F.M. Tipler (Inglés)

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PAUL A. TIPLER ssesnn nnn | | OF MODERN | mag | | FOUNDATIONS PHYSICS FAa1129 ) om 1 5a 4 PREFACE In hisak hve wed oi he cen in oncoming tee “aber I ain tong tl reac aden Pach te natemneccage!eanimcen nthe orl Fetiage of pyc tol sty odo pea der ‘apne cna of knows gst tae phoma wot sine mnie andcompare nr wi gene he i a gt ea of ep, Se Steting te dinning Te topes Oe fans eet oy, i tgs pe tnt fap na oh ter Fs ange dnt ag ‘Stan es etn aS cera tc nd ea of ion ton Scat yang pre acon of ian ct mavere lnogce in Capes 342085 wn ee en: ‘pitt nyo pine Tee fo Sn pn aun bn oe hina pi nd {Sapte bre, dikes ence Maay Boao a Fro senai aint sn tel “Seton of he cme ey tn ‘ters hfe vue te ens 2 2p inane nh ms end Thou woe rb, ee ‘Seta nay hp Tre Soph Seay er a eo See cree ore me weal Secret mate ict Tices mien aon serene Taseeenenptnneaeages Saati muster Poimalaltacecragae eae cele eet ceartea aaa sonication cae Separate mae Sem Ula ence elu giqrae utero Sight caeercaens Sees ‘hoo ok at wit or» saree our, er inthe of ener in, muon more eae anc Seine ga teen” she excpon Sect 9 ath depend on Son 93 and 4 tse Cape and te ay inner ech shes td an bee ‘ems of the phoseerie elect, the Bohr thesry, ee in ee ‘Senucygopcy Oe wy tapes en be ime oe Se itvng sens the net chapos Othe ober ‘sav he ural n th ear hater nd he mine ‘Skene atrial n Capos band 7a ee yy ‘erie o bre ore te fate ody af om pe nape Wane woes py Chaps 9 aod oa he Snr inuedhe bot ‘cud tne fr won ony pepe hee one 6 ok wo Ike hak 3 sh ho ceed he pein fiance {ar tee ray pleas To prey ga to ‘Mire Raw 6 hi ental op ata ape of fe pre, Spe go ae rr Ra oh Su oe Pheer te oe toh i art ite Oalaes Unrest depron aed hey Stolen er wh oferta ope and eco 2 {hry need rouge vos poli) serene The eet Prine Dy Ser an ut Ra ane iene Jy Sega aded ine presran n resminry eB ted tefl aumcipe trae pe co he acy ole ise pop and Bt ro wee a ‘hey Rest sth a tps Serogeay CONTENTS MeATTY 12 The Maney Bape 13 Kenan Comore af etn Rae 14 Thelaeu Fasclemsi US The Vey Trnacrmaon 1 Re Donpie Ben 1 Tew undoe 16 Rost Memes Piz. Gined Ps ya Magee Pile 313 anloasono Namen Sd Eesgy Son Peotone yrrrryy revere pyre ypeperrer 25 TheaceltBcumans Distibwion the aswel etrane Dibuton 25. Byun Theorem deat Capac 55 ote Mein an The Rando Pro Stary 2 Meare of Bete Chane 32 Maren ote SS Mhkaysaca me compton Ser 36 Gunotemont Bacty Suis ot Meter Soon Fretene LE Winn Somer Quotation Ble 15 GaSe toe They a of Soa 53° Gta Weve Egon St Woretaaee eee Yo seve no The Unreamgy Poco Pace oe Dea de Geryncs f e Uncen Pte Raby Arun ar Seti aan ‘Teme tospendet Stoning eatin Enmgy Quan om te Shae Banton “The Syne Wel ora, (lite of xeon Say Hare econ The Simple Barone OC eect “Te Schrage Egan a Spoil Coordin ‘etna cSt Mace Soy We ect see Mane lector Soin cua omer Sraoney Sp acio 3B a FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN PHYSICS ~ ONE SPECIAL RELATIVITY feo rt Gorng tae eats) ‘Shy ds conn TheStrwsnie poememsse bere ‘here sannacy vw arp tien beet rain hn ede i i el ‘gp hie pens of actos seo at me ‘hi pac to pocorn toh ca fie fica na eae pt ‘he ntats porate and sno leeduceanee> pote, which [sways propagated in empty apace with dei veloc «which i Tnepenget fe wae ose of ening toh Tee ‘eo presale fora aime of ip de, ‘Eyam of mig sts ed oy img ee eh ate pe sioen Fg 1-2 Abagh sees rat 4 a a oe ‘0 (a) Oh dia a eh a Ban me eso igh bree) henge fae ee an ‘Tce tant Sgt Sr ed of Uae ei of eet Ty am © epee fo eB seen pend Ye Eaten pote gl ht St ‘Shere neo the ame ume [tee 331 se) he {peed og Ths contac somamee el a imply that every chcrer meee se sped for light Before ‘rexel of Gee's poate, to ak aay tpt ome ak Te 18 Janea Ca Mavwe puede fees sould be propane tre sce mith eel 3 08 rote gis wot ee hbrtary ni mace Cre {cm ih cney gh egney oli X10 oye Lar ligic waning 6260 Hetramnte waver mach over oqucy we profes 138 Meee lel {{ | ( ors 4 Faas eat fonts | exten appeared ar cnr tr, FIC, which wa to a est panne by Lt an ie Re 6) st at ey nace nh ee fate ye taeda pn the al oe Mey ‘Sprint Thwp eae as ny ed SCC veya hes they vo epi oot "eH epg cna ope 1 sen se ining of cape ro ae i, tae means be del hu se gr wel Morey experiment flows. The general acceptance today of Ei tev ope ay ed oe pes geen ‘Sty whew ai eae poy ‘tote an tar pop Teeny te peony {et ie fm herpes ene can Inet er mre eae oppor! 1D Geet en a sl a ogc le i in we hl erie he winnie i ee i ey a ca ge mpage mac by snr w ten wh ‘eet to ech ober Wes oer x oubgr orate er aoa syste +72 ih eng Ocal the Sree encoun Eun Sel nde Pe, ett Seo rt borne i es fr ad meg ih ed Vf ‘font ee a nt at ot stn in ie 1 eet Au nt. et he ‘Sinem rh a ne ermB spe tn en + ‘img uy inn era eto te ace onan lr septate Te poe ml we Shuai ghegapie Tbe neh cei! by esi {iStnes tteen ps ad anowing he wey peo ope Ec ony whch ean be ealy etre ted care wl fl yes olde, oe dh nearer ‘Thee nel A? ennued by Ai Cur, Bf © Dye (0. nt ir ote in Th ema ning et ptt ag ag fo te mre SD ‘hereto sin Goma fee $ a 2, ai bccn nen son Sar th gr in tne (ede eg deg 9 ele pt at Boje est of te Age 73 Tine rao esi amined 8 vd ite te (is athens dak fer ebny np ow cme gee th he nl af ig ad the string Up sbenede'SThe te ape fe Alert plies be arg tne Se Bowen vt seed hae Sone ane sa inStan the ue mcr sage hn tr by Bl sts che se taht th oe bath eee (ayy “8 ng = 206 we bave ae an fo tthretcense nesi ml be poedar Bou ee enol ca mane ttn ei ah so re ‘nthe soc when See ven tpgen a ier ‘as We hve ta sed hat the ecco 4 ‘ata tane pero rected The ine been et sooe 8 Da happen athe oy la een ame (a with in 5 {ne sealed porn Wesbalet he aea seach esta aye one ‘The phan of ng oat in eto eas ‘orty ere on Sugpve hat snr ne ramp ove at thee os mantog ed fr fa = spe Fed iag atahoon'n Fgu I-t Sore ten ith pnd {erate Bn even Ly = Vg Wha to length one ‘camel a 9 ae oda pa i pnt Toe ne Shae earn Pa va T= a (Pena sme eae ey tthe tesa ri ay. thea hee wel ch gn pote ea ‘evel Ley we coll cee hee wih ts fener ete vey to bes preted fame) Tu te ag Wihefalamalcr en easiness ‘Se ionamin tj tensa prope y Lvs sort : ere ts. | | Oe er i ay 8 tee ’ Sie. a, Seta t 4 = ‘ Be ——— eagle be Mee Macey npg es ih tering sao he ste sh enone serio! espera on weds ei et Nos oo) sh tht mate = theming ie ‘edo at ice the ue ates (om te decay ws) Titer nner nye ese neat (Se ew oth ee each pa in og Wiig prccoeey Ss eocenind Saet ‘Strenc rare ceed ty te fee YTS PAV, wach ‘ars levee ase ttle 39 10"? nad an SES oe ts oer etn nie He pont ert fr say 210 et te ne Fetes edo Teen ome ‘Both mon tnd rman of vros ptdyAave beer posed ‘ate re ivy eaten with te teivcegeaag 10) Se gined ty examining the eanept of nutane. Sappae A ‘Slat as oud ite eer tem Dorey mol be or A ‘sme. Thi un the ous Snosage that ao) ther ‘ver 5 wad cve te sods rng res es, For ‘Spl, Boe Fs cla edn» one aa t e a Foon 95 Ang mee cel Nih to hth nt tie (yD wn eyopoet r iW cats sgerae om sl ma ng ome lo \arooa toe Somes aie ae) eh at "Se ont tc 0) me sn aie ye Mote ere cone rte eight ech hem [it dain wl ae ctr ening the to ter mathe wl er dot loka ne Lae civiurbe aoe Beceem soup ies eee Sut ioe toes 9 tv two ech Sgedig he lost crs ten ret och ya ‘Seren end gern be cc wrested Anes Tween A and, to ved ight signal and fo and B 0 ee ‘Sonat too tay onenietperanes te) we ‘ee lbeogna Wecaneny enor aneawo mes {Sess Sven hh lc ae een heme by hare a Sieh is any, Sp 8 gop tem at i Cag eso sera i eater inet eran he ‘cee espn wee Sateen ther sve Site th igre fo 8 openings etc Flowee set eet ine tar ee hey ‘hey a el cnc tate eget wee taneous. We Ly tr denne efor naar ght “el ft ho hig Bam mae isi aw when a mac ‘Mocaip edn ch emenng iss raave os Fe Sede ry nuppon at ttle hp eae te Grane tack wn abe tne (seated hen A 8 fae 8 Yh bit ft hat ed a oft tp ili tems nS Ta mee epi tat non) Boab op at hd yh wt it ih kf pot of hy es () Eph Fern ae © Ga a inne pte = B= Wnt Lire oad ge 1 eo 5 Behm bad on aad ae © ‘Gre gon ing = Aes a Posse Fer eee ee fay Bei Druin pa st ‘ue pti of dB fd ieSanreia SP ingh te ‘Spin gus sn apr dat th noe 8 at (i) ot bot eps ee rt fp) nk i en pr at af ihm nln ea sr ak ie Sate tnd Bion bk panier Ceo rr sa eed omg ag leo 0 mean 0D before tha ee Since hea ny Between {he baring a eaten Sinlesn to ay sce cp toe elena hams ‘Sov ciysieeauremem nde inf pessoa male ta Ey ‘Then of he fot oe ap wan eae ele he ot She ine when he pln the a, Sie he igh, ieee re ee ie oh = ae pods Os rp ten and Sane teacoe VE PHT Th (Ble habeas anne e wo wee me Rive writen Ly or the prope lnth LV TTAB. acs Ly nd cid ht fame at ange i ‘ne fo nich thy a mnt sang Sk re Pl Seti sane mae a pepo toe set Sa fm dd 8 “fader Silty wt aes ht Gd ine pe Tee vby the asorgae an meee ht pe ave ee ow sh iain poate pil iy ed ices ie tn gn ed a led Y, The noneativarictanfcmacin (enw the ean natn, ch nin sed whom es" Z om Wise way naa mend 5 te wacay mee inS sos cos an een by ig hn evi a (49) fon) ey stl ay te eet fase ming th EEL pole ig wsetag tag etn teaematoe sua ot bet sod flac tn Ea (5) reve ihe erste en en {ime lara fy f woul depend 00 en Panchen to Be 2g) Wenn spy or drain by winger no ht ‘See eg eee nt free as lee the alias tansrmaton y= 7 and =. tha sed ‘Siyaeded Sandan fates fad The wager eat ‘alupemaon = ye) ean writen 49 wea es(e430) sire anit ot. eects entitle Soo cura matn ee wer oa “porn ee wee oo) Tae eit wih eis at ed he sabe gen by ” = bo 09 Sting (119) a 1-20) (1) ad (168) ies = Me +) = eh wt Wa 1) =e amen mbar aan Eaunton (1-21) Be tiie at om We ca ban the emfraatin sun or en Ea (8) ig ee v= r00e +) = HH wwe (rt an(ertf) om 9 = Yea By ‘The comp ea Se “ eh 9 = VTS PTE Thee cain wens ES (0a) am Pen Felton gee ete tn = VIERA an whe Dep ee Sloat dns gues ( Lota nee foot 12) oat if Cee ‘ca et ih apo tstenen y ste le pe rus ited crf, tsa abl ora an, ari yo te ound i SiR They, Sid ep, pole ot ik ity armel yey ete wa rece ith yg rah to meth canon) We se he Mabe tran: a= tien? = 9 0 4x10 = Oya f Seca popes ne’ Wien'Tom nena 6 Hot al ‘sean ny Ge'= Syn Thea wy sd bt Hose og tate per er te et 2 signal A oon a bot ‘Soact Laver bct sans beet ga pe pcr, (halon ht He sora expec the aed sca spate of fr ar fv rey ‘ie agonl es Tas esto get oe ch (ie coon ‘ow arom erat rand unl the sg eat i) Sig Pheer hero ne aS (ie gel vet ae Tom tra ond ees yea eh hy whore Tay eng Obs 10 pea een aad ite ucr rue) Thar Homer gee Ten tone ged 2 yt ste a bath vine ape a ene alte wl be "hoe eso we ape chanted nod apped cee ei in 9 magnets la Engerimenal Te othe Clock Parad,” Pen Rn, 12017 (en. ets andere > pare ba certo 6 td Soy oe mers ny computing et fo 20 wt gto wn Freee TR Age t23 9) Ba ein a. Seat bl Bieta) Poe ae ‘ie fet igh eet th nto pt ct ‘ne rene fone 5, We oo an fn © he satu eine Veit uns fae Sa than aes ie ta pure ne ane pete ge han ‘erat the nf nen ey onde enna! when compared at est ch aberver rw bl wih ‘ts eprint ae nacre Seve a gl ge ng Fg Sw een ‘em orca bal fs coponen esr byte ean oe 2B, have aly = 0a = mu and Ug the ‘hc mun Ga 120, way eal Ba Sie ee = te os wien 5 Chal = mT TT, tte ay {evel in an dae alison memento a Seine! by P= wa ‘oer characte We ee methane itr a Fr tad epee Bin waprencsa We cane tm (3) at or lente“ would comer we let anem bye gan te J ra ow) re boi eurenent {a ? above We sal ow show a sake Hy (8) he eo of ‘lai nen (-8)6 ) fe mos by 9) ae tens Sea ‘eatormation Ey (0-9) fe ten Pam ow wT a quo ae soe confine ston tans oweer, tes ‘Shr ate sano We al re the oon ep ile tren eters vse amen eid Sale esl eo he or T= 70 ad se» Gei/VE ZIMA, chee ¥ he reat pe thee “Seep Ey 8) th the aso ee eee eee ee eee EY I The wrk dee by a vetlel fc ip gah of 8 lacesang te engy om te en egy 10M ie renga fom mt) Leng the ay ne Serb sot rey» eons for ell ae fle cee cory it ne ery The owing ‘Rp hd mal eis ma oy ree ‘et sir cack ith ped mare erence me 8 oe Fe ht Bch pti» aa pig wh aches ine he og fet Let ny ee en) ne yatta Monet eR na Wem ee ce reltive to In th fam, ene a the presi et Bo Ths focigh nei mec te aproinaon Ene oy ‘The ft need emit We tere ere eer YEE iptae wee BeIEe Ike are > fyve0 = 7B (one 1-9 An secon and po ech seed sgh pei mney (4) he es ney of he prota aout 938 MEV, whieh i vats aye ott Weta net he dal expen a aie (Mee anc oma Ht gr 938 048) MeV/c Fem Ont = 18 10 HY “Tone gatas Ses dee expreion ae eit aie, Nowthnelarthocne Pg Be Testo os» sm ws setexn-2~ ae) We ase ea unin (1-5) the me eth scr expen ep {ce Ti unin co eo nase et feck fr pus of ya's = (0) Toe par pss feced vay Fg 125 show» lr of Bf term fans Apt) Bena ws poof eg od sn mv in ‘Sho tan se eapu espe a eee rd ae acy pos eon lhe Jew inate ang ate ma ae ro fips Nusear Phy 2H Aenvy Ping ob Bag, Moy eb pom) “Thea cae she son 7 (1 = I pric Ep so) Cae nS 19, te thc a Be ‘mteped at sowing tate nin) oa Sepa iy Seon 18 we need 6 fad the momenta ca patie S cee knee tin We thn te sey ra ‘ogy ton ove une ty sal kmh eng geal intone tee cy eee besae inser pare of mau ith io acing bes P ag Gch i a Yh &- pS ioe ‘Were he ment aed eet nem by Pasta “he wy Si elated 1 ny th ely nme {is Eye (35), Wen to eo te gues ssatade whee 9-4 + and eel ager mito Sow been ame Ten enya T= aaa eee vm node ne ra aR Ts aver pe aarnneee’s = Samal: oa © Byes a ras) water evra et ei men a ey, nals nen =) Boxee rR {art a wet the FR wh eed late co ‘Thaw B= NE He, waht 2 Se 2aV50) S/S B= act Ug ho Eo and 4 AvBalmeV) = Toe Tag w= elm bad = aM) = Senn “The 200 MeV = 62 GeV Bente ws bl he Unerty of Cans n Bree to proach rencion ann ES he eae fe tvs nie of snacy imple by he ic ie fd gh nas tc en ‘Saped n thi haper ‘roe tins ner sre on ie tat mone ih ee 7 fame th tine ine enced i rng "y" pring teh een ee ane SSC a ee oh wares wir =(t Ot Spite Toasty ope tae, od naa ee *) : : “¢ nation is obtained by changing ¥ wo —¥ and aig Traumatic sorte Soar we Ba PO Ge ns Bey Ta Bont = (0 Dnt Peeve 1, T= bab ore 8, Pye = Mona nt Eagy Tress se) SEM Mates hanna Ain, rn ma 2G Kron Ite Si! gy of Rai, Pee Hath Tney Engenood Chae 80 © alee eae ay, aes Mee & Ym +R Repl ri Sa aati, Jb Wi & Som SER Serr fod AL Whether, Shctine Ply WH. 6 Anil Tue, Det Monn, era era D3 Et Th aes 1 Seta iy hy ete cep plied the 9 pepsin eww ar SRI vores Pat f Ponce inrsay Cee Resse pct ie ri oF Sc ger seo ih rca len hat shear ater Pots McGraw il Back Coopers, New Yor 1835 tet tan of an ence te ai ‘Eadie sens Th 2 Manne ae rene Usher Fem ew Yas Th dep a ee tae "Mt, Tomghis i Wenn “ME Tooptin Be 111 An aie he am it 4 pat 8 34 et Coe som inerrant se fated eae OMe TS aa mete MT ere etal py besehioesessinay” ZS Uae ease Ps ae cage ate 2 ad te pn cee iat aise moras a mages egos ose i Ea em Caw URS ea Hleenfataey bet ath fh hoa Eine ko See EST a Baste ly pe a 6) ‘Str whch a eaecd by WO? Cope age Siero ier Sage os smote ma Sy ey alsa ie ie ie i of i dt “Sree aa as Soaay Sore as vas Ra i a Se Salonen pee ve Bee eS) eS ty te era so he toi mr ag es ober nS acc ee ee SP ciare eaiea! Se aeetet Samia amet Rie ats eee a an shite} ROME he ett sprain sea igh sure of eqn yes Yara bert ite ad tena wth ne ped. So Oat Elle ore Sequence anf sy Then sia ug hp ag om he Tee eaatematon qieites 4 Je and aed LED EE aad Ge pe sean nants te back of» roke shot hghsperd ule {Theil eed eared yor a Oe Te ake De hier une mean yea The hp oes Shel sete Fat (G) Re Teta be Ser ein tera mead by (oe hatte ble ie he ae eed by hese o tare 1625 (9 Pte engage a rot fe wih tbe apeoumaion T= owt acer 10 Seat ene ee atlont ag Fm pte SHURE TiS 2 Pade ror wou ae of 78 8 Araneae price pen by «= p12 SRE SECS Ne peters preteen 2 = ae. SE NG tle sunnier fa fr te lp hein reseed fee creet P= (= 8 Seer ates ee ‘eee tone oer ia eorerion 07 ~ ft 1-24 Bjarne wah 50 ys one wan ov e are Sesame ln wh ea hy ey, 1M Ee earls ot esstant peed? What hiapeed? TWO THE KINETIC THEORY OF MATTER he fa sae id a ind attr. Tit wat ‘iced ul the devopoen of quorum mune) “Repo its my ad lh ae ‘eo in ne he rumer no ched ni ns = et Ee elif eh moe Siler fe deed by etl ee A patty uh derbies en fo Beat en foe te iin fo 8 25 4 pi ew 20 rs me if ise ei of Satin (1) aed he ni din ua ‘eee peedar equa Tah E me Bat on We sa ae 2,2) ate defi of teaver eae 2 ‘Shryhe age fy cing de by = Dae a FeDatn ve waned devo eed by =[Du-nyy” en Lemp Dae kb mE ws o Api he dria, z Ph BY ‘Tues soir gs ea ‘cen aa wes hom “Te standard Svitin a inpras eo fhe eed of et ae, fem et i il fom 2b re oo ali ‘Pere mir os ed hm mae 3.5142. The oonmensiguare sxe w= GEE 9, third rin 2 Ne OS pt the lage’ romber epee Ter fe muni the mmr ‘ener ple Hight the he ht Iota ah (er amply ak ould be) a ak wha acon siete ay pr Pa rier {orton 0) te fac fhe mre pop wih ihe ne prea itt ded byte se heel tee peop, Nf) the mona pope wih he fon2a 10 ‘ttn peda Pre 23 The cn orp hoe {55 mr te ast oe ee 8 foun 1 avy ge we ca se esl sel ve a) sry oa shy sewn ea Toe ios Si) em approche taeth sae ae tad a= SEARS CASI Mites tem cco ssn ys Fo evap 0) 4 cnt = foe oo atin moma iti ae {isan naa eta : enot 1 The dion furion ee Metin of Aintve ma “ape it ene se sree "an