High-Performance DSP Capability Within An Optimized Low-Cost Fpga Architecture

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The applications of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) continue to expand, driven by trends such as
the increased use of video and still images and the demand for increasingly reconfigurable systems such as
Software Defined Radio (SDR). Many of these applications combine the need for significant DSP
processing with cost sensitivity, creating demand for high-performance, low-cost DSP solutions.

General-purpose DSP chips and FPGAs are two common methods of implementing DSP

The use of DSP techniques will continue to grow at the expense of analog implementations. An analysis of
the functions typically used in DSP applications indicates that a combination of multiplier, addition,
subtraction and accumulation elements is required. The Lattice ECP devices provide a sophisticated DSP
block combined with a low-cost FPGA fabric. Through the implementation of addition, subtraction,
accumulation and pipelining within the sysDSP block, performance and LUT utilization are considerably
higher than those of alternative low-cost FPGA solutions that provide only basic multiplier capabilities.
The speed and utilization advantages of the sysDSP block help users reduce costs through the selection of

smaller and lower speed grade devices.

This paper provides an overview of common DSP functions and then explores the
differences between the general purpose DSPs and FPGAs. This is followed by a description of the
LatticeECP™-DSP (EConomy Plus Digital Signal Processing) architecture and a comparison of the
LatticeECP-DSP to existing FPGA solutions.


The increased use of video and still images and the demand for increasingly reconfigurable
systems such as Software Defined Radio (SDR) such applications combine the need for significant DSP
processing with cost sensitivity, creating demand for high-performance, low-cost DSP solutions.

General-purpose DSP chips and FPGAs are two common methods of implementing DSP
functions An analysis of the functions typically used in DSP applications indicates that a combination of
multiplier, addition, subtraction and accumulation elements is required. The LatticeECP devices provide a
sophisticated DSP block combined with a low-cost FPGA fabric. Through the implementation of addition,
subtraction, accumulation and pipelining within the sysDSP block, performance and LUT utilization are
considerably higher than those of alternative low-cost FPGA solutions that provide only basic multiplier
capabilities. The speed and utilization advantages of the sysDSP block help users reduce costs through the
selection of smaller and lower speed grade devices.

Introduction to DSP Typical Functions

While a vast array of digital signal processing functions are implemented by designers, Finite
Impulse Response (FIR) filters, Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) and
mixers are common to many applications. Each of these functions requires a combination of multiply
elements along with addition, subtraction and accumulation. This section provides a brief overview of the
algorithms used to implement these functions.

Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters

The finite impulse response filter stores a series of n data elements, each delayed by an
additional cycle.These data elements are commonly referred to as taps. Each tap is multiplied by a
coefficient and the results summed to produce the output. Some implementations perform all the
multiplications in parallel. More generally, the implementation is broken down into N stages, with an
accumulator passing the partial result from one stage to the next. This implementation trades speed for
functional resources, taking N computation stages and requiring n/N multipliers. Depending upon whether
the coefficients are static or dynamic,and thedesignofthe coefficient values, there are a number of other
design optimizations commonly used that are beyond the scope of this paper.

Figure 1 shows the implementation of a typical FIR filter.

Figure 1 -- Typical FIR Filter

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Functions

Fast Fourier Transforms are used for a variety of applications, ranging from image compression to
determining the spectral content of a data sample. There are a variety of methods for implementing the Fast
Fourier Transform. Probably the most common method is to use Cooley-Tukey decimation in time
approach, which breaks the FFT down into a number of smaller FFTs. The simplest implementation uses an
element commonly referred to as the Radix-2 butterfly, through which the input data must be passed
multiple times. Figure 2 shows the Radix-2 Butterfly. The calculation is conceptually simple, as shown on
the left of the diagram. However, as all the multiplies and additions are done with complex numbers, the
actual number of multiplies and additions required is somewhat more challenging, as shown on the right
side of the diagram. Text Box: Data InText Box: CoefficientText Box: CoefficientText Box:
CoefficientText Box: XText Box: XText Box: XText Box: SText Box: DataOut
Figure 2 – Radix-2 Butterfly Commonly Used For Implementing FFTs

Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters The Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter is similar to
the FIR filter, except that feedback paths are introduced. These feedback paths make the design and
analysis of IIR filters more complex than FIR filters. However, the IIR approach can provide a more
powerful filter for the same silicon area. Although there are several IIR architectures, one common
approach is to build IIR filters out of second order bi-quads, as shown in figure 3.

