Regular Expressions (RE) 3.1

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Regular Expressions (RE) 3.


3.1 Regular Expressions

3.1.1 Introduction
3.1.2 Definition of Regular Expression
3.1.3 Identities for Regular Expressions
3.2 Finite Automata and Regular Expressions
3.2.1 Conversion of Regular Expression to NFA with ε transitions (Thompson's
3.2.2 Conversion of ε-NFA to DFA
3.2.3 Conversion of DFA to R.E. Regular Expression equation method - R ij(k) Arden's Theorem State elimination technique
3.3 Pumping Lemma for Regular Sets
3.4 Closure Properties of Regular Sets
3.5 DFA Minimization Algorithm
3.5.1 Myhill-Nerode Theorem
3.5.2 Construction of P Final from P
3.6 Solved Problems
3.2 Theory of Computation
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.3


In this Chapter, we first define regular expressions as a means of representing certain subsets of
strings over ∑ and prove that regular sets are precisely those accepted by finite automata or transition
systems. We use pumping lemma for regular sets to prove that certain sets are not regular.
A method of representing language as expression is known as “regular expression” that is
the languages accepted by finite state automata are easily described by simple expressions. (Regular

3.1.1 Introduction
∪L i
Let ∑ be a finite set of symbols. Let L1, L2 be set of strings in ∑*. The concatenation of L1 and L2
i =1
denoted by L1 L2 is the set of all strings of the form xy, where x ∈ L1 and y ∈ L2. Define L0 = {ε}
and Li = LLi–1 for i ≥ 1.
The Kleene closure or closure of L, denoted by L* is the set, defined as :

L* = ∪ L
i =0

The Positive closure of L, denoted by L+ is the set, defined as:

L+ = = L*–L0 = L*–{ε}

L* - Constructed by concatenating any number of words from L.

L+ - Constructed by concatenating any number of words from L excluding ε . L+ may
contain ε if and only if L does.
Example 3.1
Let L1 = {10, 01}, L2 = {11, 00}
Then L1L2 = {1011, 1000, 0111, 0100}
3.4 Theory of Computation
Example 3.2
Let L = {10, 11}
Then L* = L0 ∪ L1 ∪ L2 ∪......
= {ε} ∪ {10, 11} ∪ {1011, 1010, 1110, 1111} ∪....
= {ε, 10, 11, 1011, 1010, 1110, 1111, .......}
3.1.2 Definition of Regular Expression
Let ∑ be an alphabet. The regular expressions over ∑ and the sets that they denote are defined
recursively as follows:
(i) φ is a regular expression and denotes the empty set.
(ii) ε is a regular expression and denotes the set {ε}
(iii) For each a∈∑, ‘a’ is a regular expression and denotes the set {a}.
(iv) If r and s are regular expressions denoting the languages R and S respectively then (r
+ s), (rs), (r)* are regular expressions that denotes the sets R∪S, RS and R* respectively.
Example 3.3
(i) (0/1)* = {ε,0,1,00, 01, 10, 11.....} = (0+1)* (i.e.) all strings of 0 and 1
(ii) 01* = {0, 01, 011, 0111, .......}
(iii) 0* = {ε, 0, 00, 000, .....}
(iv) 1(1)* = {1, 11, 111, 1111, ......) = 1+
3.1.3 Identities for Regular Expressions
I1 φ+R=R
I2 φR = Rφ = φ
I3 λR = Rλ = R
I4 λ* = λ
I5 R+R=R
I6 R*R* = R*
I7 RR* = R*R
I8 (R*)* = R*
I9 λ + RR* = R* = λ + R*R
I10 (PQ)*P = P(QP)*
I11 (P + Q)* = (P*Q*)* = (P* + Q*)*
I12 (P + Q)R = PR + QR and R(P + Q) = RP + RQ
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.5


NFA - Non deterministic Finite Automata.

DFA - Deterministic Finite Automata.
3.2.1 Conversion of Regular Expression to NFA with ε -transitions (Thompson’s
(a) φ = { } is a RE
start → q0 qf ε–NFA for φ
(b) ε = {ε} is a RE
start → q0
Regular ε–NFA for ε
Mr ε
I ε Expression
(c) ∀a ∈ ∑, a =IV{a} is a RE
Start a
q0 V start → q → q qε–NFA
f for a
0 f
(d) If r and s are RE represented by ε NFA, Mr and Ms respectively, the ε NFA for r + s,
ε rs and r* can beε constructed as :
ε-NFA for r+s

q0 is connected to All final states of

the start state Mr and Ms are connected
of Mr and Ms, to qf labeled by ε.
labeled by ε qf becomes the
only final state
3.6 Theory of Computation
ε-NFA for rs
Start ε
q0 Mr Ms qf

ε-NFA for r* ε
Start q0 ε ε qf

Example 3.4 Construct the ε-NFA for the given regular expression using Thompson’s construction
- (a+b)* a.b.

Step 1 : a

Step 2 : b

Step 3 : a+b

Note : a+b = (a+b)

Regular Expressions (RE) 3.7

Step 4 : (a+b)*

Step 5 : (a+b)* . a . b

ε ε
ε ε a b

ε b ε


q2 q3
ε ε
ε ε a b
0 q1 q6 q7 q8 q9
ε ε ε q4 b q5 ε
ε ε

ε b ε ε

Method : The given regular expression is constructed into ε-NFA in stepwise manner by splitting
the expression as per Thompson’s rule to derive a final ε−NFA of the regular expression.

Theorem (Conversion of R.E. to FSA)

For every regular expression r there exists a NFA with ε-transitions that accepts L(r)


We prove by induction on the number of operators in the regular expression r that there is an NFA
M with ε transistons, having one final state and no transistions out of this final state such that
L(M) = L(r).

Basis step (Zero operators)

Suppose r is ε, φ or a for some a∈∑. Then the equivalent NFA’s are:

3.8 Theory of Computation
(i) r=ε

(ii) r=φ

(iii) r=a

Induction (One or more operators)

Assume the theorem is true for r having fewer than i operators, i ≥ 1. Let r have i operators. We
discuss three cases depending on the form of r.
Case 1 :
Let r = r1 + r 2. Both r1 and r 2 must have fewer than i operators. Thus there are NFA’s
M1= (Q1,∑1,δ1,q1,{f1}) and M2= (Q2,∑2,δ2,q2{f2}) with L(M1) = L(r1) and L(M2) = L(r2). Assume
Q1 and Q2 are disjoint.
Let q0, f0 be a new initial and final state respectively.
∴ M = (Q1 ∪Q2 ∪{q0,f0}, ∑1 ∪∑2, δ,q0,{f0}) where δ is defined by
(i) δ(q0,ε) = {q1, q2}
(ii) δ(q, a) = δ1(q, a) if q∈Q1–{f1}, a∈∑1∪{ε}
(iii) δ(q,a) = δ2(q,a) if q∈Q2–{f2}, a∈∑2∪{ε}
(iv) δ1(f1,ε) = δ2(f2,ε) = {f0}

All the moves of M1 and M2 are present in M. Any path in the transition diagram of M from
q0 to f0 must begin by going to either q1 or q2 on ε. If the path goes to q1, it may follow any path in
M1 to f1 and then goto f0 on ε.
Similarly paths that begin by going to q2 may follow any path in M2 to f2 and then go to f0 on
ε. These are the only paths from q0 to f0. That is, if there is a path labeled x in M1 from q1 to f1 or a
path in M2 from q2 to f2. Hence L(M) = L(M1) ∪ L(M2)
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.9

Case 2 :
Let r = r1r2. Let M1 and M2 be as in case 1. Construct M = (Q1 ∪ Q2, ∑1∪∑2, δ,{q1},{f2}), where δ
is given by
(i) δ(q,a) = δ1(q,a) for q in Q1–{f1} and a in ∑1∪{ε}
(ii) δ(f1,ε) = {q2}
(iii) δ(q,a) = δ2(q,a) for q in Q2 and a in ∑2∪{ε}

