CNA Abbreviations & Vocabulary
CNA Abbreviations & Vocabulary
CNA Abbreviations & Vocabulary
abs abdomen ER emergency room
ac before meals F Fahrenheit
ADL activites of daily living FBS fasting blood sugar
ad lib as desired FF force fluids
Adm admitted or admission fl (fld) fluid
AM (am) morning ft foot or feet
amb ambulatory gal gallon
amt amount GB gallbladder
ap apical GI gastrointestinal
approx approximately GSW gunshot wound
bid twice a day h (hr) hour
bm bowel movement H2O water
BP blood pressure HS (hs) hour of sleep
BRP bathroom privileges ht height
c with ICU intensive care unit
C centigrade in inch
Ca cancer, calcium I&O intake and output
Cath catheter IV intravenous
CBC complete blood count L left, liter
CBR complete bed rest Lab laboratory
cc cubic centimeter lb pound
CCU coronary care unit liq liquid
CNA certified nursing ass=t LLQ left lower quadrant
c/o complains of LMP last menstrual period
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation LPN licensed practical nurse
dc (d/c) discontinue lt left
DOA dead on arrival LVN licensed vocational nurse
DON director of nursing LUQ left upper quadrant
drsg dressing meds medications
Dx diagnosis mid noc midnight
ECG (EKG) electrocardiogram min minute
EEG electroencephalogram ml milliliter
NA nursing assistant RLQ right lower quadrant
neg negative RN registered nurse
nil none ROM range of motion
no number RR recovery room
noc night RUQ right upper quadrant
NPO (npo) nothing by mouth s without
O2 oxygen SOB shortness of breath
OB obstetrics spec specimen
OJ orange juice SSE soapsuds enema
OOB out of bed stat at once, immediately
OR operating room surg surgery
OT occupational therapy tbsp tablespoon
oz (Oz) ounce tid three times a day
PAR postanesthesia room TLC tender loving care
pc after meals TPR temp, pulse, and resp.
Peds pediatrics tsp teaspoon
per by, through u/a urinalysis
PM (pm) after noon vs vital signs
po (per os) by mouth WBC white blood cell, white blood
postop postoperative
w/c wheelchair
preop preoperative
wt weight
prep preparation
prn when necessary
pt patient
PT physical therapy
q every
qd every day
qh every hour
q2h, q3h, etc. every 2 hrs, 3 hrs, etc.
qhs every night at bedtime
qid four times a day
qod every other day
R rectal temperature; respiration,
RBC red blood cell; red blood count
Abdominal thrust Heimlich maneuver B action taken to expel lodged object out of
throat by air from the lungs
Abduction bringing away from the midline of the body
Abduction/splint/wedge used to position a part of the body away from the midline
Active/passive range moving a joint of the body through all available motions,
of motions passive, nurse does for pt, active pt does movements with assist
as needed
Acute sudden onset, short term illness
Adduction bringing toward the midline
Antepartum before labor or childbirth
Antiembolism stockings/ thick white stockings put on legs to increase circulation
Aphasia inability to speak; receptive: inability to receive information
correctly, expressive: inability to express information correctly
Apical pulse heard at apex of the heart with a stethoscope
Aspiration inhaled foreign substance into the lung
Autism tendency to self absorption at expense of outward reality
Bardycardia slow heart rate
Bed board flat board at foot of bed to prevent foot drop‐plantar flexion
Bed cradle metal frame that keeps the weight of top linens off the feet, helps
prevent foot drop and pressure sores
Bipolar mood disorder, alternating between mania and depression
Brachial artery place a pulse can be felt above bend in elbow
Care plans written plan of care, including diagnosis, medications, treatments,
prognosis, assessment
Carotid artery place a pulse can be felt at the side of the neck
Cerebral Palsy defect of motor power and coordination, r/t brain damage
Chemotherapy giving chemicals that have a specific toxic effect on a disease
causing microorganism
Cheyne‐Stokes bizarre breathing pattern, period of apnea lasting 10‐60 seconds
followed by gradually increasing depth and frequency of
Chronic slow progression, long term illness
Circumcision removal of the penile prepuce
Clean catch/midstream pt. cleans perineum, begins voiding, stops, then voids
Closed bed bed not in use B top linens not folded back
