Heat Transfer by Yvc Rao

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68 24 25 2.6 2h 2.8 2.9 Heat TRANSFER the outer asbestos surface is at 40°C. Calculate the rate of heat transfer per unit area of the oven wall. A domestic oven has a composite wall formed by 0.5 cm thick chrome-nickel (k = 19 W/m K) sheet supported by 1 cm thick asbestos (k = 0.1105 W/m K) sheet. In steady-state operation the hot gases inside the oven are at 350°C while the atmospheric air is at 30°C. The convection heat transfer coefficients at the inside surface and outside surface of the oven are 100 W/m? K and 15 W/m? K, respectively. Determine the rate of heat losses per unit area, through the oven wall. Draw the thermal circuit for Problem 2.4. A furnace has a composite wall, the details of which are presented in Fig. 2.20. Determine the rate of heat transfer per metre length of the composite wall. Asbestos k= 0.1105 Wim K [Sem T, = 50°C t} ' i yy Wy WS i OA VAKAT NNN RRNA DX WL WLLL} Fire brick = k= 1.04 Wim K Masonry brick Earth [7 k= 0.69 Win K k= 0.061 Win K Fig. 2.20 Sketch for Problem 2.6. The composite wall of Problem 2.6 is used in the construction of a furnace. The hot gases in the furnace are at 850°C, while the air on the outer side of the furnace is at 30°C. If the inside and outside convective heat transfer coefficients are 70 W/m? K and 15 W/m? K, determine the rate of heat transfer per metre length of the wall, from the hot gases to air. The thermal conductivity of a material is determined by using the experimental setup shown in Fig. 2.21. A current of 15 amperes at 220 V is passed through the electrical resistance and the temperatures of the hot and cold surfaces are measured by the thermocouples. At steady-state, the temperatures are recorded as 150°C and 50°C. Determine the thermal conductivity of the material. The experimental setup shown in Fig. 2.21 is used in measuring the thermal conductivity of a different material. The thermocouples recorded the temperatures as 150°C and 50°C while the surrounding air is at 30°C. The convection heat INTRODUCTION 3 rate at which the process takes place. Suppose a lump of steel at high temperature is suddenly immersed in an insulated vessel containing a fixed quantity of water at low temperature. The principles of thermodynamics can be used to predict the final equilibrium state or the final temperature of the lump of steel and water, the amount of energy transferred as heat from the lump of steel to water. However, the laws of thermodynamics cannot be applied to predict the time required to reach the state of equilibrium or the temperatures of the lump of steel and the water as a function of time.|The science of heat transfer supplements the required information to predict the tate of heat transfer between the lump of steel and the water. The principles of heat transfer can be used to predict the temperatures of the lump of steel and the water as functions of time. The rates of heat transfer plays an important role in the estimation of the size of equipment necessary to transfer a specified amount of energy in a given time. The dimensions of heat exchangers, condensers, etc., depend not only on the amount of energy to be transferred, but also on the rate of heat transfer under the specified con- ditions. An engineer encounters heat transfer problems in the fields of thermal power plants, refrigeration and air-conditioning, thermal control of chemical reactors, etc., and hence it is essential for an engineer to gain a thorough knowledge of heat transfer. 12 “odes of Heat Transfer [the transfer of energy as heat from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature is called heat transfer:and the cause of heat transfer is the temperature difference across the boundary of the system. The quantity of energy transferred as heat is not governed by a single or unique relationship. There are three different modes of heat transfer. They are conduction, radiation and convection,| Strictly speaking, only conduction and radiation can be called modes of heat transfer, because these processes occur solely due to temperature difference between the two interacting systems. On the other hand, convection depends on the transport of mass from one region to another, in addition to the temperature gradient. In most situations heat transfer occurs by a combination of these modes. A qualitative explanation of these modes of heat transfer is presented in what follows. Conduction a | Conduction is a mode of heat transfer from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature within a solid, liquid or gas medium or between different mediums which are in physical contact with each other. We know that all matter consists of a large number of molecules which are in random motion. The energy possessed by matter can be broadly classified as macroscopic_modes_of energy (kinetic energy and potential energy) and microscopic modes of energy (translational energy, rotational energy, vibrational energy, etc., of the molecules). The macroscopic modes of energy can be estimated in terms of macroscopically 4 Hear TRANSFER measurable quantities like velocity and position of the matter under consideration. On the other hand, the microscopic modes of energy, namely the translational energy, rotational energy and vibrational-energy, etc., associated with the molecules constituting the matter cannot be estimated in terms of macroscopically measurable quantities. The total energy possessed by all these microscopic modes is called the internal energy of the matter. The internal energy of matter increases with increasing temperature. If a temperature gradient exists in the medium, the molecules in successive layers of the medium will have different internal energies. The molecules with higher internal energy will have higher translational kinetic energy. Then transfer of energy from molecules with higher internal energy to molecules with lower internal energy takes place through collisions in fluids or through diffusion of faster moving electrons from higher to lower temperature regions in metals. If a temperature gradient is maintained in the medium by the addition and removal of energy at different regions, a continuous transfer of energy as heat will take place from the region of high temperature to the region of low temperature. j Radiation _The mode of heat transfer_from a body at high temperature to a body at low temperature, when the bodies are not in direct physical contact with each other or when the bodies are separated from each other in space, is called radiation. The energy transfer through radiation exists even if perfect vacuum exists between the two bodies which are separated from each other. Radiation is an electromagnetic phenomenon and the radiation which is propagated as a result of temperature