A Review of Free-Piston Engine History and Applications
A Review of Free-Piston Engine History and Applications
A Review of Free-Piston Engine History and Applications
R. Mikalsen, A.P. Roskilly ∗
Sir Joseph Swan Institute for Energy Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom.
This document reviews the history of free-piston internal combustion engines, from the air compressors and gas
generators used in the mid-20th century through to recent free-piston hydraulic engines and linear electric generators.
Unique features of the free-piston engine are presented and their effects on engine operation are discussed, along with
potential advantages and disadvantages compared to conventional engines. The paper focuses mainly on developed
engines where operational data has been reported. Finally, the potential of the free-piston engine is evaluated and
the most promising designs identified.
⋆ This is a preprint version. This paper was published as: 2. Free-piston engine basics
Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 27, Issues 14-15, Oc-
tober 2007, Pages 2339–2352.
∗ Corresponding author. Due to the breadth of the free-piston term, many
Email addresses: [email protected] (R. Mikalsen), engine configurations will fall under this category.
[email protected] (A.P. Roskilly). The free-piston term is most commonly used to dis-
2.2. Piston configuration Fig. 2. Hydraulic dual piston free-piston engine [7].
dual piston engine configuration eliminates the need ternative means of controlling vibrations. A further
for a rebound device, as the (at any time) work- advantage of the opposed piston design is reduced
ing piston provides the work to drive the compres- heat transfer losses due to the opposed piston cylin-
sion process in the other cylinder. This allows a sim- der (elimination of the cylinder head), and this also
ple and more compact device with higher power to allows uniflow scavenging to be used, giving high
weight ratio. scavenging efficiency.
Some problems with the dual piston design have, The absolute need for a piston synchronisation
however, been reported. The control of piston mo- mechanism is the most important disadvantage of
tion, in particular stroke length and compression ra- the opposed piston design. This, together with the
tio, has proved difficult.This is due to the fact that need for a dual set of the main components, makes
the combustion process in one cylinder drives the the engine complicated and bulky. Achten [8] consid-
compression in the other, and small variations in the ers the opposed piston design and rejects this, and
combustion will have high influence on the next com- the only modern opposed piston free-piston design
pression. This is a control challenge if the combus- reported is the hydraulic engine developed by Hibi
tion process is to be controlled accurately in order and Ito [11].
to optimise emissions and/or efficiency [3,8]. Exper-
imental work with dual piston engines has reported 2.2.4. Gas generators
high sensitivity to load nuances and high cycle-to- Free-piston gas generators (or gasifiers) are free-
cycle variations [9, 10]. piston engines feeding hot gas to a power turbine.
The only ‘load’ for the engine itself is that to su-
2.2.3. Opposed piston percharge the intake air, the output work is taken
An opposed piston free-piston engine essentially out entirely from the power turbine. Free-piston gas
consists of two single piston units with a common generators were used in some large-scale marine and
combustion chamber. Each piston requires a re- stationary powerplants in the mid-20th century, and
bound device, and a load device may be coupled to attempts were made to use this principle in auto-
one or both of the pistons. Figure 3 shows an op- motive applications. Figure 4 illustrates an opposed
posed piston free-piston engine, with a mechanical piston free-piston gas generator plant.
piston synchronisation mechanism. Bounce chamber Supercharge pump
Bounce chamber Combustion chamber Intake air valve Scavenge air box
Piston synchronisation
The operational characteristics of a free-piston
gas generator do not differ much from those of other
free-piston engines of the same configuration. The Load
opposed piston free-piston gas generator was the
topic of much research in the mid-20th century and
Bounce chamber
many reports can be found describing the design Combustion chamber
and operation of such engines. However, as con- (a) Single piston free-piston engine configuration.
ventional gas turbine technology matured, the free-
piston gas generator concept was abandoned. The
only reported modern application of this concept is FR
the single piston free-piston gas generator presented FL
by Johansen et al. [12].
The free-piston engine has a number of unique fea- Max stroke
tures, some give it potential advantages and some
represent challenges that must be overcome for the
free-piston engine to be a realistic alternative to con- TDCN BDCN
ventional technology.
