Chapter 1 - Differential GPS: RTO-AG-160-V21 1 - 1
Chapter 1 - Differential GPS: RTO-AG-160-V21 1 - 1
Satellite navigation systems can provide far higher accuracy than any other current long and medium
range navigation system. Specifically, in the case of GPS, differential techniques have been developed
which can provide accuracies comparable with current landing systems. The aim of this chapter is to
provide an overview of current DGPS techniques and flight applications. Due to the existence of a copious
literature on GPS basic principles and applications, they will not be deeply covered in this dissertation.
Only a brief review of GPS fundamental characteristics is presented in Annex A, with an emphasis on
aspects relevant to the scope of this dissertation.
Differential GPS (DGPS) was developed to meet the needs of positioning and distance-measuring
applications that required higher accuracies than stand-alone Precise Positioning Service (PPS) or Standard
Positioning service (SPS) GPS could deliver. DGPS involves the use of a control or reference receiver at a
known location to measure the systematic GPS errors; and, by taking advantage of the spatial correlation of
the errors, the errors can then be removed from the measurement taken by moving or remote receivers
located in the same general vicinity. There have been a wide variety of implementations described for
affecting such a DGPS system. It is the intent in this chapter to characterise various DGPS systems and
compare their strengths and weaknesses in flight applications. Two general categories of differential GPS
systems can be identified: those that rely primarily upon the code measurements and those that rely primarily
upon the carrier phase measurements. Using carrier phase, high accuracy can be obtained (centimetre level),
but the solution suffers from integer ambiguity and cycle slips. Whenever a cycle slip occurs, it must be
corrected for, and the integer ambiguity must be re-calculated. The pseudorange solution is more robust,
but less accurate (2 to 5 m). It does not suffer from cycle slips and therefore there is no need for
RTO-AG-160-V21 1-1
Surveyed GPS
Data Link
(D)GPS Reference
Data Link
The common errors include signal path delays through the atmosphere, and satellite clock and ephemeris
errors. For PPS users, the common satellite errors are residual system errors that are normally present in
the PVT (Position, Velocity, and Time) solution. For SPS users, the common satellite errors (typically
affected by larger ionospheric propagation errors than SPS) also included the intentionally added errors
from Selective Availability (SA), which have been removed with the current US-DoD policy. Errors that
are unique to each receiver, such as receiver measurement noise and multipath, cannot be removed without
additional recursive processing (by the reference receiver, user receiver, or both) to provide an averaged,
smoothed, or filtered solution [1]. Greater receiver noise and multipath errors are present in SPS DGPS
Various DGPS techniques are employed depending on the accuracy desired, where the data processing is
to be performed, and whether real-time results are required. If real-time results are required then a datalink
is also required. For applications without a real-time requirement, the data can be collected and processed
later. The accuracy requirements usually dictate which measurements are used and what algorithms are
employed. Under normal conditions, DGPS accuracy is largely independent of whether SPS or PPS is
being used (although, as mentioned before, greater receiver noise and multipath errors are present in SPS
DGPS). When SA was on, real-time PPS DGPS had a lower data rate than SPS DGPS because the rate of
change of the nominal system errors was slower than the rate of change of SA. In any case, the user and
the Reference Station must be using the same service (either PPS or SPS).
The clock and frequency biases for a particular satellite will appear the same to all users since these
parameters are unaffected by signal propagation or distance from the satellite. The pseudorange and delta-
range (Doppler) measurements will be different for different users because they will be at different
locations and have different relative velocities with respect to the satellite, but the satellite clock and
frequency bias will be common error components of those measurements. The signal propagation delay is
truly a common error for receivers in the same location, but as the distance between receivers increases,
1-2 RTO-AG-160-V21
this error gradually de-correlates and becomes independent. The satellite ephemeris has errors in all three
dimensions. Therefore, part of the error will appear as a common range error and part will remain a
residual ephemeris error. The residual portion is normally small and its impact is small for similar
observation angles to the satellite.
The accepted standard for SPS DGPS was developed by the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime
Services (RTCM) Special Committee-104 [2, 3]. The RTCM developed standards for use of differential
corrections, and defined the data format to be used between the reference station and the user. The data
interchange format for NATO PPS DGPS is documented in STANAG 4392. The SPS reversionary mode
specified in STANAG 4392 is compatible with the RTCM SC-104 standards. The standards are primarily
intended for real-time operational use and cover a wide range of DGPS measurement types. Most SPS
DGPS receivers are compatible with the RTCM SC-104 differential message formats. DGPS standards
have also been developed by the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) for special
Category-I (CAT-I) precision approach using range-code differential. The standards are contained in
RTCA document DO-217. This document is intended only for limited use until an international standard
can be developed for precision approach [4].
