Foreword: Prof. R.A. Yadav
Foreword: Prof. R.A. Yadav
Approval Process
The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is given a mandate and is vested
with a set of powers and functions to foster the planned growth and nurture quality in
technical education in the country. Though the efforts are to continue to promote
technical education, the endeavour is to inculcate quality and nurture mutual trust and
confidence so as to bring convergence in our attempts to help the nation assume
leadership by empowering our stakeholders and thereby generating globally acceptable
human resources.
This year, the AICTE has introduced some changes in the Approval Process for
technical institutions to make it more realistic. Suitable mechanisms have been evolved
and procedure reviewed to ensure transparent, consistent and rational decision-making
taking into confidence all the stakeholders. The Council provides an opportunity to the
applicants to apply 'anytime round the year' with well-defined schedule for processing
of the proposals. The norms have been relaxed for establishment of technical
institutions exclusively for women and establishment of technical institutions in North-
Eastern States. Tuition Fee Waiver scheme for Women, Economically Backward and
Physically Handicapped Meritorious Students has been started. Provisions like
Mandatory Disclosure and maintenance of website on part of institutions were made
compulsory two years ago to enhance transparency and enable the stakeholders to
make informed decisions. Random and surprise visits will be conducted to ensure
maintenance of 'Norms & Standards' and quality of technical education.
Under Section 10(k) of the AICTE Act, 1987, AICTE is empowered to "grant approval
for staring new technical institutions and for introduction of new courses or programmes
in consultation with the agencies concerned." This manual provides detailed
information on process being followed by the Council in this regard and extension of
approval/increase in intake for existing technical institutions and establishment of new
technical institutions. It is earnestly hoped that the stakeholders would appreciate the
steps being taken by AICTE for a fair and transparent system and would strengthen
our efforts with their valuable inputs to the Council to facilitate continuous improvement
in the process of approvals.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Background and Statutory Provision under AICTE Act
regarding Planning, Promotion and Regulation of
Technical Education
The beginning of formal Technical Education in India can be dated back to the mid 19th century. The major policy
initiatives in the pre-independence period included appointment of the Indian Universities Commission in 1902,
issue of the Indian Education policy resolution in 1904 and the Governor General’s policy statement of 1913 stressing
the importance of Technical Education, the establishment of IISc in Bangalore, Institute for Sugar, Textile and
Leather Technology in Kanpur, N.C.E. in Bengal in 1905 and Industrial schools in several provinces. Significant
developments include:
● Constitution of the Technical Education Committee of the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) of
● Formation of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in 1945 by the Government of India.
The AICTE was set up in November 1945 based on the recommendations of CABE to stimulate, coordinate and
control the provisions of educational facilities and industrial development of the post war period. At that time,
mandate of AICTE basically covered only programmes in Engineering and Technology.
The growth of industries in the Country, just after independence, also demanded the need for qualified professionals
in other fields, such as Business Management, Architecture, Hotel Management, Pharmacy etc. Although the
diverse elements of Management such as Commerce, Economics, Finance, Psychology and Industrial Sociology
were being taught for a long time, the need for Management Education in a formal way was felt in India only in the
fifties. The Government of India decided in 1954 to set up a Board of Management Studies under AICTE to formulate
standards and promote Management Education. Other major initiatives taken in Management Education include:
setting up of the Administrative Staff College of India at Hyderabad in the late fifties, National Productivity Council
and Indian Institute of Management in the early sixties. Architecture was covered under the Architects’ Act, 1972.
Subsequently, for better coordination of the Professional Courses, Architecture Education was also placed under
the purview of AICTE.
Hotel Management Education had a modest beginning with short programmes in Nutrition and Food Science,
which started in the late fifties. The National Council of Hotel Management and Catering Technology was set up in
1982, to which all the institutions of Hotel Management run by the Government are affiliated.
Education in other professional fields such as, Pharmacy, Applied Arts & Crafts have also undergone similar
developments during the post-independence period. Programmes for Technical Education, during the first three Five
Year Plans, were devoted to expansion of Technical Education to meet the growing demand for technical personnel at
Diploma, Degree and Post-Graduate Levels. From the fourth Five Year Plan onwards, the emphasis was shifted to
the improvement of quality and standard of Technical Education. This was done through implementation of the
Quality Improvement Programme consisting of three major components viz.
(1) Provisions for M.E./M. Tech and Ph. D Programmes, (2) Establishment of Curriculum Design and Development
Cells, and (3) Short Term Training Programmes. Meanwhile, expansion of institutions and intake remained at a low
level in the Government, Private-aided and University sectors. The policy shift during eighties towards involvement of
Private and Voluntary Organizations in the setting up of Technical and Management Institutions on self-financing
basis ushered in an era of unprecedented expansion of the Technical Education System, a trend which has continued
during successive Five Year Plans.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
It was in this context that AICTE was given statutory powers by the AICTE Act of Parliament in 1987, with a view to
ensure the proper planning and coordinated development of Technical Education System throughout the Country.
Technical Education in this context includes fields of Engineering and Technology, Architecture, Town Planning,
Management, Pharmacy and Applied Arts & Crafts.
The growth of Technical Education before independence in the Country has been very slow. The number of
Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics (including Pharmacy and Architecture Institutions) in 1947 was 44 and 43
respectively with an intake capacity of 3200 and 3400 respectively. Due to efforts and initiatives taken during
successive Five Year Plans and particularly due to policy changes in the eighties to allow participation of Private
and Voluntary Organizations in the setting up of Technical Institutions on self-financing basis, the growth of Technical
Education has been phenomenal. At Present, there are 1668 Degree level and 1414 Diploma Level Engineering/
Technology; 1149 Management; 1017 MCA; 854 Degree Level and 583 Diploma Level Pharmacy, 81 Degree Level
and 92 Diploma Level Hotel Management; 116 Degree Level Architecture and 5 Diploma Level Architecture; and 9
Degree level and 8 Diploma level Applied Arts & Crafts Institutions with a combined total intake of 13.04 lakhs
(approx) as on 31.8.2007.
The AICTE Act, 1987 was passed by the Parliament, to provide for the establishment of the All India Council for
Technical Education (AICTE) with a view to ensure proper planning and coordinated development of the Technical
Education System throughout the Country, qualitative improvement of such education in relation to planned
quantitative growth and the regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards in the Technical Education
System and for matters connected therewith.
Evolve suitable performance appraisal system for Technical Institutions and Universities imparting Technical
Education, incorporating Norms and Mechanisms for enforcing accountability.
Lay down norms and standards for course curriculum, physical and instructional facilities, staff patterns, staff
qualifications, quality instructions, assessment and examination.
Grant approval for starting new Technical Institutions and for introduction of new Courses or Programmes in
consultation with the Agencies concerned.
For the purposes of ascertaining the financial needs of technical institution or a University or its standards of
teaching, examination and research, the Council may cause an inspection of any department or departments of
such technical institution or University to be made in such manner as may be prescribed and by such person or
persons as it may direct.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
The Council shall communicate to the technical institution or University the date on which any inspection under
sub-section (1) is to be made and the technical institution or University shall be entitled to be associated with the
inspection in such manner as may be prescribed.
The Council shall communicate to the technical institution or the University, its views in regard to the results of
any such inspection and may, after ascertaining the opinion of that technical institution or University the action to be
taken as a result of such inspection.
All communications to a technical institution or University under this section shall be made to the executive
authority thereof and the executive authority of the technical institution or University shall report to the Council the
action, if any, which is proposed to be taken for the purposes of implementing any such recommendation as is
referred to in sub-section (3).
“Technical Education” means Programmes of Education, Research and Training in Engineering & Technology,
Architecture, Town Planning, Management, Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Pharmacy, and Applied Arts
& Crafts, and such other Programmes or areas as the Central Government may, in consultation with the Council, by
notification in the Official Gazette, declare.
1.6.1 Vision
“To be a world class organization leading technological and socioeconomic development of the Country by
enhancing the global competitiveness of technical manpower and by ensuring high quality technical education to all
sections of the society.”
1.6.2 Mission
Planned and coordinated development of Technical Education in the Country by ensuring world-class standards
of institutions through accreditation.
Emphasis on developing high quality institutions, academic excellence and innovative research and
development programmes;
Dissemination of knowledge;
Promoting industry-institute interaction for developing new products, services, and patents;
Inculcating entrepreneurship;
To be a forward-looking organization that has an efficient, flexible and empowered manpower, sensitive to
stakeholders’ expectations.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
1.6.3 Objectives
1.6.4 Responsibilities
Policy Directions.
Research and Institutional Development through Modernisation and Removal of Obsolescence (MODROBS)/
Research Promotion Schemes (RPS)
Assessment of National Technical Manpower through National Technical Manpower Information System
Note : Technical programmes cannot be run/offered without the prior approval of AICTE. Legal action
will be initiated against institutions/ organizations running/offering technical programmes/ courses
without the approval of AICTE.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
All India Council For Technical Education
New Delhi, 14th September, 2006
No. F. 37-3/Legal/2006 : In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 23 read with section 10
(b), (g), (i), (k), (p) & (v) and Section 11 of the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987) and,
in super session of the Regulations No. F. 37-3/Legal/2004 dated 28-11-2005, the following regulations are hereby
notified by the Council:
(1) These Regulations may be called the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Grant of
approval for starting new technical institutions, introduction of courses or programmes and increase/
variation of intake capacity of seats for the courses or programmes and Extension of approval for the
existing technical institutions Regulations, 2006.
(2) They shall come into force w.e.f. the date of publication in the Official Gazette of India.
2.2 Definitions
(a) “Act” means the All India Council for Technical Education Act 1987 (52 of 1987);
(b) ‘Technical Institution” means the institution of Government, Government Aided and Private (self financing)
institutions conducting the courses/programmes in the field technical education, training and research
in Engineering, Technology Including MCA, Architecture, Town Planning, Management, Pharmacy,
Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Applied Arts & Crafts and such other programmes and
areas as notified by the Council from time to time;
(c) All other words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the All India Council for
Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987), shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the
said Act;
2.3 Purpose
(b) Grant of approval for introduction of new courses or programs and/or increase and/or variation in intake of
seats in existing courses or programs in technical institutions;
2.4 Applicability
These Regulations shall be applicable to technical institutions of Government, Government Aided and
Private (self financing) conducting the courses/ programs in the fields of technical education, training
and research in Engineering, Technology Including MCA, Architecture, Town Planning, Management,
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Pharmacy, Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Applied Arts & Crafts and such other programs
and areas as notified by the Council from time to time.
(1) No new technical institution of Government, Government Aided or Private (self financing) institution,
whether affiliated or not affiliated to any University shall be started and no new courses or programs
shall be introduced and no increase and/or variation of intake in the existing Courses/Programmes
shall be effected at all levels in the field of ‘Technical Education’ without obtaining prior approval of the
Council. The Council may take appropriate action against such defaulting Institution/Society/Trust/Company/
Associated Individuals as the case may be for contravening provisions of this regulations by conducting
courses/progarmmes in “technical Education” without obtaining prior approval from AICTE.
(2) No existing technical institution of Government, Government Aided or Private (self financing) institution
whether affiliated or not affiliated to a University shall conduct any technical course/programme without
obtaining prior approval of the Council.
(3) A University or a Body or a Board shall not affiliate Institutions and their technical courses/programmes
leading to award of Degree/Diploma etc. not approved by AICTE.
The Proposals Forms for establishment of New Technical Institutions for conducting technical
programmes, can be submitted by the following:
The Proposal Forms can be downloaded from the AICTE website: However, a DD for
Rs. 5000/- towards application form drawn on a nationalized bank in favour of “The Member Secretary,
AICTE”, payable at New Delhi, must be enclosed with the proposal form failing which the application
shall not be considered.
2.6.1 (a) The approval process for establishment of new Institutions shall be open ended, Applicant Society/
Trust allowing the to submit proposals to the concerned Regional Office of the Council any time round
the year. The proposal for the new Institution received by the Council shall be valid for three years.
(b) Duly filled in and signed Proposal Form in four copies along with requisite processing Fee and the
requisite documents in support of the proposals shall be submitted to Concerned Regional Office of
(c) The check list attached to the proposal shall be scrutinized by a committee comprising of two members
of concerned Regional Committee including the Regional Officer as convener.
(d) The deficiencies if any, in the check list shall be communicated by the Regional Office of the Council to
the applicant Society/Trust within 15 days from the date of receipt of the proposal under intimation to
the AICTE HQs New Delhi.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
2.6.2 (a) The Regional Office shall forward the proposals complete in all respects, within 15 days from the date
of receipt of such proposals, one copy each of the proposals to the concerned State Govt./Union Territories
and Affiliating University for obtaining their views within 30 days.
(b) The State Govts and the Affiliating Universities shall forward its views within 30 days from the date of
receipt of the proposals from the Regional Office. The State Govt./and the affiliating university, shall
provide reasons and justification to substantiate their stand. The views of the concerned State
Government/Universities shall be taken into consideration while processing the proposals for
establishment of new technical institutions. Accordingly, no separate No Objection Certificate (NOC)
is required to be submitted to the AICTE by the Applicant Society/Trust from the concerned State
Govt/ University.