Every path in M from q1 to f2 is a path labeled by some string x from q1 to f1, followed by the
edge from f1 to q2 labeled ε, followed by a path labeled by some string y from q2 to f2.
Thus L(M) = {xy | x is in L(M1) and y is in L(M2)}
and L(M) = L(M1) . L(M2).
Case 3 :
Let r = r1*. Let M1 = (Q1, ∑1, δ1, q1, {f1}) and L(M1) = r1. Construct M = (Q1∪{q0,f0}, ∑1, δ, q0,{f0}),
where δ is given by
(i) δ(q0, ε) = δ(f1,ε) ε
Start ε = {q1, f0}
q1 M1
(ii) ε δ(q,a) 1 = δ (q,a) for q2 in Q M
f q –{f2 }ε andf2a in ∑ ∪{ε}
Start 1
q0 q1 M 1 f1
1 1

Any path from q0 to f0 consists either of a path from q0 to f0 on ε or a path from q0 to q1 on ε

followed by some number of paths from q1 to f1, then back to q1 on ε. There is a path in M from q0
to f0 labeled x if and only if we write x = x1x2..... xj for some j ≥ 0 such that each xi∈L(M1). Hence
L(M) = L(M1)*
3.2.2 Conversion of ε-NFA to DFA
(i) Find the ε-CLOSURE of the state q0 from the constructed ε-NFA (i.e) from state q0, ε
transition to other states are identified as well as ε transitions from other states are also
identified and combined as one set (new state).
(ii) Perform the following steps until there are no more new states as been constructed.
3.10 Theory of Computation

(a) Find the transition of the given regular expression symbols over ∑ from the new state
(i.e) move (new state, symbol)
(b) Find the ε-CLOSURE of move (new state, symbol).
Example 3.5
Construct the DFA for the given ε-NFA. (Refer the page No.3.6 for Figure).
Step 1 :
ε closure (q0) = {q0, q1, q2, q4, q7} → A
A - new state
Step 2 :
move (A, a) = {q3, q8}
ε closure [move (A,a)] = {q1, q2, q3, q4, q6, q7, q8} → B
move (A, b) = {q5}
ε closure [move (A, b)] = {q1, q2, q4, q5, q6, q7} → C
B, C - new states
Step 3 (for the new state B) :
move (B,a) = {q3, q8}
ε closure [move(B,a)] = {q1, q2, q3, q4, q6, q7, q8} → B
move (B, b) = {q5, q9}
ε closure [move(B,b)] = {q1, q2, q4, q5, q6, q7, q9} → D
D – new state
Step 4 (for the new state C) :
move (C, a) = {q3, q8}
ε closure [move(C,a)] = {q1, q2, q3, q4, q6, q7, q8} → B
move (C, b) = {q5}
ε closure [move(C,b)] = {q1, q2, q4, q5, q6, q7} → C
* no new states
Step 5 (for the new state D) :
move (D, a) = {q3, q8}
ε closure [move(D,a)] = {q1, q2, q3, q4, q6, q7, q8} → B
move (D, b) = {q5}
ε closure [move(D,b)] = {q1, q2, q4, q5, q6, q7} → C
* no new states
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.11

Step 6 :
H Construction terminates, because no new states are generated from step 4 and step 5
H From the above steps (1 to 5) transition table & transition diagram of DFA are constructed.
Transition table of DFA :
New States
a b
→ A B C

Transition diagram of DFA : a

A a
a a
3.2.3 Conversion of DFA to RE
The conversion of FA to RE is possible with three different methods. They are :
(i) Regular Expression equation method - Rij(k)
(ii) Arden's Theorem.
(iii) State elimination technique. Regular Expression equation method –Rij(k)
For every DFA A = (Q, ∑, δ, S, F), there is a regular expression R, such that L(R) = L(A).
Let L be the set accepted by the DFA
A = ({q1, q2, .....qn}, ∑, δ, q1, F) with q1 being the start state.
Let Rij(K) be the regular expression describing the set of all strings x such that δ(qi, x) =qj
going through intermediate states {q1, q2, ......qK} only
Rij(K) will be defined inductively. Note that
3.12 Theory of Computation

( )
L ∪ R1 j ( n ) = L( A)

K = 0, i.e., no intermediate states.
Rij(0) denotes a set of strings which is either ε(or) single symbol.
Case 1 : i ≠ j
R ij (0) = {a | δ(q i , a) = q j} denotes set of symbols a such that
δ(qi, a) = qj
Case 2 : i = j
Rij(0) = Rii(0) = ({a|δ(qi,a) = qj}∪{ε}) denotes set of all symbols a such that a (or) ε.
Rii(0) = a+ε
It involves regular expression operations : union, concatenation and closure.
Rij (K) = Rij(K–1) + RiK(K–1) (RKK (K–1))* RKj(K–1)

In RiK(K–1) In RKj(K–1)
Zero (or) more strings in RKK(K–1)
The observation of this proof is that regular expression
L(A) = q j∪
in F
R1( nj )
where R(n)
denotes the labels of all paths from q1 to qj
where F = {qj1, qj2, ...... qjp},
so L(A) = R1j1(n) + R1j2(n)+..... R1jp(n)
Examples 3.6
1. Find R for finite automaton given below :

Solution :

We will find Rij(0) where K = 0

R11(0) = ε because from state q1 to q1 can be achieved only by ε transition.
R12(0) = 0 because from q1 we can reach q2 by ‘0’ input.
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.13

R13(0) = 1 because from q1 we can reach q3 by ‘1’ input δ(q1, 1) = q3

R21(0) = 0 because δ(q2, 0) = q1
R22(0) = ε because from q2 we can reach q2 only on ε transition
R23(0) = 1 because δ(q2, 1) = q3
R31(0) = φ because from q3 to reach q1 no such path exists
R32(0) = 0+1 because from q3 to reach q2 we can give either ‘0’ or ‘1’ as input symbol.
R33(0) = ε to remain in q3 it needs ε transition.
Tabulation is as follows for K=0:
R11(0) ε
R12(0) 0
R13(0) 1
R21(0) 0
R22(0) ε
R23(0) 1
R31(0) φ
R32(0) 0+1
R33(0) ε

we need to apply the following simplification.

l (ε + R)* = R*
l R + RS* = RS*
l φR = Rφ = φ (Annihilation)
l φ + R = R + φ = R (Identity)
Now we will go for K = 1
n =3 (number of states is 3 {q1, q2, q3})
Rij(K) = Rij(K–1) + RiK(K–1) (RKK(K–1))* RKj(K–1)
Therefore for K = 1
R11(1) = R11(0) + R11(0) (R11(0))* R11(0)
= ε + ε (ε)* ε
= ε
3.14 Theory of Computation
R12(1) = R12(0) + R11(0) (R11(0))* R12(0)
= 0 + ε (ε)* 0
= 0+0=0
R13(1) = R13(0) + R11(0) (R11(0))* R13(0)
= 1 + ε(ε)* 1
= 1+1=1
R21(1) = R21(0) + R21(0) (R11(0))* R11(0)
= 0 + 0(ε)* ε
= 0+0=0
R22(1) = R22(0) + R21(0) (R11(0))* R12(0)
= ε + 0(ε)* 0
= ε + 00
R23(1) = R23(0) + R21(0)(R11(0))* R13(0)
= 1 + 0(ε)*1
= 1 + 01
R31(1) = R31(0) + R31(0) (R11(0))* R11(0)
= φ + φ (ε)*ε
= φ+φ
= φ
R32(1) = R32(0) + R31(0) (R11(0))* R12(0)
= 0 + 1 + φ (ε)* 0
= 0+1+φ
= 0 +1
R33(1) = R33(0) + R31(0) (R11(0))* R13(0)
= ε + φ(ε)*1
= ε
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.15