If the RS provides position corrections rather than pseudorange corrections, the corrections are simply
determined by subtracting the measured position from the surveyed position. The advantage of using
position corrections is obviously the simplicity of the calculations. The disadvantage is that the reference
receiver and the user receiver must use the exact same set of satellites. This can be accomplished by
coordinating the choice of satellite between the RR and the UR, or by having the RS compute a position
correction for each possible combination of satellites. For these reasons, it is usually more flexible and
efficient to provide pseudorange corrections rather than position corrections. The RTCM SC-104, NATO
STANAG 4392, and RTCA DO-217 formats are all based on pseudorange rather than position corrections.
The pseudorange or position corrections are time tagged with the time that the measurements were taken.
In real-time systems, the rate of change of the corrections is also calculated. This allows the user
to propagate the corrections to the time that they are actually applied to the user position solution.
This reduces the impact of data latency on the accuracy of the system, but does not eliminate it entirely.
SPS corrections become fully uncorrelated with the user measurements after about 2 minutes. Corrections
used after two minutes may produce solutions which are less accurate than stand-alone SPS GPS.
PPS corrections can remain correlated with the user measurements for 10 minutes or more under benign
(slowly changing) ionospheric conditions.
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There are two ways of pseudorange data processing: post-mission and real-time processing. The advantage
of the post-mission solution over the real-time one, is that it is more accurate, because the user can easily
detect blunders and analyse the residuals of the solution. On the other hand the main disadvantage of the
post-mission solution is that the results are not available immediately for navigation. The typical algorithm
of the ranging-code DGPS post-processed solution is the double difference pseudorange.
The mathematical models for both single difference and double difference observables are developed in
the following paragraphs.
The basic mathematical model for single difference pseudorange observation is the following (refer to
equation A.7 of Section A.4 in Annex A):
1-4 RTO-AG-160-V21
where Pi p is the pseudorange measurement, ρi p denotes the geometric distance between the stations and
satellite, dti denotes the receiver’s clock offsets, di , p denotes the receiver’s hardware code delays, dip, p
denotes the multipath of the codes, ∆ε p denotes the measurement noise and c is the velocity of light.
Equation (1.1) represents the single difference pseudorange observable between receivers. Another type of
single difference apart from (1.1), is known as between-satellite single difference.
There are four unknowns in equation (1.1) assuming that the co-ordinates of station k are known and that
the difference in clock drifts is one unknown. Hence, four satellites are required to provide four single
difference equations in order to solve for the unknowns. Single differences with code observations are
frequently used in relative (differential) navigation [6].
There are three unknowns in equation (1.2); the co-ordinates of station l. A minimum of four satellites is
required to form a minimum of three double difference equations in order to solve for the unknowns.
Using the propagation of errors law, it is shown that the double difference observables are twice as noisy
as the pure pseudoranges [5]:
σ DD = σ P2 + σ P2 + σ P2 + σ P2 = 2σ P (1.3)
but they are more accurate, because most of the errors are removed. Note that multipath remains, because
it cannot be modelled and it is independent for each receiver.
RTO-AG-160-V21 1-5
f i f k
ΦiAB ( τ ) = ⋅ ρ AB ( t ) + ΦiAB (τ ) − N AB
; ΦkAB ( τ ) = ⋅ ρ AB ( t ) + ΦkAB (τ ) − N AB
c c
f j f l
( τ ) = ⋅ ρ AB ( t ) + Φ AB
(τ ) − N AB
; ΦlAB ( τ ) = ⋅ ρ AB ( t ) + ΦlAB (τ ) − N AB
c c
where N ABij
= N AB
− N AB
i ij
, and the only unknowns being the double-difference phase ambiguity N AB and
the receiver co-ordinates. The local clock error is differenced out.