(c) The Council shall have the right to overrule the recommendations of the State Govt/University while
deciding the matters of establishment of new technical institutions.
2.6.3 (a) The proposal shall thereafter be considered by following Hearing Committee to be constituted by the
Chairman AICTE:
• Three Expert Members at the level of Professor one of whom shall be the member of the committee
of the Regional Committee referred at para 2.6.1 (c) above as members.
(b) The Hearing Committee shall be headed by a academician/professional of repute among the members
of the above Committee.
(c) The Hearing Committee shall meet at least once in a month to process the proposals.
2.6.4 (a) The Applicant Society/Trust shall make a presentation before the Hearing Committee with necessary
Documents/information as prescribed by the Council.
(b) The list of documents/information to be placed before the Hearing Committee by the Applicant Society/
Trust shall be notified by the Council in the Approval Process Hand Book from time to time.
2.6.5 Based on the recommendations of the Hearing Committee, the AICTE may issue a Letter Of Intent
(LOI), which shall be valid for three years from the date of issue of LOI during which time, the applicant
Society/Trust shall obtain letter of approval from the Council after fulfilling the norms and Standards
and other Conditions prescribed from time to time. On expiry of the 3 year duration, the Applicant
Society/Trust shall make a fresh application for issuance of Letter of Intent.
2.6.6 (a) In cases where Letter of Intent is denied for non-fulfillment of norms & standards and conditions as may be
stipulated by the Council, shall be informed along with grounds of denial.
(b) The Applicant Society/Trust may seek reconsideration of the proposal after rectifying the deficiencies.
Such claims shall be verified, at the cost of the Applicant Trust/Society.
(c) However the Applicant Society/Trust shall be eligible to seek reconsideration only once. In case the
proposal is rejected the Applicant Trust/Society shall make a fresh application for issuance of Letter
of Intent.
2.6.7 (a) In case the Applicant Society/Trust disputes the decision of the Council it may prefer an appeal any
time and the appeal shall be heard by an Appellate Committee constituted by the Chairman AICTE from
time to time with the following members:
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
c) Based on the recommendations of the Appellate Committee and other relevant information, a final decision
shall be taken by the Chairman AICTE on grant of Letter of Intent or otherwise.
d) In case the proposal is rejected the applicant/society/trust may make a fresh application for issuance of
Letter of Intent.
2.6.8 The applicant Society/Trust to whom a Letter of Intent has been issued shall be required to make an application
to the Council, after fulfilling the norms, standards and requirements laid down by the Council from time to
time, seeking suitable dates for visit of the Expert Committee along with the following documents:
(1) A Non refundable processing fee of Rs 50,000 drawn in favour of the “Member Secretary” AICTE
payable at New Delhi (Government Institutions and Govt. Universities are exempted)
(2) (a) A Joint Fixed Deposit created for a period of 8 years in the name of the President/Chairman of the
Applicant Society/Trust and the concerned Regional officer of AICTE for an amount as applicable
to the category of the institutions indicated below (Government and Government Aided Institutions
and Govt. Universities are exempted).
Arts & Crafts (Degree)MCA/MBA/PGDM/PGDBM Rs. 15.00 Lakhs
(b) The original Joint Fixed Deposit receipt shall be kept under the custody of the proposed institution.
A copy of the Joint Fixed Deposit receipt shall be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of the
AICTE along with an affidavit on non judicial stamp paper of prescribed value stating that the Joint
Fixed Deposit shall not be encashed or modified without prior consent of AICTE. The Regional
Officer AICTE shall also instruct the concerned Bank not to allow any encashment/modification of
fixed deposit and grant of loan against the deposit without the prior consent of AICTE.
(c) The interest accrued on the fixed deposit shall be credited to the concerned institution on yearly
basis and shall be utilized for award of scholarships to the students.
(d) The Joint Fixed Deposit shall be permitted to be encashed on expiry of the term of the Fixed
Deposit. However, the term of the fixed deposit could be extended for a further period as may be
decided on case to case basis and/or forfeited incase of any violation of norms, conditions, and
requirements and/or non-performance by the institution and/or complaints against the institution.
(3) The processing fee and the Joint FDR amount for Minority institutions may be reduced by 20%.
2.6.9 (a) An Expert visiting Committee shall visit the proposed premises of the institution on payment of requisite
processing fee by the Applicant Society/Trust and examine the preparedness of the institution to
impart quality education as per the norms & standards and conditions prescribed by the Council from
time to time.
(b) The Expert Visiting Committee shall comprise of the following members:
• Three Expert members not below the level of Associate Professor/Reader nominated by the Chairman,
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
• Expert members one each not below the level of Associate Professor/Reader to be nominated by the
State Govt. and the respective Affiliating University
• Concerned Regional Officer or an Officer of the Council as convener to be nominated by the Chairman
(c) The Expert Committee shall be headed by an academician/professional of repute from the above
(d) The documents to be made available to the visiting Expert Committee shall be notified in the Approval
Process Handbook from time to time.
2.6.10 (a) The Report of the Expert visiting Committee shall be placed before EC-Sub-Committee comprising of:
• Two members of the Executive Committee as Members to be nominated by the Chairman AICTE
out of which one member shall be the Member Secretary AICTE.
c) The recommendations of the EC-Subcommittee and other relevant information shall be placed before
the Chairman AICTE for a decision on grant of approval for establishment of a new Institution or
otherwise. The decision of the Chairman shall be placed before the Executive Committee for ratification.
d) The Letter of Approval shall be issued to the Applicant Society/Trust within 30 days of the date of the
decision which shall be valid for two years from the date of issue of letter of approval.
e) In cases where approval is denied for non-fulfillment of norms & standards and conditions as may be
stipulated by the Council, shall be informed along with grounds of denial.
f) The Applicant Society/Trust may seek reconsideration after rectifying the deficiencies and complying
with the norms, standards and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time.
g) The compliance report on the deficiencies submitted by the Applicant shall be reconsidered by the
Council. The Council may decide to depute an Expert visiting committee for verifying the claims made
by the Applicant Society/Trust, whose recommendations shall be placed before the EC-Sub Committee.
All costs incurred on this account shall be borne by the Applicant Society/Trust.
2.6.11 (a) In case the Applicant Society/Trust disputes the decision of the Council it may appeal any time and
the appeal shall be heard by an Appellate Committee constituted by the Chairman AICTE from time to
time with the following members:
(c) Based on the Recommendations of the Appellate Committee and other relevant information, a final
decision shall be taken by the Chairman, AICTE on grant of “approval” or otherwise on establishment
of new technical institution. The decision of the Chairman shall be placed before the Executive Committee
for ratification.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
(d) Cases where approval is denied on the recommendations of the Appellate committee due to non-
fulfillment of norms & standards, and conditions as are stipulated by the Council, grounds of denial
shall be communicated to the concerned Applicant Society/Trust.
(e) Incase the proposal is rejected Applicant Society/Trust shall make a fresh application for issuance of
Letter of Intent.
(f) The decision on grant of approval or otherwise shall be communicated to the institutions throughout
the year. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant institutions to obtain necessary affiliation/
permission from the concerned affiliating University/State Govt. etc. as per the prescribed schedule of
the University/Admission Authority etc. Thereafter the Applicant Society/Trusts shall furnish information
about commencement of Institution within 30 days to AICTE for updating its database.
2.7.1 AICTE approved technical Institutions whether affiliated to an University or not conducting technical education
(a) The AICTE approved technical Institutions shall submit two copies of Compliance Report in the prescribed
format along with mandatory disclosure information as defined at para 2.7.1(7) and a demand draft
towards processing fee of Rs 40,000 drawn in favor of Member Secretary, AICTE payable at New Delhi to
the concerned Regional Office of the Council by 31st August every year.
(b) The institution shall also submit an undertaking in the prescribed format stating that the information
provided in the compliance report is factual and correct and that the Council can take appropriate
action, including withdrawal of approval and appropriate legal action, if found that any information
provided in the compliance report is false. The compliance reports shall be processed through an Appraisal Committee comprising:
• Three Expert members not below the level of Associate Professor/Reader in the concerned subject/
fields/area of specialization or equivalent from R&D organizations or from the Industry not below the
rank of Scientist (F) and General Manager respectively.
• Two members of the Regional Committee including the Regional Officer to be nominated by the
Chairman AICTE,
(b) The Appraisal Committee shall be headed by an academician/professional of repute from the above
committee. The recommendations of the Appraisal Committee shall be placed before the Vice Chairman/Chairman
AICTE for a decision on continuation of approval or otherwise. The above decision shall be placed
before the Executive Committee for ratification.
(b) The approval granted to all existing technical Institutions shall be communicated to the concerned
affiliating university/State Govt./Trust/ Institution by 31 st March every year.
(c) In those cases where extension of approval is denied for non-fulfillment of norms, & standards and
conditions as may be stipulated by the Council, grounds of denial shall be communicated to the
institutions and authorities concerned.
(d) The Applicant Institution may seek re-consideration after rectifying the deficiencies and complying
with norms standards and conditions prescribed from time to time.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
(e) The compliance report on the deficiencies submitted by the Applicant shall be reconsidered by the
Council. The Council may decide to depute an Expert visiting committee for verifying the claims made
by the Applicant Society/Trust, whose recommendations shall be placed before Vice Chairman/
Chairman. All costs incurred on this account shall be borne by the Applicant Institution. (a) In case the Applicant Society/Trust disputes the decision of the Council it may appeal any time and
the appeal shall be heard by an Appellate Committee constituted by the Chairman AICTE from time to
time with the following members:
• Advisor(AICTE) as convener Based on the Recommendations of the Appellate Committee and other relevant information, a final
decision will be taken by the Chairman, AICTE on behalf of the Council for grant of “Extension of
approval” or other wise. The decision of the Chairman shall be placed before the Executive Committee
for ratification. AICTE may carry random visits round the year any time for verifying the status of the Institutions to
ensure maintenance of norms and standards. The AICTE may cause to conduct inspections with or without notifying the dates in cases where
specific complaints of mis-representation, violation of norms and standards, mal-practices etc. are
reported to verify the facts. AICTE shall take appropriate punitive actions for any violations on false
information furnished to it. (a) The technical institutions shall publish an information booklet before commencement of the academic
year giving details regarding the institution and courses/programmes being conducted and details of
infrastructural facilities including faculty etc. in the form of mandatory disclosure. The information
booklet shall be made available to the stakeholders of the technical education on cost basis. The
information shall be revised every year with updated information about all aspects of the institution.
(b) It shall be mandatory for the technical institutions to maintain a Web-site providing the prescribed
information. The website information must be continuously updated as and when changes take place.
(c) If a Technical Institution fails to disclose the information or suppress and/or misrepresent the information,
appropriate action including withdrawal of AICTE approval could be initiated.
(a) The AICTE approved technical Institutions may submit “any time” round the year, a proposal in the
prescribed format (four copies) along with the following documents to the concerned Regional Office of the
Council for grant of approval for introduction of new courses or programmes and/or increase in intake
and/or variation in the intake capacity. There shall be no ‘cut off’ dates prescribed by the Council for
submission of proposals:
• A copy of the Compliance Report along with Mandatory Disclosures submitted to the Council.
• Detailed Project Report along with the documents notified in Approval Process Handbook
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
• Processing Fee of Rs. 40,000/- (Rupees Forty thousand only) by means of a Demand Draft drawn on
a nationalized bank in favour of the Member Secretary, AICTE, New Delhi payable at New Delhi
(b) The check list attached to the proposal shall be scrutinized by a committee comprising of two members
of concerned Regional Committee including the Regional Officer as convener.
(c) The deficiencies if any, in the check list shall be communicated by the Regional Office of the Council to
the Applicant Society/Trust within 15 days from the date of receipt of the proposal under intimation to
the AICTE HQs New Delhi.
2.8.2 (a) The Regional Office shall forward the proposals complete in all respects, within 15 days from the date
of receipt of the proposal, one copy each of the proposals to the concerned State Govt./Union Territories
and Affiliating University for obtaining their views within 30 days.
(b) The State Govts and the Affiliating Universities shall forward its views within 30 days from the date of
receipt of the proposals from the Regional Office. The State Govt./and the affiliating university, shall
provide reasons and justification to substantiate their stand. The views of the concerned State
Government/Universities shall be taken into consideration while processing the proposals for
establishment of new technical institutions. Accordingly no separate “No Objection Certificate (NOC)”
is required to be submitted to the AICTE by the Applicant Society/Trust from the concerned State
Govt/ University.
(c) The Council shall have the right to overrule the recommendations of the State Govt/University while
deciding the matters of introduction of additional course/ increase/ variation in intake in the existing
technical institutions.
2.8.3 (a) The proposal shall thereafter be considered by following Hearing Committee to be constituted by the
Chairman AICTE:
• Three Expert Members at the level of Professor one of whom shall be the member of the committee
of the Regional Committee referred at para 2.8.1(b) above as members.