3.1. Operating principle
(b) Free body diagram of the mover in a single piston free-
piston engine.
The free-piston engine is restricted to the two-
Fig. 5. Piston dynamics of a single piston free-piston engine.
stroke operating principle, as a power stroke is re-
quired on every cycle. Although two-stroke engines
FR , load force FL . x denotes mover position, TDCN
suffer from poorer performance compared to four-
and BDCN illustrate nominal top dead centre and
strokes, this performance gap is declining and recent
bottom dead centre positions and ML are the me-
years have seen an increased interest in small scale
chanical limits of the motion. The mover itself will
two-stroke engines.
have a mass mp .
Applying Newtons 2nd law to the moving mass in
3.2. Piston dynamics and control Figure 5b, the piston motion can be described with
sufficient for fuel autoignition. For the engine to run, will not largely influence the efficiency of the engine.
engine TDC must be within this area. Area ° B shows A conventional engine may have to operate over a
the piston position range where the scavenging ports range of inefficient speeds or torques and only parts
are open and the burnt gases can be replaced with of the operational time on the design conditions.
fresh charge. For the scavenging to be efficient, the Both Hibi and Ito [11] and Achten et al. [13] report
piston needs to spend a sufficient amount of time in very good part-load performance for hydraulic free-
this area in every cycle. piston engines using PPM and Achten et al. present
These requirements are absolute and for the en- a direct comparison to a conventional engine-pump
gine to be practical, an engine control system needs showing significantly better part-load performance
to be able to meet these requirements for all types of for the free-piston engine.
engine operation. Accurate control of piston motion Such frequency control also allows frequency
currently represents one of the biggest challenges for changes to take place instantaneously and step
developers of free-piston engines. wise. Somhorst and Achten [14] report an idle speed
of the Innas Free-Piston Engine with auxiliaries of
1 Hz (60 rpm). An illustration of the principle is
3.2.1. Frequency control shown in Figure 6.
For an engine with a gas filled bounce chamber,
the spring-mass nature of the system means that TDC 2.5Hz
the frequency and stroke length are closely related.
The system will operate at its natural frequency, BDC
and the pressure in the gas springs (i.e. spring stiff- 5Hz
first stroke was not reported to be a problem, be- cylinders must also be considered. Furthermore, the
cause high compression ratios were achievable with load device may be subjected to heat transfer from
this method. More challenging was to immediately the engine cylinders.
control the amount of air in the bounce chamber to Known free-piston engine loads include electric
achieve sufficient scavenging for stroke number two, generators, hydraulic pumps and air compressors.
since the bounce chamber was now full of high pres- The dynamic properties of these differ widely. Im-
sure starting air. Although some reports indicate portant factors when determining the feasibility of
that starting was a challenge for the free-piston en- a linear load for a free-piston engine are: Moving
gines, this is never mentioned as a crucial problem. mass, physical size, efficiency and load force pro-
Most linear engine generator concepts use the file. The following characteristics are typical for the
electric machine in motoring mode to start the mentioned load devices:
engine. Recent single piston and opposed piston – Hydraulic pumps typically work against a high
hydraulic free-piston engines use stored hydraulic discharge pressure. Combined with the incom-
energy to start the engine. Since the rebound de- pressible working fluid, this allows a small unit
vices in these engines are hydraulic cylinders, the with very low moving mass. The efficiency of
first stroke is not different from any other stroke such units is generally high and high opera-
and starting represents no problem. tional flexibility has been demonstrated using
electronically controlled hydraulic control sys-
3.2.3. Misfiring tems with fast-acting valves in free-piston en-
Misfiring may represent a problem in the free- gines. The load force of a hydraulic pump is
piston engine, since it does not have energy storage approximately constant, due to the constant
capable of driving the engine for several revolutions discharge pressure.
like the flywheel in a conventional engine. Hence, if – Electric generators can be relatively compact
the engine fails to build up sufficient compression or in size but often suffer from a high moving
if other factors influence the injection/ignition and mass due to magnets or back iron in the mover,
combustion, the engine may stop. The same result required to supply or direct the power generat-
may follow from a mistiming in the fuel injection or ing magnetic flux within the machine. The ef-
ignition timing. ficiency of electric machinery is, however, gen-
Although this has often been mentioned as a po- erally very high. The load force of a permanent
tential problem in theoretical surveys on free-piston magnet electric machine coupled to a purely
engine feasibility, such problems are not mentioned resistive load will be proportional to the trans-
by any of the reported experimental work on free- lator speed, although other designs or the im-
piston engines reviewed. plementation of power electronics may allow
variations on this.