difference is called thermal_radiation. The energy transferred by this mechanism is called radiant heat. All bodies continuously emit radiant heat which travels with the speed of light. The intensity of the emission depends on the temperature and nature of the surface. Heat transfer by radiation requires no medium for propagation and the motion of radiant heat in space can be described by wave theory. Heat transfer by radiation becomes increasingly important as the temperature of the body increases. At ordinary temperatures, the energy transferred by radiation can be neglected. | Convection | The mode of energy transfer _as heat by the combined effect of conduction and material transport is called convection heat transfer, Convection heat transfer from a solid surface to the surrounding fiuid takes place through the following steps. (a) Conduction heat transfer takes place from the solid surface to the adjacent fiuid particles, thus increasing the internal energy as well as the temperature of the fluid particles. (b) The fluid particles with higher internal energy and temperature move to a region of low temperature and mix with the fiuid particles possessing lesser internal energy and transfer a part of their internal energy. Depending on the nature of the forces which cause the material motion, convection heat transfer is classified as natural convection or free convection and forced convection. One-Dimensionat Steapy-State Heat Conpuction 45 or 1 XL QMNYol Toln(ri/ri) , Toln(r2/ri) ‘0 In(ro/T2) ky ie kg su kg Us= (2.43) Consider a practical situation in which a hot fluid at temperature Tj is flowing through a composite cylinder consisting of two layers. Let the Oiler surface of the cylinder be exposed to a cold fluid at temperature [). The convection heat transfer coefficient at the inner and outer surfaces of the cylinder are (hj and hig, respectively. Then, following the reasoning adopted above, we can obtain > AT in(ri/ri) | In(ro/Ti) 1 Qrkyl Qrkol Qrroth q = U,AAT = (2.44) 1 2arill and lus (2.45) to, Toln(ra/ri) , roln(ro/ri) , 1 rih; ky-—~ kg ho ExampPLe 2.10 Steam at 120°C is flowing through a wrought-iron (k= 59 W/m K) tube of ID = 5 cm and OD = 7 cm which is covered with 1 cm thick asbestos (& = 0.1105 W/m K) insulation. If the convection heat transfer coefficients at the inner and outer surfaces of the tube are 200 W/m? K and 10 Wim? K, respectively, and the atmospheric air is at 25°C, estimate the rate of heat losses from steam per metre length of the tube. Assume that the steam in the tube is held at a constant temperature. SOLUTION The rate of heat transfer from steam to air can be calculated using Eqs. (2.44) and (2.45). U= 1 oF Tre, Polat /ry , rolm(ro/na) | T mihi ky ko Ro 1232 1 : 25 i. 4.5 x 107? In(3.5/2.5) - 4.5 x 107? In(4.5/3.5) i 1 2.5 x 200 59 0.1105 10 1 1 nt ee ie 4! Wim? 9x 10-9 + 2.566 x 10-7 +0.1023+0.1 0.2116 foe Na q = U,A AT = 4.7259 x 2a x 4.5 x 10? x 1 x (120 — 25) = 127 W INTRODUCTION. 5 If the material transport and mixing of matter occurs due to density differences caused by temperature gradient in the medium, then the convection heat transfer is called natural or free convection. On the other hand, if the material transport and mixing of matter is induced by some external agency like a pump, blower, fan or impeller, then the convection heat transfer is called forced convection. We. know. that ‘a hot metal plate cools faster when placed in front of a running fan than when it is exposed to stagnant air. The velocity of the air which is blown over the hot_plate. influences the heat transfer rate. In other words, the effectiveness of heat_transfer depends largely on the material transport and mixing of matter. A study of convection heat transfer requires a knowledge of the fluid flow characteristics. In the analysis of heat transfer problems it is essential to identify the mode of heat transfer as well as whether the process is transient or steady-state. Steady-state implies that the properties of a system at any specified location are independent of time and there is no accumulation of energy in the system and hence there is no change in the internal energy of the system. That is, the rate of heat transfer into the system or rate of heat influx is equal to the rate of heat transfer out of the system or rate of heat efflux. In a steady-state the rate of heat transfer in a system is constant and the temperature at any specified location of a system also does not change with time. On the other hand, if the process is sransient or in an unsteady-state, the temperature at any specified location of the system changes with time and the internal energy of the system also. changes with time. In a transient process the rate of heat influx is not equal to the rate of heat efflux and hence there will be accumulation or depletion of energy in the system. 13° Heat Transfer Laws To perform a quantitative analysis of heat transfer problems, it is essential to know the physical laws and relations which govern the different mechanisms of heat transfer. In this section an clementary discussion of the governing equations for conduction, radiation and convection heat transfer is presented. J31 Conduction Heat Transfer | Joseph Fourier, a French mathematical physicist, made significant contribution to the “analytical treatment of conduction heat“transfer. Fourier’s law of heat conduction states that the rate of heat transfer, per unit area, by conduction is proportional to the normal temperature gradient. That is, a OT cca Oe Ae” DE or ge = —kA Bz (1.1) where qz = rate of heat transfer by conduction CHAPTER TWO ONE-DIMENSIONAL STEADY-STATE HEAT CONDUCTION Learning Objectives This chapter will enable the readers to analyze steady-state one-dimensional heat conduction in a plane wall with constant as well as with temperature dependent thermal conductivity. analyze steady-state one-dimensional heat transfer through a composite wall in which the thermal resistances are connected in series as well as in parallel. draw thermal circuits and equivalent electrical circuits for heat transfer through composite walls. determine the rates of heat transfer through a hollow cylinder and a multilayered cylinder. estimate the critical thickness of insulation of a pipe. analyze heat transfer through spherical shells and estimate the critical radius of insulation of a spherical vessel. determine the temperature distribution in a flat plate and a long cylinder with uniform heat generation. In this chapter, one-dimensional steady-state heat conduction in a few selected simple geometrical configurations is discussed. Quite often an engineer deals with infinitely long walls through which heat flows, long hollow cylinders through which either a cold fluid or a hot fluid flows thereby transferring energy to the surroundings, and spherical shells