A list of Vivendi’s major subsidiaries, joint ventures and other associated entities is set forth in Note 28.
Full consolidation
All companies in which Vivendi has a controlling interest, specifically those in which it has the power to govern the
financial and operational policies to obtain benefits from their operations, are fully consolidated. A controlling position is
deemed to exist when Vivendi holds, directly or indirectly, a voting interest exceeding 50% and no other shareholder or
group of shareholders may exercise substantive participation rights that would enable it to veto or block ordinary decisions
taken by Vivendi.
A controlling position also exists when Vivendi, holding an interest of 50% or less in an entity, has
(i) control over more than 50% of the voting rights of such entity by virtue of an agreement with other investors; (ii) the
power to govern the financial and operational policies of the entity by virtue of a statute or contract,
(iii) the right to appoint or remove from office the majority of the members of the board of directors or other governing body
(iv) the power to assemble the majority of voting rights at meetings of the board of directors or other governing body.
Vivendi consolidates special purpose entities that it controls in substance because it has the right to obtain a majority of
benefits, or because it retains the majority of residual risks inherent in the special purpose entity or its assets.
Proportionate consolidation
Companies that are controlled jointly by Vivendi or another member of the group and a limited number of other shareholders
under the terms of a contractual arrangement are proportionally consolidated.
Equity accounting
Entities over which Vivendi exercises significant influence are accounted for under the equity method. Significant influence
is presumed to exist when Vivendi holds, directly or indirectly, at least 20% of an entity’s voting rights unless it can be
clearly demonstrated that Vivendi does not exercise significant influence. Significant influence can be demonstrated on the
basis of other criteria, such as representation on the board of directors or the entity’s equivalent governing body,
participation in policy-making processes, material transactions with the entity or interchange of managerial personnel.
Subsequently, goodwill is measured at cost less recorded accumulated impairment losses. In addition, the following
principles are applied to business combinations:
if possible on the acquisition date, goodwill is allocated to each cash-generating unit likely to benefit from the
business combination;
in the event of acquisition of an additional interest in a subsidiary, the excess of the acquisition cost over the
carrying value of minority interests acquired is recognized as goodwill; and
goodwill is not amortized.
Financial Assets
Financial assets consist of financial assets measured at fair value and financial assets recognized at amortized cost. Financial
assets are initially recognized at the fair value of the consideration given, for which the best evidence is the acquisition cost
(including associated acquisition costs, if any).