Tabulation for K = 1 is :
R11(1) ε
R12(1) 0
R13(1) 1
R21(1) 0
R22(1) ε + 00
R23(1) 1 + 01
R31 (1)
R32(1) 0+1
R33(1) ε
Now for K = 2
Rij(2) = Rij(2–1) + Ri2(2–1)(R22(2–1))*R2j(2–1)
= Rij(1) + Ri2(1) (R22(1))* R2j(1)
R11(2) = R11(1) + R12(1)(R22(1))* R21(1) = ε + 0 (ε+00)* 0
= ε + 0(00)* 0 = (00)*
R12(2) = R12(1) + R12(1) (R22(1))* R22(1) = 0 + 0 (ε + 00)* (ε + 00)
= 0+0(00)* = 0(00)* (∴ R + RS* = RS*)
R13(2) = R13(1) + R12(1) (R22(1))* R23(1) = 1 + 0(ε+00)* (1 + 01)
Here (ε + 00)* = (00)*
and (1 + 01) = (ε + 0) 1
and so R13(2) = 1 + 0 (00)* (ε + 0)1
Here (00)* (ε + 0) = 0*
Hence 0(00)* (ε + 0)1 = 0(0*)1
∴ R13(2 ) = 1 + 00*1 = 0*1
R21(2) = R21(1) + R22(1) (R22(1))* R21(1)
= 0 + (ε + 00) (ε + 00)* 0
= 0 + 00(00)*0
= 0(00)*
R22(2) = R22(1) + R22(1)(R22(1))* R22(1)
= (ε + 00) + (ε + 00) (ε + 00)* (ε + 00)
3.16 Theory of Computation
= (00)*
R23(2) = R23(1) + R22(1) (R22(1))* R23(1)
= (1 + 01) + (ε + 00) (ε + 00)* (1 + 01)
= (ε + 0)1 + (00)*(1 + 01)
= (ε + 0) 1 + (00)* (ε + 0)1
= (ε + 0) 1 + 0*1 (because (00)*(ε + 0)1=0*1)
= 0*1
R31(2) = R31(1) + R32(1)(R22(1))* R21(1)
= φ + (0 + 1) (ε + 00)*0
= φ + (0 + 1)(00)*0
= (0 + 1)(00)*0 (because (ε + 00)* = (00)*)
R32(2) = R32(1) + R32(1)(R22(1))*R22(1)
= (0 + 1) + (0 + 1)(ε + 00)* (ε + 00)
= (0 + 1) + (0 + 1)(00)*
= (0 + 1)(00)* (because R + RS* = RS*)
R33 = R33(1) + R32(1) (R22(1))* R23(1)
= ε + (0 + 1) (ε + 00)* (1 + 01)
= ε + (0 + 1)(00)*(ε + 0)1
(because (ε + 00)* = (00)* and (1 + 01)=((ε + 0)1))
= ε + (0 + 1)0*1 (because (00)*(ε + 0)=0*)
= ε + (0 + 1)0*1
Table for K=2 :

R11(2) (00)*
R12(2) 0(00)*
R13 0*1
R21(2) 0(00)*
R22(2) (00)*
R23(2) 0*1
R31(2) (0 + 1)(00)*0
R32(2) (0 + 1)(00)*
R33(2) ε + (0 + 1)0*1
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.17

No we will find regular expression L(M)

L(M) = q j∪
in F
R1( nj )
ie R1j1(n) + R1j2(n) + .... + R1jP(n)
Where F is set of final sets
F={qj1,qj2, .....qjp)
In our example, the set of final states
F = {q2, q3}
∴ L(M) = R12(3) + R13(3) (where n=3 states)
∴ R12(3) = R12(2) + R13(2) (R33(2))* R32(2)
= 0(00)* + 0*1 (ε + (0 + 1)0*1)* (0 + 1)(00)*
= 0(00)* + 0*1((0 + 1)0*1)*(0 + 1)(00)*
(because (ε+R)* = R*)
Similarly R13(3) = R13(2) + R13(2) (R33(2))* R33(2)
= 0*1 + 0*1 (ε + (0 + 1)0*1)*(ε + (0 + 1) 0*1)
= 0*1 [ε + (ε + (0+1) 0* 1)* (ε + (0 + 1)0*1)]
= 0* 1 (ε + (0 + 1) 0* 1)* (because ε + R* R = R*)
= 0* 1((0+1)0*1)* (because (ε + R)*=R*)
Hence regular expression is
R12(3)+R13(3) = 0*1((0 + 1)0*1)* (0 + 1)(00)* + 0(00)* + 0*1((0 + 1)0*1)*
= 0*1((0 + 1)0*1)*(0 + 1)(00)* + 0(00)*
(because R + RS* = RS*)
∴ The regular expression for the finite automata is
L(M) = 0*1 ((0 + 1)0*1)*(0 + 1)(00)* + 0(00)*
Example 3.7 Find R for A where
L(A) = {x . y: x∈{1}* and y∈{0,1}*}

(Nov/Dec 2003)
3.18 Theory of Computation
Solution :
Let K = 0
R11(0) = ε + 1 [∵ from q1 to q1 can be achieved from ε (or) 1]
R12(0) = 0 [ from q1 to q2 can be achieved by ‘0’ input]
R21(0) = φ
R22(0) = 0 + 1+ ε

Let K = 1
Rij(1) = Rij(0) + Ri1(0)(R11(0))*R1j(0)

Direct Substitution Simplified

R11(1) (ε+1)+(ε+1)(ε+1)*(ε+1) 11* ( ε+1=1)
R12(1) 0 + (ε+1) (ε+1)* 0 1*0 (R+RS* = RS*)
R21(1) φ + φ(ε+1)* (ε+1) φ( Rφ=φ)
R22(1) (ε+0+1) + φ (ε+1)* 0 (ε+0+1)

Similarly for K= 2
Rij(2) = Rij(1) + Ri2(1)(R22(1))* R2j(1)

Direct Substitution Simplified

R11(2) 11* + 1*0(ε+0+1)* φ 11*
R12(2) 1*0+1*0(ε+0+1)*(ε+0+1) 1*0(0+1)*
R21(2) φ + (ε+0+1) (ε+0+1)* φ φ
R22(2) (ε+0+1)+(ε+0+1)(ε+0+1)* (ε+0+1) (0+1)*

The final regular expression of A is

L(M) =

Here n = 2 (number of states)

F = {q2}
∴ L(M) = R12(2) = 1*0(0+1)* Arden’s Theorem
1. It is used to find the regular expression for the given finite state automata.
2. Let P & Q be two regular expressions over ∑. If P does not contain ε, then the equation in R
= Q + RP has a solution (i.e.,) R=QP*
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.19

Proof :
Q + RP = Q + (QP*)P because R=QP*
= Q(ε + P*P)
= QP* = R
3. The principle of this theorem is:
(i) The finite automata should not have ε moves
(ii) The FA should have only one start state say q1
(iii) Its states are q1, q2...... qn
(iv) R is the regular expression (regex) representing the set of strings accepted by the FA.
(v) αij denotes the set of labels of edges from qi to qj.
If there is no edge αij = φ. We will get
q1 = q1α11 + q2α21 + .....+ qn αn1 + ε
q2 = q1 α12 + q2 α22+ .....+ qnαn2
qn=q1 α1n+q2α2n+ .....+ qnαnn
Now by applying repeated substitution we can express RE in terms of αij’s.
Example 3.8
Construct regular expression to the given FA (using Arden’s Theorem)