Two receivers A and B, and four satellites i, j, k, and l, will give 3 double difference equations with
ij ik
unknown co-ordinates (X, Y, Z), of A and B, and the unknown integer ambiguities N AB , N AB ,
and N AB :
f ij f ik
ΦijAB ( τ ) = ρ AB ( t ) − N AB
; ΦikAB ( τ ) = ρ AB ( t ) − N AB
c c
f il
ΦilAB ( τ ) = ρ AB ( t ) − N AB
1-6 RTO-AG-160-V21
∂Φ ∂Φ ∂Φ ∂Φ ∂Φ ∂Φ
dX A + dYA + dZ A + dX B + dYB + dZ
∂X A ∂YA ∂Z A ∂X B ∂YB ∂ZB B
∂Φ ∂Φ ∂Φ ∂Φ
+ dN1 + dN 2 + dN3...+ dC+... = ( ΦO − ΦC ) + v
∂N1 ∂N2 ∂N 3 ∂C
X A , YA , Z A = Co-ordinates of Receiver A;
X B , YB , Z B = Co-ordinates of Receiver B;
N1, N2, N3 = Integer Ambiguities;
C = Tropospheric Factor;
(Φ O
−Φ C
) = Observed minus Computed Observable; and
ν = Residual.
From equation (1.8) the unknown receiver co-ordinates can be computed. It is necessary, however,
to determine the carrier phase integer ambiguities (i.e., the integer number of complete wavelengths between
the receiver and satellites).
In certain surveying applications, this integer ambiguity can be resolved by starting with the mobile
receiver antenna within a wavelength of the reference receiver antenna. Both receivers start with the same
integer ambiguity, so the difference is zero and drops out of the double-difference equations. Thereafter,
the phase shift that the mobile receiver observes (whole cycles) is the integer phase difference between the
two receivers. For other applications where it is not practical to bring the reference and mobile antennas
together, the reference and mobile receivers can solve for the ambiguities independently as part of an
initialisation process. One way is to place the mobile receiver at a surveyed location. In this case the initial
difference is not necessarily zero, but it is an easily calculated value.
For some applications, it is essential to be able to solve for integer ambiguity at an unknown location
or while in motion (or both). In this case, solving for the integer ambiguity usually consists of eliminating
incorrect solutions until the correct solution is found. A good initial estimate of position (such as
from ranging-code differential) helps to keep the initial number of candidate solutions small [8].
Redundant measurements over time and/or from extra satellite signals are used to isolate the correct
solution. These “search” techniques can take as little as a few seconds or up to several minutes to perform
and can require significant computer processing power. This version of the carrier-phase DGPS technique
is typically called “Kinematic GPS” (KGPS). If carrier track or phase lock on a satellite is interrupted
(cycle slip) and the integer count is lost, then the initialisation process must be repeated for that satellite.
Causes of cycle slips range from physical obstruction of the antenna to the sudden acceleration of the user
platform. Output data flow may also be interrupted if the receiver is not collecting redundant
measurements form extra satellites to maintain the position solution. If a precise position solution is
maintained, re-initialisation for the “lost” satellite can be almost immediate.
Developing a robust and rapid method of initialisation and re-initialisation is the primary challenge facing
designers of real-time systems that have a safety critical application such as aircraft precision approach.
A description of techniques for solving ambiguities both in real-time and post-processing applications,
together with information about cycle slips repair techniques can be found in the references [9 – 17].
RTO-AG-160-V21 1-7
the receiver or on suitable media and processed at a later time. In most cases to achieve surveying
accuracies, the data must be post-processed using precise ephemeris data that is only available after the
survey data has been collected. Similarly, for some test applications the cost and effort to maintain a real-
time datalink may be unnecessary. Nevertheless, low-precision real-time outputs can be useful to confirm
that a test is progressing properly even if the accuracy of the results will be enhanced later. Differential
corrections or measurements can be uplinked in real-time from the reference station to the users. This is
the most common technique where a large number of users must be served in real-time. For military
purposes and proprietary commercial services, the uplink can be encrypted to restrict the use of the DGPS
signals to a selected group of users. Differential corrections can be transmitted to the user at different
frequencies. With the exception of satellite datalinks there is generally a trade-off between the range of the
system and the update rate of the corrections [18, 19]. As an example Table 1-1 lists a number of
frequency bands, the range, and the rate at which the corrections could be updated using the standard
RTCM SC-104 format [2, 3, 20].
