + b. A die is
marked with spots from one to six arranged so that the
spots on the opposite faces total seven. Hence, the num-
ber on the face opposite a is 7 - a and that on the face
opposite b is 7 - b, so that the four-digit number you
obtain is al0 3 + bl02 + (7 - a) 10 + (7 - b) = al0 3
+ bl02 - al0 - b + 77, or a(10) (102 - 1) +
b(102 - 1) + 77 = a(10) (99) + b(99) + 77. Now 99
and 77 are exactly divisible by 11; hence, the number
is exactly divisible by 11. Upon dividing by 11, the
result is a(10) (9) + b (9) + 7. If I now subtract 7,
I obtain a(10) (9) + b (9). Dividing by 9 yields lOa +
b, which is the number formed by the original throw.
Therefore, the original throw was a + b and the order
of the throw a and b.

34. guessing the total thrown

with three dice #1
Turning around and before picking up the dice, I total
the numbers on their faces. In this case 4 + 4 +
5 = 13. I add 7 to this sum to obtain 13 + 7 = 20,
which is the total sum obtained by you.

Explanation. Let a, b, and c denote the numbers that

turn up in a throw of three dice and suppose you pick
up the die that turned up b. The number on the opposite
face of this die is 7 - b (see problem 31), and the sum
of the original throw a + b + c plus 7 - b is a + b +
c + (7 - b) = a + c + 7. Suppose that when you
again throw, the number n comes up. Add n to a + c
+ 7, obtaining as your final sum a + c + n + 7. When
I turn around and before I pick up the dice, I note the
final throw a + c + n. Hence, to obtain the final sum
a + c + n + 7, I simply add 7 to your final throw
a+ c +n.
Teasers for the Wizard 169

35. guessing the total thrown

with three dice #2
Turning around and before picking up the dice, I note
the final throw, which is 3 + 6 + 1 = 10. I add 14
to this sum to obtain 10 + 14 = 24, which is your total

Explanation. Let a, b, and c denote the numbers that

turn up in a throw of three dice. Suppose you pick up
the dice that turned up band c. The numbers on the
opposite faces of these dice are 7 - band 7 - c, re-
spectively. (See problem 31.) Hence, the sum of the
original throw a + b + c and the numbers on the op-
posite faces of the dice picked up is a + b + c + (7 - b)
+ (7 - c) = a + 14. Suppose that when you again
throw the two dice, they come up m and n. Now, add
m and n to a + 14 obtaining as your final sum a + m +
n + 14. When I turn around and before I pick up the
dice, I note the final throw a + m + n. Hence, to ob-
tain the final sum, a + m + n + 14, I simply add 14 to
the final throw a + m + n.

36. guessing the throw with

three dice #1
You throw 2, 6, and 4 forming the numbers 264 or 426,
or any of five other possible combinations of these three
digits. Now, suppose you select the 4. The successive
operations yield [(4 X 2 + 1)] X 5 = 45. Suppose you
now select and add 2, then multiply by 10, add 7 and
finally add the remaining number 6; thus, (45 + 2) X
10 + 7 + 6 = 483. Subtract 57 from this result to ob-
tain 483 - 57 = 426, which is one of the possible
170 Mathematical Teasers

arrangements of the numbers thrown. Therefore, the

original throw is 4, 2, and 6.

Explanation. Let a, b, and c denote the numbers that

turn up on the throw of three dice, forming the num-
ber 100a + lOb + c or any of the other five possible
combinations of the three digits a, b, and c. Suppose
you select c and then a, the successive operations yield,
[ (2c + 1) 5 + a] 10 + 7 + b = 100c + lOa + b + 57.
If I now subtract 57 from this result, I obtain 100c +
lOa + b, which is one of the possible numbers formed
with the digits a, b, and c originally thrown. There-
fore, the original throw is c, a, and b.

37. guessing the throw with

th ree dice #2
You throw 2, 4, and 5. This throw forms the number
245 ; the corresponding digits on the opposite faces are
5, 3, 2, respectively. (See problem 31.) Hence, you
write 245532, divide this number by 37, and then by 3;
thus, (245532 -7- 37) -7- 3 = 6636 -7- 3 = 2212. Tell me
this result and I shall then subtract 7 and divide by 9;
thus (2212 - 7) -7- 9 = 2205 -7- 9 = 245, which is the
number formed by the original throw. Therefore, the
original throw is 2, 4, and 5.

Explanation. Let a, b, and c denote the numbers that

turn up on the throw of three dice. Then this throw
forms the number 100a + lOb + c. The corresponding
numbers on the opposite faces of a, b, and care 7 - a,
7 - b, and 7 - c, respectively. Thus, a six-digit number
is obtained, which can be written,
a10 5 + b10 + c10S + (7 - a) 1()2 +

(7-b)10+ (7-c) =
a10 5 + b10 + c10 a10 b10 - c + 777.
4 3 - 2 -
Teasers for the Wizard 171
Collecting terms, we may write,
+ b10(103 - 1) + c(103 -1) + 777
a102 (10 3 - 1)
= a102(999) + b10(999) + c(999) + 777
Now 999 and 777 are both divisible by 37; hence, the
number is divisible by 37.

Dividing by 37 yields a102 (27) + b10 (27) + c(27) +

21; then dividing by 3, I obtain a102 (9) + b10 (9) +
c(9) + 7. This was the number you gave me. If I now
subtract 7, I get a102(9) + b10(9) + c(9).

Dividing by 9, I obtain a10 2 + b10 + c = 100a + lOb

+ c; this is the number formed by the original throw.
Therefore, the original throw is a, b, and c.

38. guessing the total in a column

of three dice
The final sum obtained by you is 20. When I turn
around, I see the top face of the uppermost die. This
top face must be the face opposite 6; that is, 7 - 6 = 1.
Subtract this number 1 on the top face from 21 to ob-
tain 21 - 1 = 20, which is the final sum.

Explanation. Let a denote the number on the face of the

first die that touches the table. Then the opposite face of
this die is 7 - a. (See problem 31.) Suppose b rep-
resents the number on the face of the second die that
touches the first die, then the sum a + (7 - a) + b is
the sum obtained in step 3. The opposite face of the
second die must be 7 - b. Suppose c denotes the num-
ber on the face of the third die that touches the second.
Adding the sum (7 - b) + c to a + (7 - a) + b,
yields a + (7 - a) + b + (7 - b) + c = 14 + c,
which is the sum obtained by you. When I turn around,
I see the top face of the third die, which must be 7 - c.
172 Mathematical Teasers
If I then subtract 7 - c from 21, I obtain 21 - (7 - c)
= 14 + c, which is the sum you obtained.

39. guessing the hour #1

The hour you touch is VIII. I ask you to count in a
counterclockwise direction 12 more taps than the hour
you touch. Since you touched VIII, I ask you to count
8 + 12 = 20 taps beginning to count to yourself with
the number of the hour you thought of; thus, if the
hour you thought of is IV, count 4, 5, 6, etc. to 20.
Upon reaching the count of 20, you will be at the IV.

Explanation. Let a denote the hour you thought of and

b the hour you touched. Since you count in a counter-
clockwise direction, adding 12 to the hour touched; that
is, b, you will always arrive at XII. If you now count
a taps from the XII in a clockwise direction, you will
arrive at the hour you thought of. Hence, you will get
to the hour you thought of at the (b + 12 - a)th tap.
If I ask you to begin counting with a, then a + 1, etc.,
you will tap b + 12 - a + a = b + 12 times to get to a.

40. g uessi ng the hou r #2

I ask you to count in a counterclockwise direction 13
more taps than the hour I name. Since I named the IX,
I ask you to count 9 + 13 = 22 taps to yourself from
the hour you thought of. Thus, if you thought of the
III, you count 4, 5, 6, etc. until you reach 22. You will
then be at the III, the hour you thought of.

Explanation. Let a denote the hour you thought of and

b the hour I name. Since you count in a counterclock-
wise direction adding 12 to the hour b named by me;
you will always arrive at the XII. If you now count a
Teasers for the Wizard 173
taps from XII in a clockwise direction, you will arrive
at the hour you thought of. Hence, you will reach the
hour you thought of at the (b + 12 - a)th tap. Thus,
if I ask you to begin counting at a + 1, a + 2, etc., you
will tap b + 12 - a + a + 1 = b + 13 times to get to a.

41. guessing the card

Select one of the first 10 cards and, by dealing, I trans-
fer 15 cards from the bottom to the top of the card.
You begin counting the top card as 8, the next one 9,
etc. I let you count to 10 + 15 + 1 = 26. This card is
the 8 of diamonds.

Explanation. There are 52 cards in the deck and sup-

pose you select the xth card out of the first n cards. By
dealing, I reverse the order of the first n cards and
transfer p cards, where p is less than 52 - n, from the
bottom to the top of the deck. This makes the card
originally selected the (p + n - x + 1) th card from
the top. Hence, if I ask you to count the top card as
x + 1, then the next card x + 2, etc., the card originally
selected is the (p + n + 1) th card.

Note that we can change at will the number of the first

n cards and the number of cards p transferred from
the bottom to the top of the deck. For example, if I ask
you to choose from the first 15 cards and transfer 20
cards from the bottom to the top of the deck, the card
you select will be the 15 + 20 + 1 = 36th card begin-
ning the count with one more than the number indicat-
ing the original position of the card you selected.

42. guessing the total sum of cards

I turn around and count the number of piles, in this
case 5. You have given me 2 cards left over. The sum
174 Mathematical Teasers
of the numbers on the bottom cards is 13(p - 4) + r,
where p is the number of piles and r the number of
cards left over. Here p = 5 and r = 2. Therefore, the
sum of the numbers on the bottom cards is 13 (5 - 4) +
2= 15.

Explanation. If nl is the number on the bottom card

of the first pile, then the number of cards in that pile is
13 - nl' Similarly, the number of cards in the second
pile is 13 - n2, where ~ is the number of the card on
the bottom of the second pile, etc. If there are p piles,
then the number of cards in all the piles is the sum of
the p terms; thus,
(13-nl) + (13-~) + ... + (13-n p ).

Since there are 52 cards in a deck, if we let r denote the

number of cards left over, then,

(13 - nd + (13 - n2) + ... + (13 - n,,) + r = 52,

or 13p - (nl + ~ + ... n,,) + r = 52,

and 13p - 52 + r = ~ + ~ + ... + np,

so that 13(p - 4) + r = nl + ~ + ... + n".

The right-hand side of this equation is the sum of the

numbers on the bottom cards. Therefore, 13 (p - 4) +
r is the sum of the numbers on the bottom cards, recall-
ing that p is the number of piles and r the number of
cards left over.

43. revealing a card #1

You tell me the card you selected is in the third row
of the lower array. I shall immediately tell you that it
is the third card in the column headed by the 7 of
diamonds, which is the 8 of diamonds.
Teasers for the Wizard 175
Explanation. If I pick up the cards in each column in
order from left to right and then deal them out in
rows of four cards each beginning at the top left-
hand corner, I have simply changed the rows of the
first array to columns, forming the lower array. It is
easily seen that if I remember the card in the first
column of a particular row in the upper array, it will
tell me the column in which the card you have selected
is located in the lower array. If you now tell me the
number of the row in which the card you selected is
located in the lower array, I know the column and the
row in which the card is located, therefore I can im-
mediately pick it up.

44. revealing a pair of cards

D E D I T C 0 C I s

Imagine the magic words written on a table so that

each word forms a line, as shown above. This sentence
contains four words of five letters each and each letter
appears twice only. I take up the pairs in any order
whatever, making sure that each pair is kept together.
Suppose I take up the pairs in the following order:
<:12 - "'4, <:17 - .6, 05 - .J, 09 - .7,

03 - .K, ",3 - <:IK, "'9 - <:18, .3 - 06,

<:IQ - OQ, and <:19 - "'5.

The top card in the pile is the 9 of hearts. I deal this

card where the M in MUTUS would be. The next card
which is the pair of the first, the 5 of clubs, is placed
176 Mathematical Teasers

on the second M, which is the M in NOMEN and is the

third card in the third row. The third card, in this case,
the queen of hearts, is placed on the first U in MUTUS,
which is the second card in the first row. The fourth
card, which is the pair of the third card, the queen of
diamonds, is placed on the second U in MUTUS, which
is the fourth card in the first row. The next two cards
which form a pair, the 3 of spades and 6 of diamonds,
are placed on the two T's, and so on as shown in the
figure. As soon as I am told the row (or rows) in which
the two cards are located, I shall find them on the letters
common to the words in the row (or rows). Thus, if I
am told the cards are in the second and third rows, they
must correspond to the two E's; hence, they are the
3 of diamonds and the king of spades.

45. revealing a card #2

The card you selected is the middle, or fifth, card in the
last pile you indicate.

Explanation. I deal the cards in three piles of nine cards

each. The pile containing the card you selected is taken
up so that it is between the other two. Thus, at the top
of the pack there are nine cards, next there are nine
cards containing the selected card, and finally nine more
cards. When the cards are dealt a second time, the bot-
tom three cards in each pile will be from the first pile
taken up, the next three cards from the pile containing
your choice, and the remaining three cards from the
third pile. Now I take up the piles again so that the
one containing the selected card is between the other
two piles. Then, at the top of the pack there are nine
cards, next three cards, then three cards containing the
selected card, and, finally, the remaining 12 cards. I deal
the cards for the third time. In each pile the bottom
three cards will be from the first nine cards at the top
Teasers for the Wizard 177

of the pack, the next, or fourth, card from the follow-

ing three cards, and the fifth card from the three cards
containing the selected card. That is to say, the card
you selected is the fifth card in one of the three piles.
If you now tell me the pile in which the card is located,
I can tell you the card you selected.

46. the christians and turks

The captain arranged the passengers as follows:
where C denotes a Christian and T a Turk. This order
may be remembered by the position of the vowels in
the following sentence,
Populeam jirgam Mater Reginia ferebat,
where a stands for 1, e for 2, i for 3, 0 for 4 and u for 5.
Then the order is 0 Christians, u Turks, e Christians,
and so on.

47. revealing a selected digit and

the age of a person
Let n = the digit selected and let 10h + u be your age.
Then, if the current year is 1969, the year in which
you were born is 1969 - (10h + u) = 1969 - 10h - u.
The operations to be performed are,
[(2n + 5) X 50] + 1719 - (1969 - 10k - u)
But, this equals,
lOOn + 250 + 1719 - 1969 + 10k + u
The expression, lOOn + k represents a number whose
hundred's digit is n (the selected digit) and whose last
two digits form the number 10k + u, which is your age.
chapter 5
teasers for the thinker

1. the wise tou rist

Before the great flood, there existed a land inhabited
by two tribes, the Alphas and the Omegas. The Alphas
were such liars that they never told the truth and the
Omegas were so honest that they always told the truth.
One day, a tourist arrived from a distant land, and
he wanted a guide to take him around and show him
the country. Knowing the reputation of the inhabitants,
he wanted to hire an Omega as a guide. He approached
a group of three men and asked the first whether he
was an Alpha or an Omega. This man, who spoke a
dialect, said something to the tourist which he could
not understand. The second man then said to the
tourist, "He said that he is an Omega. He is an Omega,
and so am 1." However, the third man promptly stated,
"That's a lie," and pointing to the first man, he said,
"He is an Alpha and I am an Omega." The tourist
without hesitation hired one of the men, who was an
Omega. How did he know which one of the men to

Teasers for the Thinker 179

2. the quick-thinking executive

Joe, Jack, and Jim are executives of a large corpora-
tion. All three of these men are very intelligent. The
president of the corporation wanted to advance one of
them to executive vice-president; so he decided to give
the job to the one who showed the greatest ability for
quick, logical thinking. To find the quickest thinker
among them, he had all three men seated in a room
180 Mathematical Teasers
without mirrors so that they were facing each other.
Then he said to them, "I am going to put the lights out;
then I shall mark each of your foreheads with either a
black or a white spot. After doing this, I shall turn the
lights back on, and if anyone of you sees a black mark
on the forehead of one of the others, stand and remain
standing until one of you can let me know the color of
the mark on your own forehead. The first one who can
do this will be appointed executive vice-president."

Accordingly, the president turned the lights out and

marked each man's forehead. Then he turned the lights
on again and all three of them stood up. Immediately,
Joe said, "I have a black mark." How did he know this?

3. the commuter train

A commuter train from New York City to White Plains,
N. Y., left Grand Central Station in New York City and
made its first stop at the 125th street station where 20
passengers got aboard. At the next stop, Mount Vernon,
half of the passengers got off and 20 new passengers
boarded the train. At Bronxville, a third of the pas-
sengers got off and eight new ones boarded. At Tucka-
hoe, a quarter of the passengers got off and nine new
ones got on. At Scarsdale, a fifth of the passengers left
the train and six new ones got aboard. At Hartsdale,
three tenths of the passengers got off and only one
boarded. Finally, at White Plains, the last stop, 106
passengers got off the train. How many passengers
were on the train when it left Grand Central Station?

4. the cou nterfeit coi n

A bank teller knows that one out of every eight coins
is counterfeit and that the counterfeit coin will weigh
Teasers for the Thinker 181

less than a good coin. He has a balance (with two pans)

to compare the weights of the coins. How can he
identify the counterfeit coin with only two weighings?