xd en es si com on Per cr bi fro aye Saute en he pt of mbt), lng mm, "The acon of ines been nad +4 J) Te een he Gatun Sete by sora We ar aw ready oct he prema excl by » gon The eases canting, We make olny nmin ule re separated by distances age easpared with thi ye ns ono ro ere or angle rvs se tren been) te the diboton ncn thes cmpone ny at 0 es eh wh tne leo pre era ey act shaded no Pre 24 Te mei ay o Mele ht ain of en eo i he nd tae nine th or mae (helt The fre exe by the wal wo the mle SARL Eat cena ote al Th we el Oy ena Siew ‘pw i el by et i go ae trie an eget Pa zen uty em PEELE R TET foetal = fend yor soi he [oowsasea[ Tama Pomnt a1) sehen hb gl at We a th Po bat Be bt Pre WR = Ww wey shee = Nish i ry a en Ps bat 9d 0 at edn a Tieal"komde = 83) "Remae wena ew Comping Ba (2-1) Ak 15, we have es em Relfreher a 2a cer = 968 IHR ar MorK, are 2 x Utey ae oa off le Tit eonmeniy ene 2 ce jm 28 c= (2), am Sogn ire toe = mB = ar 02 B= 20Heaymate toch sangn tnd blu ele 2 page) or eer The memared lar eat pact rer han tha netiog Nrtayad ens yb he oP ben te sige arson coe thay ie pe lt. Chaner ‘evil an ent oti ‘ined uch at turd spheres far the male, wr can a ihe mia) we wl ak pe tna he ‘rpg ncn iin pendent ae thn secre, the proba ex molec bg Tempe rae ee pues ofthe eyo cach pare erent dee ‘iatnod mein eter opal his er been ed TPs Wt tx whee ia fancies coon. 1 mune prc er wih ys een andy sn ep, ned he mnt fer ch ses bewe = 4 Ti eile Nae rey aay nnd rene ac Novae on enc cy on a Rye beseen aos sap betwen any = page exo poe cro on teigeateae Geb we dtm ol ee oer ma Se rp a hfe ce hn 2 ng oY ware lve ws The complet vey dbnon evn oot = (fn ‘ie ton hte Hy ed te "vlan Semen, SD a wand eof inv dn We coud 0 926" Thal = A. Oompesing with Ea, 40, Joon ty nt: an iy om ne MP tse po Phe ER ERT ED few uo Shntichac ofapra of Miy a esh ont ‘mn ee inf oa exon oF Ste is eo tourna ‘ah tf oc pd recon Set omg (hoc nd Ra Payee Ren Buea \ Few 217 af Mit dh hg abn df han ie foi nT bee fee he fen Tirid ha dcad bh ve enn (Pn Bate an ath Pye! Reio 8 14 (5599 “ool TY T ~ FN ‘many eter crates ve eto give, al eg the ne ‘lettin The tut sn sal the Manel ny Sine a ace yt mo npr "The mat ing destin om he asin of ma 1s Se the Guan put Le Blume he tam dee A gener dabton fmt Jay) Su ad he eto mae eis te es ‘en cnuraticeney and mente Thee, ‘pedal vc a ‘ete equa stone be ete ‘heute stan Suet he Armee yaa ad hein 4.30 Gand ees ed on sins oe conn Spaces PF whe Py By ad Py ae enpoe ‘moc ded ina suber ey Thar eed Few pe the pies fin agra one 1.7 tiem tition ithe mak probable dation 5.-The lt oem on the oop ay ell “The ont prota dso of bec inl with other ‘eoery places ever evicting ot the aber af arengeents oe he a ener he ume pre ‘hse Bushee nny be nce (For ample ello eerie ram he oe from the win nee} The conta, 9, ean be determine tbe S21 by apogee eg Tare “ecar the hte almanndrbtion i appeal to 2 wie saree yar ote hn gue er ep sas 1) fm bee nore gener rm ere agaist, Iomega on ste hn yh in i fective ow {ee ey thee on wih ery Sag sbaPy Pe = OPENED py We can compare th ith Ba, (2-26) we negra over te ‘Putas corde I we cae she moment dao Sy PraPyra weve To sy hare ish lane sontine enn 8) Semen he ne (29) x at ‘Se eanaae shy iene Wes ene et ct i ee he yo seta vale (The every een sppens Be canines orate ‘ecfre to ave batesnent ofthe Mawel Blurana dion ss teem aes esis feenl 3 ep se athe bay os pri seg the ergy Bs fen Geenor a9 Sita wah The une wettest ‘The fend se of the Bytoen som 1.2 €V above be ‘pound ute What ain fhe mer ae et ‘hae Cher 7 tthe ea weighs bre ate meet Band © B Theme fale been Ba 8) hoch g Ro ew Re UF, cry ew toate nthe ft ace ate We can gnernine Ea (2-4) tthe ce ofc eeey ty repay 45, he Encino pes wth ny 1h tn eplig by 9), he ame sn ‘richie poprtl oecolume fps yuc ET HEE = CEE a as) se. (38) the eee dition for an ea shes he ney en padusanary-£ es6 We nr oh tin 1) 4S he ere 0 Seal on tw nd cra We soma fettt pie ace Diecnng Ey 30 pre eee pe tn FE es AeDPAD = And BaP = brQnb)! wtb We thar sce hag 45 proper 8. We cas ae AEE = CBM aE Wee hs hemi the sme £9 (2-0. hrc cennme ond gen br hse dwt and an app pation [fevsr as [lit amore mete sh Jom ay 1. bg ae 24, he Tatlin tna Renan Beyer r= heute opi coun hc Asean of HT iene i ech ana mee ‘motor eg yore tm We hie teady sen an aap ofthe apa o Rasen ober set eae = B= Bat = Rr fewer ‘eae ety rene it th are wih Sos [SFr fe Story = 208 er we ue carey ttm n sou 8 ‘Sey a ge as te so whieh acetal tat = fo sehr eB writen Le pany By foe ad y ‘ier he nergy ba Boe aed tem re ‘enprTwran as wo mov sie ew be oy, ‘eee pote eur wes pepe 6 {9 oer line ory perioral (8), hee ie Maas of Atm mate (0) yin mn ae ad ea att vat (9) Cores cn ra a tei nenes wuld hve thee tm fo rutin ny {Seam er ot pera Cy hal be Har sh ta Sees tone ey eed yout ‘feet 13 anno tt in Wa af pi i ef HT ‘ew a a i te the ena dene ab the male bat pana te hi ar ii, Ta ‘icra pedo ia Bea cpa eine Grech 5 Mr et pati Soyaiae ste 8 among nan, In, 886 p31) font 14. Tinproee fone 25 nde of mi ety of Hy. Bae st 2S and 07% CAR Pa ye a fg ane Sa ek co ae ta goes My nt psa fo song A og ape Sent png $B rn fo aang nt eg ‘i tener he lec “The eqisttion therm so wet nade the eat cops fa 1, lng td Pe ped at hat ‘he mer et cgay af mit a awry Sty al fo Scaemote SR Tn rot wor wed by thon aban “tne mle wp ow te expiry deed est eat. The Doe lw cay dered he ‘evipitton theorem by suing hat te tra energy A {Sf coms te vratonl energy othe mall the pa hos ant ene iil ent +n) Sip mal sin i fae or eae ig Son 6 See thee ec gue ems, he eager pe eae UGA he a ey oF ew SF “Aces temper, the Duong Pi ew oe or all sna Fee onprtre ew vame cte emprtare op, Srey Cow he ae 3 dca ew F dasond The pve temperate depend fC fe la i chown pee The ia thr Cr melee ape ‘Sky act fm hat fr nal meat posing A odd oy ewes Ie nodeteynel Cevig ‘Salus popes tt appr ce eon prom Ie vom sou the met mang elton wth he wot troche meee do's gan Arcerding the eqprie ‘Boston th econ gr ube erage nergy oT fe den, tus te falar heat expt soa be tat 9R sige: metal than fr anit Abou he at bt ‘Sinn mein aghy wet an 0 sey gh emg ‘Sy tbe fone mh an han the 15 peed oe end nat tae oe ol it be aie Foie mechan, Tae march oo ener pec Seka wa ene nthe dane foe quan thet ot tenth ey. We Sale othe et Sipe ow ee gation rove ste cmplte ‘cdg oe pens desu a or ein opr nf at tp of ai A ig eget CURL cette opponents ‘Sane appar om Teal tmp ow fo oh 3 Aft fo nt (Se Fig 21) 24 Insecta rere ented by a aan cane, ‘plant ef Lee tcry tote peered a of ‘20 emiasngdemomtraton'e cool ay ok nr class ply ae pants war ee ‘ope eames cay thst cit pred ra ein of tee ae ‘grt ey oc sk ln he {ort cits emer pt € We olsen depend ‘one tothe ums sea sua he Sam do ‘rind cnt a anes 2 or apa Tae Inthe elidel volume xa, The numberof sects inthis ‘Sheen (er nh enh onl he ele hie he coer liens be men fe am ‘Te qumiy nih eve we prey oe ee of Sia woul fee = nc whe tye eb om foe Mat f mle mig ns ge ea wt aa € ae any Slow at inn f ae Peter pd ri ope mr as tecnets to pte th upper pe pues othe gt Pee Fe hitter pa af erry thie pre i a ee Imps nthe dy seo ly he mae fee cory okey the poe ate movi ith enn (peel he btm pest Evie hee (Ec cl yt pa thereat ne for Tha = NCecider hype plane sarc o ren parle! 