Figure 3 – IIR Second Order Bi-quad

Text Box: = A+jB+C*E+C*jF+jD*E+jD*jFText Box: (A+jB)Text Box: +Text Box: Data OutText Box:
Data InText Box: = A+jB-C*E-C*jF-jD*E-jD*jFText Box: (C+jD)Text Box: +Text Box: XText Box:
-Text Box: Twiddle FactorText Box: (E+jF)Text Box: Data InText Box: Data OutText Box: XText Box:
+Text Box: XText Box: XText Box: XText Box: X

Mixer Functions

Many applications use mixers to shift the frequency of a signal. While, conceptually, just a single
multiplier could be used, in digital applications there are a number of advantages to representing the numbers
in a complex form. Most typically this is done by representing signals as I and Q components. Figure 4
shows a mixer that would be used in digital up-conversion.
Figure 4 – Typical Up Converter Mixer using Complex Arithmetic

General Purpose DSP Solutions Versus FPGA Implementations

As illustrated in the description of common functions, multipliers, followed by addition,

subtraction or accumulation are at the heart of most DSP applications. General-purpose DSP chips combine
efficient implementations of these functions with a general-purpose microprocessor. The number of
multipliers is generally in the range of one to four, and the microprocessor will sequence data to pass it
through the multiply and other functions storing intermediate results in memory or accumulators.
Performance isincreased primarily by increasing the clock speed used for multiplication. Typical clock
Text Box: IText Box: XText Box: Data outText Box: -Text Box: QText Box: XText Box: Direct Digital
Synthesizerspeeds run from tens of MHz to 1GHz. Performance, as measured by Millions of Multiply
Accumulates (MMAC) per second, typically ranges from 10 to 4000. Functions

requiring higher performance have to be split across multiple DSP engines. The price of these chips ranges
from a few dollars at the bottom end of the performance range to hundreds of dollars at the high end. The
key advantage of this approach is the ability to directly implement algorithms written in a high-level
programming language such as C.

DSP oriented FPGAs provide the ability to implement many functions in parallel on onechip.
General-purpose routing, logic and memory resources are used to interconnect the functions, perform
additional functions, sequence and, as necessary, store data. some basic devices provide multiplier only
support, requiring users to construct all other functions in logic. More sophisticated devices provide
addition, subtraction and accumulator functions as part of their set of DSP building blocks. FPGAs
typically have tens of multiplier elements and can operate at clock speeds of hundreds of MHz. For
example, the LatticeECP-DSP 20 FPGA has 28 18x18 multipliers that can run at speeds up to 250MHz,
delivering performance up to 7,000 MMAC per second. Table 1

compares the FPGA and general-purpose approach.

Table 1 – Comparison of General-Purpose DSP and FPGA approaches

LatticeECP-DSP Architecture

The LatticeECP-DSP devices consist of a low-cost FPGA fabric coupled with between four and
ten sysDSPTM blocks. Figure 5 shows the overall block diagram of the ECP devicei. The sysDSP block in
the LatticeECP family supports four functional elements in three data path widths: 9, 18 and 36. The user
selects a function element for a DSP block and then selects the width and type (signed/unsigned) of its
operands. The operands in the sysDSP Blocks can be either signed or unsigned, but not mixed within a
function element. Similarly, the operand widths cannot be mixed within a block. The resources in each
sysDSP block can be configured to support the following four elements:

• MULT (Multiply, Figure 6)

• MAC (Multiply Accumulate, Figure 7)

• MULTADD (Multiply Addition/Subtraction, Figure 8)

• MULTADDSUM (Multiply Addition/Subtraction Summation, 9)

The number of elements available in each block depends upon the width selected from the three available
options: x9, x18, and x36. A number of these elements are concatenated for highly parallel
implementations of DSP functions. Table 2 shows the capabilities of the block.