(b) The Hearing Committee shall be headed by a academician/professional of repute among the members
of the above Committee.
(c) The Hearing Committee shall meet at least once in a month to process the proposals.
2.8.4 (a) The list of documents/information to be submitted before the Hearing Committee shall be notified by
the Council in the Approval Process Hand Book from time to time.
(b) The Hearing Committee based on information furnished by the Institution may decide:
(ii) To recommend to the AICTE for the visit of the Expert Committee
(iii) To recommend to the AICTE for rejection showing relevant grounds for such rejection.
(c) AICTE may carry out, random visits round the year any time for verifying the status of the institutions
to update its database and ensure maintenance of Norms and Standards.
2.8.5 AICTE may also conduct from time to time Inspections with or without notifying dates in such cases
where specific complaints of misrepresentation, violation of norms and standards, mal-practices etc.
are received to verify the facts, AICTE shall take appropriative punitive actions for any violations on
false information furnished to it.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
2.8.6 (a) The recommendations of the Hearing Committee shall be placed before the Vice Chairman/ Chairman
AICTE for a decision on introduction of new courses/programmes and/or increase/variation of intake
capacity. The above decision shall be placed before the Executive Committee for ratification.
(b) The approval accorded by the AICTE shall be valid for two years from the date of issue of letter of
(c) In those cases where approval is denied for non-fulfillment of norms, & standards and conditions as
may be stipulated by the Council, grounds of denial shall be communicated to the concerned institutions.
(d) The Applicant Institution may seek re-consideration after rectifying the deficiencies and complying
with norms standards and conditions prescribed from time to time.
(e) The compliance report on the deficiencies submitted by the Applicant shall be reconsidered by the
Council. The Council may decide to depute an Expert visiting committee for verifying the claims made
by the Applicant Society/Trust, whose recommendations shall be placed before Vice Chairman/
Chairman. All costs incurred on this account shall be borne by the Applicant Institution.
(f) However the Applicant Institution shall be eligible to seek reconsideration only once. Incase the Proposal
is rejected the applicant institution shall make a fresh applicant for grant of approval for introduction of new
courses/programmes and/or increase/variation in intake capacity.
2.8.7 (a) In case the Applicant Society/Trust disputes the decision of the Council it may appeal any time and
the appeal shall be heard by an Appellate Committee constituted by the Chairman AICTE from time to
time with the following members:
• Advisor(AICTE) as convener
(c) Based on the Recommendations of the Appellate Committee and other relevant information, a final
decision will be taken by the Vice Chairman/ Chairman, AICTE on behalf of the Council for grant of
“approval” or otherwise for introduction of new courses or programmes and/or increase in intake and/or
variation in the intake capacity. The decision of the Chairman shall be placed before the Executive
Committee for ratification.
2.8.8 (a) The decision on grant of approval or otherwise shall be communicated to the institutions throughout
the year. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant institutions to obtain necessary affiliation/
permission from the concerned affiliating University/State Govt. etc. as per the prescribed schedule of
the University/Admission Authority etc. Thereafter the Applicant Institution shall furnish information
about commencement of programmes within 30 days to AICTE for updating its database.
(b) Cases where approval is denied on the recommendations of the Appellate committee due to non-
fulfillment of norms, & standards and conditions as are stipulated by the Council, grounds of denial
shall be communicated to the concerned Applicant Institution.
(c) Incase the proposal is rejected based on the recommendations of the Appellate Committee, the
Applicant Society/Trust shall make a fresh application.
2.9 Interpretation
If any question arises as to the interpretation of these Regulations, the same shall be decided by the
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
The Council shall have the power to issue clarification to remove any doubt which may arise in regard
to implementation of these Regulations.
The Council may in exceptional cases, for removal of any hardship or such other reasons to be
recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these Regulations in respect of any class or category of
If any technical institution contravenes any of the provisions of these Regulations, the Council may,
after making such inquiry, as it may consider appropriate and after giving the technical institution
concerned an opportunity of being heard, withdraw the approval granted under these Regulations
(a) The Council may cause an inspection to any technical institution with or without prior intimation for the
purposes of ascertaining the financial needs, or its standards of teaching, examination and research,
maintenance of norms and standards, violation of regulations and malpractices etc.
(b) In case of violations of norms and standards and regulations etc as prescribed by the Council and as
communicated to the technical institution/s based on the recommendations of the Inspection
Committee, the Council may decide to withdraw its approval/or impose “no admission” status for one
or more courses/or programmes or impose any other punitive action deemed necessary.
(c) The technical institution may prefer an appeal within 15 days of the receipt of the communication from the
Council along with all relevant documents in compliance of the deficiencies etc. before an Appellate
Committee, which shall be constituted by the Chairman AICTE within 15 days of the receipt of the
appeal from the Institution concerned with the following Members:
• Vice-Chancellor of an University
(d) The recommendations of the Appellate Committee shall be placed before the Chairman, AICTE for final
decision. The decision of the Chairman shall be placed before the Executive Committee for ratification.
(e) The decision of the Council shall be communicated within 15 days of the date of meeting of the
Appellate Committee, to the concerned institution and other authorities.
(f) The Council shall inform the concerned affiliating university to dis-affiliate the programmes of the
institution concerned as per the decision of the Council with immediate effect.
(g) The Affiliating University shall be responsible to shift the current students of the institution to other
AICTE approved institutions under the jurisdiction of that University to avoid any disruption and to
continue the academic activities of the existing students. The Council shall accordingly approve the
number of students, thus shifted as additional seats for the remaining duration of the programme.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
(h) The Council shall take appropriate action to forfeit the RPGF/Joint FDR and other assets of the
Institutions/Society/Trust to recover the proportionate fees and other dues already paid by the students
who have been shifted to other Institutions consequent upon withdrawal of approval by AICTE, if the
concerned Institute declines the refund of such fees and other dues.
(i) The Council shall publish in newspapers and display on its website and/or by any other means about
the withdrawal of approval etc. to caution the general public. Technical Institutions (offering non-degree programmes) NOT affiliated to any University:
(a) The Council may cause an inspection to any technical institution with or without prior intimation for the
purposes of ascertaining the financial needs, or its standards of teaching, examination and research,
maintenance of norms and standards, violation of regulations and malpractices etc.
(b) In case of violations of norms and standards and regulations etc as prescribed by the Council and as
communicated to the technical institution/s based on the recommendations of the Inspection
Committee, the Council may decide to withdraw its approval/or impose “no admission” status for one
or more courses/or programmes or impose any other punitive action deemed necessary.
(c) The technical institution may prefer an appeal within 15 days of the receipt of the communication from the
Council along with all relevant documents in compliance of the deficiencies etc. before an Appellate
Committee, which shall be constituted by the Chairman AICTE within 15 days of the receipt of the
appeal from the Institution concerned with the following Members:
• Vice-Chancellor of an University
(d) The recommendations of the Appellate Committee shall be placed before Chairman, AICTE for final
decision. The decision of the Chairman shall be placed before the Executive Committee for ratification.
(e) The decision of the Council shall be communicated within 15 days of the date of meeting of the
Appellate Committee, to the concerned institution and other authorities.
(f) The Council may take necessary steps to shift the existing students of such institutions to other
similar AICTE approved institutions with immediate effect. The Council shall accordingly approve the
number of additional seats in institutions to which the students are shifted for the remaining duration
of the programme.
(g) The Council shall take appropriate action to forfeit the RPGF/Joint FDR and other assets of the
Institutions/Society/Trust to recover the fees and other dues already paid by the students who have
been shifted to other Institutions consequent upon withdrawal of approval by AICTE, if the concerned
Institute declines the refund of such fees and other dues.
(h) The Council shall publish in newspapers and display on its website and/or any other means about the
withdrawal of approval etc to caution the general public.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
(a) The Institutions which are not approved by AICTE conducting courses/programmes, without prior
approval of AICTE in technical education as defined under AICTE Act, the Council may take appropriate
action including Legal action against such defaulting Institution/Society/Trust/Company/Associated
Individuals as the case may be.
(b) The Council shall also inform the general public about the status of approval of such institution from
time to time.
Member Secretary
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
The approved nomenclature of courses at Post-Graduate and Under-Graduate Degree Level in Engineering &
Technology/ Pharmacy/Architecture/Town Planning/Hotel Management & Catering Technology and Applied Arts &
Crafts to be started in new Technical Institutions and introduction of new courses in the existing Technical Institutions
from the academic year 2008-2009, are as given below:
1. Aeronautical Engineering AE
2. Agricultural Engineering AG
8. Ceramic Engineering/Technology CT
9. Chemical Engineering CH
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
3.2 Management
3.3 Pharmacy
1. Pharmacy PH
1. Architecture AR
2. Interior Design ID
4. Planning PL
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
3.7 MCA
The policy/guidelines for approval of Bio-technology at Under-Graduate degree level programme shall be as stated
(i) No new institutions shall be eligible to start B.Tech./Under-Graduate Degree level programmes in Bio-
(ii) There must be a well-established Department in an Institution offering AICTE approved B.E./B. Tech level
programmes in Chemical Engineering/Agricultural Engineering/Food Technology/Bio-Medical Engineering/
Environmental Engineering/Sugar Technology/Leather Technology/Pulp & Paper Technology/ Textile Technology
(Engineering)/Materials Science & Technology.
A department shall ordinarily be considered well established if at least one batch of graduates have passed
out of that Department and the University result for that Department is consistently good (An Institution shall
give certified copy of the university result).
(**) All management programmes (except Exec PGDM) of duration of one year and more and less than two
years will be treated as "Certificate Programmes" and will not be allowed to use the term PGDM or Executive
PGDM. The candidates completing these certificate programmes will be awarded "Post Graduate Certificate
in Management". Eligibility for admission to PGCM will be "Any recognized bachelor degree in any discipline
of minimum 3 years duration".
(#) Executive PGDM will be of minimum 15 months duration and a full time management programme that is
meant for executives. The eligibility for admission would be "Any recognized bachelor degree of minimum 3
years duration and a minimum of 5 years relevant managerial/supervisory experience".
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Approval Process For Establishment Of New Institutions
Offering Technical Programmes
(MBA/PGDM /MCA Programmes and Under-Graduate degree level courses in Engineering &
Technology/Pharmacy/Architecture/Town Planning/Hotel Management &
Catering Technology/Applied Arts & Crafts)
No new technical institutions either Government, Government Aided or Private (self financing) shall be started
and no new courses or programmes in Technical Education shall be introduced and no increase/variation of intake shall
be effected without obtaining prior approval of the Council.
(ii) The Director of Technical Education/any other Officer designated by the Government in case of
Government/Government Aided institution
(i) If the applicant is a Society/Trust, it should have been registered under the Societies Registration Act,
The Trusts Act or any similar Act on or before the date of submission of Proposal.
(ii) The proposal shall be considered only within overall ceiling fixed by the Council subject to compliance
of all the requirements as per Norms of AICTE.
(iii) The land should have been registered in the name of the applicant society/trust on or before the date
of submission of Proposal as per the requirements and free from any encumbrances. The proposed
institution shall only operate from this registered land or leased land from Govt. source.
4.3 The stages involved in the processing of proposals are described below:
The Proposal Form and the Check-list can be downloaded from the AICTE website:
However, a DD for Rs. 5000/- drawn on a nationalized bank in favour of 'The Member Secretary, AICTE' payable at
New Delhi, must be enclosed with the Proposal form, failing which, the Proposal shall not be considered.
The approval process for establishment of new Institutions shall be open ended, allowing the applicant
Societies/Trusts to submit proposals any time around the year. However applications received up to 31st
December shall be considered for grant of approval for the following academic year. Applications received
after 31st December shall be considered for the next academic year. The proposal for the new Institution
received by the Council shall be valid for three years.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
One copy each of the application shall be submitted directly to the affiliating University and the State
Govt./UT either in person or through speed post/registered post. Two copies of the application shall be
submitted to the concerned Regional Office of AICTE along with the proof of having submitted a copy of
the application each to the affiliating University and the State Govt.
The Proposal form shall be submitted along with the following documents:
◆ Copy of letter from Competent Authority as designated by the concerned State Government for
classification of land, with respect to its location i.e. Mega City/Metropolitan City/State Capital/Others.
◆ Copy of registered land / Govt. leased land, documents in the name of applicant.
◆ Copy of building plan of the proposed institution prepared by an Architect and approved from Competent
Authority as designated by concerned State Govt./UT.
◆ Copy of resolution of the Applicant Society/Trust earmarking land and building for the proposed
◆ Copy of land use certificate from Competent Authority as designated by concerned State Govt./UT.
◆ Details of latest fund position along with photocopy of FDRs, and relevant Bank account available with
the applicant for this proposal
The applicant shall be required to submit a Detailed Project Report (DPR) as per the prescribed format along
with Proposal. The DPR should spell out, among other things, the following:
◆ Background of Trust/Society with reference to its experience in promoting, managing and operating
educational institutions; its legal standing with respect to its registration; details of its promoters
including their background; its activities in the social, charitable and educational spheres since its
inception; its mission and vision.