10 the lesa by ave owe tein gre 8. Te Behn ie sac enh os Sete tore The tne he ean sae ew» Tee ie SS ae tnd ren oF 218, a a is bey nen rotons ert Te wane face ras thee font os Beau of hematin of he Patsy eg ow nty whiny Bt te nen ‘Sp pe Pig a) ao sade tem non fn esp ie tre pe now inte ac capt ing font at ‘hoy mma oped hs lee, ngs fo acy eh tr {hit ein, ut al ep ea ‘ee te mes oi hen tenes component of entice aby se Inder Weta une ate fw voy oa mae ‘Eitan grab pots where te mle ade ee amas +8) Simcy, at riot om Bl it May 430 = ny + Lae Ply a8) = Man = svat + 0) = Me ~ 40) = 2 ae Thea teat ion ie or Un et le ph € Replacing by Can dig Ye ‘Dokl (allie es be ler igre 2.19 ae ering Gwe ped) Are bel alee ig ‘hc ant oe toro fg awe ow Simi fain vii. tine, eae fm smn fom af ej he mir he ee Tata Te nage set of noe ‘repo ibn ue sh ethno ete edi ea epee et on het he rot eet fi yee in, Th ai ‘Sinan he mown rt (fa 8) fs ae ‘mn fy ele et * aan ‘Nowe tha i NBER aswel a0 eS yf entich “i i grein eke Saya een ‘etree ayo eae at No wey Beara Yes ter ee a at age wa ak oe agate gus eo ea oe te em ey Ce . ow gh awl a he eon ‘foo ieee seein oul oods veri cay no Nand an ing Ba 48 20 at j wo.) wai trie | “ty oe 3 Som ma of he mera cmp fo ney ee (Gran So, nt Tor, Sina Tear, Aa rin Ping pny ey eng, Mor 198) out 4a tb 10 (08% Ti etal oe rata? fom vineaty eens wg Ear 19) dt Sem fe uh eh. 2. ae ESSEC STN cee ad atonal eer mn thay ementmCone ep wnt Fa 2 to beast anda can epee 13 he et oe uns iinet ard ht 2 propa oe, tte epranre qc The ea a Son ‘edo raed by ee Semonercm av oy heer ene pr nee Eee to bow fe vpper Pat at hgh pente aa sn (2-4) hen tse far cn at onion 28 oxtt omy Sela ime Toe Eveeerane eoe 20 ts 8-555 an ew ow) SS a3 tay ae etn tr a SS ps ncn so ity em ry "Ta cotta i ene by ews he She ate om inh pe a adie we unmeprf man Te snl ty er baie es {sete fin Bq (24), 2-48, an (2-5) sou Inthe seo ‘mel isan io ogee ts + Tu snp ewer tenet not en oad fn 128» busin, Robert Brom, bared an iepul sas on pepe wer up ‘oar, then thor mas deep Many ough ited ting ied Te or ea of rvs tne repr thar of he gaa by the oes fhe oe pig i weal ron oe ig oe 11508 Jan Pia ae exunive gana cron of Sepa mpl era Fon ‘an the elec We ean sere oii 4 robe of ‘Seen oor smi» Sle alpen ‘hp te mn acne ow in. She Pom lore omard ep ands bachar ep re equ were ‘leant iy wil bee. Wha een ure tet (rhe = Vin We cane heen t0 Ph We ave Bare ante k d om) Charlee = Pat sehr we have ted the ft a 8 FN (Pe Bunion (20) mpi he Ge rete? (Men es ise pine he above apne pet (8en = me ase sme = ess) ‘Thi aan apd er ey he reg ‘eras ae fen by. 238). een ao rete io ‘Sebati a ofveutee ying cate the nde of ‘Shlede adobe he een ep she meee ped ibe mare, he era coos ade inte Tm ante “Th the onan recast repro tein Seta he suber aloe made ty te pe ‘Berto th ce. Wall poe te Langs Serato a En tn fr Bowron Tl etn cern face Fy aod waco Sag fe operon Yo ew ar Sy Stk Ine P= Srtaya) Thoe We we led in sbniig a8 gun fr go cnpc(Q om “ri meget we iy Ba (56) by neg ot.) a 5) ano be aint —m(e) ow enna enn ties Sa i aon {ete 'Tes equpurticn these sic that the neage value of SER? Epame oh ses sehen wher oa) SEB paige nent eae be nce Ie IEG = ante Ba a sheer poten on ‘canned termini (2) We Lethon HE eo ar, Ome ee we oe ae eg 0 Be oe = 0 Ug Se Tawar a, aT we tae mo Cane ow aon 0-0 mn cin by Bn in 05 * in B08 Jean Per made i che rant hee ei nse Bob ee foo tte eid ake cso pope (gee ons 2 ed vei ate snd sac wh iva mot mae sow ed cade Potosi at te He vel te nu eer ra S35 10 nel Wert ata ace De heeng {vtaton taken oe Pe Nobel Pe arena 20660 Te tts can be judged by experi if we kom how fre pfs cnn ton Ser a pon stam, New York, @ Noel Foustuann, te ene nes Sort -20- Brin sin, Pins init ei pin of «pie saad te Set Tein Sa ot ae ede vf rte ts ot ny nt gy Sn Bom his Bo Yen Crp en 28) {Ce peramenen, tes rend lie splice pn ining ch lg "Monte sme ale fr Asai number tne cel eu oe saa sey ne "hie nines ete placerat by noting on the camera ct mai ee eae {anaemia oe eo csr i i in oD {yes and vac Ge ana 28) They ue aoe Eine 3310 ad SE 108 wi ifr a ol Seerpned by epee Te ret hha Shoomle to doo te soe oh Le hay ae In anote sies of meaner dermied Na by ange ey fps pede! on ent saci vuaig the rote fin and Bowran me Shee tte ee eal ae pepoa a Sen aewely and qwanntwey be prekcone eh nee 1 Gatun, ol ae hi in piel Si Sadar ratte Copan, Redo, fe 2H Riad Mon Th Me ea {{Dvspage wh aa of aril pape ante and te Ni be et pled ee apr and ‘Seta het an edn avo Of rer ite cape ee pp Bop oye tn Coe Wa mn Rte eS pe f Jone Gt Maral, Deve Pains Se Send Campa. ne, Pet pri hsan to eve demon ea oe tens nape parce + Rr ey Pon tig Py of 1 Wye, Bay a ro Demet 1860, Harper ow Phe ac Nock Tn bon, TH 8 ‘ommeaton he depen meses 1.8 hotnan ed Car Fr Ga fie Ao Titty Pilg Ganga Res, ha es ‘Sn, mpd aa sey nen SPEER. seam and DL Tt ial Tem eres Sane, ee 2. Ean ai hf tok Cee, to, B Resa, Rte ley of Ga, MeGr Bok Co ae Refcece an 9 anemia ebook; Re 1 at 1, Hl Dan tine Thay fl ps, alg ee, (Cemtege Mann hae Si me aed By ped Diss” (30) “Raden Wl a Mota” (029), "Equperdien a Emre” (82283 Toa Diwute™ (028), "Diaten™ (60295), a see Gat 80, naa ae rea A365, 35,398, 340 385,38, 46, 32, 980. 1B 30,350,345, 380,525, 36,320, 355, 935. me 2, Reka of 0 aden was gen 1p gu The pre thee or unogrnm pata hd Jone tere fore ISH one i 24 Chip te man eda He a = [NUR empertn olFye eee vy ‘Sanh le meage ly Sm 0 {thai tiie) * tithetea noes TI 24 Cie an ae veal ped, 7) 2, Cie he pee cay Eu om he ey Sesh Eq -5) fo lg Sache tition facion 6) vere & and inne he oa ‘Sher tele). What the tempera fe ‘Pa rotor! ery staf he Harel (4, = 3) aie Se acon ge $0) = seo (n/t) tor ES nL zd foein> however tnt at ups err thay) Fer © seal intan)Asvbueen nd VATHo Show th (ce yal tne = y amputee eng ae fom Pablo 13 ws ee (iinet md aya he tc Bopper ih, seen man by mg ee me a Ca A te cea Hasso i 0 a ny tg pa (Fb See a ao be ee ‘Simestea Bement fee ae ie eee ear Recerca nati rate Ea TRC tetera tetntene Seal So pa Senco Ses i do TRS AE Sy Go renin Bs wig with eed Ya ithe et ea (Fara pe ie fe on Bato? AL ip THREE THE QUANTIZATION OF ELECTRICITY, UGHT, AND ENERGY “a et een fe eo ee he ee hr Sima dey, ald fe racy aa egal bot cies fe gi fn pm ag a e t BIG BT fhe te ctde and 385 gra of Cl tnd Rrra noe ch Oyo SO ak? aan pe ba tiny es one Pe Mae on fous be denied the oer ere owe arn van Saale” oti a nt erie er ga, 6 Nm ry Hans ved ot i (Efe neon fh tae nit charge we ade by “Fevman i 10 ners mtd ich wt ed ats ng te Be mee ‘Reco te dowd oy anne ong ying te ad ee ‘ee ne tn He aed Sop tee tan weg oe paprel ah on fone C2) by wing alee oe wa oo (reba ve ba tre oo ates newt os were he ec iy nin i eve. Eoin G5 cae inten ene ‘drop in the lo. Ding te ttl erg a the Col by te ter of doi me at fede ater ‘Semue she harge om ac oto got 110" ea de ‘Sve arden of mupnce at dens om Pusy Soe ep ane ng Bl omc aoe sot ech pd ag etn yes SE ate ar pow sare 20) ent Wis ae (Ben Pisin Maps, ux (xaos) Bet Bling of ial Che Dp by on Berti Fa “My eral pln fi lining te evaporation ee at 0 oat clogs aly ta ‘ete laughs tsetse tawny evo ha ais apn Mary te coud mig rena nd ht TSS Mwance mh cn Se sd nh acre the fan pb to bunt the dt ha ben aly uc ba twa ond pa fo So omathng mc eter i nil aged rope pene by el ar Sine Shaved Sem whlch a my juste ited cnseay Ione han iT ro whch war ouné pie bat 7S i lua ati a ee "the precede simply frm clad and throw oe elt see ar Fe pce tg he noe Septoria pease ‘hipster tote pence yes hd. Thapar rts dnt hogh pI hee seal czanes ad ce ne sch nal he wl ed ta Be te Sete ye beater ache adept to sore Saran wd pot vy he a by eying te eatin hat top can esa ae fe, isan nse inna oe ed i ag Sie hl ape yay ae tT me Fondo beunetenry fa een Sls wl oa ay oe Iran wa arid wel 10 0 ve wl rp ere win peny een peed, howng hatha pe ‘etn mses od copending ten carge” ers 3:1 iio np ip Th ba sd jr hsm at Heap nt age Tha alta pee ter bene ort fo hit ‘ncn of a i an ‘ey tad plates ps pte or eto on Thi ed oe pe slat eheig etre tf ingen 19, ls gan traf eperment wih 0 ny Sowa ae eres (tired io malip fan dementey or bot meade ‘he af about par i260 7 lente sees eid iope paved luo dey alow heer of'¢ Sli a tp tas yt oe par ail hres By tinge ‘hd bewern the Iu When the caren op cane he welt the roy ‘Sanped.Ausing hat te ea vey he do ‘siroyrtoeal © Oe fret sg oo ie ampie t ‘ei Mala pea ae ‘Een by Seat nw (Bq Gut. The equa aon Ey Go) hte wal voy log a ¥ 9 moon rn chase sly CS SPhat he mse ery) tb Te i aed gE 5) Ske ie (ar Bh precios SSP lo of «fd by Mian, 1591 sce Shean 30 ya arr iy i yc Te pry te singed geenen ih he “howe $4 Cs md te Zama et, Th pl rani mi ‘Se soft ts era wa pay ma fd i i fm pe hdd a ee rg or teat Tepe erg se fm ae apne i an inwtseee 1 home Spec, 1855 Wa" Sp tS Boe Cm il joni of pss} ite spite a in ew ine obra, we can sae oh ada Se a hae AF = sna) = ana fiowess Argue af in acsng 0 cue chewy Eq) ‘Eoin ees he Heeey by sf = Ben Ea 3) nes dare ale pari wee spay are ‘Amore cret mh of meoring move rsp]. ria hefner oot eed J.J. Thm af mung tm Eat tn Cp tight a of Bend scp, THe Speed yon ben el nd Ey pe ‘on as) Foner of ain a fae ‘en Tea lil Maga) 807 [Senden iim en MEE paid fH) be os Siena asetctenton hrf mos aes 1 ea ‘Sn we oss ie hi sprint ey, Song NS clement cn ‘tor af aes The acta he wavlege othe vie me oan i ino ent td yon wove hey af tg ae gemaly send fr 0) ‘ily explained Staton nd re, @) peed hat Set er oe dy fever) and) Marty eewomagoet they fe res ‘One ef te mat puting penomana sel nee eo ef he sunt arya hea Sai of bly aa ‘Snr on canbe appara ty 3 ey ih yal Seung The chance of ie eda crd nd sued Fateh iron one cy 0) Tete the fone) an exe is ah feraré wry Foe med wre Sing x mune of er feo IN Spel tin gf Macht ein he ie