– Air compressors were the original free-piston
3.3. Free-piston loads load devices but are not necessarily better
suited for this purpose than the other two.
The free-piston engine requires a linear load, and The variable stroke of the free-piston engine
for the overall system to be efficient the load must may lead to poor volumetric efficiency of the
provide efficient energy conversion. The rotating air compressor when operating at varying
power source, such as internal combustion engines load levels. If operating with atmospheric in-
and turbines, has been the de facto standard for let pressure, a large compressor cylinder is
many years within electric power generation but also needed resulting in a large and heavy con-
rotating hydraulic and pneumatic machinery are struction. One advantage is that a stepped
highly developed technologies. A challenge for free- compressor piston can be applied, giving a
piston engine developers is to find linear equivalents compact multi-stage compressor. The load
of these machines with comparable performance. profile of an air compressor is like that of a
The mechanical requirements for free-piston en- gas filled bounce chamber in the compression
gine load devices are high since the load is coupled phase and with an approximately constant
directly to the mover, and the load will be subjected load force when the discharge valves are open
to high acceleration forces. Secondary effects from towards the end of the stroke.
the high accelerations such as cavitation in hydraulic Figure 7 illustrates the typical load characteristics
of the mentioned free-piston engine loads. 3.5. The combustion process
Combustion products
ity and turbulence level in the cylinder, which ben-
efit air-fuel mixing and increase the reaction rate
and flame speed. The high piston acceleration just
after TDC leads to a rapid expansion, and time-
Linear alternator
dependent chemical reactions, such as NOx forma-
tion, are potentially reduced.
Achten et al. [13] present experimental results
Load force
elling of the free-piston engine complex, and models cluding gasoline, diesel fuel and crude oil, and states
developed for conventional engines are therefore not that ’It seems that these engines do not care whether
necessarily suitable of modelling free-piston engine they get fuel with octane or cetane numbers’. He
processes. further states that the engine runs satisfactorily on
vegetable and animal oils, with the only noticeable
3.5.1. Combustion optimisation effect being the engine power output varying accord-
The variable compression ratio in the free-piston ing to the heat content of the fuel. The same con-
engine may allow an optimisation of the combus- clusion is also reached by other authors [21].
tion process not achievable in conventional engines.
Given that a sufficiently accurate piston motion con- 3.6. Balancing
trol system can be realised, the compression ratio
can be regulated during operation to achieve best The inherent vibration-free design was an often
possible performance in terms of efficiency or emis- reported advantage of the early opposed piston air
sions. Free-piston engines with compression ratios compressors and gas generators. These engines, from
as high as 50:1 was reported in the mid-20th cen- the earliest air compressor designs in the 1930’s to
tury [18]. the gas generators developed during 1940-1960, all
had mechanical linkages synchronising piston mo-
3.5.2. Homogeneous charge compression ignition tion. Aichlmayr [3] describes the first presentation of
Homogeneous charge compression ignition the Junkers free-piston air compressor at the Leipzig
(HCCI) engines compress a premixed charge until it fair in 1936, where the excellent dynamic character-
self-ignites, resulting in very rapid combustion but istics of the engines were demonstrated by suspend-
with poor control of ignition timing. The free-piston ing the compressors from the ceiling in a single steel
engine is well suited for this since the requirements cable and balancing pencils on the running engine’s
for accurate ignition timing control are lower than housing. Underwood [22] states that the smoothness
in conventional engines. Potential advantages of of the General Motors GMR 4-4 ’Hyprex’ gas gen-
HCCI include high efficiencies due to close to con- erator was ’frequently demonstrated by balancing a
stant volume combustion and the possibility to nickel on a horizontal machine surface’.
burn lean mixtures to reduce gas temperatures and For the single piston and dual piston engine, how-
thereby some types of emissions. HCCI operation of ever, balancing issues need to be addressed when
free-piston engines has been attempted by among mounting the engine. Vibrations may be cancelled
others Aichlmayr [3] and van Blarigan [19]. out by running two or more engines in parallel,
A quasi-HCCI approach is mentioned by Hibi and but this requires accurate control of engine speed.