An uplink can be a separate transmitter/receiver system or the DGPS signals can be superimposed on a
GPS-link L-band ranging signal. The uplink acts as a pseudo-satellite or “pseudolite” and delivers the
ranging signal and DGPS data via the RF section of the user receiver, much in the same way the GPS
navigation message is transmitted. The advantages are that the additional ranging signal(s) can increase
the availability of the position solution and decrease carrier-phase initialisation time. However, the RS and
URs become more complex, and the system has a very short range (a few kilometres at the most). This is
not only because of the line of sight restriction, but also the power must be kept low in order to avoid
interference with the real satellite signals (i.e., the pseudolite can become a GPS jammer if it overpowers
the GPS satellite signals).
A downlink option is also possible from the users to the RS or other central collection point. In this case
the differential solutions are all calculated at a central location. This is often the case for test range
applications where precise vehicle tracking is desired, but the information is not used aboard the vehicle.
The downlink data can be position data plus the satellite tracked, or pseudorange and deltarange
measurements, or it can be the raw GPS signals translated to an intermediate frequency. The translator
method can often be the least expensive with respect to user equipment, and therefore is often used in
munitions testing where the user equipment may be expendable. More details about these applications are
given in Chapter 4.
1-8 RTO-AG-160-V21
ionospheric, and tropospheric errors. The errors are likely to remain highly correlated within a distance of
350 km [20], but practical systems are often limited by the datalink to an effective range of around
170 km. Such systems are usually called Local Area DGPS (LADGPS).
DGPS systems that compensate for accuracy degradation over large areas are referred to as wide area
DGPS (WADGPS) systems. They usually employ a network of reference receivers that are coordinated to
provide DGPS data that is valid over a wide coverage area. Such systems typically are designed to
broadcast the DGPS data via satellite, although a network of ground transmission sites is also feasible.
A user receiver typically must employ special algorithms to derive the ionospheric and tropospheric
corrections that are appropriate for its location from the observations taken at the various reference sites.
The United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, and Australia have developed or are planning to deploy
WADGPS systems transmitting from geostationary satellites for use by commercial aviation [21].
The satellites can also provide GPS-like ranging signals. Other nations may participate by providing clock
corrections only from single sites or small networks, requiring the user to derive ionospheric corrections
from an ionospheric model or dual-frequency measurements. Some commercial DGPS services broadcast
the data from multiple reference stations via satellite. However, several such systems remain a group of
LADGPS rather than WADGPS systems. This is because the reference stations are not integrated into a
network, therefore the user accuracy degrades with distance from the individual reference sites.
Many recent applications of DGPS use C/A code pseudorange as the only observable, with achieved
accuracies of 1 to 5 m in real-time. Other applications use both pseudorange (C/A or P code) and carrier
phase observables. Very Precise DGPS (VPDGPS) and Ultra Precise DGPS (UPDGPS) are the state-of-
the-art ASHTECH packages, taking advantage of precise dual band P code pseudorange and carrier phase
observables and is capable of On-The-Fly (OTF) ambiguity resolution. ASHTECH has developed various
techniques which achieve increased accuracy at the expense of increased complexity (many other receiver
manufacturers deliver likewise solutions). The ASHTECH classification scheme of these techniques is
presented in Table 1-2 [26].
A discussion of DGPS error sources is presented below, together with a comparison between non-
differential GPS and DGPS error budgets.
RTO-AG-160-V21 1-9
Table 1-3 summarises the above stated error sources giving an estimation of their magnitudes and the
possible improvement provided by DGPS [18].
Ephemeris 5 – 20 0–1
Ionosphere 15 – 20 2–3
Troposphere 3–4 1
Satellite Clock 3 0
Multipath 2 2
Receiver Noise 2 2
Selective Availability 50 0
It should be stated that the error from multipath is site dependent and the value in Table 1-3 is only an
example. The receiver clock drift is not mentioned in Table 1-3, because it is usually treated as an extra
parameter and corrected in the standard solution. Furthermore, it does not significantly add to differential
errors. Multipath and receiver noise errors cannot be corrected by DGPS.
The strategy used for correcting GPS errors and induced biases is the following:
• Selective Availability Errors. These errors are only of concern to the SPS user. They resemble
the naturally occurring ephemeris and clock errors, except that they can be larger in magnitude
and can change more rapidly. The epsilon error can be a three dimensional error. Therefore,
part of the error will appear as a common range error and part will remain a residual ephemeris
error. The residual portion is normally small and its impact remains small for similar look angles
to the satellite. The dither error can appear as a time and frequency bias. This will be an error
common to all receivers and will not be affected by signal propagation or distance from the
satellite. However, since it is rapidly changing, any delay between the time of measurement at the
reference station and time of use at the user receiver will result in a residual clock error.