(April/May 2004)
Solution :
We can obtain regex (or) regular expression by applying Arden’s theorem.
Step 1 : (i) Check whether FA does not have ε-moves
(ii) It has only one start state
Step 2 : Express states interms of transitions
The transitions that required to reach q1 from other states is
q1 = q10 + q30+ε..... 1
3.20 Theory of Computation
Similarly for
q2 = q21 + q11 + q31.... 2
q3 = q20 ....... 3
Now substitute 3 in 2
q2 = q21 + q11 + q201
q2 = q2(1 + 01) + q11
Since q2 is in LHS & RHS we can write it has
q2 = q11(1 + 01)*
Now q1 = q10 + q200 + ε (because q3=q20)
= q10 + q11(1 + 01)* 00 + ε
= q1(0 + 1(1+01)*00) + ε
By applying Arden’s theorem
q1 = ε(0 + 1(1 + 01)*00)*
= (0 + 1(1 + 01)*00)*
As q1 is the only final state, the regular expression corresponding to given FA is
RE = (0+1(1+01)*00)* State elimination technique
The following Figure (a) shows a generic state s about to be eliminated. We suppose that the
automaton of which s is a state has predecessor states q1, q2, .... qk for s and successor states p1,
p2,..... pm for s. It is possible that some of that q’s are also p’s, but we assume that s is not among the
q’s or p’s, even if there is a loop from s to itself. We also show a regular expression on each arc
from one of the q’s to s; expression Qi labels the arc from qi. Likewise, we show a regular expression
Pj labeling the arc from s to pi, for all i. We show a loop on s with label S. Finally, there is a regular
expression Rij on the arc from qi to pj, for all i and j. Note that some of these arcs may not exist in
the automaton, in which case we take the expression on that arc to be φ.
The Figure (b) shows what happens when we eliminate state s. All arcs involving state s
are deleted. To compensate, we introduce, for each predecessor qi of s and each successor pj
of s, a regular expression that represents all the paths that start at qi, go to s, perhaps loop
around s zero or more times, and finally go to pj. The expression for these paths is QiS*Pj.
This expression is added (with the union operator) to the arc from qi to pj. If there was no arc
qi → pj, then first introduce one with regular expression φ.
The strategy for constructing a regular expression from a finite automaton is as
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.21

Figure (a) A state s about to be elimiated

1. For each accepting state q, apply the above reduction process to produce an equivalent
automaton with regular-expression labels on the arcs. Eliminate all states except q and
the start state q0.

Figure (b) Result of eliminating state s from Figure (a)

3.22 Theory of Computation

2. If q ≠ q0, then we shall be left with a two-state automaton that looks like Figure (c).
The regular expression for the accepted strings can be described in various ways. One
is (R + SU*T)*SU*. In explanation, we can go from the start state to itself any number
of times, by following a sequence of paths whose labels are in either L(R) or L(SU*T).
The expression SU*T represents paths that go to the accepting state via a path in L(S),
perhaps return to the accepting state several times using a sequence of paths with labels
in L(U), and then return to the start state with a path whose label is in L(T). Then we
must go to the accepting state, never to return to the start state, by following a path
with a label in L(S). Once in the accepting state, we can return to it as many times as
we like, by following a path whose label is in L(U).

Figure (c) A generic two-state automaton

3. If the start state is also an accepting state, then we must also perform a state-elimination
from the original automaton that gets rid of every state but the start state. When we do
so, we are left with a one-state automaton that looks like Figure (d). The regular
expression denoting the strings that it accepts is R*.


Figure (d). A generic one-state automaton

4. The desired regular expression is the sum (union) of all the expressions derived from
the reduced automata for each accepting state, by rules (2) and (3).
Examples 3.9
Find the regular expression for the given FA using state elimination technique.
w= {x | bc, x∈{0,1}*, {b, c} ⊆ {0, 1}}

Solution :
The finite automata has two end states {C,D}
We apply state elimination technique for the end state D.
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.23

Step 1:

The transition on 0, 1 can be written has 0 + 1.

Step 2:
Let’s eliminate state B.

Step 3:
Now eliminate state C to reach one of the final state D


∴ Intermediate regular expression = (0+1)* (1(0+1)(0+1))

Start 1(0+1)
11(0+1) 0+1
0+1 0+1
A we have another
end state D

Step 1 :
Let’s eliminate state B

The intermediate state B is eliminated and directly we can reach C. So transition is 1(0+1)
Step 2 :
Eliminate D to obtain AC
3.24 Theory of Computation
∴ Intermediate regular expression is (0+1)* (1(0+1))
Therefore the final Regular Expression is the sum of both
L(M) = (0+1)* (1(0+1)(0+1)) + (0+1)* (1(0+1))

Example 3.10 Find the regular expression for the given FA using state elimination technique.

Solution :
Step 1 :
Eliminate q2

Therefore it becomes

Step 2 :
Eliminate q3
∴ R . E = (0+1+(1+01)* 00)*


In this section we give a necessary condition for an input string to belong to a regular set.
The result is called pumping lemma as it gives a method of pumping (generating) many input
strings from a given string. As pumping lemma gives a necessary condition, it can be used to
show that certain sets are not regular.
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.25

Theorem (Pumping Lemma)

Let M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F) be a finite automaton with n states. Let L be the regular set accepted
by M. Let w ∈ L and | w | ≥ m. If m ≥ n, then there exists x, y, z such that w = xyz, y ≠ λ and
xyiz∈L for each i ≥ 0.
Let w = a1a2...... am, m ≥ n
δ(q0, a1a2 ... ai) = q i for i = 1, 2, .... m; Q 1=(q0, q1, ... qm)
That is, Q1 is the sequence of states in the path with path value w = a1a2 ... am. As there
are only n distinct states, at least two states in Q 1 must coincide. Among various pairs of
repeated states, we take the first pair. Let us take them as qj and qk (qj=qk). Then j and k
satisfy the condition 0 ≤ j < k ≤ n.
The string w can be decomposed into three substrings a1a2 .....a j, aj+1...ak and ak+1 ... am.
Let x, y, z denote these strings a1a2 ... aj , aj+1 ... ak, ak+1 ... am respectively. As k ≤ n, |xy| ≤ n and
w = xyz. The path with path value w in the transition diagram of M is shown in the following
The automaton M starts from the initial state q0. On applying the string x, ir reaches
qj(= qk). On applying the string y, it comes back to qj(= qk). So after application of yi for each
i ≥ 0, the automaton is in the same state qj . On applying z, it reaches qm, a final state. Hence
xyiz ∈ L. As every state in Q1 is obtained by applying an input symbol y ≠λ

x z
q0 qj=qk qm

Note :
The decomposition is valid only for strings of length greater than or equal to the number of
states. For such a string w = xyz, we can iterate the substring y in xyz as many times as we like
and get strings of the form xyiz which are longer than xyz and are in L. By considering the
path from q0 to qk and then the path from qk to qm (without going through the loop), we get a
path ending in a final state with path value xz. (This corresponds to the case when i = 0.)
Application of Pumping Lemma
This theorem can be used to prove that certain sets are not regular. We now give the steps
needed for proving that a given set is not regular.
3.26 Theory of Computation
Step 1:
Assume L is regular. Let n be the number of states in the corresponding FA.
Step 2 :
Choose a string w such that |w| ≥ n. Use pumping lemma to write w = xyz, with |xy| ≤ n
and |y| > 0.
Step 3 :
Find a suitable integer i such that xyiz ∉ L. This contradicts our assumption. Hence L is
not regular.
Note :
The crucial part of the procedure is to find i such that xyz ∉ L. In some cases we prove xyiz ∉
L by considering | xyiz |. In some cases we may have to use the ‘structure’ of strings in L.
If a class of languages is closed under a particular operation we call that fact a closure property of
the class of languages.
In this section we discuss the closure properties of regular sets under (a) union
(b) concatenation (c) closure (d) complementation (e) intersection (f) transpose (g) substitution
(h) homomorphism.
The regular sets are closed under union, concatenation and closure.
Let L1 and L2 be regular sets such that
L1 = T(A1) and L2 = T(A2) where
A1 = (Q1, ∑1, δ1, q1, F1) and A2 = (Q2, ∑2, δ2, q2, F2)
we shall assume that Q1 ∩ Q2 = φ.
(i) Union : Let A = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F), where
Q = Q1 ∪ Q2 ∪ {q0}, q0 ∉ Q1 ∪ Q2
q0 is the start state, ∑ = ∑1 ∪ ∑2, F = F1 ∪ F2 and δ is defined as follows:
δ (q0, λ) = {q1, q2 }
If q ∈ δ1(p, a) then q ∈ δ (p, a)
If q ∈ δ2(p, a) then q ∈ δ (p, a)
It is clear that T(A) = (L1 ∪ L2)
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.27