Ito [11]. Diesel fuel is injected very early in the com- Another possibility is to apply counterweights, as
pression process but after the intake and exhaust demonstrated by Braun [23]. Disadvantages of coun-
ports have closed. The fuel does not ignite at in- terweights are a more complex design, increased
jection because the temperature and pressure are engine size and weight and additional friction losses.
too low, but distributes more or less evenly within Achten [8] states that for the 17 kW hydraulic free-
the cylinder and self-ignites when the pressure and piston engine considered in his paper, vibrations
temperature reach higher values. Ignition occurs at can be accounted for when mounting the engine
multiple points around the cylinder and the burning and that the acceleration forces will have about the
fuel spray with high local temperatures is avoided. same magnitude as in conventional engines.
Due to the variable stroke of the free-piston en- to drive compressors; (b) demand for variable power
gine, high peak pressures may be also be experienced output disfavoured the narrow-output free-piston
during transient operation or from operation of the air compressor for portable applications; (c) low fuel
engine at too high compression ratios. prices and a limited market for such applications dis-
couraged the development of such unconventional
4. Reported free-piston engine applications design.
Since the free-piston engine was first developed 4.1.1. Reported free-piston air compressors
around 1930 a number of different designs have been Junkers One of the earliest successful free-piston
proposed using the free-piston concept. The major- engine applications was the air compressor devel-
ity of these were, however, not commercially suc- oped by German company Junkers in the early
cessful. This section gives an overview of known 1930’s. The Junkers air compressor was first ex-
free-piston engine developments, with an empha- hibited in 1936 and was used by the German navy
sis on engines where experimental results or op- during World War 2 to provide compressed air for
erational performance data have been reported. It launching torpedoes. After the war, US company
should be noted that in addition to these a high Worthington continued development on the Junker
number of patents describing free-piston machinery model with only minor design changes [27].
exist, where the actual development of the engines The Worthington-Junkers air compressor was an
has not been reported. opposed piston, diesel-powered unit with multiple
compressor stages and no rebound device, as the
4.1. Free-piston air compressors compressed air left in the clearance volumes in the
compressor cylinders provided the work to drive the
The original free-piston configuration proposed next compression. This was possible because the
by Pescara was an air compressor, and these ma- compressor had constant power output and the fuel
chines proved to possess some very attractive fea- pump was set to deliver a fixed amount of fuel, with
tures. Despite the large research efforts on the free- on-off control regulating the delivery of compressed
piston gas generator during 1940-1960, the air com- air [4].
pressor is by many considered to be the only really A mechanical synchronisation mechanism con-
successful free-piston engine concept. The excellent necting the two pistons ensured vibration-free op-
performance of the air compressors was a strong con- eration. Starting was done with compressed air, by
tributor to the later significant research efforts put manually moving the pistons to its outer positions,
into the free-piston gas generator. pressurising the compressor cylinders and then re-
These engines were of the opposed piston type, leasing the pistons. London and Oppenheim [26]
making them vibration-free. Farmer [4] discusses report that a compression ratio of 40:1 was achieved
how the interaction between the bounce chamber with this method, virtually ensuring ignition and
and the compressor cylinders controls the compres- unproblematic starting.
sion energy delivered to the combustion cylinder and Toutant [27] reports that the unit occupied about
makes the engine essentially self-regulating. 50 % of the space required by a conventional electri-
Despite its apparent good performance, the free- cally driven compressor and that this, together with
piston air compressor did not gain widespread com- good fuel efficiency, gave the unit great advantages
mercial success. No reports of serious lacks or flaws in submarine installations.