5. the bi rthday pa rty

At a birthday party for one of my grandchildren, Tony
and Chris wanted to sit next to Cookie. For the sake
of peace and order, Paul should not sit next to Tony or
Chris. Peggy does not want to sit next to Tony or Chris.
Tory, whose actual name is Victoria, and Jeffer will sit
opposite each other. Bill wants to sit next to Cathy, but
Cathy wants to sit next to Jeffer. Finally, Julia does
not want to sit next to Bill. While these arrangements
are being discussed, Paul and Cathy are already seated
and are beginning to help themselves to the ice cream
and cake. I want to arrange the seating so that the boys
and girls are alternately seated. Luckily, the seats
taken by Paul and Cathy, on the round table, allow me
to seat them all in a satisfactory arrangement. How
were they seated?

6. the dinner party

Mr. and Mrs. Adams were celebrating Mr. Adams'
birthday with a dinner party. They invited five married
couples and Mrs. Adams arranged the seats at her
round dining room table so that the men and women
sat alternately, no husband sat next to his wife, and
each husband was separated from his wife by the same
number of places. The following facts were observed:
1) Mrs. Burke was seated opposite Mrs. Adams.
2) Mr. Clark was three places to the right of Mrs.
3) Mr. Dexter was three places to the left of Mrs.
182 Mathematical Teasers
4) Mrs. Egan was two places from Mrs. Adams.
5) Mrs. Dexter was opposite Mrs. Foster.
How were the twelve people seated?

7. el camino del diablo

EI Camino del Diablo (The Devil's Road) extended
from the town of Sonoita, on the border of Arizona and
Mexico, to the mouth of the Gila River, where the city
of Yuma now stands. This road acquired its name dur-
ing the gold rush days. It passed through a barren,
waterless desert and was about 135 miles long. An
expedition was organized to travel on foot 50 miles of
this road starting from Sonoita and returning there.
The men could walk 20 miles a day, but they could
carry only enough food and water for two days, and
each man had to consume one day's rations each day.
In order to make the round t!'ip without outside help,
the expedition cached provisions along the road. What
is the shortest time needed for the expedition to deposit
the caches of food and make the round trip?

8. a hat trick
This old puzzle sometimes takes the form of a fairy
tale. Once upon a time, the king of Utopia decided to
give his beautiful daughter in marriage to the most
capable young man in his kingdom. Four young men,
Alert, Wise, Clever, and Shrewd, where finally selected
from a very large number of candidates as being the
most gifted and intelligent. In order to make the final
decision, the king devised a fair test.

The four candidates were blindfolded and seated around

a table. Then the king said to them, "I shall place a
black or a white hat on each of your heads. Then I
Teasers for the Thinker 183
shall have your blindfolds removed simultaneously. If
any of you sees more white hats than black ones, raise
your right hand, and, as soon as you can tell me the
color of the hat you are wearing, stand up and give
me a convincing argument for your decision. The first
man who can tell me the color of his hat and the reason
for his choice may then marry my daughter."

The king then placed a hat on each man's head and had
the blindfolds removed simultaneously. All four men
raised their right hands and almost immediately Wise
stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I have a white hat."
How did he justify his statement?

9. a hat trick for the ladies

In a girls' college dormitory, a question arose as to how
intelligent Pat was. In order to test her reasoning
power, the house mother, who taught logic, suggested
a test: Two other girls, Carol and Ann, who were also
very intelligent, were chosen. The house mother sat
them so that Ann saw Carol and Pat, Carol saw Pat
only, and Pat saw none of the others. She then took
five skull-caps, three green and two black, and placed a
cap on the head of each girl while hiding the others.
She then asked Ann and Carol the color of their caps,
but neither of then could tell her. However, Pat, with-
out seeing the other two girls, stated the color of her
cap. What was the color of Pat's cap and how did she
arrive at her conclusion?

10. the ya rd master's problem

A railway track DEF (in the figure) in a railroad yard
has two shunting tracks DBA and FCA connected at
A. The portion of the tracks at A, common to both
184 Mathematical Teasers


shunting tracks, is long enough to hold only a single

car, such as P or Q, but not long enough to contain a
whole engine R. Hence, if an engine runs up one of the
shunting tracks, say DBA, it has to come back the same
way. If car P is at B, car Q is at C, and an engine R,
longer than either P or Q, is at E. How can the yard
master interchange the cars P and Q?

11. the master detective

Martin, the informer, was murdered. Ricky the Rock,
Spanish Joe, and Harry the Hawk were arrested and
questioned by D. Teet, the famous detective.

Ricky the Rock was questioned first.

D. TECT. Did you kill Martin?
RICKY. No, I did not. (1)
D. TECT. When was the last time you saw Spanish
RICKY. I have never seen Spanish Joe before. (2)
D. TECT. Did you know Martin?
RICKY. Yes, I knew Martin. (3)

Next, Harry the Hawk was questioned.

D. TECT. Did you kill Martin?
HARRY. No, I did not. (1)
D. TECT. Did Ricky the Rock see Spanish Joe?
Teasers for the Thinker 185

HARRY. The Rock lied when he said he had never

seen Spanish Joe. (2)
D. TECT. Do you know who killed Martin?
HARRY. No, I do not. (3)

Then Spanish Joe was questioned.

D. TECT. Did you kill Martin?
JOE. No, I did not. (1)
D. TECT. Do you know Ricky the Rock and Harry
the Hawk?
JOE. Yes, they are my pals. (2)
D. TECT. Did the Rock kill Martin?
JOE. No, the Rock has never killed any-
body (3)

Now, D. Tect knows that one, and only one, of each

man's statements is false, and that one of the three
men killed the informer. How did he conclude, from
these statements only, who killed Martin?

12. d. teet gets his man

In an assault and robbery case there were five witnesses,
Brown, Cohen, O'Neil, Lash, and Smith. In an effort to
186 Mathematical Teasers
obtain a description of the attacker, these witnesses
were asked to give the following information.

Color Color Color
of of of
Witness Age (1) hair (2) eyes (3) jacket (4)
Brown 40 brown blue dark grey
Cohen 30 black brown black
O'Neil 40 brown blue dark brown
Lash 30 blond brown dark blue
Smith 25 brown brown dark blue

From these descriptions, the famous detective, D. Teet,

discovered the guilty man. For future cases, he com-
pared the actual likeness of the man with the descrip-
tions given by these witnesses. He found that each
witness had made three incorrect statements, but that
each of the four questions had been answered correctly
at least once. What did the guilty man actually look

13. murder in the back room

Four men were playing poker in the back room of a
tavern. Suddenly, a shot was heard. The proprietor of
the tavern rushed into the back room; he found one
man dead on the floor and the three other men stand-
ing around the dead man. A gun was lying on the floor
next to the dead man. The dead man's name was Sharp
and the other three men were Lamb, Clod, and Dolt.
These three were arrested and, when questioned at the
police station, they made the following statements:
Teasers for the Thinker 187

LAMB. I didn't kill him. (1)

Sharp did not commit suicide. (2)
I was a friend of Sharp. (3)

CLOD. Sharp did not commit suicide. (1)

I was sitting across the table from Sharp. (2)
Lamb was not a friend of Sharp. (3)

DOLT. Clod did not kill Sharp. (1)

Sharp committed suicide. (2)
Lamb lied when he said he was a friend of
Sharp. (3)
188 Mathematical Teasers
D. Tect, the famous detective, knew that one, and only
one, of each man's statements was false. How did he
discover, from these statements only, who killed Sharp?

14. d. tect cried murder

The policeman on duty in Hell's Acres came to the
scene of the crime and found a clergyman, an ex-convict
on parole, and an electrician. There was no doubt that
one of these men had committed the crime. The names
of these men were Divine, Knave, and Cell, but not
necessarily in that order. On being questioned by the
famous detective, D. Tect, each man made the follow-
ing statements:

KNAVE. Divine didn't do it. (1)

Cell did it. (2)
CELL. I didn't do it. (1)
Divine did it. (2)
DIVINE. I didn't do it. (1)
Knave did it. (2)

Upon investigating the crime, D. Tect found that the

two statements made by the clergyman were true, both
statements made by the criminal were false, and the ex-
convict had made one true and one false statement.
What are the names of the clergyman, the ex-convict,
and the electrician? Who is the criminal?

15. who's who?

Clark, Morris, and Howe are a physicist, a pianist, and
a philosopher, but not necessarily in that order. De-
termine who's who by the following facts:
1) Morris makes more money then Clark.
2) Clark has never heard of Morris.
Teasers for the Thinker 189
3) The philosopher tried to get the pianist to do a
benefit for his charity, but the pianist refused,
because he was doing some experiments on sound
with the physicist.
4) The physicist makes more money than the phi-

16. the bridge game

Bill, Sam, and Jack are married to Grace, Joan, and
Becky, but not necessarily in that order. Last Friday,
they played bridge as usual, but no wife was a partner
of her husband. In one of the rubbers,

1) Bill and Grace play Jack and Becky.

2) Joan plays with Jack as a partner.
3) Bill plays with Sam's wife as a partner.

What is the name of each man's wife?

17. who verifies the accounts?

Cronin, Baker, and Ennis are the controller, manager,
and treasurer of a corporation, but not necessarily in
that order.

1) The treasurer, who is single, earns the least.

2) Ennis is a brother-in-law of Baker.
3) Ennis earns more money than the manager.

Who is the controller?

18. untie th is nuptia I knot

Dan, Pete, and Sid are married to Cora, Jill, and Flo,
but not necessarily in this order, and they are all mem-
190 Mathematical Teasers
bers of the same golf club. In the club's golf tourna-

1) Dan's wife and Jill's husband play golf against

Cora and Flo's husband.
2) No husband and wife playas partners.
3) Pete, who is a tennis player, does not play golf.

What is the name of each man's wife?

19. the train puzzle

A train is operated by three men, Jones, Robinson, and
Smith, who are engineer, fireman, and brakeman, but
not necessarily in that order. On the train, there are
three passengers, Mr. Jones, Mr. Robinson, and Mr.

1) Mr. Robinson lives in Detroit.

2) Mr. Jones earns exactly $20,000 yearly.
3) The brakeman lives halfway between Chicago and
4) Smith beat the fireman at billiards.
5) The brakeman's next door neighbor, one of the
passengers, earns exactly three times as much
as the brakeman.
6) The passenger whose name is the same as the
brakeman's lives in Chicago.

What are the names of the engineer, fireman, and


20. it's a wise son who knows

his own father
AI, Fred, and Ed are married to Alice, Grace, and Rose,
and they have one child each, Mary, Tony, and Jane,
but not necessarily in that order.
Teasers for the Thinker 191
1) The children of Ed and Grace are on the swim-
ming team that competes against the Riviera
School for girls.
2) Jane is not AI's daughter
3) Rose is not Fred's wife.

Who belongs to which family?

21. the professiona Is

Henry, Bob, Maggie, and Ann are a doctor, a lawyer,
an architect, and a draftsman, but not necessarily in
this order.

1) The doctor, who is married, earns more than his

wife, the architect.
2) Ann has never heard of the vanishing point in
perspective drawing.
3) Bob is a confirmed bachelor.

What is the profession of each of these persons?

22. the executive officers

The president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary
of the Great Rivers Co. are Mr. Blair, Mr. Koch, Mr.
Lewis, and Mr. Warren, but not necessarily in that

1) Mr. Blair and the president were in the same

unit in the army.
2) Mr. Koch will probably be the next president.
3) Mr. Lewis and the secretary play golf together.
4) Mr. Blair beats the treasurer at high-low jack.
5) Mr. Lewis served in the navy.
6) Mr. Koch does not play golf or cards.

Who are the executive officers?

192 Mathematical Teasers

23. whose little girl are you?

During the father-daughter weekend at a women's
college, six couples took part in the table tennis com-
petition. The fathers' names were William, Robert,
Thomas, Edward, Arthur, and Carl; the daughters'
names were Pat, Joan, Dorothy, Nancy, Mary, and
Helen, but not necessarily in that order. Their homes
were in New Jersey, Virginia, Connecticut, Pennsyl-
vania, Massachusetts, and New York.

1) Robert and Edward played doubles against Joan

and Mary.
2) The girl from Pennsylvania played singles
against Dorothy, Pat, Helen, and Thomas.
3) William and Carl played doubles against Pat and
4) The girl from Connecticut played singles against
Mary, Dorothy, Pat, and Carl.
5) Mary and Joan played doubles against Robert
and William, and then against Carl and
6) Dorothy played singles against Nancy and
7) The girl from Virginia played singles against
8) Joan played singles against William, Carl, and
9) The girl from New Jersey played singles against
Robert and William.
10) Edward played singles against Pat and Nancy.
11) Pat played singles against Dorothy, Helen, and
12) William played singles against Helen and Nancy.
13) Nancy played singles against the girls from
Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
14) Nancy played singles against Pat and Helen.
Teasers for the Thinker 193
15) The girl from Massachusetts played singles
against Dorothy and Nancy.

No father and daughter ever took part in the same

match. Find the father-daughter relationship and their
respective home states.

24. the traveling salesmen

Six salesmen met in the club car of the Trans Con-
tinental Express. They sat in two rows facing each
other, three on each side. Their names are Stark, Hart,
Duffy, Carter, Waters, and Ring; they sell carpets, toys,
glassware, hardware, boats, and jewelry, but not neces-
sarily in that order. They are reading the catalogs pub-
lished by their companies, but no salesman is reading
his own company's catalog.

1) Stark is reading about hardware.

2) Duffy reads the catalog published by the com-
pany whose salesman is sitting just opposite
3) Hart sits between the hardware and jewelry
4) The hardware salesman sits opposite the toy
5) Carter reads the carpet salesman's catalog.
6) Hart is a relative of the glassware salesman.
7) Waters sits next to the carpet salesman.
8) Stark sits at the end of a row, and he is not
interested in toys.
9) Carter sits opposite the glassware salesman.
10) Ring lives in the south, and he is not interested
in carpets.

What product does each man sell ?

194 Ma thema tical Teasers

25. the perform in9 arts

Hall, Reno, Marinelli, and Pastore are a dancer, a
painter, a writer, and a pianist, but not necessarily in
that order.

1) Marinelli and Hall were in the audience the night

the pianist gave a recital.
2) Both Pastore and the writer have sat for portraits
by the painter.
3) The writer, whose biography of Reno was a best
seller, is planning to write a biography of
4) Marinelli has never heard of Hall.

What is each man's profession?

26. nepotism
The offices of president, vice-president, secretary and
treasurer of a corporation were held by members of
the same family. A very good customer from South
America was visiting the president of this corporation.

1) One night, the customer had dinner with the fol-

lowing office holders: the president, the trea-
surer, Mr. Burr, and Mr. Fox.
2) Mr. McCue, who holds one of the offices, is the
president's cousin.
3) Mr. Burr's wife is the secretary's sister.
4) Mr. Fox is married to the president's sister.
5) Since Mr. Marx was not present at the dinner,
the customer was invited again and Mr. Palmer,
Mr. Fox, and Mr. Marx had dinner with him.

Which man holds which office?

Teasers for the Thinker 195

27. sonny boy's letter

It seems that, once upon a time, a college student found
himself with some debts, a heavy date coming up, and
no money. His credit among his fellow students was not
too good and, since it was the end of the month, all
his friends were also short of funds. As a last resort, he
decided to appeal to his father. Having a sense of
humor and knowing his father was an expert at de-
ciphering codes, he sent his father the following mes-

Dear Dad,
Each letter in this message represents a dif-
ferent digit. Please send me the amount of cents
shown by this sum.

+ M 0 R E
Love to Mom.
Sonny Boy

How much money did Sonny Boy ask for?

28. dad's answer to sonny

boy's letter
The story goes on to tell that Sonny Boy's father de-
ciphered his code message, but, not wishing to spoil
the young man, he decided to answer him saying that it
was impossible to grant his request; so he sent the fol-
lowing code message,
196 Mathematical Teasers

If each letter represents a different digit, show how
Dad refused Sonny Boy's request?


29. dad thinks it over and

writes again
After answering Sonny's letter and refusing to send
any money, Dad thought it over. He decided that, since
Sonny Boy was getting good marks in all his subjects,
Teasers for the Thinker 197
he would send him the money. However, by that time,
he had misplaced Sonny's letter, so when he sent the
following message, he made a mistake of transposition
in the amount.

Dear Son,
I have though it over and I am sending you the
largest amount of cents represented by this sum.


If each letter represents a different digit, how much

money did Dad send to Sonny Boy?

30. son ny boy goes on a

busi ness tri p
When Sonny Boy finished college, he went to work for
dear old Dad. While Dad was away, Sonny Boy was
asked to go on a business trip to buy some raw material
for their factory. To make sure they could take ad-
vantage of a good offer, Dad sent the following tele-
gram indicating the amount he could spend. As in No.
29, if each letter represents a different digit, how much
could Sonny Boy spend?

198 Mathematical Teasers

31. a little business advice

Dad got back from his trip to hear that Sonny Boy
needed more money to close a business deal. To let him
know how much more he could spend and, at the same
time, to give a little advice, Dad sent this telegram.

N 0 G 0
If each letter represents a different digit, how much
more money could .sonny Boy spend?

32. things are not what they seem

The following subtraction is obviously incorrect. How-
ever, if each letter represents a different digit, we can
obtain various correct solutions.

F 0 U R
Obtain the solution that gives anyone of these letters
its greatest possible value.

33. deceived by a ppea ra nces

As in the preceding cryptogram, the operation as
stated seems to be incorrect. However, if each letter
Teasers for the Thinker 199

represents a different digit, we can obtain various cor-

rect solutions.

F 0 U R

Obtain a solution that gives each letter its greatest

possible value.

34. the cat

In the following long division example, each letter
represents a different digit.


Show that this division is correct.

35. the arab

As in the preceding example, each letter represents a
different digit.
200 Mathematical Teasers


Show that this long division example is correct.

36. a good one

An easy long division example is represented by the
following cryptogram in which each letter stands for
a different digit.

