1001 Designs For Whittling and Woodcarving

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With Over 1800 Illustrations


E. J. Tangerman

1001 Designs for Whittling and Woodcarving



New York

To :Molly. who Ior almost ~f a century has understood and pardoned my chips nod du~t, absent-mindedness, d:nion Of lrrita 'lilily. ur-ted my productions. renden_-d flduve whel'l askad and faced uncornplauung the e"dles- problems that beset the helpmates of whittlers nod wcodcarvers-s-and through her 10 tho!;!' halprnates, as well <IS to those carvers who have read and used my book.~Bl1d toJd me 50. TIley have taught me more than J can ever leach them.

Copyright (A1l:'<TIAhl e. 1<176 hy E ,I lhnWrman

All rlgh15 reserved under Pan runcct<'ilJ1 and Inl(:rrtnllrn:]31 COf.lynght CmWl'llllons..

BIl;)lIograplllcal Note

Thts noW'r rrliUon. n..." publIShed In 1994_ 10. an 1ln;]brldgcd r"'lltlbll.C<ltLon oJ the work originally Jlubltl!hl.!(l by McGral!. ... f-{l1I Book Crnnp.:I11Y. fllI:\\- "Irk. In 1975 The present edition tncorpcmtce a kw 11111101" ~(lT: 'MImi,;.

Library Q[Congress Camloglng-/n-PublicatiolO. Data Thn~n"Tl. E J. (Elmer Johnl. 1907-

J 00 1 rleslgl'lS fm wlllHllng and wocdearvt ns! E . .J. l:'rlwnnllrJ

p. em.

Drlgrnall)" published, New York M('vrmv UII1. r.l 0.76_ rlldtltl~ 1.J11.Jltu~rapblr.al rckn;:nCI;l> 11l'~ 111t!C:C

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J- Wwd-c.U\,lng. L Tltlc. II True; OIl<' thOU!'<lod one Iks~ fDr -whIttling tlnd woodcurvtng,

TH99.7.1'326 1994

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Mllnufilclur~d In the Unlt~ States of Amerrea

Dover Pu1.JllcalJoll~, hlC. :u Ii:a.~r 2n:l "Ir~. Mlntvill. N_Y 11501

'* Let Me Say at the Outset ...

''With chiselled touch/The stone unhewn and cold/Becomes a living mold./The more the marble wastes/The more the statue grows." Thus wrote a poet four hundred years ago. He was also 8. scientist, architect and engineer, but even better known as a painter and sculptor. He was a genius-and probably the greatest artist that ever lived, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). He frequently said that sculpture was the highest of the arts,

Second only to Leonardo was Michelangelo Buonarroti 0475-1564), also architect. engineer, scientist, painter and sculptor, who said, "Sculpture is the queen of the arts; the others are but handmaidens. It creates; the others merely imitate."

Longfellow, writing of Michelangelo, echoes this opinion: "Sculpture is more than painting. It is greater to raise the dead to life than to create phantoms that seem to live." Similar sennrnents have been echoed by many authors. Karin Michaelis, in Little Troll, describes her visit to Ivan Mestrovich: or •• , the small and slender sculptor of giant heroic figures. I had seen many of his works in European museums. But when he took me around to his studio. I was surprised to see woodcarvings. in addition to the marble, clay and bronze figures] had expected. He told me in his soft, pleasant voice, that he loved to work in wood best of all. Since Donatello, I have never seen faces carved in wood with such vitality, so much humanity, and such power."

Richard Llewellyn, in How Green Was My Valley, writes: "I found little joy in working with iron, for it had no will of its own. A pump On the bellows, a heat blown pale, and out comes your iron like a slave. ready to be hrt in any shape you please. In wood, you must work with care, and respect. and love. For wood has soul and spirit, and is not at the mercy of triflers. One slip of your chisel in carelessness or ignorance. one shave too many with your plane, and your work is ruined, and fit only for burning."

We who carve wood obviously have a rich heritage. It is an achievement to produce something of beauty and strength in wood, and

more of an achievement to create something new and different. But many of us are impatient; because we come to woodcarving with known manual skill, we expect to become instant sculptors. This is usually at to be. Even Leonardo and Michelangelo spent years in study and practice before they achieved acclaim. So did Riemenschneider, Gibbons, Durer and the other greats. First they copied and learned.

This is my purpose here: to provide such help as I can to anyone interested in shaping wood into objects of beauty. I have. in previous books. detailed the fundamentals as well as I know how; it is my intention here to provide more ideas, more designs. more starting points. [0 the interest of providing additional examples, 1 have avoided step-by-step detailing on most, limiting my explanations to those steps or procedures that J feel may be different or require especial care and attention or skill. Most of the designs are new; some, however. are old and hallowed but not readily available. As in earlier books, [ am not devoting myself to masterpieces "for inspiration" (and little else. as far as most of us are concerned). Instead, I will concentrate on smaller works of people all over the world who may be more gifted or inspired than we but in many cases are no better craftsmen. My search has been for ideas, not for talent; for source material, not for unattainable ideals.

AFo in The Modern Book of Whittlmg and Woodcarving (1973), most of the drawings are half-sized patterns. with at least two views for in-the-round pieces. They can be enlarged easily by photostat or the method of squares (see page 90). They are grouped, as far as feasible. by subject. difficuJty and technique; the examples become more diffic t-at least in my opinion-c-as you go.

So: for those of you who are impatient with the sameness of our mass-produced world, and want to express yourself, here are ideas from all over the earth, With my sincere and admiring thanks to those artists. named and unnamed, who created them. Tum the page, and you're on your own. Good luck, and happy carving!


'* Christmas Ornaments for Fun or Profit:

Silhouettes Are the Key to Success

Chrtstmas decorations are excellent exercises for tyro whittle and can be first-class problems for the skilled woodcarver, dependi g upon the design and the detail. For at least a two-month period every year, newspapers and magazines are filled with potential patterns. People decorate for Christmas more than for any other holiday, so your products can be given as presents or sold with considerable ease. (l know several carvers whose Christmas trees have only whittled ornaments.) A mere silhouette, pamted, is perfectly acceptable, and minor crudeness in design or execution is considered "primitive" and hence allowable

The designs I have drawn here are less familiar ones, many of them from foreign countries, but they have the characteristic that they can be done as simple two-dimensional silhouettes, as low-relief carvings, or as fully in-the-round designs in most cases, and the amount of detail can suit your own desire or skill, And they are not shapes that will be found in the usual store displays or whacked out in plastics-s-at least at the tune this is written.

While Germans produce all sorts of decorations for Christmas trees, other nations tend to stress the Nativity and thus produce a great many designs of the three Magi, the Holy

111",,, omnrn e- " lin:> .. I"tlled from tlun ",hire

pme MId pninl.;:d In btiAl.t .",foro. They enn lliso Ilc !llirl~-Gllrv<'d or <~,~. if pr.ucrred. 10 ItnproV" .hodow ~·CI .. <.1.5, btll tlK:) are ,,,!tIfft1 ... b· )eeb ~ ""inling ~ Ibey CIIn a.ond oUI all,nnst any tmcqround. 11m RTOIJP 01 upper leI, "",J.ud"" """ II~"'''' Dol.kelcncrJ. g fnr" .. hcr'"ni!<l owl nd 0

jeoI ..... mudo Crom thov,l..,. The owl '" a deliIII' ilirrcrenl from most nnd ~n be nlUd<! in 111.: round and r",;'hI:'t' wilh curr.,,'I ... hrp Hldi~'kl<l of thO' 'ernl",,", or ,.,,,h RO".,.· cubo. lr w,1I al!;o rnake n good deok ""men!." I on u bas ... Th hlll!IB" fogu .... u '"'' S'1lIlti CIoLl>, LUI a MnRUt wcn'lnR B crown .. nd .. loO!! robc.. He en .roe. conventIOnnI,zcd bUll rnlh<ll' IIlan fr f)k.nee""'" 0<' myrrh HI Iht! WL L Lnl &.l'bllborsle cn:~ ke ( or JO r


Family and the like. In the panel of drawings, the two silhouettes at upper left and the group at center right Illustrate this. They come from the Philippines and were onginalJy done in transparent capiz shell bound in brass, but they can be made of wood just as readily. Other forms of the three Magi are the modern group at center. the panel at lower right and the traditional form at left center. all from Mexico, as are the three angel patterns at center left and the tree with star at lower left. These were made in both tinplate find wood, painted. The angel with trumpet at lower right is an American Colonial design, now also appearing in Mexico, and the twin angels at the bottom can be extended to 3S long a decorative strip as you like, with color variations to suit your fancy. The angel just above the twins is very interestmg; It IS made from thm veneers or shavings, the body being a cone, and the wings and arms shaped pieces, all glued around a whittled head that can be detailed or just a painted ball.

The miscellaneous group at upper right are South European in origin and decoration. and can be used as Chri tmas tree ornaments, window decorations, parts of a mobile, or as pendants from light fixtures and the like. Tn their original form, most were thin wood, painted on both sides, but the unicorn and two of the birds were cloth and were triangular in cross-section-and were made ill Taiwan. I have included them here both because of their unique design and to suggest the triangular

shape, thicker at the bottom, as an interesting variation on flat silhouettes. The three elaborate enameled birds at left bottom are cerved in various shapes in Mexico and Guatemala and decorated in multiple colors, find the buck near tbem is a familiar Christmas ornament in Scandinavia. All are in-the-round in the original form and are made in various materials-and the buck was woven in straw!

Familiar figures also make good subjects-witness the snowman (and snowwornan) at bottom and the hobby-horse at bottom right. There are also a number of bell forms. the standard one (shown in a group of four as a decoration), the ball-shaped ones once so common for sleighbells. and the Swiss cowbell (lower left). The latter one was commonly carved from w ,so it had a deeper tone than conventional bells. It makes a complicated hollowing problem if carved in-the-round unless you make it in halves and assemble by gluing. All these figures, incidentally, should be suspended by a single thread; J prefer nylo filament glued into a tiny drilled hole. In some cases, I have indicated the approximate balance point with a small arrow; it will vary with your whittling, of course.

An these figures can he laic! out easily on thin wood and sawed to shape, then cleaned up and painted. or they can be carved from a flat piece or a block. I wouJd suggest painting them with colors, so they Will be readily VISIble and contribute their share to the holiday cheer.

Lt·I'-'I'h"~" s·, ... MII"I • .....,,~ ",,,d e by Dnll,.!<l M Fi'lIII"'. H e ,k,m"., :'>I.Y~ of I '<1-m. willi." prne, Til" ..... 0<1 '" TUUl!d..J wi,h Ih" h.d, carved Irk" ... Dlllchb4>bl>NI ""ie, hir.l. Dn I"" rnrellt'OO. The 'nee" In"!:", "Ill" ncrmnl and c,,,,,,,,,""t<! '''gl>lI), to lK'tt1l1 'h" lips E)'o ~n<l moulh II~ pnrnl"d on Tbe """Po .11"", ,. "_ItT. Belnw-M('xican l'8.nlJ>d btm.. and on old" r RUd'Dn 'FaJ hr-r Ffn)! f· who flo\\.·~1J y, hef.tr~' rtt.J.rrnbi,.. (KJr SIn11.~ CL-uJ

.:JF Molds for Butter and Cookies:

Intaglio Designs Are Easy Exercises

In these days of oleomargarine and fast-food service, of TV dinners, vitamins, weight and cholesterol consciousness, it is surprising to find the good old-fashioned butter and cookie molds still extant. They are relics of the days of fonnal food; all northern European countries produced and used them: Germany (remember the pictures pressed into SpringerIe?), Denmark, Sweden. Norway, England, Wales. And. from these sources, we in America also sed them, particularly among the people of English origin aJong the East Coast and the Pennsylvania Dutch. Nowadays, you'll find the cookie press or roller in "oldfashioned country stores" and the butter molds in gift shops (or in the luggage of travelers returning from Scandinavia; these molds are to be looked at more than used.)

Both cookie and butter molds have a peculiarity: They fire usually carved in intaglio so the product has a raised design rather than an inset one. For the carver, this offers an interesting variation from the usual raised design, and patterns range from the very simple to the very complex, so some can be chosen to meet any level of skill. Some can be carved with the knife alone; others go much better with gouges and a veiner or V-tool. In every case. however, it is essential to have sloping sides on the design and a smooth finish. Many of the designs are symbolic or reminiscent of an area, but others feature coats of arms, family crests, elaborate flower or animal patterns and Chip-carved variations. The best of them all are the simplest, particularly for the cookie molds. because the cookie itself is porous and does not hold detail too well.

I have drawn a number of designs from

various countries and of varying degrees of complexity, as well as the more elaborate forms of butter press. Some consideration must, of course, be given to final form of the stamp before the design is laid out on wood, Cookie stamps fall into five basic forms:

1. A single stamp of some regular geometnc shape, possibly enclosed by a sleeve which retains and sizes the butter pressed into the mold and can be slipped back to release the finished pat.

2. A large disk, to form the top of a large block. 3. A four-sided box with a lop. air hinged together, and which produces butter cubes with designs on the five visible sides.

4. A lour-sided hinged "fence" with a design in each panel, which can be dosed and locked with a pin, and a top carrying a design also which fits over the closed fence.

5. Two mating plates having opposite halves of a figure which has its own silhouette, rather than a pat shape.

Most of these are made from pine or basswood, so must not be wetted, or the wood swells and makes difficulties with the fitting. (The trick is to have the butter hard enough to press in and not lo stick.) The commonest is the first.

Cookie molds, on the other hand. are much more simple. because they are usually used to press the design into the hot surface of the cookie as it comes from the oven, or to press the design into the raised cookie just before it goes into the oven. Thus the simplest form of cookie stamp is just that: a block or disk. usuaJly larger than a butter stamp, with a handle for convenience. For multiple impres-

Two cookiu mold. "00 " him". mold Tit I a. f",. nshl '" for buuer pm. ...... ilh $I~ ... "e In III" Imllilionnl pino'BPpI" desi II. n", ",nlt'l mold. ", Ih .... 'm.- rI""ign. b: 10 """'" on hOI ginger """kic~.md i!. aboullt'l,! !II. in <lit"..-tee, of prn ... Til e- "to5&-halched IlIIllcm wae I1Uld .. DCI by '''''''''1' nas, bUI by indiv;dll,,1 'nclunlaUnns. Th i:s IIl1d I hu iI>,,·hnnd mold I .nad .. for Ih" locnI hi'lori~1\l ~c ; .1lL' ~f1- hnnd 01'" Impr~ .... mrme and II ..... h""", of 111" perun.ul. on «>c>kl'" on', J rn. ", d_"r It.s of prim", em.



Ind<lIl'CS '''p,n'''' """'I,"'l'*lf


sions, the patterns may be cut into a wood panel divided into squares which can also divide a cookie block into appropriate squares; or a rolling pin. which has the designs worked into its surface so it can be rolled over a sheet of dough or cake.

In making any design, the secret is to preserve an adequate slope on the sides of each cut sa the butter or cookie will not stick In the channels. The greater the slope. the easier the parting and the less distinct the design. so a happy medium must be found. Gouge cuts, unless made with a very deep-sweep gouge, are naturally sloped on the side walls, as are V-tool cuts. But veiner cuts must not be too deep, and knife cuts must be clean-walled and without corner and bottom slivers.

This all assumes. of course. that the carvings are to be used. II the designs are made instead as decorations for a box. tray. or other object-even a ring-the sidewalls can be vertical. But, if the carving is to be used as a pattern for gingerbread men or similar figures to be convened into metal molds. due allowance must again be made for "draw." In this case, however, the pattern will usually be carved in relief. so the slope or draw allowances on vertical surfaces must be reversed. (There was a time when It was quite fashionahie to have your own molds of brass or cast iron for gingerbread and cakes, or of nickelsilver for chocolate-aU made from carved wooden patterns. Now. such molds for gingerbread CAn be purchased at places like Wil-

Those r. ... ··pnfl mold. pm-

t.lw: bUlIl't blocks"'" .11 dot, i~ n. an ell r nil r sLdm nnd .op. They ere complIT"d here for ,It eo wnh B mold 'ar pOi". n.., moW be!m1O '" • ccnrplex nnrJt~ .nll h'nsing job. wh.ch t've found t>.o!lUl" for dis· pI"~' ,1011 n rOT US£..

liarnsburg, but usually they ere hung on the kitchen wall rather than used.)

For patterns, and for cookie molds, a harder wood like muple or cherry will work better than pine. This IS also true of butter molds made with a sleeve; apparently the denser wood has less tendency to stick. Also, in the case of the sleeved mold for butter. itis quite usual to turn the elements in a wood lathe. so that the design must be carved in end grain. This offers 110 particular problem, if you keep your tools sharp; in fact. it reduces the likel ihood of slivers and vertical lines, since the end grain tends to break out slightly at the surface.

The same designs and principles can be apphed to molds for other purposes-for jellies. aspics and other foods. plaster, plastics. soap. rubber. In such cases It is better to finish the interior WIth a smooth and impervious coating to prevent sticking. These intaglio designs can be made also In beUer woods, like mahogany or walnut. to be finished by varnishing and waxing and hung as decorations, In this case. of course, it is unnecessary to provide "draw" or slope on the sides and designs can be deeper; thus sharper shadows can be obtained.


*" Chip Carving: Ancient and International:

Interest Is Reviving in This Simple Craft

Chip carving seems to have been a sponteneous expression of man's desire to express his appreciation of utilitarian objects by decorating them. It antedates more formal carving and seems to have been developed independently in many areas. It has been familiar for a thousand years or so in Europe. particularly in Holland, Germany and Scandinavia; it was in fact called "Friesland" or "Friesian" carving because of its prevalence in that area of the Netherlands. The Pennsylvania. Dutch brought it to the United States, as they did its companion, so-called "tramp carving." Russian peasants used it on their mangle boards a hundred years ago at Ieast. And Captain Cook saw it in the South Pacific in areas where the white man had never been before.

Chip carving is essentially geometric and based 00 a triangle with a deeper cut apex.. It is a form of surface decoration-so the triangle<: can be arranged in patterns. given more elongated shapes. made arcuate, converted

into and interspersed with special shapes or even worked into quite sophisticated pictures. But in every case, the form is essentially a variation of the triangle and the individual cut is a V -grcove of some sort. Loose use of the term by some antique hounds for other kinds of peasant carving or folk art is In error, just as is calling it tramp carving, of which I will show an example later.

In many respects. chip carving is like rug weaving; it is anexercise In patience because it consists ·o.f the repetition of basically the same forms. It must be sharp and neat and without comer splinters. ao tools must be kept sh .. arp and must be carefully handled, and grain direction must be kept constantly in mind. Chisels can be used, of course, but on most woods a stiff-bladed knife is faster and easier. Any blade with a point can he used, but if a great deal of surface is to be covered. it is advisable to buy or make two special blades m,e those sketched .. They can he ground from

1'11" pip<" ,"ok below, 3' 7 17' m.. WWI

m""" as " """,bum<! ttl"!:.· property 9 nd ch i p carvin g pic<:e. On il I o:tJml)i" ell n IIUII1b(: r '" b.'I:'lk Il"";B"'. plu on C"I:k- ....,... 1M "1"OOr"'I" <"mporImCTl' rod. The CA""" rufnr J(-fr " AltiC8 n, show. dup J1 rv InK u,,,,b,,,,,",, wilh ''l nares cut 1 It n;,ngh ;0 dm1c Im .. h an loR'" "'''oil.



I ~ I

---~- ~\., ARc frczd

- - - Von HOlilf¢1'

old sawbJades or other tempered steel and equipped with handles that leave only a short length of blade exposed. The skew-shaped blade is pushed down into the wood for IhG to I/A inch. with its point at the apex of the triangle to be cut. then rocked back until the edge reaches the base of the triangle. It is lifted out and reinserted at the same point, but this time aligned with the opposite side of the triangle and the cut repeated, The splitting knife IS used to cut out the wedge-shaped chip thus formed. This will leave an incised triangle, deeper at the apex and reaching the surface along the base lioe. And so on, ad infinitum. Each triangle should take only three cuts if done properly. Only when elaborate whorls and other forms are carved is the skew-shaped blade moved along during a cut. And only when flowers or other breaks in the design are added is it necessary to use other tools. then usually only a veiner,

If the skew blade is ground with an included angle of 60 de ees, then driven vertically into the wood, it will cut a line about 30 degrees with the surface. The splitting kmfe can be held at this same angle, so cut triangles are

uniform in depth-which is important. Chip carving should not be deep.

The second design to try is a larger triangle. about the width of the skew blade, roughly 1/:1 inch on a side. Draw from each corner a line to the center, and cut the three small triangles thus produced, inserting the skew knife at the center for each parting cut. This will produce a triangle with a depressed center. (The same technique can be used for a square or a hexagon shape.) Such triangles are the basis for a number of square designs, some of which are shown on boxes illustrated here. The third design, a rosette, IS produced by drawing a circle, then dividing the circumference into IS-degree segments. Using each of the circumference points asa center in turn, and the same radius, draw arcs from the points on the circumference to the center. Every other one Will be the ridge between arcuate triongles, the alternates the valleys of triangles. Draw your splitting knife along the vaHey lines, varying depth from nothing at the center to IIp. in. at the edge. then slice in at an angle from the ridge line on each side, thus removing an arcuate triangle. It requires a sharp edge and


Below left-MI!J!;can chnir lind btidal du .. " of ",~il" pille, fkcomlcd wl.th chip--CIIl'Yinll m<>til .. wllh v",,,cr lines. Left And I><:'ow-Do"". cn rv m by ,tudenl,; 10 Ih~l bel('!w I ,ldlted lin ,nclsed

some care, because you are crossing grain, but the resulting wheel has more freedom and movement than the usual geometric pattern.

Chip carving is largeJy variations of these three patterns, singly or combined to fit an area. I have shown a number of the variations in the pipe rack, which I made for a Revolutionary War play in 1949, at the same time including as many chip-carving patterns as I could find space for converuently. The basic patterns, however, have been standard for several hundred years at least-I showed as many as I could then recall in Design and

Top 1<'II-Trnmp.oQlf\"rd plctu,,, Itwn", m,,1le Ih Ih" I/lle IBOO, by

Aile" H"I , 11,,· pk.IU'" io "".",1 c""'_ by l.&,", Bloosam.

Tr"'''11 il1g. ,ellUIUtlly oJQn~ by Ir<In1pS In .,',"m lor 10M m .. ~~ .

... aompi)' 'lAck! or unn·wood _11111&1". ol dimin .. hotj; 1<1" •• "",h nolched .10111: ,h. ~r.<."t Thlo rrfif7l" i9 ,,"'''' dDbcf1l'.~ limn masl (be WlI, no trnmp), "o,-inC liRhl hnd dn,k 51>(:10""" "nd " eornbinarion .. r r<Xllmgulnr pyrftmi,l, nl I he <e,rII"", '00 .. lonC:"led one-< nnin~ Ihe;,ru., Abm<c---Wnlnu! h.·uIIIlllIlTtlr, """"" by Fmn" Cole """"l 1970, .""'ther tamnpl.- "r '!R,pl" des;1Ch gOd teehruq .... 1hN! """Ie, ""I 10 • dr.tmJIllc pte..: ... U<fl middle A ChIll"W ho~ I,,,,h .... rem ... I)' .unple owl ... ee P~lI",""" II f""" linp~ <'i"-~ '''&1:",1 no, ... " ......

I harbor sc:encs with .arnpen Willi h .. cW"lI.n ."k.,. ,Ie,"_

11, .. ,ed1l1iqul! IS quit" .In'I,l,·. l..-fl- n:...t tel""," graduated 1M .[if!1011 11'- Th" III>I><-r <0"" lS B tlu ...... pteee n ..... nb:!y. trulde 01 Ion!!,," dcp"'",'''' "lid .. n end blod!. i;lu,..J "lUi b,"tldl!{j. The middl£' One i.. ~ '" n. 01 hnm boo>, u II Ii "0 G th .. Rr .. a ter Ihlck nes. o{ II", jnin I !"

ptt>dure ""'Im~ wedges, which t» l"IVal!d lOSt",h e r Th .. 001-

If)m n,,., ... <me pi""", of .wk. anl1 has SImple d«:nmuon t ( n.".., .. mid "1IIe!O en the .,<1.". n,aae ron be d""" w "h ,,10.1' Dlr-'If\1l and added v *; ........ r hiles.

Figure Carving in 1939 and have repeated them here merely for convenience.

1 have also included on this page several designs closely allied to chip carving, of which tramp carving is currently most III the public eye. It is an extremely simple technique-merely a series of notches around the edges of rectangles of diminishing size stacked into a pyramid, The wood was orange crates or cigar boxes (then mahogany) and the work reputedly done by tramps in return for a handout. The example I have pictured was done however, by a solid citizen,


'* Instruments-And Other Noisemakers:

Percussion, Reed, Wind and String

Man has, for millennia. made instruments of one kind or another from wood, some simply carved to shape, but many decorated, Some are just noisemakers to our sophisticated ears-s-and some. like the drum. are primarily devices for producing a rhythm rather than a variety of musical tones. The drum. perhaps the oldest of Instruments. undoubtedly grew out of the observation that a hollow log. when pounded. will make a resonant sound, and some native groups still make them that way, porhaps adding a skin head so the pounding can be more subtle. Others make drums by hollowing the log. both with tools and with controlled fire-just as they make dugout canoes and caskets. While African native drums have become most familiar to us through story and OUI' own African-derived pop [ntion, hollow log drums are still used in remote areas of Central America and the South Pacific. as a means of communication as well as a source of music. A more modern variant is the wooden bell. often incorporating one or more clappers 8S in Switzerland and Thailand. Another lineal derivative is the

WI-High ~n II ... moun-

I In< of northem M",,;cc .h" T"".Itumnl'tI1nt!~n'. pnmitive find ~e .. jb!e UnliT rl'n'nlly. built n rep· ut.:moa (M !he'll ,·I!<lurnfl«> '0.5 rnnl!.-dicrame ntnnOF.!II lind [",. ,h .. ir "inIm~. Thio one, wllid. pl"y. '1'''''' well <1,'''1'''1' lad< nf vBrnall. ,,. soUndPOOI, j bl>,,~ht for $6 hiCe in Ihe :;ixties. inlc:nd .. Inl: 10 ... ,risec·Cl1rvl! '1. II was CODlJ1frr .. wi1h bnw 811" ~lrll1g5


marimba, which apparently originated both in Southeast Asia and in Africa and was originally just a series of wooden bars having different tones. This same basic instrument is represented in the quite sophisticated modern marimbas in Guatemala, for example. as well as the xylophone.