(ii) Concatenation : Let A = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F) where

Q= Q1 ∪ Q2, ∑ = ∑1 ∪ ∑2, q0 = q1, F=F2 and
δ is defined as follows :
δ(q, a) = {δ1 (q, a)} for each q in Q1– F1
δ(q, a) = {δ1 (q, a)} for each q in F1
and δ(q, a) = {δ2 (q, a)} for each q in Q2.
A word w is in L1 L2 if w = w1 w2 where w1 ∈ L1 and w2 ∈ L2. This is equivalent to δ1 (q1, w1)
being in F1 and δ2 (q2, w2) being in F2 which is equivalent to w1 w2 being in T(A). Thus L1 L2 = T(A).
(iii) Closure : Let L = T(A) be a regular set where
A = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
Let B = (Q, ∑, δ′, q0, F)
where δ' is defined as follows:
δ' (q, a) = {δ(q, a)} if q is in Q – F and
δ' (q,a) = {δ(q, a), δ(q0, a)} if q is in F
It is easy to see that L* = T(B). If λ is in L, then it is accepted by B. Otherwise, we can
modify B to accept λ.
The class of regular sets is closed under complementation. That is if X is a regular set and
X ⊆ ∑* – L is a regular set.
Let X be X(M) for DFA M = (Q, ∑1, δ, q0, F) and let X ⊆ ∑*. First we assume ∑1 = ∑, if there are
symbols in ∑1 not in ∑, we may delete all transitions of M on symbols not in ∑. The fact that
X ⊆ ∑* assures us that we shall not thereby change the language of M. If there are symobls in
∑ not in ∑1, then none of these symbols appear in words of X. We may therefore introduce a dead
state d into M with δ(d, a)=d for all a in ∑ and δ(q, a) = d for all q in Q and a in ∑ – ∑1. Now to
accept ∑*–X, complement the final states of M. That is let M′= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, Q – F).
The M' accepts a word w if and only if δ(q0, w) is in Q–F, that is, w is in ∑*–X. Note
that it is essential to the proof that M is deterministic and without y moves.
If X and Y are regular sets over ∑, then X ∩ Y is also regular.
3.28 Theory of Computation

X∩Y=X∩Y by Demorgon's law where-denotes complementation with respect to an alphabet
including the alphabets of X and Y. Closure under intersection then follows from closure
under union and complementation.
If L is regular then LR is also regular.
As L is regular, we can construct a FA
M = (Q, ∑1, δ, q0, F) such that T(M) = L.
We can construct a transition system (or transition diagram or transition graph) M' by
starting with the state diagram of M, and reversing the direction of the directed edges.
The set of initial states of M' is defined as the set F, and q0 defined as the (only) final state of
M' (i.e) M' = (Q, ∑, δ, F, {q0}).
If w ∈ T(M), we have a path from q0, to some final state in F with path value w.
By reversing the edegs, we get a pair in M from some final state in F to q 0. Its path value is
wR. So wR ∈ T(M). In a similar way, we can see that if w 1 ∈ T(M'), then w1R ∈ T(M). Thus
from the state diagram it is easy to see that T (M') = T(M)R. We can prove that w ∈ T(M) if w R
∈ T(M') by induction on |w|. Since T(M') is regular it follows that T(M)R is regular.
The class or regular sets is closed under substitution.
Let R ⊆ ∑* be a regular set and for each a in ∑ let Ra ⊆ ∆* be a regular set. Let f : ∑→ ∆*
be the substitution defined by f(a) = Ra. Select regular expressions denoting R and each Ra.
Replace each occurrence of the symbol a in the regular expression for R by the regular
expression for Ra. To prove that the resulting regular expression denotes f(R), observe that
the substitution of a union, product, or closure of the substitution.
A simple induction on the number of operators in the regular expression completes the
The class of regular sets is closed under homomorphisms and inverse homomorphisms.
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.29

Closure under homomorphisms follows immediately from closure under substitution, since
every homomorphism is a substitution in which h(a) has one member.
To show closure under inverse homomorphism, let M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F) be a DFA
accepting L, and let h be a homomorphism from ∆ to ∑*. We construct a DFA M′ that accepts
h(L) by reading symbol a in ∆ and simulating M on h(a). Formally, let M′ = (Q, ∆, δ′, q0, F)
and define δ' (q, a) for q in Q and a in ∆ to be δ(q, h(a)). Note that h(a) may be a long string
or λ but δ is defined on all strings by extension. It is easy to show by induction on |x| that δ'
(q 0 , x) = δ(q 0 , h(x)). Therefore M′ accepts x if and only if M accepts h(x). That is
L(M′) = h–1L(M).
Let L1 and L2 be two languages. The quotient of L1 and L 2 denoted by L1/ L2 is defined as L1/
L2= {x | there exists y in L2 such that xy is in L1).
The class of regular sets is closed under quotient with arbitrary sets.
Let M = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F) be a finite automaton accepting some regular set R, and let L be an
arbitrary language. The quotient R/L is accepted by a finite automaton M′ = (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F′) which
behaves like M except that the final states of M′ are all states q of M such that there exists y in L for
which δ(q, y) is in F. Then δ(q0, x) is in F′ if and only if there exists y such that δ(q0, xy) is in F.
Thus M′ accepts R/L.
3.5.1 Myhill - Nerode Theorem
This minimization algorithm finds a DFA M′ equivalent to the DFA M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0 F), with
reduced number of states.
1. Mark the pair of inequivalent states (p, q) with ‘X’
(a) Initially ‘X’ is placed by considering one final state and one non-final state, where
δ(p, x) ∈ F and δ(q, x) ∉ F.
(b) If δ(p, a) = r and δ(q, a) = s for input symbol a and the states r, s are already
distinguishable by some string x, then p, q are distinguished by ax, otherwise (p, q) is
placed in a list associated with (r, s) entry.
2. From the unmarked states, each pair of equivalent states are identified.
3. New states of DFA has, pair of equivalent states and the states which are not in the equivalent
pairs are individual states.
3.30 Theory of Computation

4. Construct DFA transition table with reduced number of states.

Algorithm for marking pairs of inequivalent states
for p in F and q in Q–F do mark (p, q);
for each pair of distinct states (p, q) in F × F or (Q–F) × (Q–F) do
if for some input symbol a, (δ(p, a), δ(q, a)) is marked then
mark (p, q);
recursively mark all unmarked pairs on the list for (p, q) and on the lists
of other pairs that are marked at this step.
else /* no pair (δ(p, a), δ(q, a)) is marked */
for all input symbols a do
put (p, q) on the list for (δ(p, a), δ(q, a)) unless
δ(p, a) = δ(q, a)
Example 3.11
For the Regular Expression = (a + b)* ab, the DFA is constructed in Section 3.2.1, Example 3.4.
Transition table of DFA :
New States
a b

Find the minimum number of states for the given DFA and its corresponding transition table.
Solution :
1. The pair of equivalent states are identified by marking ‘X’ in the each pair of inequivalent
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.31

Transition diagram of DFA :

A B a

a a b


Marking ‘X’ in the inequivalcnt states




Initially ‘X’ is placed by considering p in F and q in Q–F. In the example (D, A) (D, B) and
(D, C) are marked ‘X’, because p is distinguishable from q. When considering a pair (A, C),
(δ(A, b), δ(C, b)) = (C, C) and (δ(A, a), δ(C, a)) = (B, B) and hence no string starting with
a or b can distinguish A from C. Therefore it is a equivalent pair.
Considering a pair (A, B), (δ(A, b), δ(B, b)) = (C, D) is already marked as X, therefore ‘X’
a [B]
is placed in (A, B). Similarly (B, C) entry is also marked as ‘X’.
a pair
b of equivalent states are (AC) and the remaining new states are (B) (D).
2. The transition table with reduced number of states:
b Symbols
New States
a b
[A,C] [B] [A,C]