P R R)D R E 0 0 0 DMN
P 0 0 0

Find the correct solution.

Teasers for the Thinker 201

37. the three fives

The answer to the cryptogram in problem 32 became
so blurred that all that was left were the few figures
shown below,

* * * * * * *

* * *)5 * * * * * * * *
* * *
* * * *
* * *
5 * *
* * *

* 5 * *
* * * *

The asterisks, of course, stand for the blurred figures.

Without referring to the cryptogram in No. 32, recon-
struct the entire long division example.

38. the five fou rs

A very old parchment shows a long division example in

which all the figures are illegible except five fours, as
shown below.
202 Mathematical Teasers

* 4 * *

* * *)* * * * * * 4
* * *
* * 4 *
* * * 4
* * * *
* 4 *
* * * *
* * * *

If the asterisks stand for the blurred figures, recon-

struct the entire long division example.

39. the suspicious sailors #1

Four sailors were shipwrecked on an island. In order
to make sure that they would have enough to eat, they
spent the day gathering bananas. They put the bananas
into one large pile, which they decided to divide equally
among themselves the next day. As it happened, each
sailor mistrusted the others; so, after they had all
gone to sleep, the first sailor woke up and divided the
pile of bananas into four equal parts, but he found that
he had one banana left over, which he gave to a monkey.
He then hid his share and went back to sleep. Then the
second sailor woke up and divided the remaining pile
into four equal parts. He also had one banana left over,
which he gave to a monkey. Then he hid his share and
went back to sleep. Similarly, the third and fourth
sailors, in turn, repeated this process; in each case,
there is a banana left over, which was given to a
monkey. The next morning, when the sailors got up,
Teasers for the Thinker 203
the pile was without doubt smaller, but, since they all
felt guilty, none of them said anything and they agreed
to divide the remaining pile into four equal parts.
Again, there was a banana left over, which they gave
to a monkey. What was the number of bananas in the
original pile?

40. the suspicious sa i lors #2

Five sailors and a monkey were shipwrecked on an
island. They spent a day gathering bananas into a pile
which they decided to divide equally among themselves
the next day. Each sailor mistrusted the others, so, dur-
ing the night, one of the sailors stole up to the pile of
bananas, divided it into five equal parts and took his
share; there was one banana left over, so he gave it
to the monkey. Each of the other four sailors, in turn,
divided the pile of bananas he found into five equal
parts without any of the others seeing him, and, in each
case, there was an extra banana left over, which was
given to the monkey. On the following day, they met
and divided the remaining pile into five equal parts and,
again, there was one banana left over, which was given
to the monkey. How many bananas were in the original

41. the scientific expedition

A scientific expedition set out to cross the Sahara
Desert from the north to the south, a distance of 1656
miles. There was no gasoline available along the route
that the expedition was to follow. It was, therefore,
necessary to store the gasoline at various points along
this route, so that the expedition could be made with-
out outside help. A special truck was used that could
carry the necessary scientific equipment, as well as 90
204 Mathematical Teasers

gallons of gasoline, including the gasoline in the tank.

If this truck was able to use 1 gallon of gasoline for
each 12 miles, at which points (in miles) along the
route should deposits of gasoline be stored, so that
the minimum amount of gasoline would be used for the


1. the wise tau rist

Although the tourist did not understand what the first
man said, he realized that this man had to say, "I am
an Omega," for, if he were an Alpha, he would have
lied and said that he was an Omega and, if he was an
Omega, he would have told the truth and said that he
was an Omega. Hence, when the second man stated
that the first man had said he was an Omega, he was
telling the truth. Therefore, he must be an Omega, and
since he said that he and the first man are both Omegas,
this must be the truth. It immediately follows the third
man lied, so he is an Alpha. Thus, the tourist hired the
second man.
Teasers for the Thinker 205

2. the q u ick-th i n ki ng executive

While the president was marking the foreheads of each
of the men, Joe reasoned as follows: The president
cannot mark us all white, for if he did, no one would
stand up when the lights are turned on, and we shall
immediately know that we are all marked white. He
must mark at least two of us black, for if he marks
only one of us black, then one man will see no black
marks; hence, he will remain seated and immediately
realize his mark is black. Moreover, if the president
makes only two black marks, then, when we all stand
up, one of the two bearing black marks will conclude at
once that he has a black mark, for otherwise, since he
sees one white mark, there would be less than two black
marks and, in that case, not all of us will stand up.

That is to say, if the president marks two men black

and one white, the test will not be the same for each
man, hence it will not be a fair test. Therefore, all
marks on our foreheads must be black. Consequently,
as soon as the lights went on, and they all stood up,
Joe said, "I have a black mark."

3. the commuter train

Since one passenger boarded at Hartsdale and 106
passengers disembarked at White Plains, the number
of passengers left in the train at Hartsdale was 106 - 1
= 105, but three tenths of the passengers in the train
got off at Hartsdale. Hence, there were 1 - T\ = T7Cl
of the passengers left in the train at Hartsdale. That
is, /0 of the passengers that arrived at Hartsdale was
105, so that the number of passengers that arrived
at Hartsdale was *(106 - 1) = !f X 105 = 150.
Similarly, the number of passengers that arrived at
Scarsdale is ~(150 - 6) = t X 144 = 180. The
206 Mathematical Teasers
number of passengers that arrived at Tuckahoe is
~(180 - 9) = ~ X 171 = 228. The number that ar-
rived at Bronxville is i(228 - 8) = ~ X 220 = 330.
The number of passengers that arrived at Mount Ver-
non is 2 (330 - 20) = 2 X 310 = 620. Finally, the
number of passengers that arrived at the 125th street
station is 620 - 20 = 600. Therefore, 600 passengers
left Grand Central Station.

4. the counterfeit coin

The teller places three coins on each pan of the balance.
If these coins do not balance, the counterfeit coin is
one of the three coins in the higher pan. The teller then
takes these three coins and proceeds to the second
weighing by taking two of these three coins and plac-
ing one on each pan of the balance. If these two coins
balance, then the third coin is counterfeit. If they do
not balance, the counterfeit coin is in the higher pan.
Now, suppose the three coins in each pan balance;
then the six coins are good. Hence, the counterfeit coin
is one of the remaining two. The teller then weighs
these two coins to determine which one is good.

5. the bi rthday pa rty

Assume that Paul sits at seat 1, and the boys and girls
sit alternately. Hence the boys may sit on seats 3, 5, 7,
and 9 and the girls sit on seats 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Since
Tony and Chris sit next to Cookie, Cookie must be be-
tween Tony and Chris. Moreover, since Bill wants to
sit next to Cathy and Cathy wants to sit next to Jeffer,
then Cathy must sit between Bill and Jeffer. It follows
that neither Cathy nor Cookie may sit on seats 2 or 10,
but they may sit on seats 4, 6, or 8. If Cookie sits on
seat 6, then Cathy cannot sit on seats 4 or 8, for she
Teasers for the Thinker 207

sits between Bill and Jeffer, and seats 7 and 5 will both
be occupied. Similarly, Cathy cannot sit on seat 6.
Hence, Cookie and Cathy may sit either on seats 4 or
8. Assume that Cookie sits on seat 4, then Peggy can-
not sit on seats 2 or 6, for she would be next to Tony
or Chris and she does not want to sit next to them;
hence, she must sit on seat 10. Now Tory cannot sit
on seat 6 for she must be opposite Jeffer, so she must
sit on seat 2. It follows that Jeffer must sit on seat 7,
opposite Tory. Cathy must sit on seat 8, and Bill on
seat 9. Julia must then sit on seat 6 and either Tony or
Chris on seat 5. If Tony sits on seat 5, then Chris must
sit on seat 3. If Cookie sits on seat 8, the reader may
check that the relative positions will be the same, but
in a counterclockwise direction.


I /
I /
- \1/ _-


I \
/ I \

6. the dinner party

Let the capital letters represent the husbands and the
lower case letters represent the wives, then Mr. Adams
is A, Mrs. Adams is a, etc. Since, by 1, Mrs. Burke was
placed opposite Mrs. Adams, then, assuming Mrs.
208 Mathematical Teasers

Adams was in seat 12, Mrs. Burke was in seat 6. That

is, a was in seat 12 and b was in seat 6. By 2, Mr.
Clark's place was three places to the right of Mrs.
Adams; thus C was in seat 9. We then have the ar-
rangement shown below.


\ I /
\ I I
............ \ 1/,,/""

C 9 --:~~.::-- 3
"" II \ ......
"" I \ ......
I I \

The men and women sat alternately. Since seats 12 and

6 were occupied by women, the men occupied seats 1, 3,
5, 7, or 11, while the women occupied seats 2, 4, 8, or,
10, for Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Burke were already
seated at 6 and 12, and Mr. Clark was seated at 9.
Since Mrs. Dexter was seated opposite Mrs. Foster
and Mrs. Burke was seated opposite Mrs. Adams, Mrs.
Clark must have been opposite Mrs. Egan. That is, a
was opposite b, d was opposite I, and c was opposite e.
But, by 4, Mrs. Egan was two places from Mrs. Adams,
thus Mrs. Egan may have occupied seats 2 or 10. It
follows that Mrs. Clark may have occupied seats 8 or
4, which are opposite Mrs. Egan. But Mrs. Clark can-
not have occupied seat 8, for then she would have been
next to her husband who was seated at 9. Therefore,
she must have been seated at 4. But, if Mrs. Clark was
seated at 4, Mrs. Egan must have been seated at 10,
which is opposite seat 4. That is, c was in seat 4 and e
was in seat 10. Moreover, by 3, Mr. Dexter was three
Teasers for the Thinker 209
places to the left of Mrs. Clark and, since Mrs. Clark
was in seat 4, Mr. Dexter was in seat 7. Thus, so far,
we have the result shown below.


.... \ I / ,.-
............. \ 1/ ././
....... ~It-./
C 9 ----:.. ..../I~~--­ 3

./ / 1\ ....... .......
./ / I \ ....
I \
/ I \


Seats 2 and 8 are now left for Mrs. Dexter and Mrs.
Foster, but Mrs. Dexter could not have been in seat 8,
for then she would have been next to her husband.
Hence, Mrs. Dexter was in seat 2 and Mrs. Foster was
in seat 8.

The husbands were separated from their wives by the

same number of places. But Mrs. Dexter was five places
away from Mr. Dexter. Thus, seat 11 must have been
occupied by Mr. Clark or Mr. Burke. But Mr. Clark
was in seat 9; hence, Mr. Burke must have been in
seat 11. Seat 1 could have been occupied by Mr. Burke
or Mr. Foster, but Mr. Burke was in seat 11; hence,
Mr. Foster must have been in seat 1. Seat 3 may have
been occupied by Mr. Foster or Mr. Egan, but Mr.
Foster was in seat 1; hence, Mr. Egan was in seat 3.
Finally, seat 5 could have been occupied by Mr. Egan
or Mr. Adams, but Mr. Egan was in seat 3; hence, Mr.
210 Mathematical Teasers

Adams was in seat 5. The twelve people were seated as

shown below.


\ I /
\ I I ./
...... ...... \ I /
""""~1. /
" "
C9 -----~---- 3 E
,,'11~ . . .

" "" I
/ 1\\ . . . . ......
I ......
/ I \
/ I \


7. el camino del diablo

The men needed half a day to travel 5 miles from
Sonoita, deposit It days' rations at the 5 mile point,
and return to Sonoita. Then, they needed one full day
to travel 20 miles: they journeyed to the 10 mile point,
deposited It days' rations there, and returned to
Sonoita, consuming t day's rations at the 5 mile point,
where they left the remaining 1 day's rations. Thus far,
the men have spent one and a half days and established
1 day's rations at the 5 mile point and It days' rations
at the 10 mile point.

Next, they traveled 20 miles in one day carrying 2 days'

rations of which they consumed 1 day's rations and
left 1 day's rations at the 20 mile point. On their re-
turn trip, which took one day, they consumed t day's
Teasers for the Thinker 211

rations at both the 10 and 5 mile points, leaving i

day's rations at the 5 mile point and 1 day's rations at
the 10 mile point. So far, the men have traveled three
and a half days and have deposits of ! day's rations at
the 5 mile point, and 1 day's rations each at the 10 and
20 mile points.

On their next trip, the men went as far as 30 miles in

one and a half days. They consumed 1t days' rations
and deposited t day's rations at the 30 mile point. On
their return trip, they took another one and a half days
and consumed t day's rations at each of the 20, 10, and
5 mile points. Now, they have so far traveled a total of
six and a half days and have deposits of t day's rations
at each of the 10, 20, and 30 mile points, with nothing
left at the 5 mile point. Since the same number of days
are required to double the amount of the rations at the
10, 20, and 30 mile points, the men must then travel a
total of thirteen days to establish deposits of 1 day's
rations at each of these points.

The expedition then made its final 50 mile trip from

Sonoita, carrying 2 days' rations. On the first day, they
traveled to the 20 mile point and consumed t day's
rations at both the 10 and 20 mile points. Thus, they
left t day's rations at each of these points. On the
second day, they traveled to the 40 mile point and they
consumed ! day's rations from the provisions left
at the 30 mile point and t day's rations from the 2 days'
rations which they were carrying. Thus, they left i
day's rations at the 30 mile point and carried 1t days'
rations to the 40 mile point. On the third day, they con-
sumed t day's rations of the 1t days' rations carried
at the 40 mile point, left t day's rations there, and
proceeded to the 50 mile point with the remaining t
day's rations. There, they consumed this t day's rations
and returned to the 40 mile point, where they camped
212 Mathematical Teasers

over night. On the fourth day, they consumed the!

day's rations which they had left at the 40 mile point
and proceeded to the 20 mile point, again consuming
the! day's rations which they had left at the 30 mile
point. On the fifth, and last, day, they returned to
Sonoita, consuming the remaining i day's rations which
they had left at both the 20 and 10 mile points. There-
fore, the men needed a total of 13 + 5 = 18 days to
complete their expeditions.

8. a hat trick
While the king was placing the hats on each man's head
and the blindfolds were removed, Wise reasoned: the
king must place more than one white hat on all of us,
for if he placed a white hat on only one, or none of us,
no one would raise their right hands when the blind-
folds are removed, and one of the men wearing a black
hat on seeing no white hats or only one white hat and
no hands raised would conclude at once that he has a
black hat. Moreover, the king must place at least three
white hats, for if he places only two, the two men wear-
ing them would not see more white than black hats and
would not raise their right hands, but they would im-
mediately realize that their hats are white. Further-
more, if the king places only three white hats and all
the men raise their right hands, one of them wearing a
white hat would conclude at once that he is wearing a
white hat, since he would see a black hat and there can
be no more than three white hats; in that case, not
all will raise their right hands. If the king places three
white hats and one black hat on our heads, the test
would not be the same for each man; hence, it would
not be a fair test. Thus, as soon as the blindfolds were
removed and each of the men raised his right hand,
Wise stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I am wearing
a white hat."
Teasers for the Thinker 213

9. a hat trick for the ladies

Pat reasoned as follows: If Carol and I had black caps,
Ann would have known that her cap was green, be-
cause there are only two black caps. Since Ann did not
know the color of her cap, then either Carol and I both
have green caps or one of us has a green cap and the
other a black one. If I had a black cap, Carol would have
deduced that she had a green cap, for, otherwise, Ann
would have known that she had a green cap. So the
fact that Carol did not know the color of her cap made
it clear to me that my cap was green.

10. the yard master's problem

Engine R pushes car P into track A. Then engine R

returns and pushes car Q to car P and couples cars
P and Q. Next, engine R pulls cars P and Q out to
track F, and then pushes them onto track E. Cars P
and Q are then uncoupled and engine R returns car Q
to track A, leaving car Q there. Now, engine R returns
to car P and takes this car to track C, leaving car P
there. Finally, engine R returns to tracks B and A, and
pulls car Q onto track B.

11. the master detective

Let T and F denote true and false, respectively. Harry
the Hawk is innocent, for if he were guilty, his state-
ments (1) and (3) would both be false, contrary to the
214 Mathematical Teasers
hypothesis that only one of each man's statements is
false. Thus, a T is placed opposite Harry the Hawk in
column 1 in the table. It follows that either Spanish Joe
or Ricky the Rock is guilty. Assume that Ricky the Rock
is guilty. Then Ricky's statement (1) is false and
Spanish Joe's statement (1) is true. Thus, an F is
placed opposite Ricky the Rock in column 1 and a T
opposite Spanish Joe in the same column. It follows
Spanish Joe's statement (3) is false; therefore, an F
is placed opposite Spanish Joe in column 3. Now, since
only one of each man's statements is false, then a T is
placed opposite Spanish Joe in column 2 and T's op-
posite Ricky the Rock in columns 2 and 3. But Ricky's
statement (2) says he has never seen Spanish Joe and
Spanish Joe's statement (2) says Ricky is his pal.
Hence, they cannot both be true, for they contradict
each other. Therefore, the assumption that Ricky the
Rock is guilty is false; hence, Ricky the Rock is in-
nocent. Therefore, Spanish Joe must be the murderer.
The reader may check this conclusion by assuming that
Spanish Joe is guilty and showing that this assumption
is consistent with the conditions and statements.