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SPS DGPS systems are normally designed with a rate-of-change term in the corrections and rapid
update rates to minimise this effect.
• Ionospheric and Tropospheric Delays. For users near the reference station, the respective signal
paths to the satellite are close enough together that the compensation is almost complete. As the
user to RS separation is increased, the different ionospheric and tropospheric paths to the satellites
can be far enough apart that the ionospheric and tropospheric delays are no longer common errors.
Thus, as the distance between the RS and user receiver increases the effectiveness of the
atmospheric delay corrections decreases.
• Ephemeris Error. This error is effectively compensated unless it has quite a large out-of-range
component (e.g., 1000 metres or more due to an error in a satellite navigation message). Even then,
the error will be small if the distance between the reference receiver and user receiver is small.
• Satellite Clock Error. Except in a satellite failure situation, this error is more slowly changing
than the SA dither error. For all practical purposes, this error is completely compensated, as long
as both reference and user receivers employ the same satellite clock correction data.
Table 1-4 shows the error budget determined for a SPS DGPS system with increasing distances from the
Reference Station.
Table 1-4: SPS DGPS Errors (ft) with Increasing Distance from the Reference Station
SA 0 0 0 0
Propagation Errors:
Ionosphere 0 7.2 16 21
Troposphere 0 6 6 6
User Segment:
Receiver Noise 3 3 3 3
Multipath 0 0 0 0
As already mentioned, the correlation of the errors experienced at the RS and the user location is largely
dependent on the distance between them. As the separation of the user from the RS increases so does the
probability of significant differing ionospheric and tropospheric conditions at the two sites. Similarly,
the increasing separation also means that a different geometrical component of the ephemeris error is seen
RTO-AG-160-V21 1 - 11
by the RR and UR. This is commonly referred to as “Spatial Decorrelation” of the ephemeris and
atmospheric errors. In general, the errors are highly correlated for a user within 350 km of the RS. In most
cases however, if the distance is greater than 250 km the user will obtain better results using correction
models for ionospheric and tropospheric delay [18, 27]. Since the RR noise and multipath errors are
included in the differential corrections and become part of the user’s error budget (root-sum-squared with
the user receiver noise and multipath errors), the receiver noise and multipath error components in the
non-differential receiver can be lower than the correspondent error components experienced in the DGPS
The other type of error introduced in real-time DGPS positioning systems is the datalink “age of
corrections”. This error is introduced due to the latency of the transmitted corrections (i.e., the transmitted
corrections of epoch t0 arrive at the moving receiver at epoch t0 + dt ). These corrections are not the
correct ones, because they were calculated under different SA/AS conditions. Hence, the co-ordinates of
the UR would be slightly offset.
Regarding DGPS, it should be underlined that it does more than increasing the GPS positioning accuracy,
it also enhances GPS integrity by compensating for anomalies in the satellite ranging signals and
navigation data message. The range and range rate corrections provided in the ranging-code DGPS
correction message can compensate for ramp and step type anomalies in the individual satellite signals,
until the corrections exceed the maximum values or rates allowed in the correction format. If these limits
are exceeded, the user can be warned not to use a particular satellite by placing “do-not-use” bit patterns in
the corrections for that satellite (as defined in STANAG 4392 or RTCM SC-104 message formats) or by
omitting the corrections for that satellite. As mentioned before, step anomalies will normally cause carrier-
phase DGPS receivers to lose lock on the carrier phase, causing the reference and user receivers to
reinitialise. UR noise, processing anomalies, and multipath at the user GPS antenna cannot be corrected by
a DGPS system. These errors are included in the overall DGPS error budget.
Errors in determining or transmitting the satellite corrections may be passed on to the differential user if
integrity checks are not provided within the RS. These errors can include inaccuracies in the RS antenna
location that bias the corrections, systematic multipath due to poor antenna sighting (usually in low elevation
angle satellites), algorithmic errors, receiver inter-channel bias errors, receiver clock errors, and
communication errors. For these reasons, typical WADGPS and LADGPS RS designs also include integrity
checking provisions to guarantee the validity of the corrections before and after broadcast [21, 29].
1 - 12 RTO-AG-160-V21
True Location
Space Segment
Indicated Location
Atmospheric Effects
•Vector Corrections
•Use/Don’t Use
Integrity •Ranging Signal
User Segment
Ground Segment
WAAS is designed to provide precision approach capability (3-dimensional guidance) for Category 1
(CAT-1) approaches with the following availability:
• Better Than 95% Available in the majority of Continental US (CONUS); and
• Rest of U.S. – Available, but less than 95%.