in which a fluid at a temperature different from that of the surroundings is held, In such cases it is reasonable to assume that heat flows in only one direction and a knowledge of steady-state one-dimensional heat conduction is of considerable practical importance. LO lien (2.1 Steady-State Heat Conduction in a Plane Wall The simplest case of one-dimensional heat flow is the conduction heat transfer through a plane wall. If the two surfaces of a plane wall of thickness £ are maintained at 24 Heat TRANSFER temperatures T; and T9, respectively, then the rate of conduction heat transfer through a homogeneous material is given by _ kA =T) AT _ AT aS Z ~ (kA) Re 21 In general, the thermal conductivity k varies with temperature. The temperature dependence of thermal conductivity for several materials is given by W(T) = hh + 64) where kg = thermal conductivity at zero degree kelvin (G, = temperature coefficient of thermal conductivity k(T) = thermal conductivity at temperature T. If the temperature range to which a material is exposed is small, it is reasonable to neglect the variation of k with temperature. The rate of conduction heat transfer is given by Fourier’s law of heat conduction pe 2.2) dx If energy transfer by conduction takes place in a plane whose thermal conductivity strongly depends on temperature, then Eq. (2.2) can be rewritten as %% e T2 pT2 # [ dx = - war = - | ko(1 + BeT)aT A cu nh Ty eT ] = —hy [roe le =ho [in - m) + & (r?-13)| qh or £ 1+T; ME = iyi —) [1+ 252] or kA Tr) _ km AAT =(h-1)5 irate | = (23) One-Dimensiona STEADY-State Heat Conpuction 25 where the thermal conductivity at the mean temperature (Ty + T,)/2 is given by h+h 2 (2.4) fn = hy [1+ Be EXAMPLE 2.1. The thermal conductivity of pure aluminium is 214.6 W/m K and 228.5 W/m K at 200°C and 300°C, respectively. One surface of a large slab of aluminium of thickness 40.cm is exposed to 300°C while the other surface is maintained at 200°C. Assuming that the thermal conductivity of aluminium varies linearly in this temperature range, determine the rate of conduction heat transfer per unit area through the slab. Also determine the values of ko and (3 for aluminium. SOLUTION If the thermal conductivity is a linear function of temperature, _ 214.6 + 228.5 a 2 ee AT ess 100 % = k,A) 0.4/(221.55 x 1) kin = 221.55 Wim K at T = 250°C = 55.387 kW/m? We know that K(T) = ko(1 + xT) (A) k(573) = 228.5 = ko(1 + 5730x) k(473) = 214.6 = ko(1+4736,) © -——) (sy (B) Subtracting Eq. (B) from Eq. (A), we get 13.9 = 100ko8. or ko Gp = 0.139 (573) = 228.5 = ko + 573ko fj = ko + 573 x 0.139 or ko = 148.853 Wim K and }, = 9.338 x 10-4 K7? ; ¥2,2-Steady-State Heat Conduction in a Composite Wall A composite wall consisting of three layers of different substances having different thicknesses and thermal conductivities is shown in Fig. 2.1. Such composite walls are commonly encountered while dealing with furnaces where the inner layer of thickness 26 Heat TRANSFER £; is made of firebrick (k;). The intermediate layer of thickness £2 is made of insulating brick (k2) which is followed by a masonry brick (k3) of thickness £5. Suppose the two surfaces of the composite wall are maintained at temperatures T; and Ty, respectively, and we are interested in determining the heat flow by conduction through the wall. Fig. 2.1 Temperature profile in a composite wall. In steady-state, there is a continuous heat flow from one layer to the other layer. Hence _kA kA hg q= (Ei -T) = 4 (hi ~ 2) = F(R - Te) (2.5) or (2.6) R= 6/kiA (2.7) = thermal resistance for conduction for layer 7. From Eq. (2.6), one can write _ (2.8) (2.9) (2.10) T, ~T, = o(Ri + Ro + Rs) = q(DRi) One-Dimensional Steapy-State Heat Conpuction 27 or far — oe 2.41 1" Rith+hy SR (2.11) where AT is the overall temperature difference across the composite wall. Equa- tion (2.11) shows that the rate of heat flow is the ratio of the overall temperature difference (driving potential for heat transfer) to the total thermal resistance. This is analogous to the flow of direct current through several electrical resistances connected in series. The thermal circuit and the equivalent electrical circuit for the physical situation shown in Fig. 2.1 is presented in Fig. 2.2. SWWEEWWCEWVC2" (2) Thermal circuit 4 2 4s kgy Reg BEy I (b) Electrical circuit E, Re, Rey Re, E, Fig. 2.2. (a) Thermal circuit, (b) Electrical circuit for the physical situation of Fig. 2.1. _ZEXAMPLE 2.2 A furnace wall consists of three layers. The inner layer of 10 cm thickness is made of firebrick (k = 1.04 W/m K). The intermediate layer of 25 cm thickness is made of masonry brick (k = 0.69 W/m K) followed by a 5 cm thick concrete wall (k = 1.37 W/m K). When the furnace is in continuous operation, the inner surface of the furnace is at 800°C while the outer concrete surface is at 50°C. Calculate (a) the rate of heat loss per unit area of the wall (b) the temperature at the interface of the firebrick and masonry brick and (c) the temperature at the interface of the masonry brick and concrete. SoLution Let A = i m? (a) Thermal resistance of firebrick layer Ly 0.1 =—=—=0. [Ww Ry Ea. noe 0.0962 K/ Thermal resistance of masonry brick layer by 0.25 = — = —— = 0.3623 keA 0.69 7 KW, Ry Thermal resistance of concrete layer 28 Heat TRANSFER Thermal resistance of concrete layer 3 0.05 Rees See. 5 A. 137 = 0.0365 K/W UR; = 0.0962 + 0.3623 + 0.0365 = 0.495 K/W AT _ 750 =o == W/m? f= ory oaen (b) Temperature difference across firebrick layer is given by gRy = 1515 x 0.0962 = 145.7°C*F\ (Fy 7, ) Temperature difference across masonry brick layer is given by qR2 = 1515 x 0.3623 = 548.9°C eile Therefore, temperature at the interface of the firebrick layer and the masonry brick layer = 800 — 145.7 = 654.3°C 4& ret (c) Temperature at the interface of the masonry brick and concrete = 654.3 —548.9 = 105.4°C (> In practice, the surface temperatures are generally not known but the temperatures of the hot gases and cold air to which the surfaces are exposed can be easily estimated or measured. In such cases, it is necessary to include the convection heat transfer from the gases to the surfaces, In a furnace, the hot gases are produced by burning fuel oil or gas and it is possible to estimate the temperature of the combustion products. In general, one does not measure the temperature of the inner surface of a furnace wall. ‘We shall assume that the combustion products are at a known constant temperature ; in the furnace and the surroundings are at constant temperature Ty. Let hj and hy denote the convection heat transfer coefficients or film coefficients at the inner and outer surfaces of the furnace wall. In steady-state, there will be a constant heat flow from the hot combustion products to the surrounding air. A schematic of a furnace wall is shown in Fig. 2.3. Since the rate of heat flow through all the