Statement 1 2 3

Harry the Hawk T

Spanish Joe T T F
Ricky the Rock F T T

12. d. tect gets his man

Let T and F denote true and false, respectively. Since
each person made one correct statement, there are five
correct statements. Now, there are only two different
statements in statements (3) and one of these must be
true; hence, the correct statement must be "blue eyes."
Teasers for the Thinker 215
For, if brown eyes were true, since it occurs three
times. it would leave only two more correct statements
to answer the other three questions. However, this is
impossible, for each question has been answered cor-
rectly at least once. Hence, "blue eyes" is true. There-
fore, a T is placed in each of the rows in the table
below headed Brown and O'Neil in column 3 and F's in
all the other rows. Since each witness made only one
correct statement, then F's are placed opposite Brown
and O'Neil in all the other columns. There are only five
correct statements and we have already used two.
Hence, there remain three correct statements needed to
answer the three remaining questions. Since each ques-
tion has been answered correctly at least once, then
only one statement is correct in each of the remaining
questions. It follows that the statement, "dark blue,"
in statements (4) is false, for it occurs twice. There-
fore, an F is placed opposite each of the rows headed
Lash and Smith in column 4. It immediately follows
that "black jacket" is correct, for at least one of the
statements (4) is true. Therefore, a T is placed opposite
Cohen in column 4 and F's in all the other columns.
Now, from the table, "brown hair" is false; hence, an
F is placed opposite Smith in column 2. It immediately
follows that the statement, "blond hair," is correct;
hence, a T is placed opposite Lash in column 2 and an
F in column 1. Finally, from the table, "25" is cor-
rect so a T is placed opposite Smith in column 1. Thus,
the guilty man was 25 years old, had blond hair and
blue eyes, and wore a black jacket.

Statement 1 2 3 4
Brown F F T F
Cohen F F F T
O'Neil F F T F
Lash F T F F
Smith T F F F
216 Mathematical Teasers

13. murder in the back room

Let T and F denote true and false, respectively. If we
assume that Lamb is guilty, then Lamb's statement
(1) is false. Since by hypothesis only one of each man's
statements is false, then statements (2) and (3) are
true. Therefore, an F is placed in the table opposite
Lamb in column 1 and T's in the same row in the
other two columns. Since, under the assumption that
Lamb is guilty, Lamb's statement (3) is true, then
Clod's statement (3) must be false; hence, Clod's other
two statements are true. Therefore, an F is placed
opposite Clod in column 3 and T's in the same row in
the other two columns. Now Dolt's statement (2) con-
tradicts Lamb's statement (2) ; thus, Dolt's statement
(2) is false. Moreover, Dolt's statement (3) contradicts
Lamb's statement (3) ; hence, Dolt's statement (3) is
false. This contradicts the hypothesis that only one of
each man's statements is false. Thus, the assumption
that Lamb is guilty is false, therefore he is innocent.

Statement 1 2 3
Lamb F T T
Clod T T F
Dolt F F

Now, assume that Clod is guilty. Then Dolt's statement

( 1) is false and, by hypothesis, his other two state-
ments must be true. Therefore, an F is placed opposite
Dolt in column 1 and T's in the same row in the other
two columns. Since Lamb's statement (2) contradicts
Dolt's statement (2), then from the table Lamb's state-
ment (2) is false. Moreover, Lamb's statement (3)
contradicts Dolt's statement (3); thus, Lamb's state-
ment (3) is also false. This contradicts the hypothesis
that only one of each man's statements is false. Hence,
Teasers for the Thinker 217
the assumption that Clod is guilty is also false; there-
fore, Clod is innocent.

Statement 1 2 3
Lamb F F
Dolt F T T

Finally, assume that Dolt is guilty, then his statement

(2) is false and, by hypothesis, his other two state-
ments must be true. Therefore, an F is placed opposite
Dolt in column 2 and T's in the same row in the other
two columns. Lamb's statement (3) contradicts Dolt's
statement (3). Thus, Lamb's statement (3) is false
and, by hypothesis, his other two statements are true.
Therefore, an F is placed opposite Lamb in column 3
and T's in the same row in the other two columns.
Clod's statement (3) contradicts Lamb's statement (3)
and, since Lamb's statement (3) is false, then Clod's
statement (3) is true. Therefore, a T is placed opposite
Clod in column 3. Finally, Clod's statement (1) con-
tradicts Dolt's statement (2) and, since Dolt's state-
ment (2) is false, then Clod's statement (1) must be
true. Therefore, a T is placed opposite Clod in column
2. It follows that Clod's statement (2) is false and,
since this does not contradict any of the other state-
ments, an F is placed opposite Clod in column 2. Thus,
the assumption that Dolt is guilty is consistent with our
hypothesis and with all the statements.

Statement 1 2 3
Lamb T T F
Clod T F T
Dolt T F T
218 Mathematical Teasers

14. d. tect cried murder

Let T and F denote true and false, respectively. First,
assume that Knave is guilty. Since both statements
made by the criminal are false, F's are placed opposite
Knave in both columns of the table. It immediately fol-
lows from the fact that Knave's first statement is false,
that Divine is the criminal. But, this is impossible, for
we have assumed that Knave is the criminal. Hence, our
assumption is wrong; therefore, Knave is innocent.

Statement 1 2
Knave F F

Now, assume that Divine is guilty; then, by hy-

pothesis, both of his statements are false. Therefore,
F's are placed opposite Divine in both columns. It im-
mediately follows that both of the statements made by
Knave are also false. Therefore, F's are placed opposite
Knave in both columns. However, this contradicts the
hypothesis that the criminal is the only one whose state-
ments are both false. Hence, the assumption that Divine
is guilty is also incorrect; therefore Divine is innocent.
Thus, Cell must be guilty.

Statement 1 2
Knave F F
Divine F F

This conclusion can easily be seen by assuming that

Cell is guilty. Then, by hypothesis, both of his state-
Teasers for the Thinker 219
ments are false. Therefore, F's are placed opposite Cell
in both columns. It immediately follows that both of the
statements made by Knave are true. Therefore, T's are
placed opposite Knave in both columns. Moreover, the
first statement made by Divine is true. Therefore, a T
is placed opposite Divine in the first column. Finally,
the second statement made by Divine is false. There-
fore, an F is placed opposite Divine in the second
column. This combination agrees with the hypothesis.
Hence, Cell is guilty. It follows that Knave is the
clergyman, Cell is the electrician, and Divine is the

Statement 1 2
Knave T T
Cell F F
Divine T F

15. who's who?

The solution of problems containing what seems to be a
series of unrelated statements is made easier by mak-
ing a table of all possibilities or an array of possible
results and then examining the consistency of the state-
ments. Thus, in this problem, you can form the follow-
ing table.


Profession Physicist Philosopher Pianist

220 Mathematical Teasers

After examining the statements, if you conclude that

Morris cannot be the pianist, place an X opposite his
name in the column headed Pianist. If you deduce that
Clark has to be the philosopher, place an 0 opposite
his name in the column headed Philosopher.


You can also consider all the possible combinations

and, by examining the statements, eliminate the ones
that are not consistent, until only one possibility re-
mains. Thus, in this problem, if H, M, and C denote
Howe, Morris, and Clark, respectively, the possible com-
binations are:

Possibility No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Physicist C C M M H H
Pianist M H C H M C
Philosopher H M H C C M

If after examining the statements, you conclude that

Morris cannot be the pianist, this immediately elimi-
nates possibilities 1 and 5.

Solution by -method 1. By 3, both the philosopher and

the physicist know the pianist and, by 2, Clark has
never heard of Morris so they do not know each other.
Hence, Howe must be the pianist. Thus, an 0 is placed
in the column headed Pianist opposite Howe. Since
Howe is the pianist, he cannot be the physicist or the
philosopher, so X's are placed opposite Howe in the
columns headed Physicist and Philosopher. Moreover,
neither Clark nor Morris is the pianist; hence, X's are
placed opposite these names in the column headed
Pianist. By 1, Morris makes more money than Clark
Teasers for the Thinker 221

Physicist Philosopher Pianist

Clark .x
Morris X
Howe X X 0

and, by 4, the pianist makes more money than the

philosopher. Therefore, Morris is the Physicist. Thus,
an 0 is placed opposite Morris in the column headed
Physicist, and an X in the same column opposite Clark.
Since Morris is the physicist, he cannot be the phi-
losopher, so an X is placed opposite Morris in the
column headed Philosopher. It immediately follows that
Clark is the philosopher. Therefore, Howe is the pianist,
Morris is the physicist, and Clark is the philosopher.

Physicist Philosopher Pianist

Clark X 0 X
Morris 0 X X
Howe X X 0

Solution by method II. If H, M, and C denote Howe,

Morris, and Clark, respectively, all possible combina-
tion are shown in this table.

Possibility No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Physicist C C M M H H
Pianist M H C H M C
Philosopher H M H C C M

By 3, both the philosopher and the physicist know the

pianist and, by 2, Clark has never heard of Morris, so
they do not know each other; hence, Howe must be
222 Mathematical Teasers
the pianist. This conclusion eliminates possibilities that
do not have Howe as the pianist; that is, it eliminates
possibilities 1, 3, 5, and 6. By 1, Morris makes more
money than Clark and, by 4, the physicist makes more
money than the philosopher; hence, Morris is the
physicist. This eliminates possibility 2. Therefore, the
only combination that is consistent with the given state-
ments is possibility 4 ; therefore, Morris is the physicist,
Howe is the pianist, and Clark is the philosopher.

16. the bridge ga me

Solution by method I. (See No. 15.) By 1, Bill plays
with Grace as a partner and Jack with Becky. Hence,
Grace is not Bill's wife and Jack is not Becky's husband;
therefore, an X is placed opposite Bill in the column
headed Grace and an X opposite Jack in the column
headed Becky. By 2, Joan plays with Jack as a partner,
so that Joan is not Jack's wife; therefore, an X is
placed opposite Jack in the column headed Joan. It im-
mediately follows, from the table, that Grace is Jack's
wife; therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Jack in the
column headed Grace and an X in the same column op-
posite Sam, for then Grace cannot be Sam's wife.

Now Bill must be married either to Becky or Joan. If

we assume that Bill is married to Becky, then Sam
must be married to Joan. But Bill plays with Sam's
wife, in this case Joan, as a partner and, by 2, Joan
plays with Jack as a partner, which is impossible.
Thus, Bill must be married to Joan; hence an 0 is
placed opposite Bill in the column headed Joan an X
in the same row in the column headed Becky and
another X opposite Sam in the column headed Joan.
It immediately follows that Becky is Sam's wife. There-
fore, an 0 is placed opposite Sam in the column headed
Becky. Thus, Bill is married to Joan, Sam is married
to Becky, and Jack is married to Grace.
Teasers for the Thinker 223

Players Grace Joan Becky

Bill X 0 X
Sam X X 0
Jack 0 X X

Solution by method II. (See No. 15.) If G, J, and B

denote Grace, Joan, and Becky, respectively, the possi-
ble combinations are shown in the table.

Possibility No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Bill G G J J B B
Sam J B G B G J
Jack B J B G J G

By 1, Bill plays with Grace as a partner. Hence, Grace

is not Bill's wife. This conclusion eliminates possibili-
ties 1 and 2. Again, by 1, Jack plays with Becky as a
partner; thus, Becky is not Jack's wife. This eliminates
possibility 3. By 2, Joan plays with Jack as a partner;
hence, Joan is not Jack's wife. This eliminates possi-
bility 5. Now, from the table Bill must be married
either to Joan or Becky. If we assume Bill is married
to Becky, then Sam must be married to Joan. But, by 3,
Bill plays with Sam's wife (in this case Joan) as a
partner and, by 2, Joan plays with Jack as a partner,
which is impossible; therefore, Becky is not Bill's wife.
This eliminates possibility 6. Hence, the only remain-
ing possibility that is consistent with the given state-
ments is possibility 4. Therefore, Bill, Sam, and Jack
are the respective husbands of Joan, Becky, and Grace.

17. who verifies the accounts?

Solution by method I. (See No. 15.) By 2, Baker is
married and, by 1, the treasurer is single; hence, Baker
224 Mathematical Teasers
cannot be the treasurer. Therefore, an X is placed op-
Baker in the column in the table headed Treasurer.
By 1, the treasurer earns the least and, by 3, Ennis
earns more money than the manager; hence, Ennis can-
not be the treasurer. Therefore, an X is placed opposite
Ennis in the column headed Treasurer. It immediately
follows from the table that Cronin is the treasurer;
therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Cronin in the column
headed Treasurer. Since Cronin is the treasurer, he
cannot be the controller nor the manager, so X's are
placed opposite Cronin in the columns headed Manager
and Controller. Now, by 3, Ennis earns more money
than the manager, so he cannot be the manager; thus,
Ennis is the controller. Therefore Cronin, Baker, and
Ennis are the treasurer, manager, and controller, re-

Officer Controller Manager Treasurer

Cronin x x o
Baker x o x
Ennis o x x
Solution by method II. (See No. 15.) If C, B, and E
denote Cronin, Baker, and Ennis, respectively, the
possible combinations are given in this table.

Possibility No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Controller C C B B E E
Manager B E C E B C
Treasurer E B E C C B

By 2, Baker is married and, by 1, the treasurer is

single; hence, Baker cannot be the treasurer. This elim-
inates possibilities 2 and 6. By 1, the treasurer earns
the least and, by 3, Ennis earns more money than the
Teasers for the Thinker 225

manager; hence, Ennis cannot be the treasurer. Thus,

possibilities 1 and 3 are eliminated. By 3, Ennis earns
more money than the manager, so Ennis cannot be the
manager and possibility 4 is eliminated. Therefore, 5
is the only possibility consistent with the statements,
and so Ennis, Baker, and Cronin are the controller,
manager, and treasurer, respectively.

18. untie this nuptial knot

Solution by method I. (See No. 15.) By 3, Pete does not
play golf and, by 1, Jill's and Flo's husbands play golf;
hence, Pete is not married to Jill or to Flo. Therefore,
an X is placed opposite Pete in the columns headed Jill
and Flo. It immediately follows that Pete is married to
Cora; therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Pete in the
column headed Cora. By 1, Dan's wife plays with Jill's
husband and, by 2, husband and wife do not playas
partners; hence, Dan is not Jill's husband. Therefore,
an X is placed opposite Dan in the column headed Jill.
It immediately follows from the table that Sid is
married to Jill. Thus, place an 0 opposite Sid in the
column headed Jill and, as a consequence, an X op-
posite Sid in the column headed Flo. Hence, Dan, Pete,
and Sid are the respective husbands of Flo, Cora, and

Players Cora Jill Flo

Dan X X 0
Pete 0 X X
Sid X 0 X

Solution by method II. (See No. 15.) If C, J, and F

denote Cora, Jill, and Flo, respectively, the possible
combinations are given in this table.
226 Ma thema tical Teasers

Possibility No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pete C C J J F F
Dan J F C F C J
Sid F J F C J C

By 3, Pete is not a golf player, and, by 1, both the hus-

bands of Jill and Flo play golf. Hence, Pete is neither
married to Jill nor to Flo, so he must be married to
Cora. This conclusion immediately eliminates possi-
bilities 3, 4, 5, and 6. By 1, Dan's wife plays golf with
Jill's husband and, by 2, husband and wife do not play
as partners; hence, Dan is not Jill's husband. This fact
eliminates possibility 1. Therefore, 2 is the only possi-
bility consistent with the given statements. Hence, Pete,
Dan, and Sid are the respective husbands of Cora, Flo,
and Jill.

19. the train puzzle

Solution by method I. (See No. 15.) By 4, Smith cannot
be the fireman. Therefore, an X is placed opposite his
name in the column headed Fireman. By 3, the brake-
man lives halfway between Chicago and Detroit. Thus,
his next door neighbor, one of the passengers, cannot
live in either Chicago or Detroit; hence, by 1, he cannot
be Mr. Robinson. Moreover, by 5, his next door neigh-
bor earns exactly three times as much yearly as the
brakeman, but, by 2, the sum earned by Mr. Jones is

Profession Engineer Fireman Brakeman

Jones X X 0
Robinson X
Smith X X
Teasers for the Thinker 227
exactly $20,000 and this sum is not exactly divisible by
three. Thus, Mr. Jones cannot be the brakeman's next
door neighbor; therefore, it must be Mr. Smith. It fol-
lows that Mr. Smith cannot live in Chicago or Detroit.
Now, by 1, Mr. Robinson lives in Detroit; hence, Mr.
Jones must live in Chicago; hence, by 6, Jones is the
brakeman. Therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Jones in
the column headed Brakeman. Since Jones is the brake-
man, he can neither be the engineer nor the fireman.
Therefore, X's are placed opposite Jones in the columns
headed Engineer and Fireman. Moreover, because
Jones is the brakeman, neither Robinson nor Smith
can be the brakeman; hence X's are placed in the
column headed Brakeman opposite the names Robinson
and Smith. The table, above, now makes it evident that
Robinson is the fireman. Therefore, an 0 is placed
opposite Robinson in the column headed Fireman and
an X opposite Robinson in the column headed Engineer
and, as a consequence, an 0 in the same column op-
posite Smith. Thus, Jones is the brakeman, Robinson
is the fireman, and Smith is the engineer.

Profession Engineer Fireman Brakeman

Jones x x o
Robinson x o x
Smith o x x
Solution by method II. (See No. 15.) If J, R, and S
denote Jones, Robinson, and Smith, respectively, the
possible combinations are given in this table.