◆ Vision regarding the proposed institution with a time perspective of the first 10 years of its operation.
◆ Development plan for the proposed institution spelling out its growth plan over the first 10-year period
after its establishment in terms of the phasing of academic programmes, increase in student intake
and the introduction of postgraduate and doctoral programmes, if any, and the time schedule for the
stage-wise development of the academic infrastructure and other support facilities, including student
amenities, such as hostel for students, sports and recreational facilities, and recruitment of faculty.
◆ Sources of financing of capital and operating expenditure, besides funds generated through student
◆ Architectural master plan indicating the land use pattern for the proposed institution.
The DPR shall form the basis for evaluation of the proposal and shall serve as the blue print for proper
development of the proposed institution. Application received shall remain valid for 3 years from the date of submission.
Only those applications/proposals received before 31st December 2007 would be considered for approval for the
academic year 2008-2009. Proposals received after 31st December 2007 would be considered for next academic
year 2009-2010 and beyond.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
◆ The Proposal along with relevant documents and the check list attached to the proposal shall be
scrutinized by a committee comprising of two members of concerned Regional Committee including
the Regional Officer as convener.
◆ The deficiencies if any, shall be communicated by the Regional Office of the Council to the applicant
Society/Trust within 15 days from the date of receipt of the proposal under intimation to the AICTE
HQs New Delhi.
The Regional Office shall forward a copy of proposal complete in all respects to AICTE HQs at New Delhi
within 15 days from the date of receipt of such proposals.
The State Govts and the Affiliating Universities shall forward its views to the Regional Office, within 30 days
from the date of receipt of the proposals from the applicant Society/Trust. The State Govt. and the affiliating
university, shall provide reasons and justification to substantiate their stand. The views of the concerned State
Government/Universities shall be taken into consideration while processing the proposals for establishment of new
technical institutions. Accordingly, no separate "No Objection Certificate (NOC)" from the concerned State Govt/
University is required to be submitted to the AICTE by the Applicant Society/Trust.
The Council shall have the right to overrule the recommendations of the State Govt/University while deciding
the matters of establishment of new technical institutions.
The proposals shall thereafter be considered by the Hearing Committees to be constituted by the Chairman
AICTE, consisting of:
◆ Three Expert Members at the level of Professor one of whom shall be the member of the committee of
the Regional Committee referred at para 4.3.2 above as members.
The Hearing Committee shall be headed by an academician/professional of repute among the members of
the above Committee. The Hearing Committee shall meet at least once in a month to process the proposals.
The Applicant Society/Trust shall make a presentation before the Hearing Committee with the following
original Documents/ necessary information:
1. Registration document (in original) of the Trust/Society indicating members of Society/Trust and its objective.
2. Land document (s) in original showing ownership in the name of Trust/Society in the form of Registered Sale
Deed/Irrevocable Gift Deed (Registered)/Irrevocable Government Lease (in original) (for a minimum period of
30 years) by the concerned authority of Government. In case, the land documents are in vernacular language,
Notarized English translation of the documents shall be produced.
3. Land Use Certificate/Land Conversion Certificate allowing the land to be used for educational purpose, from
the Competent Authority along with Topo-sketch/Village Map indicating land Survey Nos and a copy of City
road map showing location of the proposed site of the Institution.
4. Site Plan, Building Plan in the name of proposed institution prepared by a registered Architect and duly
approved by the Competent Plan Sanctioning Authority of the concerned State/UT administration.
5. Proof of adequate working capital (Funds), in the form of either Fixed Deposits in the Bank of latest Bank
Statement of Account maintained by the Society/Trust/Applicant. In case the applicant society/ Trust has
already constructed the building for the proposed institution, the Hearing Committee may take into account
the expenditure already incurred towards construction of building while assessing the requirement of funds
for establishment of the institution.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Based on the recommendations of the Hearing Committee, the AICTE may issue a Letter of Intent (LOI) within 7
days from the date of Hearing Committee meeting, which shall be valid for three years from the date of issue of LOI
during which time, the applicant Society/Trust shall obtain Letter of Approval (LOA) from the Council after fulfilling
the norms and standards and other conditions prescribed from time to time. On expiry of the 3 year duration, the
Applicant Society/Trust shall make a fresh Proposal for issuance of Letter of Intent.
In cases where Letter of Intent is denied for non-fulfillment of norms & standards and conditions as may be stipulated
by the Council, the Applicant Society/Trust shall be informed along with grounds of denial.
The Applicant Society/Trust may seek reconsideration of the proposal after rectifying the deficiencies. Such claims
shall be verified, at the cost of the Applicant Trust/Society. The requests for reconsideration of the proposal alongwith
the fee of Rs. 40,000/- shall be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of the Council.
The requests of reconsideration received from the Applicants shall be forwarded by the concerned Regional Office to
the AICTE HQs at New Delhi within 15 days from the date of receipt, which will be placed before the Hearing
Committee for reconsideration at its next meeting.
However, the Applicant Society/Trust shall be eligible to seek reconsideration only once. In case the proposal is
rejected by the Hearing Committee again the Applicant Trust/Society shall be required to make a fresh Proposal for
issuance of Letter of Intent.
In case the Applicant Society/Trust disputes the decision of the Council, it may appeal to an Appellate Committee
constituted by the Chairman AICTE from time to time with the following members:
Based on the recommendations of the Appellate Committee and other relevant information, a final decision shall be
taken by the Chairman AICTE on grant of Letter of Intent or otherwise.
In case the proposal is rejected by the Appellate Committee, the applicant/society/trust may make a fresh Proposal
for issuance of Letter of Intent.
The applicant Society/Trust to whom a Letter of Intent has been issued shall be required to make an application to
the Council, within two months from the date of issue of Letter of Intent (LOI), conveying its readiness for
Expert Committee visit along with the following documents:
1) A Non refundable processing fee of Rs 50,000 drawn in favour of the "Member Secretary, AICTE" payable at
New Delhi (Government Institutions and Govt. Universities are exempted)
2) A Joint Fixed Deposit created for a period of 8 years in favour of the President/ Chairman of the Applicant
Society/Trust and the concerned Regional officer of AICTE for an amount as applicable to the category of the
institutions indicated below (Government and Government Aided Institutions and Govt. Universities are
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Arts & Crafts/ MCA/MBA/PGDM/PGCM Rs. 15.00 Lakhs
The original Joint Fixed Deposit receipt shall be kept under the custody of the proposed institution. A copy of the
Joint Fixed Deposit receipt shall be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of the AICTE along with an affidavit
on non judicial stamp paper of prescribed value stating that the Joint Fixed Deposit shall not be encashed or
modified without prior consent of AICTE. The Regional Officer AICTE shall also instruct the concerned Bank not to
allow any encashment/modification of fixed deposit and grant of loan against the deposit without the prior consent
The interest accrued on the fixed deposit shall be credited to the concerned institution on yearly basis and shall be
utilized for award of scholarships to the students.
The Joint Fixed Deposit shall be permitted to be encashed on expiry of the term of the Fixed Deposit. However, the
term of the fixed deposit could be extended for a further period as may be decided on case to case basis and/or
forfeited incase of any violation of norms, conditions, and requirements and/or non-performance by the institution
and/or complaints against the institution.
The processing fee and the Joint FDR amount for Minority Institutions may be reduced by 20%
An Expert Committee shall visit within 15 days from the date of intimation of readiness from the Applicant
Society/Trust, the proposed premises of the institution on payment of requisite processing fee by the applicant
Society/Trust and examine the preparedness of the institution to impart quality education as per the norms &
standards and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time.
• Three Expert members not below the level of Associate Professor/Reader nominated by the Chairman,
• Expert members one each not below the level of Associate Professor/Reader to be nominated by the State
Govt. and the respective Affiliating University
• Concerned Regional Officer or an Officer of the Council as convener to be nominated by the Chairman AICTE.
The Expert Committee shall be headed by an academician/professional of repute from the above committee.
The State Govt/University shall be requested to nominate expert members not below the level of Associate Professor/
Reader to participate in the visit. However, if no nomination is received within 15 days, the Council shall complete
the visit without the nominees of the State Govt/University.
The applicant institution/trust/society shall be required to make available the following original documents / necessary
information to the Visiting Expert Committee as per details in the Expert Committee Report format.
3. A copy of DPR
4. A copy of the Joint Fixed Deposit along with the copy of affidavit submitted to the Council.
5. Society/Trust Registration documents indicating members of the Society/Trust and its Objectives.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
6. Minutes of the Meeting of Society/Trust, pertaining to proposed institution and allocation of land/ building/
funds etc.
9. Original Land Use Certificate/Land Conversion Certificate, allowing the land to be used for educational purpose.
11. Details of built up structure available exclusively for the proposed institute at the permanent site.
12. Architectural Drawing of building construction duly prepared by an Architect and approved by the concerned
statutory authority.
13. Master Plan of the Campus for the entire land indicating land-use, circulation, landscaping, infrastructure
14. Floor Plans, Sections and Elevations of all existing Academic building including Area details
21. Copy of the advertisement for recruitment of Director / Principal / faculty members
29. One page bio data with passport size photograph of the identified / appointed faculty members.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
35. Cash Flow statement for the next two years for the proposed institution showing projected expenses and
sources of fund, as indicted in DPR.
36. Audited statement of accounts of the Society/Trust for last three years.
37. Photographs (color) of the building attested by the Chairman/Secretary of the Society
38. Video CD (Compatible with "Windows Media Player") indicating the complete physical infrastructure/ facilities
and highlighting following:
Amenities area.
The Report of the Expert visiting Committee shall be placed before EC-Sub-Committee comprising of :
Two members of the Executive Committee as members to be nominated by the Chairman AICTE out of which
one member shall be the Member Secretary AICTE.
The recommendation of the EC Sub-Committee shall be placed before the Chairman, AICTE for a decision on grant
of approval for establishment of a new institution or otherwise. The decision of the Chairman shall be placed before
the Executive Committee for ratification.
The Letter of Approval shall be issued to the Applicant Society/Trust within 7 days of EC-Subcommittee meeting
preferably before May 21st , which shall be valid for two years from the date of issue of letter of approval.
The Letter of Approval (LOA) for the following academic year Shall be issued by 30th June for completed applications
received by 31st December of the previous calendar year to those applicants which have fulfilled norms and standards
prescribed by the Council for establishment of new institutions. LOA issued on or before 30th June shall be valid
for Two academic years including the following academic year for obtaining affiliation with the respective Universities
and fulfilling concerned State Government requirement for admission.
In cases where approval is denied for non-fulfillment of norms & standards and conditions as may be stipulated by
the Council, the applicant Society/Trust shall be informed of the decision along with grounds of denial.
The Applicant Society/Trust may seek reconsideration after rectifying the deficiencies and complying with the
norms, standards and conditions prescribed by the Council from time to time. The Applicant institutions, whose
cases have been rejected for grant of Letter of Approval (LOA) may submit compliance for reconsideration or may
prefer to appeal by 30th May. The requests for reconsideration or appeal received after 30th May will not be considered
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
for LOA for the current academic year but only for next two academic years. The Applicant shall have only one
opportunity for reconsideration or/for making an appeal for issue of LOA for the current academic year. The
applicant may submit requests for reconsideration or prefer an appeal after 30th June for consideration for issue of
LOA for subsequent academic years.
The Applicant Society/Trust may submit the requests for reconsideration to the concerned Regional Office of the
Council along with a fee of Rs. 40,000/- in the form of DD drawn in favour of Member Secretary AICTE payable at
New Delhi.
In case the Applicant Society/Trust disputes the decision of the Council it may appeal to an Appellate Committee
constituted by the Chairman AICTE from time to time with the following members:
Based on the Recommendations of the Appellate Committee and other relevant information, a final decision shall be
taken by the Chairman, AICTE on grant of "approval" or otherwise on establishment of new technical institution
within 7 days of the meeting of the Appellate Committee not later than 30th June. The decision of the Chairman
shall be placed before the Executive Committee for ratification.
Cases where approval is denied on the recommendations of the Appellate committee due to non-fulfillment of norms
& standards, and conditions as are stipulated by the Council, grounds of denial shall be communicated to the
concerned Applicant Society/Trust.
Incase the proposal is rejected Applicant Society/Trust shall make a fresh Proposal for issuance of Letter of Intent.