in the concept explaining this can be found, except
that the free-piston air compressor had a narrow
output range. Most reports are, in fact, of the oppo- Braun linear engine In a more recent approach,
site opinion, such as McMullen and Payne [24] who Braun and Schweitzer [23] present a single piston
state that the free-piston air compressor has proved free-piston engine. The load device in the described
’reliable and efficient under all conditions of service’. engine is an air compressor but the authors state
Beachley and Fronczak [25] evaluate the lack of that any suitable linear load may be applied. The en-
success of the free-piston air compressor and present gine operates on a crankcase-scavenged, two-stroke
some possible factors, including that (a) stationary spark ignited cycle and counterweights make the en-
installations tended to use cheaper electric motors gine completely balanced. A compression ignition
version of the engine is also reported to have been 6. In relation to this, Aichlmayr [3], however, notes
successfully operated. that the gas turbine was in its infancy in the 1940’s
Extensive testing of the engine is reported, among and that this must be considered when comparing
this 15,000 hours of operation without breakdown the two plants.
and 40,000 consecutive starts without a miss. The A particular feature of the free-piston gas gener-
authors state that superior fuel economy is possible ators, giving them an advantage over conventional
due to the on/off control of the compressor, where gas turbines, was the low temperature of the gas sup-
conventional engine-compressor sets would run idle. plied to the power turbine. This was a result of the
work required to compress the inlet air already hav-
ing been extracted before the gas was fed to the tur-
4.2. Free-piston gas generators bine. This allowed the free-piston unit to be placed
further away from the power turbine without exten-
In the late 1940’s the free-piston gas generator sive heat losses from the hot gases, a feature that was
attracted interest for use in large-scale powerplants, one of the driving forces behind the development of
and later also for vehicle propulsion. Many variants such engines for automotive use.
emerged, and both General Motors and Ford Motor Despite some well documented advantages, the
Company had working prototypes aimed for vehicle free-piston gas generator never became a real com-
propulsion. Larger free-piston gas generators were petitor to either the diesel engine or the gas turbine.
installed in a number of stationary powerplants and Some of the reasons for the limited success of the
in some marine installations. Much experience in free-piston gas generator are:
the operation of free-piston machinery is reported – High development efforts were put in to
in this period. both conventional diesel engines and gas tur-
These engines were typically diesel powered, op- bine technology, giving rapid performance
posed piston engines with mechanical synchronisa- increases.
tion of the two pistons. The synchronisation mech- – The matching of a pulsating-flow compressor
anism did, in addition to evening out possible force with a continuous-flow turbine proved prob-
differences, also drive the accessories such as fuel in- lematic, giving low part-load efficiency and
jection pump, oil pump and water pump. The start- limiting the gas generator to constant power
ing of the engines was, similar to the Junkers air applications [18, 20].
compressor, performed by rapidly introducing com- – High failure rates and low lifetime and avail-
pressed air into the bounce chambers. ability were reported, related to high pressure
These engines were highly supercharged and and temperature operation [20].
operated on higher mean effective pressures than – The engines did not provide large advantages
conventional diesel engines [26]. The most impor- in weight or fuel economy compared to con-
tant advantages of free-piston gas generators were: ventional engines and could not compete with
low fuel quality requirements, vibration-free design, the power to weight ratio of the gas turbine.
good dynamic response and low turbine material re- With the maturing of conventional gas turbine tech-
quirements due to lower inlet temperatures. London nology, development of the free-piston gas generator
and Oppenheim [26] state that the fuel economy of was largely abandoned in the early 1960’s. [3,18,20]
the free-piston gas generator power plant was com-
petitive with conventional diesel engines and 80-
100 % better than conventional gas turbine plants. 4.2.1. Reported free-piston gas generator
The specific weight was somewhere between the applications
low specific weight of the gas turbine and the high SIGMA The model GS-34 free-piston gas genera-
specific weight of the conventional diesel engine. tor manufactured by Société Industrielle Générale
McMullen and Ramsey [28] claim that the higher de Mécanique Appliquée (SIGMA) in France was
free-piston gas generator efficiency compared to the one of the most successful free-piston engines ever
conventional gas turbine was due to the higher com- made. The development of the GS-34 was finished
pression pressures. They state that free-piston en- in 1944, and it was based on Pescaras patents.