Possibility No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Engineer J J R R S S
Fireman R S J S J R
Brakeman S R S J R J
228 Mathematical Teasers
By 4, Smith cannot be the fireman, so we eliminate
possibilities 2 and 4. Reasoning as in method I, we con-
clude that Jones is the brakeman. This conclusion elim-
inates possibilities 1, 3, and 5, that do not have Jones
as the brakeman. Therefore, 6 is the only possibility
consistent with the given statements. Thus, Smith is
the engineer, Robinson is the fireman, and Jones is the

20. it's a wise son who knows

his own father
Solution by method I. (See No. 15.) By 1, Ed's child
is a girl and, by 2, AI's child is also a girl; hence, Fred's
child must be a boy and Tony is Fred's son. Therefore,
an 0 is placed in the column headed Tony opposite
Fred, and X's in the same column opposite Al and Ed.
By 2, AI's daughter is not Jane. Therefore, an X is
placed in the column headed Jane opposite AI. It im-
mediately follows from the table that Mary is AI's
daughter; therefore, an 0 is placed in the column
headed Mary opposite Al and X's in the same column
opposite Fred and Ed. Again, from the table Jane
must be Ed's daughter; therefore, an 0 is placed in the
column headed Jane opposite Ed and an X in the same
column opposite Fred.

Now, Grace is not married to Fred, for Fred has a son,

and, by 1, Grace has a daughter; therefore, an X is
placed in the column headed Grace opposite Fred. By
3, Fred's wife is not Rose; therefore, an X is placed
in the column headed Rose opposite Fred. It im-
mediately follows from the table that Fred is married
to Alice; therefore, an 0 is placed in the column headed
Alice opposite Fred and X's in the same column op-
posite Al and Ed. By 2, Grace is not married to Ed,
Teasers for the Thinker 229
for each couple has only one child each; therefore, an
X is placed opposite Ed in the column headed Grace. It
immediately follows from the table that Al is married
to Grace; therefore an 0 is placed in the column headed
Grace opposite Al and an X in the same row in the
column headed Rose. Hence, Ed is married to Rose;
therefore, an 0 is placed in the column headed Rose
opposite Ed. Thus, the families are: AI, Grace, and
Mary; Fred, Alice, and Tony; and Ed, Rose, and Jane.

Alice Grace Rose Mary Tony Jane

AI X 0 X 0 X X
Fred 0 X X X 0 X
Ed X X 0 X X 0

Solution by method II. (See No. 15.) If A, G, R, M, T,

and J denote Alice, Grace, Rose, Mary, Tony, and Jane,
respectively, the possible combinations are given in
this table.

Wives Children
Possibility No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fred G R R A A G T J J M M T
Ed R G A R G A J T M J T M

By 1, Ed's child is a girl. This statement eliminates

possibilities 8 and 11 which show that Tony is Ed's
child. By 2, AI's child is also a girl; thus, possibilities
9 and 10 are eliminated. By 2, AI's daughter is not
Jane, eliminating possibility 12. This leaves 7 as the
only possibility for the children.

Grace is not married to Fred, for Fred has a son and,

by 1, Grace has a daughter. This statement eliminates
230 Ma thema tical Teasers

possibilities 1 and 6. By 3, Fred's wife is not Rose,

eliminating possibilities 2 and 3. By 2, Grace is not
married to Ed, for each couple has one child only. Thus,
possibility 5 is eliminated, leaving 4 as the only possi-
bility for the wives. Therefore, the possibilities are 4
and 7. Hence, the families are: AI, Grace, and Mary;
Fred, Alice, and Tony; and Ed, Rose, and Jane.

21. the professiona Is

Solution by method I. (See No. 15.) By 2, Ann has
never heard of the vanishing point in perspective draw-
ing; hence, she can be neither the architect nor the
draftsman. Therefore, an X is placed opposite Ann in
each of the columns headed Draftsman and Architect.
By 1, the doctor is married and, by 3, Bob is a bachelor;
thus, Bob cannot be the doctor. Therefore, an X is
placed opposite Bob in the column headed Doctor. By 1,
the architect is the doctor's wife; hence, it is either
Maggie or Ann. But, by 2, Ann cannot be the architect;
hence, Maggie is the architect. Therefore, an 0 is placed
opposite Maggie in the column headed Architect and X's
in the same row in the other columns. Moreover, since
Maggie is the architect, neither Henry nor Bob can be
the architect. Therefore, X's are placed in the column
headed Architect opposite Henry and Bob. By 1, the
doctor is married to Maggie, the architect, so he is a
man; thus, Ann cannot be the doctor. Therefore, an X
is placed opposite Ann in the column headed Doctor.
It immediately follows from the table that Henry is the
doctor; therefore, an 0 is placed in the column headed
Doctor opposite Henry and X's in the same row in the
other columns. Again, from the table, it follows that
Bob is the draftsman; therefore, an 0 is placed opposite
Bob in the column headed Draftsman and an X in the
same row in the column headed Lawyer; hence Ann
must be the lawyer. Thus, Henry is the doctor, Bob is
Teasers for the Thinker 231
the draftsman, Maggie is the architect, and Ann is the

Doctor Draftsman Architect Lawyer

Henry o x x x
Bob x o x x
Maggie x x o x
Ann x x x o

Solution by method II. (See No. 15.) Since there are

24 possible combinations, this method becomes rather
awkward. However, for the sake of completeness, it
will be given. If H, B, M, and A denote Henry, Bob,
Maggie, and Ann, respectively, the possible combina-
tions are given in this table.

Possibility No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Doctor H H H H H H B B B B B B
Draftsman B B M M A A H H M M A A
Architect M A B A B M M A H A H M

Possibility No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Doctor M M M M M M A A A A A A
Draftsman H H B B A A H H B B M M
Architect BAH A H B B M H M H B
Lawyer A BAH B H M B M H B H

By 2, Ann has never heard of the vanishing point in

perspective drawing; hence, she can be neither the
architect nor the draftsman. Therefore, cross out possi-
bilities 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, and 18. By 1,
232 Mathematical Teasers

the doctor is married and, by 3, Bob is a bachelor;

hence, Bob cannot be the doctor. This deduction elimi-
nates possibilities 7 and 9. By 1, the architect is the
wife of the doctor and, by 2, Ann cannot be the archi-
tect. Therefore, Maggie is the architect, eliminating
possibilities 3, 20, and 22. Moreover, since Maggie is
the architect, neither Henry nor Bob can be the archi-
tect. Hence, possibilities 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, and 24 are
eliminated. This leaves 1 as the only possibility con-
sistent with the statements. Therefore, Henry is the
doctor, Bob is the draftsman, Maggie is the architect,
and Ann is the lawyer.

22. the executive officers

Solution by method I. (See No. 15.) By 1, Blair is not
the president; therefore, an X is placed opposite Blair
in the column headed President. By 2, Koch is also not
the president; therefore, an X is placed opposite Koch
in the column headed President. By 5, Lewis served in
the navy and, by 1, the president served in the army;
hence, Lewis is not the president. Therefore, an X is
placed opposite Lewis in the column headed President.
It immediately follows from the table that Warren is
the president. Therefore, an 0 is placed opposite
Warren in the column headed Presid.ent and X's in the
same row in all other columns.

By 3, Lewis is not the secretary; therefore, an X is

placed opposite Lewis in the column headed Secretary.
By 6, Koch does not play golf or cards, but, by 3, the
secretary plays golf, and, by 4, the treasurer plays
cards; hence, Koch is neither the secretary nor the
treasurer. Therefore, X's are placed opposite Koch in
the columns headed Secretary and Treasurer. It fol-
lows from the table that Blair is the secretary; there-
fore, an 0 is placed opposite Blair in the column headed
Teasers for the Thinker 233

Secretary and X's in the same row in all other columns.

Again, from the table Lewis must be the treasurer;
therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Lewis in the column
headed Treasurer and X's in the same row in all other
columns. Hence, Koch is the vice-president; therefore,
an 0 is placed opposite Koch in the column headed Vice-
President. Therefore, the executive officers are: War-
ren, president; Koch, vice-president; Lewis, treasurer;
and Blair, secretary.

President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary

Blair X X X 0
Koch X 0 X X
Lewis X X 0 X
Warren 0 X X X

Solution by method II. (See No. 15.) If B, K, L, and

W denote Blair, Koch, Lewis, and Warren, respectively,
the possible combinations are given in this table.

Possibility No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
President B B B B B B K K K K K K
Vice-President K K L L WW B B L L W W
Treasurer L W K WK L L W B W B L
Secretary WL WK L K W L W B L B

Possibility No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
President L L L L L L WWW WWW
Vice-President WW K K B B B B K K L L
Treasurer K B B WK W K L B L B K
Secretary B K W B W K L K L B K B
234 Mathematical Teasers

By 1, Blair is not the president. This statement elimi-

nates possibilities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. By 2, Koch is not
the president; this eliminates possibilities 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
and 12. By 5, Lewis served in the navy, and, by 1, the
president served in the army; hence, Lewis is not the
president. This deduction eliminates possibilities 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. By 3, Lewis is not the secretary;
this eliminates possibilities 19 and 21. By 6, Koch does
not play golf or cards, but, by 3, the secretary plays
golf and, by 4, the treasurer plays cards; hence, Koch is
neither the secretary nor the treasurer. Thus, possibili-
ties 20, 23, and 24 are eliminated. This leaves 22 as
the only possibility consistent with the statements.
Therefore, the executive officers are: Warren, presi-
dent; Koch, vice-president; Lewis, treasurer; and
Blair, secretary.

23. whose little girl are you?

Solution by method I. (See No. 15.) No father and
daughter took part together in the same match; hence,
by 1, Mary and Joan are not the daughters of Robert
or Edward. Therefore, X's are placed in the columns
headed Joan and Mary opposite Robert and Edward.
Similarly, by 3, Pat and Mary are not the daughters of
William or Carl; therefore, X's are placed in the
columns headed Pat and Mary opposite William and
Carl. By 5, Joan is also not the daughter of William
or Carl; therefore, X's are placed in the column headed
Joan opposite William and Carl. By 8, Joan is not the
daughter of Thomas; therefore, an X is placed in the
column headed Joan opposite Thomas. It follows from
the table that Joan is Arthur's daughter; therefore, an
o is placed opposite Arthur in the column headed
Joan, and X's in the same row in all other columns.
Then, from the table Mary must be the daughter of
Thomas; therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Thomas in
Teasers for the Thinker 235
the column headed Mary and X's in the same row in
all other columns. By 10, Pat and Nancy are not
Edward's daughters; therefore an X is placed opposite
Edward in the columns headed Pat and Nancy. Then,
from the table Robert is Pat's father; therefore, an 0
is placed opposite Robert in the column headed Pat and
X's in the same row in all other columns. By 12,
William is not the father of Helen or Nancy; therefore,
an X is placed opposite William in the columns headed
Helen and Nancy. It follows from the table that Carl is
Nancy's father; therefore, an 0 is placed opposite
Carl in the column headed Nancy and X's in the same
row in all other columns. Now, from the table Edward
is Helen's father; therefore, place an 0 opposite
Edward in the column headed Helen and X's in the
same row in all other columns. Finally, the table shows
that William is Dorothy's father. Thus, the father-
daughter relationship is: William and Dorothy, Robert
and Pat, Thomas and Mary, Edward and Helen, Arthur
and Joan, and Carl and Nancy.

Pat Joan Dorothy Nancy Mary Helen

William X X 0 X X X
Robert 0 X X X X X
Thomas X X X X 0 X
Edward X X X X X 0
Arthur X 0 X X X X
Carl X X X 0 X X

By 2, Dorothy, Pat, Helen, and Thomas' daughter,

Mary, are not from Pennsylvania; therefore, X's are
placed in the column headed Penn. in the table op-
posite Dorothy, Pat, Helen, and Mary. By 4, Mary,
Dorothy, Pat, and Carl's daughter, Nancy, are not from
Connecticut; therefore, X's are placed in the column
headed Conn. opposite Mary, Dorothy, Pat, and Nancy.
236 Mathematical Teasers

By 7, Dorothy is not from Virginia; therefore, an X is

placed in the column headed Va. opposite Dorothy. By
9, Robert's daughter, Pat, and William's daughter,
Dorothy, are not from New Jersey; therefore, X's are
placed in the column headed N.J. opposite Pat and
Dorothy. By 13, Nancy is not from Pennsylvania or
New Jersey; therefore, X's are placed opposite Nancy
in the columns headed Penn. and N.J. Then, from the
table Joan is from Pennsylvania; therefore, an 0 is
placed opposite Joan in the column headed Penn., and
X's in the same row in all other columns. It follows
from the table that Helen is from Connecticut; there-
fore, an 0 is placed opposite Helen in the column
headed Conn. and X's in the same row in all other
columns. Again, from the table Mary is from New
Jersey; therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Mary in the
column headed N.J. and X's in the same row in all
other columns. By 15, neither Dorothy nor Nancy are
from Massachusetts; therefore, X's are placed in the
column headed Mass. opposite Dorothy and Nancy. It
immediately follows from the table that Pat is from
Massachusetts; therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Pat
in the column headed Mass. and X's in the same row in
all other columns. Then, from the table Nancy must be
from Virginia; therefore, place an 0 opposite Nancy
in the column headed Va. and X's in the same row in
all other columns. Finally, the table shows that Dorothy
is from New York. Therefore, the father-daughter rela-
tionship and their respective home states are: William,
Dorothy, New York; Robert, Pat, Massachusetts;
Thomas, Mary, New Jersey; Edward, Helen, Connecti-
cut; Arthur, Joan, Pennsylvania; and Carl, Nancy,

The solution by method II would be clumsy and rather

long for there are 216 possible different combinations,
therefore it has been omitted.
Teasers for the Thinker 237

N.J. Va. Conn. Penn. Mass. N.Y.

Pat X X X X 0 X
Joan X X X 0 X X
Dorothy X X X X X 0
Nancy X 0 X X X X
Mary 0 X X X X X
Helen X X 0 X X X

24. the traveling salesmen

(See No. 15.) Let C, T, G, H, B, and J denote carpets,
toys, glassware, hardware, boats, and jewelry, respec-
tively. Then, by 1, Stark does not sell hardware; there-
fore, an X is placed opposite Stark in column H in the
table. By 3, Hart does not sell hardware or jewelry;
therefore, an X is placed opposite Hart in columns H
and J. Since the salesmen sit three on each side, then
one side consists of the hardware salesman, Hart, and
the jewelry salesman. Call this row 1.

Row 1
H Hart J

By 4, the hardware salesman sits opposite the toy

salesman; thus, the toy salesman is in row 2. Hence,
Hart does not sell toys; therefore, an X is placed op-
posite Hart in column T. By 5, Carter does not sell
carpets; therefore, an X is placed opposite Carter in
column C. By 6, Hart is not the glassware salesman;
therefore, an X is placed opposite Hart in column G.
By 7, Waters does not sell carpets; therefore, an X is
placed opposite Waters in column C. By 8, Stark does
238 Mathematical Teasers
not sell toys; therefore, an X is placed opposite Stark
in column T. By 9, Carter does not sell glassware;
therefore, an X is placed opposite Carter in column G.

Since Hart is not the glassware salesman, the glass-

ware salesman must be in row 2 with the toy salesman.
Again, by 9, Carter sits opposite the glassware sales-
man; hence, Carter sits in row 1. It follows Carter is
either the hardware salesman or the jewelry salesman,
but the toy salesman sits opposite the hardware sales
man and, by 9, Carter sits opposite the glassware
salesman. Hence, Carter cannot be the hardware sales-
man; thus, he must be the jewelry salesman. There-
fore, an 0 is placed opposite Carter in column J and
X's in the same row in all other columns; also, X's
are placed in column J in all other rows.

Stark is not the hardware salesman, and, by 8, he sits

at the end of a row. Now he cannot be the jewelry sales-
man, for we have just deduced that Carter is the
jewelry salesman; hence, Stark must be in row 2. But,
by 8, Stark is not the toy salesman, and, since, by 4,
the toy salesman sits opposite the hardware salesman,
Stark must sit opposite the jewelry salesman, Carter.
Now, by 9, the glassware salesman sits opposite Carter;
hence, Stark is the glassware salesman. Therefore, an
o is placed opposite Stark in column G and X's in the
same row in all other columns; also, X's in column G
in all other rows.

Now, from the table Hart must be either the carpet or

boat salesman. Assume that Hart is the carpet salesman;
therefore an 0 is placed opposite Hart in column C
and X's in the same row in all other columns. Also, X's
are placed in column C in all other rows. Furthermore,
since, by 7, Waters sits next to the carpet salesman, he
must be the hardware salesman, because we know that
Carter, the jewelry salesman, sits next to Hart. There-
Teasers for the Thinker 239
fore, an 0 is placed in column H opposite Waters and
X's in the same row in all other columns; also, X's
are placed in column H in all other rows.

Stark X X 0 X X X
Hart 0 X X X X X
Duffy X X X X
Carter X X X X X 0
Waters X X X 0 X X
Ring X X X X

Now, from the table Duffy must be either the toy sales-
man or the boat salesman. If Duffy is the toy salesman
then, by 2, Duffy would have to be reading the hard-
ware catalog. Hence, Duffy cannot be the toy sales-
man; thus, he must be the boat salesman. However, if
he were the boat salesman, he cannot be sitting opposite
either the hardware salesman or Carter, the jewelry
salesman, for we know Stark sits opposite Carter. Then,
Duffy must be sitting opposite Hart and, by 2, he must
be reading the carpet catalog. However, by 5, Carter
is reading the carpet catalog; hence, Duffy cannot be
either the toy or the boat salesman. Thus, Waters can-
not be the hardware salesman and Hart cannot be the
carpet salesman. Therefore, all the conclusions arrived
at from the assumption that Hart is the carpet sales-
man are incorrect. Hence. erase all these conclusions.

