STWS Business Model Archetypes

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seizing the white

business model innovation

Growth and renewal
for mark w. johnson

Business Model Archetypes

solution shop value-adding process facilitated networks


Connect users with

Provide high-volume,
Experts draw upon similar jobs-to-be done
scaled products and
intuition and problem- into a system where
Customer Value services to fulfill more
solving skills to analyze they can exchange,
Proposition pattern recognition and
problems and then share, buy, and sell
rules-based jobs-to-be-
recommend solutions goods and knowledge
done at lower cost
with other participants

Fee for service, high Fee for outcome, lower

Membership subscrip-
margin, high overhead, margins, low overhead,
Profit formula low resource velocity high resource velocity,
tion, advertising, and
transaction-based fees

Size and composition

Predictable processes,
Key resources of customer base; IT
People and knowledge integrated systems,
+ processes system that enables

Consumer bank-
System integrators,
Retail, manufactur- ing, online auctions,
law services, consult-
Examples ing firms, advertising
ing, education, food Internet bulletinboards,
services telecommunications

© 2009 Innosight LLC

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