The decision on grant of approval or otherwise shall be communicated to the Applicant Society/Trusts/Institutions
throughout the year. However, the applicants whose applications received at the Council on or before 31st December
2007 and the Letters of Approval issued on or before 30th June 2008 shall be eligible for starting of new institutions
for the academic year 2008-09. All other Letters of Approval issued for the applications received after 31st December
2007 and/or the Letters of Approval issued after 30th June 2008 shall be eligible for starting the new institutions from
the next academic year i.e. 2009-10 or beyond. It shall be the responsibility of the Applicant Society/Trusts/
Institutions to obtain necessary affiliation/permission from the concerned affiliating University/State Govt. etc. as
per the prescribed schedule of the University/Admission Authority etc. Thereafter the Applicant Society/Trusts shall
furnish information about commencement of institution within in 30 days to AICTE for updating its database. The
institution is required to submit compliance report every year for extension of approval for the subsequent years,
once the programme commences.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Extension of Approval to Existing Technical Institutions
(MBA/PGDM/MCA Programmes and Post-Graduate and Under-Graduate degree level courses in
Engineering & Technology/Pharmacy/Architecture/Town Planning/Hotel Management & Catering
Technology/Applied Arts & Crafts)
No existing Government, Government Aided or Private (self financing) technical institutions whether affiliated or
not affiliated to a University shall conduct any technical course/programme without obtaining prior approval of the
(a) The AICTE approved technical Institutions shall submit two copies of Compliance Report (also a soft copy on
CD) in the prescribed format along with mandatory disclosure information and a demand draft towards processing
fee of Rs 40,000 drawn in favour of “Member Secretary, AICTE” payable at New Delhi to the concerned
Regional Office of the Council by 31st August every year.
(b) The institution shall also submit an undertaking in the prescribed format stating that the information provided
in the compliance report is factual and correct and that the Council can take appropriate action, including
withdrawal of approval and appropriate legal action, if found that any information provided in the compliance
report is false.
(c) The Compliance Reports and other relevant documents submitted by the AICTE approved technical institutions
shall be forwarded to AICTE HQs New Delhi by the Concerned Regional Office of the Council.
5.1.2(a) The compliance reports shall be processed through an Appraisal Committee comprising of:
Three Expert members not below the level of Associate Professor/Reader in the concerned subject/
fields/area of specialization or equivalent from R&D organizations or from the Industry not below the
rank of Scientist (F) and General Manager respectively.
Two members of the Regional Committee including the Regional Officer to be nominated by the Chairman
(b) The Appraisal Committee shall be headed by an academician/ professional of repute from the above Committee.
5.1.3(a)The recommendations of the Appraisal Committee shall be placed before the Vice Chairman/
Chairman AICTE for a decision on continuation of approval or otherwise. The above decision shall be
placed before the Executive Committee for ratification.
(b) The approval granted to all existing technical Institutions shall be communicated to the concerned affiliating
University/State Govt./Trust/ Institution by 31st March every year.
(c) In those cases where extension of approval is denied / intake is reduced for non-fulfillment of norms &
standards and conditions as may be stipulated by the Council, grounds of denial shall be communicated to
the institutions and authorities concerned.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
(d) The Applicant Institution may seek re-consideration for restoration of intake after rectifying the deficiencies
and complying with norms standards and conditions prescribed from time to time.
(e) The request for reconsideration should be submitted by the applicants to the concerned Regional Office of
the Council. The requests for reconsideration shall be forwarded to AICTE Headquarters, New Delhi by the
concerned Regional Office within 15 days from the date of receipt. The Council may decide to depute an
Expert Visiting Committee for verifying the claims made by the Applicant Society/Trust, whose
recommendations shall be placed before Vice Chairman/Chairman with the recommendations of the Appraisal
Committee. All costs incurred on this account shall be borne by Applicant Institution.
5.1.4 (a) In case the Applicant Society/Trust disputes the decision of the Council it may appeal any time
and the appeal shall be heard by an Appellate Committee constituted by the Chairman AICTE from
time to time with the following members:
Based on the Recommendations of the Appellate Committee and other relevant information, a final decision will be
taken by the Chairman, AICTE on behalf of the Council for grant of “Extension of approval” or other wise. The
decision of the Chairman shall be placed before the Executive Committee for ratification.
AICTE may carry random visits round the year any time with or without notifying the dates for verifying the status of
the Institutions to ensure maintenance of norms and standards.
AICTE may cause to conduct inspections with or without notifying the dates in cases where specific complaints of
mis-representation, violation of norms and standards, mal-practices etc. are reported to verify the facts. AICTE shall
take appropriate punitive actions for any violations on false information furnished to it.
5.1.5(a)The technical institutions shall publish an information booklet before commencement of the
academic year giving details regarding the institution and courses/programmes being conducted
and details of infrastructural facilities including faculty etc. in the form of mandatory disclosure.
The information booklet shall be made available to the stakeholders of the technical education on
cost basis. The information shall be revised every year with updated information about all aspects
of the institution.
(b) It shall be mandatory for the technical institutions to maintain a Web-site providing the prescribed information.
The website information must be continuously updated as and when changes take place.
(c) If a Technical Institution fails to disclose the information or suppress and/or misrepresent the information,
appropriate action including withdrawal of AICTE approval could be initiated.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Introduction of New Courses or Programmes and/or
Variation/Increase in Intake of the Existing Courses in
AICTE-Approved Technical Institutions
No Government, Government Aided or Private (self financing) technical institutions shall conduct courses or
programs in Technical Education and no new courses or programs shall be introduced and no increase and/ or
variation of intake in the existing Courses/Programmes shall be effected at any levels in the field of 'Technical
Education' without obtaining prior approval of the Council.
6.2 The stages involved in the processing of proposals are described below :
One copy each of the application shall be submitted directly to the affiliating University and the
Sate Govt./UT either in person or through speed post/registered post. Two copies of the application
shall be submitted to the concerned Regional Office of AICTE along with the proof of having sub-
mitted a copy of the application each to the affiliating University and the State Govt.
The AICTE approved technical Institutions may submit "any time" round the year, a proposal in the prescribed
format (two copies) along with proof of submitting a copy each to State Govt./UT and Affiliating University
and the following documents to the concerned Regional Office of the Council for grant of approval for
introduction of new courses or programmes and/or increase in intake and/or variation in the intake capacity.
However applications received up to 31st December shall be considered for grant of approval for
the following academic year. Applications received after 31st December shall be considered for
the next academic year.
◆ Detailed Project Report along with the documents notified in Approval Process Handbook.
◆ Processing Fee of Rs. 40,000/- (Rupees Forty thousand only) by means of a Demand Draft drawn on
a nationalized bank in favour of The Member Secretary, AICTE, New Delhi payable at New Delhi
The Proposal and the check list attached to the proposal shall be scrutinized by a Committee comprising of
two members of concerned Regional Committee including the Regional Officer as convener.
The deficiencies if any, shall be communicated by the Regional Office of the Council to the applicant Institu-
tion within 15 days from the date of receipt of the proposal under intimation to the AICTE HQs New Delhi.
The Regional Office shall forward a copy of the proposal complete in all respects to AICTE HQs at New Delhi
within 15 days from the date of receipt of such proposals.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
The State Govt./UT and the Affiliating University shall forward its views within 30 days from the date of receipt
of the proposals from the Applicant Society/Trust/institution. The State Govt./and the affiliating university
shall provide reasons and justification to substantiate their stand. The views of the concerned State Govern-
ment/Universities shall be taken into consideration while processing the proposals for grant of approval for
introduction of new courses or programmes and/or increase/ variation in the intake capacity. Accordingly, no
separate No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the concerned State Govt./ University is required to be submit-
ted to the AICTE by the Applicant Society/Trust.
The Council shall have the right to overrule the recommendations of the State Govt/University while deciding
the matters of approval for introduction of new courses or programmes and/or increase/ variation in the intake
(a) The proposal shall thereafter be considered by following Hearing Committee to be constituted by the Chair-
man AICTE:
◆ Three Expert Members at the level of Professor one of whom shall be the member of the committee of
the Regional Committee referred at para 6.2.2 above as members.
(b) The Hearing Committee shall be headed by an academician/professional of repute among the members of
the above Committee.
6.2.5 The Hearing Committee shall meet at least once in a month to process the proposals.
The Hearing Committee shall consider the application scrutinized by the Committee referred at 6.2.2 along with the
soft copy of Compliance Report and Mandatory Disclosure, Detailed Project Report, information as per prescribed
format and other relevant documents submitted by the institutions.
6.2.6 Stage-IV: Issuance of Letter of Approval for New Courses or Programmes and / or increase and /or
Variation of intake in the existing courses/ programmes or Otherwise
a) The Hearing Committee based on information furnished by the Institution may decide:
(ii) To recommend to the AICTE for the visit of the Expert Committee
(iii) To recommend to the AICTE for rejection showing relevant grounds for such rejection.
b) In case, it is decided to depute an Expert Committee, the Expert Committee shall comprise of the following
◆ Three Expert members not below the level of Associate Professor/Reader nominated by the Chairman,
◆ Expert members one each not below the level of Associate Professor/Reader to be nominated by the
State Govt. and the respective Affiliating University
◆ Concerned Regional Officer or an Officer of the Council as convener to be nominated by the Chairman
The Expert Committee shall be headed by an academician/professional of repute from the above committee.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
The State Govt/University shall be requested to nominate expert members not below the level of Associate
Professor/ Reader to participate in the visits. However, if no nomination is received within 15 days, the
Council shall complete the visit without the nominees of the State Govt/University.
(c) The recommendations of the Expert Committee shall be placed before the Hearing Committee and subsequently
to the Vice Chairman/ Chairman AICTE for a decision on introduction of new courses/programmes and/or
increase/variation of intake capacity. The decision shall be communicated to the Applicant Institutions within
7 days of the date of the meeting of Hearing Committee. The above decision shall be placed before the
Executive Committee for ratification.
6.2.7 The approval accorded by the AICTE shall be valid for two academic years from the date of issue
of letter of approval. The approval so accorded, based on applications received up to 31st December
and which fulfill Council's norms and standards for introduction of New Course (s)/Variation in
intake/increase in intake, shall be valid for TWO academic years including the following academic
year for obtaining affiliation with the concerned University and fulfilling State Governments
requirements for admission. The Letter of Approval for applications received after 31st December
shall not be valid for the following academic year, but valid for next two academic years.
(a) In those cases where approval is denied for non-fulfillment of norms & standards and conditions as may be
stipulated by the Council, grounds of denial shall be communicated to the concerned institutions.
(b) The Applicant Institution may seek re-consideration after rectifying the deficiencies and complying with
norms standards and conditions prescribed from time to time.
(c) The applicant institution may submit requests for reconsideration to the concerned Regional Office of the
Council along with a fee of Rs. 40.000/- in the form of DD drawn in favour of "Member Secretary, AICTE"
payable at New Delhi.
(d) The requests for reconsideration submitted by the Applicant shall be forwarded by the concerned Regional
Office to AICTE Headquarters within 15 days of receipt. The Council may decide to depute an Expert visiting
committee for verifying the claims made by the Applicant Society/Trust, whose recommendations shall be
placed before the Hearing Committee and subsequently before the Vice Chairman/Chairman of the Council.
(e) However the Applicant Institution shall be eligible to seek reconsideration only once. Incase the Proposal is
rejected the applicant institution shall make a fresh applicant for grant of approval for introduction of new
courses/programmes and/or increase/variation in intake capacity.
6.2.8 In case the Applicant Society/Trust disputes the decision of the Council it may appeal any time and
the appeal shall be heard by an Appellate Committee constituted by the Chairman AICTE from
time to time with the following members:
Based on the Recommendations of the Appellate Committee and other relevant information, a final decision
will be taken by the Vice Chairman/ Chairman, AICTE on behalf of the Council for grant of "approval" or
otherwise for introduction of new courses or programmes and/or increase in intake and/or variation in the
intake capacity. The decision shall be communicated to the applicant institution within 7 days of the meeting
of the Appellate Committee. The decision of the Chairman shall be placed before the Executive Committee
for ratification.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
6.2.9 Cases where approval is denied on the recommendations of the Appellate committee due to non
fulfillment of norms, & standards and conditions as are stipulated by the Council, grounds of denial
shall be communicated to the concerned Applicant Institution.
Incase the proposal is rejected based on the recommendations of the Appellate Committee, the Applicant
Society/Trust shall make a fresh Proposal for grant of approval for introduction of new courses/programmes
and/or increase/variation in intake capacity.
6.2.10 The decision on grant of approval or otherwise shall be communicated to the Applicant Society/Trusts/
Institutions throughout the year. However, the applicants whose applications received at the Council on or
before 31st December 2007 shall be eligible for starting of new programmes/increase/variation in intake for
the academic year 2008-09. All other Letters of Approval issued for the applications received after 31st
December 2007 shall be eligible for starting of new programmes/increase/variation in intake from the next
academic year i.e. 2009-10 or beyond. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant institutions to obtain
necessary affiliation/permission from the concerned affiliating University/State Govt. etc. as per the prescribed
schedule of the University/Admission Authority etc. Thereafter the Applicant Society/Trusts shall furnish
information about commencement of programme within 30 days to AICTE for updating its database.
AICTE may carry out, random visits round the year anytime for verifying the status of the institutions to
update its database and ensure maintenance of Norms and Standards.