i BR Cae oy Pd ttf) rei 3 sepa dag ot fl id fo ‘ime Remand Lev, oedacon "0 Moen Pee Shed Maa il id Coy, Ne Yo, 85 ype) engineer and tii by emerge ety ber mats fei (en vl ine af (Bethe che ey andi pen by he expen soya tata, ow i teary pei ar he peace ation en Jods = teint ean) “Thi pein ald he Raghu on The fort 8) ine nenuedepenanaly. gare 7 thw» piel el ‘Ming wong edt pe ih he Ray ens Steer append ht 0 ter (eta mami of mou cams i) eee te rien deerme) apron Thread ‘Bont naif te Css pst Ma Par nen! tt eng meas senge esta sot ‘anion, eon) wh rd wth pack ow “sna ep et ying mira ig Baw ow Sm ng (8) ie Sr wes se ee (Ble heen vom cence ea ee {Esch we sal dein dear) Pelee by Pane ati pairs oan om pnd te epnctal nb. O) ag 2s ene 0) +94r wichie the Ryigh eae rma, Fr ol avg wean piste nthe dvominter of By. -2}sna we Bave 10) bration sn nb Sel Tie kote om yes St wat uate so The fda prance fhe guetzaon sary pled by 39) ma aged by Roatan her ftw gene peste na 95 ‘ec snd mages ae cn tn Ble sey © syn, woveny of Suid) idaton, quater W's fades Saree gt eee eich ion that in the omen Hen 187 In heh Ne pated nod dead ttn wore te ‘hy tig hey a he we ‘Sea eeu he woes date ae Sa ot Th nade her tallow he sp pur Li my ot pm hima ier, may oes ‘ce "when expand light Lend Io 500 dee te ‘ape ina map hls tun at yh a gene ste ee mae at nmi Tee Proportional to the nest of he i I the xd wa de “simin, ee Pyare 8) Fu) > Yoo care! eed jet wets oy ‘utenl” Vo. wat independent othe intent othe igh tg eats Are ety emt ed foes ‘oul ave re egy In 905 Ew eed se cplsnn ine in tne Pt eae Ee ue ney hn wy Pn tien bungie nl nthe pace dagh wih Sinn Sl pln, prea he meno Be abo Beis enerey tives sooty ‘evo 9 the eeey ‘so fm an it eharaceratie ofthe eta) he mains ‘egy of he cua nig the ace ibe ome {iveing te wena) Tha the opine pee! Py sold ten Won tet ane o9 fastin the equncy niet ‘Shi ath of spt for sei phi fet. Lge ats vage he thee (8) de te ‘Bon eee th rt nd re ort he ‘sea Plg ond es den a st Pvp ec erm gy of tan edare Joins aed ea ee a pg aes ‘fon a Se eT bors S90 50. Mites ef apg pa vs fgg oe pare Get Ti caja rt ge ape pr Shc tet ere je thee Pa ah eo oe wae a ‘ean te sen tom. 9-20), led the Bain ein, Se peo Fr he aM Abe i a i oe SOE te oe Al thet i or ve sedis eb ed eer 9 rope ‘se epernen by ta peed ei ed tat 2) lnk pli em vor n ir 5, Te nt ery ae oan ee oom ‘ 29 gach (nd theres ving ween fener tanh) oot hve Sugeno) tet an Heron mel (414 oe 10% eg 0! Ae) ken ize xaatevd ow) “To held wag fr gaa 5640 What th “The eer a phon ef wave 4000 it ke sae xctotev.k Boyne EOE aa ey “The msn egy of he potash 3.4 22 = The spt o se evn en by t= eV. Te a2) = 00er 1.88 10° X 10h mes) = 5.4% 108 mine este inieeing hance othe pious ft te asec pe een te tg fete ane tee appre of cna In the Eel ey, en he Inyo icra san cle he te sry [eremueh cry i ane en en stro eon Caan, ‘ming te cal ies of sharpeon Unig ren ow np wich wt cat re dn i of i ‘Gan TX 10". The pon cxplanainn ofthis rent hat Jewienity meas very ev oS a fw Sect i fue by ahr Compan bo meted he eaten hed in 095 by Re hen fin or ene rye feewom) He ae Set i pen cya a at nee a nt tes rin me Soviniai eer Sayeaataiee Soares ely, FE Li ite etic ihr ccasitaar ate AP Speen ed dante don ae Got = nA wine = age om A he Bayi wp ig ‘Sule St ge is ea eed ‘nil yh mcg tiene Tera sro ser Na ie Polen 97) The ang {samen sb fy Bg 8 WL egw sared he Nob rare oe ns evans ‘eal sa Pipe Sie shove 3 tpl nay pcr ded by bn bazlng a malrom ge yeas The pec Sn Sst af thaty lm aed te loan tem, pe Sng 3 nate ne ton er owe 318 ‘Sung gaat we ard By mans tt iit ine ‘iano ain dx te tf ne in ‘yt Bag ane Min whe te epion fe Bein nl wong we Bg font 316 ew tr of me aig "en yn pepe hee mgt hint ‘fie a ea edd ge sean tapi Nie of sete ene. Seo enti th of Capt spt, Xr jr ty ie teint ttre o's Bg ol eee eerie eng eg 2 ae 2 MIO om guton (2-28 ced he Dawei al ec xine bth omen hey ey Fe Hacc neyo ech lon ens hsp Seen oy. ys epieally sevea hows vol) In ence Sis ‘ey to top pcan se went he poe al tonbr Bon om Te he ete aH ser eax 0 We ee at ett ihcane ‘eve row conse te searing of aby ccs Aer i aia hay hn eect ‘ciate with hs begun Joan eae slcrooagneee {ive ofthe se Wetseney Compton ped eat he foto of cee Mead men il deo the De & & Phe ating of 1 9 mb en of fine snc th cad tf Ug oe monet tery meen f ted psn fs ad SEE ier ngs mood hat, Tring imp nce oi tide Gina rey chewed ae yt mn en pension a rea ce ya ees OSS Sele A Se ok et Sipe miler pe ie Recetas et age hee ae (0321 A fram motybdeou fr the ineient mevoe'romati phot Soihtroe eer sccon pee ions Logs gs Set gos sie contr elds ee te corresponding mente ate os ings Sh eee af he ies oy (128000 Be 2 Tam gests Re be bingecy oe ee ‘Scan con bu 10 eS coded ‘cbc ee watt pt mera, Bites = sie viens Det Bem he (BE + we BEE A+ 2B pi BEBE 2h) DE ant 8 — ay 4 om weenie 9 ra BO) ant C8), we hain ng ah by pt none KG ko-eo om “The chnge in wvelegh sha npedet te xg wave leh The quai ne = Ae cepa a ea fe ic ea ny oe ed ee Ge tow f= BRE gone k 9 ‘oa Ua he aaa ehnge hy hi” spel oe | Lad for? Jo Cmpon et oneesyy | anette Tie Sama | ftp ton pm - min Lob) Te spain gh Gicpat igen 4 seugete | Ey C50 the Cnn, matoany 's yee coum fee’ Ses tow uly Sod ‘est to at Jone by Pancho te condition ‘Coser ie fe nang Ny mole ah sell det denon seat ved cee Far sie, Iequey finch devon The le the geen fo Be tat it Ba batt om se te ng = 0 = of TL en ad olen ole ae) = GAT er ca deine Se de feat expen tn eng fer eee Pte ‘Steet amen p and passion «by P= 2m) a G(r Inte vrabley teee BePae dpa = nanag “Ths tension oP Qe 50.000 = 8" wg ‘Te ty af ai the mace eld by De ans Pana Qs prin 8, ih pat yo te dc = Bm mys ad OPA eee rE 08H) {hed leu by competing he average ergy If we oe Ba. G55 toc foe coal, Be [omar on ‘ty Ses fn 35), Teele Ue asE = swat = a7 oma mae he minnie He ‘Seperate fs Bacon anther he any oo ne orkir om ow) a ~ fan 22" Ee ow Sunn et) ac 08 wey Pan wan decane ine nce cise en SRR sere om i, Hb ie (9-4) jo i tr wise tte he er, ob ed ey we Bre Ean = y Ear +n = sn (-4) aa ty Yt = 9 yo BSR nuh oo a xeon sind ymin eee } ; fens 220 eh cacy J ond wr bed ipo, Th i cae cereal hy etm [Fase fo B's soa ey Sonne der Py, 2185 O07) hire of cet meat (9-20, snd fr lynhtigy action Aig empertraf AT tween rpand spc iy) ale BAT a Pn Ben HIATUS yd wm mI Bayewnt oo ow ow ow 1 lt asa eerie show ely rm Eq, O46) ta mens haan bor, eee fe xp! pone ae Sac ey ogy en ‘hedusstion Tat te py of imate Avene matt nat made by Deby, bo ove to auton at ‘Re pny he ein fone mee col ese atts he eo eon wh the Beye wal ae eno th ae eet Enc a hon EGIL a Se eel epee, Te = hy a oe Fine “Tha ih wl be wend a» cmon the rum in Ebr von! by am tral However tempest 1 aun» tng 2S a ea ‘Ser wnt eg rd ea hve ge Sn ore Shan ot meh eer of mor tense Aether Fool grt da ro nt Foret andl ni hore e571 hore) scopy ea PK we Feta Th ll ore APR; OE ew Leura ef can tdertad especie et of datemic set he ns face or guar nee ln Chapter? Tide omsoral sed veal cores Uf be ecy ‘tenon he on gy ied og ™ i Fresh sco aod aden wail ao one fe We an now on Mh comic ps Bien abe 2° ec hy Fm Ft ma Sows 328 2 ey of ed nd ne, id ‘Mer ha dy Dae Th dae on fs Da pm Rain er Py, 39 0 (3, os SToqaittnwebaccry Sea! Machi fr Pc, Sig Se Fk 388 bmn) Emo he eee mon oa to ney of ‘fe hydegen stm wih wal be eae in Geta inte est Spee St ea ee er he ‘mention the tonto aly the vas ne, bee te wg te Bae quant coaiten = 20), nen gon por ou fat topos Mh a Times wi poche nn Fy oe es inj bene The conan oh few oat ‘Te spaaon ote som abou = 08. The me of (0.24 x 10 ev. wou x VOTE Wang 26 1 1079/0 a oan ‘thou stor ante putin oot re he etapa nba = ft = Sele heen al about 10° me) he ae econ sb 908s an ah tm, a> viel ‘Thiiauays mu higher han te dino tener er fy tn Tr fe 0 sr onus an oan of eset oa, be ay, ") J Thomas arr witha ry showed ae sate prc heim Bt 208 os aa soe nena with mate pune? non ald ae “ie cc eyepiece ih neta ees yomee detest prt cepeaene fhe ete et, hh si agency ih per ah 1 appraise te Er oppress. 