Condom/Texas catheter external male catheter
Contracture permanent contraction of a muscle due to spasm or paralysis
Customs generally accepted practice or behavior by a particular group of
Cyanosis blue condition of skin due to low levels of oxygen
Defense Mechanisms used by all persons to cope with anxiety
Dehiscence bursting open, splitting or gaping wound
Delegation the act of transferring authority to a person for a specific task
Delusions persistent false beliefs
Dementia loss of cognitive function (thinking, remembering, reasoning)
caused by changes in the brain
Depression feelings of sadness, loneliness, despair, low self esteem
Diastole/Diastolic resting phase of the heart B last sound heard when taking a blood
DOPL Dept. of Occupational and Professional Licensing ‐ state agency
that regulates licensing of professionals
Down drain attachment to catheter to collect urine
Draw/lift sheets an extra sheet placed on top of the bottom sheet when the bed is
made; also called a turning sheet, used to help move patients in
Dysphagia difficulty swallowing
Dyspnea difficulty breathing
Eating Disorders anorexia, bulimia, binge eating
Elizabeth Kubler‐Ross stages of grieving/loss B denial, anger, bargaining, depression,
Embolus blood clot
Emesis vomiting
Empathy entering into the feelings of others.
Exposure incident eye, mouth or mucous membrane contact with blood or other
potentially infectious material as a result of employee duties
Extension increasing the angle of a joint
Face mask mask put over mouth and nose to administer O2
Finger Stick Blood checking blood sugar level by getting blood from
Flatus gas
Flexion decreasing the angle of a joint
Foley Catheter catheter that stays in, also called indwelling
Glucometer machine to tell you what the blood sugar level is by inserting
sample of blood into it
Glucose Testing poking finger with sterile lancet
Graduate pitcher measuring container for intake and output
Hemiplegia paralysis on right or left side of body possibly due to stroke
High Fowler’s head elevated 45 ‐ 60 degrees
Hip precautions positions to avoid after a total hip replacement, do not adduct,
flex or internally rotate (do not cross legs)
Holistic a type of care that involved considering a whole system, such as a
whole person, rather than dividing the system into parts
Home Health Team all members of health team that provide care for home health
Hypertension high blood pressure (higher than 140/90)
Incident an accident or unexpected event during the course of care that is
not part of the normal routine in a healthcare facility
Integumentary system consists of skin, hair, and nails
Kardex updated record of pt. care, including all current MD orders done
in pencil
Life support systems CPR, crash cart, ventilator, actions used to support and continue
Living will prepared statement when an individual is well, states life support
devices and heroic measures are not to be used to prolong life
Lochia discharge of mucous, blood and tissue after childbirth
Log rolling keeping trunk/spine straight while turning pt. on side, usually
takes two people to do this
Maslow’s Hierarchy basic survival needs, one is to be met before higher level can
of needs be met. Order physiological, safety, love and belonging, self‐
esteem, self‐actualization
Medicaid U.S. government program provides medical care for the poor
Medical Asepsis condition free from germs and infection
Medicare Federal medical and hospital care for the elderly
Metastasis movement of cells from one part of the body to another (usually
cancer cells)
Mitered corner hospital triangular corners to secure sheets
Module E
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets B includes all Aingredients@ in each
material used in a facility, precautions to take and treatment for
exposure to each material
Nasal cannula prongs into nostrils to administer O2
Nasogastric Tube (NG tube) B tube placed into a nostril and goes down the
esophagus to the stomach
NCR/DNR No Cardiac Resuscitation/do not resuscitate no action to be taken
to revive someone; an order that tell a medical professional not to
perform CPR
Negligence actions, or the failure to act or provide the proper care, that result
in unintended injury to a person.