Furthermore, for en-route through non-precision approaches the following availability is specified:
• 50% of Continental US – Better than 99.9% Availability; and
• Rest of U.S. – Available, but less than 99.9%.
The Vertical Protection Level (VPL) currently offered by the WAAS service in CONUS is shown in
Figure 1-4.
RTO-AG-160-V21 1 - 13
The objective of LAAS (Figure 1-5) is to provide category II and III Precision Approach (PA) at those
airports that require the capability and CAT-I PA at those facilities where WAAS PA is not available.
True Location
Indicated Location
Atmospheric Effects
50 NM
User Segment
•Ranging Signal
Reference Station
1 - 14 RTO-AG-160-V21
Local Pseudolites Broadcasting (LPB) is implemented in order to make available additional ranging
signals for an increased availability and accuracy [31]. More detailed information about recent LAAS,
WAAS and Pseudolites systems developments can be found in the references [30 – 33].
[1] Chao, C.H. (1998). “High Precision Differential GPS”. MSc Dissertation. Institute of Engineering
Surveying and Space Geodesy (Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy (IESSG)) –
University of Nottingham.
[2] RTCM Special Committee No. 104. (1990). “RTCM Recommended Standards for Differential
NAVSTAR GPS Service”. Radio Technical Committee for Maritime Services. Paper 134-89/SC104-
68. Washington DC (USA).
[3] RTCM Special Committee No. 104. (1994). “RTCM Recommended Standards for Differential
NAVSTAR GPS Service”. Radio Technical Committee for Maritime Services. Paper 194-93/SC104-
STD. Washington DC (USA).
[4] Joint Program Office (JPO). (1997). “NAVSTAR GPS User Equipment, Introduction”. Public
Release Version. US Air Force Space Systems Division, NAVSTAR-GPS Joint Program Office
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[5] Walsh, D. (1994). “Kinematic GPS Ambiguity Resolution”. PhD Thesis, Institute of Engineering
Surveying and Space Geodesy (IESSG), University of Nottingham.
[6] Seeber, G. (1994). “Satellite Geodesy”. Second Edition. Artech House Publishers. New York (USA).
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[8] Ashkenazi, V., Moore, T. and Westrop, J.M. (1990). “Combining Pseudo-range and Phase for
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[10] Euler, H.J. and Landau, H. (1992). “Fast GPS Ambiguity Resolution On-The-Fly for Real-time
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Columbus (Ohio).
[11] Euler, H.J. (1994). “Achieving high-accuracy relative positioning in real-time: system design,
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[12] Hansen, P. (1994). “Real-time GPS Carrier Phase Navigation”. The University of Nottingham,
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RTO-AG-160-V21 1 - 15
[13] Hatch, R.R. (1990). “Instantaneous Ambiguity Resolution”. Presented at the KIS Symposium. Banff
[14] Hatch, R.R. (1991). “Ambiguity Resolution While Moving, Experimental Results”. Proc. of ION
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[15] Kleusberg, A. (1986). “Kinematic Relative Positioning Using GPS Code and Carrier Beat Phase
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[16] Landau, H. (1992). “On-The-Fly Ambiguity Resolution Using Differential P-code Group and Phase
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[17] Mader, G. (1986). “Dynamic Positioning using GPS Carrier Phase Measurements”. Manuscripte
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[18] Moore, T. (2002). “An Introduction to Differential GPS”. Lecture Notes, Institute of Engineering
Surveying and Space Geodesy (IESSG) – University of Nottingham (UK).
[19] Moore, T. (2002). “GPS Orbit Determination and Fiducial Networks”. Lecture Notes, Institute of
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[20] Cross, P.A. and Roberts, W.D.S. (1990). “Differential Offshore Positioning using Block II GPS
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[21] Keith, A. (2000). “Using Wide Area Differential GPS to improve total system error for precision
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[22] Parkinson, B.W., Spilker, J.J., Jr. Editors. (1996). “Global Positioning System: Theory and
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[25] Ashkenazi, V., Summerfield, P. and Westrop, J. (1990). “Kinematic Positioning by GPS”. Tiré a part
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[26] Qin, X., Gourevitch, S. and Kuhl, M. (1992). “Very Precise Differential GPS – Development Status
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