Another simple instrument. again made and used all over the world, is the horn. It probably originated as an actual animal horn; we have ancient surface-carved examples. In the same family are reed pipes and (] utes, as well as whistles. (The Sakai, a very primitive tribe in the Malay peninsula, and the Basques, not at all primitive, still make and play the nose flute--which to me seems a hard way to make music.) But we also have the Jewish shofar, Arab fhltes. Balkan shepherd's pipes, Indian flutes, oboes, bassoons, and the Swiss alphorn. all made of wood, or largely so, Elaborately chip-carved wooden pipes are a popular Balkan tourist item, as are Arab and Indian flutes, carved with more conventional designs. The alphorn, perhaps man's largest musical. instrument after the pipe organ (which once also had pipes of wood-the Bamboo Organ, outside Manila, still does), ranges from 12 to 20 feet long and is audible for more than three miles in the Alps. It is used to call cattle and to calm them in storms and at milking time. but is now disappearing; there are fewer than twenty makers left. It is made from a fir tree that has been bent naturally to the right angle by snow. This is spilt lengthwise. hollowed out and polished before reassembly with natural skelp, then varnished until it is waterproof. Ornamentation is usually through burned-in designs, and it has a separate whittled mouthpiece. Shaping alone takes seventy to three hundred hours. A skilled player can produce several notes-which so impressed Brahms that he took down a simple melody that he

I.<'II-W"o<l.", lelnple bell f,fltn Th .. iJ.~nd •• n t ..... wuh oul.Jd" dspJ]41n. & low- Twin Bo:l.kall P'fI~" Wllh <hip'QI1'Vct! clecQ.l'lOltU"











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LO<J 5uriaclI-c!ltIIgd P~tcqr"phad su .. ~~ ..




R"bb,~ ~ o".,pi"$ ~

Bottom (r"!I-S~&....


{M"y htv~ 0"" t .. &'. pipes, Muliipln f.m out"t bottc"",


Notchttcl spo e 1 is ~pun aqains'f a window pall. 0" Ilat mat,,1 ,Nod


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heard on Mount Rigi and incorporated it 111 his First Symphony. But The New York Times reported in mld-1975 that Q senior research engineer for a plastics manufacturer in Maumee, Oluo, has produced one of fiberglass which he plays in demonstration.

In addition to the instruments and noisemakers that J have sketched or shall mention here, there are a great many which involve considerable amounts of metal. An example is the ka1imba. or African thumb piano, which 11m; reeds of hammered i 11. toned to a crude scale. The wooden body is usually decorated by burning or with simple ca ed designs. There are also an endless number of pipes and flutes, whistles, bird calls and decoy devices. specialized (or local use or made in a local tradition. some for a utilitarian purpose, some 8S toys for children. Among them are rattles for babies and witch doctors. some merely a ring on a rod between collars, others utilizing the bull-in-a-cage. One of the interesting variants is the rhythm device known as "bones" nmong blacks. They may actually be bone, but can be hard wood, whittled to the general shape ol a tongue depresser, but thicker in the middle and thinned at the ends. They are held loosely between the fingers as shown. and operated by timed rapid rotary shaking of the hand. Spanish castanets are similar. but more elaborate and harder to make.

Clapping and buzzing sounds are also produced by a number of toys. An oldie is the tic-rae-tee, which wemade for Halloween. It is just 8 notched spool that is rotated against a neighbor's window to make an unearthly clatter. The same principle becomes the ratchet and clapper, which has been incorporated It) all kinds of wheeled toys. Flutes are cut in a cylinder of a han! durable wood like birch or

LrIr-TIIl' bUlZor. n H IIc,",1:'<!fI lOy Is mRd" rrem " .orpool ""t .. toO<! on Ihe rim and Il'IL n .. II ~pi,odI It is apun 1111""" Il ",,,,dow, door pane], nr hr:r V'i>mloty .urfw::e. Bdow-'{)~rin" of til<' b~.", .h"p". with "ret plull. NQle rmgerholtl poolt"," ..

maple, and the cylinder caused to rotate against 0 projecting thin vibrating reed or clapper. One virtue of the device is that it can be rotated In either direction, and the reed striking the ratchet as it slips off a tooth gives a very satisfactory clack. The Russians have produced an alternative-a butterfly on wheels which carry wire cranks to operate hinged wooden wings, The wing tips strike in each cycle. making a sound very similar to that of a ratchet.

Another familiar device in the same family is the clacker box. in which the ratchet and reed are incorporated in a block containing a long slot. The axle, a dowel, goes through the end of the box opposite the solid part, so the assembly becomes a whirligig when rotated. The block can be carved or decorated, and has a sawed slot at one end in which the reed is clamped by woodserews. The reed can be eitber wood or thm metal. This is also a witch doctor's device in some remote areas, and historically was a fire alarm.

In effect a ratchet rolled out flat, the rat-tat can be made of a dned gourd or a hollow thin-walled box with notches evenly spaced along one edge. If this rack is stroked with a piece of dowel, it produces a resonating rattle.

Turkey calls al 0 operate through vibration, but in this case, the vibration is so rapid that it becomes a buzz. The simplest is a hand-sized whittled cup with the center left in so a nail can be driven in. When the nail head is rubbed over a suitable stone, the cup resonates, and sound can be vaned slightly by changing the grip or the rubbing speed. The conventional turkey call is an open box with thin slats on the sides. We made ours by hollowing out one side of a piece roughly ll/"l x 2 inches and about 7 inches long. This leaves strong ends in the box, to one of which is pivoted a puddle with a rubber gasket to insulate It from the box. The paddle has on its bottom side at about the middle a small block which is chalked to create a vibration when it rubs the sides as the paddle is moved laterally across the open side of the box. But who calls wild turkeys anymore?

All of our modern brass Whistles and pipes were origmally of wood or some similar material, Sailors made bosun's pipes out of turned or whittled walrus ivory, as well as the little round whistle containmg a pea or pebble that traffic police use. They are more comphcated to make than the familiar willow whistle (even the one incorporating a slide), but also longer lasting. A much more simple wind device is

the hummer, which we made by cutting a tongue de presser in half. One side of each section was thinned slightly-less than Ifill inch-to leave a central hollow. One rubber band (8 wide one) was snapped over one segment endwise, and a couple of others held the assembly together as a sandwich. Thus a portion of the first and wide band became a reed and would produce a humming sound when you blew through. The reed can also be a sturdy grass leaf or reed.

Another wind whistle is the crow call-just a wooden tube with a two-part bit in the end. 'I'rns mouthpiece is a I/:.l-inch dO\IIeI. drilled most of the way up With a 'J-t-inch center hole (before it is split), The rem.aining solid portion is thinned to turn wedges at the outer end and a thin piece of metal (steel shim stock, for example) or plastic (8 section of playing card) put In for a reed which vibrates against the tapered section when blown. The sound is not pleasant, but it does draw crows.

Balkan and Indian pipes are essentially elaborate whistles, WIth holes for the fingers so several notes may be playecl. The Indian pipe is usually a turned and drilled piece, the sound being produced by a change in hole diameter. It is carved with a floral design in [ow relief. The Balkan pipe, on the other hand, can handle quite elaborate tunes, because it can have as many as four different pipes cut from the same block and radiating from the mouthpiece. Traditional trim for this piece is chip carving, and it has a whistle mouthpiece made by flattening one side of a dowel section and gluing it in a drilled hole. Another instrument, now usually in pottery or plastic, is the ocarina. This is hard to hollow out unless it is split and reassembled, like the alphorn, but you can hollow it with gouges by drilling a large hole at the end which is later plugged. Hole location and size, as weI! as wall thickness, are critical. and have been worked out during centuries of use, and to play the "sweet potato" takes longer to learn than does the harmonica.

You may have scraps around from which you can produce a marimba of sorts. The bars should be a hard, dense wood that will resonate when struck with a wooden knocker-c-a L-inch ball on the end of a '/H-inch dowel or withe. Bars are tuned by shortening, and are mounted on felt-covered slats so they can vibrate independently. Guatemalan Indians make big ones with gourds and carved-wood boxes below them for resonators. played by as

many as three men simultaneously. but that design and construction is beyond our present scope, as are violins, dulcimers. guitars, oboes and bassoons, all rather speciallzed and more nearly cabinetmaking than carving. If you wish to try a stringed instrument, make a cigar box fiddle, which can be B great deal of fun for informal songfests. All you need IS a wooden cigar box and a broomstick. The stick is passed through a hole in one end and fastened at the other. The top of the box may be drilled as sketched and a piece of dowel glued in under the bridge to act as a soundpost. Both bridge and tuning peg are whittled from maple or birch. The bridge, as you might assume. is like a violin bridge. a piece of 11ft X :1/4 X 1If~-jnch wood with the grain vertical. It is rounded slightly on top and the center is whittled away at the bottom edge to leave two stubby legs that contact the top of the cigar box. Incidentally. the stem of the tuning peg should have a slight taper, as should the hole (ream it a little with file or a long-point knife at the bottom), so the peg. as it wears in, can still be pushed up to fit tightly. You can add more strings if you wish.

A very pleasant mstrument-e-and one very little known outside of poems-is the Aeolian or wind harp. It IS advisable only if your house enjoys frequent light breezes, and is designed to fit in an open window under the sash-as does an air conditioner. The box should have solid ends of a good. hard wood like maple, Its length to fit the window width, its thickness 2 to 3 inches, and its width 4 to 6 inches. The sides, bottom and top are thin wood r Ito inch or so thick, well varnished prevent warping under sun and dampness. before assembly. The top can have the conventional violin S-holes cut in it, flanking the center line. On one end, a block IS mounted, with nails or pins to hair! one end of each of the four strings, and on the other. holes are drilled for a tight fit on violin pegs or guitar pins (obtainable at a good music store). The gurtar pegs require a key for tightening, so be sure you get that too. Violin or guitar strings are stretched from end to end and tuned to an enjoyable chord. Then the assembly is set in the window frame, with the window open just enough to clear it. Wind blowing through the window opening wi1l vibrate the strings and make a continuous chord. rising and fading in volume as the wind changes. These instruments were a favorite of the otherwise austere Shakers a hundred years ago.


*" You Can Whittle Toys:

Some Old, Some New, Some Exotic

Before TV. radio. plastics and devalued money, when I was a kid. we had to make our own entertainment between chores. Dads or uncles would produce a willow whistle or two, between their chores-but you were expected to produce duplicates on your own. And when neighbor kids came lip with a new toy. you had to copy that as well. (If you were the eldest child, you also hnd the added chore of reproducing your prototypes for the younger fry.) Of course, you had your own knife. and you were instructed nt what would now be considered a dangerous age in how to lise hand tools, so hoops. sleds, snow shovels, tops and scooters (3 2x 4 x 30-inch board with skate wheels front and rear and aT-handle extending up from the front) were produced as needed from scraps. And enjoyed

Ik-I"w-Uark-t!lvet ia il:Ii \·a,ian~ uf Ihl:'" woud'(.:ho~ Wire mu5.[ bl'! ",ff .. ""u,II, ,,, h·,kl ""-'lIill beyond ,-..rli",d. ! uoe-d CO.I hnng<lr. Rotlom n!.:ht-.LhUlcer otso r!p(lucr~ .0 coul-hong~r wirro fM !Hlppnf"lJ . >IId 3 ",,,.11 bl(Jth '"' the puddlQ 10 hol<l " ri[.:i<1. Jnltll~ ,t"",ld be 10<";" "nDu~h to U<lP Rlghl-Dllrt .. thrown" It" a withe cr "1>,. .. 1 ",-rudl i .tifr """",&It 10 .,'It! 'prinlllO ",n,1 "'hip. SIr"'R ""'p r.lld'~s m dart notch.

doubly-both in the making and in the using. And cared for-because you knew tho work involved in producing them. This is still the way it is in "less developed" countries. by the way. Hoops. tops, mumblety-peg and other "ancient' toys are still popular there, where canned entertainment and "boughten" toys are still thankfully rare.

111 the sketches I have drawn a few of the things we made for ourselves, plus row I wish I'd known about. They range from very simple toys like the dart. roarer and bull roarer to the quite elaborate ones like the dancer. pit sawyer and chopper. Some originated in other countries, like the jumping peg (called the "magic cricket hat" in England), the bilboquet (from the court of royal France), the gazim« (made by Eskimos from walrus ivory), and the rope climber and articulated Santa Claus (current German items).

The whip dart is perhaps the simplest of toys--or was-because it was made from a scrap of cedar shingle, nowadays hard to find . Taper the shingle toward the thicker end, and round it there to reduce the likelihood of



D,"=~ AI""'9d""",1 •

",pi •. , 1"9111. ' wi't"C.l!!if\d!"TLG hI5:1ctl'l'l!k.t.,th\, a t.b\,,·Tbpt.y Co.d hem <..,1. fldJu.tf~ 0<'< s.!-;;-







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H,,11l. M:fS (u.~h. loop

(t4Ul' m,m o"\Il-< k) & < 1oinbi""l ~ofC.



splintering on impact. Notch the tailor leave it square. Near the front end, cut EI rounded notch and sand it to be sure there are DO splinters. That completes the dart, unless you want to go modern and add wing near the Iront so the dart becomes a monoplane. The dart is thrown with a "whip," a 2-foot pliant withe or dowel with a s art string ending in a loop on the outer end. The dart is hooked in the loop and launched by the spring in the stick plus whatever wrist action the thrower can add.

The bull roarer is simply a short-handled paddle of any 1/2 x 3 x 12-inch wood. A string in the hole at one end leads to a groove aL one end of a twirling stick about 18 inches long, or to a wire swivel nailed on top. When the stick is given a circular motion. the paddle follows at the end of the string. meantime rotating about its own axis to make the noise. The faster it rot tes, the louder the bull. The roarer is the same idea, but is thrown by hand sidewise to make it rotata on its own axis. It can be made from a piece of a venetian blind slat or other thin wood.

lJ<olo",-U,,,, ... r " ~ '. '" 2'10 .• IDI. held us """"·n. ~nd Ihrown

tuud W'Tlh it wn!:il \Wjsl to make II whi'ri OIl ill own ~s.

Rll:hl-Sn 'P'U1 block. shown "" rwo pam mKl """eI)' 10 .nnp The rubbcrbnnd throuSh 'he "rle Mxl the 11<>10""'; all I he pin "re ..... rc-i) WIndow rlr.."i,,~: Ill" block 1< 'Mpp<'d to Joy 1" ....... rre- b"lwt',,,, thumb ond lo'''''"s.,t en In" 1"I ..... ",I e n<t Boll"",,· ri~ht~ Two artieu. IDled fays from Gl"rnlan)', -rux· RI ran1Jliar pull-strm..:, :ll'flIn~t'n",.~n(.

.. "".,,1 110", " I" .. both front and hac£< I n"I~.4> puD .Iring!! are nol t""J'CI«"d. II ,. <man in "'''' io' " l""~ or dOON·OY. nbeut 4 IncbC1> ov~ralJ. TI,,, J.intl, climbers require rnueh nlnrl) ,'I"bor~l~ f,mnS. m I ... 'lit Itle .lttnC 11 sripped bcr"''Ctc" th" h"nd. wm] they .... e pushed VI' "" the Lady SllIligh 11&, S.ud)' th~ <1ingrnm nn,cflllly

Tongue depressors make 1:1 good base material for the jumping peg and buttonhole tricks. Called a magic cricket bat in England, the peg is just a miniature paddle with a handle narrow enough so it con be rotated a half turn easily between til umb and forefinger. As shown in the drawing, the bat has one through hole in which a peg is glued and two fake boles, one on each side of the paddle and on opposite sides of the peg. After the viewer sees the 110Ie on one side, the operator says a magic word Or two while waving the bat in the air, meantime turning it over so the second "hole" jumps to the opposite side of the peg. This is an easy trick to make and learn, but also fairly easy for the viewer to figure out. There are variants like a paddle with two through holes and two blind ones. so the peg can be moved from one real hole to the other, and a paddle with three spots on one side and two on the other. You can make up your own pattern.

The buttonhole trick is a piece of tongue depressor or other stick with a hole at one end and small enough to slip through a buttonhole on a man's coat. (A flat ice-cream stick works well too.) A loop of stnng through e hole is not quite long enough to pass over the opposite end. even when drawn taut. To put it in. you pull an edge of the victim's coat through the loop until the free end of the wood will enter the buttonhole, then pull the wood on through . When he tries to reverse the process, he will have problems-particularly if rou put it

through the buttonhole in his lapel, which is hard to see with the coat on

The tanagram is another oldie, probably Chinese in origin. It is simply a square of thin wood. cut into seven pieces as sketched. The pieces can be rearranged into dozens of little pictures; there are even books of such arrangements, I'm told. The game is to use all seven pieces in each figure.

Still another simple whittling is the propelIer, which came into fashion with the airplane in the 1910s and 19205. It can be fastened to the end of a dowel. and if properly proportioned. will Jift the dowel a short distance when the dowel is whirled between the hands and released. II can also be drilled with two I. -tes at the axis and set all headless brads on the end of the dowel so it can fly on; lifting only its own weight, it will go farther. A loop of Siring can be threaded through the holes as an alternate, and is twisted with the loop ends over the thumbs. A third alternative is to slot the axis so the propeller can be fed over a steel or brass strip twisted into a regular spiral. If the spiral is held in one hand and a spool beneath the prop pushed up rapidly with the other, the propeller wiII fly off and end a good distance. (Incidentally, watch out for the eyes when using these toys!)

Upp<.'r I!>lt-Dnnnnc m1.d drumrMr bears [rem U.s.S.R. Both tho drurnrner's .... ms oml .,..., leR of 'he <In .... er nrt' pivou.<I arid h, ... e ~nn.. rrom bad< of .to .... p,votl 110 mn"" shert I","en) "",ending through boIC5 in the boArd R cent ... weIgl" When 'he lOy '" .".""g In • ""nTOn,,,1 cir e '" Ca. in ,prMKling ~r"' .... '" M fty)"l"")' , .... 51r;n!1'l ere pull"<l on turn. 10 movl> tho hmbs. lA'1.-P""k,"El chicken.t:. from S"W"E'lkn are simi1::u' aCh.J.tIted. pecking 1.t:1 ~u(n. ~ ~)c~ld, r(lr de~II,. Bottu", ""nlcr-A ,rkk}' 1,,,,,"-,,,,, ,a!lt'Cl il "the ;rrlpos, SiblE'"" in Ihe machine sh-cp where 1 fU"!lL !:.3\\01 1~~[ic_S on tt'le .wi~litll movemeut of jlfl ordir).3fY prlnCs lx.~I( 10 rounrernct I~ normal wndc""r mnpl}" to rnn dow n. It ..:dl work only with " bclr, hnIru>crd CONl'",Uy ...... dO<t> !Io!. a "hoo, 45 dc"-tees.. Ouler ,hore .. llnlmporlnn' R;glu-s,jrk ho ..... knllcd ·rnrkho,.,._.· '" enginnr1) .hnuld be adju .. ted" to the aM. ", the chIld. Upper head " rwrhAJ>' !oct 1I:'1.n....,r.H~, W II 11U'lplt'r l\he"ltu..lH~ illl ;:W~'I.I!·l' nl~

Other fairly simple flat toys are the whirling dervish and ballet dancer, which can be sil. houettes, low relief. or even in-the-round carvings. They are suspended from a string so that if twisted, or blown by the wind, they will rotate. The jester and the buzzer (lower left in sketches) are designed to be rotated by a twisted loop of string, as described above for the propeller. Teeth cut in the rim of the buzzer disk will make a buzzing noise. as will holes drilled through near the periphery. The jester, alternately. can be mounted on a piece of dowel so it will roll down a pair of sloped parallel bars.

Among easy three-dimensional pieces are the ox-yoke puzale, which is explained by the diagrams, and the snap-in block. The latter is a trick. because the "snap" js imparted by


T>')p .,·It-(:hll1l""<' d'-"II0n. or basnbcc P'''"'''' ~nicubu .. d ..... , " IomUOU:"i rrxwcmonr SP1.l""'...e!l ~ Ihin ",000d r,11!.:'1I,I' (]nl prun~pomlli :tiidk on small 'tlrinf.K~ Ht=.ad ;!Ii 'lul~1'" ,,\"d~ Cf'rVOO9 eod the whore ."

t"irr.nn..,lrd It'"C1 \\Olfh 1;;0 tTl"" Top nlth1-U.S.S.R. hlllh, ... rfly is:

skelcl",d U1 d",p,,,,' ..... ",.""menl· (""I,:" 131 bccuuse WInfS del' to...,I"~' "'"'' Y "Itt·!! il mov .... WivS' and b<ldy nre wtullled. deccreunns pnmtcd \\'i.ng hll1l:,CS nre ll~ntbt:-r ClC'I1t.ct-l\u5fTaliBO boorn(!fon~ in p modem plywood ,'''I1IIon It .. thrown ". """",, n , vC;-UC'lIJly rild"u,r Ihnn hOrlZ'Onlnrty. wilh n lEh:tr" \vrtSL snnp and well abo"" the OO" .. on[lll. D<'i'Clrd"ion., "n° I',,,n,,,d L.,(. ,<'nl"r-S .. e 01 Ib", J .... k-II1·,hc-ho:t "'~. d",'"I<"<I hI' the <pfll\j:l aY~i~.bl". H ... ,.I .,," ruff ere ",hllllO<l from IlUl~ ",,,1,,,,,,,1.-.:1. [..,f.- The n'P~yr I(T1nuer 01 I~f, IS '" qurte wph,.I,,:.dcrJ K""""'lric toy and oom"",h.!rr of ~ cabinetntak£T'g trick. NeIL (l:I i[ i.;: Ihr, fly :r:rm.o::lu.;r or nalhms,

box ,,1M'" in .,,,,,') 'hilll( bur instil" .. R1~hl-Fonli1iar whittle<! revs, including the ""yoke and l>ufJnr>hfllt' I'''''k>. rh<! pmprllc-r lInd the 10". ",1,inlNI from spool s,

squeezing the tapered end of the head between thumb and forefinger. so the plunger snaps into the hole. However. the end of the plunger has a notch, or even two, In apparently strategic locations, 1:!'1d a piece of rubberband is inserted through a small drilled hole fit


the inner end. so your victim thinks you are inserting the plunger and hooking the band. then drawing it back so the band will pull the plunger in The rubberband pistol also makes use of the same device--but this time le.gitimately. In this instance. the band is stretched between the barrel tip and the firing pin. Whe the trigger is pulled. the inner end of the band slips off the pin. The only problem in making this toy IS cutting a smooth-walled slot through the butt so the trigger can be inserted and held by a screw pivot.

In the same category is the lung tester, an assembly of a wluttled box with a propeller (made of ice-cream sticks) pivoted on brads in arms at one end. At the other is a short mouthpiece of metal or wood, so you n blow through the block and rotate the propeller. However, the block is really a box, with a slide cover on top, into which flour or talcum pow-

del' is put. Tilt:' mouthpiece has a slot which can be mated with the hole in the bottom of the powder box, and there are tiny holes under the lid through which the resulting pressure wiU hlow powder. (Don't forget the mark on the mouthpiece, so YOIl know when the 5101 is ia Iino with the holcl) The routine is this; YOII mismate the mouthpiece and blow to rotate the propeller. Then you offer the box to the victim. but in the process, rotate the mouthpiece to align slot and hole. Tell him to blow hard=--arrd he'll have a surprise anda powder moustache,

The popgun is simply a drilled stick with a plunger having <-l rounded head. A cork is Fitted tip;hUy into tile opposite end, so that when tile plunger end is slapped smartly with a hand the cork pops out. In these days of cork rarity, it is advisable to tie a string to the cork.

The yo-yo or diavolo (also an ancient Chinese toy) is probably Iarruhar to you in one form or another. It is simply a pair of cones or balls connected bY'1 neck just wide enough h.1 take a cord. The cord is strung between Iwo short ~tkks ami the yo-yo rotated rapidly by moving the sticks up and clown alternately. ThIS toy should be made of foirly heavy wvod ;Jnrl he 4 or 5 inches long fur the :Ivemge hoy to operate. Holes drilled near the outer ends of the pyramids will add noise to tbe operation, which can be quite spectacular, for the yo-yo can be thrown up and recaught, caused to loop and 51311. and the like. When I was a kid. we had city yo-yo championships.

The bilboquer and gazinta are essentially the same test of skill. In the case of the egg cup. the ball is tossed up lrom the cup, and the tnck is to catch it as it falls. In the gazima, the ball is swung up on its cord, and the trick is to catch It with the pin in a hole as 1t falls. If you miss. you're likely to get n crack on the knuckles. This takes practice and a good eye ..

The magic ball is just a ball with two meeting holes dnllcd at slight angles so a cord passed through tbem Will be caught when pulled right. Thus you call control the rate of descent of the ball on the string, stop it nt will, and so on.

Articulated toys take longer to make and are usually more fragile thanthose previously described, so are not suitable for small children. They Me more ill the nature of 1100:elties, and come in endless varieties: dolls, animals, birds with napping wings, people performing work of one kind or another. I have shown some elsewhere under windoperated toys, as well as in earlier books.

The flipper. acrobat (also sometimes called a jumping-jack) is probably the' most familiar. I've seen it recently in plastic and in kits made in West Virginia and sold in "country" stores throughout the East, (The whammydiddle or wh.immy-diddlc, oxyoke pUI!1.le, ,.HId some other devices fire also available this way-taking some of the joy out of it, but makmg life easy for the unhandy.) The acrobat relies again on a twisted loop of string to attain rotation, as did the jester and buzzer described earlier, but in this case the loop is short and held between uprights, so by alternately squeezing and relaxing below the crossbar, you can apply and remove the tension necessary to make the loop try to unwind, carrying theacrobat with it.