Non‐pathogen microorganism or substance that is not capable of causing disease
Nosocomial hospital acquired infection
NPO nothing by mouth B don’t give anything to eat or drink
Objective measurable findings B temp, red skin, etc.
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act B 1987 federal law that
regulates training and care of the elderly
Open bed top linens are fan folded to foot of bed B bed in lowest position
Orthotics mechanical appliances for orthopedic use
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration B government
agency responsible for regulation of blood borne pathogen
Osteoporosis a disease that causes bones to become porous and brittle
Paraplegia paralysis of lower body and legs, spinal cord injury
Pathogen disease causing agent
Perineal care/Peri‐care cleaning, maintaining good skin condition around the private parts
of perineum
Peristalsis involuntary muscle contraction of digestive system, moves food
Physiological concerning body function
Polydipsia increased thirst
Polyphagia increased hunger
Polyuria increased urine output B three symptoms of diabetes
Postpartum after labor or childbirth
PPE Personal Protective Equipment B includes gloves, mask, gowns
Pressure sore a serious wound resulting from skin breakdown; also called bed
sore or decubitus ulcer; may result from patient being left in one
position for long periods of time
Psychological study of the mind in all its relationships, normal and abnormal
Pulse Obliteration two step method way of accurately measuring B/P, feel for radial
pulse while pumping B/P cuff up, when you don’t feel the pulse,
pump 30 mm higher and slowly release to hear sound
Quadraplegia paralysis of arms and legs, cervical spinal cord injury
RACE Rescue Alarm Contain Extinguisher – pertains to fire, order of
Radial artery place a pulse can be felt at the thumb side of the wrist
Radiation process which energy is propagated through space cancer
Range of motion exercise that put a joint through its full arc of motion
(ROM) exercises
Restraint a physical or chemical way to restrict voluntary movement or
Reverse Trendelenberg raise head of the bed, lower foot of bed
Sample/Speci‐Pan/Hat pan placed in toilet to measure output
Seizure involuntary, often violent contractions of the muscles
Schizophrenia psychosis thought disorder, withdrawal, difficulty with reality
Semi‐Flowler’s head (30 degrees ) and foot (15 degrees) slightly elevated
Semi‐Prone/Sims side lying, upper leg sharply flexed so it is not on the lower leg,
lower leg slightly flexed, lower arm behind pt.
Spina Bifida failure of fusion of the vertebrae
Sputum substance expelled by coughing or clearing throat and respiratory
Standard Precautions handwashing, etc. used on every pt to prevent spread of germs
and infections, PPE utilized for all pt. care
Sterile free from living microorganisms, pathogens or nonpathogens
Straight Catheter catheter put in, let bladder drain and then remove; also called
Subjective pt. feelings, statements or opinions, such as “I have a headache”
Sundowning increased signs, symptoms, and behaviors of Alzheimer’s disease
during hours of darkness
Supine lying flat on the back
Suprapubic catheter catheter inserted through abdomen into bladder to drain urine B
usually used to allow urethra and bladder to rest
Surgical bed top linens folded to one side or to the very bottom of bed; bed is
in highest position awaiting pt’s return on a stretcher from
Systole/Systolic beating phase of the heart the first sound you hear of the B/P
Tachycardia fast heart rate
Tachypnea rapid breathing
Thickened liquids powder added to water, etc., to make thicker; aids in swallowing
Tracheostomy a surgically‐created opening through the neck into the trachea
Trapeze triangular bar suspended from the overbed frame used to
strengthen arm muscles and help with positioning in bed
Trendelenberg shock position lowers the head of the bed and raises the foot
Trochanter Roll roll used to position thigh to prevent external rotation
urine specimen more, catching it into a specimen cup
Utah Health state agency that certifies for certifies Nurse’s Aides
Wound infection redness, odor, purulent drainage, increased pt. temp