sections are the same in steady-state, we can write a 5 mA kA g=hA(L ~Th) = (1 -B) = Fe - 2s) kg bs It (Tg - Ts) = ho A(Ts — To) (2.12) One-Dimensionat Steady-State Heat ConpucTion 29 qo pet 6 ft, \ | Air Hot gases Direction of heat flow Fig. 2.3 Temperature profile for heat flow through a furnace wall. or T%-T h-hh bh-_h-T —T, 1_ A-Bh_R-B_H 4_%-T 2.13) Ry Ry R3 Ry Rs where R, = 1/h;A = thermal resistance for conduction heat transfer at the inner surface Ry = £;/k,A = thermal resistance for conduction heat transfer in the first layer of the material with thermal conductivity k1. Similarly, Rs,R, = thermal resistances for conduction heat transfer in the second and third layers, respectively Rs 1/hoA = thermal resistance for convection heat transfer at the exterior surface. The temperature differences in Eq. (2.13) can be expressed as T-Th=qh T, -T,=qR2 T, -Ty=qRs (2.14) T3-T, = Ra Ts -T, = 9 Rs 30 HEAT TRANSFER Adding the left-hand and right-hand sides of Eqs. (2.14), we get T; —To = q(Ri + Re + R3 + Ry + Rs) = g(DR) or T,-T, AT ee SS 21 1" Ri+h+Rj+hit+h, OR @45) or Th in Te (2.16) pee lea 72, & 1 hjA mA kA” hgA oA For the physical situation shown in Fig. 2.3, the thermal circuit and the electrical circuit are shown in Fig. 2.4. Fig. 2.4 (a) Thermal circuit and (b) electrical circuit for the physical situation of Fig. 2.3. Example 2.3 Consider the furnace wall described in Example 2.2. If the combustion “products inside the furnace are at 1000°C while the atmospheric air is at 25°C, the convection heat transfer coefficients at the inner and outer surfaces of the wall are 50 W/m? K and 15 W/m? K, respectively. Determine (a) the rate of heat transfer per unit area from the hot gases to the air. (b) the temperature of the interior and exterior surfaces of the furnace wall. SOLUTION (a) It is given that T,=1000°C; T= 25°C . hy = 50 Wim? K; ho = 15 Wim? K Il ky = 1.04 Wim K; kz = 0.69 W/m K; k3 = 1.37 W/m K One-DimeNsIONAL STEADY-State Heat ConpucTion 31 2,=10cm; @2=25cm; and £3=5cm_ [see Fig. 2.3] Let A= 1m’, then Ry = ya 5p 7 002 KW Ra = og = pg 7 00062 KW R= Re = oe = Typ = 0.0865 KIW an Ro = 5g = 7g = 00087 KW DR = 0.02 + 0.0962 + 0.3623 + 0.0365 + 0.0667 = 0.5817 K/W AT 975 1= SR 0.5817 (b) We know that = 1.6761 kW/m? g/A = hi(T, - Ti) or 1676.1 =50(1000—T7;) or T; =966.5°C From Eqs. (2.14) and (2.15), we obtain Ti=To _ Rs AT =R AT x Rs _ 975 x 0.0667 or Ti-To= SR = ORBIT or T,—25=111.8 or Ty =136.8°C. ExamPLe 2.4 Draw (a) the thermal circuit and (b) electrical circuit for Example 2.3. Use a potential difference of 1 volt for 10°C temperature difference and 1 ampere to represent a heat flow rate of 1 kW/m?. SOLUTION In Example 2.3, we found that gq = 1.6761 kW/m?; Ry = 0.02 KW. One-DimeNsiona Steapy-StaTe Heat Conpuction 43 T — Tr, = Rei or 110 — Ty, = 98.59 x 3.183 x 10-$ or T;, = 109.7°C Temperature of the inner surface = 109, PC Tr, —To = 9Re, of Tr, — 5 = 98.59 x 1.061 or T;,, = 109.6°C Temperature of the outer surface = 109.6°C ¢ Conduction in a Composite Cylinder Radial heat flow through the walls of a composite cylinder (or concentric cylinders) having different layers made of materials with different thermal conductivities is commonly encountered in several industrial applications. A typical example is the flow of heat from steam flowing through an insulated pipe. A composite cylinder having three layers made of materials with different thermal conductivities is shown in Fig, 2.11. Fig. 2.11 Sketch of a composite cylinder. In steady-state, the rate of heat flow through each layer is the same. For the inner layer _ _2akie 9= Inga /ra (%-Ti) (2.34) 44 Heat TRANSFER or T-T, =9Ri (2.35) For the intermediate layer Qakk Ti -Th q= invayniy 1-T)= Be (2.36) or : —T=qR2 (2.37) For the outer layer __2aksl 7) _ Tx-To = in(ro/ra) (2 -T.) = Re (2.38) or T, -T, = qRs (2.39) Adding the left-hand and right-hand sides of Eqs. (2.35), (2.37) and (2.39), we get T,-To=9(Rit+Ro+R3)=qR (2.40) or Ti-To T-T R,+Ro+R3 — In(ri/ri) FE In(r2/r1) “i In(ro/r2) Qrkyl Qnkol Qrkg3l q= (2.41) Equation (2.41) can be conveniently rewritten as AT inary) , Intra’) , Inlvo/ra) Qnkye Qkgl Inkse q=UAAT = (2.42) where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient. The overall heat transfer coefficient can be defined based on any area A. Since it is more practical and convenient to measure the outside diameter of the pipe, the overall heat transfer coefficient is usually defined based on the outer surface area Ao. AT In(ri/ri) | In(r2/r1) | In(ro/ra) Qakye Qrkol Qrk3l UpA AT = Uo(2arof)AT = 46 Heat TRANSFER 2.6 Critical Thickness of Insulation - For a plane, addition of an insulating layer or increasing the thickness of the insulation layer increases the thermal resistance for conduction heat transfer and hence results in lower rates of heat transfer. However, for small pipes the addition of an insulating layer may not necessarily reduce the rate of heat transfer. We know that the thermal resistance for conduction in the case of a hollow cylinder of inner radius rj and outer radius ro is given by — in(ro/ri) Re = Ore That is, increasing the value of r, increases the thermal resistance for conduction. We also know that the thermal resistance for convection is given by a ce hodaroe That is, an increase in the value of rp reduces the thermal resistance for convection heat transfer. Since the total thermal resistance for heat transfer is the sum of Ry and R,, it is possible to increase the heat losses from the pipe by adding a small layer of insulation. If the thickness of insulation is further increased, the heat losses from the pipe gradually increase to a higher value than the heat loss from a bare pipe. The thickness of insulation (ro — r;), which yields the maximum heat transfer rate from a pipe is called the critical thickness of insulation. If the thickness of insulation is less than the critical thickness of insulation, the heat transfer rate from an insulated pipe will be more than that of a bare pipe. On the other hand, if the thickness of insulation is greater than the critical thickness of insulation, the heat transfer rate from the insulated pipe reduces and becomes less than that from bare pipe. This information is widely used for insulating the current-carrying wires and cables to increase the heat transfer rate which in turn increases the current-carrying capacity of the wire. Consider a pipe with outer radius rp held at constant temperature T; as shown in Fig. 2.12. The pipe is insulated with a material of thermal conductivity k, to a thickness of (ro — rij). The outer surface of the insulation is exposed to a fluid at constant temperature Tp. The convection heat transfer coefficient between the outer surface and fluid is ho. Fig. 2.12 Schematic of a pipe with insulation. One-Dimensionat Steapy-State HEAT Conpuction 47 Thermal resistance for conduction is given by _ In(ro/ri) Re oake Thermal resistance for convection is given by Rp = Foaaret Total resistance for heat transfer R= R, + R, or In(ro/r1) 1 — Onkl * hpdrroe oul) and Te AT er a (2.47) For a fixed value of AT’ the rate of heat transfer q will be maximum when the total resistance R given by Eq. (2.46) is minimum. Therefore, the critical thickness of insulation can be determined by minimizing R with respect to ro, the outer radius of insulation. That is, dR_d [pez = © dro dra | Qnkk ” hodnrok 1 ne = i or k reate= (2.48) where r¢ is the critical radius of insulation. ees eee “dr? dre [Bra Bor? | rat ion Fora d?R beer at aly G3 Jour, TE\R ) 1B Since dR/dro=0 and d*R/dr?