In articulated toys, you must have loos€ joints, or the whole eUect fails. It is advisable, in fact. to have almost sloppy joints. so the limbs can move very freely and in more than a plane, Even so, they will tend to catch and stick 111 some grotesque positionar other. Articulated toys are commonly made of 11><- or l/-I-inch wood, as sil houettes , to avosd the carving, but you can go as fer as you like. For example, 1 did a little shaping of the body of my dancer and actually carved a bead. Also, I used mahogany because I happened to have some around. (There "If: uses for oldfashioned cigar boxes.) Also, I secured the thighs [0 the body with brads, and carved 3-D shoes to add a little weight there. Knee, elbow and shoulder joints are made of wire with end loops, and the wire support IS CI section of coat hanger. (This can be replaced with a "springy" dowel. and the dancer Will perform on a table top. if vibrated at proper height.)

The pit sawyer is the same gener31 idea, but a bit more complicated, because the loop must be adjusted to hold the saw in position so the weight will be free to cause rocking. It is also possible to adjust saw position, then fasten the saw at the hands, thus eliminating the cord. Neither the pit sawyer nor the clrcpper -are really articulated, by the way, because there is no movement in lise; they are more properly called laminated figures. The chopper is fairly self-evident from the sketches. He can instead be an animal or bird perching on an edge, or the di v -er about to do a back flip, as I made him in pine. The balance wire must be stiff enough to support the weight without sagging, as you can see from the photo. and weight must be adjusted to that of the fig:llre. I used coat-hanger wire Ior my figure, which is about 12 inches tall.


Toys drawn in the second panel are principally exotic ones, some simple and some appearing to be quite complex=-like the Chinese dragon. There are included. however. several standard Americanisms like the tops made from half-spools. In the days of wooden spools and mothers who sewed, we made all sorts of wheeled vehicles out of spools~the axle bole and rim were already there-using wire or dowels for axles. The spinner. or top. required sawing a spool in half and tapering the body, as well 5 whittling a do I for the stem-the hole in a spool is a bit large for a I/.I-inch dowel. Big spools can be whittled into tops spun with a string, of course, and "killer" tops can be made by replacing the dowel paint with a short section of spike. But modern kids. who don't have tops in the first place, would scarcely understand a game rn which aile attempts to spike an opponent's top and sptlt it. 'That son of precision takes a great deal of practice.

A spool top can be converted into the spinner for the game of Put and Take. It SImply requires the cutting of four flats around the rim and lettering them as indicated in the sketches. In case you never heard of the game, it is played with buttons, beans. matchsticks, dried peas, or whatever for counters. Each player antes a "chip" to start. After that. each player spins the top in tum. If it is "Put," you ante another counter. If it is "Take," you take one. If it is "Ail," you take the whole pot. If it is "Nothing," you pass on the top. It is a game about as slmple---and as deadly-as Chinese

Top ldl- The nuw "rn1 "!;li; ~r~ uJ , ... lnut, ~''',,<.l in IndilL Th .. n .. te is",o IcV Ilwn ,".IrUl"l.'nt becaus col .It", d.(fi""lly ol,>ir'},illJ: it; !he egg '" """pI} 0 pkuS!Ult .hRP'l'. Sr.own ""Ill U.e "'SI: '" 11(lIUlfn center 'R """ of luwbi rill. I'll ... mod a in , n<l io find equ 'PT'''''' wu II ;0 .."r"'ly pin 10 Ib"~' <-I1tt be warn. Tcp righl- Thr "OC'C" bard, wirh fl'Ycnt::d wings. 'iffi~ h .. ,ckv.'iJm to keE"p th ... \¥'ind Qui 01 h .. ey ....... Wf: cruled II. Ihe "kiki.w o .. <.l .,..~ expl"",,· linn ... r.".,. !un .• ng 10 &l with III<' w .... lIh",. and !hI' Olbo;f

... ·uh C8flllR bot P~r>IJ'I."". ,,'" nor ,ujll1~I" lor r"prlRlln~ here. L,lI-FQUf lannw:>m P11l!<'m~ nf tho tJ,o,.""....-b po ..

• ;,,1 e, The lanllrnrn i •• ""n uf llIuJUplc plll.d e m Ihnl Ih, firti Irick 11 10 '''''.'l11bk> "II "",,·.n I"""'" rnro " .qUllre. l.ht."'n.~(lrlur 10 make 113 mony knu!1i of flcures at !nnr permits, in e:tch C'"~.Iio(~ lISlnS 011 ... eve-n J'......c~ wrthoue over 11Ifl."

ran-tan and was played for a time with a four-sided plastic lop available in stationery stores. The "jet set" or the time had all sorts of variations on it, including who paid for the drinks.

An enjoyable toy, and a sort of variation on the buzzer. is the rubberband tractor. All it requires is a spool with lire rims notched for traction on a rug (on a bare floor, the notches won't help) and a length of stick. A rubberband runs from the stick through the spool hole to a stub stick an the other side. The stick is wound to twist the rubberband and the piece placed on the floor; as the band unwinds, the spool is propelled across the floor, and at a fairly high speed, so be careful.

The "Gee" bird, sketched just above the rubberband tractor, is of course a gag. It IS a conventional bird figure, except that the wings are carved backwards, and the tail may be vertical rather than horizontal.

The jack-in-the-box offers good practice in whittling a miniature head. but is otherwise unremark ble. I made mine with the nose at one comer, the ears at adjacent ones, of tile blank, just for the novelty. I used a spring I had, but one can be made by winding music wire around a small dowel; it will expand to a larger diameter when released. and can be pulled out to the desired length-about 6 inches. The collar or ruff is a ring of .1/8 or ll:z-inch wood, V-notched all around to look like the folded ruff that the Elizabethans wore.

The zephyr grinder. wind grinder, smoke

DRAGON TOY (Articulated) -Hong Kong - Bamboo

TOY FLUTE -India -WalnuT rholepositiom



'GEE BIRD'-USA -lh(s backward to kitp WInd out of it, ~s·

Y~"do~1 0"- 5tit~ Rubb .. r band


Cro» ·hal<h<d oIlta5 mt¥-

~'dovctail ~'du;p

lift r-~===~=·~=%="~~5·z=~~~~~~ ~

l 0 a

~ t Stdrt@ balk sprtl<3d

3~~)(9iq"r()1'l9 on flat ~urfa{q


Staplt ~-~



I~· '.oi \ »< Sptl nq -<::.


- --,

grinder, or feather grinder-call it what you will-is an ancient service dub gag. My cabinetmaker fnend makes them by the halfdozen for awards at his Lions Club meetings. A piece of 4 x 4-inch pine or cedar post has 112-inch dovetails cut across the top diagonals. Shoes or sliders 2 inches long are made to slide easily in the grooves, and drilled for center pins thnr extend up into a crank handle and are held there by crosspins. You t rn the crank and lhe sliders go back and forth, but nothing else happens. The only problem is to space the dowel holes on the crank so that the sliders cannot go out the ends of tile slots and to firush the assembly so the sliders move easily, A little soap makes a good lubricant if necessary.

A call pie of balls on the ends of a piece of string or rope have been everything from a toy to a weapon nrnong various peoples. The Argentine gaucho twirls these bOJBS and throws the twirling assembly at an animal's legs: the balls carry the ends around and the animal is tripped up. The Maori tribesman In New Zealand puts smaller weights on the end of a longer string and USI;:S the assembly in a complicated dance involving whirling the balls so they pass each other without entangling. The Eskimo does somewhat I he same thing, except with a shorter string and a knotted loop just off the center. The balls are spread as far as possible, then the assembly is lifted with a twisting motion to make the balls whirl, preferably in opposite directions and without antanglmg. That takes practice. We kids made the Argentine type out of the spools in the ends of a roll of butcher paper. They don't have to he balls at all-a bag of pebbles or sand. or any shape you prefer, as long as it is compa ,will work if it is heavy enough to stretch whatever string you're using.

Another one-time weapon is the Australian boomerang, which I helve sketched from an Australian souvenir. Note that there is a leading edge IJII each arm. and that it is thinned to cut the air. while the entire top surface is chamfered around the edge so it has a crude airfoil shape. The boomerang is not thrown as I thought as a kid. but is held at the end which has the underside taper outside, with the thumb running up along the taper. The other end of the boomerang extends forward, not backward as I had thought, and the weapon is thrown somewhat above the horizontal and in a vertical plane. It turns in flight so that it planes horizontally, and (one hopes) makes a complete Circle if it doesn't hit whaL it was


aimed at. Throw it hard, with a Whipping motion, and you should. be getting it to return in three or four tries. It can be surface-carved or painted-but be sure it flies before you put in time decorating.

Two ingenious articulated toys are the Chinese dragon and the pecking chickens. If you have access to bamboo or other tubular wood, you can mnke a very startling dragon, snake or alligator. depending upon the head you carve and the back decorations. The pecking chickens are usually arranged three or four around a flat board, with a string runnmg from the back of each neck down through a hole 111 front of the bird body to a ball. When the- assembly is rotated in a honzorital plane, the ball in its arc pulls each string in turn, so the bird heads rise and lower alternately. Bodies are, of course, rigidly pinned to the base board. The same principle can be used on many other subjects: The Russian dancing bear is just one example. Here three strings operate upper arms 011 the boar playing the drum and one leg of the dancer,

The Inclirm flute is perhaps too elaborate for a toy, hut it isn't a very good musical instrument because it is too hard for a child to blow unless a reed is added. However, it makes a good project and a handsome decoration, so I have included it here. With It is a Iifesized walnut egg, also not good for anything but decoration, as far as I know, but a carving project that requires some cure in adaptmg shapes to the available area.

Several other devices seemed appropriate to include here, although some may be questioned in their status as tOYJ;. The first is the cockhorse or stick horse. simply a carved horse head on the end of a dowel Or broomstick, with or without Wheels at the haltom end. (It is called a "cockhorse" in England after the spare horse stabled at the foot of a hill-to help conches over.) It can be made of good wood and have a separate bridle and be elaborately done. or it can be ultrasirnple: this seems to make little difference to a child. It was only my pride thai led me to adapt the horse silhouette from the knight of my oversize chess set (page 101), use mahogany, and decorate the wheels like a Sicilian cart. Then 1 watched a three-year-old ride it-and made a simpler pine head complete with bridle.

The sky hook. belt balancer or "impossible," as we called it, will work (lilly with a belt. It's not too interesting to people who aren't science-minded and hence don't realize that what they re seeing is "impossible."

Stage Properties Can Be Whittled:

How to Help Your Local Theater

Stllie Ilmpc.r''''.-or "J"I'lIP;<"--PlVv,dC en<1I..s. chAIl ... ,Kt'" lor lh~' ",h,[I or or carver, """ mAde do"",,, ollh." ... b"II' of wvod m.d L" "~TOr....,,: ['V~ ,e.;n d,,,~ ... nf "U ... ,,.. 0,,<." .. "r.e, 10 GJ:rnr.rny II:\'< IT'..AC r m:utnifit"C'nl ht'"r01C' pieC'K for the MunJch Op~r".t Irum Il dl."CSC r ....... plDstic-: ll,cyere fin;"II.,rl will. ,,,,r)"li<5. so Ih,,}--re Indistin~".mnble fmm """'XI or ;"0<:/.

:0.1)' biglt'"'l piece Wru! III!' .I}'I'D! "'-UTI nnge I 111"" rnl ... 1 III The" M~dem Ba.:>k oIlVbilllUl& ""d W<>a<:foorvi"R rl"'i~ 156). mv m"..( ml",<rtc ".he <.1"p-<"Ar,''''' pOf'<' rack (Pi<gc S). MCIliI ".-01>". hvo.velL'e.r. ~!M! 001 ht- 11I1I;·t1CUJ(IIus()· done. becau Iht.,} HJ1." 5E"e:11 only (.",11 • clJSlj(ncc, bUI they"""" h" ,""'nl,-<I m mem eases, E~nmplQl; oro .hl>WI1 Til" ",,,,d ;000 a",,11 11110 ... ...- righ, W(lrc, of COIlTSC. for • , ..... on '" Ki,,~ ATrhuT_h"" 111e btl}· pllils the S'.'roJ"d '0 pN)\'C Ills aoceSO'V TIl e <"'to",1 IS transperen t p 10,[1 c, w" h 01"",1\''''< I,I"m.nd ,n the.. 2 • .:I6-III<h biotic "nd the ~.rlj(<,. It"fl '''(]II:''- 11",. "

""n IllIShligh. (,,"w,,11'd '0 Ih~ CMV~d ""oodell I,a"dl~ ,''OJ...ct. h~hl down the ,,111.'1'''' wlsen Arthur putts 'he .w, h ..... ,,1 '111.1<". lh" l'OUf.bencd "'''''' !llo", ,n dim liRhI. Tiro:' .word "'''" thrust Ihroliih " redwood anvil Inlo ;, "t)'rulo.un "stone" :and t.0I Cf-~h ... -d b) 'I brenk IIWAy """"p""" .. yrnf~ ·Oton,," "" well 1\1 bottom ,,,It "' H l>'"o"P .,r'oo.,~ Aladd,,,', m:IjliL l:vol'_ .. """"lk-d aword hllr 3"<' C!lplOin Hook's d""br~ ciR"r ff'(J1II PN"r PaD). The '''ml) h'" n bcsc mod" IfIIm qn old 1mJ<;'" (0I19T nnd 'hn hnndk il Ix-nl h<-o~)'-dUI)' clear.· cllI cable, TIl" ,.mol .. piece wI" &ilded. NDtc rha ...ctlli .... ,. .. ,1 1\';"'" pMled on .word hit to 'JmulB,e J"wah.

Be""" one! at ria'" tlr~ IWO I:""'JlS of "ery .impl" pi.!c:t<>'. II ... , '" rifl\ •• "" .... ing Ihe .np of " !i,,,place lIO<1"",., mode from .. pede.tnl

l"!lund II. lennis ball, ",·i,I. two cresses IWJCt It-IIr" 'mnller ,",,'USn}, walnut ..• he: orhe .. j"", pine end gilcled--Io' ;In ~Imr_ In the IITO"I> below Icft is nn ~I<I'" c ,,' frofl. plyw<OOd. wllh 'ol<l<l<l.p:t,,.., ,~ ... and p .. par {('Ct. I, "1>"'" on .. 'prinK '''''11<0 ",,,,I e fro," " 1»1: P""'P'" dip---(Ihc rypc wnh the- 'Dk!l~1<" ", .. r .. ~"dl"5-lo r .. "",,1 " "P<',rf)" iT1'Sik1C (}10U will rt'C'":111 rhaC the \~'Dlrus ::Iud Ihe Carp.untC"T "u 0J'"'''' ; u A/Jc<, ,'n WOl.rd<>rlsnd I. N ""I il 'I 9 'lIIoke pistol. 0 ~TlP wi,h .. ,lid .. (In lop. A kHcI,..o IfllllCh pu,hed ~rouch n hnll> in rh e tilde enters 0 "-t.~;'l'1 ]lBJll;i:onlalmng smoiw pc'\\!It.-dcr .. where: It ts srruck cud ia:f1.tc<l by .. piece of sandpaper on Ih,' "IIrle wlt!.'n It .. nl<1V~"


'* 20 Transportation Silhouettes:

Nostalgic Outlines Provide Decoration-And Practice

Thc&e '!j:dh.oul""n~ drn£!o bark to a n_nta when J w.ns. mter",tD<! In Ill .. aI"""" i""g<>'!"" -:<" 1>1 "'t(),,~ng ~boll~. "nnclp~Uy by hDI'S<'-<1 r .. wn v"t"c!~$, MO'1 w .... " ""eell Le<! In ,hr.,.,..ply veneer, by Ir~"d, wllh II .. roll .. w, bUI wDuM eo uruch III"L~f on" jill"'"" Th,,>, "'" 'ypicat nf I]>" ,,~S"" "0", b<! in~ a pplic.l to frulilhru< .... storm dOO rs. mnnlel., .el on Illi1'" rnils, Dn" ",,' hk", They can be "rTlflle 51\1:""'<'11" s, or "" n "" mrll'lf'lNl 'h ~ h 11]; .... ·i'll low '"liel e .. evi "1':. j "'1 I" ~""U p,cf"" :'vi ''''' w~r" nll pro" Iclnl W;lh b....,~ anll r,n"he<! WlI~ rial bI .. ck ".,Inl, .... " pis, ... fF.lli 5.@'l1e.!1_ They provide ~ II!:!'ltJWlit"nltl" ~·Jifh 'Ih~ an),,'. ",11",11 l,d~J m r""~!I;n~ oU, J-D and .il~ou"II" <D,~rn~ bl ~ r>kl. n nd may alw ........ ·e ss II"" iR n .... ,,"'"' I", pru1el<. &i:"k.:;] ~LIUl!:"y r~ se, U ~t nlOI1V d("Sig!"l'S were Inr.gI!I'1 sc ruJlSll", """rk-trn. trim un winllow ,,,,II picl"r¢ I rames, ~:.rQund dO'fJll"Vo'U;-"'S anLl ""ndOYi"'l, III eaves IlM pe:.ln f'it'\ Vktorinn houses. TYJ"kBI of lht= mt'tf", ,Iabornh; lI,,'flrit"l\' JJ lh~ tr.~ bel.,,,," mod" "r .., n<l ... lwOBd '111'''- willI ,~e ! ~ .. .;.,. ~rc:funv !.1.wed in inl".cnrl' d.f"lilgnli Ih.nt V.ilry enough to ,""'1«,,,, l~Dl she ~w'ng ..... "" done ~lRgr).



'5U R RE V ( ..... it), tf,Q f"~'1q on top)









4·PA5S. 5Lt1GH

51CILlAW (ART -lfAl'(


~ How to Solve Knotty Problems:

Sometimes the Knots Can Be Carved

There are 11Ine .. when o[iLerwisegood and handsome wood scrape: have knots or rotted spots in unexpected places. suggesting that they are good only for firewoocL But m these wood-short times, it is best to examine them rather closely before they are discarded. Don W. Lougeay, of Belleville, Illinois. had such a problem with the part'> of a wild cherry log he'd gotten cut at the local sawmill to 1-, 2-. and 3-inch boards of various widths and lengths .. He turned fruit compotesand candlesticks Irorn the good portions, tben had "8 bunch of small pieces 1 to 2 inches thick and 3 to 4 inches long-too little to keep and too big 10 throw away."

A little figur ing. and he began to whittle nests of scoops like those shown. suited in size fo-r apothecary jars Instead of the garish colored plasnc ones available nowadays. They nest ill a convenient stack and can have decorated handles-and the cherry takes an attractive color. He made a number of these sets, for wedding presents and other gifts-"and they were always well received."

Still left were bits of wood with rotten spots and knots, with good color-pink to deep red-and some very attractive figure. Don had fifteen nieces, all of whom expected handmade presents, so he remembered that ponytail hairdos are the style again and set to work designing barrettes. The results are shown here. Instead of discarding the knotty areas, he utilized the curved grain, much as the pioneers made cups and bowl from burls. Thus

TItfH-pr:l'l:' t:mii1k-trihr:-Loi

lrightl ~ ... nlp"'" dl>h (be low) "",'e tUJ::L'<l f "'''' best portions Dl ch<!fT}'. """,,,<I '<:CI'Pli .( .... rip-htl wllitU,,1l

Imm imIllk-' clCBl' hlY"- <mel QI",,,,I with 0;"'1'1 .. h"n<1l ... k-


the finished piece has greater strength-and greater beauty-e-than it would have if made from good. straight-grained wood. Also, he got quite a bit of variety into both the designs and the method of holding the barrettes. Some of the latter are held by thrust-through pins that also utihze bits of curved-grain wood and lock by a quarter-turn; others by the more conventional bent wire put through A hole at one end and snapped into a slot fit l he other, <IS sketched. In fact, Don became so enthusiastic that he made several extra barrettes find sold them at prices up to $35 apiece! Not had for scrap wood from a log that only cost $6 in the first place. (If Dan's nieces had been older, he could have carved identifying collars or "gorgets" for liquor bottles-c-or the Iadies.)

Dan's major tools were six Boy Scout handicraft knives, No. 2694. They come with five blades (three straight. one Tight-and one left-


Top- Twu hunil,sr h'''1Y!II ... $1wpcIo ",11<1 .. fmm rIO"· ..... wi~,,' eurruundtn~ a 1mt>1; nnu .. rw"'[Ed eerds, til" enher ~ ... '" ,,,1<1 circle motte ... 81n"k. OrC cut 00 y,rr.in HIm end .<) end n,., oonYi!mlionaJ.lz"d .wallo .. · is /m" , blank nll n re-r II", knol. hell(c 1$ ,hcrtc, (H1(.! hru erMwr rurvarnre. N'11f,(- th1:o wood.~rLn curved cetches 0t1 th<t::te \brt'r. showfl t:J!hirt' ('I""drlv '.In 11n~· -mer photo. It io;- I'IJsc 1><"'<11>1. It> .m,. .. [Qnv"nliQl1al "'1\' Io-:k (0' '''''ten'ng. by lea,'mr. Itlgs AI Ill .. "nd< 01 !h .. 1.J.o.k. or .,....m "> R:hill1g loom On I:" ... 111 .. ""If" ~ ,I"""gh a d'llled hoi,· tben t. be,,, so Ih ftld. ,,",1m on a b:'yM ..... Jal :11 rh<> other r-n<l,

hand hook) and a handle at any Boy Scout supply store for a 1974 price of $1.25. He uses the extra handles so he doesn't have to change blades, after he has sharpened them and changed the cutting angle to suit his needs,

To fill out the panel of sketches, I have added several alternate simple-almost ChIPcarvcd-s-designs for scoop handles, and several suggestions for using knotty pieces of various sizes and shapes for anything from rings. cufflinks, pendants and bracelets to panels, trays and toy or table decorations.

I often run into small knots in an otherwise dear panel and usually manage to modify the design slightly so the knot becomes anything from on eye to a head or belly in the finished piece, Only when the knot interferes with the design is it necessary to cut it out and replace it-after all, knots are to be expected in wood. Rotten spots and fungous areas are a different matter: They're ugly. thus usually require immediate plugging because they're too deep or a distracting shape,

Knots are always worthy of respect, particularly for the beginning whittler or carver. Because they are harder than surrounding wood and have circular grain lines, they chip and break easily, rather than cutting, and have the tendency to take the edge off tools quickly. They are somewhat easier to carve with chisels than with the knife because the chisel edge is normally thicker and stronger, but they can cause the breakage of any kind of tooL Further. particularly in soft woods, a big knot tends. to crack and/cr fall out, so it's safer basically to avoid them when possible. But they do offer a curved grain structure, which Don Lougeay utilized so effectively, When encountered in in-the-round pieces, a knot can often be shaped with files more easily than with edged tools. When large knots are encountered in large pieces during carving, it is usually advisable to stop and cut out the knotty area and fill it with matching wood, although this does cause trouble in finishing unless flat paint is to be used. It is necessary to make sure the joining I ines are accurate and any cracks thoroughly filled with a mixture of glue and sawdust, then to touch up the lines to correct any color variations when the finish is applied.


~::;;:;:====.J-.J;....__,,1.5lJ "'"r4 ca.tch rotl\\l,lrC1.5 and l.ur;




~ Weathervanes, Wind Toys and Signs:

From Our Past, a Series of Simple but Graphic Designs

I n the sirn pJer world of long ago, man did his own weather forecasting. There was actually a weatherva ne on top of the Tower of the Winds built by Andronicus in Athens ill 100 B.C. The vane was a bronze triton who pointed his trident in the direction of the ·wind.Weathervanes were common in England after William the Conqueror and in France after the R['vo~ lunon, Scandinavians even had them on ships=-Iineal ancestors of our wind pennants on sailboats and windsocks at airports.

American vanes date back to the Pilgrim fathers. A copper cockerel was made in 1656 for the Dutch Reformed Church in Albany, N.Y. Paul Revere had a wooden codfish studded with copper nails over his coppersmithiog shop in Canton, Massachusetts. Shem Drownes, born in Boston in 1683, made the famous copper grasshopper atop Faneuil Hall,

Philadelphia, in 1742. (It was a copy of one on the Royal Exchange. London.) He also made the copper weathervane and Indian atop the old Province House in Boston and a rooster atop the New Brick Church on Hanover Street, Boston (circa 1722), which are still extant. Hawthorne mentioned the copper Indian in his story. "Drowne's Wooden Image," and there was a traditionamong children that the Indian would shoot his arrow each day at high noon. Drowne, incidentally, (.11::;0 carved trade signs, pump heads, figureheads for ships, and mantelpiece decorations. Actually, many of his designs, as well as those of others, could be weathervanes or signs or wall plaques with little or no change.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, vanes were somewhat limited in design-arrows, fish, Indians, cocks, grasshop-


AU rhree- of II~~ \ ... ~at.hlE'n·9"'~ 'fiJI!' !rndil'lon[l!I-lh~ t'Ud in New Engtanc..! '''''-"'''''I rowea, Ih !;one j n I and !th', D""- !~ In ,ho C<>o>J:>1'r1"""'''. N.Y .. Flfml<:r's Mmt-uml·llnd thl:' mdr D~

ehu r clt """'1'1 "" (I"I"'~ "'" ""'e.r rIett,c-d the- Lord bel".., • be «><k rrD"",dJ

'fhl:'l' IDRl' be fjnish<;d n.ol",."lIy. ""

10 .. 1"", .• I'uh,lr l;~ • .,d or fullv <1Ilc.....t • ...,. s, 1.,.1 t. 'i"!w cod .. Il J:OD<I ""'cltU"l~ fN"<>jecl .I"" b"£inn_

RUNNING HORSE (FOrm arlla<;)



(5il houdt iii )


'11 q

/1 11

W'mlo and r""lller _rt· ',2(ld rd """,,",,rven,, Jh,'p-. "These were pkh tr "'" III Old<! Somcl'Vltlc. N.j atop <e..tI" .... -1 tluil,hng s.

pers. Farmers chose their own familiar subjects: cows, horses, sheep, pigs, poultry. They put their vanes on top of their barns so they could be seen from the house. Seacoast vill~lges had mostly sailors, seagulls. fish and whales. The rooster or cockerel-the weathercock-e-wes very common on church steeples, a reminder of the cock that crowed the night that Peter denied the Lord. Some churches had instead Gabriel blowing hIS horn, a modified lyre. or in New England. the expected codfish,

Most of these vanes were copper or galvanized iron and made in factories after tile midnineteenth century. However, all were preceded by wooden models or molds carved in wood, and the home craftsman made his usually of wood or of sheet metal. Tradesmen began to advertise their crafts with weathervanes, a pen (for a lawyer or scrivener), a plow, a gloved hand, mortar and pestle, pig on n knife (see sketches), ship. As the country and the fashion grew, subjects were limited only by the ingenuity of the craftsman; heraldic designs, locomotives or trains, wild animals, wagons, Jockeys on horseback, patriotic subjects, Indians, hunters, mythological figures, firemen. Some vanes even pictured a scene or told a story. picturing incidents Involving several figures on a common base. Eventually, vanes were available cast in the round, cut from sheet metal, assembled from parts. Some still are, but we usually rely on the radio or TV to learn the weather nowadays.