Now, since Hart cannot be the carpet salesman, he

must be the boat salesman; therefore, an 0 is placed op-
posite Hart in column Band X's in the same row in all
other columns; also, X's are placed in column B in all
other rows. From the table, Waters must either be the
toy or the hardware salesman. Now, Waters cannot be
the hardware salesman for the hardware salesman sits
240 Mathematical Teasers

next to Hart who sells boats and, by 7, Waters sits

next to the carpet salesman. Hence, Waters must be the
toy salesman; therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Waters
in column T and X's in the same row in all other
columns; also, X's are placed in column T in all other
rows. By 10, Ring is not interested in carpets; there-
fore, an X is placed opposite Ring in column C. It im-
mediately follows from the table that Ring sells hard-
ware; therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Ring in column
Hand X's in the same column in all the other rows.
Finally, from the table Duffy must sell carpets; there-
fore, place an 0 opposite Duffy in column C. Thus,
Stark sells glassware, Hart sells boats, Duffy sells
carpets, Carter sells jewelry, Waters sells toys, and
Ring sells hardware.

Stark X X 0 X X X
Hart X X X X 0 X
Duffy 0 X X X X X
Carter X X X X X 0
Waters X 0 X X X X
Ring X X X 0 X X

25. the performing arts

Solution by method I. (See No. 15.) By 1, neither
Marinelli nor Hall is the pianist; therefore, X's
are placed in the column headed Pianist opposite
Marinelli and Hall. By 2, Pastore cannot be the
writer or the painter; therefore, X's are placed op-
posite Pastore in the columns headed Writer and
Painter. By 3, the writer is neither Reno nor Marinelli;
therefore, X's are placed in the column headed Writer
Teasers for the Thinker 241
opposite Reno and Marinelli. It follows from the table
that Hall is the writer. Therefore, an 0 is placed op-
posite Hall in the column headed Writer and X's in the
same row in all other columns. By 2, Hall sat for the
painter, while, by 4, Marinelli does not know Hall;
hence, Marinelli cannot be the painter. Therefore, an
X is placed opposite Marinelli in the column headed
Painter. Then, from the table Reno is the painter;
therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Reno in the column
headed Painter and X's in the same row in all other
columns. It immediately follows from the table that
Pastore is the pianist. Therefore, an 0 is placed op-
posite Pastore in the column headed Pianist and an X
in the same row in the column headed Dancer. It im-
mediately follows from the table that Marinelli is the
dancer. Thus, Marinelli is the dancer, Reno is the
painter, Hall is the writer, and Pastore is the pianist.

Dancer Painter Writer Pianist

Hall X X 0 X
Reno X 0 X X
Marinelli 0 X X X
Pastore X X X 0

Solution by method II. (See No. 15.) Let H, R, M, and

P denote Hall, Reno, Marinelli and Pastore, respectively.
Then, the different possibilities are given in the table.

Possibility No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dancer H H H H H H R R R R R R
Painter R R M M P P H H M M P P
Writer M P R P R M M P H P H M
Pianist P M P R M R P M P H M H
242 Mathematical Teasers

Possibility No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Dancer M M M M M M P P P P P P
Painter P P H H R R H H R R M M
Writer H R P R P H R M H M H R
Pianist R H R P H P M R M H R H

By 1, neither Marinelli nor Hall is the pianist; this

eliminates possibilities 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21,
22, and 24. By 2, Pastore cannot be the writer or the
painter; this eliminates possibilities 4, 6, 13, 15, and 17.
By 3, the writer is neither Reno nor Marinelli; this
eliminates possibilities 1, 3, 7, 16, and 20 and leaves
possibilities 9, 18, and 23. In each of these possibilities
Hall is the writer. Hence, we now know that Hall is the
writer. By 2, the writer, Hall, sat for the painter while,
by 4, Marinelli has never heard of Hall; thus, Marinelli
is not the painter. This eliminates possibilities 9 and
23; hence, the only possibility is 18, which is consistent
with the statements. Therefore, Marinelli is the dancer,
Reno is the painter, Hall is the writer, and Pastore is
the pianist.

26. nepotism
(See No. 15.) By 1, neither Burr nor Fox holds the
offices of president or treasurer and they are both office
holders; therefore, X's are placed opposite each of the
rows corresponding to Burr and Fox in the columns
headed Pres., Tr., and N.O. (no officeholder). By 2,
McCue is not president; therefore, X's are placed op-
posite McCue in the column headed Pres. and N.O. By 3,
Burr is not the secretary. Therefore, an X is placed op-
posite Burr in the column headed Sec. It immediately
follows from the table that Burr is the vice-president;
therefore, an 0 is placed opposite Burr in the column
headed V.P. and X's in the same column in all the other
Teasers for the Thinker 243

rows. Again, from the table Fox is the secretary; there-

fore, an 0 is placed opposite Fox in the column headed
Sec. and X's in the same column in all the other rows.
Then, from the table McCue is the treasurer; therefore,
an 0 is placed opposite McCue in the column headed
Tr. and X's in the same column in all the other rows.
Now, either Marx or Palmer is the president. The first
night, the treasurer, McCue; the vice-president, Burr;
the secretary, Fox; and the president had dinner with
the customer. But, by 5, Marx was not present at that
dinner. Therefore, Marx is Hot the president. Thus, an
X is placed opposite Marx in the column headed Pres. It
then follows that Palmer is the president. Thus, an 0 is
placed opposite Palmer in the column headed Pres. and
an X in the same row in the column headed N.O. This
leaves Marx as the member that holds no office. Hence,
place an 0 opposite Marx in the column headed N.O.
Therefore, Palmer is the president, Burr is the vice-
president, Fox is the secretary, McCue is the treasurer,
and Marx holds no office.

Pres. V.P. Sec. Tr. N.O.

McCue X X X 0 X
Fox X X 0 X X
Burr X 0 X X X
Palmer 0 X X X X
Marx X X X X 0

27. sonny boy's letter

244 Mathematical Teasers

Since this cryptogram represents an addition and each

letter denotes a different digit, then the sum of the
unit's column D + E must be less than 20, so that we
may carry at most 1. Similarly, the largest value Nand
R may have are 9 and 8 and, with the unit you may
have carried, its sum should still be less than 20. This
is true of E + 0 and S + M; that is, S + M must be
less than 20. Hence, the M in the sum must represent
the digit 1. Now M = 1 and S + M = MO; that is,
S + 1 = 10. But, adding 1 to S, even if we have to
carry 1 from E + 0, gives at most 10 or 11. Hence,
the letter 0 is either 1 or o. Now, the letter 0 cannot
be 1 for M = 1; hence, it must be zero. So far, we have
result (1).

(1) SEN D
+ lOR E

It follows that the letter S must be either 8 or 9. As-

suming that S = 8, then E + 0 must be greater than
or equal to ten and this can only be, if E = 9 and N + R
is either equal to or greater than ten. But, if E + 0
is either equal to or greater than ten, then E + 0 + 1
(carried) = N and, since E = 9, then E + 1 = 9 + 1
= 10 and N = O. But, N cannot equal 0, for the letter
o equals zero. Hence, S cannot equal 8; therefore,
S = 9. Since the letter 0 stands for the number 0, then
in order to obtain E + 0 = N, we must have carried 1
from the sum N + R; that is, E + 1 = N. Now, add-
ing the ten's column, we have N + R = E or, since
N = E + 1, (E + 1) + R = E, or R + 1 = o. But,
this is impossible, unless we had carried one unit of
ten from the sum of the units D + E. Thus, N + R +
1 = E + 10; that is, (E + 1) + R + 1 = E + 10,
E + R + 2 = E + 10, and R = 8. We can now write
result (2).
Teasers for the Thinker 245

(2) + 1 0 8 E

Since in order to obtain the sum of the tens, N + 8 =

E, we had to carry one unit of ten from the sum of the
units D + E, then this sum is greater than or equal to
10. But, Y cannot be zero for the letter 0 is zero, hence,
D + E is greater than 10. We have already S = 9,
R = 8, M = 1, and 0 = 0; hence, the only combina-
tions whose sums are greater than 10 are 7 + 4, 7 + 5,
7 + 6 and 6 + 5. But, 7 + 4 and 6 + 5 would make
Y = 1, but Y cannot be 1, for M = 1. Thus, the only
possible sums are 7 + 5 and 7 + 6. Now E cannot be
7, for if it were, then N = E + 1 = 7 + 1 = 8, and N
cannot be 8, for R = 8. Therefore, D = 7 and E must
be either 5 or 6. But E cannot be 6, for if E = 6, then
N = E + 1 = 6 + 1 = 7 and D = 7; hence, E = 5. It
immediately follows that Y = 2 and N = E + 1 =
5 + 1 = 6. Thus, Sonny Boy asked his dad to send the
amount of cents shown below in the solution (3), or

9 5 6 7
(3) + 1 0 8 5
1 0 6 5 2

28. dad's answer to sonny

boy's letter
Since the crytogram represents a subtraction, then in
the hundred's column N which equals E - E must
246 Mathematical Teasers

equal 0 or 9. That is, N = 0 if no borrowing is neces-
sary, or N = 9 if we must borrow 1 unit of a thousand
from P. But, if the remainder in the hundred's column
is 9; that is, if N = 9, then the minuend N in the pre-
ceding column (ten's column) also equals 9. This
minuend is then so large that no borrowing from P
would be necessary. This gives us a contradiction.
Hence, N cannot be 9; thus, N = O. But, if N = 0, no
borrowing from P is necessary. However, if the
minuend N in the ten's column is 0, then we must bor-
row from the minuend E in the hundred's column no
matter what S equals. But, if we borrow from the
minuend E in the hundred's column, we must borrow
from P to perform the subtraction E - E. This again
leads to a contradiction. Thus, no matter which one
of the possible values for N we choose, we get a con-
tradiction and therefore the subtraction is impossible.

29. dad thinks it over and

writes aga i n
+ M 0 R E
Since the cryptogram represents an addition and each
letter denotes a different digit, then the sum of the
unit's column E + E must be at most 9 + 9 = 18,
which is less than 20. Therefore, we may carry at most
1. Similarly, the largest value V and R could have are
Teasers for the Thinker 247

9 and 8, and with the unit which may have been

carried, the sum still would be less than 20. This is
also true of A + 0 and S + M. That is, S + M must be
less than 20; hence, the letter M in the sum must
represent the digit 1. Now, M = 1 and S + M = MO;
that is, S + 1 = 10. But, adding 1 to S, even if we have
carried 1 from A + 0, gives at most 10 or 11. Hence,
the letter 0 is either 1 or O. But the letter 0 cannot be
1, for M = 1; hence, it must be o. Thus, so far we have
result (1).

(1) + 1 0 R E
1 0 N E Y

It follows that the letter S must be either 8 or 9. As-

suming that S = 8, then A + 0 must be greater than
or equal to 10. This can only be true, if A = 9 and
V + R is either equal to or greater than ten. But, if
A + 0 is greater than or equal to ten, then A + 0 + 1
(carried) = N and, since A = 9, then A + 0 + 1 =
9 + 1 = 10 and N = O. But, N cannot equal 0, for 0 is
equal to O. Hence, S cannot equal 8; thus S = 9.

Since the letter 0 stands for 0, then in order to obtain

A + 0 = N, we must have carried 1 from the sum
V + R; that is, A + 1 = N. Now, since V + R is
greater than 10, for E cannot equal zero, then E + E
must be greater than 10 because Y cannot be zero, and
we must carry one unit from the sum of the units
E + E, so that E + E = 2E is greater than 10. But,
if 2E is greater than 10, E must be greater than 5.
Now we already have S = 9, M = 1, 0 = 0, and E
must be greater than 5. Thus, in V + R = E, E must be
greater than 5, so that the sum V + R must be greater
than 15 and neither V nor R can equal 9 for S = 9.
The only possible combination is 8 + 7. Assume that
248 Ma thema tical Teasers

v = 7, then R = 8, E = 6, and Y = 2; thus, so far, we

have result (2).

9 A 7 6
(2) + 1 0 8 6
ION 6 2
It follows that A may equal 5, 4, or 3. If A = 5, then,
since A + 1 = N, N = 6. This i~ impossible for E = 6.
If A = 4, then N = A + 1 = 5 and we obtain the sum
10562 shown in (3).

9 4 7 6
(3) + 1 0 8 6
1 0 5 6 2
If A = 3, then N = A +1= 4 and we obtain 10462
shown in (4).

9 3 7 6
(4) + 1 0 8 6
1 0 4 6 2
It is evident that if we assume V = 8 and R = 7, the
sums will be the same as in the case where V = 7 and
R = 8. Therefore, the amount sent by Dad to Sonny
Boy is 10562 cents, or $105.62.

30. son ny boy goes on a

business trip
Since this cryptogram represents an addition, each let-
ter denotes a different digit; this problem is the same
Teasers for the Thinker 249

as No. 29. The reasoning necessary to solve this problem

is exactly the same and may be duplicated by sub-
stituting T for Sand K for V. The sums, as before, are
10562 and 10462.

31. a little business advice

N 0 G 0

This cryptogram represents a subtraction. Since the

answer does not contain a digit at the extreme left,
then D must equal 1. Now, if D = 1, E must equal 1
or 0, for 10 + E - 1 = N; that is, 9 + E = N, and N
cannot be greater than 9, for it is a digit. But E can-
not equal 1, for D = 1; hence, E = O. It immediately
follows, since 9 + E = N, that N = 9. Thus, so far,
we have result (1).

1 0 FOR
(1) 1 U T Y
9 0 G 0

Now, to subtract T from 0, we must borrow one unit

of a hundred from F; thus, F - 1 = U + O. Since we
have already used 0, 1, and 9, and U and 0 are integers,
then F may be 8, 7, or 6. If F = 8, then U + 0 = 7
and U + 0 = 5 + 2; if F = 7, then U + 0 = 6 and
U + 0 = 4 + 2; if F = 6, then U + 0 = 5 and
U +0=3+2.
Assuming that F = 8, then let U = 5 and 0 = 2. We
then have result (2).
250 Mathematical Teasers

1 0 8 0 R
(2) 1 5 T Y
9 2 G 2

From the ten's column, 10 - T = G, or 10 = T + G.

Since we have already used 0, 1,2,5,8, and 9, the possi-
ble combinations are 6 + 4 and 7 + 3. It may be easily
shown that the combination 6 + 4 is impossible; thus,
let T = 7 and G = 3. We ther. have result (3).

1 0 8 0 R
(3) 1 5 7 Y
9 2 3 2

Hence, R - Y = 2 and it immediately follows that

R = 6 and Y = 4; thus, the operation is,

1 080 6
1 574
9 232

32. th ings a re not what they seem

F 0 U R
This cryptogram represents a subtraction. Since the
answer does not contain a digit at the extreme left,
then F must equall. Now, if F = 1, from the hundred's
column, we have 10 + 0 - T =
T, or 10 + 0 =
Teasers for the Thinker 251

it follows that 0 must represent an even digit; hence,

o may assume the values, 2, 4, 6, or 8. Choosing the
largest possible value for 0, then 0=8; but 10 + 0 =
2T, therefore, 10 + 8 = 2T and T = 9. Thus, we have
result (1).

1 8 U R
(1) 9 W 8
9 E N

So far, we have F = 1, 0 = 8, and T = 9. In order to

carry out the subtraction in the unit's column; that is,
R - 8 = N, we must borrow from U, for R cannot
equal 9, since T = 9; thus, we have 10 + R - 8 = N,
or R + 2 = N. Now, the greatest value N may have is
7. But, if N = 7, then R = 5 and we have result (2).

1 8 U 5
(2) 9 W 8
9 E 7

Since we have borrowed one unit from U and we can-

not borrow from 8, we have U - 1 - W = E, or
U - W - 1 E. So far, we have T = 9, 0 =8, N = 7,
R = 5, and F = 1; hence, the greatest value U may
have is 6. But, if U = 6, then W may equal 4, 3, or 2.
Now, W cannot equal 4, for then E = U - W - 1 =
6- 4- 1 = 1 and F = 1; hence choose W =
3, then
E = U - W - 1 = 6 - 3 - 1 = 2. Therefore, the
operation is,

1 8 6 5
252 Mathematical Teasers

33. deceived by a ppea ra nces

F 0 U R

This cryptogram represents a subtraction. Since the

answer does not contain a digit at the extreme left,
then T must equal 1. Now, if T = 1, from the thousand's
column, we have 10 + H - F = F, or 10 + H = 2F;
hence, H may be any of the digits 2, 4, 6, or 8. How-
ever, before choosing a value for H, consider the other
columns, in particular, the unit's column E - R = E.
If we borrow a unit of 10 from E in the ten's column,
then 10 + E - R = E and 10 = R, which is impossible,
because R is a digit. If we do not borrow, then E - R =
E and R = 0; therefore, R = O. But if R = 0, then in
the hundred's column we shall have 0 - 0 = 1. To be
able to perform this subtraction, we must borrow from
H in the thousand's column. Hence, considering the
thousand's column, we do not have 10 + H - F = F,
as stated below, but 10 + H - 1 - F = F, or 9 + H =
2F. Thus, the possible values of Hare 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
Now, H cannot be 9, for if H = 9, then 9 + H = 9 +
9 = 18 = 2F and F = 9 also. Therefore, the possible
values for Hare 1, 3, 5, or 7. If we let H = 7, so that
9 + H = 9 + 7 = 16 = 2F, then F = 8 and, if we
proceed to find a solution, we shall find that the opera-
tion is impossible; that is, H cannot equal 7. Now, let
H = 5, then 9 + H = 9 + 5 = 14 = 2F and F = 7.
Thus, so far we have result (1).

1 5 0 E E
(1) 7 0 U 0
7 I V E
Teasers for the Thinker 253
Consider now the unit's column E - °= E. Since E
may have any value except 0, 1,5, and 7, choose E = 9.
We then have result (2).