Table 2 – Maximum Number of Elements in a sysDSP Block

Figure5_Lattice ECP-DSP Block Diagram

The sysDSP block has built-in optional pipelining at the input, intermediate and output stages. In
addition, inputs can be loaded in parallel or shifted across the array as necessary. Options are also provided
for dynamically switching between signed and unsigned arithmetic and subtraction and addition.
Figure 6– MULT (Multiplier) Element Figure 7 – MAC (Multiply Accumulate) Element
Figure 8 – MULTADD (Multiplier Addition/Subtraction) Element

Figure 9 – MULTADDSUM (Multiplier Addition/Subtraction Summation) Element

Performance and Device Utilization Improvements

The availability of pipelining registers, summation, subtraction and accumulation within the
sysDSP blocks increases their utility. As illustrated, in typical functions it is very common to need to
combine multiplication with addition, summation, or accumulation. Pipelining registers, while conceptually
simple, rapidly consume significant resources when implemented on wide data paths. The sysDSP blocks’
ability to implement these functions results in lower consumption of general-purpose FPGA resources and
higher performance. Both of these factors translate directly into lower costs, as in many cases they allow
designers to select smaller devices with lower speed grades.

Lattice ECP-DSP Design Flow

Lattice provides designers with four simple methods to access the capabilities of the sysDSP

• The Module/IP Manager is a graphical interface provided in the ispLEVER® tools that allows
the rapid creation of modules implementing DSP elements. These modules can then be used in HDL
designs as appropriate.

• The coding of certain functions into a design’s HDL and allowing the synthesis tools to
Inference the use of a DSP block.

• The implementation of designs in MathWork’s Simulink tool using a Lattice Block set. The
ispLeverDSP portion of the ispLEVER tools will then convert these blocks into HDL as appropriate.

• Instantiation of DSP primitives directly in the source code.

The method chosen for any design will depend upon the DSP algorithm design methodology and the degree
of control desired over the physical implementation.

Low-Cost FPGA Implementations

With the introduction of the LatticeECP/EC devices, users can now choose among three current
generation,low-cost FPGAs:the SpartanIII devices from Xilinx,Altera’s Cyclone family and the
LatticeECP/EC devices. Altera’s Cyclone FPGAs contain no DSP oriented element, making it challenging
to implement large DSP functions in these devices without consuming a significant number of internal
resources. Naturally, achieving high-performance with these implementations is equally challenging. The
Xilinx Spartan III FPGA family does provide some basic multiplier capability. While this is certainly
preferable to having no DSP capability at all, significant resources must still be consumed to implement the
adders, subtractors, accumulators and pipeline registers found in typical designs. To measure the effect of
providing these resources, Lattice benchmarked performance and utilization for a FIR filter and an IIR
filter. The FIR used was a 64-tap filter with 18-bit wide data. The IIR filter used was 4th order arranged as
two biquads and 18 bit data path.

FIR and IIR implementations in LatticeECP-DSP and Spartan III Devices

5 conclusion

The use of DSP techniques will continue to grow at the expense of analog implementations. An
analysis of the functions typically used in DSP applications indicates that a combination of multiplier,
addition, subtraction and accumulation elements is required. The LatticeECP devices provide a
sophisticated DSP block combined with a low-cost FPGA fabric. Through the implementation of addition,
subtraction, accumulation and pipelining within the sysDSP block, performance and LUT utilization are
considerably higher than those of alternative low-cost FPGA solutions that provide only basic multiplier
capabilities. The speed and utilization advantages of the sysDSP block help users reduce costs through the
selection of smaller and lower speed grade devices.




“Digital Signal Processing” OPPENHIEM

“The programmable logic data book”, XILINX,Inc

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