The simplest weathervane is simply a flat silhouette standing against the sky. But more elaborate designs can incorporate chip carving, outlining. low relief or fully in-the-round elements. Some of the more familiar designs are sketched, but the sky is literally the limit.


The essentials are that the design pTa s ent some surface to the wmd, that It not be too fragile (if of wood. this is particularly true) and lhat It be possible to support it on a shaft in such a way that one portion-the rear end of most designs-presents more surface to the wind, thus pointing the nose portion into the wind. Wood must be reinforced, thick enough, and probably painted 8S well to reduce warpage. Carving technique can suit the ability of the carver. It is usually of little use to provide a great deal of fine detail: it will not be visible at a distance. Thus a technique that results 111 planes that catch the light is usually besl-B modified form of chip carving. for example, as shown on several of the examples. Finishing had best beforenduranee Varnishwil! inevitably wear off. The ancients tended to use paint or stain, which weathered well. Also, their vanes were usually on lower buildings and more accessible. A good wood-s-pine, rnehogany, teak-is the best base. either painted in the case of pine, or thoroughly oiled If} the case of the others.

Fascination with the wind also led to a number of wind-acuvated pieces. A simple one was the Aeolian harp or wind harp (see page 13). simply a rectangular soundbox of thin wood made to fit a window Width and bearing on its lop a series of three or four fiddle strings that could be tuned. I have heard of, but never seen, other wind-activated sound devices like propetler-driven wheels rubbing on strings and wind-catching reed horns.

Propeller-operated toys were legion. most of them stemming from Pennsylvania Dutch designs. The commonest form is a man equipped with blade arms. ona common spindle, so they rotate like a windmill in the wind. Originall}' a frock-coated, square-hatted figure like that sketched, it was inevitable that this design would eventually become a traffic cop Every farm boy at one time or another used to make an even simpler design-simply a roughwhittled propeller tacked to the end of a stick with a tail at the other end, the assembly in turn tacked to a vertical post. This became both a miniature windmill and a weathervane, because the propeller faced into the wind as long as the tail vane was made long enough. Wind-activated figures such as a woman churning, a man sawmg, horses walking, a ship plowing through the waves or people performing other simple tasks, either singly or in groups. were devised by the lOgCOJOUS, usually during long winter nights. Some of these vari-

Si~'" I .. "d ,hom •• ",,,,, 10 101< ,,,1.'/ ",~rvinR,. Hn,p nrc n I!I"''''P Frcrn Old SOm<'1" ,,11,,_ N 1 .. '''''<>rod ,-,IL'E"- Th~~' Col" ~ """~I} I'''nl''''! ,,~I f.....,.ro wl'h

... ",. m& ...... U", sl "p <handier'. "'R" ~, nRht be" ,~-",h"l_ like- tbe- plow ,<I

,~hI, 1m' "·h,,~ •• h.,..[ """ij:M ""[0\>. Of 'he sun '" center dr.h{. They em- con Lribute ." 'den (0 .Im •• go. like ,lie

'" ~ III ,-"'~, Iht' h"dil"1 MII[ P>R b.lew, ,"" wMlc on the shIP .hundJ.,-,·.

.... iF.,IJ )us"r hr-kllw or 1he 'f:irl nn lh~ ~Rnrlr(" 'i..~n At lower rtghl Or ,,'hey cnn t~ lat!<"ly I ~" .. ".t!~. likr ll~ Quilll Hill o:ij(n_ The e'U~! c ' Rt IQW<.""t t1~~st \Iill~ carve-d bv M",lkIIl Sl)1uh 11' I!" ever an Ind;",," rnw11D1. II ;8 muT.: than 30 m..n-"


ations <Ire also sketched to show the basic idea. All are based on the propeller connected to a crank, which runs either in a hole or a slot. If it is in a sial, guided shaft can be made to reciprocate. as in the churn sketched. If it rotates in a hole, the toy operated must have at least two pivots. to allow for motion in 1\.\'0 directions. Pieces that move should be light and loosely jointed. operated by a propeller large enough to turn the assembly easily and fastened securely to the crankshaft. The usual way is to thread the prop end of the crankshaft and hold the propeller with a nul on each side-but the propeller can be put through a tight drilled hole, bent at a right angle and secured to the face of the prop. Shafts can turn in holes, well oiled, drilled in maple or other hard wood. and there must be some form of thrust collar or stop to keep the shaft in position; else the thrust of the propeller will soon cause wear and locking of shaft against support post.

It is also advisable not to have too large a propeller. or to have some way of inactivating the wind toy in gales. or parts will be strewn in all directions. My father told of a mechanic friend who made a windmill of a man sawing wood. As a realist, he provided teeth in the

Aiy f!JVf)rit.:i~n il lbi.~ song wilh.oot ,,\-!ords In the park where thn Oktobcrfest "" SUlll"d ""ch ! "'" III Mumrh. O"rm:>ny. Peepl .. of many II)Dl:1J~ gnther tbere, "" 110 IAnglJAge' i", M"'l"nl~. Cm-v .. d 'n pme 2 IIId,,,,, th'ck 800 about III ;'Kh~~ high. i1 ,. painted In color aod d(rlIVf"rll( iUl 1nC"-f.;IIII7Igc o:I1io only Fin Insp[f~ :!iiIRfl can do.

saw. One night in a storm. the man sawed through the log. Obviously. 1'1 saw should be held so it does not bear all the log it is apparently cutting-and my father's friend should have provided an accessible stop for Use in high winds.

It may be necessary to experiment with propeller size and blade width to suit the assembly being driven. If parts move freely. the device will operate in Jight winds with a relatively small propeller, but this leads to excessive speed when the breeze builds up.

Both vanes and mills must rotate on their vertical supporting shaft to face the wind, so they should have some form of tail element that steers them, and some form of pivot. For a vane, the simplest is simply a well-oiled bole and a smooth end on the shaft. To reduce the drilling effect and wear, a small plug made from the shaft material call be inserted and glued in the hole. so the bearing at the top becomes metal-an-metal. Another device is to solder on a washer so it will bear on the base of the vane. Still another is to run the shaft up the side and hold it with screw eyes or staples.

Similar bearings can be used in the base of a windmill, but it is usually better to form a more elabcrate bearing. with a stop collar soldered in place below and a washer and nut on top. so the device will not lift off in case of a ground swell.

In either case, the support should not be at the center of gravity of the assembly unless a long tail vane is used; the device must present more rear surface 10 the breeze so the propeller of the mill or nose of the vane faces into the wind. Note that in the examples sketched, pivots are well forward to avoid such problems.

As r remarked initially. vane sil houettes can also be used as wall plaques, signs (name, number, etc.), or as surface decorations on a mailbox. plate rail. over a door or on a boat. I have therefore also provided (page 26) designs of silhouettes too complex and too fragile for vanes, but eminently suitable for a standing or appliqued decoration.

\ Altcroat4 \1 duiqn



~ Love Spoons from Wales and Elsewhere:

Scandinavians. Germans. Spanish, Latin American Indians All Make Them

The standard whittling "tricks"-ball-in-acage, fflll, swivel, chain. pliers-have been familiar to me all my life as just themselves find nothing more. When Walter L Faurot wrote his pioneering book. The Art of Whirtting in 1930, he devoted most of his pot.':es tel them: he'd always known of them, too, and probably assumed, as 1 did. that they origuiated III our own past. At the advanced ag-e of fifteen or so. I applied the fan to birds' wings and tails. flying fisb in a cage. flowers and even a Sioux headdress. and fclt I'd Itdvanced the art several steps. [ described these advances In 1936 ill my frrst book. and the WPA drd me the dubIOUS honor or copying some of them in H littl .. booklet without credit several years Inter.

Then J began to see the fan variations from Sweden and Japan-far more elaborate than anything I'd done. The Viking spoons, supposedly made nnRlIlally almost a thousand yean; ago. incorporated the wooden chain for a reason, as we shall see. The Chinese nested spheres in ivory, with as many as twenty-eight balls one inside the other, se .. -eral surfacecarved, far outclassed any ball-in-a-cage I'd


ever seen. And, just recently. a friend brought back from Wales some pictures of Welsh love spoons that have been made there for at least three hundred years, incorporating both the ball-rn-a-cage and the swivel as integral parts end giving them a meaning instead of just cele-brating them as tricks.

At this late date, I'm beginning to realize how little we really know of the origin of our standard designs. and how most have come down through the centuries, sometimes losing their basic meaning III the process. J described such a situation in a recent book. The Modern Book of Whittling end Woodcarvl1Ig: the breadboard which some carver long ago circled with "Give us this day our daily bread," which later copiers shortened to just "Bread." although they retained the Old English Jettering of the Original and the circular form. In all of these designs, later makers copied the earlier ones; and. because wood is perishable, it is not possible to date such pieces as remain in many instances.

Now rve found excellent descriptions of Welsh and Swedish love spoons and pictures of several dozen types In various references.

Lelt-c-Tbe se lilT"" lo\'~ .poom. made on a Jew houn ea." lJy the nUI!.<>r .how ""'''''' elI!..., .,,~ e- ',f tl""l!n" 11.., 1"t1: ... 1 'f " lOpy "r th" '" !!,,5I kM w " Wd.h "P<""'. moo il" -c 1 .hgl>U l' for Iln!Oler l!O!Ie 01 can/in!: by II elnss and ","n"" U !!Ome"MI R' .... 'n OPl'''1l1".111CC. II III in ~lISlJjr p'il"lC ;1_b(~u1 I J I I -. ·~qUl.irl· by 10 in lor~c The Ifrli:dJ.N:t spoon is in blond Umbo (while mnhor,nnyl and rub.tilul". an oppl<' '.or Ih~ .. ri~! combJlII£' lop fr"memhcr 'h" Gnrde .. o. Ed e o'l. 11· eeemnr ~111 In m .... hog.;1ny, is ... moclir'C-.:IItion of II (nquenl ck"--sig;n by w nescme ... ilers, Srn re. on I"" m<'f11lH.td ere pro<! ueud w,tI, ubuc.FI1 cut. \", .. ilh -~ 1 t'l'I .. in. haH.,I<l'lHl,,1 "IJU~e. Inlln~1 h.'r' I •• nnt.l, "W~I· Ih e ""'&"$ l><",.,.,lh fk.l_-.r." ... ad boh.}, 01 im ;oppl" 5Ug. Re.,,,d u... old elu"...., "'!lIrn.y ,,' .. "''''IT! II, Ill" ba<;k. ""ti 'UIl'1IJ! ~~t.;~y Utt:o Juh:.nwult"d .o;;n;,kt:'t lu rhm LI:~,· I-pOLIti hfin.lIt: h.·ft a precul .Iub ,,'hich :vn:1tlccl u pcnduu, ..... bonus.


M'JRTH 'WALE 5 .....


",.t.: (.os:o-t>olch4d 'I""" ftbc:::N'll eee cuf thtoull!h






~ ~


plus the Iuct thai Swedish swains wore their spoons in a buttonhole when they wenl courting. The young lady countered with a yam doll. and these were exchanged to plight a troth. Our ball-rn-a-cage devotees could have had a traditional reason and a practical outlet for their output had they only known its origin!

Anyway, the Welsh love spoon, like its Viking counterpart (and possible ancestor). was a young man's proudest gift to his intended. It had all the symbolism of love gifts the world over. and showed the young man's devotion nd skill. just as the modem girt's kmtted neckties and socks were supposed to later. There were those coquettes, of course. who collected a row of spoons. just as girls I know collected fraternity pins and diamonds-and the swain who could make one could presumably make several if his affections varied. Inevitably, less gifted men hired

OIl,.,.. nnmtrn.'5 buvo their I""" .ponn o. ", .. II, !>HI known among ch('m the Scnnrl nvinn nr Viking tlnr 01 It'l-.:. Mjlf'l: from #II Single p,t"t't- nI ""r~. rhr .. C'w1Ti ".f-'iCWn hAl PI£1"cc-d carVing. sur1ac~rv~d hcm1>; .. nd IS !N".e11OUJ!h 10 be u...hl ... .....,g~"d .._ ;t !hut III"

".,,,,1) "-,,I> I .... ""rh ",I"" wuh u.., epoane, and the brid" ",Me Ihtm a bour her n""k whIle ner mme wenl ".c()nqucrln~. TI,,, 1<pOO1I ," ril;hl ~ .... nply nn el u \;oral" "unotlon Dr the U'DdillDllaJ Mcxic ... n "'Vi"", """"" 10( m., lou<>!It trade, fl.. ore .in"'I .... vcroions olt"" Voo"!: <poon5. D<l"1!m "n' "",dIKed with &OU&"'"


more gifted ones La make spoons, until they became just another commercial product, and the tradition and custom died out perhaps a hundred years ngo, Now the Welsh are turning out the spoons again and "reviving" the tradition-but for the tourist trade,

Spoons are, of course, not the only love token. Many rustic and seaside communities have produced other types: chip-carved boxes. lockets, pins. scrimshawed ivory. macrame belts. They were in many cases an alternate for a declaration by a tougue-tied suitor. but were also made as love gifts for children, parents, wives and friends. Their baSIC idea, however, was as a prelude 10 courtship, to indicate a desire to "spoon" or to nest like spoons, hence the Victorian usage "spooning."

The bali-in-a-cage, incorporated in many Welsh designs. was called a "lantern" and signified the love captured that could not be set free. The number of links in a chain in some cases indicated the number of children desired or promised. as dId the number of little spoons in addition to larger ones. Two spoons on one handle or two bowls in one spoon meant "We two are one," as did two balls within the same cage. The keyhole showed a willingness to provide a house, the spoon itself a willingness to provide food (sometimes this was emphasized with a knife and fork as well), The wheel meant a willingness to work for her. the spade a desire to "dig" for her and so on, The comma shape, usually in pairs, was common; it is a "soul" motif-possibly derived from the Chinese yin and yang or the Egyptian shapes depicting nostrils (through which the soul was believed to escape at death).

Extremely intricate designs eventually were developed. just as they are in any other art as it approaches its decadence. Some became relatively huge and elaborate scrollwork designs, Ihe equivalent of an Eiffel Tower model in glued-together matchsticks; but the idea of one-piece design was largely preserved. Material could be local woods, fruits like pear and apple, nuts like pecan. maple and the occasional exotic \ .... oods used by lovelorn sailors, But the commonest wood was sycamore, because it cuts dean and carves easily. Inevitably, some later designs were assembled, and many actually were no longer spoons-they became forks or knives instead. even whistles or pairs of miniature shoes. But the shoe has been a persistent symbol anyway; it survives in modern wedding cakes and the shoes tied to the benedict's getaway car-probably even in


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EGYPT (.11' .. ' Q'nt ....... t Spoons IZSO sc

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C,(RMANym SAILOR [INDIAN Loo ... "in,

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the story of Cinderella. An early form of the shoe tradition can even be found in the Bible (Ruth 4 : n. The Welsh converted this into a pair of carved shoes made into receptacles with sliding tops, one containing a lump of coal, the other a lump of sugar-so the newly married couple would not lack for food or warmth.

There is little to say about the technique of carving: the spoons: the drawings are largely self-explanatory and will serve as a takeoff point for other designs. Some designs in "chip carving" (page 8) can be adapted. as well as others. Some designs are identifiable for area of origin There are local design differences: in the British Isles, for example. a dolphinshaped or crooked stem was from Caernarvonshire, large twm panels featuring the keyhole and heart were from Pembrokeshire, and so on. Some areas stressed fret-saw work and chip carving (page 8) of surfaces; others had intricate detail carving or incorporated several whittling stunts.

In any case. these designs offer a challenge.

AI ... &-,. n 1 ... 11"" ham >).C>Un willch 1 bllLl up ... ...-m "I Ibirly y ... atS bef",,, I found oul what I ..... dt,sIRIIS ....... 'e m"",n! 10 ,..,p.eJ<'nI. 1\1"",, of lh~,,-' "", q.,t" "lnb<l."t"ly rnrv • )'01 ~Iun:ly nnd UJ<lbIc.


and CcI more practical application of some of our familiar tricks, although few of the spoons are practical. My only caution is the usual: Be sure your selected wood is straight-grained and that your smallest krufeblades are razorsharp.

Spoons from Other Countries

The Welsh spoons led me to research other sources for spoon designs. Results are in the second page of drawings. Included are examples from the Southern Alps (the "Tyrol," once Austrian, now Italian), from Spain. Portugal (the Alentejo area on the southwest coast), Germany. India-all old, but none so old as two ointment spoons from Egypt that are more than 3,000 years old! There are also more modern designs from China, Mexico and Peru. These are probably not "love" spoons in the Welsh romantic tradition, but they were nonetheless for domestic usc and some affection must have been involved or the necessary i line to carve them would not have been spent.

The "sailor" spoon is my own composite of three mcnfs common in such spoons-the mermaid, f'ish and rope. Notc the loose ring on one German design, and the formal carving of another. Most of the spoons, however, are examples of folk art. repeating what are cornmanly called chip-carving designs.

In sharp contrast are the horn SPOQllS made a century or so ago by the Indian tribes along the northwest coast of North AmericaTlingit, Haida, Tsimshian. etc.-the same tribes renowned for their totem poles. These, in fact. utilize the same design conventions. The outer ends of the horns of bighorn sheep were split. then heated and formed into bowls. The bowls were cut to shape. and the horn tip and bowl bottom carved in low relief with formalized depictions of birds, fish. sea monsters, animals and occasionally man. Many of the handle designs were carved through to the open core, making pierced designs. Flat bones from whales and walruses were also carved into berry spoons, with symbolic designs on the spatulate handles. I have owned two of the horn spoons for thirty years and only now have found that they depict sea monsters, and one has a hawk on the bowl! In the bowl designs, by the way, the elaborate designs above the eye arc the ears, positioned there because of the limitations of material.

~ The Carved Spanish Colonial Door:

Traditional Revival Makes These Modern

Note: Details tiC designs are obscured 01\ some doors, because photos are converted from color.

\' e ~ tern und SOUt.hWl..,tt:rn AmM'lC'an'" fit. h~rrtmJn'P. rnoec nnd moTe C'OJU('IOtIF of rhe .ml"","i,·" d(.on of Laun An'lC"t""lr":1n ('hll~llr-.e: ami hactendas: rarved b)' d>e I"HI ... u ... ",k, $1"""811 lute'lDg" .nd repuired or duplicaled "I 11",y disinte grated I" t be c~nru 1"1(';5 SlnC'Q_ TI\Io~B are typIcAl ~.~mpJ , <O<"p' for lI .... ...t r'Rhl ",hl<:h;'. modem CO))'\!' on ~ manflOf1, III

StIli'" CrlU, Cnlilcmia.. Beyorxl it i. " 'C<!l(jII 01 (lnp of .he "",,,I,· .. <1M"

a. ''''' Cnrmcn church no Sen Luis .'1\1",," Mexico

B .. fnw I. om ,,.1, II' rlRI" ""' the upper hBlvc. of rhe tI"",.., IV Soon Di"'!:O rowel), G<!lIfIl<JU"''', M"XlttI, the dent'S to .he chnpel 111 the slnl museum ! SII" I_IIi. Polo~., M"",co. on<! U", I'r"l()r~ lonn. ",r n rt,ur('h In t.eon, :.il<''''''il''''- fill h-vt" 1(:1.a!d.~.:.i.1J IIQiltl muhfJ:

"'."P' 10. tbe perrran Iwudo 011 It. .. Am"ricon door wh,eh IS 01"" the

nl}' 00(1 "",haul fin (lrrn('d lOP


A Whale of a Carving Project:

Seagoing Mammals Provide Many Possible Designs

The whale is a particularly popular subject fOT carvers along the Northeastern coast of the United States, particularly poses of the sperm whale. They range from small examples in ivory appliqued for decorations on women's purses and tiny ones for pendants and charms to reli~f carvings several feet long for wall plaques and signs. The blunt-headed shape of the sperm whale also works out well for a weathervane (page 34), and the carving is relatively simple. In fact, many "carvers" produce them with a handsaw and power sander, using chisels or knife only for the eye.

There are exceptions to the standard pattern. however. as pictured here-a great blue whale carved by Don Riemer, Kendall Park. N.J. After a heart attack. he decided to undertake "a fairly large woodcarving, but one which would not be too demanding physically nor so detailed that it would be exasperating mentally." He decided on a whale. and his Wife drew him the necessary pattern. It is: carved from 1-'/" x 15 X 4S-inch sugar pine, with an inset eye carved from holly. It turned

Left-Fishing shack "~" "PPUllcM'1CC~' Dbo~t 2 >' :! m., pam!· cd. BPlo",~Whnlp ,.tnu' letter opcnt"f, hy 1,,1111 Vi,w". III ,~,k lilrol<h OIl paR" 691. Ualtom. 45·m. era",! hlue whnJ". in ~u~tJr pine' b)f' .Don Rtnmer. 11 "no on ;n.<crtcll f:)'C or "".1)', al I[lr right "I Ine dos.up,

out to be exactly what the doctor ordered for Don-something satisfying to do during recuperation. without being too strenuous.

Dan's comments led me to the sketches reproduced here of most of the major whale types, as well as some associated designs. I modified the mermaid to make a Welsh love spoon (page 38), and made several of the dolphins. another popular East Coast subject. The latter, because of his playfulness and willingness to perform in oceanariums, is frequently illustrated and thus oHers many sources for designs.

Usual practice is to make the whale as relatively higher relief, even half-round, and to finish it simply with wax or varnish and wax. depending upon the wood. Except for the killer and the humpback, whale color is relatively unimportant anyway, so a slight darkening along the back is usunlly :III the' coloring that is desirable.

Whale motifs may also be used for scratch or scrimshaw carving and for surface decorations on a variety of objects. A whale-handled letter opener is another example of the whale incorporated in a design and IS unusual in that it comes from the West Coast rather than the East-which is only proper. because they see far more whales than we do these days, particularly durmg the semiannual migrations. But nostalgia is a powerful force-as the fishing shack habitat suggests. Many of these picturesque scenes have been produced. often based on pictures Of sketches of scenes long gone. just as present-day SCrimshaw makers frequently use sailing vessels and whale hunts for motifs-although they have not existed in reality for more than a hundred years.


NARWHAL". UNICORN WHAll I}-Ir. ft, pL • ..:! 8·ft ""~ ,K. 0" .... 01.

Klll~R WHA.LE Z5 ff



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O,5iqn b.,. J!m Ritmcr f.,r" +'1-'<'1. modf I





*' A Tropical-Fish Mobile:

Whittling and Balancing Seventeen Different Woods

When an English naturalist saw my Balibird mobile. he mentioned that natives in Antigua wove straw fishes for mobiles. This set me to thinking of the clouds of tropical fish over Buccoo reef In Tobago, thence to this mobile The conventional mobile is usually an odd number of elements-three, five. seven-but I had the Idea of sing a different wood for each fish and my initial list totaled twelve. One way 10 approximate the swirhng mass of color of fis.h over a reef would be to tint them-and this would more nearly depict greens and blues that are so common; but I prefer natural wood colors, which meant that my mobile would be predominantly brown, with some whites. reds and even black as possibilities. By now, my list had grown to seventeen, enough for two or even three normal mobiles.

Th.elOl:: "It""Vw'llrtIi1 crupl~d 11m. when \'1:mdswep1, prDduce ectjon .i""I~r I" thaI arr a reel In ls makE. II ~rour> ph<ll"llraph <llmo:.-r u. dr1licuh 1<> sort our SO det:>iled pl'Owgo:,pm loll"",J



1 wanted the mobile to be compact, wh ich meant small fish. and I decided (as usual) to abandon scale and make each fish from whatever scrap of whatever wood seemed most suitable. This did make it possible to get some color and stripe effects from the wood itself. Zebra wood makes a good sergeant-major if the stripes are run vertically; cherry is a good color for a squirrelfish: ebony has a good color for a frogfish, who will also add a note of ugliness to the composition. Lignum vitae growth wood provides the light-colored tail of the jewelfish, while the heertwood gives an interesting pattern for the body, which in real life is iridescent purple with white spots aJong the back. Cocobola has a long. lateral figure. which made a good sailfish. I could have approximated the striping of the huge sail by running the grain vertically on this fin (which is One of the few separate elements glued in. the other two being antennae on the frogfish), but 1 chose to run grain the long way of the body.

Of course. it is advisable to remember grain to provide maximum slrength in the thin cross-section of the fins and tail, but this problem can be rnimmixed by leaving those parts abnormally thick, and til inning the edges to give apparent lightness to the compositron. In some cases, however-e-abnormally long or wide fins-it is preferable to adapt grain to them. In the angelfish, for example. I used walnut, and. because of its tendency to split, the grain had to run the long way. Also. thrs particular scrap was quite thin, so the angelfish is really a two-sided low relief, while the puffer and the dolphin are fully threedimensional. (ThIS difference is. incidentally, of relatively little importance, as far as appearance is concerned; it is preferable. in fact. to ha ve the large flat fish thin and light so they will be activated by drafts more easily. When the mobile is hung, there are so many elements that the observer is unlikely to make detailed ccrnparisons.)

Shapes were adapted from pictures in fish identification books and sawed out on a bandsow. Some modifications may be necessary to eliminate or merely suggest threadlike appendages. for example. Details can be cut more closely with a scrollsaw, which will also

PJlANTIC SF\\lFISH '(0(0 bolo X ~CJ QUE£N ANGElfISH- Walnut ~. ~Ol FRE NCH ANG[l 1'[yf \) BUTIlRfL't -l1!kq %' {..

I"~'" .......... ". ::-:4!I


BARRACUI:lA.j. f<!:car. !f i ...


(OWFISH - Carob ~- II "r. SQ01RAnrrsH· Chlrl'Y f ~ ...

V l~bI~~~" J.