1 5 0 9 9
(2) 7 0 U 0
7 I V 9

Thus, in the ten's column 9 - U = V. Since we have al-

ready used 0,1,5,7, and 9, then U may have any of the
values 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. Now U cannot be 8 for 9 - U =
9 - 8 = 1 = V and T = 1. Nor can U equal 4, because
9 - U = 9 - 4 = 5 = V and H = 5; thus, the only
possible combination is 6 and 3. Let U = 6, then 9 - U
= 9 - 6 = 3 = V to obtain result (3).

1 5 0 9 9
(3) 7 0 6 0
7 I 3 9

Now consider the hundred's column °- 0 = 1. To per-

form this operation, we must borrow from 5 in the
thousand's column, so that the operation become 10 +
o - 0 = I, or simply 10 - 0 = 1. We have already
used 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9; thus, the only possible com-
bination is 8 and 2. Hence, choose 0 = 8 and I = 2 to
obtain the correct solution,

1 5 0 9 9
7 8 6 0
7 2 3 9
254 Mathematical Teasers

34. the cat

lines 1. eAT
2. R e)A P D T M
3. AD e
4. NNT
5. B A
6. AEM
7. AEM
From lines I, 2, and 3, the product of RC by C is a
number which ends in C; thus, C must be I, 5, or 6.
Since the product of RC by C is a number of three
digits, then C cannot be 1; hence, C is either 5 or 6.
Suppose C = 5, then from lines I, 2, and 5, RC X A =
BA; that is, A X C, or A X 5 equals a number ending in
A. But any number times 5 ends in 0 or 5, so that A
would have to be 0 or 5 ; but, A cannot be 5 for C = 5;
hence, A would have to be o. From lines 4, 5, and 6, we
have T - A = E and, if A = 0, then T = E, which is
impossible. Hence, A cannot be 0; therefore, C cannot
be 5; hence, C = 6.

From lines 2, 3, and 4, if C = 6, we have,

A D 6
Now, D cannot equal 6, for C = 6; thus, D is either less
than or greater than 6. If D is less than 6, we must
borrow from P, so that,
Teasers for the Thinker 255

A P-l D+IO
A D 6
It follows that D + 10 - 6 = N, or D + 4 = N, and
that P - 1 - D = N; hence, D + 4 = P - 1 - D, or
2D + 5 = P. Since P must be a digit, then D must be
less than 3; that is, D may be equal to 0, 1, or 2.

From lines 1, 2, and 3, RC X C = ADC; that is R6 X

6 = AD6, or R times 6 + 3 = AD, a number ending in
D. It immediately follows that no matter what digit R
represents, D cannot be O. Moreover, D cannot equal 2,
for no matter what digit R represents, R X 6 + 3 is an
odd number; thus, D = 1. If D = 1, R must be 3 or 8,
for R X 6 + 3 must be a number ending in D; that is, 1.
If D = 1 and R = 3, then RC X C = 36 X 6 = 216 =
ADC; thus, A = 2. Moreover, since D + 4 = N, then
N = 1 + 4 = 5. (See above.) Then from lines 1, 2, and
5, RC X A = 36 X 2 = 72 = BA. But from lines 4, 5,

NNT 5 5 T
B A or 7 2
A E 2 E

Now, no matter what digit T represents, the difference

55T - 72 equals a three-digit number and 2E rep-
resents a two-digit number. Hence, D cannot equal 1;
therefore, D cannot be less than 6. If D is greater than
6, then D may be 7, 8, or 9. Again, from lines 1, 2, and
3, RC X C = ADC; that is R6 X 6 = AD6. Hence,
R X 6 + 3 = AD. This number ends in D; hence, it
must end in 7, 8, or 9. No matter what digit R repre-
256 Mathematical Teasers

sents, R X 6 + 3 is an odd number; thus, D cannot be

8, so D must be 7 or 9. The only possible values for R
are then 4 or 9. But, if R = 9, then RC X C = 96 X 6 =
576 = ADC, A = 5, and D = 7. Now, from lines I,
2, and 5, RC X A = BA is a two-digit number, but
RC X A = 96 X 5 = 480 is a three-digit number.
Hence, R cannot be 9 ; therefore, R = 4.

From lines I, 2, and 3, RC X C = 46 X 6 = 276 = ADC ;

therefore, A = 2 and D= 7. Moreover, from lines 2,
3, and 4,

A P D 2 P 7
A D C or 276
Hence, N = 7 - 6 = 1 and P = N + 7 = 1 + 7 = 8.
So far, we have the result shown below.

lines 1. 6 2 T
2. 4 6 )2 8 7 T M
3. 2 7 6
4. 1 1 T
5. B 2
6. 2 E M
7. 2 E M

From lines I, 2, and 5, 46 X 2 = 92 = B2; hence,

B = 9. Then, from lines 4, 5, and 6, T must be greater
than 2, for N = 1 and A = 2 and there is no carry since
B = 9. Therefore, T may equal 3 or 5, for we have
already used 4,6,7,8, and 9. If T = 3, then T - 2 =
3 - 2 = 1 = E, which is impossible, for N = 1; hence,
T = 5 and E = T - 2 = 5 - 2 = 3. Finally, from lines
Teasers for the Thinker 257

1, 2, and 6, 46 X T = =
46 X 5 230 = 2EM; therefore,
M = O. Thus, the complete solution is,

4 6)2 8 7 5 0
9 2

35. the arab

lines 1. A R A B
2. P R E)A N MMR D R
3. P R E
4. C S R R
5. C C P R
6. A E MD
7. P R E
8. D EAR
9. D EAR

From lines 4, 5, and 6, we have R - R = M; hence,

M = O. From lines 1, 2, and 3, A X PRE = PRE;
thus, A 1. From lines 2, 3, and 4,

258 Mathematical Teasers
Substituting A = 1 and M = 0,

1 N 0 0
To subtract the unit's digits 0 - E, we must borrow
from 0 in the ten's column, but we cannot do this un-
less we borrow from N in the hundred's column; thus,

1 N -1 9 10

It follows that 10 - E = Rand 9 - R = S, or 9 - S =

R, so that 10 - E = 9 - S, or S = E - 1. Substituting
M = 0 and A = 1 in lines 6,7, and 8 gives,

1 E 0 D
D E 1

Thus, D - E = 1, or D =E + 1. To subtract 0 - R
in the ten's column, we must borrow from E in the
hundred's column, so that 10 + (E - 1) - P = D, or
9 + E - P = D, but D = E + 1; hence, 9 + E - P =
E + 1andP = 8.

Now consider lines 4, 5, and 6,

C CPR or C C 8 R
AEM 1 E 0
Teasers for the Thinker 259

Then, R - 8 = E, but R cannot equal 9, for from lines

6, 7, and 8; 10 - R = E. If R = 9, then 10 - R =
10 - 9 = 1 = E, which is impossible, because A = 1.
Hence, R must be less than 8. To perform the operation
R - 8, we must borrow from S in the hundred's
column; thus, 10 + R - 8 = 2 + R = E. But, from
lines 6, 7, and 8, we have 10 - R = E; hence, 10 - R =
2 + R, 8 = 2R, and R = 4. It follows that E =
10 -
R = 10 - 4 = =
6, D E + 1 = 6 + 1 =
7, and
S = E - 1 = 6 - 1= 5. The result is shown below.

lines 1. 1 4 1 B
2. 8 4 6 )1 N 0 0 4 7 4
3. 8 4 6
4. C 5 4 4
5. C C 8 4
6. 1 6 0 7
7. 8 4 6
8. 7 6 1 4
9. 7 6 1 4

Now, from lines 2, 3, and 4,

1 N 0 0
8 4 6
C 5 4
So that 10 + N - 1 - 8 = C, or 1 + N = C. Then,
from lines 4, 5, and 6,

C 5 4 4
C C 8 4
260 Mathematical Teasers

Thus, from the hundred's column, 4 - C = 1; hence,

C = 3. But, 1 + N = C, therefore, 1 + N = 3; thus,
N = 2. Finally, from lines 1, 2, and 8, 846 X B = 7614;
hence, B = 7614 --:-- 846 = 9. Thus, the complete solu-
tion is,

1 4 1 9
8 4 6)1 2 0 0 4 7 4
3 544
3 3 8 4
1 607
7 6 1 4
7 6 1 4

36. a good one

line 1. GOO D 0 N E
2. P R R)D R E 0 0 0 D MN
3. D R M
4. P 000
5. R R D
6. DDM
7. G R E
8. P D R N
9. P D R N
Teasers for the Thinker 261
From lines 2, 3, and 4, we have,


Bringing down the next digit 0, we obtain PO, a two-

digit number. Now, the divisor PRR is a three-digit
number, hence it does not go into the two-digit num-
ber PO. Therefore, the second digit in the quotient;
that is, 0, must equal o. From lines 4, 5, and 6,

P 000 P 0 0 0
R R D or R R D

To subtract the unit's digit D from 0, we must borrow

from the 0 in the ten's place; to subtract the ten's digit
R from 0, we must borrow from the 0 in the hundred's
place; to subtract the hundred's digit R from 0, we
must borrow from P in the thousand's place. Thus, we

P - 1 9 9 10

D = D, or 10 = 2D, and D = 5.
It follows that 10 -
Moreover, 9 - R = 0, so R = 9 and, since P - 1 = 0,
then P = 1. Thus, so far, we have the result shown
262 Mathematical Teasers

lines 1. G 0 0 5 0 N E
2. 1 9 9 )5 9 E 0 0 0 5 MN
3. 5 9 M
4. 1 0 0 0
5. 9 9 5
6. 5 5 M
7. G 9 E
8. 1 5 9 N
9. 1 5 9 N
From lines 6, 7, and 8,

5 5 M
G 9 E
1 5 9

Neither M nor E can be equal to 0 for 0 = 0; thus, M

must be less than E for M = E + 9, which is impossible
if M is a digit. To subtract E from M, we must borrow
from the 5 in the ten's place and, in order to perform
the subtraction in the ten's column, we must borrow
from the 5 in the hundred's column; hence, we have,

4 4 M + 10
G 9 E
1 5 9

It follows that 4 - G = 1 and G = 3; thus, M + 10-

E = 9 and M + 1 = E. Now, from lines 1, 2, and 3,
199 X G = 59M. Since G = 3, then 199 X 3 = 597 =
59M and M = 7, but M + 1 = E; hence, 7 + 1 = E = 8.
From lines 1, 2, and 7, 199 X N = G9E. Since G = 3
and E = 8, then 199 X N = 398 or N = 398 -7- 199 = 2.
Teasers for the Thinker 263

Thus, the complete solution is,

3 0 0 5 0 2 8
1 9 9)5 9 8 0 0 0 5 7 2
1 000
1 592
1 592

37. the th ree fives

Rewrite the blurred example as follows,

abcdefghi jkl mnopqrs

lines A. 5 * * * * * * * * * * * -- * * * * * * *
B. ** *
C. * ***
D. ***
E. 5 * *
F. ** *
G. *5 * *
H. * ***

From line C, we observe that three digits must be

brought down from the dividend before the three-digit
divisor jkl will be contained in this partial remainder.
Hence, the digits An and Ao, or simply nand 0, in line
A in the quotient must equal O.
264 Mathematical Teasers
From lines A, B, and C, we obtain,

lines A. **
B. ** *
C. *
That is, the difference between these two three-digit
numbers is a number of one digit; therefore, the digit
Ba = 5. Line E shows that we must bring down two
digits from the dividend before the divisor jkl is con-
tained in this partial remainder. But, line D is jkl X p,
for the digits nand 0 in the quotient equal O. Hence,
Aq or simply q O.

From lines C, D, and E,

lines C. * * **
D. * * *
E. 5

This 5 is the difference between a four-digit number

and a three-digit number, or the sum of a three-digit
number, and 5 equals a four-digit number. But, adding
5 to a three-digit number will not result in a four-digit
number unless the ten's and hundred's digits in the
three-digit number equal 9 ; thus, digits Dd and De both
equal 9. Moreover, if both the ten's and hundred's digits
in line D equal 9, then the thousand's digit in line C
must equal 1, and the hundred's and ten's digits are
both equal to 0; that is, Cc = 1 and Cd = Ad = Ce =

From line D, jkl X p = 99* or p = ~:; . Now, from

line B, jkl X m =
5** or m = '
~=: so that jkl lies
between 100 and 599; hence p = ~:: must lie between
1 and 9.
Teasers for the Thinker 265

If p = 1, then jkl = 99*, but jkl must be less than 599 ;

hence, p cannot equal 1.

If p = 2, then jkl = 9r = 49*; but, from line B,

J·kl X m = 5** , or m = 5"" jkl = 49"' an
1\"" d there IS
. no
digit m = :;:. Hence, p cannot equal 2. Similarly, p
cannot equal 3 or 4, for if p = 3, then m = :;:, and,
if p = 4, then m = ~":;
but, this is impossible.

If p = 6, then J·kl = 99"

= 16* and m = 5""
so that
m could equal 3 and jkl would then have to be a num-
ber between 167 and 169. But, jkl X p = 99* and the
numbers 167, 168, or 169 multiplied by 6 yields a
product greater than 1000; hence, p does not equal 6.

If p = 7, then jkl = 9~" = 14* and m = ~~:; thus, m

could be 4 and jkl would then have to be a number
between 140 and 149. But, 143 X 7 = 1001, so jkl must
lie between 140 and 142. Again line D = jkl X 7 = 99*
and 140 and 141 X 7 yields a product less than 141 X
7 = 987, so that jkl would have to be 142. The line
D = 142 X 7 = 994. But, line C = line D + 5 and
994 + 5 = 999, which is less than 1000; hence, p can-
not equal 7.

If p = 8, then jkl = 9:" = 12* and m = ~;:; thus, m

could be 4 and jkl would have to be a number between
127 and 129. But, any number between 127 and 129
times 8 would yield a number greater than or equal to
127 X 8 = 1016 and jkl X 8 = 99* ; therefore, p can-
not be 8.

If p = 9, then jkl = 9:'

= 11* and m = ~~:, so that
m could be 5. Then jkl would have to be a number be-
tween 111 and 119. Now, any number greater than or
equal to 112 would yield a product greater than or
equal to 112 X 9 = 1008, so jkl would have to be 111.
266 Mathematical Teasers
Line H = jkl X s and, if jkl = 111, then jkl X s =
111 X s. No matter what value the digit s may take
it cannot be greater than 111 X 9 = 999, and line H is
a four-digit number. Therefore, p cannot equal 9.

Finally, if p = 5, then jkl = 9:" = 19* and m = ~;:, so

that m could be 3; then jkl would have to be a number
between 190 and 199, so that jkl would have to be 198
or 199 for jkl X 5 = 99*. Now, if jkl = 198, then line
D = jkl X p = 198 X 5 = 990. But, line C = line D +
line E, or 100* = 990 + 5, which is impossible. There-
fore, jkl = 199, for 199 X 5 = 995 and 995 + 5 =
1000 = line C. That is, Cf = Af = 0, Df = 5, and
p = 5; hence, jkl = 199, Aj = 1, Ak = 9, and Ai = 9.
Thus, so far we have the following results,

abcdefghi jkl mnopqrs

lines A. 5**000***--;..-199=*0050**
B. 5 * *
C. 1 000
D. 995
E. 5 **
F. ***
G. * 5 * *
H. ****

Line B = jkl X m = 199 X m = 5***; thus, m must

be 3 and line B = 199 X 3 = 597; that is, Bb = 9
and Bc = 7. Since line A - line B = 1, then line A =
line B + 1 = 597 + 1 = 598 and Ab = Bb = 9, Ac = 8,
Bc = 7, and m = 3. Line F = jkl X r = 199 X r = ***,
which is a three-digit number less than line E = 5**;
that is, less than 600. Now, 199 X 4 = 796 and 199 X
3 = 597, so that r may equal 1, 2, or 3. If r = 3, than
Teasers for the Thinker 267

jkl X r = 199 X 3 = 957; but, from lines E, F, and G,

we have,

E. 5 * *
F. * * *
G. * 5 *
Then the difference, line G, has the extreme left-hand
digit different from 0; that is, the difference is a three-
digit number, while the difference 5** - 597 must be
a number of one digit. Hence, r cannot equal 3.

Assume that r = 1, then jkl X r = 199 X 1 = 199 and

the difference 5** - 199 is evidently greater than 199.
But, the partial remainder, line G, must be less than
the divisor 199; hence, r cannot equal 1. Therefore,
r = 2 and it follows that jkl X r = 199 X 2 = 398;
that is, Ff = 3, Fg = 9, and Fh = 8. Thus, the differ-
ence line G = line E - line F which becomes,

E. 5 * *
F. 398
G. * 5 *
Line G must be less than 199, so the hundred's digit
in line G must be 1 ; that is, Gf = 1. It immediately fol-
lows that the ten's digit in line E must be 4, if there is
no borrowing, and 5, if we must borrow to subtract
the unit's digit. Since the final remainder is zero, then
line H = line G, so that Hf = 1 and Hg = 5. But, line
H = jkl X s; that is, 199 X s = 15**, a four-digit
number, equals 1500 plus **. Hence, s must equal 8,
and jkl X s = 199 X 8 = 1592 = line H = line G.
Therefore, Gh = Hh = 9 and Gi = Hi = Ai = 2. But,
line E - line F = line G, or line E = line F + line
G = 398 + 159 = 557; hence, Eg = Ag = 5 and
Eh = Ah = 7. Therefore, the complete solution is,
268 Mathematical Teasers

3 0 0 5 028
1 9 9)5 9 8 0 0 0 5 7 2
1 000
9 9 5
159 2
159 2

38. the five fou rs

Rewrite the blurred example as follows:

abcdefg hij klmn

lines A. * * * * * * 4 * * * = * 4 * "
B. * * *
C. * * 4 *
D. * * * 4
E. * * * *
F. * 4 *
G. * * * *
H. * * * "

It is easily seen that Gg = Hg = 4. From lines A, B,


A. * * * *
B. * * "
C. * * 4
That is, line B +line C = line A. Since lines Band C
are each a three-digit number and line A is a four-digit
number, then the thousand's digit in line A must be 1,
Teasers for the Thinker 269
so that Aa = 1. Similarly, line G +
line F = line E
and lines G and F are both three-digit numbers (before
bringing down Gg) while line E consists of four digits;
hence, Ec = 1. Now line D =
hij X 4 =
***4, a four-
digit number, while line B = hij X k = ***, a three-
digit number, and line F = hij X m = ***, a three-digit
number; therefore, both k and m are less than 4. More-
over, hij X 4 = ***4, a number ending in 4; that
is, j X 4 must equal a number ending in 4. Hence, j
equals 1 or 6.