>0, R is minimum and hence q is maximum at To = T¢. 48 Heat TRANSFER The variation of the thermal resistance with the outer radius of insulation is shown in Fig, 2.13. Uninsulated pipe Thermal resistance for conduction Thermal resistance for convection R n Te r* To Fig. 2.13 Sketch illustrating the variation of resistance with the radius of insulation. At r*, the total resistance is the same as that of an uninsulated pipe. If the outer radius of the pipe, ri, is less than ro, then the rate of heat transfer increases by the addition of insulation. On the other hand, if r; > re the rate of heat transfer decreases by the addition of insulation. In electrical conductors, the current- carrying capacity is controlled by the rate of dissipation of ohmic heat. The addition of insulation to current-carrying conductors provides electrical insulation and improves the current-carrying capacity. Exampte 2.11 An electrical wire of 10 m length and 1 mm diameter dissipates 200 W in air at 25°C. The convection heat transfer coefficient between the wire surface and air is 15 W/m? K. (a) Determine the temperature of the wire. (b) If the wire is insulated with mica (k = 0.5815 W/m K) such that its outer diameter increases to 3 mm, determine the temperature of the wire. SoLuTion (a) Let T; = temperature of the wire D = outer diameter of the wire é = length of the wire. Then, q=hAAT = h(xDOAT or 200 = 154 x 1 x 107° x 10(T; — 25) or Tj = 449.4°C 54 HEAT TRANSFER R= Ro, + Rey + Rug + Re, = 8.163 x 107° KW Therefore, 50 9 = S763 x 10-3 ~ 6175 HW 2.9 Critical Radius of Insulation for a Hollow Sphere To determine the critical radius of insulation, let us consider a spherical vessel of inner radius rj and outer radius r;. Let the thermal conductivity of the vessel material be ky. If the vessel is insulated with a material of thermal conductivity k to a radius To, then the rate of heat transfer from the fluid inside the vessel to the surrounding fluid [see Fig. 2.15] is given by Eq. (2.61). The rate of heat transfer will be maximum if the denominator (total resistance, R) of Eq. (2.61) is minimum. Then the critical radius of insulation can be obtained from dR_d [ E m= To-h1 i Gro dre |hgdmr? Saryriky | 4arorik hodar? 9 2k eg ae 0 o r= i (2.62) aR =a [ape 8 eG G3 | are LAPS ord I eyer, BT Hence at the critical radius of insulation r¢, the heat losses will be maximum for a spherical vessel. EXAMPLE 2.15 A hollow spherical vessel of ID = 19 cm and OD = 20 em contains a hot fluid. The fluid is to be cooled by exposing the vessel to a surrounding cold fluid when the outside film coefficient is 10 W/m? K. If the vessel is to be lagged by mica sheet (k = 0.5815 W/m K), determine the thickness of insulation so that the rate of heat transfer from the hot fluid is maximum. SOLUTION We know that the critical radius of insulation for a hollow sphere is given by _ 2k _ 2x 0.5815 = =0.1163 m =11. i To fe To 0.1163 m = 11.63 cm Thickness of insulation = Te—To = 11.63 — 10 = 1.63 cm. CHAPTER SEVEN RapiaTION HEAT TRANSFER Learning Objectives This chapter will enable the readers to understand the meaning of thermal radiation. e define the terms—emissive power, reflectivity, absorptivity and transmissivity. distinguish between regular and diffuse reflection. understand Kirchhoff’s law, the Stefan—Boltzmann law, Planck’s law and Wein’s displacement law. © use radiation functions to determine the energy radiated in a particular range of wavelengths. define radiation intensity, gray body and shape factor. estimate shape factors for various geometrical configurations. understand and apply the shape factor algebra to determine the shape factors for several geometries. e e understand Hottel’s string rule. 7 draw equivalent electrical networks for radiation heat transfer between black bodies and gray bodies. analyze radiation heat exchange between black bodies and gray bodies. define surface resistance to radiation and radiation transfer factor or gray body shape factor. analyze radiation heat exchange in the presence of radiation shields. 7.1 Thermal Radiation In the earlier chapters we have studied the conduction heat transfer. In conduction, heat flows from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature within a medium. In conduction heat transfer, the energy is transmitted by direct molecular communication. In contrast to this, radiation is a process in which heat flows from a high temperature body to a low temperature body when the two bodies are separated from each other in space, even when a vacuuin exits between them. The term radiation is generally applied to all kinds of electromagnetic phenomena. Thermal radiation RapiATION HEAT TRANSFER 9245 is that electromagnetic radiation emitted by a body as a result of its temperature. The radiation energy transfer is explained as the consequence of energy carrying electromagnetic waves. These waves or photons are emitted from the matter. The electromagnetic spectrum ranging from radio waves to gamma rays is shown in Fig. 7.1. The electromagnetic radiation propagates at the speed of light. The wavelength of radiation ) is defined as the ratio of the propagation velocity C’ to the frequency v. That is, d= C/v (7.1) The units of wavelength which are in normal use are centimeter, angstrom (1 As 10-19 m) or micron (micrometer, 1 pm = 10~6m). Thermal radiation wavelengths range from about 0.1 to 100m, while visible light wavelengths range from about 0.35 to 0.75 um - Visible Ultra-violet -Thermal—e} }+— X-rays —e} ‘radiation ' * Fig. 7.1 Electromagnetic spectrum. All bodies continuously emit radiation. Radiation in the wavelength region 0.1 to 100 um, if received by a body, causes its temperature to rise. In this chapter we shall study thermal radiation only. Radiation Properties The total amount of radiation emitted by a body per unit arca and time is called the total emissive power E. The emissive power of a body depends on its temperature and the characteristics of the surface of the body. At a given temperature the quantity of radiation emitted per unit wavelength is different at the various wavelengths. For an ideal radiator, the distribution