PROPOSAL On Assessing The Role of Work Motivation On Employee Performance

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the role of work Motivation

on Employee Performance

The main purpose of this study was to” assess the role of work motivation on employee
performance”. This study in an assessment of this purpose used deductive approach in
which a qualitative survey was carried out among students, who are assumed to be future
employees .The survey was intended to get their responses on what they feel is (are) the
best factors that could motivate them as future employees among a list of ten
motivational factors. In this light the study sets to identify the most ranked factors among
the ten motivational factors.

The analysis from the empirical findings showed that Job satisfaction was the most
ranked factor for both sub groups that made up the sample survey. However a study from
previous researches used in this study showed that different results could be obtained
from different groups of already working employees. This study therefore can be seen as
an introduction to a more detailed study to be carried by future researchers on the field of
employee’s motivation.

Research Question/Problem Statements

As a research question, the research seeks to answer what role does motivation play in
enhancing performance in organisation. This will be possible through analysis of
information gathered from students at IRAQ University. Hence this thesis is mainly
Objectives /purpose of Study

In trying to find an answer(s) to the research question and on the basis of the above
introduction discussion and research question, the main purposes developed for this thesis
is to assess the factors that motivate employees to perform best at work. This is done by
carrying out a survey in which respondents responding to a survey, ranked the least to
most important factor on a list of ten factors un to how these factors influence them.

Limitations and Demarcations

The limitation is being considered in relation to the natural explanation to which the
researcher has limited the study and the active choices to limit the study area that is
financial motivation as a determinant of performance. The study is limited to existing
theories and models, and their influence and limitation on performance enhancement. By
considering the financial and non-financial aspect of motivation on employees’
performance relating to existing theories and models, I intend to mark a demarcation for
the study. Here I have considered limitation inline with the research objective that is the
study is limited. I believe that with the changing nature of the work force, recent trends in
development, information and technology, the issue of financial motivation becomes
consent on one of the most important assets in an organization. A lot has been said on the
outside forces of an organization. This research considers the inside forces as a starting
point. Ideally, a study of all the explanatory variables will be considered appropriate in
order to capture the interactive influences of other variables and thus be able to come up
with holistic and generally more acceptable results, of financial motivation and

Chapter Two
- What is motivation
- Motivational theories
- History and explanation of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs
- Organisational/managerial applications of Maslow need theory
- Criticisms of Maslow’s need theory
- Empirical studies on employees motivation using Maslow’s model

Chapter Three
- Scientific method
- Choice of subject
- Perspective
- Preconception
- Scientific ideal
- Scientific approach
- Research method

Chapter Four
- Sample
- Data collection
- Choice of investigating factors
- Criticism of data
- Data analysis
- Quality of research design
- Degree of generalization

Chapter Five
- General results
- Gender (male/female)
- Age group

Chapter Six
- Analysis of the empirical finding
- Gender
- Age group
- Conclusions
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Contributions
- Recommendations
- Reference list
- Appendix
- List of tables

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