gines could achieve an end-of-compression pressure The GS-34 was an opposed piston, diesel powered
of 100 times the atmospheric pressure, whereas in unit aimed for large scale applications such as ma-
the simple type gas turbine this value was around rine and industrial powerplants. The engine had an
output power of around 1000 kW and a setup with SIGMA GS-34 gas generator in the mid-1950’s. This
multiple engines in parallel, supplying a single tur- ultimately led to the development of two free-piston
bine was frequently used. Huber [29] reports that in gas generators, the GM-14, which was based on the
October 1957, 90 gas generators with a total run- SIGMA engine, and the GMR 4-4 ’Hyprex’.
ning time of about 250 000 hours were in commercial A marine powerplant based on six GM-14 units
use and more units were on order. was installed in the GTS William Patterson, a
The engines were used in various installations United States Maritime Administration vessel,
such as stationary plants, the largest one being the in the late 1950’s but with disappointing results.
Cherbourg power plant consisting of 8 gas genera- Specht [30] evaluates the powerplant and reports
tors feeding one turbine and giving 6000 kW electric a number of problems during the test period but
power output. As marine powerplants, free-piston also explains how some of them were addressed.
gas generators were installed in 21 minesweepers Problems include air pulsation and noise in the
of the French Navy. Huber reports favourable re- machinery room, piston ring breakage, difficulties
sults with excellent vessel manoeuvrability using in matching gas generators with turbines, and high
gas generators compared to conventional diesel en- maintenance costs. Reported advantages of the pow-
gine propulsion. Other marine installations are also erplant included high manoeuvrability, the possibil-
mentioned, in addition to other applications such ity of rapid change in power level, easy maintenance
as locomotives and the powering of pumps and of the units with low implications on vessel opera-
compressors. tion, and high flexibility in operation due to the 6
Intake air Intake air
gas generators and 2 turbines. The fuel economy is
Air box Fuel injector reported to have been comparable to conventional
technology. Specht concludes that the gas generator
plant is unsuitable for scaling up due to the neces-
sary increase in number of units, increasing labour
costs for maintenance and operation.
The GMR 4-4 ’Hyprex’ was a dual (’siamesed’)
Scavenge pump Exhaust flow to turbine opposed piston, diesel free-piston engine aimed for
Bounce chamber automotive applications, and had power output of
around 185 kW at 2400 rpm. Underwood [22] lists
Fig. 8. Illustration of the SIGMA GS-34 free-piston gas gen-
erator [26]. (Note that the illustration is simplified for clar- the reasons for the chosen siamesed design, which
ity.) include a more compact unit and reduced pressure
oscillations at the turbine inlet. The engine was in-
stalled in a car, the XP-500, for testing, making this
Power output 1138 hp
the first car in the world to be powered by a free-
Weight (approx.) 8000 kg piston engine. Despite optimistic reports from the
Speed 613 rpm GM engineers, the Hyprex could not compete with
conventional engines and was abandoned [18].
Cylinder bore 0.34 m
Bounce chamber bore 0.90 m
Stroke 0.44 m Ford Like General Motors, Ford saw a potential in
Compressor pressure ratio 5.42
the free-piston gas generator for automotive appli-
cations in the mid 1950’s. Frey et al. [31] mention
Engine compression ratio 8.5
the potential advantages of mounting the gas gener-
Piston mass 503 kg ator in the front of the vehicle and the power turbine
Overall thermal efficiency 34.6 % in the rear, thereby eliminating the drive tunnel and
Table 1 achieving better weight distribution (this is also dis-
SIGMA GS-34 design and performance [26]. cussed by Underwood of General Motors [22]).
Frey et al. showed analytical models for the design
of a free-piston gas generator and they described the
General Motors General Motors (GM) gained in- development of a 150 hp, 2400 rpm unit. They re-
terest in the free-piston engine concept after test- port initial development difficulties regarding start-
ing a number of free-piston engines including the ing, breakage of piston rings, injection pump fail-
ures and poor combustion, but describe how most of was abandoned before completion. The reasons for
these were addressed by improvements in the design. this are not known.