1. A Manan (+ d=), Pt, ln, Naan tbe Eacin pote istan ite ane no ‘ha bot ne the ee Bar, bt wth eet oe thetet sero the sce eee gen ate) 2 MEA Ses (te rn Py Hl Rahat ‘Saal paper and ier aerial came Tne pret iro rhc eb Fray, er, Roce. ‘ono Et ons ar ln Pa ond 9A COSC aD. Bae, rtf Man Pi, Te Role bre Coc, New Yo, 62 Cup 6 td te 4. ECan K Crowe an Bando Pde Con ‘Pit, Ieee Pisin ne, New Vt, 95 + rt, Fl tine Enis, ni ey 6 § Pera JF Fam, Dama te Ea, oe Istrcig cy of -- Tomaso he. Thom sho piace (Toe we etn {Tecan wy ern fase gt 2-4 yah rl erat he wa fonion ie hry age inevee vt fren in se ‘tibetan hou 4300 we 001 er 346, What numb of phan pet scan of geney f= 100 meted oe ae Drs es 99, Gee oi ya of A hf 19, Dae oping pvt vern wane forth pho A tinangroms) 2000 S00 4000 $860 600 TeGawon) 420-206 108 0a Om et (ora wa rn (8 Te tol eeeey (5 Trereaie S10. Ug By nt) calelne the ae fo i he Eatin epee Pe Wf St Arete ipl fo soot Kah = 20005 Calan de ow troy appear) Wt prenagy ete mesh ae © a he men Oy mere han nn 3 pet (Ren bye sony ober cept ate ‘hese dam od vec rte eee of sh” prt ge or? 2.12 1n f). Thomans ft tod, te Yas apy of he Sean pps wa soue! 10"¥cal/ ne pee S34 [ape tp D nd ae 25 pat an Sem Ie ade ep 50 open ieee, (te ohecy hve Hee ery of 200, find te eect rua inthe Se path we tte «ac Se etn oe (@ Whuchrengt af ere lwo eared een Tepes ene ete i rn coe feng ne ag (pet sy oe ot tne fr the Pernt ele ‘Sew t's pli meg at oli ie cy. (a) Ramin wir radian ot deen te Inte emtanatmee ro tee hig rt i ana fa (0) We wa econ 2 how lng St ke {ish cory to area ang hat a 2-16 Appi he Umea neon ee nd manent tebe care ots photon af equeey Join Gas E = pots ee he sda Doppler fra he Feaweey 8 217, oe tate pon fle aot cer wth a ee flees (Hie Cae he etree fp ows he tel monet ee estoy adden penn nen) 5:18, What egy pot os bee ae ach ‘hinges eaten de to Comptes weerng bye ‘roms 1 pond Ung posny ist hs Sg ‘oo fat Canpomseserel at ame SSS ean Wn ee energy 8 e rel seers ‘yhoo tna 12M pote pare ya {Setn moc iialy a tae The women ee epee Se (8) The con mt coy ort a then ae inal nry by ing on What th cnr tite pon? ery ef rao ns ntbody gen by (0) wee 0) pen by he Pek fala {og Git) Dee te Suan Dana veer sehr a cnt. (it You ea ae ner En you chge be mS nero os oe Senn vunaleg = M/A You me ony show hat Ti popertcnal to 7) Shee Root of vere hire (a) Fer the empeance T= 10/4) = 107 (0) Fare eoperte T= Wt = Te (Op each of ae Hoga nh th Eonioa ftion seine 5:22 Th maa est apy data gen ew tod aan Teruo AP Hedy 2 core HH Rok Ganpuys New Yo, a Pott or ‘hse a alee oe ap até seth ch ces SSSA TE SESE ISIS SB 523 From he lin tenga foud i Probie 3.2, {alae te Geqwncy evan) = Aah eto ‘Show da be tapes fr Cy ten Oy By. Oe) oP 2428, Caters em ich eal pole cerey Bupa’ dae Tim dtacre free WP FOUR THE NUCLEAR ATOM fos ).- sehr and conten (1/25 heigl 1/3 Fina ini poprton toe tegen ie hegeny f= UNS jw note eae Fedo dod ey ‘Shean ar) Thwth want (1). ny fn oe er, Sesoctan fom al in ne {sled he ping nt i 10878 Insroten about 18, noted hat may of he wan ui in Joel rl wn SRLS ar Hepehtaeat Cisne ouen ae) ‘peta, fer expe, eter lies kn hydrogen mvcide the vale Ban sees of dg (Pn Hash, ase der Py 7) fee Appoint by Coie Marte “fd ptr fd ice fifa Fo ting tag etnatng spigot on needa te ata ei Prise! Masai 097 (219). ui, ecomagntie teary showed at barges aid ‘Ton pope model na dst} Them He coed at ptm ims al wy at etn ‘Gin for he moda sto tegucni fibration that coe ‘Te Thewon elle to mt eile ot by se ofa ape cordate a te Raed ber {Sr Aart nc yn bus Re {a Heshonedr by an spectra} Toa, Sarai ep a atte et: String rn etc i ee ea owe 49a i pie dt) att 8) te cone appa VPs ft po fone oi ie Fp a ag ie ea con ee SUE mecca teatee o eet Sree act gs Sacra te Sa ce dad meen hones foes Then in ted ii aie ana ne ESR mogntade ofthe efesion tng) Tae APP Fre pth is ta +m ee of «arty Feel hdet eB Gch ge se foe pl eer a hg Pt gy Bou ppl BIB Gia nan ¢ = Gera ir gr wa eer (otry Taman acer ety = Eom sige es satyct arn ran BQ 3e (fas zo wihenergy SY nesta poms 2 ses Bch ‘mena enery % lag ino ke = px: natieya4 x1 oF (0905 X10") atom Fer oor example hen, ba, (2) ge ar eogmen avek PGs wey tan #48 1a = 0026 ie on he rer ofenagiie ee a2 dc ‘Bane te mun fpr ered raph sgha ge fseyoe Unt bo be the fostering angle Oem th suber we ‘speriment wih Bid fail of 10~Cem deh, Geiger and Marslen {ated dnote abou the xed number eae eush Com spurl ne COM dese regh ie gin Nr te ‘ot equal he iad by cover ecg) Toe ‘i einen fa eae IE say ime tan be Sucle h dtane ge eh isle enpe omit mth ber ant which oan ond 0B fh te ting ero a renoy MB,Gorde, ‘Son of yy 3 30 PS) ag 916) rin a. (8a fuses Pec ih ing pom pe (e) Teom fu ean on ‘ecco a have Lmpact praca han 60). ‘Thin uber na nag hgh “Tet amber sare pr cand gh tga peste Sap ha foe wo 2x aco icin eh gl 0 ih ed ‘aking 4807" = ce fara epic parte ecerey, we have gma MP = ctor Aas sco po WS 910 Sm nn 21089 x 10 “Ti compare feveraly wt ee oben of sou 8,00 ern eet tt an 3 vain the number scattered with the atom weight of four oo Tanne of . emt fos bernie, | es a am fae EEA ‘stat ZF “oan mio eam eed yon in the "flecive ara” preted by the nudes fr seating 18 = [[(g)neaes 2 hg gre sinter how ree pac fare opr wl ‘Stes ie arr be Ru ate ‘Be free nw ote foals) The a ow een ‘Shed ye Boag ba (ee Polen 8) In. Dns pn, Nt as pp at oe Updates came Conceouia een of darter stent 0-Cori0- eey Dean” teens os pit ne gee Kisulbceoes mnt par he Soir APSR aly ate Se SSE, Inala rece opie SS ns ant Tap sr htean cape yas Sears needy Parone aby eps st Bh Sas ewe 416 e206 atl fam, () se Phase ma the tei eae Tit pt hog nd ei a ene) eed ‘tin tc hr shad pre ec Senet my tbl) fh Bb mayen ‘ike ge et as en Sorc ce ee (Stara t a eed oh ner oft by yemnms wo) ‘rc South ae taupe be Key ov fe Bb Sed nkngs motels ehh Be fears of ota Chechupe mew gues ote oerved atin We it ie of Signo a ey Tee spy, Bab rome ce elecon eine creat ‘Te pal ey sl ch ac we (adhe econ endef © eeorevon sows uch ite ele) Toe tt rere yaa Wet eue om ee at ew page wn) ‘ng 4-1 forte Eeueny arate wen Be eon ee Rei ema = Rt — 0 nate aay orn coo ed by cel hay he Skcoan wchify = Haat Ua Seng tit casi reson fr eu fos Ba 24, cho eer as mane ie son ost0h 0) Poin hi ein ari (23), we ta fr the ese baw he Rs fone ng he als om a wi wer nyo 1919, Bebe ‘ates tobe 30 100 wd wih thee ty the Bor del we taco By Bq (90h ois vy en OY fess) Ter ae se fs = GH» ame wp aitgantch Sa tenet SBityearreetae nar neon arin dagen or yrs fo tai in eh {pee Ro ole Te wf a Thdiwe 1h T ee os ae + th — ws sf hg ie ince at eee Set hg as ue (0) Pe Sy The tunpaoe tht ie pes i gue 10 se SCONES cep sabe l= Pa wee Poa? tlearon mam Te reat derived abo for mun of ile ‘Busca be tpn diy fr tec oes of eA {Te Sane econ maine gana bye rece snap ne by Ey (0), (eyo the pore evel in tat betaine abd sane snes es) ‘Hari ann nl 40 fo ‘enon te Syeycomtnt sm tom at ‘ich cere." eae sem fh ned Tse tomy wtih bar ome ean son jotta Peedi (827 wth 2 = and ne proper ese se. Tei feu a pang ht be ie Ba arma fue expen ds ele odo; hore ‘own comnts eriey ogee The seu the ‘Sct became How the ere ley Does rms ed Sia te qecrncpe marron. 10h el pap, Do ao Be ih ead age i ey war ha Nt = 68 10 Va (The camino 4/2 (rm won tat the el A cal wer rowed fot SVR Su tect one lp pa ff magnitude ofthe ect of special reauwiy by calculating 1/6 iether aria maeoen Weve liege ced fara tig a hen ws ‘este scat ith comply ounce pope he ‘ice nt Th Some Se Speer ‘ned, sone Sule war fad ugh epee By Moy in 1983 tj. Fanch an Here a 1914 vo pot the gem BobrRutd pcre fhe stan 2 oly ‘Shops we amon peewee hat wedi gan ‘Scryer he ce Macey smaytesy ‘econ be cue econ te Froneles mene ‘Rent he wanmun of ies oh ul ard sag te meee of nal eecromeuy tht had J ten ecco by We Hand We begg, Meey eed te ‘renga he ree ay he perm fr soa “Eterna emer 315 thw Braye pc tranny, aad Pigue 3-16 Show + pil say spec He ‘oe a he mayne evar nw sega me bh ‘Srtiecenest alee gin eraton lol ec Fad repre ec hr ‘be tons Deena a te lin oer eos he ae tle eer do ot eee oe Stir ete cp ‘Toner ance wich ae repre fr te nplene peal yea A, he loc secs ae wl Aerie Beh heey (peer tee yer, 19 ero ccs ei ee oe ‘Bathe egy, al cherie te Inquest ‘ype Sad ay she aga imi mer Upon err plowed eure rotel een) ‘lspci ray eerste som nun athe cee Scekeploy ow cll Manin fs sown ia Figre 19 Thee ‘kes be dy he eqn f= se=9) an er a bate contri hie. Oa linet Beart toed Ton difen va far dT te aly RowninFigue edt boca by (0) Thctacny inthe =f a Tyr wa clad SW i eri) Te selecion ats (Eq. (4-27) form; = 1 and using (Z— 1) im | =r Se to easy 210° on oe sn 21, Whe a a isobar 9 ‘Pople Magee, 7190270) he sono te tis 2 xt ts wen a me Mt, pee of 2 we chininrhe gees i et 2a ond) os ‘Trews fr te ine of mayen, Z > elas from 35) omsh whch compares wll with te vnue = 721K ence by “Fh tha fe roan w (2 — 1) eer ao 28 ‘lied bye dog a be cen Chae eee coe Iter ron he cea whch thas led by more scone ‘owning hats byes tanto thes = Poa iene egey yo he sit je- Sng ty wei The tle