[B] [B] [D]
[D] [B] [A,C]

3. The equivalent transition diagram is :

3.32 Theory of Computation
Note :
(i) If p ≡ q, we say p is equivalent to q, iff for each input string x, δ(p, x) is an accepting state,
iff δ(q, x) is an accepting state.
(ii) p is distinguishable from q if there exists an x such that δ(p, x) is in F and δ(q, x) is not or
vice versa.
3.5.2 Construction of Πfinal from Π
The algorithm for minimizing the number of states of a DFA, work by finding group of states that
can be distinguished by some input string. The states in each group cannot be distinguished from
one another, and any pair of states chosen from different groups have been found distinguished by
some input.
1. Initially the states are divided into 2 groups (i.e.) final states and non final states.
2. For each group, repeat the following steps until no more groups can be splitted.
a) The transition on the input symbols is checked for every state.
b) If the transition states falls into two or different groups then the group is splitted.
Algorithm for minimizing the number of states of a DFA.
Input : A DFA M with set of states S, set of inputs ∑, transitions defined for all states and inputs,
start state s0, and set of accepting states F.
Output : A DFA M′ accepting the same language as M and having as few states as possible.
1. Construct an initial partition Π of the set of states with two groups; the accepting states F
and the nonaccepting states S–F.
2. Apply the procedure shown below to Π to construct a new partition Πnew.
for each group G of Π do begin
partition G into subgroups such that two states s and t of G are in the same subgroup if and
only if for all input symbols a, states s and t have transitions on a to states in the same group
of Π;
/* at worst, a state will be in a subgroup by itself */
replace G in Πnew by the set of all subgroups formed
3. If Πnew = Π, let Πfinal = Π and continue with setp (4).
Otherwise, repeat step (2) with Π = Πnew.
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.33

4. The representatives will be the states of the reduced DFA M′. Let s be a representative state,
and suppose on input a there is a transition of M from s to t. Let r be the representative of t’s
group (r may be t). Then M′ has a transition from s to r on a. Let the start state of M′ be the
representative of the group containing the start state S0 of M, and let the accepting states of
M′ be the representatives that are in F. Note that each group of Πfinal either consists only of
states in F or has no states in F.
5. If M′ has a dead state, that is, a state d that is not accepting and that has transitions to itself
on all input symobls, then remove d from M′. Also remove any states not reachable from the
start state. Any transitions to d from other states become undefined.
Example 3.12
Find the minimum number of states for the given DFA and its corresponding transition table.
a b


1. Initial partition Π consists of two groups:

(Non-final) (Final) i.e. (ABC) (D)
2. To construct Πnew, consider the group (D), this group consists of a single state, it can't be
split further, so (D) is placed in Πnew.When considering the group (ABC), upon an input
symbol a & b:
δ (A, a) = B δ (A, b) = C
δ (B, a) = B δ (B, b) = D
δ (C, a) = B δ (C, b) = C
On input 'a' each of the state has a transition to B. So, all states could remain in one
group as for as input 'a' is concerned. On input 'b', the state B has a transition to D, that
belongs to another group. Therefore the Πnew at this stage is : (AC) (B) (D)
3. Considering the group (AC), on input 'a' both the states goes to B and on input 'b' both
the states goes to C. Therefore these groups cannot be splitted in further.
Πfinal = Πnew = (AC) (B) (D)
3.34 Theory of Computation

4. Transition table
New States
a b
[A,C] [B] [A,C]

[B] [B] [D]
[D] [B] [A,C]


1. Describe the following sets by regular expressions.
(a) {01, 11}
(b) {101}
(c) {λ, 1, 11, 111,..........}
(d) {1, 11, 111,........}
(e) The set of all strings over {0, 1} which has atmost two 0's.
(f) {an:n is divisible by 2 or 3 or n=5}
(g) The set of all strings over {a, b} beginning and ending with a.
(h) {1 2n+1 : n≥0}
(i) {0, 1, 2}
(j) {w∈ {a,b}* | w has only one a}
(k) {a2, a5, a8,............}
Solution (R.E) :
(a) R.E = 01∪11
(b) R.E = 101
(c) R.E = (1)*
(d) R.E = 1(1)*=1+
(e) The string w may contain no zero, one zero or atmost two zeros.
∴ The required regular expression is :
1* + 1* 01* + 1* 01* 01*
↓ ↓ ↓
(no zero) (one zero) (two zero's)
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.35

(f) R.E = (aa)* + (aaa)* + aaa aa

↓ ↓ ↓
divisible 2 divisible by 3 n=5
(g) R.E = a(a+b)* a
(h) R.E = 1(11)*
(i) R.E = 0+1+2
(j) w in the given set has only one a which can occur any where in w. So w=x a y,
where x and y consist of some b's (or none). Hence the given set is represented
by b*ab*.
(k) R.E = aa(aaa)*
2. Describe in the English language, the sets represented by the following regular
(a) a(a+b)* ab
(b) a*b+b*a
(c) (aa+b)* (bb+a)*
Solution :
(a) The set of all strings over {a,b} starting with a and ending with ab.
(b) The strings are either strings of a's follwed by one b or strings of b's followed by
one a.
(c) The set of all strings over {a,b} of the form vw where a occurs in pairs in v and
b occurs in pairs in w.
3. Find the regular expression corresponding to the automaton given below:

Start q1


Start q1
3.36 Theory of Computation
q2 a,b
b b

q1 a b q4
a a

(d) b
q2 a

Start b a
q1 q3

a b
Solution :
(a) R.E = φ, because the final state is not mentioned.
(b) R.E = (a+b)*, because the given transition system accepts all the strings over
{a,b} (i.e) a,b, ab, ba,.................
(c) The set of all strings over {a,b} containing two successive a's or two successive
b's. Some of the accepted strings are bb, aa, baa, abb,.......
(d) The set all strings over {a,b} containing even number of a's and even number
of b's. Some of the accepted strings are baba, baab, abab,........
4. Find regular expressions representing the following sets :
(a) The set of all strings over {0,1} having atmost one pair of 0's or atmost one
pair or 1's
(b) The set of all strings over a in which the number of occurances of a is divisible
by 3.
(c) The set of all strings over {0,1} with three consecutive 0's.
(d) The set of all strings over {0,1} beginning with 00.
(e) The set of all strings over {0,1} ending with 00 and beginning with 1.
Solution :
(a) R.E = (1+01)* + (1+01)*00 (1+01)* + (0+10)* + (0+10)* 11(0+10)*
(1 + 01)* - represents the set of all strings containing no pair of 0's.
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.37

(1+01)* 00(1+01)* – represents the set of all strings containing exactly one
pair of 0's
(0 + 10)* - represents the set of all strings containing no pair of 1's.
(0 + 10)* 11(0 + 10)* - represents the set of all strings containing exactly one
pair of 1's.
(b) R.E = aaa(aaa)*
(c) R.E = (0+1)* 000(0 + 1)*
(d) R.E = 00(0 + 1)*
(e) R.E = 1 (0 + 1)* 00
5. Prove that
Solution :

L.H.S. =

= (1+00*1) (λ + (0+10*1)*(0 + 10*1))

(1 + 00 *1) (1 + 00 *1) (0 + 10 *1) * (0 + 10 *1)
R R using 112Q–R(P + Q) = RP + RQ
= (1 + 00*1)(0+10*1)* using I9–λ + RR*=R*
= (λ + 00*)1(0 + 10*1) using I12–(P+Q)R=PR + QR for 1+00*1
= 0*1(0+10*1)* using I9–λ + RR*= R*
6. Prove that (a+b)* = a*(ba*)*
Solution :
Let r = (a+b)*
s = a*(ba*)*
Hint :
(i) Two regular expressions r and s are equivalent if and only if the corresponding
DFA's are equivalent.
(ii) For every regular expression r there exists a NFA with ε-transitions that accepts
(iii) From the NFA with ε transition the ε moves are eliminated to check the equality
of two regular expressions.
3.38 Theory of Computation
Step 1 : NFA for r = (a+b)*