Noren and Erwin [21] described the development Diesel common rail
of the Ford model 519 free-piston powerplant and Combustion chamber
the implementation of that in a farm tractor. The
authors state that in the tractor, the free-piston
powerplant is more compact, has lower weight and Intake air
provides more freedom in the mounting of the en-
gine than a comparable conventional diesel engine.
Based on results from the test vehicle they report su-
perior torque characteristics for the free-piston gas
generator unit over a conventional piston engine, il- Intercooler
lustrated in Figure 9. Where the crankshaft engine
torque will decrease at reducing speeds and the en-
gine will finally stall or a gear shift has to be made,
the free-piston unit torque increases at lower speeds.
Other reported advantages of the free-piston unit
are vibration free operation and low noise. Power turbine
Bounce chamber
Piston engine
Many of the modern approaches in free-piston en-
gine technology are hydraulic engines, in which the
combustion piston is directly coupled to a hydraulic
pump cylinder. A number of projects are ongoing,
both within academia and in industry. Most of these
Engine rpm
units are aimed at off-highway vehicles such as fork-
Fig. 9. Torque characteristics of the free-piston powerplant lift trucks and earth-moving machinery and, conse-
compared to a conventional engine [21]. quently, most developments are of small size (typ-
ically 30-50 kW). Such vehicles typically have high
hydraulic loads from vehicle accessories and propul-
Kværner In a more recent approach, the Norwe- sion, and they are commonly powered by a conven-
gian company Kværner ASA designed an 8-cylinder, tional diesel engine coupled to a hydraulic pump.
8 MW free-piston gas generator together with Hydraulic free-piston engines may apply a hy-
Norwegian University of Science and Technology draulically driven rebound device, using part of the
(NTNU) [12]. The engine is a single-piston gas gen- produced hydraulic energy to return the piston, or
erator, illustrated in Figure 10, and experimental a bounce chamber. A number of prototypes have
results from a one-cylinder test engine is reported. been developed in recent years and experimental re-
The developers derived a control strategy for pis- sults from these are currently being reported. The
ton motion control, controlling TDC, BDC and syn- reports show generally good fuel economy and very
chronisation of the cylinders in addition to supervi- good performance at part load.
sory control objectives of load and combustion opti-
misation [32]. This engine is the only reported mod- 4.3.1. Reported hydraulic free-piston engine
ern attempt of building a free-piston gas generator. applications
However, through personal communication with the Toyohashi University Researchers at Toyohashi
developers the authors have learnt that this project University of Technology in Japan have been doing
research in the field of hydraulic free-piston engines
for more than 20 years. They have reported experi-
mental results from both single piston [33] and op-
posed piston [11] diesel powered free-piston engines.
The latter is the latest published work, with re-
ported engine hydraulic thermal efficiency of 31 % 2 .
The authors state that this value stays practically
constant even with very low hydraulic power output.
The fuel injection is hydraulically actuated and the
fuel is injected very early in the compression process
to achieve a combustion process similar to that of a
homogenous charge compression ignition engine.
Hibi and Ito [11] further present an alternative pis-
(a) The working principle of the Innas Free-Piston Engine.
ton synchronisation method for the opposed piston
engine, eliminating the traditional mechanical link-
age. The pistons in the hydraulic free-piston engine
are synchronised by using a combination of the elec-
tronically controlled hydraulic rebound device and
a mechanical spring. A small synchronisation error
is reported, but this is not large enough to affect the
performance of the engine.
engine with equal mean piston speeds. The develop- This group of researchers is the most successful
ers state that the relative long periods of the stroke within academia regarding free-piston engine gener-
with almost constant piston velocity and the short ator research. It is one of very few that have reported
turn times at the dead centres benefit the hydraulic the successful development of a running prototype.
pump circuit. Total efficiency of 20 % was reported.
Intake port Coil Piston
The developers report cycle-to-cycle variation in
stroke for each cylinder of ±1 %, giving a variation in
compression pressure of around ±15 %. Combustion
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