Rules of Decorum

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 Address themselves solely and directly to the Chair. They may not address other Members,
individuals in the gallery, or persons who might be observing through the media.

 Refer to Members by group name, not by name.

 Avoid characterizing another Member's personal intent or motives and discussing personalities.

 Refrain from speaking disrespectfully of the Speaker, other Members, the President or Vice

 Refrain from referring to the official conduct of other Members where such conduct is not under
consideration by way of a report of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct or as a
question of the privilege of the House.

 Refrain from referring to the specific votes of particular Senators.

 Refrain from using profane or vulgar language.

 Avoid walking in the well when a Member is speaking.

 Ensure that all handouts distributed on the floor or adjacent rooms comport with the rules of
propriety for spoken words, and that all handouts bear the name of the authorizing Member.

 Refrain from eating, smoking, or using electronic equipment, including cellular phones or lap top
computers, on the floor.

 Wear appropriate business attire.

NOTE -- Debate which violates the rules of decorum may result in a Member's words being taken down.


 Former Members are prohibited from being on the floor (including the Speaker's Lobby and
cloakrooms) if any matter in which they have a personal or pecuniary interest or are employed or
retained as a lobbyist is pending before the House. Matters are considered pending once full or
subcommittee hearings have been held, or once a bill or resolution has been called up by a full or
 Committee staff are permitted on the floor only during the consideration of measures reported
from their committees. A maximum of five committee staff (for the majority and minority) is

 Personal staff are not permitted on the floor of the House except when their Member has an
amendment actually pending under the five-minute rule. A Member offering an amendment under
the five-minute rule may be accompanied by one personal staff Member.

 Staff are not permitted to pass out literature or otherwise attempt to influence Members or their

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