FLYING fISH- Satinwood ,. ~ot. QU[[N fRIGGlR ~M ~"L

I',.IOftd ti",~ rl'tlft

VH10UTAIL O£t1OtSHl£ J r WEl FI SH -f Js ",_ 5(;1 MAJOR-l,btcl}t~ ~ ••



Hf\MM~RHEAV HS' SHARKS (4 Typi(,"41)

serve to remove excess wood between dorsal fins or the wings of the flying fish. A saw win also help in thinnmg the fin and tHil pOr;hQI1S of the blanks, particularly in the h rd woods where whittling is a chore at best.

From the whittling standpoint. the Job is mostly rounding surfaces and showiug details with V·grooves. Remember that the width. depth and npparent shape of a V-groove can be vaned to suit the design. Thus around the pectoral fins-those ell the sides of the head-in most cases it is easiest simply to indicate their position and shape with Vgrooves .. Use narrow grooves to suggest the ribs of the fins. and a broad V-groove to outline the fin itself, this V-groove having a vertical side against the fin and a broad flat Side fairing into the side of the fi.~h, so it looks as if the fill is standing away from the body below. A similar V-groove will make the gill stand away from the body, III some cases. It muy be worth while to carve the fins in the round (as on the dulplnn) .. or to whittle the fins separately and glue them into drilled holes. I made the dolphin, incidentally, in an "action" pose u nrl fully in the round because he is, in a sense, the centerpiece of the design.

The variation in wood characteristics provides (1 challenge. You may be surprised to find that all the woods can be whittled, albeit the very hard ones require a great many more cuts and somewhat frequent knife resharpening, Also. the very hard woods generally have less tendency to split than the more familiar

Ur'llAiWI"'-iH-oii' h"()ln ,10(1 1·'C)U'f.-e)"lI:d bott ... ~rl1y {m.tt.hogt'lll,)'). yelhllV!.;,1il o.l~m""" II .. (blond IJmba), Ada nne "",I (cOC<) bola) lind barracu dB (~""I.

ones like walnut and mahogany. An exception is cocobola, which tends to split like walnut. Satinwood also tends to split and give grain problems because of its "figure." On lignum vitae, the growth wood IS much softer than the heartwood. so cutting across from one to the other must be done very carefully.

To make the eye. it is easiest to drill the pupil right through the fIsh, unless the head is quite thick. In every case, however, I used drilled holes for the pupil, and simulated the iris by cutting a channel around the hole. The squirrelfish has an abnormally large eye, so in this instance the pupil hole was larger and the iris edge was simulated by 8 Vvgrccvc well outside it. Also. the frogfish has a rat head and a ridge around the eye; this can be represented by leaving a ridge of wood around the eye .. vhen the head is shaped. The mouth, in most tropical fish. is almost abnormally small, but a few have long mouths, whicb are best as sawn slots, because this lets the light through.

Fin rib.::; are a painstaking jab. I fOllnd they had to be carved with the knife: a V-tool or veruer made too many tears on the acrossgrain edges. Also, to simulate the points of the ribs at the outer edge of the fin. a scrollsaw was very helpful.

The fish weigh so little that they can be suspended from monofilament nylon thread, which partially disappears if the mobile IS hung in a light area. Drilling a hole of the balance point and inserting the end of the thread with a good plastic cement in the hole

Jowf'l Uitn"m ,·i,II.I}). fly"'!;; I"h teotm .... -codl, queen trig" er Iunk nn"", rnI hardwecd), ond Soufhern p uIl~, U .. k).

gives the least visible support for the fish, but may be difficult to glue in. An eye can be formed on the end of a pin and this glued in the hole. It will look less natural. but will be more secure. To find the proper point. 1 use two straight pins held against the body or fin from opposite sides. Actually, if the fish is not quite balanced, so it hangs slightly nosed up or nosed down, the mobile may look more hfeJ1ke. In the sketches. I have indicated the support pomt I found: it may vary slightly in yours because of differences in blank thickness or carving. The nylon thread, by the way. can be purchased at any notions store-it is used in sewing synthetics and is very durable and much stronger than cotton thread.

When the glue has set firmly and the fish hangs to your satisfaction. it CHn be varnished (matte or satin finish) or waxed. (I prefer waxing in this case because of the beauty of some of the hard woods.) Do not sand the fish unless you have splintery or rough spots. The small planes left from whittling will catch the light and create some illusion of scales. To carve individual scales takes an incrdmate amount of time and in my opimon is not worth the effort: it is excessive detail. In the case of the flying fish. I felt that even veining the "wings" was excessive. Thrs particular fish, because its wings extend so far over its head. presents a problem in balance, particularly since the balance point is between the wings and therefore hard to fit with the nylon filarnent, It may be better in (hi!> case to support

the fish by a long-shanked eye that can be bent to balance (as 1 finally did). or by a double thread through the tips of the wings.

Assemblmg the mobile is a mutter of balancing weights and colors of woorl. Even with a delicate postal scale. r could Hot get the weights with total nccnrncy-s-tbey obviously vary more than ts indicated by the weights in the drawing. (The drawrng, by the way. shows wood, thickness and weight for the fish I selected; you may prefer some of the others sketched or some of your own design.)

Generally speaking, mobiles are assembled by suspending the elements from whiffletrees, which are in turn balanced and suspended from larger whiffletrees. Slight differences in the weight of the elements on the two arms of the whiffletree are readily compensated for by moving the "center" support point of the whiffletree slightly. Also. a pair of elements suspended from a whiffletree arm can be halanced by a singJe element on the other arm, and elements may also be suspended from the support point-as 1 did with the seahorse and the dolphin. (These two, by the way. are not fish; the seahorse is a crustacean and the dolphin is a marnrnal.)

The conventional mobile is basicnlly in a plane created hy the two arms of the major whiffletree. To increase the concentration of fish, I made mine three-dimensional by using two major whiffletrees crossed at right angles. One of these, by coincidence. has pairs. $0 four fish are on each side of the major whiffletree;

S.,..,Ilnn(' (,,,,,,,,,,no(ll. ''''r.""nl-mOJOf CMt!ruI. pipt.·,·,.h InI pl"J. h"U.NU .... (pi"'" lind queen on~ .. l ("nJnuu.


the other has two £ish balanced by one, so six fish make up the total. It is also possible to make endless variations on this basic pattem-one heavy fish can balance three or four light ones, for example, or single fish can be hung from other parts of the whiffletree-s-or even from other fish.

To start assembling the mobile, begin with the bottom elements. Select a suitable pair-probably a round fish arid B long one-it is best to have the long ones at the bottom of the mobile so they have clearance. Make whiffletree long enough So the two will clear each other's suspense cords-you'll wanl the long fish to hang below the other anyway, so the whiffletree need only be long enough so the cords arc a bit over half the length of the shorter fish apart. Whiffletrees can be made of music Wire, which is tempered and polished steel and obtainable from a hardware store in wrapped Ij.l-pounn coils. I used No. 10 wire (0.024 inch diameter) for all but the two major whiffletrees, which were No. 18 <O.041l. The minor whiffletrees need only have eyes formed at the end; it is easier and more graceful to let the wiro retain its coil curve than to attempt to straighten it. But close the eyes, or they'll snag other [ilarnents and each other.

The nylon filaments from the fish are knotted temporarily into the eyes. Then another nylon filament is knotted at the center of the whiffletree and slid until the fish are balanced, then glued to prevent further slippage. This is £In important step; unless it is clone initially. the units will slip and slide during later steps of assembly and cause endless nuisance.

The second row of whiffletrees will be longer than the first. to allow clearance for the total width of the widest elements of the first, unless one of the balancing elements is something like the ebony fish, which alone can equal two

Dolph"'1 in .... I'.,~ Io.~~) IS thl! "ceruerpsece" of !he rno''!In. nn.-t properly hn<d to phot~rh..

other fish and their whiffletree. (It is usually helpful in planning the assembly to retain the heavier fish for second-stage balancing.)

The top whillletrees must be both heavier and much longer than the second row, of course. J made mille a bit too short, so J found it necessary to strarghten them out somewhat to separate the elements-and slill had some occasional contact of adjacent fish. When r sold it, I therefore replaced them with longer and stiffer coat-hanger wire.

Once the entire mobile is assembled, hang it and begin to adjust the heights of individual fish so they are not all at the same level and so that the positions of the larger fish balance those of the smaller ones. This IS a matter of what looks well. When you're satisfied with the relative heights, double-knot the nylon. glue the knot to the eye and cut off the excess filament. It may also be necessary to make some adjustments in whiffletree height; this is a nuisance but becomes possible by cutting out the knots and restringing. Fmally, add elements. like the seahorse and dolphin from whiffletree centers if you have noticeable blank spots-and hang your mobile where drafts. but not people's heads-can move it lazily.

Even a single fish can be made IOta a mobile, of course, so you can produce yours with fresh-water fish. a favorite breed or some of (he other patterns I have sketched. It is also possible to carve each fish much more elaboratelyand In an "action" pose, although this is likely not to repay the effort because the mobile needs nnt surfaces to catch vagrant airs. and in-the-round fish as well as action poses work against you in that respect.

Some in-the-round carvings make better mobiles than they do standing figures. incidentally. In one show, I entered an ebony baton \ .... hich was basically four female figures. one above the other, and representmg the four seasons of the year. The judge, a sculptress, asked the show manager for a piece of black thread and a tack. so the baton could be suspended from the ceiling rather than Iymg on a table-and awarded it a prizev I have also used a Lazy Susan topped with B circular mirror to display standing carvings so the observer can see all sides without picking lip the carving and risking damage. (Some people are unreliable-fragile parts "come off" everything th ey 10 uchl)

~ With Animals, the Silhouette Is the Key:

Low-relief, Applique, Intarsia Examples

Animals and birds usually have distinctive silhouettes, as they are naturals for low-relief carvmg, for plaques, appliques, wall panels, even for free-standing sculptures. These are a miscellaneous group in various woods and techniques as examples. All six were made about the same time. although one did not suggest the other to any degree.

Simplest of the group is the black skimmer. carved in white pine and oil-painted as a wall decoration for a buat in Florida. It has more detailed feathering than it really needs but will be mounted In the close quarters of a cruiser cabin and hence will be viewed at 3 to 6 feet at most. The anatomical detail may serve to interest people more concerned with an accurate deprcnon of a favorite local bird than with esthetics. The blank was sawed from ajJ-inch wood, with grain running from beak to tall. of course.

The pair of cardinals and the lion (sketch on page 52) were much more difficult to carve. Rosewood provided a desirable color and figure, ali wdl a~ a lovely natural finish, but rosewood is by no means easy or soft to whittle. Setting-in of the outline is best done with a 'fjj-inch firmer and grounding with IJ-I-inch flat gouge and firmer; that reduces wear and tear on the fingertips when details are whittled.

The magic bird in the big plaque is so highly

EJ""k .kfm mer B. ~ d~ 11I~I"d b UI unpnmtt:d ~Il houeue Ib~J" ... I. and paP1lGd wilh ~n" (r.~bU. Fe •• hor dEW) "'". I'rn.,.,dcd bemuse Ih~ C1'lIVlnR ,,":>l h"n~ ngni!1ll1 p c:rui>;l!r rab,n "'~11 and "",11 ~)w"yr; be seen III etese rOIlI:<·. I

prt"r It unr.,lnrttd.

conventionalized that it is barely recognizable as a bird 81 all. However, it provides a wide range of surfaces and shapes, as weU as an excursion into typical Maori motifs. This shape, as a matter of fact, was the one that von Daniken used to "prove" that bemgs from outer space came to the Earth as astronauts=-although to me, and I suspect to the Maori, it is simply an explanation of how their island was populated, with Pourangahua, a Maori god, arriving on his magic bIrd-a story like that of Sinbad and the roc.

I selected mahogany for the piece, and felt that carving tools were preferable to the knife because of the areas involved. The whorls and spirals that are characteristic of Maori carving are difficult In any wood, but particularly so in mahogany because of its tendency to split. Incidentally, the Maori seem to use the spiral to indicate a movable joint of the body-witness the placement of these clements on the body of the god. The bird's claws and head have cross-sections quite similar 10 that of a conventional molding, the concave shape making a gouge essential,

The cockerel differs from the other design in that it is inta ia-a series of carved wood sections joined on a walnut background. As intarsia often is, this de ign is in various woods, but unlike most intarsia, it is quite high relief-almost half-round, with shaping of


parts carefully carried out, but. detail only on pinion f.e-athers and the elaborate tail. Most difficult are the legs. because of their delicacy. The tail is dose behind (no pun intended). I found the legs and tail to be basically whittl'ing of a scrollsawed form. although tools can be used on the tail to remove unwanted wood in back.

The tiger and zebra plaques were primarily an effort to test the distinct ive gra in of a piece of zebrawocd I discovered. They are interesting, but the grain figure doesn't do for them all it might be expected 10. Further. the wood is difficult to work, because darker portions of the figure are much harder than the .Iighter ones,so carving is alternately hard and easy, with constant sudden changes along a single cut.

Tcp-Pour"-'\tnhuo on Ina IilItY.Ic bl'cI .'O'njn~ to:> N e w 2<>n Iornd. :i 1>1 e M!t<lrl· .tyl~ wnerts BI joints lind .hcn·j,1SCI"I ",.yr:'lo :\4llhr.~ftany ] ,.. 12 x 12 in, A,'l:Jw:jI!.C'------Turo l!):pcf1m{l'nts With .l'ebl'"A ~~t.OO In loUt 1 ~~f _ Abo ut J "I( 3, i n. bcftJtt:' nI.:Iunlmf!. .. Bdtn\._CIf(lInrd~ :and rerumberx lion in n»ewood. "boUT 3 x 5 m Rj~hl-lllw..w c«lccnll C..,., <kelch).


L- ~ ~

POURANGAHUA .. Mum qod whe flew on hu "'49;0: b.,-d fro", H .. ",o!ilc. (Nil"" Way) 1" N.Z.

(ARIlI/IAl'i - pi"'!."" <It 1.:.. top


~ Primitive-And Crude:

Cuna (San BIas) Indians Carve for Utility

Crudeness in design and execution is not limited to primitive people by any means; it is the result of a poor sense of proportion and lack of ",kiU. But primitive peoples are more likely to produce crude carvings because they've had no opportunity to see art other than their OWI1. A sense of design leads them to decorate utilitarian objects and to make decorative ones to wear or venerate, but some peoples simply never develop the "knack." They produce pieces of obvious purpose and strength, as some of our Colonial ancestors did, using available wood and knowing which wood was best for each purpose--but they're crude.

An interesting exception to the general rule are the Cuna Indians of the San BIas Islands. Panama, where the women appear to be quite' competent designers; they design and execute their own moles, some quite fanciful and elab-

orate. (A mole is B cloth panel decorated with reverse applique--c-insertion or stacking of doth strips of many colors, with upper ones cut and sewn back to reveal the lower ones-s-end worn as a front or back band on a blouse.) The women also wear gold ring!': in their noses and gold necklaces, as well as beadwork wristlets, anklets and upper-arm bands. But the men an: content with "white-man" clothing and wear no jewelry. They make quite good dugout canoes (most of the San Bias live on offshore island's and commute almost daily to the mainland to garden patches and for water) and one-piece seats for their houses, but they rarely decorate either and do almost 00 pure "pleasure" carving beyond occasional dolls. And what they do is quite crude, without evidence of the welt-developed design sense of the women.

The men do, on occasion. show glimmerings

Tfl' !~[I- Th'~" IYP;4>l S:'" 131", sreots, Itoilid our of ~!Ump" w;,!, ,.,., d<"<arnl Elln lind IlIU" el.fOrl 10 ''lUl'' e "P l:>~hv dirt fl<>« 1IJ""'. """" Df dll>'. Lof'-A .u",rls· In~ly 1iJ~lik~ ""~ I>r huwk, po .. ibly caple<! I,,,,,,, "pic· '!f!"ll. Belew-T .... ,dol nod \WIlking -..I;ek "'" ",.harp <Dnl".S!: Th .. idol i, lradifio""l. whIle Ih~ .IId, " nMW]", n o nd poi n Ie'" '" true <;<>Im.. EB<"1t IS n • v,gl~ J>1C<". The chiel £<>,,,,,,1 Dn Q "n".l'"ll~ """,I .It"".,.. Ii,., usu a1 n~! f:fl("e." nnd :.:.q'In.r~-1Q-pIX'd hroad_ depit.:lrni: 1h.J;' l"cn.:rnunja! h<'lKI .carl

COnlmcn t'l'P" TYPICAL J-PI(Cf. CARVED 5TOOlS - San BIas, PclT1ama


DOLL-San Blas.Pan~rna-BJRD STAfF


WEEPING WOMIW-San Bias. Panama



~ 3r"'lde


5had~d OnuS p3intizd black

CJ'lo~ Ffuiinq

!-PIECE CAI'Vt V HEAD RE.ST - Africa -VIlYY hard wood

"'""-- Two Non-crude Contrasts


KUBBE (Koo-bah) STOl

1~III .... RoUl'dqd"'I~lh

ThIS NonYlZqian .stool is mad« '--___ '--- __ -'

from a hollowrd trll.,kdf EAGLEor HA\.JK-San Bias,

ba<;s, pinG', ",,1m, or 'imilar +-.

Alt<rna1.z d~'lqns incluelt: Vikin'l 1 hta.l stort~OUfe.

I ,I


ssm \'/OODEN OOlLS - San BIos - MORTAR


of artistic imagination, as In the car v ing of the chief with the pipe or the group in the glassbottom berge. Both resulted from their contact wit a Pittsburgher named Tom Moody, who achieved the impossible 8 few years back and rented a three-acre "coconut" island for a small hotel consisting of seven guest cabins and a couple of other buildings, all of bamboo. In the course of his ticklish negotiations, Tom gave each of the three tribal chiefs a longstemmed Bavarian pipe, so I found one carvmg depicting the chief sitting on his taller stool and puffing hrs pipe. Tom also has a barge with which to take his guests fish-watching, and this has been reproduced after a fashion, with very crude figures and a woven-reed roof. (Two of the figures have horse or dog shapcsl)

Yet the Chief, the crying woman the eagle and the seats show strength and vitality enough to Justify their inclusion here. The bird on a walking stick is quite accurate in proportions, and the seats are all very sturdy and usable, although they'd never do on a hardwood floor-the idea of a plane surface that accu te has not yet influenced these carvers. Tom had the idea of having the Indians carve bases for his tables like their wasp-waisted mortars of hardwood stumps-and had to refinish the bases himself so they didn't rock on

Abo,'''- T"flk~ I dun. r,n<l n "I:~r~ cor ~ "'Hi'mg wnman. p'tr .. r~d m [email protected]("(t cnrved WGls for clnJrh·,,~n. wtuch ArC' like- lO\\l~b.ru:"~1 rod,,:n;. Left lOp--An A'ri.-Im h,,""'''''I. II,,,,,,U), .I......,..~lt'd Md ""JnIM. ~ """'1' r')n,"'" 10 San Bin ...... 1 ... II i. mB<l~ of ,h,,..; rirn'$; Snn lIIn~ P'~<'" M., unu .. Ldl....:TII .. v"'r~' nll.I,· "><>dol Ill" gl",,·botlmned .,,'1 I.n, .. weven-reed rool .,.,r) i .. assembled pt .. co by I',e< ...... rhe-h I~ "',, .. ual, II w'" p,"""bly mode with Itw .t1cll 'h'" U,,, ",,'nt'. nllhe noll ""001.1 buv i, Iwl!lch 1\" <litH.

his wooel floors. (The Indians thin the central portion for knee comfort.)

For contrast, J have included two widely differrng designs. one from a supposedly primitive people, and the other dating back so far it probably was primitive as well. Both of these, however, have graceful curved shapes and decoration; they come from peoples with an inherent sense of design. The African headrest has a rounded bottom, for comfort of the user rather than because the maker couldn't carve a straight line. It would never occur to a San Bias man to put this much effort into a seat-or even a favorite dugout-which lasts about ten years. The Scandinavian kubbc stol IS even morc elaborate than the African headrest, and shows great ingenuity in utilizing a natural shape. It is deeply carved, tinted with stain to make the design stand out and is now berng made in the United States by Halvar Landsverk and others in Minnesota. Weight is a bit over 25 pounds With outer walls about 2-inches thick. The flat seat is usually upholstered.

Obviously, there are few instructions if you want to copy the San B las pieces. Just grab the nearest chunk of wood and let 'er go! But you'll find that vou have a great many "civilized" inhibitions; you'll try to improve the design and make it more accurate-and you're likely to end up with something which is at least as primitive and even more crude.

* Primitive but Not Crude:

American Indian Carvings Are Strong, Original Designs

Traditional designs of peoples all over the world are $uffering from the leveling process that accompanies our mechanized civilization. One country or people preempts another's ideas if there is a possibility of cash reward, and quality and individuality suffer in the process. Indians. like everyone else. have been influenced by the buyer: the tourist who wants a cheap memento of his trip, the trader who wants multiple copies of a popular piece or who takes designs from one area to another to cut costs-s-and by the white man in general, who n unts his higher standard of living by "collecting" anything and everything. his gadgets find his culture. The Indian abandons his own crafts to emulate the white man in using machinery' ,md better tools, and cheaper materials like plastics and print cloth.

No one is to blame for this; the world has never stood still. But as a result, the distinctive and handmade articles that once differentiated cultures are rapidly disappearing. A number of the pieces shown here were carved by older men who have since died. and younger men have been unwilling to take the time necessary to learn the technique involved. and to follow it

The pipes. (or example. were mode from scraps of hormigo wood left over from rnarirrrba keys. The wood grows 011 the GUEllelTIEllan coast and was toted on men's backs to the highlands. These five pipes and the lion are the last of the pieces made by an Indian near Chichicastenango, and were lying forgotten in the corner of a trader's store there. The pipes are meticulously made, with a tinplate lining

R'~hl-" "A"~'V oIlnd,"", "~"R"" fII.· shown "', tbese ~d(,11 pIG!~ rs lrom P~IL •• <hIL 'rl", plOti' .. hoIltlWlU' in I he can\'cnlinnni way. then ( ....... "'..:1 In "",. I~J' ·r. o.,..,~n 10 <moolh ~nr! !:11df.d. 'wthUc MlC'kgrounf"1 i ... ""xhlrt:il with verne,1 !l" .. g e- IIn,·<. 'h~" bleckell!!<l a... ro ...... -Zunl r~t~ht!"~ anti . .OJ fl!"'IW, It~·.ck- 1i.3~. ~1;j'h:"1 ,ub 11'.l~ i]n:"U cera! and v.rIOUS :r..ErnJpreclDl,U U_~·1l

Bdo'" "Chi-P,p", and ~ h(On ." ........ 1 h'-am hormign. \\-ooc1 Itl GUf1tcm.:\la. SI('Cmij; nr;r- bamboo and bowl5 81'e hned with. ullpln~



~.. Pointed bleck 8.. polis.ha.d

'-h~V",V /"",,,1-( £ R£ nON\A~ MAS\\S- PdNrno

In the tobacco chamber. and inserted eyes of semiprecious stones. The designs are simple and relatively easy to carve, but powerful and distinctive. and the resulting pipes ar light and compact. The Indians smoked sections of penny band-rolled cigars in them.

Similarly, fetishes were once the proud possessions of Indian families in our own Southwest, particularly in the pueblo areas. Zuni craftsmen made the best ones, good enough thai other tribes traded for them. They were usually soft stone, turquoise. coral, abalone shell, and similar materials, although some were made of wood. They carried decorations of offerings of shell. coral or turquoise beads, feathers and miniature arrowheads, particularly the "prey" fetishes, images of animals frequently hunted by the Indians. Fetishes were "fed" regularly by being dusted with a mixture of cornmeal and ground turquoise and other ingredients-and rewarded with added decoration when a hunt was successful. An Indian once told me: "If you don't believe in it, it's just a carving of an animal; if you believe in Lt. it becomes a fetish. with power."

Almost all early fetish designs were very simple. with foreshortened legs and cars, blunt noses and little or no detail. They were not in exact proportion but did depict the general outline of the ani al. real or imaginary, and emphasized its phy<;iml characteristics: a mountain lion had a heavy. powerful neck; a horse had B blocky head and strong back; a bear was bulky and globular. In some respects. the Ienshes and the Guatemalan pipes have similar designs.

Carving primitive figures of this sort is not difficult for the modern craftsman, but maintaining the simplicity and power with lack of detail is. The tendency is to be too accurate and too detailed, Pieces were made with crude and simple tools, so every bit of materia! removed was an effort, but the maker's belief in the piece made him keep at it until the shape was what he had in mind. His work thus was "primitive"-but decidedly not crude.

Ldl and h<olnw-Mmk.. and 8 peddJ .. enrv ... r ">' PR n~ m MIlan Cor I~ I "d i.m.. !-lIJtht-Srp:)J] U\ult& IIlmJ oR hare 1:S!\!~d iJi ~I slOtJC in Me",m arut H,mN.h.n.'2ii: tt'u!y fife "tns:luut IUi[iql.H...,,·1 loT lounslS.. &,,_ ril(ltl-Mm;Ill"'" copy nr SICIa' 5 III Copdn. BRaIn ""1vcd rrom roll _"" tnc tou .... U.


* Those African Animals-Typical and Atypical:

Great Diversity Characterizes Tribal Designs

Like most Americans. J have always tended to think of Africa as more of a large country than as a continent. forgetting that it includes such diverse peoples and cultures as the Egyptians. Moroccans. Arabs. Libyans, as well as the myriad or individual black peoples. each with its own way of life. Too, I have heen conscious of "African" woodcarvings as something decorators favore for primitive contrast with our otherwise opulent and sophistrcatcd Irving space .. Gradually, however, I hElVE' come to realize that the crude and hlocky pieces which tourists bring back from Kenya nd Tanganyika may represent the quantity. but not necessarily the quality, of the work in the primarily black-populated countries, and Ihat there is as much diversity of design III black Africa as in any other continent. The crude ehony figures of animals and people are representative only of a limited area of East Africa-and not always that, because pieces that sell to tourists are produced in increasing quantities and with less and less attention to quality: thus they became familiar. Money is a powerful incentive there as anywhere else.