of emissive power with wavelength is as shown in Fig. 7.2 for different temperatures. It can be observed from these curves that a major portion of radiation is emitted within a narrow band of wavelengths, and the emissive power reaches a peak value at a particular wavelength at a specified temperature. The peak of the curve shifts to shorter wavelengths at higher temperatures. One can characterize the quality of radiation in terms of the wavelength at which maximum” emission occurs. For example, the Sun whose surface temperature is approximately 246 Heat TRANSFER 5800 K emits about 90 percent of its total radiation in the range of wavelengths 0.1 to 3 pm. A body about 1200°C emits most of its radiation in the range of wavelengths 1 to 20 pm. Ordinary window glass transmits radiation upto 2.5 jm but it is opaque to radiation emitted by bodies at 30°C. Hence solar radiation can pass through the window glass. Monochromatic emissive power Wave length, ym Fig. 7.2. Monochromatic emissive power as a function of wavelength at different temperatures. When radiation energy is incident on a body, it is partially reflected, partially trans- mitted and partially absorbed as shown in Fig, 7.3. The reflectivity p is defined as the fraction of the incident radiation reflected from the surface of the body. Incident Reflected radiation radiation AN Absorbed ‘Transmitted radiation Fig. 7.3 Reflection, transmission and absorption of radiation. RapiaTion Heat TRANSFER 247 The transmissivity + is defined as the fraction of the incident radiation transmitted through the body and the absorptivity a is defined as the fraction of the incident radiation absorbed by the body. Therefore ptatr=1 (7.2) Bodies which do not transmit radiation are called opaque and for these substances Eq. (7.2) reduces to pta=1 (73) Most of the solid bodies are opaque to thermal radiation. Glass, rock salt and some inorganic crystals are exceptions among the solids. Many liquids and all gases are transparent to thermal radiation. The reflection of thermal radiation may be regular or diffuse. In regular or specular reflection, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Regular reflection can be observed in highly polished or smooth surfaces. Most of the materials used in industrial appliances do not have smooth surfaces; they have rough surfaces, in the sense that the surfaces have asperities which are larger than one wavelength. The reflection of radiation from a rough surface occurs in all directions and such a reflection is called diffuse. For most practical purposes one can treat the reflection from a surface as diffuse. The values of a, p and r depend on the material, its surface conditions and the wavelength of radiation. 7.3. The Black Body and Kirchoff's Law The black body is an idealization of a radiator. The black body or an ideal radiator is defined as a body which absorbs all the radiation incident upon it and does not reflect or transmit. As a radiator, the black body emits the maximum possible thermal radiation at all wavelengths. The black body is a theoretical concept and is used as a standard of perfection against which the radiation characteristics of real bodies are compared. A black body can be closely approximated in practice to a cavity, like a hollow sphere, the inner surface of which is maintained at a uniform temperature. If a small hole is made in the wall of the sphere, any radiation entering through the hole will get reflected several times at the inner surface as shown in Fig. 7.4. Each time it strikes the surface, a part of it is absorbed. Hence, the radiation beam which leaves the cavity, through the hole, carries negligible energy. The radiation emitted by the interior surface of a cavity is absorbed and refiected several times and fills the cavity. Suppose such a perfect enclosure is available. Now, if we place a body in the enclosure and allow it to come to thermal equilibriuin with the enclosure, then the energy absorbed by the body is equal to the energy emitted by the body. Let A = surface area of the body q@ = absorptivity of the body PrincipLes oF CONVECTION 293 8.1 Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient We have discussed conduction and radiation heat transfer in the earlier chapters. In order to simplify the analysis, we had eliminated, as much as possible, the problems related to convection. In practice, there are several situations in which heat is trans- ferred from the surface of a conducting body to the surrounding fluid by convection. The rate of heat transfer q by convection from the surface of a body to the surrounding fluid is given by q = hA(Ts — Too) (8.1) where T, = temperature of the surface Too = temperature of the fluid A. = surface area of the body h = convection heat transfer coefficient. Equation (8.1) is a definition of the convection heat transfer coefficient and it is not a law of heat transfer. The convection heat transfer coefficient depends on the geometry of the system, the thermal properties of the fluid and the characteristics of the fluid flow. The value of the convection heat transfer coefficient depends on the location where the temperature of the fluid is measured, and h does not remain constant over the entire surface of the body. Though Eq. (8.1) is applicable in evaluating the rate of convection heat transfer, it does not provide any information regarding the mechanism of heat flow. The convection heat transfer analysis requires a knowledge of fluid dynamics in addition to energy balance. The transfer of the heat between a solid surface and the surrounding fluid takes place by a combination of conduction and mass transport. If the surface of the body is at a higher temperature than the fluid, the heat flows first by conduction from the surface of the body to the fluid particles adjacent to the surface of the body. These heated fluid particles are subsequently carried away by the flowing fluid to regions of low temperature, where energy is again transferred by conduction from the not fluid particles to cold fluid particles. Thus the convection heat transfer is closely coupled with fluid motion. Hence, it is necessary to understand the fiow of fluids, before attempting to understand convection heat transfer. 8.2 Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer The flow of the fluid can be laminar or turbulent. In Jaminar or streamline flow, the fluid moves in layers and each fluid particle follows along a smooth and continuous CuHapTeR NINE NaTURAL CONVECTION AND Forcep CONVECTION Learning Objectives This chapter will enable the readers to derive the equation of motion for the free convection boundary layer. © understand the integral method of solution for the free convection boundary layer problem. gain familiarity with several empirical relations for predicting the free convection heat transfer from fiat plates, horizontal cylinders and spheres. . understand the order-of-magnitude analysis. gain familiarity with empirical relations for predicting forced convection heat transfer coefficients for laminar flow and turbulent flow through tubes. define hydraulic diameter and Peclet number. e learn the empirical correlations to predict the heat transfer coefficients for fiuid flow across cylinders and spheres. e know the empirical correlations for predicting forced convection heat transfer coefficients for laminar and turbulent flow across tube banks. 