utr at how be 3 Prosmondy 472 few 4 he ome weigh Te experi [CegeratdMandea sheath hers arg appse ‘macy 4 we ay eigenen by Ban towed eee fan a cn apr 43 ‘oe fond inh perc uear ranged weigh Fares “Seeger men by weg none one) peat (Gea andthe mnt pen GOON. Areca By Seah psn hn a Mosiy showed that rth ener laon he ine oo ” em enti Py hing eat Jones Gin 1918 ena may ase wason op Pt I Ft dO ht, Van soumesren ome Pale ig etl fl, The Wise Sem afane cena © Ee tne pt Ean Teey Pi com bist eel the ate beue frden f mutrat eee = at uefetaann fom bt 26 [toe Ena e-em way “Thi he cotton ed by Plane and ine fo ain fro = [etme “L meet g-04 om) Behe ieee ree " We have ae nh at the preceding chp that ny Preorers = bosy aaa, ihe pte est mpon sexn, fehneoesl eee aoaen sel ey cr ay sti ea oy {the WisoSommetle guantre rte Tis "eee" ‘Emi eh renal inn a str ancy pee by fie vation ih reed ‘aor ff Babe rts 023 coe ‘peed yl ise known nr he oerope les INiOC23 Xe ween a heures oye “Face he or ery ad al quam mech” ay inom: Fe nao ay ng “psy tay tote opal pecs mar compe on for periodic syemn, k was vot hoown why and there wat 20 thet aa aso nen Ta be ete 195335, ‘Sinn ape cl, tye ty “We sal soy thir theory inthe next chaprr ane aly Het Wen ac tap tcoy Winch ne ‘Sing on 3p pi lem ste het a Se ti lo ns Ini of ‘oncaeid eal puter wth eo, ar adn ‘Beanie unter pace snes prac a itr pene nay rat he er Mors os ely he ine The om ‘era wnt {at cru ean rene thcagh tag ne han ca ete to correo eB b= ents heehee coat pon far Hd esos ery = 2 ie sane ween # nd + a Ti rm atl peed 2 Upibe qunstine eur memes 2 Randan of enwney f= (Wy ~ Bh teu when he ‘lcs je am et tf egy 1 0 2 a ety ere os lene)» 0529 A ort alowed en nhc By = Ht eg ad = 23 feed ea pete | oma fones . Lenk for ciculat motion iy Sista Sune wl colon f se conan re pew nae rotor sar xe ke w eg? = 44k an in ed Fs We th an CR SEERSMPET, Ge Eager i Pp (Ra 2, Chap 3) 1. Min Bini Med Pl ai Pe Na ey specens Sacred in a 2 AES es ena and Laser oes Py SSO Ba Gamay, New Vor, 195i th SRN Baten mes Pon 4G. Gann, Thy Yes Tit Shack Py te Sy of te Qsatae SSrBala Semen oa ‘Began try demo eth people Sow of 10 (Ux he ce th oneinesoo tna sak pee) Swe ha nee nae theleen ect an atk ote 4-2 [Gite dager feat apa fora Se ‘pice ne mc 1) Wh {Gr What eatin af te pie team seated tug 4, Ges the dtace af cas sppanh fo MEV Renin ata 2013 ne ne mene ae 4-4 Bw that Eg (25) fre ra of he Bi Bb it od by te lr the made ft iwc ey ok ‘erence wren swore = Nin i he Campin veg of te seven Tere AAR tect some Ue eowt/c aad ue he less Aine" See Pod Keay 46. (9 Gate he oe ones wag be Lyman sais n= 1) angen td inte harpoon Gris Wiaonal oar wale fete thes i oy taco an gmat Seen = acts Manen cn see tft eat ‘erin i iat ts he sae oats pron re em ieiesett wer sunctenne 10 Fecha yar a denis 3308 401 1 eB footy a (2 oy Thar pte dc Shi co BETAINE Sth htt orem om tgif tes e's Sesame eee {Bits eta hin tes Sse Oye wea ere B= 860¥ 0 = 2a 2 te oleae cee ‘hr wth whan a3 dt teen feo 59 clan 2 4-1 Sh a 9 (0, an 2) py eter som gen by ste = ao -28 nee 415. As sh fei adi ia aay anced bar ‘pce fr aig a he norma he ‘Berea thow aig 8 Tn ciece or tle ES he tag age = © pe fear oy So Ree (o Tbe corgi ha prec ar, (@ Wine ute sem cian or tte roth ee (Sho the ol rng rat an eo [ge equa in mgr wth our soe 1 pa dpe . FIVE ELECTRON WAVES |) trace d oe sori te oF la Sun gunn k a Sa bono sar (ample 4 Selon 8h SOME Sepa he coon 90/8) = Th 8 ine teary ESoeeagerlein 106, In 927, Drsoon ‘Boer ce Er ty el my ering wtegth piven by Ea (2) xeney sal Spee re $2 Sing wine di =, 1 rope length fo ey sal bt mane ‘a 10 pam ving a ped 3310"? es fe tec otek a” CASIO see ane wed me! = 56 X10" V/s, Tish ‘Santer ry publ peru “Thecus dierent fron ery eens Cones snares mse sgh Pavel ener he Poet Daren eBay oo West he de Bete waves af Oe ekewon? Pasig 30k Baby Cf Denon 9 211 Geer, wh wee yt few 8 Satin of any yl En we sy ete Ie stn oh ~ Sa Pat maid ne ‘mesored by sifeacon art why Towee than he ‘Resi pecs el tea fe eon nee ‘yt ace as beca ge We ce ses am he hoe et tere heed of evel ‘Bio Ene oer, thre, tie de Bop waren 2h In ne the ere i trang ed Dia ‘ein econ een res pro cag ate pei ple a ee ‘Sep he nts en ye nfo sn eon wave ia seme. Te muve tchaie hd ‘patent be oes. No huh we ge tne appear oles ine igh ap the Phy tt ait elec ae rane ag wld he the propre wavy ruered by an spoprate the ren vt daca enero he "ed hein canary Te hit rw ne 0 ‘Ear vo pit ot 305 tht a Senanain of infin tn: pe Ae, en ek 88 few on wl ali he pal extern wanes Seng te nage Ero cm acon at tom conpae “ic be plas you tha Woe had les rasevi speed than the copermens wet ogni Ree Stee in deco den tite Set sneer, Te cane 1919 wih te acienal every thas the every apecton af ‘ondary san erin hf vp la the ees Incr of wa hat are i acu nee esering (Fe sng vr with efmanne oe ee SE aevag by 2 snp ua af pend ern Tu aoe ip =i, gh ‘He one 12257589 pd re (6 at satis aah iets Om, ewe ‘ate iu “Ieans Naw Yk, © Bold Pm, Pe) Fa ohne ghton there now) tone te ee (Sapte fle ends = teed oft Sour th oc of pe thee pray wl satin ofthe wave eqn (9 ie sod = nente({=A) « 6 Eeqoecy ft wlty t= fc It come Yoo ap egtcy tnd wae outbred By? sem taf mgr eceney oo (Go) ean en be wien Yad) = che ~ os) oi) at) = miner ~ ot) s-10) Has) = pts union ($10) ie fm (510) onlin he eben thor Euaina (18) ws ea cman a ae 1) ted (iene 109 teary par of eri de of Eq (109 tobe am Gnu an cen cg oe bg n= ceil cory cnn se ego te me Fa Srey (hich of eon. to the msi Hee en) 1 eer 516 yen fe gig ne he nin wit a ee a tea Se ete wb Seta Fade i = So og re a eee in ireqensy af wien, = VIER, ce Km Th the AH = tansy! = oblate cored ow Theeqme oth pte Ina ine he wave ree ng Temes tee os) an ekeuonapeie waves propor tote moar aE Soo hae meant ang tonreany Seer 218 A dng an ted een a mi iy Jap tnos nag ey ing bed fed a8 «= @ and = i wey thes af 0 el =) 4+ yon ba = Bs cae 5 os ier 2 a eer Vang = 26/8 2a, we me at Es a etalenee ade ow peso ot ere by ageing ‘het ot) anon ein re hp iy a ec ca "eto wer af equal opto nd ney gil fe et) = ees) + bar = on = Beals — Ade He, xeoltts + Ae He = ese (hte Hades) GT) ‘Bowaaseh ya) ver toe toy Te ad ee TR cl tte grupo eo ore Byte weal Totem foo Ly Soon 598 ned cance (Ay, whee Ay = 10 ear ae see evar sumone the it etn be Ce ye * om “The gunn anlage to the placement] ar wave on 3 Sieg the rere Pe) fr sand nee othe ee st fr ecwomagste weer ee the woe fen. ‘eyes aed ually dnigneé ¥aCo hn =a) Mh = dae eho Woe) = "The pn vlc ic gen by » = fh = C/A) = Bip we Sia FR ty th ay seth he sha eeciy ne = ip p/m wtih al he ‘pect thatthe poston ofthe Seton sorrepands tote pan a si th we ac i ety a ae ‘ely athe evn Fr he wae phe " suns fadente—woa oe) wh onal a rage of maven ene abot ew os ow ‘That on of egies mater Choing Ba 1) and (Gon tbe Bop concede ivan enpetion in ‘pop oso and par voy Se rem S12) es men ee ein es ne eed a ee ot flog a ly Pt le Hace nag a a een gt LES na et a ‘omentum aed t te wave mame by p = M48 Wide 08 Set nue meme» we sage of amet alee Bare SoA Sitfcatnoepkew he eager aod Bt le by ana om (snc the exe ate forte prac depend he Mad Skene sol Toes ie poo) Sir « TRENT lite ow Se mo conan» geo = ncn ys ho toes rete wae? om gunn (27) an (6-2) oem te eqauon by Rand we F vetein arapet om arweh ow) nomena emcees ‘Tine oy Fy 22), Of oun, bea of cert rare “EE pani Scan €e) and the wavenumber caerbsco anion 1 ae rete te = frtnon eas om “a con) 8g) ar ele Foi ar th TOSS SP pact ara seers wen 0) 6 ‘EIST ncn For teem ea ois and for 23 emi 4 ibis fo i ed mn of a i mnt Pepi sd St of ew 7. Ti me (pods fen in etn pon Sh pete he mane erin, oh ose fT scape om ses os Lest hw ley ih ang I thng st tart Sette compen wt vay ‘tut have hd: Our lal py nme ht he act ope Tse pncpe atte ny taal ‘oe ndaon bean) Hse knua tec SS \yneeee cane en ein pe 24 Sing om dt wh ies Ba of ee hee ‘enuf i etn anu ype pnd = hat mat marge he orn os The uae of son ot ed es han = Mihot el ifn. Paya cerca SS Pinte Bator ines mel secre A ur of phat Toe omen 278 pon w= Wh nah utes ee lengths deceming the acaray a he pon Mesures eos tava te ple, (Thorac wn at Ere elt) Thelen cece sonnei wih ce oS oe et ian tcl by ape se io wc non Gy 4So oe 8 Mn ka cing hn ply Eun The ean poe can ‘eros te wavering ont eae a of ‘tered Pt (woul be ea tone, he econ {nal eben wee prey aoowns te ape an {ES pomip tha even in an eal stanton elerace were sed ror lt pc ort the “The example ten above provie se ts int the Up ad one, tu fare lending he ramp we mrt hn id dc pon td ean “ravelegeh are wed, the positon can be Geermuned accurately Sean i psig wie Tha sca 8 enfin ee hea sac, te ep a wae and ‘iret yin h cd cha 8 ig ahs lcm sony Clecic tle Ur) fn oe men), whi thes ot Srvesqenton fhe oge By G0), We fe sale he ave esr eee) tl a ne een ‘stm that the acon ina pen rep ‘fod he nave fancn by meta amd sac ave theory. When x ceon rh) ineracy and xchange eee) sehen ere on Sed yo ei ‘hery works wll theta pactle ary. For xa ‘ie we teary ot covey prc tate al de, ‘renin he per ees propertly 2 tie foe 28 ames Theda ei ya st ten aed when et ‘hr ent ops esr i yon frm man tn fl ar i ‘hte ton itp pate srr pt aed 19mg tps. Tati ae ts ft en si tn i ae Uae ‘Levu pi cme te dubai ier xp, Tit ‘espana ya doce dod re nase leh ‘Sey Eom ete at wc ean appease SI core the ene os ihe bem the oe aoe Mf tobe oul ee # onal sve cn apponnat int € eb es StTe ena ec Ae ‘3 er a th ne oy one pin a2 ie ce fe come tein bea bene pony we hve he flowing poten is pavcn gon trcsh hw Sos eo vi pn la a i mcs tn shetdcgan open yew a, reopen os wave cecity noe fat Bopha le, e Pt il be detec otro it pe rn at (sw re need eof made, wl thet ire mina accra pose In Bread wb a han wr a2 (i) ng = 56 X28 emp 57 24 Gre ie oa tm, ogmeva Pres xia Minin ny nln iC Wa) = Het = st were YE te sn eae, Tew ene Asin he previo example Fd ae eo yey ha (at Gy oP ig ec eon (4) 2 A/a te ey Be At beat (ant hes et ale ht er whe ee sect en i to ay ed Seed ihr ttn Bray, oe ‘tine yey ee oe fe ome 8 05 Awe hve p= p> M/A The energy hen ‘Seuing Wah = O yields Ra and Wa Pan Bee wn 050k f(a onl Cay hey ‘ste hes fan ne as ri ns Sain (9) ingen ey ‘low a nyt. ced etn tes mease be Soe enspning 0 i nee SL rere es Sah het ca ce lie wh We hal ‘Chapter 10 ay foe peal eae Sesvatag Seige deteegit com F='9'" eanipe ah ea se well aor gt A pesonena can be dete by win ‘abe er One comgueer sae ice 2 Bi dB Ren, 2. Of ert Sr, Pen Fowl rt Mads Opis, Holy, Rinehart and Jota Wiley & Se, te, 2 Ide i end it Pp, Dove Pan el egies heh enone he rnin The Quastm Meshal Vie’ of Now 13, CEE ee mpataneeon wb a : sce afte parce man fe oie wie af tk ‘Arson ft gm ara pedo cme tpt ay oc ne nn ny {Regan Ew tau marc lo wel cn Fo ae smc i, in, Troyes se Fro the nay peel ute ou Ses sf (net eng och eer than tbe com uee en) Sow hat eral eee fa patie bac ese cy, foe Ble ween ‘Ging he rem eapein £2 = 78 + (0 Show thw the pe voc ota enon wave (Seow nthe rowp sty fo stron wine atl Shot fy andar of (4), the ton Soe (as by 7 = wh = Fray to Ey.) che a) won yet) = gh ited actin oy ag na cn. ef fan =F kK LO (fae $28 Thang wan Tn Ici stn depend ta ar € Sechelt oe (mat o> aed te fr ga 516 Se uednang owe gt ade op ola Low ‘sie an be sted by adding he over opal ‘Theda long li or ene wav cen be eed “oat in undesnig yg ana wae Sion ig Stan ee tone (0) Obra by grape son Se) = Tends + Teady + Tredy (ear with all he wave at maim a= 0 aod ek pene nny) chy = Bom My Aw, Be end etn vere oy Shale te aso = ° he a hee tte By a fr (a Weil ater Of ih a te (Rie ae ve A = Sunt ei owe. Now S17. Go em Su) Ota by phic acon he oep sects SIX THE SCHROEDINGER EQUATION IN ONE DIMENSION s-B ave 1g ej cn be wrten 4 some ete mt we tye ai he a Has) = Gace wee has WL) = WLW or Me Ug = “ w 1 eta Sgn. 3 Pete on vere Yd the a tion md he pe elay Sine tog tae = dco ds~ ot, = ante uty Ee iwc wy any of thee sooo, we aga cba # raion Te (decry propel pe momenta he thtato de moe ote momen, sequel by a. 621 ie ey cen Ss et et en Ae Su erate, tu uy sting the it ie eine ee tenets ~ a) bac (i801 mtn Ue “aS foprional oun Go = nh Dane ily yea “ Bout e 19 25. past = ae om exo emly Ea (3) by 8. Te we is came with Ea (63) fe he wave anton geno (6. ‘Nea pence Ea) ate en we poe ‘uly hah tat Eq (69) lution of “ev Seen con ana ehcwehnestety A Aone + isin tr =) hae the real prt his ero, eo (ar ah be ken (Gene haves eel pune! sce ei Sect ‘Sunton Ere (6) cea ev arnt He ‘Ee Bel fr sara soae pl el srs The Scere pray tht» ped ww a Poa de = [Wate 90 ae wo athe te parte potbiy, ) et y de Sine [levees wo ‘eerie te 2 hones neuer” fence cana oad tet aed elena ones Te eet cuir nian) CARESS Cel der ator ay com Ca Cae ier, nohe peno ‘eis ae ren te nO CR acta ey Pe) = Beneath san ne eke ars wave pat ong ‘6u) = Downe ot) = JK) wo vee) fans ne ony a 9) anton oe Gamer aod Sr ba te Serotec he 2 bc ‘ons = Bye + noses Uwe se yeh we oba ai a tO) em "The esi (617 cota ol change oa ied Conding etae otf (eat alBee ° I ow “Te ino (38) 0) = ae a geet wn ‘ubshbanan E Thenghrecee Ee ioe "a + Moe) = Be) em Bp. (o20) ees he sneindepencas Seeking gation The emf) ht mies By. (-2 depen of oe oe Cenc emi i sn ‘oto sean sues maples bys etc we ee chee ‘Secon sn By fri) te The coe en te 1) wm 0 = a8 AEM = YAH oe ah iy tt nee sig hi Sen So ce Sep te i ae 0g) = Zour Eg (6-20) fr te ener By : “ Teles ew se allay he nlson fe ee die seni no ge sy Ears se ‘ecg me ehene whch the ei nergy Me) 4 ‘Sningar nem pts [thse url approves o ‘fags wc Pai rapper» al exon te Fe oe rim te Shige eatin eed in St ee pe 7m sb tet endian (Bg) (19 exprening the at tint he probe vate [Covomenws [romney Ince ae) ty th nolo odin 0) map nian that he wave foneton ya wat et tbe aceeple 1 Yo se atte Senge eat, 2 Oe eu cota [Pinel 4 Yi) omer tha yo canbe tad rw) <0 rw Won = ra Sach» poeibeery feo shown i ie (2). Iownes P= ope smote ta at, Th (2 = WF an) Hon = " om ana tio sion son) om ‘tun fr ng sean bread am Bp. (623) {G20 enfants end ve een pry oe ay ‘Sole ection veo pany opty 1) Forder cathe Somccdaper eaten Eves se or) = = Ea = =e) wx) es = 2n8/M Sooo Ba (25) we We dete gem or) 20 Ho) = Bein te ee) em "Fo cleetingt eqn bel > ae 10 = Blea ~ Bae a9) wm se fe — > 8 Neem 29 SECC Ramone ‘Hl. 114s postive, 9s) pore and (i concave upward gen Eat Sele PS te A) £, the soations os) for x > 4 60 ot wa re fr arg Te tern) Cah tg lr webrmneaty «Seg etian’ ‘Soma atone Aeon ot Awe es 74 a (0 Pati at isp) Ft ha oe de then sve ce seu hy Vs)~-tor aren ba Far jt Jee hy #0) evo t-te il eng ie) acd agra ar ger. we rece waves ‘ee 0) sepches = tl cel ln hi nti hat kisi he Seg oi wh 8a ine wat mn ep ae ce Saat aes fst igen dill ores oe foto hag td a ge ‘th faa of espe" pr tat te ae Bo ‘Sor pan hijo he nn Som no et er ‘pee Sr hr een ar ap ay ae oe ‘py ata fan ih feu 6 Sow 7 tins ming he Sang in with manag he fue wong fs at en fon ‘rate aay aly oat Pt taal gh ‘ie nap opt ag, Te pl ‘omnes ona een B= eam xe pyar Ne fata re ae ‘ots mete Ths De ge a of hg men, Th Soc ipa ms feiyaoge ‘ne ond il wag fet whch ot esa St c's mg iy te ncn wt eo ea ane perf bw he ay Tie ty pn ‘mga won Joc y= tad ted pr Be 2B beh ro hae yf eg ig gro ion heen dapat an age he rohan ps ‘condion4on pag 233 2 ‘he wt in oe Bit Teste) tee tees ne itThamap tc ae dee igs bec sna want ty Sed ot pty Siva thie iychpetn pe SERFES Pe Date ees es lsc py WE Hf pee te nfo ey pe, ye Sg et te he ’ wiih a) = Dal ~ HA > 0. Tip of gut ene ‘Gane pyc le sey a hae opt a emer ws Mo) ro cont, wake lor ‘Sunt The Sever equ fr > By (2 Seite enh cn at dV =H wm foes ws ‘on eet pe ml Pn fae 9 Th fie ue fa sal ey nin lo) py ate Senin ‘Aina er which he ena seen. ore W)=0 tne cacte Hoo hy tebe . ipl: The perce conned tothe region lie te woh ca hve ay energy. I = 0, pre ay Tie wal = tears ‘pe re nah te re) veh unealnty pole pare canned on oe DILL ete minigun ree coy of th er Bul Wim t= Mand We ve steed in Sec 3 "Theos fhe Setodiges auton in threo Hl < tae sendy ben sane Thy ae Hi) = Ande wo» 4) = Bante wo with = (208/49 Inshe epons > 5 the Sereinge es ino insite. 28 ve sine ot = (a/R, ~ 2. Sic nn cots oth rb 7 tem 8 (63) wat eel one. Thelen ea loon 0) = ca were ia enn. ice pte ane) at aporsth 0) fo» He = ore wo - sch hat) and VG) ate enn we Ed a haps "Stan in Seton 63: Bet fer th omewhe pe frm ‘matberatcaly. Ths ming cae called tbe ite sare wel Tig ey ee ns ey le na Yo) pps Yeo saps they = ays) aso erro Syd the sets sie the wel, PIS end Spl the Wee 0 mene es - ba a) bee nia) 246 ‘Thus banda anon fe) = Oa = ae plc hee Soon 30 neg gen fr fit pare el. Cy ‘tee ee ny nf me pi meal ‘Song ryan y= SE ba) pe et ‘Tie tg tn “The ener crept ec 12 Pen ofthe wvdensh X= 297 (639) an Be wines nyon es fac atthe Tor nore we he te me cy con On = 2 Neale Cae "The conan Aan in aa (6-31 and (6-32) ae deermioed Kees 17a fn ee [Cena [oe erring tinea iA = 3/VE. Te ot fr eed Wain = Mee ornate om HO = Earn even Po) = alo? 255. Tane abo re ue ale {constant inside the well. According to Boles crreypondente Pain ni 9) fo = 1208 ete areal pa

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