Consider, if you WIll. the typical Kenyan animals like the springbok. giraffe and rhinoceros-ali standard, readily available "tourist" items. like India's elephants. They are

COlltm51 between &rs' J\r.IClUl Ifnd S(t..,adIP~\I·C:ln 3pproad~l-lS to ,.""",,,£ nnirnnls Mr illo~""INl by lh~ ... IIKn'"pk •. Thu Kf':lym, ,,,,.I1\lh"~ " h<: tv ,. ill 'h~ I"", v ". Bn<'! muZ1W anti nes Ie"" 'It"" in ~b C1H11fir C'nl'ltnur't IhFlon ("lth~ of ttlc XCl4"\l.'c:gliln dC'flI£I\'lt

blocky, simple and undecorated except for spots like those on the giraffe, burned on hastily with a hot wire. or the inlaid eyes of the crocodile at right-a very regrettable and spiritless piece. They are also often out of proportion and Crude in form when compared with other "typical" national designs. Compare the springboks, for example. with the two contrasting deer styles from Norway. which have cant" uous flowing lines and suggest the lightness and speed of the animal. There are no rough or dumsy sections. and the thinness of the legs is exaggerated. Beside them, the Kenyan animals look primitive and hasty. The Norwegran animals look graceful, fragile. painstakingly done-and probably sell for ten times as milch.

This is by no means typical of all Africa. however, or even of East Africa. Look at the wnter buffalo, the cobra, or the stone crocodile and fish. Or the unusual action pose of the leopard and its atypical support point. Or the stylized panels from Benin and Dahomey (West Coast). Or the bas-relief animals f m Dahomey, which are practically caricatures and very enjoyable to look at.

A number of American carvers have copied East African animals, because they seem relatively simple and strong, at first glance. Like most arumals. they start with a sawed silhouette, which need only be chamfered along the edges nd smoothed up. then notched here and there, and presto: a finished carving. But It isn't that simple. Note that many figures


N<>1a: o"hDm~y f;~u",~ Ml! b"s- ,~hd .. 1.. ....


CROCODILE (Oriqina I il'\!>lQl'1()


have the head turned slightly, as in the springbok, or a full quarter-turn, as in the giraffe. and the legs are usually carved integral with [he base. These factors, necessary if the East African style is to be achieved, tend to make the carving JUSt as difficult to make as one of a local pig. Carving the legs Integral with the base adds time and complexity even if you drill and scrollsaw out the waste wood. but this design gives the composition much greater strength and stability. and looks much better than a base applied later.

Wood can be selected to suit yourself, of course, but if you plan a polished finish, as on the water buffalo. or a surface design that is crisp nnd clear, as on the cobra, fish. or Jeopard. a harder wood is preferable to 9 softer one, and one with a decided figure may compete with the surface pattern. A stronger wood means less likelihood of breaking spindly elements-like the horns or legs of the Norwegian deer. which should be done with the grain.

We often think of African carvings as black.

U'lr--Cnhm Imn. S,,·M .... "'l Bel..... A rn.rn'P<".~bok fmm K.-nya And A water buf',,10 Ircm \V'f .... t J\FrlllC'a.. Bt.uom-Anin13'" 'mlll K~'n~·. ""t'~ln (Tu"," wh.n ~o,,'~,,·<1 ...... rh 6tylllCd d~n. frum th .. W"", CoasL

because so many are made of ebony. But blackness is no particular advantage: in fact. may be a disadvantage if the piece is in a dimly lighted room. However. black does offer a very good contrast if yellow or white pigment is to be rubbed into the surface design, as was done on the fish. After all, the Kenyan uses ebony because there is a great deal of it available. and it adds value to t.he finished piece. But, as you can see from the photographs, the African carver is not restricted to ebony; tn the cobra the carver reversed the color scheme and used a light hardwood, then filled the pattern With a dark pigment. In some of the books I've read about the "old Africa." the authors spoke again and again of the skiHed native carver and how he selected both color and grain of the wood to suit the piece and the personality of the ultimate user or recipient. This was even true ir the carved object was a bowl, let alone a mwiko (household idol), But then. the old Africans. like primitives everywhere. understood that wood has a soul and used wood in rough blocks rather than as dressed lumber from a yard.

Most of these figures can be done with the knife alone; decoration. however, is produced with a veiner and flat gouges, The leopard's spots can be painstakingly produced with gouge scalloping in free forms and various s.izes-or can be done simply with paint. On the other hand. a small gouge will simulate the scales of the cobra or the fish and provide three-dimensional shadows and texture that paint cannot. This is also true of the stylized Benin fish and Dahomey lion, but the Legba dog is better done with a surface finish or selection of a two-tone wood like wal ut, utilizing the lighter growth wood foe color patches. The crocodiles may also be scaled with a series of gouge cuts darkened with stain or pigment.


~ Misinterpretation Can Be Fun:

Or, How to Make Several Carvings from One Blank

These figures are primarily for fuo-a series of exercises in misinterpretation, as it were. It began when I made the minotaur-c-and found thai. some observers somehow missed the fact that it was a bull's head and a human body! They saw the bull's head and assumed an unusual pose, and that's all. The minotaur is mahogany, with holly horns inserted, and provides a real test ;11 anatomy, both because of the pose and the mixture of species. As whittling projects go, he's tough, in my book.

The wolf in sheep's clothing is a very simple design, develop d origInally by the Pennsylvania Dutch. He is largely a chamfered silhouette. with the legs merely inserted dowel sections set at appropriate angles. But his tail is not carved-it is black fur, apphqucd after the entire figure is stained black. Also. in a further mixture of media, a coat of white sheepskin is made to slip OVBr the whole animal, the head going through a hole so the animal looks at first glance like a white sheep with black legs and head. He's really qurte convincing, and is reminiscent of Red Ridinghood. Sketched with him are two side views of our currently endangered species, the gray wolf and the tun I' wolf. which differ little from some breeds of dogs.

The other figures on the page were the

Ri~I"-~"1 Slur le~en(1~I1'

~u."di"n of rile C"'lan JUb}Tinth, wa btllf "'''''. hull bull. Thi •• ug£('>'3 II 11IlIS"'-I1.~' ~umnn body in

B humnn. rnlhe-r thnn Bn.uml. pow~ E,~crl Sttt. r"B"'lI.~t r,I~nrlE"fliI sec onl}' '"" bull hfll<l ,ul-:"".lill,, Ihnr ""rh."JP'S the prop"'" compo';· I;"~ WOllld be h burl', body, ",ilh h .. ma" upp,.,. terse, crownt,.j by u hum"" h~"d with bull'. horn s, Fer riRhl- This walnul hh"'k was I or 0 tirO<! hound do;:. bu 1 I1l>Id.. an enjo)lnl,)lt, <j(jnkc-y ",,,"II .hghl m"'in'''rp'''tolmn (."" skeICheg). What wa. weed lor" lop .. ..,. mAk"" • !uxurlOu; m!IIQT.

resul t of a present in Coope rstow n, N. Y ., when I taught there in 1974. A whittier dropped in for a morning with my class and eventually identified himself as from Ohio and handed out a batch of hand-sawed walnut blanks in return for the materials he'd been furnished in class. I brought several blanks home and, never having seen Ihe original finished animals. decided I'd lei my fancy roam, (The dachshund is an except ion; his shape is so distinctive that it doesn't suggest much else.) But Crom the hound blank J WEiS easily able to get a donkey, from a dog blank both a dog and a cat, and from a bird blank three different kinds of birds. one of which actually is a shy woodpecker who hangs from a drape. I WOUldn't suggest walnut as a regular whittling wood, however: it's a bit hard on fingertips, although it provides very good natural color and finish without sanding or tinting. AU that was necessary was a bit of wax.

Bill Higginbotham, who carves caricatures of people rather than animals, has shown me a similar idea. He makes a number of poses from the same basic blank, which I'd have real trouble doing; most of my figures or people are caricatures, whether or not I intend them to be.

T ese exercises in misinterpretation have


led me to a fun her study-to determine the anatomical differences that make a dog different from a donkey, or from a cat, and even the slight difference in various species of birds. It's relatively easy to make a basic simple bird, and rather difficult to produce one that looks like anything else. but T have, through the years. made dogs that persisted in looking like horses and cats. The answer is, of course, that

Bnte .... -Throo "f~"''''''1 bI"~k. I~ w~l"ul mak" Ih~c~ d,rr~~1 birds. w,th 6 1;(,1<- ~Iunll "I ", 1:'" til<> ,wllilow', ""mJ(1.I ... · Lcg~ ore RdtLPtl, In..-de b) h"'i~lInw tocether rUlfr ~mFlII-(h~1rnc--lc.r copper ",Ii,", nlld it'l~efrjn£ eno I?cd or thl: Ilru:mhly In huJet. m thu I.xxJv "",I opre"dirlK .11", ether efld. te majeo do",. 10 sun,


it is easy to make a basic animal silhouette, but nearly as hard to get a likeness as it is with people; the Individual placement of ears and eyes varies, as does the exact shape of the body. The best answer is to precede each development of a new design with a little careful research. Some-perhaps rnost-e-of that can be done with pencil and paper rather than with the knife, and for most of us, a little drawing ability is long overdue, r spent years carving B. piece, then drawing an outline around it to get the sketch. which somehow now seems to be backward.

&'11",,, I< .. fr-Fu. 'her exptnmonb ""ill, blenk.<. The dachshund rclBtned hi. "' e nlilll, bul the dO!! blank " pr<l<!uQt.'(! II c~t he,- skerch.,.,) Below- Th" woli in

.h .. ~p'. clorhll1f. IS a camp""",,,. wish (I rather ('nl<\" _Ir bod,' CIUVPd fT<lm 'J .. tn ...... cod with d<>W()1 I"p' ~OO II ,lued""" br"ck ,,,,I Wh .. n U", .h""""km cover C' ~..,pJ~ h[}wO\l~,rj he bt!COU1U:" 8 mOTn(":ntl1rrly eonvmcing sheep.


r--.!......=...l------=:.I2I- ~"" ~ r------ ............ -----._....!

MINOTAUR~"'" ~h"l''''I 3;3~.·il\· -""'9.~ah holll" ';:'pl. ho,~ I Sh""'" 'b 0'/ I

\ r.::

L __ .... __ ;"




c(@i~t%(' Th~g~Qi18J

Front view

DAC H5 HUN D (CUi<:<l.tllYIl)


DON K E Y from blan Ie cut fo,ir II HO UN D


*' Some Selected Small Animals:

Details Suit Size and Shape

This group of animals is based primarily on the selection r made to supplement my collection durrng the 1974 Whittler's Wanderjahr. Most are therefore from Germany, but I've added several other challenging shapes-six from the Far East and three from our own Southern Highlands.

The three Indonesian birds caught my eye in a shop in Vollendam, Holland-probably lefl over from Holland's one-time empire. They are in a hard, dark-red wood, each a single piece. with no decoration except artificial eyes and natural finish. I was intrigued by the poses and the tying in of the bird with the base.

All of the group of animals below the drawing come fro one shop in Oberamrnergau and are obviously products of the same designer. They are ill linden. very small, very fragile and beautifully executed in angular lines. with light tmts Oil backs and separately carved and inserted horns. Kids and fawns have tint spots.

These pieces contrast sharply with the rounded forms of the mule. kangaroo, and bear cub from the Southern Highlands (North Carolina and Tennessee), all done in harder fruit woods and wax-finished. The German colt is so blocky that he almost looks like a kid.

In recent years, it has become quite the fashion for Americans familiar with Japan to collect netsuke, the carefully en rved little knobs that Japanese gentlemen once wore all pursestring thongs so the thong could be tucked under the obi, or sash. The two I have sketched are at least 150 years old. The toad is a hard brown wood with artificial eyes and the badger is ivory. now a dark yellow-brown.

L<!fl-NClC;- rcnvenucnaU"" 1 r 0<", lad an.<! "",,"kin,_, .m th I. CIII"""~ "".;que <log. B~lIy i. 01(111<><1 1.(1 hl><lk on n SMh.

They're fun to carve and offer an interesting variation to the usual flat designs on bolos and neckerchief slides.

The Chinese dog is bigger, also an antique in a hard, red wood, and has aT-shaped slot in the belly so it can be hooked over a sash or other projecting knob as a decoration. It isa very complex and distorted pose, with the head turned 180 degrees over the back and a ball held playfully in the front paws.

Ivory has always fascinated me as a carving material because it lends itself to detail and miniature carving, with little danger of splitting or breakage except from sudden changes of temperature in large pieces. I found three pieces in Gerrna y, tl swan and Pied Piper at Neuschwannstein Castle (see my Piper, page 157) and a split walnut ball from Ehrbach in Oldenwald which can be opened to show two forest scenes. The latter is particularly interesting because each side, rather than being one deep and complex pierced carving, is really three thin panels. each carrying part of the scene and mated so the panels behind can be seen through the one in front. Each has deer and trees and grass, intricately carved so that the assembled panel looks like a scene in perspective. It led me to try something of the same sort in wood-the result being the Pied Piper of Mittenwald (see page 157). (Incidentally, the ball has hinge and dowel of ivcry.)

Ivory carving is, of course, a specialty, and the material is so hard that saws and files work better than knives for much of the cutting. German carvers now do most of the work with a dental burr. Even so, the cost of ivory carvings has more than tripled there in the past ten years, and the number of carvers is steadily declining. (The Piper cost about 80 marks, the forest scene 90 and the swan about 25-not much by Amencan standards, with the mark then at 2.50 to the dollar.) All of these pieces are challenges if done in wood in larger size.

p,,, 1('11- Thrt .... • Indeae JIB" bild'tii inu;~gn:nc Wllh ba$<!'!. '0 pr".ect rogs ,,,"1<1 tci]s_ F...ach is cne- pietr, ~"<"<:pl for e)· ... L<>1t-W.lnlLt ball wilL ''.''OJ' (orest ~o.lI". ll(luaUy S:ho,","!i five- ~r on OncJ1 .td<" eerved in thin