9.1 Introduction Natural or free convection occurs from a surface when a_body is placed in a fiuid at a different temperature. As a result of the temperature difference between the body and the fluid, heat exchanges between them and causes a change in the density_ of the fluid layers adjacent to the surface. This difference in density leads to_the motion of the fluid. The movement of the fluid results from the buoyancy forces. The buoyancy forces which give tise to the free convection currents are called body forces and the associated heat transfer is called natural or free convection. In free convection the intensity of mixing of the fluid is generally small and hence the free convection heat transfer coefficients are lower than the forced convection heat transfer coefficients. Many devices like electri ransformers, heating elements of electric furnaces, radiators used for room he: etc., transfer energy by natural convection. CONDENSATION AND BOILING Heat TRANSFER 375 this chapter we shall study the phenomena of condensation and boiling heat transfer and a few important correlations to estimate the convection heat transfer coefficients. / 10.2Condensation Heat Transfer Suppose a vertical flat plate is exposed to a condensable vapor. If the temperature of the plate is less than the saturation temperature of the vapor, the vapor condenses on the plate surface and flows down under the action of gravity. If the condensate does not wet the plate’s surface, the liquid droplets fall from the surface. This process is termed drop-wise condensation. On the other hand, if the condensate wets the plate’s surface, a smooth film will be formed on the surface. The thickness of the film grows in size as the liquid flows down the surface. This process is called_ film condensation. The liquid film presents additional resistance for heat transfer from the plate to the vapor. In drop-wise condensation, most of the plate’s surface is uncovered and hence the thermal resistance for heat transfer is low. Therefore, the convection heat transfer coefficient in drop-wise condensation will be much higher than in the case of film condensation. In view of the higher values of convection heat transfer coefficients for drop-wise condensation, it ig desirable to maintain the condition of the plate’s surface to have drop-wise condensation. Since most of the surfaces get wet with the condensate, it is quite difficult to have drop-wise condensation. In order to maintain the drop-wise condensation, some surface coatings can be used. 10.2.1 Film Condensation Nusselt analyzed the film condensation and developed relations for the estimation of convection heat transfer coefficients. To illustrate the classical approach of Nusselt, let us consider a vertical plate at constant temperature T,, on which a vapor is condensing as shown in Fig. 10.1. Let T; denote the saturation temperature of the vapor. A continuous film of liquid flows downward under the action of gravity. The thickness of the film increases as more and more vapor condenses at the liquid-vapor interface. Let us choose the positive 2-direction measured downward. Let the film thickness be represented by §. The vapor is at temperature T, at the liquid-vapor interface. Assume that a linear temperature profile exists between the condensing vapor and the surface. That is, the temperature profile is given by (10.1) The weight of the fluid element of thickness dz between y and 6 per unit depth = pg(5 — y)dx The viscous shear force at y = p(du/dy)de 376 HEAT TRANSFER Velocity profile ‘Temperature profile Fig. 10.1 Film condensation on a vertical flat plate. Buoyancy force = p,g(5 — y)dr where p = density of liquid film Py = density of the vapor u = velocity of the liquid film H = viscosity of the fluid 1 acceleration due to gravity. Under steady-state conditions, a force balance on the element of the fluid gives d g(6 — y)dx = aa + peg (5 - y)de du or (5-y)(p- pg = “Gy (10.2) The boundary condition is u=0 at y=0 (10.3) Integrating Eq. (10.2) and using the boundary condition (10.3), we obtain Uy = ool (6 a ) (10.4) CONDENSATION AND BOILING Heat TRANSFER 377 The mass flow rate of the condensate per unit depth of the film at any position x is given by a fs (a (0-09 gy — 2yp)] dy = ea eos (10) As the liquid film flows from x to +dz, the film thickness changes from 6 to 6+d6 as a result of additional condensation. The change in condensate flow rate between x and x + dz is given by d [plo — pug], _ 4 [plo-or)96*) db 5 _ Plo = pv) 9&? =| 7 de = = an aa eds (10.6) The change in condensate flow rate is due to the energy transferred from the condensing vapor to the wall. That is, the heat transferred from the condensing vapor to the wall is equal to the increased mass flow rate times the latent heat of vaporization. Therefore, He 2, eat p(p — pv) gS Bh = kde 10.7) BL 6 where hyg = latent heat of vaporization ~~ W thermal conductivity of the condensate. Equation (10.7) can be integrated, and by using the boundary condition that 6=0 at r=0 we get 4uka(T, - Ty) ] 4 = | (10.8) ghygp(e — Pr) The heat transfer across the condensate layer is by conduction. We can express the local heat transfer coefficient hz as Ts — Tw hade(Tw ~ T.) = kde or k == 10. he iE (10.9) 378 HEAT TRANSFER From Egs. (10.8) and (10.9), we get _ [ple — peghsgk®] /* he [eae sre (10.10) The local Nusselt number Nug is then given by [4 _ he _ [o(e— pe)ghyya?)” Nug = 52 = ath Te) (10.11) An inspection of Eq. (10.10) shows that the heat transfer coefficient for film condensation decreases with increasing distance from the top as the film becomes thicker and thicker. The thickening of the condensate film is similar to the growth of a boundary layer on a flat plate. It can also be observed from Eq. (10.10) that an increase in the temperature difference (T,; — Ty) causes a decrease in the heat transfer coefficient. i The average value of the heat transfer coefficient h for a vapor condensing on a plate of length @ is obtained by integrating the local value hz over the plate and by dividing by the length. eo haz [ede = Shane (10.12) 5 or aman | ee aie h = 0.943 eae where the subscript f denotes that the properties should be evaluated at the film temperature Ty given by _%+Tw 5 (10.14) Ty Rohsenow performed a refined analysis of this problem and obtained results which are in better agreement with the experimental data if Pr > 0.5 and c(T;—Tw)/hyg S 1.0. Similar results can also be obtained by replacing hy, by hy, in Eqs. (10.10)— (10.13), where hy, is defined as Rigg = hfg + 0.68c(T; - Tw) (10.15) where c is the specific heat of the condensate. 