AICTE may also conduct from time to time Inspections with or without notifying dates in such cases where
specific complaints of misrepresentation, violation of norms and standards, mal-practices etc. are received
to verify the facts, AICTE shall take appropriate punitive actions for any violations on false information furnished
to it.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Procedure for Permitting AICTE Approved Institutions to
Admit Foreign Students/Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/
Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries
7.1 Eligibility to Admit Foreign Students/Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)/Children of Indian Workers in
Gulf Countries
Institutions fulfilling following criteria shall be eligible to apply for approval of AICTE for admitting students of
Foreign Nationals/Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and Children of Indian workers in Gulf Countries.
The Institutions should be able to provide suitable hostel/residential accommodation to the Foreign
Students/Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs).
The teacher student ratio in the technical department/section where Foreign Nationals/Persons of
Indian Origin are admitted should not be below 1:15.
Institutions should have a modern library as per norms and standards of AICTE with multi-media
The total built up area of the institution (excluding hostels and residential areas) should not be less
than 12.5 sq.m. per student.
The Institute and its hostels should have proper approach road, good environment, sufficient water
supply and an arrangement for generators in absence of normal, supply of electricity.
The concerned institution should not have been put under “No Admission” or “Reduced Intake” category
by AICTE during the last 3 years.
The institute should be functioning at least for a period of 5 years after AICTE approval.
The results of the last two years for final year students should not less than 75%, calculated based on
Number of students appeared in the final examination.
The applicant Institution shall submit an undertaking in the prescribed format regarding compliance of
prescribed conditions.
An Expert Committee constituted by AICTE, New Delhi shall visit the Institute at the cost of the
Based on the Report of the committee, final decision will be taken by AICTE, New Delhi.
The institution shall submit a Compliance Report giving the details of faculty and other facilities in the
institution every year for renewal of the eligibility for admitting Foreign Students/Persons of Indian
Origin (PIO)/ Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Duration and Entry Level Qualifications for the
Technical Programmes
8.1 Under Graduate Degree Programmes
The candidates will, however, be required to qualify at the Entrance Test in all subjects as per requirements of
the Entrance Test.
8.2 Post-Graduate Programmes
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Policy Decisions of the Council
with regard to Approval Process
For new technical institutions, the period of approval should be initially for one year and subsequent extension of
AICTE approval will not exceed more than 5 years at a time. The permanent approval to any technical
institution or course/programme in Technical Institution my be accorded through the process of Recognition
as per provision of Section 10 (u) of the Act.
Any Technical Institution, which has already started, and wishes to submit an application/proposal, will be
considered as new Technical Institution requiring the same procedure for submission and processing of application/
proposal. If AICTE decides to issue Letter of Approval for such institution, after processing the proposal as
per laid down procedure, its legal date of starting will be from the date of issue of the Letter of Approval and
the students admitted, if any, before receiving approval from AICTE, will have to be readmitted as per laid
down procedure for admission from the beginning of first year after AICTE approval. Students, who are admitted
prior to AICTE approval, will not have any right for re-admission and will have to fulfill all the requirements for
Rationalized nomenclature of courses shall be as decided by the Competent Authority in AICTE from time to
time based on recommendations of the concerned Board of Studies of AICTE.
The use of word Indian and/or National and/or All India and/or All India Council and/or Commission in any part of
the name of a Technical Institution and/or any name whose abbreviated form leads to IIM/IIT/IISC/’HIT/AICTE/
UGC shall not be permitted. Any Institution which is already functioning with the names using the above words
shall submit its application for approval of revised name by AICTE, failing which, AICTE may withdraw its
The above restrictions will not be applicable for those institutions which are established with the name
approved by the Govt. of India.
Name of the “ Technical Institution” for which approval is accorded by AICTE shall not be changed without the
approval of AICTE. AICTE may permit the change of name as per laid down procedure.
Name of the Society/Trust, Memorandum of Association and rules are not allowed to be changed without
prior approval of AICTE.
All Technical Institutions which are functioning in temporary location/site will have to either shift to its approved
permanent site with proper building(s) and other facilities as per requirement before March 31, 2008, or be
closed down from the academic year 2008-2009 and the students admitted to such institutions may be
shifted to other approved Technical Institutions in consultation with concerned State Govts./UT Administration
and Affiliating Bodies.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
The Act has no provision for retrospective Approval. All approval for establishment of new Institutions/introduction
of new courses or programmes in Technical Education/variation in Intake capacity and Recognition shall be
with prospective effect.
9.9 Conduct of Courses other than those approved by AICTE in Technical Institution (s)
AICTE approves the Technical Institutions/Courses on the basis of Norms & Standards specified for these
courses. Since these Norms & Standards specify the minimum requirement for establishment of technical
institution to run specified courses, any course other than those specifically approved by AICTE cannot be
run in the same premises sharing the same facilities.
Any compliance report submitted by a Technical Institution indicating creation of facilities/removal of deficiencies/
conditions/fulfillment of requirement by a specified date, may be verified by AICTE. The manner in which such
Compliance reports are submitted and the method of verification, shall be decided by the AICTE.
If any institution submits Proposal to conduct several courses and AICTE decides, after processing the Proposal
as per laid down procedure to accord approval for some specified courses (s) with specified intake capacity for
each course which is/are less than the number of courses proposed and/or less than the intake proposed for
each course, the course and/or the proposed intake for which approval is not accorded, will automatically stand
rejected, whether a separate Rejection Letter is issued or not.
a) The decision on grant of approval or otherwise for establishment of new institution shall be communicated
to the Applicant Society/Trusts/Institutions throughout the year. However, the applicants whose applications
received at the Council on or before 31st December 2007 and the Letters of Approval issued on or before 30th
June 2008 shall be eligible for starting of new institutions for the academic year 2008-09. All other Letters of
Approval issued for the applications received after 31st December 2007 and/or the Letters of Approval issued
after 30th June 2008 shall be eligible for starting the new institutions from the next academic year i.e. 2009-
10 or beyond. It shall be the responsibility of the Applicant Society/Trusts/Institutions to obtain necessary
affiliation/permission from the concerned affiliating University/State Govt. etc. as per the prescribed schedule
of the University/Admission Authority etc.
b) The decision on grant of approval or otherwise for starting of new programmes/increase/variation in intake
shall be communicated to the Applicant Society/Trusts/Institutions throughout the year. However, the applicants
whose applications received at the Council on or before 31st December 2007 shall be eligible for starting of
new programmes/increase/variation in intake for the academic year 2008-09. All other Letters of Approval
issued for the applications received after 31st December 2007 shall be eligible for starting of new programmes/
increase/variation in intake from the next academic year i.e. 2009-10 or beyond. It shall be the responsibility
of the applicant institutions to obtain necessary affiliation/permission from the concerned affiliating University/
State Govt. etc. as per the prescribed schedule of the University/Admission Authority etc.
The existing Engineering Institutions which are already conducting at least one IT related course (Applied
Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Science & Engineering or Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Engineering or Electronics & Communication Engineering or Information Technology or Instrumentation & Control),
may apply for MCA as an additional course, without the requirement of additional land, but after creating
additional built up space and facilities in a separate department for MCA course, as per AICTE norms. The
institution may also apply for MBA as an additional course, in the second year of its establishment, after
creating additional built up area and facilities in a separate department for MBA as per AICTE norms.
MCA and MBA as Additional Courses for the existing Engineering Institutions may be considered by AICTE
with maximum limit for courses and annual intake given below, subject to compliance of all the Norms &
Standards of AICTE, by the applicant. The Institution has to submit Joint Fixed Deposit for the MCA and MBA
Course, even if they are started as an Additional Course in an existing Engineering Institution.
Sixth Year * * * *
(*) Further increase can be considered after accreditation of at least two programmes in an institution.
(**) MBA & MCA as an additional course can be introduced only with an initial annual intake of 60 provided there is
full preparedness in terms of space, faculty, library, computers etc.
9.14 MBA/MCA as additional courses in existing MCA/MBA approved standalone institutions respectively
The existing MBA institutions may apply for Introduction of MCA as an additional course after creating
additional built up space and facilities in a separate department in MCA without the requirement of additional
land. Similarly the existing MCA institutions may apply for Introduction of MBA as an additional course after
creating additional built up space and facilities in a separate department in MBA without the requirement of
additional land. The requirement of DPR, RGPF, built up space, faculty and other norms shall be mandatory
for giving additional course of MBA to MCA institution and MCA to MBA institution as required in the Engineering
Institutions for starting MBA/MCA as additional course.
Excess admissions over the sanctioned intake shall not be allowed under any circumstances. In case any
excess admission is reported to the Council, appropriate penal action will be initiated against the institution.
Those institutes who have not submitted compliance report by 31 August 2007 (for the grant of extension of
approval for the academic year 2008-09) after addressing the duly pointed out deficiencies in their respective
institutes shall have to pay a penalty of Rs 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) for submitting the compliance
report after the indicated cut-off date.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Year Engg. & Tech. MCA MBA/ Arch. & Phar. HMCT Applied
PGDM Town Plng. Arts & Crafts
Intake Courses Intake Intake Intake Intake Intake Intake
First Year 240 4 60 60 40 60 60 60
Second year 300 5 60 60 40 60 60 60
Third Year 360 6 60 120# 40 60 60 60
Fourth Year 420 6 120# 120# 40 60 60 60
Fifth Year 420 6 120# 120# 40 60 120 120
Sixth Year * * * * *** ** ** **
Subject to compliance of all the Norms & Standards of AICTE, by the Applicant:
* Further increase can be considered after accreditation. [at least 2 (two) courses in engineering (preference
will be given to increase in strength of accredited courses.)]
** No further increase
Note: The size of class shall be 60 for each course except Architecture/Town Planning wherein it shall be 40.
9.18 Policy regarding Barrier Free Environment for Physically Disabled Persons.
In pursuance of the decision taken by the EC in its 46th meeting held on 03/09/2003 the Council vide circular
F.No. 38-07/legal/2003 dated 29/09/2003 has issued a policy regarding barrier free environment for physically
disabled persons.
The Council vide circular F. UG/Regional/2002-03/01 dated 22/10/2003 informed all technical institutions to
implement AICTE pay scales to all faculty members. In this regard all technical institutions must forward a
copy of TDS certificate in respect of income tax deducted from the salary of faculties to the Council.
1) The Institution shall send a written request to the concerned Regional Officer of AICTE along with No Objection
Certificate (NOC) of the State Govt. and Affiliating University.
2) The Regional Officer shall forward the Proposal along with his comments/recommendations to AICTE, New
Delhi for final decision.
1) If an institution wishes to change its category from Self-financing to Aided/Govt. etc. or vice versa, it may
submit a proposal to the concerned Regional Office along with No Objection Certificate from the State Govt.
and Affiliating University.
2) The Concerned Regional Officer shall forward the proposal to AICTE, New Delhi along with his/her
recommendations for final decision.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
9.22 Procedure for Change of Site and Norms Concerning Land and Building on New Site
Change of location/Station may be permitted after getting "No Objection Certificate" (NOC) from the concerned
State Govt./UT Administration and Affiliating Body, by the Competent Authority in AICTE as per laid down
procedure subject to the fulfillment of Norms and Standards of AICTE. No request/ representation/Proposal
for change of site will be considered after submission of application/proposal for establishment of a new
Technical Institution, till the completion of at least two years after a new institution is started with the approval
of AICTE. No partial shifting of institution to a different site shall be permitted.
The applicant shall have to submit a Proposal along with the following documents in original in one lot to the
concerned Regional Office of AICTE:
Registration document of the Trust/Society indicating members of Society/Trust and its Objectives.
Land document(s) in original for the new site showing ownership in the name of Trust/Society in the
form of Registration Sale Deed/Irrevocable Gift Deed (Registered)/Irrevocable Government Lease (for a
minimum of 30 years) by concerned authority of Government. In case, the land documents are in
vernacular language, Notarized English translation of the document must to be produced.
Land Use Certificate/Land Conversion Certificate for the new site allowing the land to be used for
educational purpose, from the Competent Authority along with Topo-sketch/Village Map indicating
land Survey Nos. and a copy of city map showing location of proposal site of the institution.
Site Plan, Building Plan for the new site prepared by a registered Architect and duly approved by the
Competent Plan Sanctioning Authority designated by the concerned State.
Proof of completion of the building structure at the new site as per approved Engineering & Architectural
Building Plan, in the form of Color photographs giving External and Internal views.
An undertaking by the Institution stating that the change shall not affect the admission procedure and
the fee that a student has to pay.
1. The Proposal along with documents will be scrutinized by the concerned Regional Office of AICTE and the
original documents shall be returned to the Institution. The report of the verification of documents shall be
forwarded to AICTE HQ’s for further necessary action including arranging Expert Committee visit. An Expert
Committee will visit at the cost of the institution if the documents are found in order. The Buildings and
required built-up space should be ready before the visit of Expert Committee. All the documents required as
mentioned earlier shall be produced in original before the Expert Committee for verification. Color photographs
of the building attested by the authorized signatory of the applicant and a Video CD indicating the following
shall also be handed over to the Expert Committee:
Internal portion of entire institute with institution's name board in close view.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
2. Based on the report of the Expert Committee and other documents, final decision shall be taken by AICTE
New Delhi
AICTE Approved Institutions/ courses are not permitted to be closed without obtaining prior approval from
AICTE. Closure of the Courses/institution may be considered by the Council on case to case basis after
getting "No Objection Certificate" (NOC) from the concerned State Govt./UT Administration and Affiliating
The applicant institution/society/trust shall submit a Proposal along with the following documents in one lot
to the concerned Regional Office of AICTE:
Copy of the latest AICTE approval letter indicating the details of the Courses/ programmes/ location
of the institution etc.