p""cad "00 "Dck"d 1'1..,Mi-










CH1N€.SE-DOG for BHl


~~~A> - ~._



COll' (Gt"rm<my)

CUB (U.S.)

.:JF Common Animals Uncommonly Carved:

A Gallimaufry of Fauna and Ideas

Every tribe that carves inevitably produces animal, bird and fish forms, usually copied after local fauna, but sometimes highly imaginative, sometimes very simple and sometimes highly stylized, sometimes for fun, sometimes for play, and sometimes for worship. (These days, an increasing number are for tourists.) There is a great deal of imagination in the design of the parrot from New Guinea, much decorative sense in the Balinese bu-ds and the Trobriand [ish, evident stylizing in the birds from Guatemala. The piece can be innately humorous, like the Costa Rican monkey musician or the Guatemalan burro; it can be on a high arusuc level like the bitterns and the bull; It can even be useful like the fish dish or the whall' (photo on page 44). The only thing this group of tauna has in common is their unr-emmon ckSlgll quality.

As in most animal carvings, the silhouette itself usually provides identification, leaving

the carver free to let himself go on design or decoration if he dares. Thus we have surface patterns ranging from the detailed feathering of the quetzals and the hair of the monkey to a plain surface hke those of the btuerns. swan, bull. burro. and Balinese birds. The surface may be suggested, as in the iguana and penguin, the hen and ferret from Russia, and the Mexican bird; it can be intricately patterned as in the alligator from Ponape, or converted into a pattern for an object, as in the fish from Trobriand. Some carvers make use of prominent figures in the wood, as in the American bittern and Guatemalan swan; t hrs. however, is relatively uncommon. Successful use of the lighter-colored growth wood, as in the Costa Rican bull, is rare, So, surprisingly. is actually distorting the figure to achieve 3 special design, as in the ferret and hen from the Soviet Vmon, the Mexican bird, Balinese fish, and Guatemalan burro. The blocky fig-



MINK Dr n.RRU -us 5, R.





ure, like that of the bull, \IIaS once common but now is relatively rare. Most native carvers seem content to ca e as accurate a portrait as their skill and inclination will allow.

This is not intended to be 8 complete representation. There are other very well designed fauna in the chapters on American Indian and African animal carving (pages 57 and 60). as well as elsewhere in this book and my earlier ones. My intenl here is to provide an Idea of the possible variety of poses, techniques and finishes possible. The two flamingos or cranes illustrate how the same silhouette may be handled differently. The two fish on the first panel, or the two saurians, provide similar comparisons. as do the two parrots--although in these instances the subject is the same, but the silhouette. while readily recognizable, is different.

The ability of Balinese carvers to combine graceful bird forms with foliage in any available piece of wood is fascinating. but is born

RaIi>"'-Swnn tm<l bllrrn. GuatC1lwJ.t' rlog Uti...,...:! II< 0 """'I: "hot·"",u"r bDLLIe." l-', .. -C<oll1nohIRn Jah,;co, Mrxi= Ri~bl-P""l!"m. Gn.w,mllln: monk,,),. Co.l~ Ri< .. ; bull, CO.LD Ricn: ij1.UOIVl. M""ioo; Dod A!I'~alor. POOApI! blnnd. '1"1,.. M""'.,,n dOK I. poll",), hul CAn

n ... ~)' be mmlc in ",ood-1U1<I " ron gootl g Mlhject '0 mrS$.


partly from necessity. Their ebony must be imported nowadays-they've carved all their own-so every scrap is precious and hence is used if possible. Wide use. re~8rdh:~ss of area, of the veiner and gouge in surface decoration is also worthy of no-te; mast of these figures are basicaJly projects for chisels rather than the knife. The only ones finished with color are the Soviet hen and the New Guinea parrot; the other carvers relied on their skill and the wood to get their effects. Of course, the carver of the penguin did use a darker stain to represent the bird's dark coat. The Trobriand carver, like the Maori. used a shell insert for the eye, the bull carver made the horns of a ve.ry white wood and inserted them, and the Ponape carver made separate teeth and 111- serted them-all for effect, but none attempted to produce a three-dimensional oil painting "s so many American carvers do.

Most of the problems in producing these pieces are self-evident. In each case, the blank can be sawed to shape, thus saving an enormous amount of work. And it CUll be fanned with three or four tools-oll some of these carvers have. Most of these designs will repay selection of a good wood, so the piece can be given a final low gloss, Most have delicate pans. so will nOI take kindly to hammer-andtongs production; most foreign carvers seem to be willing to make many small cuts over a longer period of time than we do to achieve their effects.

BULL - Costa Rica Rosewood - HoilyM horns if1sqrt~d <

Tapat from~d9i;: fa body

flYING QUETZALS (Guatemalan national bmj) - Mahogany ROOS11NG QUETZAL

6uahmala -Mahoqany

MONKE'Y MU51CIAN Costa Rj(a~ M~hoqon~


~ -

5WAN(!}-Guatemala-Guayatan BUR'RO ~GuQ1Qmala·1wo woods

~ The Descent from Ararat:

Animals in Low Relief-How They Grew

Ideas for future carvings are often the greatest result of a visit to another carver. The "Pied Piper of MittenwaJd" is one example (page 157), and this column is another. In one Oberammergau shop, I saw a 5-foot carving in the form of a CI"OSS, with the Ark across the top and two or three diagonal bands of paired animals on the lower limb. The animals were moving up-and this struck me immediately as backwards, because the animals should be moving down from an Ark in the elevated position. In other words, the pose should not be the- conventional ones of the animals entering the Ark on the low ground where it was built, but of [he animals leaving the Ark after the Flood. when it came to rest atop Mount Ararat,

This carving was the result. It is about 3 feet high, made in a section of apple trunk about 12 inches in diameter at the base and with the hase of a branching bough at the top. The extra wood there made it possible to carve the Ark as if it were jammed into rocks at an angle, and to show the animals descending from it in low relief in a continuous helical band. It also offered several interesting problems, including showing the figures of Noah and his wife frontaJly in relief and some animals from above in relief nearby, because I wanted Noah to be standing near the ramp watching the unloading. By cutting a channel for the ramp and leaving high "peaks" on either side, it was possible to achieve the desired result. J carved alligators, turtles and snakes on the ramp and nearby (their top silhouette is most important), doves against one wall. Noah and Mrs. Noah against the other. then had a natural transition from top to side views for the rest of the helix.

Another challenge was to utilize the various bulges of the trunk. as well as the excrescences of natural growth resulting from trimmed twigs and the like. This necessitated designing the pathway as I went to take advantage of the surface, so the helix is not a perfect spring shape nor a constant width. Details can be distinguished in the photographs.

Because of the Ark angle, it was possible to add Og, King of Bashan, who in some legends was a freeloader (or the trip, clinging atop the

Ark and fed by Noah through the window. (He has a wedding ring for a crown.) Also, to simulate the animal group arriving on more level ground, I added a base of 2-inch blond limba (white mahogany) in free form. utilizing the pieces cut from the corners to build up simulated rock formations on both sides of a central path. This also suggested an animal or two on the path. so in the bottom of the helix I carved amy one elephant and one lion (who seemed the logical leaders for the descent), an carved the other lion and elephant in the round, with half of the lion's hindquarters removed so he fitted trghtly against the column, and the elephant standing free. There are fifty-two pairs of animals on the ramp and path, selected a.t random to suit the blemishes, and in a variety of poses, both for interest and again to suit the surface shape. With Noah, Mrs. Noah. and Og. there are thus a total of 107 figures on the piece.

crHCetK'ClI are inCOJ1)OI1ued i~ ! Ir d"'iIi"; not" man dr~1s nl lelt "ntl nbo"o Iell Two 0 ne • mal. in-I" ......... "d """ the r:lnlp <_ low). and Os (OIOp tho Mk) .. obo III the round. wilh on old ~o'd weddinerinr for II "'",wn.


*' Contrast in Bird Carving:

One Sculptor Shows No Feathering; Another Shows It All

Birds are a woodcarving tradition. They range from polished fruitwood turkeys and rough-shaped gulls on bits of driftwood through "Audubon" birds with precise feathering and coloration. to conventionalized eagles and major sculptures. In recent years, waterfowl decoys have become particularly popular, so there are literally hundreds of carvers-and, luckily, ten times as manycollectors. There are specific books on techniques and several big annual shows. Certain carvers capture the lion's share of the blue ribbons: their names have become synonymous with excellence. Many birds are so well done that one expects them to fly. and they are "decoys"

8.:1"", Idl- G.""" heeen 19 VI. h",h. <11<,'.-<1 In ur,t' 1';1'<"" ()l oliveweod JoG by "CIIIPPY" CI ...... ', ~"'ph~="" ncru raJ colo. and l'llur~ uf Ih" weed, which II ns 0 &rami.b lam" Therv i. n" ft<ltl..,.. <lalin~.. 'mn nor on I ficiol <'Yes or leg~. oll.hnu&h 1 he mouTh line 8 nd """'., "p.-bhlin!f' or Il>xtucing 01 lh~ IC~1 .. "U~V$I~od. Th e rr"c-.t:".!lin~ "'<llo'-pl""1 ,,,,,[ i. d1nmc,en.tic ,,'Ihe enrver's .tyl~---"!diule. ~Iry. naturaJ, .1'''' unrm .... I,,~~ly woed,

only for collectors' pocketbooks. Their quality is often more in the painting than in the carving.

These are basically "folk art," a classifica-

BfoloW-S"",,'y owl cnrved hue!!Ta[ Mlh ,I. t;a,,, III n.nla. " 22· in. S<I!lplUre 01 elm. He,,, "-g[lin "Chippy" Chs", I~~ the ""Iurlll fig."", ollhe wood "" c"c"t~ n 'luml' l"ojE(linp; '.-em II """T,

,'.-<1 hi h" brrd j ul<f .d ... h I inll or Flreenil1R- No fE"i.\nk"[JDJ:, is dt"1I11~ r;:IL~I, ""Uhl,.Jugh Ih,-· ~.il hnes ~I!J,g(:l:C'rt SQlJJli'. pod e~~en wmg: ~g-e~ Sf"E! !lnlO:("l,h ootllne~ ).11)111.;' lilt:' ""V'L+'im whIch .arc 8~mpl)' rounded hoIl""",,,, Ilh " ce n ,tal pL11 or. T1H~ r.- ~ urr C'olnr In:g .nd

II<> An 'f leml cln .. ·~. Th e reo ull " h \Io."CI r'k ( r J II ~ I h.u ~ttnX')'St cernes

nil vo

Ril:bl-A enuwy owl copied from ll"i<' pMIO h"lo ..... 'I1.e rorver hns lest the W"'~ bulK"" ""d

n"rt'---I liD' h"" Iv!<! J'O".~ r .. nd life, II" has abo test I>nld""",~ If! the E!!)~ r~PJ~.!,~al.flliuu, ruil~ In ... 1K:1w dnW:l 1*1 1fVF11. made 'lhl!!

It urn P 100 promine nt,

tion which has been recognized by connorsseurs for many years but has only recently begun to attract the general public. However, among bird carvers, there are some who also have attracted attention and gained recognition in artistic circle ... Two have recently had important shows, and their work differs so markedly that it is interesting to draw contrasts.

One whom I have long admired is Charles G. "Chippy" Chase, of Brunswick, Maine, who makes birds to scale, often in tableau. and usually in a single piece of wo . His work is distinguished by meticulous care and precision; it often includes some natural habitat element like a cattail, rock, or pond. but has no artificial color. glass eyes. or even more than a suggestion of feathenng. He occasionally suggests a surface texture with a rasp, planes. or gouge cuts, but in general his surfaces am smooth and show the natural wood color and figure. He works from stuffed models, uses templates for greater accuracy, selects his wood to suit the bird on occasion. and corrects major surface checks and knotholes, but

otherwise relies on form, pose and the natural beauty of the wood.

A Harvard graduate of 1930 Chippy went on the McMillan Arctic Expedition in 1931. tried law school, investment bankmg, math teaching and engineering. He began by whittling small figures of famous baseball players but soon shifted to birds. and has been carving them exclusively since 1951. His work has been shown in a great many galleries and one-man shows; a recent big show was at the Farnsworth Museum, Rockland, Maine, and he was commissioned to make a large eagle ill walnut for their penn anent collection. He works only oncomrnissron and normally has at least a six-month backlog. although his work sells for well mto four figures. He is recognized as "one of the world's outstanding bird sculptors." His studio is a tiny old farmhouse on the coast al Wiscasset, with a lean-to shed full of logs of walnut, ash, and some exotic woods, from which he selects to suit his fancy.

In sharp contrast, both in technique and intent, are the lifelike habitats produced by Gilbert Maggioni and Grainger McCoy. Nine of their creations, Involving perhaps thirtyfive birds or other animals, were exhibited at the American Museum of Natural History in New York in 1974. Each is an assembly depicting life-sized birds at an instant of peak tension in flight, hovenng, attacking or

Red·.bouldl!r"d bn .. 1< "Unelnnl! '" wpp"rh.>oo ..... k". lIS Mr. M~Ccy a s ..,mbld " fot ~.hlt;,[,on. 'rh" lit ~r..l1d bim will b~ .upp<>rted 01'11)' by ," Irfl eh,,". nbow whocb It will b<- d"hClu e ly bnlnM~cd WI.h ou .,prc!!d w'''F.s< Wi FlC' hflve &I""d~ n ,"<I wid,,,,1

fc .. 'hcn "'1<1 croups. ,,,.,,,,.,.j lind tint!!d by pyrngmpill" neoedl e and oil ,.,.1111< .., cxect I)' I)wl th .. bird loob 1>1<" II .",.1 0"" """,nu,,1 by 8 mn"'!C"I'tlI.xk:leI11Ii.st.

feeding. A red-shouldered hawk grips 8 copperhead snake. Mallards forage for food. A peregrine falcon swoops down on II family of green-winged teal. A green heron poses midstream to spear a fish. Also, in similar action poses are wood ducks, the gadwall, the redtailed hawk, the turkey. ring-necked pheasants. mourning doves. the black skimmer and the willet. as well as feather j!mups, partially assembled birds, and some tools.

All these birds arc characteristic of South Carolina's coastal inlets and marshes, where their creators live. Gilbert Maggioni. born in 1921, i. ... a Georgian. but settled in Beaufort. South Carolina. in 1946 after four years in the

CVlllp''''lOn red",hauJck~d I",,,,k "1I..a. the .1Ullu> Ircm Ill" ~Idr· h15 UppC,'r wma tif' can ,u~1 be ~~n ~r low,.,. rl~11f In otheot pholoJ nnd fg C!l.n.til~\vrci._' but hm'C. an.~ elaw so " PC"luall}" lIo1""lUhl. \Io'lwn \':a.iLON. pa-a, Feather lechl1H.1u.:: !IIi mtJh:" ~..-denl ~n (ln~ rtoecup Duck, ,n ,he cxllillir M"" 1rId!1lil:"'" rc~"lcl(>d orC3l, oml tI, .. like: rnrlhful"" .. to rh<' live brrtl nnd i'" ""bil. m1<l habi I ...... a""I,,,,d~ me. Th~ o[)hl4""l~'Ve 'lliccrn§. to he- to im-tltU::t Illhe..!" than lu trnpTr:~ .. 1M ent~rtsm


Navy. He now operates an oyster-canning business and has painted 8S an avocation since 1939. But many years of duck hunting finally pushed him into decoy carving in 1967. and he almost immediately went on into much more elaborate depiction of action. working out techniques and solving problems as they arose. He has had one-man shows at the Gibbes Art Gallery in Charleston, South Carolina. and at Telfair Academy, Savannah, Georgia. and has shown his work during 1969-1973 at the Waterfowl Festival in Easton. Maryland. and the Atlantic Flyway Exhibit in Salisbury, Maryland. Grainger McCoy carved his own decoys. but his interest ill "serious" bird carving began when he met Gilbert Maggioni 10 1968. In 1970, with his B.S. in biology from Clemson University. he moved to Beaufort and studied with Maggioni. Now he has converted a country store on Wadmalaw Island (south of Charleston) into a studio and home.

Their birds are so accurately detailed that they look like the work of master taxidermists. They are primarily of basswood (linden). Some are hollow to cut weight. lwei they may have as many as 500 to 600 feathers or feather groups individually carved and attached. Some rock. sand and plantlife are used to complete each tableau, although certain grass stems or the like may be replaced by brass tubing or carved wood to provide support for a bird. Even oysters and quahogs are carved rather than real, and some tall grass and the like is cut from brass shim stock and painted. Painting is, of course. very meticulous, utilizing techniques developed by Mr. Maggioni to duplicate the effect of light on feathering. Some feather and color effects are obtained by burning the wood surface. so no natural-bass paint can be used, A present problem is the old familiar one-to prevent the oil colors from spreading onto the bare wood or burned areas,

The accompanying pictures may begin to draw the sharp contrasts between the work of the two "schools"-one emphasizing extreme detail and the other almost none, but both recognized as outstanding. It was amusing to hear New York TV commentators try to categorize the Maggioni and McCoy tableaus and failing totaUy. They have still to recognize that art may not be solely the product of a "school"-that it can be precise rather than impressionistic and abstract, realistic rather than a montage of soup cans and auto tires or junk.

!iF Cuckoo Clocks Are a Tradition:

Design Elements Standardized for Fast Carving

Clock rncehunisms have been enclosed In daccrativc cases for several hundred years. and some kinds have been familiar articles of furniture or decoration as well-mantel and grandfather clocks, for example. Some mantel clocks had carved wooden cases, but many had additions of other materials or were totally of metal, porcelain or pottery and were quite Iorrnal-c-except, perhaps, for some of the old French clocks which replaced tho navels of dancing nymphs. Grandfathor clocks. likewise. were quite formal. the mosl elegant probably being the William and Mary style.

There are, however. talk art clocks emanating from the Block Forest ar a of Germany. Some arc faced with scrollsawed and painted frames. Better known, however. are the familiar cuckoo clocks, in many sizes and with greater or less elaborate carving, but usually with mechanism that opens a door and allows a cuckoo 10 emerge and bow while a pair of whistles powered by miniature bellows whistle a two-note call to accompany the hour strike.

This mechanism was invented by Anton Ketterer rn the Black Forest in 1730. and has beell varied to include an added pipe and a quail to whistle the quarter hours, or some other variation. (The cuckoo call, by the way. IS a musical third.)

Traditional motifs for the relatively high relief carving on cuckoo clocks have to do with the Black Forest-oak. ms pie or ~ape leaves. game birds. rabbits, deer, huntillg dogs. bears,

Be!"", lef!-Mad~ ;11 1<)()7, tI". curlew dcci< i. t}'pU:31 01 the """"'um clubor;'I,· ''"pes. Mad. "10,0' I'IRMrm<' nnd !ru;lal' """'$ J..r'C' m/fdc. uG' Wt~H aJ 1M '9maU hJUflot Iype< II h~. b<.>rh ('t ... 1<00 ~",I q".,,1 bo-hond 'ml,,11 uPIX'f do:J<:ln;, and D ,k- .. II«1 ""1:1" motH "I the gshle "" .. k, ("rn ... 1 m 1u~1l ,,,10,,1 O,her di-'I~.". ~ ... oa" I",,~c:s!lnd aeo"", 1'1", .,.-"diml rnr II.i e ck to fll lelL Below I<iglll- II ~i11lp'('r I",,,,,, r..,.. .. <:I""k 01 !I", ITIIldrrn tyP<'.

,' w " romlh' e 'nINp "" .. ". of

tru, .. 11,<1",,11<:" ere .n.. Th~

~" ..... 1l"bJ~ ~n<l IS .~p'mllely c:o"",d ~nd IIppl..-d, ,m" II ... ~"II 01 tI ... b.llo> '" )""kln ~ 'i1T1Lll!hl 10,1'"I,,,'",,,("-:n 1~'~1 ... 1 In my interpretotion of 'be sl(hU1JC,-Uto




II'" JI.·tI,u,U" ~


1 7

hunting dogs, shotguns, game pouches, Jaeger (huntsmen in traditional costume). and eagles for the gable end over the face. Designs are usually very complex and busy.

Interestingly enough. few American carvers make their own cuckoo clocks, probably because the mechanisms are not readily available, Even carved docks are rare. But the new digital clocks, with their many shapes and sizes, should be a cinch to enclose-and certainly many electric clocks have such poor cases that they cry for enclosure. Hence these desigl\s.

When I visited a cuckoo clock factory in Triburg, West Germany, in 1973. r was surprised to find that most of the carving is still done by hand. even that for the cheap docks made in quantity, One shortcut is to saw the blank for the entire clock face as one piece: another is to mount five blanks on pins side by side on an inclined plank about 2 inches thick and carve the same areas on all frve sirnultansously. working tool by tool. Still another is to design the foliage so it can be produced in the fewest-possible cuts with fairly large tools, and to use linden wood because of its ease of cutting and relative lack of resistance to cross-grain cuts, Bold gouge slashes do most of the shaping.

I "liberated" a small frame and bird shape ami brought them back home, but only about a year after my return did I get around to carving them, By then I had forgotten the precise design and my photos of the carvers at work didn't supply anything but pictures of roughing cuts. so I had to make up my own designs to fil the blanks. This turned out to be fun, as wei! as instructive. I've shown two variations of the design to fit the German blank, as well as details of the design of a much older clock, purchased by my father the year of my birth-L907-for $12.50 from Sears, Roebuck. as J recall. (Here is another opportunity to bewail inflation.)

Actually, while intricate in design, the cuckoo clock decoration is rather easy to carve, Frame members are simply chamfered into an approximate half-round. to simulate a portion of a vine or limb. and leaf veins (rough vemer cuts) are put in to finish off the basic gouge curls of the leaves. Myoid dock has two and a half acorns flt the base; these are turned separately and applied, The pediment or gable end is very carefully done; though it has a simplified form, it is a quite exact depiction of the ea.gle's head and legs, as weI! as feathering.

Questions I Wish My Friends Hadn't Asked

rd lilw 'that ""n'l1l~ end fd buy .1, 1>", I du,,', 11lu. pine, Can you (UP}" if in mnh02~ny or ebony? Fot the 5a11!tl:' pntt?

n,1.11j, C,sn1Irl"': hel ~n ll'nlpl,)'1 h*,nrt Sh,fl.hlnll I h" h~n<1- hlt\·~ snmeUJm't111 il?

Wh,' 00 )''''' <II"'" ,"" owood? I1;n'l it Ita,d?

\Vhy " ,hR\ bird j"OI pl.!!1n ,,'DOd? Wouldn't It look better il you p'"n'~d 't~

CCJ nldn't }'o'\J, fim:dl thnt trutlJ'r ,vi t_1l ,0 Ii.BMC'r?

(;Ott:lt]...,.r)'· \Vhy don't :-'nu ~I"'P' ~ton_\' Vill:fP,lsh ,in!!i:'sad of WBJ:? \Vh), d,d yOIl Isuve ,00] mor""? V'en: you", U hufT,)' 10 lim"b '. ~ \Vb''''n ,(tI~ you ~Ptt ~.r. hlwc= .t'I cut-pries :j;R1~?

\'lhy L!o""l'tl" P'" Ihm~. '" u il"lIcn'l Th~y ,,".ly ~h~r~" ... h;,<l 01 tbe soles pri<:o. C,,,,'t :1'00 use mo.,..,y?

Why dldn'" you. eehibrr in "UT' f'"knr-rh .:;hl"J"'-.? \\'1 ..... nrl;" Il"'''''' you 'thol ideo?

Cc~lld"·1I' }o"CU m,n'k('" It 'i:lIT'lf'Gt'lr ill pfru:;ri4 '-\It' Irn;n~ Hu'Ur.' .Iol.t. did t~j$ (.';lJ"'I.·inR td'ke?

Why rlon'~ }"'1)U mG~ wmei!hlf'll; f\t lXITUl111f pnn_~-undf."-r II dollnrl Yo" cUi "II ,hnl uu! .... ,th n <It<nl<rl dim, did,,·', .)'Uu?

Why rJon'.IYDu "'''VI' sto"",, sa your ,,'Otk wd[ lant [Qflgcr on<.! be ..... "'"n1, ~lhiIlC.?

.If I brinr. my kid. over some almmocn, wil! }'O<, teuth them II) [;(I rvc Ijk~ "'"Oll dn?

Wl'Y d<>n't }'<>u mAl«, rnrv,ngs t hal ",dl ..-1,---<" n .I<'J<'?

Our mr ,. 01,,11. \VilI ynu .110 l'J"'u ;I? !\nd u "" uple of ""rinK kniveoo. roo.'

Wh)' II""",,', <l"" local bbrn'Y Im~<' YOl" boukoll at,,', h"y 11, .. ", ~U.

W hen 1 tr;"d U] "a tv" once the """"" bfl>k., ", Ire n- '100 I riel< to


Some lime whe" you. "",,,'I bUllY, will y"" "'''~o <ny kid. some lo.l"s?' Thu on t!J5. .. n rllt= ~~ nrc c~t ~(J() rauch.

H('i'l"ljl con1e you can rTUlkC' rhii:nSIi hkc this an'" [ ...-n·l? rm ~.~ ... -man :r~)'nu ure,

Can', Y<lU ""d a betl", w,,~' 10 "'aolo your limo ,1m" whi 111j~ ~? Doesn'] yom ",,1 .. "bJ~~' ID .. II lb .. m_ YOlJ make areund thO' house?

Is ,ho' h.:-..d 5111'1', .. ,,<1 t·" b<! 'he M """ I.iw? TIl<' ''''''' ,,,,I,,,, 01 the I~ don', match.

I '''Ill''''''' 'llm'. " 11.0lIl1 =Y ,op:>.<' lhe tim". now thll' you',,, .etired. BII' why dun', you gel pnr1-1;IHojob ~",I""",'

Who hel pod you "''' Ie yn. ... ,,,,,,I,.?

DcI"w-l'lt.!ldl dude Ipm"~ .. ~Ih o;I.!.) on " .<:IlIp of drih",,,,,tl, by Ed wnm C Ijsc: and <>wI ",;lh p}~h~d .f<'nlhcrinl:,. by J ""'pi; A ... erse, Beth carvers are from Xew Jct1iey.



'* A Potpourri of Panels about People:

Carvers Preserve National Traditions

Since Stone Age man, carvings. particularly low-relief panels, have recorded anti preserved our history. These, from various countrjes, [Ire typit'1l1. Some ere-okl, some new, but all are people-oriented: they tell n story or show a situation. Two are religious, that nt right Irnrn the church in Brienz, Switzerland, center of woodcarving, and that below Crom Bali, showing a goddess and a demon ill pierced work.

BaJaw-C"IW by F..J.T .... r " fih""nlh·"""I,,.y weedell! .lI,iho\\ inK ~ ..,.".O;r,IrlCfI n .. ,,- r, Vrif\r-r IIf'lC,:i. en w..lnu.r. with wlnt .... p'~m""l fill. E3,j.lltlll_01.~ j.r tWf") l.u~~ ","nds Lo Ih<: Mm1llu H,I· 10m hCII ..... ,J,nwinJ: Fdipi· I~ nl W pric It j'lt fTllIJU:"ljl1- n~· ... houl " .~ 6 fl. Bortor» righl-Dclull from Ihc o.ch~1"(! WAgn~ m ;)f"", .. ~:I'. ~huwml( fI Ina.n hto'lUJ; rrr· vt"ntm b)' ;;II wuman from !!l'tnJanlil, s nl.!E"-L

f<il!lll- Ttl,,,., pan I. und ..

'""P from Choljk""' .

n.,." ~Qo<"',,". U.S.S.R.

f Pierced Carving in Japan:

The carver has achieved considerable realism; his water seems really to [low and his leaves to blow in the breeze. The panels also have a light look and feel, and achieve deep relief without undue thickness.

It is essential ill planning such a carving [0 select a wood that cuts clean. is relatively knot-free. as well as able to withstand the effects of exposure. Small knots are of course of relatively little importance; the design can usually be modified slightly to miss them. Woods like basswood, cedar. tenk, cypress, primavera (white mahogany) and mahogany wiII work well. aJthough the mahoganies may tend to warp unless restrained and the basswood will deteriorate rapidly unless painted and protected from the weather. Fruit woods in general are not too good because of their proneness to insect attack. Also. the design should be such that pierced areas do not extend into the ends of the panel and it is advisable to frame the finished work with ;3 sturdy panel to inhibit movement.

It may be advisable not to cui out all the pierced areas initially. but to do heavy and rough cutting first. This is, of course, difficult if tbe panel is to be double-sided, but support for projecting elements can usually be provided by leaving filaments of wood until the carving nears completion. Oriental carvers rarely find this necessary, because they use hght tools and make many cuts; time is not as important to them as it is to us.

Intricate Panels Typify a Traditional Craft

The Japanese have long been masters of intricate decorative carving, particularly of panels, a skill shared by the Chinese (who probably taught the Japanese and learned from the Koreans) and the East Indians. This specialty has been applied in temples. shrines and fine houses both for walls and for screens. Many are pierced to pass light and air or provide ventilation with some privacy.

One of the least known but. paradoxically, most important of these pierce-carved panels is over the door of a stable in Nikko (below)! It is the source of the familiar three-monkey carvings.

Many other shrmes and temples also have magnificent panels and decorations, and motifs are usually floral or animal rather than religious. Good examples are the three long panels of Japanese cypress from Shitaya Shrine in Tokyo, photographed by Donald P. Berger. These were carved in the thirties (although the shrine is much older; it has a history of 1,200 years) by Mokoyurido Keiun. They are double-sided. because they are under the eaves of a roof which covers a well of sacred water with which visitors purify themselves before entering the shrine.

Pierced areas in these panels arc much larger than they would be in Indian work, where open areas are usually filled with ornamental tracery or a pattern of screen. Relief is quite deep. The open spaces make for easier carving but do Increase fragility and the danger of warpage. Also. the screen filling ofIndia serves another purpose: It keeps birds out. which in Japan is of no importance because the "buildmg" is simpJy a roof on four pillars.

The hlmilinr three monkey. "rogm,>!"d fro", this flnnel VI the Stabl" 01 "Sit nl Horses, TomDgU Shnne. Nikko. An ,n·lh.,..rouod """'"a or II """II "'tlh 'ail ~I>pll'lu~d """'" lh~ ,ul>l",rli"R p<n;1. in Ihe lobby 01 Ih~ H"t .. 1 Juj;}' ... (\'h~ano.h''''. JBp3n~






:Jhftaya Shinfo :Jhnl1£, Tokyo,.mpa!'1


Or,~ir' & th£. fanuh .. r ':Silt!' rlO<!'vi!, spqak no <1.vll, mar ro flvi I." St~blflfor Sac I'fld Hor5fls, ToshoguS>hrina:, Nikko,Japm

Not",: BllIf;k i)rtloS. .arq: cut thl'ouqh

*' Don't Forget Multipart Assemblies:

Sometimes the Background Holds the Carving Together

Applique is usually just the placrng of a relief carving against a suitable background, either of other wood or of a contrasting material such as sacking, glass, or metal. The background. in that case, is primarily to set off the carving against the waJl where it is hung. But there is another form of appJique in which the background is vital to the composition. where the carving has several parts and the background holds them together. Contrast, for example, the model sloop and the trout. The trout, which is in-the-round, can be set against !-I suitable background, or even hung as a mobile with no ill effects; it is self-sufficient. The sloop, on the other hand, is really four parts-three sails and a half-hull-which must be assembled on a background to hold them together and complete the work,

This is true also of the pair of assemblies which I titled "Just Passing Through" lind "Emergin'" in my third book. (All Iour of these pieces were pictured in that book, by the way, but after I'd seen several copies of the two latter ones, I realized that I should have provided drawings with them in the interest of anatomical accuracy.) These assemblies must have a contrasting rough background to emphasrze the smoothness of tbeir contours. as well as to supply the missing "space" in which the entire figure is assumed to be. They could be mounted against glass, to the greater confu-