384 HEAT TRANSFER This equation is valid for low vapor Reynolds number Re,, which should be evaluated at the inlet conditions to the tube. — dhe My Rey < 35,000 (10.24) 10.2.4 Condensation of Superheated Vapors The equations developed earlier are strictly applicable to the condensation of saturated vapors. However, the same equations can also be used with reasonable accuracy for condensation of superheated vapors. The heat transfer rate from a superheated vapor to a wall at Ty, is given by q=hA(T! -Tw) (10.25) where Ty is the saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure of the super- heated vapor. 10.3. Drop-wise Condensation If the surface on which condensation takes place is coated with an agent such that the condensate does not wet the surface, the vapor condenses in drops rather than as a continuous film. In drop-wise condensation, a large part of the surface is not covered by a liquid film which acts as an additional resistance for heat transfer. Therefore, in drop-wise condensation the heat transfer coefficients can be as high as 4 to 8 times that of film condensation. 10.4 Boiling Heat Transfer Heat transfer to boiling liquids is a convection process involving a phase change from liquid to vapor. The phenomenon of boiling heat transfer is considered to be more complex than the phenomenon of convection heat transfer without phase change. An examination of the boiling phenomenon with the help of high speed photography has revealed distinct boiling regimes in which the heat transfer mechanisms are quite different. To understand the characteristics of various boiling regimes, let us consider a simple system consisting of an electrically heated wire which is completely submerged in a pool of liquid at saturation temperature. Boiling in such situations is called pool boiling. An example of pool boiling is the boiling of water in a kettle placed on a stove, If the temperature of the heating surface is not much above the boiling point of the liquid, heat transfer to the liquid occurs by natural convection. If the temperature ONe-DiMeNsiONAL Steaby-State HEAT CONDUCTION 67 12. What is meant by overall heat transfer coefficient? 13. Express the overall heat transfer coefficient, based on the outer area for the transfer of heat from a hot fluid flowing in a pipe to a cold fluid to which the pipe is exposed, in terms of film coefficients and radii of the pipe. 14. Addition of an insulating layer to a plane wall reduces the rate of heat transfer. Will this be always true in the case of a pipe or a cylinder? 15. What is meant by critical radius of insulation? 16. What is the critical radius ‘of insulation for a cylinder? 17. In the case of a pipe, is it possible that the rate of heat transfer for an insulated pipe will be identical with that of the bare pipe? Explain with the help of a diagram showing heat transfer rate as a function of insulation thickness. 18. What is the thermal resistance for conduction fot a hollow sphere? 19. How does one redefine A and ¢ for the relation g = (kKAAT)/E£ to be valid for conduction heat transfer in a hollow sphere? 20. What is the critical radius of insulation for a hollow sphere? 21. Sketch the temperature distribution in a flat plate, with uniform heat generation, the surfaces of which are maintained at the same constant temperature. 22. If both the surfaces of a long flat plate with uniform heat generation are maintained at the same constant temperature, which point of the plate will attain maximum temperature? 23. Specify the location of maximum temperature in a long solid cylinder, with uniform heat generation, the outer surface of which is maintained at constant temperature. 24. Specify the expression to describe the temperature distribution in a long solid cylinder, with uniform heat generation, the outer surface of which is maintained at constant temperature. Problems 2.1 A concrete wall (k = 1.37W/m K) of 10 cm thickness is to be plastered with gypsum (k = 0.48 W/m K) so that the heat losses from the wall do not exceed 500 W/m? when the inner and outer surfaces of the wall are at 110°C and 40°C, respectively. Determine the thickness of plastering to be added to the concrete wall. 2.2 When the two surfaces of a plane wall of 4 cm thickness of unknown material are maintained at 80°C and 40°C, respectively, the centre plane was found to be at 50°C and the heat flow through the wall was 8 kW/m?. Determine the thermal conductivity of the material as a function of temperature. 2.3 An oven wall is formed by 0.5 cm thick chrome-nickel (k = 19 W/m K) supported by 1 cm thick asbestos (k = 0.1105 W/m K) sheet. When the oven is operated in steady-state, the inner surface of the chrome-nickel sheet is at 300°C while One-Dimensional Steapy-State Heat Conpuction 69 transfer coefficient between the outer surface and the surrounding air under these conditions is 20 W/m? K. The current passing through the electrical resistance could not be measured as the ammeter failed. Determine the thermal conductivity of the material. Insulation lv Thermocouples Electrical resistance Insulator ® [uw 10 cro] leo Fig. 2.21 Sketch for Problem 2.8. It is required to reduce the heat loss from a furnace wall by doubling the thickness of the irisulating brick work. Initially the temperatures of the inner and outer surfaces of the insulating brick are 480°C and 180°C, respectively. The atmospheric air is at 30°C. Calculate the percentage decrease in heat loss because of doubling of the thickness of insulating brick. A steel pipe of 5 em OD is covered with 0.5 cm asbestos (k = 0.1105 W/m K) followed by 0.5 cm thick glass wool (k = 0.038 W/m K) insulation. It was found that the insulation temperature reached a steady-state value of 40°C, while the pipe surface is at 150°C and the atmospheric air to which the insulated pipe is exposed is at 25°C. Determine the temperature at the interface of the asbestos and glass wool and the film coefficient between the glass wool and atmospheric air. The inner surface of a thick invar (k = 10.7 W/m K) cylinder of ID = 2 cm and OD = 12 cm is held at 150°C, while the outer surface is at 50°C. Calculate the temperatures at r = 2 cm, 3 om, 4 cm and 5 om. In a steam radiator saturated steam at 120°C flows through a carbon-steel (k = 54 W/m K) tube of 1.5 cm ID and 2.5 cm OD. The radiator is placed in a room in which the ait is at S°C. The convection heat transfer coefficient between the

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