No Objection Certificate from the Concerned State Govt/UT and the Affiliating University for closure of
institutions/ courses.
Details of the Land, buildings and other assets available with the institution.
Details of the dues and liabilities arising out of the closure of the Institution/Courses.
Details of the existing faculty and other employees working in the institution.
Details of the RPGF/Joint FDR made with AICTE/State Govt./ University for establishment of the
An undertaking on a non judicial stamp paper by the Institution stating that the Society/trust/Institution
is liable for all consequences including the settlement of all dues to the faculty, employees and
students and other agencies, arising out of the closure of the Institution/Courses..
An Expert Committee may visit the Institution to ascertain the feasibility of closure of the Institution/Courses
and also to assess the liabilities arising out of such closure.
The Council shall permit release of RPGF/Joint FDR and other assets of the Institutions/ Society/Trust only
on complete settlement of the dues and other liabilities consequent upon closure of the Institution/courses.
Based on the recommendations of the expert committee a decision shall be taken by the Chairman AICTE.
Keeping in view the paucity of qualified personnel at the level of Professors in technical education, it has
been decided to relax the existing age limit of 65 years to 70 years for a period of 2 more years w.e.f.
It has been decided that all technical education institutions would be required to possess land as per the
existing norms only and institutions established in the past when the land requirement was much higher,
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
would also be expected to confirm to the land norms. For instance, Rural Engineering Colleges with 25
acres of land would be required to possess land as per existing norms i.e. 10 acres.
The ragging in educational institutions in any form is banned under law. All the AICTE approved institutions
must ensure that ragging does not take place at their campuses in any form. Should such a case be reported
or brought to the notice of the AICTE, then the Council shall take necessary action including withdrawal of
20% relaxation is allowed in FDR amount and processing fee for establishment of new technical institutions
in North-Eastern States.
For establishment of new technical institutions exclusively set up for women certain norms have been relaxed
which are as follows:
a. Land: For the technical institutions exclusively set up for women, the land norms prescribed for
establishment of all other Technical Institutions have been relaxed up to 50% in rural category and
20% in Metro & State Capital category and 10% in Mega Cities category.
b. FDR and Processing Fee: 20% relaxation are allowed in FDR amount and processing fees for
establishment of new technical institutions exclusively set up for women.
c. Built up area & Number of courses and intake: The total built up area required for setting up of new
institutions are as per existing norms. However, to start with institutions for women will be allowed up
to 5 courses with total annual intake of 300 with each course intake not exceeding 90.
d. Single window system for processing proposals: Two copies of the application shall be submitted to
the Member Secretary, AICTE along with a proof of having submitted a copy of the application each to
the affiliating University and State Government and a Demand Draft of Rs.5000/- drawn on a nationalized
bank in favour of "The Member Secretary, AICTE" payable at New Delhi. One copy of the application
shall be directly submitted each to the affiliating University and the State Government either in person
or through Speed/Registered Post.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Tuition Fee Waiver scheme for Women, Economically
backward and Physically Handicapped Meritorious
The AICTE has been empowered under Section 10(e) of AICTE Act to formulate schemes for promoting technical
education for women, handicapped and weaker sections of the society. In compliance with these provisions under the
AICTE Act, it has been decided to introduce Tuition Fee Waiver scheme for women, economically backward and
physically handicapped meritorious students in technical institutions.
I Applicability:
The proposed scheme shall be applicable to the Students of all AICTE approved technical Institutions offering;
a) Bachelors programmes in Engineering, Pharmacy, HMCT, Architecture and Applied Arts and Crafts.
The Scheme is proposed initially for Under-graduate and Diploma Programmes. The scheme will be voluntary in nature.
II Purpose:
The scheme is proposed to provide Tuition Fee Waiver to women, economically backward and physically handicapped
meritorious students pursuing degree/diploma level technical education covering degree programmes in Engineering &
Technology, HMCT, Pharmacy, Architecture, Applied Arts and Crafts and Diploma Programmes in the above disciplines.
The Waiver is limited to the tuition fee as approved by the State Level Fee Committee for self-financing institutions and
by the Government for the Govt. and Govt. Aided Institutions. All other Fee except tuition fees have to be paid by the
IV Method of implementation:
Under the Scheme, the Competent Authority for admissions shall be the same as for regular admissions. And Institutions
shall provide tuition fee waiver up to 10 percent of its sanctioned intake of students. Typically for every 60 sanctioned
intake in a branch/discipline of study, tuition fee waiver shall be given to two woman candidates, three economically
weaker students (Annual income of Parents/Guardians less than Rs. 2.50 lakhs from all sources) and one physically
handicapped students based on merit. In the event of non-availability of students in a specific category as above, the
benefit will be given to any other candidate of other categories according to merit. An award letter is this respect shall
be issued by the respective Institution with the approval of the Competent Authority for admissions.
The Institution in turn shall be allowed to admit 10% of its sanctioned intake or the number of actual tuition fee waiver
granted by the Institution, whichever is lower, as an additional intake in the same discipline/branch of study.
Incase of Government/Govt. aided Institutions this additional intake may be on self-financing basis, if they so desire.
1. The AICTE approved technical institutions shall inform the number of the tuition fee waivers, branch wise to the
admission authorities of the concerned state and give an undertaking that the institution will not charge tuition fee
for the duration of the course form the beneficiaries.
2. The State Govts. Affiliating Universities of the concerned state shall allow equal number of seats over and above
the present sanctioned strength subject to maximum of 10% of the approved intake in the same branch in lieu of
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
the Tuition Fee Waivers. Private Institutions shall be allowed to admit students to the tune of the number of
Tuition Fee waivers actually awarded from the same merit list as intake over and above the present sanctioned
strength. Similarly the Government Institutions may fill up these additional seats on merit basis and if desired on
self-financing basis with the approval of the State Government.
3. The Institution shall admit students against these seats as per the procedure followed for admitting the regular
seats at Institution level by the State admission authority. The list of students admitted in this category shall be
displayed in the Notice Board of the Institution and its web site along with the list of students given tuition fee
4. The State Govts. shall include the names of the institutions who have volunteered to avail the scheme with details
of tuition fee waivers available in each institution branch wise in the admission brochure and publish the same for
the benefit of the students.
5. The Institutions have to publish in their brochure and website the number of tuition fee waivers available in each
category (Woman, economically weaker and physically handicapped) of students in each discipline.
6. The Competent Authority for admission shall have to display Tuition Fee Waiver status against each Institution,
branch wise, to the candidates during the counseling, during admission and at the end of admission process so
that the students can freely exercise their informed choice.
7. The information on availability of tuition fee waiver scheme shall be provided to the candidates, institution wise
and discipline wise through Information brochure, Counseling brochure and website etc. The selection of candidates
for tuition fee waiver shall be decided during the Counseling based on merit from amongst the eligible candidates.
An eligible candidate shall have an option to exercise his/her choice of Institutions and discipline of study during
Counseling for availing benefits of the scheme.
8. The Institutions shall provide the following information to the AICTE, concerned State Govt. and affiliating University:
i. Particulars of each beneficiary including name and rank of the students who have been granted tuition fee
waiver in each discipline/branch of study, and
ii. Details of the students admitted against the additional seats including name and rank etc., according to
merit prescribed for regular admission.
The Institutions shall also display such information in their websites for information to the students and other
9. The tuition fee waiver to a student shall be for the duration of the course i.e. four years for Bachelor courses in
Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy, HMCT and Applied Arts and Crafts, and three years for Diploma students
and five years for B. Arch course. Once a student is given Tuition Fee Waiver, the same shall be continued for the
normal course duration.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Admission of students in Degree Engineering
Programmes through Lateral Entry
Dated : 12-01-2007
No. F. 37-3/Legal/2007 :- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 23 read with section 10 (b),
(o) & (v) of the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987), following Regulations are hereby notified
by the Council:
(a) These Regulations may be called the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) admission of
students in Degree Engineering Programmes through lateral entry Regulations 2007.
(b) They shall come into force w.e.f. the date of publication in the Official Gazette of India.
(2) Definitions:-
(a) "Act" means the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987);
(b) "Commission" means the University Grants Commission established under section 4 of the University
Grants Commission Act 1956;
(c) 'Technical Institution" means an Institution set up by Government, Government Aided and Private (self
financing) for conducting courses / programmes in the field technical education, training and research in
Engineering, Technology Including MCA, Architecture, Town Planning, Management, Pharmacy, Hotel
Management & Catering Technology, Applied Arts & Crafts and such other programmes and areas as are
notified by the Council from time to time;
(d) "University" means a University defined under clause (f) of Section 2 of the University Grants Commission
Act, 1956 and includes an institution deemed to be University under section 3 of that Act;
(e) All other words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the All India Council for
Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987), shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the
said Act;
(3) Purpose:-
These Regulations provide for admission of diploma holders and B.Sc. graduates into second year degree programmes
in Engineering and Technology through lateral entry.
(4) Applicability: -
(a) All technical institutions of Govt., Govt. Aided and Private (Self financing) conducting courses / programs
in the fields of technical education, training and research in Engineering, Technology including MCA,
Architecture, Town Planning, Management, Pharmacy, Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Applied
Arts & Crafts and such other programs and areas as are notified by the Council from time to time.
(b) Universities including Deemed to be Universities of Government, Government Aided and Private (self
financing) conducting courses / programs in the fields of technical education, training and research in
Engineering, Technology including MCA, Architecture, Town Planning, Management, Pharmacy, Hotel
Management & Catering Technology, Applied Arts & Crafts and such other programs and areas as are
notified by the Council from time to time.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
(5) Requirement: -
Under section 10 (o) of AICTE Act, it shall be the duty of the Council to take all such steps as it may think fit for
ensuring coordinated and integrated development of technical and management education and maintenance of
standards and for the purposes of performing the functions under this Act, the Council may provide guidelines for
admission of students to technical institutions and Universities imparting technical education.
Although engineering diploma programmes are conceived as terminal in nature, some flexibility has to be built in
to enable the meritorious amongst diploma holders to obtain Engineering degrees. There is evidence of diploma
holders pursing an Engineering programme having performed well not only in their academic careers but also in
their jobs.
For being eligible to seek lateral entry to an Engineering degree programme at the second year/ third semester
level, a candidate must have passed the diploma in Engineering in the relevant branch with a minimum of 60
percent in the aggregate. Only candidates fulfilling these conditions would be eligible for appearing in the entrance
test meant for selection of diploma holders for Lateral entry to degree programmes. The selection of candidates
will be based on an entrance test, the merit ranking in the test being the basis of admission.
At present students obtain diploma through different programmes in different States/UTs. Such programmes
have different structures and forms like the semester pattern, annual pattern, sandwich pattern, etc. In order to
maintain uniformity, a common entrance examination seems essential. Further, it is necessary to select only
meritorious students who have passed the diploma with good academic record.
A student who has acquired a diploma in Engineering through a minimum of three years of institutional study,
after 10+(Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination) can be considered to be academically equivalent
to a student who has passed the first year of the four year Engineering degree programme for which the qualifying
examination is of the 12+ level.
The Affiliating University may prescribe compensatory courses to make up deficiencies for diploma holders, who
are admitted through lateral entry.
Science education in the country is suffered primarily due to lack of employment opportunities after completion
of degree courses. This trend is affected the science education in the country and only a few students are opting
to go for the science stream. In order to provide science students avenues for proper employment opportunities
after completing graduation, Science graduates may be permitted to join Engineering courses at second year
along with the diploma holders through lateral entry.
For being eligible to seek lateral entry to an Engineering degree programme at the second year/ third semester
level, a candidate must have passed the Degree in Science (B.Sc.,), with Mathematics as a subject and with a
minimum of 60 percent marks in the aggregate. Only candidates fulfilling these conditions would be eligible for
appearing in the entrance test meant for selection of B.Sc., graduates for Lateral entry to an Engineering degree
programme. The selection of candidates will be based on an entrance test, the merit ranking in the test being the
basis of admission.
The affiliating University may exempt B.Sc., degree holders form Science courses and other relevant courses at
the second year level and prescribe compensatory courses to makeup deficiencies.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Diploma holders and B.Sc Degree holders shall be eligible for admission to second year Engineering degree
programmes up to a maximum of 10% of sanctioned intake, which will be over and above the approved intake
(supernumerary). In addition, these candidates shall be eligible for admission in the second year against the
vacant seats at first year level. The concerned Admission Authority shall decide the ratio between the diploma
holders and B.Sc graduates for admission.