sron of the viewer, against a wall or window-but less effectively, in my opinion.

From a practical standpoint, mounting a relief carving on a separate background makes the whole job a great deal easier; it is not necessary to do a lot of preliminary grounding, then work to get suitahle Ievel Or flatness or color or tone or texture to the background. This can all be done separately before mounting. Also, the piece will in most cases be easier to handle and carve, with no background to get in the way of the tools.

The half-thickness ship model is very familiar among the boat fraternity. It was 0 ce used primarily to show prospective owners the hull

hape, or for tank-testing of a new silhouette, but eventually became more often an ornament for the yechtsman's den or study, or a Willi ecoration at his yacht club, A pleasing element in such models is the assembly of contrasting woods. (In the model shown, the hull is maple above the waterline. mahogany below, while the sails are white pine.) An entire nautical scene can be built up, of course, but the danger there, as well as ill many other assemblages of carvings, is that a multicolored painted background tends to submerge the carved elements.

Another common assemblage of recent years is one incorporating flying birds, or a combination of flying and standing birds,


The u.UB1 in·tlJ .. • , .. ",,,d ('atYtns ft!'lt1Ui~ rI;I;:I

hI se kground. but may ha\le onlE: tn r ; ('G"nt, ill .... Ii nh.,<l-p;"" 1"",< at Iofl. for example, is on " walnlll tli>lc fhal lenves lui head and 1",1 pI'Oj<,<,ling. BII' "'Orn~ l"'l1n1.l.np,. pBr ...

1 je-IIllU'ly 10",O'-rel ... 1 ell ..... may 'I!'qU'f"t' a back(!""IIKI 10 "01<1 the panl l"g.,Uwr .... In the slDop "I r .. r loft. II.s whire-pme .all9 "l1' rn-ihe-round, while "' hull ;, " half,

I hirk""", a.1 ern hl)· ur mnl'll<'! .. , ... v e rhe "'ol~rhue nnd "",hog,,"), below. mourned Qn li:l )f 4

6.,n. mnhogany.







against a painted or collage background. Any birds will do: r have shown a simple African silhouette .8S 8 sketch because it can easily be graduated in size to make a dramatic and simple group. Thas particular one is in ebony, bur a browner wood might be more normal. It is also a simple silhouette design. which is often more effective than an elaborately detailed half-thickness bird for mounting against a background.

11 should be mentioned here also that it is becominJ:" mcreasingly common to make dioramas. a three-dimensional assemblage with forced perspective, in which may be included three-dimensional and relief carvings, the inthe-round pieces in the foreground standing on some kind of base-either the ground, a floor, Dr some other suitable support, while the relief figures are mounted on the background. which can represent a sky, the \1,,·allor a row of buildings, This is a familiar museum display and requires especial care in placmg the objects so scale is maintained. A figure suited to such a display is the trout, which could be portrayed "dancing" on the surface of a lake or stream, with a background of the bank includ ing rlying birds or t.he like. It is very important in such assemblages that the background be subdued in color.

The twin panels represent a much more


difficult kind of assembly, because they deal with the human body as , .. ·ell as having a touch of whimsy which can be easily destroyed-for example. by drawing in the outline of the body on the panel. They are an excellent exercise in anatomy and a lot of fun. hut must be quite precise in proportion and positioning. or some of the effect is destroyed. 1n contrast to my usual preference not to duplicate a piece (which is why chess sets hold no attraction for me), 1 did make three or each of these panels, the extra sets going to a senora In Mexico in return for a favor she did me and to the young man who delivers my Scotch because of his insistence that he had to have them to go on opposite sides of the restroom door in his game room. The pair in Mexico were rnounted there on the halves of an ancient mesquite shutter which still carries the original Spanish handwrought hardware as well as the usual wormholes and rotted areas. Mesquite is very heavy, so each assembly probably weighs 40 pounds. but is supported quite easily by handwrought nails driven into the adobe w.811 of a very Spanish sale. They have occasioned their share of comment there, plus the usual conjectures that she isa ghost passing through a door, or the personification of an Indian legend about the girl who disappeared into the waterfall after her lover rejected her. My own set, by the way, is mounted on ISO-year-old pieces from the interior of a barn. while those for the Scotch-man (!) are on rough modem, but rather knotty, pine, antiqued in the rough. The body elements are mahogany, sanded smooth. flat-varnished and waxed to a dull g.low for contrast. In the Mexican assemblies, I used small vegetables and fruits, native-made and hand-tinted from bread dough, for the objects in the basket and liked the effect so weI! that I came back and whittled and painted duplicates to replace the colored glass marbles in my own. Now I have asimilar set to do for the third pair.

-E",eq:;u··· alit IdO <In<l ~JU~L ~;"J!: Thrnugb" ("""Le<) "II! twtl r"""ifnr ;',,"~~llbl,,'" of poho.had mM0KBny "RninOi ro,,~~ bt><kw<>uno 1.I>,ul .L4 > J I In.} fM CoOnL ,""1.. The bi!<kuoun<! " """"nrial both rcor "'''''' ... 1 nntl to hord 'h~ comj"l"b1ilion UlF!<'ll1er '['be h.-..'kground for n nether pal r- \!""":!l..ti mn de- b)~ t1Jfl en F. In h n 11 p;n R n I;'it" nt Mo kan .hulI"r. <\II! be aei ng Ih" "rigi"'~ hrmd-wrra 'R h t ha"h.·",e as ,,"~Il "'" '~ht: rlUir~ -of lEI couple 0' hundred J:esr). -of 1..,!~';I~t"" iUllt water. Thl: '''111 H ncl .'''!elllbLM m U", b, ... k" .. {ho'" co lercd ~163S marbles) rue I>r;,;hdy c<>r<J1"1"Ci rni""d,,~o$ mad" hI pr .. ,sin~ douRh into oIwJ')C nnd It"tlln~ ,I dry. They "all be "·biur",,, and 1'<"\'''100 ",,,..d.

Possible-A Carved Jigsaw Puzzle:

Animal Panel and Furniture Blocks

1"h" mn""""l"'O\l Jig""" pueslo fOmK'rl} mcllllkclrccogni.< bit" suhou"'l .. <h"I><"_ B~ n<1ot ting lhB l<leon to " pl"ln .uda.", ur t>}' ~WWa!- S lcu.' rclit·J C"i1r~'jnl: nlnnv. t'ultund p;Jrtu=~-:. 'j711il. .... an illte-reill Inc pu.u.lo can be! d£o'Y·r.ltJJlO<i. J CVl"n tu.d .lJ1IC" Un .. ' '~'if]'I!i nothi'nc but 0 ~!:IiR ccuneoured ,urf..,r~ Nn.vcd u~to uniform ~qu8re5;- :lHd :at WIl5 .0. tI"v;1 10 ""'''''thl,,!

Se)Qll.v tot tj ,rariLtum.s1 c:.b int.'-IoC!' puzzle, rnr.dt= by jLCS8\\,;jl1g n

hlt,.t\"'k into pieceillo ot r'WIIIIU~. U ()rren ..o(n'lo c..'pponun;tIL?i for rnrvmg, 9' long a .. (he OlIh:f cnntcurs of the clerncnta arc T'l.l1l rernove-d, 11 c:gn else 1>0 rnullu rnoee «lml~ ... nINI b)J k-nr.rb"mng the hla<k fmm 3".1 ,.., 41",' m •• 0"1: hn\l,.·n-nn lncr L._~ rrom eurrteen 10> Iw,,,,ly·lwn PI"'''' lorr.C!ly!'y 5phUillg ,-,11" .ue-n INo 2) UI half \"ertit.!OJlh'.

TIll' punJe ,II Icft offors mare f'>'k"oh~, .. " •. 1"",..",.". 111 th .. 1

e LCh @rl!melll i an ommltl whx:h can be s.ur!~.L~(·~rvl.-d or low roIilol Inrpcd I nrkl.-d ,"'" n,,"3b to llo~ ori~lual It,,]j~n ",,,,,gn, nTX1 mAtlp ., HI I '<m ICI'.tJ' 'p~lLlr"rn on pe~e 89). Auy IIJ\\'

rolie-J eenc or paueru h'\·.ilh[llIl repI~'llUCn) rnllh.I be cut ~In,,,.,rly into m.'io'·~U .. ~o,: 5ohdp....., fir al(1nQ Il:i;IIUUJI Iin13 of the earvmg. ns rl1fJonltl:u1etl ~nrht'or. Also. (\_~ (tifft.~r eu l iC:"n~ ClUJ he rut\"("d on "I,.,. ...... J fan~. I!$ IO!l~ IIw .AA·. "r the blnc:k. lOr" nol d .. "or!",d A ftlrlht>r "Pili Ill'" of Uno ·pU11.I,,- id, .. ,.. ,ntoreill. '" d ... rrrbcd '" U ... n,,~l ~I ud", which "dnl'" 6", .. e d""'IIflO 01 M. C K.ch ....

Cas (l (1) Ca n be 1I~tX!

i\S a rcom $"" II ~+---------'Ys.'-------_'~

lar9(Z Chairs (2.)


I[bJ ts:J1


~ Escher Adapted to Wood and 3-D:

Intaglio and Intarsia Reinforce Low Relief

M. C. Escher, who died in 1972, became a favorite of the American younger set ill his later years. probably because his works are so intriguing. A Dutch artist who was also a draftsman and mathematician, he seemingly enjoyed the production of intricate patterns, many of which involved repetition of units. distortion. or technical impossibility-like rnakrng water apparently run uphill. His interlocking designs. in which the "background" is the snrne element as the foreground. or the spaces between a repeated design motif evolve into another, are particularly intriguing to me.

Not being of the younger set, my interest in him grew from a reproduction of his "Sky and Water-I" which I saw in a newspaper (see sketch). It seemed to be exactly the idea I needed to execute a fire board (mask for an unused fireplace). It combined birds and fish. which made sense. both because they were hobbles of the friends who commissioned the piece and because it was to be installed in a dining- room. I also realized that the woodcut would lend itself to translation into three dimensions and would be ideal for viewing

from above; It is rarely that a carver is asked to produce a piece that is normally placed well below eye level-and this one had to stand on a hearth. Further. the design could readily be widened to suit the size of the opening.

Because of the relationship of birds to spaces to fish. I felt that intaglio should be used. This is the opposite of relief-like the carving of a mold-and was once quite familiar in jewels and metals, It is still fairly common in fwly for cameos, in Scandinavia for the making of butter and cookie molds (see photo) and elsewhere in the making of molds for plastics, rubber and metals (tin soldiers, for example). Much of the carving in metals and semiprecious stones is now done with dental burrs or hand grinders. Burrs can be used in wood also, but tend to tear the fibers and make extra work in finishing, so I elected to do the entire project by hand. The background at the top could be routed, but it is of varying depth and therefore offers some complications in addition to the usual ones of avoiding the design.

This offers some challenges. including the necessity of thinkmg "inside out." Intaglio is

L.,fl-"Skyand W'ller-I-. n WOO<koI by M C. Eoch,·,. in.-plred thu 30 " 34·rn. 1"01< (imOOnf" (""men for lhe "".njnl,! elf on unure<t fiTt:plll .. a) II is placed ,,0 the floor a I n oj lihl nDRle (lef\ni Dg Im<:k 0 boo t I S"J "" the nhse rver doo-. IlOI hR"" 10 51",,? 10 ICiok Dt ". ",Ion wnllllli bl .. dc:, and "uppor1ed by re J .. nlurrunum legs whIch Iii lnto .hl! ('..-..pia, .. OJlC'TllTl!!.

ad"",,- Test ponel I X 6 20 in., or while pine. for· lnerly " stove·sill" ~U (M[lCe Ih .. burns) ""hKh ~ DOW n In:!ntul 'pon"l 0"'" " kllchQ" rircpl<>ee. S"fT<lund<od b}' moki" ~,,",";. find butt.cr meld ...

~ "-' ~ --1'11 ['.,' ""',,~x

~ ~:§~ ~r:ltb:i ~ ~

flYING HORSE.S (ESther) (ross·h~tJwd

FISH & LADYBUG nOTifs (fschQr)

much more difficult technically than relief. because the surfaces are harder to get at and are largely concave. so tools tend to dig in. It requires small bent gouges if you have them. or special tools ground from saw blades if you don't.

I first tried the fish in intaglio in a piece of white pine that had been a shelf beside our kitchen stove-s-and had several burn marks to prove it. I liked the fish so well that I added a cow and bird also in intaglio, and thus I had an interesting panel which my daughter hung over her farm kitchen fireplace. Each figure W.IS about 6 inches long and 3/f.. inch deep 31 the deepest

Escher's original, made in 1938, had a fish like this, but merely cross-hatched instead of detailed. His panel was 44 em, or about 171 tz inches, square, mine almost twice that. I was proposing to magnify and lengthen the design to 30 x 34 inches, so had to add some detail and take more care with anatomy. Also, I wanted to use the figure of the wood to represent water. My plan was to have the fish in intaglio, as jf they were within the water. while the birds would be in relief, as they would be if flying in aIr. J debated the problem of blending the two for some days, and finally settled on the idea of reducing the depth of the intaglio ns the carving neared the hori.zontal center line, then increasing the depth of the background toward the top, so the increasingly detailed birds stood out correspondingly. Maximum depth ill hath instances was :J/~ inch at top and bottom, shading to about liM inch at the center Iine. A 2-inch border would hold the whole thing to~ether at the surface level, like the "water" and like Escher's original design.

I was fortunate enough to find a length of I-inch teak 15 inches wide, dressed, so I could glue two sections together, then brace the joint with a couple of lengths of :1f.I-inch aluminum T·bars at each end of the back. The T -bar also provides a device for either hanging the panel or for putting on back legs so it can be stood up. I set the panel on tVJ!ln 2 X 3 X 5-inch walnut blocks. with a groove in each at the proper support angle Cleaning back about 15 degrees), and provided n 3/1!-inch-diameter back support bar on each end, The bar runs from a hole in the T-bar near the top of the panel and down to the floor level at about 30 degrees with the vertical, then back and up slightly into the walnut block, thus forming a rough triangle. Teak this wide is hard to come by these days, and the piece I had was the end


of a plank, so it had a check. To my relief, it was possible to glue and damp the check, and hold it with 311 alumlnurn back strap screwed in place.

The newspaper reproduction I had was about 5 X 5 inches, so it was necessary to enlarge it by the method of squares. I usually do this direcUy on the wood, but in this case I did it first on drawing paper. then transferred it to the wood with carbon paper. This was helpful later in an unexpected way: Interlocking designs I ike this are surprisingly difficult to keep dear in your mind's eye. and a samesized reference is helpful during carving when each cut destroys 0 guideline. The transferred design (ratio: IJfI-inch squares on original; :lJ4- inch squares on copy) was emphasized with a fiber-tip pen. then bottom intaglio designs were carved, so my arms and sleeves rubbing on the panel would not erase the designs-and might help to build patina on the flat surface.

The bottom fish was carved in great detail. 6 inches long, with scales delineated and the like, and each successive row of fishes was less detailed, The bottom fish is about aiR inch deep at the center, shading to about :JiH'! inch at the edges, with the nat edges of fins about 1/8 inch below the surface. The rough fish shapes at the center line, on the other hand. are barely lIs inch deep, to carry out Escher's original idea. Tools were If) [j~, I/S_, and l/~!-inch nat firmers, veiner, and n series of gouges of several different sweeps (curvatures), from lIs to 1/'.1. inch.

AI the top, the background within the border was roughed down in a slope from about 11K inch at the center to 3ft! inch near the top border. Then the bird figures were cut free, principally by outlining with a I/H-inch firmer and (/-I-inch flat gouge, tben cutting waste away with ::I 1/2~inch flat gouge and firmer. Background was cleaned up and smoothed. then scalloped with a 1/2-inch long-bent flat gouge.

Low-relief carving of the bird shapes was the final operation. After the other carving, this seemed easy, and I did parts with 8 knife for the fun of it. As before, the top bird is executed in detail. showing pinions and feathering, with less detail on birds nearer the center line, so there is progressive loss of detail. as well as form. The entire surface-s-and the back-were finished with f'lat varnish. This acts as a seal (remember there's a fireplace flue behind the piece) against moisture variations and temperature variations as

well, and brings out the color of the teak, but adds no objectionable shine. It also makes it possible to apply an oil stain like Minwax without getting overloading of color on endgram and edges. I used dark-walnut Mmwax on the surface of the lower half and border, flowing it on and wiping away any excess after a few minutes Despite the manufacturer's recommendations on the can, the Minwax will penetrate a varnish. given a minute or two, yet not fast enough to make end-grain problems.

The border, by the way. was left surface height all around, and cut across horizontally by veiner lines 1/,1 inch apart. Along the top and bottom. I made the lines of diminishing width toward the edges, and I carried the design into the border slightly on each end of the center line. I kept stain out of the vainer lines. wiping it out immediately if my brush slipped. and wiping excess paralJel to the lines. (These lines, incidentally. are better If a bit rl1~Red and not exactly of constant width.)

Wllihl-F1YIn~-h""''' dC'5'1ln. c"m'<'rt«l (r<Jm un Esch c r 'upeloli"j) pan«:-r-n. 1. .. lg.h1E:f botsM nr. In tow ~f. darker C1n~ in Intilg:lIO_ Wllh S'OIlle modlrit";I!ilQn~-I' ,~ pn:ti.!ihh- 'f' hrhret'" l!"lightly hy m~Jttil wt~"pUUUH ~UntUons "5 ~.n:)II;)Ves r.fllh~r than nrlCt'"S, fmd mUc.nh5 .and nosull:ti I'" dept~1.i~m;l. Jalb~l lhoJn UHlu.ud . .!I;, .JI!I. thll:'}'

would bt! ill 3 true """,n.!lI Or m<>ld. Th" wood .. I ,9 12-111_

mnholJ1ln \'.

&Iow-A ",bl<> ",f I:lu"d limb:.. (wIllie ITI3bogrulY). ~U .. ned rna""!:,,nv, UI(Ol'J><l<'n.Ing. 3n Esc,ht,r-dlln • cd t1csi~ bela," .he i""~1 ~Ibos lOll The ptll.cl (~k",' tir.htl ,~ DC P"TS<sn horsemen fOOllt ill <1'Jl<I1c<I d"Qcuon. and could r~,,<.Iily lit",,, ""'on rn:>d e "" 0 rellelInlay nlmh""lI..-rn. , .cepr f(If 'he bndl~ Which ,-ro~~ p<1<1. of the l>J'pmMl fJRu re. It l< c."CUlt'd m 'n'~",;"-'''''II)' n jif""W "" .. Ie of ', ... n. WO<JII-wilJ, lh~ ~!hl hOrull1lim mapl e and Ih" dark on,,. m:lhOR:ln~'. CappPi' relm; Rtl' upphquc-d lOt" rll. UIHI ei' hor"'lfrnen, silver (,m.~ for the n't4hoQGn)". jn e'3Ch c:.s{" Glu~d 111 verner 8.1 UIW_ HOMCmcn arc WdlVid, II) ctll v(!d III low ,,,I; .. t, til.,,, Iuted 1"!:<'lhcr an<! glulld tin ar .... n plywood. The """"",bl)' IS III~U( jp ~ socket ,n rhe table idId ""ITo.m,:k'll ). II • .... 'n_ b""d~. l()vcrcd with brown frJI h' ,ul'I~,r1 th~ U'V<?f ClllS. and sczil Ih~ ~dg",," (Pho'" is Rlillhll)' raro.shorumcrl .... t hJ,[t~'n tIlor'C:tU'!t-e I')f enmern ang10J

Then, with a small brush, I "antiqued" both birds and fish, which simply means applying a little stain to the cut lines, just as dirt will settle into them, given time. Bird wings and backs were also darkened, to help mold them and make them stand out against the light background. (I have applied this technique on panels for a number of years, using walnut stain on teak, mahogany, and other dark woods, and suitable lighter colors on lighter woods. such as apple. (The Germans make a whole series of stains, based on sal ammoniac. particularly fOT this purpose.) For inside use. the finish is simply wax. but for outside, it must be marine-varnished or the equivalent. unless it's teak, which can simply be oiled.

When I'd delivered the panel, I found I was itching to try another Escher design, so I made the flying horses in a mahogany panel 1 x 9 x 12 inches. Alternate horses-in this case facing in the same direction-c-aro in relief and intaglio, and the intaglio ones are darkened to


make them recede still more than their approximate li,,-inch depth. (At the same time. I discovered I here were severa I books picturing Escher's work and having English text. while the one I nlld was in Dutch. which tends to add complications. These books are mostly paperb cks and relatively inexpensive, Since that time, Tile World of M_ C. Escher, by J. L. Lecher, et al., has been published by Harry N_ Abrams, Inc.. 110 Eas 59th St .. New York. N. Y., 10022. containing 270 pages and over 300 illustrations. (It is vel"}' comprehensive. but costs $15.)

My third "Escher" was to be a simple try at intarsia in a small panel. but my wife suggested that I expand it into the top for a table next to my recliner and thus led me into 6 great deal of work. This is the "Persian Horsemen." with riders facing in opposite directions. I had ori~jnal!y In te nded to r allow the ill ta glio-relief approach on it. hut changed over to intarsia,

which resembles nothing so much as a jigsaw puzzle in various material s. My plan had been to use 1!4-inch maple and mahogany for the two, and I'd found n scrap of a good brown mahogany at the Iocal cabinetmaker's. But with expansion to table-top size-about 131l::! X 1 9 inches. J had to supplement the mahogany with another piece of lighter color and finish il to match the color of the original.

Anyway. each horse and rider was sawed by hand individually, carved in low relief, then fitted to the preceding ones by whittling to precise shape. 1t is theoretically possible to cut stacks of blanks on a jigsaw and match them without such fitting, I suppose, but my pattern at that time was not quite that accurate. I used a cardboard template, but this permitted slight inaccuracies in drawing and sawing that necessitated the knife work. Further. the maple was quite hard and the mahogany qtnte soft, so the differences in cutting pressure required were


FIY"'r;:-blf<l " .. I. 14 17 in ..

1\1 2-m. bl"n<.l lillll;.:t Ul .. ck ... "",,~ll 10 nVHth 'Ile ,""crt ·cJ bnrouwWt bod~·). II w~ 1I",iv" from an r""'''''r pant" IIml " Hr.'''')

witl~, In fWnpnrtln" lint! h. .10 ""ded rn" Ill" h"" 01 .:roue. 01

the ce-ul«", NCiU:;"('" I ht" t'1,..,.k m,out"id(1 in tbE:" crrgmAI WII" .H;hlly ....... , .... III l'ropoMion nnd TJ;.'tK :r.crely Ii pmr t f h.md"" .u"J knob.; 101 'he hours. (Th.· inn", flil"l£5 of crosses ""IC"W. Jwue.·er spaced moro 'wl&!ly.:mel mev

have been an .dju~rtne:nt to !fUll tftc- Irt~rl. tP1C~ thf':'Y revcrw- rho etberwrsc- ('on"t-I KffiR IlAtfC"rn • flM..tk~r<Jt.md 1\ rOllnt.ir;o.rl I!UWtl nr Klgcs lmd 1h~ surf.".ct' rought·" ... .o;1 .. itlt 1In1'~o UI;U ><:0<"1<. Blend Irmb» \0.'11$ sel,,<:,e<I ],.,CH_· ,"~ ",,,n <In which II 'S mr:""",ed 15 dmk I~~: ling_ BO~I"r ",cor, poratn .PI thr'Jrwll1l.cr and Q lJ"d:rilJmeter.

a constant problem. J glued finished pieces to :l/r-mch plywood as they were completed to avoid msshaps with broken legs and arms=-sometimes before the next ones were fitted, thus adding complications. And the bits and pieces of heads and legs required to fill out the edges were an extra nuisance, so much so that I suffered with each cut of the table saw when we finally cut the panel to size to fit the table made for it. (It was inset, with a brownfelt border to support a cover glass and seal against entry of dust, spilled drinks. etc.)

When the carving was complete. r added rems of copper wire on the maple horses and of silver wire on the mahogany ones, in each case gluing them into veiner grooves and inserting the ends in drilled holes. It is also possible to make bridle and stirrup elements this way. but I stopped while I still had my sanity. Also. as 8 penance, r made my own variation of a traditional Italian animal puzzle (see sketch) and of a Chinese puaxle on a jigsaw (see page 87).

Some months later. another friend, an emigre Dutchman who had known Escher, commissioned a background for an indoor barometer. Again I went to my references and found that Escher had indeed made such 1'1 design and had actually executed it as the background for a clock. It involves birds flying in and out of a central circular path, and chang-

ing from a bird with outstretched wings to a cross as the design becomes smaller and more compact (see sketch). I had to modify the shape slightly to fit the board 1 found, in this case blond limbe (white m hogany) about 2 x 16 X 22 inches. Again the full-sized drawing was a great help in sorting out details when I began carving, in this case all in relief, with the background down about I/R inch at the center and slightly over '14 inch at the edges. plus a rounding off along the extreme edge so the outer birds were emphasized even more. In this design the .. e is also a progressive reduction in detail as hird size diminishes toward the center. I also emphasized the modeling by antiquing the bird bodies against the light-wood background, making the central less-defined shapes quite dark. The technique was the same as that described for the initial panel. but, because of the lighter wood. J used a German stain of appropriate contrasting color.

I have by no means exhausted Escher as a source. I recently made two bird panels (page 173). A younger carver who visited me is workmg on still another Escher design. involving lizards translated from two dimensions to three. It's in poplar (gum). and he'd been at it fa r several months. It includes hands in three dimensions, so is good practice from several angles. Look up Escher at your local library and you'll see what I mean.


~ Just for the Fun of It:

Fifty Pieces to Carve for Pure Pleasure

Most carvings tend to be very serious projects, but occasionally I see one that looks like pure fun and has on idea I intend to adapt at first opportunity. Thi~ group is largely such ideas-and many of them I haven't gotten around to as yet. None of the pieces is particularly difficult: design and method of carving are evident.

There are such detailed and stylized shapes as those of the armadillo and frog, as contrasted with the flowing. almost abstract, lines of the bear and the pig, the strict utility of the bull-head napkin ring and the mouse magnet. the straightforwardness of the hell and the

Beln'" nnd bntlom ... ~h' -se lillie on;",n'" are from win Rica.

The hen II lrlelike: the rose .... cod armndtllo It "PlY well d""igru>d:

Ih" rr.>.~ iJ. •• ,'li.,,,1. ",·illI <IMp ,,'01,111 .hol <.",Id tooke " ",n', h flatkB'. Ii pl.,wr •• n! M Ih" Ilke'. lJc> .. cm !rfl-The." I.nl< pl'Opl c, ftom n""~rOh. ar- .. m pmc w,th pIIJ>PI"-wDund wir e am" a nd '''~ 1'<',,,, .. .1. I I",Yo." nw.<k 1I<t>1~.,. rOI an Alpine dlll>RI! sa.ne agl<inst lID OI>P"'I'ri",,, c)l'r ...... knloe baCkground. Rillhl-'I'he ""n (ltl"'. iu I'Ol;cwQ<>J, r t.k'YIC ned 10 fit B tmy real 01>8"""'- .hel' from Com>cl. CnHf_ (Compore fh'. wilh .he "impI'OVI'Wlion ") 1'1,< "irl .. in ,wo tunlrllOllng Ruu.nn stones, bur ""BIl""'" oim.lnr "SUrD In <0"1''''1-

.ng woo,," .. Cro,er-Th~ .Ilh"u""~ of .hada w dan II,e m Ihln

[nI1orv- eh ... n. hu1 .. nukl ht'" in horn nr Itun "'/ood .,nd mRkt"' good window rl<:-<;orntlon, Belew them ~ an 3nlique m"lh"r-of.,,~"'II"~""1 Irom an aid Spanish albillJl: n'~ .. th e ",is~.1 cerurnl fil\urv

kornodo drngon, the challenge of the little Bavarian people. the lacy tracery of the Thai dancers as compared with the formality of the Spanish lady. the demure shyness of Ihe U.S. S.R. gIrl (who has no definite features), or the pure abandon of Laurie Nichols's imaginative animals. Twice, I have selected a cypress knee to provide an Alpine background for the little people, and both times it has become something else; "Flight." pictured here, was almost such a background. I've added similar pieces carved by others, 11S well as two versions of a sea otter, The first. and larger. is based on the shape of a fragment of ironwood, the second a more formal design made possible by the tiny abalone shell r found in Carmel, California.

F r good measure, I have included a number of photographs on the next two pages that suggest projects; many are similar to those dealt with in more detail In The Modem Book of WhIttling and Woodcarving (1973).

POOH-BEAR ~~'---' Ptne-l'1aqrnf·~k (Laurl~ N,.J,o Is)

lqathrzr tdll g Ildr.s

Skirt ociaqan,,1 MOUSE - USA

in CY()5S.SfdlOl1 Grainy cooat& tna~0It1.brJ\

BUll NAPKIN RING- Phi!tppmfs

MOUSE PEOPle -U5A-~' pin"

THAI OANCERS- Hom sllho.H1ts


~3 USA forms

A :Iludl III wntulSL'i-T'tu &I.nl.~ I!.,irl. in "oon)'. my mounted ro~ 01 on ,,1<1 W(-llh love spoon in m~I>ill!(\nli. n G{'r· mil" saloo 0« in Urn". II1ld e Swedish ~]~Ahrlln' ill pin •. Wlfh \ .... hnrl~ eur-ls Compare the grace or ,he gu-l nnd lh~ (,,anlllt::!llj(.k wi.th Ih.~ soliJitl' oJ ttlit!' v'thur fWD tl ... "'SIR;n,"-

Bclow-SllrflK1.· ocr .. {cI,ill~ ~o. "'turned to Iavor Th .. 'W(, r.ou,d. are (rom £1 ,s.oI",'dor. lhe 'lIT"!! "I gourd. from P, ..... , Col"r "",>lrnst ,. obtr .. ,,,,d b) (Ulunv, Ihrougb a dnrk tnl'lu'd JU,t"fnco. ill"" m the Ph'hppi"" ""l'k'lI ,mil' AI IAr .,gll', The "Ielor Peruvran deSIgn does n", bn",' ,bi> can"lI<t 'rhe ,.~ri",<1", .. , pieces Arc e xee 1 1<-»1 ","""'plt'!S. d one by E5k;lT'oOI; ,,,,,I Lr"uRht mum rhc H,,.,, ill IgIO,

B .. lm<'-H""kD" "ire .... , as w .. U ... 111" d"'ROn anel aUlt1li\l'i tIl( bottcm. WN(,'" c~hibil~ .. t Un:" Ch..",".nun'. Calif .. NWCA ~I",w In 1974 The <lrCUS ",dude. -r.ail\\"8y cars {uK! \V gOCL$ and ICPf(,"'Jt:"U:i:. 't.·vcr:al ~'~en 01 work. The drlI~on, bear end P'c On> Iypi. «11 01 modern "Jlrc,,,,,li,)(,('" piece '" ",hui) <I,,· tail& ..,." not derLncd nnr:lth~ surface Itn tho."

"""'" ~larkl brooghr '" " ~jgh ""Hot.

LIt .. rie '1,thol. "r Plu~li~kl, N.II

.... Ilk .. , Il~ign. lik~ II, ...... lreehaod. QIn.'1:$ Ihcm in p;nt' t.II w~ ... ~L .md 1"'1lI Ihl'm ,",Ih th,nJil'd t.entia; Mudl of ""r work .. donn with "" Kxru:to knife; ;n .hi& ,,,'rti uUl, q_ .1,,· 11<l.ihil lIy of thr blade make'S II P<>l',;blo tor her to ro."" n c urve " ,"ri nee ""pi<!ly. M nny ,,( h~r f.gy,"", ".., bH .. ~t'<1 with """~"r tml:d ... II.adl'<lfinS .aptP "" I hey CH" be u..."ii~J 10 t1t:1M Itbh"jj, (i1! n II.eellliollZ'· lant--illi, ((,f" 't'"il:iI""p1t". a rC'frl~,,"rn'c'r- 0 tlley ,.r" m tlemWld by \YO""'" vu;ilon; to shows. All of '~r work I .... " wl"m .. cal touch: hor "''''''CI' usually n1l." btl· 11\!l00ced "n,mal., l'"rti""lnrly fmes Jmd rooon" like .he mo us " HnrI ,1'1" brnver

Five Impmv .... tioru: ThAI 01 r"" I mach> fmlll "">'I" • k""" and Ill"'" "FIICht'" II su~u~e!lil.J,. .a u'J.Ql.hf!.r. l\lln dul ..

II rcn ~nd " di>~ (;0 naturnl bulC<' on • he far 0100) tl.,~~ from dnn~l'l' At balto'" right I' D 'iCQ otter, the cornhmancn nf II I"H~·'t" nl CillirnrluA ;ronwood ond a real ub>IIQ"'" shell TI,<.' ,"~ h,·",r (?I _, IKllI"''' Ldl. b in C'ur.t 1)'(1tu~ ~nd WR.~ shown al Clon>mc>nt, Colil. The muk! ~ad Dl right is in dnftw""d ond tho '('n ~III in In<!nZOnt'o: both were madi!o ")' Rick Cam


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