Step 2 : NFA for r = (a + b)* (after eliminating ε moves)


Step 3 : NFA for s = a*(ba*)*

ε ε

ε ε



ε ε

ε ε

a a

Step 4: NFA for s = a*(ba*)* (after eliminating ε moves)

Regular Expressions (RE) 3.39

Conclusion :
Since the two NFA’s (transition systems) are the same, we conclude that r = s
7. Construct a DFA with reduced state equivalent to the Regular Expression
RE = 10 + (0 + 11)0*1.
Solution :
1. Construct a transition system using Thompson's contruction. (NFA with ε transitions)
2. Find the equivalent NFA without ε moves.
3. Construct a transition table of NFA without ε moves.
4. From step 3 construct a transition table of DFA and draw its equivalent transition diagram.
Step 1 (NFA with ε transitions) :
(i) The automaton for 10
1 0

(ii) The automaton for 0+11

ε ε
ε 0 ε 1

ε ε
1 1

(iii) The automaton for 0*

ε 0 ε

(iv) The automaton for 0*1

3.40 Theory of Computation
(v) The automaton for (0+11)0* 1

(vi) The automaton for 10+(0+11)0*1

Step 2 (NFA without ε moves) :

1 0

1 q2
0 1

q0 q4
Step 3 (Transition table of NFA) :
0 1
q0 {q2} {q1, q3}
q1 – {q2}
q2 {q2} {q4}
q3 {q4} –
q4 – –
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.41

Step 4 (Transition table of DFA) :

New states States
0 1
A [q0] [q2] [q1, q3]
B [q2] [q2] [q4]
C [q1, q3] [q4] [q2]
D [q4] – –

Transition diagram :

0 0
8. Construct a NFA for the given regular expression using Thompson's construction

1 Solution
1 : 1
Step 1 : Automaton for 0+1
ε ε


Step 2 : Automaton for (0+1) (0+1)

0 0

ε ε ε ε

ε ε ε ε
1 1
3.42 Theory of Computation
Step 3 : Automaton for ((0+1)(0+1))*

9. Construct an NFA equivalent to (0+1)* (00+11) (April/May 2004)

Solution :
Step 1 (NFA with ε transitions) :
(i) Automaton for (0+1)

(ii) Automaton for (0+1)*

ε ε

ε ε
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.43

(iii) Automaton for (00+11)

0 0
ε ε

1 1

(iv) Automaton for (0+1)* (00+11)


0 0 0
ε ε
ε ε
ε ε ε

ε ε
ε ε
1 1 1

Step 2 (NFA without ε transitions):

0 0

q0 q3
10. Show that the set L = {ai2 | i ≥ 1} is not regular.
Solution : (Nov/Dec 2003)
Method 1
Step 1 :
Suppose L is regular and we get a contradiction. Let n be the number of states in FA
accepting L.
3.44 Theory of Computation
Step 2 :
Let w = a n . Then | w | = n2 > n. By pumping lemma we can write w = xyz with
| xy | ≤ n and | y | > 0.
Step 3 :
Consider xy2z. |xy2z| = | x | + 2 | y | + | z | > | x | + | y | + | z | as | y | > 0 .
This means n2 = | xyz | = |x| + |y| + |z| < |xy2z|. As |xy| ≤ n, |y| < n. Therefore, |xy2z| = |x| +
2 |y| + |z| ≤ n2 + n,
i.e., n2 < |xy2z| ≤ n2 + n < n2 + n + n + 1
Hence, |xy2z| strictly lies between n2 and (n + 1)2, but it is not equal to any one of them.
Thus |xy2z| is not a perfect square and so xy2z ∉ L. But by pumping lemma xy2z ∈ L.
This is a contradition.
Method 2
Assume L is regular.
Consider z to be any string in L
Let z = ap
= ar where r = p2
According to pumping lemma, z can be written as
UVW such that
|UV| ≤ n, |V| ≥ 1.
Therefore, ar can be expressed in the form of UVW, where
UV = am where m < r
V = aq where q < m
and W = ar–m since UV = am |V| ≥ 1
UViW can be expressed as
UV Vi–1W ......... (1)
Substituting the values of UV, V and W in (1)
UVVi–1 W = (am) (aq)i–1 ar–m
= am+q(i–1)+r–m
UViW = aq(i–1)+r
To prove that any language to be regular we have to show
UV iW ∈ L ∀ i
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.45
Since we have assumed the given language to be regular UViW, should be in L ∀ i
for i = 1, UViW = aq(i–1)+r
= aq(1–1)+r = ar = ap
where p2 is perfect square.
for i = 2, UViW = aq(i–1)+r
= aq(2-1)+r
= aq+r
= aq+p ∉ L
Since q + p2 cannot be perfect square.
This result leads to contradiction to our assumption that given L is regular.
Therefore, L = {ai | i ≥ 1} is not regular.
11. Show that L = {ap | p is a prime} is not regular.
Solution :
Method 1
Step 1:
We suppose L is regular and get a contradiction. Let n be the number of states in the FA
accepting L.
Step 2 :
Let p be a prime number greater than n. Let w = ap. By pumping lemma, w can be
written as w = xyz, with |xy| ≤ n and |y| > 0. x, y, z are simply strings of a's. So, y = am for
some m ≥ 1 (and ≤ n).
Step 3:
Let i = p + 1. Then |xyiz| = | xyz | + |yi–1| = p + (i – 1) m = p + pm. By pumping lemma,
xyiz ∈ L. But |xyiz| = p + pm = p (1 + m) and p(1 + m) is not a prime. So xyiz ∉ L. This
is a contradiction. Thus L is not regular.
Method 2
Let z = aK ∈ L
representing z = UVW
such that |UV| ≤ K
|V| ≥ 1
Let UV = am where m < K
V = aj where j < m
3.46 Theory of Computation

W = aK–m
UViW = UVVi–1W
= am aj(i–1) ak–m
= am+j(i–1)+K–m
= aj(i–1)+K
For i = 0,
UV iW = aj(0–1)+K
= aK–j ∉ L since K–j is not prime
Hence the given language is not regular.
12. Show that L = {0i1i|i ≥ 1}is not regular. (Apr/May 2004)
Solution :
Method 1
Step 1 :
Suppose L is regular and we get a contradiction. Let n be the number of states in FA
accepting L.
Step 2 :
Let w = 0n1n. Then |w| = 2n>n. By pumping lemma we write w = xyz with |xy| ≤ n and |y| ≠ 0.
Step 3 :
We want to find i so that xyiz ∉ L for getting a contradiction. The string y can be in any
of the following forms:
Case 1 : y has 0's, i.e. y = 0k for some k ≥ 1.
Case 2 : y has only 1's, i.e. y = 1l for some l ≥ 1.
Case 3 : y has both 0's, and 1's i.e. y = 0k1j for some k,j ≥ 1.
In case 1, we can take i = 0. As xyz = 0n1n, xz = 0n–k1n. As k≥1, n – k≠n. So xz ∉ L.
In case 2, take i = 0. As before, xz is 0n1n–1 and n≠n–1. So xz ∉ L.
In case 3, take i = 2. As xyz = 0 n–k 0 k 1 j 1 n–j 1 n–j , xy 2 z = 0 n–k 0 k 1 j 0 k 1 j 1 n–j .
As xy2z is not of the form 0i1i, xy2z ∉ L.
Thus in all the cases we get a contradiction. Therefore, L is not regular.
Method 2
Let z = 0K 1K ∈ L where |z| ≥ K
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.47