(8) Interpretation
If any question arises as to the interpretation of these Regulations, the same shall be decided by the Council.
The Council shall have the power to issue clarification to remove any doubt which may arise in regard to
implementation of these Regulations.
The Council may, in exceptional cases, for removal of any hardship or such other reasons to be recorded in
writing, relax any of the provisions of these Regulations.
(Prof. R. A. Yadav)
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
If a technical institution contravenes any of the provisions of the Regulations, the Council may, after making such inquiry
as it may consider appropriate and after giving the technical institution concerned an opportunity of being heard,
withdraw the approval granted under these Regulations.
The Council may cause an inspection to any technical institution with or without prior intimation for the purposes of
ascertaining the financial needs, or its standards of teaching, examination and research, maintenance of norms and
standards, violation of regulations and malpractices etc. In case the inspections are conducted with prior intimation
to the institutions, the costs incurred for such inspections shall be borne by the concerned institutions.
In case of violations of norms and standards and regulations etc as prescribed by the Council and as communicated to
the technical institution/s based on the recommendations of the Inspection Committee, the Council may decide to
withdraw its approval/or impose ‘no admission’ status for one or more courses/or programmes or impose any other
punitive action deemed necessary after giving the institution an opportunity of being heard.
The technical institution may prefer an appeal within 15 days of the receipt of the communication from the Council
along with all relevant documents in compliance of the deficiencies etc. before an Appellate Committee, which shall
be constituted by the Chairman AICTE within 15 days of the receipt of the appeal from the Institution concerned with
the following Members:
Vice-Chancellor of an University
The recommendations of the Appellate Committee shall be placed before the Chairman, AICTE for final decision. The
decision of the Chairman shall be placed before the Executive Committee for ratification.
The decision of the Council shall be communicated within 15 days of the date of meeting of the Appellate Committee,
to the concerned institution and other authorities.
The Council shall inform the concerned affiliating university to dis-affiliate the programmes of the institution concerned
as per the decision of the Council with immediate effect.
The Affiliating University shall be responsible to shift the current students of the institution to other AICTE approved
institutions under the jurisdiction of that University to avoid any disruption and to continue the academic activities of
the existing students. The Council shall accordingly approve the number of students, thus shifted as additional
seats for the remaining duration of the programme.
The Council shall take appropriate action to forfeit the RPGF/Joint FDR and other assets of the Institutions/ Society/
Trust to recover the proportionate fees and other dues already paid by the students who have been shifted to other
Institutions consequent upon withdrawal of approval by AICTE, if the concerned Institute declines the refund of such
fees and other dues.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
The Council shall publish in newspapers and display on its website and/or by any other means about the withdrawal
of approval etc. to caution the general public.
12.2 Technical Institutions (offering non-degree programmes) NOT affiliated to any University
The Council may cause an inspection to any technical institution with or without prior intimation for the purposes of
ascertaining the financial needs, or its standards of teaching, examination and research, maintenance of norms
and standards, violation of regulations and malpractices etc.
In case of violations of norms and standards and regulations etc as prescribed by the Council and as communicated to
the technical institution/s based on the recommendations of the Inspection Committee, the Council may decide to
withdraw its approval/or impose “no admission” status for one or more courses/or programmes or impose any other
punitive action deemed necessary after giving the institution an opportunity of being heard.
The technical institution may prefer an appeal within 15 days of the receipt of the communication from the Council
along with all relevant documents in compliance of the deficiencies etc. before an Appellate Committee, which shall
be constituted by the Chairman AICTE within 15 days of the receipt of the appeal from the Institution concerned with
the following Members:
Vice-Chancellor of an University
The recommendations of the Appellate Committee shall be placed before Chairman, AICTE for final decision. The
decision of the Chairman shall be placed before the Executive Committee for ratification.
The decision of the Council shall be communicated within 15 days of the date of meeting of the Appellate Committee,
to the concerned institution and other authorities.
The Council may take necessary steps to shift the existing students of such institutions to other similar AICTE
approved institutions with immediate effect. The Council shall accordingly approve the number of additional seats in
institutions to which the students are shifted for the remaining duration of the programme.
The Council shall take appropriate action to forfeit the RPGF/Joint FDR and other assets of the Institutions/ Society/
Trust to recover the fees and other dues already paid by the students who have been shifted to other Institutions
consequent upon withdrawal of approval by AICTE, if the concerned Institute declines the refund of such fees and other
The Council shall publish in newspapers and display on its website and/or any other means about the withdrawal of
approval etc to caution the general public.
The Institutions which are not approved by AICTE conducting courses/programmes, without prior approval of AICTE
in technical education as defined under AICTE Act, the Council may take appropriate action including Legal action
against such defaulting Institutions/ Societies/ Trusts/ Companies/ Associated Individuals as the case may be.
The Council shall also inform the general public about the status of approval of such institution from time to time.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
AICTE Norms for Establishment of New Technical
13.2 Intake
Maximum permissible annual intake for the institution and maximum number of courses are as given below, to start
with for the first year:
Engineering & Architecture Pharmacy HMCT Applied Arts & MCA PGDM/
Technology & Town Crafts MBA
Intake Course Intake Intake Intake Intake Intake Intake
240 4 40 60 60 60 60 60
The size of class shall be 60 for each course, except Architecture/Town Planning wherein it shall be 40.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Inst. Category Engg. & Phar HMCT Arch/ Appl Arts MCA PGDM/
Tech. macy Planning & Crafts
Classrooms, No. 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
Tutorial rooms, No 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Drawing Halls, Area, Sq. m. 175 na na 200* 200* na 2** x 75
Computer Centre, area, Sq. m. 150 150 150 125 150 200 150
Library, area, Sq. m. 400 100 100 100 100 100 100
Workshop No. See Table 5 4 2 2 2 1 na
and Labs
Area of Each, —- 75 250 66 66 150 na
Area of Each Classroom = 66 Sq. m.; Area of Each Tutorial Room = 36 Sq. m.
na-not applicable, * Studio, ** Conference rooms
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
13.4 Experiments
The experimental setups should be arranged as per the requirements of the affiliating University’s curriculum,
and not more than four students to work on an experiment.
- Library, Administrative Wings and Faculty members should be provided with exclusive computing facilities
along with LAN and Internet over and above the requirement meant for students.
- Utilization of Open Source Software should be encouraged.
13.6 Library/Books and Journals
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
13.7 Funds
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Apart from the requirements in Table 9, following are also essential requirements:
• General Insurance to be provided for the assets against fire, burglary and other calamities.
• A Medical Room and Part Time Medical Officer should be made available.
For a four-year degree-engineering programme, teaching should be divided into eight semesters, each of 15
working weeks (excluding examinations) with a total duration of 180 working days.
For establishment of new technical institutions exclusively set up for women certain norms have been
relaxed which are as follows:
a. Land: For the technical institutions exclusively set up for women, the land norms prescribed for
establishment of all other Technical Institutions have been relaxed up to 50% in rural category and
20% in Metro & State Capital category and 10% in Mega Cities category.
b. FDR and Processing Fee: 20% relaxation are allowed in FDR amount and processing fees for
establishment of new technical institutions exclusively set up for women.
c Built up area & Number of courses and intake: The total built up area required for setting up of
new institutions are as per existing norms. However, to start with institutions for women will be
allowed up to 5 courses with total annual intake of 300 with each course intake not exceeding 90.
d. Single window system for processing proposals: Two copies of the application shall be submitted
to the Member Secretary, AICTE alongwith a proof of having submitted a copy of the application each
to the affiliating University and State Government and a Demand Draft of Rs.5000/- drawn on a
nationalized bank in favour of "The Member Secretary, AICTE" payable at New Delhi. One copy of the
application shall be directly submitted each to the affiliating University and the State Government
either in person or through Speed/Registered Post.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
AICTE Norms for Existing Technical Institutions
14.1 Intake
Additional course(s) and/or variation in intake may be considered with maximum limit given below, subject
to compliance of all the Norms & Standards of AICTE:
Year Engg. & Tech. MCA MBA/ Architecture Pharmacy HMCT Applied
PGDM & Town Arts &
Planning Crafts
Intake Courses Intake Intake Intake Intake Intake Intake
First Year 240 4 60 60 40 60 60 60
Second year 300 5 60 60 40 60 60 60
Third Year 360 6 60 120# 40 60 60 60
Fourth Year 420 6 120# 120# 40 60 60 60
Fifth Year 420 6 120# 120# 40 60 120 120
Sixth Year * * * * *** ** ** **
* Further increase can be considered after accreditation [at least 2 (two) courses in engineering (preference will
be given to increase in strength of accredited courses)]
** No further increase
*** Further increase can be considered in multiples of 40.
# For stand alone institutions
Note: The size of class shall be 60 for each course except Architecture/Town Planning wherein it shall be 40.
MBA & MCA as Additional Course(s) for the existing Engineering Institutions may be considered by AICTE with
maximum limit for courses and annual intake given below, subject to compliance of all the Norms & Standards of
AICTE, by the applicant:
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Note : Existing Institutions can avail the benefit of land norms as per the table given above on specific approval
of the Council.
14.3 Built up Area
(*) Circulation and other Areas include Toilets, Corridor, Staircases, Common Area etc.
Administrative Area includes Principal's Room, Strong Room, Reception Office, Main Office, Maintenance
Office, Faculty Seating Rooms, Store, Office Equipment Room etc.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Note: 1. Sufficient Furniture should be available to cater the requirement for minimum of seating capacity for 25%
of total Intake
2. 1000 books to be added every year
No Class of New Principal/ No of No. of Assistant No of Total No of Technical
Institutions Director Professors Professors/ Lecturers Supporting staff
A B C D A +B
+C +D
1. Engg &Tech 1 P AP L T 1 Lab Asstt per
Lab. + 6 Mainte
nance Staff
2. Pharmacy 1 P AP L T 1 Lab Asstt per
Lab. + 2 Mainte
nance Staff
3. HMCT. 1 P AP L T -do-
4. Architecture/Applied
Arts & Crafts 1 P1 AP1 L1 T1 -do-
5. MBA/PGDM or MCA 1 P AP L T -do-
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
* It includes provision of e-journals and subscription to such services with facilities in place
Note: Areas, wherever mentioned above, are Carpet Area for desirable requirements
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Time Schedule for Processing of
Applications/Proposals at a Glance
Note 1:The Letter of Intent (LOI) shall be valid for 3 academic years from the date of issue.
Note 2:The Letter of Approval (LOA) shall be valid for two academic years from the date of issue.
Note 3:The Letter of Approval (LOA) for the current academic year Shall be issued by 30th June for completed applications
received by 31st December of the previous calendar year which have fulfilled norms and standards prescribed by
the Council for establishment of new institutions. LOA issued on or before 30th June shall be valid for Two
academic years including the current academic year for obtaining affiliation with the respective Universities and
fulfilling concerned State Government requirement for admission.
Note4:The Letter of Approval issued after 30th June shall not be valid for the current academic year but shall be valid
only for next two Academic years.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process
Note5:The Applicant institutions, whose cases have been rejected for grant of Letter of Approval (LOA) may submit
compliance for reconsideration or may prefer to appeal by 30th May. The requests for reconsideration or
appeal received after 30th May will not be considered for LOA for the current academic year but only for next
two academic years. .The Applicant shall have only one opportunity for reconsideration or/for making an
appeal for issue of LOA for the current academic year. The applicant may submit requests for reconsideration
or prefer an appeal after 30th June for consideration for issue of LOA for subsequent academic years.
15.2 Time Schedule for Processing of Applications/Proposals for Extension of approval for academic
year 2008-2009
1. Submission of Compliance-Cum-Progress Report with Latest by 31 August 2007
Mandatory Disclosures
2. Appraisal Committee Meeting As and when required
3. Decision communication By 31st March 2008 for the academic
year 2008-09
4. Submission of Appeals for Reconsideration after Any time
rectification of deficiencies
5. Submission of Appeals Any time
6. Appellate committee Meeting Quarterly
7. Decision of Appeals Within 30 days of the meeting of appellate
2 Last Date for receipt of applications to be considered for the 31st December
following academic year. Applications received after
31st December shall be considered for the next academic year
3. Scrutiny of Proposals by Regional Offices and forwarding 15 days from the date of receipt of
to AICTE HQs proposal
4 Communicating the deficiencies, if any, to the concerned Within 15 days of the receipt of
applicant by Regional Office application
5 Views of State Govt. & Affiliating University Within 30 days of the submission of Application
Note 1: The Letter of Approval (LOA) shall be valid for two academic years from the date of issue.
Note 2: Letter of Approval (LOA) issued in respect of completed applications received up to 31st December, which have
fulfilled all norms and standards of the Council for introduction of New Course(s)/Variation in Intake/Increase in
Intake shall be valid for Two academic years including the following academic year for obtaining affiliation with the
concerned University & fulfilling concerned State Government requirements for admission.
Note 3: The Letter of Approval issued for the applications received after 31st December shall not be valid for the following
academic year but valid only for next Two Academic years.
AICTE : Hand Book for
Approval Process