Assume that j = 1, then line H = ***4 = hij X n, so

that if j = 1, then n =
4, since j X n =
4; thus, line
F = hij X m = *4*. Now, m is less than 4, so that m
equals 1, 2, or 3. Hence, if J 1, n =
4, m = =
1, line
F = hij X m = hij X 1 =
*4 *, i 4, and Ff = =
so that hij = h41. Consequently, line H line D= =
h41 X 4 = (4h + 1)64t, so that Hf Gf Dd= = =6.
Then, from lines C, D, and E,

C. * * 4 *
D. * * 6 4
E. 1 **
No matter what the unit's digit in line C may be, the
ten's digit in line E will have to be either 8 or 7. This
means that the hundred's digit in line F will have to
be 9 or 8, but line F =
hij X m h41 X 1 = 94*, or =
84*, so that h must be 9 or 8. But, if h = 9, line D =
941 X 4 = 3764 =
line H =
line G and if h 8, line=
D = 841 X 4 =3364 =
line H =
line G. From lines
E, F, and G, we then have,

18* * 17* *
9 4 1 or 8 4 1
376 376

t (4h + 1) is the hundred's digit-the parentheses do not

indicate multiplication.
270 Mathematical Teasers
But, this is impossible; therefore, m cannot equal 1.

If j = 1, n = 4, and m = 2, then line F = hij X m =

hi! X 2 = *4*, so that 2i = 4, i = 2, and Ff = 2;
hence, hij = h21. Now, line H = line D = h21 X 4 =
(4h) 84, so that Hf = Gf = Dd = 8. Then, from lines

c. * * 4 *
D. * * 8 4
E. 1 * *

No matter what the unit's digit in line C may be, the

ten's digit in line E will have to be 7 or 6. This means
that the hundred's digit in line F will have to be 8 or 7,
but line F = hij X m = h21 X 2 = 842 or 742. Line F
cannot be equal to 742, so that h must be 8. But, if
h = 8, line D = 842 X 4 = 3368 = line H = line G,
then from lines E, F, and G,

E. 17**
F. 842
G. 336

But, this is impossible; therefore, m cannot equal 2.

If j = 1, n = 4, and m = 3, then line F = hij X m =
hi! X 3 = *4*, so that 3i = 4 and i cannot be a digit.
Hence, m cannot equal 3, and, since m cannot equal 1
or 3, then j cannot equal 1 and n cannot equal 4.

If j= 6, line H = ***4 = hij X n = hi6 X n, so that n

may equal 4 or 9, for 6 X n must be a number ending in 4.
Assume that j = 6 and n = 4, then, again, since m must
be less than 4, m may equal 1, 2, or 3. If j = 6, n = 4,
and m = 1, then line F = hij X m = hi6 X 1 = *4*,
i = 4, and Ff = 6, so that hij = h46. Then, line H =
Teasers for the Thinker 271

line D = h46 X 4 = (4h +

1)~~, so that Hf = Gf =
Dd = 8. Thus, from lines C, D, and E,

C. * * 4 *
D. * * 8 4
E. 1 * *

No matter what the unit's digit in line C may be, the

ten's digit in line E will have to be 6 or 5. This means
that the hundred's digit in line F will have to be 7 or
6. But, line F = hij X m = h46 X 1 = 746, or 646. So
that h must be 7 or 6. If h = 7 or 6, line D = 746 X
4 = 2984, or line D = 646 X 4 = 2584; then, lines E,
F, and G would be,

17* * 16* *
7 4 6 or 646
298 258

This is impossible; therefore, m cannot equal 1.

Let j = 6, n = 4, and m = 2, then line F = hij X m =

hi6 X 2 = *4* and 2i + 1 = 4, or 2i = 3, but there
is no digit i such that 2i = 3; hence, m cannot equal 2.
Now, assume that j = 6, n = 4, and m = 3, then line
F = hij X m = hi6 X 3 = *4* and 3i +
1 = 4, or
3i = 3, and i = 1, Ff = 8 and hij = h16. Then,
line H = line D = hi6 X 4 = (4h) 64, so that Hf =
Gf = Dd = 6. Then, from lines C, D, arid E,

C. * * 4 *
D. * * 6 4
E. 1 * *
No matter what the unit's digit in line C may be, the
ten's digit in line E will have to be 8 or 7. This means
272 Mathematical Teasers

that the hundred's digit in line F will have to be 9 or

8. But, line F = hij X m = h16 X 3 = 948 or 848, so
that 3h = 9 and h = 3, or 3h = 8, which is impossible.
Thus, hij = 316 and line D = 316 X 4 = 1264. Then,
from lines E, F, and G,

1 8 * *

However, this is impossible; therefore, m cannot equal

3 and since m cannot equal 1, 2, or 3, then j = 6 and
n = 4 is impossible.

Let j = 6 and n = 9 and since m is equal to 1, 2, or 3,

consider first j = 6, n = 9, and m = 1. Line F = hij X
m = hi6 X 1 = *4*, so that i = 4 and hij = h46. Line
H = hij X n = h46 X 9 = (9h + 4)!~ = **14, so that
Hf = Gf = 1. Line B = hij X k; now, k must be less
than 4; that is, k may equal 1, 2, or 3.

Assume that j = 6, n = 9, m = 1, and k = 3, then

line B = hij X k = h46 X 3 = (3h +1)38 = ***,
a three-digit number; hence, h must equal T or 2. If
h = 1, then line D = hij X 4 = 146 X 4 = 584, but
line D is a four-digit number; hence, h cannot equal 1.
If h = 2, line D = 246 X 4 = 984, but line D is a four-
digit number; hence, h cannot equal 2 and, therefore k
cannot equal 3.

Let j = 6, n = 9, m = 1, k = 2, and line B = hij X k =

h46 X 2 = (2h)92; then, h may equal any number
from 1 to 4. Now, line D = hij X 4 = h46 X 4 = ***4,
a four-digit number and h46 X 4 = (4h +1)84. It
follows h cannot be 1 or 2, for then line D would be a
three-digit number; thus, h is either 3 or 4. If k = 2
and h = 3, line D = 346 X 4 = 1384; then, from lines
C, D,andE,
Teasers for the Thinker 273

C. * *4 *
D. 1 3 8 4
E. 1 * *
Thus, the thousand's digit in line C must be 1; that is,
Cb = 1 and the hundred's digit in line C must be 5. It
follows from lines A, B, and C that,

A. 1 * **
B. 6 9 2 = 346 X 2 = hij X k
C. 1 5 4

This is impossible; hence, h cannot equal 3, so it must

equal 4.

Let k = 2 and h =
4, then hij 446 and line D= =
hij X 4 = 446 X 4 = 1784. From lines C, D, and E,
we then have,
C. * * 4 *
D. 1 7 8 4
E. 1 * *
Thus, Cb =1, Cc =
9, and Ed 6. Line F= = hij X
m = 446 X m =
*4*, so that m 1, Fd = = 4, and
Ff = 6. Then from lines E, F, and G,

E. 1 6 * *
F. 446
G. 1 2 * * or 1 1 * * (a four-digit number)

The difference between lines E and F is a three-digit

number; hence, h cannot equal 3 and, since h cannot
be 1, 2, 3, or 4, then k cannot equal 2; therefore, k must
equal 1. Now, assume that j 6, n = =
9, and k =1;
then, line D = hij X 4 =
h46 X 4 (4h + 1) 84
= =
***4. Thus, h must be greater than 2. --
274 Mathematical Teasers

If h = 3, line F = hij X m = 346 X m = *4 *, so that

m = 1, Ff = 6 and Fd = 3. Then line F = 346. But
line G = line H = hij X n = 346 X 9 = 3114.

From lines E, F, and G, we obtain,

E. 1 * * *
F. 346
G. 3 1 1

But, 346 + 311 = 657, which is less than 1000; hence,

h cannot equal 3.

If h = 4, line F = hij X m = 446 X m = *4*, so that

m = 1, Ff = 6, and Fd = 4; thus, line F = 446. But
line G = line H = hij X n = 446 X 9 = 4014, so that
from lines E, F, and G,

E. 1***
F. 4 4 6
G. 4 0 1

Since 446 + 401 = 847, which is less than 100, h can-

not equal 4.

If h = 5, line F = hij X m = 546 X m = *4*, so that

m = 1, Ff = 6, and Fd = 5; hence, line F = 546. But
line G = line H = hij X n = 546 X 9 = 4914, so that
from lines E, F, and G,

E. 1 * * *
F. 546
G. 4 9 1

Hence, line E = 546 +

491 = 1047; that is, Ef = 7,
Ee = 3, Ed = 0, and Ec = 1. Then, from lines C, D,
Teasers for the Thinker 275

C. * * 4 *
D. 2 1 8 4 = 546 X 4 = hij X 4
E. 1 0 3

The ten's column is 14 - 8; or 13 - 8; that is, 6 or 5,

and does not equal O. Hence, h cannot equal 5.

If h = 6, line F = hij X m = 646 X m =

*4*, so that
m = 1 and line F = =
646; but, line G line H =
hij X
= =
n 646 X 9 5814. Thus, from lines E, F, and G, line
E = line F + line G =646 +581 =
1227; that is,
Ef 7, Ee =2, Ed = 2, and Ec =
1. Then, from lines
C, D, and E,

C. * * 4 *
D. 2 5 8 4 = 646 X 4 = hij X 4
E. 1 2 2

The ten's column is 14 - 8 or 13 - 8; that is, 6 or 5,

which does not equal 2. Hence, h cannot equal 6.

If h = 7, line F = hij X m =
746 X m =
*4*, so that
m = 1 and line F =746. Now, line G =
line H =
hij X n = 746 X 9 = 6714, so that from lines E, F, and
G, line E = line F +line G =
746 +
671 = 1417;
that is, Ef = 7, Ee =1, Ed =
4, and Ec =1. Then,
from lines C, D, and E,

C. **4 *
D. 2 9 8 4 = 746 X 4 = hij X 4
E. 1 4 1

The ten's column is 6 or 5 and does not equal 4; hence,

h cannot be 7.

If h = 9, line F = hij X m = 946 X m = *4*, so that

m = 1 and line F = 946. But then, line G = line H =
276 Ma thema tical Teasers

hij X n = 946 X 9 = 8514, so that from lines E, F,

and G, line E = line F +
line G = 946 +
851 = 1797;
that is, Ef = 7, Ee = 9, Ed = 7, and Ec = 1. Then
from lines C, D, and E,

C. * *4 *
D. 3 7 8 4 = 946 X 4 = hij X 4
E. 1 7 9

The ten's column is 6 or 5 and does not equal 7; hence,

h cannot equal 9.

If h = 8, line F = hij X m = 846 X m = *4*, so that

m = 1 and line F = 846. But, line G = line H = hij X
n = 846 X 9 = 7614, so that from lines E, F, and G,
line E = line F + line G = 846 + 761 = 1607; that is,
Ef = 7, Ee = 0, Ed = 6, and Ec = 1. Then, from lines
C, D, andE,

C. * * 4 *
D. 3 3 8 4 = 846 X 4 = hij X4
E. 1 6 0

Since the ten's column is 6 or 5, then h = 8; therefore,

j = 6, n = 9, k = 1, and h = 8. Then hij = 846. Line
D = hij X 4 = 846 X 4 = 3384 ; thus, Db = 3, Dc = 3,
and Dd = 8. Line B = hij X k = 846 X 1 = 846;
thus, Bb = 8, Bc = 4, and Bd = 6. Line H = hij X n =
846 X 9 = 7614; thus Gd = Hd = 7, Ge = He = 6,
and Gf = Hf = 1. Then, Ad = Bd Cd = 6 4 = 10; +
that is Ad = O. Since line F = 846 and m = 1, then
Fd = 8 and Ff = 6.

From above, line E = 1607, then Ed = 6, Ec = 0, and

Ef = Af = 7; from lines C, D, and E, line C = line
D + line E = 3384 +160 = 3544. Thus, Cb = 3,
Cc = 5, and Ce = Ae = 4. Finally, from lines A, B,
Teasers for the Thinker 277

and C, line A = line B + line C = 846 + 354 = 1200;

thus, Ab = 2 and Ac = O. The entire division is there-

1 4 1 9
8 4 6)1 2 0 0 4 7 4
3 5 4 4
3 384
1 607
7 6 1 4
7 6 1 4

39. the suspicious sailors no. #1

Let N number of bananas each sailor got at last divi-
sion. Then 4N + 1 is the number of bananas that the
fourth sailor left. Since this is ! of the bananas left
by the third sailor minus 1, then t (4N + 1) + 1 =
16N3 + 7 is the number of bananas that the third sailor

left. But, this is ! of the bananas left by the second

sailor minus 1; thus, i3 ( 16N3 + 7) + 1 = 64N 9+ 37 is the
number of bananas that the second sailor left. Then,
this is ! of the bananas left by the first sailor minus 1;
hence ' 3i( 64N 9+ 37) + 1 = 256N27+ 175 is the number of
bananas that the first sailor left. Finally, this is t
of the original pile of bananas minus 1. Thus, if M is
the number of bananas in the original pile, then,
M = ~(256N2i 175) + 1 = 1024~t 781 = 12N + + 9
52N + 52

Now, let R = 52N81+ 52, then 81R = 52N + 52, or N =

thus N = R - 1
SIR - 52.
52 •
Since N is an integer,
278 Mathematical Teasers
R must be a multiple of 52, so we may write R = 52x;
thus , N = 81R52- 52 = (81 X 52.11)
- 52 = 81x - 1 and
M = 1024 X (81~1- 1) + 781 = 1024x - 3. If we choose x =
1, then M = 1021 bananas.

40. the suspicious sailors no. #2

Let N number of bananas each sailor got at last divi-
sion. Then 5N + 1 is the number of bananas that the
fifth sailor left. Since this is t of the bananas left
by the fourth sailor minus 1, then ~(5N + 1) + 1 =
25N/9 is the number of bananas that the fourth sailor
left, which is t· of the bananas that the third sailor left
minus l', hence , 24 ( 25N4+ 9) + 1 = 125N16+ 61 is the num-
ber of bananas that the third sailor left. Again, this
is t of the pile that the second sailor left minus 1, so
that li( 125N + 61) + 1 = 62I1N + 369 is the number of
4 16 64
bananas that the second sailor left; hence, this is t
of the pile that the first sailor left minus 1; there-
fore ' 42( 625N64+ 869) + 1 = 8125N256+ 2101 is the number of
bananas that the first sailor left, which is t of the
original pile minus 1 • Hence , 2( 3125N + 2101) + 1 =
4 256
15625N + 11529 is the number of bananas in the original
pile. Thus, if M is the number of bananas in the
original pile , then M = 15625N1024 + 111)29 = 15N + 11 +
265N + 265

Now , let R = 265N1024 + 265 ' then 1024R = 265N + 265 ,

or N -- 1024R-265. thus , N = 3R - 1 + ~ Since
N is an integer, then
2::: 265'
must also be an integer;
hence, R must be a mUltiple of 265. Therefore,
we may write R = 265x. Thus, N = 1024:6;;- 265 =
1024 X (265m) - 265
265 '
or N = 1024x - 1, and M =
15625 X (1024.11 - 1) + 115211 = 15625x - 4. If we let x = 1
1024 '
then M = 15621.
Teasers for the Thinker 279

41. the scientific expedition

Suppose the truck starts out from point A and travels
216 miles to point Busing 216 -7- 12 = 18 gallons of
gasoline. At point B, the expedition deposits 54 gallons
and returns to point A using up the remaining 18
gallons. This trip is repeated, so that another 54 gallons
is deposited at point B. Point B, which is 216 miles
from point A, now has deposits of 54 + 54 = 108
gallons of gasoline. The truck then starts out again
from point A fully loaded, travels to point B, and
picks up the 18 gallons there which was used up to
make the trip from point A to point B. Thus, there are
90 gallons now stored at point B. Then, fully loaded
with gasoline, the truck proceeds to point C which is
576 miles from point A, but only 360 miles from point
B. The truck then used up 360 -7- 12 = 30 gallons to
get to point C. The expedition deposits 30 gallons at
point C and returns to point B where the empty tanks
of the truck are filled with 90 gallons from the gasoline
stored there. Then, the truck proceeds again to point C,
using 30 gallons, picks up 30 gallons there, and fills
the tank again. At a full capacity of 90 gallons, the
truck starts out from point C across the desert and
travels the remaining 90 X 12 = 1080 miles to its
destination. Thus, the expedition has used three full
tanks of gasoline, or 90 X 3 = 270 gallons.

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