What Is "Operations Research"?: Science

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What is “Operations Research”?

• other names: management science, decision

• application of information technology for decision-
• designing systems to operate in the most effective
way or
deciding how to allocate scarce human resources,
equipment, or facilities
• closely related to several other fields:
o applied mathematics,
o computer science,
o economics,
o industrial engineering, and
o systems engineering
Typical problems faced by an O.R.
• In what sequence should parts be produced on a
machine in
order to minimize the change-over time?
• How can a dress manufacturer lay out its patterns
on rolls of
cloth to minimize wasted material?
• How many elevators should be installed in a new
building to achieve an acceptable expected waiting
• What's the most efficient route for a long-distance
• What is the lowest-cost formula for chicken feed
which will
provide required quantities of necessary minerals and
The Problem-Solving Process
• formulate the problem—study the situation to
o objectives (for example, minimize cost or
maximize profit),
o alternative actions,
o constraints on the solutions,
o data requirements
• translate the problem from verbal and qualitative
into a mathematical, quantitative model
o the model will be an abstraction or simplification
of the
real situation
o some elements (unimportant, we hope) may be
ignored in
order to simplify the model
• select a computational method to solve the model
• evaluate the validity of the solution—
o is it reasonable?
o have we ignored some important requirement?
Partly because the course is being taught in
your greatest challenge will probably be the first
• formulating the problem in a verbal,
statement, and
• translating that verbal statement into a
mathematical statement
These steps involve more “art” than “science”!
Types of O.R. models to be studied in
this course:
• (Continuous) linear programming
• Integer linear programming
• Network flow models
• Project scheduling
• Decision trees
• Dynamic programming
Other O.R. models
• Nonlinear programming
• Markov chains (for random processes)
• Queueing (waiting line) models
• Simulation models
• Game theory
• Inventory theory
• Reliabilit

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