representing z = UVW
such that |UV| ≤ K & |V| ≥ 1
Let UV = 0m where m ≤ K
V = 0j where j < m
W = 0K–m 1K
UViW = UVVi–1 W
= 0m 0 j(i–1) 0K–m 1K
= 0m+j(i–1)+K–m 1K
= 0 j(i–1)+K 1K
For i = 1, UV iW = 0j(1–1)+K 1K
= 0K 1 K ∈ L
For i = 2 UV iW = 0j(2–1)+K 1K
= 0K+j 1K ∉ L. Since the given language should contain equal number of
0's & 1's
Hence the given language is not regular.
13. Show that L = {ww|w ∈ {a, b}*} is not regular
Solution :
We prove the result by the method of contradiction.
Step 1 :
Suppose L is regular. Let n be the number of states in the automaton M accepting L.
Step 2 :
Let us consider ww = anbanb in L. |ww| = 2(n+1)>n. We can apply pumping lemma to
write ww = xyz with |y| ≠ 0, |xy|≤n.
Step 3 :
We want to find i so that xyiz ∉ L for getting a contradiction. The string y can be in only
one of the following forms:
Case 1 : y has no b's, i.e. y = ak for some k ≥ 1.
Case 2 : y has only one b.
We may note that y cannot have two b's. If so, |y|≥n + 2. But |y| ≤ |xy| ≤ m = n – k < n
(or anbcmb). We cannot write xz in the form uu with u ∈ {a, b}*, and so xz ∉ L. In case
2 also, we can take i = 0. Then xy0z = xz has only one b (as one b is removed from xyz,
3.48 Theory of Computation
b being in y). So xz ∉ L as any element in L should have even number of a's and even
number of b's.
Thus in both the cases we get a contradiction. Therefore L is not regular.
Note :
If a set L of strings over Σ is given and if we have to test whether L is regular or not, we
try to write a regular expression representing L using the definition of L. If this is not
possible, we use pumping lemma to prove that L is not regular.
14. Is L = {a2n|n ≥ 1} regular?
Solution :
Method 1
We can write a2n as a(a2)ia, where i ≥ 0. Now {(a2)i | i ≥ 0} is simply {a2}*. So L is
represented by the regular expression a(P)*a, where P represents {a 2 }. The
corresponding FA (using the construction) is given below:

Method 2
L = {a2n |n≥1}
Consider a string z in L
Let z = a2m ∈ L where m ≥ 1
2m P
=a =a where p = 2m
rewriting z in form of UVW, such that |UV| ≤ n, |V| ≥ 1
Let UV = ar where r ≤ p
V=a where q < r
W = ap–r
UViW can be expressed as UVVi–1 W
UVV i–1 W = ar aq(i–1) ap–r
= ar+q(i–1)+p–r
= ap+q(i–1)
For i = 1,
UViW = ap+q(i–1)
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.49

= ap+q(1–1) = ap = a2m ∈ L
For i = 2
UViW = ap+q(2–1) = ap+q ∉ L
Because p + q = 2 m+q is not in multiple of 2.
Hence L = {a2n | n ≥ 1} is not regular.
15. Find regular expression for the given automata (using Arden’s Theorem).

0 0,1

Start q1 0 q2

Solution :
We can obtain regex (or) regular expression by applying Arden’s theorem.
Step 1 : (i) Check whether FA does not have ε-moves
(ii) It has only one start state
Step 2 : Express states interms of transitions
The transitions that required to reach q1 from other states is
q1 = q1 1 + ε ...... 1
Similarly for
q2 = q20+q21+q10 ...... 2
Since q1 is in LHS & RHS (R = Q +RP*) we can write it has
q1 = ε1* (R = QP*)
Now q2 = q2(0+1) + q10
= q10(0 + 1)* (Since q2 is in LHS & RHS)
= 1*0 (0+1)*
Since q2 is a final state R.E = 1*0 (0+1)*

16. Given L = {aibjck | k ≥ i+j, i, j ≥ 1}. Show that L is not regular.

Solution :
Let z = ambnco where o ≥ m+n
Let UV = ap where p ≤ m
V=a q
where q < p & q ≥ 1
m–p n o
W=a b c
UViW = UV Vi–1W
= ap (aq)i–1 am–p bn co
= ap aq(i–1) am–p bn co
3.50 Theory of Computation
= ap+q(i–1)+m–p bn co
= qm+q(i–1) bn co
Consider some random i, for example i = 12
UViW = am+q(12–1) bn co
= am+11q bn co
Take random values of q, n, o, m
Consider m = 4, n = 3, 0 = 10, q = 1
Where o ≥ m+n
Substituting these values in UViW for i = 12,
we get
a11+4 b3 c10 = a15 b3 c10 where the condition o ≥ m+n does not hold.
Hence, the given language is not regular.

17. Show that the set L = {0 j2 | j is an integer, j ≥ 1} which consists of all strings of 0's and
whose length is a perfect square is not regular.
Solution :
Same as problem No. 10.

18. Show that L = {02n | n ≥ 1} is not regular.

Solution :
Same as problem No.14

19. L = {an bn | n ≥ 1}. Prove that L is not regular.

Solution :
Same as problem No. 12.

20. Show that the set of palindromes over alphabet {a, b} is not regular i.e., L = {am b am} is not
Solution :
Let z = a m b am where |z| ≥ m
UV = aj where j ≤ m
V=a where n < j
W = am–j b am
UViW = UVVi–1W
= aj (an)i–1 am–j b am
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.51
= aj+n(i–1)+m–j b am
= am(i–1)+m b am
For i = 0,
UViW = an(i–1)+m b am
= an(0–1)+m b am
= am–n b am ∉ L, since given language is palindrome. Therefore the
language is not regular.
21. Find the minimum number of states and the corresponding transition table for the
given DFA.

Solution :
0 1
b X Method 1
c Xa X 0 1 0
b c d
1. Pair of equivalent states are identified by placing 'X' in the inequivalent pairs.
d X X X 0 1
e X1 X X 0
f X X X X
1 1
g Xe X X fX X X g 0

h X X X1 X X X

a b c d e f g

Initially X is placed in each entry corresponding to F and Q–F. They are (a, c), (b, c),
(c, d), (c, e), (c, f), (c, g) and (c, h). Considering a pair (a, b), X is placed in that entry.
Since (δ(b, 1), δ(a, 1)) = (c, f) already has an X. Similarly, the (a, d) entry receives an
X, since (δ(a, 0), δ(d, 0)) = (b, c) has an X. The pair (a, e) on input 0 results (b, h) and
on input 1 results the same sate f. Therefore it is an equivalent pair. Similarly, other
equivalent pairs are identified.
On completion of the table, the equivalent states are a = e, b = h, d = f and the
remaining new states are g, c.
3.52 Theory of Computation

2. DFA transition table with reduced number of states:

New states
0 1
→ [a, e] [b, h] [d, f]
[b, h] [g] [c]
[c] [a, e] [c]
[d, f] [c] [g]
[g] [g] [a, e]

3. The equivalent transition diagram:

0 0 1

[b,h] [g]
1 1

[c] [d,f]

Method 2
1. Initially the states are divided into two groups :
(Non-final) (Final)
(abdefgh) (c)
2. To find ∏ new the group (abdefgh) is checked on transition '0' and 1.
δ(a,0) = b δ(a,1) = f
δ(b,0) = g δ(b,1) = c
δ(d,0) = c δ(d,1) = g
δ(e,0) = h δ(e,1) = f
δ(f,0) = c δ(f,1) = g
δ(g,0) = g δ(g,1) = e
δ(h,0) = g δ(h,1) = c
On considering the input '0', the states d and f, goes to another group c. There fore is:
(abegh) (df) (c)
On considering the input '1', the states b and h, goes to another group c.
∏ new = (aeg) (bh) (df) (c)
Regular Expressions (RE) 3.53

3. For the gorup (aeg), check transition on input '0' and '1'
δ(a,0) = b δ(a,1) = f
δ(e,0) = h δ(e,1) = f
δ(g,0) = g δ(g,0) = e
On considering the input '0' the states a and e, goes to another group (bh) but the
state g remains in the same group. Therefore the group (aeg) is splitted as:
∏ new = (ae) (g) (bh) (df) (c).
These groups can't be splitted further.
∴ ∏ final = ∏ new = (ae) (g) (bh) (df) (c).

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